Student portfolio about me. Primary school student's portfolio

A student’s portfolio is a modern option for assessing a child’s personal qualities according to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard. Completing sections helps form the habit of recording personal successes and achievements. Assessing a student’s capabilities provides guidance on self-discipline and self-improvement in the future. Creating a portfolio is a joint effort between parents and students.

What is a student portfolio

A school portfolio is a folder that contains information about the personality, interests, activities, achievements and successes of a child in an educational institution and outside it. This document reflects the students' skills and abilities. The folder additionally includes information about relatives and family foundations.

What is it for?

Already in kindergarten, children attend development centers, clubs, sports sections, etc. The main goal of such additional classes is to teach the child the basics of literacy, reading and counting.

By the first grade, children have a characteristic level of knowledge and skills and already in elementary school they achieve the first successes that should be noted.

The portfolio acts as a kind of archive, reflecting the formation and development of the child’s personality.

Often children like to review the document and observe their own achievements. This creates an incentive for self-development and a desire to move forward.

Ready-made portfolios act as documents for the teacher, which notify the teacher about the student’s personality and abilities. Portfolio data is used for the student’s final certification and is taken into account when applying to other educational institutions.

How to compose: sections with examples

The key to proper design is maintaining the developed structure. During your studies, your portfolio is constantly updated with new information. Correct construction of the document allows you to get an idea of ​​the students’ skills, see patterns and features of personality development.

There are no set rules for what a portfolio should look like. However, there are some recommendations for the structure of the document. In this case, it is advisable to cover only those sections that are suitable for a particular student. You can combine several chapters and add to them.

Title page

The title page contains basic information about the student: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, contact numbers. A personal photo of the student should be placed on the main page. An important point is the student’s independent choice of photo.


An autobiography describes a person’s life path before entering an educational institution. A short biography is written on an A4 paper sheet in free form in the first person. All information is presented in strictly chronological order.

Key points on how to write an autobiography:

  • In the middle of the sheet, the title of the document “AUTOBIOGRAPHY” is indicated in block letters, then the main text follows below.
  • The text begins with a personal introduction: “I, full name, date and place of birth.” For example: “I, Sergey Pavlovich Ivanov, was born on December 12, 2011 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region.”
  • Then the exact address of residence according to registration and the actual one is indicated.
  • Then family members are listed, indicating date of birth, address of residence, place of study/work. Additionally, contact home/work telephone numbers are indicated.
  • The name of the kindergarten and its end date are noted.
  • The student’s main interests and skills are listed: hobbies, level of personal computer proficiency, knowledge of foreign languages, etc.

At the end of the autobiography, the date of completion and a personal signature must be placed.

For a child going to 1st grade, it is not necessary to write an autobiography. Starting from the 2nd grade, the student can write about himself independently.

My portrait

The “My Portrait” section consists of any information about the student that you want to directly reflect in the document.

For example, you can write about yourself by deciphering the meaning of the child’s name. Additionally, data is entered on the student’s character traits, temperament, best qualities and shortcomings. A short story will help the teacher choose the right techniques to adapt to the educational process.

This section describes the daily routine, you can talk about family traditions and foundations. The portrait looks impressive if you create a family tree of family members.


My name is Sergei, which means “clear” in Greek. My dad gave me my name in honor of my grandfather. I am calm by nature, but sometimes I get angry for no reason. I don't like being shouted at loudly. I have a large family, many siblings and cousins.

My achievements

The materials in this block allow the teacher to build a rating of achievements, individual results, and also track the dynamics of changes in educational results.


In November 2017, I won a prize at the city Olympiad in the Russian language/participated in a regional biology seminar/in a thematic quiz dedicated to International Children’s Day.

My impressions

The section contains the student’s personal impressions after visiting exhibitions, museums, school events, hikes, excursions, and theatrical performances. Additionally, photographs taken at the places visited are attached.


In October I attended a theatrical performance of The Ugly Duckling based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. I liked the performance, it was interesting... I was especially impressed by the episode... It teaches...

My interests and hobbies

This section tells you what your child likes to do in his free time from school. This lists the clubs, sports sections and development centers that the student attends.


Every week on Tuesdays and Fridays I attend a dance club at the development center... My teacher (list the advantages). He teaches children... He is an example of grace and skill to me. I love to dance and enjoy attending classes.

My family

In this block, the student writes independently about his family. If you wish, you can talk about each of its representatives. It is recommended to include a pedigree and photographs in this section.


My family consists of: mother Victoria, father Oleg, grandmother Zinaida, grandfather Alexander, brother Kirill and sister Elizaveta... Mom works as a hairdresser, she is kind and attentive, she studies and plays with me. Dad works at a factory, he loves his job, and it takes up a lot of his time. In my free time I like to wrestle with him and play football. My brother Kirill is very smart, he helps me in all matters, we attend the karate section together...

Social activity

The section includes a description of the activities in which the child participated:

  • performance at the festival;
  • classroom design, wall newspapers;
  • participation in the exhibition;
  • reading poems at a matinee.

Additionally, the event is analyzed by the student, and personal emotions and impressions are assessed.


I am an athlete and actively participate in activities that are held at school. I recently played in the school football team and I liked it. The guys strived for victory and were very worried about the result. When the jury summed up the results and the team won, everyone rejoiced and hugged each other...

My friends

In this section, the child independently describes his friends, provides information about their hobbies and interests. Additionally, photographs of peers are posted and memorable moments are noted.


I'm friends with Olya and Sasha. Olya and I have been communicating since kindergarten, and we met Sasha at preparatory courses for school. The guys come to my house and invite me to visit. We love to have fun, play hide and seek, bloopers, computer.

My school

In the “My School” block, the student indicates the address of the educational institution, contact numbers of the administration; last name, first name, patronymic of the director, year of commencement of studies. Additionally, a photo of the high school is pasted on.

It is useful to draw a diagram of the route from home to school with the obligatory indication of dangerous places: road intersections, placement of traffic lights, artificial humps (“speed bumps”). Working together with parents on the picture will help children remember the safe route from home to school.


I study at a secondary school in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region, which is located at (specify). Contact numbers of the educational institution (specify). I have been studying since 2015...

My class

In this section, the class number and letter are indicated, a photograph is attached, and a description of the mini-format about the life of the class is given.


I study in 3B grade. There are 25 people in the class, 15 girls and 10 boys. My teacher is Maria Vasilievna Ivanova. She tells the material in an interesting way, plays with us, comes up with joint activities, and doesn’t swear or scream. Our class is friendly. And when someone quarrels or fights, Maria Vasilievna helps to sort it out and make peace.

My world

The section contains information about the student’s personal hobbies, favorite works of art, favorite friends, pets, and toys. In this block it is appropriate to talk about the child’s leisure time with a description of the places he visits. Mark what you liked or didn't like.


In the summer I read a collection of works by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. I liked the humorous stories and made a project based on them for school. In August I visited a water park and learned to swim. My beloved cat Fred is always waiting for me at home. He is a prankster and a bully, but he loves me very much and I love him too.

My city

In the block they talk about their small homeland, hometown. It is advisable to describe attractions, museums, favorite places. This section tells about the area of ​​residence, its features, and what the child likes.


I live in the city of Yekaterinburg. It is beautiful, modern, there are many shopping centers and entertainment places. The city's attractions and museums include local history, wildlife, fine arts (to list). I especially like the Black Tulip monument, dedicated to soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

My studies

The section reflects the dynamics of educational achievement, from first grade to 4th grade in primary school. By 1st grade, children know letters and numbers and read syllables.

Information about studying helps the teacher to correctly distribute the load in order to avoid excessive stress on the student. The child can indicate his favorite subjects, describe which ones he understands easily and which ones he finds difficult.

Analysis of academic performance after graduating from primary school shows the student’s abilities and the degree of his preparation for further studies.


Writing sample for a 5th grade student: I like the subjects: literature, Russian language, physical education. Mathematics is difficult because I consider myself a humanitarian. But I learned the curriculum. Last year I received a grade of “4” in mathematics.

My art

The block includes information about which sections, clubs and developmental classes the child attends. They celebrate the child’s achievements, participation in exhibitions, events, and competitions. It is advisable to attach samples of work.


I attend a vocal club at the Early Development Center. We learn songs of various musical genres and take part in performances. I recently performed at a concert for kids in a kindergarten.

My life plans

The block “is filled out by a student in grades 5-7. The section includes a description of future aspirations and plans and is compiled in free form.


When I finish school, I will enter the Pedagogical University. I dream of becoming an English teacher because I love this subject. I also want to train as a translator of foreign texts, films, and music.

My first teacher

In the “My first teacher” section, indicate information about the teacher: last name, first name, patronymic. A brief description of the teacher's professional qualities is made. You can write down memorable moments associated with it and stick a photo.


My first teacher was Ivanova Larisa Petrovna. I will not forget the moment when I came to first grade. Larisa Petrovna helped me cope with my studies, taught me to write and read. I will always remember and visit her in high school...

How to register correctly

There are no established standards or templates for how to design a school portfolio. However, there are recommendations on how to do the school format:

  • A personal diary is printed in Word as an electronic document, which is subsequently printed.
  • A neat design in the same style is required (size, font, indentation, line spacing).
  • Portfolio sections are not numbered.
  • Certificates, diplomas and other certificates confirming the student’s achievements are attached to the document.

A portfolio for a boy can be beautifully designed based on his favorite cartoon or movie (“Paw Patrol”, “Prostokvashino”, “Spider-Man”), and for girls - use blank pages with princesses.

However, it is important to take into account that as a child ages, his hobbies change, and he will lose interest in the original version. Therefore, it is advisable to draw up the document in a neutral style.

Filling out a portfolio means collecting information about the student that will be useful in the educational process. Subsequently it will become a family heirloom. The completed questionnaire will help the child in choosing a future profession, teach him to evaluate his own knowledge, strive and achieve his goals.

.:: 23.04.2010

“Portfolio for a child” sounds unusual. But recently it is increasingly required in schools. When I first heard from my son about the need for a portfolio, I was a little discouraged. Isn't it too early in second grade? Although some schools require a portfolio already in the first year. But gradually, having figured out what this mysterious word was, I liked the idea.

A portfolio for primary school students is used by the teacher as an alternative way to assess the child’s personal achievements. For a student, this is a form of representing the individual orientation of his knowledge, skills, interests, programming the success of personal growth, the development of creative thinking, the opportunity to express himself, speak out and make himself known.

There are no specific, general requirements for completing a portfolio in schools, and its design itself is already a creative work. Quite often, instead of a portfolio, you can hear the term “portfolio of achievements.”

It seems to me that the portfolio is a kind of competitive element, it makes every student think about what he has to show the class and others. Having heard about the portfolio, the children in our class immediately began to think about what they could be proud of. Some people had accumulated enough certificates for participating in competitions, others had nothing, and they had to figure out why it was difficult to ask about their own achievements? Why is there no interest, maybe too low self-esteem? This is a note for parents and teachers.

In our class, it was decided that a portfolio is not only a folder with certificates and diplomas, but it is an opportunity to tell about yourself in an interesting and competent way. Unleash your creative potential.

Objective of the project

record success, in any field. Increase self-esteem and create a positive attitude for the future. In addition, compiling a portfolio allows the child to look at himself from the outside.

General design

A portfolio is a folder with a binder. All documents are enclosed in separate glossy files, A4 format. To design the work, regular A4 paper, paints, pens, pencils, colored paper, transfers, stickers, etc. are used. The text can be handwritten or typed on a computer if the child is able to handle it.

Portfolio sections

  • My world (contents)
  • I'm interested

Includes the child's personal information. Last name First name Patronymic, year of birth, city of residence, age. You can decorate the title page to your taste and place a photo on it.

The section replaces the content. In the portfolio that I bring to your attention, the beginning of each section is drawn up on a separate sheet in the form of a presentation: the title of the section and a picture reflecting the image of the topic. Instead of the name “my world”, you can use “my planet”. I think the name is symbolic, because the portfolio reflects small life in all its manifestations, and not at all the book content.

Here it is proposed to tell what the name the parents gave the child means. Tell what character people with this name have, and agree or disagree with this characteristic. Give examples of people who glorified this name. And write a short story about them.

You need to tell about your mom, dad and all those relatives with whom you live. Who are they, where do they work, what do they do, how do they spend their time. What family traditions exist, what place do you occupy in the family and how do you help? And in general, everything that I have to say about myself and my family. There may even be wishes for the future, your own dreams regarding the family. Attached are photographs or drawings.

Who are they, where did you make friends, why do you value your friends, what kind of character do they have? Expand the question: “What kind of friend are you?” Photos of friends and joint games. If you have no friends, this happens. The child is asked to come up with a story about what kind of friend he would like to have.

Every person has some interests, and children usually have many of them, so describe them with pleasure, post pictures, magazine clippings, photographs, descriptions.

So we got to the most important thing. What good is your friend? Well, those who have certificates and diplomas - it’s clear! And if not? Then you need to think... you can be proud that you are a loving son and help your mother, proud that you have learned to read and write without mistakes. Maybe you made a birdhouse for birds or you have an A in behavior, you signed up for the library and read a lot of books, you know how to do 10 push-ups or sew on buttons... In general, the child is asked to find something in himself that will allow him to understand that everything is in his hands , he has something to strive for. Think about what needs to be done to be successful in business.

In this section, you are asked to talk about what surprised you and what you remember most in your life. Impressions of trips, excursions, books read, films and cartoons watched. Attached are photographs, drawings, and clippings.

Here we collect drawings or photos of any handmade work: modeling, drawings, knitting, sewing, appliqués, etc. In addition to these sections, you can include the following:

My school

Separate pages on subjects (what you like, don’t like, opinion about the subject and its necessity). My teachers (attitude towards them, favorite teachers and trainers, what causes respect)

My social work

All useful deeds aimed not at studying, but at maintaining the class, school, family, home are reflected here. Stories about cleanup days, school plays, organizing a hike, etc.

Every year, schoolchildren are exposed to innovations in the field of education. Most of these innovations produce truly positive results and make the learning process more effective. As an experiment, primary school students are asked to create a portfolio - a personal document that will indicate the student’s goals and objectives, his aspirations and direction. This is a kind of characteristic and action plan. This is actively used in middle and high schools. But what will a portfolio give to primary school students? This is what this article will discuss.

Coming to primary school, most students are not fully aware of what teachers want from them, how they need to systematize their actions and knowledge so that learning brings joy. The task of teachers is to guide schoolchildren in the right educational direction, discover their potential and promote a desire to learn new things. A portfolio will help them with this.

The objectives of this document are:

  • develop the student’s individual inclinations and creative potential;
  • instill in him leadership qualities and raise self-esteem;
  • encourage cognitive activity;
  • develop independence and responsibility in decision-making and be responsible for them;
  • teach to develop creatively;
  • form the right moral qualities, raise a responsible, kind and intelligent citizen;
  • teach you to form your desires and goals independently, choose the main thing, systematize information;
  • help you find your ideals and priorities, show that there is no limit to self-improvement.

The objectives of the portfolio are also important. The main task is to show the student that the main thing is not diplomas and praise, but that he learns new things, grows above himself and is constantly developing.

Also in the list of tasks you can find:

  • promote creative activities every day;
  • teach how to select important information against the background of everything else;
  • give you the opportunity to choose your portfolio format, its appearance and sections.

Scientists have proven that it is not intelligence or talent that plays a big role in the formation of a successful personality, but high motivation to achieve a goal. This is what the portfolio promotes.

It is important that the elementary school student makes the folder himself. This is how his personal opinion and position will be formed.

Portfolio of a primary school student according to the Federal State Educational Standard

A primary school student’s portfolio is a collection of various documents, certificates, and information that indicates a high level of knowledge of the student. This will be very useful in determining the student's rating.

You can attach both certified documents and what you write yourself to such a portfolio. The data should cover all areas of the student’s life: study, creativity, sports, language learning, etc.

Teachers recommend adhering to the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) when drawing up such a document. But it should be noted that there is no single rule that obliges you to create a portfolio using a certain method and no other way. The student has a wide choice of exactly how he wants to present himself to the team. This is very important when shaping the worldview of a primary school student.

But despite the absence of strict rules, the portfolio should include sections that will tell about the student and his work.

The folder should contain the following materials:

  1. A selection of children's works. This can be work done during lessons at school, or in additional classes, clubs, and electives. The materials should be compiled in such a way that the growth of the student’s skills and knowledge is visible.
  2. Systematized materials and plans. These are tests, tests, independent work, which will also indicate the constant development of erudition in the student. This also includes assessment sheets in which teachers give their assessment of the student’s level of knowledge.
  3. Information that characterizes the child in the extracurricular sphere. It describes the schoolchild’s leisure time, his hobbies and passions.

The portfolio is not a document of a strict form, therefore it can be filled out by the student in any form. The main thing is to approach this activity responsibly, avoid mistakes, and enter truthful information.

You can fill out the folder both in class with the permission of the teacher, and in extracurricular activities or at home. Teachers can help with the design, but the initiative must come from the student.

It is important that the portfolio does not turn into a book of praise about the student’s achievements, which will contain various certificates and diplomas. After all, the main goal is not to make him stand out from the rest, but to instill responsibility, to make the child collected and attentive.

Sample portfolio of a primary school student: photo with explanations

The folder should fully reflect the tastes and interests of the student. That is why he can choose different decor and filling style. You can even adjust the sections that will be presented in the portfolio.

To have an idea of ​​how to correctly fill out such a folder, you should take into account a sample portfolio of a primary school student.

You need to start with the title page. He will tell you who owns the portfolio and what class the child attends.

Now you need to tell us a little about yourself and start with your name. Not all options have such a section, but this will emphasize the student’s individuality, teach him to love his name and tell others about its meaning.

It is important to indicate the student’s goals and objectives, what values ​​he considers basic, and what he wants to achieve. This needs to be done concisely, concisely, so that everything written fits in one section.

“Family Section” could be next. Here the student talks about his family. Be sure to include photographs of your family. You can talk not only about parents, brothers or sisters, but also about grandparents. It should be mentioned that they are an example for a young schoolchild and support him in everything. Also in this section you can describe how family leisure time is spent, what exciting hobbies family members have, where the family likes to go together.

Then you can move on to the hobbies of the primary school student himself. Here you don’t have to skimp on additional material in the form of photographs or drawings if your child attends an art school, for example.

The portfolio may also have sections:

  • my achievements;
  • my art;
  • my travels;
  • my impressions, etc.

They also need to be described in detail and sincerely. Separately, you can highlight each subject that a student studies at school. For example, make “Mathematics” or “Russian language” tabs.

Primary school student portfolio templates

To quickly and more effectively design a folder, you can use primary school student portfolio templates. You just need to print them out and fill them out. Additionally, you can use decor or initially adjust the template in an editor program on your computer.

Below are several options that will help you realize all your plans.

There are also many sites on the Internet, by going to which you can download a file in the form of an archive with a complete set of templates. It’s also easy to make them yourself on a computer using a special program. But only a primary school student may not be able to do this. Their parents will help them with this.

Also, various print publishers create ready-made portfolios for every taste. You can choose any topic, the number of sections that make up the portfolio. The advantage of this option is that it resembles a book, has a thick cover, and therefore will last longer than a simple folder.

Pictures for a primary school student's portfolio

The portfolio of a primary school student differs from that of older schoolchildren in that you can use additional decor and pictures, supplement the text with an application or sketch.

The choice must be made based on the general theme of the portfolio and the student’s interests. For example, often at the age of 7-8 years, students focus on cartoon topics:

The following pictures are suitable for a girl:

There are also options for boys:

You can also pay attention to universal pictures that do not link the portfolio to the student by gender.

How to fill out a 1st grade student’s portfolio: sample, details

It will be useful for schoolchildren who are just getting acquainted with school and their parents to learn how to fill out a portfolio for a 1st grade student. The sample below will describe this procedure in detail and inspire your own individual writing.

Any portfolio begins with a title page. It indicates the student’s details, which school and class he attends.

For example: “Sergey Vadimovich Marchenko, student 1 - “A” class of secondary school No. 25, Karaganda.”

The title page must have an attractive appearance, so it can be decorated with applique, drawings, and stickers. Also on the title page there is usually a photograph of a first-grader. Students at this age still have a childish worldview, so you can also use pictures of cartoon characters.

Next comes the getting to know the student section. Here you need to tell about yourself, your plans, dreams, passions. This is a mini-presentation, several sentences long. To show originality and creative inclinations, the section can also be decorated with drawings and pictures. For example, if a first grader loves basketball, then you can cut out basketballs and stick them next to the text.

Sample of filling out this section:

"My name is Sergey. Now I set myself the goal of doing well at school and gaining a lot of useful knowledge. My dreams are varied: I want to fly in a helicopter, see the Sahara Desert and swim with dolphins. My hobbies are drawing and sports. I want to reach heights in these areas.”

Then - a description of the family. Here you should indicate the details of your parents, where and who they work for. You can also tell what hobbies the family has and how they spend their free time. Photos of family and spending time together are also welcome.

The next section is dedicated to the friends of the first grader. You need to talk about them, what common interests the guys have, and attach a photo. Perhaps friends are an example for the student and inspire him to do good deeds.

This is where the personal part of the portfolio ends and the academic part begins. You should indicate the class teacher, describe what subjects the student is studying, what extracurricular clubs he attends.

Here you can give a brief description of the class (what direction of study has been chosen, how many people are in the class, etc.).

The “My Achievements” section is the most voluminous because it includes plans drawn up by the student himself, assessment sheets and tests from teachers, as well as certificates, diplomas and other important marks.

“My Creativity” can also consist of many examples of the student’s creative work. It is best to arrange them in chronological order so that the progress of the child's creative skills can be seen.

The “My impressions” section is very important for a child who has just started school. This way he can express his emotions and systematize his thoughts.

It is also necessary to create a separate section that will cover school subjects. It can describe assignments completed in class, attach projects and tests.

All events that happened outside of school can be placed in the “My social work” section. The photographs posted here will help you remember these events.

The “Reviews and Suggestions” section will help summarize the materials attached to the portfolio. In it, teachers can give their assessments of the student’s learning and efforts. They can also point out shortcomings or gaps in knowledge.

Portfolio of a 1st grade student: example

To understand how to properly create a portfolio, it is best to visually familiarize yourself with it. To do this, we give an example of such a portfolio of a 1st grade student. By watching the video attached below, you can learn all the nuances of filling out such a first-grader folder.

Going to first grade, a child expects to encounter difficulties and constant learning. The portfolio allows you to understand that school is also very fun, educational and interesting.

Today I want to show you a sample of filling out a student’s portfolio. I will describe what photographs and texts to place on the pages. In the article I will use .

The portfolio template consists of 42 pages. Of course, you can fill out all the pages that are included in the portfolio, but this is a lot. We create universal templates from a variety of pages. We strive to meet all the requirements of schools and kindergartens. Also, do not forget that the pages must be printed, and the price of each A4 sheet varies from 30 to 50 rubles.


On the title page you must write: The name of the educational institution in full. (For example: " Municipal budgeteducational institution"Secondary school No. 35"); Last name First name Middle name of the child; Date of birth; city, the beginning of maintaining a portfolio and its completion. The child’s photo can be placed in a frame, or you can completely cut it out from the background and place a full-length photo of the child (depending on the template).


  • My portrait

On the “My Portrait” or “Meet Me!” page, we post the most beautiful photo that reflects the child’s character. We write an interesting story about the child, his autobiography, character, hobbies, habits.

  • My name

On the “My Name” page, write the meaning of the child’s name (can be downloaded on the Internet) or the story - Why did you name your baby that way? A photo of your child.

On the “My Family” page, write a story about your family, traditions, travel, hobbies, everything that you like to do together. Or simply describe each member of your family, grandparents, brothers, sisters. Place a general photo of the family here as well.

  • My parents

On this page we talk about dad and mom. What they do, what they are interested in and who they work for. We talk about common activities with children.
For example: “Mom and I do yoga,” “Dad and I go to football,” “Mom taught me to cook,” etc.
It will also be interesting to write a short story about your family, about family traditions and customs.
Photos of parents with a child, and general photos of the whole family are suitable here.

  • My city; My village

Page “My city”, “My village”, “My little homeland”. It can be called differently, depending on where you live.

What do we write on this page? Of course, all the most interesting things about your city, town, region. Historical facts, interesting stories that happened in your city, everything that your favorite city or town is famous for. If you don’t know how to write, then don’t be shy, you can always find a lot of information on the Internet!
It is possible that you yourself will learn a lot of new things about your city!
And of course, on this page you need to place photographs of all or only the most beautiful places in your city.

This page should make your child proud of his city!

  • My friends

"My Friends" page. One of the most interesting portfolio pages. Place photos of cheerful children playing on this page. if there are a lot of friends, then you can simply limit yourself to writing the First and Last Names of the children. Well, if there is space on the page, then be sure to write interesting stories about how children met or some joint adventures. Children quickly forget such events, and after reading this story in a couple of years, the child will seem to live it again.

  • My hobbies

On the “My Hobbies” page, write a short story about what your child is interested in. Here you can write about classes in the sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education. And photographs, the more the better.

Read the next article on how to fill out the remaining pages.

Modern adults often remember their school days when they had to study according to a different curriculum. Currently, school education is based on the introduction of special subjects.

They help children discover their abilities in all directions. For this purpose, special tools have been organized that are designed for effective learning of the material and high performance of students.

One of the main tools in Russian schools is the student’s portfolio, which looks like a folder with specially attached files.

Download free templates You can use the following links below:

  1. In a nautical style.
  2. In blue color.
  3. In space style.
  4. With a rainbow.
  5. In the style of the game Minecraft.
  6. In the style of the Olympic Games.
  7. Masha and the Bear.
  8. Spider-Man.

How to make your own student portfolio? This article will describe in detail how to create a special folder for students.

  • Main goals
  • Portfolio value
  • Main structure
  • List of materials
  • Sections

Main goals

The main task in the field of primary school education is the development of children's creative abilities. To do this, it is worth determining the main goals and objectives for each student. First of all, it is necessary to increase the academic performance of schoolchildren, increase personal self-esteem and confidence in their own knowledge.

Teachers should maximize the individual abilities of children, develop interest in various sciences, and formulate an attitude towards the development of creative activity. To solve such problems, it is necessary to create a portfolio that will contain all the student’s achievements in written form.

Portfolio value

The main value of a portfolio is based on increasing the self-esteem of schoolchildren, which will help to fully reveal the individual characteristics of each student.

It will effectively develop motivation for future creativity. For a child, the main task is to participate in the creative work of a secondary school.

Main structure

There are no special requirements for organizing a portfolio according to the state model. The most important thing in work is the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities. You should approach your work with a creative, positive attitude. The administration of educational institutions provides parents with valuable recommendations on registration.

You need to come up with an original title for the document, make it colorful, and highlight each section. To create a portfolio, you will need certain materials that will be needed in the process of completing the work.

List of materials

First of all, you need to prepare a lot of white sheets, and put each of them in a separate file. First, you need to decorate the title page colorfully and fill it out accordingly.

The next step is to fill out the portfolio content. You can supplement the pages of your folder with special materials.

These include photographs, academic achievement diplomas, and awards for creative achievements. Each portfolio page should have its own section.


The title page contains complete information about the student, educational institution, class, contact information and personal photo. The child must independently choose a photo for the portfolio. The “My World” section is intended to post any information that is considered interesting for a child.

He must describe his family, place of residence, route plan from home to school. It is important to mark dangerous places on the diagram.

You should paste photos of your best friends, interesting events and hobbies.

It is also necessary to write a short story about the child’s hobbies. You can describe classes in a certain circle or other educational institutions.

The “My Study” section is dedicated to a specific school subject that is the student’s favorite. It should contain written tests, interesting projects, personal opinions about the literature read, and creative works.

The “Community Work” section contains events that are dedicated to the student’s creative participation in various projects. It is advisable to carry out registration using a photo.

The “My Creativity” section includes drawings, poems, and crafts. This paragraph does not imply the participation of parents in the creative process.

The item “My impressions” contains the student’s visits to educational institutions. It should describe a trip to the theater, cinema or other interesting social structure.

In the “Achievements” section, the student places the received certificates, diplomas, and letters of gratitude. It is imperative that the student’s portfolio include an item regarding feedback and wishes. It is this section that increases personal self-esteem, which the teacher will subsequently evaluate positively.