How to make a baby. How to get pregnant faster: effective methods. How often should you have sex to get pregnant?

You may say that conceiving a child is easy, but it is not. A large number of married couples, throughout their usually short family life, try to conceive a child. Trips to doctors, fortune tellers, trips to remote villages to see grandmothers to start talking - all to no avail. As a rule, the inability to conceive a child becomes the cause of quarrels, conflicts, betrayal and, as a result, divorce.

In order not to repeat the fate of most married couples, read our article on how to conceive a child, and maybe it will help you save your marriage.

How to conceive a child correctly

Mom should know

The expectant mother is required to clearly determine the day of ovulation. In addition, it’s not even worth mentioning that mommy should be absolutely healthy and take care of her health. If mommy has a regular menstrual cycle, then determining ovulation is very simple. Subtract 14 days from the cycle length. It is on the last day of the cycle that there is a high probability that conception will occur.

Sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to 5 days.

You should not wait for this exact day to conceive a child; try starting 5 days before ovulation and 5 days after. If you have an irregular cycle, make a schedule and calculate day “X”. But the easiest way is to purchase a test at the pharmacy that determines the onset of ovulation.

Dad should know

High-quality sperm is required from the future father. To provide it you need to lead a correct lifestyle. Doctors have found that sperm is renewed every two months. Therefore, for two months, the future father must give up all his bad habits: do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, take daily walks in the fresh air for at least one hour, eat right. Do not wear tight underwear, avoid saunas, steam baths and hot baths.

The quality of sperm depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse.

British scientists have found that if you have sex every day, the quality of sperm improves. But then the sperm count will decrease, and we don’t want that. What to do? The answer is very simple. To conceive a healthy baby, have sex once every three days, and don't abstain for weeks at a time - it will harm your sperm.

How to quickly conceive a child

In order to conceive a child quickly, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Time of conception

The easiest time to conceive a child is in late autumn. In autumn, the human body is at its peak of health. During the spring and summer you consumed a lot of vitamins and were often outdoors. Having gained positive energy during this time, the body will be ready for conception. The best time of day is morning. So have sex in the fall mornings!

Ideal weight for conceiving a child

Forget about diets. Now your first priority is to bring your weight to the ideal weight for conception. A few months ahead of time, adjust your weight. Those who are very thin or very curvy may have problems not only with conceiving a child, but also with pregnancy. This rule also applies to men. With a sudden loss or weight gain, fewer sperm are produced.

Bad habits

There is no point in telling you that smoking and alcohol are harmful to your health; you yourself know this very well. A man who smokes has weaker sperm, and women who smoke have a 40% reduced chance of conceiving a child. You will have to give up both coffee and caffeine-containing products. You can simply switch to decaffeinated coffee, but the best option is to switch to tea.

Balanced diet

You've probably heard about special nutrition for pregnant women. So, there is a special diet that will help you conceive a child. It would be good for the expectant mother to eat more greens and vegetables, foods containing folic acid, cereals, and bread. If a woman has problems with ovulation, she should take foods containing iron, such as meat and legumes. Men should take fish, meat and nuts during this period. These products have a good effect on sperm formation and motility. Everyone should give up sweets and starchy foods: both men and women.

No drugs

If you want to have a healthy baby, you should stop taking medications. Even from antibiotics. If you are taking medications as prescribed by a doctor, be sure to consult your doctor before using them and ask how this may affect conceiving a child.

No chemistry

You should know that household chemicals affect your health. You should avoid going to the store for household chemicals. You should not be in a room where there are fumes from paints, glues and other toxic substances. Avoid intimate cosmetics and lubricants. They have a bad effect on sperm.

No stress or depression

It has long been proven that the psychological and mental state directly depends on whether a woman can conceive a child or not. Therefore, you should monitor your mental state. Protect yourself from stress and depression. The best thing to do is yoga. Music will save you at home, just turn on the light relaxing one you love. Classic is good. Or take a bubble bath. Going out into nature is also a huge charge of positive emotions.

The correct position for conceiving a child

There is no specific position after which you will definitely get pregnant. Most experts recommend choosing the missionary position to conceive a baby. In this position, sperm reach their target faster.

For women with a curved uterus, it is better to choose a position when the man is behind.

And other positions can be used as a way to quickly conceive a child, but again no one gives a 100% guarantee.

After sexual intercourse, do not write off taking a shower immediately or running about your business. It's better to put a pillow under your hips and rest for about ten minutes. While you are resting, the sperm are doing their job.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Every woman of reproductive age understands the phrase “Conceiving a child” in her own way, but not everyone knows how to get pregnant correctly, how fertilization of an egg occurs. Some ladies think nothing of giving offspring, while others approach the issue of pregnancy planning with particular scrupulousness. You should start studying this topic with the definition of ovulation, and only then comprehend the process of conception. The birth of a new life is always important, so this issue must be approached responsibly.

What is conceiving a child

So, with successful conception, fertilization of the egg occurs, and a new life is born in the female body. The determining factor is fertility, i.e. a woman's ability to naturally bear children. Some young ladies of reproductive age manage to become pregnant quickly, while others have to undergo treatment and unsuccessfully plan motherhood for several years. When pregnancy occurs, a completely different, no less exciting life begins.

When does conception occur?

It is important to understand the essence of the physiological process: a huge number of sperm along a path lasting 15 cm move at a speed of 3 mm per minute into the uterine cavity. A favorable period for pregnancy is ovulation, when the egg is just waiting for contact with sperm. It is known that in some cases it takes no more than an hour to complete the process, and in others – 2-3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Then the probability of conception decreases, and the birth of a new life is postponed until the next ovulation period.

In order for pregnancy planning methods to be especially successful, it is important to know about the conditions for successful conception and ensure their presence in your case. This:

  • physical and moral readiness;
  • sufficient sperm motility;
  • moderate accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the figure;
  • normal environment in the vagina;
  • good nutrition;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • absence of genitourinary infections;
  • easy way to adopt an embryo;
  • a sufficient number of sexual intercourses during the expected period of ovulation;
  • optimal conditions for egg fusion;
  • acceptable level of hormones, absence of endocrine pathologies.

Planning for conception

To conceive a child, many women regularly measure their basal temperature, and this knowledge greatly increases their chances of successful fertilization of the egg. As such, there is no specific date of conception, since active sperm can fertilize a woman’s egg within an hour after intercourse, or several days later. The same convention can be applied to the release of the egg after maturation. Therefore, if you strictly adhere to the conception calendar, you may not get pregnant with the “wave of a magic wand.”

Choosing the desired gender is also practiced among expectant mothers, but experience shows that this is impossible. A woman's desire to conceive a boy or girl is actually determined by the genetic makeup of the male reproductive cells that fertilize the egg. It is not possible to predict this natural process. Theoretically, to conceive a girl, a sperm must fertilize a female reproductive cell, and to conceive a boy, a male one.

How many days does it take for sperm to mature?

Before conceiving a child, it is necessary to approach this issue with all responsibility; for example, a man will have to give up drinking alcohol and no longer indulge in smoking. The activity and maturation period of sperm, the quality of sexual intercourse, and its duration depend on this. Otherwise, success will not come for several months.

Frequent sex does not contribute to successful conception and the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, since sperm does not have time to be produced by the body in the required volume. As a result, a small amount of sperm enters the vagina, and large volumes of seminal fluid simply flow out. Therefore, sperm need time to mature, and when planning motherhood, doctors strongly recommend abstaining from intimacy 5 days before ovulation.

How does a child become conceived?

The big deal in this matter lies with the ovary, in which the follicle matures. Subsequently, it ruptures, and an egg is released, which is successfully fertilized by the most active sperm. Until this moment, it travels a long way, first penetrating the uterine cavity, and then into the space of the fallopian tubes. After the fusion of male and female reproductive cells, a zygote is formed, which enters the uterine cavity after 7-8 days. Until this moment, she remains “free floating”. Next, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, and its size during this period is no more than 1.5 mm.

How does fertilization of an egg occur by day?

It is important to know not only the duration of menstrual cycles and be able to calculate ovulation, but also to determine unfavorable days for conception if there are no thoughts about motherhood in your plans. When a woman wants a child, information on how fertilization occurs day by day will be useful. The diagram below provides a detailed answer to this question. So:

  • Day 1 - one of the strongest sperm penetrates the egg, fertilization occurs.
  • 2-3 days - after conception, the egg divides into 2 cells, which are called blastomeres. This process continues for another 12-16 hours.
  • Day 4 - 16 cells unite into an embryo, after which it penetrates the fallopian tubes.
  • Day 5 - the embryo penetrates the uterus and attaches to the wall, as a result of which the woman’s basal temperature rises.
  • Day 10 – primary and secondary villi are formed, which will later become the umbilical cord and placenta.
  • Day 12 – implantation of the fertilized egg is completed.
  • Day 14 – there is a jump in progesterone and estrogen, which provokes the appearance of signs of pregnancy.

How to conceive a child correctly

It is recommended to have sex without a condom for the purpose of procreation only after completing the family planning stage. Only in this case, the time after successful conception and until the birth of the baby will become the happiest in the life of young parents. Here are general recommendations from qualified specialists on how to have a child in a timely and correct manner:

  1. It is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for 3-5 days before ovulation to allow sperm to mature.
  2. To conceive, a woman must choose a position lying on her back, and after intercourse, place a pillow under her buttocks and raise her legs on a “birch tree”.
  3. It is recommended to have sex on favorable days for conception, i.e. on days 12-14 of the menstrual cycle.
  4. To make conceiving a child successful, it is recommended to eat less fatty, starchy and sweet foods, and more natural vitamins.
  5. Give up bad habits, which, even after successful conception, can become a serious threat to miscarriage.

Unfavorable days

A few days (3-5) after the end of scheduled menstruation and 5 days before its arrival, the probability of conceiving a child is low for a woman. In the first days of the menstrual cycle, this is explained by the egg not yet mature, and in the last days by its inability to fertilize. It is recommended to have sex on days 12-14 of the menstrual cycle; this period accounts for the high frequency of pregnancies.

The likelihood of conceiving a child after menstruation

After the end of bleeding, another 2-3 days give the couple in love the right to safe sex. This is explained by the gradual maturation of the egg, which is not yet ready for fertilization. Starting from the 10th day of the menstrual cycle, the days become favorable for conception, and it’s time to try to make a baby, strictly following the recommendations described above.

Incompatibility at conception

Photos of young children always touch and inspire, but there are cases when there is complete incompatibility between sexual partners during conception. Common causes include psychological trauma, immunological incompatibility, antisperm antibodies, and Rh conflict. Such pathogenic factors prevent the fetus from developing, and it suddenly dies. It is recommended to take a compatibility test.

What is stimulation for conception?

These are therapeutic measures aimed at compulsory fertilization. Medicinal and alternative stimulation are well known; they are carried out for medical reasons and for diseases. The need for additional help arises if, with regular unprotected sex for more than 1 year, it is not possible to conceive a fetus naturally.

HCG analysis after conception to determine the presence of pregnancy

In this case we are talking about a classic test strip from a pharmacy. This publicly available method for diagnosing a progressing pregnancy is effective from the first day of pregnancy onwards. Checking the likelihood of successful fertilization of a woman’s reproductive organ at an earlier stage gives a false result, since the concentration of hCG hormones is still insufficient.


There comes a time in the life of a man and a woman when they are ready to expand their family with the arrival of a baby. Future parents begin to prepare for this important event. First of all, the question arises, how to conceive a child correctly? What measures need to be taken to ensure pregnancy occurs as quickly and without problems as possible?

Preparing for pregnancy

If you decide to become parents, you first need to prepare your body for successful fertilization and normal gestation. Below are the points that must be observed by a man and a woman before starting the process of conceiving a child:

  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and, if possible, avoid or minimize the number of cigarettes.
  • Reduce the amount of drinks such as tea and coffee.
  • Visit a doctor to be examined for diseases and contraindications to pregnancy. If necessary, undergo the necessary course of treatment.
  • Take a blood test for Rh factor. Carrying a child with Rh-conflict parents can be problematic.
  • Eat a balanced diet, giving preference to natural products, without preservatives and various chemical additives. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits you consume. Do not indulge in fatty, spicy foods, or sweets.
  • Lose excess weight, especially for women.
  • Fill your life with joyful moments. No stress or depression.

According to statistics, pregnancy occurs in most couples after regular attempts for three months. If this has not happened to you, there is no need to panic, as this is an individual process, sometimes requiring medical intervention.

Correct days to conceive

The period of ovulation plays an important role in the issue of conception. Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg leaves the ovary, enters the fallopian tube and lives there, awaiting fertilization within 24 hours. If there is no conception, she remains in the fallopian tube for another day, after which she dies. When it meets a sperm, a zygote (new cell) is formed.

Correctly chosen time for sexual contact increases the chances of early fertilization of the egg. These periods include:

  1. Fertile. This is the time period during which the probability of conception is maximum. This period lasts seven days, 5 days before ovulation, and 2 days after the release of the egg into the fallopian tube. The most successful fertile days are 2 days before ovulation and the ovulatory day itself. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for several days before the release of the egg.
  2. The second time period that increases the likelihood of conception is considered to be the period from the 10th to the 18th day of the menstrual cycle. Sexual intercourse at this time should be no more than once every two days.

To use the ovulatory method for the greatest chance of getting pregnant, you first need to calculate your period schedule and designate the days when the female reproductive cell will enter the fallopian tube. You can do this yourself by measuring basal temperature or by keeping a menstrual calendar, as well as using a special test.

Choosing a pose

The position of the partners during sexual intercourse does not in any way affect the meeting of the sperm with the egg. Male gametes, due to their structure, are very “nimble” and they have one goal - to reach the female reproductive cell. Therefore, they overcome the obstacles that come their way “like a man.”

However, it happens that a woman has a defect in the structure of the internal genital organs. For example, the curvature of the uterus does not allow sperm to pass along the intended path. In such cases, a correctly selected position can lead to fertilization. Here are some of them:

  • “Missionary” position - the partner lies on her back, the partner on top. A woman needs to press her legs towards her stomach so that the penis is in closest contact with the uterus.
  • A pose where the partner is positioned behind the partner.

To make everything work, choose positions that prevent sperm from leaking out of the vagina. Try not to end sexual intercourse in positions where the woman is on top of her partner.

At the end of the act, ladies dreaming of pregnancy are advised to raise their hips so that sperm does not leak out for as long as possible. For example, you can put a pillow under your buttocks or do the “birch tree” exercise.

Age indicator

Who is more likely to get pregnant - a 25-year-old girl or a forty-year-old woman? Of course, the age factor for conception plays a huge role. With age, natural, physiological changes occur in the body that prevent rapid fertilization. Ladies should take this into account and not delay the conception and birth of a child.

Let’s consider over what period of time, depending on the woman’s age, you should not worry about the absence of pregnancy:

  • Within a year, if the girl is under 30 years old.
  • There is no need to panic for nine months, representatives of the fair sex are 30 - 35 years old.
  • In the period from 35 to 40 years, the absence of conception for 6 months is a reason to visit a gynecologist.
  • For women over 40, getting pregnant becomes problematic, so three months of “emptiness” is enough to sound the alarm.

After forty years, women begin to have problems with the menstrual cycle, the mucous layer of the endometrium becomes thinner, the number of follicles in the ovaries decreases, and the number of chronic diseases increases. All these problems reduce the chances of conceiving a child, increasing the risk of becoming infertile.

Sperm quality

Successful fertilization can occur provided that the man has high-quality and healthy sperm. It is possible to improve sperm health; for this, men should follow the following rules:

  1. Don't get carried away with alcoholic drinks. The ethanol they contain helps reduce the production of the male hormone testosterone and kills a large number of sperm. Tobacco and narcotic drugs have the same effect.
  2. Avoid visiting baths and saunas; the water in the bathroom should not be too scalding. Avoid overheating the testicles; high temperatures have a detrimental effect on sperm.
  3. Don't wear too tight underwear or tight pants.
  4. It is recommended to take a course of vitamins. The elements they contain have a beneficial effect on the production of healthy gametes.
  5. Keep fit.

The process of sperm healing is quite long. In fact, all of the above rules should become a normal way of life for a man.

The role of folic acid

The likelihood of pregnancy with a deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9) decreases significantly. This element is essential for normal conception and the ability to safely bear a child.

Folic acid is prescribed at least ninety days before trying to become pregnant. This is quite enough to saturate the body with the missing vitamin.

It is worth noting that this element must be taken not only by the expectant mother, but also by the father. Folate deficiency in men negatively affects the quality and motility of sperm. If there are problems with conception, the stronger sex must be prescribed folic acid. It is often recommended to take vitamin E at the same time, which increases the amount of sperm produced.

Positive attitude

Some married couples who dream of having a baby don’t always succeed in everything at once. In such cases, you should not despair and get hung up on the problem that has arisen. Be positive and try to enjoy life. Waiting for the moment when you finally see “two stripes” should bring joy and good mood. It is a well-known and scientifically proven fact that negative emotions, stress and depression interfere with successful fertilization.

During sexual intercourse, you should put aside any worries and enjoy the process itself, and not think “it will work out this time or it won’t work out.” Making love should not become a means by which an end is achieved. On the contrary, your chances of getting pregnant increase if you enjoy each other.

Is it difficult for you to switch? Try seeing a psychologist, going on a trip, taking some classes together. Do whatever you can so as not to torment yourself with expectations and let nature calmly do its work.

Problems with conception

Reasons due to which rapid fertilization may not occur include:

  • The period a woman has after a miscarriage. A pregnancy interrupted in this way entails the emergence of complex problems in the body. It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment before planning a new conception. This period may last for at least six months.
  • Taking birth control pills. A woman needs to stop taking them several months before the planned period, since complete restoration of the functioning of the female body occurs within one to five months.
  • Use of an intrauterine device. If a woman used such a contraceptive to protect against unwanted pregnancy, after its removal there may be no pregnancy for more than one year. In such cases, you need to keep a calendar of menstrual cycles.
  • Conceiving a child after forty years.

We hope that the rules of conception given in this article will help future parents quickly realize their dream of starting a new life.

Some couples spend their whole lives worrying about contraception, while others cannot conceive a child even without protection. Getting pregnant is not as easy as the average person might think. Of course, there are a large number of examples when pregnancy occurs in a couple who did not expect it at all. But there are other cases when a couple tries to become parents for a long time, but does not succeed. What could be the problem, let's figure it out.

There are a number of immutable factors that affect fertility. But there are other circumstances that are completely subject to change, and all you need is the desire to move towards the intended goal.

Step #1. What should you do at the beginning of your journey?

1. It's time to stop using contraceptives

Certain methods of contraception may affect your body's systems a little longer than you might think. The minimum period required for the female body to conceive changes after the use of contraceptives.

  • Hormonal contraceptives - such as OCs, hormonal injections or a hormonal ring. After them, the female reproductive function needs a period of adaptation and there may be a long period of correction of hormonal levels.
  • IUD - intrauterine device - before attempting to conceive a child, it must be removed with the help of a medical specialist.
  • If you used barrier methods of protection (caps or condoms), then you don’t have to worry about adjusting the menstrual cycle, you just need to cancel them. But remember about sexually transmitted infections, because until now they have reliably protected you.

2. Find out your ovulation days

If you make love precisely on the days when your body is most ready to conceive, then your chances of getting pregnant will increase several times. There are a number of rules for tracking ovulation:

  • You need to count from the first day of your last menstruation. If we average the values, then for a significant number of women ovulation occurs on the 14th day after this date. (Is this why you should only make love to your husband on the 14th day? Not exactly, see point 3 for clarification)
  • Download a smartphone app that you can use to track your cycle. This is not difficult to do, just use a search engine.
  • Measure your basal body temperature. She will grow a little during ovulation. Keep a thermometer near your bed and take your basal temperature every morning when you wake up (try to do this at the same hour every day). A woman's readiness to conceive increases 2-3 days before her temperature rises. You need to track its value for a month and you will be prepared for the next period.
  • Watch out for cervical mucus that remains on your panty liner. It seems disgusting or funny, but it is a fairly working method. When the discharge is clear, sticky and looks like raw egg white, it means you have entered your fertile period. It is advisable to continue the “relationship” with your husband every day for 3-5 days after you notice the above signs.
  • Use ovulation tests. They can be purchased at any local pharmacy and even at the supermarket. This is the simplest method, but it requires small material costs.

3. Make love

After determining your ovulation period, get down to business. How often you make love and how long it lasts can affect your chances of getting pregnant, so read these tips:

  • Start with regular PA shortly before ovulation. This is necessary because the egg lives for about 24 hours, but sperm remain viable in the fallopian tubes for up to a week. To make sure you hit the target accurately, it's best to start early.
  • Better often than rarely. Do not look at the fact that sperm can live up to 7 days; those that are younger “work” better. Try to make love at least every other day (or more often) when you are ready.
  • Do not use spermicides, lubricants or chemical irritants. Items intended to enhance pleasure and prevent conception should be avoided at this time.
  • Relax and forget about your goal. Try to get maximum pleasure, in which case the sperm will reach the cervix in more favorable conditions.
  • After PA, lie down for a while. You don't need to throw your legs higher than your body, but you shouldn't stand up either. It has been established that a horizontal position after the end of PA for a quarter of an hour increases the chance of conception by 50%.

4. Pregnancy test

After ovulation has passed and you and your partner have done everything that depends on you, it’s time to wait. Some women are very worried and cannot remain idle, but they still need to wait for the next menstruation and in case of their absence, you can take the long-awaited pregnancy test, or better yet several. If you are very impatient, then you can try using the following methods, which with a high degree of probability can judge conception:

  • Do not stop measuring your basal temperature; if it remains high for 14 days after ovulation, you are most likely pregnant.
  • About a week after conception (plus or minus 2-3 days) it may begin. This is a very clear sign of conception.

Step #2. How to get pregnant if you can't. Increased fertility

1. Don't get upset too early

Most couples fail to get pregnant the first time. Out of 100 couples, only 15-20 succeed. However, 95% of couples achieve what they want naturally, but within 2 years after starting the journey. You can't control every factor in your fertility, but you can take a few simple steps to improve it.

Fertility is the body's ability to conceive offspring.

2. Plan your pregnancy in a medical facility

Even if you don't have any fertility problems, planning a pregnancy is a very good idea. Your doctor will examine you in a gynecological chair and prescribe a series of tests. Here are a number of diseases that can affect the ability to conceive:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - affects ovulation;
  • endometriosis - suppresses fertility;
  • diabetes - if uncontrolled, it can contribute to the appearance of birth defects in a child;
  • Thyroid diseases - like diabetes, if constantly monitored, do not harm the fetus or pregnancy.

3. Watch your health

If you haven't thought about it before, now is the time to pay attention to your health. You can increase your chances of getting pregnant by keeping your body in good shape.

  • Lose weight. Research shows that obese women have more problems not only with conceiving, but also with pregnancy. If your body mass index is high (above 25), then you should definitely go on a gentle diet and exercise at least 3 times a week. Measuring body mass index is easy. To do this, your weight in kilograms must be divided by your height in meters squared. For example, Anya weighs 87 kg and is 1.64 m tall. The following calculations are obtained: 87/ (1.64*1.64) = 32.3. As you can see, it is advisable for Anya to start monitoring her weight, because the index is quite high.
  • However, you don't need to lose too much weight. Women with an index less than 18 may stop menstruation and begin having difficulty conceiving.

4. Take vitamins

Before pregnancy, you need to start building up nutrients in your body. For example, by taking folic acid before pregnancy, a woman reduces the risk of neural tube defects in her child several times. It is advisable that your set of vitamins contain iron, folic acid and calcium.

5. Watch your diet

There are foods that contain substances that can affect fertility and even the developing baby.

  • Eating pesticides is very harmful, so choose only natural products.
  • Avoid trans fats, which are found in processed baked goods and sweetened foods. There is an opinion that a diet high in trans fats can lead to infertility.
  • Avoid eating raw or lightly processed fish, unpasteurized cheeses, vegetables that do not look fresh, and meats that contain nitrates.
  • Eat a diet rich in organic plant foods that include grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals found in these foods improve health at the cellular level and promote a healthy uterine lining.
  • Certain types of protein can improve fertility: tofu, chicken, eggs and seafood are high in omega 3 fatty acids, selenium and iron.
  • Milk, kefir and natural yogurt are also very healthy.

6. Monitor your partner's health

Provide your man with foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. Ask him to limit his intake of alcohol, caffeine, fat, sugar, and smoking for 3-6 months before conception.

For your partner, you can also choose a complex of vitamins that necessarily contain selenium.

7. Avoid stimulants and depressants

In our country, it is customary to relax only with alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and even harder drugs. But these "rest" stimulants should be excluded for a woman who is planning a pregnancy. Be sure to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking excessive amounts of coffee before you become pregnant.

8. Combat sexual dysfunction and psychological problems

Sometimes the desire to conceive a child takes over a couple so strongly that they stop feeling the pleasure of PA. A man and a woman begin to look at their intimacy only through the prism of conception, and this is extremely wrong. Try not to let temporary problems in conception ruin your relationship. Perhaps you should forget about the problem for a while, go on vacation and let the situation go. Some couples will benefit from an experienced sexologist or psychologist. You need to know that there is always a way out and not make your partner to blame for all the troubles.

The question of proper planning for conceiving a child worries, first of all, young married couples. I want to give birth to a healthy baby, especially at my favorite time of year, and at the same time I also want to extend the period of carefree married life.

In any case, regardless of whether it is a young family or a family that is deciding when it is best to conceive a second child, partners should be confident in their health. The presence of infectious diseases of the genital area at the time of conception can result in the most undesirable consequences for the health of the unborn child. Therefore, a medical examination will come in handy.

But more often, the question of when is the best time to conceive a child involves specific days of the monthly menstrual cycle that are considered most favorable for conception. In order to speed up the onset of pregnancy and to plan the sex of the child, it is important for a married couple to know when conception occurs after ovulation.

Optimal age for conception

Couples on the eve of pregnancy want to thoroughly prepare and choose the right time for conception. From a medical point of view, the age of 21-26 years is considered the most optimal for the first pregnancy. By this time, puberty has been fully completed, the young body is not burdened with chronic diseases, and hormonal levels have been stabilized.

The natural elasticity of the tissues of the ligaments and joints contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and ease of childbirth. Despite the fact that the age of women expecting their first child in most developed countries is increasing, delayed until 30 years of age, or even after 35 years, it is still advisable not to miss the favorable period when it is better to conceive a child.

As a rule, women strive first of all to get an education and achieve success in their careers. But every woman should know that the ability to conceive decreases with age and it becomes more difficult to get pregnant.

35-40 year old women by this age may have various gene disorders at the level of germ cells, which can provoke congenital diseases, including genetic ones, and cause defects in the development of the fetus. Pregnancy in women over 35 years of age may be accompanied by complications associated with the manifestation of chronic diseases during gestation.

Abstinence for good

When is the best time to conceive a child depends not only on the partners, but also on the woman’s physiology. Only 1 or 2 days in each month are favorable for conception, usually the day of ovulation. It is during the period of ovulation that one should have sexual intercourse with a partner if the goal is to become pregnant.

As a rule, these days a woman may experience slight malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, and increased discharge. At the same time, during this period, sexual activity and desire for a partner increases. Pregnancy is also possible in cases where sexual intercourse took place several days before ovulation. Sperm can remain viable for several days and wait until a mature egg is released.

In addition, we should not forget that abstinence for two or three days increases the activity of sperm, making them more resilient and tenacious. The main thing is to correctly calculate the days when conception occurs after ovulation. Knowing the characteristics of her body, a woman can independently calculate the days favorable for conceiving a child.

A young married couple in good health can use a calendar calculation, taking into account the main signs: heavy discharge, cramps in the lower abdomen and increasing libido. High-quality and accurate calculations can be obtained by observing the body for at least two or three cycles.

You should count a week from the start of your period, take plus or minus a few days for adjustment and get the estimated middle of the cycle. These are the most favorable days, when it is better to conceive a child and you should get down to business. If, nevertheless, the desired pregnancy does not occur, doctors recommend determining the days favorable for conception after ovulation based on the results of rectal temperature measurements.

Days with the highest temperature are the most favorable for conception. In addition, the most favorable days when conception occurs after ovulation are determined using an ultrasound examination or special pharmacy tests.

How does the fertile season affect mom and baby?

When planning a pregnancy, it is also important to take into account the season in which the baby will appear. The first months of pregnancy when conceived in winter occur during an unfavorable epidemiological season - the height of the ARVI and influenza epidemic, and the embryo is very vulnerable in the first three months.

The first months of a baby’s life fall on autumn days, which are not always fine and this can interfere with walks with the baby. Cloudy, rainy days are unlikely to keep mommy in a good mood. At the same time, on cool autumn days, which are the last days of pregnancy, the tendency to edema and insomnia decreases.

When conceiving in the spring, the parents’ bodies are weakened by spring hypovitaminosis, and the season is characterized by a surge in respiratory diseases. At this time of year it becomes cold and slippery, which is fraught with falls and unsafe for both mother and baby.

When conceiving in the summer, the body is saturated with vitamins and this is very important for the first, most vulnerable, trimester of pregnancy. Childbirth occurs in spring - the period of hypovitaminosis after winter. Mom and baby need vitamins to strengthen the immune system and strengthen the body.

When conceiving in the fall, the body is maximally saturated with vitamins and is ready for the birth of a new life. Childbirth occurs in the summer, and the last trimester occurs during the long summer days. A pregnant woman may have problems falling asleep, and the heat contributes to the appearance of edema. All this is an undesirable extra load on the fetus.

Therefore, the season when it is better to conceive a child >each woman chooses independently. And when this miracle happens, the woman feels the happiest. There is not only an internal restructuring of the body at the physiological level, but also changes in behavior and thinking. She becomes majestic, feeling the importance and responsibility of her mission on earth.
