Komarovsky vitamin D. Which vitamin D is best for babies: Komarovsky’s reviews. Which vitamin D3 is best for infants?

Infants under one year of age often have a lack of vitamin D, especially newborns who lack sunlight. After all greatest content of this substance is concentrated in ultraviolet radiation. When exposed to sunlight, the skin begins to produce vitamin D. Through breast milk the baby gets only 4% daily norm important element.

Without vitamin D, the baby’s body cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus, bones do not grow and develop, and the skeleton and muscles weaken. This leads to the development of complex abnormalities and diseases, including rickets and vitamin deficiency, second-degree diabetes, disruption of the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and other internal organs.

If there is a shortage of an important element, the doctor may prescribe additional vitamins and drops for children. Let's look at which vitamin D is best for infants. Let's find out at what age to give extra vitamins baby.

Characteristics and properties of the element

Vitamin D - common name for several biologically active and useful elements. These are calciferol, ergocalciferol D2 and cholecalciferol D3. These elements participate in metabolism, strengthen the body and immunity, and contribute to the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Even if calcium and phosphorus are consumed in the required quantities, without vitamin D they will not be absorbed and will not have any beneficial effect. desired effect. Therefore, a lack of vitamin D leads to a deficiency of both calcium and phosphorus. This disrupts metabolic processes and material metabolism in the body, inhibiting the growth and development of the child.

Beneficial properties of vitamin D for newborns:

  • Provides growth and development of bones and skeleton, prevents rickets;
  • Develops muscles;
  • Strengthens teeth, bone and connective tissue;
  • Forms and improves vision;
  • Increases immunity and has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • Prevents the development of cancer, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and scoliosis, arthritis;
  • Positively affects skin condition, prevents psoriasis and allergic reactions;
  • Improves metabolism and functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Stabilizes blood glucose levels;
  • Fills the body with energy and restores strength;
  • Promotes the growth and development of newborns and infants.

Vitamin D is especially beneficial for premature newborns and babies with low birth weight. This element replenishes strength and helps such children catch up with their peers in development, height and body weight. See more about feeding and development of premature babies.

Normal, deficiency and overdose

The daily requirement of the vitamin for a newborn with normal weight is 700 IU, for a premature baby - 1400 IU, for children over a year old and up to 14 years – 500 IU. For teenagers, adults and the elderly, the norm is already 250-500 MK. By the way, 700 IU is required.

It is important to follow the recommendations and the norm, otherwise an overdose may occur, which will lead to negative consequences. Vitamin D is quite toxic, and if the consumption rate is exceeded, calcium is deposited and accumulates in the heart, kidneys, stomach and on the walls of blood vessels.

Overdose causes such side effects, such as stool and digestive disorders, vomiting and nausea, lack of appetite, headaches and atherosclerosis. In addition, breathing becomes impaired and difficult, and pain in the joints and muscles appears. With severe intoxication, convulsions and fever may occur, and pressure surges may occur.

A lack of vitamin D also leads to serious negative consequences. First of all, the growth of bones and teeth slows down. The bone skeleton gradually softens, becomes weak and emaciated. As a result, bones can often break and become deformed, ribs thicken, and a curvature of the spine occurs. At acute shortage This element causes damage to the intestines, which leads to the formation of ulcers, bleeding, and cracks.

A lack of vitamin D causes vitamin deficiency and skin problems, including psoriasis, itching and flaking, and allergic reactions. At risk are premature and low birth weight babies, babies with problems in the development of bones and the skeletal skeleton. This also includes a child who is rarely in the sun and receives little ultraviolet radiation, and a baby with dark color skin, since in this case the production of vitamin D is reduced.

Sources of vitamin D

Infants receive vitamin D through mother's milk and through regular walks under sun rays. Just ten minutes in the sun every day is enough to obtain the daily requirement of this element. The most effective and safe time For walks with a newborn, morning before 10-11 o'clock and evening after 16-17 o'clock are considered.

Older babies also receive vitamin D through complementary foods. Richest in this element fish fat, cod and beef liver, milk and yolk chicken egg, butter and sour cream. In addition, vitamin D is contained in some types of meat and fish, mushrooms, parsley and potatoes, oatmeal, fermented milk drinks. But remember that you need to introduce new foods into complementary foods carefully and gradually. In addition, many foods should not be given to children under three to five years of age! It will tell you what to enter and when.

Some children require supplemental vitamin D. But before giving vitamin D to a newborn or infant, be sure to consult with your pediatrician. Do not give any medications or vitamins without a doctor’s advice and strictly follow the prescribed dosage! Let's look at whether it is necessary to give a newborn additional vitamins, and when to do it.

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

  • Muscle weakness, lethargy and moodiness;
  • Hair loss and increased sweating;
  • Deterioration or lack of appetite;
  • Bloating, bowel dysfunction (constipation or diarrhea);
  • Sleep disturbance and anxiety;
  • Itching and rough spots on the skin;
  • Increase in head size and thickening of ribs;
  • Slow healing of the fontanel;
  • Softening of areas of the skull and bones;
  • Delayed growth and development of infants.

When to give vitamin D to a baby

At the first manifestations of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus deficiency, as well as immediately after birth for premature and low birth weight babies, the pediatrician may prescribe special drugs with the content of this element. Sometimes the drug is prescribed from the first days of life, but more often it is given from 2-4 weeks after birth. The doctor may also prescribe medications as a supplement for children older than six months.

Vitamin D for babies is available in two forms, oil or water. The oil preparation is well and quickly absorbed and has a large biological value, but it is less well tolerated, so it is not indicated for very young children. Oil solution of active and strong action prescribed for treatment.

An aqueous solution of vitamin D3 for newborns has a milder, non-toxic effect. It does not cause an allergic reaction, is easily digestible and tolerated. This remedy is suitable for the prevention and prevention of disease. Also, due to its gentle and mild effect, the aqueous preparation is prescribed to babies in the first days of life and weeks for premature babies. Let's look at the name of drugs containing this element. And we will find out how many vitamins to give the baby.

How and what vitamins to take

Aquadetrim - common water solution in the form of drops for oral administration. It regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, and is suitable for the prevention and treatment of rickets. Allowed from one month. But, despite the mild effect, it can cause an increase in temperature, allergic reaction, vomiting and nausea, headache.

Another popular drug is Vigantol. This is an oil solution, which is often prescribed to children who are allergic to the previous drops. Vigantol is more toxic, but is better absorbed and effective. Can be given from the second week of life. Be careful, as it can also cause side effects, including digestive disorders, thirst and sleep disturbances, weight loss and appetite.

Vigantol and Akvadetrim in the amount of one to four drops are diluted with water and taken in the morning during or after meals once a day. The doctor selects the dosage for each child personally. The pediatrician and the instructions for use for the drug will tell you in more detail how to take these vitamins.

The doctor may also prescribe Colecalciferol and the Finnish drug D3 Devisol Drops. These are good quality and safe means for the prevention of rickets in winter time. In addition, the pharmacy separately sells Vitamin D3 for newborns in the form oil solution. This remedy can be taken as early as the second week after birth.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises giving the baby one or two drops of an aqueous solution every week. Children after 7-9 months, when complementary feeding already makes up ⅓ of the diet, are given one drop of the oil every three days. Don't forget that fish oil contains increased content of this element. Therefore, you can safely give your baby this remedy after consulting with your pediatrician.

Every young mother has encountered the terrible, chillingly terrifying word “rickets.” Doctors scare them, saying that vitamin D deficiency leads to delayed child development. The problem with rickets is the difficulty of getting rid of its consequences. That's why preventive actions, aimed at replenishing vitamins in the baby’s body, is mandatory.

Pediatricians advise mothers to buy for their babies. Whichever is better costs a little more - a truth of all pharmaceutical companies. Popular children's doctor Komarovsky has repeatedly said that it is better to buy a jar of the drug than to then struggle to cure the baby due to your own negligence.

We trust Komarovsky

For those mothers who are choosing which one is best for their babies, Komarovsky will easily give the answer. But before you prescribe a drug, you need to determine whether it is really necessary for your child. The fact is that an excess of vitamin is just as dangerous as its deficiency.

Symptoms of the need for vitamin D supplementation

When choosing vitamin D for a baby, which one is best, you need to look at the symptoms. So, enter additional medications necessary if:

  • The child has problems sleeping. According to Komarovsky, this is precisely the main sign of deficiency.
  • Your baby is constantly restless and anxious (both day and night).
  • Increased sweating and, as a result, skin irritation.
  • Bloating.

If you notice at least one sign, consult a doctor who will prescribe vitamin D for infants. Which is better? Komarovsky claims that replenishing the deficiency is possible not only with the help of drugs, but also in a natural way.

Getting vitamins naturally

Independent replenishment of vitamin D in the body of a little person should still be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. If the specialist notes that bright manifestations If there is no deficit, then you can try to restore the balance using the following methods.

  • Increase the time and frequency of your walks. If it’s a warm season outside, then keeping the baby at home and hiding him from the sun, according to Komarovsky, is impossible. Place your baby in the stroller and fold the top down. Naturally, everything should be in moderation. Be careful to soft skin the baby was not burned, and the child himself did not overheat. The sun is the best provocateur for the production of vitamin D. Doctors have long recognized this method as the most effective for the prevention of rickets.
  • During the winter months, sunlight access to your body is limited, so if you can, invest in a bright lamp that will imitate the sun.
  • For children who are on breastfeeding, another method will do. Mom needs to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin D. For example, chicken egg yolk, fish and fish oil, lean beef.

Any method will increase vitamin D (for infants). Which one is better to choose is difficult, so it’s better to give preference an integrated approach. Walking more and normalizing your diet is not so difficult. Moreover, it is useful for both the baby and the mother.

Taking vitamins via medication

If there is very little vitamin D in the body, you have to resort to medications. Komarovsky does not deny this method, on the contrary, he emphasizes it positive impact per child. When asked which vitamin D preparation is best for infants, he names the three most popular preparations: Ostetriol, Aquadetrim, Alpha D3. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the amount of digestible elements is equal to those that the body absorbs in sunlight.

Vitamin D price

You can purchase a drug containing vitamin D3 at any pharmacy. The price will vary depending on the manufacturer. The most inexpensive are domestic products, their price in the Moscow region is approximately 200 rubles, imported ones are more expensive, about 600 rubles.

There is a little trick. Ask your pediatrician about getting discounted medicine. If it is available, you will be given a prescription that will give you vitamin D for free.

Proper organization of replenishment of vitamin D deficiency

Despite the ease of the process, you should know that the appointment must be properly organized in order to achieve the effectiveness of prevention. Requirements that must be met in mandatory for newborns and infants:

  • Use medications only in drop form. Others dosage forms are not absorbed properly. In addition, problems with dosage calculation and swallowing may occur.
  • Contact your pediatrician, he will help you calculate the amount in which you need to give vitamin D for infants, which one is better, he will also tell you. Depending on the severity and symptoms, the dosage may vary. This may also be affected by the time of year. Thus, children born in hot months get by with minimal doses.
  • If the doctor has not specified the exact amount that should be given to the child, then use standard scheme. Daily norm equal to 500 IU. Translated into everyday, familiar language - one drop. If the medication is of a therapeutic nature, the dosage may be increased by the doctor.

It is important to take into account the testimony of the specialist who is monitoring your child. You should not ignore his recommendations, as this can lead to sad consequences for which you will blame both yourself and the doctor.

Symptoms of an overdose or excess of vitamin D

The external ease of drugs is deceptive. It would seem that vitamins can do any harm? It turns out that poisoning or excess can provoke severe consequences. Therefore, the sooner you notice changes in your child's condition, the better.

The most common symptom is prolonged vomiting between feedings and subsequent weight loss. It is impossible not to notice such a manifestation, but not everyone realizes that the problem lies in a seemingly harmless vitamin. Often, parents try to find another reason for the digestive tract disorder, continuing to give Aquadetrim or similar medications containing vitamin D. For an infant, which drug is better does not matter, the main thing is moderation of dosage. IN otherwise this can lead to severe intoxication, convulsions, arrhythmia, dehydration, and respiratory failure. Several cases of death have been recorded in medicine.

Thus, if you notice that your child has become restless, his appetite has worsened, or other bad symptoms have appeared, contact your doctor, warn him that your baby is taking vitamin D, and tell him the number of drops. This will help you and your doctor better understand the problem.

The disease under the frightening name of rickets is well known in pediatrics. It occurs in children and leads to quite disastrous consequences, which are incredibly difficult to eliminate. The main reason leading to rickets is a lack of vitamin D. Therefore, it is quite natural that it is very important to determine the lack of vitamin D in time and do everything possible to replenish it. Dr. Komarovsky has repeatedly argued that it is better not to allow similar situation than to try to overcome it later. For infants, a small amount of vitamin D is especially dangerous.

Vitamin D in medications: which is best for babies

An emergency measure to maintain a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the baby’s body is the use of medicines. Among the products of this kind that are most suitable for infants, Komarovsky names Aquadetrim, Ostetriol and Alpha D 3. These are preparations containing approximately the same composition of vitamin D, which is “produced” when exposed to sunlight. Only their reception should be in the right way organized, because otherwise achieve better effect money won't work. Below are the requirements, the observance of which Komarovsky calls mandatory.

  1. For infants, the use of vitamin D exclusively in the form of drops is suitable. Other dosage forms of the drugs cannot be used.
  2. The appropriate dosage is chosen depending on how big the problem is. When vitamin D is given to infants born in the summer, a minimum dose of the drug is sufficient. If it is necessary to provide treatment for a premature or weak child, then the dosage, on the contrary, increases.
  3. The standard dosage is 5 IU. In the case of the remedies previously named by Komarovsky, this is just one drop. But it’s better if the pediatrician names the specific amount.

Now it’s clear which vitamin D is best for infants according to Komarovsky. Parents must remember that a negligent approach to the use of medications is fraught with great danger. And therefore you should not show initiative in this matter. Otherwise, you will have to fight not with rickets, but with other serious problems.

After birth, the child’s body actively stores useful substances that enter the body with mother’s milk. Not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates are important for babies, but also microelements. The baby's body has a special need for vitamins. In most cases, the baby receives a sufficient amount of them with mother's milk, but the mother cannot provide the baby with vitamin D (D) in full. The role of this vitamin is extremely important for the development of the baby, so pediatricians from the first visits to the newborn focus on the need for its additional intake.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is presented in several forms, which are combined into a single name - calciferols. There are two interchangeable varieties of it - D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Sunlight can only provide the body with vitamin D3, while food is a source of both forms.

Vitamin D may not be enough if the baby is premature or born in the fall. winter period. It is quite clear that such children spend less time in the sun, so their body is at risk. This theory for a long time was undeniable, however modern medicine has stepped far forward and doctors believe that this is not the problem. The amount of vitamin D that is formed in the skin is negligible, but a deficiency of the vitamin in food products that a nursing mother eats can significantly affect the amount of vitamin D entering the baby’s body. Therefore, doctors initial stage child development, safe therapeutic doses of calciferol are recommended for all infants. If certain pathologies appear, the dose of vitamin D can be adjusted.

What is this vitamin for?

Like all vitamins, calciferol performs several important functions. In particular:

  • actively participates in bone formation, muscle fibers and neurons;
  • helps strengthen immune system body;
  • can accumulate calcium and phosphorus in skeletal system and teeth, thereby ensuring their strength;
  • prevents the growth of malignant cells.

If the level of vitamin D in the body is insufficient, the child is at risk of rickets. With this disease, bone tissue is characterized by pathological softness and inability to withstand the loads of the body. The bone pores in children with rickets are much larger, while the bones healthy children have a microporous structure. The inability to form bone trabeculae (septa) is a direct consequence of vitamin D deficiency in the child’s body.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency:

  • later the fontanelle closes;
  • arms and legs become bent;
  • stoop appears in the spinal column;
  • the shape of the skull changes;
  • the jaw takes on an ugly shape;
  • subsequently, signs of mental retardation appear.

Video Komarovsky about vitamin D for infants

Symptoms of vitamin D overdose or allergies?

Not only a lack of vitamin D is dangerous, but also its excess (hypervitaminosis). By the way, this state It is quite rare and appears not from a one-time overdose of the drug, but as a result of systematically exceeding it, recommended by a doctor in the treatment or prevention of rickets. Enough to give to the baby increased amount vitamin D for 2-3 weeks, so that this leads to a pronounced picture of its overdose, and after 6-8 months the intoxication will turn into chronic form. Hypervitaminosis is also observed in individual hypersensitivity to vitamin D, which often develops if a woman took it during pregnancy. Such children may react even to small and moderate amounts vitamin A. True allergy for vitamin D is extremely rare, much more common external manifestations on the child’s skin (itching, rashes, peeling) are signs of an overdose of vitamin D, and not an allergy to it.

The main symptoms of overdose that you should pay attention to are:

  • signs general intoxication(lethargy, bad dream and appetite, pallor);
  • The baby's diapers have to be changed more often than usual due to increased secretion urine;
  • the liquid that the child drinks becomes significantly larger, which can be regarded by the mother as hunger in children in the first months of life;
  • if the mother cannot understand for a long time what the child needs and limits fluid intake to the same volume as before, this can lead to dehydration of the body, external sign which is dry skin, loss of elasticity;
  • the appearance of abundant and frequent regurgitation, vomiting;
  • decreased monthly weight gain;
  • premature closure of the large fontanel;
  • constipation or intestinal upset.

If you suspect an overdose of vitamin D, your doctor will definitely recommend additional examination in the form of blood tests, since in this case there is an increase in calcium in the blood due to its poor binding in the bones. Unbound calcium, along with the blood flow, enters the vessels of the heart and kidneys. where its deposition begins, which disrupts the functioning of these organs.

Tests for vitamin D overdose include:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Determination of calcium and phosphorus content in blood serum.
  4. Determination of calcium in urine (Sulkovich test).
  5. Determination of vitamin D metabolic products in blood plasma.

Additional examination in the form of ultrasound or ECG, consultation with specialists may be required only in severe cases to find out how far the process has gone.

Important! To avoid an overdose of vitamin D, taking it according to strict indications doctor (it is advisable to consult several specialists) and in compliance with the recommended dosage.

If you have a slight deficiency of vitamin D, it is better to give preference to products containing it ( sea ​​fish, cheese, dairy products), how pharmaceutical products and, of course, more time to walk with the child in sunny weather.

Which vitamin D solution is better: oil or water?

Despite the fact that vitamin D is a frequently prescribed remedy for children and almost all mothers give vitamin preparations to their infants, the pharmacy chain is not at all replete with vitamin D products that can be prescribed to infants. Among the variety of drugs, including various shapes calciferol, not many products are indicated for children from birth.

Vitamin D preparations, depending on the base, are divided into two types:

  • oil form;
  • an aqueous form containing tiny fat globules containing the vitamin.

Advantages water form:

  • absorbed 5 times faster, reaching higher concentrations;
  • the effect of taking it lasts twice as long as from the oil form;
  • high bioavailability;
  • well absorbed regardless of food intake;
  • the effect of taking the drug occurs faster;
  • convenient form for dosing.

How is this effect achieved? The thing is that any fat entering the digestive tract is exposed to bile salts, which break it into separate fat droplets, creating an emulsion. This ensures enzyme access to fat and its further breakdown. Thus, if vitamin D enters the body in oil form, then the drug must go through this stage before it is absorbed, and if in aqueous form (more correctly, micellar), then absorption begins much faster. The aqueous form of vitamin D is prescribed to babies born prematurely. Their gastrointestinal tract does not form enough special substances to break down vitamin B fatty environment(in mother's milk), therefore such patients are only shown an aqueous solution of vitamin D.

Some of the advantages of the water form also have negative sides:

  • the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D from these drugs is higher, which increases the risk of overdose if instructions are not followed or if treatment is inadequate;
  • aqueous forms contain a lot excipients, which may cause individual intolerance.

Important! If there really are serious reasons for prescribing vitamin D, then for correction as much as possible short time and subject to good tolerance, it is better to give preference to the aqueous form.

Which vitamin D drug is best for infants?

Let's look at the most popular drugs that are often prescribed by doctors. Their main active ingredient is cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), the preparations of which are considered more effective and modern compared to ergocalciferol (vitamin D2).

Aquadetrim is a water-based vitamin D preparation

The product is used for vitamin deficiency in the body, for the treatment and prevention of rickets and other bone pathologies(for example, metabolic pathologies). Contraindications for use are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, hypervitaminosis. The drug is prescribed to children from the fourth week of life. This may be a problem for children younger age, so doctors in in this case replace Aquadetrim with Vigantol and Vitamin D3, which are prescribed earlier (from the tenth day of life). The drug is diluted in a teaspoon of water. The course of treatment averages 1-1.5 months. Biochemical blood parameters are monitored throughout the entire period. If necessary, the pediatrician prescribes a repeat course with a break of a week. To prevent an overdose of the drug, in no case should you increase the dose prescribed by your doctor. If a child develops convulsions, nausea, vomiting and other alarming symptoms, discontinue the drug and consult a doctor.

Oil-based preparations


The drug is also prescribed to children with vitamin D deficiency to regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphates in the body. In addition, Vigantol is able to normalize the activity parathyroid glands. The drug is absorbed in the small intestine, accumulates in the bones, liver, skeletal muscles, cardiac tissue, and kidneys. Maximum accumulation occurs approximately five hours after administration. Metabolites are excreted primarily in bile. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of rickets, in order to prevent calciferol deficiency in the child’s body, as well as for malabsorption, pathologies small intestine, hypocalcemia, osteoporosis of various origins. Contraindications to the prescription are excess calcium, as well as individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The drops are diluted in a teaspoon of milk or given with another liquid. The dosage regimen for rickets is as follows - the drug is prescribed in the first and second months of life, and then in the fifth and ninth months. In the second year, the drug is given as prophylactic courses in winter. The dose may be adjusted depending on improvements in the biochemical parameters of the baby’s blood test.

Vitamin D3

Available in various dosages, which is very convenient for use. In addition to cholecalciferol, the drug contains alpha-tocopherol. The effect of the drug is similar to Aquadetrim and Vigantol. Therapy lasts about two months, then babies are transferred to preventive dosages.

Dosage and price medicines vitamin D3

Drug name, priceDosage formVitamin D contentAgeDosage for the prevention of ricketsDosage for the treatment of rickets
Aquadetrim (Russia, Poland)
170-200 rub.
Water based drops.15,000 IU/ml
1 drop – 500IU
Children from 1 month to 2-3 years.1-2 drops/day.4-6 drops.
The exact dosage is determined by the doctor.
Premature babies from 1 month.2-3 drops/day.
(Austria, Germany, Japan)
180-200 rub.
Oil solution.20,000 IU/ml
1 drop – 667 IU
Children from 2 weeks.1 drop/day2-8 drops/day.
2 drops/day
Vitamin D3 (Russia)
129 rub.
Oil solution.20,000 IU/ml
1 drop – 667 IU
Children from 2 weeks.1 drop/day2-8 drops/day.
Premature babies from 2 weeks.2 drops/day

What are Finnish vitamins D3?

In addition to medications, there are dietary supplements (biologically active additives), containing vitamin D. Their difference from drugs is that they are taken for the purpose of prevention, not treatment. In addition, their effect lasts less than that of drugs. They contain absolutely no synthetic additives. To save drugs long time They have added a natural antioxidant - alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).

There is an opinion that some Finnish-made vitamins are much better than medications, but this opinion is wrong. These drugs are registered in Russia as dietary supplements or are not included in the register of certificates at all. state registration(Devisol). Therefore, if a child is prescribed a vitamin D medication therapeutic purpose, then if the product is well tolerated, it is better not to replace it with a dietary supplement.

Dosage and price of vitamin D3 in the form of dietary supplements

Name of dietary supplement, priceRelease formVitamin D contentAgeDosage
D3 Vit Baby (Poland) - 250 rub.
Oil solution in capsules.1 capsule – 200IUChildren from birth to 3 years.Contents: 1 capsule once a day.
Devisol (Orion Pharma, Finland) - 400 rub.Oil solution.1 drop – 80 IUChildren from birth.5 drops/day
Minisan (Verman, Finland) - 300-400 rubles.Oil solution.1 drop – 100 IUChildren from 1.5 to 3 years old.2 drops/day
Children from 3 years old.4 drops/day

Flaw useful substances in the child’s body leads to a number of serious complications, and infants are at risk due to unformed metabolic processes. One of the most important is vitamin D for infants, since it affects physical development and bone condition. Newborns cannot get it fully from food, so the way out of the situation would be Alternative option in the form of vitamin supplements.


Vitamin D is essential for a number of reasons:

  1. promotes timely bone growth
  2. normalizes the production of peptides, which in turn improve immunity, strengthen nervous system and stabilize blood pressure
  3. prevents the development of diabetes

It is produced in the child's body under the influence of sunlight, but the main factor for its appearance is clean air. Therefore, in megacities and polluted cities there is an increased number of children suffering from rickets.

Deficiency leads to:

  1. decreased calcium levels in the body, which can lead to rickets
  2. increased excitability
  3. decreased appetite
  4. the appearance of bald patches on the back of the head in a newborn
  5. bone deformities
  6. dysfunctions of internal organs
  7. slow tooth growth

In cases of acute vitamin deficiency, the child’s development may be delayed. Softening bone tissue leads to curvature of the legs, which may in the future affect the girl’s ability to bear and give birth healthy child. Therefore, it is necessary to give vitamin D as prescribed by a doctor.

When and what exactly to take

In the summer, infants are usually not given vitamin D, since their bodies synthesize it on their own. The exception is premature babies, who are prescribed drugs year-round. As well as newborns living in northern regions with a lack of sunlight. Overdose is undesirable in this early age Therefore, you must first consult a doctor.

There is a wonderful cheat sheet for parents on when to give vitamin D. Taking it is mandatory in those autumn and winter months that have the letter “r” in their names. Dosage prophylactic intake is 500 IU; when a doctor prescribes a therapeutic volume, a weekly break is taken monthly. Vitamin preparation given to children from the second month of life up to 3 years inclusive, and sometimes the period is extended individually.

There are signs in which even the norm of vitamin D3 is not needed:

  1. absence initial signs rickets
  2. accommodation in the southern region
  3. light skin baby
  4. The weather conditions of the area allow frequent sunbathing
  5. Mom's diet contains foods with vitamin D

Under the listed conditions of indications for additional use there are no drugs.

Modern pediatricians prefer to prescribe an aqueous solution of vitamin D:

  1. increased absorption rate
  2. longer lasting effect
  3. avoiding accidental overdose

Instructions for use of the oil solution warn:

  1. the drug should not be given to children who have problems with the intestines and stomach
  2. also contraindications are kidney disease and mineral metabolism disorders
  3. oil drops cannot be dosed with pinpoint precision

The aqueous solution is not highly toxic, so pediatricians prescribe it when it comes time to support children's body. However, oil provitamin D is more effective and physiological.

Drops may negatively affect the action of other medications, so it is advisable to consult a pediatrician so as not to waste money. Give vitamin better in the morning during breakfast or immediately after it. To do this, just drop the solution into a spoon, add water and offer it to the baby.

How much to take

If the baby was born at term, a vitamin D solution is prescribed from the 5th week; for premature babies, familiarity with the useful supplement begins from 2 weeks. Preference in the latter case is given to an aqueous solution, since it has a more gentle effect on the body.

The dosage may be changed by the pediatrician if signs of rickets are present. With increased doses of the vitamin, it is better to give an aqueous solution with a number of advantages:

  1. minimal toxicity
  2. rapid absorption by the body
  3. long validity period

However, do not forget to take a week's break every 4 weeks of taking the drug to avoid accumulation of the vitamin and subsequent overdose.

Differences in nutrition

When visiting a pediatrician, you should note what kind of nutrition the newborn receives. Mother's milk contains the right amount of substances necessary for development and health, but it does not contain vitamin D minimum content. Adapted modern milk formulas include a sufficient amount of the vitamin, which does not require additional intake during artificial feeding.

Excess vitamin D leads to an overdose, which is fraught with:

  1. damage to internal organs
  2. painful sensations
  3. decreased appetite and weight
  4. prolonged constipation and nausea

The dosage of the drug and the need for its prescription are always determined by the doctor.

What to use

Infants are prescribed drops, since this is the safest and easy way give your baby vitamins:

  • California Gold Nutrition, Vitamin D3 Drops for Babies, active substance contains the form most absorbed by the body - cholecalciferol. Drops can be taken from infancy. IN food additive no alcohol. There are no other ingredients that could be harmful to children's health.
  • Aquadetrim. Prescribed from 4 weeks of life, unless the doctor recommends more early date. The vitamin is contained in the form of D3, one drop contains 500 IU of the active substance.
  • Vitamin D3. Prescribed from 2 weeks, the dose contains 625 IU. Sometimes the bottle does not have a special dropper, so the dosage is determined using a pipette.
  • Vigantol. Prescribed from week 2, contains 667 IU. The instructions for use will provide you with the necessary information.

There are also foreign analogues, like the Finnish oil Devisol, containing vitamin D3. Prescribed to stimulate the production of vitamin by the child's body. An aqueous preparation called Jecovit can be given to normal newborns and premature babies as a prevention of rickets.

In the video famous doctor, Dr. Komarovsky, will tell young parents about rickets and methods of treating this disease in infants.