Vitamin D3 aqueous solution. Forms and bases of vitamin D: which is better? Aquadetrim vitamin D3: instructions for use

Girls, many times over the past three months I have come across questions in posts about how to use this vitamin! Don't be offended, dear mothers, but many things surprise you: when you buy a drug, do you not read the instructions? Or does your doctor not explain to you how to take it correctly? It was especially funny to read when several mothers desperately argued that this was already an aqueous solution and did not need to be dissolved additionally in water!!! Dear mothers, these are instructions for using this vitamin, for those who are interested, you can save it, it will come in handy!!! (the main points are in bold, for those who are too lazy to read). Just don’t need to prove that you are so smart, you are dripping directly into your mouth, and wrote the instructions for fools! I wish everyone health and good luck!!!

Pharmachologic effect:

The active ingredient of the drug is colecalciferol (vitamin D3) – a regulator of calcium and phosphate metabolism. Synthetic colecalciferol is identical to the endogenous one, which is formed in the body under the influence of sunlight. Colecalciferol has more pronounced physiological activity compared to ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). Under the influence of the drug, the metabolism of calcium and phosphates in the human body is normalized. This contributes to the proper formation of the bone skeleton and the preservation of bone tissue structure. The drug has a pronounced antirachitic effect. Colecalciferol promotes more intense adsorption of calcium and phosphate in the distal small intestine, by increasing the permeability of cellular and mitochondrial membranes of the intestinal epithelium. Promotes the passage of divalent ions, including calcium, through membranes. Improves the reabsorption of phosphates during glomerular filtration. Facilitates the uptake of calcium and phosphates into bone tissue, regulates the distribution of these ions in the blood plasma, soft tissues and bones.

In addition, without colecalciferol, the full functioning of the parathyroid glands is impossible. By influencing the production of lymphokines, the drug participates in the formation of nonspecific immunity. Colecalciferol takes part in the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid.
Normalization of the content of calcium ions in the blood leads to the maintenance of normal skeletal muscle tone and regulates heart function. Vitamin D3 facilitates the conduction of nerve impulses and affects blood clotting.
With hypovitaminosis D and calcium deficiency, diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis can develop. Young children during periods of intensive growth and postmenopausal women are especially susceptible to them, which is due to hormonal changes in the body. Pregnant women with a lack of colecalciferol experience symptoms of tetany.
Aquadetrim, an aqueous solution of colecalciferol, is better adsorbed and has greater bioavailability compared to oil solutions. In addition, the aqueous solution does not require the presence of bile for absorption into the blood, which is an important factor for premature babies with an immature digestive system.

Adsorbed in the distal small intestine, metabolized in the liver and kidneys, excreted by the kidneys and partially with bile. After the release of colecalciferol into the bile, it can be re-absorbed by the intestines or excreted in the feces. Able to accumulate in the body. The drug penetrates well through the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk.
The half-life is 3-5 days and increases with insufficient renal function.

Indications for use:
Hypo- and vitamin deficiency D.
Prevention and treatment of rickets and rickets-like diseases.
Osteopathies caused by metabolic disorders, including hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism.
Tetany caused by hypocalcemia.
Osteomalacia of various etiologies.
To accelerate the healing and restoration of bones after fractures.
Loss of calcium in bones and teeth.
Osteoporosis, including those associated with hormonal changes during menopause and postmenopause.

Mode of application:
The drug is taken orally, dissolved in a small amount of liquid (usually a dose of the drug is dissolved in a tablespoon of water).
1 drop of the drug contains approximately 500 IU of colecalciferol.
Doses are selected by the attending physician individually for each patient, taking into account many factors, including the amount of colecalciferol entering the body with food.

Average doses of Aquadetrim are:
Taking the drug for prophylactic purposes:
Children born after 37 weeks of gestation, starting from 4 weeks of life, are prescribed 500 IU per day.
Children born before the 37th week of gestation, twins, and children living in unfavorable conditions are prescribed 1000-1500 IU (2-3 drops) per day, starting from 3-4 weeks of life. In the summer, with sufficient exposure to fresh air, the dose can be reduced to 500 IU per day.
Pregnant women, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, are prescribed 500 IU per day.
During menopause and postmenopause, 500-1000 IU per day is prescribed.

Taking the drug for the purpose of therapy:
When treating rickets, the daily dose is 2000-5000 IU, with 2000 IU initially prescribed for 5 days; if the drug is well tolerated, the dose is increased to the required therapeutic dose. Colecalciferol at a dose of 5000 IU per day is prescribed only if the patient has severe bone pathologies. The course of treatment is up to 6 weeks, if necessary, the course is repeated after 1-2 weeks until a stable therapeutic effect is achieved, after which a maintenance dose of 500 IU per day is taken.
For rickets-like diseases, 20,000-30,000 IU (40-60 drops) per day is prescribed, depending on age, weight, severity of the disease, with constant laboratory and medical supervision. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.
Aquadetrim in the complex therapy of osteoporosis in the postmenstrual period is used in a daily dose of 500-1000 IU.

Side effects:
Side effects when taking recommended doses of the drug are extremely rare. However, with individual hypersensitivity and/or increasing the dose, the following side effects may develop:

From the central nervous system: headache, mental disorders, depression, stupor, sudden changes in mood, irritability.
From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, weight loss, anorexia, thirst, dry mouth.
From the cardiovascular system: disturbances of the heart, in particular arrhythmias, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure.
From the urinary system: polyuria, formation of kidney stones, nephropathy.
From the musculoskeletal system: myalgia, arthralgia, general muscle weakness.
Others: exacerbation of pulmonary tuberculosis, soft tissue calcification.
The frequency and severity of side effects increase as the drug is taken, due to its accumulation in the body.

Increased individual sensitivity to colecalciferol, including a history. Individual intolerance to benzyl alcohol.
Increased levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia).
Increased levels of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria).
Hypervitaminosis D.
Urolithiasis with calcium oxalate deposition.
Insufficiency of kidney function.
Active form of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Large doses of the drug are contraindicated during prolonged immobilization.
The drug should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation.
In patients with atherosclerosis, sarcoidosis, hyperphosphatemia, acute and chronic kidney and liver diseases. For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular for gastric and duodenal ulcers. For organic heart lesions, such as pericarditis, myocarditis, etc.

The use of the drug is possible after consultation with your doctor. Pregnant women are not prescribed the drug in high doses, as this can lead to impaired fetal development. The teratogenic effect of Aquadetrim can occur with an overdose of the drug. When a pregnant woman takes high doses, the fetus experiences increased sensitivity to vitamin D, suppression of parathyroid function, specific elf-like appearance syndrome, aortic stenosis, and mental retardation. It is not recommended to take the drug in a dose exceeding 500 IU per day.
During breastfeeding, it is necessary to take the drug with caution, since when the mother takes a large dose of the drug Aquadetrim, symptoms of hypercalcemia in the child are possible.

Interaction with other drugs:
Simultaneous use with antiepileptic drugs, neomycin, rifampicin, liquid paraffin, cholestyramine reduces the reabsorption of the drug Aquadetrim.
Thiazide diuretics increase the risk of hypercalcemia and side effects of colecalciferol.
The drug can enhance the toxic effects of cardiac glycosides and increases the likelihood of developing complications from the cardiovascular system.
Tocopherol, vitamin A, pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid, riboflavin reduce the risk of developing side effects of Aquadetrim and reduce its toxicity.
The break between taking Aquadetrim and sodium fluoride should be at least 2 hours. Between taking Aquadetrim and oral tetracyclines - at least 3 hours.
Concomitant use with vitamin D analogues increases the risk of developing hypercalcemia.
Barbiturates, when taken simultaneously with colecalciferol, increase the rate of its biotransformation, which can lead to an increased need for colecalciferol.

When taking the recommended doses of the drug, an overdose is unlikely and is possible only in persons with increased individual sensitivity to colecalciferol. Overdose is manifested by symptoms characteristic of hypercalcemia - arrhythmias, nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region, headache, sudden changes in mood, weight loss, formation of kidney stones, increased urination, thirst, nephrocalcinosis and soft tissue calcification. Arterial hypertension, renal failure, stool disorders, anorexia.

If you take the drug for too long or regularly take excessive doses, chronic colecalciferol poisoning may develop, which is characterized by demineralization of bones, instead of calcium deposition in soft tissues, including the kidneys, lungs, heart, blood vessels, and intestines. As a result of such mineral redistribution, organ functions are disrupted, which can lead to severe dysfunction of internal organs and, as a consequence, death.
To treat overdose conditions, corticosteroids, magnesium, potassium, retinol, thiamine, and ascorbic acid preparations are used. It is also necessary to stop taking the drug Aquadetrim.

Release form:
Solution for oral use, 10 ml in dark glass bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard package.

After birth, the child’s body actively stores useful substances that enter the body with mother’s milk. Not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates are important for babies, but also microelements. The baby's body has a special need for vitamins. In most cases, the baby receives a sufficient amount of them with mother's milk, but the mother cannot provide the baby with vitamin D (D) in full. The role of this vitamin is extremely important for the development of the baby, so pediatricians from the first visits to the newborn focus on the need for its additional intake.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is presented in several forms, which are combined into a single name - calciferols. There are two interchangeable varieties of it - D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). Sunlight can only provide the body with vitamin D3, while food is a source of both forms.

Vitamin D may not be enough if the child is premature or born in the autumn-winter period. It is quite clear that such children spend less time in the sun, so their body is at risk. This theory has been undeniable for a long time, but modern medicine has stepped far forward and doctors believe that this is not the problem. The amount of vitamin D that is formed in the skin is negligible, but a deficiency of the vitamin in food products that a nursing mother eats can significantly affect the amount of vitamin D entering the baby’s body. Therefore, at the initial stage of child development, doctors recommend safe therapeutic doses of calciferol to all infants. If certain pathologies appear, the dose of vitamin D can be adjusted.

What is this vitamin for?

Like all vitamins, calciferol performs several important functions. In particular:

  • actively participates in the formation of bones, muscle fibers and neurons;
  • helps strengthen the body's immune system;
  • can accumulate calcium and phosphorus in the skeletal system and teeth, thereby ensuring their strength;
  • prevents the growth of malignant cells.

If the level of vitamin D in the body is insufficient, the child is at risk of rickets. With this disease, bone tissue is characterized by pathological softness and inability to withstand the loads of the body. The bone pores in children with rickets are much larger, while the bones of healthy children have a microporous structure. The inability to form bone trabeculae (septa) is a direct consequence of vitamin D deficiency in the child’s body.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency:

  • later the fontanelle closes;
  • arms and legs become bent;
  • stoop appears in the spinal column;
  • the shape of the skull changes;
  • the jaw takes on an ugly shape;
  • subsequently, signs of mental retardation appear.

Video Komarovsky about vitamin D for infants

Symptoms of vitamin D overdose or allergies?

Not only a lack of vitamin D is dangerous, but also its excess (hypervitaminosis). By the way, this condition is quite rare and appears not from a one-time overdose of the drug, but as a result of systematically exceeding it, recommended by a doctor in the treatment or prevention of rickets. It is enough to give the baby an increased amount of vitamin D for 2-3 weeks so that this leads to a pronounced picture of its overdose, and after 6-8 months the intoxication will become chronic. Hypervitaminosis is also observed with individual hypersensitivity to vitamin D, which often develops if a woman took it during pregnancy. Such children may react even to small and moderate amounts of the vitamin. A true allergy to vitamin D is extremely rare; much more often, external manifestations on a child’s skin (itching, rashes, peeling) are signs of an overdose of vitamin D, rather than an allergy to it.

The main symptoms of overdose that you should pay attention to are:

  • signs of general intoxication (lethargy, poor sleep and appetite, pallor);
  • the child's diapers have to be changed more often than usual due to increased urine output;
  • the liquid that the child drinks becomes significantly larger, which can be regarded by the mother as hunger in children in the first months of life;
  • if the mother for a long time cannot understand what the child needs and limits fluid intake to the same volume as before, this can lead to dehydration of the body, the external sign of which is dry skin and loss of elasticity;
  • the appearance of abundant and frequent regurgitation, vomiting;
  • decreased monthly weight gain;
  • premature closure of the large fontanelle;
  • constipation or intestinal upset.

If you suspect an overdose of vitamin D, the doctor will definitely recommend additional examination in the form of blood tests, since in this case there is an increase in calcium in the blood due to its poor binding in the bones. Unbound calcium, along with the blood flow, enters the vessels of the heart and kidneys. where its deposition begins, which disrupts the functioning of these organs.

Tests for vitamin D overdose include:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. Determination of calcium and phosphorus content in blood serum.
  4. Determination of calcium in urine (Sulkovich test).
  5. Determination of vitamin D metabolic products in blood plasma.

Additional examination in the form of ultrasound or ECG, consultation with specialists may be required only in severe cases, in order to find out how far the process has gone.

Important! Avoiding an overdose of vitamin D will help you take it according to strict doctor’s instructions (it is advisable to consult several specialists) and in compliance with the recommended dosage.

If there is a slight deficiency of vitamin D, it is better to give preference to products containing it (sea fish, cheese, dairy products) than pharmaceutical products and, of course, spend more time walking with your child in sunny weather.

Which vitamin D solution is better: oil or water?

Despite the fact that vitamin D is a frequently prescribed remedy for children and almost all mothers give vitamin preparations to their infants, the pharmacy chain is not at all replete with vitamin D products that can be prescribed to infants. Among the variety of drugs that include various forms of calciferol, not many are indicated for children from birth.

Vitamin D preparations, depending on the base, are divided into two types:

  • oil form;
  • an aqueous form containing tiny fat globules containing the vitamin.

Advantages of the water form:

  • absorbed 5 times faster, reaching higher concentrations;
  • the effect of taking it lasts twice as long as from the oil form;
  • high bioavailability;
  • well absorbed regardless of food intake;
  • the effect of taking the drug occurs faster;
  • convenient form for dosing.

How is this effect achieved? The thing is that any fat entering the digestive tract is exposed to bile salts, which break it into separate fat droplets, creating an emulsion. This ensures enzyme access to fat and its further breakdown. Thus, if vitamin D enters the body in oil form, then the drug must go through this stage before it is absorbed, and if in aqueous form (more correctly, micellar), then absorption begins much faster. The aqueous form of vitamin D is prescribed to babies born prematurely. Their gastrointestinal tract does not produce enough special substances to break down the vitamin in a fatty environment (in mother’s milk), so such patients are only shown an aqueous solution of vitamin D.

Some of the advantages of the water form also have negative sides:

  • the body’s ability to absorb vitamin D from these drugs is higher, which increases the risk of overdose if instructions are not followed or if treatment is inadequate;
  • aqueous forms contain many excipients that can cause individual intolerance.

Important! If there really are serious reasons for prescribing vitamin D, then for correction as soon as possible and subject to good tolerance, it is better to give preference to the aqueous form.

Which vitamin D drug is best for infants?

Let's look at the most popular drugs that are often prescribed by doctors. Their main active ingredient is cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), the preparations of which are considered more effective and modern compared to ergocalciferol (vitamin D2).

Aquadetrim is a water-based vitamin D preparation

The drug is used for vitamin deficiency in the body, for the treatment and prevention of rickets and other bone pathologies (for example, metabolic pathologies). Contraindications for use are individual intolerance to the components of the drug, hypervitaminosis. The drug is prescribed to children from the fourth week of life. This can be an obstacle in young children, so doctors in this case replace Aquadetrim with Vigantol and Vitamin D3, which are prescribed earlier (from the tenth day of life). The drug is diluted in a teaspoon of water. The course of treatment averages 1-1.5 months. Biochemical blood parameters are monitored throughout the entire period. If necessary, the pediatrician prescribes a repeat course with a break of a week. To prevent an overdose of the drug, in no case should you increase the dose prescribed by your doctor. If a child develops convulsions, nausea, vomiting and other alarming symptoms, discontinue the drug and consult a doctor.

Oil-based preparations


The drug is also prescribed to children with vitamin D deficiency to regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphates in the body. In addition, Vigantol is able to normalize the activity of the parathyroid glands. The drug is absorbed in the small intestine, accumulates in the bones, liver, skeletal muscles, cardiac tissue, and kidneys. Maximum accumulation occurs approximately five hours after administration. Metabolites are excreted primarily in bile. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of rickets, to prevent calciferol deficiency in the child’s body, as well as for malabsorption, pathologies of the small intestine, hypocalcemia, and osteoporosis of various origins. Contraindications to the prescription are excess calcium, as well as individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The drops are diluted in a teaspoon of milk or given with another liquid. The dosage regimen for rickets is as follows - the drug is prescribed in the first and second months of life, and then in the fifth and ninth months. In the second year, the drug is given as prophylactic courses in winter. The dose may be adjusted depending on improvements in the biochemical parameters of the baby’s blood test.

Vitamin D3

Available in various dosages, which is very convenient for use. In addition to cholecalciferol, the drug contains alpha-tocopherol. The effect of the drug is similar to Aquadetrim and Vigantol. Therapy lasts about two months, then babies are transferred to preventive dosages.

Dosage and price of vitamin D3 medications

Drug name, priceDosage formVitamin D contentAgeDosage for the prevention of ricketsDosage for the treatment of rickets
Aquadetrim (Russia, Poland)
170-200 rub.
Water based drops.15,000 IU/ml
1 drop – 500IU
Children from 1 month to 2-3 years.1-2 drops/day.4-6 drops.
The exact dosage is determined by the doctor.
Premature babies from 1 month.2-3 drops/day.
(Austria, Germany, Japan)
180-200 rub.
Oil solution.20,000 IU/ml
1 drop – 667 IU
Children from 2 weeks.1 drop/day2-8 drops/day.
2 drops/day
Vitamin D3 (Russia)
129 rub.
Oil solution.20,000 IU/ml
1 drop – 667 IU
Children from 2 weeks.1 drop/day2-8 drops/day.
Premature babies from 2 weeks.2 drops/day

What are Finnish vitamins D3?

In addition to medications, there are dietary supplements (dietary supplements) containing vitamin D. The difference between them and medications is that they are taken for the purpose of prevention, not treatment. In addition, their effect lasts less than that of drugs. They contain absolutely no synthetic additives. To preserve the drugs for a long time, a natural antioxidant is added to them - alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).

There is an opinion that some Finnish-made vitamins are much better than medications, but this opinion is wrong. These drugs are registered in Russia as dietary supplements or are not included in the register of state registration certificates at all (Devisol). Therefore, if a child is prescribed a vitamin D drug for therapeutic purposes, then if the drug is well tolerated, it is better not to replace it with a dietary supplement.

Dosage and price of vitamin D3 in the form of dietary supplements

Name of dietary supplement, priceRelease formVitamin D contentAgeDosage
D3 Vit Baby (Poland) - 250 rub.
Oil solution in capsules.1 capsule – 200IUChildren from birth to 3 years.Contents: 1 capsule once a day.
Devisol (Orion Pharma, Finland) - 400 rub.Oil solution.1 drop – 80 IUChildren from birth.5 drops/day
Minisan (Verman, Finland) - 300-400 rubles.Oil solution.1 drop – 100 IUChildren from 1.5 to 3 years old.2 drops/day
Children from 3 years old.4 drops/day

In the body of an infant it causes a disturbance in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. As a result, ossification of the skeleton occurs incorrectly, which eventually leads to the development of rickets.

Vitamin D deficiency is critical for infants under one year of age. Their bones grow the fastest, and disturbances in mineral metabolism lead to serious consequences. To prevent and treat rickets, children are given vitamin D preparations, available on the market in several pharmaceutical forms.

Most often used aquatic or oil solutions. They begin to be used from the 2nd month of life for full-term babies, and from the 2-3rd week - for premature babies.

Vitamin D for infants – which one is better?

Vitamin D3 oil solution for newborns


  • neutral taste;
  • less likely to cause allergies;
  • contains no alcohol;
  • oil increases the bioavailability of vitamin D.


  • poorly absorbed if there are problems with the synthesis and secretion of bile;
  • high risk of overdose if used incorrectly;
  • short therapeutic effect (up to 1.5 months).

Aqueous solution of vitamin D3 for newborns


  • well absorbed in liver diseases;
  • concentration in the blood increases 6-7 times faster than when consuming oil solutions;
  • the therapeutic effect lasts up to 3 months;
  • less likely to cause overdose.


  • more often causes allergies;
  • specific taste;
  • contains alcohol.

An aqueous solution of vitamin D for infants is better and safer for use, but should be prescribed with caution to children with allergies and intolerance to alcohol. The oil solution is suitable for allergy sufferers, but its use requires precise dosage selection and the absence of liver disease.

What preparations contain vitamin D for newborns?

Water based

  1. Aquadetrim – produced in Poland, available in 10 ml bottles. Sold without a prescription, average price – 145 UAH / 410 rubles.
  2. Vitamin D3 aqueous solution – produced in Russia, available in 10 ml bottles. Sold without a prescription, average price – 45 UAH / 115 rubles.

Oil based

  1. Vigantol– German drug, 10 ml bottles, without a prescription, price 91 UAH / 280 rubles.
  2. Devisol– Finnish vitamin D for newborns, 10 ml bottles, without a prescription, price 140 UAH / 400 rubles.
  3. Vitamin D3 Bon– produced in France, ampoules of 1 ml, without a prescription, price 27 UAH / 130 rubles.

How to give vitamin D to a baby

There are several criteria that influence how infants take vitamin D.
Type of feeding– almost all artificial mixtures contain vitamin D; when using them, dose adjustment or complete discontinuation of the drug is necessary. Vitamin D deficiency is more common in children fed natural milk.

Health status– for children with liver disease with impaired synthesis or outflow of bile, it is better to give an aqueous solution of vitamin D. Allergy sufferers should prescribe it with caution. If absorption from the intestine is impaired, the dosage must be adjusted.

Length of daylight– the need for vitamin D increases in the autumn-winter period. In the Far North, dosages increase regardless of the season.

A solution of vitamin D is given orally, after first dissolving the required dose in a small amount of water. You cannot drop the drug directly into the child’s mouth - this makes it more difficult to measure the required amount, which often leads to an overdose.

Lack of vitamin D in infants - symptoms

a lack of

  • restless sleep;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive softness of the edges of the large fontanel;
  • constipation;
  • increased sweating;
  • hair loss on the back of the head;
  • increase in head size;
  • flattening of the back of the head;
  • softening of the bones of the crown;
  • thickenings on the ribs in the form of rosary beads;
  • curvature of leg bones;
  • slow weight gain.

Vitamin D overdose in infants - symptoms

The main cause of hypervitaminosis D in infants is an incorrectly selected dosage. Exceeding the dose once is rarely harmful; it often occurs when you regularly take large amounts of vitamin D.

  • thirst;
  • frequent urination;
  • deterioration of hair growth;
  • anxiety;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • labored breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • increased blood pressure.

Allergy to vitamin D in infants

Allergies directly to vitamin D are rare in children. More often, the body reacts to additional components included in the drug.

The main symptoms of allergies in infants

  1. rash on cheeks;
  2. itching and flaking of the skin;
  3. local skin inflammation;
  4. eczema;
  5. swelling of the tongue and lips;
  6. Quincke's edema;
  7. sneezing and coughing;
  8. asthma attacks.

Should you give vitamin D to infants?

Doctors are divided on the importance of taking vitamin D. Some pediatricians believe that vitamin therapy is necessary for most infants, while others argue that vitamin D should be given only to babies at risk. This includes children who are breastfed and living in regions with short daylight hours.

If the child does not have direct indications for taking vitamin D, then the final choice is made by the parents. Most pediatricians agreed that if the baby does not experience side effects, then the use of the drug is advisable. In this case, the expected benefits of using vitamin D outweigh the potential harm.

Most reviews about vitamin D for infants are positive. Allergic reactions are rare, other side effects are very rare. In children with symptoms of rickets, their condition improves until complete recovery. Some parents report concern when using an aqueous solution of vitamin D, apparently associated with the alcohol included in the drug.

Why is it worth taking it in the form of a solution and how exactly to take this vitamin? And, most importantly, is it worth introducing it into the body artificially? People concerned about these issues are looking for answers in specialized publications. But in order to understand all the features of an aqueous solution of vitamin D3, it is enough to open a school anatomy textbook.

What is vitamin D3

As the name suggests, this vitamin belongs to group D. Vitamin D3 is found in large quantities in fat-soluble compounds and is formed in the body under the influence of ultraviolet rays, in other words, under the light of the sun. Therefore, the lack of vitamins D in the body can be compensated by taking natural or artificial ultraviolet baths. Or, in case of deficiency of sunlight, with products such as:

  • lactose-containing products (cheese, butter, milk, etc.);
  • fish fat;
  • fish roe;
  • parsley and similar greens.

In some particularly advanced cases, people are prescribed aqueous solutions containing vitamin D2 or D3, depending on what type of element is missing in the body.

Why is the vitamin D group so important, and why does a person need to so closely monitor the amount of this element in the body? The fact is that these microelements are needed by extremely important systems of the body and its internal organs. Vitamins belonging to group D have a beneficial effect on:

  • bones;
  • cell growth process;
  • quality of the immune system;
  • work of the nervous system.

First of all, all vitamins of group D, including D3, affect the absorption of calcium, magnesium and other minerals necessary for the proper formation of human bones and teeth. Vitamin D3 is involved in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. It regulates their quantity in the body, controlling the level of concentration. A large amount of vitamins D in the body leads to the strengthening of the human musculoskeletal system. But do not forget that excessive amounts of these elements can have a detrimental effect on health. It is important to control intake within the daily norm.

In addition, vitamins of group D are actively involved in vital processes, development and restoration of the body at the level of cellular structure. Scientists have shown that vitamins D3, for example, can slow down the rate of development of cancer cells affecting the mammary glands and intestines.

In addition, vitamin D3 has a general strengthening effect on human immunity. A sufficient concentration of this element helps the human bone marrow, which plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system, to develop and function.

Vitamin D3 is often used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Calcium in human blood is responsible for the quality of transmission of nerve impulses, and D3, which is involved in the absorption of the minerals calcium and magnesium, maintains the quality of this connection and helps the nervous system recover after serious damage or illness.

Consequences of vitamin D deficiency in the human body

It is very important to maintain vitamin D3 concentrations at the proper level. Its deficiency in the human body can lead to extremely serious consequences. Deficiency of this element has a particularly detrimental effect on children and pregnant women. To prevent this, it is important to remember the first symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. These include signs such as:

  • rapid human fatigue;
  • decrease in its performance;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • delayed healing of fractures;
  • decrease in the concentration of minerals in the bones.

First of all, the risk of vitamin D deficiency is high in people who are rarely exposed to sunlight, i.e. couch potatoes, northerners and the like.

The lack of these vitamins is especially serious in children, whose body is still developing and needs a large amount of “building material”.

Their deficiency of vitamin D leads to the development of rickets and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Parents should become concerned if their child develops symptoms such as:

  • slow and long teething;
  • flattening of the occipital part of the skull (the back of the child’s head becomes flat);
  • decrease in tissue density;
  • change in the shape of the dome of the skull and facial bones;
  • curvature of the legs and deformation of the pelvis;
  • changes in the shape of the chest;
  • development of hyperhidrosis;
  • the appearance of excessive irritation and poor sleep.

All these symptoms are signs that a child is developing such a serious disease as rickets. It is for this reason that it is extremely important to prevent deficiency of vitamins D in the body.

If it is difficult to replenish these elements naturally, you should take specialized medications and an aqueous solution of vitamin D3. But remember that their excess in the body can also negatively affect its functioning. To avoid possible complications, it is worth remembering the daily dosage of the solution.

  1. Healthy adults should take no more than 600 IU of vitamin D per day.
  2. The norm for growing children is IU per day.
  3. For older people and patients who are prescribed vitamin therapy as a general tonic, the attending physician calculates the dose depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Due to the weakening of the body and the characteristics of the growing fetus, pregnant women should take an increased amount of elements of group D. To prevent the development of deficiency and complications of fetal development, it is enough to take up to 800 IU of an aqueous solution of vitamin D3.

Features of an aqueous solution of vitamin

D3 is one of the active forms of vitamin D. It affects the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus minerals in the body, ensuring the proper functioning of the parathyroid glands. D3 is responsible for the absorption of mineral salts, helping to absorb calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the body.

In addition, it regulates the excretion of these minerals during the functioning of the urinary system. If there is a lack of vitamin D3 in the body, doctors prescribe its aqueous or oil solutions. It is important to remember that only in this form can vitamin D3 be absorbed into the body.

An aqueous solution of vitamin D3 is prescribed if the patient exhibits the following symptoms:

  • avitaminosis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • rickets;
  • non-standard nutrition (for example, a vegetarian diet);
  • liver failure, cirrhosis and other liver diseases;
  • sudden weight loss of various origins;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of lactation and breastfeeding;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • recovery period after surgery.

It is important to remember to follow the doses prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, an excess of vitamin D3 can cause hypervitaminosis. You should immediately stop using water or oil solutions if symptoms such as:

  • photophobia;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • the appearance of vomiting and nausea in general;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

And do not forget that instructions are attached to any drug sold. Only by following it can you avoid complications caused by improper use of the medicine.

In addition, with an overdose of the solution, there is a high risk of problems with blood pressure, heartbeat and the functioning of the digestive system.

It is for these reasons that you should consult with your doctor before choosing a drug. The therapist's recommendations are especially important for children, the elderly and pregnant women.

At the first signs of deficiency or excess of vitamins D in the body, you should contact a specialist. You can use aqueous solutions and other preparations containing essential vitamins only after consultation and strictly according to the instructions that come with the medicine.

Aquadetrim - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and release forms (aqueous solution) of a medicine for the treatment of vitamin D3 deficiency, rickets and osteoporosis in adults, children (including infants and newborns) and during pregnancy. Compound

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Aquadetrim. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Aquadetrim vitamins in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Aquadetrim in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of vitamin D3 deficiency, rickets and osteoporosis in adults, children (including infants and newborns), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Aquadetrim is a drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D3 is an active antirachitic factor. The most important function of vitamin D is to regulate calcium and phosphate metabolism, which promotes skeletal mineralization and growth.

Vitamin D3 is a natural form of vitamin D that is formed in humans in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Compared to vitamin D2, it is characterized by 25% higher activity.

Colecalciferol plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium and phosphates in the intestine, in the transport of mineral salts and in the process of bone calcification, and also regulates the excretion of calcium and phosphates by the kidneys.

The presence of calcium ions in the blood in physiological concentrations ensures the maintenance of muscle tone of skeletal muscles, myocardial function, promotes nervous stimulation, and regulates the process of blood coagulation.

Vitamin D is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands and is also involved in the functioning of the immune system, influencing the production of lymphokines.

Lack of vitamin D in food, impaired absorption, calcium deficiency, as well as insufficient exposure to the sun during the period of rapid growth of a child leads to rickets, in adults - to osteomalacia, pregnant women may experience symptoms of tetany, disruption of the calcification processes of the bones of newborns.

An increased need for vitamin D occurs in women during menopause, as they often develop osteoporosis due to hormonal imbalances.

Colecalciferol (vitamin D3) + excipients.

Aquadetrim aqueous solution is absorbed better than an oil solution (this is important when used in premature infants, since in this category of patients there is insufficient production and flow of bile into the intestines, which impairs the absorption of vitamins in the form of oil solutions). After oral administration, colecalciferol is absorbed from the small intestine. Metabolized in the liver and kidneys. Penetrates through the placental barrier. Excreted in breast milk. Colecalciferol accumulates in the body. Excreted by the kidneys in small quantities, most of it is excreted in bile.

Prevention and treatment:

  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • rickets and rickets-like diseases;
  • hypocalcemic tetany;
  • osteomalacia;
  • metabolic osteopathies (hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism);
  • osteoporosis, incl. postmenopausal (as part of complex therapy).

Drops for oral administration 10 ml (aqueous solution).

Instructions for use and dosage

The dose is set individually, taking into account the amount of vitamin D that the patient receives as part of the diet and in the form of medications.

The drug is taken in 1 spoon of liquid (1 drop contains 500 IU of colecalciferol).

For the purpose of prophylaxis for full-term newborns from 4 weeks of life to 2-3 years, with proper care and sufficient exposure to fresh air, the drug is prescribed in a dose of ME (1-2 drops) per day.

Premature babies from 4 weeks of life, twins and children living in unfavorable conditions are prescribed IU (2-3 drops) per day.

In the summer, the dose can be reduced to 500 IU (1 drop) per day.

Pregnant women are prescribed 500 IU (1 drop) per day throughout pregnancy, or 1000 IU per day, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.

In the postmenopausal period, ME is prescribed (1-2 drops) per day.

For the treatment of rickets, the drug is prescribed daily in a dose of IU (4-10 drops) per day for 4-6 weeks, depending on the severity of rickets (1, 2 or 3) and the course of the disease. In this case, the patient’s clinical condition and biochemical parameters (calcium, phosphorus levels, alkaline phosphatase activity in the blood and urine) should be monitored. The initial dose is 2000 IU per day for 3-5 days, then, if well tolerated, the dose is increased to an individual therapeutic dose (usually up to 3000 IU per day). A dose of 5000 IU per day is prescribed only for pronounced bone changes. If necessary, after a 1 week break, the course of treatment can be repeated.

Treatment should be continued until a clear therapeutic effect is obtained, followed by a transition to a prophylactic dose of ME per day.

When treating rickets-like diseases, 000 IU (40-60 drops) per day is prescribed, depending on age, body weight and severity of the disease, under the control of biochemical blood parameters and urine analysis. Course of treatment: weeks.

When treating postmenopausal osteoporosis (as part of complex therapy), ME is prescribed (1-2 drops) per day.

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headaches, muscle and joint pain;
  • constipation;
  • dry mouth;
  • polyuria;
  • weakness;
  • mental disorders, incl. depression;
  • weight loss;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • temperature increase;
  • protein, leukocytes, hyaline casts appear in the urine;
  • increased calcium levels in the blood and its excretion in the urine;
  • possible calcification of the kidneys, blood vessels, lungs;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.
  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • urolithiasis (formation of calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys);
  • sarcoidosis;
  • acute and chronic kidney diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • children up to 4 weeks of age;
  • hypersensitivity to vitamin D3 and other components of the drug (especially benzyl alcohol).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, Aquadetrim should not be used in high doses due to the possibility of teratogenic effects in case of overdose.

Aquadetrim should be prescribed with caution during lactation, because When using the drug in high doses, a nursing mother may develop overdose symptoms in the child.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the dose of vitamin D3 should not exceed 600 IU per day.

Contraindicated in children under 4 weeks of age.

When prescribing the drug, it is necessary to take into account all possible sources of vitamin D.

The use of the drug for medicinal purposes in children must be carried out under close medical supervision and the dosage regimen must be adjusted during periodic examinations, especially in the first months of life.

Long-term use of Aquadetrim in high doses or use of the drug in loading doses can lead to chronic hypervitaminosis D3.

Aquadetrim and calcium in high doses should not be used simultaneously.

Control of laboratory parameters

When using the drug for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to monitor the level of calcium in the blood and urine.

With simultaneous use of Aquadetrim with antiepileptic drugs, rifampicin, cholestyramine, the absorption of colecalciferol is reduced.

With simultaneous use of Aquadetrim and thiazide diuretics, the risk of developing hypercalcemia increases.

The simultaneous use of Aquadetrim with cardiac glycosides may enhance their toxic effect (increases the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias).

Analogues of the drug Aquadetrim

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Vigantol;
  • Videohol;
  • Videhol solution in oil;
  • Vitamin D3;
  • Vitamin D3 100 SD/S dry;
  • Vitamin D3 Bon;
  • Vitamin D3 aqueous solution;
  • Cholecalciferol.

Krasnoyarsk medical portal

Aquadetrim vitamin D3 is an antirachitic drug.

The active ingredient of the drug Aquadetrim is colecalciferol (vitamin D3) – a regulator of calcium and phosphate metabolism. Synthetic colecalciferol is identical to the endogenous one, which is formed in the body under the influence of sunlight.

Colecalciferol in the Aquadetrim preparation has more pronounced physiological activity compared to ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). Under the influence of the drug, the metabolism of calcium and phosphates in the human body is normalized. This contributes to the proper formation of the bone skeleton and the preservation of bone tissue structure.

Instructions for medical use of the drug Aquadetrim vitamin D3


Aquadetrim vitamin D3

International nonproprietary name

Dosage form

Oral dropsME/ml


1 ml of solution (30 drops) contains

active substance - cholecalciferolME,

excipients: macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, sucrose (250 mg), sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, anise flavor, benzyl alcohol (15 mg), purified water.


Colorless, transparent or slightly opalescent liquid with an anise odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Vitamins. Vitamin D and its derivatives.

ATS code A11CC 05

Pharmacological properties


An aqueous solution of vitamin D3 is better absorbed than an oil solution (which is important when used in premature infants). After oral administration, cholecalciferol is absorbed in the small intestine by passive diffusion of 50 to 80% of the dose.

Absorption is rapid (in the distal small intestine), enters the lymphatic system, enters the liver and the general bloodstream. In the blood it binds to alpha2-globulins and partially to albumins. Accumulates in the liver, bones, skeletal muscles, kidneys, adrenal glands, myocardium, and adipose tissue. TCmax (period of maximum concentration) in tissues, then the concentration of the drug decreases slightly, remaining at a constant level for a long time. In the form of polar metabolites, it is localized mainly in the membranes of cells and microsomes, mitochondria and nuclei. Penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk.

Deposited in the liver.

Metabolized in the liver and kidneys: in the liver it is converted into an inactive metabolite calcifediol (25-dihydrocholecalciferol), in the kidneys - from calcifediol it is converted into an active metabolite calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) and an inactive metabolite 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Subject to enterohepatic recirculation.

Vitamin D and its metabolites are excreted in the bile, and a small amount is excreted in the kidneys. Cumulates.


Aquadetrim vitamin D3 is an antirachitic drug. The most important function of Aquadetrim vitamin D3 is the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, which promotes mineralization and skeletal growth. Vitamin D3 is the natural form of vitamin D, which is formed in humans in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium and phosphates from the intestines, in the transport of mineral salts and in the process of bone calcification, and also regulates the reabsorption of calcium and phosphates by the kidneys. Calcium ions are involved in a number of important biochemical processes that determine the maintenance of muscle tone of skeletal muscles, in the conduction of nervous stimulation, and in the process of blood clotting. Aquadetrim vitamin D3 stimulates the production of lymphokines.

Indications for use of the drug Aquadetrim vitamin D3

Hypo- and avitaminosis of vitamin D (states of increased need for vitamin D in the body due to nephrogenic osteopathy, inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, malabsorption syndrome, insufficient insolation, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, renal failure, liver cirrhosis, pregnancy and lactation)

Osteomalacia and bone diseases with metabolic disorders (hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism)

As part of complex therapy

Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

Method of administration and dosage of the drug Aquadetrim vitamin D3

The drug is taken orally with a small amount of liquid

1 drop contains about 500 IU of vitamin D3.

Preventive doses of Aquadetrim vitamin D3:

full-term newborns from 4 weeks of life to 2-3 years of life with proper care and sufficient exposure to fresh air ME (1 drop) per day;

premature newborns from 4 weeks of life, as well as twins, infants in poor living conditions ME (2 drops) per day for one year. In the summer, you can limit the dose to 500 IU (1 drop) per day. The duration of therapy is up to 2-3 years of life;

pregnant women - a daily dose of 500 IU of vitamin D3 for the entire period of pregnancy, or 1000 IU/day from the 28th week of pregnancy;

For postmenopausal women - 1000 IU (1-2 drops) per day, for 2-3 years, the doctor decides on the need for repeated courses of therapy.

Therapeutic doses of Aquadetrim vitamin D3:

for rickets, start with 2000 IU for 3-5 days, then, if well tolerated, the dose is increased to an individual therapeutic dose of 00 IU (4-10 drops) daily, most often 3000 IU, depending on the severity of rickets (I, II, or III ) and the course of the disease, for 4-6 weeks, under careful monitoring of the clinical condition and the study of biochemical parameters (calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase) of blood and urine. A dose of 5000 IU is prescribed only for pronounced bone changes.

If necessary, after a one-week break, you can repeat the course of treatment. Treatment is carried out until a clear therapeutic effect is obtained, followed by a transition to a prophylactic dose of 0 IU/day. The duration of the course of treatment and prevention is determined by the doctor;

for rickets-like diseases - IU per day (20 - 40 drops) depending on age, weight and severity of the disease, under the control of biochemical blood parameters and urine analysis. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. The doctor decides about the need for repeated courses of therapy;

for osteomalacia and postmenopausal osteoporosis as part of complex therapy, 500 – 1000 IU (1-2 drops) per day.

The dosage is usually prescribed taking into account the amount of vitamin D supplied in other foods.

Side effects of the drug Aquadetrim vitamin D3

In cases of rarely observed individual hypersensitivity to vitamin D3 or as a result of using too high doses over a long period, hypervitaminosis D3 may occur:

Mental disorders, including depression

Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation

Headaches, muscle and joint pain

Weight loss

Increased calcium levels in the blood and urine

Kidney stone formation and soft tissue calcification

Contraindications to Aquadetrim vitamin D3

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, especially benzyl alcohol

Liver and kidney failure

Calcium kidney stones

Neonatal period up to 4 weeks

Drug interactions

Antiepileptic drugs, rifampicin, cholestyramine, reduce the reabsorption of vitamin D3.

The toxic effect is weakened by vitamin A, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin.

Long-term therapy with the simultaneous use of aluminum and magnesium-containing antacids increases their concentration in the blood and the risk of intoxication (especially in the presence of chronic renal failure).

Calcitonin, derivatives of etidronic and pamidronic acids, plicamycin, gallium nitrate and glucocorticosteroids reduce the effect.

Cholestyramine, colestipol and mineral oils reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract and require an increase in their dosage.

Increases the absorption of phosphorus-containing drugs and the risk of hyperphosphatemia. When used simultaneously with sodium fluoride, the interval between doses should be at least 2 hours; with oral forms of tetracyclines - at least 3 hours.

Concomitant use with other vitamin D analogues increases the risk of developing hypervitaminosis.

special instructions

Avoid overdose of Aquadetrim vitamin D3.

Use cautiously in immobilized patients.

Caution is necessary when prescribing the drug to elderly people, since in this category of people calcium deposition in the lungs, kidneys and blood vessels increases.

Use with caution in people with diabetes.

During pregnancy, Vitamin D3 should not be used in high doses ME due to the possibility of teratogenic effects in case of overdose.

Overdose of Aquadetrim vitamin D3

Symptoms: anxiety, thirst, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal colic, polyuria. Frequent symptoms are headaches, muscle and joint pain, mental disorders, including depression, stupor, ataxia and progressive weight loss. Renal dysfunction develops with albinuria, erythrocyturia and polyuria, increased potassium loss, hyposthenuria, nocturia and increased blood pressure. In severe cases, clouding of the cornea may occur, less commonly swelling of the optic nerve papilla, inflammation of the iris, and even the development of cataracts. Kidney stones may form and calcification of soft tissues, including blood vessels, heart, lungs and skin, occurs. Cholestatic jaundice rarely develops.

Treatment: discontinuation of the drug, drinking plenty of fluids, symptomatic therapy.

Release form and packaging

10 ml in a dark glass bottle with a polyethylene dropper stopper and a screw-on polyethylene cap with a “first opening” guarantee ring, along with instructions for medical use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light at temperatures from 5°C to 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children!

Aquadetrim - official instructions for use

Trade name of the drug: Aquadetrim

International nonproprietary name:

Dosage form:

1 ml of solution (30 drops) contains:

Colecalciferol (Vitamin D 3)ME

Excipients. Macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, sucrose, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, anise flavor (or anise essence), gasoline alcohol, purified water.

Colorless, transparent or slightly opalescent liquid with an anise odor.

Calcium-phosphorus metabolism regulator.

Vitamin D 3 is an active antirachitic factor. The most important function of vitamin D 3 is the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, which promotes proper mineralization and skeletal growth.

Vitamin D 3 is the natural form of vitamin D, which is formed in humans in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Compared to vitamin D2, it is characterized by 25% higher activity. Colecalciferol plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium and phosphates from the intestine, in the transport of mineral salts and in the process of calcification of kosgei, and also regulates the excretion of calcium and phosphates by the kidneys. The concentration of calcium ions in the blood determines the maintenance of muscle tone of skeletal muscles, myocardial function, promotes nervous stimulation, and regulates the process of blood clotting. Vitamin D is necessary for the normal function of the parathyroid glands and is also involved in the functioning of the immune system, influencing the production of lymphokines.

Lack of vitamin D in food, impaired absorption, calcium deficiency, as well as insufficient exposure to sunlight, during the period of intensive growth of a child, leads to rickets, and in adults to osteomalacia; Pregnant women may experience symptoms of tetany, disruption of the processes of bone tissue formation in newborns. An increased need for vitamin D occurs in women during menopause, as they often develop osteoporosis due to hormonal imbalances.

An aqueous solution of vitamin D 3 is absorbed better than an oil solution. In premature babies, there is insufficient formation and flow of bile into the intestines, which interferes with the absorption of vitamins in the form of oil solutions. After oral administration, colecalciferol is absorbed in the small intestine. Metabolized in the liver and kidneys. The half-life of colecalciferol from the blood is several days and may be prolonged in the case of renal failure. The drug penetrates the placental barrier into mother's milk. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys and through the intestines. Vitamin D 3 has the property of cumulation.

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment of rickets, rickets-like diseases, hypocalcemic tetany, osteomalacia and metabolic-based bone diseases (such as hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism).

In the complex treatment of osteoporosis, including postmenopausal.


With caution: state of immobilization, when taking thiazides, cardiac glycosides (especially digitalis glycosides); during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In infants with a predisposition to early overgrowth of fontanelles (when the size of the anterior crown is small from birth).

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, vitamin D 3 should not be used in high doses due to the possibility of a teratogenic effect in case of overdose.

Vitamin D 3 should be prescribed with caution in women breastfeeding; a drug taken in high doses by the mother can cause overdose symptoms in the child.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the dose of vitamin D 3 should not exceed 600 IU per day

Directions for use and doses

Apply the drug in a spoonful of liquid.

1 drop contains about 500 IU of vitamin D 3 .

Unless the doctor prescribes otherwise, the drug is used in the following dosages:

  • full-term newborns from 4 weeks of life, up to 2-3 years with proper care and sufficient exposure to fresh air: ME (1 drops) per day;
  • premature babies, from 4 weeks of life, twins, infants in poor living conditions: (2-3 drops) per day. In the summer, you can limit the dose to 500 IU (1 drop) per day.
  • pregnant women: a daily dose of 500 IU of vitamin D 3 for the entire period of pregnancy, or taking 1000 IU / day, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.
  • in the postmenopausal period ME (1-2 drops) per day.
  • for rickets: daily 00 IU (4-10 drops), depending on the severity of rickets (I, II or III) and the course of the disease, for 4-6 weeks, under careful monitoring of the clinical condition and the study of biochemical parameters (calcium, phosphorus , alkaline phosphatase) blood and urine. You should start with 2000 IU for 3-5 days. Then, if well tolerated, the dose is increased to an individual therapeutic dose (most often 3000 IU). A dose of 5000 IU is prescribed only for pronounced bone changes.

If necessary, after a one-week break, you can repeat the course of treatment.

Treatment is carried out until a clear therapeutic effect is obtained, followed by a transition to a prophylactic dose of 0 IU/day.

  • in the treatment of rickets-like diseases: 00 IU per day (40-60 drops) depending on age, body weight and severity of the disease, under the control of biochemical blood parameters and urine analysis. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  • for complex treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: ME (1-2 drops) per day.
  • The dosage is usually prescribed based on the amount of vitamin D obtained from food.

    Side effect

    If signs of hypervitaminosis D appear, it is necessary to discontinue the drug, limit the intake of calcium, and prescribe vitamins A, C and B.

    Symptoms of overdose: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, anxiety, thirst, polyurades, diarrhea, intestinal colic. Frequent symptoms are headache, muscle and joint pain, mental disorders, including depression, stupor, ataxia and progressive weight loss. Renal dysfunction develops with albinuria, erythrocyturia and polyuria, increased potassium loss, hyposthenuria, nocturia and increased blood pressure.

    In severe cases, clouding of the cornea may occur, less commonly swelling of the optic nerve papilla, inflammation of the iris, and even the development of cataracts.

    Kidney stones may form and calcification of soft tissues, including blood vessels, heart, lungs and skin, occurs.

    Cholestatic jaundice rarely develops.

    Stop using the drug. Contact your doctor. Take plenty of fluids. If necessary, hospitalization may be required.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Use simultaneously with thiazide diuretics increases the risk of hypercalcemia.

    Simultaneous use with cardiac glycosides may enhance their toxic effect (increases the risk of heart rhythm disturbances).

    Individual provision of a specific need must take into account all possible sources of this vitamin.

    Too high doses of vitamin D 3 used over a long period of time or shock doses can cause chronic hypervitaminosis D 3 .

    The determination of a child’s daily need for vitamin D and the method of its use should be determined by a doctor individually and each time subject to correction during periodic examinations, especially in the first months of life.

    Do not use 3 high doses of calcium at the same time as vitamin D.

    During treatment, periodic monitoring of the concentration of calcium and phosphate in the blood and urine is necessary.

    Drops for oral administration IU/ml. 10 ml or 15 ml in dark glass bottles with a polyethylene dropper stopper and a screw-on polyethylene cap with a “first opening” guarantee ring. 1 bottle along with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box.

    Store at temperatures from 5 C to 25 C. Protect from light. Keep out of the reach of children.


    Sieradz, st. Polish Military Organization 57, Poland

    Organization receiving consumer complaints

    Joint Stock Company "Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant "AKRIKHIN"

    (JSC AKRIKHIN), Russia

    142450, Moscow region, Noginsky district, Staraya Kupavna, st. Kirova, 29

    Aquadetrim vitamin D3: instructions for use

    Dosage form

    Drops for oral administrationME/ml, 10 ml


    1 ml of solution contains

    active substance - colecalciferol ME,

    excipients: macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, sucrose, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, anise flavor, benzyl alcohol, purified water.


    Transparent, colorless, liquid (opalescence is allowed) with the smell of anise.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group

    Vitamins. Vitamin A and D and their combination. Vitamin D and its derivatives. Colecalciferol.

    ATX code A11SS05

    Pharmacological properties

    An aqueous solution of vitamin D3 is better absorbed than an oil solution (which is important when used in premature infants). After oral administration of colecalciferol, absorption occurs in the small intestine by passive diffusion of 50 to 80% of the dose.

    Absorbed quickly (in the distal small intestine), enters the lymphatic system, enters the liver and the general bloodstream. In the blood it binds to alpha2-globulins and partially to albumins. Accumulates in the liver, bones, skeletal muscles, kidneys, adrenal glands, myocardium, and adipose tissue. TCmax (period of maximum concentration) in tissues, then the concentration of the drug decreases slightly, remaining at a constant level for a long time. In the form of polar metabolites, it is localized mainly in the membranes of cells and microsomes, mitochondria and nuclei. Penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk.

    Deposited in the liver.

    Metabolized in the liver and kidneys: in the liver it is converted into an inactive metabolite calcifediol (25-dihydrocholecalciferol), in the kidneys - from calcifediol it is converted into an active metabolite calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) and an inactive metabolite 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Subject to enterohepatic recirculation. The half-life in the blood is several days and may increase in the case of kidney disease.

    Vitamin D and its metabolites are excreted in the bile, and a small amount is excreted in the kidneys. Cumulates.

    Aquadetrim vitamin D3 is an antirachitic drug. The most important function of Aquadetrim vitamin D3 is the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism, which promotes mineralization and skeletal growth. Vitamin D3 is the natural form of vitamin D, which is formed in humans in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium and phosphates from the intestines, in the transport of mineral salts and in the process of bone calcification, and also regulates the reabsorption of calcium and phosphates by the kidneys. Calcium ions are involved in a number of important biochemical processes that determine the maintenance of muscle tone of skeletal muscles, in the conduction of nervous stimulation, and in the process of blood clotting. Aquadetrim vitamin D3 stimulates the production of lymphokines.

    Indications for use

    Prevention and treatment

    Prevention and treatment of rickets and osteomalacia in children and adults

    Prevention of rickets in premature newborns

    Prevention of vitamin D deficiency in children and adults at risk of this condition without intestinal absorption pathology

    Prevention of vitamin D deficiency in children and adults with malabsorption

    Treatment of hypoparathyroidism in adults

    As part of complex therapy

    Directions for use and doses

    The dose of the drug should be set individually, taking into account the general use of calcium (both in the daily diet and in the form of medications).

    The drug is taken orally with a small amount of liquid.

    1 drop contains about 500 IU of vitamin D3. In order to accurately measure the dose of the drug, you should hold the bottle at an angle of 45° while counting drops.

    Prevention of vitamin D deficiency:

    Children from the 2nd week of life and adults: 500 IU (1 drop) per day

    Treatment of vitamin D deficiency:

    The dose of the drug is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the degree of vitamin D deficiency.

    Vitamin D dependent rickets:

    Children from 3000 IU doME (6-20 drops) per day

    Osteomalacia associated with the use of anticonvulsants:

    DetiME (2 drops per day)

    Adults – IU (2-8 drops) per day

    For osteomalacia and osteoporosis, as part of complex therapy, ME (1-2 drops) per day. The dose is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the cause and severity of the disease.

    Side effects

    Not observed when used in recommended doses. In the case of rarely observed individual hypersensitivity to vitamin D3 or as a result of using too high doses for a long period, an overdose of vitamin D3, vitamin D3 hypervitaminosis, may occur.

    Hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria

    Allergic reactions (itching, rash, urticaria)

    Gastrointestinal disorders (constipation, flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea)


    Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to the components of the drug, especially to benzyl alcohol

    Hypervitaminosis vitamin D

    Elevated levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and urine

    Calcium kidney stones

    Drug interactions

    Antiepileptic drugs (especially phenytoin and phenobarbital), rifampicin reduce the reabsorption of vitamin D3.

    The use of vitamin D3 simultaneously with thiazide diuretics increases the risk of developing hypercalcemia.

    The simultaneous use of vitamin D3 with cardiac glycosides may enhance their toxic effect (increases the risk of heart rhythm disturbances).

    Long-term use of antacids containing aluminum and magnesium in combination with vitamin D may increase the concentration of aluminum in the blood and, as a result, the toxic effect of aluminum on bone tissue and hypermagnesemia in patients with renal failure.

    Concomitant use with other vitamin D analogues increases the risk of developing vitamin D hypervitaminosis.

    Ketoconazole can inhibit both the biosynthesis and catabolism of 1,25(OH)2-colecalciferol.

    Vitamin D is an antagonist of drugs used for hypercalcemia: calcitonin, etidronate, pamidronate.

    special instructions

    Too high doses of vitamin D3, used over a long period of time or shock doses, can cause chronic hypervitaminosis D3.

    Determining a child’s daily need for vitamin D and the method of its use should be determined by a doctor individually and each time subject to correction during periodic examinations, especially in the first months of life.

    Use with caution in immobilized patients, in patients taking thiazide diuretics, in patients with urolithiasis, as well as in patients with heart disease and taking cardiac glycosides.

    Do not use calcium supplements in high doses simultaneously with vitamin D3.

    You should not take vitamin D if you have pseudohypoparathyroidism, since in this disease the need for vitamin D may be reduced, which may lead to the risk of long-term overdose.

    Treatment is carried out under periodic monitoring of the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and urine.

    The drug contains benzyl alcohol, which may cause an anaphylactoid reaction.

    Vitamin D should be prescribed with extreme caution in newborns with a small anterior fontanel.

    Pregnancy and lactation period

    Should not be used in high doses in pregnant women due to possible teratogenic effects in case of overdose (very high doses during pregnancy are likely to cause dementia and congenital heart defects in children)

    Vitamin D3 should be prescribed with caution during lactation, since the drug taken in high doses by the mother can cause overdose symptoms in the child.

    Features of the drug's influence on the ability to drive

    vehicle or potentially dangerous machinery


    An overdose of vitamin D3 may occur as a result of using high doses of the drug.

    Symptoms: hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, kidney calcification, bone damage, disorders of the cardiovascular system. Hypercalcemia occurs after prolonged use of vitamin D in doses of 000 IU/day. In case of an overdose of the drug, the following develop: muscle weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, severe thirst, dry mouth, polyuria, lethargy, conjunctivitis, photophobia, pancreatitis, weight loss, increased sweating, itching, watery nasal discharge, hyperthermia, decreased libido, depression, psychotic disorders, hypercholesterolemia, increased transaminase activity, arterial hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, uremia, headache, muscle and joint pain, weight loss, renal dysfunction, nephrolithiasis.

    Treatment: drug withdrawal, drinking plenty of fluids, symptomatic therapy. There is no specific antidote.

    Release form and packaging

    10 ml in dark glass bottles, sealed with polyethylene dropper stoppers and screw-on polyethylene caps with a “first opening” guarantee ring.

    Each bottle, together with approved instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, is placed in a cardboard pack.

    Storage conditions

    Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature from 5°C to 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children!

    Shelf life

    After the first opening of the package, the shelf life is 6 months.

    Do not use after expiration date.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    Name and country of the organization - manufacturer

    You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.


    Oral solution transparent, slightly yellowish.

    Excipients: medium chain triglycerides up to 1 ml.

    The substance colecalciferol contains dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate. 1 ml of the drug dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate contains 0.05 mg.

    20 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.

    25 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.

    30 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.

    50 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.

    10 ml - glass bottles (1) with dropper caps or screw-on caps with dropper stoppers. - cardboard packs.

    15 ml - glass bottles (1) with dropper caps or screw-on caps with dropper stoppers. - cardboard packs.

    30 ml - glass bottles (1) with dropper caps or screw-on caps with dropper stoppers. - cardboard packs.

    50 ml - glass bottles (1) with dropper caps or screw-on caps with dropper stoppers. - cardboard packs.

    Absorption is rapid (in the distal small intestine), enters the lymphatic system, enters the liver and the general bloodstream. In the blood it binds to alpha2-globulins and partially to albumins. Accumulates in the liver, bones, skeletal muscles, kidneys, adrenal glands, myocardium, and adipose tissue. The time it takes to reach Cmax in tissues is then the concentration of colecalciferol decreases slightly, remaining at a constant level for a long time. In the form of polar metabolites, it is localized mainly in the membranes of cells, microsomes, mitochondria and nuclei. Penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk. Deposited in the liver.

    Metabolized in the liver and kidneys: in the liver it is converted into an inactive metabolite calcifediol (25-dihydrocolecalciferol), in the kidneys from calcifediol it is converted into an active metabolite calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycolecalciferol) and an inactive metabolite 24,25-dihydroxycolecalciferol. Subject to enterohepatic recirculation.

    Vitamin D 3 and its metabolites are excreted in the bile, and a small amount is excreted in the kidneys.

    Prevention and treatment of rickets;

    Prevention of vitamin D 3 deficiency in high-risk groups (malabsorption, chronic diseases of the small intestine, biliary cirrhosis of the liver, condition after resection of the stomach and/or small intestine);

    Maintenance therapy for osteoporosis (of various origins);

    Treatment of osteomalacia (against the background of mineral metabolism disorders in patients over 45 years of age, prolonged immobilization in case of injury, adherence to a list of refusal to take milk and dairy products);

    Treatment of hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism.

    Renal osteodystrophy with hyperphosphatemia;

    Hypersensitivity (including with thyrotoxicosis).

    Atherosclerosis, heart failure, renal failure, pulmonary tuberculosis (active form), sarcoidosis or other granulomatosis, hyperphosphatemia, phosphate nephrolithiasis, organic heart damage, acute and chronic liver and kidney diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pregnancy, period lactation, hypothyroidism.

    Dosing from bottles that are not equipped with droppers must be done using an eye dropper. 1 drop from an eye dropper or stopper/dropper cap contains 625 IU Vigamin D 3 .

    An oral solution in oil is given in a spoonful of milk or other liquid.

    Prevention of rickets: For full-term healthy babies, Vitamin D 3 is prescribed from the second week of life, 1 drop (about 625 IU) daily. Premature babies are prescribed 2 drops of Vitamin D 3 (about 1250 IU) per day from the 2nd week of life every day. The drug is prescribed during the first and second year of life, especially in winter.

    For the treatment of rickets: Prescribe from 2 to 8 drops of Vitamin D 3 (about ME) / day. Treatment is continued for a year.

    Preventing the risk of diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency 3: 1-2 drops of Vitamin D 3 (about ME)/day.

    Prevention of vitamin D 3 deficiency in malabsorption syndrome: from 5 to 8 drops of Vitamin D 3 (about ME)/day.

    Maintenance therapy for osteoporosis: from 2 to 5 drops of Vitamin D 3 (about ME)/day.

    Treatment of osteomalacia caused by vitamin D deficiency 3: from 2 to 8 drops of Vitamin (about ME) / day. Treatment is continued for a year.

    Treatment of hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism: depending on the concentration of calcium in the plasma, 16 to 32 drops of Vitamin D 3 (about 000 IU)/day are prescribed. If a higher dose is required, then higher dosage medications are recommended. Blood calcium levels should be checked within 4-6 weeks, then every 3-6 months, and the dose adjusted according to normal blood calcium levels.

    Allergic reactions, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, loss of appetite, polyuria, constipation, flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain, headache, myalgia, arthralgia, increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, impaired renal function, exacerbation of the tuberculosis process in the lungs.

    Symptoms of vitamin D 3 hypervitaminosis:

    Early (due to hypercalcemia) - constipation or diarrhea, dry oral mucosa, headache, thirst, pollakiuria, nocturia, polyuria, anorexia, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, unusual fatigue, general weakness, adynamia, hypscalcemia, hypercalciuria, dehydration;

    Late - bone pain, cloudy urine (appearance of hyaline casts in the urine, proteinuria, leukocyturia). increased blood pressure, skin itching, photosensitivity of the eyes, conjunctival hyperemia, arrhythmia, drowsiness, myalgia, nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, gastralgia. weight loss, rarely - psychosis (mental changes) and mood changes.

    Symptoms of chronic vitamin D3 intoxication (when taken for several weeks or months for adults at doses of 00 IU/day, children 00 IU/day):

    Calcification of soft tissues, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels, arterial hypertension, renal and chronic heart failure (these effects most often occur when hyperphosphaemia is combined with hypercalcemia), growth impairment in children (long-term use at a dose of 1800 IU/day).

    Treatment: discontinuation of the drug, a low-calcium diet, consumption of large amounts of fluid, administration of corticosteroids, in severe cases, intravenous administration of a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, furosemide, electrolytes, calcitonin, hemodialysis. A specific antidote is unknown.

    To prevent overdose, in some cases it is recommended to monitor the concentration of calcium in the blood.

    Thiazide diuretics increase the risk of hypercalcemia.

    With hypervitaminosis D3, it is possible to enhance the effect of cardiac glycosides and increase the risk of arrhythmia due to the development of hypercalcemia (monitoring the concentration of calcium in the blood, an electrocardiogram, as well as adjusting the dose of cardiac glycoside are advisable).

    Under the influence of barbiturates (including phenobarbital), phenytoin and primidone, the need for colecalciferol can significantly increase (increase the metabolic rate).

    Long-term therapy with the simultaneous use of aluminum and magnesium-containing antacids increases their concentration in the blood and the risk of intoxication (especially in the presence of chronic renal failure).

    Calcitonin, bisphosphonates, plicamycin, gallium nitrate and corticosteroids reduce the effect of the drug.

    Cholestyramine, colestipol and mineral oils reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the gastrointestinal tract and require an increase in their dose.

    Increases the absorption of phosphorus-containing drugs and the risk of hyperphosphatemia.

    When used simultaneously with sodium fluoride, the interval between doses should be at least 2 hours; with oral forms of hetracyclinone for at least 3 hours.

    Concomitant use with other vitamin D3 analogues increases the risk of developing hypervitaminosis.

    Concomitant use of benzodiazepines increases the risk of hypercalcemia.

    Isoniazid and rifamycin can reduce the effect of the drug due to an increase in the rate of biotransformation.

    Does not interact with food.

    Use under close medical supervision of calcium concentrations in the blood and urine (especially when combined with thiazide diuretics).

    When used prophylactically, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of overdose, especially in children (more than 0,000 IU/year should not be prescribed). Long-term use in high doses leads to chronic hypervitaminosis D3.

    It should be borne in mind that sensitivity to vitamin D 3 varies from patient to patient, and in some patients taking even therapeutic doses can cause symptoms of hypervitaminosis.

    The sensitivity of newborns to vitamin D 3 varies, and some may be sensitive even to very low doses. Children who receive vitamin D 3 over a long period of time have an increased risk of growth retardation.

    To prevent hypovitaminosis D3, a balanced diet is most preferable.

    Breastfed newborns, especially those born to mothers with dark skin and/or insufficient sun exposure, are at high risk of vitamin D3 deficiency.

    In old age, the need for vitamin D 3 may increase due to a decrease in the absorption of vitamin D 3 and a decrease in the skin's ability to synthesize provitamin D 3 . reducing the time of insolation, increasing the incidence of renal failure.

    Since with pseudohypoparathyroidism there may be phases of normal sensitivity to vitamin D 3, it is necessary to adjust the dose of the drug.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

    There are no data on the possible effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and machines.

    Chronic overdose (hypercalcemia, penetration of Vigamin D 3 mstabolites through the placenta), which occurs during pregnancy in case of long-term use of the drug in high doses, can cause defects in the physical and mental development of the fetus, special forms of aortic stenosis.

    Vitamin D 3 and its metabolites are excreted in breast milk.

    Store the drug in a place protected from light at a temperature of 15° to 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life - 5 years.

    Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.