What can prick on the right side. If it stings on the right side under the ribs. Gynecological diseases as a cause of tingling

Are you experiencing excruciating pain in the right hypochondrium? This means that one of the systems in the body has failed: renal function, liver, gastrointestinal tract or something else has been affected. So why does it hurt in the right side under the ribs? Let's find out the reason painful spasms and how you can help yourself.

Remember, incessant spasms are grounds for going to the clinic.

Cause of colic under the right rib

The basis for characteristic sensations may be unhealthy diet, intense exercise, fast walking, or the development of any disease. Below the right rib are the following organs: liver, part of the intestines, adrenal gland, right kidney, biliary tract, aperture. To accurately determine the location of organs, you should undergo anatomy topography. Remember that frequent stabbing spasms may indicate an unhealthy body, so medication or surgical intervention may be required.

Reasons related to poor nutrition, physical exercises can be corrected on your own, but only a specialist can help you cope with diseases of the body. What diseases can cause stabbing pain in the right side under the ribs, how do the symptoms manifest themselves?

We list diseases with characteristic symptoms:

In addition to these main diseases, unpleasant sensations arise due to vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, and arthrosis. Only the attending physician can make an accurate diagnosis after undergoing special tests and studies.

What should I do?

If stabbing spasms occur during physical exercise, It's OK. Experts recommend slowing down, relaxing, breathing deeply, and after a while relief will come.

Remember, do warm-up exercises before playing sports.

If the pain occurs after a heavy and fatty meal, you need to lie down and wait until it is digested, after which the discomfort will go away.

If, for unknown reasons, there is constant colitis in the right side under the ribs, consult a doctor immediately.

  • spasms began suddenly and are characterized by a sharp tingling sensation;
  • when a person cannot bear aching pain that lasts more than an hour;
  • painful spasms that occur during movement for more than half an hour;
  • when it hurts on the right side under the rib, nausea and vomiting.

Do not self-medicate. Without detection the real reason it won't lead to anything good, it will only make things worse general state.

Type of pain

Discomfort may occur in the right side, front or back. To understand the causes of the disease, we will analyze in detail the characteristic diseases.

  1. Spasms in the right side in front

They arise from diseases of adjacent and neighboring organs either periodically or constantly disturb.

  1. Pain in the back of the right side

Discomfort appeared under the shoulder blade with right side. Causes: rib injuries, neuralgia, kidney dysfunction.

  • When destroyed genitourinary system burning, severe pain occurs. If there is sand and stones in the kidney, then when they move, they begin to scratch the internal pelvis of the organ, then move to the ureter. Painful attacks can be felt throughout the reproductive system and are manifested by gag reflexes and bloody urine.
  • Pyelonephritis. Manifests infectious inflammatory process in the renal system, the patient experiences swelling on the face, the temperature rises, and frequent urge urination.
  • The death of the renal papillae develops from blockage of blood vessels, as a result of which the kidney cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen and begin to die.

The patient may die due to septic shock!

  • Paranephritis occurs from infection of the fatty layer of the kidneys in the upper part, usually after inflammation of the tonsils and affected gums. Cancer tumor kidney manifests itself on late stages, growing and interfering with urination, pain is felt under the right rib.
  • Intercostal neuralgia is manifested by numbness of the right side. It begins to pull in the back area, to the point of immobility, as movement intensifies the discomfort. When muscle tissue becomes inflamed, colic may suddenly appear under the skin, and the nerve begins to twitch.

When the ribs are bruised, you can hear a characteristic crunch and feel a sharp, severe pain, especially when bending over and coughing.

  • Osteochondrosis lumbar region characterized by immobile muscles that limit movement, shooting pain from top to bottom.
  • Thrombus in the vena cava. The plaque closes the trunk of the vein, as a result of which the abdomen swells and intense pain appears on the right side of the abdominal cavity.

The definition of the disease is influenced by the nature of the spasms. Acute discomfort is manifested by severe pain, warning the body of damage that may require surgical intervention. Dull pain is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

What medications to take if you have colitis in the right hypochondrium

You should know what to do and how to get rid of unpleasant cramps. Experts recommend using antispasmodics that relax smooth muscles. The dosage for medication is determined by the frequency of spasms and the suspected illness. Doctors recommend taking No-shpa and Duspatalin tablets with a dosage of 1-2 pcs for moderate pain.

Discomfort caused by the bile ducts can be eliminated by taking nitroglycerin, half or 1 tablet under the tongue.

For very severe pain, it is better to administer medications through injections or the system. Offer the following drugs: Drotaverine, Papaverine, Platiphylline. They lower their tone muscle tissue, calm the internal organs.

Can be taken combined agents containing analgesic and antispasmodic ingredients: Took, Spazgan 1-2 tablets.

If antispasmodics do not help with intolerable spasms, you can additionally take strong painkillers with a non-narcotic analgesic composition: Tramadol, Ketorolac.

The listed tablets do not cure diseases, but only relieve symptoms until the ambulance arrives. To get complete clinical picture you should contact a specialist.

General prevention for the whole body

Start by seeing a specialist to check your overall health. On the doctor's recommendation, take tests and undergo an ultrasound internal organs to promptly detect the presence of stones, tumors, blisters with fluid and other pathologies. Complete the entire course of treatment. Maintain your body and stay healthy by following these rules:

  • Go to proper nutrition, periodically follow a diet;
  • exclude alcohol, cigarettes;
  • give up junk food: carbonated drinks, fried, smoked and fatty foods, muffins, strong coffee;
  • avoid psycho-emotional and physical fatigue;
  • add physical activity to your schedule;
  • actively take vitamins and microelements.

Tune in to positivity and health, restore state of mind, engage in active recreation. Introduce magnesium-containing foods into your diet: buckwheat, wheat bran, cereals which help relax muscle tissue.

Contact specialists for help.​​

On right. These symptoms may indicate:

Most often, unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium indirectly indicate problems with the biliary tract.

Pain in the right hypochondrium is most often associated with liver problems.

Considering the presence of pain that has a specific localization, it is necessary to analyze other factors:

  1. The beginning of the appearance of sensations;
  2. Migration of unpleasant manifestations;
  3. Duration;
  4. Degree of expression;
  5. Dependence external reasons and circumstances.

The classic picture looks like this: patients are bothered by aching pain under the right rib, and a feeling of heaviness is added to these sensations. How do specialists act when faced with complaints of this nature from patients? First, the patient is examined for injuries: fracture or bruise chest may give similar sensations.

Unpleasant sensations do not always make themselves felt immediately after an injury or fall. The slow development of pain symptoms can be caused by the appearance of a hematoma and subsequent destruction of the formation. Aching pain may be due to... At the first stage, tissue rupture occurs, and then blood ruptures the formed capsule and the clinical picture of an acute abdomen begins to appear.

It is important to correctly localize discomfort: identifying the segment on the body where discomfort and painful palpation are present can clarify a lot.

Pain in the hypochondrium in front

Gallstone disease can lead to pain in the right side.

This localization of unpleasant sensations may indicate problems with. Bile is synthesized by the liver, then it moves to gallbladder. Bile substances are released at a certain moment, in response to a request from the intestines, signaling food intake.

If the cystic duct is narrowed, taking spicy, fatty or fried food makes itself felt with debilitating aching pain. needs increased help from bile acids to process heavy foods. Pain in the right hypochondrium with anterior localization is characteristic of the following conditions:

  • Cholelithiasis;
  • (the inflammatory process affects the walls of the gallbladder);
  • Changes in the composition of bile;
  • An inflammatory process in the intestines that provokes spasm or swelling of the common bile duct (bile duct).

Cholecystitis, like other diseases inflammatory in nature, reminds of itself with aching pains. The appeared stones interfere normal operation and the patient begins to feel pain. Small stones move along the ducts and irritate the receptors, large formations cause the appearance of bedsores. The patient begins to experience constant pain that intensifies with movement.

The doctor observes similar symptoms in various diseases that contribute to changes in liver size. With hepatitis and oncology, the painful area is up to the armpits.

You will learn the causes of pain in the right hypochondrium from the video:

Pain in the right hypochondrium behind

Pain in the right hypochondrium at the back is most often associated with gallbladder problems.

With such complaints, a specialist may suspect pulmonary pathology and problems with the gallbladder. Right-sided pneumonia may cause aching pain, and problems with the gallbladder cause increased unpleasant conditions while inhaling. Inflammatory diseases lungs do not differ in increased symptoms after a meal.

Pain under the rib on the right may indicate right-sided inflammation appendages (more often if the disease is of a venereal nature). Gonococci and chlamydia are dangerous: they provoke sluggish inflammation, causing the appearance of adhesions that spread to the omentum and liver capsule. The fusion of these elements provokes aching sensations.

Often, aching pain in the hypochondrium region from behind bothers patients with a history of pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Damage to the right kidney may be characterized by pain in this area.

More rare cases

Besides helminthic infestations, the sensations described may cause inflammation vermiform appendix or chronic appendicular infiltrate.

Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium

Athletes and people performing activities may experience sharp pain in this area. physical work. There is a term “liver pain syndrome”. First, the described condition appears after a single load, then the person experiences sharp pain again.

Athletes are faced with the rapid burning of glycogen located in the liver cells. The processes of “second wind” are launched. An unprepared person with prolonged exercise feels pain on the other side. Behind left-sided symptoms responds with the release of blood from .

Stitching pain in women

A common complaint with which people consult a doctor is stabbing. It can be due to many reasons. You should not endure pain, because some diseases are life-threatening. What to do with stabbing pain on the right side? What could be causing it? In order to understand the causes of pain, it is necessary to pay attention to its nature and location.

How does stabbing pain in the right side occur?

Unpleasant sensations are localized where the organ is located. For example, you have problems with right kidney, so the pain will occur in the right side. Sometimes the organ may be located in the middle, on the left, and the pain radiates to the right side. For example, the appendix is ​​located in the lower abdomen on the right, the pain is localized on the right in the middle. It is difficult to find out the cause on your own, so it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Depending on the mechanism of pain, pain is classified into referred, visceral and peritoneal.

Visceral stabbing pain occurs if the motility of the gallbladder, stomach, and intestines is impaired. Such unpleasant sensations are most often cramping (hepatic or intestinal colic), sometimes they are dull and aching (hypomotor dyskinesia, ). Quite often they can give in different areas bodies.

Somatic stabbing pain appears on the right with acute appendicitis, peptic ulcer disease. The pain is constant, sharp, cutting, and can intensify when a person moves, breathes, or strains the anterior abdominal wall.

Referred stabbing pain on the right is most often observed with pneumonia and other diseases.

Organs that provoke stabbing pain in the right side

  • Head of the pancreas.
  • Liver.
  • Duodenum.
  • Right kidney.
  • Ureter.
  • Caecum and appendix.
  • Uterus or ovaries.
  • Colon.

Localization of stabbing pain in the right side

All organs are located in abdominal area, so the pain can be reflected on the left, on the right, sometimes radiating to the middle of the abdomen, to the side and to the back. Localization depends on the organ that provokes the occurrence of unpleasant sensations.

It is worth considering that in the abdominal area there are a lot of different nerve endings, blood vessels. The genital and urinary organs are located here. They are sensitive and can easily react to stimuli. The pain intensifies when the inflammation worsens.

Localization of pain in the lower abdomen on the right

Unpleasant sensations are associated with the location of the problem organ. If you are worried about first stabbing, then pulling, sharp and Blunt pain, one might suspect acute appendicitis. Dagger pain is dangerous, it is a symptom intra-abdominal bleeding, vascular blockage. This pain is typical for women.

Localization of pain on the right under the ribs

It is necessary to understand that the gallbladder is located on the right, duodenum, liver, bile ducts, colon. Most often, unpleasant sensations are provoked. Stones can accumulate in the gallbladder, they begin to scratch the walls of the organ and cause severe pain.

Sharp pain on the right side can be caused by cholecystitis. If the disease occurs in an acute form, the pain becomes unbearable. The person cannot move. Such symptoms indicate hepatic colic.

What causes stabbing pain in the right back?

When diagnosing, the doctor takes into account that to the right of the abdomen there is bladder, kidney. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by pyelonephritis, renal thrombosis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, renal tuberculosis, kidney prolapse, urolithiasis.

All of the above diseases lead to sharp spinal pain on the right; it can be cramping and stabbing. The main reason is stones that clog the ureter, then begin to strain and stretch its walls.

Stitching pain in the right side in women

Ectopic pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen can be caused by an ectopic pregnancy. With pathology, the fertilized egg is attached to the fallopian tube. When the egg begins to grow, the tube cannot stand it and ruptures.

What indicates an ectopic pregnancy? On the right side, there may be a stabbing and dull pain, but if it is not diagnosed in a timely manner, it becomes sharp and severe. With an ectopic pregnancy, the pain radiates to the rectum. The gap is dangerous fallopian tube. In this situation, an urgent operation is necessary, otherwise everything could end in the death of the woman.

It is important to pay attention to additional symptoms during ectopic pregnancy:

Inflammatory process in the right fallopian tube

The pain is localized on the right and radiates to the upper or bottom part belly. In addition to the stabbing pains, they can be nagging and long-lasting. Dagger-like pain is dangerous; it indicates that the disease has worsened.

Additional symptoms may include:

  • Heat.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Increased irritability.

Ovarian rupture

Stabbing and sudden pain in the lower right side may be a symptom of ovarian rupture. IN in this case It is necessary to urgently hospitalize the woman, otherwise she may die from bleeding. In addition, what bothers me is severe pain, jumps heat, a large amount of vaginal discharge appears.

Thus, you do not need to endure any pain and think that it will go away on its own. It is necessary to be examined immediately to find out the cause. There are a lot of diseases that pose a threat to health and life, so you shouldn’t neglect them. Women should be especially attentive to their health, because quite often a gynecologist has to diagnose diseases such as adnexitis, ectopic pregnancy. These pathologies not only lead to severe pain, they are very dangerous for a woman’s life.

Pain under the ribs on the right side can appear for completely different reasons. Painful manifestations are often accompanied by diseases of internal organs, improper nutrition, heavy physical activity, fast walking or long running.

Causes of pain in the right side

On the right side in the hypochondrium there are important human organs: the liver, part of the intestines, the diaphragm, the gall bladder. Piercing periodic pain under the right hypochondrium, which occur quite often, indicate health problems. If issues with nutrition and physical activity can be resolved on your own, then diseases of the internal organs should be eliminated with medication or surgery.

The following diseases can cause pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, accompanied by: characteristic symptoms:

  • acute and chronic

The pain is constant and aching. May be accompanied by a taste disturbance and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. When palpating the abdomen on the right side, pain is felt in the lower part of the liver.

The characteristic pain is sometimes accompanied by nausea and an unpleasant sensation after finishing a meal. The pain subsides when sitting and bending the torso forward.

Acute hypochondrium pain is accompanied by back pain, which often appears when eating spicy fatty foods.

Pain appears in the right side and on the right side of the back. May be accompanied by elevated temperature.

  • Polycystic kidney disease on the right

The kidney capsule is stretched and compressed neighboring organs, causing sharp pain on the right. There may be copious urination.

  • Inflammation of the pancreas

Acute and constantly increasing pain in the hypochondrium is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever.

  • Inflammation of the small intestine

Acute pain and cramps are accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, and lack of appetite.

  • Inflammation of the appendages in women

There is pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating. Discharges of various types often appear.

  • Pneumonia

Pain in the hypochondrium is felt when taking a deep breath or coughing. Fever and chills may occur.

  • Inflammation of the duodenum

Severe pain under the sternum most often occurs before or after eating. Attacks of pain usually occur at night or after physical activity.

  • Inflammation of the cecum (appendicitis)

The appearance of acute sharp pain in the right side should alert you, since a rupture of the inflamed appendix can lead to complex consequences and poses a real danger to human health and life.

Pain in the hypochondrium can appear due to vertebral hernia, arthrosis, after injuries and impacts.

If stabbing pains under the ribs occur frequently and are systemic in nature, you need to seek medical help and undergo diagnostics. After special research, comparing the symptoms, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to deal with pain in the side

If the pain under the ribs occurs suddenly, and there is no possibility of immediate assistance medical care, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not warm up the sore spot under any circumstances. Under the influence of heat, processes of a pathogenic nature may intensify;
  2. Do not take painkillers, which may affect changes in blood composition and the test result will not be entirely accurate. Acute pain can be relieved with antispasmodic drugs;
  3. If possible, refuse to eat until the doctor begins the examination and makes a diagnosis;
  4. Not to accept choleretic drugs, which contribute to increased bile production, stretching the wall of the gallbladder, which can provoke its rupture;
  5. Do not overload the body physical actions. Under stress, an aggravation may begin, which will significantly worsen your well-being.

During severe pain in the side the patient should be in a supine position, at rest. The pain should be relieved antispasmodics and wait for the arrival of the doctor on duty.

Treatment for pain in the hypochondrium

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, who determines necessary medications and their dosage.

Except medications folk remedies are also used:

  • corn silk – for cholecystitis;
  • immortelle - to strengthen the gallbladder;
  • berries - with chronic cholecystitis and acute hepatitis;
  • large plantain - for cholecystitis, stomach ulcers and intestinal inflammation;
  • Anise fruits – for pancreatitis, inflammation of the intestines.

For the decoction, you can use herbs individually, or in the form of a mixture. Accept medicinal decoctions 12-14 days with a break of 2-3 months.

Pain in the right side under the ribs may be serious reason. If done incorrectly, you can provoke acute inflammation, internal hemorrhage or even death.

In order to at least approximately determine the cause of pain on the right side opposite the heart, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the disturbing pain and the symptoms accompanying it. It will also be very important to convey this information to the attending physician, who must subsequently be contacted to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Pain in the right side of the chest can occur due to inflammation in the lungs - or pneumonia. In this case, it is usually spasmodic in nature and can intensify when sneezing or turning over from one side to the other. Associated symptoms such diseases - noise in the lungs, difficulty breathing, coughing With possible appearance sputum. If there is no fever and the cough is persistent, this may also indicate the presence of a tumor in the lungs.

If a sharp pain in the chest began in the area of ​​the heart, and then began to give a sharp impulse to the right, it may indicate heart attack– myocardial infarction. If such pain occurs, you should immediately call ambulance, otherwise everything could end in death.

A dull, squeezing pain throughout the chest, but radiating into spasm in the hypochondrium and squeezing the esophagus, occurs with pericarditis - a lesion serosa hearts. This disease is especially difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to various disorders cardiac activity.

Usually the pain with this disease intensifies during take a deep breath or in a supine position. Additional symptoms pericarditis - swelling of the veins in the neck and swelling of the face.

Systematic paroxysmal pain often accompanies the most common type coronary disease heart - angina pectoris. Usually nitroglycerin and complete rest help get rid of it. horizontal position.

If angina pectoris occurs, you should still consult a doctor, since it almost always recurs, and the pain can get worse each time.

Acute pain on the right side of the chest is a symptom various diseases liver, for example, cholecystitis and hepatitis. Unbearable pain can also occur with diseases, in particular cholelithiasis. Usually in such cases, the patient can notice the whites of the eyes with a yellowish tint, the tongue with white or yellow coating, and when pressing on the liver or gallstones, the pain opposite the heart may intensify.

Aching and nagging pain in the chest on the right can be caused by trauma or bruise of the chest, excessive physical activity or intercostal neuralgia. As a rule, it gets worse when you inhale or cough.

How to get rid of pain on the right side opposite the heart

To get rid of pain in the right side of the chest, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. And only a doctor can do this. With such a symptom, it is important to contact a specialist in time and describe to him the nature of the pain in as much detail as possible.


  • What else can hurt your chest other than your heart?

Pain in the area hearts are one of the most common reasons why people apply for emergency care. At the same time, pain in the area hearts do not always mean that the problem lies in the heart. Often she has no connection with him at all. However, if you still experience pain in the chest area and do not know anything about the condition of your own of cardio-vascular system, it's worth your time to find out real reason pain.


Exist special methods that can help the cause of pain in the area. The most famous of which is electrocardiography (ECG). This method helps the doctor to diagnose accurate diagnosis diseases hearts. In this case it is written electrical activity hearts through special electrodes placed on the skin. At the same time, the impulses hearts are written in the form of "teeth". Because the damaged muscle hearts will not be able to conduct electrical impulses normally, the ECG may indicate that the patient has a disease hearts.

Blood tests. Your doctor may prescribe certain enzymes to test for elevated levels. During myocardial infarction, damage to the heart cells leads to the release of these enzymes and their entry into the bloodstream.

Angiography is a test that helps you see hearts, as well as the obstacles that exist in them. Contrasting liquid substance injected directly into the arteries hearts through a special catheter - a long hollow tube that is passed through an artery (usually the femoral) to the heart. With help x-rays arteries and become visible.

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The liver is the largest and very important digestive gland. Its weight is about 1.5 kg. The liver is involved in metabolic processes and in accumulation in the body various substances. It promotes the production of bile, synthesizes proteins and vitamins, and also converts toxins into safe substances.


Liver diseases are characterized by dull aching pain or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. These pains are constant throughout the day, intensify with physical activity, driving, eating fats, fried or spicy foods and calm down with rest.

Liver diseases may be characterized by muscle weakness, fast fatiguability, lethargy, irritability, decreased performance, fat intolerance and loss of appetite.

During liver disease, you may sometimes see yellow skin appear. At the same time, dark-colored urine and discoloration of feces are noted. Against the background of jaundice, especially if it lasts for a long time, it develops itchy skin, which indicates an increase in the amount of bile components in the blood.

The hardest diffuse disease liver is cirrhosis of the liver. Among external symptoms illness can be noted malaise, bad dream, weakness. Jaundice, itching and hemorrhages on the skin appear periodically. A sick person due to impaired digestion and absorption.

Very often, dilation of small blood vessels can be observed on the skin. The skin of the palms turns red and enlarges. Characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium and abdominal enlargement.

Helpful advice

Often, many liver diseases occur with mild clinical symptoms, however, the complication itself can pose a huge threat human health and even life. Therefore, if you suspect liver disease or to prevent its development, consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo an ultrasound examination, computed tomography or laparoscopy.

Some diseases are generally asymptomatic (hepatic steatosis, hemangioma) and are detected only by ultrasound by an increase in the size of the liver.

Most often it stings under the chest during sports. This is one of the types of abdominal pain. Pain underneath right breast may be associated with problems such as gallstones, appendicitis, chest fracture and other reasons.


Inflammation of the appendix, a vermiform appendage attached to the intestines, is appendicitis. Main symptom of this disease - abdominal pain. Mild fever, nausea and vomiting are other symptoms of this problem. The pain that is felt in the right side comes from. At first it may not be strong, but deaf.


Digestive juice, thickening, enters. These clots are called gallstones. In this case, you should stop eating until the problem is resolved with proper treatment. Pain in the lower chest is the main symptom of this disease. This pain may involve the upper back on the right side, and the entire right side of the chest. Nausea, vomiting and gas in the stomach are other symptoms of this disease.

Colic in the side

In this case, the patient feels sharp pain in the side just below the rib cage. Typically, people feel this pain during exercise and after jogging or walking.

Colic may occur due to contraction of the liver or spleen.

Diaphragmatic ischemia, parietal peritoneal irritation and imbalance thoracic spine These are other causes of colic.

Chest fracture

Acute pain may be felt as a result of the chest. A common reason for this is physical injury. Most often, injury occurs directly. But sometimes a person can get seriously injured.

People with osteoporosis are especially susceptible to these types of fractures. If you experience severe pain, you should immediately consult a doctor, as it is often accompanied by damage to the spleen, lungs, or blood vessels.

Since there can be many causes of pain in the lower chest, treatment should be carried out only after a correct diagnosis. Chest pain in itself is not a disease, but a symptom of one of many disorders.


With this disease, the mucous membranes of the lungs and other parts of the chest become inflamed. Becomes. Acute pain is caused by friction of the pleural layers. Pleurisy occurs as a result of pneumonia or tuberculosis and an infection. Others – chest injury, rheumatoid arthritis, skin tuberculosis.

Intestinal obstruction

The disease occurs as a result of intestinal volvulus or a blocking object entering the intestine. At the same time, convulsions are felt, which either intensify or weaken. The pain may become acute after eating. Another symptom of intestinal obstruction is loose stool.


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Chest pain is familiar to many people. Depending on the nature, duration and location of pain, various diagnoses are made that help prescribe correct treatment, and sometimes they save lives.

Pain in the chest is always very scary for a person. There are several cases of exacerbation of diseases when you should not think about it, but need to immediately call an ambulance:
- myocardial infarction – burning pain in the chest area, which does not go away fifteen minutes after taking nitroglycerin, and the pain turns into left hand And ;
- an attack of angina pectoris - pain appears during physical activity, overeating, stress and does not go away after rest and taking medication;
- peptic ulcer– dull pain in the chest, disturbing when eating;
- embolism pulmonary artery– chest pain is acute, which intensifies when inhaling air;
- dissecting aortic aneurysm - intense throbbing pain;
- pericarditis – pressing pain constant character, intensifying after a deep breath.

Causes of chest pain

Treatment for chest pain

Treatment of all diseases accompanied by chest pain is necessary after consultation with a specialist. Classic treatment is based on the use of anti-infective and antibacterial drugs.

You can put mustard plasters in it, various compresses, banks, but this is only for mild forms of bronchitis. It is also necessary to avoid stress on the nervous system so as not to cause exacerbation of diseases.

In order for the treatment to be high-quality and effective, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis. To do this, you need to contact a specialized institution for specialist consultation, appointment and necessary tests.

Video on the topic

The liver is one of the most important organs human body, responsible for filtering the body from various poisons. The organ is involved in the metabolism and blood circulation of the body. In case of pronounced pain in the liver area, its cause should be established and consult a specialist.

Symptoms of liver diseases

The liver itself cannot hurt due to the absence of pain centers or receptors in it that would signal the onset of pathological processes. Painful symptoms are most often caused in the membrane that is located on the liver, or in organs located in close proximity, for example, in the biliary tract or stomach.

The pain associated with pain in the liver area can be aching and intensify with excessive physical activity. Acute pain may be felt in the back or neck, depending on the intensity and location of the source. Liver diseases are characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, as in daytime days, and so on.

Liver pain usually worsens after eating heavy fatty, fried or spicy food in large quantities. In some cases, there is bad breath, bitterness, flatulence, heartburn, diarrhea, and sometimes constipation.

Causes of pain syndrome

Pain may be caused various factors. Common cause Sharp pain in the liver area is caused by excessive physical activity, which can negatively affect the functioning of the organ.

The development of pain is greatly influenced by the presence of a large amount of harmful substances in the organ caused by ingestion of food. increased content harmful substances, which can be difficult to recycle digestive system. A common cause of diseases of the bile ducts and stomach is abuse. alcoholic drinks, which provoke the appearance of pain.

A large amount of stress and the presence of diseases associated with nervous system humans are also factors that negatively affect the liver.

Pain in the liver can be a signal of the presence of diseases associated with a person’s biliary tract and digestive system. So, pain in the hypochondrium occurs due to gastritis, cholangitis, pancreatitis. Some doctors also point to irritable bowel disease as a factor in discomfort. Among more serious illnesses, which can even cause the death of the patient, cirrhosis, amyloidosis, hepatitis, abscess, as well as cancer or benign formations in the organ.

To prevent further development of the disease and cope with unpleasant sensations must be excluded from your diet junk food and seek advice from a gastroenterologist or hepatologist who will help cope with the disease and diagnose correct diagnosis. This can help in the future to get rid of pain and eliminate the occurrence of unwanted complications.

Aching pain in the left side of the chest is indirect sign various diseases. This pain can be caused by angina pectoris, intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis. As a rule, the pain increases with walking or physical activity. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination, and the diagnosis will depend further treatment.

Vague chest pain may indicate various diseases: cardiac dysfunction such as angina pectoris, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia. The etiology of these diseases is completely different, so the treatment required is different. Each of the listed pathologies, in addition to aching chest pain, has additional symptoms.

Heart diseases

You should never ignore pain in a part of your chest, because this is where the most important organ Our body is the heart, and first of all, it is necessary to exclude its pathology.

Pain in the heart appears due to deterioration of the trophism of the heart muscle. If the lumen of the vessels supplying the heart is narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques or vascular spasm occurs, then the transfer of oxygen to the cells of the heart tissue becomes difficult, and the heart begins to signal a violation. The aching nature of the pain and localization on the left side of the chest signal coronary heart disease, which most often manifests itself in angina pectoris. Additional symptoms of this disease are increased blood pressure, dizziness, feeling of air.

If such pain occurs sharply and suddenly, contact an ambulance immediately. When there is no such opportunity, do everything necessary actions to relax the heart muscle: lie down in comfortable position, unbutton all your clothes, try not to worry. If the pain does not subside, you should take pharmacological drugs that dilate the blood vessels of the heart. Such medications include nitroglycerin. Even if the cause of the pain is not a disruption of the heart, then with a single use it will not cause harm to the body.

You should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic examination: electrocardiography, ultrasound of the heart, Dopplerography and other methods. When the diagnosis is established, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment with drugs from the cardiac group.


With osteochondrosis, pain appears initially in the. Often the deposition of salts in the department provokes aching pain in the chest. Pain syndrome worsens with sudden extension movements upper section spine. It is difficult for such patients to stand or sit in one position.

For help, it is important to contact a specialist who will prescribe an X-ray examination of the spine and make a final diagnosis. Treatment usually involves limiting physical activity and the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The course will help in preventing exacerbations of osteochondrosis physical therapy. Charging and special exercises must be repeated daily.

Intercostal neuralgia

Aching pain in the left chest is often a symptom of intercostal neuralgia. This disease occurs after hypothermia or severe nervous shock; its characteristic is that pain symptom intensifies and becomes intolerable.

A doctor's help is required. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe competent treatment. For intercostal neuralgia, the panacea consists of warm rubbing with anti-inflammatory ointments, and painkillers are also prescribed. Patients are advised to dress warmly and avoid drafts.

The appearance of tingling in the right side, accompanied by painful sensations, is often a symptom of a malfunction of an organ. There are several possible reasons, causing stabbing pain in the right side of the abdomen¸ however, only a doctor can accurately diagnose its origin.

Another cause of stabbing pain in the right side may be the pancreas or an attack acute pancreatitis, in which the pain intensifies in a horizontal position and even radiates to the spine. Colic is also accompanied by vomiting, nausea and severe chills - however, the body temperature remains normal. To identify inflammation of the pancreas by detecting special enzymes in it that are typical for its damage, you need to undergo medical examination.

Stitching in the right side of the abdomen can also be due to kidney disease - for example, the presence of stones in them. Wherein renal colic, which is considered one of the most painful, will pass in waves, reaching maximum pain at the peak of the wave, and radiate to the back or groin area. Often, tingling in the right side can be caused by inflammation of the cecum - typhlitis, as well as an inflammatory process in the right ovary.

Helpful advice

If there is severe stabbing pain in any right side of the abdomen, you must call an ambulance without taking painkillers, which can blur the picture of the disease.