Stitching pain in the right mammary gland causes. Prevention of pain in the right mammary gland. Breast pain: diagnosis and definition of the disease

When a woman feels discomfort in the mammary gland, there can be quite a few reasons why the left breast or its area hurts. In most cases, young girls make such complaints. However, it is possible that pain in the left breast may also appear in older women. In any case, you need to contact a specialist and undergo an examination. This is necessary because even mild discomfort sometimes becomes the first signal of the development of a serious problem. Many pathologies can be cured if action is taken at an early stage of their development. The faster and more correctly the diagnosis is made, the higher the likelihood that the disease will be cured quickly and will not leave behind serious complications.

When a woman feels discomfort in the mammary gland, there can be quite a few reasons why the left breast or its area hurts.

A very common reason why there may be pricking, pain or aching in the mammary glands is hormonal changes. For example, many women report chest pain during menstruation and PMS. It is during this period that strong hormonal changes occur. Against the background of changes in the level of estrogen and progesterone in the female body, there is a slight increase in mammary gland tissue. However, it is worth noting that during this period discomfort will be felt on both sides. If the pain radiates only to the left or right breast, most likely we are talking about the development of pathology.

During hormonal changes, pain in the mammary gland is bilateral, aching or pulling in nature. If it stings or radiates to the elbow or arm, this indicates problems with the internal organs.

How to find out what hurts behind the sternum (video)

Pain due to mastopathy

One of the common causes of unilateral pain in the mammary glands, including the left, is a benign neoplasm. It is also called mastopathy. The cause of such changes may be changes in hormonal levels, various injuries, and diseases of internal organs, including the genitourinary system.

Experts note that very often the fair sex is diagnosed with bilateral mastopathy. However, in some cases the problem may be localized to only one side of the chest, for example, in the left breast.

Despite the fact that mastopathy is benign and in itself does not pose a particular danger to a woman, it is still recommended to remove it. This is necessary because there is still a risk of the tumor degenerating into oncology.

Mastopathy can be determined by such symptoms as the presence of lumps in the breasts in women, pain that intensifies during menstruation and PMS, as well as discharge from the nipples. Pathology must be treated correctly. To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. Next, the specialist will determine the risks and necessity of the operation. Often, drug therapy becomes a substitute for surgery.

A very common reason why there may be pricking, pain or aching in the mammary glands is hormonal changes.

Intercostal neuralgia

This disease often manifests itself unilaterally. Therefore, patients diagnosed with intercostal neuralgia usually have stabbing or cutting pain in the left or right chest. The intensity of the symptom may vary. A characteristic sign of neuralgia is a change in the severity of pain when changing body position. The discomfort increases when a person takes a breath.

Most often, intercostal neuralgia becomes a consequence of osteochondrosis or other degenerative changes in the osteoarticular tissue of the spine. This problem needs to be treated, as the disease will progress and cause more and more discomfort. It will not be possible to completely get rid of the pathology, but the patient has the opportunity to lead a normal life if she plays sports, eats right and monitors her weight. Treatment of intercostal neuralgia includes the use of painkillers, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.


This disease is caused by one of the varieties of the herpes virus. This is the same causative agent of the disease that leads to the appearance of chickenpox. Shingles is a complication of this disease. It occurs in people with weak immune systems.

Shingles initially manifests itself as a severe nagging pain in one part of the chest. Discomfort increases as the disease progresses. Over time, pain in the left breast or right begins to radiate to the nipple, as the nerve endings are affected. In addition, high fever, weakness and general loss of strength may appear. Shingles progresses quite quickly, so the breast pain will get worse every day. On the 2-3rd day, a rash with blisters will appear on the body.

This disease occurs in several stages. The patient may get worse or better. The result will be either complete recovery or the appearance of neuralgia for life. For treatment it is necessary to use antiviral and analgesic drugs. Medicines are also needed to remove toxins.

Chest pain (video)

Mastitis disease

The inflammatory process in the mammary gland is called mastitis. This is a rather dangerous disease, which is most often encountered by the fair sex during the postpartum period. If bacteria gets into the milk ducts, it will cause inflammation. It is imperative to get rid of this disease, since mastitis can lead to serious complications.

With left-sided mastitis, general intoxication, fever, increased fatigue and other unpleasant symptoms will be observed. The left breast will become larger than the right and will be very painful. Typically, the problem area will turn red and become hot. If the problem is not addressed, it can lead to an abscess. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is necessary.

Mastopathy can be determined by such symptoms as the presence of lumps in the breasts in women, pain that intensifies during menstruation and PMS, as well as discharge from the nipples.

IHD and cancer problems

Coronary heart disease often manifests itself as discomfort in the left chest. However, it is impossible to determine IHD by this symptom alone. In addition, there will be other signs of heart disease.

This disease occurs against the background of partial blockage of blood vessels by plaques. If the artery is completely blocked, myocardial infarction will occur, which is already a direct threat to life. A symptom of coronary artery disease is chest pain on the left side, which radiates to the elbow and intensifies during physical activity. You cannot joke with this disease, as it threatens with big problems and complications.

If your chest suddenly becomes sore or aches, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination. It is possible that this is a sign of the development of a malignant neoplasm.

Not only pain, but also the appearance of lumps, nipple deformities, the appearance of a lump in the armpit and general symptoms such as fever, weakness, and frequent dizziness will help determine oncology in the chest. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of beating cancer, so if a suspicious symptom occurs, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Breast pain (mastalgia) is common, mainly in women aged 30 to 50 years.

Pain most often occurs in the upper-outer part of the mammary glands, and can radiate to the armpits or arms. In most cases, the chest pain is moderate, less often the discomfort reaches medium or high intensity, deprives you of peace, and becomes a cause of anxiety and stress. This is largely due to the fear of serious illness. Although pain in the left or right breast itself is not a symptom of breast cancer and does not increase the risk of developing it.

Depending on the time of occurrence, pain in the mammary gland can be:

  • cyclic when your breasts hurt before or during menstruation;
  • non-cyclical when pain is not associated with the menstrual cycle.

To determine why the mammary glands hurt, it is useful to keep a diary in which you can track all changes in the mammary glands throughout the menstrual cycle. In a diary or on a calendar, you need to mark the days when the pain appears and when it disappears, what its intensity is, and what it is associated with. If necessary, you can show this diary to your doctor, which will facilitate diagnosis.


Why does my chest hurt?

The cause of cyclic pain in the mammary glands is considered to be a change in a woman’s hormonal levels before the onset of her next period. The pain appears at about the same time every month, usually 1-3 days before the start of menstruation and goes away with its end. The intensity of the pain may vary. Post-menopausal women taking hormone replacement therapy may also experience cyclic pain in the mammary glands. Cyclic chest pain is not a symptom of illness.

The cause of non-cyclic pain in the mammary glands cannot always be determined. Pain in the left or right breast can occur with the following diseases:

  • mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland, more common in breastfeeding women;
  • breast lumps - there are different types of benign (non-cancerous) lumps, some of which may cause pain;
  • Breast abscess is a painful, purulent formation in the breast tissue.

Non-cyclic breast pain can also be caused by injury, such as a sprained chest muscle or a breast injury. In rare cases, mastalgia can be caused by medications, such as certain types of antifungals, antidepressants, or antipsychotics.

Breast pain: treatment

If your chest hurts before menstruation (cyclic mastalgia), non-drug treatment methods usually help relieve the condition, and less often - painkillers. If there is a more serious cause for chest pain, your doctor may prescribe specific drug therapy.

In 30% of cases, cyclic chest pain goes away on its own within 3 menstrual cycles. For some women, it periodically appears and disappears over several years. Knowing that discomfort in the mammary glands is not dangerous to health, it is easier to deal with them.

If the mammary gland hurts cyclically, using a comfortable bra that fits in size can provide relief. It must be worn throughout the day. It is also recommended to wear underwear at night, but for sleeping you need to choose a bra with little support. During training and active pastime, it is advisable to use a sports bra.

If necessary, you can take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. You can also use drugs containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), topical in the form of gels or ointments, for example: indomethacin ointment, diclofenac gel. Follow the manufacturer's directions to make sure the medicine is right for you. For example, topical NSAIDs should not be applied to damaged skin.

Some experts believe that chest pain can be relieved by making lifestyle changes:

  • reduce caffeine consumption, which is found in tea, coffee and Coca-Cola;
  • reduce consumption of saturated fats, which are found in butter, chips and fried foods;
  • stop smoking (if you smoke).

Sometimes women turn to alternative medicine, such as acupuncture or reflexology, to relieve cyclical chest pain, but the effectiveness of these methods has not yet been scientifically proven. If the cause of mastalgia is mastitis, an abscess or another infectious disease, then antibiotics and surgical treatment quickly bring relief.

Drug treatment for mastalgia

Drug treatment is more often required for non-cyclical pain in the mammary glands associated with various benign diseases, but is occasionally prescribed in cases where the breasts hurt before menstruation. For example, your doctor may prescribe danazol, tamoxifen, or goserelin.

These drugs regulate the hormonal balance in the body and can reduce discomfort in the mammary glands. However, in addition to the positive effect, they have significant side effects, for example, such as excessive growth of body hair and an irreversible decrease in the timbre of the voice. Some of these drugs are used in the treatment of breast tumors, but doctors sometimes recommend them to get rid of chest pain.

Danazol is a drug for the treatment of severe pain caused by fibrocystic breast disease, a disease in which benign (non-cancerous) lumps form in the breast. Side effects:

  • rash;
  • weight gain;
  • decrease in voice timbre, sometimes irreversible;
  • hirsutism (excessive hair growth) - for example, on the face.

Tamoxifen is a drug to treat breast cancer, but may also be prescribed for breast pain. Side effects:

  • vaginal bleeding or discharge;
  • hot flashes;
  • increased risk of developing uterine cancer (endometrial cancer);
  • increased risk of thromboembolism - when blood clots form in the veins (thrombosis), which can lead to blockage of the vessel.

Goserelin is a drug to treat breast cancer, but may also be prescribed for chest pain. Side effects:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • hot flashes;
  • loss of sexual desire;

When to see a doctor for breast pain?

Contact your doctor if you notice any of the following breast changes:

  • the appearance of a lump or compaction in the mammary gland;
  • nipple discharge;
  • the appearance of a lump or swelling in the armpit;
  • change in the size or shape of one or both breasts;
  • the appearance of dimples or other breast deformation;
  • rash on or around the nipple;
  • change in the appearance of the nipple, for example, it becomes sunken;
  • chest or armpit pain not associated with menstruation;
  • any signs of infection in the breast, such as swelling, redness
    or chest heat or increased body temperature.

If your breast pain is accompanied by other symptoms or does not go away throughout your menstrual cycle (not just during your monthly bleeding), it may not be cyclic breast pain. To determine its cause, consult your doctor.

If your mammary gland hurts, find a good gynecologist who will diagnose and, if necessary, treat your condition. In difficult cases, for a more detailed examination, you may be referred to a mammologist, who can be found using the NaPopravka service.

One of the main purposes of a woman's breast is to feed children. During gestation, milk accumulates in the breasts, which the woman subsequently feeds to the newborn. At the same time, the female mammary glands are an integral part of the proper functioning of the entire hormonal system. For this reason, the condition and health of the breast should be treated with extreme caution. A clear sign of pathology is pain in the mammary gland. Particular concern is caused by pain in the mammary gland on the left in women, since vital organs are located on this side. In reality, there can be a large number of provoking factors, and in most cases they are determined by the nature of the pain syndrome.

If pain syndrome occurs in elderly women, then we should talk about malfunctions of the cardiac organ. In this case, the pain can be acute or aching, making itself felt at certain periods or be permanent.

The most common heart diseases are acute myocardial infarction and aortic aneurysm.

Quite often, pain in this area is related to the development of pathological respiratory processes:

  • pneumonia with left-sided or bilateral localization;
  • acute or obstructive form of bronchitis.

Pain localized under the chest on the left side is often associated with diseases of the spleen. The nature of the pain is radiating, which indicates:

  • a heart attack that developed as a result of embolism or thrombosis of the splenic artery, which is the largest blood vessel of the peritoneum;
  • the presence of cystic neoplasms or abscesses;
  • organ enlargement.

Sometimes pain in the left chest occurs against the background of impaired functioning of the central nervous system, which is often caused by neuralgia.

Pathological failures in gynecology or oncology are also equally common. At the same time, a similar symptom may be purely physiological in nature, occurring against the background of:

  • puberty;
  • gestation period;
  • menstrual cycle.

Fortunately, not all breast pain is something to worry about. It may be a consequence of natural hormonal processes in a woman’s body. Thus, in the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle, the female body actively produces estrogens, which stimulate the growth of glandular and connective tissue cells. After ovulation, the production of progesterone increases, which neutralizes the effect of estrogen and prepares the female body for a possible pregnancy. In this case, the endometrium thickens due to the activation of its blood supply. A similar process occurs in the mammary glands, and the breasts may swell slightly, which is accompanied by painful sensations that increase as menstruation approaches. Breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle is called cyclic. Another name for such pain is mastodynia.

Cyclic pain in the mammary glands

Periodic pain in the mammary glands is characterized by the following features:

  • occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle, less often a week before menstruation or during menstruation;
  • affects both mammary glands;
  • are most often localized in the upper part of the mammary glands, but can be total in nature or extend to the armpits;
  • usually dull, aching;
  • may be accompanied by the appearance of small nodules that disappear after menstruation;
  • often accompanied by PMS symptoms such as irritability, lower abdominal pain, headaches, emotional instability, etc.

Up to 80% of women of childbearing age are susceptible to periodic pain in the mammary glands; they do not pose a health hazard other than physical discomfort.

Non-cyclical pain

If breast tenderness is not associated with the menstrual cycle, this can be a cause for serious concern. They are distinguished from cyclic pain by a specific localization, usually affecting only one gland; burning, pressing or bursting sensation. Often such pain is accompanied by other symptoms of the disease, which can be expressed in:

  • deformations of the gland or nipple itself;
  • discharge from the nipple of various types;
  • changes in the skin of the breast - redness or “orange peel”;
  • feeling of heaviness in the mammary gland;
  • changes in regional lymph nodes.

In addition, with non-cyclical pain in the mammary gland, signs of general malaise may be observed: weakness, lethargy, increased body temperature, decreased appetite, etc. More often, such symptoms appear in women after 30 years of age and during menopause. They may be a sign of a serious illness, including:

  • benign neoplasms - cysts, fibroadenomas, lipomas;
  • malignant neoplasms - cancer, lymphosarcoma;
  • acute mastitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • sclerotic changes in the mammary glands.

However, severe pain in the mammary glands can occur as a specific reaction to the implant, or can be a consequence of breast injury, including after surgical interventions. Pain syndrome can also occur due to malformations of the milk lobules or ducts, as a result of wearing tight underwear, or simply with large breast sizes.

Breast cyst

A cyst is a liquid neoplasm that most often forms inside the ducts of the mammary glands, usually without causing discomfort for a long time. Typically these are small capsules, ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters, filled with non-inflammatory liquid. Small cysts are difficult to detect by palpation; most often they are detected by mammography. Such neoplasms may be bothersome during the premenstrual period, but may be asymptomatic.

With large capsule sizes, local nagging pain, uneven surface of the gland when palpated, a burning sensation, and sometimes discharge from the nipple may occur. Giant cysts, which are accompanied by an inflammatory process, make themselves felt by constant unpleasant sensations, increased temperature, a feeling of fullness of the chest, and swelling of the axillary lymph nodes.

Typically, the occurrence of cysts is associated with changes in hormonal levels, characterized by an excess of estrogen with a lack of progesterone. That is why the risk group for this disease includes nulliparous women over the age of 30. Psycho-emotional factors, as well as sudden weight gain or chronic excess weight, can lead to the formation of cysts. Often cysts are provoked by mastopathy, diseases of the ovaries and uterus, disorders of the thyroid gland, abortion, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine.

If the examination does not reveal a risk of malignancy of the cyst and it does not cause inconvenience, it is usually left alone.


Fibroadenoma, or nodular mastopathy, is a lump that usually occurs in the upper part of one of the glands. It is not attached to the skin, and therefore it is a smooth, elastic and mobile tumor to the touch. Most often, such benign neoplasms do not exceed 8 mm in diameter, without causing concern to the patient, but they can grow up to 15 cm and occupy the entire surface of the gland. Most often, such neoplasms are single; rarely they can resolve on their own, but they can also grow rapidly. This disease affects adolescents and young women, and it is not accompanied by pain, fever or other characteristic symptoms. If the tumor is localized in the area of ​​the nipple, then when pressed, pain and light discharge may occur. Fibroadenoma can malignize (malignize) into sarcoma.

A clear cause of breast adenoma has not been identified, but it can be provoked by many different factors. Among them are various hormonal and endocrine disorders, diseases of the liver, ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland disorders, obesity, diabetes mellitus. In addition, adenomas can occur due to improper use of hormonal contraceptives, frequent stress, abuse of sun treatments, frequent hot baths, etc.


Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary glands, which most often occurs in nulliparous women. First of all, the disease is characterized by swelling and engorgement of the gland, pain when trying to feed and express, and increased temperature. In the absence of timely treatment, the symptoms increase, general weakness appears, a dense inflammatory node is felt in the chest, and the skin above it changes color. Lack of treatment at this stage threatens the development of a purulent abscess followed by sepsis.

The cause of mastitis can be any inflammation in a woman’s body, including caries, and it is facilitated by stagnation of milk - lactostasis, which is caused by incomplete pumping. In this case, there is a feeling of chest expansion. The penetration of infection into the body is often facilitated by cracked nipples, and underwear with traces of milk serves as an excellent substrate for their development.

Malignant neoplasms

At the first stage of breast cancer, no external symptoms are observed, and during self-examination you can detect a small, dense, painless, inactive nodule with an uneven surface. As the tumor grows, retractions, folds, and swelling may appear on the skin above it; in the future, discharge from the nipple of a different nature may appear. At the second stage of the disease, changes appear in the nearby lymph nodes, especially the axillary ones, which become swollen and painful on palpation. At the same time, pain in the mammary gland itself is not yet observed at this stage; they appear in the later stages, when a complete cure is no longer possible.

The most significant risk factor for breast cancer is genetic predisposition. If your immediate female relatives have had malignant neoplasms, you are at increased risk. In addition, inflammatory diseases of the breast often lead to the development of malignant tumors. Other factors for this disease include:

  • hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • long-term continuous use of contraceptives;
  • exposure to radiation, including solar;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Diagnosis of breast diseases

Every woman, regardless of age and any other factors, when taking care of her own health, should do a self-diagnosis once a month. It includes visual examination and palpation of the mammary glands and nearby lymph nodes. It is carried out on days 5-7 of the menstrual cycle, standing in front of a mirror in good lighting, naked to the waist. The examination is carried out with arms raised and lowered. During inspection, pay attention to any changes:

  • breast size and symmetry;
  • skin conditions;
  • pigmentation
  • appearance of the axillary, sub- and supraclavicular lymph nodes.

After a visual inspection, palpation is performed for various seals. It is mandatory to probe the armpits and areas along the collarbones. Any changes in tissue density, nodules, swelling, or pain should alert you. At the end of the self-examination, lightly squeeze the nipple to detect any discharge. If there is at least one change, you must contact a mammologist without fail.

Depending on the presumptive diagnosis, the specialist may prescribe the necessary examinations. To assess the general condition of the body, women usually take a general and biochemical blood test, and a general urine test. To make a differential diagnosis, mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, MRI of the breast, a blood test for tumor markers, tissue biopsy, etc. may be prescribed. In many cases, to make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consult several specialists: a surgeon, a neurologist, a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, etc.

Women are more likely to experience pain in the right or left breast. All this is due to the fact that women's breasts are more developed than men's. If a man has chest pain, it is most likely due to physical injuries or diseases of the internal organs. If women experience pain, then the reasons, in addition to those stated above, may be.

The site recommends that every woman undergo annual diagnostics with a mammologist, who can identify diseases in the early stages. After all, diseases often do not manifest themselves at all in the first stages, but symptoms clearly appear in the second, developed stage.

Moreover, every woman should know the symptoms of breast diseases in order to understand what is happening to her and in what cases she can contact a mammologist, and when she can cope with the pathology on her own.

Why does my right breast hurt?

Pain may occur in the right mammary gland for various reasons. The most common factors to consider are:

  1. Mastodynia, which occurs against the background of hormonal changes during the premenstrual or menstrual period. In such a situation, a woman may have pain in one mammary gland, more often the right one. The chest swells and hurts when touched. The pain usually goes away, but returns again before the next menstruation. No treatment required.
  2. – proliferation of glandular tissue, which causes the breasts to grow faster than the nerves get used to the new position. Nerve endings hurt due to their failure to keep pace with tissue growth. In such a situation, doctors usually prescribe proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle. It often occurs in girls during the onset of reproductive age.
  3. - This is a neoplasm in the breast, often made of connective tissue. There are various reasons, but a woman can independently feel the formation in her breast during examination. Any formations and nodes that appear in the breast should be treated together with a doctor.
  4. Suppuration of atheroma, cyst. If a cavity forms in the mammary gland, then it begins to fill with fluid. If it is water, then a cyst forms; if it is fat, then atheroma develops. In such a situation, the woman either feels sharp pain or not. We need the help of a mammologist to eliminate the cavity.
  5. Fat necrosis. Any slightest blow or even compression of the breast can lead to damage to internal tissues and fat. This is what provokes necrosis, which will be accompanied by pain. Treat only with a doctor.

Obviously, in most cases, pain in the right breast indicates a pathology that needs to be treated by a mammologist. First, he will conduct a diagnosis and then decide on treatment. It is better not to eliminate diseases on your own, especially if it concerns neoplasms and atrophic processes.

Cancer as a cause of pain in the right breast

A woman should remember the following: natural and harmless pains are those that are present in both mammary glands at once. That is, both the right and left breasts hurt, which means that this most likely indicates the natural processes of hormonal changes that occur before menstruation or during pregnancy. However, if only one mammary gland hurts, then this indicates some kind of disease. Often here we can talk about the cause of pain. However, everything is not so simple here either. The fact is that pain occurs with cancer in the later stages. And at earlier stages, cancer manifests itself as:

  1. Formations that can be felt in the right breast. They can be benign or malignant, as determined by the doctor.
  2. Acute and aching pain in the lymph nodes located in the armpit.
  3. An inverted and dry nipple on the breast where cancer has formed.
  4. Discharge from the nipple is white or green, which is not associated with breastfeeding.

These signs alone should force a woman to see a doctor. The mammologist will conduct diagnostics to confirm or deny the presence of cancer. At an early stage, a woman will not feel pain in the mammary gland, so you should not wait for this symptom.

Indirect signs of malignancy

The above symptoms are clear signs of a malignant tumor. However, there are symptoms that are indirect indicators that a cancerous formation is forming in the right or left breast. They are:

  1. Peeling or redness of the breast skin.
  2. Pain in the spine with any sudden movement. In later stages, this pain occurs even at night, when the person usually lies still.
  3. Swelling, enlargement and hardening of the breasts for no obvious reason.

Diagnosis of pain on the right side of the chest

If a woman complains of pain in the right breast, then a mammologist must conduct a diagnosis. First, he conducts an external primary examination, palpating the chest to identify any obvious signs, nodes, or neoplasms. If there is any suspicion of the above diseases, then diagnostic measures are prescribed.

The main diagnostic examination is x-ray. Already on it obvious signs of the disease may be visible. Blood and nipple discharge tests may also be taken. To make the diagnosis more reliable, the following can be done:

  • Mammography.
  • Computed tomography angiography.
  • Use of tumor markers.
  • Blood examination for the amount of hormones.
  • Electrocardiogram.

Prevention of pain in the right mammary gland

Many diseases can be easily prevented if you take pain prevention measures in both the right and left mammary glands. This applies to both women and men. After all, at first, many people turn a blind eye to the fact that discomfort bothers them. However, later signs clearly indicate the development of pathology.

Prevention of chest pain will include:

  • Palpate your breasts regularly. This even applies to men, despite the fact that their breasts are less sensitive. External examination and palpation will help to observe neoplasms.
  • During breastfeeding, a woman needs to constantly alternate between feeding from the left and right breast.
  • Wear underwear that is the right size so that it does not squeeze and is made of natural fabric.
  • Avoid blows, falls on the chest, bruises and other mechanical impacts to avoid the formation of lumps or bruises.
  • Watch your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle, which will contribute to normal hormonal levels.
  • Control your weight. Being overweight causes fat to accumulate in the breasts, which can also cause pain.


Prognosis depends on the causes that provoke pain in the right chest. If the pain is natural, then there is no need to treat it, everything will go away on its own. If the pain is one-sided, then the help of a mammologist is needed. After diagnosis, he will prescribe medications, or, in extreme cases, surgical treatment, which will help eliminate the disease. Self-medication is not recommended in any case, since there are no means to help treat the mammary glands.