What to order on iHerb: the best products. iherb bestsellers. Melathonin TR to sleep like a log

The well-known American website of dietary supplements is a storehouse of useful additives that, when used correctly, help to lead healthy image life and correct diseases. Let's figure out what you can order on iherb from the many items presented in order to get the maximum benefit from your purchase.

A few words about the iherb store

The name of the iherb store appeared after the founders of the business began online sales of herbal teas 16 years ago. The initiative turned out to be successful, and now this company successfully sells eco-products around the world.

If the store was initially created as an online platform for selling products from just one company, now it is a world-famous site with a range of thousands of products.

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You can order everything on iherb: from anti-aging creams and shampoos without lauryl sulfate to dietary supplements, teas, and aromatic oils.

What to buy on iherb

The selection on the iherb website is huge, so it’s easy for a beginner to get lost in the variety of products presented.

All products are divided into the following categories: dietary supplements, shower products (shampoos, gels, soaps) and food products (tea, chocolate), beauty products, vitamins.

Let's take a closer look at the additives section.

1. Now Foods, Stinging Nettle Root Extract

Nettle contains a unique multivitamin complex, which helps in many cases. But its root has special properties. This is a classic antiandrogenic agent.

Nettle root can be successfully used by men who have problems with early baldness. Nettle root extract has the unique ability to block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which ultimately causes hair to fall out.

To treat baldness, medications containing finasteride are often prescribed. The World FDA Association has proven that finasteride reduces potency. Nettle root extract, on the contrary, not only blocks dihydrotestosterone, but also increases the level of testosterone that men need so much by 10%.

According to research from the same FDA, consuming nettle root extract reduces hair loss in men by 35%. In addition, nettle root contains a number of chemical compounds that are good for stimulating the immune system.

2. Now Foods, Fast Seasonal Symptom Relief, With EMIQ, 30 Vegetarian Capsules

Isokercin - an assistant during seasonal

This dietary supplement will help everyone who suffers from seasonal hay fever. The drug contains isokercin, a clinically tested form of quercetin with increased bioavailability.

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in many berries and vegetables (onions, citrus fruits, dark berries, olive oil). In its chemical composition, querticin is similar to sodium chromonyl (gastrochrome), which is usually used to treat allergies and asthma.

According to research, isokercin is absorbed and absorbed by the body 40 times faster. After just 30 minutes, pain and itching in the eyes, rhinorrhea and lacrimation decrease.

3. Nature's Answer, Liquid Magnesium Malate and Glycinate

First, let's say a few words about magnesium in general. This mineral is very important for the formation of normal structure bone tissue. In addition, magnesium promotes muscle relaxation and a general reduction in stress, thins the blood and lowers blood pressure, and is involved in the synthesis of proteins necessary for the body.

This dietary supplement contains a chelated form of magnesium: a combination of magnesium ion and the amino acid glycine. Magnesium glycitate does not require additional transformations in the body, since it is already ready for use and is perfectly absorbed.

Magnesium glycinate is intended to combat stress, useful for psychological and mental stress, as well as for normalization. Interestingly, the relaxing effect is noted for the whole body - it also helps with calf cramps, and during serious sports training.

4. Now Foods, DHA-500/EPA-250, double strength

Omega-3 DHA-500/EPA-250 – fish oil concentrate

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are involved in the anti-inflammatory processes of our body and are the basis for prevention and treatment cardiovascular diseases, are necessary for the normal formation and functioning of the central nervous system.

The iherb website offers many options for fish oil in various forms. However, DHA-500/EPA-250 is the most profitable option to purchase, since the capsules contain double concentrations of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids.

In addition to the proven effectiveness of fish oil for the cardiovascular system, scientists believe that omega-3s are beneficial for.

It has been proven that the level of sensitivity of body cells to histamine plays a major role in the development of allergies. As soon as the sensitivity of the cells increases, even the smallest effect of an irritating chemical product can cause an allergy.

Fish oil contains vitamin A, which helps strengthen cell membranes. The denser cell membrane is a barrier to histamine. Thus, Omega-3 protects the body from allergic reactions.

5. "

These candies will benefit children prone to otitis media. The candies contain a narrow-profile probiotic. During the absorption process, the antibiotic enters the mucous membrane of the pharynx and inner ear and fights pathogenic bacteria. In this way, ENT diseases are prevented.

The candies have a pronounced cherry flavor, but they are a little sour, so not all children like them. It should be taken into account that the candy must be sucked, and not chewed and swallowed.

It is better to give candy to children at night, after brushing their teeth. Another feature of this drug: the opened jar should be stored in the refrigerator.

6. Doctor's Best, High Potency Serrapeptase

The enzyme serrapeptase was first discovered in the intestines of the silkworm. The insect uses it to dissolve the cocoon. After studying the enzyme, it became clear that serrapeptase is capable of dissolving proteins foreign to the body: for example, viral proteins, blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques and tumors.

Serrapeptase has been used in world practice for more than 25 years, and is considered one of the safest anti-inflammatory enzymes. It is often used as a replacement for antibiotics and hormonal agents.

The scope of application of this drug is wide: ENT diseases, sports injuries, sprains, ligament ruptures, fractures, cardiovascular diseases, acute dermatoses, lactostasis.

The peculiarity of the drug is that the enzyme reduces blood clotting. Therefore, if you are planning an operation, you need to stop using dietary supplements 2 weeks before surgery. It is not recommended to take simultaneously with aspirin and diclofenac.

7. Now Foods, Lutein

Lutein increases visual acuity and protects the eyes from free radicals. Lutein is not produced in our body, but comes only from food (the most lutein is found in spinach, basil, parsley, broccoli, pumpkin, and zucchini).

What you need to know when buying dietary supplements on iherb

In the article we mentioned only a small fraction of the useful dietary supplements presented on iherb. In fact, there are much more dietary supplements on this site that will help strengthen health and immunity.

However, no matter what dietary supplement you purchase, be sure to follow the dosage and track the time when you need to take the supplement. Only dietary supplements It's healthier in the morning(when taken on an empty stomach), others - in the evening, after dinner.

In order not to confuse your appointment time, be sure to create a list of reminders for yourself. The most convenient way to do this is in the Medical Note application, which saves information about the time of taking medications.

The popularity of the American store Iherb is growing every year and it is no coincidence: a huge assortment, reasonable prices and Fast shipping in Russia. We also love this store and decided to devote a whole series of articles to it.

The most difficult thing for any Iherb buyer is to decide and make a choice (and stop in time, of course). With such a variety of brands and products, it's really hard to know what to buy. We wanted to help our readers a little and tell us about our must-haves, what we especially like and which has already ended up in the basket more than once.

And we’ll start with the most relevant autumn topic: vitamins, supplements and dietary supplements.

Now it’s autumn, although I usually don’t experience any depression or apathetic states, but in more quiet days The activity disappears somewhere, and you want to lie in a warm blanket. Therefore, the body needs help, because things won’t do themselves!

From IHERB I order mainly household chemicals and dietary supplements, which I provide to all my relatives and friends. Now I'm finishing my vitamin complex Opti-Women companies Optimum Nutrition. It was designed specifically for women keeping in mind various features body. The composition includes a huge number of components that should help the body survive hard times:). These are exactly what I have now. A huge amount of work, constant stress due to repairs, and unexpected additional training crippled me. And I think that if it weren’t for these vitamins, I would have collapsed like a cornered horse from all these circumstances, constant lack of sleep and strange, extremely unhealthy food.

Composition and dosage:

The packaging indicates that all components are combined with each other. I can judge this from my own experience; I did not experience any side effects and allergies. Previously, I drank everything separately: biotin, fish fat, vitamin C in the morning. After all, sometimes you forget to eat an extra orange. And it was so easy to miss something. Now I have everything my body needs in one jar. And I know for sure that I need to eat two capsules for breakfast.

It’s difficult to talk about the effect, because you don’t see it in sudden changes in the hair or skin. But I feel it. I increasingly began to wake up from the first alarm clock, and not from the fourth. In the evening I have enough energy for a short workout, a TV series, intimate conversations, and I don’t want to fall like a star in the hallway, as I did before. There is energy. Yes, it doesn’t go overboard, but now it’s quite enough to survive in gloomy times :).

Price: $20.28 (120 capsules), $11.56 (60 capsules).

I don’t know at what point I became interested in dietary supplements from the Ayherb website. Apparently, this happened in the process of searching for a better, more effective or more concentrated analogue of any product sold by us. One way or another, jars have appeared that always “live” at home or appear with a certain periodicity as favorites. I’ll tell you briefly about them.

I rarely take multivitamins with large dosages for a number of reasons, but I regularly take various supplements and mono-complexes in courses. I especially like antioxidant courses, omegas and mineral or auxiliary complexes for skin and hair. I already wrote once about what I think are useful supplements for improving hair quality, but this time I decided to focus on an excellent dietary supplement for the skin.

Vitamins were a pleasant discovery for me. Solgar "Skin, nails and hair". At least, I really felt the effect and now that the jar was finished, I boldly bought two more - for myself and my husband.

Composition and dosage:

Due to frequent night awakenings with a small child, I felt very tired and lacked the strength and desire to get out of bed. Within a couple of weeks I began to feel much more energetic. It became easier for me to wake up, my mood improved. A little later, I began to notice that my hair began to grow faster. Within a couple of months of taking it, my hair grew by 3 cm, although it had never grown more than a centimeter before. This is especially striking in my new bangs, which were formed from lost hair and are now growing rapidly.

By the way, my husband also noted that the undercoat began to grow and, surprisingly, his hairdresser noticed this.

Actually, the vitamins didn’t give anything supernatural, but they work. And they work many times better than many others.

Price: $18.15 (120 tablets).

I have been ordering from iherb since 2013. Buying there is still as profitable as it was 4 years ago. There is a bonus program that is about a year old. And when the site’s assortment was replenished with Korean cosmetics, the baskets became 2 times heavier.

What I order constantly and specifically from iHerb are products Optimum Nutrition. In Russia, markups for sports drinks are serious; waiting 10 days is not a problem, especially if we are talking about saving 1-2 thousand rubles.

When I run out of vitamins Opti Women, I immediately place a new order. I have been friends with these vitamins for 2.5 years now. Yes, they have a pretty steep dosage, so if you don’t exercise or don’t lead a very active lifestyle, then you need to take a smaller dosage than recommended. 2 capsules - during periods of heavy workload, sports activity, when you are sick, when you are very tired. 1 capsule - on normal days, when there was little load. These vitamins change the color of your urine to lemon, don’t be alarmed. All dietary supplements with a high dosage of folic acid have this feature.

Composition and dosage:

Over these 2 years, I noticed that as soon as I stopped taking these vitamins, I started to get sick. This has been checked several times already. Therefore, I try to get my orders right so that I never run out of vitamins.

An important point is that an overdose of vitamins is also bad. Do not take 2 capsules per day unless necessary. I sometimes noticed allergic reactions on the skin, reduced the dosage and everything returned to normal. It is impossible to say for sure that it is from vitamins, but you need to be on the alert with them.

Why do I take these particular vitamins? Because I only notice the effect from them. Only with them do I get enough sleep, recover, and a loading dose can stop the onset of a cold. All the other complexes that I took had a ghostly effect.

Price: $11.56 (60 capsules), $20.28 (120 capsules).

Lately my husband has started asking me to order Opti Men, because he notes that they make it easier to recover after training. For some reason, men's vitamins are without a protective coating, large almond-shaped tablets. Women's ones are more convenient to drink, they are a little smaller and don't smell as strongly of that smell of dietary supplements.

Composition and dosage:

Price: $19.51 (90 tablets), $28.20 (150 tablets), $45.62 (240 tablets).

The second most important product that we have been ordering for 2 years now is protein. An evening snack or dinner is often just like this - mix one scoop with milk or water, shake, drink and you're full in just 2 minutes. You don’t stand at the stove, you don’t wash dishes, you get the idea... The biggest plus is the small amount of carbohydrates and fats. That is, such a dinner can be considered dietary.

I won’t go into detail about why those who play sports need protein. It seems to me that in 2017 everyone already knows that building and maintaining muscle without protein is impossible.

As for the skeptics who say that protein is chemical, harmful to the intestines and the like. I don't know how harmful it is, but I don't eat just protein all day long. Everything requires moderation and a common sense approach. And it’s also interesting that it’s dry baby food do exactly the same as whey protein.

Why drink protein at all when you can eat a couple of eggs or boil a breast? Naturally, you can eat and all that. Then, when you limit yourself to sweets, the only substitutes can be fruit or dark chocolate. For my taste, this is a so-so alternative. When you want something sweet on a diet (or in the evening), protein flavored with cookies or vanilla ice cream will be an excellent snack-dessert without harming your figure.

The most frequently repeated purchase for me on Iherb was biotin. The store offers several varieties, but I chose the one that our Nika Nostalgia advised me - Biotin Country Life 5 mg. I've been sitting on it ever since.

Composition and dosage:

My eternal problem is the periodic severe loss hair. Once every few months they begin to fall out with terrible force, I worry about this, and from nerves they seem to creep up even more. This is such a vicious circle. Clever man I would have gone to the doctor a long time ago, but I’m saving myself with serum outside and biotin inside.

You need to take biotin for three months, one capsule per day (thus, I alternate between buying cans of 120 and 60 pieces). It is recommended to do this during meals, but I only remember about it in the evening, although I try to keep the jar always in sight. But that's how it works too.
You shouldn't expect instant results. Still, it’s not for nothing that the course lasts three months, and not one. At first, you might even think that biotin doesn’t work, despair and give up everything. That's what I did the very first time. I thought it was some kind of strange thing. They promised that the hair would stop falling, that the nails would get stronger, but no miracle happened. But after a couple of months, when the situation on my head became close to critical, I decided to repeat the experiment and drink the entire course to the end. And over time, I began to notice that the hair loss was indeed gradually decreasing to normal, new hairs were sticking out everywhere on the head, and most importantly, that small area from which the hair was falling most actively was almost completely overgrown.

A year has passed since then, I repeated the course again after another attack of hair loss. Last year's new hairs have already noticeably grown and become full-fledged hair, now new ones are sticking out along the hairline. In addition, the quality of the hair has also changed. They have become much more obedient, less fluffy, and lie better. Still split a little, but not quite as much as before. As for the nails, I literally sharpened the new file just a few times. Before taking biotin, the exact same one lasted me for a couple of years.

Price: $9.83 (60 capsules), $16.67 (120 capsules).

Vitamins and supplements are probably one of the most attractive sections of iHerb. Of course, there are a lot of interesting and good things there, but you can find an analogue for something here, but health products with a ratio of an adequate price + an effective formula are difficult! And this section is one of my favorites. I regularly take some vitamins or dietary supplements; in the past, I could sometimes be confused by thinking about whether this is really necessary. But another course of supplements dispelled doubts - after all, when you see excellent result, then you believe it. By the way, not all supplements give a very noticeable effect, some I take simply because they are useful, some for prevention. And for the project I chose what I order most often and what I see the effect of.

Something I already talked about is chlorophyll. And coenzyme - this supplement is just now relevant: CoQ10, in addition to supporting heart function, has a positive effect on the body as a whole. In the fall, it is he who helps me not to be depressed, to cope with apathy and laziness. In general, this is a “remedy for fatigue” and just a must-have for me! Details can be read in this article.

The second part is hyaluronic-collagen. Supplements from this “series” are my favorite! Iherb has a lot of both, I tried different ones and identified several that were effective and not the most expensive.

You can choose collagen in pills or powder form. I order both, but I still prefer the powder one. But yes, it needs to be diluted, and for some it may not be as convenient as eating a pill. And immediately there is one more “but” - the pills are usually huge + according to the instructions they need to be taken 2-3 times a day, and for some people these moments are not very comfortable. I just noted this, but I myself calmly accept both options, especially since I don’t notice much of a difference in the result.

Collagen has a positive effect on joints, skin and, it seems to me, to some extent on nails and hair too (but not as brightly as vitamins for hair, of course). Thanks to collagen, a feeling of lightness and flexibility appears, and the unpleasant crunch goes away. I take it together with hyaluronic acid or separately. The effect of collagen alone on the skin is soft and “gradual”, the difference is difficult to immediately notice, but still there is an effect - it definitely helps to increase elasticity, reduce dryness, and, I have no doubt, prevents the appearance and development of premature wrinkles. I take courses for about two or even three months (that’s more correct), but I know that there are those who do this almost constantly.

Composition and dosage:

Price: $11.40 (60 capsules).

Separately took out Collagen Neocell, Collagen Beauty Builder, "Beauty Builder" - it is different from regular topics that its action is aimed at improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Convenient in cases where you would like to combine several additives at once - in addition to collagen, the complex contains alpha lipoic acid, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, biotin and silicon. In general, all the most interesting things for skin and hair. 150 tablets – course for 50 (!) days.

Composition and dosage:

Price: $15.25 (150 tablets).

Vitamins for hair.

For the article I chose Solgar biotin and the Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair complex - I have ordered both more than once, and have never been disappointed.

Biotin Solgar contains only 300 mcg, this is the daily requirement, but biotin can be taken in higher dosages. I get a course of one or two tablets a day, it all depends rather on my worries about the condition of my hair. And biotin really helps them, enhances growth, including new hair. In addition, I feel less tired and can cope with my usual loads more easily. This is especially true in autumn and spring.

Composition and dosage:

Price: $5.70 (100 tablets).

Of all the hair complexes, I prefer Solgar Skin, Nails & Hair. Here interesting composition– zinc, silicon, vitamin C, L-proline, L-lysine, normal daily doses. I also like the effect - everything that should be is there. Nails become stronger, denser and grow faster. However, this comes from almost any biotin. And Solgar also helps improve overall well-being and gives vigor. And the condition of the skin changes for the better. This is not as pronounced as from hyaluronic acid, but I feel the benefits - it looks fresh, my complexion and overall appearance improves. And I notice that from both biotin and the “Hair, Skin, Nails” complex, hair grows better, this is especially visible in new hairs and regrown roots.

Composition and dosage:

Price: $18.15 (120 tablets).

What vitamins do you prefer? Multicomplexes or mono-supplements? How do you feel about sports nutrition? Tell us about your Iherb must-haves :).

Used for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu. Provides antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect. You can drink it orally, use it to gargle, or drop it into your nose for a runny nose. Standardized extract for universal use.

Vitargol, sialor (protorgol)

Colloidal silver is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.This spray is the same protargol, only in a container convenient for use and for treating the throat.

Now Foods, Silver Sol, 4 fl oz (118 ml)

Colloidal silver or Silver salt is a wonderful alternative to any synthetic antibiotics. Helps the body fight infection without side effects. At the same time, the spectrum of action of silver is up to 650 species of bacteria.


Nutricology, NAC, 90 tablets

Contains amino acids, nucleic acids and lipoic acid. Developed by Dr. Martin Poll and NutriCology.

Now Foods, N-Acetyl Cysteine, 600 mg, 250 Vegetarian Capsules


Quantum Health, Super Lysine+, Herpes Treatment, 0.25 oz (7 g)

  • Cuts healing time in half

  • Fast Pain Relief

  • Relieves burning and itching

  • With herbs, vitamins and other topical agents

  • Contains 14 nutritional ingredients including lysine, propolis, olive oil and vitamin E

  • Soothes and moisturizes

  • Relieves pain, burning and itching


NatraBio, bioAllers, allergy treatment, outdoor allergies,
60 tablets

  • Homeopathic remedy

  • Sinus pressure, sinus congestion

  • Sneezing and runny nose

  • Itchy and watery eyes

Mezim, festal, etc.

Now Foods, Pancreatin, 10X - 200 mg, 100 Capsules

  • Promotes digestion

  • Promotes the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

  • Food supplement

  • Probiotics/Enzymes/Digestion Aid

Activated carbon

Nature's Way, Activated Charcoal, 100 Capsules

Nature's Way Activated Charcoal contains no preservatives, yeast, milk, lactose, wheat, sugar, soy or corn.

Mason Naturals, Activated Vegetable Charcoal, 60 Capsules

You need to take 1-2 tablets, while Activated carbon need to
take 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.


Pedialyte, Oral Electrolyte Powder, Assorted, 8 Powder Packets, 0.3 oz (8.5 g) Each

For children from 1 year!

Active ingredient: artichoke extract 200 mg.
Properties of artichoke: helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, protects the liver from toxins, helps remove toxins from the body, reduces gas formation in the intestines, promotes the regeneration of liver cells, enhances the secretion of bile.

Nature's Way, Artichoke, Standardized, 60 Capsules

artichoke 600 mg + milk thistle 300 mg, budget quality option

Life Extension, Artichoke Leaf Extract, 500 mg, 180 Veggie Caps

Essentiale Forte N
Active ingredient: 300 mg of essential phospholipids (phosphatidylcholine).
Phospholipids are the main structural elements of cell membranes and liver organelles. They take part in cell differentiation, division and regeneration.

Solgar, Phosphatidylcholine, 100 Softgels

420 mg of phospholipids in 1 capsule

Life Extension, Hepatopro, 900 mg, 60 capsules

Active ingredient - Silymarin (SILIMARINUM) - 22.5 mg, which is isolated from the fruits of milk thistle. Silymarin has a pronounced hepatoprotective effect, prevents the destruction of cell membranes and improves cellular metabolism. Helps accelerate the regeneration of liver tissue, stimulates protein synthesis processes and has membrane stabilizing activity.

Now Foods, Dual Strength Silymarin, 300 mg, 200 Veggie Caps

Silymarin (Silk thistle), also known as Milk Thistle, has been used by traditional herbalists for centuries. Scientific studies have shown that the components of Silymarin may support healthy liver function. For added kick, this vegetarian formula also includes earthen pear and dandelion.

Jarrow Formulas, Milk Thistle, 150 mg, 100 Vegetarian Capsules

Milk Thistle (Silk Thistle) from Jarrow Formulas is a 30:1 concentrate with a standardized milk thistle seed flavonoid content of 80%, including the important silymarin components isosilibinins A and B, silibinins A and B, silicristin and silydianin.

This special group A flavonoid known as silymarin supports liver function by increasing protective levels of glutathione.

Active ingredient: Pepsin - 1 part, Betaine hydrochloride (HCL) - 4 parts.
For hypo- and anacid gastritis (accompanied by a decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid), dyspepsia and heartburn, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, discomfort that occurs after eating.

Now Foods, Betaine HCL, 648 mg, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

  • Digestive Support

  • Vegetarian Formula

  • Food supplement

  • Vegetarian and vegan product

  • Probiotic Enzymes - Aid Digestion

Probiotics are microbial preparations that regulate the balance of intestinal microflora
To be effective in the intestines rather than being degraded, probiotics must be acid-resistant to the stomach environment. For therapeutic effect the number of microorganisms in a probiotic must be at least a billion bacteria, that is, no less than10 9 CFU in each dose.
In Linux we have -10 7 CFU

Solgar, Enhanced Multi-Billion Dofilus, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

5 billion bacteria

Healthy Origins, Probiotics, 30 Billion Microorganisms, 60 Capsules

30 billion bacteria!!!

Antidiarrheal drug that regulates the balance of intestinal microflora
Active ingredient - lyophilized Saccharomyces boulardii - 250 mg.
Used in the treatment of rotavirus infection and prevention of diarrhea of ​​any etiology. Provides antiviral and antibacterial effect, has an antitoxic effect, reduces the feeling of nausea during stomach flu, stimulates work digestive enzymes, protects the intestines while taking antibiotics.

Jarrow Formulas, Saccharomycetes Boulardii & MOS, 30 Capsules

5 billion viable Saccharomyces boulardii cells per 200 mg.

Hormone drug thyroid gland

The active ingredient is levothyroxine sodium (synthetic hormone). Indicated for hypothyroidism, euthyroid goiter, in replacement therapy after removal of the thyroid gland, thyroid cancer (after surgical treatment), diffuse toxic goiter.

natural composition: tissue of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thymus, spleen; American ginseng

A very powerful hepatoprotector with antidepressant and detox effects.
The active ingredient is ademetionine (isomer S-Adenosylmethionine) - 400 mg, which is found in the body, which means that according to US laws it cannot be sold as a medicine and is sold as a dietary supplement called SAM-e.
Protects the liver when taking other medications, during chemotherapy for cancer. Many people drink it during the holidays to reduce the load on the liver.

Doctor's Best, Double-Strength SAM-e (Double strength, S-adenosylmethionine), 400 mg, 30 enteric-coated tablets

Hepatoprotector. Digestive system and metabolic processes.
The active ingredient is thioctic acid (ACIDUM THIOCTICUM) or (α-lipoic acid) - 300 mg or 600 mg - this is a vitamin-like substance formed in the body.
Participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, has hepatoprotective, antioxidant and detoxification effects. Improves trophism of neurons.

Doctor's Best, Alpha Lipoic Acid, 300 mg, 180 capsules

Dietary supplement for diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
Active ingredient - L-glutathione - 250 mg - a natural antioxidant of the human body.
Used for liver dysfunction of various origins, with increased physical activity, in the winter-spring period with a poor diet of antioxidants.

Healthy Origins, Setria, L-Glutathione Reduced, 250 mg, 60 Capsules

Now Foods, Glutathione, 500 mg, 60 Veggie Caps

Enzyme preparations that improve digestion
Active ingredient: pancreatin (powder from pork pancreas), dosage 90-150 mg
Pancreatic enzymes facilitate the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which leads to their more complete absorption in the small intestine

Now Foods, Plant Enzymes, 240 Veggie Capsules


Active ingredient: systemic enzymes: pancreatin, papain, rutoside, bromelain, trypsin, lipase, amylase, chymotrypsin.
Has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Shown in complex therapy for: thrombophlebitis, cystitis, prostatitis, chronic genital infections, mastopathy, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatitis, hepatitis...

Wobenzym, Wobenzym N, Joint Health, 200 Gastro-Resistant Coated Tablets

The drug will last for 2 months, the concentration of enzymes is 3 times higher than in the pharmacy, and the price is 1.8 times lower.

Enzyme preparations used for pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
Active ingredient: Seratiopeptidase (SERRATIOPEPTIDASUM) 10 mg and 20 mg - proteolytic enzyme.
Movinase penetrates into the site of inflammation, lyses necrotic tissues and their decay products, and is used in surgery, in the treatment of the respiratory tract and ENT organs, and in gynecology.

Solaray, Serrapeptase, 10 mg, 90 capsules

Analogue 10 mg

Doctor's Best, Serrapeptase, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Analogue 20 mg

Doctor's Best, High Potency Serrapeptase, 120,000 SPU, 90 Veggie Caps

Serrapeptase in high dosage

Mucofalk, Defenorm
Active ingredient - psyllium seed shell powder - 3.25 g in one sachet.
Restores normal function intestines, indicated for: constipation, anal fissures, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, functional diarrhea, indispensable in a detox program.


in powder form, 68 servings per package, 1 serving is 6 times cheaper compared to pharmacy.

More reviews about the best products from iHerb on my Instagram@organika.blog

Read about all current iHerb promotions and promotional codes

iHerb is a world-famous online store with an assortment of more than 35,000 products. High-quality vitamins, dietary supplements, sports nutrition, organic products, natural cosmetics, skin care products without harmful ingredients, natural and safe household chemicals, products for children and much more. The choice is huge, and you won’t be able to figure out what’s really worth buying on IHerb.

I’ve been ordering regularly for over three years now, I recently received my hundredth order 🤪 And I can safely call myself an experienced buyer of this store, a real Eicherbomann 😉 so I decided to write this article to help newcomers.

What should a newbie buy on iHerb?

Question - what to buy on iherb- almost all newcomers ask themselves when trying to understand the variety of iHerb products. It is, in fact, impossible to answer this unequivocally :) it is very difficult to advise something specific from the huge range of IHerb, especially since everyone is looking for something different... After all, some are only interested in vitamins and dietary supplements, others someone comes to iHerb for natural cosmetics, others for organic products. But I can say with confidence that after the first delivery you will want to place an order again. iHerb is very captivating, it exists for a reason a large number of forums, communities, blogs, where people discuss purchases, share reviews, and get advice.

If we talk about me, I made my first order on iHerb because of dietary supplements and coconut oil. For free delivery, and in 2015 it was from $40, I added shampoo with biotin, the famous African black soap, chia seeds, a couple of packs of tea, hemp oil (now it is not available for ordering in Russia) and a natural cleanser.

At that time, I had not yet read much reviews about IHerb products, so I chose somehow intuitively, and mainly based on reviews on the site... Therefore, not everything from this list impressed me, it was interesting to try new products - coconut and hemp oil, chia seeds, and the cleanser turned out to be very successful, it didn’t dry out the skin at all, and I probably used it for about a year. Later there were more interesting and useful orders, although there were some failures. I also write reviews of unsuccessful purchases on IHerb on my blog using the tag, and using the tag you can find reviews of all my parcels from iHerb.

If I were new to iHerb now and was thinking about what to order, I would definitely read real reviews with photographs in thematic blogs and communities and would study lists of must-haves and the best iHerb products from experienced buyers, and at the same time, of course, would primarily focus on one’s own needs, and not on emotional outbursts that often happen after reading rave reviews: )

Best iHerb Products

Over several years of active shopping on IHerb, the number of purchased products has already exceeded 500 items... Not everything was really necessary, suitable and in line with expectations. But by and large, I can say that iHerb has significantly changed my lifestyle for the better, my habits and attitude towards health, and I really hope that the opportunity to order products from iHerb will not go away.

Especially for this article I compiled a list of my personal must have with iHerb. I thought about making a Top 10, but no, there were much more of them. For convenience, I have classified everything best products iHerb by category.

📍Dietary supplements and vitamins:

Natural Factors, BioSil, ch-OSA Collagen Booster, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Neocell, Collagen Beauty Builder, 150 Tablets

This is a collagen complex from the famous and very good brand Neocell. In addition to collagen there is hyaluronic acid, biotin, alpha lipoic acid and silicon. All these components together are aimed at improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The supplement is very useful, because it is the decrease in collagen production that occurs with age that is the main cause of skin aging. I wrote about my experience using Collagen Beauty Builder

A very good and effective sedative complex. Contains B vitamins, amino acids, magnesium, GABA, St. John's wort with valerian and others soothing herbs. It works not from the first tablet, but after 10 days, that is, the effect is cumulative. The result first of all impressed my husband, who noticed that I had become less irritable and aggressive :) Now he makes sure that these pills are always in the house. I wrote a more detailed review about them

Natural Vitality, Natural Calm, Anti-Stress Drink, Original (Unflavored), 226 g

One of the causes of stress chronic fatigue, depression may be a disadvantage magnesium. This is a very important mineral responsible for calming the nervous system. It is especially important to take it during periods of psychological and physical activity. Here magnesium is in a well-absorbable citrate form, the powder is diluted in ordinary water, it turns out to be a pleasant and slightly sour drink, easy to drink. I usually drink a glass at night if I’ve had a hard day, magnesium is good at calming and relaxing the nervous system.

Natural Factors, Rutin, 250 mg, 90 Capsules

An important supplement for those with weak blood vessels and there is a tendency to bruises and varicose veins. I have a problem with blood vessels, frequent nosebleeds, and constant bruises on my legs. I tried several options for the routine with iHerb. This one, in my opinion, is the most effective, here it is combined with vitamin C. When taking it for a course of three months, the situation with bruises significantly improved, and even those that appeared went away faster.

FutureBiotics, VeinFactors, Varicose Complex, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

This is a complex for the prevention of varicose veins, an analogue of Detralex. The active ingredient is diosmin. It has an angioprotective and venotonic effect, helps increase venous tone, reduces the distensibility of veins and venous stagnation, improves lymphatic drainage, reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries.
Also added to the composition are plant extracts of horse chestnut and gotu kala, which also have a strengthening effect on the veins.
I wrote more about him

Solgar, Glycine, 500 mg, 100 Veggie Caps

Useful supplement to turn on your head and start your brain. It turned out to be very effective for me, my performance increased significantly, my intelligence, concentration and memory improved. I wrote about my experience of taking glycine.

Healthy Origins, Probiotics, 30 Billion Microorganisms, 60 Capsules

These are excellent, potent probiotics with 8 types beneficial bacteria and a huge content of microorganisms in one capsule - 30 billion. For comparison, in 1 capsule of the well-known Linex there are only 10 million bacteria.
I take probiotics not only after antibiotics, but also in courses 2-3 times a year for 1 month for good gastrointestinal function and immune support. I have already forgotten what chronic gastritis and thrush, which tormented me before IHerb appeared in my life, are. The health of the gastrointestinal tract also affects general health, and skin condition, and dental condition, and fresh breath, and much more... Therefore, I consider probiotics to be an important and necessary supplement for health. They can also be used for cooking homemade kefir(Pour 1 capsule of probiotic into a liter of milk and leave at room temperature overnight or for a day)

Doctor's Best, Best Vitamin D3, 5000 International Units, 180 Softgels

In recent years, vitamin D has been very actively researched, and a lot of new information is emerging about it. The established opinions that only babies need vitamin D, and that in the summer all people receive vitamin D in the required amount, are wrong!
I will write here only a few important facts (you can read more:

Vitamin D is produced only during the daytime (from 11 to 16), and provided that you do not use sunscreen.
- Most people have vitamin D levels below normal.
- insufficient vitamin D levels may be one of the reasons huge amount chronic diseases, including osteoporosis, various autoimmune diseases (for example, diabetes and multiple sclerosis), some forms of cancer (breast, colon, lung, prostate and lymphoma), high blood pressure, complications during pregnancy, cardiovascular disease, depression.

I take vitamin D on a regular basis, in winter 3000-5000 units per day, in summer 1000-2000 units. For me and my family members this is a must-have.
From personal experience: when we moved to Israel, and my husband, having a history of a very serious illness, went to the doctor for a routine examination - a vitamin D test was on the list of main ones, along with general and biochemical blood tests.

Now Foods, Melatonin, 3 mg, 60 Capsules

Melatonin is excellent remedy for sleep disorders, insomnia, and time zone changes. It is also sold in Russia, under the name Melaxen, but 6 times more expensive!
Personally, melatonin helped me a lot in the first year after the birth of a child; due to constant waking up at night, I forgot how to sleep normally, could not fall asleep for a long time, and woke up often. Literally 5 nights with melatonin, and my sleep returned to normal. I wrote more about him

📍For shower and beauty:

This section was the hardest to pick out. The choice of cosmetics is a very individual matter, so I will only write about a few products that impressed me the most. You can read other reviews by tag

Not very long ago, a section appeared on iHerb with Korean cosmetics. It is very popular all over the world despite its less than ideal composition.
When ordering Korean cosmetics from iHerb, you can be sure that they are not fake, which is often the case with many online stores.

For me, this bubble mask for deep cleansing of the face has become a must-have. It is unusual in itself, immediately after application it begins to foam and increase in volume, and the effect is that it perfectly cleanses pores, the face becomes smooth and noticeably refreshed.
You can read more about the mask and the nuances of its use

Physician's Formula, Inc., Eye Support, 2-in-1 Eye Liner + Serum, Super Black, 0.016 fl oz (0.5 ml)

With this eyeliner I finally learned how to draw arrows. She's perfect! Especially for beginners. A very convenient thin brush that draws both thin and thick lines. It also contains serum for eyelash growth and is free of parabens.

Reviva Labs, 5% Glycolic Acid Cream, 1.5 oz (42 g)

The famous glycolic peeling is a must-have for the autumn-winter period for skin renewal. Glycolic acid penetrates the surface layers of the skin and destroys the layer of accumulated keratinized cells, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. As a result, cellular renewal occurs and blood circulation in facial tissues improves, superficial scars and age spots disappear, hydration and oiliness are normalized, which in turn helps to reduce pores and prevent the appearance of inflammatory rashes.
I wrote more about glycolic peeling

Another must have for me from iherb are these anti-wrinkle patches. At first I was skeptical about them, but I decided to try it anyway, having previously captured in the photo the eyebrow wrinkle that I wanted to get rid of. The result after a month pleasantly surprised me, you can read more about my experience using Frownies patches


Jarrow Formulas, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 oz (473 g)

Organic Coconut Oil is an iHerb hit and bestseller! I personally can’t imagine my life without coconut oil:) It’s so unique and useful product that I highly recommend everyone to try it. I’ve already written about it in detail, so I won’t repeat myself, and I can’t express all the advantages of this product in a nutshell.

Organic Valley Purity Farms, Organic Clarified Ghee, 13 oz (368 g)

I became acquainted with this oil recently, but it immediately took its place on my list of the best products from iherb that I buy all the time.
Organic ghee from cows that graze exclusively on green grass and do not use any antibiotics or hormones. It's also ghee butter. Does not contain lactose and casein, no impurities or additives, safe for frying, very tasty and aromatic. Favorite 5-Minute Meal: Thinly Sliced ​​Pieces chicken fillet fry with salt and pepper for 1-2 minutes on each side in this ghee. Just lick your fingers :)

Edward & Sons, Organic Coconut Cream, Unsweetened, 7 oz (200 g)

Whipped coconut or coconut cream - this product is called differently, but there are no analogues to it in Russia. Contains only coconut pulp and coconut oil. You can use it to make sauces, Raffaello sweets, you can eat the coconut pulp in its pure form, and separate the oil and use it, for example, in porridge or for frying... I buy this coconut for making homemade curd cheeses. Recipe

Loriva, 100% Pure Rice Bran Oil, 12.7 oz (376 ml)

Oil from rice bran It has the highest smoke point of 240 degrees Celsius, making it the safest of all cooking oils. It does not burn, does not smoke, does not form carcinogens, is tasteless and odorless. Made by cold pressing from rice bran.

iHerb has a very large assortment of all kinds of sauces, they are very tasty and without harmful additives. Our family favorites Kikkoman, Original Teriyaki Sauce, 581 g for fish, meat and vegetable dishes.

Huy Fong Foods Inc., Sriracha, Hot Chili Sauce, 482 g. For lovers of spicy food, suitable for all dishes, has a bright spicy taste. Made from sun-dried chili peppers, garlic, salt and sugar. Does not contain artificial colors or harmful preservatives.

Organic coffee from Peru, grown without the use of chemicals, very tasty and aromatic. Available in grains and ground:
Mt. Whitney Coffee Roasters, Organic Peruvian Ground Coffee, Medium Roast, 12 oz (340 g)

Bob's Red Mill, Healthy Delicious Porridge, Gluten Free, 24 oz (680 g)

On iHerb big choice gluten-free products. I am not overtly intolerant to gluten, but I try to avoid it whenever possible as it reduces the absorption of nutrients from food.
We fell in love with this porridge the first time, and now I order it all the time.
Finely ground porridge consists of four types of cereals: brown rice, corn, sorghum and buckwheat. I cook it in milk for about 15 minutes, it turns out very tasty, the child eats it with pleasure.

📍Household non-chemicals:

I have long abandoned the toxic household chemicals that are sold in our stores in favor of household non-chemicals from Iherb. Why poison yourself with these terrible domestics, ariels and fairies, if there are environmentally friendly means that do not harm either people or environment, which do not cost much more. iHerb offers all cleaning, cleaning and washing products. Basically, they are all based on natural ingredients.

ATTITUDE, Eco-Baby, Dishwashing Liquid, 23.7 fl oz (700 ml)

Eco-friendly dishwashing liquid, does not contain harmful or carcinogenic substances, is suitable for washing baby dishes and bottles, does not dry out the skin, foams well and cleans dishes.

Citrus Magic, Vegetable Wash, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

It's no secret that fruits and vegetables are treated with poisonous chemicals, to maintain freshness and presentation and increase shelf life. It is impossible to wash them off completely with plain water, so I use this spray to wash fruits and vegetables. It contains special natural solvents from citrus fruits for effective and safe cleansing.

GrabGreen, 3-in-1 Laundry Detergent Pods, Gardenia, 60 Loads, 2 lbs 6 oz (1080 g)

I also order laundry detergents from iHerb. And this is one of my favorites. Very convenient capsules with powder that need to be thrown directly into the drum, made from natural ingredients, without phosphates, chlorine and dyes. The smell is very pleasant, spring-floral, without chemicals, and is no longer noticeable on dried clothes.
But like most eco-powders, it cannot cope with strong stubborn dirt. For these purposes I use stain remover.

Ecover, Stain Remover, 6.8 fl oz (200 ml)

📍Childen's goods:

Natural children's toothpaste, safe to swallow, suitable for babies from three months

YumEarth, Organic Fruit Candies, 15 Candies, 3 oz (85 g)

Analogous to the chemical Chupa Chups. Very tasty lollipops from natural juice, sweet and sour, they contain sugar, but there are no chemicals, dyes or flavors.

Nordic Naturals, Children's DHA, Strawberry, 4 fl oz (119 ml)

High-quality fish oil with strawberry flavor. Half a teaspoon of fat contains 525 mg of Omega-3 acids, which promote children's attentiveness, intelligence, good mood and behavior. This is a very useful and important supplement for children of all ages, especially for those who do not like fish or eat it rarely. The taste is pleasant, the child drinks without problems. Can be given to children from 8 months.

Nature's Way, Primadophilus, for children from 2 to 12 years, chewable, cherry flavor, 30 tablets

Children's probiotics are always in my medicine cabinet in case of any problems with the stomach, stool, or the need to take antibiotics. One tablet contains a mixture of 3 billion lacto- and bifidobacteria. The tablets are tasty, chewable and suckable, the child perceives them as candy and eats them with pleasure.

Tea Tree Therapy, Eucalyptus Ointment - Breast Rub, 2 oz (57 g)

Must-have for colds, mixture essential oils eucalyptus, lavender, mint and oils tea tree. I apply this ointment to my child’s chest and back when he has a cough and runny nose, it helps very well, makes breathing easier, softens the cough, and the smell is very pleasant.

California Gold Nutrition, Vitamin D3 Drops for Infants, 400 IU, 0.34 fl oz (10 ml)

Unlike Aquadetrim, these coconut oil drops do not cause any allergic reactions in the form of peeling and redness of the skin.
I give my child vitamin D all year round, one drop in the summer, two or three in the winter.

Think, Thinkbaby, Sunscreen SPF 50+, 3 fl oz (89 ml)

This is the best children's sunscreen of all the ones I've tried. It is absolutely safe, based only on a physical filter - zinc oxide. It applies well, moisturizes the skin, is quickly absorbed and does not leave white streaks.
In Israel, summer is 7 months a year, so it was important for me to find a suitable sunscreen; now I only order this one.

Eclectic Institute, Green Defense with Broccoli, 3.7 oz (105 g)

Very often I buy various green mixtures on iHerb. The fashion for green smoothies is gaining momentum among supporters of a healthy lifestyle. Fresh vegetables and herbs are not always available, and few people consume them in the required quantities every day. One glass of green smoothie provides chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, various phytonutrients and others useful material. This good remedy for detoxification and alkalization of the body.
My favorite green drink is broccoli! It has the most neutral taste; it also contains broccoli sprouts, green beans, cilantro and milk thistle. I wrote in more detail.

Rishi Tea, Loose Leaf Tea Filter Bags, 100 Bags

A useful household item is filter bags for loose leaf tea, suitable even for the smallest tea, for example, rooibos. Not a single tea leaves falls into the cup. It’s very convenient to brew tea and coffee, and the main thing is that you don’t have to wash either the strainer or the teapot afterwards.

There is a large section on iHerb "Aromatherapy", where a large selection of different essential oils is presented. I need to write a separate article on this topic. big article, you can’t get away with two phrases here. I’ll only tell you about the most multifunctional oil - tea tree oil.

Due to the antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties of tea tree oil, it can be used in the following ways:
- for inflammation on the face, dries and promotes the rapid disappearance of acne;
- to prevent fungal diseases - add a couple of drops to the foot cream, especially after visiting the pool;
-for nail fungus - apply directly to the nail itself (after 4 months of daily use, my toenail was completely restored);
- to relieve itching and irritation after insect bites;
-to get rid of dandruff, add a couple of drops to the hair mask.

And this oil is very different in quality from analogues in Russian pharmacies.

Crystal Body Deodorant, Deodorant Stick, 4.25 oz (120 g)

iHerb bestsellers, bestsellers

iHerb has its own list of popular products, you can find it in the section bestsellers. It is compiled on the basis of the store’s internal rating, which in turn depends on the reviews left by customers on the iHerb website.
Here all products are also divided into categories. I won’t copy all the products here; you can view this list by following the link on the site itself.
I can only say that I would not call all products hits...

Expert nutritionist, personal trainer, honored author of Evehealth


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One day, my friend, to whom I had been buzzing all over about iherb, finally decided to place an independent order on the site instead of joining me with one or two jars of vitamins. And she asked me a question that almost stumped me: what to buy on iHerb in your first order, what to pay attention to, what is really worth ordering? I thought: it’s true that the store’s assortment is so huge that it’s very easy for a beginner to simply get lost in it. For example, my sister does not order anything on iherb on her own for this very reason - according to her, there is “too much stuff” there, she does not understand what to look for, what to pay attention to. And I realized that it was worth compiling a small FAQ on the best products, iherb bestsellers, my personal favorites and those products that make sense for a newbie to pay attention to.

What to buy for a beginner on iherb: site bestsellers

Of course, the answer to the question of what to order from iherb depends primarily on your goals. For some, iHerb is primarily a sports nutrition store, for others it is an opportunity to order safe dietary products. But most buyers still order vitamins, dietary supplements and organic cosmetics from IHerb. And it is these categories of goods that I want to talk about first of all.

The best dietary supplements from iherb

If you decide to pay attention to your health, try to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, and want to preserve your beauty and youth for a long time, dietary supplements will become an indispensable help. But figuring out what is really needed is not so easy. Let's start with those positions that everyone needs, in any case and on a permanent basis. That is, from the base, the basics.


No matter how you choose your regimen, it is almost impossible to select all the necessary vitamins in the right proportions individually. Good multivitamins are the base that will allow us to increase our immunity, energy levels and quality of life. Ideally, you should alternate between different multivitamins.

Good brands of raw and whole food multivitamins for the whole family: Rainbow Light, Nature's Way, Country Life and others.


I don’t think there’s any need to talk for long about the benefits and necessity of Omega-3. Omega is needed for the functioning of the brain, heart, blood vessels and other organs and systems. It is important to choose Omega with high content EPA and DHA are the most valuable and essential acids in its composition, which we almost never get from food. You can recommend, for example, Omega from Now Foods or Madre Labs.

Coenzyme Q10

Another essential substance that our body produces less and less as we age. Essential for heart health, energy production and beauty. To get started, you can take coenzyme in a dosage of 100 mg from California Gold Nutrition.


Necessary for normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. A very economical option is Now Foods.


This mineral is often forgotten, but yet it is one of the most essential microelements for us. It is needed for the normal absorption of many vitamins and other minerals, for the optimal functioning of the immune system, and for the nervous system.

An important point when choosing magnesium (and any other minerals). Minerals should be selected in chelated (bioavailable) forms. Unfortunately, the cheapest options are oxides. They are very little absorbed in the body. Magnesium is preferably selected in the form of glycinate, citrate or malate. For example, Now Foods, Magnesium Citrate or Doctor’s Best, Highly Absorbable Magnesium, are good.

The top sellers on iherb include calcium-magnesium-zinc from 21st Century. To be honest, in my opinion, the product is a bit ambiguous. That is, on the one hand, it really contains the most essential minerals plus vitamin D. But the minerals, alas, are not in the best form for absorption (oxides and carbonate). On the other hand, this product is very inexpensive. I would advise choosing another option. Inexpensive ones - for example, Sundown Naturals. Here the minerals are presented in the form of mixtures (calcium - as carbonate and gluconate, magnesium - as oxide and gluconate, zinc - as oxide and citrate). They will be absorbed much better. Or, better yet, Jarrow Formulas, Calcium Magnesium Citrate Malate with Vitamin D. Here the minerals are only in chelated forms.


If you want to significantly improve the condition of your skin, hair and nails, as well as joints, bones and ligaments, then collagen is your must-have. To begin with, you should choose collagen of the first and third types, it will give the most noticeable and visible effect. Best Products from the iherb website in this product category - Neocell, Supercollagen, type 1 and 3 (or it is also in tablets) and (also available in tablets).


If you expect to see the results of using dietary supplements immediately, and not wait for several months for the cumulative effect, to feel a surge of strength and energy, to feel an uplift, your choice is adaptogens. At the same time, they will boost your immunity and prevent you from getting sick in the spring. These are ginseng, eleutherococcus, rhodiola rosea, cordyceps, ashwagandha, maca, astragalus and others.

El Carnitine

The only product from the sports nutrition category that I included in this list. If you know what el-carnitine is, just look at a can of Primaforce, Alcar, Acetyl-L-Carnitine Powder Unflavored and estimate its volume and cost. This is pure el-carnitine powder, which lasts for several months (for me personally, for six months if taken daily). If this is your first time hearing about el-carnitine, I advise you to try it. This is an amino acid that provides energy not only for training, but also for life and mental activity. It gives energy, but not in the same way that caffeine does - carnitine does not overexcite the nervous system and does not affect blood pressure. Moreover, it is impossible to overdo it with carnitine; all its excess is eliminated from the body with water.

Carnitine is even prescribed to children during recovery from colds. And athletes drink it before training - it promotes effective fat burning. You can take inexpensive capsules from MRM or even a BPI Sports sample for testing.

The best cosmetics on iherb

It is indeed very difficult to name the best cosmetic brands presented on iHerb. Because there are many of them, because they represent a variety of price categories and different segments. These include luxurious oils, creams and lotions from Weleda, and famous shampoos from Avalon Organics, and completely organic Castile and African soap, and much, much more. I will highlight here several manufacturers whose products are in constant demand and success on iherb. And besides, these are brands whose products I myself have tested more than once and am ready to recommend to everyone with great pleasure.

Reviva Labs

Mid-price brand. The brand offers excellent body lotions, amazing creams and masks for the face and around the eyes, and much more. The compositions of the products are very, very good. In winter it is worth trying, for example, glycolic peeling. And for many, a serum for dark circles under the eyes will be relevant.

Madre Labs

This is iherb’s own brand, and therefore the prices here are very affordable. The brand offers a wide variety of product categories, including both dietary supplements and cosmetics. For new buyers, I sincerely recommend trying the Madre Labs body care line. These are shower gels, sugar scrubs, lotions, oils and body butters. Scrubs are oily and suitable for spa treatments. The batters, contrary to the name, are not greasy and give a matte finish, suitable even for oily skin. The only nuance is the aromas. This line is for those who love sweet scents. For example, I really liked the aroma of creme brulee, but the citrus turned out to be a little sweet for me, but it suited my friend perfectly.

Derma E

Average price category. The compositions are beyond praise. Products are available for all skin types and different ages. For example, here is one of my favorite and best reviewed face creams on IHerb: Derma E, Skin Firming Moisturizer, 2 oz. The cream contains DMAE for immediate effective lifting, alpha-lipoic acid for a cumulative effect and vitamin C in the most bioavailable form, ester, for antioxidant protection.

iherb bestsellers

The iHerb store has its own top products for different categories, based on their popularity among customers. There is no point in quoting here the list of bestsellers from the supplement category - it includes the same multivitamins, Omega, magnesium, collagen, probiotics and Coenzyme Q10. I will give the top 5 in other popular categories.

Goods for children

  1. ChildLife, Essentials, Echinacea, Natural Orange Flavor is a truly amazing all-natural children's immune supplement. Suitable even for babies from six months. Can be recommended for the prevention of colds and their relief in the initial stage.
  2. Gummi King, Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement with Vegetables, Fruits and Fiber, is a gummy candy that comes in a variety of fruit flavors. Contains vitamins and minerals in bioavailable forms. The composition of the complex is very decent, but these are NOT raw multivitamins. But children eat them with great pleasure. For raw and whole food children's multivitamins, we recommend, for example, Garden of Life, Vitamin Code.
  3. NatraBio, Cold and Flu Remedy for Children - I have to warn you here. The composition of the product is very ambiguous. Numerous positive reviews indicate that the remedy works and most often really helps against cold symptoms (which is not surprising, given echinacea and eyebright in the composition). Alas, the preservative sodium benzoate, also known as food additive E211, is listed among the auxiliary ingredients. This is a rather aggressive allergen, which also tends to accumulate in the body. In external products (gels, shampoos) - it does not matter much, but in food additives, and even for children, and even recommended from four months, is alarming. I absolutely do not recommend it for children with allergies and infants. Well, the most important thing. It is important to understand that this remedy is homeopathic. And, accordingly, most of the herbs indicated in its composition (monkshood, sanguinaria canadensis and others) are poisonous, some are deadly poisonous. Of course, in homeopathy everything is used in microdoses. It’s up to you to believe or not to believe in homeopathy.
  4. California Gold Nutrition Children's DHA Lemon Strawberry Flavor is a children's Omega-3 drop. Absolutely wonderful and completely safe product. Additionally contains vitamins A and D (in the most bioavailable form - as ergocalciferol D3). Simply necessary for the development of the child’s brain, nervous system and vision.
  5. Himalaya, Soft Shampoo for Children is a truly soft SULFATE-FREE shampoo that does not contain parabens, silicones and other harmful substances. It doesn’t sting the eyes, it smells nice, it’s suitable not only for children, but also for their mothers.

Beauty products

Here, I think, everything is clear: these are creams, lotions, as well as shampoos, shower gels and so on. This also includes oils (including pure essential oils), toothpastes, combs and accessories, and decorative cosmetics.

  1. Petitfee eye patches – with black pearls and gold hydrogel. Really high quality and pleasant patches to use. Effectively relieve puffiness and eliminate dark circles under the eyes. The downside is that they do not have a cumulative effect. That is, this is an “ambulance” remedy. For example, when you get up in the morning without enough sleep, but you need to quickly get yourself in order and run to work. Patches will help you remove a tired look and restore clarity to your eyes in 15 minutes - while you brush your teeth and get dressed.
  2. EOS Hand Lotion is a very, very nice brand and inexpensive products. All products have delicate scents and wonderful packaging designs. It’s nice to put them on a shelf in the bathroom, it’s a pleasure to use them. Good for small gifts for friends and colleagues.
  3. Madre Labs, B-complex for hair thickness + shampoo with biotin - sulfate-free shampoo, it comes with a balm of the same brand. It literally rinses to the point of squeaking. According to my impressions, it is suitable for fatty and normal hair. I have slightly curly hair that is prone to dryness - for me it turned out to be harsh, my hair gets very frizzy after it (taking into account the use of balm). But there are really a lot of advantages. The product is VERY economical - one drop is enough to wash off the oil mask on your face without any residue. long hair. The bottle is huge. The composition is excellent.
  4. Nubian Heritage, African Black Bar Soap and Madre Labs, Marula and Tamanu Oil Scrub Soap - All Natural Soap. I think that says it all already. By the way, Nubian Heritage also has a series of absolutely amazing moisturizing body lotions with great scents. My favorite, for example, is with the aroma of honey and black cumin. Its scent lasts all day, like an expensive spicy sweet perfume. The line includes both fruity and fresh scents.
  5. Carmex, Classic lip balm, cherry – moisturizing care balm with SPF filter.


This category includes edible vegetable oils and butters (for example, cocoa butter), nut butters, healthy pasta, candies, chocolate, snacks and snacks, sports bars, sweeteners, tea, coffee, all kinds of dietary products, spices, extracts. My personal must-have among products on iHerb is Barry’s Tea decaffeinated tea. Unlike most of these teas, it is as close in taste as possible to regular, “normal” strong black tea without additives. By the way, finding good black tea without caffeine, and at a reasonable price, in Russia is almost impossible (I tried).

Well, the top bestsellers among products look like this:

  1. Jarrow Formulas, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a coconut oil that can be used for both cooking and cosmetic purposes. I really love coconut oil; it is one of the most versatile in cosmetics. This is an UNREFINED oil, meaning it smells strongly of coconut. It works out great with him delicious creams for cakes, homemade nut bars and much more.
  2. Peanut Butter & Co., Crunch Time, Crunchy Peanut Butter – Love this butter and this brand. Actually, the brand has many options for peanut butter - with dark and white chocolate, with maple syrup, with honey, with spices... I, a sweet tooth and a big fan of nuts, have already tried, it seems, everything. The main thing, of course, is not to get carried away with them - they are very high in calories. By the way, the brand also has a chic variation on the “Nutella” theme - Peanut Butter & Co., “Shockmeister”, hazelnut paste with milk chocolate flavor. There is NO need to be afraid of palm oil in the composition. Dangerously hydrogenated Palm oil- This is trans fat. And palm oil itself, without processing, is quite healthy.
  3. Mamma Chia, Natural Black Chia Seeds. Chia is a superfood, source of fiber, antioxidants and omega acids. You can add it to oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, and so on.
  4. Chocolove, Dark chocolate with almonds and sea salt - in principle, chocolate bars on iherb are not the cheapest. But there is a rich assortment of unusual flavors (dark chocolate with salt is an example) that are worth trying, if only out of curiosity. For example, I didn’t really like chocolate with lavender, but I appreciated it with green tea and ginger. A matter of taste!
  5. Edward & Sons, Organic Coconut Cream, Unsweetened - love at first spoon for coconut lovers. The cream separates into pulp and butter, there is nothing wrong with that - you just need to mix it. Goes great with homemade cheesecakes, creams and other desserts.

Household products

This product category includes home accessories and a variety of products - from scented candles to feminine hygiene. But the most important thing is household non-chemicals. I mean, everything that we used to call “household chemicals” - washing powders, cleaning products, etc. - but made from safe and environmentally friendly ingredients. Funds for everyone who seeks to protect themselves, their home and their children, and everyone who cares about their planet. I'll just list a few of the most popular remedies here.