Rare pathology. Anomalous zone Balkhash. Ghosts in the photo

It is impossible to cure a genetic disease, but it is also impossible to get infected accidentally. There are quite a lot of rare diseases in the world, most of which are associated with DNA damage.

Epidermolysis bullosa. The essence of this terrible disease is that from any touch the skin swells, forming a bubble. It subsequently bursts, leaving a bleeding and painful wound. Like the wings of a butterfly, the skin slowly dies when touched. There is no cure, ulcers affect the mucous membranes, esophagus, internal organs. Everything hurts - moving, drinking, eating, living.

Cystinosis. A disease that can turn a person to stone. The entire body, especially the kidneys, lymphatic system and blood, accumulates an abnormal amount of cystine, which gradually turns into crystals that cause hardening of the body's cells. Over time, this leads to petrification. The man is slowly but steadily turning into a statue. Most patients with cystinosis are young children who are not destined to live to adulthood. Their life depends on chemicals and medical supplies taken daily. This terrible disease causes slowdown physical development- children can't stand it physical exercise and stop growing. Interestingly, the brain remains intact. Medicine is powerless; it is only possible to slow down the pathological process a little.

Cataplexy. Despite all the horror of what is happening to the patient, the symptoms of cataplexy may seem quite funny. Any strong emotion leads to sudden relaxation of all the muscles of the body and causes loss of consciousness. Fear, embarrassment, anger, joy and even love experiences end in fainting. Seizures can occur up to forty times a day. Medicine is interested in cataplexy for another reason - the disease usually occurs together with narcolepsy.

Extrapyramidal system syndrome. The disease manifests itself in excessive numbers involuntary movements. Attacks overtake a person suddenly: with absolute muscle relaxation, uncontrollable twitching of the limbs and facial muscles appears. Subsequently, the disease causes mental changes and weakens mental abilities, causing insanity. The worst thing is that a person knows about the disease from childhood and can only wait in horror for it to manifest itself. As a rule, this occurs between 30 and 50 years of age. The disease is currently incurable.

Acromegaly. The disease is caused by excessive production of somatotropin, which leads to a significant increase in the human skeleton or certain parts of the body. The reason is benign tumor, located near the pituitary gland, which intensively produces growth hormone. Symptoms become apparent only in physical sensations: intolerance bright light, double vision, decreased hearing and sense of smell. Then there is a gradual growth of bones and soft tissues, the face becomes larger, the jaws and internal organs increase. The patient suffers from headache, drowsiness and general weakness. Acromegaly has long been studied by doctors, however, effective treatment doesn't exist yet.

Progeria- One of the rarest genetic diseases in the world. There are no more than a hundred cases of progeria known, and only a few people are living with the diagnosis. It can be called pathological accelerated aging. The processes in cells that accompany the disease are not completely clear.

The child develops normally for the first year and a half, and then suddenly stops growing. The nose becomes sharper, the skin becomes thin, covered with wrinkles and spots, like old people. Other symptoms characteristic of older people also appear: baby teeth fall out, permanent teeth do not grow, the head goes bald, the functioning of the heart and joints is disrupted, and muscles atrophy. Patients do not live long - usually 13-15 years. There is another option adult form diseases. It affects people of mature age.

Angelman syndrome

It occurs due to the absence of several genes on chromosome 15. The first symptoms of the disease are noticeable even in childhood: the child grows poorly, does not speak, often laughs for no reason, his arms and legs involuntarily twitch or tremble slightly, and epilepsy may appear. He develops much more slowly than his peers, especially in terms of intelligence. Most of these children, when they become adults, will never learn to speak or master a few simple words. However, they understand much more than they can express. Patients received the name happy puppets for their frequent causeless laughter and walking on stiff legs, which is very characteristic of the syndrome.

Gunther's disease

The rarest disease - there are about 200 cases in the world. It is a genetic defect in which the skin has very high photosensitivity. The patient cannot stand light: his skin begins to itch, becomes covered with blisters and ulcers. Appearance Such a person is terrible, he is all covered with scars and healing wounds, pale and emaciated. Interestingly, teeth can be stained red.

It seems that it was those suffering from Gunther's disease who served as the prototype for the creation of the image of a vampire in literature and cinema. After all, they also avoid sunlight - it is literally destructive to the skin.

Robin syndrome

The disease is quite rare and there is still a lot of unknown about it. A child born with this syndrome cannot breathe or eat normally because his lower jaw is underdeveloped, there are clefts in the palate, and his tongue is sunken. In some cases, the jaw may be absent altogether, giving the face characteristic bird-like features. The disease is treatable.

Progeria. Occurs in one child out of 8,000,000. This disease is characterized by irreversible changes in the skin and internal organs caused by premature aging body. The average life expectancy of people with this disease is 13 years. There is only one known case in which the patient reached the age of forty-five years. Was recorded in Japan.

During the Middle Ages, people with a similar gene defect were called werewolves or apes. This disease is characterized by overgrowth hair all over the body, including the face and ears. The first case of hypertrichosis was recorded in the 16th century.

One of the rarest gene failures. It makes its owners very sensitive to the widespread human papillomavirus. In such people, the infection causes an increase in numerous skin growths, reminiscent of wood in density. The disease became widely known in 2007 after a video of 34-year-old Indonesian Dede Kosvara appeared on the Internet. In 2008, a man suffered complex operation to remove six kilograms of growths from the head, arms, legs and torso. New skin was transplanted onto the operated parts of the body. But, unfortunately, after some time the growths appeared again.

In carriers of this disease the immune system inactive. People started talking about the disease after the film “The Boy in the Plastic Bubble,” which appeared on screens in 1976. It tells the story of a small disabled boy, David Vetter, who is forced to live in a plastic bubble. Since any contact with the outside world could be fatal for the baby. In the film, everything ends with a touching and beautiful happy ending. The real David Veter died at the age of 13 after unsuccessful attempt doctors to strengthen his immunity.

What are genetic diseases?

Every healthy person has 6-8 damaged genes, but they do not disrupt cell functions and do not lead to disease, since they are recessive. If a person inherits two similar abnormal genes from his mother and father, he becomes ill. The probability of such a coincidence is extremely low, but it increases sharply if the parents are relatives. For this reason, the incidence of genetic abnormalities is high in closed populations.

Every gene in human body responsible for the production of a specific protein. Due to the manifestation of a damaged gene, the synthesis of an abnormal protein begins, which leads to impaired cell function and developmental defects.

A doctor can determine the risk of a possible genetic anomaly by asking you about diseases of relatives “up to the third generation” on both your side and your husband’s side.

There are a great many genetic diseases, some of which are very rare.

Here are the characteristics of some genetic diseases.

Down syndrome- a chromosomal disease characterized by mental retardation and impaired physical development. The disease occurs due to the presence of the third chromosome in the 21st pair. This is the most common genetic disease, occurring in approximately one in 700 newborns. The incidence of Down syndrome increases in children born by women over 35 years old. Patients with this disease have a special appearance and suffer from mental and physical retardation.

Turner syndrome- a disease affecting girls, characterized by partial or complete absence one or two X chromosomes. The disease occurs in one in 3,000 girls. Girls with this condition are usually very short and their ovaries do not function.

Rare genetic diseases in children

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a hereditary disease that causes a decrease in bone mass and causes increased fragility. It is assumed that the cause of osteogenesis imperfecta is a congenital disorder of collagen metabolism. In cases where osteogenesis imperfecta manifests itself after childbirth, they speak of a dominant type of inheritance, i.e. a child may become ill if one of his parents suffers from this pathology. A severe form of the disease, in which a child is born with multiple fractures or receives them during childbirth, is inherited recessively, i.e. if the gene pathological, is present in both parents.

Progeria a very rare genetic defect, expressed in extensive changes in the skin and internal organs caused by premature aging of the human body. There are 52 cases of progeria recorded on our planet. Children with progeria do not differ in appearance from ordinary children until six months after birth. But later they develop symptoms characteristic of old age: the skin becomes covered with wrinkles, becomes brittle bones, atherosclerosis develops. Children with this terrible genetic defect die between the ages of 5 and 15 years. Childhood progeria is caused by gene mutations; DNA repair defects have been found in the cells of children with progeria.

Ichthyosis - This is a hereditary skin disease that occurs as a dermatosis. It is characterized by a diffuse disorder of keratinization and manifests itself in the form of scales on the skin. The main cause of ichthyosis is a gene mutation, the inherited biochemistry of which has not yet been deciphered. Protein metabolism disorders are the main manifestation gene mutation which leads to ichthyosis. Most forms of ichthyosis affect one person in tens of thousands.

Conclusion. These diseases are currently difficult to treat, and children become disabled from birth. It is necessary not only to improve treatment methods, but also to introduce them to the etiology of these diseases, which is especially important for people who have chosen the profession of a doctor in the future.

Sources: pikabu.ru, ljrate.ru, bigpicture.ru, www.sweli.ru, medconfer.com

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Exists great amount various diseases humans, but some of them are especially rare. Some of them owe their non-prevalence to the development modern medicine. Well, some even question the existence of various medical figures. Among the many rare diseases We've highlighted the 10 most impressive ones for you.

Top 10 rarest human diseases

Smallpox is highly contagious viral infection, to which only humans were exposed. Those who survived this disease completely or partially lost their vision, and instead of former ulcers, deep scars remained on their bodies. Once upon a time she was fatal disease, since there was no treatment for it. Almost every sick person was doomed to death.

But today they have stopped vaccinating the population against it, since the last time a case of smallpox was registered was in 1977. This is a great victory of medicine over disease. But virus strains are still stored in some laboratories today, which can give impetus to bioterrorism.

Stalin suffered from smallpox; scars and welts remained on his face for the rest of his life.

Today it is a very rare disease that is caused by a virus and leads to paralysis. Gray matter is affected during illness spinal cord and leads to pathologies nervous system. Most often it is asymptomatic and less often in an erased form. If the virus enters the central nervous system, it multiplies there and leads to muscle paralysis.

Back in the nineties, 36 countries around the world publicly declared that they had defeated this disease and it had been completely eradicated, and since 2002 not a single one has been registered in Europe. similar case diseases. And only 4 years later it was internationally recognized that everything globe the disease no longer exists, but cases of polio still occur in some countries.

The fight against polio is still ongoing in some countries

It affects one child in 8 million. This is one of rare cases genetic defects. This disease proceeds as follows - the skin and internal organs age prematurely, by the age of thirteen, sick children look like old people. The body gains everything senile symptoms. They tried to treat this disease with growth hormones, as well as antitumor drugs, but all measures were unsuccessful. Such patients always died when they reached no more than 20 years of age.

Progeria causes gene mutations, but is not inherited. To date, more than 80 cases of this disease have been recorded in the world. Most often it affects white-skinned children.

A child with progeria

This disease has been described only once in the history of medicine, so it has not been studied at all. It affected two twin girls named Fields, who lived in Wales. Scientists have suggested that this disease has hereditary origin and is expressed in a gradual impairment of muscle function, which simply leads to limitation of movement over time. The disease progresses, and patients find themselves in a wheelchair.

Fields disease has only been described once in the history of medicine.

This is a rare disease that occurs once in 2 million. The disease occurs as a result of a gene mutation and manifests itself as birth defects development. Typically this is a distortion thumbs legs, disorders in cervical spine spine.

In total, about 700 such cases are known in the world, and the essence of the disease is that any tissue in the body can turn into bone. This disease is the only example where different tissues can turn into completely different ones.

Any tissue with the slightest injury forms foci of bone growth. To date, there are no treatments for this disease. If you cut out a bone tumor, it grows even more.

With progressive fibrodysplasia, any tissue at the slightest injury forms foci of bone growth.

This disease is caused by prions, molecules that are even simpler than viruses but have some of the characteristics of living organisms and are infectious. The disease was known and widespread in New Guinea. Interestingly, ritual eating was common there. human body. Such patients experience disorders of the nervous system, resulting in death. After the government of this state took measures to combat cannibalism, signs of the disease were no longer observed.

The disease was known and widespread in New Guinea.

This is a fairly rare disease that occurs in a ratio of 1 in 35,000. The disease carries genetic reasons and is characterized by the fact that they are formed vascular tumors, which are mainly found in the brain or retina. On later stages The disease can cause retinal detachment.

Despite the fact that the disease has a benign course, since the tumors do not show signs cancer cells However, they can lead to strokes, heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases.

Vascular tumor in Von Hippel-Lindau disease

A sign of this disease is a decrease in the size of the skull, and accordingly the brain, while other parts of the body remain normal sizes. Microcephaly is accompanied by mental deficiency from imbecility to idiocy.

The main causes of this disease are considered to be exposure to radiation on a pregnant woman, as well as genetic disorders. Such children survive, but their brains cannot develop normally even with intensive correction.

Reduced skull size is a clear sign of microcephaly

The main symptoms of this disease are the following: decreased memory, fatigue increases and worsens, strange threads grow from under the skin, strange sensations appear on the skin, as if insects are crawling on it.

What's interesting is that even though more than 2,000 Americans complain about similar symptoms, the existence of this disease has not yet been proven. Doctors are more inclined to assume that this is a form of hysteria rather than a separate disease.

Morgellons disease - as if insects are crawling on the skin.

There are many varieties of pemphigus today, but paraneoplastic pemphigus affects very Not a large number of patients. At the same time, the disease is considered rare, dangerous and fatal.

This disorder is hereditary autoimmune disease, during which it is observed that blisters appear on the oral mucosa and other parts of the body. After they burst, weeping areas remain on the body, which are open gates for infection. A large percentage of patients with this diagnosis die from blood poisoning or malignant tumor which this disease provokes.

Paraneoplastic pemphigus - blisters appear on the oral mucosa and other parts of the body.


In this article we will tell our readers about very rare diseases that nevertheless exist and may even have had an impact on some aspects.

Stendhal syndrome

A person suffering from this disease, finding himself in a place where there are a lot of works of art, begins to experience excitement, increased heart rate and even hallucinations. For people who have this syndrome, the most dangerous place considered to be the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

It was on the basis of the symptoms experienced by tourists visiting this gallery that this disease was described. The syndrome got its name due to the fact that it was described by Stendhal in his book “Naples and Florence: a journey from Milan to Reggio” back in 1817, but despite the large amount of evidence, this syndrome was officially documented only in 1979 by the Italian psychiatrist Magherini. He studied more than a hundred identical cases this disease. The first such diagnosis was made in 1982.

People with this disease hear various noises in their heads and even explosions. Most often, the syndrome manifests itself a couple of hours before falling asleep or almost immediately after it. Patients with this disease complain of anxiety, which is accompanied by an increased heart rate. It happens that the syndrome is accompanied by flashes of bright light in the head. Everything would be fine, but all these sensations are quite painful, and some even feel like they are having a stroke.

Some characterize an attack by sounding string instruments, for others the sound is more like a bomb exploding. Doctors' assumptions boil down to the fact that such sleep disturbances may be associated with overexertion and stress. Most patients are women. Cases of symptoms have been reported of this disease in persons under 10 years of age, however average age Most patients are 58 years old.

In the medical community, this syndrome is not classified as auditory hallucinations nor to epilepsy, however, in textbooks the description of this syndrome is absent, which is due not so much to its rarity as to the low degree of study.

There is no effective treatment yet, but some improvements in the condition of patients are observed with the use of clomipramine and clonazepam. In addition, patients are recommended to spend more time on fresh air, carefully monitor your daily routine and exercise. All this helps relieve stress and prevent symptoms of the disease.

Capgras' fallacy

People with this disease believe that someone close to them, most often a husband or wife, has been replaced by a clone. As a result, the patient tries in every possible way to avoid the “imposter” and does not want to sleep in the same bed with him.

Doctors believe that this disease may be the result of a brain injury or an overdose. medicines. It is also widely believed that the Capgras delusion is caused by lesions in the right hemisphere of the cerebral cortex.

A typical example of Blaschko lines

Some people may see stripes all over their body. They were called the Blaschko line, in honor of the German dermatologist Alfred Blaschko. The doctor discovered this phenomenon in 1901.

Apparently, this pattern is genetically determined and embedded in the DNA, like many inherited diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Such stripes appear in the first months of life.

Micropsia or Alice in Wonderland syndrome

This neurological disorder impairs visual perception. People and animals seem smaller to the patient than they are, and the distances between objects become distorted. This disease is often called “Lilliputian vision” or “dwarf hallucinations.”

Micropsia affects not only vision, but also touch and hearing. Even his own body. Doctors believe that this disease is associated with migraines. In addition, micropsia can be caused by epilepsy or due to exposure to narcotic substances. This distortion of perception is also observed in children 5-10 years old and appears quite often with the onset of darkness, when the brain lacks information about the size of surrounding objects.

Blue skin syndrome

Most patients never master speech, even after reaching adulthood, or only learn a few simple words. However, they understand much more than they can say or express. The name “happy puppet” comes from the characteristic walking of such patients on “stiff legs” and frequent causeless laughter.

Erythropoietic porphyria or Gunther's disease

A person with erythropoietic porphyria

A very rare disease. There are about 200 patients in the world. Caused by a genetic defect. Skin patients have very high photosensitivity. From the light, the patient's skin begins to itch very much and becomes covered with ulcers and blisters.

Ulcers and inflammation affect the ears, nose and cartilage and they are significantly deformed. The eyelids also become covered with ulcers. A person gradually turns into a living mummy. The appearance of such a person is reminiscent of images in medieval grimoires; in addition, his teeth are colored brownish-red due to porphyrin deposits in the enamel, and when exposed to ultraviolet radiation they glow purple-red.

It may very well be that it was Gunther’s disease and people suffering from it that formed ideas about creatures that are afraid of daylight and drink human blood - vampires.

Robin syndrome

Child with Robin syndrome

A child born with this syndrome is not able to eat and breathe normally because he has an underdeveloped lower jaw. In addition, his palate has clefts, and his tongue is sunken. Sometimes lower jaw may be completely absent due to which the face takes on bird-like features. The disease is treated with plastic surgery.


Gabby Gigras is an energetic child who looks no different from her peers, but the girl is different from most people in that she is very sick. rare disease known as CIPA.

Gabby has a congenital insensitivity to pain, which is accompanied by anhidrosis (lack of sweating). There are only 100 documented cases of this disease worldwide.

Gabby was born without the ability to sense cold, pain or heat. To many, such properties of the body may seem very useful, but in reality this is not the case. Pain and temperature sensations perform a very important protective function.

For example, if you accidentally find yourself near an open fire, you will immediately try to move away to a safe distance, getting off worse. mild case a burn, and all this will happen at a reflex level, and a person like Gabi can lose a limb before he notices that something wrong is happening.

The girl's parents noticed that something was wrong when they discovered that the 5-year-old one month old baby bit his fingers until they bled. Gabby later lost an eye and suffered serious injuries as the pain continued to scratch her wounds and sustain various household injuries. The parents are doing everything possible so that the girl can live a normal life.


Cystinosis is a condition where cystine crystals appear in the body. Lily Sutcliffe suffering from this rare hereditary disease forced to take a cocktail of medications every day to avoid petrification. There are about 2,000 people in the world who have this disease.


Shiloh Pepin was born with fused legs. This disease is often called a syndrome. Doctors believed that the girl would live only a few days, but she lived for ten years. Shiloh Pepin died on 10/23/08. In the photo she is sitting on a table in Kennebunkropt, Maine (USA) 2007.

Shiloh Pepin was born with fused legs, a condition often called “mermaid syndrome.” Although doctors believed that the girl was destined to live only a few days, she lived for ten years. Shiloh died on October 23, 2008. She is pictured here sitting on a table in her home in Kennebunkropt, Maine in 2007.

Fatal familial insomnia

Rare genetic disorder. Patients with FSB constantly want to fall asleep, but cannot. Due to long absence patients go crazy and die painfully, despite the fact that the last few months before pass in a twilight state of consciousness.

The disease is called familial because it affects entire families. In total, there are about 40 families with this disease in the world. Sherrill Dinges, 29, is a member of one such family. All of her relatives are carriers of the FFB gene. She refuses the test. The FSB has already killed her mother, her grandfather and her uncle. Her sister did not inherit the fatal gene, and she herself refuses to be tested.

FSB begins with mild convulsions, increased anxiety and insomnia. Due to a long lack of sleep, patients eventually begin to hallucinate and become clouded, and after a few months they die.

In this article we will tell our readers about very rare diseases that nevertheless exist and may even have had an impact on some historical and mythological moments. Stendhal syndrome A person suffering from this disease, when entering a place where there are a lot of works of art, begins to experience excitement, increased heart rate and even hallucinations. For people who...

It's worth noting right away that some of the diseases on this list are very unpleasant to look at, so open photos with caution. Fortunately, they are incredibly rare, and nowadays doctors have become much better at understanding them. Health and strength to those who suffer from them and their families!

2. Werewolf syndrome (hypertrichosis)

Hypertrichosis can be either congenital or acquired. The congenital type of the disease is incredibly rare - only 50 cases have been reported since the Middle Ages. Treatment congenital disease usually includes laser removal hair. Acquired disease is usually associated with external factor, for example, a reaction to medications, most often minoxidil. Fortunately, to cure an acquired disease, it is enough to eliminate exogenous factor. Cats are also susceptible to the disease, although such cases are incredibly rare.

3. Vampire syndrome (porphyria)

Porphyria includes at least 8 disorders that are united increased content porphyrins in the body. Although these are natural compounds, sufferers of this disorder cannot control their levels and subsequent accumulation leads to the development of the disease. The ratio of patients with porphyria worldwide ranges from 1 to 500-50,000 healthy people, but this also includes mild forms of the disease. The photo shows the most severe case, however, even with indolent forms of the disease, symptoms may include psychical deviations, paralysis, red urine, sensitivity to sunlight, thinning skin and itchy blisters that take weeks to heal.

4. Microcephaly

There is no disorder for this broad definition, but, as a rule, such a diagnosis is made when the head circumference is at least two standard deviations less than the norm for age and gender. The disorder can be caused by a number of various factors. Microcephaly is usually accompanied by contraction average duration life and mental disability - although this already depends on the presence of certain deviations.

5. Statue syndrome (fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive)

Fibrodysplasia or FOP is a disease in which over time the muscles and connective tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, ossify - that is, they literally turn into bones. This limits movement and results in complete immobility. Surgery to remove the affected areas only forces the body to “repair” itself with even more intense bone formation. Typically, the first symptoms of the disease appear at the age of 10 years. Only about 700 cases of FOP have been reported worldwide, making it one of the rarest diseases. There are no known cases of healing, and all treatment is aimed only at improving the quality of life of patients.

6. Living dead syndrome (Cotard's delusion)

Cotard's delusion, known as syndrome walking dead– rare mental disorder, which forces the patient to believe that he is dead. Although, oddly enough, in 55% of cases patients also consider themselves immortal. Sufferers of this disorder believe that they are rotting and have lost their blood and internal organs. Treatment includes both drug therapy, and psychotherapy. Electroconvulsive therapy has also proven effective. This disorder, which seems to be outlandish, has been mentioned in the popular TV series Hannibal, Black Box and Scrubs.

7. Accelerated aging syndrome (progeria)

Progeria is an extremely rare genetic disease that causes symptoms of aging to appear in at a young age. This disorder is most often caused genetic mutation, than by heredity, since its carriers usually do not live long enough to reproduce. The incidence rate is very low, with the disorder affecting only 1 in 8 million births. On this moment there are 100 reported cases worldwide, although about 150 are considered unrecognized. Despite efforts, no treatment has yet been shown to be effective, so doctors are focusing on treating complications such as heart disease. Most patients live to 13 years of age and die from disorders that occur in older people, such as heart attack and stroke.

8. Man-tree disease (epidermodysplasia verruciformis)

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis, nicknamed “tree man disease,” is an incredibly rare genetic skin disorder. Usually characterized by high susceptibility to the cutaneous form HPV virus. Massive uncontrollable HPV infections lead to rapid growth scaly spots and warts that resemble tree bark. Complete healing is not yet possible; doctors can only suggest removal of the “bark”. The photo above shows Indonesian Dede Koswara, who became the subject of a show on the Discovery Channel. The channel paid for an operation to remove warts in 2008 - 95% of warts weighing 6 kg were removed from his skin. Alas, they have grown again, and in order to control them, Dede has to go under the knife twice a year.

Like me, each of you believes that a cure for all diseases will soon be created, but there is none yet. There are a huge number of diseases that humanity is struggling with - HIV, cancer, ZIK and many others. And surely in the near future a medicine will be created, because enormous resources are being spent on this.

Some diseases can be overcome by yourself - these are weak forms of ARVI or others that are not serious illnesses, and in order to overcome others, more serious illnesses, you have to try very hard, like our compatriot Valentin Ivanovich Dikul, who since childhood dreamed of being a circus performer, and when his dream came true and his career was about to take off, at the age of 14, while performing another trick on a rope at a height of 13 meters, he fell and injured his spine, after which his legs were paralyzed. he was faced with the choice of either remaining disabled for life or finding a way out of this situation - he chose the second and, having no idea about human anatomy, began to train the muscles of the back, neck, arms, and shoulders. Then he decided to use his paralyzed legs and, using a special device, began to pump his leg muscles. What a surprise it was when his legs began to recover, and at 21 he was already performing stunning acts on his feet in the circus, lifting incredible weights.

But such a will is not given to everyone, therefore, in case of any damage, painstaking treatment and observation by specialists is necessary. So one of the most dangerous and common diseases is intervertebral hernia, which, by the way, can occur, in addition to genetic characteristics, but also due to falls, as in the case of Dikul, it is better to treat in specialized centers. Treatment of intervertebral hernias using the metameric method is unique technique which is carried out medical Center Berseneva, I suggest you take a look.

We have listed diseases that the whole world is struggling with that can be overcome by willful efforts and which are best dealt with under the supervision of specialists. But there are diseases that only affect 1-2 people on the planet, and a cure for them has not been invented and most likely will not be invented, these are the ones we will talk about.

1. Exploding head syndrome- a disease with this name does not entail a real explosion of the head, but is accompanied by constant painful sensations, basically - it is a person who hears various sounds cod, noise, clicks and more. This disease is not permanent - usually a person suffering from this disease, after sleeping, stops hearing them.

2. Speech disorder syndrome- a person who has suffered a brain injury begins to speak with a different intonation, speed, so the first feeling is that he is a foreigner and is trying to speak our language. Throughout history, only 5 dozen people have been recorded who suffered from this disease; after therapy, some regained their previous speech, and the majority suffer from this disease all their lives.

3. Familial insomnia- in fact, a barely terrible disease that is transmitted through genes. A person begins to sleep less from year to year until sleep disappears completely. The man begins to suffer from hallucinations and soon dies. In total, about 40 such families are known to suffer from this insomnia.

4. There is a disease in which people do not feel pain. It seems so good - life without suffering and pain, but in fact everything is quite the opposite, because pain is a signal of danger in human life. After all, without pain, a person simply will not notice a burn, scratch, and sometimes more serious damage, which can subsequently lead to fatal outcome. About 100 people suffer from this disease.

5. Hypertrichosis- we already wrote about him in the article about the werewolf girl. As you might have guessed, this is a disease in which hair grows uncontrollably throughout a person’s body, including on the face. There are 50 known cases of this disease. This disease is mainly genetic. In 2008, scientists discovered that when testosterone is administered, it freezes the growth of body hair, which can become the perfect medicine for such patients.

6. There is a disease in which a person cannot determine the size of an object - small ones seem gigantic, and huge ones seem tiny. This disease is called - Alice in Wonderland syndrome. It occurs from taking hallucinogens or from a tumor.

7. Very unusual and quite complex illness- This Moebius syndrome- with it, a person is completely unable to control his facial muscles: he cannot smile, cry, laugh, etc. There are very few people suffering from this syndrome on Earth.

8. There is a disease that helps a person to one degree or another - this is synesthesia, a person suffering from this disease can see sounds, feel objects of art. This disease “suffers” from people who have lost their hearing or vision, or creative individuals: musicians, artists, sculptors.

9. O next illness we have already mentioned earlier on our website - this Progeri's disease, in which the skin and internal organs of a person age prematurely. The main forms are in children - Hutchinson (Hutchinson)-Gilford syndrome and in adults - Werner syndrome.

10. British citizen Lancashire Mendy Sellars suffers from a disease that causes her legs to increase in size. This disease According to doctors, it is impossible to cure, the only way out leg amputation, because at 33 years old her weight reaches 125 kg, of which the weight of the legs is 95 kg, which creates a load on the heart and other organs.