How many days does breast milk burn out: end of lactation, stress, illness. Low temperature slows down fermentation. Which milk is better

Hello everyone!

My dear readers, how do you feel about milk?

Do you drink it?

Me not. I've had this since childhood.

Although my grandmother lived in the village. And she always had several cows.

We went to visit her every weekend, but we couldn’t get me used to milk. I don't drink and that's it. Although I can eat yogurt, sour cream and cottage cheese.

But no milk!!!

Therefore, I have never closely studied the topic of the benefits or harms of milk. Although I know that there are ongoing debates about this.

What kind of horror stories are written about!!!

Can you imagine, I even read that people can grow horns and hooves from it!!!)

In general, I decided to delve into this topic and read Scientific research, books, the opinion of nutritionists, doctors, and using this information as a basis, I wrote this post.

So, is milk healthy?

From this article you will learn:

Is milk good for the human body?

What is milk and why did nature come up with milk?

Milk is a secretion product of the mammary glands of female mammals.

Milk was evolutionarily designed to nourish newborns very early age before they have teeth.

Then nature decided that milk was no longer needed and therefore it endowed the organisms of animals and humans with the ability to lose the digestion of milk sugar (lactose). that is, she did everything so that with the appearance of teeth, we would gradually forget about milk and move on to feeding ourselves.

To put it a little more competently, nature made sure that with age we lost the ability to secrete lactase, an enzyme into the intestine, which promotes the digestion of lactose (milk sugar).

What happens to milk in the intestines of an adult?

When there is little or no lactase in the small intestine, lactose in milk passes through without being broken down immediately into colon and becomes a substrate for various types of bacteria.

They begin to break it down into lactic acids, then break down these acids, leading to the formation of other organic acids.

These, in turn, also decay and form carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane.

All this can manifest itself in our body as bloating, intestinal pain, diarrhea and allergies and is called by one general term - « Lactose intolerance."

It is very easy to determine whether you have it. About 30 minutes after drinking milk, you experience all of the above symptoms

And this is not a disease at all, it is a normal evolutionary sign of human development.

But there are people who drink milk all their lives and do not suffer from such symptoms? Why?!

Why isn't everyone lactose intolerant?

My dears, everything is simple - evolution...

The development of the dairy industry and the excessive consumption of milk, especially by children transitioning from mother to cow, led to the selection of populations that continued to produce the lactose enzyme sufficiently long time.

This anomaly is called " lactose constancy"

Today, lactose intolerance affects about 40% of the world's population. In Russia there are about 15%.

The rest can tolerate it quite calmly and drink it at least every day without any problems.

What does milk contain?

To date nutritional value milk is beyond doubt.

It contains great amount important components for our health.

Let's take a quick look at them:

  • Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, vitamins B and C
  • Contains immunoglobulins that improve immunity
  • It is an excellent source of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium in an easily digestible form
  • Milk is an important source of complete protein and omega 3 fatty acids

200 ml of milk contains 25% of daily value Calcium, 22% DV Vitamin B2, 21% DV Vitamin D, 18% DV Phosphorus, 13.5% DV Protein.

Which milk is better?

Besides cow's milk, there are other species that surpass it in nutritional value.

One of the most useful species Milk is goat milk, it does not cause such allergic reactions as cow milk, and at the same time is easily digested in the intestines.

Sheep milk is no less valuable than goat milk, it is more nutritious and contains about 6% protein and 7% fat.

The composition of the milk of mares and donkeys is as close as possible to that of women, but its nutritional value is inferior to that of cows.

Is there any harm in milk?

Unfortunately yes.

There are a number of scientifically proven facts about the dangers of milk.

Let's look at them in more detail.

More precisely, the three most important of them, which have at least some scientific basis:

  1. According to many experts, the harm of milk depends 90% on what kind of milk you drink. Fresh or pasteurized. All experts are unanimous in the opinion that pasteurization (heating) turns healthy milk into one of the most harmful products. It denatures all enzymes, proteins and immune bodies, which turn into heavy indigestible substances. Therefore, it is best to drink fresh milk, raw and not boiled, but in such milk there is a danger of infection pathogenic microorganisms, as well as pus (if the cow was sick with mastitis).
  2. A number of experts believe that excess calcium in milk leads to coma, that our body does not accumulate it, but rather begins to excrete it intensively! This happens because calcium is a very active element, much more active than potassium and magnesium. At any opportunity, it displaces them from compounds, forming calcium salts, which are very poorly soluble in water. They settle on the walls of blood vessels and form part of kidney stones. Therefore, the body does its best to prevent excess calcium from entering our body.
  3. The protein contained in milk increases the acidity of the stomach so much that our body is forced to use minerals to neutralize this acid. Because we have the most calcium of all the minerals, the body uses calcium to neutralize acid, literally flushing it out of our bones.
  4. Milk also contains casein, a complex milk protein that is difficult to break down in the stomach, forming other substances that can cause allergies. autoimmune diseases and diabetes.
  5. And finally, do not forget that the feed fed to dairy cows does not always meet the required quality. Unfortunately, not all cows graze in the meadow and chew green grass or hay. They eat food that may contain antibiotics, growth hormones, female sex hormones estrogens, and all this ends up in the milk and in our body too.

My conclusion - is milk healthy?

In general, I read all this, wrote an article and was sincerely glad for myself that I don’t drink milk.

It’s a very murky and incomprehensible story with him.

There's a lot of what's in milk useful components, this is indisputable, but what to do with those harmful properties, which milk has?!

Therefore, to the question of whether to drink milk or not, let everyone answer for themselves. But I will remain in my opinion that milk is food for calves.

What do you think about this?

Do you drink milk? I will be glad to receive your feedback, comments and useful advice.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


Milk, according to Ayurveda, is the oldest science of health, the most valuable product in the Universe, since it contributes to both physical and spiritual development person. Dairy products not only have a beneficial effect on our body, but also affect the mind, psyche, character (subtle nature) of a person. At the same time, “opponents” of whole milk declare that whole milk is the number one enemy of humanity, arguing that only young mammals drink milk, and only humans, growing up, continue to consume it, while it supposedly does more harm than good! It would seem, really, why argue here? Milk is one of the main foodstuffs, it has been on the human table for many centuries; academician Ivan Pavlov called milk “food prepared by nature itself.” And much earlier, ancient philosophers defined it as white blood, juice of life. Nutritious, healthy, digestible. Not to mention delicious. Everyone decides for themselves whether to drink milk or not. First of all, you should listen to your own body, and he will never deceive!

Milk - highly nutritious, easily digestible, practically perfect food product for people of any age. 100 g of milk contains about 3 g of protein, 3.2 g of easily digestible fat, a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B and D in adequate quantities. About 250 are isolated from milk chemical components, incl. 140 different fatty acids.

Milk sugar (lactose) is the only carbohydrate in nature, consisting of glucose and galactose, and is part of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins, and vitamins. In the human body, it participates in intracellular metabolism, the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain and nervous system.

The digestibility of milk in the human body is 95 - 98%.

The nutritional value of milk, when consumed daily about a liter, satisfies, on average, all daily requirement adult in fat, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin, 50% of protein needs, 33% of vitamin A needs, ascorbic acid and thiamine, 25% of the energy requirement and, with the exception of iron, copper, manganese and magnesium, completely satisfies the need for all minerals.

Some believe that all these valuable substances harmful for an adult, others, on the contrary, indicate a particularly beneficial effect on the body. Who is right: theoretical scientists or thousands of years of experience?

The first thing that happens to milk when it enters the stomach is its curdling, in other words, under the influence of hydrochloric acid gastric juice Loose flakes of coagulated protein and fat fall out of the milk. The stronger the acidity of the gastric juice, the faster the curdling process occurs, and the larger and denser the flakes that fall out are formed. In this case, in the stomach, the curdled milk separates into cottage cheese and whey, which is also sour in nature.

If at this time there are particles of any other solid food in the stomach, then the cottage cheese flakes that fall out of the curdled milk envelop them, isolating them for a long time from the action of gastric juice, which undoubtedly prevents their digestion. It will not resume until the protein layer covering them is digested.

Let's try to figure out what's good or bad about this for those who don't have a very healthy stomach.

If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, then milk, when curdled, draws on itself most of the free acid found in the stomach. Thus, the overall acidity of gastric juice decreases temporarily. Every “ulcer sufferer” knows this, relieving an attack of pain caused by hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid through milk and eating it with crackers from white bread. However, this is a very deceptive reaction, because milk is an “acidifying” product. It is known that milk is converted into casein in the stomach. Humans do not have the enzyme to break down casein. The body increases acidity in the stomach to utilize it. As a result, acidity in the stomach and throughout the body increases sharply. That’s why doctors now do not recommend milk for people with ulcers.

Now consider the situation when the acidity of gastric juice is reduced or hydrochloric acid completely absent. That's when the milk doesn't curdle in the stomach. From the stomach, where the milk would have to go primary processing, in order to be further absorbed in the intestines, it enters unchanged into the intestines, where even in principle it cannot go normal process curdling. This means that when zero acidity milk can only be destroyed by intestinal microflora, which results in strong gas formation belching with a taste rotten egg and deterioration of the functions of each part of the digestive system.

Thus, the lower the acidity of gastric juice, the less beneficial the consumption of whole milk. And instead of milk, it is more advisable to take already curdled fermented milk products, the introduction of which is very useful for everyone - this helps eliminate dysbiosis, suppress putrefactive pathogenic microflora, improve motor function intestines.

What is the best way to drink milk? It is always worth remembering that milk is not a drink, but a food. People still say “eat milk.” It is wrong to think that milk can quench your thirst. It is undesirable to drink milk after meals, so that milk is easier to digest; it is better to drink it on an empty stomach, in small sips, holding it in the mouth longer to improve absorption. The exception, perhaps, is people with partial lactose intolerance; it is better for them to drink some milk with milk. solid foods, which will significantly slow down the absorption of lactose without affecting the benefits of milk.

After drinking a glass of milk, it is better to abstain from food for an hour and a half. It is not recommended to consume milk very cold. Low temperature makes digestion difficult.

Milk goes well with sweet fruits, berries, and nuts. For gastrointestinal tract Milk mousses, puddings, berries and fruits with whipped cream are very useful. However, they should not be eaten after a heavy lunch, but as a “snack”. The combination of this drink with boiled potatoes and various cereals.

Not recommended to be combined with milk fresh vegetables, cucumbers, plums, salted, smoked fish and sausages. You should not drink sweet buns with it. In this case, the fermentation process begins in the intestines, flatulent and abdominal pain. In addition, this combination is too high in calories.

Dairy and creamy sauces with meat and fish, of course, they are very tasty, but the dishes turn out to be very filling and can harm your figure. There is another reason why meat dishes Don't drink it with milk. The calcium contained in whole milk reduces the absorption of iron from meat. This is true for women prone to anemia.

Now about the most common myths about milk.

Boxed milk sold in stores is made from powder. This is a myth; the contents depend little on the packaging. Milk that is produced in whole or in part from canned milk is, or at least should be, labeled “reconstituted.” In fact, it is a milk drink and cannot be called milk.

Only children can drink milk; adults cannot digest this drink. This is a fairly common myth, generated by reasoning that in nature not a single mammal drinks milk as an adult. This is also confirmed by information about the absence of the gene responsible for the successful processing of milk in people throughout the sixth millennium BC. But the thing is that the ability to tolerate milk sugar - lactose - has evolved into human body very quickly - already by the fifth millennium BC. Thus, milk is perfectly absorbed in the body of an adult, except in cases of individual intolerance to milk or hypersensitivity to milk proteins.

A glass of milk - best medicine from all diseases. Of course, milk is not a panacea for all ailments, but it is known that Hippocrates also treated with diluted donkey milk nervous disorders, and Avicenna singled out healing power cow's milk. There is also a known method of treating tuberculosis with kumis, a drink made from mares’ milk. Modern scientists recognize that milk is especially useful for atherosclerosis, as well as for chronic diseases liver. In addition, milk has the ability to reduce blood pressure in hypertension.

Milk is given “for being harmful”, since only it neutralizes everything negative impacts on the human body. It is a myth. Today it has been scientifically proven that milk has the ability to remove harmful substances just like any other liquid. Thus, in toxic production, milk can just as easily be replaced with juices, fruit drinks or even tea.

Pasteurized milk is no different from sterilized milk. Yet there is a difference, and a significant one at that. During pasteurization, milk is heated to 60-70 degrees Celsius, which preserves some beneficial microorganisms, although the shelf life is reduced to 36 hours. But sterilized milk, although it can be stored for up to 6 months, due to heating to 115-135 degrees and subsequent sharp cooling, it loses almost everything beneficial bacteria. Thus, sterilized milk is inferior in usefulness to pasteurized milk, but neither heat treatment does not affect the preservation of the amount of vitamins.

Homogenized milk contains genetically modified products. It is a myth clean water, or even more appropriate to say - pure milk. Milk is homogenized before sterilization in order to long-term storage The taste of the drink was not spoiled by the exfoliated cream. Homogenization is simply breaking down the fat globules in milk into small particles.

It is impossible to determine whether whole milk is diluted with water or not. This delusion. There is such a method and it is also very simple. You just need to drop some milk into a glass of water. A drop of undiluted milk will first sink to the bottom and only then spread, and if the milk has been diluted, the drop will dissolve in water immediately.

Milk is a source of allergens. Indeed, whole milk can cause allergic reactions. Manifestations food allergies effects on milk proteins can range from hives to nausea, heartburn and vomiting. Due to the danger of developing allergies in children, doctors in Lately It is not recommended for pregnant women to drink a lot of whole milk. There are no such restrictions for fermented milk products.

It is believed that milk foam is the most common cause of allergies. Sometimes a person can drink milk without problems, but the foam makes him feel sick. The fact is that its composition is somewhat different from the drink itself. At heat treatment protein structure changes. They thicken, are poorly absorbed and become more dangerous for people prone to allergies.

Coping with a milk allergy is almost impossible. Those who have this problem will have to give up this product forever. But true allergy in milk it is not so common.

But with poor tolerance to milk sugar - lactose, you can get along. The lack of enzymes necessary for digestion is not only congenital. It can occur, for example, due to diseases digestive tract. Sometimes problems appear after a long break in drinking milk.

In this case, it is recommended to accustom yourself to it gradually: add a little to tea, coffee, cocoa, porridge, cottage cheese and omelettes. An easier way is to replace milk with healthy fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

Goat's milk is much healthier than cow's milk. U goat milk has its pros and cons. It differs from cow's in the composition of proteins and fats. Goat milk fats are a little easier to digest. Due to the difference in protein structure, allergies to goat milk are less common.

Goat milk is richer in calcium. But it contains very little iron and folic acid. Therefore, too active passion for this product is fraught with anemia, especially in young children. In addition, you need to remember that goats are predisposed to dangerous disease called "brucellosis". Therefore, boiling goat milk is mandatory.

Dairy products indispensable on the human table. This is true. Since people have been using milk in their diet for a long time, they have managed to transform it for their needs. Fermented milk products are good for health because they contain large quantities contains beneficial bacteria - an important component for intestinal function. And the condition of the intestines affects the entire human body, maintaining the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in in good condition- one of the main conditions for our health. Kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream can also be eaten by people with lactose intolerance, because under the influence of bacteria the amount of lactose is reduced to a harmless level (as is the amount of radionuclides and dioxins). And the beneficial properties of milk as a result of lactic acid fermentation do not deteriorate, but even improve.

If milk has expired, you can make cottage cheese from it. This is only partly true. After all, for example, you definitely won’t get cottage cheese from sterilized milk - after the expiration date it does not turn sour, but simply spoils in taste, since heat treatment, along with other bacteria, destroys those that cause lactic acid fermentation. This is the price to pay for the long shelf life of sterilized milk, up to six months. So those who want to experiment with independent production of cottage cheese at home can be advised to use milk for these purposes with a shorter shelf life - up to one and a half days, or buy a can of fresh milk on the market.

Dairy products help you lose weight. Research has shown that daily consuming dairy products (1 yogurt, 1 glass of low-fat milk and 15 grams of cheese) helps burn fat and lose weight. Dutch scientists have proven that calcium-rich foods also promote weight loss. All this is true, but this does not mean that you can eat everything, wash it down with milk or eat yogurt, and not gain extra pounds. If you want to lose weight, watch what you eat, calories and fat, and include dairy products in your diet.

Regular milk can be replaced with soy without harm to health. It is a myth. Soy milk, although it resembles natural milk in consistency, can in no way be a substitute for it. However, for people with complete intolerance lactose soy milk can be a good alternative to the usual one, especially since it has been proven that long-term consumption of soy protein helps prevent cancer.

Africans absolutely cannot stand milk. Indeed, not only Africans, but also many adult residents of Asia, Southern Europe And Latin America have difficulty digesting this drink. They have difficulty digesting lactose - milk sugar. And those substances that are not completely digested become the cause gastrointestinal disorders, bloating and diarrhea. Moreover, the ability to absorb milk is lost gradually as a person grows older.

However, most residents of Northern Europe and Russia do not have such problems. They completely digest milk sugar both in young and old age. This feature is determined genetically, where dairy farming has been developed for 2 thousand years. This is why milk is so popular in these regions.

What to prefer: milk from bags or natural milk?

Homemade milk can be hazardous to health.

First of all, due to the non-sterile conditions of its storage. There, microbes feel at ease and multiply quite quickly. To avoid becoming a victim intestinal infection, it must be boiled. Moreover, part useful properties inevitably lost.

In pasteurized and sterilized milk there is indeed less vitamins. But it is still rich in proteins, calcium and other microelements. Today, high-temperature processing is considered the most modern processing. The milk is heated to 135 degrees for two seconds, then immediately cooled. Experts believe that this is the most gentle method of processing, which preserves maximum useful substances.

Milk is very valuable food product. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors called the domestic cow “nurse.” Thanks to him unique properties, it is a source of many useful substances and the basis for the production of a large group of dairy and fermented milk products. Such production is possible due to the drink’s tendency to ripen. To understand why milk sours, let's figure out what it consists of.

What substances are contained in milk

Milk is intended to feed young mammals. It contains a full spectrum nutrients, necessary for the growth and development of newborns. The digestibility of nutrients is very high and approaches 95%.

Moreover, animal milk different types differs significantly in caloric content and quantitative content biological substances. Let's take a closer look at the composition of cow's milk. It contains the following substances:

  • Water - 87.5%.
  • Fats - 3.5%.
  • Proteins - casein, albumin, globulin - 3.3%.
  • Milk sugar - lactose - 4.7%.
  • Macro- and microelements (mineral part) - 1%.
  • Vitamins.
  • Enzymes.
  • Antibodies that protect newborns from infectious diseases.

Milk also contains a certain amount of bacteria, which are classified as normal microflora. They are the answer to the question “why does milk sour?” The biology of microbes and, as a result, the type of fermentation they cause varies.

Bacteria causing desired fermentation

Lactic acid, propionic acid bacteria, and lactic yeast participate in the “useful” fermentation of milk.

Lactic acid microbes are found in milk natural conditions and are the main “culprits” of why milk turns sour. The biology of bacteria is based on their processing of lactose into lactic acid. As a result, the acidity of the drink increases, and the casein protein coagulates. Some types of lactic acid bacteria are added to milk specifically to produce yogurt, cottage cheese, fermented milk cheeses, sour cream and acidophilus. This group includes: acidophilus, Bulgarian and cheese lactic acid sticks; lactic acid streptococci.

Added to milk during cheese production. As a result of the processing of milk sugar, propionic and acetic acid and stands out carbon dioxide.

At the same time, alcoholic fermentation can occur in milk. It is caused by specific yeasts and is used in the production of kefir.

To get curdled milk, just leave it in a warm place for 1-2 days. But for the manufacture of other products, the necessary microorganisms are added to the prepared substrate. This explains why milk sours with one or another result.

Tasteless curdled milk

In addition to the desired fermentation, some microorganisms cause butyric acid fermentation. That's why sour milk is bitter. Spore-forming butyric acid bacteria convert into carbon dioxide, butyric acid and hydrogen. As a result, the milk acquires a bitter taste and bad smell. This fermentation occurs mainly in sterilized and pasteurized milk, as well as in cheeses. The fact is that butyric acid microbes tolerate boiling temperatures for a long time (up to 30 minutes) and remain the only inhabitants capable of fermenting the product.

The other turns sour and acquires an unpleasant taste; putrefactive bacteria may develop in fresh milk if it is contaminated and if storage conditions are violated. Putrefactive bacteria exert their effect on the product at temperatures below +10°C, lactic acid bacteria are viable at + 10°C - +20°C. Unlike lactic acid microbes, putrefactive microbes are not killed during pasteurization, so milk from a package often “goes rotten” rather than fermented. In this case, microorganisms break down the proteins and fats of the milk, which leads to the appearance of decay products with a characteristic rancid or rotten odor.

Why does milk turn sour quickly?

The speed of milk fermentation depends on several factors.

  • The optimal temperature for the development of lactic acid bacteria is from +30°C to +40°C. At this temperature, milk sours very quickly. So store the product in the refrigerator at +4°C.
  • Milk bought in a store quickly sours even when stored in the refrigerator due to violations of production technology. This could be: non-compliance with the sanitary regime on the farm during milking and transportation, failure in the process of sterilization of the product, violation of the integrity of the packaging, poor-quality packaging, and so on.

It should be noted that for fresh milk, ripening is a natural process; at room temperature, it begins approximately 12-24 hours after milking from one cow. Mixed milk sours faster. To extend the shelf life, technological methods such as pasteurization and sterilization are used. They are based on temperature treatment of the product, but differ in the mode of exposure.


Pasteurization of milk is carried out in several ways:

  • Maintain for 30 minutes at +65°C.
  • At a temperature of +75°C for 15 to 40 seconds.
  • Temperature +85°C, processing time 8-10 seconds.

Such milk retains a significant part of the vitamins and enzymes, and most bacteria die. Only heat-resistant microbes remain “in service.” This explains why milk does not sour for a long time. Stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. This product is also used to introduce various microorganisms and create targeted fermentation.

Most the best way preserve maximum nutrients - ultra-pasteurization. With this technology, milk is exposed to high temperature(+135°C) for 3-4 seconds. Then the product is cooled to +4°C and packaged in sterile packaging. Unlike conventional pasteurization, persistent spore forms (including putrefactive bacteria) die. UHT milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two months.


Sterilization kills all microorganisms. This milk is sterile, packaged in aseptic containers, and has a shelf life of up to 12 months. Everyone knows why it doesn't turn sour homemade milk after boiling - because the bacteria die. But at home it is not possible to carry out high-temperature treatment and provide a bacteria-free work area and aseptic packaging. But in industrial conditions, milk is sterilized at a temperature of +120 - +150°C for 20-30 minutes.

Such a product is of less value because most of the vitamins and enzymes are destroyed. Also, lactic acid derivatives cannot be prepared from it.

Doesn't milk from a domestic cow go sour?

Another reason why cow's milk does not sour may be metabolic disorders in the cow's body. If the ratio of sugar and protein in food is incorrect, protein overfeeding causes a disease called “ketosis.” Ketone milk is very harmful to the human body; it is practically not fermented, and the separated cream produces sour cream with a bitter aftertaste.

Milk fermentation products

Fermented milk products have been known since ancient times. Each culture has its own ways of preparing this wonderful and healthy food. They differ mainly in the initial composition of the milk and the starter added.

Store milk and lactic acid products in clean, closed containers, observing temperature regime and the terms indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Follow the recommendations and the question “why does milk sour quickly?” will not arise. If there are no clear instructions on the storage mode, focus on a temperature of +4°C - it is suitable for almost all dairy products. Remember that dairy foods require careful handling, and spoiled products can cause serious poisoning.

M oloko, as he claims Ayurveda- (the oldest science of health), the most valuable product in the Universe, since it contributes to both the physical and spiritual development of a person. Dairy products not only have a beneficial effect on our body, but also affect the mind, psyche, character (subtle nature) of a person. At the same time, “opponents” of whole milk declare that whole milk is the number one enemy of humanity, arguing that only young mammals drink milk, and only humans, growing up, continue to consume it, while it supposedly does more harm than good! It would seem, really, why argue here? Milk is one of the main foodstuffs, it has been on the human table for many centuries; academician Ivan Pavlov called milk “food prepared by nature itself.” And much earlier, ancient philosophers defined it as white blood, the juice of life. Nutritious, healthy, digestible. Not to mention delicious. Everyone decides for themselves whether to drink milk or not. First of all, you should listen to your own body, and it will never deceive you!
Milk- highly nutritious, easily digestible, almost perfect food product for people of any age. 100 g of milk contains about 3 g of protein, 3.2 g of easily digestible fat, a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B and D in adequate quantities. About 250 chemical components have been isolated from milk, incl. 140 different fatty acids.

Milk sugar (lactose)- this is the only carbohydrate in nature, consisting of glucose and galactose, and is part of the enzymes involved in the synthesis of fats, proteins, and vitamins. In the human body, it participates in intracellular metabolism, the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, brain and nervous system.
The digestibility of milk in the human body is 95 - 98%.
The nutritional value of milk, when consumed daily about a liter, satisfies on average the entire daily requirement of an adult for fat, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin, 50% of the need for protein, 33% of the need for vitamin A, ascorbic acid and thiamine, 25% of the need for energy and, with the exception of iron, copper, manganese and magnesium, it fully satisfies the need for all minerals.
Some believe that all these valuable substances are harmful to an adult, while others, on the contrary, point to their particularly beneficial effects on the body. Who is right: theoretical scientists or thousands of years of experience?
The first thing that happens to milk when it enters the stomach is its curdling, in other words, under the action of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, loose flakes of coagulated protein and fat fall out of the milk. The stronger the acidity of the gastric juice, the faster the curdling process occurs, and the larger and denser the flakes that fall out are formed. In this case, in the stomach, the curdled milk separates into cottage cheese and whey, which is also sour in nature.
If at this time there are particles of any other solid food in the stomach, then the cottage cheese flakes that fall out of the curdled milk envelop them, isolating them for a long time from the action of gastric juice, which undoubtedly prevents their digestion. It will not resume until the protein layer covering them is digested.

Let's try to figure out what's good or bad about this for those who don't have a very healthy stomach.
If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, then milk, when curdled, draws on itself most of the free acid found in the stomach. Thus, the overall acidity of gastric juice decreases temporarily. Every “ulcer sufferer” knows this, relieving an attack of pain caused by hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid through milk and snacking on white bread crackers.

Now let's consider a situation where the acidity of gastric juice is reduced or there is no hydrochloric acid at all. That's when the milk doesn't curdle in the stomach. From the stomach, where milk would have to undergo primary processing in order to be subsequently absorbed in the intestines, it enters unchanged into the intestines, where even in principle the normal curdling process cannot take place. This means that with zero acidity, milk can only be destroyed by intestinal microflora, resulting in severe gas formation, belching with the taste of a rotten egg and deterioration in the functions of each part of the digestive system.

Thus, the lower the acidity of gastric juice, the less beneficial the consumption of whole milk. And instead of milk, it is more advisable to take already curdled fermented milk products, the introduction of which is very useful for everyone - this helps eliminate dysbiosis, suppress putrefactive pathogenic microflora, and improve intestinal motor function.

What is the best way to drink milk? It is always worth remembering that milk is not a drink, but a food. People still say “eat milk.” It is wrong to think that milk can quench your thirst. It is undesirable to drink milk after meals, so that milk is easier to digest; it is better to drink it on an empty stomach, in small sips, holding it in the mouth longer to improve absorption. The exception, perhaps, is people with partial lactose intolerance; it is better for them to drink some solid foods with milk, which will significantly slow down the absorption of lactose without affecting the benefits of milk.
After drinking a glass of milk, it is better to abstain from food for an hour and a half. It is not recommended to consume milk very cold. Low temperatures make digestion difficult.

Milk goes well with sweet fruits, berries, and nuts. Milk mousses, puddings, berries and fruits with whipped cream are very useful for the gastrointestinal tract. However, they should not be eaten after a heavy lunch, but as a “snack”. The combination of this drink with boiled potatoes and various cereals is traditional and justified from a nutritional point of view.
It is not advisable to combine fresh vegetables, cucumbers, plums, salted, smoked fish and sausages with milk. You should not drink sweet buns with it. In this case, the fermentation process begins in the intestines, causing flatulence and abdominal pain. In addition, this combination is too high in calories.
Milk and cream sauces for meat and fish are, of course, very tasty, but the dishes turn out to be very filling and can harm your figure. There is another reason why meat dishes should not be washed down with milk. The calcium contained in whole milk reduces the absorption of iron from meat. This is true for women prone to anemia.

Now about the most common myths about milk.

  • Boxed milk sold in stores is made from powder. This is a myth; the contents depend little on the packaging. Milk that is produced in whole or in part from canned milk is, or at least should be, labeled “reconstituted.” In fact, it is a milk drink and cannot be called milk.
  • Only children can drink milk; adults cannot digest this drink. This is a fairly common myth, generated by reasoning that in nature not a single mammal drinks milk as an adult. This is also confirmed by information about the absence of the gene responsible for the successful processing of milk in people throughout the sixth millennium BC. But the whole point is that the ability to tolerate milk sugar - lactose - evolved in the human body very quickly - already by the fifth millennium BC. Thus, milk is perfectly absorbed in the body of an adult, with the exception of cases of individual intolerance to milk or hypersensitivity to milk proteins.
  • A glass of milk is the best cure for all diseases. Of course, milk is not a panacea for all ailments, but it is known that Hippocrates treated nervous disorders with diluted donkey milk, and Avicenna highlighted the healing power of cow's milk. There is also a known method of treating tuberculosis with kumis, a drink made from mares’ milk. Modern scientists recognize that milk is especially useful for atherosclerosis, as well as for chronic liver diseases. In addition, milk has the ability to reduce blood pressure in hypertension.
  • Milk is given “for its harmfulness”, since only it neutralizes all negative effects on the human body. It is a myth. Today it has been scientifically proven that milk has the ability to remove harmful substances just like any other liquid. Thus, in toxic production, milk can just as easily be replaced with juices, fruit drinks or even tea.
  • Pasteurized milk is no different from sterilized milk. Yet there is a difference, and a significant one at that. During pasteurization, milk is heated to 60-70 degrees Celsius, which preserves some beneficial microorganisms, although the shelf life is reduced to 36 hours. But although sterilized milk can be stored for up to 6 months, due to heating to 115-135 degrees and subsequent sharp cooling, it loses almost all beneficial bacteria. Thus, sterilized milk is inferior in usefulness to pasteurized milk, but neither one nor the other heat treatment has any effect on preserving the amount of vitamins.
  • Homogenized milk contains genetically modified products. This is a myth of pure water, or even more appropriately, pure milk. Milk is homogenized before sterilization, so that during long-term storage the taste of the drink is not spoiled by exfoliated cream. Homogenization is simply breaking down the fat globules in milk into small particles.
  • It is impossible to determine whether whole milk is diluted with water or not. It's a delusion. There is such a method and it is also very simple. You just need to drop some milk into a glass of water. A drop of undiluted milk will first sink to the bottom and only then spread, and if the milk has been diluted, the drop will dissolve in water immediately.
  • Milk is a source of allergens. Indeed, whole milk can cause allergic reactions. Manifestations of a food allergy to milk proteins can vary from hives to nausea, heartburn and vomiting. Due to the danger of developing allergies in babies, doctors have recently not recommended pregnant women to drink a lot of whole milk. There are no such restrictions for fermented milk products. It is believed that milk froth is the most common cause of allergies.. Sometimes a person can drink milk without problems, but the foam makes him feel sick. The fact is that its composition is somewhat different from the drink itself. During heat treatment, a change in the structure of proteins occurs. They thicken, are poorly absorbed and become more dangerous for people prone to allergies.

Coping with a milk allergy is almost impossible. Those who have this problem will have to give up this product forever. But true milk allergies are not that common.
But with poor tolerance to milk sugar - lactose, you can get along. The lack of enzymes necessary for digestion is not only congenital. It can occur, for example, with diseases of the digestive tract. Sometimes problems appear after a long break in drinking milk.
In this case, it is recommended to accustom yourself to it gradually: add a little to tea, coffee, cocoa, porridge, cottage cheese and omelettes. An easier way is to replace milk with healthy fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, yogurt.

  • Goat's milk is much healthier than cow's milk. Goat milk has its pros and cons. It differs from cow's in the composition of proteins and fats. Goat milk fats are a little easier to digest. Due to the difference in protein structure, allergies to goat milk are less common.

Goat milk is richer in calcium. But it contains very little iron and folic acid. Therefore, too active passion for this product is fraught with anemia, especially in young children. In addition, you need to remember that goats are prone to a dangerous disease called brucellosis. Therefore, boiling goat milk is mandatory.

  • Fermented milk products are indispensable on the human table. This is true. Since people have been using milk in their diet for a long time, they have managed to transform it for their needs. Fermented milk products are good for health because they contain large quantities of beneficial bacteria - an important component for intestinal function. And the condition of the intestines affects the entire human body; maintaining the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract in a normal state is one of the main conditions for our health. Kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream can also be eaten by people with lactose intolerance, because under the influence of bacteria the amount of lactose is reduced to a harmless level (as is the amount of radionuclides and dioxins). And the beneficial properties of milk as a result of lactic acid fermentation do not deteriorate, but even improve.
  • If milk has expired, you can make cottage cheese from it. This is only partly true. After all, for example, you definitely won’t get cottage cheese from sterilized milk - after the expiration date it does not turn sour, but simply spoils in taste, since heat treatment, along with other bacteria, destroys those that cause lactic acid fermentation. This is the price to pay for the long shelf life of sterilized milk, up to six months. So those who want to experiment with independent production of cottage cheese at home can be advised to use milk for these purposes with a shorter shelf life - up to one and a half days, or buy a can of fresh milk on the market.
  • Dairy products help you lose weight. Research has shown that daily use dairy products (1 yogurt, 1 glass of low-fat milk and 15 grams of cheese) helps burn fat and lose weight. Dutch scientists have proven that calcium-rich foods also promote weight loss. All this is true, but this does not mean that you can eat everything, wash it down with milk or eat yogurt, and not gain extra pounds. If you want to lose weight, watch what you eat, calories and fat, and include dairy products in your diet.
  • Regular milk can be replaced with soy milk without harm to health. It is a myth. Soy milk, although it resembles natural milk in consistency, can in no way be a substitute for it. However, for people with complete lactose intolerance, soy milk can be a good alternative to regular milk, especially since long-term consumption of soy protein has been proven to help prevent cancer.
  • Africans absolutely cannot stand milk. Indeed, not only Africans, but also many adults in Asia, Africa, Southern Europe and Latin America have difficulty digesting this drink. They have difficulty digesting lactose - milk sugar. And those substances that are not completely digested cause gastrointestinal disorders, bloating and diarrhea. Moreover, the ability to absorb milk is lost gradually as a person grows older.

However, most residents of Northern Europe and Russia do not have such problems. They completely digest milk sugar both in young and old age. This feature is determined genetically, where dairy farming has been developed for 2 thousand years. This is why milk is so popular in these regions.

What to prefer: milk from bags or natural milk?

Homemade milk can be hazardous to health.

  • First of all, due to the non-sterile conditions of its storage. There, microbes feel at ease and multiply quite quickly. To avoid becoming a victim of an intestinal infection, it must be boiled. In this case, some of the beneficial properties are inevitably lost.
  • Pasteurized and sterilized milk actually contains fewer vitamins. But it is still rich in proteins, calcium and other microelements. Today, high-temperature processing is considered the most modern processing. The milk is heated to 135 degrees for two seconds, then immediately cooled. Experts believe that this is the most gentle processing method, which preserves the maximum of useful substances.

Raw milk from a healthy cow should not be stored for a long time warm due to favorable conditions for the growth of microorganisms. It becomes sour and spoils. Even in cold storage time raw milk limited. Freshly milked milk must be filtered as soon as possible (to remove large impurities) and boiled. Boiling destroys pathogens, present in milk (except for the usual non-spore-forming ones). The effectiveness of killing these microorganisms depends on the duration of boiling. Boiling also destroys lactic acid bacteria. The benefits of boiled milk for the body compared to freshly milked milk are much less, but the shelf life is longer. Dairy cows can suffer from various infectious diseases ( infectious inflammation udder, tuberculosis, foot and mouth disease), so it is necessary to boil milk, especially when it is purchased at the market.
To prevent milk from curdling, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of milk before boiling. Milk is boiled in enamel or stainless steel containers; ceramic and clay dishes are also suitable for these purposes. Do not use copper or iron utensils. Copper and iron promote oxidation and spoilage of milk fat.
On the surface of milk, when it is heated to 50°C, a foam consisting of fats first forms, and milk protein casein, slightly modified chemical composition. At temperatures from 55°C to 80°C, albumin coagulates.
When milk boils, a sediment forms on the bottom and walls of the container, which is partially precipitated proteins. The longer the milk was stored before boiling and the higher its acidity, the more sediment will form. It is not recommended to boil milk; to do this, stir it regularly or use special dishes with a double bottom.
Prolonged boiling causes coagulation and destroys heat-sensitive... In addition, calcium and phosphorus turn into insoluble compounds that are not absorbed by the human body. During prolonged boiling, albumin coagulates, settles to the bottom of the dish and burns. Fats go from a thin dispersion state to the form of greasy glitter that floats to the surface. Taste and visual defects arise, and the nutritional value of milk decreases. Boiled milk should not be stored in light, especially bright sunlight. Light accelerates the yellowing of milk fat, destroys vitamin C. Intense sunlight destroys vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

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