Slight tingling of the skin. Goosebumps all over the body and other symptoms: rash, fever, chills, causes

Skin tingling

Some time ago, I received a question from a newsletter reader that had not yet been addressed on the site, although the situation described in the letter is not so rare. I gave brief recommendations to the author of the letter right away, now we will analyze the reasons for the phenomenon so that it is clear how to deal with it. So, the letter:

Evgeniy, good afternoon! Thank you for your site, a lot of interesting information. Maybe somewhere on the site the answer to my question has already been found - I couldn’t find it, I apologize in advance. I'm interested in the following question: what to do when your entire skin periodically tingles in different places, like a mosquito bites? It's worse in winter, better in summer, but it's still very annoying. I understand that this is most likely a Vata imbalance, because in winter the skin becomes very dry. But what to do? Oil the skin? Then when you wash off the oil, the skin dries out even more from the water and soap. I drink sedative herbs, but I have trouble falling asleep, also because of this tingling sensation. Thanks in advance for your answer!

The reader is correct that the symptoms correspond to a Vata imbalance. It is Vata, its imbalance, that contributes not only to dry skin, but also to increased sensitivity. And increased sensitivity manifests itself in the form of a wide variety of symptoms - tingling, itching or something similar.

Also, the reader is right in her assumption that the skin needs to be oiled. Oiling is one of the important Ayurvedic procedures, although it is far from the only one. And since the reader did something in this direction, but did not get any results, this indicates that the process is going on at a deeper level.

In general, “skin is the mirror of the body” is a popular expression. This means that in case of such skin problems, you need to deal with the body as a whole. Let's try to figure out what we can do at home, because even though tingling is not a very common occurrence, a lot of people suffer from dry skin.

  • Vata is a cold, dry dosha.

What does it mean? - This means that Vata will be increased by cold and dryness. This also means that increased Vata will manifest itself in the form of coldness and dryness (the person will be cold, his skin and mucous membranes will be dry).

What is the opposite of cold and dry? - Heat and humidity.

This is where we are ahead of the curve with the main directions of movement. And then it’s a matter of technology - the range of methods and means can be quite wide. And you don’t have to focus on one thing just because it’s fashionable or someone recommends it. The main thing is the right direction.

For example, let's take the classic procedure of warming up and sweating, which is indicated for Vata imbalances. The procedure is described in ancient texts. It is also available in several versions in the Listeners Section. It is quite difficult to carry out warming and sweating exactly as described in the original source at home. But in fact, the purpose of the procedure is to warm up the body. And warm it up deeply. How can I do that? - Yes, at least in the bath. Or in the bathhouse. Or use modern electric leg or body warmers. That is, you need to understand that the goal is not to reproduce the procedure as it was described thousands of years ago, but to warm up the body. And if we shift our attention from the precise execution of the technique to the goal, then immediately there are replacements - and very effective ones.

That is, an important way to solve the problem is heat. Please note that the reader writes that in summer the skin dries less. Everything is quite logical - it’s warm in the summer, Vata calms down. In winter, you need to take all measures to keep the house warm, you need to warm up in the bathtub or visit the sauna more often, it is permissible to use other methods that ensure warming of the body.

The second important point is hydration. For this purpose, Ayurveda uses a number of substances and foods that are favorable to Vata. First of all, this is external and internal oiling. Both procedures are quite complex, and internal oiling is also fraught with complications, so it is best to carry out both oilings in the clinic. At home, we can lubricate the skin with oils and cosmetics - there is a large selection of them now.

It is important to understand something else here - the skin dries not because it lacks moisture, but because it loses this moisture. And here we come to the next important question - how to retain moisture in the skin? And in general in the cells of the body, because dryness is not only in the skin, but in all cells - this is manifested by various problems in the joints, pain, spasms - these are all problems at the cellular level caused by loss of moisture from the cells.

Doctors and biologists may recall that such an important trace element as sulfur is responsible for moisture retention. If you analyze Vata’s diet, it is very rich in sulfur. Of course, if the Vata diet is practiced widely, and not limited to a dozen foods, as some do.

Sulfur is found primarily in animal products, so vegetarians are often deficient in sulfur, which greatly aggravates Vata imbalances. Sulfur deficiency can persist even on a Vata diet if it is in a vegetarian version.

At the same time, replenishing sulfur deficiency is very simple - there is a natural form of sulfur in the form of a compound called MSM. This substance is not only purely natural, but also completely harmless. Suffice it to say that its safety is much higher than the safety of ordinary table salt. Adding 1.5 grams (2 tablets) to the diet 3 times a day significantly reduces dry skin or even solves the problem completely. In addition, sulfur is called the “mineral of beauty”, since its addition improves the condition of hair and nails. Joint pain also decreases or disappears, as well as other symptoms of Vata imbalance significantly decrease or disappear altogether.

The second important microelement that Vata’s diet is rich in is magnesium. in the body it is involved in about 500 different reactions, but we are now interested in its role in inhibiting an uneven impulse. It is magnesium that helps not only to relieve increased nervous excitability (these are uncontrollable emotions, low resistance to stress), but also to reduce various skin manifestations of a nervous nature, such as tingling, itching, etc.

Typically, a nutritious diet provides sufficient supply of sulfur, magnesium, other trace elements and other essential substances. But if dry skin or tingling persists, then the diet is still not varied enough and the use of supplements with and will give good results.

Since the descriptions of the mode are quite detailed, I will not repeat them. It is only important to remember that the regime is not only a diet. This includes meditation, yoga, daily routine and all those components that are indicated. It is important to practice the regimen completely. The diet should be very varied. All people need a varied diet, but Vatas or people with Vata imbalances especially need a varied diet.

Summarize. To solve the problem, you need heat, and to moisturize, foods rich in sulfur (or). Additionally, to relieve increased nervous excitability, foods high in magnesium or. The Vata diet is rich in both foods with sulfur and foods with magnesium, but no one has canceled the requirement for a varied diet. If you limit yourself to a dozen products, there will be no result.

Tingling skin is a rather unpleasant feeling that can occur with various diseases and conditions. The localization of the symptom and the features of the clinical picture help determine the cause.

Feels like needles are pricking your skin

This sensation is characterized in medicine by the term paresthesia. Many patients interpret it differently:

  • Tingling.
  • Burning.
  • A crawling feeling.

These unusual sensations are associated with incorrect interpretation by the nerve centers of impulses coming from skin receptors.

A person associates such sensations with the skin, because it is on it that the feeling is formed, but most often the reason lies in the pathology of the nerves.

Possible reasons

To make it easier to make a diagnosis and refer to the right specialist, we will try to divide all the causes of tingling into groups according to two criteria: the place of occurrence of the symptom and its characteristics.

On the torso

If the tingling occurs only on the torso, then the intercostal nerves are most often involved. These structures arise from the spinal cord and run along the ribs throughout the body, innervating the skin of the chest and abdomen.

Possible reasons:

  1. Herpetic infection. This disease most often affects the intercostal nerves. The herpes zoster virus enters the body for the first time and causes chickenpox; after chickenpox is cured, the pathogen settles in the nerve ganglia and lies dormant there. When immunity decreases, the virus multiplies and causes a tingling sensation along the nerve root.
  2. Pinched nerve root. This condition is called sciatica. May be caused by injury or degenerative disease of the spine (osteochondrosis). As a result, a shooting pain, tingling or burning sensation passes through the body from the nerve root.

Paresthesia and other conditions that will be discussed below in the text can cause paresthesia on the body.

If characteristic blisters with transparent contents, redness and itching appear on the skin of the chest or abdomen, then the diagnosis of herpes zoster is beyond doubt.

On the head

If the tingling sensation is localized only on the head, then you should think about the following problems:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. A complex symptom complex, the causes of which are not fully understood. In this condition, blood circulation in the head area is disrupted due to improper functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Possible factors may include overwork, injury, stress, viral and bacterial infections, smoking and alcohol.
  2. Tingling and a feeling of pulsation at the temple can occur with hypertension. The reason is increased blood pressure. The condition can be primary (more often in the elderly) or secondary (with pathology of internal organs). A cardiologist should understand the problem.
  3. An unpleasant tingling or burning sensation can also occur with eye diseases, fatigue, decreased vision, or wearing the wrong glasses or lenses.
  4. Sometimes the problem lies in the cranial nerves and their roots, which are affected by viruses of various groups.

Skin diseases can also cause tingling, this will be described in detail below in the text.

On the limbs

Shooting, tingling, or pins and needles on an arm or leg are almost always associated with damage to a large nerve. Possible reasons:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Nerve or back injury.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Strokes.
  • Diabetes.
  • Autoimmune diseases.

A neurologist will help determine the cause of local paresthesia and, if necessary, refer you to another specialist.

All over the body

Finally, the most extensive group of causes is paresthesia in different areas of the skin. We list the possible factors of pathological feeling:

  1. Fungal diseases - very often cause itching on the skin and can cause tingling. They usually manifest themselves in the form of redness on the skin, so they do not go unnoticed by patients.
  2. Diabetes mellitus is a disease that most often occurs not only with polyneuropathy, but also with skin lesions. May cause tingling, itching and burning in a variety of areas of the skin.
  3. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is a very common condition that develops against the background of chronic alcohol consumption.
  4. Atherosclerosis is damage to blood vessels due to the deposition of cholesterol plaques inside. With this disease, the blood supply to the soft tissues is disrupted, and a tingling sensation occurs.
  5. Lack of vitamins, especially group B. These substances are necessary for the normal conduction of nerve impulses; their deficiency causes paresthesia.
  6. Dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases. They can occur on any part of the body and can cause itching, tingling, burning and other various symptoms.
  7. Liver diseases. Impaired excretion of bilirubin by the liver leads to its deposition in the skin. As a result, not only jaundice occurs, but also itching throughout the body.

Features of sensations

Let us also pay attention to the features of the clinical picture of the symptom.

If only tingling occurs, then the diagnosis is most difficult and extensive. It will be necessary to exclude all of the above conditions depending on the history and localization of the process.

But pain or itching will help to more accurately determine the cause.

Stitching pains

Stitching pain occurs with neuropathy. This condition does not occur with skin processes or liver diseases.

If a person has pain in the arms, legs or torso, it is necessary to look for the involved nerve and determine the cause of its damage. A neurologist will help with this and must examine such a patient.

The diagnostic search can be extensive:

  • A general blood test.
  • They look at biochemical tests.
  • The content of vitamins in the blood is studied.
  • Electromyography can indicate the pathology of a particular nerve.


But itching is more typical for liver and skin diseases.

If the medical history does not indicate liver damage, then you should look for various skin symptoms - redness, rash, weeping and others. They can be hidden in various hard-to-see places.

Could it be due to allergies?

Tingling and itching may be a sign of an allergic reaction. This process occurs with atopic dermatitis and urticaria.

If characteristic blisters appear on the skin, then the diagnosis is beyond doubt. Urticaria should be treated with antihistamines and the allergen should be eliminated.

Atopic dermatitis may be hidden from examination, but sooner or later redness, peeling of the skin, cracks or weeping are detected on the skin.

What to do?

From all of the above, we can conclude that there are quite a few causes of the symptom, and each of them requires different treatment.

Possible drugs:

  • Antihistamines.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Glucocorticosteroids.
  • Antifungal.
  • Antiviral.
  • Vitamins.
  • Hepatoprotectors.
  • Nootropics.

If you don’t know why you have discomfort on your skin, consult a therapist. A general practitioner will examine you, sort out the problem and refer you to the right specialist.

Feelings of numbness, burning, tingling in various parts of the body, which can be due to various reasons.

For example:

- if a person has been in the same position for a long time, any part of the body may become numb,

- the situation can occur after long periods of heavy, tiring physical activity,

- if there is a lack of any microelements,

- may be an indicator of various vascular diseases,

- numbness, burning, tingling in various parts of the body can be associated with serious diseases caused by organic lesions of the central nervous system (for example, polyneuropathy is a fairly common disease in severe forms of alcohol addiction),
- most often, sensations of numbness, burning, tingling manifest themselves in various borderline mental states and are included in such syndromes as: neuroses, anxiety disorders, depression, etc.

Diagnosis of numbness, burning, tingling sensations

If a person, at some point, begins to worry, his quality of life deteriorates, he begins to visit doctors of various specialties. And if doctors rule out somatic pathology, then an in-person joint consultation with a psychotherapist and a neurologist is necessary, since these sensations are more common with any disorders of the nervous system.

The sensation of numbness, burning, tingling in various parts of the body is a consequence of disruption of the autonomic nervous system. As a rule, such sensations are quite common in anxiety-neurotic syndromes complicated by autonomic reactions (disruption of higher nervous activity) and various neurological changes. At the biological level, the central nervous system gives the wrong impulse to the peripheral nervous system, and these unpleasant sensations appear, which destabilize the person’s mental state even more. The person begins to worry about what perpetuates this pathological reaction of the nervous system. It turns out to be a “vicious circle”.

Differential diagnosis

Also, numbness and tingling in various parts of the body can be a pathology of sensations in the form of so-called senestopathy. The unpleasant, painful, sometimes unusually painful affective tone of the sensations of senestopathies, as a rule, is consonant with an anxious-depressive mood. These sensations are long-lasting, occur in short bursts and are always difficult for people to bear.

It is very important to note that the occurrence of senestopathies is not associated with local disorders, which can be established by standard diagnostic research methods.

As a rule, at the onset of the disease, with manifestations of senestopathy syndrome, sensations most often have a certain localization and similarity to the manifestations of general somatic diseases. Subsequently, these sensations lose their strict localization, become diffuse, and acquire an unusual, and often pretentious, character.

The above disorders in the form of numbness or tingling in various parts of the body can be symptoms of various mental disorders, ranging from neurotic disorders to severe psychotic illnesses.

If we are talking about an anxiety-neurotic disorder (a breakdown of higher nervous activity), then, as a rule, neuroses are borderline mental states and, with adequate therapy, they are reversible and the prognosis is quite good.

To accurately determine the condition, you need the correct diagnostic basis and consultation with a psychotherapist, who, using the results of the examination, will be able to prescribe treatment; as a rule, complex therapy is needed here:

- medicinal, to restore the biological functions of the brain,

- psychotherapy in order to destroy pathological behavior patterns and recreate healthy ones.

Most often, patients with disruptions of higher nervous activity complain of numbness in the extremities, part of the head (especially the scalp), fingers and toes.

The tingling sensation most often occurs in a less localized area of ​​the body and is described by patients, in most cases, as “tingling here and there.”

Example of patient complaints of tingling sensations and feelings of numbness

Such complaints are the most common in the practice of modern psychotherapists and neurologists.

Male, 35 years old. Married, has a prestigious job, no bad habits. I was examined by almost all doctors and got an appointment with a psychotherapist by accident.

For example, we specifically chose a case that does not have a somatic connotation in the form of the consequences of any diseases, for example, alcoholism, drug addiction, vascular changes, brain injuries, etc.

In this case, the manifestation of the patient’s complaints is based on a disruption of higher nervous activity as a result of high psychophysical stress, since these are the patients who make up the largest number among those seeking medical help with similar symptoms.

The patient had a large folder with him with various studies and test results. He came to the appointment accompanied by his wife, who insisted on his conversation with the doctor. His attitude towards the conversation with the psychotherapist is extremely negative.

“I came to you at the insistence of my wife, although I don’t understand how my goosebumps and lack of sensitivity in the back of my head can be related to psychiatry. I know for sure that I am mentally healthy and I have a certificate from a psychiatrist. I have a driver's license and I have a gun." ...

The patient could not calm down for a long time and did not want to have a constructive conversation with the psychotherapist. But, after some time, the doctor finally convinced him to complain about his condition and together figure out the reasons for the decline in his quality of life.

“It started when I began to feel a tingling and pinching sensation in my arm. At first I thought that I was sleeping incorrectly. Then it began to be felt more and spread to the neck and face. It feels like they are being pricked with small needles. It doesn't hurt, but it's very annoying and distracting.
I went to the therapist, donated blood for lipids, coagulation, biochemistry, etc. and everything turned out to be normal, so he sent me to a neurologist.

The neurologist sent me first to an MRI, then to an EEG, CT, and ultrasound. Diagnosed: polysegmental osteochondrosis, scoliosis, functional instability of the cervical spine, vertebral artery syndrome against the background of polysegmental osteochondrosis, Vertebrogenic dorsalgia, narrowing of the vertebral arteries with insufficiency of blood flow of 60%. He prescribed treatment, which I took for 8 months. The result, if you say that it is zero, then this is not true, because it got worse, which is also a result. During this time, the back of my head began to go numb, and goosebumps spread to my stomach.
I quit treatment with this neurologist and went to another one. Another made his own diagnosis (transient ischemic cerebrovascular accident), and the result was the same, I went to another - compression of the left vertebral artery in the precranial segment with a local hemodynamic shift at the level of the Atlanta loop, stenosis less than 50%. Then to another, and another. In total, I visited six neurologists who diagnosed me and treated me, but nothing changed, except that the area of ​​numbness on the back of my head grew, and I no longer felt half of my head, and I began to feel tingling sensations in different places.

I can’t even say where I haven’t felt these tingling and goosebumps. The location could change 2-3 times a day. I was treated by neurologists for more than 2 years.

Then they recommended me to a good cardiologist. And again there were various examinations, diagnoses and treatments: sugar was normal, microelements (magnesium, potassium, calcium) were also normal, vitamins were normal. ECG, 24-hour Holter monitoring, ultrasound, etc. His treatment was as useless as that of others.

I visited an endocrinologist, a nephrologist, and an ophthalmologist; I probably went through all the doctors, leaving only the gynecologist and you. I'm talking to you now. I have been going to doctors for four years now, but there is no improvement.
I also saw a psychologist, but I just messed with my brain, but it was of no use. I was already tired of being treated, and none of the treatments helped me. Should I go to the gynecologist now?”

It was a story of treatment and torment of a man. The psychotherapist began to find out the circumstances and possible causes. We will present this story in the abstract.

“Yes, I remember, just before it all started, I was having serious difficulties at work. I had to work almost for days, with great nervous overload. It was not always possible to get enough sleep. That’s when I thought that I was sleeping in an uncomfortable position, and this was making my hand go numb. Then everything returned to normal, but these goosebumps sensations remained. I went to a neurologist, assuming it was nervous, but apparently I was wrong.

Now I am worried about dizziness, almost every day. Not strong, most often mild, a feeling of slight intoxication or slight unreality.

A little, in the evening, my head starts to hurt, it’s hard to focus. Sometimes my wife or child says something, but I cannot understand the meaning of what was said. I seem to understand what they said, but I don’t get the meaning.

Headache - in the form of a hoop, also not severe, appeared quite recently, more with pressure on the right and numbness of the head from behind, from the back of the head, right on half of the head.

From time to time I hear some noise in my ears, sometimes in the left ear, sometimes in the right ear (a week on the left, a week on the right). There is a tingling sensation all over the back, like needles. It feels as if I’ve been sitting or lying down, even though I’m not lying down.

My sleep is a little disturbed. I have trouble falling asleep, I constantly have thoughts, and I wake up before the alarm clock or can’t get up in the morning.

Yes, I get up in the morning without sleep, often during the day I feel exhausted and want to sleep.

We tried to do the massage ourselves, but after it the sensations of numbness and tingling intensified, it was better not to touch it.”

Treatment of numbness, burning, tingling sensations

The treatment for this case lasted for three months, after which all symptoms disappeared completely, numbness and tingling no longer appeared. My sleep has become high quality, there are no headaches or dizziness. The meaning of what was said is grasped immediately. It is recommended to contact immediately if your condition worsens. In addition, an annual inspection is required. The patient was observed by our doctor for 4 years and followed the recommendations in full. During this period, no deterioration of the condition was recorded.

As a rule, treatment in such situations is always justified by the reasons for the formation of these sensations, which are indicated in a complete and accurate diagnosis. Treatment is recommended to be carried out in an outpatient program using hospital-substitution methods. Treatment for sensations of numbness, burning, tingling should be active, using neurometabolic agents, methods of restorative therapy of the nervous system, psychotherapy, and possibly the use of physiotherapy. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding daily routine and diet.

If another stressful situation occurs during treatment, exacerbations may occur and the condition may worsen. However, inpatient treatment is usually not recommended for patients so that their nervous system is “trained” to respond correctly to such adverse external influences. This is the main goal of treatment - to prevent another nervous breakdown.

Inpatient treatment for symptoms of numbness, burning, and tingling can only be recommended if these manifestations are in the context of an acute mental state (psychosis).

Numbness, burning, and tingling sensations can be felt in various parts of the body

  • sensation of numbness, burning, tingling in the scalp
  • feeling of numbness, burning, tingling in the hand
  • sensation of numbness, burning, tingling, tickling of the tongue
  • feeling of numbness, burning, tingling in the legs
  • numbness, burning, tingling sensation in the face
  • sensation of numbness, burning, tingling in the fingers
  • sensation of numbness, burning, tingling in the mouth
  • sensation of numbness, burning, tingling, tickling in the throat

If you feel numbness or tingling sensations in various parts of the body for no apparent reason

You don’t need to undergo a lot of unnecessary tests

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Our treatment helps even with the most severe cases, when other treatments have not helped!

It seems like this could be due to several reasons. For example, mental disorder, panic, poisoning. Regardless, the body gives a signal to a person that something is wrong and he urgently needs to get back to normal.

There are times when, after laughing for a long time or drinking a cup of coffee, you may feel as if you are being pierced with needles all over your body. It all depends on the structural features of the human nervous system, his psyche. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of exactly how such sensations manifest themselves. Each case requires specific consideration. Below are the most common cases where tingling sensations are felt throughout the body.

Body overheating

There are often cases when tingling begins after the body overheats. The person experiences obvious discomfort and cannot get rid of the tingling sensation for several minutes. Overheating can occur during physical work, while running, after prolonged laughter, or in hot weather. There are many reasons. Moreover, if a person suffering from such an unpleasant symptom consults a doctor, they rarely find deviations from the norm in their state of health.

To stop suffering from such a disease, you can change your diet in favor of plant foods. If you have bad habits, you need to give them up, replacing them with dousing them with cold water in the morning. At first, due to the strong impact of cold water, you will feel a strong tingling sensation, but after a couple of weeks it will become much easier. With proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, blood pressure and the functioning of the endocrine system will normalize, and metabolic processes will improve.

Nervous tension

Life in a big city and its frantic pace often lead to stressful situations and nervous breakdowns. When a person is under nervous tension all the time, he often begins to feel pain all over his body during periods of strong excitement and emotional outburst. Unfortunately, even if this is a positive emotional outburst, needles will still prick all over the body.

To return to a normal state - to get rid of the feeling of being pierced with needles all over your body - you need to restore your nervous system and try to lead a more active lifestyle. A visit to the pool or walks in the fresh air are good options. The best option is to relax for at least two weeks where no one knows you, so that nothing reminds you of your usual surroundings.

Sexual arousal

Some people experience tingling throughout their body when they are highly sexually aroused. But these are rather pleasant sensations, since they are part of love. You shouldn’t even try to get rid of such symptoms, since nothing can be done against the physiology formed during ontogenesis.

Tingling all over the body.

Question: I feel like my body is being pierced with pins and needles throughout the day, but especially my arms. What can I do to help myself?

Answer: First of all, if you are anxious or stressed, muscle tension can affect your nerves, causing a tingling sensation in your limbs. Therefore, by relieving tension through massage, exercise or osteopathy, you can alleviate your condition. If your sensations are due to problems with blood circulation, it means that the cells are not receiving enough oxygen. Vitamin B3 (niacin) will improve this process. Take 100 mg. A tingling sensation, especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue and joint pain or inflammation, can be a sign of toxin overload. To identify this condition, you should consult a nutritionist and detoxify your body by eating a very healthy diet and taking supplements containing a powerful antioxidant complex, and also support your liver by taking thistle milk.

In general, detox diets mean that you will have to eliminate all grains containing gluten: wheat, barley, oats and rye, all refined foods, red meat, alcohol and stimulants; focus on fresh fruits: watermelon, kiwi fruit, apricots, red grapes, berries and fresh vegetables including sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, watercress, broccoli, peppers, spinach and tomatoes: drink 1 to 1.5 liters neat water per day and eat reasonable amounts of whole grains (such as brown rice) along with fatty fish and raw nuts and seeds.

Question: I wake up feeling like my body is pierced with pins and needles - what nutrients can help with this condition?

Answer: The tingling sensation that occurs when waking up usually occurs in the part of the body where the uncomfortable posture has caused poor circulation. If this is definitely not your case, other causes to consider are physical stress and poor circulation. If your muscles get really tense, take 300 mg of magnesium before bed to help your muscles relax. Vitamin B3 (niacin) can also help relieve tension and improve blood flow; Take 50 to 100 mg of niacin. You can get it as part of a multivitamin, which should provide up to 50 mg in the form of non-flushing niacinamide.
The herb ginkgo is known to improve blood circulation: take 40 mg (regular formulation contains 24% ginkgo flavone glycosides) three times daily.

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