Acupuncture - what is it? Biopuncture method for pain syndromes and autonomic dysfunctions in neurological practice

Before moving on to a specific analysis of point combination methods, we will focus on a review of the literature on this issue. Various manuals on Zhen Ju therapy indicate that the exact prescription of the “prescription points” along with knowledge of ancient Eastern concepts is the foundation for the correct implementation of Zhen Ju therapy. When describing the main indicators of the points, the authors note that all points have a therapeutic effect, both local and aimed at nearby organs and tissues, regardless of the range of indications. It is also stated that the points located below the elbow and knee joints, in addition to the local effect, have a general healing effect.

Points that are located in the same area of ​​the head or torso also have similar readings. Thus, points located on the head are mainly effective in treating head diseases; points localized in the chest area - in the treatment of breast diseases; points located on the back are effective in treating diseases of the back and deep-seated internal organs in this area. In addition, there is an opinion that between nearby points and points in neighboring areas there is a cross-therapeutic effect on diseases of the superficial layers and deep-lying organs. In addition, points located below the elbow and knee joints are effective in treating diseases of the entire body. In this regard, the idea is expressed that when generalizing the readings of these points, one should mainly proceed from the readings of lines (meridians), and not be limited only to dividing points into regions. This is explained by the fact that dividing points into regions can only indicate the rules for local therapeutic effects, and in this case it is no longer possible to demonstrate a general remote therapeutic effect. For example, the distant points of the three yang hand meridians are effective in treating diseases of the head, and the distant points of the three yang foot meridians are effective in treating diseases of the surface of the head and torso, and the stomach line (meridian) is used to treat the anterior surface, the gallbladder line is used to treat the lateral surface, and the bladder line - when treating the posterior surface. Distant points of the three Yin hand meridians are effective in treating diseases of the chest organs, and the three Yin foot meridians are effective in treating diseases of the abdominal cavity (according to Eastern authors).

Based on the indications for the use of points and connections between lines (meridians), three rules for choosing a “recipe for points” were derived.

  • 1. Selecting points along lines (meridians). This rule applies to diseases of a specific organ or a specific area of ​​the face, head and torso. Moreover, points are selected from the line associated with the specified organs or areas, but located below the elbow and knee joints. This rule is believed to be effective in the treatment of acute diseases and pain.
  • 2. Selection of local points, i.e. located in the affected area. This rule is applied in the treatment of diseases of the skin surface of the whole body, as well as internal organs and other chronic diseases.
  • 3. Selecting adjacent points. It is proposed to select points from the line of the adjacent area. This rule applies both in combination with the other two and separately. They are used to guide the treatment of acute and chronic diseases. It is noted that the posteromedial and anteromedial lines, although located on the body, however, have the same features that are characteristic of points located on the limbs, i.e. they have both a local adjacent therapeutic effect and a general therapeutic effect.

Zhu Lian writes in his monograph that several points can be used for one disease. But at the same time, she claims that exposure at one point can provide a therapeutic effect for many diseases. She also believes that you need to know specific combinations of points and points out the most commonly used methods for combining them. Let us give a brief description of these methods.

  • 1. Method of combining symmetrical points. When treating some diseases, the main symmetrical points are chosen, for example, for gynecological diseases - points 6IV San-Yin-Jiao, for gastric diseases - points 36III Zu-San-Li, for pain in the frontal region of the head - points 8III Tou-Wei, for diarrhea - points 25III Tian Shu.
  • 2. Method of simultaneous combination of points of the upper and lower extremities. It is used in the treatment of one or two diseases, for example, in the treatment of tetany, combine points 411 he-gu with points 3X11 tai chun, in the treatment of cough and to normalize the function of the stomach and intestines, combine points 411 he-gu with points 36III tzu-san-li .
  • 3. Method of combining points of the front and back sides with deep and superficial irritation. This method is used in the treatment of one or several diseases at the same time, when it is necessary to increase the irradiation of sensation from the limbs to the head and torso or to expand the zones of sensation. In this case, two points on one limb are selected. For example, on the back and front of an arm or leg, a deep injection is made at one point, and a superficial one at another. Or an injection is made at one point, and cauterization is made at another. Thus, in the treatment of sciatica and to regulate the activity of internal organs, they combine point 30X1 Huan-Tiao with point 36III Zu-San-Li; for toothache and intercostal neuralgia, combine points IlII qu chi and 411 he gu. In addition, the use of a combination of these points is effective for diseases of the head and face, shoulder area and upper respiratory tract.
  • 4. Method of combining points on the outer and inner sides. When treating one or two diseases, points on two lines (meridians) are selected. For example, when treating gonitis and diseases of the genitourinary system, points 34X1 Yang-Ling Quan and 9IV Yin Ling Quan are combined; in the treatment of menstrual irregularities and colds - points 39X1 Xuan-Zhong and 6IV San-Yin-Jiao. The combination of points 6IX Nei Guan and 5X Wai Guan or IlII Qu Chi and 3V Shao Hai enhances sensation in the upper limbs and is used in the treatment of pain, paralysis of the upper limbs, as well as diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.
  • 5. Method of combining direct and indirect stimulation. This method is based on the simultaneous use of local and distant points. For example, when treating diseases of the nose, points located in the nose area, 2011 Ying-Xiang or 1911 He-Liao, are used in combination with points on the hands 411 He-Gu or IlII Qu-Chi. When treating eye diseases, in addition to points in the orbital area IVII qing-ming or 2III si-bai, you can also use points on the leg 41X1 zu-lin-qi; in the treatment of gastric diseases, in addition to points on the upper abdomen, for example, 12XIV Zhong-Wan, point 36III Tzu-San-Li is also used.
  • 6. A method of combining points of restorative influence and symptomatic treatment. For this purpose, the following points are most often used: 43VII gao-huang, 5X wai-guan, IlVII da-zhu, 4XIII ming-men, IlII qu-chi, 36III tzu-san-li, 39X1 xuan-zhong, 4XIV guan-yuan, 26VII guan-yuan-shu, etc. To enhance the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the following points are often chosen: 18VII gan-shu, 19V11 dan-shu, 20VII pi-shu, 22VII san-jiao-shu, 25 VII da-chan -shu, 27 VII xiao-chang-shu, etc. (with one procedure, no more than two or three points are affected).
  • 7. Method for selecting points located in the area of ​​the affected organ. Thus, when treating ear diseases, you can influence points 21X er-men (ear area), 6X1 xuan-li (temporal area), IlXI tou-qiao-yin (occipital area), etc. For acute enterocolitis and menstrual irregularities You can influence points 25III Tian Shu (second lateral line of the abdomen) and 3X1V Zhong Chi (middle line of the abdomen). For lumbosacral radiculitis, the points 54VI I zhi-bian and 25VI I da-chang-shu are affected.
  • 8. Method of two-way cross combination of points. Ancient physicians paid a lot of attention to this method when conducting Zhen Ju therapy. Its essence is as follows: if the lesion is in the upper part of the body, then injections were made into the lower and vice versa; if the left half of the body was affected, injections were made into the right half and vice versa. This method has fully justified itself in modern clinics. For example, in case of toothache on the right, in addition to points 7III Xia-Guan and 6III Jia-Che on the right, one must also act on point 411 He-Gu on the left. If the right facial nerve is affected, in addition to the points on the right, you can also select point 71 le-que on the left. For hemiplegia on the left, use points on the left hand 15XII Jian Yu, 11II Chu Chi and points on the leg 34X1 Yang Ling Quan and 39X1 Xuan Zhong. Thus, in the treatment of a particular disease, many points, used simultaneously or alternately, are effective. When treating chronic diseases, several groups of points are selected, using them alternately or in combination. For example, when treating hypertension, for one combination you can take points 36III Zu-San-Li and 6IX Nei-Guan, for another - points 24VII Qi-Hai-Shu and 6IV San-Yin-Jiao; These points are also combined alternately with point 11II qu chi.
  • 9. Method of combining points close to the central nervous system and distant ones. With this method, points located on the head, neck, back, etc. are combined with distant points. For example, when treating malaria, point 14XIII da-zhui (neck and back area) and points 5IX jian-shi (on the forearms) and 41III jie-xi (dorsum of the foot) are pricked, or point 13XIII tao-dao (back area) simultaneously with points 71 le-quie (on the forearms) and 13X11 zhang-men (abdominal area), etc. When treating mental illnesses, combine points 20XIII bai-hui, 20X1 feng chi (head area) with points 7IX da-ling and 5IX jian shi (on the forearms).
  • 10. Method of simultaneous selection of several symptomatic points. So, for pain in the lower back, hip, dyspepsia, you can combine point 30X1 Huan-Tiao with point 36III Zu-San-Li, or ba-Liao points (the general name for symmetrical points 31 VII Shan-Liao, 32VII Tsi-Liao, 33VII Zhong -liao and 34VII xia-liao) with points 5X wai-guan. For stomach pain and diarrhea, combine point 12XIV Zhong Wan with points 25 III Tianshu or points 16 VIII Huang Shu with points 6IX Nei Guan; for wet dreams or constipation - points 25VII da-chang-shu with points 4XShmin-men or 4XIV guan-yuan, as well as points 23VII shen-shu with points 6IV san-yin-jiao.

We present a summary table (Table 23), compiled on the basis of combinations of points according to ancient Chinese medical literature, which are given in Zhu Lian’s manual.

Some Japanese authors, in particular S. Yanagiya, use the segmental principle of selecting acupuncture points. S. Yanagiya outlines his experience of single-needle treatment (single-prick acupuncture), which he developed for the treatment of a number of symptoms and syndrome complexes using only one specific acupuncture point. The author requires the correct combination of acupuncture techniques and the use of needles of various thicknesses and different metals (gold, silver, steel).

S. Yanagiya offers a segmental treatment regimen, figuratively calling it “acupuncture for the five solid and five hollow organs.” He identifies three zones (regions) of the human body, each of which corresponds to a specific part of the spinal column, and irritation of these zones contributes to the treatment of a number of diseases (Table 24).

In these zones, “code” points or “reaction” points are used, the location of which is determined by palpation. In this case, “hollowed out”, “rolling around”, “solidly tense” and similar points are felt on both sides of the spinal column, 0.5 cun from it. For all diseases listed in table. 24, it is recommended to use reactive points (“coda”) identified by palpation, which apparently correspond to extra-meridian points BMS5 (1-17), and acupuncture points of the main meridians, but located above the corresponding segment of the affected organ.

S. Yanagiya believes that in addition to the use of segmental therapy, which he calls “hayohi-ho” therapy, it is necessary to use “honhicho” therapy, which is based on the teachings of yin-yang and the theory of the five elements.

The segmental principle of selecting acupuncture points is justified by the segmental mechanism of action of Zhen Ju. Segmental therapy is determined by metamerically determined segmental connections and reflexes, often with a selective effect on the affected organ. Segmental therapy should be assessed not only from the point of view of the coincidence of afferent and effector impulses for an internal organ in the same spinal segments, but also “from the point of view of the segmental nature of the vascular innervation of organs and parts of the body.” For example, the effect on point 14XIII da-zhui (C7-D1) causes not only a direct segmental effect (muscles of the cervical region, lung activity), but also an effect on the vascular innervation of the head, since in these segments (C7-D1) there are vascular innervation centers. To carry out segmental therapy, it is necessary to clearly understand the segmental structure of the body and the combination of skin segments with segmental innervation of internal organs.

It should be noted that the latest physiological data deny the principle of strict segmental innervation of both the integument of the body and internal organs. The innervation of internal organs and skin can be considered as a multisegmental innervation by spinal sensory fibers.

The presence of double and more than double innervation of many internal organs indicates that there are no strict segmental connections between the integument of the body and the internal organs.

  • a) the phenomenon of overlap (overlap). It has been shown that during the process of embryogenesis, during the formation of nerve plexuses, fibers of one root become part of several peripheral nerves and, conversely, one nerve trunk includes fibers of several roots;
  • b) the Langley-Lavrentiev phenomenon (the phenomenon of animation). Each preganglionic vegetative fiber, coming from the cells of the spinal cord, branches at the sympathetic node and is superimposed on several cells of postganglionic fibers, heading to several organs, not always within its segment.

Japanese acupuncturist Shiroto believes that to select points you need to know the content of the concept of “keiraku” (meridian). He states that one of the essential components of keiraku is the yoketsu points, consisting of the goketsu, gekiketsu, rakuketsu, genketsu and seiketsu points. He also identifies seven methods of treatment using keiraku.

  • 1. Local irritation method. It consists of feeling the patient’s body in order to identify the pain point that is pricked.
  • 2. Acupuncture treatment method for yoketsu points located at the end parts of the arms and legs. This method is used to provide additional irritation to the body, in addition to the painful area.
  • 3. Top treatment method. This method uses keiraku points located above the painful area.
  • 4. Top and bottom treatment method. It consists of the three treatments mentioned above.
  • 5. The method of irritating points located not only on those “keiraku paths” where there are pathological changes, but also in those connected with them.
  • 6. Method of irritating points located symmetrically in relation to the diseased area of ​​the body.
  • 7. The method of irritation at reaction points located above or below the “keiraku path”, in which the selected symmetrical points are located.

Thus, summarizing the author’s views, we can say that when selecting points, very much attention is paid to the meridian (keiraku). He also claims that for more successful treatment it is advisable to take a local point and a distant point. The latter belongs to the group of points of the five elements (yoketsu), but is located with a local point in the same meridian. Siroto calls irritation at distant points “induction” and believes that this gives a better result than irritation at only one local point.

Specialists from various European countries made a significant contribution to the development and popularization of the Zhen Ju therapy method. Having become familiar with the basics of ancient Eastern concepts of acupuncture, they subsequently reworked them and began to explain this method from a modern perspective. However, many of them sought to convey to doctors involved in practical acupuncture the basic principles of ancient Eastern medicine in its original, so to speak, pure form. In this case, they took into account the indisputable fact that in practical work at this stage it is impossible to do without these provisions, although the justification of some of them does not stand up to scientific criticism.

G. S. Morant is rightfully considered the founder of modern literature on acupuncture in Europe. It is to him that Western European countries owe the popularization of accurate information from original sources. It should also be noted that after the publication of his works, the teachings of ancient physicians spread in Europe as a “new therapy.”

J. Daniaud and J. Malespine believe that “treatment occurs by influencing acupuncture points in order to stimulate their energetic and symptomatic action.” Impact on acupuncture points allows you to tone the “organ in emptiness” or “slow down the organ in fullness,” and thus restore the lost yin-yang balance in the organs (meridians).

To tonify the “meridian energy” in the presence of deficiency syndrome, it is recommended to use the tonization method on the following standard points of the affected meridian: tonic point, source, lo point, herald point, as well as the tonic point of the previous meridian along the large circle of energy circulation (based on the rule “ mother-son"). In addition, to achieve tonization of the affected meridian, another option is possible, which consists in influencing by the method of inhibition both the lo point of the paired meridian and the sedative point of the subsequent meridian along a large circle of energy circulation (based on the “mother-son” rule).

To inhibit the “meridian energy” in the presence of redundancy syndrome, it is recommended to use the inhibition method to influence the following standard points of the affected meridian: sedative point, source, lo point, sympathetic point, as well as the sedative point of the previous meridian along a large circle of energy circulation (the “mother-son” rule) ). In addition, to achieve inhibition of the affected meridian, another option is possible, which consists in using the toning method both on the point of the paired meridian and on the tonic point of the subsequent meridian along a large circle of energy circulation (the “mother-son” rule).

Thus, J. Daniaud and J. Malespine proposed a treatment regimen based on the use of standard meridian points and the “mother-son” rule applied to a large circle of energy circulation.

The authors suggest additional applications of the rules of warning, noon-midnight, and husband-wife, as well as the yin-yang relationship. When influencing the affected meridian, regardless of the syndrome of excess or deficiency, it is recommended, based on the “noon-midnight” rule, to use the tonic point of the diametrically opposed meridian, and based on the “husband-wife” rule, also a tonic point, but only those meridians whose pulse point is projected on the right wrist. The yin-yang relationship is used when only the yin meridians are affected and consists in the fact that in case of deficiency syndrome it is recommended to additionally stimulate the tonic point, and in case of excess syndrome it is recommended to suppress the sedative point of the paired yang meridian.

A prominent representative of French acupuncture, Nguyen Van Nghi, outlined a number of provisions “on energy processes” in the main, additional and “miraculous” meridians. In his works, emphasizing the importance of ancient Eastern theories, he argues that the principle of combining points can be based only on them, recommends treatment using the necessary arsenal of points, starting with ancient ones and ending with the key points of the “miraculous” meridians. At the same time, he strictly recommends observing the rules derived from ancient Eastern theories.

M. Rubrn, N. Voisin, having familiarized themselves in detail with ancient Chinese medicine, began to widely apply etiological treatment from its point of view in practice. In their works, these doctors note the advisability of just such treatment, followed by a transition to symptomatic treatment in the Eastern sense.

Representatives of German acupuncture E. Stiefvater, G, Bachmann, A. Brodde, having thoroughly processed ancient Eastern sources, have achieved serious success in practical acupuncture, although they adhere to basically the same positions as their French colleagues, however, they cannot be denied originality and originality .

E. Stiefvater offers treatment regimens compiled by him, which are based on knowledge of the location of the Zakharyin-Ged zones of cutaneous hyperalgesia and the search for points of maximum sensitivity, or herald points (mo-points), within these zones.

A. Brodde, analyzing the same points of the five elements, speaks of the Koann-fa method (use of barriers). He pays great attention to the use of “wonderful” meridians.

German researchers G. König and J. Wancura present several point combination methods used in modern China (they are almost identical to the point combination methods given by Zhu Lian in 1959). Calling these methods of combining points “ligaments,” these authors make an attempt to explain the expediency of their use from an anatomical and physiological point of view. They indicate that the “bundles” of points can be explained through neural mechanisms, while relying on the animal nervous system with its segmental division and taking into account the role of the autonomic nervous system. According to G. Konig and J. Wancura, taking into account the role of the autonomic nervous system and especially the sympathetic department, it is possible to provide an “anatomical” basis for those methods of combining points that do not fit into the segmental principle. In particular, they believe that the unilateral organization of the sympathetic border column may represent the "anatomical" basis of the superoinferior ligament (or the method of combining points of the upper and lower limb, according to Zhu Lian), in which stimulation is produced cranially and caudally on one side of the body.

The leading English acupuncturist F. Mann, based on an analysis of the points of the five elements, based on the wu-xing cycle and relying on a combination of two destructive and one constructive connections, derived an original table - a diagram of combinations of acupuncture points.

When using F. Mann's scheme, it is necessary to make a diagnosis, establish the affected meridian, as well as the nature of the lesion (redundancy, deficiency) and correlate the meridian with the elements of the wu-syn cycle.

In case of redundancy syndrome (yang), you should:

  • 1) exert an inhibitory influence on that point of the five elements of the affected meridian, which in terms of elemental identity corresponds to the subsequent meridian, i.e., the concept of “son”, as well as on the point “element within an element” (point “son” of the affected meridian);
  • 2) to exert a tonic effect on that point of the five elements of the affected meridian, which in terms of elemental identity corresponds to the “opposing” meridian (i.e., associated with it by a destructive connection), as well as on the “element within an element” point located on the “opposing” one meridians.

For deficiency syndrome (yin), you should:

  • 1) exert an stimulating influence on that point of the five elements of the affected meridian, which in terms of elemental affiliation corresponds to the previous meridian, i.e. the concept of “mother”, as well as on the point “element within an element” located on the previous meridian (i.e. to the “mother” point of the affected meridian);
  • 2) exert an inhibitory effect on the point of the five elements of the affected meridian, which in terms of elemental identity corresponds to the “opposing” meridian, as well as on the “element within an element” point located on the opposing meridian.

Romanian doctors base their work on the classical ideas of traditional medicine about meridians and standard points of influence, but using modern methods for determining individual points for each patient. J. Bratu, J. Stouicescu and V. Prodesqu believe that in order to avoid mutually exclusive effects when influencing many acupuncture points and meridians, one meridian should be chosen for each case. To do this, they measure the electrodermal resistance over all 12 herald points (mo) and mark the meridian whose herald point has the lowest electrodermal resistance. Within a given meridian, they select 2-4 points that are most suitable in terms of their functional characteristics for a given patient.

To enhance the effect, this effect can be supplemented by pricking the points of the opposite meridian according to the “noon-midnight” rule.

In cases where treatment is not effective enough, for the purpose of general stimulation they resort to influences called “constitutional”, based on the doctrine of the “four seas”, i.e., four temperaments: the “sea of ​​energy” - the state of strength of both nervous processes, both excitatory and inhibitory; “sea of ​​blood” - with strong excitement, the inhibition process is weakened; “food sea” - with weakened excitation, the inhibitory process is preserved; “bone marrow sea” - weakening of both nervous processes.

If general regulation is necessary in the presence of a “sea of ​​energy,” the impact should be directed to points 18XIII Qiang-Jian, 9III Ren-ying. In the conditions of the “sea of ​​blood” - to points 36III tzu-san-li, 371II shang-ju-xu, 44X1 tzu-qiao-yin; with the “sea of ​​food” - on ZOSH qi-chun, 36III tzu-san-li with the “sea of ​​bone marrow” - with 15X tian-yu, 22X he-liao.

I. I. Rusetsky (1959) wrote that the use of local points is quite understandable, and segmental therapy is also understandable and appropriate, and noted that “segmental therapy should be considered not only from the standpoint of the coincidence of afferent and efferent impulses for the internal organ in some spinal segments , but also from the point of view of segmental vascular innervation of organs and parts of the body.” The division on the surface of yang and yin “has its own meaning and justification” and the surfaces of yang and yin differ in anatomical and physiological features. Analyzing recipes (methods of combining points) for functional diseases, I. I. Pysetsky comes to the conclusion that “empirical experience reveals in this case the significance and role of subcortical formations in the disease of neurasthenia.”

V. G. Vogralik believes that the most understandable and justified from the standpoint of modern medical science can be considered the use of local points, the influence of which is carried out primarily through the mechanism of the axon reflex of segmental points or points that are in another nervous connection with the organs to be affected, and the so-called common points through which the body’s general reaction is caused according to the type and mechanism of the adaptation reaction (Selye’s stress reaction). In 1961, V. G. Vogralik wrote: “As is known, in our country the principle of joint influence through general strengthening points, segmental points and “alarm” points (herald), which in most cases have a segmental location, has become widespread and recognized. " V. G. Vogralik notes that the segmental principle of selecting points impoverishes the possibilities of Zhen Ju therapy. He believes that in the future “gateway” points on the limbs should be widely used and advocates the development and justification of a general principle in the selection of points of influence.

E. D. Tykochinskaya believes that for the correct selection of points and their combinations, as well as the choice of method of influence in the presence of the same clinical syndrome, it is necessary to conduct a pathophysiological analysis of symptom formation: to find out the pathogenetic mechanisms that underlie the development of the disease, and, finally, take into account the features of the functional state of the patient’s central nervous system, against which this syndrome developed.

A. T. Kachan believes that the use of the principles of the channel system (meridians) expands the clinician’s capabilities in choosing and combining points of influence when using acupuncture. First of all, this is based on the idea of ​​​​the interconnection of organs, which gives grounds to use points not only related to the channel of the affected organ, but also to the channel of an organ of an unambiguous and opposite functional orientation.

Knowing the course of the canal helps to select distant active points, the connection of which with internal organs, according to the ideas of modern medicine, is difficult to explain.

Studying the features of changes in the channel system in normal and pathological conditions will make it possible to bring a modern biophysical basis to traditional ideas and thereby expand the possibilities of diagnosis and therapy using acupuncture and other reflex effects on “active points”.

M.K. Usova and S.A. Morokhov believe that further research in the field of theory and practice of acupuncture should be aimed at substantiating the general principle of selecting points of influence and that for now it is necessary to use existing and practice-tested rules for combining points.

So, this review gives us the opportunity to form an opinion about the views of famous representatives of Zhen Ju therapy.

In order to reduce pain in inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, one should not rely only on medicinal methods, taking various painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To relieve pain in arthritis, osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and myositis, alternative methods of therapy have been used effectively for a long time. One of these methods is acupuncture.
The therapeutic effect of acupuncture is based on its ability to lead to the formation of special chemical substances in the human body - endorphins, similar in their effect to morphine. Most acupuncture points are located in the area of ​​clusters of nerve endings. When they are irritated, mild pain occurs and muscle tone increases. In this case, pain sensations from the muscle are sent along nerve fibers to the central nervous system, where, in response to painful stimulation, endorphins begin to be produced, which block pain impulses.
Patients should understand that acupuncture is not a panacea for treating musculoskeletal disorders, but it can help nonetheless. Acupuncture is effective in relieving pain arising from arthritis, arthrosis, back pain caused by osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, radiculitis, myositis, and neuralgia.
Acupuncture is a method of treating diseases recognized by almost all doctors in most developed countries of the world. But, like any other, it has its indications and contraindications. Therefore, before using acupuncture to treat acute or chronic pain, you should always consult with your doctor.
Acupuncture therapy combines well with traditional drug treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures. Taking into account the characteristics of your disease and general somatic status, you can prescribe a comprehensive treatment, which will lead to a faster recovery.
Currently, various acupuncture techniques are used to treat back pain.

1. Acupuncture- has a powerful analgesic effect and promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues. The main feature of acupuncture is the stimulation of the patient’s internal resources and the minimal use of medications during the treatment process. This is of great importance, given the high allergenicity of modern humanity. Before inserting needles, the skin is treated with a disinfectant. For the procedure, only disposable needles are used, which avoids the risk of infecting the patient with diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C. At the moment of insertion of the needle, a small prick is felt, but the force is much less than with a regular injection. The absence of pain is explained by the diameter of the needles used for acupuncture - it is very small. After the needles are inserted, you may experience mild tingling, tingling, or numbness in the area where the needles were given. Typically, for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, 12-15 procedures are prescribed, performed daily or every other day.

2. Pharmacopuncture. For the treatment of patients with degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine or during the rehabilitation period after operations for herniated intervertebral discs, a method of acupuncture therapy called pharmacopuncture is used. This method of acupuncture is based on the fact that medicinal substances indicated for the treatment of a specific disease are injected into biologically active points of the body. Vitamins, biostimulants, and homeopathic preparations are usually used as medications. A special disposable microneedle is used to administer medications, which avoids the development of unpleasant pain in the patient and protects him from the possibility of contracting blood-borne diseases.

3. Laser acupuncture and laser puncture- new acupuncture technologies that are often used to treat back pain. The impact on acupuncture points is carried out using a low-power laser beam. If stimulation of a biologically active point of the body is carried out through intact skin, then this method of therapy is called laser puncture. Laser acupuncture involves deep stimulation of points using special hollow needles through which a thin light guide is inserted that conducts a laser beam. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture using laser radiation is determined by its powerful anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, and regenerative effects.
After an acupuncture treatment session, the patient is usually in a relaxed state, so you should rest for a while. You should avoid driving vehicles or using other machinery for several hours after the procedure.

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Feeling nauseous, anxious or dehydrated? Treatment is in your own hands! Immediately after putting documents and money in a safe place, some long-distance flyers, already at the airport, head to the pharmacy for tablets, tonics and remedies used to relieve pain and alleviate disorders. But there is another choice - acupressure! Acupressure is the practice of pressing or massaging specific points on the body to stimulate the ability to heal oneself.

Each of the points described below must be pressed or rubbed at 20-30 second intervals for 10 minutes before you feel the effect. You may also need to repeat this several times throughout the day. Find what works best for you. Note: the author is not a doctor. For serious medical problems, consult a qualified physician.

1. Motion sickness and nausea

Why spend money on a bracelet when your fingers can heal just as well?
Have you ever seen the bracelets that people wear when traveling by ship or car? They are designed to apply pressure to this point to relieve motion sickness and nausea. This is the number one point I tell fellow travelers about.
Location: Inside the forearm, two thumbs' width above the carpal crease, between two tendons. In fact, the MC6 Nei Guan point is located deep in the body, so pressing hard is more effective.

2. Neck and back pain

Also useful for office workers
Multi-day trips, cheap hotel pillows and carrying a backpack the size of a mammoth can lead to neck, shoulder or lower back pain. Rubbing this point relieves these symptoms.
If you have a stiff neck, rub in small circles, slowly turning your head in different directions.

Finding: Unclench your fist and, looking from the side of your little finger, find the last crease (just below the largest knuckle). The IG3 Hou-Xi point is along this line at the border of two slightly different skin tones.

3. Sore throat and dizziness

Who needs a cold?? Night flights, sudden climate changes and air pollution can increase a traveler's susceptibility to colds. Rubbing or pressing Wen-Liu's GI7 point relieves symptoms associated with the common cold, including sore throat, coughing, sneezing and body aches, as well as dizziness.

Location: Loosely clasp your thumbs together at the joints: with both palms facing down, keeping your wrists straight, reach your index finger to the edge of your wrist. Under its pad, in the protruding bones, you will find a small depression - this is the desired point. Switch hands on top to find the point on the other hand.

4. Headache, constipation and fever

Cannot be used by pregnant women!
Whether your headaches are due to dehydration, heavy drinking, or just travel fatigue, press He-Gu's GI4 point to relieve headaches and general soreness.
If unfamiliar Asian food or a traveler's generally poor diet causes constipation, massage here. This point is also used to reduce temperature.
Attention: This point can provoke contractile activity of the uterus, so it should not be used on pregnant women.

Location: Extend the index finger and thumb, place the fusion point of the same fingers of the other hand between them and bend the thumb. The point is located right under its tip - press everywhere until you find the most painful point.

5. Digestive problems

Treatment for stomach pain? At your feet!
Exotic foods, unfamiliar surroundings, and unsanitary conditions can harm normal digestion. Use this point for abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and the fatigue and weakness that often accompany them.
The massage may be painful, but the pain will subside once the desired point is found.

Location: On the outside of the lower leg just below the knee. With your legs relaxed, place four fingers on your knee with your index finger against your kneecap. Mark a horizontal level under your little finger. At this level, place the joint of the second phalanx of the middle finger on the tibia, where the second joint of this phalanx is located (on the outside of the shin), there will be a vertical line. At the intersection of the lines there is point E36 Zu-San-Li.

6. Insomnia and sleep disturbances

How to ward off bad dreams with massage?
When jet lag occurs due to jet lag or a new environment makes it difficult to fall asleep, lightly pressing this point can help you fall into a restful sleep and reduce excessive mental activity during sleep.

Location: Locate the muscle above the styloid process on the side of the neck, tracing the passage of the muscle to its attachment to the skull. There it forms an A-shaped indentation in the skull, running towards the back of the head - this is where PN28 An-Mian 2 is located. Look at the photo for guidance.

7. Anxiety and unnecessary thoughts

Do not press the point while operating heavy equipment!
You may be feeling stressed while on a business trip or simply worried about your travel plans. If your mind is overstressed from this, use this point to relieve tension and calm.
Lightly rubbing or pressing the point reduces stress and also helps with sleep (in combination with the PN28 An-Mian 2 point).

Location: Look at the underside of the wrist and find the last tendon on the little finger side. The C7 Shen Men point is located precisely inside this tendon on the carpal fold next to the palm.

8. General health additional point

Why does a foot massage feel so good?
Acupuncture points are often used in combination for greater effect. This point can help achieve success from the use of the above points for dry or sore throat, dizziness, headache and constipation, lower back pain, insomnia, fatigue. The R3 Tai-Ci point can also provide comfort if you are on a bus without access to the toilet.

Location: Rub or press on the inside of the ankle, in the depression located halfway between the Achilles tendon and the most prominent point of the ankle.

To achieve the best effect...

Pressure on acupuncture points, known as acupressure, stimulates Qi (or energy flow), corrects energy imbalances in the body, activates the immune system and promotes proper circulation.
When looking for acupuncture points, follow the instructions provided, but always aim to find the most painful or sensitive point, which is usually near a bone or tendon. In this case, acupressure will be most effective.
The points are placed symmetrically on both sides of the body, but one side may work better than the other. Some points and symptoms of diseases respond better to massage, while others respond better to pressure. Light pressure only sometimes works better, and in most cases, strong pressure is more effective.

Many have heard that there are acupressure massage effects that relieve pain and alleviate ailments. But these techniques often seemed too complicated to us to use on our own.

The Zhong reflexology technique combines Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian traditional schools of acupressure and the experience of traditional healers.

And the main advantage of the Zhong technique is its high efficiency, and the fact that this method can be studied and applied independently for self-healing.

This technique with detailed maps of the “meridians” of acupuncture points is outlined in the book of Bin Zhong, a practitioner from an ancient family of Chinese folk medicine, " Chinese reflexology. Health and beauty points".

Bin Zhong has greatly simplified classical acupressure techniques using thousands of points to understand. Dynamic Zhong reflexology consists of stimulating reflexogenic zones and points on the face, which causes the circulation of energy necessary for the normal functioning of organs. This therapeutic and preventive method restores health and activates the basic functions of the body, as well as strengthens the immune system and helps the body cope with diseases on its own.

Of course, Zhong will not cure an advanced disease or serious injury, but by combining traditional medicine with the dynamic acupressure of Zhong, you will achieve significant relief from the disease and a faster recovery. And for the prevention and treatment of ailments, which modern medicine often does not pay due attention to, the Zhong method of Chinese reflexology is simply necessary!

What does acupuncture treat?

Zhong acupressure technique helps those chronic patients who for years have unsuccessfully tried to get rid of their ailments using other methods of alternative medicine.
The Zhong massage is based on therapy of the face, feet and hands, which includes the diagnosis of diseases based on the condition of the skin of the face and feet, nails, the condition of the iris and dynamic therapy.

Facial reflexology is most effective for the following ailments and diseases:

  • spinal osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, dislocations, lumbago, sciatica, etc.;
  • sexual problems, diseases of the genital organs, hormonal disorders, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, prostatitis, impotence, frigidity, premature birth, fibroma, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, ovarian cyst, mastopathy, anemia, etc.;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, shingles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.;
  • diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, colitis, diabetes, hepatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, cellulite, etc.;
  • diseases of the nervous system: insomnia, neuroses, depression, childhood nervousness or hyperactivity, chronic fatigue, migraine, headache, asthenia, Parkinson's disease, hemiplegia, paresthesia, etc.;
  • diseases of the circulatory system: varicose veins, hypotension, hypertension, dizziness, vascular insufficiency, etc.;
  • respiratory diseases: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, colds;
  • visual impairment, hearing loss, allergies.

Projection of internal organs on the face

There are two ways to use the Zhong Dynamic Impact Method: stimulation of points or massage of areas associated with any organ. The interdependence of organs and parts of the body from points and zones on the face is depicted on schematic maps showing projections of the body on the face (Figure 1, Figure 2). These diagrams display the basic principles of connections between points on the face and organs.

The easiest to remember diagram that you can use in various accidents, such as dislocated joints and other injuries (Figure 1).

This diagram shows the connection of body parts with areas of the face:

head – center of the forehead;

bridge of the nose – cervical spine;

shoulders and arms - along the eyebrow line, and hands - at the temples;

spinal column - the back of the nose (from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose);

buttocks and perineum - nostril area;

hips - nasolabial folds;

knees - corners of lips;

shins - along the line that connects the corners of the lips to the chin;

feet – lower part of the chin;

big toes - in the center of the chin at the bottom;

the other toes in order are the edge of the lower jaw.

This diagram will help you find the area to massage.

You must identify the most sensitive points in the reflex zone and focus on them, and then probe the entire reflex zone. Massage it until the pain goes away. This rule applies to all zones.
The circuit shown in Figure 4 is also used for searching for the required reflex points.

Internal organs are projected to the center of the face, from the level of the eyebrows to the chin in this way:

nose from the bridge of the nose to the end - the heart and pulmonary arteries;

eyebrows with cheekbones - light;

the base of the right cheekbone is the liver;

in the same zone, closer to the base, there is the gallbladder;

left cheekbone – stomach;

the left side of the nostril, above the stomach - the spleen;

right under the nose - the stomach, pancreas, colon, ovaries;

colon zone - on the right side of the chin, rises to the level of the upper lip, passes through this area, passes into the base of the nose and upper lip, and again falls to the level of the chin;

the area around the lips is the small intestine;

from the top of the chin to its edges - the uterus, ovaries, bladder, rectum;

at the edges of the mouth are the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Projection of internal organs on the hands

According to ancient Chinese beliefs, the surface of the body has a clear division into yin and yang areas; When a person bends, the yin surface turns inward, and the yang surface turns outward. If you clench your hand into a fist, the palm surface will be inside (yin), and the back surface will be outside (yang). Therefore, in standard systems of correspondence, the yang surface of the body is projected onto the back surfaces of the hands, and the yin surface of the body corresponds to the palmar surfaces of the hands.

The body is projected onto the hand in a standard standing position with your arms down. In this case, the arms are turned outward and the palms are facing forward. In this position, the entire yin surface of the body is facing forward, and the entire yang surface is facing back.

The nail (second) phalanges of the thumbs of the hands correspond to the human head, and on the yin surface there is a correspondence to the face, and on the yang surface to the back of the head. The first phalanx of the thumb corresponds to the neck. The larynx, pharynx, thyroid gland, muscles and vessels of the neck, part of the esophagus and trachea are projected onto its yin surface.

On the muscular eminence, at the base of the thumb, there are projections of the chest organs. Along the line of symmetry there is a correspondence to the trachea. The boundary between the upper and middle thirds of the line of symmetry corresponds to the place where the trachea divides into two main bronchi. At the level of the lower half of the line of symmetry and slightly to the left there is a correspondence to the heart. Correspondences to the lungs occupy the entire remaining area of ​​the chest projection. To the right of the line of symmetry is the correspondence to the right lung, to the left – to the left lung.

The abdominal cavity is conventionally divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. The upper third of the palm is occupied by correspondences to the liver, gall bladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas and duodenum. In the middle third of the palm there is a zone corresponding to the small intestine, which is bordered along the edges and above by the correspondence to the large intestine. In the center of the palm is the projection of the navel. The lower third of the palm is occupied by the projection of the pelvic organs.

The correspondence to the spine coincides with the lines of symmetry on the yang surfaces of the hands. On the first (main) phalanx of the thumb there is a correspondence to the cervical spine. The correspondence of the eight upper thoracic vertebrae is located on the first metacarpal (metatarsal) bone. Next, the projection of the spine is interrupted. Starting from the ninth thoracic vertebra, the line of the spine follows in the space between the third and fourth metacarpal (metatarsal) bones to the fold of skin between the third and fourth fingers. This area corresponds to the four lower thoracic vertebrae (ninth to twelfth), five lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx.

In the human body, the kidneys and adrenal glands are located in the lumbar region on both sides of the spine, so their projections are located on the surfaces of the hands. Above the correspondences to the upper poles of the kidneys are the correspondences to the adrenal glands. The third finger joints correspond to the wrist and ankle joints, the second finger joints correspond to the elbow and knee joints. And on the first joints of the fingers there are correspondences to the shoulder and hip joints of the corresponding limbs.

Projection of internal organs onto the feet

If project a picture of the body onto the feet, then you can get an image of a motionless non-polar person lying motionless - garbhadhana (Figure 3).

Such an image of a person seems strange, but the proportions of the head and body correspond to the proportions of the fetus during the transition from the embryonic to the embryonic state (3rd month of pregnancy). This explains the term "garbhadhana", which means "placement of the embryo".

Each organ of our body can find its “reflection” on the garbhadhana of our feet.

Imagine your feet pressed together:

The inner edges correspond to the middle of the body and the spine.

The outer surface of the arch of the foot corresponds to the front of the face, and the toes on the side of the nails correspond to the face, the tips of the fingers are the skull.

The soles of the legs pressed together correspond to the back of the body. The spine and long back muscles fall on the inner arch of the leg.

Two heels correspond to two buttocks.

The lower part of the heel and ankle joint - urogenitals.

A relatively small zone corresponds to the thigh on the foot; a larger reflex zone corresponding to the thigh is located near the heel tendon.

The shin follows the lower abdomen.

The leg area is located where the instep of the foot begins.

The hands are directed downwards, and the forearm is located across the instep of the foot, next to the area of ​​​​the lower edge of the ribs.

The shoulders are located outside, in the area of ​​the bend of the fifth finger.

The part of the shoulder, up to the elbow joint, runs along the outer front edge of the foot.

The head area corresponds to the toes, with the pads of the fingers corresponding to the back of the head, and the upper part, on the side of the nails, corresponds to the face.

Full picture of the correspondence of internal organs to the zones of the feet in general form is shown below in Figure 4.

Face and foot massage

In addition to treating specific diseases with acupressure, it is useful to use short, wellness massage of facial points and impact areas on the feet. It is very good for minor functional disorders, when you do not know the exact diagnosis or you urgently need to relieve pain, get rid of unpleasant sensations, without resorting to long-term treatment with acupressure.

Wellness massage of active points on the face and affected areas on the feet is carried out twice a day until the condition alleviates or the painful manifestations completely disappear. If symptoms do not disappear as a result of short massage treatments, then it is necessary to move on to special therapeutic regimens of acupressure.

General wellness massage of points on the face

To prevent diseases, a person who is not sick and feels in shape needs 2-3 massage sessions of facial points per week.

Acupressure of facial points carried out with the tip of the index finger. If there are no special instructions in the description of the massage of the point, then the pressure on the point is carried out with the index finger in a clockwise direction. The duration of massage of the active point should not exceed 10–15 seconds. You need to press the point with medium force. If the point turns out to be painful, then reduce the massage time to 10 seconds, and after 10 minutes repeat the massage effect for 10 seconds.

The main active points on the human face

Remember the projection of the internal organs on the face (Figure 1) and begin stimulating points 50 and 41. Rub 10 times, wait a few seconds and continue the massage in accordance with diagram of the location of active points on the face shown below (Figures 5 and 6).

Figure 5

Figure 6

The order of stimulating points on the face

T. 50 - responsible for liver function (especially its right part), digestive problems, flatulence, constipation, stopping bleeding.
T. 41 – gallbladder (especially after removal), digestion, cholesterol levels, migraines.
The following two points can be stimulated simultaneously:
T. 37 – spleen, blood and energy circulation, digestive problems, immunodeficiency, heaviness in the legs;
T. 39 – stomach diseases, gastritis.
T. 73 (located on the lower edge of the eye socket) - eyes, lungs, ovaries, lump in the chest (mastopathy). Stimulate with gentle circular movements. This point is very tender.
T. 3 – lungs, heart (left side). Massage in a horizontal direction.
T. 61 – lungs, liver, heart, stomach, spleen, nasopharynx, maxillary sinuses. Responsible for stopping bleeding, relieves pain, promotes natural sleep, relieves fever, and reduces runny nose.
T. 8 – heart, cervical vertebrae, throat, thyroid gland, tachycardia, hypotension, sore throat. It is stimulated with circular movements, pressing on the nose.
T. 34 – shoulders, arms (points along the length of the eyebrows, starting with T. 34), relaxes the nervous system during insomnia (together with point 124).
T. 26 – cervical vertebrae, throat, sinuses, pituitary gland, headaches, calms the nervous system in hyperactive children, but this point can also cause excitement if it is stimulated too much.
T. 106 – throat, cervical vertebrae, sinuses, spine.
T. 103 – stimulates the chakras, pituitary gland, spine.
T. 126 – lumbar spine, coccyx, anus, hemorrhoids.
T. 342 - spine: lumbosacral and thoracic regions (cervical region - point 26).
T. 126 and 342 – stimulate from top to bottom and bottom to top, with short patting movements.
T. 126 – pat along the parting of the hair.
T. 8 and 106 (cervical spine) - rub between the eyebrows. For shoulders and arms – massage the area along the eyebrows. Sacral region - massage the nostrils, the contours of the nostrils are the buttocks, and the rounded tip of the nose is the groin area.
The following points are massaged vertically, together or separately.
T. 124 – relaxes the nervous system.
T. 180 – solar plexus.
The following points are located on the upper lip. You can stimulate them all together by rubbing vertically or horizontally.
T. 19 – nose, liver, stomach, spine, lower abdomen. This point also strengthens the heart. It will help stop hiccups, vomiting, and cause uterine contractions.
T. 63 – colon, pancreas, uterus. It helps cope with constipation, solve digestive problems, reduces dizziness and headaches. Helps during childbirth: stimulates uterine contractions, stops uterine bleeding.
T. 17 – adrenal glands. By stimulating them, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
T. 113 – pancreas (diabetes), ovaries, prostate gland, menstrual irregularities, cystitis.
T. 7 - the same functions as point 113.
T. 38 – arthrosis of the knee joints. For arthritis, stimulate vertically on both sides of the mouth.
Points located on the chin:
T. 127 (located in the depression on the chin under the lower lip) - small intestine, painful periods, spastic colitis, diarrhea (stimulate at the very beginning of the disease), menopause problems, sexual characteristics. This point is stimulated in the vertical direction.
T. 85 - ureters.
T. 87 – bladder, uterus.
T. 22 – bladder.
T. 51 – feet, toes.
T. 365 – toes, anus, feet, colon.
The massage ends with stimulation of points in the ear area:
T. 16 – ears, internal and external bleeding, heavy bleeding due to uterine fibroids, excessive lacrimation, runny nose.
T. 14 – throat, mumps, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, hearing loss, otitis media, salivation. Massage the point horizontally.
T. 15 – ear, jaw. Located behind the earlobe. Massage horizontally, then vertically.
The massage ends with stimulation of point 0.
T. 0 is the regulatory point at which the massage should end. By changing the intensity of the pressure, you stimulate the flow of energy. This is especially important for a weakened body. This point is connected to the ear, eyes, mouth, nose, and spine.

Morning massage

Morning massage procedure will give you vigor and energize you for the whole day. It will perfectly help relieve fatigue after a sleepless night, will make face lift, will improve blood circulation and energy. It can be done not only in the morning, but throughout the day. This massage takes very little time and the only tool you need is your fingers. Most of us love to lie in a warm bed in the morning. However, just lying in bed in the morning is very harmful. Let's try to combine business with pleasure. At night your body rested, in the morning it is still dozing, and in order to finally wake it up, begin to stretch carefully. You've probably seen a cat stretching. Your movements should be just as soft, smooth and careful. Try to stretch naturally, without tension. Severely straining unwarmed muscles can cause them to lock, and you risk causing pain or cramps.

After stretching, begin to stroke your body with your palms, lightly rubbing the skin until you feel a pleasant warmth. Then move on to facial massage.

Cover your face with your palms (hide it in your palms) as children do when playing hide and seek. Your thumbs will be on your cheekbones, and the rest will cover the eye sockets in the area of ​​the bridge of your nose. Without lifting your palms from your face, slowly move them up to your hair and crown, smoothing the skin of your forehead. Next, lower them down both sides of your face, lightly rubbing your ears. At the end of the massage, the palms will come together on the chin. Return your arms to the starting position and repeat the circular movements 10 times (Figure 7).

When massaging, do not take your palms off your face. As you finish this short session, pause to feel a rush of warmth and energy to your face. You are full of vigor and energy for the coming day!
Go to the bathroom to continue the massage. Wash your face first with hot water, then with cold water. The face and body should also receive a charge of vigor. This strengthening and healing procedure will allow you to better tolerate the cold and you will be less susceptible to colds.

Get acquainted in more detail with the principles of acupuncture influence on active points for pain relief and self-healing, study the diagrams of the passage of meridians of acupuncture points, find out which active points on the human face and body are able to treat, apply the techniques of Chinese acupressure Zhong yourself, you can read the book Bin Zhong.

( homeosiniatry)- targeted injection of the drug.

Pharmacopuncture (biopuncture), as a method of therapeutic action, arose at the junction of several areas of medicine: homeopathy, acupuncture and the injection method of administering drugs. A small dose of a medicine selected by a doctor is injected into biologically active points with a special syringe with a thin needle to the required depth. With this method of therapeutic intervention, the main thing is the correct selection of the drug, time, place and dose of administration, which depends on the nature of the disease and the patient’s condition.In this case, injections are carried out not only to biologically active points, but also to trigger points and zones, to organ projection zones and to other places. This method can be used for a wide variety of diseases. Properly selected drugs and injection points can work wonders, providing significant assistance in processes previously considered “unpromising.” Naturally, in case of severe lesions with destruction of organs (for example, grade 4 arthrosis of the joint with deformities), a miracle does not happen, the joint will not become new.

Pharmacopuncture It is used to treat many diseases and is an indispensable assistant in a complex of therapeutic measures. With its help, you can achieve excellent results in the treatment of diseases of the spine, joints, lungs, heart, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive system.

At our medical center micropharmacopuncture well adapted for the treatment of degenerative and pain syndromes arising in the spine and joints. In conditions such as osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, glenohumeral periarthritis, sciatica, radiculopathy, gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis, headaches, conditions after spinal surgery - micropharmacopuncture - an indispensable assistant.

In addition to the reflex effect from irritation of the active point (AP), we simultaneously receive the effect of a medicinal drug injected into the point. This can be either homeopathy or allopathy. The combination of certain points (acupuncture prescription) for different suffering is very specific and is determined by the doctor individually before the session for each patient.

To perform phakmacopuncture, they are usually used homeopathic medicines from the German company Heel, which do not cause allergic reactions or side effects. Can also be used allopathic (official pharmacology) drugs. There is no need to use the large dose of the drug recommended by official medicine, which is often poorly tolerated by the patient. When administered to the active point, the dose of the drug is smaller, and the therapeutic effect is greater. The injected drugs create a kind of “depot” in the tissues, which has an active effect on metabolic processes even during the day. Micropharmacopuncture is well tolerated by older people, who often have many concomitant diseases.

An important feature is that we achieve an effect not only with acute pain manifestations, but also with long-term processes, when a person often says about himself: “I’ve been sick for so many years!” and age!”

Thus, it is possible to combine the best properties of homeopathy and acupuncture and significantly enhance the effect of treatment. This gives:

  • rapid reduction of pain symptoms
  • restoration of mobility in the joints of the spine and limbs
  • improving the structure of tissues surrounding the spine, eliminating areas of muscle fibrous compaction, etc.
  • improvement of microcirculation in interested areas, which manifests itself in a decrease in the manifestations of edema, regression of neurological manifestations
  • long-term effects are aimed not only at relieving pain in the area, but also at restoring the structure of the intervertebral discs, large joints and joints of the spine

The impact is always carried out taking into account disorders in the entire body, so there is a lasting effect and our patients note positive changes that are not directly related to the spine: increased activity, elimination of lethargy, drowsiness; improvement of skin condition, cosmetic effect; reduction of swelling around the joints of the limbs and soft tissues; improvement of psycho-emotional state, etc. In short, the body is improving those functions that were impaired. There is not just stimulation, but restoration of structure and impaired function in the pathological focus.

Pharmacopuncture used as an option for pain treatment in many patients. With its help, the inflammatory process and tissue swelling go away quickly and effectively. As a result, the pain recedes. The basis of pain is the mechanism of impaired muscle relaxation - spasm. As you know, the muscle does not spasm entirely. Only some sections of muscle fibers seem to “freeze” in a state of contraction. They are the irritating factor that causes pain. Quite often they can be identified with your fingers in the form of nodules or compactions under the skin. They can irritate the nerve endings they are located near. This irritation causes local or distant pain in a body part or organ. For example, muscle tightness in the interscapular area can provoke a feeling of pain in the heart area and headache.

Pharmacopuncture improves metabolism (protein, mineral), blood circulation in the affected area, nutrition of connective tissue (cartilaginous structures, ligaments and articular surfaces).

This is by no means a complete list of possible applications.

A good effect will be observed in such conditions as:

  • headache, migraine
  • neurological disorders, incl. neuritis of various localizations, consequences of strokes after the acute period
  • pain in any part of the musculoskeletal system
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • female pathology as a result of hormonal imbalance: mastopathy, menopausal disorders
  • in pregnant women, with pain in the spine, when other methods are dangerous and contraindicated
  • used when the patient is allergic to pharmacological drugs. Then the injection of distilled water or saline solution into the puncture points is used.
  • effective in those cases. when long-term treatment with classical drugs does not give the desired result
  • for systemic joint damage, which allows not only to improve the condition of the joints, but also, often, to reduce the dose of basic therapy (hormones, chemotherapy), which, with long-term use, does not have a beneficial effect on the entire body

Thus, pharmacopuncture in combination with acupuncture and manual therapy significantly reduces the duration of the recovery period and prevents recurrence of the disease in the future. As a rule, a short course of treatment gives a lasting positive result.

Duration of treatment

The course of treatment using pharmacopuncture for various diseases can last from 2-3 to 10-15 procedures per course of treatment (according to indications). Courses can, if necessary, be repeated up to 3 times over a period of 6 months. For full and maximum effect. Most often, sessions are carried out daily, but in some cases intervals between procedures are necessary. Usually in weakened patients. Treatment measures are carried out only by a qualified doctor-specialist under daily monitoring of the patient’s neurological and orthopedic status.

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