Growth hormone increase is an effective ointment preparation. Pharmacy doping (drugs) - a replacement for steroids. At what age can you grow up and when will you stop growing?

Athletes did not immediately learn about growth hormone and its use. It began to be used around the end of the 80s. Today, not every athlete can afford this drug (due to its relatively high cost), but it is completely worth the cost. Unlike steroids, somatotropin is a completely legal product and at the same time has virtually no side effects.

What is growth hormone and what can it do?

Growth hormone affects not only human growth itself (which is obvious from the name), but also has a positive effect on other functional characteristics of the body:

  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Improves blood composition;
  • Helps increase potency;
  • Blocks catabolic processes in muscles;
  • Helps strengthen ligaments and joints;
  • Reduces the percentage of body fat;
  • Improves skin condition;
  • Promotes the active process of tissue regeneration.

Considering the field of sports, the use of somatotropin is aimed at the rapid gain of muscle mass, recovery from injuries, the process of fat burning and increasing its production during the period when the level falls due to age-related changes.

What does its production depend on?

Growth hormone is most actively produced in young people under 20 years of age. After this, for about 10 years, its production decreases by an average of 15%. Thus, the older the person, the less pronounced the concentration of somatotropin in the body. Hence the conclusion that the best period for building your body is 15-25 years. It is at this time that the anabolic response will be maximum.

Another factor on which the production of GH depends is the time of day. It has long been noted that the most intense production of somatotropin occurs at night. This is why when gaining muscle mass it is so important to follow a routine and try to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Active secretion of growth hormone begins approximately an hour after falling asleep, i.e., as soon as your body is in the deep sleep phase.

How to use growth hormone for muscles?

Previously, muscle growth hormone was administered only 3 times a week. Today, professional bodybuilders are injected every other day or every day when preparing for competitions. It is advisable to consider the first option only if the athlete does not have any dietary restrictions and receives a sufficient amount of calories. Daily injections and this method of administration in itself are due to the fact that before competitions, bodybuilders are forced to reduce the caloric content of food.

Procedures for administering the drug are usually carried out in the morning and before training. It is best to adjust your training plan so that the day you work out in the gym coincides with the day you take the drug. This approach increases the chances of success and increases the effectiveness of synthetic growth hormone.

Another option that experts recommend is to take the drug immediately before bed. Firstly, as you know, at night the natural secretion of growth hormone is increased. Secondly, the drug promotes sounder and deeper sleep. And finally, at night, the fat burning process is much more active, which means we can get an even more sculpted body if we take somatotropin before going to bed.

What growth hormones are there for muscles?

It is quite difficult for a beginner to decide which growth hormone to choose. The market for such products is quite diverse, and at the same time dangerous. The danger here lies in the likelihood of running into a counterfeit drug. That is why it is necessary to know exactly which manufacturers exist and who you can trust.

Currently, China occupies a significant part of the market. It produces growth hormone preparations such as:

  • Ansomon;
  • Jintropin;
  • Hygetropin.

Despite the established opinion that Chinese goods do not always mean quality, growth hormone from the Middle Kingdom has the most positive reviews. There are also European brands, but they are almost identical to the Chinese ones, but much more expensive.

All three of these drugs, as well as the Iranian Dinatrope, regularly undergo the licensing process. This is the most significant indicator of quality.

The effect of the drugs in question is almost the same. However, for example, Jintropin does not show results immediately (judging by the reviews). An increase in muscle mass is observed only 2-3 weeks after the start of use. Hygetropin, on the contrary, acts immediately, and you can see results after the first week of use. Ansomon is known for its fat burning properties.

Growth hormone in tablets is a great deception!

Lately you can see a lot of advertising about growth hormone in tablets. It is worth noting that this form of the drug is absolutely useless! The fact is that the active ingredient itself is unstable. To store it, a certain temperature is required, as well as accuracy in dosage.

No matter how much manufacturers describe the miraculous properties of growth hormone, their tablet form has nothing in common with those drugs that are administered by injection. Even doctors are skeptical about this type of somatotropin, assuring everyone that the hormone itself will be digested faster in the stomach than it will begin to have any effect on the body.

Most likely, there will be an effect, but not the best. Everyone knows that pills are a test for the liver. The injections bypass the internal organs and go directly into the blood. What can you expect from pills with the big name growth hormone? It certainly doesn’t contain somatotropin, and if it is there, then what’s the use of it? It will simply enter the body, do harm there, and you will not get any positive effect. So growth hormone in tablets is a great deception!

Side effects

Despite all the positive aspects, growth hormone has several side effects, which can manifest themselves as:

  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • Hypoglycemia;
  • Increase in the size of the heart and kidneys.

All this, of course, sounds quite scary, but such effects are extremely rare. They can appear, most often, due to incorrect dosage. If the course of treatment continues for quite a long time, then there is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus in those athletes who are genetically predisposed to this disease.

There is also the possibility of an increase in prolactin in the blood, but this is an even rarer occurrence. In addition, this problem can be dealt with by taking bromocriptine. Another side effect is carpal tunnel syndrome. An interesting fact is that this disease is a neurological disease and appears more often in those who spend a long time at the computer. Characterized by pain in the fingers and their numbness.

In general, growth hormone is called one of the safest drugs in bodybuilding. If the dosage regimen is correctly constructed and all recommendations are followed, there may be no side effects. The result will depend only on you, because although growth hormone affects muscle growth, it can train for you. So everything is in your hands.

Russian pharmacies will offer you several brands from different manufacturers. We will give a brief description and price comparison.

Company manufacturer PFIZER HEALTH, AB (Germany) issues Genotropin, cartridges of 16 IU (5.3 mg) and 36 IU (12 mg). The average pharmacy price for 16 IU is approx. $130 per cartridge. So, for comparison, the cost 10 IU this drug has a price of 82 dollars.

Pharmaceutical company NOVO NORDISK A/S (Denmark), a world leader in the treatment of diabetes, produces growth hormone under the trade name Norditropin in powder form for injection containing 30 IU of samototropin, Norditropin NordiLet as disposable syringe pen (1.5 ml) containing 10 mg of ready-made solution of somatropin. Purchasing this drug at a pharmacy will cost you 83 dollars for one pen, which when translated for comparison into 10 IU means the cost in $27.

Swiss company Merck Serono, founded in 2007 as a result of the merger of the largest pharmaceutical group Merck KgaA (Germany) and the biotechnology leader Serono (Switzerland), presents the drug on the Russian market Saizen® in the form of a lyophilisate with a solvent containing somatotropin 3.33 mg, which will cost you 10 IU for $46.

Somatotropin from a Swiss company "Sandoz" under a brand name Omnitrope enters the Russian pharmacy market in the form of a ready-made solution of 1.5 ml containing 10 mg of growth hormone (30IU) at an average pharmacy selling price of 90 dollars, which will accordingly be 30 dollars for 10IU.

Certified growth hormone from the world leader in the production of generics, the Chinese company GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (GenSci) by famous name Jintropin in Russian pharmacies it is sold in various dosages and configurations - 10IU and 4IU of lyophilisate with a solvent (with syringes), collected in 5, 10 or 20 fl in one package. Average pharmacy cost per 10 IU of Jintropin will cost about $23.

The cost of somatotropin from a Russian manufacturer, presented on the market from Pharmstandard-Ufavita under trade name RASTAN dosage of 45 IU in a ready-made solution cartridge (3 ml), averages $90 per cartridge, or $42 for 10 IU.

List of pharmaceutical growth hormone preparations on a scale “from the most expensive to the cheapest” as of July 2017. as follows:

Drug name: Cost per 10IU in US dollar

Drugs that are widely used in therapeutic and sports practice to increase height show a predictable positive result only if they are used correctly. Currently, two analogues of natural growth hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland, are produced - this is recombinant somatropin with the same number of amino acids (191) and synthetic somatrem, which has 192 amino acids in its structural formula.

The pituitary gland, whose functioning is cyclical, is responsible for the production of growth hormone, which is necessary for full life.

Growth hormone concentrations are highest in the developing fetus and then peak in infants and adolescents when rapid growth occurs. The pituitary gland reduces the intensity of the supply of somatotropin during the adulthood stage by about 20 years and then there is a gradual decrease in its amount by about 10–15% every decade.

To increase attractiveness, Androstenol is required - a pheromene, the production of which is actively produced until about 20 years of age with a subsequent decrease. It is contained in a number of drugs. Recently, there has been information that leading companies have begun to produce non-hormonal growth pills with high performance.


  1. Attanasio A.F., Lamberts S.W.J., Matranga A.M.C. et al. Adult growth hormone (GH)-deficient patients demonstrate heterogeneity between childhood onset and adult onset before and during human GH treatment // J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997; 82: 82-88.
  2. Androgen deficiency syndrome in women 2010 / V.E. Radzinsky, S.Yu. Kalinchenko, S.S. Apetov
  3. Hoffman D.M., O'Sullivan A.J., Baxter R.C., Ho K.K.Y. Diagnosis of growth-hormone deficiency in adults // Lancet 1994; 343:1064-1068.
  4. Jorgensen J.O.L., Thuesen L., Muller J., Ovesen P., Skakkebaek N.E., Christiansen J.S. Three years of growth hormone treatment in growth hormone-deficient adults: near normalization of body composition and physical performance // Eur J Endocrinol 1994; 130: 224-228.

Roman is a bodybuilding trainer with over 8 years of experience. He is also a nutritionist, and his clients include many famous athletes. The novel is with the author of the book “Sport and Nothing But..

Growth hormone is a popular muscle building aid for athletes. You can buy growth hormone at a pharmacy. Find out how to distinguish real growth hormone from counterfeits.

The content of the article:

Very often you can find information about a large number of counterfeit drugs containing somatotropin or growth hormone. It must be admitted that this is true. According to statistics, about 75% of drugs on sale in the CIS countries are counterfeits. This is a fairly serious problem and it is necessary to clarify this issue. Some substances can be made at home, such as alcohol or sodium hydroxybutyrate. Other substances can only be obtained through complex chemical reactions, the implementation of which requires a production cycle. Somatotropin is one of these. Today you will learn how to buy growth hormone at the pharmacy and not run into a fake.

Methods for obtaining growth hormone

There are only three ways to produce growth hormone, and now you will learn about each of them in more detail.

Recombined somatotropin

This is the most common method of obtaining the substance and drugs obtained by this method are most often commercially available. The essence of the method is to change the genotype of a certain type of E. coli bacteria. After this, the bacteria begin to produce growth hormone identical to human growth hormone.

Synthetic growth hormone

This method consists of creating the first 24 amino acid compounds included in the structure of somatotropin. This is possible with certain chemical reactions. The remaining amino acid compounds of somatotropin are isolated from the corresponding RNA of the human pituitary gland.

Animal growth hormone

To obtain growth hormone using this method, a cadaver's head is needed, from which the pituitary gland is taken for subsequent extraction of growth hormone. It must be said that this method was used more than 10 years ago. Now it is prohibited, since the drug obtained in this way has a large number of side effects.

Of course, none of the described methods can be used at home. This applies to a natural drug. But it is quite possible to get a fake for the purpose of subsequent sale under the guise of an original product.

Reasons for the production of counterfeits of somatotropin

Since growth hormone has become widespread in recent years, there are quite a lot of people who want to cash in on this fact. The main and, perhaps, the only reason for the production of fake drugs is precisely to make a profit, and a very significant one at that.

It should be noted that there are various counterfeit drugs that work, but their effectiveness is lower in comparison with the original ones. In the case of growth hormone, the situation is the opposite, since counterfeits of somatotropin are not able to have any positive effect on the body.

Athletes who want to know how to buy growth hormone in a pharmacy can be given one piece of advice - do not purchase growth hormone from private individuals. The chances of purchasing a fake in a pharmacy are much lower and you should take advantage of this. All drugs sold in pharmacy kiosks are certified, which indicates their high quality.

In order for a growth hormone manufacturer to obtain a license, its products must pass a large number of tests. All drugs are compared with control samples manufactured in France.

Licensed drugs based on growth hormone

Among the drugs sold through the pharmacy chain, you should pay attention to the following:
  • Ansomon, produced in China.
  • Jintropin is also produced in the Middle Kingdom.
  • Dinatrope, produced in Iran.
It is these products that you should pay close attention to if you want to know how to buy growth hormone at the pharmacy. They are optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. They fully comply with European standards and at the same time cost significantly less than drugs produced in Europe.

The lower cost of these substances is associated with their production in territories where labor is valued at a lower amount, which makes it possible to make somatotropin cheaper. The cost of the product does not in any way affect the quality of the product.

All serious pharmaceutical companies care about their reputation and try in every possible way to protect their name from counterfeits. The drugs Jintropin and Dinatrop are equipped with protective stickers, under which there is a special code. This allows you to check the drug for quality compliance on the official web resources of the manufacturing companies. It should also be said that the original drugs are of high quality also due to proper transportation and storage.

Rules for transportation and storage of somatotropin

It must be said that if growth hormone powder is stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees, then it can be used for 1-3 years. At the same time, if the specified temperature range is violated, the drug retains its properties for no more than a couple of months.

This suggests that if somatotropin was stored under improper conditions, then even with its high-quality production, within a short period of time it loses its ability to have an effect on the body.

It is also worth noting several main signs of a quality product:

  • High-quality preparations are always supplied with a solvent;
  • Real growth hormone has two packaging options. In addition to the most common “ten”, a “two” is also produced;
  • The drug is always packaged in moisture-resistant cardboard;
  • The labels are glued evenly, which means there are no distortions;
  • The lid is rolled up evenly and there are no indentations indicating the use of a manual rolling method;
  • All manufacturers of quality drugs indicate their name so that the consumer can check the quality of the product at any time.
These are all the recommendations that will help athletes who do not know how to buy growth hormone in a pharmacy avoid purchasing a fake.

For information on where and how to buy somatotropin, watch this video:

Trade names:
Corpomon 4 me Nikken Japan.
Crescormon 4 me Globopharm China; Kabi UK, Yugoslavia; Kabi Vitrum USA.
Crescormonn 4 me Kabi - Fides Spain.
Genotonorm 4 me Kabi Belgium; Cabipfrimmer Spain.
Genotropin 4 IU Kabi Pharmacy Germany, Denmark, Sweden 12 IU Glofofarm Switzerland.
Genotropin 16 IU Kabi Pharmacy Germany, Denmark, SF.
Genotropin 4 me Kabi Pharmacy Australia, Poland, SF; Pirel Italy.
Geno Kabi quick 2 me, Zme Kabi Pharmacia Germanich.
Grorm (removed) 4 me Serono Germany, China, England, Italy. Humatrope 4 me Lilly Germany, Denmark, England, Sweden, UK, SF; Eli Lilly Belgium; Serum unt Imrfininstitut (Institute of Serum and Vaccination) Switzerland.
Humatrope 5 mg solution Lilly USA.
Humatrope 16 IU Lilly Germany, Denmark, SF.
Norditropin 4 me Nordisk Poland; Nordisk Gentofte Denmark; Novo Nordisk Austria, Spain.
Norditropin 12 IU Novo-Nordisk Germany, SF; Novo UK; Nordisk Gentofte Denmark; Nordisk Belgium, Poland.
Norditropin Ren Set 24 IU Novo-Nordisk Germany. Zaizen (Saizen) (Saizen) 4 me Serono Germany, England, China, Australia, Italy, Great Britain.
Samatasorm 4 me Biomed Poland.
Somat Sero (withdrawn) 4 m Institute of Serum Therapy Austria.

“Oh, this is truly an excellent drug. The best remedy for long-term muscle building. This is the only medicine that makes you forget even about a bad genetic predisposition, because it gives growth to anyone. Growth hormones are the biggest risk that an athlete can go, because the side effects are irreversible. And despite this, we love this drug" (Daniel Duchain, Handbook of Underground Steroids, 1982).

Like no other doping drug, growth hormones are surrounded in their use and administration with an aura of mystery. Some call it a miracle remedy that gives a gigantic increase in strength and mass in the shortest possible time. Others consider it completely useless in achieving athletic results and explain this by the fact that the drug stimulates the growth of only “dwarfs” who are lagging behind in the physical development of children. Some people think that growth hormones cause horrific Hapsburg-shaped bone deformities and gigantic growth in adults. And, in general, what growth hormones should we take and in what dosage? The controversy over hormones is so complex that the reader must have some initial basic information to understand the controversy. Growth hormone is a hormone - a polypeptide consisting of 191 amino acids. It is produced by the human pituitary gland and is released in response to appropriate stimuli (eg exercise, sleep, stress, low blood sugar). And here it is important to understand that the releasing human growth hormone does not itself have a direct effect on the body, but only stimulates the liver’s production and release of inulin-like growth factors and somatomedins into the blood. Only they have different effects on the body. The problem with this is that the liver can only produce a limited amount of these substances, so the effect on the body is limited. And if hormones are injected from the outside, they only stimulate the liver to produce and release these substances into the blood and do not, as mentioned above, have a direct effect

Until the mid-1980s, only the human active form existed as an exogenous source of administration to the body. It was extracted from the pituitary gland of the deceased, which was extremely expensive. When human growth hormone was linked in 1985 to the extremely rare Jakob Craiufeld disease (a brain disease) that led to dementia and death, manufacturers began to discontinue the drug. Today, human growth hormone is no longer sold for injection. Fortunately, science did not sleep and found a synthetic growth hormone, which is produced using genetic engineering from transformed muscle cells. And for several years now it has been sold in many countries (see list of trade names).

The use of these drugs has a threefold effect on the athlete in the area of ​​his achievements. Growth hormone has a strong anabolic effect and promotes increased protein synthesis, which is expressed in muscle hypertrophy (increase in muscle cell size) and muscle hyperplasia (increase in their number). The latter is quite interesting, because... Steroids don't do that. This is probably the reason why growth hormone is called the most powerful anabolic hormone. Secondly, growth hormone has a strong effect on the fat burning process. It intensively converts fat into energy, which leads to its rapid disappearance, which allows the athlete to consume more calories. Third, and often overlooked, growth hormone strengthens connective tissue, tendons, bones and cartilage, which is likely one of the main reasons for the incredible strength gains that some athletes experience. Some bodybuilding and powerlifting athletes say that growth hormone thanks to this quality protects athletes from damage if strength rapidly increases while taking steroids. Everything is fine, you say. What is the problem, some will finally say, isn’t the hormone interesting for an athlete? Interesting. But, there are many athletes who have tried the hormone on themselves and were disappointed. But, as in life in general, there is a logical explanation for this, and more than one.

  1. The athlete simply regularly took an insufficient amount of the hormone and for a fairly long period of time, because... growth hormone is a very expensive drug and for many people in the required dose is not financially available.
  2. When using the hormone, the body's need for thyroid hormone, insulin, corticosteroids, gonadotropins, estrogens and, listen and be surprised, androgens and anabolics increases. This is the reason that growth hormone, as the only drug taken, is much less effective and can have its optimal effect on the body only with additional intake of steroids, thyroid hormone and insulin. But even here it is necessary to distinguish, because We know that growth hormone has a predominantly anabolic effect. There are 3 hormones that are needed simultaneously to provide maximum anabolic effects. These are growth hormone, insulin and thyroid hormone L-T3, such as cytomel. Only in this case can the liver produce and release the optimal amount of somatomedins and insulin-like growth factors. This anabolic effect can be further enhanced if a substance with an anti-catabolic effect is additionally taken. What these substances are should be clear to everyone: anabolic/ androgenic steroids or Clenbuterol. Only then does a synergistic effect occur. And are you still surprised that big bodybuilding athletes are so incredibly massive, but at the same time so clearly defined in their muscles, while you are not? “Polypharmacology at its best,” as W. Nathaniel Phillips once so eloquently noted in his book “The Anabolics Handbook, 5th ed., 1990.” And yet, let’s return once again to the “anabolic formula”: growth hormone, insulin and L-T3. Most athletes tried growth hormone during the preparation phase for competitions, i.e. during the calorie-reduced diet phase. The body responds normally to this while it reduces the release of insulin and thyroid hormone L-T3. And as described in paragraph 2, this is not an advantageous condition for the good functioning of the somatotropic hormone. Yes, we completely forgot. Those who combine growth hormone with Clenbuterol should be aware that Clenbuterol (like Ephedrine) also reduces its own production of insulin and L-T3. We admit that all together this sounds somewhat complicated and at first reading it may make someone’s head spin, but it is really complicated: growth hormone has a significant effect on many hormones of the human body, which makes a simple dosage regimen impossible. As already said, growth hormone is not cheap, and those who intend to use it should be aware of this. If you just want to burn fat together with “proirost”, you should pay attention only to matters with the thyroid hormone L-T3, as, for example, it is written in the instructions for use of the drug “Genotropin” from Kabi Pharmacy: “The need for thyroid hormone often increases with growth hormone treatment."
  3. Most athletes who would like to use growth hormone, only in the extremely unlikely case can they get a prescription for it from a doctor, and the only option for purchasing it is the black market. This is another reason why one or another is disappointed in the action of the hormone. And how could it be otherwise if instead of an expensive growth hormone they give him cheap HCG. And because both drugs are a dry substance, you just need to re-stick the HCG label, replacing it with the drug "Zerono", "Zaizen" or "Humatrop" from Lilly. Anyone who once paid 22 DM for 5000 IU of HCG, which costs only 20-25 DM, will think that he received 4 IU. somatotropic hormone, it will be no laughing matter. And if you think this only happens to beginners and the ignorant, just ask Ben Johnson. "Big Ben", who fell victim to 3 controls in 5 days due to high testosterone levels, was not a victim of his own stupidity, but of deceivers, scammers. "According to statistics from the Office of Pharmacy and Drug Administration, 42% of the 'hormones' on the North American black market are counterfeit." (Der Spiegel, No. 11, 1993). Poor Ben, so to speak! Even the German magazine “For Pharmacists” is aware of this issue. In his publication No. 26 dated July 1, 1993, he writes in the article “Growth hormone preparations: Medicinal counterfeits in the world of bodybuilding”: “The cases that have become known are associated with the Dutch and Russian labels... In addition to the inscriptions in Dutch and Russian, the counterfeits known to the ministry differ from the originals also because the dry substance is pure powder, nothing else. Counterfeits use labels with the inscription “Humatrope, 16” supposedly from Lilly (with Low Dutch spelling) or “Somatogen” (in Russian). you will make money by cheating, as with counterfeits of somatotropic hormone... And who, in fact, has ever tried the hormone and knows what it looks like?
  4. In very rare cases, it may also happen that the body reacts to an exogenous growth hormone by producing antibodies and this makes it inactive, i.e. neutralizes its effect. Before we get into the extremely difficult topic of dosages and dosage regimens, the question arises: who takes growth hormones anyway? Well, quite a decent number of athletes, as evidenced by the quotes: “Charlie Francis, the Canadian coach of track and field athlete Ben Johnson, told how Ben and numerous athletes at the 1993 Olympics broke out with growth hormones forward. Francis had a compelling case for the use of track and field stars in the United States of growth hormones, In a short, non-press conversation with a major bodybuilding athlete named Stridem, this massive athlete made it clear that he is convinced that growth hormone is used by almost all bodybuilding professionals.He further added that he has nothing to fear from doping. control in 1990, not yet tested for growth hormones" (Handbook on anabolic steroids, June, 1989, No. 11).

“There is a strong suspicion that the top athletes competing for the title of Mrs. Olympia are taking growth hormones because it helps them get their incredibly well-defined muscles and allows them to still look like women.” (Anabolics Handbook, 5th ed. ., 1990). These are mainly top bodybuilding athletes who use growth hormones and believe that insulin enhances their effects. “Such a professional consumes 12 IU daily in his preparation for competitions. Taking hormones, they believe that they act correctly only in combination with insulin” (Mass Media 2000, Oct/November, 1993, No. 34).

Shortly before the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, American scientists managed to produce a synthetic version of growth hormones. And then American athletes were prepared for the games in California with the help of a hormone that was not on the list of controlled substances. After the news of success, the pharmaceutical product immediately appeared on the doping market for domestic runners. Professional footballer Lile Altsaf, who died a few months ago from a brain tumor (author's note: there are popular rumors that he may have died from Jakob Creutzfeldt disease), admitted shortly before his death that he had been taking hormones for 16 weeks and stated that 80% of American football professionals do this too. Ben Johnson, caught using anabolic steroids in 1988 in Seoul, admitted to a Canadian government commission of inquiry that he had also tried growth hormones. He paid $10,000 for 10 bottles of the hormone. His doctor, George Estefan, was known to Johnson to have created programs for taking the hormone for his colleagues Mark McCoy, Angela Isenko and Desai Williams. Hurdling sprinter Julia Rauchlin, who today runs for Switzerland under the name Baumannl, also purchased hormones on the black market in the Montreal bodybuilding arena. Gail Davers won the women's 100m (1992 Barcelona Olympics) after she had just suffered a terrible thyroid disorder, a known side effect of taking hormones. Such mysteries are only amplified by current market data. Two US companies, Genetech and Eli Lilly, earned approximately $800 million for their hormone products in 1992. Only Genetech had an 11% increase in turnover compared to last year. The chemists emphasized that they were making medicine only for patients with growth retardation. And yet, the US Department of Pharmacy sees it differently: the US government recently added hormones to the list of prohibited drugs and for a week's possession of the drug you face a prison sentence of 5 years. "Many of the top wrestlers use growth hormones, paying up to $30,000 a year, as in the case of a certain top bodybuilding athlete. Those who use hormones for a shorter period of time (8 weeks) pay daily up to "$150 per daily dose. And since top athletes are accused of taking hormones, curiosity about them is growing in low circles." (Daniel Duchain, The Underground Steroids Handbook, 2).

The question of the correct dosage, type and duration of use is very difficult to answer. Because There have been no scientific studies on how to optimally take growth hormone; here we can only proceed from experience. For pituitary growth failure, caused by the absence or insufficient release of growth hormones by the pituitary gland, manufacturers recommend a weekly dose of an average of 0.6 IU/kg body weight. A 100 kg athlete would have to receive 60 IU weekly by injection. In this case, the dose would be divided into 3 intramuscular injections of 20 IU each over a week. Another possibility of administration is subcutaneous injections, which would then be worth administering daily, most often 8 IU per day. Top athletes working with the hormone and having enough money take 4 - 8 IU daily, judging by experience. In this case, as a rule, weekly subcutaneous injections are preferred. Because growth hormone has a half-life of less than an hour, it is not surprising that many athletes divide their daily dose into 2 - 3 small subcutaneous injections of 2 IU. Giving regular small doses seems to be more effective. There is a reason for this: if a somatotropic hormone is injected, the serum concentration in the blood increases rapidly, which means that the effect occurs quickly. As we know, growth hormone stimulates the liver to produce and release somatomedins and insulin-like factors, which later cause the desired effects in the body. Because Since the liver can produce only a limited amount of these two substances, it can be doubted that with large injections the liver is able to immediately produce the corresponding amount of somatomedins and insulin-like growth factors. Therefore, the liver probably responds better to frequent small doses.

Anyone who injects a somatotropic hormone solution into the same place several times in a row may experience the disappearance of adipose tissue there. Therefore, the injection site should be constantly changed to avoid local lipotrophy (disappearance of adipose tissue). Over the years, one thing has become clear: the effect of growth hormone depends on the dosage. This means the following: either stock up on money and take it right, or better leave it. Effective doses are somewhere in the range of 4 IU per day. For comparison: the pituitary gland of a healthy adult secretes 0.5 - 1.5 IU of growth hormones daily. The duration of administration most often depends on the financial capabilities of the athlete. Based on experience, growth hormone is most often taken for at least 6 weeks to several months. Interestingly, the effect of the hormone does not decrease after several weeks, so improvements are often achieved with the same dosage. Bodybuilding athletes who have positive experience with the use of somatotropic hormone say that the accumulated strength and especially muscle mass are mostly preserved even after the end of taking hormones. The American physician Dr. William N. Taylor confirms this in his book “Anabolic Steroids and Athletes”, where on page 75 you can read: “The statements of athletes that the achieved strength and mass are maintained after the end of taking the hormone means an increase in the number of muscle cells ( hyperplasia. In fact, strength and muscle growth can occur even after months, because through training, the muscle hypertrophy it stimulates is transferred to the newly acquired muscle cells."

It remains only to explain what happens with insulin and the thyroid hormone L-T3. Athletes who are in the initial phase of muscle building and taking growth hormone do not need normal exogenous insulin. It is advised here to eat well, no later than every 3 hours, which translates into 6 - 7 meals a day. This forces the body to constantly release insulin and blood sugar levels do not drop as much. And the thyroid hormone L-T3 is reluctantly taken by athletes in this phase. But in any case, check your thyroid hormone levels with your doctor while taking the hormone. Synchronous application anabolically/androgenic steroids and/or Clenbuterol, judging by experience, is used. During preparation for competitions, thyroid hormones are taken intensively and separately, as well as insulin along with growth hormone, just like steroids and Clenbuterol. With insulin - the following. Based on the enormous damaging potential it can have in non-diabetics, insulin, if used incorrectly, will make you FAT! Too much insulin activates certain enzymes that convert glucose into glycerol and then into triglycerol. Too little insulin, especially during the diet phase, reduces the anabolic effect of growth hormone. What is the conclusion from the dilemma? An appointment with a qualified doctor who will give the athlete advice and regularly monitor the level of sugar in the blood and urine during the exogenous supply of insulin. Athletes most often administer an average dose of insulin with a maximum duration of exposure of 24 hours once a day. For this, as a rule, “Insulin-human” is used, such as “Insulin - N - Depot” = “Depot - N - Insulin” from the Hoechst company. Short-acting insulin with a maximum duration of action of 8 hours is used less frequently by athletes. And here they prefer “Human insulin”, for example, “N - Insulin” from Hoechst.

The undesirable effects of growth hormones, the so-called side effects, are a very interesting topic that causes heated debate. First of all, it should be said: growth hormone causes side effects that are not similar to those of anabolically/ androgenic steroids, as well as a decrease in own testosterone production, acne, hair loss, aggressiveness, increased estrogen levels, the phenomenon of virilization in women, increased water-salt retention, etc. The main problems, as a rule, are a possible lack of sugar in the blood or a possible hypofunction of the thyroid gland. The formation of antibodies to growth hormone that occurs in rare cases is not clinically significant. But what about the horror stories about acromegamy, bone deformities, heart enlargement, problems with various organs, gigantism and premature death? To answer this, a line should be drawn between taking the hormone in the pre- and post-pubertal periods. Growth is possible if a person is in the pre-pubescent period. After this, bone growth is impossible either due to endogenous hypersecretion of growth hormones or due to excessive exogenous influx of growth hormone. And gigantism (adult growth), which develops with a noticeable increase in strength and muscle hardness and, if untreated, leads to death, is possible only in the pre-pubertal period, and in addition in people who simultaneously suffer from hypofunction of the gonads (hypogonadism). In people suffering from endogenous hypersecretion in the post-pubertal period and with normal, completed growth, acromegamy may occur. The bones become thicker, wider, but not longer. There is increased growth of the hands and feet, as well as an increase in facial features: due to the growth of the lower jaw and nose. The heart muscle and kidneys may increase in volume and weight. It often begins with an accompanying increase in muscle strength and hardness, but ends in weakness, diabetes, heart disease and premature death.

And what the media willingly does is that they present extreme cases of sick people as scaring examples and to hammer home to athletes about what fate awaits them when taking growth hormones. And yet this is incredible, as reality has shown. Among the numerous athletes taking somatotropin, there are relatively few two-meter Neanderthals with an extended jaw and 56 foot size. To avoid misunderstanding: we do not want to mitigate the side effects that occur in healthy adults, but we want to try to explain: acromegamy, diabetes, myocardial hypertrophy, high blood pressure, kidney and liver growth can theoretically occur with excessive and long-term use of growth hormone. But in practice - especially with regard to the appearance of athletes - they are rare. More frequent problems with growth hormone occur, judging by experience, mainly when the athlete intends to inject additional insulin.

The active chemical substance somatotropin is a dry powder and must be diluted with the supplied solution in the ampoule before injection. The prepared solution should be administered immediately or stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 24 hours. It is recommended to store unused medication in the refrigerator. The biological activity of growth hormones when stored at room temperature (15 - 25 C) for up to 4 weeks does not decrease (case: "Zayden") and you should still prefer a cool place (2 - 8 C). In German pharmacies 4 m.u. “Genotropin”, “Humatropa”, “Zaydena” cost about 190.72 DM for one bottle and ampoule with solution (Kr. List, 1993). Rarely found on the black market, original foreign drugs cost the same as in German pharmacies. There are fakes, and as mentioned, a lot of them. Growth hormones are included in the list of doping substances, but are undetectable during doping control. Something in conclusion: we have learned from reliable American circles that American and Australian scientists have invented an insulin-like growth factor. If it hits the market, growth hormone will become a thing of the past. The body would receive from the outside a larger amount of this substance at its disposal than the liver can produce under the influence of injections of growth hormone. Science makes it possible to develop the human body to infinite boundaries.

Winstrol Depot.

Active chemical: Stanozolol.
Trade names:
Winstrol Depot 50 mg/ml: Tsambon Spain, Italy.
Winstrol (withdrawn) 50 mg/ml: Winthrop Greece.
Strombayect (withdrawn) 50 mg/ml: Winthrop Germany, Belgium.
Stromba 50 mg/ml: Sterling Research UK.
Stromba (withdrawn) 50 mg/ml Sterling - Winthrop Sweden; Winthrop Switzerland.

“In my opinion, this drug is completely useless in all respects. In normal traditional doses, Winstrol does not have any side effects worthy of mention, but at any dose it does not contribute to any noticeable muscle building or strength gain. It is as of little use to women as it is to men.” ("Practical Use of Steroids in Athletes", Dr. Robert Czrr).

“I consider injectable Winstrol to be a non-functional steroid, no matter how you use it” (The Underground Steroids Handbook 2, Denizl Duchain).

“There are places in Germany where this medicine is considered as poisonous as rat poison” (“The Steroid Bible”, author unknown).

“Stanozobol is an anabolic steroid that made its way into big-time sports only in 1984. Back in 1984, Stanozobol was called in the “underground literature” inactive, ineffective” (“Hormonal regulation and psychophysical stress in big-time sports,” R. Hacker and X. De Marais).

These statements are in striking contradiction with the widespread use of Winstrol in various sports. Winstrol is generally one of the favorite steroids in general. Stanozolol, for example, is one of the chemicals that gave Ben Johnson his amazing runs. This substance provided him, this exceptional athlete, with such noticeable muscle growth and such beautifully defined muscles that another bodybuilding athlete would envy him.

At the first big bodybuilding championship with doping testing, winner Shawn Ray and massive Canadian pro Nimrod King were caught taking Winstrol (1990) (Stanozolol). (Flex, July 1990, p. 70). The 1993 World Athletics Championships in Stuttgart revealed 2 cases of Stanozolol intake. Croce: Winstrol is a very effective steroid if used correctly. It is important to distinguish between the two forms of its release, because injectable Winstrol Depot is significantly more effective than oral Winstrol. Therefore, it is preferred by most athletes.

The peculiarity of injectable Winstrol Depot is that its active chemical substance, like all steroids, is usually dissolved not in oil, but in water. And although almost every bodybuilding athlete with experience in steroids knows this difference, in practice this knowledge is rarely used: The intervals between injections with long-acting Winstrol should be shorter than with other steroids. This means that long-acting Winstrol is administered more often than oil-soluble steroids (as well as, for example, Primobolan, Deca-Durabolin, Sustanon 250, Parabolan, etc.) The reason is the relatively short half-life of water-soluble steroids, which quickly enter the bloodstream, but do not act for long. Practice has shown that long-acting Winstrol 50 mg/ml should be administered at least twice a day and the best results are observed with a daily dose of 50 mg. The active chemical Stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, therefore long-acting Winstrol does not aromatize into estrogens and only in rare cases causes water accumulation.

Based on these two qualities, the main area of ​​​​use of long-acting Winstrol is bodybuilding: the period of preparation for competitions. When combined with a calorie-restricted diet that is rich in protein, long-acting Winstrol provides muscle hardness and elasticity. Long-acting Winstrol during a diet is not normally taken as the only steroid, because due to its small androgenic component, it does not reliably protect the athlete from damage to muscle tissue. The lack of pronounced androgenic effects is compensated by the combined use of Parabolan. Winstrol combination long. d. 50 mg per day and Finajecta 30 mg per day was the “Top Championship Combination” just a few years ago. Because The original Finaject is no longer produced, this role has been taken over by Parabolan.

Depending on the level of achievement of the athlete, they usually take 50 mg of Winstrol dl. every 1-2 days and Parabolan 76 mg/1.5 ml every 1-3 days. Although there is no scientific basis for the special interaction of Winstrol dl. etc. and Parabolan, a synergistic effect is very likely based on many case studies. Other steroids that are successfully taken during preparation for championships along with Winstrol dl. d., these are Masteren, Venobol, Halotestin, Oxandrolone, testosterone propionate, Primobolan and growth hormones.

Winstrol dl. etc. is still suitable not only for preparing for championships, but also during the build-up phase. Because it does not promote the accumulation of water, rapid weight gain with Winstrol is extremely rare. And yet, there is a solid increase in muscle mass and a stronger increase in strength in proportion, which most often persist as the drug is stopped. Bodybuilding athletes who want to increase strength and mass often combine Winstrol dl. with Dianabol, Anadrol 50, testosterone and Deca-Durabolin. With a combination of 100 mg Anadrol 50 per day, 50 mg Winstrol dl. per day and 400 mg of Deca-Durabolin per week, the athlete very slowly approaches the dosage of ambitious athletes from big-time sports. Athletes of the older age group and beginners in steroid cycles can achieve good progress with Winstrol dl. d. and Deca-Durabolin or with Winstrol dl. d. and Primobolan dl. etc. At the same time, they still have a relatively harmless combination at their disposal, which, as a rule, does not cause significant side effects and leaves newbies in steroid cycles still a lot of room for “stronger” things in this phase that are not yet needed. Winstrol dl. d. is mainly an anabolic steroid with a relatively moderate androgenic effect, which can however become noticeable in women at a dose of only 50 mg per week, in men - at a higher dosage. And female athletes most often have problems when injecting 50 mg 2 times a week. Although the effects of Winstrol are long. After a few days, it noticeably decreases and injections are needed at least 2 times a week; in this case, unwanted accumulations of androgens in the female body may occur, which entail virilization phenomena. And the low voice of this or that athlete is explained, of course, by Winstrol dl. d. And yet a dose of 50 mg of Winstrol dl. d. every second day for ambitious athletes is more the rule than the exception. Other non-androgen-related side effects, such as headaches, muscle spasms, the following HDL and LDL levels, and in rare cases, high blood pressure can occur in both women and men. The possibility of liver damage with the injectable form of Winstrol is very small, but in large doses, elevated liver parameters may occur. Because Winstrol long. d. dissolved in water, injections are usually somewhat more unpleasant and painful than in cases of oil solutions.

Although there are many counterfeits of injectable Winstrol, the original "Vini", as it is lovingly called by those who use it, is easy to recognize based on its unusual release form. At first glance, we are talking about the contents of the ampoules: a milky-white, watery liquid, which nevertheless has several features. The original "vini" precipitates, i.e. the active chemical substance is separated from the watery injection liquid if the ampoule is left at rest for some time. If the ampoule lies in the package for several hours or stands on the table, the active chemical substance collects and becomes visible in the form of a white layer on the bottom of the glass and is mixed with the now transparent watery liquid only after shaking the ampoule repeatedly. In an ampoule with 1 ml of suspension and 50 mg of Stanozolol dissolved in it, a white layer normally settles about the height of a fingernail. An athlete can easily determine whether it is really injectable Winstrol with Stanozolol or something with a lower dose of the chemical. Under no circumstances should you buy ampoules or glass bottles that contain more than 1 ml of suspension, because There are only preparations of the original injectable Winstrol in 1 ml glass ampoules. The original Spanish ampoules from Tsambon have an unusually wide belly and a brown font. Italian ampoules from Tsambon are also easy to recognize, because... here we are talking about small ampoules with a pierced top and the same wide belly, but with a blue font. The inscription on Italian and Spanish “vini” cannot be erased with a fingernail, it cannot be scraped off, it can be easily felt with a finger. Fake Stanozolol is most often offered in narrow ampoules that are commonly sold in the market. Because The Winthrop company no longer produces the once world-widespread Strombaiect; on the German black market you can only find Spanish and Italian Winstrol Depot from Tsambon. Cost of one ampoule of Winstrol dl. 50 mg on the black market is approximately 12 - 15 DM. If you inject daily, then Winstrol Depot is a very expensive drug.

There is one more drawback, because... with frequent injections, the scar tissue already discussed above gradually forms on the buttocks, which forces athletes to inject Winstrol into the shoulders, legs, or even calves. And although this is only a necessity, Winstrol injections into certain muscle groups are becoming increasingly popular because... athletes noticed that this resulted in accelerated growth of the affected muscle.

The American bodybuilding professional, known for his iron triceps, thanks his appearance to the constantly administered Winstrol dl. d. It is impossible to confuse the drug with the equally commonly used Esiclene. Athletes who want to avoid daily injections usually take 2 - 3 mg of Winstrol dl. d. 2 times a week. In the USA, injectable stanozolol, Winstrol Depot, is produced only for veterinary medicine and is called "WINSTROL V". The possibility that this drug will be found in Germany is zero, so we do not recommend buying a drug with an American-sounding label.


Active chemical: Stazolol.
Trade names:
Stromba (withdrawn) 5 mg tablet: Winthrop Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, Germany; Sterling-Winthrop Sweden; Stirling Research UK; Berger Austria.
Winstrol (withdrawn) 2 mg tablet: Winthrop Greece, Portugal; Winthrop Pharm USA.
Winstrol 2 mg tablet: Tsambon Spain, Italy.

Much of what has already been said about injectable Winstrol generally applies to oral Winstrol. And yet there are differences along with different forms of release, therefore - as in the case of Primobolan - it makes sense to consider the drugs separately. For most users of this drug, it is noticeably less effective than injections. There is no logical explanation or scientific basis for this. Since the tablets are alculated at 17-alpha, it seems unlikely that during the "first pass" through the liver some of the substance will be inactivated, so this possibility is eliminated.

One of the reasons for this, in our opinion, is that most athletes do not take enough Winstrol tablets. If we take into account the fact that injectable Winstrol Depot is usually taken in doses of 50 mg per day or at least 50 mg every second day, and if we compare this with the daily dose of tablets taken, then our opinion is confirmed. Because There are only 2 mg Winstrol tablets from Tsambon, you would need to take 12 - 25 tablets daily to achieve the same dose. But this is unrealistic for most athletes for 2 reasons. On the one hand, the cost of the drug for one 2 mg tablet on the black market is approximately 70 - 100 DM. On the other hand, with prolonged use of such a high number of tablets, gastrointestinal disorders may appear, as well as an undesirable increase in liver parameters, because The tablets, as already mentioned, are 17-alpha and represent a strain on the liver.

Male athletes with access to injectable Winstrol dl. d., therefore, should prefer the injectable form to the tablets. Women most often prefer oral Winstrol. And it makes sense, because. Female athletes need a smaller daily dose of Stanozolol, which is 10 - 16 mg per day. As a result, the daily dose is reduced to 5 - 8 tablets, so that gastrointestinal disorders and elevated liver parameters are rare. Another reason women take the oral drug is that the dose can be divided evenly throughout the day. There is an advantage in this, it is that androgen-related side effects (virilization phenomena) can be negated and there is no significant increase in the level of androgens in the blood, as with 50 mg injections. Athletes who decide to take the oral form of Winstrol normally take the daily dose in 2 large doses, often in the morning and evening, during meals, washing down the tablets with liquid. This ensures good resorption of the active chemical and at the same time minimizes the possibility of gastrointestinal disorders.

Because The Winthrop company has suspended the production of its products (stanozolol) all over the world; of the oral ones, only stanozolol from the Tsambo company exists. The tablets are sold in blister packs of 10 - 20 tablets each, they are easy to identify, because they are pink and have notches. Spanish Winstrol tablets have, in addition to everything, a “W” notch on the back side and are packaged in strips of 20 pieces, while the Italian version has 10 pieces per strip pack and does not have a “W” notch. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the original Winstrol exists only in a dose of 2 mg per tablet, because all 5 mg versions have been discontinued. Counterfeits are also packaged in strips with cells of 10 - 20 pieces each, but supposedly contain 5 mg of the substance. A widespread counterfeit is a small brown glass bottle with the label: Stromba (Stanozolol), anabolic steroid, 100 tbl. 5 mg each, Winthrop, USA.

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