Imaginary patients? What is vegetative-vascular dystonia and how to cope with it. Precursors of a crisis of neurocircular dystonia. Spinal problems


Today I will talk about the well-known disease - vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Many people ask how to cope with the mysterious VSD on their own; in this article I will help answer this question.

Why is the disease mysterious?

In fact, in most countries there is no such diagnosis at all, I have already written about this.

But for some reason in Russia they make such a diagnosis.

So is there such a disease or not? How to deal with it, if VSD still exists. And if it doesn't exist, why do we experience unpleasant symptoms, what to do with them?

It's time to answer all these questions and “dot the i's”.

Ghost disease

Many people know the situation that a person, experiencing unpleasant symptoms of VSD, such as heart pain, pressure fluctuations, migraines and others, comes to the doctor, and based on the results of the examination, he says that the patient is completely healthy. A heart that hurts is fine, and other organs are working well.

The person is surprised, and the doctor makes a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Instead of treating a specific organ, he prescribes sedatives and also gives recommendations on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But the doctor also often prescribes medications that relieve the symptoms of VSD: lower or, on the contrary, increase blood pressure, relieve headaches.

Thus, the doctor, firstly, did not really explain anything about the disease, because it takes a lot of time. And many doctors simply don’t know how to rid a patient of VSD.

And secondly, he uses medications to relieve painful symptoms without solving the problem at the root, thereby only causing harm in the future.

People don’t want to work on themselves; everyone wants to get rid of the disease by swallowing a magic pill. But only you yourself, on your own, can get rid of all the numerous symptoms of dystonia, and today I will tell you how to do this.

If you want magical quick healings, if you don’t want to do anything to become a healthy and happy person, then you can simply not read the article further.

Keep going to doctors, keep hoping for a miracle and remain a sick and unhappy patient for life.

I repeat, doctors will only temporarily relieve pain, temporarily improve health, and after some time everything will return again, but perhaps with greater force. Only by eradicating the causes of VSD can you get rid of it, but you can only do this yourself.

Let's find out whether there is such a disease or not.

From the point of view of Russian doctors, the disease exists.

VSD is a disease of the autonomic part of the central nervous system.

For those who don’t know, let me remind you that the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the functioning of our internal organs, vascular tone, and maintaining internal homeostasis. Thanks to it, organs work autonomously, regardless of the person: the heart beats, produces gastric juice and so on.

The ANS consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

When you need to react emotionally, tense up physically, mobilize strength, run away from danger or, on the contrary, attack, the sympathetic nervous system turns on.

Parasympathetic, on the contrary, is responsible for rest, peace and relaxation.

In a healthy body, nature organizes a competent balance between these two systems.

If the autonomic nervous system begins to work incorrectly, due to an imbalance in this balance or for other reasons, then they talk about a disease of the autonomic nervous system, and then make a diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia. A person experiences many unpleasant conditions: heart, headache and other pains, shortness of breath, high or low blood pressure, intolerance to stuffy rooms, weather sensitivity, panic attacks may also occur, as well as others mental disorders.

That is, it’s as if there is a disease and this is a violation proper operation autonomic nervous system.

But if you look at it, look from the other side, the ANS began to work incorrectly for some reason, due to some disturbance in the body or in the human psyche.

In this case, we can say that there is no separate disease of the autonomic nervous system; it began to work incorrectly due to some kind of malfunction in the body. It is necessary to look for the causes of such a disorder, to look for the disease that led to an imbalance of the ANS. This is exactly how they approach this problem in America and in the countries of Central Europe, where they make other diagnoses for the above symptoms.

An intelligent reader may object by saying that one disease often leads to another; everything in the body is interconnected.

But the fact is that by diagnosing VSD, we are treating a completely different disease that needed to be treated, without solving the problem at the root. Therefore, let's treat not vegetative-vascular dystonia, but those disorders in the body that led to it.

We can safely say that vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a disease, therefore it is wrong to make such a diagnosis, but only a complex pathological symptoms. And more often, on the contrary: it is VSD that is a harbinger of a real diagnosis, a more serious illness. VSD seems to tell us that we are leading the wrong lifestyle, that something is wrong with the body. If you do nothing, then over time you can acquire not a symptom of a disease, but a real serious illness. Therefore, let's start treating VSD before it's too late.

But for convenience, we will still call it a disease.

To get rid of VSD, you first need to understand why it arose.

How can we defeat VSD ourselves by eliminating the causes of its occurrence?

So, having understood the causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia and eliminated them, we can understand how to finally overcome VSD, and therefore forget about its unpleasant symptoms forever.

Spinal problems

All kinds of diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, hernias, curvatures and other problems are the cause of not only VSD, but also many other human diseases, decreased vitality, imbalance of many body systems.

A healthy body is impossible without a healthy spine, you must understand this.

Squeezing blood vessels, nerve fibers which connect to the brain and other organs, an unhealthy spine causes many VSD symptoms. Even panic attacks and other mental problems can occur due to poor blood supply to the brain and compression of nerve endings.

You can put your spine in order only with using easy physical activity on it, that is, gymnastics, as well as through massage, or manual therapy. To apply high-quality massage or osteopathic methods, you need to contact specialists, but no one will do gymnastics for the spine for you.

I will say more, as soon as you start performing such gymnastics every day, after some time you will solve a lot of problems, not only defeat vegetative-vascular dystonia, but also get rid of other diseases that do not seem to be related to the spine and you will do it yourself. Everything in our body is interconnected. It is no longer a secret to anyone that many diseases are a consequence of diseases, curvatures, hernias and other problems of the spine.

Static hatha yoga asanas also help well, but I still recommend performing the exercises in dynamics. With a slight movement without pain you can bring spinal column in order. Perfect option when you perform hatha yoga asanas in motion without stopping or when one asana smoothly flows into another.

Also for treatment cervical region special gymnastics are applied to the spine.

Weak vascular tone and weakened nervous system due to poor lifestyle

If we don't lead healthy image life, and also often experience stress, the blood vessels weaken, the nervous system becomes loose, and the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is lost. As a result, we begin to experience the well-known unpleasant symptoms of VSD.

We will talk about stress separately, because it is very important point in getting rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Now it is important to understand that a bad attitude towards your body often leads to VSD, and to get rid of it you just need to take the path of gaining health, start leading a healthy lifestyle, and stop abusing your body.

Of course, not everyone’s disregard for their health leads to vegetative-vascular dystonia, but there is a category of people for whom a small malfunction in the body is enough for VSD to immediately knock on the door.

  1. These could be bad habits: , . They destroy the entire body, and the nervous system fails very quickly. Smoking constricts blood vessels. Alcohol leads to damage to both blood vessels and nerve cells, and to the death of the latter.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle, for example, constantly sitting in the office watching TV, at home watching TV. To be healthy, the body must move; this is the only way the blood vessels and nervous system will always be in good shape.
  3. Poor and unhealthy diet.
  4. We often don't eat healthy food, which, instead of giving us strength, takes away our energy, leads to obesity, and pollutes our body.

    Also, many people have the habit of eating quickly and thoroughly. And if while eating we think about bad things and experience stress, then this will not only lead to problems gastrointestinal tract, but also to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Many people are allergic to certain foods, which are often considered harmful. The person doesn't even know about it. Now you can find reviews of people who stopped eating flour products and their symptoms of VSD, as well as panic attacks, went away.

    They simply stopped consuming gluten, which is present in wheat products. You can read more about it by following the link.

    It has long been known that constant use coffee and tea, as well as large quantities, can cause a malfunction of the nervous system, that is, the occurrence of VSD.

  5. Lack of sleep, constant hard work, lack of rest.

    If you work a lot, you don't spend time good rest, sleep little, the sympathetic nervous system begins to wear out, and the parasympathetic system does not turn on. Of course, such incorrect operation will cause a malfunction, and then signs of VSD will appear.

    Sooner or later you will begin to feel a loss of strength, and then you will earn along with VSD. If you don’t do anything, if you don’t start to rest properly, your body won’t survive. You will gain more serious illness, then you will definitely rest, but in a hospital bed.

So, in order to forget about VSD forever and start living a normal life, we need to strengthen our blood vessels, strengthen the nervous system, and restore the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic. To do this, first of all, it is necessary not only to exclude those unfavorable factors, which I just mentioned, but also do training of blood vessels and the nervous system.

Of course, we have enormous reserve forces, the body’s ability to... If we eliminate harmful factors, stop poisoning and mocking him, he will begin to gradually restore himself.

But to speed up this process, you will still need to help him.

What will need to be done?

Now you'll find out.

But first we exclude harmful factors.

  1. Let's stop drinking and smoking. This is unconditional, you must understand this. You can read how to stop drinking.
  2. Excluded from the diet harmful products. Read the article about which foods are harmful to the body by clicking on.
  3. We reduce, or better yet completely eliminate, the consumption of refined sugar during recovery.
  4. We reduce it, and also better completely and tea. It's better to drink or.
  5. Also consider giving up flour products that contain gluten.
  6. Reconsider your attitude towards work, adjust your sleep and rest schedule.

By doing this, you will give the body green light to self-healing.

  1. Take a walk every day fresh air.
  2. Don't forget about physical activity. It must be remembered that heavy sports are not suitable for those who suffer from VSD. But he is not needed. It will be enough in the fresh air for significant relief of the condition and even for many for complete relief from dystonia. Skiing, cycling, and swimming are also very useful. The main thing is to give easy for the body load, and not sit constantly at the computer at work.
  3. As I already said, you need to perform hatha yoga asanas or gymnastics for the spine in the morning. The same gymnastics will not only restore the spine, but also give a slight load to the body, which is very important for vascular health.
  4. Many patients with VSD note beneficial influence contrast shower. It trains blood vessels very well, thereby helping to get rid of dystonia, and generally heals the entire body. You can read about contrast showers.
  5. Eat right and healthy food. Your diet should be varied, excluding junk food. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid excesses, as well as any newfangled diets and techniques. Don't go to extremes. You don't need to be a full-fledged vegetarian, raw foodist, or anything else. In our Russian climate, such methods are not suitable for everyone.
  6. It will also help you restore the balance between sympathy and parasympathetic. Many got rid of VSD just by simply doing them.

Other causes of VSD

The above reasons for the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as mental, which will be discussed a little later, are the most common. But there are also many other reasons why the nervous system will fail, and you will experience numerous symptoms of VSD.

After all, they are aimed at general maintenance of the body in healthy condition regardless of the cause of the malfunction in the nervous system and will be useful to everyone without exception.

So, we’ve dealt with physics, it’s time to move on to the psyche.

To completely and forever defeat VSD, you need not only to deal with the body, but also to restore order in your head.

The point is that exactly incorrect operation our psyche, constant stress, psycho-emotional fatigue is the main cause of failure in the nervous system, and then the occurrence of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

As they say, all diseases come from nerves, and dystonia just confirms close connection between negative emotions and body diseases.

We can say that VSD is an intermediate stage between bad emotions and serious diseases of the body.

But let's talk about this in the next one. After reading it, you will learn how best to deal with vegetative-vascular dystonia, if it arose due to stress or anxiety, my advice will help you get rid of VSD.

How often have I repeated that if I defeated the VSD, then so can you.

See you soon on the blog pages.

And at the end of the article there is very much for you interesting video, in which the girl says the same thing that I wrote in this and other articles, but in her own words. Be sure to check it out.

I’ll say right away that breathing is a THING! I would never have believed it if I hadn't checked it for myself. So, we lie down horizontally. Eyes closed. The inhalation is ordinary, but full: both the stomach and the chest are inflated. Full, but without tearing!!! This means don't overdo it. Then we hold our breath for 2-3 seconds. And slowly, slowly exhale. The whole trick is in exhalation: first the stomach slowly lowers, then the chest. So slow. We focus all our attention on ourselves, on our exhalation. We don't think about anything else!!! After exhalation, immediately take the next breath without holding your breath, etc. It turns out like this: inhale - hold - slow exhale - inhale - hold - slow exhale... What happens in this case: the blood is filled with oxygen, the vessels dilate, oxygen enters the cardiovascular system. Do this in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. If you still have time to do it during the day, that’s great! In addition, if for some reason your “heart is beating wildly,” lie down, close your eyes (if this is not possible, then while standing) breathe, and you don’t need anaprilin. If you breathe correctly, it goes away. If the PA covers it, it breathes again and lets go. You can even just measure your pulse: with this exhalation it slows down. It was like this for me: I got sick, I lay there “resting”, then I started to recover, my arms and legs were trembling, my jaws were chattering, teeth weren’t hitting each other. Started to breathe. When I inhale, I feel sick, I tremble all over, and when I exhale there is silence (the jaws rest, relaxation), again knock-knock with my teeth, again slowly exhale and relax, etc. until complete relaxation... I kept chattering my teeth every now and then :)))
When you master this technique (my doctor timed with a stopwatch how long my exhalation lasted. The longer, the better), so the next step is EXHALE + the WORD that you came up with for yourself (see above) to say to yourself. For what? I already wrote that when exhaling, don’t think about anything! So the word that you repeat as you exhale helps obsessive thoughts get out of your head. We immediately kill two birds with one stone: we work on the vessels and free our heads from... guess what. And it turns out INHALE - HOLD YOUR BREATH - SLOW EXHALE with repeating the word (silence, silence, etc....) Until you master breathing well, and this is a week, at least do not add a word. First, work on breathing correctly, then, when breathing has become automatic, add a word.
Regarding how long you need to practice breathing before you improve... It is clear that each of us is individual, and everyone’s cases are different. Everything influences: age, the “neglect” of the disease, the body’s resistance, etc. (you can again find fault with the words and figures of speech, but whoever needs it will understand what I’m talking about...). But a couple of days or weeks is not a long time. Especially without the use of medications. The first time, when I was 20 years old, it happened very quickly, literally a couple of months without taking medication. Then I stopped studying and forgot about VSD. The second time - longer. And the third time - I was already 35, it lasted a year, and with light pills. I was already in despair, crying that what had helped me before was not helping me. But over the years, the body's resistance weakens... A year later there was an improvement. Therefore, I URGE you not to stop after improvement, even if you feel completely healthy!!! After all, it’s not so difficult to breathe in the morning and evening before bed???!!! I already have it automatic, I lay down in bed and take 7-10 breaths.
My breathing pattern was exactly as I described! I've read about many others. But that's how I breathed. She held her breath for 2-3 seconds and exhaled slowly. First for 8 counts, then longer (it reached 20-30 seconds). Then, when I became automatic, I began to notice that when I get scared, I automatically hold my breath and exhale slowly. I do the same thing when my heart is “pounding furiously” during physical activity or under nervous stress, or I just suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, and my heart is ready to jump out of my chest... I start to breathe - it slows down its rhythm (precisely when I exhale). Then, when you inhale, a little faster again, exhale slowly again - and it calms down. The rhythm is even. It’s as if you’re slowing it down by exhaling slowly. The same thing happens when you feel a strong chill (with PA). When you exhale slowly, the trembling stops, and when you inhale, you tremble again. And so the PA falls silent. About breathing simply with your stomach. Don't know. When I started breathing according to the system I described, I didn’t “connect” my stomach at all, and even without this, improvement came. Then only the doctor told me that you, my dear, don’t do any work with your stomach... I breathed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes mainly while lying down, but with PA - as necessary. It helped anyway. It especially helps with pronouncing words to yourself while exhaling. Immediately the brain “switches off” from fear. No attention to inhalation, it happens arbitrarily, all attention to exhalation + word. Be sure to pronounce the word - it will help you not to be scared during PA, it will turn on automatically!!!

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) is a symptom complex caused by disruption of the autonomic nervous system, manifested by numerous disorders of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, decreased resistance to stress, asthenia, poor tolerance to physical activity. At the same time, VSD has a benign course and never leads to the development of heart failure and expansion of the chambers of the heart.

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    Etiological treatment

    Eliminating the cause of VSD in most cases significantly improves the patient's condition. However, it is quite difficult to establish the etiology of this syndrome.

    The main etiological forms of VSD:

    • hereditary-constitutional (determined by the mental and physical characteristics of a person);
    • psychogenic;
    • associated with physical stress;
    • infectious-toxic (due to the presence in the body chronic infection);
    • associated with professional and physical factors;
    • mixed.

    In the psychogenic form, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations.

    The infectious-toxic form of VSD requires treatment of foci of chronic infection (timely visit to the dentist for the treatment of caries, sanitation of the throat, removal of tonsils if indicated).

    If VSD is caused by professional factors, it is necessary to refuse to work in harmful conditions.

    Excessive physical activity can also contribute to the development of VSD, so intense exercise should be temporarily avoided. sports training, heavy physical work. Once your condition has stabilized, you can gradually expand your physical activity regimen.

    Women often suffer from dystonia due to various hormonal changes and disruptions. In this case, treatment should be carried out together with a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

    If VSD occurs against the background of organic pathology, then the emphasis should be on treating the underlying disease.

    Psychotherapy and auto-training

    Psychotherapy is the main method of treating VSD. Its effectiveness is several times greater than drug therapy. It is very important for the patient to understand the essence of the disease, understand that the manifestations of the disease are not life-threatening and achieve full recovery is quite real.

    There are certain forms of self-hypnosis that can significantly reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Maximum results can be achieved by combining self-hypnosis with auto-training according to the Schulz method and muscle relaxation.

    Art plays an important role in the treatment of VSD: music, painting, theater, literature. Therapy using such methods is called aesthetic therapy.

    Pathogenetic treatment

    Autonomic dysfunction occurs as a result of disturbances in the limbic system and hypothalamus. Their correction helps normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system.


    The most commonly used are valerian and motherwort. It is noteworthy that their action is not limited to sedative effect. These herbs are able to act at the level of the brain stem and hypothalamus, which leads to the normalization of their functions.

    Preparations based on belladonna (Bellataminal, Bellastesin) stabilize the functioning of both parts of the autonomic nervous system.

    • valerian;
    • lily of the valley;
    • motherwort;
    • fennel;
    • peppermint;
    • calendula;
    • caraway;
    • hop;
    • horsetail;
    • linden flowers, etc.

    Improvement occurs after 2-3 weeks of taking herbal infusions, but to achieve a lasting effect it is necessary to continue treatment for up to 6-8 months.

    At satisfactory condition herbal medicine courses should be repeated with for preventive purposes 2 times a year for 1-2 months, preferably in spring and autumn.


    If the clinical picture is dominated by anxiety disorder If you are concerned about unmotivated fear, constant psycho-emotional stress, then it would be advisable to prescribe tranquilizers. The most commonly used are Elenium, Diazepam, Phenazepam, Nozepam. The duration of the course should not exceed 2-3 weeks. It is optimal to take such drugs before an upcoming stressful situation. But if the patient’s activities require increased concentration attention and quick decision-making, then it is better to refuse tranquilizers.

    Tranquilizers are now widely used daily action- Mebikar (Adaptol), Grandaxin. Their advantage is the absence of hypnotic and muscle relaxant effects.


    Often dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system develops against the background of depression, and in most cases it is masked by various somatic and neurological manifestations. The selection of antidepressants is carried out depending on the form of depression. The dosage is selected individually, starting with a small dose with a gradual increase to the optimal one. Duration of therapy is from 2 to 6 months.

    In some cases, a combination of antidepressants and tranquilizers is required.

    Nootropics and cerebroangitoprotectors

    Nootropics (Piracetam) have a positive effect on the functioning of the hypothalamus and limbic system. By improving metabolic and energy processes in the brain, activation occurs mental functions, memory improves, which is especially important for patients whose activities involve intellectual work.

    If VSD is combined with cervical osteochondrosis and is manifested mainly by dizziness and headache, it is advisable to use drugs that improve blood supply to the brain (Vinpocetine, Cinnarizine).

    Beta blockers

    Increased tone sympathetic division autonomic system manifested mainly by a tendency to tachycardia, paroxysmal rhythm disturbances, low tolerance to physical activity, increased blood pressure, and frequent sympathoadrenal crises.

    To reduce sympathoadrenal activity, beta-blockers (Anaprilin, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol) are used. Usually, 2-4 weeks of the course are enough to improve your well-being, after which the drug can be discontinued.

    Physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage

    Electrosleep normalizes brain function, reduces painful sensations in the region of the heart, reduces the frequency of extrasystoles.

    Electrophoresis with various drugs. If there is a tendency to increase blood pressure and tachycardia, electrophoresis of aminophylline, magnesium sulfate, potassium bromide, papaverine is used; for low pressure, caffeine electrophoresis is used.

    Patients with VSD have good positive effect give water treatments.

    A circular shower has a tonic and restorative effect. Underwater shower massage combines several therapeutic components:

    • bath with the addition of various herbs, salts, essential oils;
    • massage effect of the shower jet;
    • temperature contrast between bath and shower.

    Valerian, pearl, and pine baths have a calming effect. For severe cardiac syndrome, radon and iodine-bromine baths are recommended. For headaches, local effects are used as a distraction therapy: mustard or unleavened foot baths, paraffin boots and Gauff baths.

    A restorative massage helps to get rid of the manifestations of VSD (in the presence of osteochondrosis, a gentle effect on the collar area and thoracic region spine).

    An effective treatment method is acupressure. The procedure can be performed by both the doctor and the patient himself.

    A significant improvement in the well-being of patients is noted after acupuncture. Acupuncture, both traditional and in the form of electroacupuncture, helps normalize the activity of the nervous system, improves the ability to adapt, and relieves headache and pain in the heart area, stabilizes blood pressure.

Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very diverse. Depending on the disturbances in the functioning of one or another organ system, they are divided into several groups, although these symptoms can manifest themselves either separately or together:
cardiac (heart) manifestations - pain in the heart area, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), a feeling of cardiac arrest, interruptions in heart function;
respiratory (breathing) manifestations - rapid breathing (tachypnea), inability to take a deep breath or vice versa, unexpected deep breaths; feeling of lack of air, feeling of heaviness, congestion in the chest; sudden attacks of shortness of breath, similar to attacks of bronchial asthma, but provoked by other situations: anxiety, fear, awakening, falling asleep;
dysdynamic manifestations - fluctuations in arterial and venous pressure; disturbances of blood circulation in tissues;
thermoregulatory manifestations - unpredictable fluctuations in body temperature: it can rise to 37-38 degrees C or drop to 35 degrees C and below.

hesitation can be constant, long-term or short-term;
dyspeptic manifestations - disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation or diarrhea);
sexual disorders, for example, anorgasmia - lack of orgasm with persistent sexual desire; various violations functions urinary system- rapid, painful urination in the absence of any real pathology, etc.;
psycho-neurological manifestations - weakness, lethargy, decreased performance and increased fatigue with light exertion, tearfulness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, increased sensitivity to changes in weather, disruption of the sleep-wake cycle, anxiety, shuddering during sleep, which is most often superficial and short-lived.
Prevention and treatment of autonomic dysfunction should begin in childhood and adolescence. It is a mistaken opinion that autonomic dysfunction is a condition that reflects the characteristics of a growing organism, which goes away on its own over time. It has already been proven that autonomic dysfunction that occurs in childhood or adolescence is an unfavorable background and a harbinger of many diseases. In adults, the presence of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia requires, first of all, exclusion various diseases, the course of which is accompanied by dysfunction of the ANS.
eat them various diseases endocrine glands ( thyroid gland, adrenal glands, sexual dysfunction); many mental disorders (from neurosis, neurasthenia to diseases caused by significant changes in brain structures). Moreover, almost everything chronic diseases accompanied by symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. That's why it's so necessary timely appeal to a specialist. With timely correction autonomic disorders In 80-90% of women, sleep and appetite are normalized, many complaints disappear or significantly decrease, and the body’s adaptive capabilities are restored. In the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, they are widely used non-drug methods: normalization of lifestyle, physiotherapy, country walks, tourism, spa treatment, hardening procedures, psychophysical training, outdoor recreation. Complex application medications, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

1Stress and other factors

No stress - no illness. In the vast majority of cases, it is stress, chronic fatigue, depression, conflict situations trigger certain negative mechanisms in specialized parts of the limbic system of the brain. In simple terms, the nervous system cannot cope with stress, and other systems of the body suffer from disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, in particular from dysregulation of vascular tone, and VSD develops. In addition to stress, the causes of VSD in adults can be infections of the upper respiratory tract, especially long-term and sluggish.

You cannot treat sinusitis, tonsillitis, or ear pain on your own. An incorrectly selected treatment can trigger the chronicity of the infection and, as a result, “acquire” in addition a disease such as neurocirculatory or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Other causes of the disease include trauma to the skull, hormonal disorders, excessive alcohol abuse, nicotine addiction, hereditary predisposition, physical inactivity or sedentary lifestyle life.

2Who is diagnosed with VSD more often?

Every adult is susceptible to stress to a greater or lesser extent. But people of a certain character and age get sick with VSD more often. Who most often goes to the doctor with symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia? Numerous studies have shown that women and adolescents are most susceptible to VSD. The nervous system of adolescents is extremely labile; often young boys and girls do not know how to cope with nervous tension.

Among women, those who are vulnerable, responsible, and take everything “close to their hearts” are more susceptible to VSD. But it cannot be said that VSD is a disease exclusively of the “weaker” sex and adolescents. Men also consult a doctor with symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The doctor establishes this diagnosis only after a thorough examination of all organs and systems, excluding similar pathologies of internal organs.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia” at the first visit to the doctor without laboratory and instrumental studies! A patient with a presumed diagnosis of VSD is prescribed comprehensive examination. And only after excluding organic pathology of internal organs and systems can this diagnosis be made.

3Main symptoms and complaints of VSD

There is no disease that could surpass VSD in the number and variability of symptoms. But all the symptoms and complaints for a long time have no organic pathology. Over time, the disease worsens its course, and morphological changes in internal organs and systems appear, so you cannot try to cure VSD yourself or wait until it “goes away on its own.” To overcome the disease, the help of a doctor is needed. What symptoms and complaints suggest VSD?

  1. Cerebral manifestations:
    • headache. Its intensity can vary: from paroxysmal, as in a migraine, to aching, insignificant. Often headaches with VSD are confused with migraines, since, as with migraines, they can be accompanied by tinnitus, nausea and even vomiting, high sensitivity To bright light, sounds. In this case, a qualified neurologist will help to exclude migraine;
    • attacks of dizziness, the intensity and duration of which during VSD vary significantly: from mild dizziness to attacks of dizziness of such intensity that prevent the patient from working and even disrupt the usual way of life;
    • tinnitus is another symptom of brain disorders in VSD;
  2. Cardiovascular manifestations: pain in the heart, “fading” or “dips” in the heart, palpitations, or, conversely, rare heart contractions. A feature of heart pain with vegetative-vascular dystonia is that it goes away with distraction, switching of the patient, and also its subsidence after taking sedatives;
  3. Psycho-emotional manifestations: irritability, increased fatigue, tearfulness, aggression, tendency to depression and aggravation of symptoms. Patients are often convinced that all attempts to overcome the disease are futile, that they are seriously ill, and their condition will only get worse. The highest manifestation of disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere is the development of panic attacks;
  4. Respiratory manifestations: complaints of difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, sore throat, sensation of a lump or foreign body when swallowing;
  5. Manifestations of gastrointestinal dysfunction: loss of appetite, nausea, tendency to constipation, or, on the contrary, increased frequency of stools, increased gas formation, hypersalivation.

These are just a few of the symptoms and complaints that are most often encountered when patients consult a doctor with a diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia.” Every person should understand that when the above complaints appear, one cannot wait “until it goes away on its own”; it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Early application, competent treatment VSD increases the chance of relieving symptoms and forgetting about the diagnosis forever after treatment.

4How and with what to treat VSD?

When the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is established, it is necessary to decide on treatment tactics. Properly prescribed comprehensive treatment will help overcome the disease. Therapy for VSD can be either medicinal or non-medicinal. Not to methods drug therapy neurocirculatory dystonia include: normalization of work and rest regime, rational, balanced diet, psychotherapy, hardening, contrast shower.

It is useful to take a contrast shower as a remedy for VSD to strengthen the immune system, improve blood flow, and activate metabolic processes. The technique for conducting a contrast shower is as follows: water procedures begin with a warm water temperature that is comfortable for the body, which is then raised to hot, after which the water temperature is made cool. A contrast shower for VSD helps with headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, and cardiac symptoms.

It is important to do a contrast shower correctly and remember its contraindications: heart disease, high pressure, tumors, thrombophlebitis. If there are contraindications, this procedure cannot be performed.

If it is impossible to do without medications when treating vegetative-vascular dystonia, then the doctor initiates drug therapy. What medications, how long to take them and in what dosage are decided only by a doctor. You cannot make adjustments to treatment or cancel it on your own. This can only harm your body. Only a doctor knows how to cure VSD; do not self-medicate!

5Medicines for VSD

Medications for vegetative-vascular dystonia are divided into groups, depending on the main effect they have. Medicines plant origin(valerian, motherwort, novo-passit) have a calming, sedating effect. It is not recommended to drink them less than a month, a lasting effect from taking it occurs after 5-7 days. Form of administration: tablets, infusions, tinctures. You can take soothing baths with the addition of herbs valerian, mint, and calendula.

For depression, including hidden depression, to which patients with VSD are often susceptible, antidepressants help. This is a group of drugs that eliminates depression and helps the patient get rid of its symptoms forever. Antidepressants include next pills: amitriptyline, imipramine, teralen and others. Nootropics are a group of drugs that improve metabolic processes in brain cells. These include Cerebrolysin, piracetam, picamilon, ceraxon.

Piracetam increases oxygen saturation of brain cells, as well as heart cells, reduces tinnitus, dizziness, and headaches with VSD. The course of treatment with nootropics is from 3-4 weeks to 2-6 months, if necessary it can be repeated after 2 months. Antioxidants are a group of drugs successfully used for VSD. One of the representatives of antioxidants is Mexidol.

Mexidol helps brain cells cope with hypoxia and protects them from toxic metabolic products. Mesquidol also has anti-anxiety activity and improves memory. Mexidol is produced in the form of an injection solution. In addition to Mexidol, antioxidants include eltacin, succinic acid, vitamins.

6Methods from the people in the treatment of VSD

It is worth noting that today they do not lose relevance traditional methods treatment of VSD. Clay treatment, warm baths with mustard, infusions of propolis and honey are popular among patients. Treatment of VSD at home with folk remedies is justified only if these treatment methods are not contraindicated for a particular patient. Therefore, before using alternative methods of treating VSD, you should consult your doctor.

Treatment of VSD

Vegetovascular dystonia or VSD is a complex of symptoms that are different in nature and manifestations. A decisive influence on the development of the clinic is exerted by changes in vascular tone and disruption of the blood supply to their pool.

The manifestation of symptoms of VSD is based on a violation of the regulatory functions of the autonomic nervous system. There are two main mechanisms for the development of VSD:

  • Increased activity of regulatory systems in the brain;
  • Hypersensitivity of peripheral receptors of body structures.

There is no clear answer to the question whether VSD can be cured forever. The tactics and outcome of therapy depend on the form of the disease and its clinical course. The symptoms of the disease are different and their treatment is aimed at correcting the secondary consequences of the pathological process.

The clinical course of the disease depends on whether vegetative-vascular dystonia and its dominant symptom are treated or not.

Relieving an attack of VSD

VSD as a disease is manifested by the development of panic attacks or seizures. The attacks begin unexpectedly for both the patient and those around him. The relationship between attacks and the action of any factor is not revealed.

The fight against VSD begins with reducing panic attacks and preventing their occurrence. To get rid of panic attacks you should use the most gentle method of treatment.

Providing first aid for the development of a panic attack is aimed at normalizing the patient’s condition. This eliminates all irritating factors. The patient is asked to calm down and relax.

The clinical picture of an attack develops due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system involving certain structures of the body. The severity of symptoms and clinical picture determines how to deal with VSD and its attacks.

Each patient can find his own way to relieve an attack and get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Very often the attacks stop on their own. After successful therapy for a panic attack, you can hear the phrase from patients: “I got rid of VSD” or “I got rid of VSD.” By reducing the number of attacks, people get rid of the main symptoms of VSD.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be cured by reducing the main attacks or panic attacks. At the same time, get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever under the action of causal factors unlikely.

Use of medications for VSD

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the provoking factor and its role in the pathogenesis of VSD. In this case, symptomatic therapy is carried out for the main signs of the disease.

Medicines used various actions and composition. Drug therapy is used in long courses of up to six months or more, which negatively affects the function of the liver and kidneys.

Before using the medicine, you must carefully read the contraindications. Begin therapy with small doses, gradually increasing to a maintenance dose.

The following drugs are used to treat symptoms of VSD:

  • Adrenergic blockers;
  • Drugs that improve tissue trophism;
  • Nootropics;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Tonics;
  • Sedatives.

Relieving symptoms or minimizing them does not mean complete cure from illness. You can only overcome VSD complex method, which is aimed at eliminating the main cause of panic attacks.

It has been established that with vegetative-vascular dystonia pathological changes occur in the central nervous system. The pathogenesis of the development of the disease is associated with the metabolism of serotonin in brain tissue, therefore VSD is treated with a group of centrally acting drugs:

  • Antidepressants enhance the reuptake of serotonin by nerve cells;
  • Tranquilizers for the correction of mental disorders.

The duration of treatment and its effectiveness vary for each patient. Tranquilizers show their effectiveness only with long-term use. The average course of therapy is 6 months.

Sometimes VSD cannot be treated with medications. In such cases, non-drug treatment is resorted to.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be cured using the following methods:

  • Psychotherapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Physiotherapy.

Symptoms of VSD can be perfectly treated with simple methods aimed at developing a person’s ability to relax and abstract. After all, most often the disease is cured by individual approach to stop attacks.

Many patients, when telling “how I got rid of VSD,” give completely simple and uncomplicated examples. Some people find yoga or swimming helpful. Therefore, everyone must determine for themselves how to cure dystonia.

Should try first unconventional methods treatment, and resort to serious drug therapy only in extreme cases.

Psychotherapy of VSD

It is worthwhile to dwell separately on the method of psychotherapy. This method allows you to fight the disease without the use of pills. The main goal of psychotherapy is to establish deep personal contact with the patient.

Psychotherapy is aimed at influencing the entire body through the human psyche.

Psychotherapy is performed by doctors with higher education medical education or psychologists with training in psychotherapy. Nothing general reception there is no psychotherapist with psychiatry. Psychotherapy deals with treatment somatic pathologies through the human psyche.

For people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, the most productive will be individual sessions with a psychotherapist. Classes consist of a conversation with a doctor in a relaxed atmosphere.

During the appointment, the specialist conducts a qualitative psychoanalysis of the individual. Psychoanalysis includes brief description the patient emotionally.

To identify problems with panic attacks, it is recommended to analyze the following situations:

  • Time of occurrence of attacks;
  • Duration of clinical manifestation;
  • Presence of provoking factors;
  • Possibility of stopping an attack under any circumstances without using medicines;
  • Frequency of attacks in qualitative and quantitative ratio.

Sometimes even a minor detail, which in normal circumstances goes unnoticed, helps to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

For example, a patient during analysis notices that attacks become more pronounced when the duration of night sleep is less than 6 hours. Elimination of the provoking factor by normalizing the daily routine and rest leads to a significant reduction in attacks.

Basic tips from a psychotherapist for reducing panic attacks:

  • Develop a specific behavioral algorithm when an attack occurs;
  • To calm down, use breathing exercises to restore normal tissue oxygenation;
  • During an attack, try switching to something else;
  • Use relaxation techniques to prevent the attack from progressing.

Another advantage of psychotherapy is the development of the body’s ability to relax in stressful situations. Each attack is a certain stress for the body. Stress chain in the body when various factors operates by one mechanism.

An important regulator in the body is mental function. The main thing is to understand the concept “everything depends on me.” If you keep your behavioral reaction under control, you can cope with the attack on your own.

Treatment prognosis

Many people are concerned about the question of how to cure VSD completely. The answer to this question is different for each patient. It all depends on the clinical picture of the disease and individual characteristics body.

After successful drug or alternative treatment, it is necessary to follow some preventive measures for the occurrence of panic attacks.

The following series of preventive measures effectively combat dystonia:

  • Elimination of stressful situations;
  • Normalization of sleep;
  • Fighting bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • Taking vitamins and microelements;
  • Playing sports or regular walks in the fresh air;
  • Aromatherapy or other relaxing treatments.

When successfully treating the symptoms of dystonia and its attacks, you need to be careful about your health. For a long remission period, it is best to take precautions and avoid exposure to the provoking factor.

Everyone can count on a favorable outcome of the disease, regardless of the severity of symptoms. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, you can get rid of its symptoms forever with early diagnosis and effective integrated approach in treatment.

Symptoms of dystonia

Modern young people who lead active image life. They begin to notice strange symptoms: they are worried about rapid heartbeat, changes in blood pressure. This is accompanied by a loss of strength, increased weakness, state of anxiety.

It is typical for such people increased irritability, incomprehensible inner restlessness, frequent fainting. Often patients suffer from headaches, hot or cold flashes, and panic attacks. Gradually, the symptoms intensify and begin to affect the patient’s lifestyle and ability to work. Consultations and examinations with doctors usually do not give quick results. All body parameters are within normal limits, but the patient continues to feel unwell, and the fact that doctors cannot find the cause of this especially worries him.

Cause similar disease may be related to hormonal imbalances or restructuring of the body. Most often, adolescents and young women suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia after completion of breastfeeding, women in menopause. Some patients have suffered from this disease since childhood, which may be due to frequent stress, unbalanced diet and in the wrong way life.

Treatment of dystonia

For the successful treatment of this disease, the patient’s internal mood plays an important role. To reduce the manifestations of dystonia, you need to try to avoid stressful situations and react to them with restraint. You should not get hung up on your feelings; in such situations it is useful to be distracted by something interesting, relax more in the fresh air, and travel.

It is also important to review your diet: you need to include in it foods containing potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for strengthening of cardio-vascular system. These include dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, and bananas. Do not neglect buckwheat and eggplants. Carrots, green and onions, garlic, fish and seafood are healthy. If your blood pressure often increases, you don’t need to get carried away with drinking coffee; it’s better to drink green tea, milk, kefir, freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks. The fluid volume should be 2-2.5 liters per day. You should avoid fatty, salty, pickled and smoked foods.

To normalize the body's tone, a contrast shower, a visit to the bathhouse, and a tonic massage help. shoulder girdle. If it is not possible to take a contrast shower, you can use contrast baths for arms and legs, but the body should be accustomed to such procedures gradually.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia, medications are used, such as Corvalol, Valocordin, tincture of valerian, motherwort. In some cases, doctors prescribe antidepressants Paroxetine and Fluoxetine. If necessary, tranquilizers are used for treatment. In addition to basic medications, it is useful to take Neuromultivit multivitamins, drugs that improve cerebral circulation- “Nootropil”, “Piracetam”.

Gives a good effect medicinal herbs: You can use, as tea, infusions of oregano, horse chestnut, motherwort, mint, hawthorn, St. John's wort, 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Plays a major role in the successful treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia state of mind patient, so he must be determined to recover.

Aortic stenosis

The symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are very extensive. Patients complain of loss of strength. They experience, they often feel hot and cold. Patients complain of increased sweating of the feet and palms, and causeless rumbling in the stomach. Some people with this syndrome experience trembling hands, possible suffocation and even fainting. Rarely, but sometimes there is a sudden attack of fear of death (“”).

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is distinguished by the fact that, despite the whole complex of symptoms, not a single examination confirms organic damage any organs. The reason for the manifestation of malaise lies in a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, provoked by a certain negative factor:

  • heredity;
  • disease – neurological, mental, endocrine, infectious;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • chronic stress;
  • emotional shock, etc.

Unfortunately, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a scourge that punishes both children and adults.

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Health care

A neurologist and a psychologist will explain to the patient in detail how to deal with VSD. With this disorder, it is precisely this trio that can provide the maximum effective assistance. The treatment regimen involves the use of medications (nootropics, vascular drugs, antidepressants). Doctors also recommend using general restorative methods - acupuncture, baths.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the main goal of therapy is to restore the patient’s mental balance and normalize his psyche. During therapeutic sessions, the psychiatrist first “raises to the surface” all a person’s fears and complexes, and then teaches the patient to manage them. The doctor will definitely teach you techniques to help you relax. For example, such breathing exercises: a light exhalation turns into deep exhale(according to the count - one, two, three). When inhaling, the stomach is protruded, and when exhaling, it is drawn in.

The help of a psychologist with VSD is invaluable. The nature of VSD lies in internal conflicts, fears. The task of a psychologist is to explain to the patient what is happening to him, to teach him to understand his condition, especially during attacks, and to manage it. Psychotherapy is the most important component of the course of treatment for VSD. At the initial stage of the disease, it is the role of the psychologist and his advice that are decisive.

Physical Culture

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, you need to maintain good physical fitness. In addition to strictly observing the sleep and rest schedule, you should refuse bad habits– smoking and drinking alcohol, spending long periods of time in front of a TV screen or in front of a computer. You need to spend more time outdoors.

We must not forget about the general physical culture. For VSD, swimming and water aerobics are indicated, and cardio equipment is also needed - a bicycle, a treadmill.

Exercises that involve sudden movements. The load must be selected according to the current level of fitness. At the end of classes, take a contrast shower, which strengthens blood vessels.


A special diet also helps to cope with vegetative-vascular dystonia at home.

Hypertensive patients should avoid salt, fried and fatty foods, flour products, marinades and pickles, as well as tea and coffee. They need potassium and magnesium, which are involved in conducting nerve impulses. These elements also stimulate the cardiovascular system. Potassium and magnesium are cereals (buckwheat and oats), legumes (beans, soybeans, peas), dried fruits, rose hips, nuts, onions.

Hypotonic patients need iodine. These are fish, sea reptiles, seaweed. They also need calcium, which is rich in dairy products.


If you are weak, eleutherococcus, ginseng, and diuretics will help. Fighting anxiety and panic attacks it is more productive if you drink soothing herbs and infusions: valerian, motherwort, peony root, sage, mint, lemon balm, hawthorn, oregano, blackberry, yarrow.

At home, the following is prepared from herbs:

  • infusion, when the herb is poured with cold water and kept for several hours or with boiling water and kept until completely cooled. Finished product filter. It must be used within 24 hours;
  • tincture - raw materials are soaked in vodka or medical alcohol few weeks. Then the alcohol part is drained. Healing properties are stored for one year;
  • a decoction that is obtained by boiling herbs, initially filled with cold water in a glass or enamel vessel, over a fire or in a water bath. The cooled product is filtered and used within 24 hours. This achieves a high concentration of nutrients.

Cold and hot shower

A contrast shower is an excellent means of improving well-being in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, thanks to which the fight against the disease is possible at home.

The principle of the procedure: cold water invigorates, and warm water has a relaxing effect. Temperature changes excite the nervous system. A contrast shower increases the saturation of the bloodstream with stimulating hormones. The body perceives such an impact as an attempt to destabilize the functioning of internal organs. As a result, the body activates protective barriers, which leads to increased metabolism and blood flow speed, and increased heart rate.

A contrast shower is taken at any time of the year, both before bed and immediately upon waking. The procedure begins by warming the body under a warm stream of water, but not too hot. It may take a few minutes. Then they abruptly switch to water at room temperature. Change recommended temperature regime every 30-60 seconds, but the duration of stay under hot water should exceed the time spent under cold water. You need to do 3 cycles. The last exposure is definitely cold water.

During the procedure, you should not wet your head. This can lead to vision loss and hair loss. It is enough to hold your face under cold water for a few seconds.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia hypotonic type The use of excessively cold water is unacceptable. A shower should leave you feeling refreshed and satisfied.


Combating this disorder medical leeches, whose quality is confirmed by relevant certificates, is carried out under the supervision of a qualified doctor. The session takes from 30 to 60 minutes. 4-8 individuals, fasted in a sterile laboratory for 1 year, are placed on reflex points corresponding to the diseased organ, used in acupuncture. Course – 4-8 sessions. They are carried out 2-3 times a week depending on the result.

The leech bites through painlessly skin by 1-2 mm and sucks out 5-15 ml of blood. The therapeutic effect is exerted by saliva, which enters the blood. It contains hirudin and about a hundred other biologically active compounds. The substances thin the blood, increase blood circulation, help reduce blood clots and adhesions, and strengthen the immune system.

Hirudotherapy is contraindicated in children under 7 years of age, women during menstruation or pregnancy, as well as malignant tumors, hemophilia and anemia.