Causes of increased gas formation. How to reduce bloating and gas. General description of the process

The formation of gases in the digestive tract is normal and usually does not cause discomfort. Sometimes, under the influence of internal or external factors, this process is disrupted, which leads to the appearance of excess intestinal gases.

Almost everyone has experienced symptoms of bloating or flatulence in their lives. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon, you need to know the causes of increased gas formation in the intestines. Let's look at the main ones.

Gases enter the intestines in two ways: they are formed under the influence of microbes directly in the colon or are swallowed during meals.

Swallowed air

Normally, a person always swallows a small amount of air with food or drinks. But in some situations, air swallowing occurs more intensely. This is facilitated by:

  • smoking,
  • drinking carbonated water and drinks,
  • chewing gum use
  • eating on the go, in a hurry,
  • presence of gaps between teeth.

The main volume of swallowed air comes out by belching, but some of it enters the intestines, which causes bloating.

Intestinal gas formation

The human digestive tract is not suitable for digesting certain carbohydrates: cellulose, pectins, lignin, chitin, etc. These compounds form the basis of feces. Some of them in the intestines are broken down by microbial flora, and some are released unchanged. When bacteria break down dietary fiber, carbohydrates, as well as proteins and some fats, intestinal gases are formed. This is mainly hydrogen, nitric oxide and carbon dioxide, as well as a small amount of methane, which are released out through the rectum. Why strong occurs, we will analyze below.

Causes of excessive gas formation

Excess gases form in the intestines as a result of the following factors:

  • consumption of certain foods: legumes, cabbage, apples, black bread, lamb, beer, kvass and others (read more about this in the article:);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • changes in the bacterial composition of intestinal microflora;
  • impaired intestinal motor function;
  • neurological and mental disorders.

Products that increase gas formation: legumes, cabbage, radishes, sweet confectionery products

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases associated with flatulence include:

  • with secretory pancreatic insufficiency;
  • , liver diseases;
  • of various etiologies.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal system lead to digestive disorders. Undigested food remains undergo fermentation and rotting, which causes excessive gas formation in the intestines.


In healthy people, the basis of the intestinal flora is lactic acid bacteria, and opportunistic Escherichia coli and cocci are detected only in very small quantities. But sometimes this ratio is violated, and there is an excessive proliferation of microbes that are undesirable for the intestines. This may be due to low stomach acidity, taking antibiotics, or intestinal infections.

Gastrointestinal motility disorders

Often the cause of increased gas formation in the intestines is a violation of peristalsis, or rather, its weakening. Deterioration of the motor function of the colon occurs in the following conditions:

  • postoperative period (especially during operations on the abdominal organs);
  • pregnancy;
  • treatment with sedatives;
  • abnormalities in the development of the digestive tube.

Flatulence during pregnancy is caused by increased levels of progesterone and pressure from the enlarged uterus on the intestines.

Often, disturbances in peristalsis are observed in neurological diseases, psychogenic disorders, neuropsychic overstrain, and stress. As a result, constipation occurs. Feces stagnate, undergo bacterial breakdown, and a large amount of intestinal gases is formed.

Less commonly, excessive gas formation in the intestines occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the intestinal wall. “High-altitude” is also known, which develops in people in rarefied air conditions (pilots, climbers, etc.). When raised to a height, all gases in the body expand in volume, including intestinal gases.

Note: most often with flatulence there are several etiological factors that act together. For example, dietary errors and stress.

Substances that increase gas formation

The cause of gas formation in the intestines can be some substances and additives included in the products. These are mainly carbohydrates:

  • lactose is a disaccharide found in milk and dairy products (ice cream, milk powder, baked goods made with milk);
  • raffinose - found in pumpkin, legumes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, artichokes, asparagus and some other vegetables;
  • fructose - found in honey, many fruits and vegetables, often used in the food industry in the production of juices and other drinks;
  • sorbitol – found naturally in vegetables and fruits, used in cooking as a sweetener;
  • starch is a complex carbohydrate found in many foods (potatoes, peas, corn, wheat, bread, etc.).

Dietary fiber is of great importance for the functioning of the intestines. They can be insoluble or soluble. The first type has virtually no effect on gas formation. This cannot be said about soluble fibers: in the small intestine they swell and turn into a gel-like mass, and in the colon they undergo microbial breakdown with the formation of gases. Such dietary fiber is found in peas, beans, and many fruits. You can learn more about the effect of foods on the formation of intestinal gases from the short film at the end of the article.

Advice: if you are often bothered by excessive gas formation in the intestines after eating, you should reconsider your diet. Perhaps the cause of discomfort lies in your food preferences.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Gases in the intestines often cause a state of physical and psychological discomfort and interfere with communication. Can the formation of gases in the intestines be considered a disease? To answer this question, you need to understand the mechanism of increased gas formation in the intestines: what products provoke such processes, what diseases they are symptoms of, whether it is possible to get rid of this delicate problem using traditional medicine.

Even in a completely healthy person, as a result of digestive processes, gases accumulate in the intestines (up to 600 ml per day), which sometimes require release. This happens on average 15 times a day, and this is quite normal. But there are situations when the release of gases has to be restrained, and then the question arises: what needs to be done to reduce gas formation in the intestines?

Symptoms and causes of gas formation in the intestines

The main symptoms of excess gases in the intestines include:

1) bloated stomach;

2) a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;

3) urge to pass gas;

4) rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen;

5) acute cramping pain in the abdomen, disappearing after the release of gas;

6) pain in the hypochondrium.

There are several reasons for the formation of excess gases in the intestines. For example, prolonged stress, malfunction of certain digestive organs, lack of enzymes involved in the digestive process, as well as some properties of the foods consumed.

“Colitis, liver problems, and disorders in the bile ducts can also lead to excessive gas formation.”

A similar problem can occur in women during menstruation, as well as in older people due to atony (weakening of the muscles) of the intestines. Frequent constipation, dysbacteriosis, gastritis, and the presence of helminths worsen intestinal function and lead to excessive gas formation.

One of the causes of flatulence (increased gas formation) may be the consumption of too much food at one time, when the body does not have time to process it. A large amount of gas accumulates in the intestines, a feeling of fullness occurs, often attacks of abdominal pain, rumbling and gurgling.

The category of natural “producers” of gases includes some fruits (for example, apples), vegetables (in particular, cabbage of all varieties), legumes (peas, beans), lactose, contained in most dairy products (with age, the body’s ability to absorb lactose decreases significantly ). A similar effect is also caused by wheat bread, especially yeast bread, all types of soufflé and some other products.

How to “calculate” unwanted products

Since each person's body is completely unique, everyone digests the same foods differently. There is a proven way to “calculate” unwanted products.

First of all, from the diet products containing coarse fiber are removed. These are apples, grapes and gooseberries, different varieties of cabbage, beans, peas, beans, sorrel, asparagus. Drinks that cause fermentation in the intestines are removed: carbonated water, kvass, all types of beer. In general, it is best to drink filtered, unboiled water, which will quench your thirst and contain many microelements.

Taking the resulting diet as a basis, you need to gradually, one by one, add other foods to the diet, while observing the body’s reaction. If this product has not proven itself as a “provocateur” within several hours, it can be added to the regular diet. And, on the contrary, exclude it completely if undesirable symptoms appear when using it. For the “purity” of the experiment, each product should be tested three to four times.

“In order for nutrition to remain complete, excluded foods must be replaced.”

Fermented milk products are useful, such as kefir, fermented baked milk, some types of yoghurt, non-viscous porridge from buckwheat or millet, boiled lean meat, boiled vegetables, and bran bread.

How to get rid of excessive gas

There are various medications to reduce gas formation, but the main way to combat this problem is proper nutrition. It is advisable to eat at the same time, slowly, with concentration. It is important to drink properly: no less than 30-40 minutes before eating and no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after. This will eliminate many factors that provoke the formation of large amounts of gas in the intestines.

Traditional recipes will also help normalize gas formation and rid yourself of this delicate problem.

Traditional methods of treating increased gas formation

1. Dill seeds in the amount of one tablespoon, thoroughly crushed, pour 300 ml of boiling water and infuse for three hours. The infusion should be consumed in three doses throughout the day, preferably before meals.

2. You can also prepare a decoction of dill seeds. To do this, take dill seeds (a teaspoon) and cook in 250 ml of water for about 15 minutes. The decoction, cooled to room temperature, is drunk in a third of a glass before meals.

3. A good remedy is the so-called "black salt", which is prepared in a special way. You need to take 250 grams of regular table salt and pour it into a plate. Finely crumble the crumb of one piece of black (rye) bread and mix with salt, then add water and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. A flat cake is made from this mass and baked in the oven until black. Then let it cool and grind on a fine grater. The resulting “black” salt is used as usual in cooking.

4. Another effective remedy for flatulence (excessive gas formation) is prepared on the basis of pine nuts mixed with walnuts. 100 grams of nuts of each type are crushed and thoroughly mixed until smooth. After this, everything is mixed with well-chopped unpeeled lemon along with the seeds.

Purified clay is purchased at the pharmacy, 30 grams of which are added to the resulting nut-lemon mass. Honey is added to taste. Everything is thoroughly mixed. You need to take this drug one tablespoon twice a day before meals. The product should be stored in the refrigerator.

5. To eliminate excessive gas formation, the following has proven itself well: herbal tea. Mix 20 grams of chamomile flowers and caraway seeds with 80 grams of crushed valerian root. Everything is mixed, thoroughly crushed, and then poured with one glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 20 minutes, filtered through several layers of gauze and cooled to room temperature. Take two or three sips twice a day.

6. Another collection consists of a mixture mint leaves, cumin and anise seeds, as well as fenkel fruits, taken in equal quantities. Two teaspoons of the mixture are poured into a teapot with boiling water and left under the lid for about one hour. The strained and cooled infusion is drunk in several doses throughout the day.

7. Anise seeds Brew one teaspoon in a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Take 50 ml chilled three times a day.

8. Dandelion root, pre-crushed, pour a full glass of cold boiled water and let it brew for 8 hours. Drink an infusion of 50 ml per dose 4 times a day. The product helps well with increased gas formation in the intestines.

Traditional methods of treating flatulence are quite effective and have virtually no side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance to the ingredients. However, before using these products, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Accumulated in the process of life - gases in the intestines, regularly exiting through the perineal section of the rectum - this is a natural physiological process of any person that does not require medical intervention.

Another phenomenon- this is the excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the intestines, called flatulence, which causes unpleasant feelings, discomfort and requires treatment.

Physiological process of the body

Increased gas formation or flatulence is a fairly common phenomenon, accompanied by bloating, in which digestive gases accumulated in the intestines are abundantly and involuntarily released. This problem can affect even a healthy person: when overeating, the presence of foods containing carbohydrates and plant fiber, carbonated drinks, etc. in the menu.

The intestines and stomach of the average adult contain approximately 1 l. gases, per day allocated from 0.1 to 0.5 liters. With flatulence, the release of gas reaches 3 or more liters.

Gas release or flatulence - can have a voluntary or involuntary release, accompanied by a characteristic pronounced sound with an unpleasant odor.

The foul odor depends on the food consumed and on the presence in the gases of a substance such as hydrogen sulfide, produced during the life of intestinal bacteria.

With a proper and balanced diet, gas emissions are not as foul-smelling, or may have no odor at all.

Flatulence- a natural process of the human body, but can sometimes indicate symptoms of other diseases that require treatment.

Interesting video:

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Causes of increased gas formation

Elementary causes of excessive gas formation in the intestines:

  • Alimentary flatulence occurs after eating foods that increase fermentation and contain large amounts of plant fiber, carbohydrates and starch (potatoes, legumes, beer, brown bread, cabbage).
  • Aerophagia - the process of swallowing large amounts of air, occurs during smoking or hasty eating - another factor in the excessive accumulation of gases.
  • Lactose intolerance in humans who consume dairy products becomes the main reason for severe gas formation in the intestines.
  • In newborn babies, flatulence, accompanied by bloating and colic, is a common problem due to the lack of bacteria useful for the process of digesting food, due to the age and imperfection of the growing body.

If you suffer from frequent and constant gas, this may be a signal of another ailment, in which case the following factors of flatulence may be sign of pathology:

  • Circulatory – increased gas formation is a consequence of disturbances in the blood circulation process in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dysbiotic - intestinal gas pollution is caused by an imbalance of healthy microflora, which appears when taking antibiotics.
  • Dynamic flatulence manifests itself against the background of reduced gastrointestinal motility and weak intestinal motility.
  • Mechanical flatulence is typical when a patient is diagnosed with tumors, stenoses that block the lumen in the intestine and thereby disrupt the process of emptying and releasing gases.

Symptoms of severe gas accumulation

The main signs of flatulence are familiar to many:

  • Severe bloating of the abdomen, accompanied by a characteristic loud rumbling.
  • If you swallow air excessively, symptoms such as hiccups and belching may appear. An unpleasant and putrid smell with frequent belching (not only after eating) indicates some disorders of the digestive system and the process of increased gas formation.
  • A feeling of heaviness in the stomach and abdomen, along with stabbing pains that disappear after the passage of gas.
  • Violation of the emptying process, constipation alternates with diarrhea, and vice versa.

Necessary measures for diagnosing flatulence

Based on the above symptoms and complaints of the patient, the doctor can make a conclusion, prescribe treatment and recommend how to quickly get rid of gases in the intestines. To confirm the diagnosis and exclude serious pathologies, additional examination and testing may be required.

When an inflammatory process occurs, tension occurs in the abdominal muscles.

With flatulence, there is no muscle tone. Painful sensations are observed when palpating the abdomen, seething and rumbling, and rolling of the area in the intestine swollen with gases in different directions.

Constant increased gas formation and discomfort may indicate disturbances in the digestive processes and require the following diagnostic methods:

  1. – to exclude a disorder in the normal balance of intestinal microflora.
  2. – a detailed stool analysis, which allows you to assess the activity of digestive processes and the presence of inflammation in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Analysis for enterobiasis, confirming or excluding the presence of helminths.
  4. – studies of the internal state of the intestine, allowing to identify pathologies of various etiologies, including malignant tumors in the early stages.
  5. X-ray of the intestines helps to exclude or record pathologies that are a blocker for the normal movement of food, feces, and gases in the intestines.

Nutritional adjustments and drug treatment

Proper nutritional adjustments and adherence to a diet will help get rid of excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. Increased gas formation is often caused by the foods you eat and the process of eating food itself.

  • You need to eat often, in small portions (5-6 times a day), not in a hurry, so as not to swallow excess air.
  • In the fight against flatulence, heat treatment of the food consumed is important; stewing, baking, and steaming are ideal options.
  • Fatty, smoked, exotic foods are excluded from the daily diet.
  • Enrich the menu with products that do not cause fermentation and gas formation: fresh herbs, dietary meats, lean fish, white bread, porridge cooked in water.
  • If there are no allergic reactions to cow's milk protein, consume large amounts of fermented milk products.
  • Eliminate from your diet raw vegetables and fruits that affect the occurrence of flatulence: apples, cabbage, radishes, citrus fruits, bananas.
EnterosorbentsEnzyme preparationsCarminatives
Enterosgel, Smecta, Atoxil, White coal, PlantexFestal, Mezim, Pancreatin, PanzinormGerbion, Espumisan, Infacol, Metsil forte
Used to remove toxins, poisons, bacteria, gases from the gastrointestinal tract. Activated carbon, widely used for flatulence, can cause hypovitaminosis if taken for a long time.A deficiency of enzymes necessary for the body leads to digestive disorders, which can result in increased gas formation in the intestines.

Taking such drugs is due to the process of eating food in excess.

Reduce the severity of increased gas formation (flatulence).
They promote the gentle removal of gases and relieve symptoms such as bloating and colic.

Hilak forte, Bifiform, LinexNo-shpa, Drotaverine, Spasmol, BespaSilancetron, Peridon, Motilium
Substances that are not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the activity of beneficial intestinal microflora, thereby have a beneficial effect on its functioning and on the removal of gases.Medicines that reduce the tone and contractile activity of smooth muscles.
Relieves pain due to excess accumulation of gases.
Medicines that enhance gastrointestinal motility and accelerate the process of moving its contents to the exit (feces, gases).

Fighting the disease with folk remedies

Folk recipes will tell you how to deal with gases and flatulence at home. Due to the undeveloped pharmaceuticals and medicine in the old days, our ancestors did a good job in inventing folk remedies against flatulence, aimed at eliminating and removing gases accumulated in the intestines.

The herbal decoctions used can compete with tablets and medications.

Cumin and anise seeds They are a wonderful means of combating increased gas formation and have a gentle effect in getting rid of gases.

To prepare the infusion, take half a teaspoon of each type of seed and pour 250 ml. boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain. Take 1/3 cup before meals.

Dill seeds
– an effective remedy for flatulence.


  1. Grind them to a powder;
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon into 250-300 ml of boiling water;
  3. cover with a lid and let it brew for 3 hours;
  4. The infusion should be divided over the whole day and taken half an hour before meals.

To prepare tinctures against gas formation, you can use dandelion; for this, grind the root of the plant, add 250 ml. not hot boiled water, cover with a lid and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and divide for 4 doses during the day, half an hour before meals.

Prevention of flatulence

Intestinal problems are a common phenomenon in modern society. Poor nutrition, lack of interest in sports and voluntary physical activity often and heavily affects the processes of the digestive system.

Flatulence or increased accumulation of gases in the intestines can be cured, but it is more advisable to prevent its excessive manifestation.

Avoid excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, fatty and poorly digestible foods, lead a healthy lifestyle, drink plenty of clean water, and to avoid aerophagia, replace chewing gum with mint candies. Arrange fasting days for the stomach and leave the intestines alone for such a problem as increased gas formation.

Increased gas formation in the intestines, the causes and treatment of which we will consider, is called flatulence.

The composition of intestinal gases is air, which enters the human body during inhalation, carbon dioxide, which is formed during the processing of inhaled air, and gaseous impurities, which are formed as a product of microbial activity.

When a large amount of such gases accumulates in the intestines, the stomach becomes distended and becomes very swollen, then pain and discomfort appear, and a large amount of gases with an unpleasant odor are released. Flatulence occurs due to the fact that a person eats improperly and abuses bad habits. Often, increased gas formation is the result of metabolic failures; if blood circulation is impaired, problems arise with food movement.

How to deal with this symptom, and what can be done at home if gases form in the intestines? Let's try to figure it out. First of all, let's look at the causes of this phenomenon in adults.


Excessive gas formation in the intestines is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • heartburn;
  • incoming abdominal pain;
  • nausea, poor appetite;
  • and rumbling;
  • Frequent belching of air and the release of gases with an unpleasant odor.

Flatulence is often accompanied by bowel dysfunction in the form of constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. Usually, after defecation or passing of gas, pain and other symptoms subside for a while.

Causes of increased gas formation in the intestines

Depending on the cause of occurrence, the following types of flatulence can be distinguished:

  1. Alimentary - increased gas formation that occurs due to the swallowing of air, as well as caused by eating foods with a “carminative” effect.
  2. Mechanical flatulence. With normal digestion and gas formation in the intestines, its elimination is disrupted. Mechanical obstacles in this case may include intestinal tumors, helminths, and hard, rocky stools.
  3. Circulatory. It is associated with impaired blood supply to the intestinal wall
  4. High altitude flatulence. Appears due to changes in atmospheric pressure.
  5. Degestive flatulence. Lack of food enzymes or problems with normal bile secretion. This disrupts the normal digestion process. Products, without being completely digested, break down into chemical elements, including gases. This is what causes bloating.
  6. Dysbiotic causes. The small and large intestines contain a large number of microorganisms that are also involved in the digestion of food mass. But if the ratio of the number of bacteria of normal microflora (lactobacteria, bifidumbacteria) and opportunistic flora (peptostreptococcus, E. coli, anaerobes) is violated, food is digested with increased gas formation. This disorder is called dysbiosis.
  7. Dynamic reasons associated with impaired innervation of the intestine and a decrease in its peristalsis (movements of the intestinal walls that push food masses). In this case, food stagnates, fermentation processes are activated, and gases accumulate.

Regardless of what reason caused the increased formation of gases in the intestines, the patient is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist. This condition may indicate serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since flatulence is a very uncomfortable and unpleasant condition, the patient is allowed to take some medications sold in pharmacies without a prescription (Espumizan, etc.).


Many people wonder: why do gases form in the intestines? The most common cause of increased gas formation in the intestines is the involuntary swallowing of an excessive amount of air during inhalation. This phenomenon is called aerophagia. The bulk of the air remains in the upper gastrointestinal tract, the remaining 15-20% enters the intestines.

Excessive air swallowing can be caused by eating too quickly, smoking and talking while eating, or drinking carbonated drinks or chewing gum.

If aerophagia is provoked by eating habits, then this condition can be easily corrected. However, if increased air swallowing occurs due to diseases of the digestive system or nervous system, then long-term treatment is required.

Foods that cause gas

It is because of them that the causes of severe gas formation in the intestines arise. These are legumes, cabbage, radish, kiwi, dates, grapes, black bread, beer, kvass, milk and other products that contain difficult-to-digest components.

Due to untimely processing, they begin to ferment and rot, so you should refrain from eating such food.


The causes of gas formation in the intestines are identified using the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. They inspect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract using a special apparatus consisting of a fiber optic tube, lighting devices and a camera.
  2. Coprogram. This laboratory test of stool helps detect enzymatic insufficiency of the digestive system.
  3. X-ray of the stomach with barium allows you to visually see obstacles that impede the movement of food masses and gases.
  4. Stool culture for dysbacteriosis to identify imbalances in the intestinal microflora.

After a detailed diagnosis, it will become clearer how to deal with increased gas formation in the intestines, and what pills should be taken to treat the disease.

Treatment of gas formation in the intestines

If you have increased gas formation in the intestines, treatment of this symptom includes several successive steps:

  • correction of diet and nutrition;
  • treatment of the disease that led to flatulence;
  • removal of gases accumulated in the intestinal lumen;
  • restoration of motor function of the gastrointestinal tract by prescribing drugs from the group of prokinetics (metoclopramide, tegaserod, silansetron);
  • correction of intestinal biocenosis by prescribing biological products - acylact, Hilak forte, bifidumbacterin, Rioflora Immuno (see, Linex analogues).

To combat severe gas formation in the intestines, adsorbents are actively used, which reduce the absorption of gases and other compounds of toxic origin, and also promote the removal of gases (white clay, dimethicone, simethicone, polyphepane, polysorb, activated carbon, Filtrum STI).

How to get rid of increased gas formation in the intestines?

Prescribing medications that will help get rid of gas formation in the intestines is possible only after conducting an appropriate examination to exclude pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If none were found, you can proceed directly to the treatment of excess gas formation.

  1. Regardless of the cause of flatulence, gases can be reduced dietary recommendations. We'll tell you more about the diet below.
  2. The safest drug for increased gas formation is considered to be one that has no obvious contraindications.
  3. If there is a decrease in intestinal motility, then they may be prescribed means to stimulate it, such as "Tserukal".
  4. Probiotics are preparations containing live bacteria of normal intestinal microflora (lactuvit, bifiform) to combat dysbiosis.
  5. Prokinetics are drugs that speed up the passage of food through the esophagus. It is the slow passage of food that provokes its decomposition, which means that bacteria begin to work harder, causing bloating.
  6. Sorbents – bind and remove toxins from the intestines (phosphalugel, enterosgel).
  7. Enzymatic preparations containing digestive enzymes and improving the functioning of the digestive system (mezim, pancreatin).
  8. Antifoaming agents improve the absorption of gases in the intestinal walls and reduce their tension. They affect intestinal motility and have a strong carminative effect (dimethicone, simethicone).
  9. If constipation occurs, the doctor may prescribe laxatives. Lactulose-based drugs, such as Duphalac and Normaze, have a mild laxative effect.
  10. For abdominal pain, antispasmodics can be prescribed: “Drotaverine”, “No-shpa”.

For gases caused by mechanical causes (intestinal tumors, constipation), treatment will depend on the specific disease. For tumors, surgical intervention will be performed; long-term constipation is eliminated by taking laxatives.


A diet for excess gases in the abdomen involves complete refusal or significant reducing the amount of certain foods you consume:

  • mushrooms;
  • alcohol;
  • chewing gum;
  • cereals: millet, pearl barley;
  • Borodino bread, bread with bran;
  • greens: spinach, sorrel, green onions;
  • legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils;
  • carbonated drinks, kombucha, kvass, beer;
  • fruits and berries: grapes, dates, kiwi, pears, apples, gooseberries, raspberries;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates: fresh baked goods, cookies, cakes and pastries, chocolate;
  • whole milk, cream, ice cream, milkshakes;
  • hard-to-digest meats: goose, pork, lamb;
  • raw and pickled vegetables containing coarse fiber: cabbage of all types, radishes, tomatoes.

Even after you know which foods cause bloating and avoid them, symptoms may persist for a while. In order to get rid of them as quickly as possible, it is recommended include foods that improve intestinal motility in your diet:

  • crumbly porridge made from buckwheat;
  • dairy products;
  • bread made from wholemeal wheat flour, freshly baked yesterday;
  • boiled and baked vegetables and fruits.

It is important to eat according to the principles of fractional meals - 5-6 times a day in small portions, chewing food slowly and thoroughly. Try to eat at the same time and do not overuse various spicy seasonings. You need to drink enough liquid every day. After all the symptoms of the disease have passed, you can deviate somewhat from the strict diet, but at the same time try to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Gas-forming activity in the intestines is a natural physiological process characteristic of all people. Thanks to this process, various types of gases do not accumulate in the body, but leave it.

Sometimes the production of gases occurs at such an accelerated pace that it causes some discomfort and becomes the source of many problematic situations. Especially if it happens when a person is in society or directly interacts with various categories of people. In this case, excess intestinal gas must be treated.

Today, modern medicine deals with the treatment of such delicate problems quite successfully. Various categories of citizens come to medical institutions with such ailments. Foul gases released from the body are a big problem for many people in our country. Timely consultation with a doctor enhances the effectiveness of treatment of this problem and helps to eradicate it.

Our body always contains gas, including the organs of the digestive system. When its content increases beyond two hundred milliliters, strong gas-forming activity occurs. Intestinal gas consists of oxygen, methane, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide, and also includes some nitrogen. On average, more than twenty liters of gases are formed in the human body during the day, but most of them are resorbed through the intestinal wall.

The acidophilic bacteria present in the body quickly absorb the resulting oxygen. The lungs absorb methane and hydrogen gas. As a result of the activity of the rectum, hydrogen sulfide and nitrogen are released. The unpleasant odor during gas emission is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas, skatole, and indole. All these gaseous substances are released as a result of the activity of the large intestine, as well as during the influence on the undigested remains of its microflora. Often, the accumulation of gases in the intestines forms foam, similar to a collection of bubbles in viscous mucus. When this foam covers the intestinal mucosa, parietal digestion slows down and gas resorption stops.


To find an effective way to treat excessive gas formation in the intestinal area, it is necessary to consider the main reasons causing this process. The reasons for increased gas formation are:

  • Nature of food;
  • Paresis;
  • Disturbance of the bacterial environment in the colon;
  • Bacterial imbalance;
  • Frequent nervous stress.

All these factors stimulate increased formation of gases in the intestinal area. Let's consider these reasons in more detail. The gas-forming activity of the intestines directly depends on the type of food we consume. Thus, with frequent consumption of highly carbonated drinks or kvass, increased formation of gaseous compounds begins in the body. For lovers of lamb meat, which serves as a source of fermentation reactions in the intestinal area.

If there is a lack of special enzymes in the body, undigested food passes into the lower intestines, where it either rots or begins to ferment. As a result, the body releases foul-smelling gases. Due to a lack of enzymes, increased gas formation may develop in newborn children or people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. Such gas-forming diseases include duodenitis, pancreatic disorders or the development of gastritis. Paresis also serves as one of the factors in the intensive gas formation process. In cases of surgical intervention in the body, disturbances in intestinal motility may occur. As a result, the movement of food masses slows down and increased gas formation appears, stimulated by large accumulations of bubbles.

Located in the colon, it contributes to the incomplete breakdown of vegetables and fruits. Due to this, their cellulose wall cannot be completely absorbed and gas-forming processes in the body intensify. When a bacterial imbalance occurs, the proper level of gases is not absorbed by aerobic microorganisms and, as a result, the gas formation process intensifies.

Increased gas formation also occurs due to nervousness. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the state of your own nervous system.

The gas formation process in the intestines can be enhanced due to the diffusion of gases through the bloodstream, due to excessive formation of volatile compounds in the area of ​​the cecum, or from a large volume of air that is swallowed with food during conversations.

Therapeutic measures

Compliance by a person with a special therapeutic diet is one of the main directions in the treatment of intestinal gas. Many foods contain ingredients that are difficult to digest. These indigestible foods are fermented by bacterial microorganisms in the intestines, resulting in increased gas formation. Increased gas formation occurs when eating foods with difficult-to-digest proteins. Legumes fall into this category.

Food rich in coarse fiber also leads to an increase in gas formation processes. This includes: apple, cabbage, radish and much more. A person’s excessive passion for beer or kvass stimulates increased gas-forming activity due to fermentation processes occurring in the intestinal area. Eating black bread and raisins also enhances fermentation. Fans of goose, pork and mushrooms should limit their consumption, due to the fact that difficult-to-digest proteins in them begin to rot right in the intestinal area. The therapeutic diet prohibits the consumption of alcohol and all kinds of soda.

The consumption of chewing gum is accompanied by the swallowing of additional volumes of air, which also affects the gas-forming activity of the intestines.

A diet for severe gas formation involves the consumption of buckwheat and millet porridge, as well as fermented milk products. In addition, steamed food helps reduce gas-forming activity. Boiled and stewed dishes are ideal. Of all the variety of bakery products, coarsely ground products are suitable for intense gas formation. Treatment for severe intestinal gas also requires a person to follow a special regimen. The daily number of meals should be increased. So, instead of the usual four meals a day, it is necessary to eat up to six times a day. It is best to have light cereals or grain products for breakfast.

Chewing food thoroughly is the right approach to solving problems of intense gas formation. While eating, you should not talk or rush. Smoking also negatively affects gas formation, as it is accompanied by swallowing excess air, which leads to an increase in the amount of gas in the intestinal area. It is recommended to give newborns less milk, but increase the frequency of its intake.

Medicines for gas formation

Undigested food begins to rot in the intestines and, as a result, gases with an unpleasant odor are released. Complete digestion of food does not occur due to a lack of digestive enzymes or as a result of disruptions in the process of bile secretion. In such cases, patients are prescribed enzyme preparations that stimulate the digestive process and reduce intestinal gas formation. In addition to them, choleretic drugs can also be prescribed, which, by their effect, lead to the normalization of digestion and help to enhance intestinal motility.

When treating severe gas formation, it is necessary to normalize the area inhabiting the intestinal area. Indeed, due to the lack of beneficial bacteria in the body, there is an increase in the production of gases. Prebiotics and probiotics are used to restore microflora. The use of prebiotics leads to intensive proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the body. Probiotics themselves consist of a variety of beneficial microorganisms and deliver them to the intestines.

Prokinetics are effective in treating increased gas formation. This group of drugs stimulates the acceleration of food passage through the intestines, bypassing the development of fermentation and rotting processes. Intestinal cramps also cause increased gas production in the intestines. To get rid of spasms, the patient is prescribed special antispasmodics, which include drotaverine, which is effective in treatment.

The use of various adsorbents also eliminates excess gases in the body. Activated carbon actively absorbs all excess gases from the intestines. Medicines produced using diosmectite or lignin have a similar effect. Taking these medications should be accompanied by mandatory consultation with your doctor, as they can stimulate the formation of constipation in the body.

The disadvantage in treating gas formation from long-term use of diosmectite or lignin is the disruption of the composition of bacterial organisms and the absorption of beneficial nutrients.

Use of medicinal herbs

Use for the treatment of severe gas formation also helps to speed up the recovery of the body. Dill or parsley seeds have a positive effect in reducing excess gas production. The therapeutic effect is observed from the use of elecampane, wormwood, peppermint, sweet clover and chamomile. A good result in the treatment of increased gas formation is observed from the use of dandelion roots and ripe cumin fruits.

An excellent result in the treatment of increased gas formation is observed from taking the herbal medicine - Iberogast. It contains most of the listed medicinal herbs. Taking Iberogast in the body eliminates the main causes of gas formation. At the same time, this drug stimulates the digestion process and neutralizes the processes of decay in the intestinal area.

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