When can a baby be given meat? When can you give your child meat? Vegetable puree for complementary feeding - features of administration

Meat. Everyone treats it differently: some are unable to live even a day without a hearty delicious meal, others deliberately refuse to consume a valuable protein product for a long time (or for life). Mommies, do you think it is necessary to feed an infant meat?

To eat or not to eat? That is the question!

Can't do without it

Personally, as a mother of two wonderful children, I think that children need this product. That's why:

If the baby does not eat meat, he may develop vitamin deficiency.

You can eat, but be careful

We have found out everything about the benefits. Another question: “What kind of meat should I start complementary feeding with?”

The first thing you should offer your baby is a rabbit. Rabbit meat rarely causes allergic reactions and is easily digested by a small tummy.

Rabbit contains more vitamins and minerals (especially iron) than other types of meat. Due to its low fat content, rabbit is a dietary food product.

Turkey comes second on the list of complementary foods for infants. Until now, none of the mothers have noticed a rash or other manifestations of allergies. Turkey fiber, consumed as food, activates the functioning of blood vessels and the heart muscle, helps improve immunity, and increases appetite. Turkey is also a dietary food.

Turkey puree is a tasty and healthy dish for babies.

The third to enter the “food battle” is pork, a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, pig meat puree must be introduced very carefully.

Before consumption, pork must be processed more thoroughly than other types of meat.

Fourth on the list is beef, or rather veal. It is rich in iron, zinc, copper, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and cobalt. Contains a fairly large amount of carotene. Young beef is better digestible. The product may cause allergies.

Not all kids like liquid beef puree.

Chicken completes the list. It contains a lot of complete essential amino acids and microelements. This useful set is present only in fresh (not frozen) meat. Quite often it causes allergies in babies, so it is introduced into complementary foods last.

Lamb should not be given to children under one year of age as it contains a large amount of fat.

If the baby does not receive enough meat, he may develop. It is very important to diagnose this disease on time! Timely treatment allows you to completely defeat the disease and avoid irreversible consequences. The most effective means of prevention: vitamins and.

Are you planning to buy a car seat for your newborn? Don't know what to choose? Then for you!

Ideal age

All this is good, but when to introduce meat into complementary foods? I started giving my son turkey at 8 months. My daughter became acquainted with a rabbit when she was about 7 months old (as our local pediatrician advised). Most modern doctors are of the opinion that it is best to introduce this complementary food from 7-7.5 months.

Is the baby already 7 months old? It's time to introduce the meat!

How to start

The first complementary feeding with meat is introduced in the same way as all new dishes.

Mix ½ teaspoon of boiled and finely chopped rabbit or turkey meat with breast milk or formula until it becomes a thin paste and give it to your baby to try.

About food in jars

What about store-bought baby food jars? - many of you will mentally wonder.

I don't trust this kind of feeding. It is worth taking any jar from the display case and carefully reading its composition: the content indicated in the name of the puree product does not exceed 50% of the total contents of the jar. The rest is corn or potato starch to add volume and weight. Besides, canned meat can cause poisoning(my friends had such an unpleasant experience).

The only good thing about jarred puree is that you don’t have to cook it.

Based on the sad reality, I use either fresh or purchased and frozen tenderloins. I first grind the tenderloin twice in a meat grinder. I divide the resulting minced meat into small portions and freeze it. This is very convenient: I took out 30-50 grams of frozen minced meat, put it in a saucepan and cooked it.

To make it tasty and healthy

How to cook meat dishes for your baby, which is incorrect, has already been read by many on various forums for young mothers. I want to tell you about my experience: for the first complementary feeding, 10 grams of minced meat is enough.

Divide the minced meat into portions, so you can take as much as you need.

Place the minced meat in a container with water and cook until soft (about 20-25 minutes).

Pour the broth through a sieve. Transfer the minced meat remaining in the sieve into a bowl, add your milk or mixture and beat thoroughly with a blender. The resulting puree can be additionally rubbed through a sieve (you never know, maybe there are lumps left). Under no circumstances should prepared puree be stored! You can feed your baby only freshly prepared food.

Fresh homemade puree will be appreciated by little children.


When the baby gets used to the new taste, you can add vegetables, cereals, a few crystals of salt, and a small piece of pre-well-cooked chicken yolk to the minced meat (the film between the white and the yolk must be removed). The result is a very tasty, healthy and beautiful soup that an infant is unlikely to refuse.

Vegetable puree is an excellent side dish for meat.

From 9-10 months you can make your own meat puree (without adding vegetables) by grinding boiled minced meat with a small amount of boiled water in a blender. Vegetables or cereals can now serve as a side dish for healthy purees.

A little later, you can offer the baby meatballs.

The baby's menu can be very varied.

  1. Before cooking, you need to get rid of the films and fat found in the muscle mass of animals.
  2. Then we make minced meat with the addition of wheat bread soaked in milk (mixture).
  3. We scroll the minced meat twice.
  4. Add a little more milk and egg yolk.
  5. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  6. Roll into small balls.
  7. Boil the meatballs over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes.

There are many debates about how often to give meat to a baby. Experts do not recommend feeding your child this product every day (3-4 times a week is enough). However, many children willingly eat their favorite rabbit or turkey every day. If the baby refuses animal food, it is unnecessary to fight with him about this.

Cooking dinner together: priceless.

Such different mothers

“The doctor told us to introduce meat, even though we were only 7 months old. I give it turkey for about three weeks, about 40 grams at a time, but not every day. Thank God, there are no reactions at all. Mix with vegetables. We eat for lunch. Masa likes it."

“And we started feeding with homemade rabbit meat - I made broth from it, then poured out the broth and made soup in water (rabbit + cauliflower + potatoes + a little carrot + onion + parsley), then I threw it all into a blender, mixed it and it turned out very tasty puree soup with meat.”

“We started eating young beef at 7 months. In the first week, she gave Nikita vegetable soup, cooked in broth diluted 1:2, and then meat itself appeared in the soup, and she began to add it to the puree, then they began to eat rabbit soup and thin puree (vegetables with rabbit), then they introduced porridge, and Now we’re getting used to “milk”: first cottage cheese, then kefir, after that Nikita and I will try chicken according to the same scheme as with beef (on the 2nd broth first), and later with meat.”


“We tried turkey. We take canned meat for ourselves. I somehow don’t trust the store-bought one, it’s not so bad, we eat it, but it’s scary to give it to our son, he’s still very small and weak. I think it’s better to give kids canned meat prepared according to the rules, and as we grow up, we’ll switch to regular meat.”

What to do if you see mucus in your baby's stool? When should you start worrying? What measures to take? It will be useful for young parents.

Briefly, what a young mother needs to know:

  1. You need to eat meat, but in moderation.
  2. A rabbit or turkey can appear on the table 3-4 days a week.
  3. The ideal age to start feeding meat is 7.5 months.
  4. The benefits of canned food are questionable.
  5. Meat can be combined with vegetables (except potatoes) and cereals.
  6. Children are given boiled meat.

Until the age of 6 months, a baby does not need any other products except mother's milk. However, after six months, the baby should receive much more nutrients than mother’s milk or an adapted formula contains. When starting to try new foods, the child gets acquainted with vegetables, cereals, fruits, and oils. When is the time for complementary meat feeding? What type of meat should you start with, how to prepare meat for babies and in what quantity should you offer it to babies up to one year old and at an older age?


  • First of all, meat and dishes made from it are a source of proteins. Without these nutrients, the cells in a growing baby's body will not receive enough building material.
  • It is also important that the amino acid composition of meat proteins is complete. It includes all the essential amino acids that are not produced in the human body but must be supplied with food.
  • Meat is one of the sources of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, zinc, fluorine and many other trace elements. Iron in meat products is presented in the heme form, which is absorbed better than the form of iron found in plant foods.
  • Due to the denser structure of meat dishes, after introducing them into the diet, the child will learn to chew.

Harm and contraindications

Are the concepts “Child” and “Vegetarianism” compatible? See Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Do you have allergies?

Meats such as chicken and beef can cause allergic reactions, so they are not used as the first types of meat that a baby tries. When the child has become familiar with the less allergenic rabbit and turkey, you can carefully begin giving veal and chicken. If a child is allergic to cow's milk, the introduction of veal and beef into his diet should be avoided.

At what age should it be introduced into complementary foods?

Meat complementary feeding is not introduced at an earlier age because:

  1. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet sufficiently developed and is unable to completely digest meat products.
  2. Possible negative effects of meat proteins on the baby's kidneys.
  3. The risk of allergies to protein molecules is increased at an early age.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2 019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Create a calendar

Which meat is best for first feeding?

The first type of meat that a child should try is rabbit. The main advantages of such meat are the rare occurrence of allergies and easy digestion. Rabbit meat is rich in minerals and vitamins, and since its fat content is low, the product is classified as dietary.

In addition to rabbit meat, turkey is also suitable for first courses of complementary meat feeding. This is also low-allergenic meat, the fibers of which are quickly digested. Turkey, like rabbit meat, has very little fat.

It is recommended to introduce the baby to other types of meat later and very carefully for the following reasons:

Types of meat such as lamb, geese and ducks are generally not recommended for children under school age due to their high fat content. Meat broths should not be prepared for children under one year of age.

How to prepare meat puree?

Take a small amount of meat (10-20 grams is enough for the first tests) and prepare minced meat from it with your own hands. Boil until tender for 20-25 minutes, pass through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous consistency, and then dilute with human milk or an adapted mixture, then beat with a blender.

You can also boil meat cut into pieces for your child. In this case, it is recommended to bring the product to a boil, drain the water, pour clean water over the pieces of meat and cook for about 45 minutes.

When planning to let your little one try meat for the first time, consider the following nuances:

  • The meat must be homogeneous, so it is well boiled and chopped, and also diluted to a mushy state with breast milk or a mixture.
  • Meat puree is served warm.
  • The first portion is a maximum of half a teaspoon of the product.
  • It is recommended to give it in the morning in order to assess the baby’s reaction to new food by the end of the day.
  • Next, meat is given at the third feeding, supplementing vegetable dishes with this product.
  • The amount of meat puree at one time is increased gradually, adding half a teaspoon on each subsequent day.
  • Prepared meat puree should not be stored in the refrigerator. Give your baby only freshly cooked meat.
  • When the baby gets used to the new taste, mix the meat with cereals, vegetables, and add to soups.
  • From 10 months, meat is given to the child only 5 times a week, and on the remaining days it is replaced with fish.
  • Closer to the year, offer the baby no longer puree, but meatballs, encouraging the little one to chew.

Ready-made meat purees from the store

Purchasing ready-made baby food products that include meat has its own advantages:

  • Such products are tested, so all the components inside the finished purees are useful for children and meet age needs.
  • Ready-made food is easy to heat up and quickly give to your child.
  • Depending on the recommended age for consumption of the product (it is marked on the packaging), the degree of grinding of the meat varies.
  • Purees can contain several components, such as meat and grains or meat and vegetables.

Usage guidelines for infants and older children

The portion of meat is primarily determined by the age of the baby:

What to do if a child does not want to eat, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

How to choose fresh and high-quality meat?

  • When choosing beef for baby food, choose the tenderloin, as this is the least fatty part of the carcass. The same part should be chosen when purchasing pork.
  • When buying rabbit meat for your baby, the best choice would be the meat of young animals (no older than 3 months). Prepare the rear part of the carcass for the toddler, as it is less fibrous.
  • If you want to cook turkey for your baby, buy breast without skin. This is tender, tasty and lean meat that is best digested. Buying breast meat is also recommended if you want to treat your baby to chicken.
  • The meat you buy should smell good, be uniform and elastic. Do not buy unpleasant-smelling product or odorless meat.
  • Also, you should not buy meat with a brown or gray-brown color. Normally, meat should have a certain shade of red, characteristic of a particular variety (for example, pork is pink, and beef is red).
  • When buying meat in a store, carefully study the label, check the expiration dates and integrity of the packaging, and also evaluate the appearance of the product. If possible, smell the meat and make sure it does not have any unpleasant aroma.

Chef Vitaly Tikhonov talks about how to choose high-quality fresh meat.

Until six months, children eat only mother's milk or formula; until this age, they do not yet need other products. After 6 months, the baby needs much more nutrients than those found in breast milk or formula. From this age, the baby is gradually taught to eat cereals, vegetables, and fruits. When is the time to introduce your baby to meat? What meat do you give first? How to prepare baby meat puree? How much meat should a child under one year of age and older eat at one time?

When should you introduce meat into your baby's complementary foods?

Pediatricians advise introducing meat to a child’s menu no earlier than 6-8 months. At the same time, meat products should not be the first complementary foods; they are introduced after vegetable, fruit purees and cereals; it is advisable to maintain an interval of 2 months between the date of introduction of the first complementary foods and the date of introduction of meat. This makes clear the slight discrepancy in the recommended timing: at 8 months, meat begins to be given to infants who received their first complementary foods at six months; at 6 months, you can introduce meat to those children who, for some reason, began to receive fruit or cereal complementary foods from 4 months.

Why should children not be given meat before 6 months?

  1. Until this age, children's digestive system is not yet mature enough to completely digest such heavy food.
  2. Meat protein negatively affects the functioning of a child’s kidneys.
  3. Before six months, the risk of developing an allergy to meat protein is higher.

How is meat good for children?

  • Meat is a source of protein that a child’s body needs for growth;
  • Meat products contain the entire set of amino acids that are not produced by the body, but enter it only with food;
  • Meat is rich in other important microelements - iron, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, cobolt and zinc. Interestingly, the iron contained in meat is absorbed better and faster than the same element from other products of plant origin;
  • The meat has a fibrous, dense structure, so when babies eat it, they learn to chew food.

Can meat be harmful to children?

  • Some types of meat can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Eating meat products in large quantities puts a strain on the child’s kidneys and digestive system;
  • Up to 3 years of age, children are not given fatty meat products, fried meat, smoked sausage and frankfurters.

Allergy to meat?

Pork, beef and chicken are considered allergenic foods (pork and beef are also fatty meats), so they are not suitable for the first meat feeding. It is better to start introducing your baby to meat with rabbit or turkey, as they are hypoallergenic and are low-fat types of meat. When the baby is already accustomed to these products, you can try introducing chicken, tender pork and beef into the diet.

Important! If your baby is intolerant to cow's milk, avoid introducing beef and veal into the diet. Consult with a specialist about when in your case you can try giving these types of meat to your child.

What kind of meat do we start complementary feeding with?

Rabbit meat. Rabbit meat is considered the easiest to digest. It is not greasy and does not cause allergies. This is where experts recommend starting complementary feeding. This product is considered dietary because it contains practically no fat, but it contains vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Turkey You can also offer it to your baby when he first gets acquainted with meat products. It has very little fat and is easily digestible. Turkey meat is hypoallergenic.

Rabbit and turkey are considered optimal for introducing meat dishes. Their meat is low-calorie, low-fat, tender, and very rarely causes allergies. The main disadvantage is the higher cost, and you can’t buy rabbit or turkey meat in its natural form (and not canned) everywhere.

Other types of meat are introduced later, using caution. Let's look at why.

Chicken meat– dietary and tender. However, this is one of the most allergenic foods, and in no case should children with allergies start complementary meat feeding with chicken, especially if an allergy to chicken egg white is detected. In addition, in modern conditions, chicken is raised for meat using hormonal drugs and antibiotics, which can persist in poultry meat.

Pork. It is fatty meat. Even if you buy a supposedly lean part (shoulder blade, butt), it still contains fat. You may be allergic to pork;

Beef, veal. May cause allergies in children. This meat should not be given to children with milk protein intolerance.

Horsemeat. Low-allergenic, protein-rich meat. The main disadvantage is that it is rarely found on sale.

Duck, goose and lamb are high-fat meats. Waterfowl meat contains refractory fats that the child’s digestive system is not able to digest. These types of meat are not included in the diet of children under 3 years of age. Children under one year old are not offered meat broths.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

By-products They begin to offer it to children no earlier than 10 months. The exception is for babies suffering from anemia; pediatricians recommend giving them liver even from 8-9 months. Offal contains more iron, copper and manganese. In general, the opinion about the admissibility of including liver in children's menus has undergone changes in recent years: previously, liver was recommended as a good source of iron, but now it is abandoned for environmental reasons (it is in the liver that drugs and other toxic substances contained in animal feed are neutralized and accumulated).

How to make your own meat puree?

You can prepare meat puree yourself. To do this, you will need a small piece of dietary meat (about 20 grams). After washing it, grind the meat to make minced meat. Place it in a bowl and cook for 25 minutes. We pass the finished product through a metal sieve to achieve a homogeneous mass. Add a little mixture or breast milk to the meat and blend with a blender. Salt is not added to baby puree.

You can also boil meat cut into pieces for your child. In this case, it is recommended to bring the product to a boil, drain the water, pour clean water over the pieces of meat and cook for about 45 minutes.

For children up to 8 months, meat is given in the form of the most homogeneous puree; from 8–9 months, meatballs are prepared from minced meat and mashed with a fork before serving. By 10 months, if the child has teeth, meatballs and meatballs can be given without preliminary chopping; they can be lightly salted and spices can be added (dill, parsley, bay leaf). Since this year, steam cutlets have been introduced.

What kind of rabbit meat can be given to a child? How to properly prepare meat for storage in the freezer. How to properly prepare rabbit meat directly for food:

How to properly introduce your baby to meat?

  • Bring the meat to a homogeneous mass. To achieve this, the product is well boiled, thoroughly crushed and mixed with formula or breast milk;
  • Before feeding your baby, make sure the puree is warm;
  • Portion for first acquaintance – ½ teaspoon;
  • For the first time, the product is given to the child in the morning so that it is possible to observe the body’s reaction throughout the day;
  • In the future, children are given meat dishes along with vegetables, usually this is the third feeding of the day;
  • The one-time portion of meat for children is gradually increased, adding ½ teaspoon daily;
  • It is not recommended to give your baby meat puree after storing it in the refrigerator. Children are fed only freshly prepared foods;
  • When the baby gets used to the new taste, add meat to soup, porridge and vegetables;
  • After 8 months, the child needs to receive a portion of meat 5 days a week. The other two days they offer fish instead;
  • At the age of 10 months, start preparing meatballs so that the child learns to chew on his own;
  • Do not mix several types of meat until the baby gets used to each of them separately;
  • Some kids refuse to eat meat. In this case, it is recommended to mix meat puree with food that the baby likes.

Meat is given once a day every day (after 8 months, meat is replaced with fish 1-2 times a week). You should not give more than what is recommended, as it creates an excess load on the child’s kidneys and digestive system.

What are the benefits of ready-made meat purees for children?

In order not to prepare meat for your child yourself, you can buy ready-made meat puree in jars in the store. Give preference to well-known brands that have no complaints. Meat products for baby food from the store have their advantages.

  1. The puree is prepared from the meat of animals raised in environmentally friendly conditions on environmentally friendly feed.
  2. All ingredients for preparing baby meat puree are carefully selected and checked for quality. All components inside the finished purees are useful for children and correspond to age-related needs.
  3. Canned food is checked for the presence of dangerous impurities and, in general, their composition is carefully studied.
  4. The finished meat puree does not need to be cooked, but simply warmed up and fed to the baby.
  5. Meat puree in jars has different degrees of grinding, it depends on the age group of children for which the puree is intended (the degree of grinding is marked on the packaging). Depending on the recommended age (determined by the marking on the package), canned food differs in the degree of grinding and preparation technology: homogenized - the most homogeneous, containing meat, water and rice starch; puree - thicker; finely and coarsely ground - the meat in them is minced, often contain salt, spices, and meat broth; canned food in the form of ready-made dishes - meatballs, cutlets.
  6. Baby food manufacturers often combine meat with other healthy foods - vegetables or grains.
  7. An opened can of canned meat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

What is the daily intake of meat products for children under one year of age and older?

Based on the child’s age, the amount of meat he should receive per day is determined.

  • 6–7 months – 5-20 g.
  • 8-9 months – up to 50 g.
  • 10 months – 2 years – from 50 to 80 grams.
  • 3 years – from 80 to 90 grams.
  • 4-6 years – from 100 to 110 grams.
  • 7-9 years – from 110 to 140 grams.
  • 10-13 years – from 140 to 170 grams.
  • 14-17 years old – from 200 to 220 grams.

What to look for when buying meat for children?

  • When choosing beef or pork, give preference to tenderloin, this part contains less fat;
  • When purchasing rabbit meat, check the age of the animal. It’s good if the rabbit is young (up to 3 months). To prepare puree for your baby, use the back of the carcass, here the meat is more tender and soft;
  • If you want to pamper your baby with turkey, take the breast. This is tender, tasty and lean meat that is best digested. The same goes for chicken;
  • The meat you buy should smell good, be uniform and elastic. If it does not smell at all or emits an unpleasant odor, refrain from purchasing;
  • The freshness of meat can be easily determined by its color - it is unacceptable to have a gray-brown or brown tint. Beef should be red, pork should be pink;
  • When buying meat in a store, always pay attention to the expiration date; if it is not indicated or unknown, do not buy the product. Evaluate the appearance of the product. The meat should not be slippery. If possible, smell the meat and make sure it does not have any unpleasant aroma. If the product is packaged in plastic film, make sure it is intact.

It is very important that the child likes the first meat complementary food. Protein is necessary for normal growth and development of the child's body. Although animal proteins are also found in other products - milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fish and eggs, they cannot become a complete replacement for meat. From meat products, the baby receives iron, folic acid and B vitamins, which are essential for blood and proper development of the nervous system.

Introducing meat complementary foods | Lifehack for a young mother

Meat food for baby

Video No. 2

There comes a time when parents think about expanding the child’s menu: they want to offer him beef. At what age can this be done? Is this type of meat good for a baby? Today we will talk about the benefits of this product, why it should be present in children’s diets and in what quantity.

What are the benefits of beef?

This category includes meat from cattle: cows and bulls. It is considered healthier than pork, it is more nutritious than chicken and much more satisfying. The beneficial properties of beef are due to its composition:

  • B vitamins. There are several of them in beef:
    • B2 is an indispensable participant in redox reactions, has a positive effect on vision, and helps improve skin condition.
    • B5 - important for the metabolism of proteins, fats, cholesterol and carbohydrates. Activates the production of hemoglobin, increases the absorption of amino acids, and stimulates the adrenal cortex. Its deficiency can be judged by problems with the skin and oral mucosa.
    • Vitamin B6 is extremely important for the central nervous system, the correct course of excitation and inhibition reactions depends on it, this element ensures the transformation of amino acids, it is necessary for the production of red blood cells. Vitamin B6 deficiency can be judged by the child's poor appetite, flaccid skin, and low hemoglobin levels.
    • Vitamin B12 is important for the active development of muscle cells and hematopoiesis. Its deficiency contributes to the development of anemia.
  • Phosphorus - normalizes the acid-base balance, promotes mineralization of the skeletal system and teeth. With its deficiency, the likelihood of a child developing rickets or anemia increases sharply.
  • Iron - ensures the occurrence of redox reactions, as well as the transport of oxygen to cells. If it is not enough, the child quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, and there is a high risk of hypochromic anemia.
  • Potassium - corrects water and electrolyte balance, blood pressure, has a positive effect on the heart muscle.
  • Vitamin PP - ensures the conversion of nutrients into energy. If it is deficient, the skin looks bad and the child may become capricious and irritable. This substance also affects the functioning of the digestive system.

Beef also contains copper, which promotes the absorption of iron and proteins. Thanks to it, the body's cells receive oxygen, which is so important for their development. A deficiency results in problems with the cardiovascular system, and there is also a high probability of connective tissue pathologies. In addition, beef contains chromium, zinc and molybdenum.

At what age can a child eat beef?

Beef, as a rule, does not cause allergies, so it (along with rabbit meat) is recommended to be used as the first meat supplement. It is recommended to introduce the product into the diet, taking into account not only the age, but also the characteristics of the child:

  • if the baby is on artificial nutrition - from 7 months, by this time the babies are already accustomed to vegetables, some gradually acquire the skills of chewing food;
  • if the daughter or son is weakened, their body weight is significantly less than normal, the hemoglobin level is low, it is advisable to add beef to the menu at 6 months;
  • Infants should not be introduced to this product early; this process can be delayed until 8–10 months, depending on the child’s condition.

It is worth consulting with your pediatrician about adding beef to your baby’s menu, especially if the baby has chronic diseases. Is your child feeling unwell? Then postpone the introduction of new complementary foods until another, more convenient occasion. This recommendation is due to the fact that meat is a heavy product that puts a significant burden on the digestive system; it should not be offered during a period when the body is weakened.

Features of cooking beef

Mothers, especially those raising their first child, often ask how best to cook beef. Children best assimilate industrially prepared products - during processing, meat fibers undergo homogenization, as a result, the cell membranes are destroyed, the meat becomes softer, it is better digested, which is extremely important for the child’s body. Such beef can be safely offered at 8-9 months, even to infants.

The main disadvantage of industrial baby food with beef is its high cost. A small jar will cost a decent amount. Many mothers prepare meat for their children themselves out of distrust of canned food. Are they right? Only partially, since the products of reputable baby food brands are usually of high quality - babies perceive them excellently!

For the first “tastings”, puree is best suited. About twenty years ago, you had to go through a lot of pain grinding meat into minced meat, and after cooking, rubbing it through a sieve. Today everything is simpler - you can use a blender, and in a matter of seconds it will turn boiled beef into a homogeneous mass.

Rules for introducing beef as complementary foods

Before adding a product to your baby’s diet, monitor his behavior and well-being. Does your baby have snot or is he coughing? There is no need to take risks - nothing bad will happen if he gets acquainted with a new product a few days later. Offering beef to a weakened child may worsen his condition. Other recommendations:

  • the optimal size of the first portion is 1/3-1/4 teaspoon; you can give him the product separately or add it to a vegetable dish or soup;
  • within 24 hours after the “tasting”, monitor the baby’s reaction, whether he is as cheerful as usual, or whether there are signs of malaise; in case of any alarming manifestations, you should postpone getting used to beef for another period;
  • If everything is fine, every other day you can offer a whole teaspoon of meat puree - the portion should be increased gradually.

By 9-10 months, the maximum daily intake of beef is 35-40 g, closer to one year it can be increased to 50-70 g. Gradually, you can move on to preparing cutlets, you can also add meatballs to the baby’s soup. Experts suggest giving meat for lunch; it is best absorbed in combination with vegetables.

Beef recipes for kids

We bring to your attention a selection of delicious and healthy dishes for the little ones. Remember that they will be much healthier if you cook them with passion!

Meat soufflé

Products: for 200 g of beef meat (better than tenderloin, it is softer) you will need 2 tablespoons of milk, the same amount of flour, 1 egg and a teaspoon of butter.

The beef must be thoroughly cleaned of films and tendons, and then boiled. Next, you should pass it through a meat grinder (or grind it with a blender), and then mix it with the rest of the ingredients (except protein) until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Important! The protein is added in whipped form at the very end of mixing - this must be done very carefully so that the dish remains airy. Bake for half an hour in a mold previously coated with melted butter.

Meatballs for kids

They are ideal for adding to first courses. You will need: 200 g of meat, 50 g of bread, a quarter glass of milk, an yolk, a teaspoon of butter.

Grind the prepared meat (without fat and films) in a meat grinder along with the soaked bread, then add the egg yolk with butter to the mixture and mix. Form into balls no larger than quail eggs. Boil in salted water for 10-15 minutes or add to soup.

Steam cutlets

For 100 g of beef, cleared of films and fat, you will need 20 g of bread and 2 tablespoons of water. Grind the meat using a meat grinder, then prepare minced cutlets. It must be salted and then ground again. Make cutlets and place them on a steamer rack. If you don't have one, you can use a colander placed in a pan of water. After boiling, reduce heat and cook until tender.

Meat pudding

For 100 g of meat you will need 30 g of loaf soaked in milk or water (it is better to take only the pulp, without the crust), 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 egg.

Grind the meat and loaf in a meat grinder, then add a pinch of salt and milk with the yolk. Add the protein carefully - first beat it into a stable foam. Bake in a mold that has been pre-greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Precautionary measures

Beef is rich in purine bases, which are converted into uric acid in the body. Its excessive accumulation can cause gout or osteochondrosis, and the likelihood of developing other diseases also increases.


The first complementary food is meat. What kind of meat to start feeding your baby with? When and how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child. Buy jarred or cook it yourself. How to cook meat properly.

When we start introducing complementary foods from 6 months, it is necessary that the child’s diet contains foods high in iron: liver, meat, fish and legumes in combination with vegetables and cereals, or complementary feeding foods fortified with iron. Meat and fish are the best sources of zinc.

Iron deficiency in young children and infants - one of the common problems that can cause serious consequences for the baby’s health. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention of iron deficiency.

IN breast milk There is little iron, but its bioavailability reaches 50%, which is much higher than that of other food products. A child up to 6 months has enough iron reserves received from the mother during gestation.

One of the most important reasons for the development of iron deficiency anemia is too early introduction into the diet. dairy products and whole cow's milk. Thus, you should not introduce whole cow’s milk as a drink until one year of age, and after introduction, the amount should be increased gradually.

All types of tea (black, green and herbal) and coffee interfere with iron absorption, so they should not be used before 2 years of age. After this age, you should not drink tea with meals.

How to properly introduce meat into complementary foods

Meat goes best with vegetables. Meat contains heme iron, vegetables contain non-heme iron, combining them together, the absorption of iron from vegetables increases by 50%. Thus, the bioavailability of iron contained in a dish containing vegetables or other foods can be significantly improved by adding some meat to it.

What kind of meat should a baby start feeding with?

Preferably lean meat: rabbit, turkey, veal, lamb, chicken.

Some types of meat are expensive, but such as liver are inexpensive and have high nutritional benefits. The liver contains the following nutrients: zinc, vitamins A, B and D, iron. It is easy to puree, making liver an excellent weaning food after about 7 months.

When to introduce meat into baby's complementary foods

Meat should be introduced after vegetables and cereals, approximately 7-8 months.

How much to enter

If large amounts of meat are introduced early into complementary foods, this will lead to high protein intake and negative consequences. To increase the amount of iron in the body, you only need a small amount of meat!

Quantity, per day

8 months 5-30 gr
9 months 50 gr
10 months 50 gr
11 months 60-70 gr
12-18 months 70 gr
1.5 - 2.5 years 80 gr
from 2.5 years 120 gr

Approximate scheme for introducing meat into the diet by day

1 day - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 1 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 2 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 2 tsp. rabbit meat

Day 3 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 4 tsp. rabbit meat, etc.

Day 7 - 130-150 grams of vegetable puree + 1-3 grams of vegetable oil + 10 tsp. rabbit meat

Increase to 50-60 g (1 tsp - 5 g). It is better to be guided by scales or a jar.

Which meat is better for a child: canned or home-cooked?

The pediatrician advised me to start introducing meat from industrially produced children's canned food in jars, because... It is quite difficult to make fiber-free puree from meat at home for a child who does not yet know how to chew. The danger is that the child can easily choke. Meat from jars has a delicate consistency, is prepared strictly according to GOST standards, and significantly saves time. Now in Russia there is strict control over the quality of baby food.

This meat is second only to homemade meat, i.e. if you raise turkeys and others yourself or buy from trusted farmers you know.

Which manufacturer of canned children's meat should I choose?

I will give several examples of the composition of turkey meat and the amount of protein and fat per 100 grams.

"Subject" Compound:turkey meat, rice cereal, sunflower oil, water.

Protein: 10.9 g. Fat: 8.1 g.

"Granny's Basket" Ingredients: turkey fillet, rice, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 8.5 g. Fat: 12 g.

"Heinz" Ingredients: chilled turkey meat, drinking water, rice flour, sunflower oil, lemon juice.

Protein: 12.7 g. Fat: 3.7 g.

"Gerber" Ingredients: turkey meat puree (40%), corn and rice starch (for consistency), rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, drinking water.

Protein: 10.4 Fat: 5.4.

"Fruto nanny" Ingredients: turkey meat,rice flour,vegetable oil, corn oil,water.

Protein: 12 g. Fat: 4 g.

"Agusha"Compound:turkey meat, rice flour, vegetable oil, drinking water.

Protein: 9 g. Fat: 5.5 g.

"Semper" Ingredients: turkey 60%, rice flour, rice starch, vegetable oil, water.

Protein: 13.4 g. Fat: 3.4 g.

How to cook meat for a child

Cook the liver or meat well and grind it in a meat grinder or blender.

For your child’s good perception of a new product (meat), add it to a familiar and favorite dish (vegetables or porridge).