Vanga's predictions came true. Vanga's prophecies: list. Vanga about Russia - key points. Vanga about Putin

Vanga received her gift at the age of 30, a few months before the outbreak of World War II in January 1941. As she later said, a messenger in the form of a rider on a white horse galloped to her village and said the following words:

“The world will soon turn upside down, many people will die and be lost. You will stand in this place and speak about the dead and the living. Don't be afraid! I will tell you what to broadcast.”

Since then, Vanga began to help people.

Complete biography of Vanga

Evangelia Pandeevna Suocheva, was born on January 31, 1911 in the city of Strumica, in what was then Yugoslavia, into the family of a small landowner, and was premature for two whole months. Moreover, the girl had a deformity. Her fingers and toes were fused. The parents did not know whether the child would survive, and decided to name her Gospel, which translated from Greek means “good news.” However, then no one thought that the name would be prophetic. They only hoped that it would help the baby survive.

Her childhood was difficult and not joyful. Vangela survived all the historical upheavals of the 20th century. During the First World War, her father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army, and her mother died giving birth to her second child, when the girl was only three years old. From constant malnutrition, Vanga was very thin, but, nevertheless, she had enough energy to play tirelessly. This even surprised the neighbors to some extent.

At the end of the First World War, the father returned, and so that his daughter would not be an orphan, and her upbringing would be correct, he decided to marry a second time. For some time the family lived quite prosperously; the stepmother, contrary to traditional judgments, turned out to be a kind, economic woman. But soon the father went bankrupt, the plot of land he owned was taken away for debts, and the family fell into poverty. Then came the revolution, and the situation became even more complicated. The family lived hard, barely making ends meet. The father looked after the cattle, and Vanga’s duty was to carry wineskins of milk.

How Vanga became blind

When Vanga was 12 years old, she was caught in a tornado, which carried her far into the field, where villagers later found her covered with earth. The girl's eyes were completely covered with sand, which led to eye injury and rapid loss of vision. Local doctors could not help, and the parents did not have money for a trip to the capital's ophthalmologists. Vanga cried and prayed to God for a miracle. However, God decided everything in his own way and gave the girl a different vision.

In 1925, his father sent Vanga to the House of the Blind, which was located in the city of Zemun. Here she learned a lot: Braille, playing the piano, as well as knitting, cooking, and cleaning the house. Here she knew her first love. Her beloved Dimitar - also a pupil of the House of the Blind - proposed to marry him. Vanga was happy. But life had its own way. Vanga’s stepmother also died during childbirth, only this time for her fourth child. And Vanga was forced to return home to help her father with housework and caring for the younger children.

Brother Vasil was 6 years old at that time, Toma was 4 years old, and the youngest, Lyubka, was 2. Blind Vanga took on the difficult role of the mistress of the house and fulfilled it as best she could.

Vanga's first predictions

Vanga began making her first revelations at the age of 16 - she helped her father find a sheep stolen from the flock he was tending. She accurately described the yard where the sheep were hidden. She said that she saw him in a dream. For another 14 years, she saw dreams that soon came true.

Studying at the home for the blind was very useful to Vanga in his life. Thanks to her skillful ligature, the whole district soon learned about her. People from different villages brought yarn to the girl and ordered sweaters, jackets, balls and hats. Some paid for the work with money, some with food, and some left the remains of yarn, from which Vanga knitted children's clothes for her younger ones at night.

In November 1940, Vanga's father died of gangrene. The children were left orphans. Soon after the funeral, the Vanga brothers went in search of work, and Vanga and Lyubka were left alone for a while. And on April 6, 1941, Vanga felt that something had changed in her. It was on this day that she became a fortune teller.

Her talent manifested itself most strongly during the Second World War. Almost every day desperate wives and mothers came to her asking her to say at least something about their relatives at the front. Vanga tried to help everyone with advice, encouragement, and comfort. Or at least say where a loved one laid his head.

In 1942, Dimitar Gushterov, a soldier of the quartermaster regiment, came to Vanga. His brother was robbed and killed, leaving three orphans and a sick wife. He was confused. Vanga said:

“I know why you came. You want me to tell you who killed your brother. Maybe after a while I will tell you, but you must promise me that you will not take revenge, because there is no need to do this. You will live and witness their end."

Dimitar Gushterov was amazed at what Vanga told him. Then he came to her several more times and talked in private.

Vanga is getting married

On April 20, Vanga announced that Dimitar wanted to marry her and that they would soon move to him in Petrich. And so it happened: on May 10, 1942, Vanga married Dimitar.

Despite the move of the soothsayer, crowds of sufferers still came to her, whom she continued to help. But the husband was against it, believing that a married woman should pay more attention to the home. But his prohibitions did not help... At this time, the mobilization of reserve soldiers began. Seeing off her husband, who was sent to Greece, Vanga only said:

"Beware of water."

Knowing what was coming, she begged her brother not to join the partisans, but he did not want to listen to anything. Then she told him that he would die as a martyr at the age of 23, but Vasil did not believe her. The prediction came true in October of the same year. Vasil was captured, where he was killed during brutal torture.

The year 1944 arrived. All those who returned from Greece alive were debilitated by malaria or liver disease due to the poor quality of the water they drank from the swamps there. In the spring of 1944, Vanga’s husband also returned home, who carried out his wife’s orders and therefore remained alive, but his health, seriously undermined by the war, required a recovery period. He recovered only by 1945.

In 1947, Vanga’s husband built a new house and after that became seriously ill. He began to have severe stomach pain. One friend advised Dimitar to drink a little rakia. He gradually became addicted to drinking and did not listen to either doctors or his wife. Vanga melted with grief and anxiety, and cried at night. She later shared with her sister that there was no escape for her husband. She kept this secret to herself.

And people with their troubles crowded in front of the gates of her house, and no one suspected what tragedy was being played out here.

Vanga's predictions about Russia often turned against her. In 1952, Vanga was put in prison and wanted to give 10 years without the right to correspondence for predicting the death of I.V. Stalin. Six months later she was released - the prediction came true.

In 1962, Vanga's husband dies of cirrhosis of the liver and dropsy. When he was already in agony, Vanga was kneeling by his bed, tears were continuously flowing from her blind eyes, she was whispering something. Immediately after her husband's death, she stopped crying and immediately fell asleep. Vanga slept until the moment of burial. Then she said:

“I accompanied him to the place where he was assigned to be.”

The next morning, Lyubka went out to the people crowded at the gate, who had no idea what had happened, and asked them to disperse. Vanga heard this and shouted:

“Don’t refuse anyone, I will accept everyone. They need me!

Since then, she always wore a black widow's scarf. And people kept coming and going to her. At that time, Vanga received up to 120 people a day!

Vanga's date of death

Vanga was not afraid of death. She had her own interpretation of her death:

“...After death, the body decomposes, like all living things, but part of the soul, I don’t even know what to call it, does not decompose. And continues to develop to reach a higher level. This is the immortality of the soul."

When the dying Vanga was brought to the intensive care unit of a government hospital, she refused medical care and left “everything to the will of God.” She spent the last days in a coma. In the worthless luxury of a separate room for especially important sufferers. With beads of tears rolling out of long-unseeing eyes. Relatives say that death was for her a deliverance from the burden of years and the torment of her sick flesh. She is also very tired of people. From their real troubles and far-fetched tragedies, from lack of faith, ambitions, endless questions and misunderstandings of truths that are obvious to her.

Vanga's predictions

There are many predictions that have been officially recorded and have successfully come true. These include predictions of the exact death of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III, predictions of the death of Todor Zhivkov’s daughter in a car accident, predictions of the loss of Leonid Leonov’s manuscripts, as well as the appointment of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the 39th President of the United States for one term, J. Carter, to leadership positions.

There are also predictions that were passed on from mouth to mouth and written down by loved ones. Vanga's predictions about Russia are not listed here, since there are too many of them and they will be described below, but Vanga's predictions about the whole world are presented here.

For example, Vanga said that before the end of the world we will have time to suffer from illness, thirst and hunger.

The soothsayer assured that there would be no flood, it would be compensated by an abundance of minor disasters.

“One of the Arab states will disappear from the face of the earth. True, this will not happen soon.”

“In 150 years, a person will establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds. But individual aliens from other worlds have been living on Earth for a long time... They arrive from the planet, which in the language of its inhabitants is called Vamphim. From the Earth - the third."

We can assume that we are talking about Saturn here.

The tablets will be made from algae and sold all over the world.

The prediction was made more than 50 years ago, and today such drugs are widely used and are considered by doctors to be the pharmacopoeia of the future.

The day will come when various plants, vegetables, animals will disappear from the face of the earth... First of all, onions, garlic and peppers. Then it's the bees' turn

Most likely, we are talking about genetic engineering, which modifies many plants for the purpose of their vitality, but this leads to the death of animals and insects. Already today, information is coming from all over the world about the death of bees and the reduction of the list of honey plants. Bees simply have nothing to take from modified plants.

2009 - Attempts on the lives of leaders of four countries. Conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the reasons for the Third World War.

2011 - As a result of radioactive fallout, there will be no animals or vegetation left in the Eastern Hemisphere.

2012 - The beginning of a major war, which will end in October 2014. 21st Century Weapon Uses.

2014 - Most people will suffer from skin cancer, ulcers and other skin diseases due to the abnormal behavior of the Sun and the Earth's atmosphere.

2016 - A large body will fly to Earth and hit the water. The waves will wash away many countries, and the sun will go out for two years. There are practically no people in Europe.

2018 - China is a world power. Third world countries are developing, and once developed countries are regressing.

2023 - The Earth's orbit is in a different position. The Earth will turn away from the Sun, where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they will have the soul to stop. And then time will return back.

2025 - Europe's population increases, but is still small.

2028 - Creation of a new alternative energy source (controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. The beginning of the exploration of Venus.

The level of the World Ocean is rising due to the rapid melting of glaciers in the North.

2043 - The world economy begins to flourish. Arabs dominate Europe.

2046 - They begin to grow human organs. The best treatment for any disease is transplantation.

2066 - Against Europe filled with Muslims, the United States uses a new type of weapon - climate. A sharp cold snap begins throughout southern Europe.

2076 - Classless society throughout the world (communism).

2084 - Nature updates.

2088 – The new scourge of society. Premature aging.

2097 – A vaccine is found. Rapid cell aging has been defeated.

2100 - The artificial Sun begins to illuminate the dark side of the Earth.

2111 – Total cyborgization. People upgrade their bodies as they want.

2123 - Wars between small countries. Major powers are watching from the sidelines.

2125 - Hungary will receive signals from space (again everyone will remember Vanga’s predictions).

2130 - Aliens will share technologies for conquering the ocean depths. The first underwater colonies.

2164 - With the help of new technologies, many animals are turned into more intelligent demi-humans.

2167 - The emergence of a new world religion.

2170 - A global drought begins.

2183 - A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and demands sovereignty (as the United States once demanded from England).

2187 - The eruption of two large volcanoes is prevented.

2195 - Ocean colonies become completely autonomous.

2196 - Asian and European nations become one.

2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down on the Sun. The beginning of a cold snap.

2221 - In search of extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with someone terrible, which Vanga was afraid to talk about.

2256 - An alien spaceship brought a new terrible disease to Earth.

2262 - The orbits of the planets gradually change. Mars is under threat from a comet.

2271 - The changed physical constants were recalculated.

2273 - All of today's world races merged into one. The birth of a new world race.

2279 - Energy generation from nowhere (most likely from the so-called zero point or dark matter, possibly ether).

2288 - Time travel. New contacts with alien races.

2291 - The sun continues to cool. Expeditions are sent to “reanimate” the star.

2296 - Due to solar flares, the gravitational force of the Earth changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall to the Earth and Moon.

2299 - In France - a powerful guerrilla movement against Islam appears.

2302 - New important laws and secrets of the Universe are discovered.

2304 - The Great Mystery of the Moon is revealed.

2341 - Threat to Earth from space.

2354 - An accident on one of the artificial Suns leads to drought on Earth.

2371 - Great famine.

2378 - The emergence of a new, more tenacious and adaptable race.

2480 - 2 artificial Suns will collide. The earth is in darkness.

3005 - War on Mars. A powerful explosion disrupts the trajectories of the planets.

3010 - The moon is destroyed by a comet. The earth is in a belt of debris and dust.

3797 - There is nothing alive on Earth. Humanity begins development from the beginning in another solar system.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

1990 - The USSR collapses, God, why? He won't be there! The republic will separate, there will be poverty, rivers of blood will be shed there.

1992 - There will be many people who have ears but hear nothing, not without eyes, but blind. Children will be abandoned by their mothers, brother will go against brother. Salvation will be sought one by one. A small fraction will be rich, but the whole people will be poor, and then everything will get worse. There will be many diseases, just as flies die, so humanity will go to another world.

1998 - The next president will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov or Lebed.

1999 - Russia will lose weight and take its place again, goodness will be inside, and experience will be outside.

2000 - Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it (we are talking about a submarine). Changes await Russia. The old government will leave, a new one will come, and the order will change, life will become better. But not for long.

2008 - Changes in power and future problems. Russia will rejoice and cry. The authorities will take care of the authorities, and the people will become despondent and aggressive and begin to administer justice. There will be a lot of money, but not for everyone. Everything will collapse at once, and then be restored. But people will remember these times for a long time.

2012 – The usual government will no longer exist. Western people will begin to reach out to Russia, and traitors to Russia will help. Russia will suffer. We don’t have our own production facilities, everything is foreign. They will fight for power, and division cannot be avoided. The greed within the people will spill over into the open fields and cities. How the animals will begin to tear and throw from side to side. Conflicts will emerge that will affect the future.

2017 – Vladimir will rule as before. Many businesses will appear. Cities are developing. People are spiritually corrupted. There will be abundance. Imminent wars threaten, past betrayals will make themselves felt.

2022 – The number of Russians is small. Conflicts within the country. The state is fragmented. Moscow is no longer Russia, at a distance the Ural Mountains are all Russia, to the left is not Russia. Moscow itself will move away and will no longer be the center.

2030 – Siberia has truly become a breadbasket. The cities are large and prosperous. People don't need them. No more strife. Europe wants to grab a piece. China is coming, but is not getting involved yet. Warriors protect the border.

2045 – The world is in panic. A crisis. There is no oil, energy is in short supply. Europe is dying without water. Russia lives and prospers at its own expense. There are a lot of people, a lot of money, a lot of water and light.

2060 – Russia has become great. Doesn't need anyone anymore. The center is now beyond the Ural Mountains. The North and Moscow want to return, but Russia does not need traitors. A formidable weapon protects her. No one dares to enter its borders. Everyone lives together, no one fights. Seaside cities merged with Siberian frosts.

2100 – Small cities merge into large ones. There are not many of them, but all of Russia is built up. The fuel is new, there are no more cars, instead of them there are others. Churches at every step. The boys and girls are strong and in good health. No need. Happy time.

2176 – The fierce envious people could not stand it. They attacked the Russian girl. They're coming from all sides. The Russian people are fighting back. Warriors are indestructible in spirit. They fight against numerical superiority. Many people died, many disappeared. But the country survived, they saved it from grief and discord.

2200 – The Russian people restored everything. Development has reached new limits. Knowledge is received from above. They fly into the sky. Help those in need.

2300 – Russians are doing well everywhere. The moon and the red planet became the second house. They live in iron houses. The energy of the sun is used. The cities are small but beautiful. No one else in the world is capable of this.

2450 – Global catastrophe hits Russia. The wind blew away buildings and flooded forests and fields. But the city in the sky was not affected.

2890 – The planet is red, as if the Earth had become, and there is water and air and forests there. Ancestral cities have been found. Help has come from the depths of space. The power is good.

3000 – There is no more Russia, there are Russian people. One language in the great expanses, one faith among many people and good friends with an unusual appearance. They build together, but not with their hands. The mechanisms do everything and protect it.

Vanga's year-by-year predictions for all of humanity were very popular, especially on the eve of the turn of the millennium, when all newspapers on the planet published them. Most of what Vanga predicted surprisingly coincides with events taking place in the world.

In the article:

Vanga's old predictions by year

All of Vanga’s predictions, sorted by year, are not forgotten; they were carefully recorded by the seer’s close people and then revealed to the public. Not all prophecies were told after the death of the healer and clairvoyant from Bulgaria. For example, not too long ago her adopted daughter handed over to journalists, which had been kept secret for a long time on the instructions of Vanga herself.

There are Vanga’s prophecies for years that have already passed. Not all of them have come true, and before expecting the arrival of aliens and the onset of other events, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with them. Perhaps this is due to the difficulty of deciphering, because Vanga rarely spoke about the future literally. Good example - .

In 1989, Vanga made a prediction that came true in 2001. She talked about terrible steel birds, which are attacking America, and because of this event, a lot of innocent people's blood will be shed. It is known that on September 11, 2001, a tragedy occurred in America, when planes crashed into a shopping center, many people were injured.

If you believe another prediction, in 2008 events were to occur that would cause the Third World War. Various attempts on the lives of four presidents or kings were promised. Perhaps this part of the prophecy came true, because there are many states in our world, and people who studied Vanga’s prophecies could well have missed this news.

Vanga foreshadowed a conflict in Hindustan in the same year. But several acquaintances of the seer announced that they were talking about a conflict in a small state, perhaps South Ossetia or Georgia. Perhaps Vanga meant that the precondition for the Third World War would be the conflict between Russia and Georgia.

According to the Bulgarian healer, in 2010 the outbreak of the Third World War should have occurred. The seer predicted that it would last from the fall of 2010 to the fall of 2014. Various types of prohibited weapons were to be used, which would seriously affect the whole world. However, there was no war at that time. This prediction of Vanga about the war did not come true.

The prophecy that in 2011 there would be no animals and plants left in the Northern Hemisphere due to the use of dangerous weapons did not come true either. Europe will be practically empty, famine will begin. Muslims will wage war on European countries using chemical weapons. Everyone knows that this did not happen, which, in general, can only be rejoiced at.

In 2014, the war was supposed to end, and people were supposed to reap its benefits. According to the clairvoyant, humanity should have suffered from numerous skin diseases and oncology. Diseases have always been human companions, and little has changed in 2014. The ecology of the planet is deteriorating, but clearly no one faced the consequences of chemical and nuclear weapons in 2014.

Vanga's prophecies by year - the future of the 21st century

Further prophecies of the soothsayer Vanga by year are based on the previous ones. There is always the possibility that the interpreters of her words made a mistake in their interpretation, since Vanga said practically nothing directly. But after many unfulfilled predictions, faith in her ability to see the future has somewhat diminished among many fans of predictions.

Vanga's predictions for the future by year include the famous one. This should happen in 2016, after the use of chemical and nuclear weapons, as well as the war between Europeans and Muslims. Since there was no war in 2010, we may not see a cold and empty Europe either. Some scientists who study prophecies say that Vanga meant a kind of spiritual desert, and not the literal destruction of countries. This interpretation is much easier to believe.

In 2018, China becomes a world state and will gain power over the entire world. Those who have been oppressed for years will gain power, and the former exploiters will benefit humanity. Countries that previously had no opportunities will begin to develop. If we recall Vanga’s prophecy about Russia, it turns out that, together with China and India, it will take a place among the world powers or will be in an alliance with China.

In 2023, the Earth's orbit will change. This will be a minor change. Most likely, this event will go unnoticed, because the earth’s orbit is changing slightly even now, in our time.

In 2025, Europe will still be sparsely populated. As we remember, the reason for this is the war with Muslims that did not happen in 2010.

In 2028, a new energy source will be created. Now we can only guess about the essence of the inventions that will be made by humanity. Perhaps this prophecy will really come true, because in our world some innovations appear almost every year. Hunger will be overcome, people will live a little better than in the post-war years. A certain country will send a manned spacecraft to Venus.

In 2033, sea levels will rise due to melting ice. It is unknown whether this will be a sudden flooding of cities or simply an increase in the level of the World Ocean compared to what it was during Vanga’s life.

In 2043, Europe will be ruled by Muslims. But this will be beneficial, the economy of both Europe and other countries will prosper. Good times await humanity.

In 2046, doctors will learn to grow organs to replace damaged or diseased ones. Organ replacement will be the best treatment. Many diseases will be overcome by cloning organs and body parts. It is known that developments are now underway in this direction, and recently scientists managed to grow the hind paw of a rat. But organ replacement will not be the only invention; there will also be new types of weapons and equipment.

In 2066, America will be at war with Muslims. Vanga didn’t know who would win. But America will use a new type of weapon that will greatly affect the climate of Europe, leading to cooling. Rome will freeze.

In 2076, communism will be established throughout the world. There will be no castes, no classes, everyone will be the same. Humanity will be busy developing the restoration of nature, and in 2084 it will be successfully put into action.

In 2088, a new disease will appear on Earth. It will cause rapid aging. The sick person will age in just a few days. But in 2097 a cure for this disease will be found.

Vanga's predictions for the future by year - 22nd century and after it

At the very beginning of the 22nd century, people will have the opportunity to create an artificial sun. It will illuminate the dark side of the planet.

By 2111, most people will become cyborgs. The latest technical developments in medicine will allow people to improve their bodies and get rid of diseases and physical injuries. There will be no more disabled and sick people.

In 2123, there will be wars between several small states. Major powers will not interfere in it, so there will be no large-scale military actions, and there will be no consequences for the planet.

In 2125, Hungary will play an important role in the life of humanity. It is in this country that someone will catch a message from aliens with whom contact will be established. The aliens will be friendly.

In 2130, with the help of alien friends, humanity will be able to spread throughout the Earth, even under water. The ocean will be fully explored, people will live on its bottom as they now live in houses on land. Aliens will help with advice in many areas of human life.

In 2164, animals will become half-humans. It is not known what was meant - increasing the intelligence of animals or their appearance, or maybe all at once.

In 2167, a new religion will arise from an old, but not all forgotten teaching. It is known from the prediction about Russia from Vanga that this teaching comes from Russia, it is known to people even now. Some researchers believe that we are talking about Agni Yoga or the Living Ethics of Elena Nikolaevna Roerich.

In 2170 there will be a drought, the ocean will become shallow, many underwater houses will come to the surface. But this will not prevent humanity, which uses the advice of aliens. People will continue to go about their business, develop technology and medicine, and explore space. A colony of earthlings will appear on Mars.

In 2183, people who moved to live on Mars will receive powerful weapons. They will demand independence from Earth. This will not lead to military action; everything will be resolved peacefully.

In 2187, several cities will be threatened by the eruption of two volcanoes. But technology will be at such a level that humanity will be able to prevent a catastrophe.

2195 - underwater cities will be completely autonomous. There they will produce food and grow ingredients for it, and energy stations will open. Life underwater can be just as fulfilling as life on land.

In 2196, Asians and Europeans will disappear entirely. As a result of their mixing, a new race will appear.

At the very beginning of the 23rd century there will be a cold snap. The processes that occur on the Sun will slow down. But artificial suns will already be familiar to humanity.

In 2221, humanity will encounter something terrible during space exploration or contact with unknown aliens. This will not pose a threat of war with aliens, but it can greatly affect the lives of earthlings.

In 2256, a serious disease will be brought to Earth from space, for which there will be no cure. The disease will penetrate our planet on one of the spaceships that will often fly into space, because Mars will become a colony, and the exploration of Venus will already be completed by this time.

By 2262, the orbits of the planets will change, and disaster will threaten Mars. Perhaps the Martian colony of people will suffer due to a collision with a cosmic body.

In 2271, physical constants will have to be calculated again.

In 2273, the consequences of the mixing of the planet's races will become noticeable. New races will appear, and the old ones will be the source of their origin.

Regarding 2279, Vanga talked about extracting energy from nowhere. Interpreters of her predictions believe that we are talking about vacuum or black holes.

In 2288, time travel becomes possible for the first time. People expect contacts with aliens, they will be perceived the same way tourists from other countries are perceived in our time. What now seems like the plot of a science fiction film will not surprise the person of the future.

By the end of the 23rd century, the Sun will become increasingly cold. Instead of supporting or enhancing the work of artificial suns, attempts will be made to resume the processes on the Sun that we see in the sky today. But this will not be successful. There will be powerful flares on the Sun, and the force of gravity on Earth will change. A lot of space debris will fall onto the surface of the planet until people solve this problem. An underground movement will emerge in France aimed at destroying the Muslims who rule Europe.

At the beginning of the 24th century, humanity learns some important secret of the Universe. People will direct all their efforts to study the laws of the Universe and space, the world around them and currently unknown planets and celestial bodies.

In 2304, the secret of the Moon will be discovered, which is unknown now.

In 2341, something terrible will move towards the Earth. This will be of cosmic origin and will cause a lot of trouble.

In 2354, an accident will occur on one of the artificial suns. As a result, many countries will suffer from drought. Almost until the end of the century, people will suffer from hunger, since the consequences of the disaster will be serious. At the end of the century, a new race will appear on Earth, the number of which will grow rapidly.

At the end of the 25th century, an accident involving artificial suns will occur. The world will remain in twilight for some time until the functions of the suns are resumed.

At the very beginning of the fourth millennium there will be war on Mars. It will lead to disruption of the trajectories of the planets and will cause the death of a large number of people. The Martian colonies will most likely fight with the Earth.

In 3010, a cosmic body will crash into the Moon. Instead of the night star that we see now, there will be a belt of dust and stones.

By the end of the fourth millennium, all life on our planet will die. But humanity will not be destroyed. The surviving people will move to a new planet. It will be in another star system. The new life will not be particularly easy. In the 39th century there will be a war for resources that will last 10 years and take the lives of half the population of the new planet. The new climate will cause human mutations. The planet will be large, so it will be sparsely populated. There will be few contacts between the new states, people will live separately.

In the 39th century, after moving to a new planet, the development of civilization will practically stop. But by the end of it, a new prophet will appear who will talk about the importance of religion, almost forgotten by people, moral and spiritual values. He can awaken humanity. The Prophet will be popular among all segments of the population of the new planet of people. At the end of the 39th century, the first church will be built in the new home of humanity. Aliens will also help. With their help, the Church will be able to teach people the sciences that were lost after the resettlement, and other important things.

Already at the beginning of the 44th century, new cities will begin to grow on the planet. The Church will stimulate the development of science and technology. Despite the main role of religion in the development of humanity, there will be no obscurantism. The Church will play an exclusively creative role. Medicine will also develop, people will be able to defeat all the new diseases that appeared after the resettlement from Earth. Mutations will be beneficial, thanks to them people will use their brain more than 30 percent. Hatred, evil and violence will become unacceptable in the new society.

In the 46th century, people will learn to communicate with God. Most of the population will reach such a level of development of consciousness that this will become possible. The acquaintance with the Almighty will take place in 4509. In 4599, every person will become immortal, the secret of eternal life will be found.

In the 47th century, the development of our civilization will reach its peak. People will have everything they need. By this time, people will have created several colonies on neighboring planets. The total number of people will be more than 300 billion. Man will assimilate with aliens.

In the fifth millennium, people will be able to find the boundary of the Universe, but will not know what lies beyond it. A decision will be made to go beyond this border. Almost half of the people will be against it, however, this will not matter. This is exactly how Vanga saw the end of the world, which should happen in 5079. Humanity will leave the boundaries of the Universe and find itself in a completely new place. However, even the great fortuneteller did not know what awaited people after moving beyond the boundaries of the Universe.

In general, the plot of many prophecies may seem like a fantastic story. But no one believed in the same way that Kursk could sink, and everyone knows how this tragic disbelief ended. In addition, such a high accuracy of the clairvoyant’s predictions is amazing. Of course, everyone should ask themselves the question of whether to believe or not these prophecies, but even the most inveterate skeptics recognize the amazing accuracy of Vanga’s words.

She foresaw the Chernobyl disaster, the collapse of the USSR and the death of the Kursk nuclear submarine. Not only artists or politicians, but also representatives of the special services turned to the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga for help.

It was believed that her prophecies almost always come true. Recently, a video with her forecast made in 1979, when she predicted Vladimir Putin’s coming to power and the associated strengthening of Russia’s position in relation to other countries, received millions of views on the Internet.

Forecasts for the Tsar and the Fuhrer

Her full name is Vangelia (translated from Greek as “good news”). She was born in 1911 into the family of a poor Bulgarian peasant. At the age of 12, the girl lost her sight: after a strong hurricane, Vanga was found unconscious, covered with branches and stones, and her eyes were filled with sand.

Later, the future fortuneteller studied at an institution for the blind, where she acquired housekeeping and reading skills using Braille.

The girl’s prophetic abilities fully manifested themselves during World War II, when she began to accurately predict the location of missing people or the burial of dead people. The fame of the fortuneteller quickly spread throughout the country. In 1942, the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris III and a certain high-ranking German with a short mustache met with her. According to many researchers, it was Adolf Hitler, who was interested in paranormal phenomena and it was at this time that he visited Bulgaria and Greece in search of traces of the Holy Grail. According to another point of view, Hitler did not meet with the soothsayer, but sent his representative to her, perhaps even a double.

A clairvoyant predicted to Tsar Boris III that he would lose power over his state. And Vanga told a high-ranking German, who was accompanied by numerous guards, that Germany must leave the Soviet Union alone - otherwise it would lose the war.

In response, this man, Hitler or his representative, began to ridicule the clairvoyant, saying that a real fortuneteller could not live in such poverty and that her prophecies were unlikely to come true. Vanga asked one of his retinue to go to the house on the next street - there, after a while, a mare would foal. The soothsayer described in detail what the newborn foal would be like.

The Germans visited the indicated house. Everything happened there exactly as Vanga said. However, as you know, the Fuhrer did not believe her prediction about the fate of Germany.

King of the stage with an iron stick

After the war, Vanga received many visitors, helping them identify diseases or find missing relatives, as well as predicting their future. She herself could not accurately explain the manifestation of the gift, saying only that all the information was told to her by some invisible creatures living around. The women who helped her (in particular, her niece Krasimira Stoyanova) were sure that Vanga communicated with the souls of the dead, from whom she received all the necessary information. After each clairvoyance session, the woman felt a loss of strength and needed time to come to her senses.

In 1967, the Bulgarian authorities registered Vanga as a civil servant. She began to receive an official salary of 200 leva per month, and uniform tariffs were established for visitors: 10 leva for citizens of socialist states and 50 dollars for residents of Western countries. Before this, the healer accepted everyone for free, although she did not refuse gifts that could be presented to her, but she did not insist on them either.

It is known that Vanga dreamed of visiting Paris, that the Bulgarian government banned her from traveling abroad - she was a source of, albeit not too large, but stable income for the state, which no one was going to give up.

The story has repeatedly appeared in the media about how in 1971 singer Bedros Kirkorov brought his four-year-old son Philip to Vanga. The boy was very ill, and his father wanted to know the exact diagnosis. Vanga said that Philip would soon recover, and predicted a brilliant career for him, explaining that in the future she sees him with a metal stick, surrounded by admiring people. Later, Philip's parents realized that the soothsayer called the microphone an iron stick, and the admiring people were the audience. At the same time, Vanga predicted that Philip, at the age of 27, would marry a woman whose name begins with the letter “A”, and at the age of 44 he would have a daughter (this really happened - from a surrogate mother).

“In 20 years, Kursk will be under water...”

Vanga was able to predict many events: the death of Stalin, the victory of Boris Yeltsin in the presidential election, the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, and even the fact that a black man would become the 44th president of the United States.

In 1980, the soothsayer said that in 20 years Kursk would be under water and the whole world would mourn it. Then these words seemed absurd - how can a large city, located far from the sea, suddenly find itself under water? And only in August 2000 did the prophecy acquire its terrible meaning - when the Kursk nuclear submarine perished.

Many of Vanga's predictions were related to the Soviet Union and Russia. In particular, she repeatedly spoke about the collapse of the USSR - and the revival of a new Russia. According to the clairvoyant, the most difficult year for this country will be 2012, after which it will begin the path to improving life and spiritual enlightenment of all humanity. This will be facilitated by the rapprochement of three great countries: China, India and Russia.

The fortuneteller claimed that her conversations with spirits predicted strength and prosperity for our country, moreover, Russia is the only state capable of uniting the rest of the peoples of the world.

Glory to Vladimir

The clairvoyant made a prophecy relating to the activities of Vladimir Putin in 1979. The Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov was present, and Vanga’s assistant Vitka Petrovski recorded it on camera. Thus, in addition to eyewitness accounts, we have documentary footage that speaks about this forecast.

The words of the prediction were approximately as follows: what was united will crumble into pieces, and it will be next to Russia. Everything will melt like ice, but the glory of Vladimir will remain. Now Russia is called the Soviet Union, but the time will come - and we will call it in the old way, as under Sergius of Radonezh. There will be many victims on the path to the revival of Russia, but no one will be able to stop this country. Even America recognizes her spiritual superiority. And this will happen sooner than in 60 years.

At the end of her prophecy, Vanga drew a large circle with her hands and said:

Russia will again become a great empire, but above all an empire of the spirit.

Of course, at that time, a recording of such a prophecy could not have become publicly available - the mention of the inevitable collapse of the USSR was too obvious. The words of the clairvoyant, whose predictions were famous for their accuracy, were passed from mouth to mouth and discussed in a narrow circle of people who trusted each other.

If everything seemed clear with the fate of the USSR in Vanga’s words, then the mention of the name Vladimir raised questions - after all, then no one knew that there would be a presidential position in Russia, much less what specific person would occupy it. There were versions that we were talking about the teachings of Lenin or about Christian morality, the spread of which was initiated by Prince Vladimir. But most researchers even then were inclined to think that we were talking about the coming reign of a politician with that name: after all, the fortuneteller clearly made it clear that the forecast concerned our future state and, therefore, the person who would lead it.

In addition, Valentin Sidorov, in his book “Lyudmila and Vanga,” recalls some details of the prophecy that were not captured on film. In particular, the conversation turned to the possibility of nuclear war. And Vanga declared that there would be no such war, that the old leaders would retire peacefully, and new ones would come to replace them - and a strong ruler would appear in Russia.

Comparing these words with the statement about Vladimir’s future glory, we can conclude: we were undoubtedly talking about the current president of the Russian Federation.

America's Unenviable Fate

Shortly before her death, in 1996, Vanga made another famous prophecy about Russia. It was published in the press from the words of the then vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Yuri Sakharnov, who visited the fortuneteller (Duma newspaper, August 12, 1996). In addition, the clairvoyant, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, instructed the already mentioned assistant Vitka Petrovski to record everything she said, with the condition that these recordings would be made public no earlier than 2010. Petrovsky's notes coincide with Sakharnov's memories - this confirms the fact that the prediction was indeed made.

Vanga said that a new leader will appear in Russia, he will rule for a very long time. Our country will begin to rebuild the former Soviet Union, but in a different form. The Slavic states, which turn away from Russia for a while, will later join it again. Russia will not deviate from the path of reforms that will lead to an increase in its strength and prosperity. As for other great countries, China and India will work closely with Russia, and the United States will cease to exist as a single state in the future.

Thus, if Vanga’s predictions are to be believed, Vladimir Putin must lead Russia to glory and prosperity, as well as unite all Slavic peoples. The prognosis is undoubtedly favorable for the residents of our country - especially since the clairvoyant was mistaken extremely rarely.

Victor Svetlanin

Vanga about our time

"We live in difficult times. People have nothing in common with each other. Mothers give birth to children, but they have no milk to feed. They make excuses: neurosis, they say. No. Children simply have nothing in common with their mothers, they were just born through them. Children receive nothing from their mothers, neither milk, nor warmth. Very young children are sent to kindergarten, put to bed separately in the evening, rarely see a smile on their mother’s face. Mothers are unhappy that their husbands do not value them enough. Husbands, with their both sides think that they got married because it seemed like it was supposed to be. Adults are also unhappy with their children - there is no respect from them. No one is friends with anyone. People are only interested in money. They think if they have money, then everything is fine. Not they know that the day will come when this money will not serve them at all.

More and more often you will meet people who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear. Brother will go against brother, mothers will abandon their children. Everyone will look for a way to escape alone. Some - a handful of them - will become rich, but the people will become poor, and the further they go, the worse. Many diseases will appear, people will begin to die out like flies."

Vanga about future cataclysms and disasters

Vanga, December 1980:

“..... Other years will follow, when cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods, natural disasters will shake the earth, bad people will gain the upper hand, and thieves, drunkards, informers and harlots will be countless.

Fragile, dubious connections will be created between people, which are doomed to collapse at the very beginning. Feelings will be greatly devalued and only false passion, or rather, ambition and selfishness will become incentives in human relationships.....".


Dolphins also come to me, talk to me, and I understand them. They complain: “It’s getting too hot under us. We can’t stand it anymore.”

"The waves will wash away many countries, and the Sun will go out for three years"

In 1995, Vanga predicted that the world would face many disasters: earthquakes, fires, floods.“A lot of people will get hurt. Misfortunes will come from everywhere, all nations will drown... There will be fewer people, which means there will be fewer goods - the meat of sheep, cows and goats will not be eaten. People will walk without shoes and without clothes, live without food, fuel and light." (said by Vanga in 1995 to Spaska Vangelova from Petrich).

Vanga warned that“The day will come when various plants, vegetables, animals will disappear from the face of the earth... First of all, onions, garlic and peppers. Then it will be the bees’ turn.” . The Bulgarian clairvoyant spoke about the fatal outcome that awaits the earth as a result of the destruction of nature by man. The use of chemicals, soil and air pollution will make ordinary water undrinkable. Many new, hitherto unknown diseases will appear,“Be careful: soon new diseases unknown to people will come to us. People will fall in the streets for no apparent reason, without any apparent illness. Even those who have never been sick will become seriously ill. But all this can still be prevented, because it is in our power.” . (said by Vanga in 1981).

“These diseases are still preventable, still in the hands of humanity.” ,” Vanga warned people in the 1980s. But people turned out to be deaf to her prophecies as well as to the predictions of the Serbian soothsayerMitara Tarabić. He warned that a disease would appear that no one could cure - AIDS. “People will rush around and search, but they will never find a cure, but with God’s help it will be next to them and in them,” he predictedM. Tarabić.

The prophetess was convinced that at the beginning of the 21st century, humanity would get rid of cancer. She said:"The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains" . And she explained that "the medicine will contain a lot of iron" .

Alarming predictions of the Bulgarian Vanga: the recklessness of people will ultimately lead to the death of all life on the planet:"People will dig wells in the ground and mine gold, which will give them light, speed and energy (referring to oil production, which is also called “black gold”),and the Earth will cry tears of bitterness, because there is much more gold and light on its surface than inside. The earth will suffer from these open wounds." Instead of cultivating the fields, people, blinded by profit, will rush to look for oil, and then they will understand "how stupid it was to drill these holes."

Vanga about the new teaching, Russia and the future of humanity

Vanga, January 1988:

"The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field of the intangible..... All hidden gold will come to the surface, but the water will leave. It is so predetermined."

Vanga, May 1979:

"In two centuries, people will establish contacts with extraterrestrial beings from other worlds..."

Vanga, January 1988:

"We are witnesses to momentous events on Earth. Two of the greatest leaders in the world shook hands and signed to prove that they had taken the first step towards achieving universal peace. But much time will pass. Much more water will flow away. The Eighth will come, and he will sign the final peace on the planet."

“Soon the most ancient teaching will come to the world. They ask me: “Will this time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet! "

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.” "Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit." "Like an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth , - the literal words of Baba Vanga, -and will cover the whole earth with his wings. Her spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America." But this will not happen right away. According to Vanga, in sixty years. Prediction made in 1989

And finally, Vanga repeated this more than once with some solemnity in her voice:"A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear from Russia."

- Christ will come again in white robes , - Vanga prophesied. -The time is coming when certain souls will feel the return of Christ in their hearts. First he will appear to Russia, then to the whole world.

- All religions will fall. Only one thing will remain: the Teaching of the White Brotherhood. Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this people will be saved.

The teaching, in connection with which the names of the Roerichs and Blavatsky appeared every now and then, extremely occupied Vanga’s imagination. She called it the fire Bible.

According to her, the secret deep work on the Teaching is now completed. It can no longer remain a secret. Like a fiery stream, it will burst into people.

- The New Teaching will come from Russia, - Vanga prophesied. -Russia will be clean, there will be a White Brotherhood in Russia. From here the Teaching will begin its march throughout the world.

Vanga about upcoming archaeological finds

According to Vanga, large, highly organized civilizations previously existed on Earth.

From a conversation with Vanga about the Greek island of Samothraki:

“Indeed, this is a fantastic island, inhabited by souls who lived in this beautiful place thousands of years ago, they create a special atmosphere. But modern people still do not know much about it. Near the shores of the island, at great depths, there are surprises for archaeologists. I see the remains of marble columns, made with great skill. These are part of former temples and palaces. They have not yet been discovered, but the day will come when they will be pulled out of the sea and they will cause a great sensation. After many years, the island will move away from Greece to Italy. Unfortunately, and this island has not escaped the negative influences of modern passions and vices. Sometimes I see such a picture - it will not bypass Bulgaria - people will become so corrupted that they will start making love on the street. Oh, if only they knew what price they would have to pay for their base feelings ", would never commit adultery. But remember, no one will escape retribution."

Vanga, January 1988:

"...We will witness great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times...".

“A large city will be excavated in the ground, thanks to which people will learn more about their past.”

Meeting of Anatoly Lubchenko with Vanga (summer 1994)

One of those who saw the Bulgarian fortuneteller in the last years of her life, when she was seriously ill and received almost no visitors, was Ukrainian businessman Anatoly Lubchenko. More recently, in 2000, materials were published about A. Lubchenko’s meeting with Vanga. Lubchenko recorded an interview with the prophetess on a voice recorder. It takes no more than 45 minutes, but is of extreme interest to all humanity, as it contains Vanga’s predictions regarding Russia and other Slavic peoples. Let's see what Vanga said.

Vanga: – Good things await Russia, but not so good things for Bulgaria and Macedonia. Women in Russia will give birth to many good children who will change the world. Then a miracle will come, wonderful times. Science will tell you what is true in old books and what is not; they will find life in space and find out where it came from to Earth. A large city will be excavated in the ground. New people will fly from heaven, and there will be great miracles. But we have to wait, we can’t rush things, it won’t be soon.

A. Lubchenko: – What will happen soon?

Vanga: – There will be an end of the world (the interview was recorded in 1994), the Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they will have the soul to stop. And then time will return back.

Vanga: – In 7 years, people will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals. In 21 years, no one will be driving on the ground. Trains will be fueled with energy from the Sun, oil will be banned, the earth will only give birth and rest. In 40 years, there will be no current diseases, but others will appear. They will be connected to the brain, because everyone will drink from the sea, and there will be no islands in the sea. Then they will find water in space, and it will be good. There will be a lot of people. India is bigger than China. But people will start getting rid of bodies.

A. Lubchenko: – What does it mean to “get rid of bodies”?

Vanga: – You can live without a body, only personality, only energy, like the dead. But it will not be soon.

Lubchenko asked what awaits the world in the next 5 years.

Vanga: – Russia will lose weight and take its place again, goodness will be inside, and experience will be outside. Europe will not be able to get younger. America will accept the bearded man and understand that fear is worse than love. Syria will collapse at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same. The aliens will not want to share their knowledge with the strong. Women's countries will give way to men's countries, but will retain their plans. The little man will rule you all your life.

Vanga's message to future descendants:

Vanga often reminds:“Fighting for peace does not have to be with arms in hand. Inspiring people with good thoughts is also a serious step towards achieving peace. Many leaders from different countries are directing their efforts in this direction. We have no other choice. We must be kind and love one another in order to be saved. If we do not realize this with the help of our minds, the inexorable laws of the Cosmos will force us to do this, but then it will be too late, and it will cost us too much... So, sometimes I see the following picture: a blackened and burnt Earth, and along it a handful of people move like shadows... We must not allow life on Earth to perish because of our myopia. The time has come to make every effort and renounce enmity, envy and hatred. It's predetermined. Even if we don't want it, life must move forward..."

– The day will come when lies will disappear from the face of the earth, there will be no violence and theft. Wars will stop, the survivors will know the value of life and will protect it. (From a transcript of recordings made by Boyka Tsvetkova)

All human trials are not random, Vanga believed. Human life, like the destinies of entire peoples of the earth, is predetermined from above, and one must learn patience and courage to resist evil.“It’s not by chance, nothing is by chance, – the clairvoyant Vanga warned the living. –That’s why I tell all people that our consciousness should be rebuilt towards kindness. And this is not just a wish. The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be characterized as a time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us; it comes whether we want it or not. New times will require new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that the harmony in the Universe is not disturbed.”

  • “Don't quarrel among yourselves. Love each other. Good causes good, and evil causes evil.”
  • "If you could properlyread the Bible, you would have long ago reached the solution to the problems that make your head spin. Yes, it’s a pity that many of you don’t believe, many..."
  • “There is no sin on children, they atone for what their parents did.”

Video from the Internet

“It all started when I was given a flower in a pot. It was called tenate, and the store said it was “the palms of a suppliant.” They gave it to me at work, and the flower stood there until it warmed up, then I took it home.

Baba Vanga, aka Vangelia Gushcherova (or in other sources - Surcheva), was born on January 31, 1911, died on August 11, 1997. At the age of 12, Vanga was caught in a terrible tornado. The hurricane lifted the girl into the air and then dragged her across the field. She survived miraculously, but lost her sight. From that time on, she acquired the gift of clairvoyance. Vanga predicted the war with the fascists, the 1991 putsch and the 1993 crisis, the rise to power of Boris Yeltsin and the death of the Kursk nuclear submarine. But many of her predictions did not come true - in the 70s she prophesied the USSR would send troops into Chile, in 90 she predicted a divorce for Bush Sr. and the explosion of his plane.

Vanga - about the future of Russia and the world

1 “Everything will melt like ice, and only one thing will remain - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

2 “Russia will lose weight and take its place again.”

3 “Many new people will be born in Russia who will be able to change the world.”

4 “Life will be found in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth.”

5 “A large city will be excavated in the ground, thanks to which people will learn more about their past.”
6 “In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the earth will rest.”

7 For 2006, Vanga predicted a deterioration in the environmental situation and the beginning of the disappearance of many species of fish and animals, and even insects - bees.

Vanga predicted: Russia will become the ruler of the world.

For twenty years they lived as a strong family, but in recent years Mitko drank a lot and became an alcoholic. Vanga saw everything, understood everything, but she could not change his fate or interfere with it. When her husband was dying, Vanga knelt by his bed, tears constantly flowing from her blind eyes. And when his last breath flew away, she stopped crying and fell asleep. She slept until the funeral, then, waking up, she said: “I accompanied him to the place that was prepared for him.”

Vanga is not afraid of death itself. She said there was none. She has a peculiar idea of ​​death, of what remains of a person after passing away. Here is an excerpt from Vanga’s conversation with one theater figure: “... I already told you that after death the body decomposes, like all living things in general, but part of the body or soul, I don’t even know what to call it, does not decompose. Here you are talk about the second birth. What it is, I don’t know. But what remains of a person, the soul, does not decompose, and continues to develop in order to reach a higher level. This is the immortality of the soul."

Many of the eyewitnesses recall Vanga’s contacts with deceased people. When the interlocutor asked why she was talking about his late mother, Vanga replied: “You didn’t bring her. They come on their own, because for them I am the gateway to this world... When a person comes to me, his deceased relatives gather around him , they ask me questions and answer themselves, and I only tell the living what I heard.”

One day a young man came to Vanga. Evil people robbed and killed his brother. Three children remained (orphans and a sick wife. Suddenly Vanga came out to the threshold and called him by name, and then said: “I know why you came. You want me to tell you who killed your brother. Maybe after some time... "That's when I'll tell you, but you have to promise that you won't take revenge, because there's no need to do that. You yourself will witness their end."
Vanga does not allow anyone to take revenge. She believes that man is born to do good deeds. Every bad deed never goes unpunished. It is punished cruelly, and if the punishment does not overtake the one who commits evil, it will pass on to his descendants.

Here's another case. One peasant came to complain that his children did not live, that they all died very early. There were eleven of them, but not one survived. Vanga reminded the peasant that as a young man he had cruelly offended his mother, who became pregnant at an older age. The son was embarrassed by this. The child and mother died, and the young man soon forgot about everything. And because he insulted the most sacred thing - life, nature was so merciless to him. “You must know that the cause of your trouble is not your wife. You must always be kind so as not to suffer throughout your life.”

Vanga spoke about newborns and unborn children. In an incomprehensible way, she saw and spoke with people who died 100, 200 or more years ago. As scientists note, this is the most mysterious manifestation of Vanga’s clairvoyance.

Vanga also talked about the future, although she did not like to do this. According to her, in 200 years a person will establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds. She even noticed that aliens from other worlds have been living on Earth for a long time...Where do they fly from? From the planet, which in the language of its inhabitants is called VAMFIM. This planet is the THIRD FROM EARTH.
Not long ago Vanga left this world. But she left a good memory of herself on earth.
They thought that after her death on August 11, 1996, something was going to happen. But the country was not hit by natural disasters, nor was there any fatal political cataclysm. It seems that Vanga’s spirit is protecting the Bulgarians from the troubles and misfortunes that constantly plague the Balkans.

Vanga also knew exactly the day of her death; before her death, she said that one 10-year-old, blind girl who lives in France received the same abilities, and we will soon learn about her.

Because, according to her explanations, it was the dead who gave her all the information. “They come because for them I am the gateway to this world... When a person comes to me, his deceased relatives gather, ask me questions and answer themselves, and I only tell the living what I heard.”

Actress Alla Demidova, who at that time was very keen on esoteric knowledge, was surprised by the walk arranged for her into the kingdom of the dead. “Vanga took my sugar and asked if I had a father. I didn’t have time to answer, but she was already repeating: “He died, here he is standing here.” Does your father have a brother Ivan? Oh, he died, here he stands." All this was not quite what I expected... I suddenly asked why she saw me in a military uniform, and described Angelika’s costume from the film “Shield and Sword.” I said, that this is one of my roles. “Oh, so you’re an actress?” And Vanga immediately told the star of the Russian stage that acting is not her profession, she’d better do scientific research. Since then, Demidova has repeated in every interview that she’s not doing her business. Finally, "...she hugged me, said some seemingly meaningless things, ran her hand along my back and told me not to walk in heels." Alla Sergeevna returned to Moscow completely different: "Nobody recognized me . For two years I was an absolutely healthy person. Both physically and internally. I no longer had Father Sergius’ question: what is there, beyond the line? And Hamlet’s answer was: yes, there is!”

Vanga reproached Yuri Gagarin’s friend, actor V.T.: “Why didn’t you fulfill Yuri’s wishes? He came to you to say goodbye before the last flight and asked: “Buy yourself an alarm clock, as if I bought it for you.” There will be a memory of me." In response to the actor's words that he forgot to buy a watch in the confusion due to the death of Gagarin, Vanga said: "But you should know: Yuri Gagarin did not die. He was taken."

Every politician wants to know...

Many predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant have been officially recorded. Her abilities were often used in purely state interests. Political forecasts were especially widely replicated. An interesting fact during the war: both Hitler and the Bulgarian Tsar Boris came to Vanga. Both left dissatisfied. What upset Hitler is unknown, but for Boris III, Vanga accurately predicted the date of his death. Todor Zhivkov also consulted with Vanga. They say that at the same time he also advised her on what, for example, professional path it would be advisable to recommend to the granddaughter of the Secretary General. And she predicted the death of his daughter in a car accident. And, alas, I was not mistaken.

Leonid Leonov once received a prediction from Vanga that his manuscripts would burn. Not really believing it, the writer nevertheless moved them from the dacha to a city apartment... Where they burned.

Many powerful people visited Baba Vanga incognito. She was taken to the capital to meet some people. It was in Sofia that Vanga, 7 months before the elections, prophesied to Indira Gandhi that she would again be prime minister. But Vanga made tragic predictions later. They came true - both the murder of India's glorious daughter and the death of her son in a plane crash. There is a record of how Vanga predicted long before the US elections that J. Carter would be president, but only for one term.

For the good of the motherland

Vanga is the first seer who supported the government. And the government supported her. An Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology was established in Bulgaria with 30 employees. They confirmed her ability to make predictions. Especially those related to the search for missing relatives are 80% successful.

One day two mothers came to her. One recently buried her son. Vanga told her that she was mourning someone else’s remains. “I,” he says, “see: he lives in a white house behind a green fence, in three months you will receive a letter.” And indeed, soon the mother received a call and went to her son - to Canada. Another received news that her son, a soldier, had hanged himself. But Vanga told a different story: in fact, he was tortured for a long time, then hanged. And she even repeated her son’s dying words. And most importantly, she told me how to find the killer. He was found and tried.

A special hotel was built in Petrich for those who come to Vanga. In the 70s it received about 100 thousand people a year. It is estimated that over the 55 years of its activity, the famous Bulgarian has been visited by more than a million walkers. And they didn’t go for a nice table conversation. Vanga lived in wild tension, letting other people’s troubles and illnesses pass through her. The trail to Petrich became international and did not become overgrown until the last year of his life.

But Vanga herself was “restricted to travel.” The Bulgarian authorities did not allow the “national treasure” to go either to Paris, where she wanted to visit Notre Dame Cathedral, or even to Moscow. Vanga dreamed of visiting Red Square, the Kremlin and talking with Gorbachev, whose rise to power she predicted six years in advance.

The queue for her was scheduled a year in advance (although, of course, there was a “back door” for the “right people”). The Bulgarian authorities put her sessions on stream, almost writing out “appointment tickets.” A visit to the prophetess for Bulgarians and citizens of socialist countries cost one hundred leva, for foreigners - 50 dollars. (One hundred levs is about two dollars, and the monthly salary of Bulgarians is 60 dollars.)

Vanga herself also did not refuse money. But it could be a bag of potatoes, or a small coin, which immediately ended up in the treasured piggy bank - “for church.” Very often she refused any “compensation” at all. But you could bring a gift. Vanga has accumulated a whole collection of plush animals. She loved to stroke and touch them, remembering the person who gave the toy. I talked to them. However, as with flowers, cats, dogs... And with perfume.

At the end of her life, Baba Vanga nevertheless built a temple, on which all her savings were spent. She bequeathed both of her houses - in Petrich and Rupite - to local authorities and the foundation that bears her name. It was founded in 1994, two years before Vanga's death.

You can't run away from fate

Twenty years before the death of the Kursk, in 1980, the prophetess Vanga predicted: “At the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2002, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it.” At the beginning of 1999, our Central Television broadcast a program about the forecasts of a Bulgarian clairvoyant. This prophecy was also voiced. How ridiculous. The residents of Kursk also took this message with humor: how can a forest-steppe city, from which you have been jumping for a year, but cannot reach the big water, end up under water?

Who knew that the world would cry for the naval “namesake” of Kursk? And there will be so much water around it that the entire Russian fleet will not be able to clean it up...

Krasimira Stoyanova, the niece of the famous prophetess who wrote “The Truth about Vanga,” gives the following dialogue:

If you see an impending disaster or death of a person, is there anything you can do to avoid the disaster?

No,” Vanga answered, “neither I nor anyone else can do anything.”

And if troubles or even a disaster threaten an entire city or state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

It's useless.

Does a person’s fate depend on his inner moral strength and physical abilities? Is it possible to influence fate?

It is forbidden. Everyone will go their own way, and only their own.

But then what is the use of all these predictions, since nothing can be changed? However, there is a reason. Leonid Leonov, who regularly communicated with Vanga, wrote: “Predicting big and fateful events would facilitate people’s transition to a more meaningful stage of existence.”

And doesn’t Vanga’s prediction: “There is no force that could break Russia. It will develop, grow and strengthen” fill us with hope? Although from many others it is not difficult to fall into universal melancholy...

Everything will happen, good and bad

Vanga's prophecies... There are many of them. Mostly joyless: nothing good is shining for humanity. Even before the Apocalypse, we and our descendants will have time to suffer from diseases worse than AIDS, from hunger and thirst.

There will be no flood, but many minor disasters and catastrophes will happen. For example, “one of the Arab states will disappear from the face of the earth.” True, “this will not happen soon.”

In 200 years, a person will establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds. But individual aliens from other worlds have been living on Earth for a long time... Where do they come from? From a planet called Vamphim in the language of its inhabitants. From the Earth - the third. Isn't it Saturn?

Some of her predictions have already come true, others seem quite probable.

“Pills will be made from algae, and they will be sold all over the world,” she said in the 60s. Splat appeared here in the 90s. And doctors say that algae is the pharmacopoeia of the future.

“The day will come,” said Vanga, “when various plants, vegetables, animals will disappear from the face of the earth... First of all, onions, garlic and peppers. Then the bees will come.”

In Canada, beekeepers can no longer obtain buckwheat honey. Because geneticists have bred buckwheat, from which the bee has nothing to take. Beekeeping is being killed by genetic engineering. The list of honey plants is getting shorter. They will be gone, and we will be left without honey. And without bees - these amazing insects that appeared on the planet much earlier than humans.

good news

Vanga’s very name already contains what she so wanted to serve. If time weren't so cruel. In Greek, Vangelia is the bearer of good news. Alas, news is either good or true.

Speaking about Russia, Vanga tried to be truthful. But perhaps I still succumbed a little to the desire to bring good news?

Vanga liked to talk about the Russian Orthodox Church, about Russia’s proximity to cosmic energy. I had a particularly warm feeling for Boris Yeltsin. And she really wanted to get his watch, and more than once asked visiting Russian politicians to bring her Yeltsin’s watch. She didn’t say why she needed them, but apparently something bothered her about the fate of the first Russian president.

She said this about the next president of Russia: “This will be a completely unexpected figure. Definitely not Zyuganov or Lebed.”

Vanga’s last prophecy regarding Russia: she drew a large circle with her hands. And she said: “Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit.” She had previously predicted the future greatness of Russia. She even claimed that in the future Bulgaria would become part of the revived Union. And the most famous forecast was written by the Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov in 1979: “Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and will not only survive, but also become the ruler of the world."

Glory to Vladimir, glory to Russia... Which Vladimir are we talking about? About the prince, the baptist of Rus'? But there were others... There was, for example, Vladimir Ilyich. And now here is Vladimir Vladimirovich.

And Vanga also has this obscure prediction (it dates back to 1988): “The Eighth will come and sign the final peace...” Maybe 2010? Or the last member of the G7, which has now become the G8. That is, again Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Or will we still have to wait for the Eighth One, who will sign the final peace and lead Russia into the rulers of the world?

People close to the prophetess claim that Baba Vanga still appears in their dreams. Because he is preparing for rebirth.

Just before her death, she said that she was giving all her gift to a ten-year-old girl from France. Having received it, she will also go blind. And when the time comes, he will gain “different vision.” In order to lead us, foolish ones, along God’s path and teach us to understand and gratefully accept the Fate prescribed by Him.


Vanga's parting words:

A person is who he thinks he is. If he manages to change his thoughts towards good, then everything in his life will change.

A person must love himself and everything around him. In our difficult times this is most needed. And he should also be grateful to God for his help in difficult times, for the wisdom to which he owes his successes.

Don't fight fools - they're not very scary, don't try to correct or change them. Assholes are much worse. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.

Don’t set unrealistic goals, know what you can do and what you can’t, otherwise you’ll have to blame yourself later.

Do not promise if you are not sure that you will fulfill your promise, because the pain that you cause to another will sooner or later come back to you.

Pray to God and don’t ask for more than you need.

Some statistics

Sociologist Velichko Dobriyanov, who studied the Vanga phenomenon, says that out of 99 clairvoyant messages he analyzed, 43 were adequate, 43 alternative (ambiguous) and 12 inadequate. This means that Baba Vanga’s telepathic “hit” percentage is 68.3. Of course, this result is high and does not fit into the framework of probability theory.

In relation to the past and present, there is a temptation to explain Vanga’s abilities by the ability to “talk” to the client, deftly extract all the details, and then stun the person with the data that she learned from him.

However, Dobriyanov admits that “Vanga could carry out telepathic communication without leading questions, that correct messages are not simply the result of a combination of questions.”

The situation is even more difficult with predicting the future, because here Vanga is really working “blindly”. And the percentage of guessing, although less than in a conversation about the present, is still high enough for simple chance. According to Professor Georgy Lozanov, about 70 percent of Vanga’s prophecies came true.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

Sociologist Velichko Dobriyanov, who studied the phenomenon of Baba Vanga, says that out of 99 clairvoyant messages he analyzed, 43 were adequate, 43 alternative (ambiguous) and 12 inadequate. This means that Baba Vanga’s telepathic “hit” percentage is 68.3. Of course, this result is high and does not fit into the framework of probability theory.
On the other hand, there is this explanation for this: “The super popular Vanga, who was approached not only by “mugs”, but also by famous artists and politicians - this is a special story. It was promoted by the Bulgarian special services. It was prestigious for Bulgaria to have a soothsayer, to whom crowds of tourists and celebrities from all over the world flocked. Including politicians. In the town where those who came to Vanga stayed, information about future visitors was collected by hotel maids and the same taxi drivers. And most importantly, the archives of the secret services were involved. Hence Vanga’s awareness. They never let me see the soothsayer right away; they asked me to wait a few days, during which time they extracted information. One of my friends asked his friends to introduce him to this fortune teller. I advised him to tell everyone with whom he communicated in Bulgaria that he made up information about himself. As a result, when he met with Vanga, she gave out false information that we had invented about my friend’s past. So Vanga was a good actress, but not a prophetess.”

I don’t know how reliable this explanation is, but it is quite plausible and easier to accept than to involve the unknowable.

"In my sessions there was a case- says Dobriyanov, who recorded Vanga’s dialogues on a voice recorder. - After we left Vanga, the woman, stunned by the ordeal she had experienced, said in amazement: “How did she immediately ask me why I was a widow?” I took the opportunity to reproach her for giving herself away even at Vanga’s first question, but in order to convince me I had to turn on the tape recording again. There are many cases in the sessions when Vanga asks about things that have already been clarified in the previous conversation. It is natural to ask yourself at least two questions: what is the role and significance of this method of fortune telling, firstly, for the telepathy agent and, secondly, for Vanga herself. Thousands of people who come to her do not carry recording devices with them so that they can then calmly analyze the conversation that took place. In conditions of high mental stress, it is quite understandable that a person may not pay attention to what he himself said at the beginning of the conversation, and after that he will be surprised by Vangin’s “discovery”.

But all this concerns the past and present. The situation is more complicated with predicting the future, because here Vanga is really working “blindly”. And the percentage of guessing, although less than in a conversation about the present, is still high enough for simple chance. But according to Professor Georgy Lozanov, about 70 percent of Vanga’s prophecies come true. A striking example is the death she predicted in a car accident of Lyudmila Zhivkova (daughter of the former Bulgarian leader).

It should also be noted that all accurate and clear historical predictions were documented not before, but after they came true.

Thus, Vanga’s well-known prediction that in 2002 the Kursk would be under water was remembered by everyone, but no one took it as a subject of analysis at all.

Moreover, Vanga predicted something similar more than once. For example, that “one of the Arab states will disappear from the face of the earth and a large city will drown” (Kursk?). Vanga refused to clarify anything in this prediction, saying only that what she saw “will not happen soon.”

In general, her predictions were extremely vague in the most important places, while unimportant and insignificant ones were given out in great detail.

Vanga’s last prophecy regarding Russia came down to one gesture: without saying a word, she drew a large circle with her hands.

Baba Vanga’s future was pictured like this:

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir (meaning the prince who once baptized Rus'?), the glory of Russia.”

“Too many sacrifices have been made,” Vanga said. “Nobody can stop Russia anymore. He will sweep everything out of his way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.”
“All religions will fall. Only one thing will remain: the Teaching of the Great Brotherhood (the Teaching of “Living Ethics”). Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this people will be saved.”
But this will not happen right away. According to Vanga, in sixty years (2040s).
But this, again, according to Vanga, will be preceded by a rapprochement between the three countries. At one point, she said, China, India and Moscow will come together..."
However, for the coming period of time, the same one in which we now live, Baba Vanga’s forecast is very disappointing. According to her, “cities and villages will collapse from earthquakes and floods, natural disasters will shake the earth, bad people will gain the upper hand, and thieves, informers and harlots will be countless.
It must be said that just as there were earthquakes and floods, so they are and will be the same.
Mikhail Chulaki spoke about this: “I note, by the way, that even if you believe in prophecies on a purely everyday level, without thinking about the problem of free will, you have to admit that all popular seers, such as the famous Vanga and her home-grown imitators, whose names are legion, are extremely evil creatures. Because, demonstrating small miracles to impressionable viewers, neither Vanga, nor a single astrologer, nor a single holy fool in Christ warned the victims of future earthquakes, future catastrophes, of which so many happen in our time. The future always turns out to be unexpected, disasters are sudden. Otherwise it can not be. A fulfilled prophecy would create the same paradox as a time machine: if it were possible to return to the past and correct something in it, then the present from which we left would also change; if it were possible to foresee the danger and avoid it, then the predicted future would change - and would diverge from the prediction. So Vanga is not a villain, but a sweet old lady who knows no more about the future than you and I.”