That it hurts just above the navel. Diseases and their symptoms in the presence of abdominal pain. Minor abdominal injuries

Pain in the upper middle of the abdomen may indicate development various pathologies internal organs and the systems that are located there. This symptom can have a varied manifestation and character (dull, sharp pain, etc.). About what could cause this state and how to treat it - later in the article.

Periodic pain in the upper abdomen cannot be separate disease. As shown medical practice- this is always a sign developing pathology. That is why at the first manifestations this symptom It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible and carry out diagnostic procedures

Important! Severe pain alone cannot determine accurate diagnosis. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account additional symptoms and pain intensity. They will help to more accurately determine the cause of the disease.

In most cases, the cause of pain with this localization is located in this part abdominal cavity. At the same time, it is worth noting that sometimes under this sign there may be diseases not related to the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by vague, radiating pain (when it hurts under the ribs, in the chest, radiates to the back, etc.). This, in turn, may indicate neuralgia or a hernia.

In medicine, cramping severe pain has a common name - “acute abdomen”. In this condition, the patient usually requires urgent health care and hospitalization.

It is especially important not to delay calling a doctor if the patient suffers from severe chronic pathologies or if the patient is a child.
Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle part is a sign that can indicate a very various diseases. That is why, in addition to him, the doctor needs to pay attention to the patient’s complaints:

  1. This could be nausea after eating or on an empty stomach, diarrhea and bloating, vomiting, etc.
  2. How often and with what intensity does pain occur (what provokes it). Thus, pain most often develops when coughing, after drinking alcohol, or after nervous or physical stress.
  3. The nature of the pain (bursting, dull aching, cutting, etc.).

Only by taking into account all the signs together will the doctor be able to correctly identify the cause of the disease and select the necessary treatment.

Main causes of pain

Pain in the upper abdomen in the middle can be caused by the following main reasons:

  1. Systemic overeating.
  2. Stomach ulcer (can occur in both a child and an adult).
  3. Acute or chronic cholecystitis.
  4. Pancreatitis.
  5. Pathologies of the spleen.
  6. Improper human nutrition.
  7. Inflammation of the appendix.
  8. Oncological pathologies.

Let's look at each cause of this symptom in more detail.

Binge eating

With frequent overeating, a person may develop inflammation of internal organs due to disruption of their functions. This will lead to constant pressing pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen.

Typically, these pains go away on their own, even without taking additional analgesics. They are especially pronounced when a person overeats in the evening, since at night it is more difficult for the stomach to digest food. In addition, taking it can help digestion.

Pain of this origin can be eliminated very simply - you just need to normalize your diet and eat small portions.

Stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcers are among those diseases that most often provoke pain in the upper abdomen. An ulcer develops when the acidity of the stomach is high, due to which its walls are not protected by a mucous layer.

As a separate pathology, a stomach ulcer has several stages, each of which is also considered a separate disease.

The initial stage of an ulcer is considered. The following factors can contribute to its appearance:

  1. Damage to the stomach by the bacterium Helicobacter is the most common reason gastritis. In this condition, a person develops stomach damage, which, if left untreated, leads to a full-blown ulcer.
  2. Poor nutrition, especially consumption of foods with increased acidity, as well as fasting.
  3. A sharp decrease in immunity, which makes the stomach more susceptible to various pathologies, including gastritis. In this state, its cells cannot resist pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol greatly irritate the walls of the stomach and provoke chronic inflammation in it. This greatly increases the likelihood of developing gastritis, and then ulcers.
  5. Stress, according to research, can cause... This is justified by the fact that in this state a person produces special hormones that lead to metabolic disorders in the gastric mucosa.
  6. The influence of concomitant gastrointestinal pathologies. For example, liver and intestinal diseases, which are accompanied by a strong inflammatory process, can contribute to the occurrence of ulcers.

It should be noted that a stomach ulcer requires immediate treatment, otherwise the patient’s condition will only worsen, which can ultimately lead to stomach bleeding and the extremely sad consequences of this.


Cholecystitis is a disease in which inflammation of the gallbladder occurs. In this state, a person will experience attacks of colic and pain, nausea and vomiting.

Cholecystitis can be treated with diet and a series of medications. As a rule, therapy is long and requires maximum patience from a person.


Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. It can be acute or chronic, and cause pain in the upper abdomen that occurs with movement or physical activity.

At acute pancreatitis the pain will be very intense. At the same time, it can radiate under the ribs and into the back; such pain is called girdling pain.
At chronic inflammation pancreas, a person will suffer from periodic aching pain at the top of the abdomen.

Pathologies of the spleen

Highlight the following diseases spleen, which can cause pain in the upper abdomen:

  1. A ruptured spleen usually occurs from a direct blow to the abdomen. This condition is very dangerous due to internal bleeding.
  2. A splenic infarction occurs due to the formation of a blood clot in its artery. The pathology is treated surgically.
  3. A splenic abscess is a condition in which pus accumulates in the organ. This disease is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body and requires long-term treatment.


Even though it is localized in the lower abdomen, when it is inflamed, a person may feel pain in the upper part of the abdominal cavity. Additional signs of this disease there will be diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever and pallor.

Inflammation of appendicitis requires immediate surgical intervention. IN otherwise, it will rupture and all its purulent contents will enter the abdominal cavity, thereby causing terrible peritonitis.

Oncological pathologies

Oncological pathologies can also cause pain in the upper abdomen. At the same time, the tumor itself can be localized in almost any part of the digestive tract.

As a rule, the pain will be very pronounced, aching and pressing.

In such a condition, it is very important for a person to see a doctor as quickly as possible, because timely treatment started significantly increases the success of the entire therapy.

Additional causes of pain

Additional causes of such pain may be:

  1. Hernia.
  2. Abdominal injuries.
  3. Spinal diseases (osteochondrosis).
  4. Poor nutrition.
  5. Heart attack.
  6. Hepatitis.
  7. Peritonitis.
  8. Poisoning.

Important! If you have such pain in the abdomen, it is strictly forbidden to apply warm compresses. You should also not take analgesics, as they will only mask the symptoms, which will complicate the diagnosis. The best solution will call a doctor and go to the hospital.


If a person detects pain in this localization, it is recommended that a person contact several specialists at once - a surgeon, a therapist, a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. If necessary and if other pathologies are suspected, the doctor may refer the patient to specialists in a different medical field.

After the initial examination, history taking and palpation of the abdomen, the doctor will prescribe the following mandatory diagnostic measures:

  1. Are common clinical tests blood and urine. These studies will show the general picture of the patient’s health condition and identify the inflammatory process, if any, in the body.
  2. Advanced biochemical blood test.
  3. An abdominal ultrasound will immediately determine whether there is fluid in the abdominal cavity, inflammation of internal organs or other pathologies.
  4. Endoscopic examination (EGD), which will help to see erosions, ulcers or bleeding in the stomach and intestines.
  5. MRI and CT are prescribed if cancer is suspected.

These are classical methods of diagnostic procedures that are mandatory when identifying “ acute abdomen"with pain in the upper part. If more advanced diagnostics are needed, the doctor may prescribe additional procedures.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of pain in the upper abdomen in the middle largely depends on the specific pathology identified, its neglect and general symptoms patient. Also, when selecting therapy, the attending physician must take into account the person’s age, whether he has additional diseases, a tendency to allergies and the form of the underlying pathology (acute, chronic).

Traditional therapy can be medication and surgery. Typically surgery is required in the following cases:

  1. With peritonitis.
  2. When cancer pathology is detected.
  3. When identifying acute form cholecystitis and ulcers, which is accompanied by internal gastric bleeding.
  4. Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.

If other pathologies are detected, a person requires long-term drug therapy. It is advisable to carry it out in a hospital setting under close medical supervision.

Typically, the following groups of drugs are used for acute pain:

  1. Analgesics are prescribed for pain. They can be in the form of injections, tablets or syrups.
  2. Antipyretic drugs are needed during observation high temperature body (Paracetamol).
  3. Enzyme medications and bifid drugs are prescribed to normalize digestion (Linex, Hilak Forte, Mezim, Pancreatin).
  4. Antiemetic drugs.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs (excluding peptic ulcers)
  6. Medicines to normalize stool.

The duration of treatment depends on the specific disease identified. Thus, it can last from 1-2 weeks to several months. It all depends on the complexity and neglect of the pathology.

In order for the therapy to be successful, during its implementation the patient is strongly recommended to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It is also important to avoid physical activity and stress.

In addition, nutrition plays a very important role. The diet includes the following:

  1. The patient needs to adhere to a fractional diet plan. Thus, you need to eat at least five times a day, but at the same time, portions should be no more than a handful. This way you can avoid starvation, but at the same time, do not overload your stomach with food.
  2. Complete refusal of seasonings, hot sauces and spices. It is also important to minimize the consumption of salt and foods with added salt.
  3. Refusal to eat solid, hard-to-digest foods ( White cabbage, fat meat, salty fish and so on). Instead, the basis of the diet should be liquid dishes and pureed foods.
  4. Should be regularly included in the menu vegetable soups, porridge and boiled meat. Low-fat fermented milk products are also allowed.
  5. It is better to avoid most fruits during the treatment period, as they are sour. Only sweet fruits or those fruits that have passed heat treatment(baked apples).
  6. The temperature of food for consumption should be optimal - not too hot and not too cold.
  7. Complete avoidance of coffee, sweets and black tea, as they can increase production gastric juice, which in turn can cause a new attack of pain in a person.

Important! To further support the body in this condition, a person can take vitamin complexes. It is advisable that they be prescribed by the attending physician. This will help the body recover faster.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Currently, the number of gastroenterological pathologies, which are accompanied by constant or recurrent abdominal pain, is steadily growing. If the stomach hurts above the navel, then this may primarily indicate a pathology of the stomach, duodenum and pancreas, which are anatomically located in the epigastrium.

An interesting fact is that the first signs of digestive diseases appear in at a young age due to the influence of many harmful factors, which will be described below. Often young people do not pay attention to the initial symptoms, and the disease takes a chronic, relapsing course. The most common manifestation of this pathology will be pain in the abdominal area, namely above the navel. It can have a varied character (dull, aching, cutting, dagger-like, pressing, and so on), differ in its intensity and precise localization.

There are many reasons for the appearance, from harmless functional disorders to severe organic pathology. It is worth noting that each disease, in addition to pain, has additional symptoms that need to be understood. In any case for timely diagnosis You should immediately contact a doctor.

Red flag symptoms

Separately, you should be aware of the so-called “red flags”. These are signs of an acute and serious problem that threatens the patient’s life, requires urgent hospitalization and often surgical intervention. As a rule, they appear against the background of abdominal pain just above the navel.

In gastroenterology these include:

  1. Vomiting blood and in the form of " coffee grounds", the presence of scarlet blood in the stool, melena (stool turns black).
  2. Acute stabbing pain in the epigastric region.
  3. Swallowing impairment (dysphagia).
  4. Muscle tension on the anterior abdominal wall, which is a sign of peritonitis.
  5. A noticeable decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome against the background of progressive weakness, pallor, increased heart rate, sweating, and fainting (indicates the opening of bleeding).
  6. Unreasonable loss of body weight, aversion to food (indirectly indicates a neoplasm).
  7. the appearance of the first any symptoms of gastrointestinal damage after 45 years (also speaks in favor of a neoplastic process).
  8. presence of signs intestinal obstruction or pyloric stenosis (vomiting of food eaten the day before, belching rotten food, lack of bowel movements, and so on).

All these signs indicate an organic process that requires urgent decisive action to save the patient's life. If you have at least one of the listed options, it is advisable to consult a doctor or dial an emergency number.

Causes of pain

Pain above the navel is a common symptom with problems with the upper regions gastrointestinal tract. At a young age initial manifestations in 80% of cases it is caused by functional disorders digestive system: functional dyspepsia, biliary dyskinesia or irritable bowel syndrome. Only 20% of such patients are initially diagnosed with organic pathology (acute or chronic gastritis, or gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, tumors and so on). In turn, organic pathology predominates in older people.

Functional dyspepsia

There are two forms: postprandial distress syndrome and epigastric pain syndrome. In the second case, there will be a pressing pain above the navel of moderate intensity, possible heartburn, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating and early satiety. Sometimes there is vomiting. It is worth noting that functional dyspepsia, like any functional malfunction in the body, is a diagnosis of exception.


It is observed in hypokinetic and hyperkinetic variants. The first form causes dull aching pain of moderate intensity in the right hypochondrium. Painful sensations in the hypomotor form, they are quite long (several hours). The hyperkinetic variant is characterized by short-term attacks of pain (up to 1 hour). Patients complain of sharp pain under the right rib, abnormal bowel movements (constipation or disorders), a bitter taste in the mouth, and weakness.

Irritable bowel syndrome

It is characterized by pain above and at the level of the navel (mesogastric, right and left lateral regions), below the navel (right and left iliac regions). In addition, patients are concerned about abdominal bloating, which seems incomplete emptying intestines, urgent urge to defecate, stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea, their alternation). A feature of the syndrome is that the manifestations disappear after defecation.


The symptoms are quite similar to those of functional dyspepsia, they are just more pronounced. This is especially noticeable in the case of type B gastritis (associated with Helicobacter pylori). The pain is localized in the epigastric (epigastric) region, is very pronounced, is paroxysmal and diffuse in nature, causes severe discomfort to the patient, and is accompanied by heartburn. Gastritis with low acidity (type A) is characterized by dull, pressing, fairly long-lasting pain.

Peptic ulcer

With a stomach ulcer, the symptoms are similar to gastritis, but the pain is associated with food intake and is more localized. With a duodenal ulcer, pain occurs in the area of ​​the right border of the epigastrium. Patients complain of hunger attacks at night. Their intensity decreases 1 -1.5 hours after eating.


The neoplastic process rarely manifests itself in the early stages; symptoms do not appear until quite late stages its development. Pain and other manifestations are very diverse and can have different localizations.

Calculous and non-calculous cholecystitis

Accompanied by seizures acute pain in the right hypochondrium with vomiting, stool disorders, fever, deterioration general condition. The chronic form of the disease produces periodic painful attacks localized under the right rib.

Acute and chronic pancreatitis

With pancreatitis, there is pain under the left rib, but the pain is of a girdling nature. The patient is also concerned about bloating, bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation), vomiting, a feeling of fullness, and heartburn.

Other reasons

The stomach hurts above the navel, the main reasons for this were discussed above, but there are cases of other etiologies (appendicitis, solaritis, abdominal myocardial infarction, neuropathies, colitis, enteritis, and so on).


The “gold standard” for diagnosing diseases of the stomach and duodenum is fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS). If you suspect N.R. associated disease, a urease test and biopsy are required.

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity) is an informative and cheap method of research that will allow diagnosing diseases of other internal organs, volumetric formations abdominal cavity. Also ideal for annual preventive monitoring in people over 40 years of age.

Computer (CT) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to clarify the diagnosis.

When found initial symptoms illness, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. This will allow you to quickly and timely establish a diagnosis, perform treatment, and eliminate the disease at early stage while maintaining quality of life.

In the area above the navel can occur for a variety of reasons. This area contains the stomach and upper section duodenum, therefore, any pain requires the most careful attention and referral to a specialist.

The pain can be sharp, cutting, aching, it can appear once or occur constantly. Because they indicate various pathologies If your stomach hurts above your navel, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a full examination.

The cause of pain may be acute gastritis.

Pain in the area above the navel may become a worrying sign acute or various calvings of the digestive tract.

As a rule, its appearance indicates the presence of the following pathologies and inflammatory processes:

  1. Acute gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach that occurs as a result of the activity of bacteria and disruption of the normal diet. Abdominal pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and appears on the tongue gray plaque. The disease requires both drug treatment, and compliance special diet to prevent transition to a chronic form.
  2. Cancerous tumors of the stomach. Exactly this dangerous condition, cancer remains one of the key reasons mortality worldwide. On initial stages cancer is curable: the first sign is pulling constant pain at the location of the tumor, in addition, symptoms, a feeling of fullness, are observed a sharp decline appetite and weight loss.
  3. and duodenum. Pain usually appears in the morning, and it can also occur with long gaps between meals. Often they are so strong that the patient has to get up at night to drink an analgesic or eat, and after eating the pain disappears.
  4. - inflammation of the pancreas. If the inflammation affects the head of the gland, then the pain will be localized on the right in the upper abdomen, and with inflammation in the central part, the pain will appear above the navel. The disease is also manifested by indigestion, diarrhea, and the appearance of mucus particles in the stool.
  5. – inflammatory process in the duodenum. Pain appears in epigastric region, it is especially noticeable when pressed. Patients experience a decrease in apatite, and after eating they may experience a feeling of nausea.

The most dangerous condition that can manifest as pain in the area above the navel is inflammation vermiform appendix intestines. In this case, pain first occurs in the middle part of the abdomen, and then it moves to the right and down. Tension of the abdominal muscles occurs, the pain intensifies with movements.

If you suspect appendicitis, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Why does the stomach hurt in children?

Pain in children occurs due to lactose intolerance.

The appearance of abdominal pain in the navel area is not always a sign of a serious inflammatory process. They can also be a consequence of a disorder, which occurs especially often in children.

As the digestive system continues to develop, any deviation from the diet or consumption of unusual foods can cause pain and bowel dysfunction.

In young children, abdominal pain often occurs due to lactose intolerance. During the digestion process, it is broken down by a special enzyme - lactase.

If it is not produced in sufficient quantities, pain will occur, and children may experience bloating. If the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and other alarming symptoms, you need to urgently consult a doctor - only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Children often experience functional abdominal pain: they are associated not with inflammation, but with nervous disorders. They occur under stress, strong emotions, increased anxiety- all this can provoke short-term digestive upset and cause abdominal pain without any physical reason.

Thematic video will tell you why the stomach hurts above the navel:

Pain in the navel area due to diseases of the small intestine

Very often, pain near the navel occurs due to diseases small intestine: they occur both above the navel and in the area below it, depending on the existing pathology.

Pain can be associated with very dangerous conditions that threaten the patient’s life.

Pain of a cramping nature appears around the navel due to obstruction - it occurs under the influence of mechanical reasons, or when compressed due to adhesions or volvulus. Severe pain is accompanied by repeated vomiting; it does not lead to improvement.

The pain may spread to the hypochondrium. It is important to follow all doctor’s recommendations and follow strict guidelines. Pain around the navel can also occur with cancer of the small intestine - this is one of the rare cancers; people over 30 years of age are at risk. Additional signs of a tumor process are nausea and the appearance of cramping pain. Subsequently, it is observed quick loss weight, deterioration in general health.

Treatment of pain in the navel area

An enema can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

For any prolonged or recurring abdominal pain, it is important to consult a specialist as soon as possible and follow all his recommendations.

It is unacceptable to take painkillers on your own - they blur the clinical picture and do not accurately treat the disease.

This leads to delays in treatment and deterioration of well-being. It is strictly forbidden to apply a warm heating pad to the stomach - in case of appendicitis, it helps to accelerate the process and the development of peritonitis.

If inflammatory processes in the intestines are detected, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs, and will also prescribe a diet that will help the intestines recover faster. The patient is prescribed to drink plenty of fluids, while any carbonated drinks and alcohol are completely excluded.

Also excluded are spicy, fatty, smoked, fried foods, the basis of the diet is the most easily digestible food. In the treatment of intestinal diseases it is prescribed fractional meals: Take in small portions 5-6 times a day to reduce the load on the stomach and intestines.

An important indicator of a malfunction in the body is pain. This is a kind of signal to the brain to take urgent action. When there is pain in the upper abdomen, you need to be especially careful. This is how the pathology of the organs manifests itself not only in the abdominal cavity, but also in the chest and spine.

Digestive problems

Often top part stomach suffers from problems due to not rational nutrition. Overeating, eating fatty foods, fried food in large quantities, a hearty dinner late in the evening is called aching, nagging pain. Gastritis and ulcers are characterized by cramping pain. An attack of pain from stomach and duodenal ulcers often occurs at night. In addition to medications, a glass of warm milk will help calm you down.

Pain with advanced gastritis with low acidity will have a different character. Feeling of fullness in the stomach upper area belly will continue long time. Such an unpleasant feeling will not go away, even when everything should already be digested. With reduced production of hydrochloric acid characterized by diarrhea, poor appetite, belching with a rotten taste.

For people suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers, there is a predisposition to heartburn, prolonged constipation, belching with a sour taste, increased appetite.

A sharp pain, similar to the blow of a dagger from above the abdominal cavity, means a breakthrough (perforation) of the ulcer - the formation of a through hole in the muscle layer of the organ. The abdominal muscles will begin to resemble the rigidity of a board, the patient will rush about, unable to find a place for himself. Need urgent help doctors, there is a risk of developing inflammation of the abdominal region. This is a dangerous condition that often leads to death.

Another reason for pain in the upper abdomen can be a malignant stomach tumor. According to medical statistics, stomach ulcers rarely degenerate into cancerous tumor, more often it is done by polyps. Soreness is noted already in the later stages, when it becomes constant, severe, and develops more at night. The girdle characteristic of painful sensations is noted in metastases when they spread to other organs.

Gallbladder problems

Pain in the upper abdomen can cause cholecystitis. This inflammation inside the gallbladder is often a complication cholelithiasis. For various reasons, the flow of bile is disrupted, which causes the formation of stones. They do not form immediately; it is a long process. Problems occur with large stones that have sharp edges.

At chronic course pathology, the pain is not expressed strongly, with aching manifestations in the area located just below the stomach. When the stones move, strong, sharp pain is felt. They are felt in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, on the right under the ribs. The duration of attacks can be significant, from 30 minutes to several painful hours.

If pain due to cholecystitis is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature above 38o C, you need to urgently call a doctor. There is a risk of breakthrough of the bile duct and the development of peritonitis.

Pancreas: possible pathologies

Pain in the upper abdomen can be a manifestation of pancreatic disease. The anatomical position of the organ provokes the spread unpleasant feeling specifically for this area. The main disease is pancreatitis - inflammation of the gland. The main task of the pancreas is to produce digestive enzymes in an inactive form. When they enter the intestines, they are activated and begin to process food.

In case of illness, for example, when the duct is blocked by a stone, the enzymes cannot leave the gland, become more active, and begin to process it. will be felt severe pain at the top of the abdominal cavity, which surround the body like a strap. This is life-threatening, so a person with such symptoms is hospitalized for treatment in a hospital.

The inflammatory process can occur gradually - this is chronic form. Healthy tissue of the organ is replaced with connective tissue, which is not capable of performing the functions of the gland. Digestive enzymes little is produced, and over time there is a lack of insulin. Characteristic symptoms observed:

  • nagging pain in the upper abdomen;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • belching;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • weight loss;
  • development of diabetes mellitus.

It is possible to cope with the signs at an early stage with the help of a special dietary nutrition. Timely medication therapy brings positive results.

Pain in the upper abdomen occurs with pancreatic cancer. The strength of the pain syndrome will depend on the location of the tumor. Localization in the head of the gland will block the patency common duct, so it will look like severe painful attacks. With impact in the spine, lower back, it will resemble an unbearable drilling when metastases begin to grow into the solar plexus.

Liver: possible diseases

With exposure to bacterial or viral infection hepatitis develops in the liver. No one is safe from infection. In addition to the three types of hepatitis, a toxic variant has appeared, which arises from a large volume of toxic substances - allergens in the body. It could be antibiotics alcoholic drinks, contraceptives, household chemicals.

Type of hepatitis

Hepatitis A

Transmission occurs through consumption of contaminated foods and dirty water.

Hepatitis B

The main method of transmission of the virus is through blood. You can also become infected through unprotected sexual contact or using other people's hygiene products. In manicure and pedicure salons due to non-compliance with the rules for sterilizing equipment. Drug addicts are at risk.

Hepatitis C

The method of transmission is through blood, through contact with infected people.

The main symptoms of hepatitis of any kind will be a sudden yellowing of the skin, whites of the eyes, and redness of the urine.

Possible pathologies of the spleen

The organ is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity, but enlargement during pathology allows discomfort to spread across the surface in all directions. Acute, unexpected pain marks the rupture of the spleen. It occurs due to a blow to this part of the abdominal cavity or due to illness. This infectious pathologies, with them the spleen greatly enlarges. The condition is dangerous due to the possibility of losing a large amount of blood.

Another reason for pain is splenic infarction. This is what is called a sudden cessation of blood supply. The reason would be, for example, the entry (or formation on site) of a blood clot into a blood vessel. The blockage blocks the passage of blood and oxygen. Organ tissues die, which leads to sharp pain left and upper abdominal cavity. Provided surgery, usually with removal of the spleen.

Abscess of the spleen - rare pathology, with it there is an accumulation of a large volume of pus. With the blood flow, pyogenic microorganisms from other parts of the body enter the spleen. Pain syndrome will increase when pressing on the spleen. Due to the entry of toxic substances into the blood, intoxication of the body will occur - the temperature will rise, the head, muscles, and joints will ache.

Damage to the diaphragm

The abdominal and chest cavity in the body with the help of a special broad muscle - the diaphragm. The esophagus passes through a special hole in the middle of the chest, connecting to the stomach. In diseases and with age, the muscles of the diaphragm weaken, stretch, and cannot hold the internal organs in their places. They have the ability to move through the opening, most often a small part of the stomach goes up. This is how a diaphragm hernia occurs. In this case, slight discomfort will be felt after eating.

The danger is the strangulation of the hernia, which will result in compression blood vessels, nerve endings.

Symptoms of a strangulated hernia:

  • vomiting pieces of undigested food;
  • severe belching;
  • heartburn;
  • difficulty swallowing hard foods;
  • poor appetite.

If the stomach puts pressure on the heart, shortness of breath, impaired heart function, discomfort behind the sternum with a deep breath.

Spine - probable causes

Pain in the upper abdomen may be echoes of pathologies spinal column. Deformations intervertebral discs allow compression of the nerves that extend from spinal cord. This leads to painful lesion internal organs of the upper abdominal cavity.

Osteochondrosis thoracic gives pain reminiscent of gastritis pain, they are easily confused. But spinal pain is not associated with food intake and does not respond to the spiciness and fat content of dishes. It intensifies more often in the afternoon, decreases after a night or a long rest. Such differences help in diagnosis.

Pain in the upper abdomen may indicate a back injury, spinal tumors, metastases or inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord membranes. Pain in such pathologies does not have a bright intensity and is not expressed severe attacks. Therefore, if there is pain in the upper abdomen, and the cause cannot be found, you should pay attention to the spine.

A special form of heart attack

With necrosis back wall the heart muscle will hurt in the upper abdominal cavity. This is explained by the proximity of this part of the heart to the diaphragm. This gastralgic form of heart attack is accompanied by attacks of nausea, one-time vomiting. But there will be signs characteristic of pathology of the heart muscle:

  • unstable pulse;
  • high blood pressure;
  • dyspnea;
  • cardiac dysfunction.

Helps to recognize a heart attack due to the connection between the attack and physical or physical stress nervous origin, history of ischemic pathology. If in doubt, an ECG is performed. To save a person’s life, hospitalization is necessary if a possible myocardial infarction is suspected.

Waiting for the baby

During the nine months of pregnancy, numerous changes occur, which can provoke an exacerbation of existing diseases and the appearance of other diseases. Sometimes they become causes of abdominal discomfort.

At the initial stage, special hormones are produced to attach the fertilized egg. They affect the functioning of various internal organs, and their activity causes pain in the upper abdomen. The spasms are not severe, similar to the “hungry” pains of gastritis, but do not calm down after eating. It will become easier if you lie in comfortable position. After the hormones act, everything returns to normal.

As the fetus grows and develops, it begins to put pressure on the internal organs, which complicates their work. Possible pinching of intestinal vessels, displacement of its loops. Such conditions provoke exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Pain syndrome develops due to stretching of muscles and ligaments. Involving toxicosis in a pregnant woman only complicates the situation.


Pain in the upper abdominal cavity occurs when receiving blunt trauma belly. This can happen during an impact, a fall from a height, an emergency situation, an emergency, or a natural disaster. There is a danger of blunt trauma - there is no cut in the skin, which means it remains invisible whether there was damage or not. A person may have a damaged organ, there is internal bleeding, but there will be no external signs, it's hard to notice. Only pain will tell you what is happening inside.

Symptoms of possible damage:

  • fracture, crack of the ribs - burning pain, constant, increases during inhalation, coughing, sneezing;
  • splenic rupture – sharp, unbearable pain. From loss of blood a person loses consciousness;
  • liver rupture - severe pain. Blood pours into the organ, a person may lose consciousness from pain, but he also loses a lot of blood, it is necessary to call doctors.

Blood loss brings potential threat life, it is necessary to call doctors, take the victims to medical institution. Organ rupture requires surgery.

Diagnostic methods

A diagnostic examination helps a specialist answer the question why it hurts in the upper abdominal cavity. There are many diseases with this symptom; tests will help clarify the diagnosis. A series of light pressures on special points of a certain force will allow the doctor to clarify the intensity of pain and the position in the abdominal cavity.

If necessary, prescribe ultrasonography internal organs, tomography, x-ray. These methods allow you to identify swelling, growths, and ruptures. If a disease of certain organs is suspected, special tests are prescribed. Colonoscopy helps to examine the inside of the intestines. Detect the presence of polyps, tumor growth, and obstruction. To examine the esophagus and stomach, the endoscopy method is used.

For laboratory research take samples of tissue or the mucous layer of organs. Conduct general and special tests of blood, urine, feces. Gynecologists, oncologists, and surgeons are invited for additional consultations.

About the presence of pregnancy even early You should definitely notify your doctor. During this time, some types of diagnostics cannot be performed.


Pain in the upper abdomen is caused by different reasons. Data driven only diagnostic examination will figure out what happened. If at this time any kind of medicinal product, he needs to be shown to a doctor. You cannot self-medicate or take medicinal tinctures, decoctions, or use traditional medicine recipes. The disease must first be identified.

IN acute period illnesses need to be treated only with medications, ethnoscience, herbal medicine is permitted during remission.

You can get sick at any time the right time. It is important not to get confused, to take measures for recovery. Better knowing information about possible pathologies, take effective preventive measures.

Pain in the abdominal area is a sign of problems in the body. Depending on the nature and intensity of the pain, we can talk about one or another disease.

However, to make an accurate diagnosis, you will need to undergo certain tests and undergo the necessary procedures.

What you definitely can’t do is endure long-term pain above the navel and ignore them for an extended period of time.

Pain above the navel most often does not pose any particular danger to a person, but sometimes it can occur serious consequences. Almost everything is vital important organs are located precisely in the abdominal cavity, which is penetrated by millions of nerve endings. They transmit data about the problem to the brain through aching, sharp or cramping pain.

After seeking help, doctors will first ask the patient about his pain. But to the doctor’s question: “What is the nature of the pain?” Each person responds differently because people feel differently. They will help determine the exact location of pain and find the affected organ. general analysis blood, MRI examinations, CMT and others.

Causes of the condition in children and adults

Pain above the navel may indicate a problem in the organs located in this area. These are the stomach and duodenum.

The most common causes of pain:

  • Duodenitis and gastroduodenitis. The first disease causes dull pain, the second is pain contractions directly above the navel.
  • Pancreatitis. Pain on the right above the navel is a sign of the affected head of the gland, pain on the left is a symptom of damage to the end part of the pancreas, pain in the center is caused by the affected middle part. Diarrhea and mucus appear in the stool.
  • Stomach or duodenal ulcer. Painful sensations on an empty stomach in the morning. At night there is an appetite and pain. A full stomach does not cause discomfort.
  • Stomach cancer. Initial symptoms are similar to gastritis. This is followed by food rejection (both physical and moral), pressure in the left hypochondrium, sharp drop body weight indicator, apathetic state.
  • Acute form of gastritis. Additionally, the patient experiences vomiting, weakness, and diarrhea. Distinctive features are dry mucous membranes of the mouth, a grayish coating on the tongue, and a painful complexion.

Also, pain above the navel may indicate the presence of the following ailments: heartburn, renal failure, urolithiasis disease, hepatitis. Pain may occur when muscles are overstrained after intense training or when mechanical damage belly.

If a child’s stomach hurts above the navel, it is important to analyze the baby’s condition. Bad feeling, severe pain, vomiting - these are the symptoms for which you cannot hesitate to call an ambulance. A child's tummy may hurt due to nervous disorder, emotional outburst or inflammation.

Newborns also suffer from abdominal pain. They can be caused by constipation and lactase intolerance.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

With gastritis, damage to the mucous membrane occurs, which causes discomfort. Co time goes by significant deterioration of the situation. The patient suffers from severe attacks of burning in the abdominal cavity.

IN severe cases even possible internal bleeding, but detecting them is quite problematic. The blood may simply not reach the intestines, but the stool will be liquid and deep black. Such stool is called melena. The appearance of melena should alert and even frighten the patient. In this case, you should not hesitate to see a doctor!

How can you alleviate the condition?

If your doctor confirms that the pain above the navel is caused by emotional stress, stress or other neurological factors, you can alleviate the patient’s condition. To do this you need to accept horizontal position and calm down. With the doctor's permission, they take noshpa or another drug that relieves spasms.

If the pain is not severe and is caused by overeating, take Activated carbon. If painful sensations do not go away within three hours, you need to go to the clinic.

What can't you do?

  • You should not take painkillers until the ambulance arrives. Otherwise, you will not be able to explain to the doctor the nature of the pain. It is important for a physician to understand where exactly it is concentrated.
  • It is forbidden to apply a heating pad or ice to the peritoneum.
  • You can't do an enema.
  • Try not to eat anything. You can only drink clean water and no more than a few sips.

Prevention of pain

To avoid pain above the navel, take care of your health. Take care to promptly identify and treat diseases of the peritoneal organs. Once every 12 months, come for examinations to specialists, because more likely cure timely detected disease at the initial stage.

Neglecting examinations can lead to the fact that you will only be offered surgical intervention as a treatment for an advanced disease.

Observe basic rules: balanced diet, moderate physical exercise, avoid alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and drugs, remember to rest, avoid stress. This will help avoid abdominal pain.