Ovulation dates at 28 day cycle. Safe cycle days. Premature release of an egg

Periodic changes occurring in the reproductive organs of women reproductive age and conducive to conception are called the menstrual cycle.

Its beginning conditionally appears as blood compartments lasting from 3 to 7 days. Period female menstruation averages 28 days (with fluctuations from 21 to 35) and varies depending on individual physiological features female body.

Of the three phases of menstruation - follicular, ovulatory, secretory - the shortest is proliferative (ovulatory), accompanied by the release of a mature egg. It falls in the middle of the cycle (with a 28-day cycle - day 14). Conception, as well as the division of dangerous and safe days, depends on its presence / absence.

Non-dangerous period - the time period of the menstrual cycle, which is unlikely for pregnancy during unprotected intercourse and includes several days before and after bleeding.

Because the female body unpredictable, the impossibility of conception in a given time period is very conditional. Specialists in the field of gynecology and reproduction believe that fertilization of the egg can occur at any stage of the cycle, since the menstruation of most women is irregular, its duration may vary. In addition, lead to conception even at the very safe period Maybe hormonal imbalance provoked external factors. Medical workers, however, confirm the presence of a period of time that reduces the risk of pregnancy.

How to calculate safe days

The period in which it is impossible to get pregnant is the period of time before and after ovulatory phase occurring in the body of a woman every month, except for rare cases when this process starts 2-3 times per cycle or is completely absent. Accordingly, you need to know the dates when you can use physiological methods contraception.
Every month a woman experiences menstruation, renewing the mucous reproductive organ, clearing from the remnants of the endometrium.

With a constant cycle on the 14-16th day, a proliferative period comes, leading to fertilization and dangerous for those who do not plan a pregnancy. The period before and after ovulation is defined as safe.

However, this is not a 100% guarantee as there are exceptions to the rule.

How to calculate the days that are safe for fertilization?

It is necessary to take into account a number of conditions for their calculation. These include:

  1. regular uninterrupted menstruation;
  2. discipline, balance and responsibility of partners;
  3. use of spermicides.

In addition, the following factors should not be neglected:

  • due to stress, hormone failure, the maturation of several eggs in a cycle is possible;
  • different times for the release of the female germ cell (before and after the middle of menstruation);
  • the viability of the egg is on average 12-48 hours;
  • spermatozoa remain active for up to a week;
  • cyclic failures are possible.

Given these factors, it is possible to determine which days are considered safe, not requiring protection during intercourse.

Methods for Calculating Safe Days

There are easy and affordable physiological methods for calculating safe days before and after menstruation that do not lead to pregnancy:

  1. calendar management;
  2. ovulation test;
  3. cervical method;
  4. temperature control in the anus;
  5. symptomatic way.

Statistics show that 100% reliability is not guaranteed by any of the methods. Let's consider the main ones in more detail.

calendar method

The calendar method is the most convenient and affordable, based on the calculation of the safest days for unprotected intercourse, regulated by the duration of the female cycle.

The idea of ​​the method is contained in the definition of the fertile period, which limits sexual contacts, excluding the fertilization of the egg. The calendar method is highly accurate only with regular menstruation, it requires a woman to carefully keep records throughout the year, fixing its duration.

Calculations of dangerous and safe days directly depend on the duration of the menstrual cycle.
The beginning of the dangerous period is determined by subtracting 18 from the duration of the shortest cycle for the year. Let's say it's 27 days. Accordingly, the beginning of the ovulatory phase falls on the 9th day of the menstrual period.

The end of the fertile period is calculated by subtracting 11 from the longest female period in a year. So, it is 35 days, so the end of ovulation falls on the 24th day. So the period possible attack pregnancy begins on the 9th day, ends on the 24th day and is 15 days.

Safe days before menstruation come before the 9th (equal to 1 day of menstruation), and after blood secretions from the 24th day of the cycle.

To the pluses this method contraception women attribute the lack of side effects, accessibility and free; to the minuses - inaccuracy of observation (especially with irregular periods), the need to keep records, exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.

However, for help modern women came online calendars, always available and allowing you to automatically calculate the dangerous and safe period. All you have to do is enter the start and end date of bleeding.

If you are not available online calendar, it is possible to calculate with great accuracy on which days after menstruation it is impossible to get pregnant:

  • with a three-week cycle, the interval from 10 to 21 days is safe;
  • at 28 days female period it is safe to have sex from days 1 to 7 and from 18 to 28;
  • with a long five-week menstrual cycle safe days the first two weeks and the period from 25 to 35 days are considered.

cervical mucus method

The physiological way contraception is associated with the release of cervical (cervical) mucus, different in quantity and structure, from the vagina. Under the influence of female sex hormones, it can be thick and sticky (immediately after menstruation), not allowing sperm; or clear and liquid, helping the gametes to reach the egg. The amount of fertile mucus increases the day before ovulation. The last day of the release of a transparent and liquid mass indicates completed ovulation. The mucus becomes thick again and after 3 days an absolutely sterile phase begins, lasting until the next menstruation.

The onset of pregnancy becomes impossible in the interval from the 18th day of the cycle until the first day of the next menstruation. Record keeping is encouraged.

The disadvantage of this method is the inaccuracy of the visual determination of the consistency and color of the mucus, as well as the possible presence of other secretions, depending on the health of the woman.

Measurement of basal temperature

Temperature method physiological contraception requires a calendar. It's all about temperature control. anal passage during three female cycles, subject to the following conditions:

  1. temperature measurement daily at the same time ( better in the morning), without changing the thermometer;
  2. the procedure should be carried out while lying on the bed (it is important not to get up before this);
  3. after 5 minutes, the data are recorded in a special diary.

At the end of data collection, calculations are made by plotting. The biphasic curve of the graph will show a slight increase (0.3 - 0.6) in basal temperature.

During the follicular phase of menstruation basal body temperature below 36°C. Before ovulation, it decreases sharply, and then rises to 37 ° C and above, continuing until the end of the ovulatory phase. Graphically, this is expressed by a downward angle.
Based on the graph, the highest point for the last 4-6 months is determined. Let's say it's day 12 of the cycle.

Safe days are calculated as follows: 12 - 6 \u003d 6 and 12 + 4 \u003d 16. Accordingly, the time period from 6 to 16 days is considered dangerous, and on other days you can not resort to contraceptives.

This method is accurate, you just need to take measurements very carefully and be absolutely healthy. IN otherwise data may have large errors. There are online versions of data entry, which will greatly facilitate the task and save time.

Symptothermal method

A comprehensive method for determining the days of the female cycle that do not lead to pregnancy is reliable and effective, as it includes the above methods and requires the determination of:

  1. temperature in the anus;
  2. cervical mucus;
  3. indicators of the ovulatory phase;
  4. changes in the cervix;

It consists in a change in temperature and mucous mass in different cyclic segments.

Safe days for fertilization determines the position of the cervix and its structure: rises up: pregnancy is possible, down - conception is unlikely.

Ovulation test

The easiest way to use is to buy and spend ready dough at the time specified in the instructions.

Many women use physiological contraceptive methods, since it is quite simple to calculate safe days. Approximately one week is allocated during the menstrual cycle, guaranteeing the onset of pregnancy. The remaining days of the cycle are theoretically safe. However, statistics claim that 20% of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity become pregnant using these methods of protection. Be careful, monitor your health, listen to your body and do not forget to consult with specialists.

Ovulation is the moment when an egg is released from the ovary fallopian tube as a result of the break dominant follicle. With a normal 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation in most cases occurs on the 14th day after the onset of menstruation. The life span of an egg is 12 to 24 hours. The fertile period, taking into account the life of the sperm in the cervix (3-5 days), begins four days before the onset of ovulation and ends within 24 hours after its onset.

Normal menstrual cycle

The normal menstrual cycle is always calculated from the first day of the onset of menstruation and is usually 28 days.

follicular phase. The first phase of the cycle begins with bleeding, average duration which is 5 days. After this period, under the influence increased excretion estrogen uterine mucosa begins to recover. At the end of the phase, the dominant follicle matures in the ovary from which the egg is released.

Ovulation. In a normal menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day and lasts for 24 hours. The egg leaves the ovary and continues down the fallopian tube in the hope of meeting with the sperm.

In most cases, a woman is not able to feel the moment of ovulation. Therefore, in order to determine medical institutions an ultrasound of the ovary is performed for the presence of a dominant follicle in it and an analysis of the luteinizing hormone in the blood, which rises a few hours before the onset of ovulation.

Determine the onset of ovulation and the most fertile period, regardless of the length of the menstrual cycle will help!

luteal phase. Regardless of the length of the menstrual cycle, the third and final phase lasts for 14 days. At this time, the woman's body begins to secrete a hormone called progesterone, which, in case of successful fertilization, prepares the uterine mucosa for. The fertilized egg is implanted in the lining of the uterus. Under the influence of progesterone, the excitability of the uterus decreases, the growth and development of the mammary glands is stimulated, menstruation stops and pregnancy occurs. Implantation occurs 6 days after ovulation.

If fertilization does not occur, progesterone production decreases, rejection of the inner mucous layer of the uterus occurs, and menstruation occurs after 14 days.

Signs of ovulation

To determine ovulation at home, special tests are used that measure increased content luteinizing hormone (LH) in a woman's body. The production of the hormone begins to occur between 24 and 36 hours after ovulation occurs. Others include:
  • and chest;
  • change in the position of the cervix.
The length of the menstrual cycle can vary among women, but ovulation in the absence of any reproductive complications always occurs 14 days before the start of the next period.

In case of problems with the onset of ovulation, it is worth consulting with a gynecologist.

From the first days that have passed after fertilization, the body sends signals to the woman about the beginning of pregnancy, long-awaited or unplanned. Menstruation stops, mammary glands increase in size, mood changes, unusual taste preferences appear. These and other signs are highly likely to indicate the onset of pregnancy. It is important to be attentive to your feelings so as not to miss important changes In my life. The doctor will be able to confirm or deny the fact of conception of a child after examining the patient.

pregnancy symptoms

Any woman, regardless of whether she dreams of a child or bearing is undesirable, would like to know as early as possible that conception has occurred. Even before the delay, the body gives a lot of signals about the change that has happened in it. Some symptoms can be recognized as early as 2-3 weeks after conception, while others do not appear until the middle of the second month of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy are often mistaken for general ailments and SARS, especially if they are solitary and not intense. It is worth knowing that the symptoms of the onset of pregnancy are conditionally divided into:

  • reliable: when they are manifested, the fact of conception is irrefutable;
  • presumable: pregnancy is quite possible;
  • dubious: they should not be particularly trusted, since they are based on the subjective feelings of a woman.

Weeks of gestation are usually counted from the start of a new cycle, in which fertilization happened: the onset of pregnancy falls on the 1st day of menstruation. Ovulation (egg release) occurs in the middle of the cycle on the 14th day (with a normal 28-day cycle). The egg cell lives for 24 hours, and only during this time is it possible to fertilize it. After her meeting with the sperm, a restructuring begins in the woman's body, which results in the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation.

In the early days of pregnancy, it is quite difficult to recognize its symptoms. But sometimes even on the 20-21st day of the cycle, some symptoms can tell an attentive woman about her situation. At this time, the fetus is already descending into the uterus and carefully fixed in it. Signs of pregnancy during this period are not too bright. Most women notice changes in their body only after a missed period.

Reliable signs

Reliable signs of pregnancy clearly indicate the accomplished conception of a child. These include:

  • HCG rise. Chorionic gonadotropin a person appears only during pregnancy and clearly speaks of successful conception child. You can determine the concentration of hCG using a blood test from a vein 10-14 days after conception. A qualitative determination of hCG is carried out using a pharmacy pregnancy test.
  • Embryo detection by ultrasound. Ultrasound transvaginal examination at 3-4 obstetric week allows you to see the embryo in the uterus or outside it. At 5-6 weeks with ultrasound, the fetal heartbeat is heard.
  • Palpation of large parts of the fetus. It is carried out in the second half of pregnancy. By palpating the belly of the expectant mother, the doctor can determine the head and pelvis of the fetus. At 18-22 weeks, the baby's heartbeat is heard through the anterior abdominal wall.

Likely signs

Probable signs of pregnancy are detected on early dates. Such symptoms do not always indicate the conception of a child. Similar signs occur at various gynecological diseases. Possible signs of pregnancy include:

Doubtful signs

There are quite numerous signs of pregnancy in the first month, which are likely signals of what happened. On the 20th day of the cycle, it is quite difficult to notice still implicit signs of pregnancy, but their manifestation already in the second week, which has passed immediately after conception, becomes more intense.

Presumable signs of pregnancy individually often do not attract attention, but in the aggregate they can alarm future mother even before the delay, forcing him to know exactly about her position.

Breast changes, dizziness, change in eating habits are the most likely signs, fixed by almost every pregnant woman.

Weakness and loss of strength

These are the most pronounced symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy, caused by changes in hormonal background organism and in the work of others internal systems after conception. Attachment of the fetus to the uterine mucosa changes the content of progesterone and temperature indicators body, because of which the woman feels a deterioration in well-being. Many are concerned about dizziness, weakness, runny nose and other atypical symptoms during pregnancy. ordinary days states:

  • a woman feels cold, she is shivering, and after a short period of time she is hot;
  • spontaneous headaches occur;
  • drowsiness, loss of strength, fatigue appear unusual for a woman;
  • troubled by sleep problems.

Pain in the back and lumbar region

Complaints that the back hurts or pulls the lower back are usually heard in the second and third trimesters, but they are also considered as presumptive signs of pregnancy, sometimes appearing even before the delay, a little time after sexual contact without contraception. Such sensations can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage and require mandatory assistance doctor.

More often similar symptoms are fixed on the 20-22nd day of the cycle: the mammary glands swell and increase in size. These signs of pregnancy, like itching skin on the chest, after a few days that have passed since the moment of contact without contraceptives, a woman should be alerted: the likelihood of a conception that has occurred becomes quite tangible.

Can breasts immediately increase? Most women notice breast enlargement in the first months of pregnancy. At the same time, the sensitivity of the breast increases, any touch causes pain. She may begin to itch: often, even at the beginning of pregnancy, women note that their nipples hurt.

On the 23rd day of the cycle, such uncomfortable signs of pregnancy as heaviness in the lower abdomen, a feeling of fullness of the uterus are often noted. During pregnancy, they are caused by a rush of blood to the reproductive organs, where the embryo has already settled. For a short cycle lasting less than four weeks, similar discomfort may appear as early as its twentieth day.

Due to the rush of blood to the small pelvis, a woman in position may also be disturbed by tingling in the projection of the ovaries or uterus - another likely signal of a pregnancy.

Hormonal storms of gestation

What other symptoms before the delay of menstruation and the results of tests for hCG announce the conception that has occurred? Hormonal changes in the body are associated with numerous and noticeable signs of pregnancy in most women already on the 21-25th day of the cycle:

  • a sharp change in taste preferences: a woman rejects her usual food and begins to consume "exotic" or previously unloved foods;
  • aversion to certain aromas or odors;
  • the appearance of acne on the skin of the face, acne, even if a pregnant woman has never had such problems before;
  • frequent urination, especially at night: they are not accompanied by pain, discomfort;
  • swelling affecting the arms and legs; they are caused by an increase in the level of progesterone, which retains salt and fluid in the body;
  • decreased libido;
  • notable changes in emotional state: they are expressed in bursts, mood swings, sometimes vivid reactions to insignificant things, irritability appears, conflicts arise.

Folk omens

Known and folk omens, according to which women are advised to check the fact of conception even before the delay and without purchasing a test at the pharmacy. And although they are based on the experience of many generations, in most cases these are rather dubious signs of pregnancy:

  • Dreams. folk wisdom claims that a watermelon or any fish that she dreamed about speaks about the development of a new life inside a woman.
  • Home tests:
    • one drop of iodine is added to a fresh portion of urine: if it dissolves, then this is a sign of a conception that has occurred;
    • in the urine, absolutely a small amount of, poured a pinch ordinary soda: if bubbles appear, then the test is positive.

Such symptoms and signs, according to beliefs, talking about the onset of pregnancy, not based on facts, with any result, need to be verified in more accurate ways.

candidiasis and conception

Some women believe that the thrush that began even before the delay of menstruation, which coincided in time with unprotected sexual intercourse, speaks of pregnancy. There really is a connection between them: blood rushing to the small pelvis provokes an increase in vaginal discharge, and an increase in estrogen production affects its flora. These two changes in reproductive organs create favorable conditions for the reproduction of Candida fungi. Their excessive amount causes thrush. The appearance of candidiasis, itching and curdled discharge unlikely to confirm conception. These signs of pregnancy are doubtful: thrush is more likely a consequence of conception than a symptom.

Confirmatory population

It is worth remembering that not all of the above symptoms of pregnancy are necessarily observed in every woman and only in the early stages of gestation. What first signals of conception will appear, at what time and with what intensity, depends on the body specific woman, the length of her cycle and the state of health. Experts note: on the 26th day of the cycle, all expectant mothers have signs of pregnancy to one degree or another, but it is the delay in menstruation that makes them pay attention to body signals.

In order not to miss the onset of pregnancy and find out about it almost immediately, after sexual contact without contraception, a woman should be attentive to herself. If she notices:

  • pronounced weakness;
  • change in tastes and attitudes to smells;
  • pulling pain in the back or lower abdomen;
  • swelling of the breast and nipples;
  • problems with sleep, appetite, mood;
  • a sharp change in libido;
  • increased trips to the toilet;
  • nausea and vomiting.

It is worth turning to reliable ways to confirm pregnancy: an analysis for the content of hCG, a pregnancy test and an examination by a gynecologist.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Every young couple wants to “live for themselves”: share joys in half and enjoy a carefree life in which there is no place for problems, lack of finances and ... responsibility. But sooner or later there comes a moment when the dream of a child begins to occupy the thoughts of both, and, alas, this dream does not always come true right away - it happens that you have to work hard.

And so that efforts can be crowned with success, you need to know exactly the days on which the percentage of conception of a baby is highest.

On what day of the cycle does ovulation occur - we determine the best days for conceiving a child

Ovulation is commonly called the process of the release of an egg (note - already mature and ready for fertilization) from the follicle and directly into the fallopian tube.

Each healthy woman such a process occurs every 22-35 days or 10-18 days after menstruation.

Unfortunately, the exact periodicity of the cycle does not exist, because everything depends on individual features the body of each particular woman and from the hormone produced by the hypothalamus.

In essence, ovulation occurs about 14 days before your period—regardless of cycle length.

  • With a cycle of 21, ovulation will occur on the 7th day.
  • With a cycle of 28 days - on the 14th.

Indeed, it should be noted that late ripening follicle, even with a 28-day cycle, ovulation will occur on the 18-20th day, and in the case early ripening- on the 7-10th day.

The maximum probability of conception, of course, is reached on the day of ovulation, and it is 33%. It will be 2% less the day before ovulation, and only 27% will be 2 days before it. Which, however, is also quite good.

But 5 days before ovulation, the chances of conception are negligible.

Does ovulation occur during menstruation, before or after menstruation?

As a rule, ovulation does not occur during menstruation - this is a rather rare case. You could even say that it is almost impossible if the cycle remains stable, without failures.

But still, this happens, and it is not an anomaly at all.

The main reasons why this can happen are:

  • Change in climatic conditions.
  • Strong stress.
  • Hormonal disbalance.

That is, ovulation during menstruation is possible only in case of a violation of the menstrual cycle.

As for ovulation, which occurs immediately after menstruation - the probability such a case higher than in the previous situation. As you know, the time of ovulation depends on many reasons.

For example…

  1. With a cycle of 21 days, ovulation may well begin immediately after menstruation.
  2. It can also come after menstruation if the duration of menstruation exceeds 7 days.
  3. Such cases are not uncommon, and regular cycle.
  4. Hormonal preparations can also provoke ovulation immediately after menstruation.

Video: How to determine ovulation?

Signs and symptoms of ovulation - how does a woman feel?

The female body is always sensitive to any changes in its hormonal background. And most actively the body responds to pregnancy and ovulation.

Among the symptoms of ovulation are mainly distinguished ...

  • An increase in the intensity of vaginal discharge, as well as changes in their consistency (note - they become more viscous and thick). Bloody discharge is also possible.
  • Soreness in the lower abdomen (“pulls” the stomach, almost like before menstruation).
  • Increased gas formation.
  • The appearance of soreness or a noticeable increase in the sensitivity of the breast.
  • Abrupt changes taste preferences, increased sensitivity even to familiar smells.
  • Increased attraction.

All these symptoms appear one or two at a time - or at the same time, after ovulation they usually disappear.

But relying only on these symptoms, of course, should not be! It is important to understand that these signs can also appear due to diseases that affect the hormonal background of a woman.

Well, besides - ovulation can be completely asymptomatic.

Methods for calculating and determining ovulation with a regular menstrual cycle

In your particular case (with a regular cycle), you can use one of the methods below.

Traditional calendar method (note - the Ogino-Knaus method)

If at least during the year you kept records in the calendar, then the determination of ovulation will be more accurate. It should be noted the day when the menstruation started, and the day they end.

  • Determine the earliest possible days ovulation according to the formula: the shortest cycle minus 18 days. For example, 24 days - 18 days = 6 days.
  • We determine the latest day of ovulation according to the formula: the most long cycle minus 11 days. For example, 30 days - 11 days = 19 days.
  • The resulting interval between these values ​​is equal to the period of ovulation. That is, from the 11th to the 19th day. Is it true, exact date, of course, cannot be determined.

Other ways:

  1. Blood analysis . It is taken to check the level of progesterone.
  2. regular test strips to determine pregnancy: 1-2 days before ovulation, they can demonstrate positive result(or maybe not show).
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics. During the ultrasound procedure (when examining the ovaries), you can notice characteristics ovulation, if the procedure takes place after it has begun. For example, the size of the follicle will tell about imminent ovulation (it will reach 20 mm). Ultrasound will also allow you to see the release of the egg.
  4. The method is long and difficult: the temperature should be measured daily for 3 months and at the same time. Usually, a day before ovulation, there is a decrease in temperature, and then a rise of 0.5 degrees for 12 hours.
  5. And, of course, symptoms - a set of signs of ovulation, mentioned above.

How to calculate the days of ovulation with an irregular cycle of a woman?

First of all, you should understand which cycle will be the norm.

It can be attributed to the norm under the following conditions:

  • The duration of the cycle is about 28 days. An error of 7 days (one way or the other) is quite acceptable.
  • Regularity. That is, the cycle is always the same.
  • duration of menstruation. Normally - from 3 to 7 days. Moreover, bleeding is noted only in the first days, the rest of the days - only light spotting.
  • The amount of blood lost with menstruation - no more than 100 ml.

Discrepancies, which are also variants of the norm, include ...

  1. Lack of ovulation once or twice a year.
  2. Slight offset of the day on which the cycle begins or ends.
  3. Violation of the regularity of the cycle during breastfeeding.

All other discrepancies and violations in the cycle and its features are pathologies.

You can confidently talk about an irregular cycle if ...

  • The date of the beginning of menstruation is constantly changing.
  • Ovulation can occur any day of the cycle.
  • The duration of the cycle "jumps" in different directions.

How to calculate the day of the beginning of ovulation if the cycle is irregular?

The methods are approximately the same as with the regular cycle:

  • Measurement of basal temperature. It is better to do this in the morning without getting out of bed - rectally and with the help of an ordinary (same) thermometer. Draw a coordinate system where vertical axis is the temperature, and the horizontal is the days of the cycle. After 3 months, we draw a temperature graph, carefully connecting all the points. The interpretation of the curve is carried out on the basis of a temperature drop of 0.4-0.6 degrees and a subsequent upward jump, which are noticeable immediately after even indicators. This will be your ovulation.
  • All the same test strips. Stock up on them without saving, because you need to start testing ovulation at irregular cycle since the 5-7th day. We do the test not with morning urine, but in the afternoon, refraining from taking liquids and urinating for about 2-3 hours before the procedure.
  • Symptoms characteristic of the period of ovulation.
  • Saliva analysis . It is made using a special device that can be bought for home use. In the absence of ovulation, the pattern of saliva on glass under a microscope has no pattern and looks chaotic. But a day or two before ovulation, the pattern acquires a pattern that looks like a fern.
  • ultrasound. With an irregular cycle, the procedure should be carried out on the 5-7th day, and then again - on the 10-12th day. And sometimes you can do more.

And how to detect it with various techniques. A certain standard is the duration of the menstrual cycle of 28 days. Let's figure out how to find out when ovulation will occur with a regular 28-day cycle.

Features of determining ovulation

Ovulation is a natural process, which is one of the periods of the menstrual cycle. It lasts about 1.5-2 days and is characterized by the departure of a mature egg from the ovary. After which she fallopian tube moves towards the sperm for fertilization.

To track your feelings, you need to calculate when ovulation begins, if the cycle is 28 days

Every woman has a different cycle time. If the cycle is 28 days, when ovulation occurs, it is easiest to calculate. IN this case is the middle of the period. The definition of this day helps the girl to become pregnant, warn herself against unwanted fertilization and simply monitor the work of her body.

How to understand when ovulation

Define favorable period possible with the help of various observations and methods. Let's consider in more detail:

  • At home, a woman needs to listen to her feelings. The release of the egg disrupts the ovary, forming a small wound 1-2 centimeters in size, which is accompanied by a slight pulling pain, and the breast at this moment slightly increases and becomes painful.
  • Make a graph of temperature: mark degrees at the top, days at the bottom. It is measured in the rectum from the first day of menstruation every morning. The thermometer is inserted to a depth of 3-5 cm without getting out of bed. The result will show that the readings go almost evenly, and approximately in the middle, before the onset of ovulation, the temperature will drop slightly, but after the release of luteinizing hormone when the vesicle bursts, in which the egg matures, it will rise slightly again and will remain at this level until the day of menstruation .

  • Carry out a series of ovulation tests, which are sold in a pharmacy. It is necessary to start from 11-12 days and carry out analytics until a clearly defined strip on the test is obtained. It reacts to the content of luteinizing hormone in the urine.
  • Ultrasound was and remains the most reliable method, with its help you can track the process of egg development at each stage.

Calculation of the day of ovulation for a cycle of 28 days

Menstrual cycle every woman has her own. Its length is very extensive: from 21 to 35 days. Numerous observations and studies have shown that the most common is the 28-day period, which is considered the norm.

It is known that the luteal phase lasts 14 days. This is the period from the release of luteinizing hormone until the day of menstruation. Knowing the duration of the cycle, in this case, 28 days, we subtract 14 from this number, we get - 14. This means that from the first day it is necessary to count the 14th, which will occur at the time of ovulation.

By keeping track with an ovulation calendar and knowing how to calculate the day of ovulation, a woman can manage her life intelligently. In particular, choose the best day for conception. In this case, it is easiest to understand when ovulation occurs with a 28-day cycle.