The puppy began to limp on his front leg. The dog is limping on its hind leg: reasons and what to do

No one is immune from illness and injury, including your pets. If the dog begins to limp hind legs, but there are no visible reasons - this is a reason to seriously worry about her health and take action. We will talk about why a dog may limp and how to help it in this article.

Determining lameness in a dog yourself

The reader has the right to be surprised: “isn’t it obvious when a dog is limping?” Indeed, this symptom is immediately visible in 90% of cases. But you can notice something is wrong before the dog begins to clearly limp.

What can cause a change in an animal's gait? There are many reasons, the most likely are the following:

  • joint and ligament injuries;
  • diseases of the spinal cord and nervous system as a whole;
  • thrombosis of the extremities;
  • genetic diseases;
  • various types of tumors;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • other diseases.

In dog puppies large breeds lameness can be caused by domestic reasons. You turned away, and the animal jumped off the bench, spraining its ligaments. There seem to be no apparent reasons, but the dog is limping. Animals suffering from vitamin deficiencies are also at risk.

In most cases, only a veterinarian can help your pet. But in some situations you can cope on your own, especially if the lameness is caused by injury.

Take a closer look at a healthy animal: its steps are free, and its gait is springy and light. If there are any deviations, they can be detected using a simple method.

Walk your pet over wet sand or damp soil. Measure the distances between paw prints. Ideally, the stride length is the same. But if one step is a little shorter than the other, it’s time to sound the alarm. This means that your dog has musculoskeletal problems, which will eventually manifest as lameness, including in the hind legs.

When measuring tracks, pay attention to one more thing: how the dog places its paws. If it “takes out” on outside or “turns” inward - this is also a sign of incipient lameness.

If the dog is already limping, you can self-diagnosis. Of course it won't replace instrumental methods, used in clinics, but at least you will understand what is wrong with your pet.

There are three types of lameness, each with specific symptoms.

  1. Lameness of a supporting limb. The dog only leans lightly on the sore paw and strives to quickly transfer its body weight to the healthy limb. The stride shortens, this is clearly visible if you observe the animal from the side. The animal may hunch over or hop on three legs. A common cause is injury. Also, such lameness can occur due to muscle inflammation.
  2. Lameness of a hanging limb. The paw is tucked close to the body, the dog does not step on it. Touching an injured limb causes sharp pain. The reasons are different: wounds, fractures, inflammation of the joints, dislocations.
  3. Neurological paresis. In this case, there are no visible reasons, the animal does not experience pain. Lameness is caused by muscle weakness.

What to do if your dog starts limping? We will analyze all the reasons and tell you what to do in each case.

Signs, causes and actions of dog owners with lameness

For your convenience, we have prepared a table with descriptions of lameness, possible causes and what you can do to help the animal.

Description of the problem Possible reasons Your actions
The animal is lame on one leg, including the hind leg. When bending/extending the limb, it squeals in pain. It's probably a ligament or cartilage sprain. Attach cold compress, apply pressure bandage. If it doesn't help, call a doctor. This type of injury can lead to arthritis.
There was physical activity (running, walking, jumping), after which the pet limps for 2-3 hours. Then gait is restored. This is how muscle strain manifests itself. Eliminate physical activity for 2-3 days, do light massage. If the problem does not go away, contact a veterinary clinic.
Sudden lameness, the animal squeals, there is blood on the pad or near the nail. The nail is torn off. Wounds. Treat small cuts with saline solution, do not step on hard surfaces. If you have a torn nail or deep wounds, call a doctor.
Lameness in the hind or front legs begins suddenly during or after exercise. Muscle tremors may be noticed. The animal whines. The most likely cause is myositis, that is, inflammation muscle tissue. Lameness is often accompanied by convulsions. This problem occurs if the animal is overcooled, for example, when swimming or staying in a draft. Provide the dog with warmth and give a light massage. If the condition does not improve, call a veterinarian.

We've talked about all the causes of dog lameness that you can try to deal with on your own. But there are diseases that cannot be treated at home without special knowledge.

Anterior rupture cruciate ligament knee joint

The animal begins to limp unexpectedly for you, after prolonged training. There are no visible reasons. The type is lameness of the supporting limb. Probable Cause- rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. This injury is most common in dogs, especially large breeds. The problem can only be dealt with surgically.

Patella shift

Also a common injury, the main symptom of which is lameness of the hanging limb. The dog whines, cannot step on the sore paw, and keeps it tucked in. It is impossible to help an animal without a veterinarian.

Fractures and dislocations

Lameness occurs suddenly, often after a fall. The damaged limb swells and, when dislocated, becomes bent. The animal whines, cannot step on its foot, and touches cause severe pain. You cannot cope with this problem yourself; take the animal to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.

Intervertebral disc protrusion

A serious pathology that threatens the pet’s life. The dog falls on its paws and lameness develops. In some cases, the animal cannot turn its head, the gait becomes unsteady, and the limbs “twitch.” Call a doctor immediately!

Infectious or rheumatoid arthritis

Have you noticed that your dog starts limping after sleeping, but after a while the lameness goes away? This is how infectious or rheumatoid arthritis manifests itself. In large breed dogs, the front paws are most often affected; in other animals, both the front and hind paws are affected. Another disease that occurs in large animals is elbow dysplasia. There are no other symptoms other than lameness after rest. Exception - infectious arthritis. In this case, you may notice swelling in the affected limbs. In addition, the animal's appetite is impaired.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure an animal of arthritis. Contact your doctor so he can determine necessary treatment. To maintain your pet's health, use chondroprotectors. For example, for dogs or. The latter, by the way, helps with muscle inflammation, wounds and sprains. The main thing to remember is that chondroprotectors are aids and cannot replace full treatment.

Let's sum it up

Your dog suddenly started limping and you don't know what to do? In the article we talked about the main causes of the problem. Remember that trying to cope with the disease on your own is not always appropriate. Don't risk your pet's health; contact your veterinarian at the first sign of lameness.

The exact causes of lameness in a dog can only be determined by a veterinary medicine specialist after collecting anamnestic data and checking the condition of the animal’s musculoskeletal system. In many cases, additional testing may be necessary. laboratory research blood to detect metabolic disorders or the presence of infectious factors causing lameness.

Most common reasons this symptom are:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Separately, it is worth highlighting diseases associated with inflammatory or degenerative processes occurring in the joints and bone tissue. These include:

Causes of lameness on the front legs

It happens that a dog limps on its front leg. In addition to the above reasons, this may be the result of protrusion of the intervertebral disc in the cervical region. A characteristic sign of this pathology is also difficulty turning the head.

Unilateral front leg lameness can be caused by a dislocated shoulder, bruise, or other injury. It is also worth carefully examining your fingertips for the presence of foreign objects and mites.

Causes of lameness in the hind legs

A dog may fall on its hind legs with a nervous form of plague. Weakness of the hind limbs may also be noted with infectious enteritis and hepatitis.

If a dog's hind leg suddenly gives way, accompanied by severe pain, this may indicate protrusion of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar and thoracic region.

Since the clinical signs of all the diseases presented are very similar to each other, then correct diagnosis placed only after x-ray examination. Based on its results, the doctor decides what to do next and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Is your dog limping on a front or back leg? What to do? First of all, you need to find out why the dog began to limp. This can happen for a number of different reasons.

Causes of the disease

  • First of all, lameness can be caused by injury: an unsuccessful jump, which results in sprained ligaments, dislocated joints or broken bones. It is also possible that muscles are simply overstrained after walking too long (for example, on a bike) or after a long swim.
  • If the dog no longer has any symptoms, does not whine in pain, or refuses to eat, then in two to three days the lameness will go away on its own.
  • However, even in this case, lameness that does not go away for several days requires examination by a veterinarian. Long-term lameness may occur due to chronic diseases: dysplasia hip joint or arthritis. They require timely treatment.
  • A dog may also be limping due to a broken nail or cut, cracked dry pads, a foreign object between the toes, or a burn.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carefully examine the paws, observing the animal’s reaction. You should be careful when touching the sore paw so that the dog does not bite in pain.

Is it possible to help a pet?

  • If upon examination a small cut is found, it needs to be washed disinfectants(hydrogen peroxide) and apply antiseptic ointment. The paw should be wrapped in a bandage and a sock should be put on, carefully securing it. You should also treat minor burns. However, when deep cut or a severe burn, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian.
  • When a muscle is stretched, swelling and inflammation occurs. You need to apply a cold compress for 15-20 minutes, which will narrow the blood vessels and reduce swelling. The compress can be applied three times a day for two days.
  • Have you discovered that your dog has a broken nail? It must be completely removed at the veterinary clinic. If there is bleeding from the nail, cauterize it with a hemostatic agent and apply a tight bandage. Once the claw is removed, healing will begin and a new claw will grow in a few months.
  • May get stuck in the pad of a paw or between the toes. foreign object. Usually it is a pebble, a dry branch or a piece of glass. It must be carefully removed with tweezers and the wound disinfected. If excess hair between the toes is in the way, it needs to be cut off.
  • Overdried and cracked dog paw pads need to be moisturized with cream, but not always, but only for a few days, so that they do not become too soft and vulnerable to injury.

If the dog’s wound does not heal for a long time and constantly hurts, redness and noticeable inflammation appear around it, the dog loses appetite and the temperature rises, you need to consult a veterinarian. Moreover, if the dog is limping, and there are no external problems not detected.


You can prevent various injuries in dogs and lameness if you take proper care of your dog. You should check your dog's paws weekly. If she often runs on very difficult surfaces: rocky, hard, hot or cold, then special boots need to be worn to prevent injury.

To prevent claws from breaking, they need to be trimmed regularly. Paw pads should be kept clean, removing stones, sand, dirt, and excess hair should be trimmed between the toes.


In veterinary practice, we often encounter lameness in dogs. Very often it touches the pet's front paws.

Owners usually come to the clinic with complaints about their animals' short stride, tucking in their paws and falling on one side (right or left) - all these are manifestations of the same problem: lameness on the front paw.

What leads to illness

In order to identify the cause, you should carefully examine the pet and observe its behavior. What will it give? You will receive valuable information about the presence or absence of external damage, and will be able to determine the location pain.

So, a dog can limp for several reasons:

  1. Damage to fingers and feet (one of the most common causes).
  2. Splinter in the balls of the feet or between the toes.
  3. Reptile or insect bites (usually wasps, tarantulas, snakes)
  4. Ticks (in spring, pets often suffer from their bites)
  5. Muscle strain or joint dislocation.
  6. Bone fracture.
  7. Ligamentous dysplasia (occurs in large breed dogs).
  8. Secondary osteoarthritis.
  9. Chondroid metaplasia of intervertebral discs.
  10. Syringomyelia.

How to treat

A thorough examination, observation of the animal’s behavior and careful palpation (feeling) of the paw will allow you to determine how to proceed. In most cases, the animal owner can cope on his own.

Minor damage to the paw

Small cuts, wounds or scrapes often appear during walks in nature. If you find such skin damage, it is enough to treat it with hydrogen peroxide. This will neutralize bacteria that have entered the wound and speed up healing.


If a splinter gets deep into soft fabrics, then it may well cause pain and lameness in the animal.

In some cases, a splinter can cause slight inflammation, then you will see redness in the area of ​​the skin puncture. The splinter is removed using tweezers, having previously treated the affected area with alcohol.

If the splinter is deep and you cannot remove it on your own, it makes sense to go to the veterinary clinic.

A bite of an insect

If you are sure that the reason feeling unwell If your dog has an insect bite, you can treat the area with a mixture of water and soda (10:1). You will be allowed to verify this following symptoms: slight swelling of the paw and inflammation. If your dog is bitten by a snake or tarantula, prompt contact with a specialist is imperative.

Is your dog whining, not stepping on its paw, and reacting painfully to touch? It is possible that your pet has a sprain or dislocation, especially if you notice deformation in the joint area and swelling of the tissues.

This often happens during long runs or jumps. To alleviate the condition, the injured limb can be secured with a tight bandage and ice applied. It is highly advisable to seek professional help.


If the paw is broken, the dog does not step on the paw at all and does not allow him to touch it. The best thing you can do is take him to a clinic for treatment.

What to do if there is no visible damage due to lameness

It is much more difficult to identify the cause of a pet’s illness if no damage was found on the paw. This may indicate serious diseases of the animal, associated not only with the musculoskeletal system, but also with the nervous system. In this case, only a veterinarian can identify the cause after a thorough diagnosis.

Carefully selected therapy, adherence to recommendations and ensuring rest usually lead to positive result pretty soon. Before going to the clinic, your task is to calm the dog down and provide him with the most gentle treatment possible.

Having studied everything possible reasons lameness of a dog on the front leg, you probably already realized that any of them is quite serious. You should not ignore this behavior of your pet, because it can lead to severe consequences(for example, improper bone healing during a fracture).

In addition to cuts, damaged claws and pebbles getting stuck between the fingers, there is whole list other causes of canine lameness. If the animal was hit by a car, played too intensely or ran a lot, it may begin to limp, but most likely it will not be possible to immediately determine the reason. In this case, she may have the following injuries.

Dogs, like people, can suffer muscle or ligament strains. This happens with sudden movements during games and other things. active work. Most sprains go away within 48 hours. If after this time the dog is still limping, it should be taken to a veterinarian. He will reveal the real reason occurrence of lameness and prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve pain. Early treatment improves rapid recovery after injury.

2. Fractures

Fractures are usually visible immediately. The leg does not support the weight of the dog. It is clear that the animal is in severe pain. The leg is deformed, and sometimes the bones protrude outward. In some cases it is possible heavy bleeding, which is important to stop as quickly as possible. In this case, the dog must be urgently taken to the clinic, where it will undergo surgical treatment.

Boxer dog

3. Lameness associated with growth process

Large young dogs often experience leg problems as they grow. This happens to them, most often, at the age of 2 months. up to 2 years. Too much growth in the dog's body creates a lot of stress on the still fragile bones. The cause of lameness may be too high-calorie food, incorrect proportions of protein, calcium and phosphorus in it.

Although young dogs may experience lameness as they grow, older dogs may have other causes. Both the front and rear legs can be affected.

1. Lameness of the front legs

Elbow dysplasia

In this case, the dog will limp and experience pain when the elbow joint area is stretched. Sometimes the pain can be so severe that the animal loses the ability to use the limb.

2. Lameness of the hind legs

Cane Corso dog

- Hip dysplasia

The hip joint consists of a head and a socket. With dysplasia, due to structural defects, the head does not fit properly into the socket, which causes corresponding sensations. In dogs, hip dysplasia is genetic disease. All dogs must be tested for this defect before breeding. Big dogs People with dysplasia have difficulty walking and lying down.

– Anterior cruciate ligament rupture

Sometimes the dog makes turns hind legs. This can cause rupture of the cruciate ligaments. It can also happen if a dog moves on any surface or is hit by a car. The most common causes of cruciate ligament rupture are Newfoundlands, Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, and St. Bernards. The affected dog will typically be lame, and the affected joint may be swollen.

Habitual dislocation patella

If your dog is experiencing pain in the kneecap area, it may be due to a subluxation of the kneecap. This condition is common in small breed dogs such as Yorkies, miniature poodles and dachshunds. The problem often manifests itself when the dog is running.

Labrador dog

– Bone cancer

Large breed dogs are often susceptible to bone cancer, which can cause them to develop severe lameness and unexplained fractures from even minor injuries. Bone cancer is very serious illness, which can result in the animal having a limb amputated to reduce pain.

dog German Shepherd

– Arthritis

As dogs age, continued friction causes their joints to become inflamed and arthritis occurs. Arthritis most often affects middle-aged or older dogs. Animals have difficulty jumping out of a car or climbing stairs. In the mornings they experience more severe pain, so they walk slower at this time of day. Anti-inflammatory drugs are very helpful in treating the disease. You can also use home remedies to treat arthritis.

– Lyme disease

This disease occurs after a tick bite. A few months after a tick bite, the dog begins to limp without apparent reason. True, in initial stage disease lameness may be barely noticeable. When the process reaches its peak, the dog will no longer be able to walk. Lyme disease lameness may be accompanied by fever and lethargy. The disease responds well to treatment with antibiotics such as doxycycline or cephalexin.

So, as you can see, there can be a great many reasons for lameness in dogs. Despite the information contained in this article, you do not need to diagnose your dog yourself. The only way Finding out the cause of her lameness means taking your dog to the vet for x-rays and other tests.

Pitbull dog

There are several causes of the disease. First of all, arthrosis appears with age. Injuries and microtraumas, which can be repeated several times, cause the onset of the disease. Large dogs and animals are especially vulnerable. In horses and dogs participating in sports competitions, the hock and carpal joints are damaged. Necrosis or infarction of the joint also occurs, the cause of which is overload and injury.

Heredity plays a major role in the spread of the disease in abnormal joint development. For example, dysplasia (anomaly of the hip joints) can be passed on to offspring, and arthrosis does not wait. In order to prevent genetically transmitted arthrosis from manifesting itself as phenotypes, you need to monitor the health of the animal: feed it properly, strengthen the immune system, and provide comfortable housing.

Types of injuries

There may be several reasons why a dog is limping:

The reason why a dog limps at an older age can be both mechanical damage and the development of pathological processes in the body systems. The main causes of lameness in adult dog are:

  • infectious processes;
  • physical factors;
  • exposure to high and low temperatures;
  • action of chemicals.

There are a number of factors that increase the risk of developing lameness in a dog:

  • physiological features;
  • failure physical training pet;
  • dietary disturbances, leading to weakening of the muscle and joint fibers of the body.

Many owners large dogs, I am interested in the question - why does a dog limp after lying down? The answer lies in systemic diseases - arthrosis and arthritis, which develop in the body for a very long time, but are irreversible. After a short period of time, the animal stops limping, regaining its former motor activity. With arthritis and arthrosis, the hip joints suffer, so the dog limps on its hind leg.

Rheumatoid arthritis

A type of arthritis that occurs as a result of autoimmune processes in the body. The immune system begins to intensively produce antibodies that attack its own protein components. Cartilaginous and connective tissue. Subsequently, the cartilage tissue begins to become inflamed, thinner and injure the bone structures. The animal suffers from constant pain, because the joints increase in volume, swell and interfere with full walking.

More often rheumatoid arthritis It is diagnosed not in large breeds of dogs, but in dwarf ones. Thus, chihuahuas, Pekingese dogs, pugs, and Yorkshire terriers. In addition, damage occurs not in a single joint, but in several at once, because specific antibodies spread throughout the body, destroying all cartilage tissue over a long period. The dog begins to limp gradually, each time getting stronger and stronger.


This type of disorder occurs in the vast majority of dogs, especially in old age. Arthrosis develops over a long period, which complicates timely diagnosis and also delays the time for timely initiation of treatment. Osteoarthritis develops as a result of several factors, but the most common cause is hip dysplasia.

In addition, arthrosis does not have an acute course, since it only occurs chronic type. In a sick animal, trophic processes in the joints and bone structures, disturbances occur in metabolic processes, and irreversible degenerative processes in articular tissues also appear. It is extremely important in the process of observing a pet to note the slightest changes, for example, if the dog is limping after a long sleep.

In terms of symptoms, arthrosis is very similar to arthritis and manifests itself in the form of a crunching limb when moving. The dog is limping on a front leg or hind limb when lifting or moving short distances. When the disease is advanced, a pronounced deformation of the damaged joint is visible to the naked eye, the muscle fibers weaken, causing discomfort to the animal. The pet tries to stretch the damaged limb during rest or sleep.

Note! The disease can be avoided by regularly visiting the veterinarian for examination. Indeed, with the help of x-ray and laboratory tests, degenerative changes can be detected in a timely manner and appropriate measures taken.

Joint dislocations and muscle strains

As a result of strong physical exertion and mechanical damage, damage may occur. normal structure joint, causing dislocation. Stretching muscle fibers occurs due to strong jerking or bending of the limb during running competitions. The animal feels a sharp pain, without the ability to step on its paw normally.

Learn more about hip dislocation in dogs.

Autoimmune idiopathic polymyositis

Polymyositis is a process inflammatory in nature, in which muscles are damaged. The cause of the development of pathology is disturbances in immunology. With the development of polymyositis, not only the muscles of the hind and forelimbs are affected, but also other muscles in the body. So, in addition to lameness, the intercostal and diaphragmatic muscles can be affected, which leads to breathing problems.

Tumors in the area between the fingers

Cystic formations between the pads of the toes occur quite often in dogs. The main cause of the pathology is considered to be the presence of specific sweat glands. Danger cystic neoplasm is that it is possible that pathogenic bacterial microflora and the development of severe infection.

Also, one of the causes of dog lameness may be bursitis - an inflammatory process in elbow joint at the dog.

Symptoms of lameness

This initial symptoms arthrosis, and it is better to treat the disease at its beginning. Next stage leads to deformation of bones and joints. The limbs of the bones in the joint area begin to enlarge, the articular platforms become larger, and osteophytes appear. This bone fragments in the articular cavity that appear during illness.

Animals feel pain when moving, limp and try not to use the affected limb. As a result, joint atrophy occurs (they cease to secrete normally synovial fluid), inflammation synovial membrane and to the destruction of hyaline cartilage. When the distance between the joints becomes less than 70%, the cartilage almost completely disappears and the joints are in close contact with each other.

Chihuahua dog

The following signs indicate that the animal needs to be taken to the veterinarian immediately:

  1. Fatigue even after minor exertion.
  2. Difficulty moving.
  3. The appearance of pain even when the limb is at rest.

Clarifying the diagnosis

First of all, you need to carefully examine the dog's paws. In this case, you need to observe the pet’s reaction.

Otherwise, the dog may bite the owner.

Features of home diagnostics

In the absence of pathology, the step length is the same. The alarm should be sounded when one of them is noticeably shorter than the other. This sign indicates the presence of problems with the musculoskeletal system. If you do not contact a veterinarian in a timely manner, your dog may soon begin to severely limp on his back leg.

When studying your pet's tracks, you need to pay attention to how he places his paws. “Turning” inward, like “turning” outward, is also a precursor to lameness.

Features of professional diagnostics

The veterinarian resorts to the most proven and informative ways clarification of the diagnosis. The dog is usually sent for x-rays. If this is not enough, the specialist will prescribe a CT scan.

Treatment of lameness in dogs

It should be remembered that lameness is a symptom of a disease. It can be eliminated only by identifying the cause of the disease itself. Only a good specialist will do this.

The main task for a dog breeder is to prevent the pet from becoming lame. You will need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Diversify your diet. Food should not be monotonous. Food should be rich in calcium.
  • Avoid overheating and hypothermia of the dog.
  • Contact with household chemicals should be limited to a minimum.

Depending on the type of diagnosed pathology that causes the dog to limp, the veterinarian prescribes individual scheme treatment, divided into conservative and surgical parts. If the dog is limping, self-treatment using human medicines prohibited.

Conservative treatment involves changing the animal’s diet and exercise. To eliminate pain, the dog is prescribed a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. non-steroidal drugs, and medicines with chondroitin. It is also necessary to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system during treatment. Surgical intervention carried out to replace a damaged joint, as well as bone resection and resection arthroplasty.

Also learn about vitamins for dog joints.

If any of the above three injuries occur, it is necessary to clean skin over the site of damage, treat them with a disinfecting solution: brilliant green, iodine, chlorophyllipt, furatsilin, and apply a pressure bandage. After this, apply a thick layer of chlorethyl directly onto the bandage using an aerosol, which will settle in the form of frost.

If it is not a sprain, but a tear in the tendon, then it is necessary to increase the number of such typical “layers” by two to three times. If the tendon is completely ruptured, the bandaging procedure is carried out four to five times in the first day. The next day, this bandage must be removed. If in home medicine cabinet no chloroethyl, can be used ice water, even from the tap. Our goal is to slow down the development of inflammation and scar formation.

Toy terrier dog

On the second day, when the swelling has subsided and the bleeding has stopped, the damaged tendon is sutured end-to-end, trying as much as possible to maintain its original length to avoid contractures. Fibrin clots and blood sludge are removed, an antiseptic is poured into the wound, then it is sutured tightly in layers and a plaster splint is applied.

dog French bulldog

To treat arthrosis, you need to provide the sick animal with rest and reduce stress. Some dogs have a habit of standing on their elbow instead of their paw. For this reason, the load of body weight on the joints increases, and bursitis develops on the tubercle. This may be chronic. To prevent arthrosis from progressing, you need to provide a soft bedding for the sick dog or cat.

Drug treatment is carried out using drugs that retain moisture in the joints well. Such substances include glucosamine and sodium hyaluronate. Glucosamine is an aminosaccharide found in cartilage tissue, it activates the formation of chondrocytes and proteoglycans. Hyaluronic acid maintains the necessary balance of water in tissues. Some are injected directly into the joint steroid drugs and take Wolmar Winsome.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ketoprfen, are taken orally by animals, in severe cases arthrosis. For treatment, gel and ointment are also used, the effectiveness of which is low; they can be absorbed through the skin into small quantity. Physiotherapeutic procedures are especially useful, as well as dietary food which helps preserve optimal weight animal.

Treatment and prevention of lameness

In order to avoid possible fractures, dislocations and bruises of the dog’s limbs, it is necessary to be careful about the pet’s diet and place of walking. Correct, balanced diet, will strengthen the bone skeleton and prevent the development of diseases such as arthritis. Dry dog ​​food must be saturated with Omega-3 and Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids, as well as chondroitin.

Losing body weight plays an important role in preventing lameness in dogs. Forced physical inactivity in animals leads to the muscular system atrophying, creating a favorable environment for the occurrence of sprains and various dislocations.

It is recommended to walk your pets on lawns rather than on asphalt. This will avoid exacerbations of dysplastic keratosis, which precedes hip dysplasia. Veterinarians recommend swimming more for dogs with THD in order to reduce the load on the surface of the joint, strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

  1. Extremities should be examined every week. This is especially true for those animals that accompany their owner into the forest, mountains, or walk on hot, too cold or rocky surfaces.
  2. IN winter time Small breed dogs must wear boots. This will help avoid not only the accumulation of snow between the toes, but also hypothermia of the paws.
  3. It is very important to trim nails promptly. If this is not done, they begin to grow in, causing severe suffering to the animal.
  4. Pads must be kept clean. After each walk, you need to wash your paws with soap and clean the crotches between the toes. Long-haired dogs often grow hair there. It needs to be trimmed regularly.
  5. Physical activity depends not only on temperament, but also on the breed of the dog. They should be moderate.

Lameness in dogs is one of the most common reasons why pet owners visit veterinary clinics.

What causes lameness in dogs, and what to do if you notice your dog is limping?

Main causes of lameness in dogs.

Mechanical damage

The most common cause of lameness is mechanical damage to a dog's paws. Wounds, cuts, ingrown claws, splinters, snow stuck between the toes, not to mention sprains and fractures - all this can cause severe discomfort in your pet, causing it to limp.

What to do?

Examine your dog's paws, paying attention Special attention the one that the dog tries to protect. Start with the pads. The inspection must be done very carefully so as not to further harm your pet. If you find any foreign body (a piece of glass, a splinter, ice frozen in the fur), try to remove it, making sure that the object comes out completely.

Check your dog's claws to see if they are broken or if the claw is growing into the paw pad.

If you notice a painful reaction when examining your paws, or you were unable to independently find and eliminate the cause of your dog’s lameness, contact your veterinarian immediately! High-quality veterinary care provided at early stage diseases, will help get rid of your dog’s health problems as quickly as possible and without negative consequences.

How to avoid injuries?

Try to walk your dog only in places you know. Do not let your dog run freely where there is a high probability that he can get into broken glass, construction debris and other objects that are dangerous to him.

Do not force your dog to climb barriers that are too high for it, do not drag it onto an icy boom - an unsuccessful fall from a height is fraught with dislocations and fractures.

Chemical damage

First of all, we're talking about about burns from aggressive liquids. Most often, dogs get such burns in the winter, while walking in snow treated with reagents to combat snow and ice on the roads. A dog can get chemical damage to its paw pads by accidentally stepping into spilled gasoline, fuel oil, acid, alkali and other liquids.

What to do?

If the paw pads show obvious signs chemical burn(redness, swelling, blisters, etc.), you should not self-medicate. Try to immediately remove the liquid from your dog's paws (clean warm water, gently blot the surface of the pads) and immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

How to avoid chemical injuries?

As is the case with mechanical damage, do not take risks by releasing your dog in places where there is a high risk of spilling aggressive liquids. And after every walk on the street in mandatory Wash or simply wipe your dog's paws.

Thermal damage

Burns or frostbite on the paws are other causes of lameness in dogs. A dog can get them, for example, by falling on a metal sheet that is hot in the sun, or vice versa, by freezing in severe frost.

What to do?

The signs of thermal damage are similar to the consequences of chemical ones, and in this case it is also necessary to contact a veterinarian.

How to avoid burns and frostbite?

It is very simple - do not create situations that are potentially dangerous for the dog, and do not allow it to get into them on its own. When walking your dog, never let it out of your sight. Limit your walking time during the cold season.

Poor quality unbalanced diet

Lameness in a dog can be caused by poor nutrition. If the animal's diet does not contain enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals, the development of rickets is possible, which is often accompanied by deformation of the limbs.

What to do?

First, you need to consult a competent veterinarian. Mandatory measure– correction of the dog’s diet, including in it everything necessary for normal development animal products. To replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals courses of vitamin preparations are usually prescribed.

Sometimes, depending on the degree of damage, they resort to mechanical correction of deformed paws - with the help of splints and plaster casts they fix the paws in the correct position.

How to prevent it?

Before you get a puppy, be sure to study the information about how to properly raise it. Do not allow distortions in the diet, make sure that the puppy’s nutrition is complete. Be sure to regularly carry out preventive deworming - removing worms from a puppy and an adult dog.

Exterior defects

Lameness is a constant companion various problems with bones in dogs. These can be such externally noticeable problems as different lengths limbs, improperly healed fracture and other factors. One of the most common causes of lameness is dysplasia, a pathology that occurs due to impaired development of the joint.

Rottweilers are prone to dysplasia german shepherds, Alabai, St. Bernards, Cane Corso, Labradors, Retrievers - in a word, large and quite heavy dogs. Although hip dysplasia also occurs in pugs, Pekingese, and French bulldogs.

It's not just a matter of hereditary genetic predisposition(which is facilitated by the uncontrolled and thoughtless breeding of purebred dogs, which does not take into account the health problems of producers), but also by the dog’s lifestyle. Promote the development of dysplasia excess weight, sedentary or vice versa, excessively active image life with constant intense physical activity on the dog.

What to do?

First you need to accurately establish the diagnosis. This is usually done using fluoroscopy of the affected joint. Maintenance therapy is prescribed individually in each specific case.

How to prevent it?

When purchasing a puppy from a breed that is potentially susceptible to the disease, ask the breeder to provide test results for the parents and grandparents of your future dog. Don't put too much stress on your puppy active activities, do not allow him to run down the stairs, jump from heights, or jump over high obstacles until he is six months old. It is also important to feed the puppy and young dog properly, making sure that all essential minerals in his diet.

Inflammatory processes in joints and their dystrophy

Rheumatism is a problem not only for people, but also for dogs. At rheumatic lesions joints, it is clearly difficult for the dog to move, it is difficult for her to get up, and lameness occurs periodically.

What to do?

Consult a veterinarian. Your pet may have to take a course of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, or chondoprotectors. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, and especially do not get carried away with giving your dog any analgesics. By extinguishing the manifestation of symptoms, you “drive” the problem deeper.

Projection of some disease

Sometimes a dog's lameness may have nothing to do with paw problems.

A dog may limp because it is bothered by a hernia or disease gastrointestinal tract, spinal injury, tumors or other health problems.

The cause of such lameness can only be determined after a full examination at a veterinary clinic.

Many dog ​​owners have encountered such a problem with their pet as lameness at least once in their life. Perhaps this was a one-time occurrence, or perhaps you are observing your dog periodically limping on one or more legs. Veterinary experts recommend not to ignore this problem, but to seek help from them, since the cause of lameness can be either a fracture (read more about fractures in dogs) or an injury to the dog’s toe pads...

About the causes of lameness in dogs, and how to help your pet if you notice that he is limping– our publication will tell...

Any medical directory will tell us that by lameness we mean a dysfunction of the step of one or more limbs. In other words, with lameness, the gait changes, and it becomes asymmetrical to the movements of the limbs. Lameness can occur due to dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, and it is customary to distinguish lameness not as separate disease, but as a symptom of it. What diseases can lameness be a symptom of? You will see that this list is really impressive, but we will talk about this a little later, but for now, let’s find out how to independently determine whether your dog is limping or you just imagined it...

How to tell if your dog is limping

Remember how it moves healthy dog who doesn't have any pain? Her movements are springy, free, smooth and confident. At the same time, the nature of the step may change, but the style of movement remains the same, whether you are watching the dog from the front, side or back. If it seems to you that your dog is walking or running completely wrong, this is a reason to think about it. It's also a good idea to do a little test to help you determine if your concerns about your dog limping are justified.

To do this, you will need to walk with the dog on wet sand or wet soil, so that the pet's paw prints are imprinted on the surface. Now you need to measure the dog's stride length and compare them. The step of a limb that is limping may be shortened, the paw may be carried outward or, on the contrary, turned inward. It is quite possible that you will need to further observe your pet’s movements in order to finally make sure that he is limping. In any case, you should not let the situation take its course, because the sooner you notice the problem and take steps to eliminate it, the greater the chance that the dog will stop limping...

By the way, it will be useful to watch your pet while walking and compare how your pet and other dogs move. As a rule, if there is lameness, you will definitely see this difference in the rhythm of movements.

Types of lameness in dogs

Unfortunately, not every dog ​​owner can accurately determine whether his pet is limping, since dog lameness varies. And, her different character may indicate for various reasons the occurrence of such lameness. It is after the veterinarian determines the character of how the dog is limping that he can give it accurate diagnosis and prescribe an adequate course of treatment. We do not undertake to take away the work of veterinarians, it’s just that it will also be useful for dog owners to understand what happened to their pet, therefore, we will now tell you how to determine what happened to your dog by the type of lameness.

  • If the dog does not lean on its paw, presses it, the paw hangs in the air - the animal experiences acute pain, this often happens when inflammatory processes in joints, with fractures and dislocations.
  • If the dog, on the contrary, leans on the paw, but rather tries to transfer the weight and support from it to the healthy paw, the animal’s gait is tense, the step is asymmetrical and shortened, the removal of the limb is difficult, painful sensations can be caused by muscle tension. If this happens to the front legs, then there is tension in the neck muscles, if the lameness is pelvic, then the back muscles are tense. In the same situation, the dog can move in leaps and bounds on 3 legs, tucking the affected limb under itself.
  • If a dog does not experience pain, then its step may change as a result of spastic muscle tension or, conversely, their weakness.
  • If a dog suddenly begins to limp, then such lameness most often has a traumatic nature and is associated with a dislocation, bruise, fracture, bone crack, or sprain.
  • If lameness manifests itself periodically, this may indicate osteochondrosis and metabolic disorders.
  • If lameness progresses, it could be degenerative processes in the joints or cancer...

Causes of lameness in dogs

According to veterinarians, often painful sensations in a dog’s limbs are symptoms of serious bone and genetic pathologies that require increased attention And serious approach to treatment. And the prognosis of the disease depends on how quickly you start treating your pet. But, the correct treatment can only be prescribed if the correct diagnosis is established, which can determine the exact reason why your dog is limping. Below we present several groups of reasons that can lead to lameness in dogs.

Injuries that lead to lameness in dogs

As we wrote above, sudden lameness is often associated with injuries, which can be of the following nature:

  • Trauma to the fingertips– during a walk, the dog could injure the pads of its fingers. This wouldn't happen if she was wearing it, but if it does happen, inspect your dog's paws to locate the cut. It will need to be disinfected and bandaged tightly to prevent infection from getting into the wound. Until the dog’s paw completely heals, it is recommended to walk it in special shoes for dogs or wearing a thick cotton sock on the injured limb.
  • Broken or torn claw– as a result of damage to the nail plate, the dog may begin to limp on its paw. In this case, it is recommended to examine her paws, and if you find a broken claw, you will need to carefully remove it, stop the bleeding and treat the wound. It is recommended to walk the dog in special shoes until the finger heals.
  • Foreign bodies under the claws or in the interdigital space– in animals with long and thick hair, if the owners do not pay due attention to them, pebbles and dry twigs often get stuck between the fingers and get tangled in long hair and cause discomfort to the pet. To avoid this, it is recommended to monitor the length of your fur. four-legged friend and trim him regularly (find out), and also, after each walk, not only wash his paws (find out how to do it correctly), but also inspect his paws after each walk.
  • Cracked paw pads– as a rule, when there is a deficiency of vitamin A in the dog’s diet, the latter can have cracked paw pads, which can bleed and cause discomfort to your pet. In this case, it is worth reviewing your pet’s diet and including essential vitamins. However, often cracked pads also indicate the action of aggressive reagents or - in this situation, in order to prevent cracks on the paw pads from becoming a “gateway” for infection, it is recommended to wear shoes while walking the pet, and to moisturize the pads they should be lubricated with vegetable oil . But, not only that, cracked paw pads and lameness can be symptoms of a disease that affects unvaccinated and weak dogs. If you suspect such a diagnosis, it is recommended to immediately consult a veterinarian.
  • Dislocated paw– as a result of an unsuccessful jump, a fall from a height, or a limb getting stuck during movement, the dog may have a dislocated paw. As a rule, in this case, you will notice that the pet not only does not stand on the affected paw, but swelling has developed on the affected limb and the dog does not allow itself to be examined. There is no point in trying to correct the dislocation on your own in such a situation. Just apply something cold to the sprained area and go to your veterinarian.
  • Paw fracture– you can get a broken limb as a result active play(about), and an unsuccessful landing during a jump. If you notice that in addition to lameness in your dog, sharp pain in the limb, severe swelling, the paw itself has increased in size, you must fix it, immobilize the dog and urgently seek help from specialists.

Causes of permanent lameness in dogs

If your dog is constantly limping, this may indicate pathological changes that occur in her joints or bones, or about diseases internal organs varying in severity. This could be...

  • Arthritis or arthrosis– as a rule, the causes of the development of these diseases are rheumatism or infection. In this case, the dog limps most severely after sleep or after for a long time was in a motionless state, but after it diverges a little and warms up the muscles, the lameness becomes less noticeable.
  • Spinal diseases– injuries spinal column, hernias in the area cervical spine spine can also cause lameness in a dog. If you also notice that your pet is not only constantly limping, but also gets tired quickly, her gait is unsteady and unsteady, her limbs are twitching convulsively - this should be a reason for you to contact a veterinarian, since with severe spinal injuries the dog may even develop complete paralysis.
  • Malignant neoplasms– often, the cause of lameness in a dog is a tumor on the paw. At visual inspection it is not detected, but if the paw is examined in detail, it can be felt slight compaction, the size of which is no larger than a pea. X-rays and biopsies can help make an accurate diagnosis. The prognosis in this case is disappointing, but, having good veterinarian, you can fight for the life of your pet.

Often, owners notice that their pets do not move freely, but with a limp. The reason for this is problems with the limbs. What does it mean when a dog is limping on its hind leg? Is this condition always a cause for concern?

About the causes of lameness in dogs

There may be a lot of them. Veterinarians call the most common reasons Problems:

  1. Injuries. An unsuccessful jump can cause sprained ligaments and broken bones. IN best case scenario, that is, with a slight sprain, lameness can go away on its own, without drug treatment, if the dog’s body is strong. Injuries to the pads of the toes, in particular cuts, broken claws, can also be the reason that the dog does not step completely on one hind paw. You need to inspect it carefully for small wounds and stuck pebbles. If the dog does not stop pulling its hind paw for more than three days, and no external injuries are found, then it is necessary to contact a specialist.
  2. Dislocation of the kneecap. Owners note that the dog may suddenly begin to drag one hind limb behind it. At the same time, something like this happens abruptly and literally everything falls into place. In such a situation, most likely, we are talking about a dislocated kneecap. Veterinarians call it patella dislocation. It can occur in any breed, but most often it occurs in small breed dogs and is a manifestation of a genetic predisposition to the problem. When the kneecap dislocates, it comes out of its normal position. It turns out that it acts like a wedge, tightens the ligaments around the knee, and the paw simply does not bend. Then knee cap she occupies correct position- and the animal begins to move as usual.
  3. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. It is typical for representatives of small breeds at a young age. Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is also called glans necrosis femur. Pathology is also inherited from parents. Its reason is that the normal blood supply to the femoral neck is stopped. It collapses, and behind it the joint. The pathology leads to severe lameness and requires long-term treatment, surgical intervention.
  4. Arthritis. This is an inflammation of the joints that can be caused by birth defects or infection. The dog experiences difficulty getting up and refuses to walk due to pain. Delaying contact with the veterinarian may lead to the fact that it will simply not be possible to save the dog without surgery. Lameness will turn into immobility of all paws.
  5. Interdigital cyst. This is the name of the swelling between the toes. She's sick. The cyst can become infected. It may contain small foreign bodies. Visually, upon examination, it is clear that the area between the fingers on the upper side of the limb is swollen and swollen. In this case, treatment will most likely be based on the use of antibiotics.
  6. What should the owner do?

    First of all, carefully examine the dog’s sore limb. If the reason is its cut, it is necessary to treat it with an antiseptic. You can wash your paw with furatsilin using a syringe without a needle. A chlorhexidine solution is also suitable for this procedure. The paw must be bandaged so that the infection does not cause the problem to worsen. Typically, cuts on the toe pads of healthy dogs heal quickly.

    If you discover that an animal’s claw is broken, it must be completely removed at a veterinary clinic. The bleeding stops special drugs, a tight bandage is applied. The dog will gradually return to normal and stop limping. The new claw will grow in a few months.

    When, during the examination, you do not find any external injuries, you need to call a veterinarian at home, because transporting the animal to the veterinary clinic will involve pain and discomfort for the dog.

    After examination and palpation, and, if necessary, after an x-ray, the doctor will announce the diagnosis. If this is a fracture, then long time your pet will have to endure strict restraint of the limb. When will a doctor discover that a dog has arthritis or other inflammatory diseases skeletal system, then the treatment will be long.

    So, the cause of lameness in an animal and further actions The owner will be determined by an experienced veterinarian. And so that similar pathologies did not arise, it is necessary to regularly examine the dog’s limbs and monitor the health of the finger pads.