How to relieve a coughing attack? Cough remedies for adults and children. Why does a dry cough appear at night? Combined antitussives

Cough in children occurs due to respiratory and viral cold infections. It is painful and requires compulsory treatment. To correctly select antitussive medications, it is necessary to determine the nature of the cough. For dry and wet coughs, different medications are prescribed, since the former block nerve impulses cough center, the latter contribute to the separation and removal of sputum. All cough remedies are symptomatic, that is, they relieve cough syndrome, but for full recovery drugs that kill the causative agent of the disease are also needed.

Children with colds are often prescribed cough suppressants.

The development of ARVI is initially characterized by a dry cough, then it turns into a wet cough. This qualitative transition involves different methods of therapy. If complications arise in the form of infection spreading to the bronchi, trachea, or laryngitis begins, the treatment regimen becomes more complicated. Sick children should take medications to suppress cough and relieve inflammation.

What requirements must children's antitussives meet?

Medicines for children that help suppress cough should be effective, but not have adverse side effects on children's body. Therefore, children are not prescribed medications that have a toxic effect. In addition, all prescribed drugs must meet the following characteristics:

  • so that the child swallows them without difficulty;
  • have a convenient dosage;
  • be palatable;
  • do not irritate the mucous membranes in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of dry cough should be under medical supervision

Doctors, when prescribing cough suppressants for children, take these special conditions into account; the pharmacy chain always has medications intended for children in dosage and release form in the form of syrups, elixirs, drops.

Common medications for treating children's cough

Among modern safe drugs, capable of suppressing a child’s dry cough, pharmacies sell medications without prescriptions that have replaced codeine-containing drugs. This eliminates addiction and adverse effect on the nervous system of babies.

  • Syrup and drops. The active active ingredient in the composition is the substance butamirate. For children of different ages Various forms are recommended - infants from 2 months to three years should be treated with drops, older children with syrup. The course of treatment lasts 7 days, the remedy is used for dry cough, and is effective for whooping cough. It has a number of contraindications; before giving it to children, you need to read the instructions.

Sinekod is an effective cough remedy in the form of syrup, which children really like

  • Herbion is a herbal preparation intended for expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. The raw materials for its production are medicinal herbs - mallow and plantain. Syrup from medicinal plants It has pleasant taste and the smell, children readily drink it. It is prescribed to children no earlier than two years of age. Contains fructose, so Gerbion is contraindicated for children with hypersensitivity to this substance.
  • Lazolvan is intended for children who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Active component is ambroxol, which has a thinning effect on mucus and promotes its rapid removal. Available in the form of syrup, tablets and aerosols. Tablets are recommended for children over 6 years of age; aerosol and liquid forms(syrup).
  • Dr. Theiss is a preparation made from green plantain leaves, perhaps with the addition of ascorbic acid, chamomile and lemon balm. Recommended for use at night for children over one year of age.

Lazolvan is an effective mucolytic agent that can also be given to children

Other drugs to suppress cough center receptors

Along with the common medications listed above, other drugs are actively used that act on the same principle as codeine-containing drugs, but they do not contain a narcotic component. These include Tusuprex, which has a depressant effect on the cough center. It is allowed to be taken by children from the age of two at a dosage of 5 mg three times a day.

Glaucine has the same central effect, but it has Negative consequences in the form of an effect on vascular receptors and provokes a sharp decrease in pressure. Therefore, children after two years of age should take it with caution under the supervision of a doctor. Dosage regimen: twice or thrice a day.

Instead of Sinecode, you can use it to suppress cough receptors inexpensive analogue- Omnitus. It is recommended for children from two years of age in the form of syrup and for children after six years of age in tablet form.

If you need an inexpensive but effective drug for dry cough, then Omnitus is an excellent solution

Libexin is considered a medicine for adults, for children's use It is recommended to take a quarter, a third or half of a tablet, depending on the age of the child. The dosage must be agreed with the doctor.

Remember that it is advisable to take medications intended strictly for children. Their pharmacological properties designed for a child's body. In addition, errors in dosage are eliminated.

This section describes drugs that suppress dry cough, but are not relevant for whooping cough. To treat this disease, you need medications that have the ability to kill whooping cough bacillus. These antibiotics are erythromycin or azithromycin. You can suppress coughing attacks with the help of Coldrex Broncho, Sinetos, Tussin. These are modern antitussive drugs that work to relieve an attack. Dibazol and Phenobarbital are intended to increase resistance to hypoxia.

For effective suppression Tussin is suitable for cough

A group of drugs for the treatment of wet cough

When a dry cough develops into a productive form, it should not be suppressed. Treatment at this stage comes down to thinning the mucus and accelerating its removal from the respiratory tract. Chemicals cope with this task.

Keep in mind that, unlike natural remedies, medications based on chemical compounds are more dangerous, so their use should be treated with caution.

The most popular medicine is Bromhexine, which is converted in the human body to ambroxol. This product is available in two forms - liquid and tablets. It is not recommended for children under three years of age to take tablets; syrup is intended for them in a strictly prescribed dosage of no more than 4 ml three times a day. After six years, it is allowed to take the drug in solid form.

Bromhexine syrup is suitable for the youngest patients

Among other drugs are known:

  • Acetylcysteine ​​- has a mucolytic effect and antioxidant protection. An analogue of ACC, Fluimucil, this drug is available in various forms - solid powder and liquid syrup. It can be taken up to four times a day, maximum dose- 100 mg from two years of age. There is also an inhalation form with the addition of chloramphenicol.
  • Carbocisteine ​​and its analog Fluifort. The latter has a prolonged action, after application healing effect It lasts for another 8 days. Carbocisteine ​​can be taken by children from one month old; Fluifort is allowed to be taken only after two years.

The choice of any medications for children must be approached very carefully.

Antitussive drug with universal action

It is considered a complex cough medicine. Its mechanism of action is that it works as an antitussive, mucolytic, mucomotor and bronchodilator. Its versatility is based on its three-component composition. The active ingredients are Bromhexine, Guaifenesin, Salbutamol. Ascoril is indispensable for serious complications, such as obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma. A syrup is produced for children; it is prescribed in a dosage of 5 ml three times a day from the age of three.

About mustard plasters and herbal preparations

Well-known elixirs and syrups based on medicinal plants.

  1. Alcoholic thyme extract to relieve inflammation and accelerate the onset of expectoration.
  2. Mucaltin tablets with marshmallow extract, which have virtually no contraindications.
  3. having a depressing effect on the cough center.
  4. based on thyme herb extract, which can be drunk by children from six months of age.

Pertussin - a natural herbal cough remedy that has been proven over the years

A group of herbal preparations is the safest treatment for cough in children. If treatment is started in a timely manner, you can manage only with them, without resorting to complex medications, this will help to minimize side effects from therapy.

You can enhance the effect of antitussive medications with mustard plasters. If you use this product carefully, it is suitable even for small children. They can be used to treat babies from six months.


To inhibit attacks of dry cough in children, you can only use medications prescribed by a doctor. If you follow all the recommendations. Then painful attacks in the child will occur less frequently. Take the dosage of medications seriously, even an extra drop of the drug can harm your baby, so do not try to choose medications yourself, trust the health of your child to specialists.

How to help your child with a dry cough, you will learn from this video:

A systematic and intense cough can provoke the development of pulmonary emphysema, hypertension in the pulmonary circulation and cause an increase in intrathoracic pressure. Helps to get rid of frequent cough medications, suppressing the cough reflex.

The most popular cough medicines

Most Popular non-narcotic drugs The following types of medicines are used against cough:

  • Glaucine.
  • Libexin.
  • Oxeladin (Tusuprex).
  • Falimint.

Each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when treating an obsessive and intense cough.


Glaucine is a drug from the alkaloid group. When taken, the spasm of the bronchial muscles weakens, calms down nervous system. Glaucine is usually prescribed for acute bronchitis, pharyngitis, whooping cough. The medicine is available both in the form of tablets and dragees, and in the form of syrup.


Libexin is synthetic agent against cough Its effects occur both peripherally and centrally. When taking Libexin, the activity of the cough reflex is suppressed, spasms in the bronchi are eliminated, and pulmonary tension receptors are blocked. The antitussive effect of Libexin can be compared with the effect of Codeine, with the difference that the former is not addictive and does not have a depressing effect on respiratory system. The effect of this drug lasts 3-4 hours. Libexin tablets are not chewed.

Oxeladin (Tusuprex)

This anti-cough drug is available in tablets, capsules (for adults only), and also in the form of syrup. The medicine reduces the sensitivity of the cough center to impulses supplied by cough receptors, as a result, attacks are blocked. The drug is effective for dry reflex spasm, acute bronchitis, tracheitis.


Falimint is available in the form of lozenges; it has pronounced antitussive and analgesic properties.

In addition to the above drugs, there are drugs that block cough attacks and have a narcotic effect (Codeine, Codipront, Demorphan, etc.).

For which coughs is it advisable to take stopping medications?

Medicines that block involuntary movements diaphragm, should be taken only in the absence of sputum, but if attacks are accompanied by copious mucus secretion, similar drugs are strictly contraindicated, since, by retaining mucus in the lungs and bronchi, they can cause a relapse of the disease and lead to quite serious consequences.

In case of hypothermia, a dry, non-productive cough may occur.

Inflammation, soreness and cough accompany pleurisy, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

To eliminate these adverse effects, you should purchase antitussive medications.

Medicines that block the cough reflex

Expectorant tablets are often prescribed for wet coughs. It is characteristic of him mucopurulent sputum or purulent sputum.

In addition, there are a lot of medicinal plants that successfully affect the cough center. Thus, bronchitis and sore throat can be treated with:

  1. wild rosemary shoots;
  2. licorice roots;
  3. pine buds;
  4. marshmallows;
  5. plantain;
  6. origin;
  7. thyme herbs;
  8. elecampane.

However, this is not the only direction in the fight against cough. The basis is, after all, treatment with medications.

Cough suppressants have a central mechanism of action. Thus, they inhibit the center of the cough reflex.

Narcotic painkillers contain codeine phosphate and are used only in complex treatments for adults. In addition, there are still antitussive narcotic drugs of peripheral action.

Today, pharmaceutical companies produce a lot of combination drugs that are sold in in various forms(syrups, drops, tablets, liquid and dry mixtures). Thus, the group of expectorants includes:

  • Pectusin;
  • Gerbion;
  • Bronchipret;
  • Gedelix.

Ambroxol tablets are well absorbed. In the liver active substance is biotransformed, resulting in the formation of dibromoantranilic acid and glucuronic conjugates. If a person has renal failure, then the half-life increases.

Bromhexine is 99% absorbed after 30 minutes of absorption. And the half-life takes from one to two hours. If you take such drugs for a long time, then some components of the drug will accumulate in the body.

Glaucine hydrochloride - remedy central action. The powder lowers blood pressure.

Reflex expectorants and cough medications have the following actions:

  1. thinning of sputum;
  2. irritation of stomach receptors;
  3. antiviral effect;
  4. improving the secretion of bronchial glands;
  5. activation of the ciliated epithelium;
  6. improvement muscle contraction bronchi.

Products based on marshmallow and plantain have an enveloping effect. Thermopsis tablets stimulate the respiratory system.

Bromhexine and Ambroxol tablets change the physical and chemical composition sputum. Thus, Ambroxol helps improve its discharge.

But taking Bromhexine can cause neurotic edema, gastrointestinal disorder And allergic manifestations. Side effects after taking Ambroxol are allergies, abdominal pain, nausea and constipation.

When the cough becomes very severe, then the doctor may recommend combining expectorants.

Classification of antitussives

Antitussives are medicines that suppress cough. They are often prescribed if the cough is not physiologically justified.


  • non-narcotic;
  • drugs that have mixed effects;
  • antiseptic drugs local action;
  • narcotic.

Narcotic drugs are Dextromethorphan, Codeine, Morphine, Dionine, etc. These medications suppress the cough center in medulla oblongata, and inhibit the cough reflex. With them long-term use addiction occurs.

Non-narcotic drugs of central action are Oxeladin citrate, Butamirate and Glaucine hydrochloride. Such medications are not addictive, do not depress breathing, and do not slow down gastrointestinal motility. Moreover, they have an antispasmodic, antitussive and hypotensive effect.

Lidocaine is a local antiseptic that is used for inhalation. Another drug that has a mixed effect is Prenoxdiazine.

Antitussives for children

Cough suppressants block the cough reflex. They are used to suppress dry cough, for example, with ARVI, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis And so on.

However, tablets and other types of drugs that have this effect are not recommended for use in the presence of pneumonia, acute bronchitis, cystic fibrosis and other diseases. After all, this can lead to retention of sputum in the bronchi.

In general, antitussive drugs can cause the following side effects:

  1. reduction in bronchial ventilation;
  2. constipation;
  3. addiction;
  4. nausea;
  5. drowsiness;
  6. lowering blood pressure;
  7. vomit.

Therefore, medications that eliminate cough in the treatment of children are used infrequently. Therefore, they are best used to treat adults, as they have many contraindications.

Centrally acting drugs

Coughing is a complex reflex reaction necessary to restore the natural patency of the airways. It appears if the receptors of the ears, nose, pleura, esophagus, back wall throats. Cough can be induced voluntarily and suppressed, as it is controlled by the cerebral cortex.

A centrally acting narcotic drug contains morphine-like compounds. Such antitussives and centrally acting antitussives have suppressive properties and suppress the function of the cough center.

Drugs belonging to the codeine group are very effective, but they have many side effects. Their action is selective, they oppress respiratory center.

Non-narcotic cough suppressants also have a selective effect. But they have little effect on the respiratory center. This group acts similarly to codeine, without addiction.

Peripheral cough medicines

To get rid of cough, peripheral drugs are often used. This group includes syrups and teas based on glycerin, honey, plant extracts and lozenges.

Such drugs have an enveloping effect, forming a protective film on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

One commonly prescribed peripherally acting drug is Prenoxdiazine. This is a synthetic combined agent that inhibits the cough area and does not depress breathing.

The medicine has a direct antispasmodic effect, it reduces the excitability of peripheral receptors and prevents the occurrence of bronchospasm. The tablets do not need to be chewed or dissolved; they can simply be swallowed.

Cough in most cases is both a reaction to external irritants and independent disease. In some cases, when the cause of its occurrence cannot be eliminated, you can simply suppress the cough. How to stop coughing, read further in the article.

When should you suppress a cough?

Cough suppression may become great solution problems of alleviating the condition of a sick person. The fact is that severe coughing attacks often cause insomnia, bronchospasms, and also cause fainting and other negative consequences for human health. It is important to remember that most drugs that effectively stop coughing are potent, so they should be taken very carefully, and only as prescribed by a doctor. Thanks to development modern medicine, the question of how to suppress a cough has a large number of effective answers.

How to stop a strong and prolonged cough?

In cases where you are bothered by a strong, debilitating cough, to stop the cough, you need to mandatory seek help and advice from specialists. This is because, according to experts, it is not the cough that needs to be treated, but its causes, otherwise otherwise, if the symptom itself is suppressed, and the cause of its occurrence remains in the body, consequences are possible. If the disease progresses to a deeper stage, getting rid of it will be much more difficult.

Basic methods to suppress a cough

An excellent method to stop coughing is to use steam inhalations, which include various extracts and balms from plants that have a number of medicinal properties. The most popular are menthol balms and extracts, eucalyptus, as well as a number of other extracts. This treatment actively helps soften the mucous membrane and at the same time prevents it from drying out. In cases where there are no essential oils or balms at hand, you can successfully use simpler, but at the same time effective inhalation. To carry out this procedure, you need to breathe warm steam without any additives, and by moistening the throat, the cough will decrease slightly.

An effective method to suppress a cough and relieve irritation in the throat, which is caused by constant coughing attacks , is gargling with salt water. To prepare this remedy, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass. warm water.

In addition, traditional medicine recommends using solutions to gargle to stop coughing. medicinal herbs– calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus and sage. You can also use a solution of honey and vinegar for rinsing. The recipe for making it is very simple. You need to dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and add a tablespoon of vinegar. You need to gargle with the prepared solution several times a day, while preparing a fresh mixture for each procedure.

To stop coughing? You can also use a simple one, but at the same time effective recipe. To do this, melt a few tablespoons of sugar in a frying pan, pour in a glass of boiling water, then add onion juice and two slices of lemon. The prepared solution must be taken every thirty minutes, 2 tablespoons throughout the day. Burnt sugar can also be used as cough drops, such as natural product not only has quite tangible effect, but also contains no harmful impurities.

A cough can be suppressed by deep breaths, alternating with holding your breath. This method is very effective, and also somewhat relieves throat irritation. You can also drink a diaphoretic, or just sit in a warm bath, or just drink warm milk.

What is important to know before suppressing a cough?

Cough is one of the protective mechanisms that helps clear the airways from foreign bodies, germs and sputum. In addition to seemingly such benefits, it also brings a lot of inconvenience, preventing us from working, communicating and sleeping.

It's not easy to catch a cold in winter special labor. Dry or moist cough is one of the most common symptoms and common cold, and any infectious disease. The question of whether it is necessary to stop coughing sounds stupid, to say the least. Of course you need it!

However, first of all, you need to remember, as mentioned earlier, that coughing, as our protective mechanism, helps rid the lungs of bacteria, so in treatment you need to strictly adhere to the golden mean - not to over-treat, but not to over-treat. Simple and available funds.

How to stop coughing with folk remedies?

If you want to stop a cough that was caused by a cold or ARVI, you need to rely on drinking liquids such as water, broths, and juices. These drugs help to actively expectorate mucus accumulated in the bronchi, without having absolutely any contraindications or side effects.

Our grandmothers knew how to stop a particularly dry cough - take burnt sugar and dissolve. To prepare it, just fry ordinary sugar in a frying pan ( granulated sugar), and then divide the resulting mass into portions using a knife.

Tea with the addition of apple decoction or black radish juice diluted with honey helps suppress a cough. In the second option, the black radish is thoroughly washed, a hole is made in the root vegetable and honey is poured into it. It is necessary to wait until a special liquid forms in it - a mixture of radish juice and honey - and this is what they drink.

You can also stop coughing with oats and milk, for the preparation of which the ingredients are simmered in the oven for several hours. The resulting coffee-colored liquid should be consumed in small sips, warm, in several doses. At the same time, you should buy oats unpeeled, that is, in the husk.

You can also suppress a cough using regular onions. Take 2-3 onions, chop them and boil them in 300 ml of milk. Leave the milk to infuse for 4-5 hours, and then strain it thoroughly. Milk should be consumed every 3-4 hours, 1 tbsp. l. You can also boil 5-8 onions and add mint and honey along with a head of garlic in milk. Drink this decoction 1-2 tbsp. every hour before meals.

When coughing attacks occur at night, drink a glass of warm milk, wrap yourself in a woolen scarf, cover yourself with a warm blanket - and continue to sleep.

How to suppress a cough with bronchitis?

Do not forget also that cough is a constant companion. chronic form bronchitis. In this case, the cough may be persistent, paroxysmal, accompanied by secretion purulent sputum. You can alleviate the patient’s condition and suppress coughing in this position using the following means:

  • give him warm whey to drink;
  • drink fresh cabbage juice with sugar;
  • several times a day, take 2 tablespoons of a decoction of anise seeds with honey;
  • drink freshly squeezed turnip juice: a couple of tablespoons up to 5-6 times a day.
  • place mustard plasters on the chest (closer to the throat).

When you are haunted by the persistent, prolonged cough, doesn't fall elevated temperature body, and you cannot determine the cause, urgently seek help from your doctor. In solving any health problem, the main thing is efficiency and timely action.

Flu and colds are always accompanied pathological condition respiratory tract, accumulation of sputum in the lungs and bronchi. When choosing a cough medicine for adults, it is important to pay attention to the nature of the symptom - whether it is wet or dry, the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, and the severity of side effects.

How to choose an effective and strong cough medicine for adults?

To purchase an effective drug, you first need to familiarize yourself with their classification. There are 2 types of medications in question:

  1. Expectorants. Intended for the treatment of wet cough with the release of thick, viscous mucus.
  2. Antitussives. Prescribed for dry painful cough, irritation of the pharynx and vocal cords.

Each of the presented groups is available in various forms - syrups, tablets, soluble capsules, powders. In addition, drugs may differ in composition; they are based on both artificial chemical compounds, and on natural components. It is also worth paying attention to herbal raw materials in the form of breast mixtures.

Cough suppressants in adults

First, let's look at effective antitussives intended for the treatment of dry cough:

  • Omnitus;
  • Panatus and Panatus Forte;
  • Butamirat;
  • Alex Plus;
  • Glycodin;
  • Broncholin Salvia;
  • Codelac Broncho and Codelac Phyto;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Cofanol;
  • Neo-Kodion;
  • Bronholitin;
  • Bronchocin;
  • Noscapin;
  • Insti;
  • Bronchitusen Vramed;
  • Codipront;
  • Tedein;
  • Bronchoton;
  • Oxeladin;
  • Terpincode;
  • Hexapneumin;
  • Codelmixt;
  • Paracodamol;
  • Grippostad Good Knight;
  • Tusuprex;
  • Tercodin;
  • Tussin Plus;
  • Codterpin;
  • Libexin;
  • Sinecode;
  • Prenoxdiazine;
  • Levopront;
  • Pentoxyverine;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Levodropropizine;
  • Paxeladine;
  • Fervex for dry cough;
  • Sudotussin;
  • pharmaceutical cough tablets.

Sometimes, to suppress very severe attacks, it is necessary to use drugs with narcotic effects that affect the main cough center and suppress unpleasant symptoms:

  • Hydrocodone;
  • morphine chloride;
  • Codeine;
  • ethylmorphine hydrochloride;
  • Demorphan.

The best expectorant cough medicine for adults

The described type of medication is intended to dilute mucus, reduce the intensity of its secretion, and destroy the polymer bonds between the molecules of bronchial sputum.

Good medicines for wet coughs for adults:

You should also pay attention to natural medicines:

  • chest collection (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4);
  • Phytopectol No. 1, No. 2;
  • common thyme herb extract;
  • expectorant collection;
  • eucalyptus rodum oil.

Most of the listed medications are combined and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Cough is a symptom colds, causing a lot of trouble. With the onset of cold weather, most people suffer from coughing; it becomes more difficult to work, rest, sleep normally and eat. Discomfort is caused not only to the sick person, but also to everyone around him. When choosing a cough remedy, you do not need to self-medicate; you should consult a doctor for help and prescription of the drug. But, if you decide to choose a remedy yourself, remember that you need to buy the medicine primarily depending on the type of cough: dry or wet. Here is a list of not only the most effective means, but also affordable ones. Cough medicines are inexpensive and effective.

What you can do for a cough in a 6-month-old child is indicated in this article.

How to treat cough and runny nose without fever in a pregnant woman is indicated in the article.

How to treat dry paroxysmal cough is indicated in this article here:

How to cure a cough in a baby without fever is indicated in this article.

From dry

In the absence of sputum discharge, the cough is called dry. The following drugs are used to treat it:

  1. Its properties are similar to menthol. Causes a feeling of coolness and freshness in the mouth. It does not dry out the mucous membranes, the effect and cessation of reflex cough is noticeable after the first use. It comes in the form of lozenges, can be given to a child, is suitable for children over 5 years old, has no contraindications other than minor allergic reactions. Price: 150 rubles.
  2. Libexin. Has a triple action, reducing sensitivity nerve endings, relaxing the bronchi and reducing the reaction to irritation. Used to treat severe dry cough, the effect is observed within four hours after administration. Available in the form of tablets and syrup, not contraindicated for children, available side effects(dizziness, allergies, fatigue). Price: 300 rubles.
  3. Codelac. Antitussive plant origin. Available in various forms: tablets, syrups, elixirs. Possesses combined action, reduces excitability, increases the viscosity of sputum during a wet cough, does not cause respiratory depression. Not recommended for use long term– the drug is addictive. Children are prescribed from 6 years of age. Price: 140 rubles.
  4. Herbion with plantain. The syrup has antitussive and antibacterial effect. Increases the amount of sputum and reduces its viscosity. Thanks to vitamin C, it improves immunity. The drug forms a protective film on the mucous membrane, reduces irritation, and reduces inflammation. Suitable for children over 2 years old. It has almost no contraindications. Price: 250 rubles.
  5. One of the most effective drugs, the effect occurs half an hour after application, thins mucus, reduces its viscosity, soothes the mucous membrane. Available in syrup form, it has a number of contraindications. Prohibited during pregnancy and gastrointestinal diseases. Prescribed for children from 5 years of age. Price of the drug: 100 rubles.
  6. Lazolvan. Prescribed when acute pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, acute bronchitis. The effect is observed half an hour after administration, the effect lasts up to 10 hours. The cough is relieved, the sputum is thinned, and the irritation of the respiratory tract is reduced. Available in the form of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. Suitable for children over 6 years old. Price: 150 rubles.
  7. Ambrohexal. The drug is used for chronic and acute diseases bronchi, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. Used in the treatment of complications after surgical interventions, as well as for stimulation of the fetus during pregnancy. It has pronounced properties and has proven itself well in the market. Price: 70 rubles.
  8. Omnitus. Available in the form of tablets and syrup. Reduces inflammation, fights infections, relieves dry cough, has a positive effect on general state body. Has a number of side effects, incl. drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, bowel dysfunction. Contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age. Price of the drug: 90 rubles.
  9. Stoptussin. It is a combined remedy, has an antitussive and mucolytic effect. Used in the treatment of dry and unproductive cough, produced in the Czech Republic. Available in the form of tablets, drops and syrup of plant origin. Price: 150 rubles.
  10. Lorraine. The product is suitable in the fight against dry cough and is available in different forms: powder, capsules, tablets, suspension and solution. Eliminates symptoms of acute respiratory infections and colds, has antipyretic properties, suitable for children over 6 years old. Side effects include increased blood pressure, dizziness, and mild excitability. Price: 200 rubles.

What reasons could be night cough in an adult, as indicated in the article.

From wet

A cough that produces sputum is called wet or productive. To treat it, drugs with an expectorant effect are used:

  1. ACC. It thins sputum, promotes cough productivity, relief occurs in the first days of use. Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Not compatible with paracetamol and other cough medications. Not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Price: 130 rubles.
  2. Doctor Mom. The product of plant origin fights diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, relieves runny nose, colds and bronchitis. Available in the form of lozenges, lozenges, syrups, tablets, ointments, and roller pencils. Suitable for children from 2 years old. Cost in pharmacies: 140 rubles.
  3. Bronholitin. It is extremely popular as a trustworthy product. Suppresses the cough center, does not depress breathing, treats acute respiratory diseases, removes phlegm, relieves the mucous membrane from swelling. Effective in childhood. It has only a few side effects: allergies, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. Price: 55 rubles.
  4. Bromhexine. The drug is used for acute and chronic bronchial diseases with sputum increased viscosity. The drug is well tolerated, prescribed from 6 years of age, combined with antibiotics, promoting their penetration into bronchial secretions. During treatment, you need to drink more fluids, avoid driving and performing hazardous work. Price: 30 rubles.
  5. Ambroxol. Bulgarian drug expectorant anti-inflammatory effects. It is also used for the prevention of respiratory tract infections and is available in the form of a syrup with a pleasant raspberry smell and taste. Helps in short term cure cough, tracheitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and bronchitis. Price: 25 rubles.
  6. Mukaltin. Means natural origin fights wet cough, eliminates viscous sputum, which prevents normal breathing. The effect of taking the tablets is observed a couple of days after the start of the course. Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, diabetes. It is not addictive and can be taken by children from 12 years of age. Cost: 15 rubles.
  7. Ambrobene. Chemical drug expectorant and thinning effect, facilitates the outflow of sputum from the bronchi, neutralizes damaged molecules. The effect is noticeable within half an hour after administration and lasts about 10 hours. Available in the form of capsules, syrups, tablets, solutions for inhalation and injection. Prescribed for children from 2 years of age. Packaging price: 105 rubles.
  8. Fluditek. It is used for acute diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract, accompanied by viscous sputum. Does not combine well with other drugs, weakening their effect. Fights infections without identifying their form and location. Available for adults and children in the form of syrup, as well as in the form of granules for suspension. Price: 250 rubles.
  9. Herbion with primrose. The drug is produced using plant materials. The syrup is prescribed not only for wet coughs, but also for senile coughs, when the lungs are not sufficiently supplied with blood. Improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, is a diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic, and tonic. Facilitates breathing, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane. Prescribed for children from 2 years of age. Price: 200 rubles.
  10. It has proven itself as a remedy for combating productive cough in children. It has antispasmodic properties, removes mucus from the bronchi, and relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract. Release form: syrup with mint, eucalyptus, menthol extract. Side effects usually do not appear, does not contain sugars and alcohol. Price: 150 rubles.
  11. One of the most inexpensive, but very effective remedies in the fight against wet cough. It has expectorant properties, thins mucus, and promotes its removal. The drug contains substances of chemical and plant origin, incl. thyme. It is prescribed for children from 3 years of age; when taking it, it must be diluted with water. Price: 15 rubles.

From this article you can find out how you can treat a cough during pregnancy.

What an asthmatic cough looks like is described in this article.

What to do when a child has wheezing and cough, indicated in the article here:

Among the most effective drugs for dry and wet cough Russian market can be found inexpensive means. Before use, you should consult with specialists, since cough is only a symptom of other diseases, you need to fight the cause of the cough in the first place. Remember that timely diagnosis can save a person's life.

Antitussives and expectorants for dry coughs

Cough is a protective reflex reaction body, removing pathologically altered bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract. Sometimes it occurs when foreign substances are found in the trachea or bronchi.

Cough is not a disease, but a symptom, so it should be treated as a manifestation of the underlying disease. The choice of drugs that affect cough depends on individual characteristics person, species and clinical manifestations diseases.

Efficiency basic treatment of any disease accompanied by cough, increases significantly with the rational use of antitussives, mucolytics and expectorants. We will look at the causes of a dry cough and the medications used to soften it and transform it into a productive, wet one.

What is the best medicine for dry cough?

The choice of drug primarily depends on the nature of the cough and should be agreed with the doctor:

  • Cough is dry, painful, painful, unproductive, frequent, leading to disturbances in appetite and sleep, choice - antitussives or combination drugs.
  • Productive cough, but with difficult to clear, thick, viscous sputum, choice - mucolytic drugs.
  • The cough is productive, with sputum, and it is not viscous or thick - expectorant cough medicines are the choice.
  • Mucolytic agents should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs.

Dry cough - causes:

Most often, a dry cough occurs at the onset of a cold, flu, acute bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as when inhaling various substances that irritate the mucous membrane. In the case of a severe attack of dry cough, inhalation is accompanied by a whistling noise between coughing impulses. This occurs due to narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, larynx or trachea and leads to difficulty breathing. Before an attack of dry cough, pain may be felt when taking a deep breath.

Causes of dry cough:

Read also on the topic:

  • Dry cough without fever in adults - causes
  • Barking cough in a child - treatment
  • Chest cough pack - instructions
  • Treatment of dry cough in children and adults
  • Why does a dry cough not go away? Causes of a dry cough
  • Herbion for dry and wet cough - instructions
  • Sinekod - instructions for use
  • Causes of dry cough without fever
  • Inhalations for bronchitis and laryngitis
  • Allergic cough - symptoms
  • Antibiotics for bronchitis
  • Laryngitis in a child - treatment
  • Viral and infectious diseases - ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  • Allergy- allergic rhinitis, allergy to dust, chemical substances, May be initial sign asthma.
  • Bronchospasm – spasm in the bronchial tubes
  • Medicines that reduce high blood pressure– enalapril maleate, caproptil, lisinopril.
  • Reflexive reaction to smoke cold air, Strong smell

Severe dry cough - how to treat it?

What is the best treatment for dry cough? The use of antitussives is considered advisable only in conditions where the cough is severe, frequent, dry (debilitating) and only as prescribed by a doctor.

If the cough is dry and unproductive, it should first be converted into a wet one, and then mucolytic or expectorant agents should be used. And also when not productive cough effective combined agents, which have both an antitussive and expectorant effect:


Sinekod - instructions for use

Dosage form: Tablet form, for children in syrup and drops for oral administration.
Pharmacological action: Sinekod - antitussive medicine, has a direct effect on the cough center. It has expectorant properties, has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator effect, and improves spirometry. Indicated for acute dry cough of various origins.
Contraindications: Cannot be used by pregnant and lactating women. Children under 2 months of age are contraindicated; children under 3 years of age should not use syrup; only drops; tablets are contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.
Side effects: Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, allergic reactions.
Price: syrup 220 rubles, drops 320 rubles. Analogue Omnitus syrup 150 rub., table. 190 rub.


Gerbion - plantain syrup

Dosage form: syrup
Pharmacological action: Gerbion is a combined medicine of plant origin, has an antitussive, expectorant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. Contains extracts of mallow flowers and plantain herb. The drug softens and relieves dry cough.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to herbal preparations, fructose intolerance. Take with caution if you have diabetes.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Price: average price at pharmacies 220 rub.

Codelac Phyto

Dosage form: elixir, syrup
Pharmacological properties: Codelac Phyto is a combined antitussive agent. Contains codeine and extracts of thermopsis, thyme and licorice. Has an expectorant effect.
Contraindications: bronchial asthma, should not be used by children under 2 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, respiratory failure and increased sensitivity to herbal ingredients drug.
Side effects: allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, headache, drowsiness, constipation. With prolonged use it develops drug addiction to codeine.
Price: 130-140 rub.


Dosage form: tablets, drops for internal use
Pharmacological action: Stoptussin - combined antitussive and secretolytic effect. The composition includes Butamirate citrate, which has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antitussive effect, and Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum, improving its discharge. Effective for dry cough in children and adults.
Contraindications: Children under 1 year of age and during pregnancy in the 1st trimester cannot be used.
Side effects: Allergic reactions, rarely - vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache.
Price: drops 70-80 rub., tablets 130-140 rub.


Dosage form: syrup, elixir, lozenges
Pharmacological action: Combined drug with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effects. The syrup and tablets contain thyme herb extract, and the elixir also contains primrose root extract. Bronchicum is universal, it is an effective expectorant for dry and wet coughs. At the stage of the disease, when the cough is dry, Bronchicum helps to cope with severe attacks, transforming a dry cough into a wet one. Then, with a wet cough, it facilitates expectoration of mucus, helping to remove it from the lungs.
Contraindications: The syrup is contraindicated for children under 6 months, and children under 6 years old should not take lozenges, patients with significant impairment of liver and kidney function, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Side effects: irritation of the gastric mucosa, allergic reactions.
Price: 270 rub.


Dosage form: syrup
Pharmacological action: Broncholitin is a combined drug with antitussive, bronchodilator and bronchoseptic effects. The composition includes Glaucine hydrobromide, which has an inhibitory effect on the cough center and a weak anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Basil oil has minor sedative, antimicrobial, and antispasmodic properties. Ephedrine stimulates breathing, dilates the bronchi, has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby eliminating swelling of the bronchial mucosa.
Contraindications: heart failure, children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use.
Side effects: tachycardia, tremor, insomnia, drowsiness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, rash, increased sweating.

Price: 60 rub.


Dosage form: tablets
Pharmacological action: Libexin is a peripheral antitussive agent. It has a local anesthetic, bronchodilator effect, and its antitussive effect is approximately comparable to codeine. Unlike codeine, Libexin does not cause addiction and has no effect on the central nervous system. In chronic bronchitis it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: diseases with abundant bronchial secretion, use with caution in childhood, not recommended during pregnancy.
Side effects: dry mouth, temporary numbness of the oral mucosa, mild sedative effect, skin rash.
Price: 260-280 rub.

When the cough is no longer so dry, you can use this herbal preparation.
Dosage form: Syrup Brown, contains 10 extracts medicinal plants– marshmallow flowers, onosma, hyssop, violet, alpinia, long pepper fruits, licorice root, adhatoda leaves, etc.
Pharmacological action: Linkas -combined drug plant origin, reduces the intensity of cough, increases its productivity, has a mucolytic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory effect.
Contraindications: It is not recommended to use for children under 6 months, if they are hypersensitive to herbal remedies, use with caution in diabetes mellitus.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Price: 130-140 rub.

The attending physician should prescribe and determine the duration of taking the listed medications and expectorants for dry cough. There are times when medications do not help with a painful, debilitating non-productive cough, but simple methods traditional medicine, such as mustard plasters, jars, steam inhalations, warming ointments and creams bring significant relief and quickly transform a dry cough into a wet one.

Treatment of wet cough in an adult: how and how to treat a wet cough

A strong wet cough is a protective mechanism that occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane of the bronchi, trachea and larynx. The main task of this reflex is to restore airway patency.

A wet cough is accompanied by the discharge of sputum. In medicine it is called “productive”.

It is worth noting that a wet type of cough in an adult is not a disease, but one of its manifestations. To cure this symptom, it is important to understand the causes of its occurrence, which will eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

Factors of occurrence

In an adult, cough syndrome with sputum production may occur for the following reasons:

  1. bronchial asthma;
  2. after ARVI, colds, parainfluenza and influenza;
  3. neoplasms in the lungs;
  4. complication of inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  5. chronic infection (syphilis, tuberculosis).

It is worth noting that if a severe wet cough occurs due to a cold, but it does not stop for 14 days, then urgent medical attention is needed.

Chronic illness can long time be present in the body in a “sleeping” mode and appear only when favorable conditions.

Therefore, a strong wet cough may indicate that a period of exacerbation has begun.


Through examination, you can find out the causes of a nonproductive cough. Diagnostics consists of such activities as:

  • x-ray or fluorography;
  • examination of the patient with listening to the chest;
  • sometimes percussion is done;
  • General analysis of urine and blood.

In addition, you may need additional diagnostics– smear from the larynx, bacterial culture of sputum, etc.

Treatment of wet cough is carried out only after the formation clinical picture and descriptions of the disease.

Drug therapy

If an adult has a wet cough, do not use antitussives that suppress the protective reflex of the respiratory tract. In this case, the secreted sputum will accumulate in the lungs, thereby creating favorable conditions for the inflammatory process and the progression of infection.

In order to get rid of wet cough, which is viral or bacterial in nature, use drugs that expectorate and thin the sputum. So, a wet cough can be cured by taking syrups.

However, it is best to purchase such drugs after medical consultation when the cause of this unpleasant symptom is identified.

It is desirable that the medicine contains substances that dilute sputum and stimulate immune processes:

  1. polysaccharides;
  2. glycosides;
  3. saponins;
  4. tannins;
  5. organic acids and so on.

Besides, special attention tablets and other preparations for wet cough based on plant substances (senega, thyme, plantain, primrose) deserve. A lot of positive feedback have drugs such as Bromhexine, Pectoral, Gerbion, Prospan.

Such products are intended to treat all types of cough. Therefore, when purchasing them, you should clarify that you need a syrup that helps cure a wet cough.

In addition, a wet cough can be cured by dissolving expectorant and mucolytic (thin and remove phlegm) tablets. Mucolytic medicines for cough with sputum are:

  • Flumicil (solution for inhalation and injection);
  • ACC (tablets);
  • Mukosol (tablets);
  • Mukobene (tablets);
  • Ambrolan (tablets);
  • Ambrobene (syrup);
  • Lazolvan (syrup).

Expectorants are:

  1. Sodium bicarbonate (powder, solution);
  2. Amtersol (syrup);
  3. Stoptussin (syrup, tablets);
  4. Mucaltin (tablets);
  5. Doctor MOM (syrup, ointment);
  6. Bronchicum (syrup);
  7. Travisil (tablets).

Moreover, for adults with a wet cough, you can use homeopathic ointments. This drug quickly penetrates the body through skin. This best medicine to warm up the respiratory tract.

You can also do it at home various inhalations when coughing. Thus, inhaling medicinal steam promotes the release and subsequent dilution of sputum and stimulation of expectoration.

To get rid of a wet cough at home, you can make a mixture of saline and mineral water, and to enhance the effect, add 2-3 drops of pine aroma oil.

Today, you can quickly cure a wet cough at home using a nebulizer. This device is the best remedy for inhalation treatment. It allows you to direct the steam flow to Airways. The duration of the procedure can be unlimited, that is, the patient must regulate it at his own discretion.

Nebulizers are:

  • Compressor. These devices are universal, allowing the use of various medications.
  • Steam. Only aroma oils can be used.
  • Ultrasonic. Used if you need to cure bronchitis. Can be used salt solutions and herbal solutions.

Treating a wet cough at home can be quite effective if you use healing herbs and others useful remedies. So, to cure a wet cough in an adult, you can prepare an infusion of flax seeds.

For this purpose, 2 tsp. flaxseed, add 250 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. The resulting decoction is drunk warm with honey throughout the day.

In addition, antitussive medications can be replaced by the following: folk remedy, prepared at home: 1 tbsp. l. dry sage, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 25 minutes.

The resulting infusion is filtered and mixed with milk. The medicine is taken warm at least 4 times a day.

In addition, a strong and wet cough can be eliminated with the help of regular garlic and onions. To do this, you need to cut the vegetable in half, and then inhale the healing vapors.

Moreover, for a productive cough, the best remedy is one made from medicinal herbs. Yes, glass linden color need to be mixed with 0.5 cups of birch buds. Next, add 250 ml of water and cook for 5 minutes.

The medicine is filtered and cooled. It should be drunk during the day in 4 doses. Before use, you need to add a little honey and 0.5 tsp to the product. aloe juice

At home, you can prepare a remedy for a wet cough and fever based on black radish. To do this, the root vegetable must be peeled, chopped, placed on a plate and poured with honey. After a while, the radish will release juice, which you need to drink 1 tsp. at a time.

Moreover, effective natural remedy, replacing immunostimulating drugs, is the usual ginger tea, which can be easily prepared at home. So, you need to add no more than 1 tsp per glass of water. chopped root.

Another effective remedy, which helps cure a wet cough is milk with garlic. To do this, pour five garlic cloves into 250 ml of boiled milk and leave for 25 minutes. The medicine is drunk warm 2-3 times a day, and you can learn more about the treatment from the video in this article.

Cough suppressants

A systematic and intense cough can provoke the development of pulmonary emphysema, hypertension in the pulmonary circulation and cause an increase in intrathoracic pressure. Medications that suppress the cough reflex help to get rid of frequent coughs.

The most popular cough medicines

The most popular non-narcotic cough medications are the following types of medications:

  • Glaucine.
  • Libexin.
  • Oxeladin (Tusuprex).

Each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when treating an obsessive and intense cough.


Glaucine is a drug from the alkaloid group. When taken, the spasm of the bronchial muscles weakens and the nervous system calms down. Glaucine is usually prescribed for acute bronchitis, pharyngitis, and whooping cough. The medicine is available both in the form of tablets and dragees, and in the form of syrup.


Libexin is a synthetic cough suppressant. Its effects occur both peripherally and centrally. When taking Libexin, the activity of the cough reflex is suppressed, spasms in the bronchi are eliminated, and pulmonary tension receptors are blocked. The antitussive effect of Libexin can be compared with the effect of Codeine, with the difference that the former is not addictive and does not have a depressant effect on the respiratory system. The effect of this drug lasts 3-4 hours. Libexin tablets are not chewed.

Oxeladin (Tusuprex)

This anti-cough drug is available in tablets, capsules (for adults only), and also in the form of syrup. The medicine reduces the sensitivity of the cough center to impulses supplied by cough receptors, as a result, attacks are blocked. The drug is effective for dry reflex spasm, acute bronchitis, tracheitis.

Falimint is available in the form of lozenges; it has pronounced antitussive and analgesic properties.

In addition to the above drugs, there are drugs that block cough attacks and have a narcotic effect (Codeine, Codipront, Demorphan, etc.).

For which coughs is it advisable to take stopping medications?

Medicines that block involuntary movements of the diaphragm should be taken only in the absence of sputum, but if attacks are accompanied by copious mucus secretion, such drugs are strictly contraindicated, since, by retaining phlegm in the lungs and bronchi, they can cause a relapse of the disease and lead to quite serious consequences.

Contraindications to taking cough suppressants

Medicines against coughing attacks are contraindicated in cases of severe sputum production, individual intolerance, asthmatic syndrome, respiratory failure. The use of these medications by pregnant and lactating women is also not recommended. In any case, before using medications, you should consult a specialist.