Modern witch level of feminine energy. Signs of a witch. External signs of a witch

There is an opinion that there are a huge number of witches living among people. They can be found everywhere, in every corner of the globe. Naturally, at the present stage, not many of them dress in ritual clothing. And few people wear characteristic jewelry. And if someone puts them on, they try to hide them under their clothes. There is nothing strange in the question of what signs of a witch might be in a woman. It can be heard especially often from men.

Can fairy tales help?

We first heard about witches when we were read fairy tales. Does it make sense to say that their image was not kind and good? However, it is no secret that magical powers can be used with good wishes. Couldn't a prince's kiss overcome evil spells? Wasn’t it magic that helped Cinderella? These are just a few possible examples. Trying to find signs of a witch in a woman, one cannot say with confidence that magic brings only evil. This is an unfair statement. Much depends on the person.

Should everyone be considered a witch?

So who can be considered a witch? Someone who is capable of performing any mystical acts? However, it is worth remembering Moses, who directed all his abilities to help the suffering. And it should be noted that almost all people have magic from their very birth. So what signs of a witch may be present in a woman? Folklore paints a not entirely pleasant image of Baba Yaga.

Adults quite often speak negatively about those people who try to use magic. And since children generally strive to be like their parents, they try to adopt their opinions. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that at the present stage many people have a negative attitude towards everything related to magic. That is why we are gradually losing it. And only a small part managed not to lose this skill.

Wisdom and intelligence are a characteristic feature of many owners of magical abilities.

So what signs of a witch may be present in a woman? Since ancient times, man has worshiped various mysteries. With every new minute lived, understanding is born. Accordingly, meaning appears. However, very often you can come across such an opinion, the essence of which is that mystery is gradually being replaced by meaning and understanding. But this assumption is very far from the truth. Secrets never go away. They just become deeper and more interesting.

Before you begin to figure out how to recognize a witch, you need to understand that magic belongs to both the spiritual sphere of life and the scientific one. In this regard, it can be said that people who practice magic must have an excellent understanding of the principles of physics and metaphysics. They are used in magical activities.

Some things have always happened. Magic can safely be considered one of them. This word should be understood as wisdom. This is precisely the meaning of the word “magic” in translation. Accordingly, a magician is a sage. The concept of "witch" has a similar meaning. And in order to figure out how to recognize a witch, you need to understand that this is the name given to those who know the secret meaning.

The pursuit of truth

Holders of magical skills understood by wisdom not only the presence of a mind, but also a soul. This is due to the fact that even when the brain, in which there is a certain amount of knowledge, dies, the soul continues to live. If you want to understand how to recognize a witch, then pay attention to a word like parapsychology. Mediums have a rare gift, as they have the ability to comprehend universal wisdom. However, such a skill can be developed by everyone, not just a select few. If a person constantly strives in search of new knowledge, in solving riddles, then he will be able to return to the lost origins, to magic. However, aspiration alone is not enough. We must understand exactly where the truth is hidden and what is false. It was because of this that the question arose about how to recognize a witch in a woman. Those who are capable of performing magical acts simply hide their abilities. If they tell the truth, they will not receive honor. People do not trust those who have hidden, secret abilities. Therefore, witches and sorcerers will not be able to receive love.

Should we believe external signs?

However, what could be the signs of a modern witch? can you see in that girl who has attractiveness and sex appeal? If a girl excites the imagination, is it possible to see her territory, to touch the dark energy that she possesses? A lot of people dream about this. The appearance of a witch is the same everywhere. This is definitely a beautiful and young girl who dresses flashy and impressive. Clothes should contain mostly dark shades.

Speaking about the distinctive features of a witch, in most cases it is implied that she is characterized by an intelligent and insightful look. You can even find some bohemian notes. However, after a longer conversation, you can understand that this is not a witch, but a capricious and wayward girl. However, she can also be very intriguing.

If you want to know what signs can be used to determine that you are a witch, then you should understand that there is no secret code. No one says what the owner of magical powers should look like. The main thing is naturalness. However, there is no need to doubt that there may be very little sincerity. A girl can have any twists and turns.

How to understand that there is a witch in front of you?

What could be the external signs of a witch? This question cannot be answered unequivocally. However, you must understand that the owner of magical abilities loves to play to the public. Especially if you need to demonstrate the presence of intelligence. For the sake of success, she will not spare anyone. Even yourself. At first glance, you can decide that the witch is a selfish and narcissistic creature. But you shouldn’t be guided by your first opinion about those who have the gift of magic. If you look as deeply as possible, you can see that for the witch, the dominant role is occupied not so much by herself, but by her environment. However, if there is a chance to show off, she will never miss it.

Medieval instructions should be discarded immediately, since they are absolutely not suitable for modern reality. Well, we won’t throw a girl into the water and see whether she drowns or not. And then judge that if she didn’t drown, she’s definitely a witch. In reality, attention should be paid to completely different aspects. And one of the main signs is that modern witches simply do not know about the presence of magical power within themselves. This is her main trick. There are creatures that are simply trying to pass themselves off as a witch. However, they themselves are not such.

An ordinary girl who strives for knowledge

A real witch sincerely considers herself an ordinary person. This judgment is absolutely correct. After all, only in this case will she not doubt anything, will not regret, will not try to look amazing in any situation, so as not to reduce the glory of centuries-old traditions. And it should be noted that it is always necessary to be so unshakable. This is the only way you can show your magical abilities and achieve maximum success.

The sole, instinctive goal of the owner of magic is the need to penetrate the world of consciousness. In addition, one must always comprehend the basics of the unconscious. To do this, many modern witches resort to the simplest method - sex. And at the same time, they strive to get more than just pleasure.

For a witch, sex is a kind of explosive that can stir up the subconscious. With the help of such an effective method, a woman seeks to explode her soul, to turn her body into a ruthless object for pleasure. At the same time, the witch manages to maintain all the firmness of her judgments and adequately perceive incoming information.

Why the desire to gain abilities?

Why do many girls strive to become witches? What will they subsequently do with their abilities? Where will they send all the information received, and what benefit will they personally derive from it? The answers to all the questions posed are quite simple. The dark side of creation can be safely attributed to a powerful area in which not only negativity and destruction can exist, but also positive aspects.

For example, you can direct all your strength to creative inspiration, material enrichment, and spiritual development. You can find a lot of options. It’s not for nothing that women, over the course of many centuries, have always strived to gain abilities in all possible ways.

If you want to become a witch, then you should understand that you may have a powerful source of energy in your hands, which will be used for your purposes at your discretion. However, you can harm yourself with your rash and frivolous actions. This must not be forgotten under any circumstances.

Modern witches are different from fairy tale characters

Based on all of the above, it should be noted that modern witches in no way resemble the caricatured grandmothers from a variety of fairy tales. They are practically no different from ordinary people. However, this does not negate the desire to understand what they look like. This is facilitated by a variety of goals, starting with simple fear and interest. Therefore, it is worth listing some more signs of a modern witch.

What signs can be used to determine the presence of abilities?


In this review, we tried to look at some of the signs by which a witch can be identified. However, as you might guess, almost all beautiful and sexy girls can be classified as witches. Especially if they have a strong character and do not follow men’s lead. Therefore, there is no need to look for signs of a witch in a girl. You just have to admire and love her.

Many witches live among us without knowing that they are witches. Many people are not even aware of their inner strength. They do not connect the stories and events that happen to them with any of their magical abilities. They rejoice when they get what they want; they forget wishes if nothing works out. Over time, more and more often they have the idea that they lack something in life, that their life is somehow gray and insipid, they want something that is already ripening in the soul, but will not take shape in the future. something concrete.

Who are witches

Life on the planet has been unified in recent decades, because modern witch- a copy of an ordinary woman, but with slight peculiarities. If we talk about traditions, then a witch is a woman who practices magical rituals. The word "witch" comes from the verb "to know." At that time, witches were experienced, wise women who knew how to cure various ailments.

The witches had hypnosis, knew how to transform, and cast a spell on their interlocutor. Strong witches controlled the weather, called on wind, rain, drought. They lived alone, in the company of a black cat. The local population used the services of witches for treatment, love spells, and casting spells on enemies, but at the same time hated them. They believed that the witch seduced other people's husbands, spoiled crops and livestock.

How to recognize a witch

If earlier they were sure that brunettes or redheads cast magic and they wore black clothes, today signs of a witch not obvious. There are ancient ways of revealing that the witch is powerless against. .

· On Maundy Thursday, go to church wearing your dress inside out. When you enter the church, do not touch anything - you will soon see a naked witch standing with her back to the priest.

· On Palm Sunday, bless a candle in the church. If you light this candle, the nearby witch will be revealed by strange behavior.

· If you take a rowan twig to the temple and hide it under your clothes, you will see a woman praying with her back to the holy altar. This praying woman is pretending - she is casting a spell.

· The sorceress leaves the temple with her back forward.

· The magic of a modern witch It does not manifest itself in churches - it loves public places of a non-religious nature. You need to be wary if you meet a woman walking in a circle. Its path runs counterclockwise. If she pushes you, she will take away her life energy. To escape, boldly push it with your left hand.

· If you suspect a guest of witchcraft, place a knife under the tablecloth. The witch will sit at a party for a long time, coming up with all sorts of excuses. He won’t leave until the knife is pulled out from under the tablecloth.

· Even the strongest the magic of a modern witch cannot stand direct gaze. If you suddenly look into her eyes, she will turn away and be unhappy. But if the sorceress herself is the first to look into the eyes, then the gaze will turn out to be heavy, persistent, stubborn, dangerous for impressionable individuals.

· If your livestock gets sick, hide in the barn for the night. Wait for a frog or cat to appear. If you hurt an animal, then in the morning look for a woman with a similar wound - she caused damage to the livestock.

Every witch should have "Mark of the Devil"- a mole or a kind of spot on the body. During the Inquisition, it was believed that Satan marked his servants by running a hot claw over their bodies. Taking into account his cunning and insidiousness, only those moles that were located in hidden places of the body were considered “marks of the unclean”.

Indeed, most often these marks were located on hidden areas of the body, in the hair, on the inner mucous membranes of the lips, in the mouth on the palate, in the eyebrows, and on the genitals. Any changes in the skin on the inside of the thigh, on the folds or under the armpits were attributed to the marks of Satan, and the woman was recognized as a witch.

Behavior and image of a modern witch

Today it is difficult to bring to life many ancient revelations pointing to witchcraft - our contemporaries have no hint of signs of a witch. The image of a modern witch more reminiscent of a beautiful, confident woman. There is something alluring in her appearance, her long hair is especially beautiful - the concentration of her power. The character of the enchantress is a little rude.

Today, witches do not wear black for days, but dark rather than light colors prevail in their attire. Modern witch prefers long skirts and original jewelry. It was believed that witches with eyes of different colors were especially powerful. After communicating with the owner of the spell, everyone feels tired, sometimes they don’t even remember what happened. Animals feel very anxious when she approaches, then calm down.

Many women are interested in how to become a witch. This is difficult, a real witch is hereditary. They become like this against their will - a dying witch relative passes on the spell to the girl or girl in the family whom she loves most. The second, more difficult way is to find yourself a witch teacher who has no descendants. The third option is to become the first mistress of magic of her kind, to study from ancient books a difficult skill that does not bring happiness to most women.

An integral part of the life of every witch is the coven - a gathering of the same witches approximately once a week in a designated place, which is often called Bald Mountain. The Sabbath ceremony varies in description, but there is a set of required elements. For example, the beginning is accompanied by lighting a fire and assuring the Devil of fidelity. When worshiping, it is imperative to express your respect to him and look at the ground. Next, new witches are initiated through satanic baptism. Next comes a big feast and participation in a mass orgy. During the Sabbath, witches enjoy the release of their animal instincts and because of this they remain loyal to the Devil for life. Each group at a separate coven can practice specialized techniques of group sexual witchcraft, the effect of which is enhanced by a large number of participants. A distinctive feature of all occult religions is that they leave their adherents a chance to escape, practicing only voluntary participation. However, it is difficult for human nature to resist the upcoming pleasures, which is why witches actively use their sexuality.

Point 1. The appearance of a witch

This is a young, sexually attractive woman of about 20-24 years old, dressed flashily and impressively - in all black. Black color definitely dominates. The clothes are fashionable and obviously expensive. In 7 out of 10 cases, a modern witch is a brunette with short hair. As an option - brown-haired. Eye color is also an indicator. The right sign is green eyes; further (descending): black, gray, brown. Blue ones are unlikely anymore. Most likely jeans. Clever look... yes, of course. Involvement in higher education as an element of appearance. You can easily find some bohemian notes and signs of wealthy origin. It usually quickly becomes clear that in front of you is a capricious, capricious, self-conscious creature... who is nevertheless very intriguing. Important note: There is no secret code for how witches should look or dress. They look so instinctive.

Point 2. Psychology of a witch

In fact, anything. Any kind of twists and turns. Be sure of one thing - nothing sincere... The modern witch loves to play an endless intellectual farce for herself and those around her, for the sake of the success of which she does not even spare herself. At first glance, this is a deeply selfish and narcissistic creature; but if you look deeper, you will see that the witch loves not so much herself as the spectacular image of herself in the eyes of others. Kant or Nietzsche may well fall out of her backpack. Just out of curiosity, ask a question about the topic... you'll get a great answer! The witch will not miss an opportunity to show off. Nothing open, nothing sincere. Good performance. THE MAIN THING: the modern witch is not aware of the presence of the devil in herself. This is the fundamental devil's trick. Witches of the late twentieth century have little awareness that they are witches. (They don't need this). Therefore, the recognition results usually surprise them. Be prepared for this. Until the recognition procedure is completed (and even after that), the witch will sincerely believe that she is an ordinary person. Don't be embarrassed. Find in yourself the main quality of the new inquisitor - firmness of judgment. Never doubt, don’t regret anything... and also, try to look great so as not to ruin the centuries-old glory of the Inquisition.

Point 3. Recognition procedure (Middle Ages)

In order to correctly identify a witch, the inquisitor had to become a powerful and skilled psychoanalyst. After all, he had to work with the unconscious of a woman; If you are familiar with world literature, you should imagine the difficulty of the task. A woman will never consciously reveal her involvement in the dark side of creation. If only because she herself has no idea about it. A carefully choreographed pain ritual helped medieval inquisitors release the necessary information and read the secret writing on a woman’s soul. In the pre-Freudian era, the best means of psychoanalysis was torture. “Spanish boot”, “iron maiden”, rack and simple nail pliers - these are the necessary tools, without which the medieval inquisitor could not penetrate the veil of the female “ego”. With the help of a skillfully constructed phantasmagoria of torture, the subject woman lost control over the unconscious, and secret codes became available for reading. If the woman was innocent, these codes contained one continuous error. However, experienced inquisitors rarely made mistakes. As a rule, they received from the suspect a clear, clearly expressed and reliable chronicle of the union of the woman and the devil.

Point 4. Collaboration between woman and devil

One of the root causes of human actions (or rather, their motivations) is traditionally designated in our culture as diabolical. This truth has set my teeth on edge so much that I’m too lazy to explain it in detail here. Good and evil, darkness and light are intricately intertwined in the soul of every person; in every soul, if we look, we will find our own representation of the devil. In a woman this representation is special; it is not without reason that there was a saying that a woman is a vessel of the devil. And in some women the triumph of the demonic takes on especially vivid, dramatic forms. It is these women that the inquisitor must be able to recognize. We call these women modern witches. These women do not spoil livestock, do not cause storms, and do not even cast the evil eye. But they manipulate people. And they do it damn well. They simply drive you crazy. Due to the fault of modern witches, small and large everyday tragedies are played out, assholery and suicide attempts are committed. Men selectively lose potency, families are destroyed. Because of witches, a number of ordinary people behave in extraordinary ways.

Point 5. Recognition procedure (late 20th century)

Modern society has eliminated the use of such safe means as the rack and simple nail pliers. And although there are always enthusiastic researchers who unexpectedly subject selected women to sophisticated torture in order to “understand their mystery,” society mercilessly punishes such experimenters. From a modern point of view, these enthusiasts are dangerous criminals and sexual maniacs. This method of recognition, alas, is outdated forever. We have almost nothing left of “legal means”. Drugs are a good way to penetrate the unconscious, but until they are legalized, the only allowed tool is sex.

Today, the inquisitor will have to have sex with the woman being tested in order to come to a conclusion regarding the presence of the devil in her. Nothing else has been given yet - realize this!

Sex is dynamite for the subconscious. Not just any one, of course. You will have to become a super monster in bed. It is important not only to bring the subject to orgasm - you will need to explode her soul. The body of the new inquisitor must turn into a merciless rack of pleasure. At the same time, you must maintain unshakable firmness of judgment, otherwise everything will be in vain. You will have to continuously analyze incoming information. Here it is important to trust your intuition, connect your inner vision... and at the same time you will need to organize, which will drive the witch crazy many times over. Only then will you be able to grasp the secret code. We are talking about one instant perception of a large amount of information. It’s as if you are looking into a dark abyss and intuitively feeling the devil’s place. It is impossible to confuse or misunderstand. If everything is done flawlessly, after the end of the procedure you will have no doubt: either this is a witch or just a spoiled bitch.

Point 6 (conclusion). Why is this necessary?

Suppose you are a young aspiring inquisitor who, through the use of an iron phallus and an indestructible firmness of judgment, has been able to clearly recognize a witch in a woman. The beauty is still sleeping, not realizing at all what secret she revealed in the interval between orgasms. And you are thinking with a cigarette in the kitchen - what to do now with this witch? How to use the information received? In the Middle Ages, your partner would have been dragged off to the stake the next morning. In our humane times this is unacceptable. There are several types of benefits that can be derived from a woman witch... Not all of them are approved by society. The dark side of creation is a very powerful area in which not only negative, destructive impulses originate. You can try, for example, to use a witch for creative inspiration... Many cultural and artistic figures preferred to keep this type of woman close to them. In everything that concerns high creativity and the romance of personal life, cooperation with a witch is more than fruitful. (Do not forget, however, that from time to time you will have to sleep with a witch.) Think for yourself. A powerful source of dark energy falls into your hands, which you can dispose of at your own discretion.

FINALLY - A WARNING. You will need a steel will and a strong mind to resist the witch’s onslaught and not become her sexual slave. Remember that enslaving your lover is the instinctive goal of every witch. There are proven ways to avoid this sad fate...

Some representatives of the fair sex. They are surrounded by a special aura. The ability to find signs of a witch in a woman’s appearance will help you understand whether your new friend is a born witch, or whether she simply creates an atmosphere of mystery and enigma.

Stereotypes about witches

At different times, different peoples had their own ideas about what a witch looks like. External signs usually pointed to a witch from birth, conceived from a representative of the other world. Oddities of behavior should have betrayed a person who received magical knowledge and abilities after a deal with Satan. Such a transaction, as a rule, involved the sale of one's own soul.

Traditionally, witches were considered green-eyed women with red or black hair. In addition, there should have been a “devilish” mark on her body, which meant a large birthmark. Often, it was precisely this “proof” that became the reason to send a woman to the stake.

In fact, a witch does not always have external differences from an ordinary person. You can suspect the presence of magical abilities or a predisposition to practice magic in people (not only women, but also men) who have a serious physical defect. A person with slanted eyes, a hump and other repulsive defects is given abilities with which he can compensate for his shortcomings. Without knowing a single spell, a person causes damage and sends a curse. Women with physical defects can easily cope with love spells, which helps them get the men they want as husbands.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth?

Numerology offers several ways to determine a person’s inclination towards the occult sciences by working with his date of birth:

  • The number 66 66 6666 should be added to the date of birth. The method is based on the belief that the combination of three sixes is a satanic sign. If, when added, the result is a number containing a three, a six and two nines (the order is arbitrary), you have a witch in front of you. Example: date of birth – July 4, 1988; 4 07 1988 + 66 66 6666 = 70 73 8654. The absence of nines indicates that the person does not have magical abilities.
  • A sorcerer can be considered someone whose date of birth is divisible by 6. Example: date of birth – June 14, 1990; 1 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 = 30. The final result is divided by 6. There is a high probability that a person born on June 14, 1990 has a predisposition to practice magic or possesses.

If, using one of the methods suggested above, you have determined that you are a witch, observe yourself. Remember the cases when what you predicted came true very accurately, as well as cases of manifestation of magical abilities.

Signs of a witch in a woman in appearance are not limited to unusual makeup or strange amulets around her neck. A real witch is able to “open” her eyes, that is, to divert attention from her witchcraft essence.

Our world, no matter how much we would like it, is divided into 2 halves - the world of good and the world of evil. That is why angels and demons in the form of people can coexist in it. In this article we want to talk about the dark half of our lives - about the activities and significance of witches. Not many people believe that they exist at all, considering them to be the fruit of someone’s sick imagination and wild imagination. However, sometimes the things that happen to us in life cannot be explained by anything, and all because they are associated with black magic, which these same witches practice. We will help you figure out how to determine whether there are witches in your usual social circle, how to communicate with them, how to behave and what to do if you are a witch, but previously had no idea about your supernatural abilities.

Witch is a word that immediately evokes negative emotions and tremors throughout the body in most people with a sound psyche. This happens because people believe in stereotypes that they themselves came up with many years ago.

During the Middle Ages, when there was a widespread witch hunt, thousands of innocent women died. They were executed in terrible ways, burned at the stake or quartered in chariots simply because they were born beautiful, loved nature and did not want to serve the church, which at that time was causing chaos all over the world, enriching itself on the blood of people killed in war because of the faith . The clergy believed: since you do not worship God, it means that your patron is Satan, and your place is in the kingdom of the dead.

To some extent, the explanation for not believing in God is correct. At that time, anyone who considered paganism or the occult to be superior to the Christian religion was considered representatives of black magic. Today, the attitude towards such people has changed, because it is not forbidden to join the ranks of subcultural organizations and preach what you believe in. And witches don’t scare anyone, because they look just like the rest of us, and don’t fly on a broomstick with a black cat in their arms, and have crazy magnetic energy.

We have identified several signs by which you can determine whether a woman has the gift of a witch or not:

  • The witch has a very attractive appearance. Men go crazy over the sex appeal of such a woman, because even her look after the first meeting cannot be forgotten, it is so charming and memorable.
  • The witch is very attentive to every word spoken and heard. She will never lie or manipulate people, because she already knows how to achieve what she wants.
  • The witch loves nature to madness. She does not tolerate it when someone pollutes her and throws garbage near houses. For her, nature is her home and mother, who gives her energy and strength.
  • The witch dresses very flashily. Moreover, her wardrobe includes things of an unusual style and mostly black (or any other dark shade). She has bright and massive jewelry made from real precious metals and stones, which are often used by the witch in the rituals and ceremonies that she performs.
  • The witch loves to be alone. She needs to retire to nature to restore her energy balance. A woman with supernatural abilities has to hear and feel a lot, which takes away her strength and spoils her well-being.
  • The witch has prophetic dreams, thanks to which she can predict the future. This ability cannot be explained by anything, the witch simply speaks, and everything happens by itself.
  • The witch loves animals very much, she knows how to communicate with them and understand what they warn her about. Birds fly up to the witch, dogs and cats run up to her, dangerous animals do not attack her, because she is of the same essence as them.

Take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps you have not noticed before that there is a person with supernatural powers next to you who does not wish you well. It is he who may be the cause of your misfortunes and troubles. If you suspect someone of this, just try to protect yourself from him, but quietly and silently.

Witch's gift test

Many people live and do not even realize that they are endowed with a special gift, which is immediately given to them at birth as a result of a family curse. People say that such people do not live long. They die young and beautiful. Moreover, their death is often painful, especially if they refuse to transfer their witchcraft gift to someone else.

Usually the witch's gift is inherited. Therefore, if you want to find out whether you have the gift of a witch, then first of all you need to talk with your relatives so that they can tell you whether there were people in your family who practiced black magic, or were Jews, as well as gypsies .

In fact, if you are a witch, then from the signs we described in the previous section you can already understand this. External signs and characteristics of your behavior will definitely indicate that you are a special person. If you are still tormented by doubts about this, then you can take some special test on the Internet, which will determine whether you have the makings of a black magician.

However, it is more correct to carry out the necessary ritual on the new moon in order to understand whether you are a witch or not:

  • as soon as the full month rises in the sky, open the window wide, undress and stand facing the moon;
  • look closely at the light that comes from the cosmic body and think about your essence (you must clearly understand who you are) - the first thought that arises in your head is the most correct;
  • remember the image of yourself that you have drawn in your head and analyze it carefully (if you see some shadows, that you have horns or a tail on your head, then you are definitely a representative of witchcraft).

Having determined that you are a witch, you should not treat this as a flaw. You can use your gift for good purposes for the sake of people, healing them from illnesses and saving lives. It is important to learn this in order to fulfill your purpose in life.

How do witches pass on their gift?

As we mentioned above, the gift of a witch is transmitted only through blood line. As a rule, grandmothers can pass on the witch's talent to their granddaughter (it is passed on through 2 generations - a mother cannot pass on her talent to her daughter).

How a witch behaves when preparing a successor for herself:

  • she teaches him to tell fortunes with cards
  • how to perform different rituals and perform conspiracies
  • predict the future and understand prophetic dreams

While the witch is alive, her successor cannot receive her gift - it will pass to him only after the witch’s heart stops. It is important that at the time of the witch's death the successor is near her. The witch must hold the hand of the person who will receive the witch's gift from her.

Some women note that witches can convey their gift in their dreams. This happens if they died before they had time to find a successor. In a dream, they come to women and try to hand them some things - a mirror, a doll or something like that. If you accept this from the hands of a witch in a dream, you will automatically become a witch. If you refuse, the gift will not pass to you. If you constantly dream about a witch, then most likely you have supernatural power and witch talent.

How to develop a witch's gift?

If you really want to discover the gift of a witch in yourself, then you can do it, but you must be prepared for the fact that you will have to study and work a lot on yourself. Every person has magical abilities, it’s just that not all of us want to develop them in ourselves.

What to do:

  1. First, learn what tarot cards are and how to use them. Learn to tell fortunes for yourself using them, and then try to predict the future for your friends.
  2. Learn to decipher your dreams. To do this, you will need to re-read a huge amount of literature on psychological and esoteric topics. We recommend that you read the book “Naidana. Gift of a witch." In it you will find detailed instructions, and most importantly, you will finally figure out for yourself whether you need to take responsibility and be considered a witch.
  3. Find yourself a mentor - a person who already practices witchcraft. You will learn everything from him much faster, because it is very difficult to comprehend at least the basics of witchcraft on your own.

What to do if you are a witch?

If you find out that you are endowed with a witch's gift, then you need to learn to live with it. We want to give you some useful recommendations that will help you realize your unusual talent in life:

  • Start learning right away without wasting a second. Knowledge will be given to you easily and quickly, because you have a natural tendency towards witchcraft. Study everything that falls within your personal interests. All witches must be very erudite.
  • Decide what kind of magic you will do - black or white. You can't do both at the same time.
  • Learn to control your emotions and desires. Witches are reserved and secretive people.
  • If you don’t want to connect your life with magic, then just close your eyes to your gift and live an ordinary life. This will not harm you in any way, but do not be surprised if your granddaughter is born a witch, because untapped talent will look for where to realize itself.

We need witches in our world. Thanks to them, according to ancient legends, procreation occurs on Earth. Their activities are important so that we learn to appreciate, love, cherish and understand the obvious difference between good and evil.

Video: “13 signs that you are a witch”