Creon course of treatment. Negative phenomena and analogues. Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Diseases gastrointestinal tract quite often associated with pancreatic secretory deficiency. Digestion at the intestinal stage occurs with the help of enzymes produced by the pancreas and mucosal cells small intestine.

When there are not enough enzymes, the whole digestive process. The amount of enzymes can be restored with the help of medications.

A frequently used drug is Creon. German drug is able to restore intestinal microflora and stabilize the digestion process.

1. Instructions for use

A detailed description of the regimen for taking Creon is provided in the instructions for the drug. The dosage and total duration of the course of therapy depend on the type of disease present, the patient’s age and other nuances. In some cases, the treatment regimen is drawn up on an individual basis. The instructions also contain information about the composition of the drug, its composition, pharmacological properties and indications for use. A separate paragraph provides data on possible contraindications and side effects.

pharmachologic effect

Creon belongs to the category of enzyme preparations, the main pharmacological property of which is to improve performance digestive tract. It is recommended to take the drug not only for chronic inflammatory processes in the pancreas, but also in pathologies at the genetic level (cystic fibrosis).

The drug is widely used in oncological practice (in the treatment of pancreatic cancer or during the rehabilitation stage after operations).

Properties of the drug:

Indications for use

As replacement therapy Creon is used in cases of:

  • pancreatic cancer;
  • insufficiency of the endocrine function of the pancreas;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;
  • neoplasms due to ductal obstruction;
  • decreased enzyme formation function in older people.

As a treatment for digestive dysfunction, Creon is used in the following cases:

  • bilinary obstruction;
  • cholestatic hepatitis;
  • progressive growth of bacteria in the small intestine;
  • total gastrectomy;
  • the appearance of consequences of cholecystectomy;
  • fragmentary gastrectomy;
  • presence of liver cirrhosis;
  • disorders in the terminal intestine.

The drug Creon is prescribed as an additive to help ease the digestive process in cases poor nutrition(excessive consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods).

Creon is prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery partial removal intestines or stomach in the postoperative period.

Mode of application

Creon should be taken orally during or after meals. The medicine should be swallowed and washed down with sufficient quantity of water.

The dosage and amount of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually, based on their diagnosis and characteristics of the disease.

Dosage of the drug in the presence of cystic fibrosis in terms of the amount of lipase:

  • children under 4 years old - up to 1000 units. per kilogram of weight;
  • children over 4 years old - 500 units. per kilogram of weight.

Take the medicine with every meal. If you have difficulty swallowing, medicinal capsule It is allowed to open and add granules to liquid food.

For adults, the drug is prescribed daily in amounts from 10,000 to 25,000 units. per kilogram of weight, depending on the characteristics of the disease.

In case of disorders of the pancreas, the dosage of Creon is determined based on the results of steatorrhea and the course of the disease: 10,000 units. per kilogram of weight.

To prevent constipation due to taking the drug, you should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

You should not change the dosage of the drug yourself, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.

Composition, release form

Creon is available in soluble gelatin capsules:

  • active ingredient - pancreatin;
  • additional components - marogol, hypromellose phthalate, triethyl citrate, dimethicone, titanium dioxide, paraffin, alcohol.

Depending on the number of lipase units, the drug may have release options:

  • Creon 10000 (150 mg. active substance, lipase activity - 10,000 units, amylase - 8,000 units, protease - 600 units). Available in quantities of 10 or 25 pieces. in an aluminum plate, or in quantities of 20 or 50 pieces in a plastic bottle;
  • Creon 25000 (150 mg of active substance, lipase activity - 25,000 units, amylase - 18,000 units, protease - 1000 units). Available in quantities of 10 or 25 pieces. in an aluminum plate, or in quantities of 20, 50 or 100 pieces in a plastic bottle;
  • Creon 40000 (400 mg of active substance, lipase activity - 400,000 units, amylase - 25,000 units, protease - 1600 units). Available in quantities of 20, 50 or 100 pcs. in a plastic bottle.

The drug is sold in cardboard packages with instructions attached.

Interaction with other drugs

Drug interactions between Creon and others medicines was not observed. Tests for joint use were not carried out with alcohol.

It has been noted that the drug can slightly reduce iron absorption. If necessary, an additional course of iron supplements is prescribed.

Creon is able to reduce the effect of Acarbose.

2. Side effects

Most frequently identified side effects the use of Creon is expressed in changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea reflexes;
  • formation of strictures in the area of ​​the ileocecal region (with long-term use in large doses).

In addition, the following reactions may occur:

Important! If side effects as a result of taking the drug, you should immediately stop therapy and consult a doctor for advice.

A qualified specialist will be able to change the dosage or prescribe another drug to continue treatment.


Significantly exceeding the prescribed dosage can provoke pronounced side effects. For elimination negative reaction symptomatic treatment is used. Regular overdoses can change the composition of the blood and cause the development of hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria.

If you suspect Negative consequences exceeding dosages must be carried out laboratory test biological material.

Possible consequences of overdose:

  • attacks of uncontrollable vomiting and nausea;
  • excessive drooling;
  • constipation and signs of bloating;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract varying degrees intensity;
  • allergic reactions (only with hypersensitivity to the drug);
  • sharp pain attacks localized in the abdominal area.


  • acute inflammation of the pancreas initial stage development of the disease;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pancreatitis in chronic form.


Caution during pregnancy is due to the fact that clinical trials There have been no studies on the effects of the drug on pregnant women.

In this regard, it is recommended to take Creon during pregnancy strictly under the supervision of a doctor and in small doses.

  • If you have any symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can view a list of gastroenterology clinics on our website
  • You will be interested! The article describes symptoms that make it possible to suspect the presence of liver disease in the early stages
  • You may also be interested in learning more about treatment various diseases gastrointestinal tract

3. Special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The medication does not disrupt the speed of natural psychomotor reactions.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Creon during pregnancy is possible only if there are special indications (the risk to the fetus should be minimal). It is recommended not to take the drug during lactation.

Use in childhood

In case of liver dysfunction

The manufacturer does not indicate the nuances of using the drug for liver dysfunction.

If kidney function is impaired

There are no special indications for the use of the drug in kidney pathologies.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over-the-counter release from pharmacies.

4. Storage conditions and periods

Kreon 25000, Kreon 40000 - store for three years.

Keep the opened packaging in a sealed condition.

Video on the topic: Creon - an expert solution to digestive problems

5. Price

The average cost of the drug consists of average price for medicine in regions of the country.

Average price for the drug in Russia

  • Creon 10,000 - 290 rubles per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 25,000 - 560 rubles per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 40,000 - 1,370 rubles per bottle of 50 capsules of the drug.

Average price for the drug in Ukraine

  • Creon 10,000 - 96 hryvnia per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 25,000 - 226 hryvnia per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon 40,000 - 1,220 hryvnia per bottle of 50 capsules of the drug.

6. Analogs

By content active component Creon has analogues that are enzyme preparations: Gastenorm forte; Mezim forte; Festal N; Pangrol; Panzinorm ; Pancreatin; PanziCam; Hermital; Pancrelipase; Penzital; Gastenorm; Enzistal -P; Micrasim.

Drugs may differ in release form, price, content of auxiliary components, and manufacturer.

Creon instructions

Creon is a drug used for replacement therapy when the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes to break down food.

Creon is made from pork pancreatin. The drug is produced in the form of two-color capsules, which are filled with beige mini-microspheres. These minimicrospheres are covered with a shell that dissolves when ingested, releasing a large number of smaller mini-microspheres, the shell of which is split only in the intestines, releasing the active substance. This complex structure of the drug allows it to better mix with the contents of the stomach and enter the intestines in this form, and there the released enzymes begin to exhibit amylolytic, lipotic and proteolytic activity.

Creon contains a complex of substances similar to natural pancreatic inclusions. Each capsule of the drug contains a certain amount of enzymes, and the dosage fixed in the name indicates the amount of lipase in the composition. Thus, the name Creon 25000 “speaks” that 1 capsule contains 25,000 units of lipase.

Types produced by Creon:

Creon 10,000 - capsules containing 150 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity(10,000 units of EP lipase, 600 units EP protease and 8000 units EP amylase);

Creon 25,000 - capsules containing 300 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (25,000 units of EP lipase, 1000 units of EP protease and 18,000 units of EP amylase);

Creon 40,000 - capsules containing 400 mg of pancreatin, which has enzymatic activity (40,000 units of EP lipase, 1,600 units of EP protease and 25,000 units of EP amylase).

The granule core contains macrogol 400, the granule shell consists of hypromelose phthalate, cetyl alcohol, dimethicone 1000 and triethyl citrate. The capsule shell contains gelatin, iron oxide, titanium dioxide and sodium lauryl sulfate.

Due to its promotion of the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, Creon is prescribed for replacement therapy against the background of a lack of enzymes for:

Chronic pancreatitis;

Cystic fibrosis;

Condition after gastrectomy;

Condition after pancreatectomy;

Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;

Pancreatic cancer;

Duct obstruction due to neoplasms;

In old age.

Creon is also used for symptomatic treatment at:

Partial gastrectomy;

Conditions after cholecystectomy;



Cholestatic hepatitis;

Liver cirrhosis;

Total gastrectomy;

Pathologies of the small intestine;

Overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

In children the drug is used:

At pronounced syndrome dysfunction of the pancreas due to its underdevelopment;

How aid, with dysbacteriosis, accompanied by active reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the intestines;

Occasionally to relieve colic and defecation disorders in infants.

Creon instructions for use

The prescribed treatment regimen depends on the type and severity of the disease, as well as the patient’s diet. To ensure ease of use, Creon is available in three types, which differ in the content of the active substance and, as a result, in enzymatic activity.

It is necessary to take Creon with any meal, be it main or additional.

Capsules should be swallowed whole with plenty of water. If the patient cannot swallow the capsule, then it is allowed to open it and mix the contents with liquid food or water. Storing the drug in this form is prohibited and should be taken immediately.

During therapy with Creon, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed to prevent constipation.

On average, adults are prescribed 10,000 to 40,000 units of lipase per meal.

Since there is not enough information about the effects of Creon on the body of a pregnant woman and the fetus, taking it during this period is not recommended. Breastfeeding women can take the drug, as it does not have systemic action on the body.

Creon does not interact with other medications taken.

Creon 10000 and Creon 25000

Creon 10,000 is usually used by adults, 2 capsules with the main meal and 1 with each snack. Its daily dose can be from 4 to 15 capsules.

Creon 25,000 at the beginning of treatment is used similarly to Creon 10,000, and then the dose begins to be gradually reduced at positive results treatment.

Side effects

The most common side effect is abdominal pain. Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and allergic reactions are much less common.

Creon for children

IN childhood Prescribe Creon 10,000, selecting the dose individually for each child. It is recommended not to exceed 10,000 units per 1 kilogram of the child’s weight per day. At the same time, the dose for 1 dose is calculated for children under 4 years of age - 1 thousand lipase units per 1 kg of weight, and upon reaching 4 years of age - 500 lipase units per 1 kg of weight.

It is advisable to swallow the capsules whole during meals with a sufficient amount of water. But children are allowed to mix the contents of the capsule with liquid food or water, since children often cannot swallow a whole capsule.

Rarely and only when there is a proven need, the use of Creon is also prescribed for infants. In this case, the doctor must very carefully calculate the dose, taking into account the child’s weight and the severity of enzyme deficiency.

Creon analogues

Various manufacturers medicines A large number of Creon analogues are produced. Among them, the most famous are: Pancreatin, Mezim Forte, Gastenorm Forte, Panzinorm, Pankrenorm, Ermital. When choosing a drug from the list of analogues, you must study their instructions to clarify possible differences in the regimen of use, contraindications, side effects, etc. You should know that the advantage of Creon is the structure of mini-microspheres, which mix much better with food and exert their effect much faster and with better quality.

Creon price

Creon can be found in any pharmacy establishment on the territory of Russia and Ukraine. In this case, you will not be required to provide a prescription from a doctor.

Prices for the drug in Russia:

Creon 10000 (20 capsules) – 280-304 rubles;

Creon 25000 (20 capsules) – 567-588 rubles;

Creon 40000 (50 capsules) – 1360-1420 rubles.

Cost of medicine in Ukraine:

Creon 10000 (20 capsules) – 97-125 hryvnia;

Creon 25000 (20 capsules) – 184-238 hryvnia;

Creon 40000 (20 capsules) – 230-276 hryvnia.

Creon reviews


I have suffered from chronic pancreatitis since childhood. I haven’t tried anything during this period. Creon suited me best. Thanks to it, pain quickly passes during an exacerbation of the disease.

- all these are phenomena that occur in the life of every person. Almost always we don’t pay any attention to it. However, this is wrong. If these troubles have begun to “visit you” quite often, then they already pose a certain threat to you. To avoid becoming a hostage to digestive problems, it is best to consult a specialist doctor. Today there are a huge variety of different enzyme preparations that can definitely help you. In this article, the medical college website will tell you about Creon - one of the best enzyme preparations modern pharmacology.

How does Creon work?

Creon– an enzyme preparation used to improve the digestion process. This medicine includes pancreatic enzymes. It is they that help facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As a result, we have complete absorption in the small intestine. Creon also promotes the release of its own enzymes of the pancreas, stomach and intestines. The use of this drug guarantees improved performance of the gastrointestinal tract, and also normalizes all digestive processes. Plus, Creon is available in a specially designed dosage form– gelatin capsule containing enteric minimicrospheres.

Indications for use

If you have been diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, which is caused by chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, total gastrectomy, partial gastrectomy, then you need Creon. If you suffer from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, which is caused by cystic fibrosis, then you also need Creon. Quite often, Creon is used in the fight against pain in the pancreas, in the treatment of late transplant pancreatitis, as well as in the case of exocrine insufficiency pancreas in elderly patients.

Let's dwell a little on the dosage regimen of this drug.

First of all, it should be noted that the dosage of Creon is set individually for each patient. The doctor may prescribe required amount drug based on the severity of the disease and the composition of the diet. Creon 10,000 is most often prescribed at the beginning of therapy, one to two capsules during each meal and one capsule if you suddenly decide to have a snack. The effect of treatment with Creon will be visible only if a person takes from four to fifteen capsules of this drug during the day. As for taking Creon by children, it is possible for them daily dose is 10,000 Ph units. It should be noted that capsules of this enzyme preparation must be washed down big amount liquids. Creon capsule can also be mixed with food. In this case, the food should be eaten immediately.

Side effects and contraindications

Very rarely, the use of Creon causes side effects. This may include diarrhea, constipation, discomfort in the stomach, nausea, skin reactions. As for contraindications to the use of this drug, they also exist. If you have early stage pancreatitis or you increased sensitivity to the effects of pancreatin, then this drug It is contraindicated for you. Creon 10,000 should also not be taken by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers.

Each of you who is taking or will take Creon must understand one truth for yourself - during the course of treatment with this drug, you should be observed by your doctor as often as possible. It is very important.

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that today there are a large number of different dietary supplements (biologically active additives), the action of which is also directed towards the gastrointestinal tract. But despite everything, Creon 10,000 still remains one of the best enzyme preparations of our time!

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

I read here that some people drink it without the casing, pouring it into a spoon. It's the same as NOT drinking at all. The shell is needed for Creon (others enzyme preparations also made with a special shell) is not absorbed in the stomach!!! The drugs must act in the intestines, otherwise it’s like drinking chalk - everything in the stomach will dissolve. People, do you really think? that pharmacists are stupider than you, that they came up with a shell for such tablets???

Prescribed by a doctor for a problem with the pancreas, Creon. I drank 1 capsule. The throat was swollen from the inside, wheezing began in the lungs, and it was very difficult to breathe. For two days then I relieved the effects with diazolin and drank thyme for a week, it helped remove the spasms. I don't drink Creon anymore.

Dibutyl phthalate is a primitive industrial plasticizer of bisphenols and dianes,
it is generally believed that when bound, it evaporates very slowly, but this is only in theory, in fact in pure form HIGHLY harmful, and human contact with it is not advisable,
Although it is not water soluble, its vapor form can be harmful. In life, it is a cumulative carcinogen with a high degree of toxicity.
That's why the slightest violations technology, you know..., but in general it is used because it costs a penny.
By the way, this is all around, and not specific specifics,
The production of capsule shells is a standard process, and not an achievement of a specific company.

They came up with some other dibutyl phthalate!!! I didn’t find anything like that in the instructions for Creon. The drug has been on the market for a long time, the manufacturer is reputable. I don’t think that for so many years the harm allegedly caused by this drug has not been identified! The drug contains almost nothing at all except enzymes, which are not even absorbed into the blood, and here about some kind of deterioration of the kidneys. I think you need to drink less soda and all that!

It’s been one year and I haven’t eaten anything but the usual and have gradually lost weight. I have chronic pancreatitis and inflammation of the pancreas. Does Creon cure well? Please write what I can eat.

Five minutes after taking the cocoon, I get a fever, my husband says my face turns white and then turns red.
Today I took half a capsule without a shell, just poured the borders into a spoon and screamed with water. There was no such reaction. So I ordered a complex of plant enzymes from enzymedica, from the Americans for it good reviews and I don’t know how it will suit me.

After all, Creon is synthetic, and to avoid side effects you need to take natural plant enzymes. I take enzymes (Canada), there is a mixture of 10 enzymes, it helps, and there are no unpleasant sensations.

Girls, how often can you take Creon. The child is 1.5, they stopped drinking 2 weeks ago, but poops frequently and loosely, the doctor prescribed Creon again

what are you talking about?? Why wishful thinking, engage in misinformation and mislead people?? My child was prescribed Creon by a very good and familiar doctor with 30 years of experience as a pediatrician, who immediately reassured us about these “terrible” phthalates, simply explaining that it actually contains an insignificant amount of it, which has absolutely no effect on the health of the body, and eats in a timely manner. way! And the fact that you had kidney problems there could be 1000 and 1 reasons, to which Creon will have absolutely nothing to do with. You know, I’m somehow more inclined to believe this person than anonymous reviews on the Internet, written by someone who doesn’t know and for what purpose...

Improper digestion occurs in every second person. This is due to the fact that we do not take care of our stomach at all. After all, any food contains fat, protein and carbohydrates, but a person does not control their consumption. Consequently, digestion becomes difficult and we feel heaviness. To facilitate this process, it is necessary to take a pancreatic drug. One of the drugs that can provide the desired effect according to the instructions for use is Creon. Let's look at its composition and dosage for children and adults in more detail.

Composition of Creon

In Latin the medicine is called Kreon 1000, INN pancreatin. Release form: capsules. The active substance is pancreatin 150 mg, this corresponds to 1000 units of lipase, 8000 amylase and 600 units of protease. The capsule has a gelatin shell, its contents are a light brown minimicrosphere. Photos of the packaging and capsule are on the manufacturer’s website. Manufacturer: Germany; in Russia, claims must be sent to Abbott Products LLC.

What is the price?

The cost of the drug depends on the number of capsules in the package. Creon in a package of 20 capsules costs 270 rubles.

What does Creon help with - indications for use in children and adults

Treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is the most important indication for the use of Creon according to the instructions. So the enzyme preparation is prescribed:

  • with pancreatitis,
  • after pancreatic surgery,
  • during gastrectomy,
  • for pancreatic cancer.

Also significant indications for use are steatorrhea and intestinal flu. Another medicine according to the instructions may be included in the treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Analogues of Creon

If the cost of this drug does not suit you, then with the permission of your doctor you can replace it with a cheaper analogue, the composition of which is identical. Cheap analogues. The drugs prescribed in the prescription are most often suggested to be replaced with the following:

  • 1. Micrasim
  • 2. Mezim Forte tablets
  • 3. Festal
  • 4. Pangrol
  • 5. Panzinorm
  • 6. Hermital

If you understand what the difference is, then each of them differs in dosage form, these are tablets or capsules, which can cover both hard and soft shells, and in the content of the main substance. One is to replace the Russian one, the other is imported.

Creon or Pancreatin, which is better?

These two drugs are essentially the same medicine. But they have minimal differences. So Pancreatin (in Latin Pancreatinum) begins to work in the stomach, and Creon in the intestines. The first is available in tablets and is much cheaper, so replacement is often carried out. What is best is often determined by the patient himself after treatment according to the instructions for use and his own feelings. Doctors have divided opinions on both drugs.

Creon 1000 instructions for use

The method of taking the medicine according to the instructions is internal. The capsules do not need to be chewed. It is enough to wash them down with water at the time specified according to the instructions for use of Creon 1000. The annotation states that the dose should be taken during or immediately after meals.

The enzyme preparation is also taken after small snacks. The dosage is selected individually and depends on the complexity of the disease and the diet. Since it is impossible to give a capsule to an infant, its contents (small granules) are added to liquid food, or better yet, to sour food. Don't expect the granules to dissolve, they won't.

Dosage Creon 1000 adults

The dose is calculated based on body weight. The initial phase should be 500 units/kg with meals. However, the dose should not exceed 1000 units/kg per day or 4000 units/g of fat eaten. For insufficient digestion, the dose can vary from 25,000 to 8,000 IU of lipase.

Instructions for use Creon 25000

The initial stage of treatment with Creon 25000 should be 500 units/kg with meals, but the dose should not exceed 1000 units/kg per day or 4000 units/g of fat eaten. Also taken with food.

Creon 10000 instructions for use for children

For children under 4 years of age, the dose cannot be more than 1000 units/kg for each meal. The dose for a newborn and infant is calculated by the pediatrician; there are no universal instructions for calculating the dosage. This can be either ¼ capsule in one dose three times a day, or ½ part for children over one year old.

Duration of taking the drug

Typically, treatment lasts 14 days, but it may be prescribed for a longer period, and therapy will last a month.

For atopic dermatitis, how to drink Creon?

If you are allergic to undigested food, then this enzyme will become an effective medicine. For babies under 6 months, the use of the product should correspond to the number of meals. That is, the capsule is divided by the number of feedings per day. According to doctors, in this case the granules should be given along with water.

For gastritis

For gastritis, the dosage is 500 units/kg with meals. Here the prescription is prescribed based on the patient's diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, instructions for use of Creon

During pregnancy and lactation this remedy is not prohibited. Even in the early stages, a dosage of 500 units/kg does not harm the fetus. During breastfeeding, it is recommended to drink Creon in an amount that will maintain adequate nutritional status.