Quick and easy: we remove bruises on the face and body. Ointment from the oven. How to quickly remove a bruise: traditional methods

A bruise on the knee is the result of a fall, blow or bruise. It's not only cosmetic defect, but quite painful formation. Symptoms may vary - the patient may feel slight discomfort when walking or severe pain in any position. In the second case, you should contact medical care and exclude the possibility of a crack or fracture of the meniscus, sprain or rupture of ligaments.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

A hematoma on the knee is a collection of thickened blood under the skin. It appears from small capillaries that are injured by a fall or impact. Their walls rupture and blood flows out into subcutaneous tissue. This can happen by several reasons:

  • after a blow to the knee joint or a fall on the knee;
  • with pathological fragility of the walls of blood vessels, in which case bruises appear constantly throughout the body;
  • hematomas also accompany serious injuries with damage to the structures of the knee joint.

Falls to the knees are among the most common household and sports injuries. The danger of such injuries lies in the complex structure of the knee. The joint is closed in front by the patella, or kneecap- This is a small bone, and it is easily injured. After such a fall, the victim’s knee hurts, it is painful to bend and unbend, it becomes inflamed and swollen.

Treatment methods

All treatment methods are aimed at reducing blood viscosity and stimulating subcutaneous circulation. Under such conditions, the blood clot will gradually dissolve, and the capillary walls will restore integrity. For this you can use pharmaceutical products or traditional methods, which have a similar effect. If left untreated, large hematomas can remain under the skin, affecting the function of the knee joint.

Even small formations tend to become denser and become overgrown with a capsule - in this case they can be removed surgically.

Traditional medicine

In the first days after an injury it is necessary apply cold To knee joint. These can be ointments with a cooling effect, or compresses with ice or cold water. Then useful warming and irritating local drugs , which will stimulate blood circulation and tissue healing. You can also purchase heparin-based ointments or their analogues - they reduce blood viscosity and prevent bruises from hardening.

For local treatment for hematomas, you can choose one of the drugs:

  • Heparin ointment(analogs - Dolobene and Troxevasin) - contains heparin, which reduces blood viscosity and stimulates resorption blood clots;
  • Espol - irritant ointment based on red capsicum, accelerates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, relieves pain and inflammation;
  • Apizartron is a pharmaceutical drug against hematomas that contains bee venom;
  • Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, reduce pain and swelling;
  • Arnica, Vitateca, Arnigel- ointments containing arnica extract, a famous mountain plant that normalizes blood properties, relieves inflammation and strengthens blood vessels.

The choice of remedy depends on the symptoms of the bruise. If the bruise is small and does not cause acute pain, it is enough to use heparin-based products. Edema, pain syndrome, redness of the skin around the hematoma are signs that you should use one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments. Herbal irritants are effective, but are often allergens.

Folk recipes

If your knee is swollen and painful, or a bruise has appeared on it, there are several traditional methods that will help get rid of it in short time. They can be used independently or in combination with drug treatment. The most effective methods are:

  • cabbage leaf - it is applied as a compress and fixed with a bandage overnight;
  • iodine mesh - stimulates blood circulation in the damaged area;
  • badyaga is seaweed, rich in vitamins and microelements, effective against hematomas and bruises;
  • alcohol compresses- This irritant, which is prepared at home with the addition of iodine, dimexide or herbal supplements ( horse chestnut or arnica).

Traditional treatment, despite the naturalness of the recipes, may not be suitable for the patient. Very often natural ingredients turn out to be allergens. In this case, itching, rash and redness appear at the site of application.

Surgical methods

Surgical treatment is necessary if chronic subcutaneous hematoma managed to be encapsulated, and also in cases where the formation reaches large sizes. The operation is performed under local anesthesia using one of the following methods:

  • dissection of the skin followed by removal of the encapsulated hematoma and washing of the wound cavity;
  • draining the hematoma and washing its cavity.

Hematomas appear when the integrity of the blood vessels from which blood flows into the subcutaneous tissue is disrupted. This is accompanied by acute pain and inflammation, as well as limitation of joint mobility.

Bruises must be treated immediately after they appear, otherwise the consequence may be surgical intervention.

It is important to stimulate blood circulation and resorption of the hematoma with pharmaceutical drugs or folk methods.

At timely treatment bruises disappear within a few days, but large lesions may remain for a week or more.

Recipes for effective herbal ointments. Treating bruises and contusions at home

In spring and summer, the problem of hematoma formation is more pressing than ever. People with weak vessels you have to disguise them under trousers or long skirts, putting aside the shorts and short dresses. Therefore, many people will need information on how to get rid of bruises on their legs.

Pharmacological drugs, folk remedies and even physiotherapeutic procedures will help to quickly cure or reduce their severity. If bruises appear without any reason, you should consult a doctor for examination and subsequent prescription of drug therapy.

Treatment methods for hematomas

The most common reason the appearance of bruises on the legs - a blow or bruise. As a result of a violation of the integrity of the capillaries, blood penetrates into adjacent tissues, changing the color of the skin. A hematoma forms even with strong pressure in people whose body lacks:

If a bruise on the face disappears after a few days without any treatment, then the cyanosis on the leg will last about a month. This is due to the characteristics of blood circulation and the location of blood vessels. The following remedies are most effective in treating hematomas at home on the legs:

  • normalizing the functioning of the blood coagulation system;
  • preventing the spread of the inflammatory process.

Doctors always insist on a full diagnosis of patients suffering from rapid and frequent occurrence hematoma. This symptom venous insufficiency requires integrated approach to treatment and the use of drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and do not allow the blood to thicken excessively - Troxevasin, Venarus, Troxerutin, Detralex. If such drugs are available home medicine cabinet in the form of ointments or capsules, they can be used to get rid of fresh and old bruises on the legs.

When a leg is bruised, blood leaks from ruptured capillaries and a bruise forms.

First aid

Immediately after bruising your foot, you should open the refrigerator and look for something frozen. Ideal option There will be ice cubes with which you need to fill a plastic bag. They can be successfully replaced by a frozen chop or piece of fish, a bag of mixed vegetables or a stick of butter.

To quickly remove a swelling bruise, you need to apply a thick cloth to the bruised area and place a bag of ice cubes on top for 3-5 minutes. This procedure helps:

  • stop inflammation;
  • narrow the capillaries in damaged tissues;
  • prevent the spread of bleeding in the subcutaneous tissue.

Cold compresses should be applied 2-3 times within an hour. You can't keep the ice pack on your body for too long, hoping for get well soon. This will cause circulatory problems and frostbite. A hematoma probably does not form due to strong compression of the capillaries. But in its place a large red spot with flaky skin will appear.

If the injury occurred on a hike or at the dacha, then first aid can be found right under your feet. Excellent product for fresh and old hematomas - burdock or dandelion leaves. After rinsing well medicinal herbs, you need to apply them to the site of impact and secure with a bandage. After a few hours, the blueness disappears, and with it painful sensations and formed edema.

Drugs with anticoagulant activity

A hematoma forms in several stages, which should be taken into account when choosing treatment. At the first stage, which lasts two days, it is necessary to minimize the supply of blood

view the damaged areas. The duration of the second stage depends on the condition of the person’s veins, capillaries and arteries. At this stage, it is necessary to improve blood circulation to accelerate the restoration of tissues that have undergone destructive changes, thereby speeding up recovery.

In the arsenal traditional medicine There are many remedies that can help you quickly get rid of any bruises on your legs. For cupping pathological process ointments, creams, balms and gels containing herbal ingredients and chemical ingredients. Almost all have contraindications and can exhibit side effects. Therefore, before purchasing an external product, you need to carefully read the instructions. This is especially true for pregnant women, women breastfeeding and small children.


Troxevasin gel or its structural analogue Troxerutin. Thanks to its delicate texture, the product quickly penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis. Troxevasin strengthens the walls of small and large blood vessels, prevents the development of edema and the formation of blood clots during strong impacts. The gel can be used simultaneously with capsules to prevent frequent bruising on the legs.

Heparin ointment is used to eliminate bruises on the legs caused by severe bruises

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment is one of the most effective remedies for old and fresh bruises. The drug has anticoagulant activity and normalizes the condition the smallest vessels. Blood clots formed under the skin quickly dissolve, and the skin acquires its natural color. In addition to the anticoagulant heparin, the gel contains the anesthetic benzocaine, which eliminates pain or reduces its severity.


Lyoton contains heparin in the form of a sodium compound. After application to damaged areas active substance The drug prevents rapid blood clotting. This helps prevent the formation of blood clots, which can take quite a long time to dissolve on the legs and cure extensive ones. Under the influence of Lyoton, the increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels is eliminated, which does not allow fluid to penetrate into adjacent healthy tissue areas.


The active ingredients of Indovazin gel are indomethacin and troxerutin. Thanks to the multi-component combined composition the drug has diverse properties. Even after a single application, the severity of swelling and pain decreases, and the spread of inflammation slows down. Indovazin helps to quickly restore damaged tissue, improve microcirculation in capillaries, and heal both fresh and old bruises.


Badyaga is a time-tested remedy for quick and effective treatment bruises. The powder consists of crushed sponges that live in fresh water bodies. For cooking medicinal mixture Badyaga must be diluted with any vegetable oil until a thick paste forms, which is applied to the hematoma.

The drug does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, but acts directly on damaged areas, exhibiting the following properties:

  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestant;
  • painkiller.

Freshwater sponge is capable of increasing the synthesis of biologically active substances involved in redox processes in all layers of the epidermis. Herbal preparation not only treats bruises, but also relieves a person from age spots, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, reduces the severity of facial and deep wrinkles.

Many manufacturers produce external remedies for bruises on the legs with Badyaga. The composition of gels, ointments and creams is enriched with additional ingredients that have medicinal properties. For example, the Badyaga preparation from the 911 series contains extracts of chamomile and horse chestnut, arnica and juniper essential oil.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

A person suffering from osteochondrosis or joint pain will always have ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in their medicine cabinet. It can be:

  • Ortofen;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Meloxicam;
  • Nimesulide.

Such external remedies will help you quickly and effectively get rid of even large old hematomas on the legs. NSAIDs have powerful anti-inflammatory activity. After rubbing the gel or ointment into the damaged areas, swelling decreases, pain disappears, and the condition of the capillaries normalizes.

The natural composition of the Spasatel balm allows it to be used in the treatment of bruises on the legs even in small children

Bruise-off - gel and mattifying ointment

External preparations from the Bruise-off therapeutic line help improve microcirculation in damaged tissues and quickly dissolve blood clots formed in the epidermis. Produced medicine in two forms:

  • colorless gel. The drug is well absorbed, leaving no greasy shine on the skin or marks on clothes;
  • ointment with a matting effect. The product allows you to hide defects, while at the same time providing a therapeutic effect.

The composition of the gel and ointment includes an extract from leech saliva, which, after penetrating into blood vessels launches complex biochemical processes. Course treatment Bruise-off:

  • increases local immunity;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • stops the spread of the inflammatory process;
  • eliminates discomfort.

Healing balm Rescuer

This external remedy accelerates healing various damages accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process. Thanks to its high regenerative activity, the balm quickly and effectively helps remove bruises on the leg. If after a bruise wounds and abrasions appear, then the Rescuer will cope with this problem. Almost all ingredients of the drug have a healing effect:

  • combination of essential oils;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • extracts from marigold flowers and rowan fruits;
  • tocopheryl acetate;
  • naftalan oil;
  • beeswax;
  • fir oil.

The combined composition of the Rescuer balm allows it to be used in the treatment of injuries that require accelerated regeneration. This is especially true when hematomas form under the nails. Such bruises are very painful and are often accompanied by an inflammatory process. The rescuer has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, tissue-restoring effect. The use of an external preparation will avoid the death of the nail, which often occurs after strong blows. All components of the Rescue Balm are environmentally friendly, so it can be used in the therapy of young children.

Medicinal herbs will help you quickly get rid of even old bruises on your legs

Folk remedies

Not only does dandelion quickly cope with bruises. Plantain leaves contain biologically active substances, capable of healing any damage, including abrasions and wounds. This plant will disinfect the bruise, cleanse it of small clots blood. To speed up recovery, apply fresh water to the hematoma every hour. Blank sheet. What else is used traditional healers in the treatment of bruises on the legs:

  • compresses from grated fresh potatoes;
  • cabbage leaves, smeared with thick honey;
  • mush of fresh leaves parsley;
  • iodine mesh applied to areas damaged by bruise;
  • freshly squeezed black radish juice mixed in equal proportions with honey;
  • a strong infusion of St. John's wort or elecampane.

Helps get rid of bruises onion containing great amount phytoncides.

For cooking healing potion it should be crushed, squeezed out the juice and lubricated the bruised area every hour. Onions prevent the spread of inflammation, relieve pain, and quickly eliminate swelling.

You can remove old ones, as well as those just starting to form, quickly and effectively by alternating uses. pharmacological drugs And folk remedies. If the bruise does not go away within a few days, then you need to contact the nearest medical institution behind medical assistance. The doctor will examine the damage and draw up an adequate therapeutic regimen.

Bruising is a common occurrence in our hectic lifestyle. He was in a hurry and slipped, fell, touched some object, etc., resulting in a hematoma as a result of the bruise. This unpleasant thing not only causes painful sensations, but also causes a lot of aesthetic inconvenience. Of course, after a few days the bruise will disappear on its own, without any intervention. But there are situations when its appearance is undesirable, and everything conceivable and inconceivable must be done to make the bruise disappear or not appear at all. So, how to quickly get rid of a bruise?

By the way, if timely measures are taken, then the manifestation of a hematoma may not occur.

How does a bruise appear?
Under the influence of the blow, the subcutaneous vessels rupture, causing blood to flow into the surrounding tissue. Initially, this blood, visible through the epidermis, looks like a dark spot on the skin. After this, the area of ​​hemorrhage becomes blue-purple due to lack of oxygen. Later, as a result of resorption, the bruise acquires a yellowish-green color, and then brownish-yellow. Most often, the “stay” time of a bruise on the skin of the face is about a week, and on the skin of the body – about two weeks, but on the leg it can be observed for a month. At the same time, as a rule, women's skin suffers much more from impacts and collisions than men's. This is explained by the fact that beautiful ladies have much thinner skin than the male half of the population. In addition, according to many experts, female sex hormones (estrogens) are to blame for the excessive formation of bruises on the skin, as they make the walls of blood vessels more permeable. To reduce vascular permeability and capillary fragility, venotonic and vascular-strengthening drugs should be taken.

But it also happens that for some women, a collision with the corner of an office table results in only a small bruise, while for others it results in a significant lilac-blue hematoma. IN in this case the culprit is the fragility of blood vessels and poor clotting blood, the cause of which is a lack of vitamins K and C, which are essential for the body. The latter, for example, stimulates the process of tissue regeneration and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. If it is insufficiently supplied to our body, hematomas can appear even with minor bruises. Therefore, if you have such a picture, it is recommended to take a course of ascorbic acid, it contains vitamin C in sufficient quantities. There is a lot of this vitamin in lemon and pineapples. You shouldn’t consume vitamin C in arbitrary quantities if you don’t want to make money. skin rash or drops in the kidneys. Vitamin K is found in cabbage and nettles.

There are also so-called dark circles under the eyes, which are a consequence of lack of sleep. Their appearance also indicates a lack of oxygen. Poor oxygen supply to tissues occurs due to disruption of activity of cardio-vascular system. Dark circles under the eyes are a skin reaction. In this case, daily long walks are recommended. fresh air. If the kidneys and fluid metabolism are impaired, this problem also occurs.

First aid.
So, what to do in the first minutes after a blow or bruise to prevent the appearance of a bruise or reduce its appearance? The most common remedy is to apply cold or ice to the injured area (provided the injury is intact). skin). However, in the latter case It is recommended to take special care and apply ice only “dry”, after wrapping it in a cloth or towel. If you apply it directly to the skin, you can earn slight cold or tissue frostbite. Cold promotes rapid constriction of blood vessels, as a result of which blood flows more slowly to the bruised area, and the hematoma appears in a less intense form. Ice should be applied intermittently. Cooling the bruise should last no more than twenty minutes. In total, cooling should take no more than an hour. Of course, there are often cases when there may not be ice at hand, then the area of ​​injury should be placed under a stream of cold water. If a hematoma has already appeared on the arm or leg, it is necessary to tighten the bruised area elastic bandage, which will prevent the blood from spreading over a larger area due to pressure on the blood vessels, and the bruise will not be so huge.

At home, you can use parsley infusion as ice. Pour a glass of boiling water over a bunch of parsley, leave for half an hour, cool, pour into molds and freeze. In the first minutes of microtrauma, you should apply ice cube, wrapped in a handkerchief, to the bruised area. Parsley perfectly relieves swelling and eliminates swelling.

It is worth noting that only after a day is it possible to heat the bruised area, when the flow of blood to the bruised site stops and the bruise has already formed, in otherwise this will lead to increased swelling. Heat promotes the expansion of blood vessels, as a result of which a gradual process of resorption of the hematoma will begin. As thermal effects Heated sand, salt in a bag, or a heating pad are suitable for the hematoma. In the case of abrasions, ice and heat will not help. In this situation, it is necessary to wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide or weak solution potassium permanganate, bandage or cover with a bandage with a gauze pad. The pain quickly subsides, and the wounds begin to gradually heal. Care should be taken with alcohol tinctures and iodine. They can only treat abrasions along the edges.

Iodine use is also common effective method quick disposal from a bruise. Apply a light iodine solution to the bruised area in the form of a mesh. It is better to do this procedure at night. Since iodine has volatile properties, not a trace of it will remain in the morning. Aromatherapy also effectively fights hematomas. Essential oils of immortelle, rosemary, lavender, and yarrow perfectly resolve bruises and promote healing of scratches. Lavender oil In addition, it relieves pain. Essential oil of mint and cypress effectively eliminates swelling. It should be noted that essential oil should be applied to the skin only in a mixture with base oil(olive). For one teaspoon olive oil take three drops of base oil.

To speed up the processes of regeneration of tissues and vessel walls, you can use various pharmaceutical drugs(ointments) to eliminate bruises and bruises. Such ointments can be based on troxerutin, sodium heparin or other active component, while the effectiveness of these drugs is quite high, provided they are used according to the attached instructions. Applying these ointments, bruise it will go faster, but it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of the color stages of the bruise. If we talk about medications, the balm “Rescuer” and “Arnica”, gels Troxevasin, Indovazin, Lyoton, have a good effect, depending on the severity of the affected area. Their use increases the stability of capillaries, reduces the permeability of vessel walls, and tones the smooth muscles of the vein walls. The action of these gels eliminates pain, swelling, and bruises in a short period of time, and they have practically no contraindications. The exception is individual intolerance to any components of the drugs.

Trombless gel has proven itself to be highly effective in eliminating bruises, the timely application of which can generally eliminate unpleasant color manifestations.

It will not be possible to eliminate a bruise in one day, and it is necessary to leave the house, so in this situation a good helper It could be cosmetics. Concealers such as foundation or cream will ideally hide the hematoma. Since foundations are designed to suit all skin tones, choosing the best option for yourself will not be difficult. In this case, you should focus on cream yellowish tint, it perfectly neutralizes Blue colour.

Folk remedies for getting rid of bruises.
Among the recipes traditional medicine Common bodyaga and lead lotions in the form of a compress will help you quickly get rid of a bruise. Powdered bodyagu (freshwater sponge, can be purchased at any pharmacy) should be diluted with water or vegetable oil in a 2:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the fabric and apply it to the hematoma for twenty minutes, no more. When using bodyaga, you should be especially careful, since it has a rigid fiber structure. Once it penetrates the skin, it can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of dermatitis. This product should not be used on sensitive or damaged areas of the skin.

It is effective to apply cabbage leaves in the form of compresses to bruised areas. The leaves should be thoroughly beaten off first.

Garlic tincture is also a common folk remedy for eliminating hematomas. To prepare it, pour two heads of chopped garlic with half a liter of five percent vinegar. Leave the mixture for 24 hours, then rub on the bruises.

Compresses based on this mixture help well: combine one glass of table vinegar and vodka, add a teaspoon of salt. Soak a swab in this liquid and apply to the bruised areas. As soon as the compress begins to dry out, it should be replaced.

Tinctures of calendula, radish and parsley, as well as coltsfoot leaves are also considered an excellent remedy. fresh, plantain and burdock. IN finished form they can be purchased at the pharmacy. Tinctures are used as lotions and compresses.

Apply a fresh cut aloe leaf to the damaged area. It helps a lot if the bruise is small.

Soy flour gruel perfectly relieves bruises.

To speed up the process of resorption of bruises, you can apply pineapple pieces to the damaged area.

Finely chop two medium onions and mix with a tablespoon table salt. Apply the mixture as a compress two to three times a day for 5-8 days. This compress is not recommended for use on the face.

Thanks to your healing properties, honey is also an effective remedy. A compress of a mixture of beets (one piece) (pre-cut and squeeze out the juice) with honey (a tablespoon) will also help get rid of the hematoma. Apply beet pulp with honey to the affected area of ​​skin for two hours, wrap with a bandage or gauze. Do the procedure daily.

Grind wormwood herb and apply to the bruised area of ​​skin (can be used on the face). In this case, bandage the damaged area. The compress should be changed as often as possible without allowing it to dry out. If you add honey to the crushed herb, the effectiveness of the compress will increase several times. This compress should be kept for two hours and then changed.

This is important to know!
Any bruise goes through several stages of formation: first it has a reddish tint, then red-purple and then blue. As it dissolves, it acquires a bluish-green color with a yellow tint until it is completely eliminated. If you experience a completely different picture (redness, swelling around, discomfort), you should consult a doctor. High chance of infection or other serious consequences. Therefore, be careful!

- a consequence of a blow, bruise, injection, which causes hemorrhage under the skin. I want to get rid of such consequences immediately, let's figure out how to quickly remove a bruise, what pharmaceutical and available remedies are safe and effective.

A bruise appears due to bleeding under the skin

Pharmacy and cosmetic products for bruises

They sell a lot in pharmacies various ointments, gels that help quickly get rid of bruises, swelling, pain and others negative consequences blows and injuries.

The main groups of drugs for the removal of hematomas:

  1. Heparin-based products– Heparin ointment, Lyoton, Trombless. They have antithrombotic and antiseptic effects, relieve pain, cool, promote rapid resorption of blood clots and swelling, and can be used to reduce bruises on the face. The drugs should be used 4–5 times a day; open wounds should not be lubricated.
  2. – ointment based on troxerutin. Eliminates vascular fragility, swelling, inflammatory processes, prevents the growth of hematomas, ideal for the treatment of bruises large sizes on the leg, forearm, thigh. You need to lubricate the impact site in the morning and evening; the drug can cause allergic reactions, so it is not recommended to apply it to open areas bodies.
  3. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs– Diclofenac, Ketoprofen. Ointments help to quickly cure a bruise, but have many contraindications and adverse reactions, they can be used for no more than a week; they need to be applied to damaged areas 3-4 times a day.
  4. Natural preparations based on badyagi and comfrey– Badyaga 911, Larkspur balm, have an anesthetic and anti-edematous effect. The funds have minimal amount contraindications, adverse reactions, therefore suitable for the treatment of bruises during pregnancy and in children. Gels should be applied 3-4 times a day, ointment can be applied at night under a bandage.
  5. Bruise Off– thanks to the presence of extracts from leeches in the composition, it helps not only to quickly remove a bruise, but also to disguise it. The product is suitable for eliminating bruises under the eye, on the cheek, on the arm and others visible parts bodies. The gel should be applied 3–5 times a day; it should not be used if you have problems with blood clotting.

Troxevasin helps relieve swelling

Warming ointments should not be used immediately after a bruise - this will cause the tumor to increase. Such drugs should be used after 2-3 days, when the severe swelling to speed up the process of bruise resorption.

First aid for any injury is cold. Any product from the refrigerator should be applied to the affected area; pure ice cannot be used; it should be wrapped in several layers of thin fabric; it is better to hold the affected limb higher. If you carry out the procedure right away, the bruise and hematoma will be small, the pain will disappear almost immediately.

Folk remedies for bruises

Home remedies based on improvised products or natural raw materials - excellent remedy for the treatment of hematomas, especially if there are no pharmaceutical drugs at hand.

They act quickly and rarely cause allergies.

How to quickly get rid of a bruise under and above the eye

The subcutaneous fatty tissue on the face is loose, so even a minor blow can cause severe bruising, most often black eyes appear, the eye becomes swollen, and vision temporarily deteriorates.

  1. Remedies for the treatment of bruises under the eyes:
  2. An onion compress is the best remedy for eliminating bruises, especially if the eye is swollen. Grind 30–40 g of vegetable, add 15 g of soda, leave for 25 minutes. Place the pulp in a bag made of thin natural fabric, apply to the bruised area, hold for 30–50 minutes, perform sessions 2–3 times a day. Prepare a solution of 10 g table salt and 100 ml warm water
  3. , cool. Soak gauze in the liquid and apply it to the hematoma above the eye; the lotion can be kept for 1–2 hours. Honey will help quickly eliminate a hematoma on the eyelid - mix 15 g of flour, olive, sunflower or linseed oil

, a beekeeping product, add 2 raw quail yolks. Apply the mixture to the damaged area and leave for 3 hours.

To prepare a compress, the onion must be chopped

If after a blow bruises appear around both eyes, you should immediately contact an ENT specialist, surgeon, or emergency room - such symptoms may indicate a nasal fracture.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep Chronic lack of sleep, insomnia, working at a computer are the main factors that provoke the appearance of bags and dark circles

under the eyes. Only normalizing your daily routine will help you radically cope with the problem, but some folk remedies will help make bruises less noticeable.

  1. How to get rid of bruises and dark circles under the eyes: Prepare 2 bowls, pour hot black tea into one, cooled tea into the other green tea
  2. . Alternately moisten cotton pads in each container, place on eyes, hold for 3-5 minutes. The total duration of the procedure is at least a quarter of an hour.
  3. Grate one medium raw, peeled potato tuber on a fine grater - place the mass between two layers of gauze and place it on your eyes. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

Compresses with black and green tea will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep

To prevent the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, you need to massage every evening - soak cotton pads in warm chamomile infusion or green tea, add 2-3 drops of almond oil. Rub the product over massage lines for 4–5 minutes.

A quick way to heal hematomas on the face and body

Among the means alternative medicine there are many simple recipes Among the available remedies that will help you quickly get rid of bruises on any part of the body, they can be used as first aid for bruises to prevent the growth of a hematoma.

How to quickly get rid of bruises at home:

  1. Immediately after a blow or bruise, apply aloe to the sore spot - you need to take the lower leaves of the plant, wash, clean, and cut in half.
  2. For hematomas of any size, you can use rice or potato starchrequired amount The product must be diluted with cold water to a thick sour cream, applied to the affected area, fixed with a bandage, and the bruise will become noticeably lighter overnight.
  3. One of the best means to get rid of bruises - grate 20 g on a fine grater raw potatoes, onion and dark laundry soap, add a little water to make a homogeneous thick paste. Apply the mixture to gauze, apply to the bruise, change the compress every 30–60 minutes. Within a few hours the hematoma will become almost invisible. If you don’t have time to prepare the composition, you can simply lather a cotton pad with soap and apply it to the affected area.

Aloe will quickly relieve hematoma

If bruises appear frequently, you need to prepare effective remedy for first aid - mix vodka and purified water in equal proportions, freeze in ice trays. After an injury, wipe the damaged area several times a day so that the bruise resolves faster.

How to remove a bruise after injections

Bumps and bruises after injections are a common problem, especially if treatment takes a long time. Use medications to eliminate the problem is not always safe, since they may react with the underlying medications, which will cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, it is better to use home remedies based on natural ingredients.

The best remedies to combat bruises after injections:

  1. Beat a fresh cabbage leaf a little, grease it with honey, fix it on the affected area, the compress can be kept all night. Minor hematomas resolve in one day; for advanced bruises, treatment should be continued for 7–10 days.
  2. Iodine mesh is a popular remedy for quickly eliminating the consequences of injections; it is used even in hospitals. Enough to apply cotton swab iodine to the site of bruise formation 1-2 times a day for 3-7 days; the procedure can be carried out on the second day after the formation of a hematoma.
  3. If the hematoma appeared after intravenous injection, it is necessary to dilute a small amount of any cosmetic clay, apply the mixture to the bruise, wrap it with film and bandage, and keep the compress for 2–3 hours.
Lavender essential oil will help cope with fresh bruises; rosemary essential oil is suitable for old bruises.

Iodine mesh is good for getting rid of bruises

How to disguise a bruise

To make a blanche, a bruise on the cheek, or a hematoma on the neck less noticeable, the consequences of the bruises must be properly disguised using decorative cosmetics.

Rules for masking hematomas:

  1. If there is swelling or edema, it is necessary before applying cosmetics apply cold.
  2. Apply a thin layer of concealer to the injury site - it should be easily pressed into the skin with your fingers or a sponge.
  3. To visually discolor a hematoma, you need to choose the right concealer color. Means Green colour will help hide blue discoloration; yellow is better for lubricating red bruises. If the bruise heals, then its yellowed edges should be smeared with a blue or pale purple concealer.
  4. Even out your skin tone using a makeup base; apply it all over your face so that there is no noticeable difference in color.
  5. Apply translucent powder with a brush.

To lighten a bruise, you need to anoint it with toothpaste overnight - you should choose products without abrasive particles and dyes.

Cosmetics will help disguise dark circles under the eyes

How long does a bruise last?

The speed of bruise healing depends on the severity of the bruise, the area affected, the condition of the blood vessels, and the sensitivity of the epidermis. If there are no pathologies in vascular bed, blood supply, then small bruises disappear within a week without the use of drugs and folk remedies, with proper treatment– within 3–4 days.

How many days does it take for the bruising to go away?

  • on the body – 12–15 days;
  • on hands – 7–10 days;
  • under the eye, on the nose, forehead – 6–8 days;
  • on legs – up to 4 weeks.

To make bruises go away faster, you need to use a combination of traditional medicine and medications.

For severe bruises, Aspirin should not be used as a pain reliever - the medicine thins the blood, and the bruise will begin to grow rapidly.

And bring yours appearance in order? This question is of particular interest to women who have one or more small hematomas formed in a visible place. It is worth noting that it is recommended to solve this problem immediately after a blow or fall that causes a bruise.

Getting rid of bruises at home is quite easy. However, the speed of elimination of a hematoma depends not only on what folk or pharmaceutical remedies you use, but also on where exactly the bruise is located. After all, bruises disappear most quickly from the face and neck, but on the arms and legs they last quite a long time. Everything depends on blood circulation, and therefore even a slight blow to the lower or upper limbs may leave a very noticeable mark.

In order to quickly remove a black eye or another part of the body, you may need the following products:

  • ice cubes;
  • any clay;
  • pharmaceutical ointment called “Rescuer”;
  • gel "Troxevasin";
  • warmer;
  • pepper patch;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs.

How to quickly get rid of bruises at home

1. The best option, which will prevent the appearance of a large and noticeable hematoma, can serve as a simple cold. You can use any cold object as it, or better yet, ice cubes wrapped in thick cotton cloth. It is recommended to cool the bruised area for no longer than 5 minutes.

2. Positive effect ordinary clay applied to it has an effect on the bruise. To do this, you need to make a compress three times a day, which should be kept for about two hours.

3. The answer to the question of how to quickly get rid of bruises may well be the use of all kinds of specialized ointments that are freely sold in pharmacy chains. Particularly popular among such drugs are the drugs called “Troxevasin” and “Rescuer”. To avoid allergic reactions and others side effects, before use, it is recommended to carefully study the instructions, and also pay special attention to existing contraindications.

4. Thermal procedures will significantly speed up the process of resorption of bruises. They will increase blood circulation at the site of injury, which will help quick elimination bruise But you can use a heating pad for such events only on the second day after the injury. By the way, instead of it it is allowed to apply and pepper patch. However, this product requires careful handling, as it can easily cause painful burns or skin irritation.

5. Before quickly getting rid of bruises, use pharmaceutical ointments, it is recommended to try using homemade lotions from brewed herbs. St. John's wort and calendula, as well as coltsfoot, are ideal for such purposes. It is worth noting that it is sufficient good effect gives when eliminating bruises regular use compresses made from bodyaga powder.