What to do if a rabbit's hind or front legs fail. Paralysis of the hind legs. What should a farmer do?

A rabbit with its head twisted in an unnatural way is a very sad sight. Many owners who sincerely feel sorry for the unfortunate pet are ready to resort to last resort- euthanasia. Is this the solution the only way out? Is it possible to cure a rabbit? What are the causes of torticollis? How to properly care for a sick animal? All this complex issues the article is devoted to.

Making a diagnosis, detecting the causes of torticollis and prescribing treatment is entirely within the competence of qualified specialists. A rabbit with torticollis should be taken to a veterinary clinic immediately. The material is presented for informational purposes only.

The main causes of torticollis:

  • inflammation inner ear
  • stroke
  • head or neck injury
  • encephalozoonosis
  • neck muscle spasm
  • neoplasms (cancer)

1. Inflammation of the inner ear

Also inner ear may be attacked by bacteria during inflammation of the upper respiratory tract(rhinitis) or blood poisoning. Inflammation of the inner ear cannot be seen on an x-ray, while inflammation of the middle ear can be seen by a specialist.

Signs of inflammation of the inner ear are torticollis, impaired coordination of movements, horizontal or vertical eye movements.

Treatment is long-term, including antibiotic therapy and drugs to support the immune system. For selection effective antibiotic They do cultures, which may require a puncture, and determine the resistance of the identified bacteria.

If the rabbit is too weak to eat and drink, it is recommended to administer saline solution subcutaneously or in the form of IVs, as well as force feeding to avoid weakening of the body and stasis of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Stroke

A brain hemorrhage can kill a rabbit or cause health problems such as unilateral or bilateral paralysis of the entire body or just the head.

Most often, a pet who has suffered a stroke will have half of its face twisted and saliva oozing from the corner of its mouth. The eye on the affected part of the head will either remain motionless or rotate in a circle (as opposed to the vertical or horizontal movements in the previous case).

The rabbit will lose the ability to move or will begin to make circular (manege) movements. Lost body functions will return gradually, over weeks or even months.

A rabbit who has suffered a stroke is given special care, complicated by difficulties in eating, drinking and moving. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed to rule out infection.

Often, rabbits recover completely, and only a slight tilt of the head reminds them of their experience, which, due to ignorance, may not be noticed at all.


A blow to the neck or head causes brain damage, one of the consequences of which is torticollis. Injury can occur not only from an intentional or accidental blow. The rabbit itself is capable of causing serious injuries to itself if it is very frightened, by starting to hit the walls of the cage or booth, against furniture or the bars of the enclosure, as well as if it falls unsuccessfully.

Depending on the type of injury, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, which will facilitate and speed up recovery.

4. Tumors (cancer)

The development of tumors in the brain, neck or ear may be accompanied by permanent head tilt.

5. Neck muscle spasm

Short-term muscle spasm causes torticollis, which quickly goes away as soon as the muscles relax. Usually does not require additional treatment.

6. Encephalozoonosis

It's not that much rare disease so that they can be neglected.

Hello, it looks like my eight-year-old Tikhon is having a stroke. He falls onto his right side and constantly shakes his head, as if this helps to focus his eyes.
At first I panicked, because I was getting old, but now the question arose, what next?
We injected him with gamavit, bought dexamethasone, neuromultivit, cinnarizine, we are waiting for the dosage to be announced.
I removed everything from his cage, poured filler and hay, now he walks in a circle, pressing his right side to the walls (he doesn’t fall like that, he understands), eats hay and lets me understand that of the two of us, only I am scared. But I’m really scared, and if these symptoms don’t go away, how can I make his life easier?

Irin, I sympathize (((I can’t help with advice because I have experience in this issue 1 rabbit 6-7 years ago... a lot has changed since then... waiting for Nila...


10.1.2012, 12:34

He falls onto his right side and constantly shakes his head, as if this helps to focus his eyes.

:(My shepherd dog had similar symptoms. They couldn’t make a diagnosis then (more than 25 years have passed). I myself found out from special literature that it was a brain disease, such as incephalitis. Periodically, relief came, she moved normally, then again these manege movements in a circle. Alda would walk the same way on the street, if she didn’t have a leash. If you called, she’d come up to the voice and lean on her leg (mine) to stand. I don’t remember exactly, but it seems like there were problems with the cerebellum. Wandering eyes, lack of coordination, Even with food there were problems towards the end.
In general, horseradish is not sweeter than radish: (Most likely, there really are problems with the “head”

10.1.2012, 13:10

I treated my dog ​​only with cerebralysin injections. It helped well.
But now there is a well-thought-out treatment recipe (from Sasha Kosenko).
Yesterday I asked Nila to go to the forum and write what needs to be done (((


10.1.2012, 14:26

Yes, I also looked at the list of medications that Irina purchased. I think everything is on topic.
I didn’t have to treat Alda; I found out what it was a few months after she passed away. Then veterinary medicine was generally “cows-pigs-chickens”; they were not taught to treat dogs and cats.
For Alka it all started with swelling, her stomach was swollen, her paws were swollen... The veterinarian told me that the dog was a puppy! - No, I say, it’s impossible. - No, puppy!!! - Okay, if not a puppy, what else could it be?
Only then did her brain turn on: “Heart failure can cause such swelling.” That's all the specials! :(
Since then, I have developed the habit of buying literature on veterinary medicine.
Good luck to Irina with her bunny! It's no joke, it's been eight years...

10.1.2012, 20:21

Sent recommendations. Irin, get well with Tishka!
Let me clarify that recommendations for successful treatment of stroke were compiled by certified doctors A. Kosenko and D. Podbeltsev and tested many times.
Rabbits not only recover, but can also have offspring if this issue is approached carefully.


I am still inclined to believe that this is not a stroke, but some kind of brain disease. A stroke primarily causes paralysis, at least partial. Here there is a violation of coordination with preservation of motor activity. The cerebellum is responsible for this.
Micro-stroke?.. In people it is determined by the distortion of facial features (the corner of the lips droops, the eyelid is deformed, even the shoulder droops. Again, they drag their leg...Can you really see this in a hare...
Maybe try looking for a specialist in neurosurgery, or a neurologist to clarify the diagnosis?.. Or is this already a fantasy? In my conditions, unfortunately, yes :(
However, medications and treatment, I think, are similar. The difference is that a stroke involves hemorrhage, while other diseases involve inflammation.
Do these doctors Kosenko and Podbeltsev (something familiar surname...) have anything on other brain diseases?

So the right side of the hare’s body is paralyzed, coordination is not impaired, he cannot stand, only propping up the wall with his right side (that’s why he walks in a circle, the wall is like a support right side body does) drinks water by pulling out the tongue on the left side, right ear he lies almost on his back, his left one is as usual, his eyes are now like those of a blessed person, fortunately they are clear and pure. He recognizes me by my voice, I give him painful injections, and he licks me, my sunshine, calms me down. He is my kindest, best. Always the calmest, never had any problems with him, just three days ago I thought that he would always be like this.

He won’t let you touch his right side, his back leg is clenched like a stone, it seems even smaller, he has to give injections to his left side, but he can’t lean on it for a while. I hold him in my arms for a long time, and put him in a cage (specifically pressing his right side against the wall), but he still tips over. Should I give him a massage? I'm slowly stretching his paws, but maybe special massage There is?


11.1.2012, 15:54

Oh, Irin, there’s something else here, in my opinion, and not a stroke, and not what I thought (the movement in a circle confused me, I remembered my Alka so clearly).
With paralysis, sensitivity is LOST; paralysis is checked by pricking with a needle. And Tishka seems to have something convulsive, as if his muscles were cramping. A massage won’t hurt, but very gently until the cause is found out. Also indicated for convulsions dry heat, but how will the hare react to this...
According to the description, his entire right side was shackled. With paralysis, it is unlikely that the ear would be pulled onto the back; it would hang there, even more limply. In a protruding ear, for example, it could hang due to relaxation of the head muscles.
More. If he lies on his left side, or is held on his left side, does he not arch in the painful direction? those. Does the muscle tension persist or does it relax?
P.S. I found it in a book on dogs, and I quote it verbatim: " Good effect to reduce tone skeletal muscles gives MIDOKALM, used 1 - 2 ml, or 1/2 - 1/3 tablets 2 - 3 times a day. To reduce intracranial and spinal pressure, a 25% solution of sodium sulfate is injected intramuscularly, 1 - 5 ml for 7 days, as well as furosimide, 1/2 - 1 tablet 2 times a week."
That's right, without ranking the dogs by weight. I don’t know how to translate it into Zara :(
And perhaps, instead of mydocalm, there is already something else, the book is already a couple of decades old, it has helped me more than once in its time.

11.1.2012, 16:43

So he is a protruding ear, that’s why his right ear lies limply, and his left one stands upright and he won’t let go of the right side, not because it hurts, but because he’s afraid, he’s puffing and crying, what kind of animal am I, to forcefully pull it? In general, I think that his entire right side is not in pain, it’s just scary. That’s why I wanted to stab in the right one, but the right hind paw is not soft (muscles), that’s why I was afraid... it’s like it’s not alive... I don’t know how to explain it, as if it’s not his... in general, I really don’t know , how to explain. He lies exclusively on his right side, he slides down the wall, he lies there, and he actually gets back up. On the left side he panics and begins to twist his body to get up or roll over to the other side. I don’t know if this can be considered arching....


11.1.2012, 16:43

11.1.2012, 16:48

I looked at the avatar. She's wearing Tishka, no? For some reason I decided that Tisha was a lamb. If the ear sticks out, then yes, the ear has fallen... But is it hanging or tensely pulled to the side?

In my avatar, Masha’s ear sticks out, my ears are all sticking out, his ear just hangs.


11.1.2012, 17:37

I stabbed dogs with paresis. The muscles are relaxed, the limbs are extended... Because of this, the paw, on the contrary, seems longer than the other.
What's wrong with the bunny? Are Tisha's legs bent or stretched? Well, it doesn’t happen with muscle tension paralysis. Doesn't work if paralyzed nerve endings, i.e. no signal is sent to the muscle. Everything relaxes. And, if I understood correctly, the muscles are like stone. And at the same time, my ear dropped...
Maybe it’s still worth contacting the veterinarian? If not to prescribe treatment, then at least determine whether it is paralysis or muscle spasm? Although you can try it yourself.
Does he also not want to lie on his left side in his arms? But, one way or another, he must be kept this way, even to some extent by force. If you lie on one side, bedsores and muscle atrophy cannot be avoided). Try somehow placing it on your left side. (My Poof, for example, when he relaxes in my arms, he literally lies on his left hand (and on his left(!) side). Or at least simply holding him in your arms, stroking his right side, you will feel the hare’s reaction - whether it is painful or not, and whether the muscles are tense or not.
Carefully feel the paws one by one, try to bend and straighten. With a paralyzed paw, these manipulations are easy to do.
Yes, I remembered. A paralyzed limb is colder than a healthy one, because its blood supply is impaired. If the temperature of the paws turns out to be different, then - alas - it is still most likely paralysis. And then heat is indicated, precisely because of circulatory disorders, to improve blood circulation.
EARS! Compare the temperature of your ears, it's easier. Well, better yet, paws too.
Well, if you decide, do a needle test. Slight tingling will not harm the bunny, but it will become clear whether he feels pain and, accordingly, whether sensitivity is preserved in his paws. By the way, one of the ways to relieve a cramp is tingling with a needle.


The rest of the night and half the day I go over your situation in my head.
I came to the conclusion that with the wording “like stone” you simply did not put it that way. The spasm also cannot last for several days. It could be found in waves, but constantly...it’s unlikely.
And most likely you are right, this is paralysis :(
But you have medicine, you have a proven treatment regimen, and most importantly, you have hope and a desire to help, the main thing is that the hare’s heart can withstand it. And if possible, hold it in your arms as much as possible (if it does not lie on your left side) so that the right side rests. Well, and a light massage-stroking.
Good luck to both you and Tishka!


Something is quiet... How are things with Tishka? I really, really hope it gets better

24.1.2012, 14:51

24.1.2012, 16:09

Yes, everything is so, the head remains on its side, but what is most interesting is that when the head sits almost straight, and when the head stands immediately to the side, but we decided not to change the treatment, the results are visible. He refuses food, he used to attack right away, but now he won’t eat, but he eats hay, apples, greens, bananas and dried fruit just fine. In general, he mostly ignores the edges, and only nibbles the carrots lightly.

24.1.2012, 17:52

Irina, watch your weight. On such a diet, weight loss is possible (((

You can offer him soaked mixed feed - porridge.


Oh, great, the bunny is pulling, smart girl! =))))
Yes, it looks like he just has a hard time eating combi. And you can try giving carrots grated on a coarse grater, I generally serve mine as “salads”, when I have them - grated carrots (now - pumpkin, my own, homemade) and chopped dry grass. The grass is saturated with juice and becomes like dried grass. And there is something to grind your teeth with, etc.
By the way, you can, as an option, mix grated carrots (you can use a fine grater) and dry food, let it sit, it will be softer. Maybe you won’t have to soak it until it turns into porridge.

I saw Ira a few days ago. It seems like if I understood correctly, the bunny is getting better. Of all that was there, all that was left was the head on the side (torticollis) and the skinny figure (he doesn’t eat well, as far as I understand). In principle, I would say that it was good from what it was... I just wish I had eaten more, better...

Mashenka, how are you doing?

Nila, can you write me recommendations for the treatment of a stroke, otherwise my little rabbit, who lives in Zaporozhye, is also in trouble, the owner turned to me for help, because the clinic prescribed eye treatment, and the symptoms are obvious - something brain (and there is a lack of coordination, and the ear does not allow touching, and the eye is slightly bulging, all red).


26.1.2012, 17:15

=) yes, I think Irina would not be offended.
And topics somehow often get developed in a different direction. Especially for me =)))

30.1.2012, 14:37

Hello! No one here probably remembers us anymore; I haven’t looked here for a long time.
here's my old thread
Stepochka has been with us for 6 years. Everything would be fine. But this summer I had my first stroke (diagnosed by a doctor). Head on the barrel and all other symptoms. But although he staggered, he stood on his paws. Slowly they climbed out, even the head straightened out, only the ear was left hanging. But now again. Repeatedly. And even stronger, the head is on the side again, and this morning I couldn’t get up, I walk under myself. I’ll put him down, he’ll stand by the wall and again fall on the barrel that was tilted onto it.
I wanted to ask if we could have a treatment plan for a stroke, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get it to the doctor:(((Sorry little guy....
Thanks a lot.

30.1.2012, 18:34

Atties, hello! We remember you.
I feel sorry for Bunny(((((((((((


Oh, another bunny...
Maybe, in fact, it’s worth giving this diagram in the thread? If something happens, at least it will be faster, but you still have to run around and buy medicine =(

31.1.2012, 11:09

There, the scheme very much depends on the weight of the animal, on the type of stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic). Depending on this - different medicines, dosages. Therefore, it’s probably better to approach Nila with this question...


31.1.2012, 11:56

It is, of course, so, but the Nile is so far away... And there are so few specialists =(
Calculating weight is not a problem. I always treated my dogs myself after the incident with Alda. But I can’t distinguish a hemorrhagic stroke from an ischemic stroke in a rabbit = (although I know what their fundamental difference is.

Hello, I think we have something to be proud of, we have defeated the disease. The symptoms themselves went away a long time ago, but Tikhon did not eat well, and for the third day now his appetite is normal)))

Irish, congratulations!

The Nile is not far away. I have helped everyone who needs me and will continue to help to the best of my ability.
Irish, a thousand kisses to Tishka from me personally. You and him are great!
Periodically you will have to inject one of the drugs as a preventive measure. But that's a little later.

Attyes, I wrote to you in a personal message.

Pets, like people, regularly get sick and suffer from functional disorders, therefore, the topic of paralysis of domestic rabbits is often discussed not only in veterinary circles, but also in the breeder community. In order to diagnose the disease in time and be able to help your pet, you need to know some of the features of this phenomenon.

Hind leg paralysis

If the internal ailments of animals cannot always be immediately detected, then the failure of the limbs simply cannot be overlooked: the rabbit cannot stand on its paws, and drags back torso along the floor. Over time, others join this problem, accompanying deviations, which only aggravates the general condition of the pet.
The main complications include:

  • appearance purulent wounds and bedsores in places of constant contact with the surface;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • disorder of the digestive system;
  • Availability constant feeling thirst;
  • increased salivation;
  • dizziness, expressed in constant tilting of the head to the side;
  • convulsions.
Due to their helplessness, some animals can show aggression, which should definitely be taken into account when contacting them (if the slightest sign dissatisfaction, it is better to immediately use thick gloves). Of course, with such symptoms the animal will not be able to live a full life, so at the first signs of paralysis you need to contact a veterinarian to prescribe suitable treatment.

Did you know? The smallest breed decorative rabbits Pygmies are officially recognized (Little Idaho). Fully formed individuals weigh about 450 g, with a body length of 22-35 cm.


Determine the exact reason for the refusal hind limbs Not every doctor can, but if you analyze your pet’s behavior a few days before the incident, you may well find a logical explanation for the problem.

Spine and head injury

The most common cause of paralysis in rabbits is a blow to the head or injury to the spine. The severity of the injury can be very different, but most often it is expressed in a concussion, with negative impact to neural centers. The latter coordinate the independent movement of the limbs. Nerve pinching caused by a severe back injury can cause similar consequences.

CNS dysfunction

Many diseases of humans and animals are associated with disturbances in the normal functioning of the central nervous system. In the case of rabbits they are often caused nervous breakdowns or shock states, developing as a reaction to external stimulus. However, even if the animal cannot jump using all its paws, some parts of them may still retain sensitivity. If this is true, then it is likely that after 5-7 days, mobility will be restored by itself. Until this moment, you will have to provide the pet with peace, both physical and psychological.


If visible damage there is no animal on the body, and you are sure there is no stressful situations over the past few days, it is likely that the cause of paralysis is listeriosis. This infection, caused by the activity of bacteria of the genus Listeria, often leads to miscarriages in pregnant rabbits, after which their hind legs are taken away and they themselves die.
The infection can be spread by sucking insects, rodents and wild animals, but the most dangerous source is the infected rabbit itself, its feces and dead offspring. Unfortunately, effective ways There is still no treatment for listeriosis, so the only thing that can be done when an infection is detected is to kill the sick individuals. The place where the rabbits are kept is thoroughly treated and disinfected with special compounds.

Important! Listeriosis has several forms of manifestation: acute (duration 2-4 days, during which the offspring dies, and then the rabbit itself), hyperacute (the pregnant female dies within 24 hours), chronic (the infected individual continues to live for another 2-6 weeks) . Sometimes there are cases when a female rabbit survives, but loses her offspring.

Paralysis hind legs and the appearance of seizures is the main symptom of a developing disease, but often the disease occurs in a latent form, without manifesting itself in any way, so if cases of death of pregnant females are observed, it is worth considering the possibility of developing listeriosis.

Constipation or diarrhea

Long-term constipation, on the contrary, diarrhea, often causes paralysis in rabbits, and only a veterinarian can help solve the problem. Therefore, at the first sign frequent stools without waiting for blood to appear in stool, a sick animal must be shown to a specialist. He will review his usual diet, make his own adjustments to it and be able to discover infectious processes in your pet's body. In addition, this is one of those cases when it is still possible to save the animal, and proper exercises, you will put the animal on its paws.

Brain inflammation

Inflammatory processes in one of the most important organs of any body can cause not only limb failure, but also problems with general coordination and weakened reflexes. A rabbit can either simply pull its legs behind itself or collapse when moving to one side, and the cause of this condition is often encephalitis, meningitis and encephalomyelitis. With encephalitis, the main manifestations of the disease are problems with the paws, constant tilting of the head (the so-called “crooked neck effect”) and complete paralysis.

The rabbit will not be able to fully recover, but with the right treatment it will improve. general condition are still possible. Meningitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, which as a result leads to problems in the cortex of the vegetation centers. In this case, the failure of motor activity is associated with two root causes of paralysis: inflammation in the hard shell of the organ or damage to the arachnoid and soft shell organ.
Encephalomyelitis is an equally serious disease that affects the brain. Infection of animals occurs through contact with feces and secretions of already sick relatives, as well as through the transmission of infection by blood-sucking insects. The disease can remain in a latent form for up to one month, after which paralysis of the limbs occurs, and after another 4 days the rabbit dies. In any of the above cases, it is important to diagnose the disease in time, otherwise it will be impossible to change its consequences.

Did you know?The structure of rabbits' eyes allows them to see everything that is happening behind them without even turning their heads.


The health of a pet directly depends on its emotional state, because the fewer stressful situations, the stronger and healthier the rabbit will be. Therefore, it is important to avoid traumatic factors, which include:

  • placing cages in close proximity to noise sources (for example, expensive or noisy household appliances);
  • transporting a pet to long distances with periodic appearance sharp sounds, vibration or screaming;
  • carrying out repair work near the cages of pregnant or lactating rabbits;
  • careless handling of rabbits: you should not grab animals by the ears and withers and it is better not to allow noisy children near them;
  • bathing pets loud noise flowing water, because even if all the actions performed are extremely careful, as a result they can still lead to a nervous breakdown;
  • use near the cage cosmetics or perfume with a very strong odor;
  • sudden movements during vaccination;
  • sudden change in home environment;
  • constant bright lighting in the evening hours;
  • long walks outdoors sun rays;
  • proximity to rats, voles, mice and other rodents.

Any of the listed factors can seriously frighten the animal, and paralysis of the rabbit’s hind legs will be a consequence of this.


Falls in domestic rabbits are often the result of carelessness of their owners. This usually happens when the owner forgets to close the cage, and a curious animal pokes its head out of it. If an animal falls to the floor from a meter high, it is guaranteed to have problems with its limbs, since the vertebrae can move or break. It is likely that it will no longer be possible to correct the situation and the pet will remain paralyzed forever.


In appearance, rabbits seem to be very peaceful creatures, but serious fights often break out between these animals, ending severe bruises, dislocations and fractures of paws. Therefore, when keeping several individuals of the same sex at home, it is worth placing them in different cells so that they do not claim each other's personal space.
The animal’s hind legs may also fail after mating, especially if you placed a male with a female, and not vice versa. The hostess may begin to defend her territory and inflict quite serious damage on the uninvited guest, which will result in paralysis.

Deficiency of calcium and microelements

A balanced diet is the key good health rabbits, because in the absence of a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements entering the body with food, it begins to get sick. Thus, calcium deficiency leads to its leaching from bones, making them fragile and vulnerable. Apart from fragility bone tissue, the lack of this element also leads to the development concomitant diseases, because calcium is directly involved in the life support processes of the whole organism.

First of all, the state of the brain and muscle tissue, and if they are underdeveloped or damaged, then problems definitely cannot be avoided. Calcium deficiency in the body has a particularly negative effect on weakened rabbits, newborn animals and pregnant rabbits.

Did you know? While many people in our country keep rabbits as pets, in Australia they are recognized as a real scourge, causing $600 million in damage each year. Since 2002, the state of Queensland even has a law prohibiting citizens from keeping these furry animals at home, and the maximum penalty for violating it is a fine of $30,000.

The maturing body also needs a lot of microelements, so it is advisable not to take baby rabbits away from their mother in infancy so that they can fully get enough of the calcium-rich mother's milk and avoided possible depletion of the body in the future.

Restoring calcium balance

If the owner believes that the level of calcium in the pet’s body is very quickly approaching zero, then he should think about purchasing special drugs, which will help restore the balance of microelements in the rabbit’s body. Let's look at some of the most popular formulations:

  1. - comes in ampoules and is sold in regular pharmacies. To treat adults, 0.5 ml of the composition is diluted in 0.5 liters of water and added to the animals’ drink.
  2. - used in medicinal and for preventive purposes to prevent postpartum cuts and softening of bones in rabbits, as well as to prevent rickets, allergies and intoxication. Before using the medicine, it is slightly warmed up and administered intramuscularly into the animal’s body, maintaining a proportion of 0.5 ml per 1 kg of body weight. One adult individual should have no more than two milliliters of the composition per day, diluted in drinking water.
  3. Monocalcium glutamate- salt that dissolves well in the body. When used in the treatment of rabbits, extremely permissible dose per day - 120 mg/kg live weight. In pharmacies, the medicine can be purchased in the form of tablets, which crumble very easily and dissolve in the drinking water of pets.
  4. - imported drug, which, in addition to the calcium we are interested in, also contains a number of useful macroelements: magnesium, zinc, copper, etc. It is well absorbed by the body and, like the previous options, is diluted in water.

For small rabbits, in addition to a sufficient amount of calcium, optimal intake of vitamin D is equally important, which promotes the absorption of this microelement. Its deficiency leads to the development of rickets in rabbits, which contributes to complete paralysis of the limbs. As a preventive measure, you can take your babies out into the sun for at least an hour every day. If this option is not available, you can also use quartz lamp, turning it on daily for 10-15 minutes.

You can normalize the calcium balance in the body of rabbits by traditional methods. The most simple option There will be an addition of regular school chalk to food, and not only to dry food, but also to mash. It is also advisable to place pieces of chalk in the bars of the cage; perhaps individual rabbits will chew it themselves. Crushed powder is also used for similar purposes. eggshell, it is desirable that the eggs are homemade, and the owner is confident in their naturalness.

Important! When using calcium-containing formulations, it is very important to provide animals with regular and good nutrition. The acidity of the stomach should in no case decrease, otherwise it will cause a violation digestive processes, especially in rabbits.

When restoring the balance of calcium in your pet’s body, try not to overdo it, because its excess also has unpleasant consequences. Define high content microelement can be found in whitened urine.


Symptoms of paralysis of the hind limbs can be both severe and indicate initial stage Problems. However, in any case, the animal will need treatment, the regimen of which the doctor can determine only after correct diagnosis. First of all, this is a complete neurological examination, including the use of CT ( computed tomography), MRI, myelography and CSF diagnostics (examination of cerebrospinal fluid).

True, veterinarians often do not have the opportunity to take all the required tests (especially in small towns) and use necessary equipment, therefore, they are limited to the use of x-rays and the appointment of a blood test, which will exclude or confirm intoxication of the body.

First aid for limb failure

Attentive owners will definitely notice problems with the limbs of their pets even at the initial stage of their development, when the animal begins to limp or fall to one side. If paralysis of the paws occurs within 24 hours, then the first step is to carefully examine them in order to exclude the possibility of a fracture or severe dislocation. Usually with internal and serious illnesses similar condition does not develop suddenly, unless we are talking about a pregnant rabbit with listeriosis.

After the initial examination, it is advisable to isolate the animal, protecting it from bright light, noise and stressful situations. If during self-diagnosis a fracture of the paw was discovered, then a fixing bandage will have to be applied to it and, after wrapping the pet in a soft towel, immediately take it to the veterinarian for consultation and further diagnostic measures(for example, x-ray).
If, when moving, an animal drags two legs behind it at once, most likely the cause is more serious and is associated with damage to the spinal cord. Only a veterinarian can confirm the truth of such assumptions after carrying out appropriate diagnostics. The owner is only required to create conditions of peace and limit physical activity animal.

Treatment and rehabilitation

Relevance of all medical procedures with paralysis of the hind legs in rabbits, it is strictly determined veterinarian based on the results of the diagnostics performed. Most often, the specialist prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs, B vitamins and medications that support the animal’s immunity. To strengthen skeletal system, especially with calcium deficiency, you can use one of the drugs described above (“Calcemin”, “Mosodium glutamate”, etc.).

Important! On the first day after the onset of paralysis, the sick animal should be limited motor activity so as not to overstrain the limbs.

With incomplete paralysis of the paws, mobility may be preserved, which means, in addition to using medications, the owner will have to massage the rabbit’s paws (you shouldn’t press hard, just stretch them slightly and then return them to their normal position).
It is quite possible that after just a few weeks of treatment, your pet will jump on its legs again, but you should not exclude the possibility of disability, due to which the animal will require special care.

Prevention measures

It is much easier to prevent the development of any problem than to deal with its consequences. In the case of paralysis of the hind legs in rabbits, prevention helps in 50% of situations, allowing you to avoid the acute phase of the disease. TO preventive measures The following should be noted:

  • balanced and regular diet, with high content fiber;
  • regular preventive examinations veterinarian;
  • compliance sanitary standards maintenance and timely cleaning of the cage;
  • periodic disinfection of the rabbit’s habitat;
  • caring attitude towards the pet, limiting the possibility of stressful situations (sometimes it is better to completely protect the rabbit from communicating with the child or closely monitor their relationship);
  • regular walks on fresh air, but away from highways and other noisy places.

How to care for a paralyzed rabbit

If you are unlucky and even long-term treatment didn't bring positive result, you will have to come to terms with the idea that your beloved pet will remain paralyzed for the rest of his life. However, this does not mean that with proper care he will not be able to live a full life, he will simply need much more attention. The owner will have to carry it from place to place, treat the wounds that form on the affected limbs due to friction on the floor, disinfect the cage more often and bathe the rabbit himself, since he will no longer be able to lick himself as before.

In addition, changes will also affect the usual diet, since now it is more important than ever for the animal to consume sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. Also, do not forget to buy bedding for bedsores, and if such form, treat them promptly with special ointments, creams and powders. Failure of a rabbit's hind legs is not a reason to get rid of your pet, because over time you will definitely learn to coexist harmoniously, and if you start treatment in a timely manner, it is quite possible that sensitivity will be restored and your pet will return to its previous physical form.

Video: paralysis of a rabbit's hind legs

Mix all this well, add water (do not add salt). Take an arbitrary amount of sesame seeds and fry, stirring constantly until a strong aroma appears.

In my opinion, you are wrong. Let's discuss this. Write to me in PM, let's talk. Commentary on the post Dolmatov S.E. It’s a pity that I can’t speak out now - I’m late for the meeting. When I come back I will definitely express my opinion. Commentary on the entry Sorokin V.V. Commentary on the entry Morozov V.A.

Try to ensure that your sleep is complete, because it is when we sleep that

To do this, you need to prepare a mixture consisting of 5 grams of glycerin, 15 grams of olive oil or vegetable oil, 5 ml of flower honey and 15 ml of chamomile infusion. Besides that this remedy promotes rejuvenation, it also tones the skin. You can also prepare a wonderful mask to rejuvenate your entire body. You need to prepare a solution of 4 tablespoons of cream, four teaspoons of oil, and 2 tablespoons of ground coffee. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and heated in a water bath for 5 minutes. Apply this mixture to the body with gentle and light movements. If necessary, increase the amount of ingredients.

65 Before reading recipes for treating diseases medicinal plants, infusions, various drugs(ASD, peroxide, soda. Before reading recipes for treating diseases with medicinal plants, infusions, various drugs (ASD, peroxide, soda, etc.) at home, I’ll tell you a little about myself. My name is Konstantin Fedorovich Makarov - I’m a herbalist 40 years of experience.

These exercises should be performed 5-7 times during the day. Apply olive oil to your hands Castor oil. Warm up your face with your palms, stroking from the center line of the chin to the ears, then from the nose to the ears and from the eyebrows to the hair. Lightly pressing on the pads of your fingers, move from the cheeks to the temples, from outer corner eye to nose.

Your email will not be published. Fingerfix ointment helps with cracks on my fingers, it’s the only way I can save myself. And I have a very sensitive skin, irritation still appears. At least I found it now effective way To remove inflammation and pimples on the skin, I apply Elon ointment immediately after the procedure. I did the manicure according to your instructions. It was very easy to do and it turned out beautiful. Nu... fucking copyright holders. It was almost impossible to buy all this. Not for yourself, not for people.

Take a soft tomato paste and a drop olive oil. Apply the prepared mixture to cleansed skin and leave for half an hour.


Take a glass of white wine, add a head of garlic, cover with a lid and boil for about 30 minutes. Then cool to room temperature and pour into a convenient container, such as a bottle. Drink one teaspoon 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. All anti-aging facial treatments at 40 must be accompanied by a massage of your face. Due to physiological characteristics, facial muscles lose tone with age. You need to do a facial massage various kinds stroking and rubbing, massage lines with the pads of your fingers starting from the bridge of the nose and moving towards the temples, then smoothly move to the chin and forehead.

You need to moisturize it not only from the outside, but also from the inside. To do this, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water daily. If you have dry skin, you need to take vitamins, especially vitamin E. Avoid using soap, as it dries out the skin. Replace it with soft remedies for washing: foams, gels or milk. Dry skin does not tolerate hard water. It can be replaced with mineral one. You should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, especially red ones, they reduce the number of wrinkles. Foods containing antioxidants are useful: pomegranates, nuts, spinach, grapes, greens.

It is very important that the dishes where you put the mixture should be slightly warmed up. After mixing the ingredients, close the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a dark place for three days.

Apply sour cream or kefir to cleansed facial skin. The recipe is as follows: Make a paste of flour, honey, turmeric and cream (cream can be replaced with milk) and apply it on your face. After 15 minutes, wash your face warm water. Apply to facial skin and after the peeling has completely dried, rinse. Separate the pulp from the avocado fruit (it must be ripe), add a pre-beaten egg and a little honey. Mix everything and apply as a mask on your face. Leave for 20 minutes, then wash thoroughly. They require accuracy and caution. The chief oncologist of Russia says that papilloma can develop at any moment. I drink 1-2 packets a day and haven’t called an ambulance for about a month now. Click to cancel reply. The materials presented are information general and cannot replace qualified consultation with a specialist doctor. Website about the treatment methods of doctors Neumyvakin, Bolotov, Ogulov.

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The third way to get rid of the husk disease onions pour vinegar, leave for days. I had a positive experience removing papilloma at home, here it is

The effectiveness of the method when various diseases, proven practically and by tens of thousands satisfied patients. Removal of papillomas

In the old days, in order to cure papillomas, they made garlic cakes. The drug must be applied to the affected area using a tampon,

Only rare varieties are manifested by itching and burning. When condylomas grow in anus Bleeding may occur during defecation, and in

Oh, I didn’t immediately notice about cash on delivery. Melanoma is truly scary. There is a person, and then once and a few months later he is no longer there.

If they come into contact with the collar of clothing or a scarf, they are torn off or rubbed, resulting in bleeding. This may lead to their

However, it often happens that as soon as warts are removed from a cow, they appear again. After a break of days, taking the pills must be repeated.

Previously, they poisoned themselves with chemicals like Nemozod, Vermox. Side effects I had terrible nausea, stool problems, my mouth felt like it was

I was able to easily remove warts on my fingers with antitoxin. Antitoxin for seasonal allergies helped me a lot. I took it last fall, it helped. And now

These methods are low-traumatic and reduce the risk of bleeding and infection in the wound. After radio wave exposure, a small amount remains on the body

Don't doubt it, it can. Many people live with them all their lives and don’t know about them. It’s not pleasant to say the least, but there’s no need to panic too much, it’s just

Then I waited a few days until the crust fell off in place former wart. Now I remember that time as an unfortunate oversight of my youth.

They may appear on the fingers, near the base of the hands, on the face especially around the mouth or forehead, and on the neck. These tumors may disappear on their own without

It would seem that you can’t find a lot of money to protect a child from such serious cancer diseases. These are completely different viruses.

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Last year, in the spring, I was already diagnosed. Of course, I didn’t think that cancer would appear so soon. I haven’t had any tests yet, all on Saturday. And in

Plantar warts. They occur quite often. Plantar warts tend to be located in areas of friction and high pressure in

Warts are terrible. I just placed an order. Don’t doubt it, it can. Many people live with them all their lives and don’t know about them. Not pleasant to say the least

If papillomavirus is detected, the woman is prescribed treatment antiviral agents that help improve immunity. This drug is also

In most cases, warts on the genital area bother men, mainly as a cosmetic flaw, and also have a psychological

Rabbits suffer from strokes no less often than humans. At first glance, it seems that pets lead a measured and calm lifestyle.

Brain hemorrhage in rabbits is quite common.

In fact, the psyche of animals suffers from stress associated with moving, changing owners, and the death of relatives.

These factors lead to the development of stroke. Timely identification of symptoms and provision of first aid allows you to restore the rabbit’s health.

Types of stroke in rabbits

An animal may experience partial paralysis after a stroke.

Acute violation cerebral circulation, accompanied by blockage of a vessel or its rupture, is called a stroke. There are 2 forms of stroke condition:

  • ischemic stroke caused by blockage of a vessel by a thrombus. This condition occurs in approximately 75% of rabbits affected by a stroke. TO ischemic stroke leads to disruption of the heart. Rhythm failure provokes the formation of blood clots. Arrhythmia is caused by emotional shock, sudden fear, heat stroke, birth defect hearts;
  • hemorrhagic stroke t is accompanied by rupture of the vessel walls and hemorrhage in the brain tissue. High blood pressure, created by accumulated blood, leads to disruption of brain function. Vascular aneurysms lead to hemorrhagic stroke. They can be congenital or resulting from trauma to the skull. The walls of an aneurysm differ from the walls of a normal vessel in their thinness, so they may not withstand the increase in pressure.

Warning signs

  • A stroke leads to the rabbit becomes passive . The owners of the animal notice that it lies motionless on one side. You might think that the pet is sleeping, but looking at its face, it turns out that it is lying with with open eyes. Such rest for several hours should alarm the owner.

    A rabbit lying motionless for several hours is a cause for serious concern.

  • Attempts to rouse the rabbit do not yield results. , he continues to lie motionless with his eyes slightly open. When you feel the limbs and ears, you feel coldness. The pet is unable to raise its head and move its paws; its limbs do not obey.
  • During an attack you can hear uneven breathing , the heartbeat is weak and hard to hear. When food is brought to the muzzle, the reaction is weak, twitching of the nose is noticeable, and the pet cannot eat.
  • In the absence of help breathing slows down and becomes weak . Partial paralysis due to hemorrhage is possible.
  • Upon examination eyeballs their mobility is noted. The pupils do not lose their ability to react to light. Chaotic movement of the eyeballs is possible. At hemorrhagic form ocular hemorrhages are observed.

    A rabbit that has suffered a stroke often has a distorted face.

  • Attempts to feed your pet using liquid food injected with a syringe into oral cavity, end in failure. The rabbit cannot do swallowing movements.
  • Memory deteriorates, Therefore, the animal is afraid of people and does not recognize its owner.
  • In some cases the rabbit may move, but at the same time his movements become uncoordinated, he staggers.
  • A dangerous symptom is considered loss of consciousness and coma .

Help needed

Predicting recovery in case of illness is very difficult.

If the stroke is associated with trauma, septic infection blood, toxic chemical poisoning, there is practically no chance of cure. The animal falls into a coma and dies within a few hours.

If your pet looked completely normal before the stroke, it is quite possible to cure it.



If a stroke is suspected, treatment is started as quickly as possible. Time passes in hours and minutes. Approximate diagram treatment:

  • on the first day Actovegin 4 times every 6 hours, Further - 1 time V evening time. The dose is calculated individually (0.1 ml per kg of pet’s weight);

    Actovegin improves tissue nutrition and optimizes local blood circulation.

  • adult pets are prescribed Piracetam in a dose 2 ml. Administer once a day in the morning;

    Piracetam is a neurometabolic stimulant that improves blood circulation in the animal's brain.

  • Mexidol used for injections 0.1 ml 1 time per day;

    Mexidol has an anticonvulsant effect.

  • treatment Furosemide carry out 3–4 days. Single dosage for an adult pet - 0.3 ml;

    Furameside helps get rid of edema and brain pathologies.

  • injected every other day B vitamins (B1 and B12), dosage – 0.1 ml.

With timely treatment, improvement is noticeable within the first 5–7 days. To normalize cerebral circulation, treatment is continued for at least 14 days.

To improve the condition in conditions veterinary clinic a course of magnetic therapy is prescribed.

Signs of improvement

After the course of treatment, the rabbit should feel better.

The following signs indicate improvement in well-being:

  • warming of the extremities and ears;
  • attempts to move independently;
  • restoration of the swallowing reflex;
  • breathing and heartbeat are restored;
  • tension is felt in the paws;
  • the rabbit begins to move its head and limbs;
  • the eyes stop moving chaotically;
  • The animal reacts to touch and closes its eyes when stroking.

To prevent the development of stroke conditions, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • in hot weather summer days make sure the rabbit was not in direct sunlight . This will help avoid sunstroke;
  • from heatstroke will prevent ventilation of the premises, wet cleaning floors, cool drinking water next to the pet;
  • Rabbits are very emotional, so they should not be allowed to become agitated or frightened;
  • Pets must be placed in cages in such a way that there is no risk of injury.

If you suspect a stroke, you should call your veterinarian. Correct dosing and timely health care will help cure the rabbit.

Video on how to cure a ministroke in a rabbit