How to use an ovulation test and conceive a boy or girl? Let's find out which result is positive and which is negative. When to start conceiving after an ovulation test is positive

Ovulation is the main stage of the menstrual cycle. At this time, the egg, ready for conception, leaves the follicle. This is the most suitable period for fertilization: within two days a woman can become pregnant.

The process begins in the middle of the cycle: approximately on the 14th day. However, in girls, oocyte maturation occurs at different times and depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

A family planning a child must know the date of the ovulatory phase. Future parents can purchase a special test at the pharmacy that will indicate the most favorable day for fertilization.

How does an ovulation test work?

During the growth and maturation of the follicle, female sex hormones - estrogens - are produced. The larger the follicle size, the higher the concentration of the substance. 1–2 days before the ovulatory phase, estrogens are replaced by luteinizing hormone (LH). Under its action, the dominant follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released.

The principle of ovulation tests is to detect the maximum concentration of LH in the urine. The hormone has high values ​​​​for a short period - only 12-36 hours. If tested at this time, the device should show two bars, a smiley face or other signs.

Why is it needed?

Not all women can boast of a regular monthly cycle. The disorder often occurs with hormonal disorders and gynecological diseases. Due to the instability of the cycle, a married couple experiences problems conceiving.

By purchasing a test at a pharmacy, a woman hopes to accurately determine the day of ovulation. This is the most favorable time for pregnancy.

What are the devices used for:

  1. If a couple has been planning a pregnancy for more than 1 year, but conception has not yet occurred.
  2. When a family wants to have a child, but there are reasons why partners cannot have sex during the entire monthly cycle. Then they choose a suitable date when intimacy will occur.
  3. The girl has an irregular menstrual cycle.
  4. The expectant mother was diagnosed with concomitant pathologies - polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid disease, and hormonal disorder. They disrupt the duration of the cycle.

Is it possible to plan the gender of a child? Based on unproven pseudo-scientific methods, the couple determines the expected ovulation date for conceiving a boy or girl.

The principle of the method is based on the different mobility of the X and Y chromosomes. The first one moves slowly, but is considered more resilient. The Y chromosome is much more mobile, but its lifespan is shorter.

If intimacy was a few days before ovulation, sperm containing the X-structure will wait for the oocyte. The future parents will have a girl. When sexual contact occurs on the “cherished” day, fast Y chromosomes reach the egg and fertilize it. A woman becomes pregnant with a boy.

What types of tests are there?

At the pharmacy you can buy devices from various brands. How to select the appropriate analysis depends on the parameters of the devices.

It is quite difficult for a beginner to choose a test. When purchasing, consider the accuracy of the study and ease of use. Determine for yourself how much you are willing to spend on analysis.

Test strip

One-time test. It is a strip of special paper that is impregnated with a reagent. This test requires a urine container into which it will be immersed. The device is not highly sensitive. The risk of error is quite high.

The advantage of the test strip is its low cost. This is the cheapest device for determining the date of oocyte maturation.

The package contains 5 strips, since it is difficult to calculate the exact day of ovulation the first time. Repeated attempts determine the correct date.

The most popular test is Eviplan. Its kit includes 5 strips for determining LH, 1 strip for diagnosing pregnancy. Each Eviplan test is packaged in a separate bag. Other well-known test strips are Femiplan, I Was Born, Frautest, Answer, OvuPlan.


Such devices for detecting PH began to be widely used in 2012. Some of them detect the hormone in urine, while others detect it in saliva. The most famous of the reusable tests is Ovucontrol.

Such devices are considered more accurate than disposable strips. Their work is not limited to one-time use. However, their price is significantly higher.

Reusable devices:

  • tablet;
  • electronic;
  • microscope tests.


The device has an elongated shape and a receiving end for urine. The test contains many microscopic tubules. Through them, the biological fluid enters the cassette with the reagent.

No urine container is required during use. When doing research, a woman places the device under a stream of urine. You need to hold it for about 3-5 seconds, and after 5 minutes the device shows the result. The accuracy is an order of magnitude higher compared to strips. However, sometimes they make mistakes too. Incorrect reactions occur due to violation of testing rules.

The best inkjet tests for determining PH are considered to be Premium Diagnostics. This is a super sensitive device for detecting ovulation. If the oocyte leaves the follicle the day before, Premium Diagnostic shows two lines of the same color.

Other popular inkjet tests are Solo Mini, ICA LG factor.


These are modern highly sensitive devices. They detect luteinizing hormone more accurately than other pharmacy tests. The device has a display on which the research result is displayed. The kit includes several diagnostic strips.

To test, the woman dips the tip into the urine and lets it sit for 3 to 5 seconds. Then places the plastic case on a flat horizontal surface. After 3-5 minutes, the expectant mother evaluates the result that appears on the screen.

The cost of a digital device is significantly higher than other tests for diagnosing ovulation. ClearBlue Digital is considered the best electronic device for determining ovulation.


The test looks like a flat plastic box with small windows. Urine is introduced into one of them. Luteinizing hormone reacts with the reagent. After 5 minutes, another window will show the result of the study.

The most popular analysis is Frautest. The package contains the device itself, a container for collecting urine and a pipette with which the woman adds biological fluid.

Other well-known tablet tests are Femitest, Evitest.

In this video, the doctor talks in detail about tests to determine ovulation:

How to use an ovulation test correctly - detailed instructions

Carefully read the rules for using the analysis. The instructions must be included in the packaging. Proper testing increases the accuracy of the method.

Find out how many minutes it takes to evaluate the analysis. You cannot view the result earlier or later than the allotted time. There is a high risk of getting an incorrect response from the device.

To increase the reliability of testing, follow these rules:

  1. Do not drink water or other liquids for 4 hours before the test.
  2. Do not urinate 2 hours before the procedure.
  3. Do not use morning urine. The optimal time for collecting urine is from 10 to 20 hours.
  4. Try to test at the same time of day every day.
  5. Do not expose the device to water or dirt to avoid distorting the results.

Remove the test from the package. Look for any visible damage. Place the device in a container with collected urine, or place it under a stream of urine while urinating. Dry and store the assay.

Repeat the same steps for the next test. Continue testing until you get a clear second line on the device.

In order for the device to show an accurate result, you need to use the test in the morning and evening. This way you will not miss the moment when the concentration of luteinizing hormone reaches its maximum values.

Decoding the results

A few days before the onset of the ovulatory phase, LH concentration reaches its highest value. At this time, the egg is ready for fertilization.

After testing, you should get one or two stripes. The first line is a control line: it always appears. The strip is necessary to check the suitability of the device and the correctness of the procedure.

The second line is a test line. It is her appearance that you are waiting for during research.

Decoding the results

Result What does it mean Further actions
Only a control line appeared You are not ready for fertilization. Oocyte maturation will not occur in the near future Repeat the procedure after 1–2 days
Both lines appeared, but the test one was pale and weak compared to the control one Negative result. Ovulation is not expected anytime soon Do research the next day
2 stripes of the same color appeared Positive result. The egg will be released from the follicle within 24–36 hours Is this the right time for sexual intercourse?
Both stripes are missing This reaction makes it clear that the device for determining ovulation is faulty. Repeat the study with a new test

When is the best time to do it?

So, you bought the device. What time should the procedure be performed? Testing is performed on the day of expected ovulation.

The date depends on the regularity and duration of the cycle. If it is stable, subtract 17 from the duration. You will get the day on which to conduct the study. With a standard cycle, the study can be done from the 11th day after the start of menstruation: 28 – 17 = 11.

Let's say your menstrual cycle is 30 days. 30 – 17 = 13. This means that from the 13th day after the start of your period you need to test.

If you have irregular periods, choose the shortest cycle in the last six months. Subtract from the value 17.

For example, it is equal to 23 days. 24 – 17 =7. From now on, start the procedure.

Please note that anovulatory cycles sometimes occur. They take place without the maturation of the egg, so it will take a longer period of time to conceive a child.

Are there any contraindications for use?

There are times when using tests is not practical. The study is not carried out during pregnancy and after menopause.

If you experience long delays, it is impossible to determine the days of probable ovulation. You will have to conduct research every day for many weeks or even months. Be sure to visit your gynecologist to identify the cause of the disorder.

There is no need to test if you are taking combined oral contraceptives for the treatment of gynecological diseases - polycystic ovary syndrome, dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Medicines distort the result of the procedure and have a contraceptive effect, which makes pregnancy impossible.

Many women worry that taking gestagens will result in an erroneous result. Rest assured: Duphaston does not affect the study in any way.

The test should not be used to calculate “dangerous” days. Why? The calendar method of contraception is not reliable. It will not be able to protect you from unwanted pregnancy.


With the advent of pharmaceutical devices for determining ovulation, girls are successfully conducting tests to determine their readiness to conceive at home. All tests work on the same principle - they detect luteinizing hormone in urine or saliva.

Trademarks produce tests that differ in their design. They have different sensitivity. The devices are safe to use and highly effective in identifying the day a mature oocyte leaves the ovary.

Choose the appropriate type of analysis for yourself and conduct testing. The method allows you to conceive a child at the most favorable time.

A home ovulation test is the most convenient and reliable way to determine the approach of the most favorable days for conception. This information will be useful when planning a pregnancy or, conversely, will be a signal for special vigilance for those taking contraception. A gynecologist may also recommend an ovulation test to obtain additional data when diagnosing female problems.

Ovulation tests are designed to respond to increased amounts of luteinizing hormone in the urine. Luteinizing hormone (LH) in women is responsible for the normal functioning of the sex glands and, in particular, ovulation. Increased production of LH in the female body is a sure sign of approaching ovulation. Thus, ovulation after a positive test should occur within 1-2 days.

The difficulty in determining the exact day of ovulation lies in the fact that LH is elevated for several days. That is, two lines on an ovulation test can appear two days before ovulation and the day after it. To achieve an accurate result, you need to approach this matter very thoroughly and responsibly. You will probably have to do several tests, which, fortunately, the manufacturers take into account - the package usually contains a set of 5-7 test strips.

When to do an ovulation test: calculating the timing

The most important thing is to figure out when to take an ovulation test in your specific case. First, you need to determine the average duration of your menstrual cycle - the number of days from the start of your period until the next one. If the body is “like a clock,” then testing can begin 17 days before the start of the next menstruation. That is, with a constant cycle of 28 days, the first test is done on its 11th day.

If the interval between menstruation fluctuates by several days, then you should take the shortest cycle over the last six months as a basis, and base your calculations on this figure. In this case, your research may take a little longer, but the risk of missing ovulation is significantly reduced. In the case of an unpredictable cycle, frequent and long delays, “calculating” ovulation on your own is simply ineffective - such a waste of money, time and nerves may not bring results at all. It is better to go to a medical facility where the maturation of follicles can be monitored using ultrasound.

Optimal testing conditions

Unlike pregnancy tests, it is not advisable to use morning urine to determine LH levels. The period when it is most advisable to do an ovulation test is from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. It is better to use this interval twice, testing in the morning and in the evening, since LH levels can change significantly even within one day.

Drinking alcohol does not affect the test results, but smoking is one of the factors due to which the level of this hormone in the body may be reduced. Other common causes of low LH include obesity, stress, and medications. Stress, exhaustion due to malnutrition or exercise, or kidney failure can again lead to an increase in LH in the body. In addition, endocrine disorders and diseases can affect the level of this hormone.

Evaluation of test results

The fact that the result is positive is indicated by two lines on the ovulation test. However, it is important that the result strip is the same as the control one, or even brighter. If the result line is less pronounced than the control line, then the recorded LH level does not correspond to the desired maximum level. The presence of only one, distant line is a negative result. In the last two cases, you need to continue doing tests until you get two clear stripes.

Ovulation after a positive test occurs approximately 24-48 hours later - this period is the most fruitful in the birth of a new life. It is important to take into account that if a positive result was obtained immediately, on the first attempt, then there is a possibility that ovulation has already occurred. It is also possible that after obtaining a faint band in the first test, further attempts failed to show a decisive two bands. Most likely, the period was not chosen very well, and ovulation has already passed - the test showed only “residues” of LH after its maximum surge.

Next time, start testing a few days earlier, eliminating as much as possible the possibility of influence of factors that lead to a decrease in the amount of LH in the body. To be more sure, you can also arm yourself with measuring basal temperature as an additional method for determining ovulation.

Pregnancy test after ovulation

Since such studies are used primarily to increase the likelihood of conception, the question of how soon after ovulation to take a pregnancy test is very relevant. You will have to overcome impatience, since there is no point in rushing through checks. Even if conception occurred during the period you recorded, it will be possible to determine this using a home rapid test in about two weeks. 4.6 out of 5 (29 votes)

Many women feel when they are ovulating. At this time, the viscosity of vaginal discharge increases, libido increases, and pain may be felt in the ovarian area. However, to effectively plan a pregnancy, you cannot rely on these sensations. It is necessary to regularly conduct an ovulation test, which will make it possible to determine the most favorable moment for fertilization.

Why carry it out?

Ovulation is the moment when an egg ready for fertilization is released from the follicle located in the ovary, into the abdominal cavity, and then into the fallopian tube. Here it will unite with the sperm, resulting in the formation of a zygote. It will move to the uterus, where further development of pregnancy will occur.

In order to accurately determine the time of release of the female reproductive cell from the ovary and the best time for conception, it is very convenient to use a special test strip. This simple study will help a couple plan a pregnancy.

Operating principle

Ovulation can be determined using a regular home test, which is sold at any pharmacy. The principle of the study is based on the accurate determination of the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine. The level of this substance in women fluctuates depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. Immediately before ovulation it reaches its maximum values.

An ovulation test makes it possible to register such an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, the peak of which will indicate the onset of ovulation. It works on the same principle as a pregnancy test. It uses other substances that respond to increased concentrations of luteinizing hormone, rather than human chorionic gonadotropin.

There are commercially available devices for determining luteinizing hormone in saliva. They are more convenient, designed for repeated use, but are more expensive.

A positive ovulation test indicates that the best moment to conceive a future baby is in the next 2 days.

Some women use such testing to determine “dangerous days” when using the calendar method of birth control. However, the effectiveness of this method is low. Sperm that enter the woman’s genitals can linger there, “waiting” for the release of the egg. Therefore, you can get pregnant even if you have sexual intercourse before the egg is released.


Most tests contain 5 strips. This is due to the fact that it is extremely rare to calculate the moment of ovulation at once, and repeated studies significantly increase the accuracy of diagnosis.

What day is the right time to take an ovulation test?

Testing should begin on the eve of the expected release date of the egg. It is necessary to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle and subtract 17 days. If the cycle lasts 28 days, the study should begin on the 11th day, counting from the first day of menstruation. For irregular menstruation, you need to take the average of 4 or even 6 cycles in a row as a basis.

How to use a test to determine ovulation?

Each box contains detailed instructions. All you need to do is place the test strip in a container with warm urine or place it under the stream when urinating, then dry and store. The next strip is used in exactly the same way at the same time. This is repeated until a positive result is obtained.

  • do not drink water or other liquids for 4 hours;
  • do not urinate at least 2 hours before testing;
  • do not use the first portion of urine obtained in the morning;
  • The best time for testing is from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Ovulation test results

After completing the study, a woman can get the following indicators:

  • absence or very weak line (much paler than the control line) – the test is negative;
  • There are both strips, not counting the control one - the test is positive.

If the test is negative, it means it will still be some time before the egg is released.

If the test shows two stripes, this indicates the possible release of the egg from the follicle within the next 12-48 hours. The brighter the second stripe appears, the greater the concentration of luteinizing hormone, and the closer ovulation is. A positive result lasts 1-2 days, rarely for 3 days.

If none of the stripes are visible, this is a sign that the test is unusable.

A positive test confirms the highest fertility during the menstrual cycle. If a woman is trying to get pregnant, she needs to plan sexual intercourse within the next 3 days after ovulation.

False test results

It may happen that the test result is positive, but ovulation does not occur. Substances that react to the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine are very sensitive. Therefore, there is a slight chance that they will detect a slight increase in the concentration of the hormone.

The most effective way to confirm ovulation is an ultrasound examination of the ovary. Many women measure at the same time as testing. This is a simple and informative way to find out at home about the onset of ovulation. The temperature in the rectum rises the next day after this. Combined with testing, this gives an accurate result.

Sometimes, despite a negative result, ovulation still occurs. This is usually due to failure to follow the instructions for using the test. The study should be carried out at the same time, during the day or evening. In addition, the cause may be an irregular cycle, and then other methods are used to determine the time of release of the egg.

Contraindications for use

The results may be distorted under the influence of hormonal drugs prescribed to a woman for gynecological diseases (, and others). However, in most cases these medications also have a contraceptive effect, so you will not be able to get pregnant while taking them.

Ovulation tests are not performed during pregnancy or after menopause.

The best ovulation tests

Test kits from various companies can be purchased at pharmacies. Let's look at some of them.

Clearblue digital ovulation test

Shows the result with 99% accuracy. It consists of a plastic case and a test module. Before starting the test, you need to remove both parts of the test and insert the strip into the body until it clicks. Then you need to wait for the flashing symbol to appear on the device body. It will indicate that the test is ready to use.

Clearblue Ovulation Test

Next, you need to collect a portion of urine in a dry, clean container and place the absorbent part of the strip in it for 15 seconds. You can simply place the end of the test module under the stream when urinating for 5 seconds, but there is a danger of getting the device itself wet.

The body can be placed on a flat surface or held with the sampler facing down. You can't lift it upside down. After half a minute, a flashing signal will appear indicating that the result is ready. After this, you need to take out the test, remove the cap from it and wait 3 minutes.

After this time, a “smiley” will appear on the device body. This means that ovulation has occurred, and the best time to conceive is the next 48 hours. If the circle remains empty, it means the hormone level is normal. After this, you need to throw away the strip and repeat the test the next day.

There is no need to pay attention to the stripes that appear on the test module. You can find out the result only on the device display. It displays for 8 minutes.

The digital ovulation test is highly accurate. When using it, you do not need to independently evaluate the brightness of the stripes. This makes Clearblue one of the best products in its segment. It costs more than regular strips, but it is more convenient to use and more reliable.

Frautest for ovulation

If a woman has a reason to use test strips rather than an electronic device, Frautest is suitable for her. The kit contains 5 strips for determining luteinizing hormone, as well as 2 tests for diagnosing pregnancy. In addition, there are 7 urine containers, which increases ease of use.

Test strips for determining ovulation "Frautest"

The strip should be immersed in the container with urine in the direction of the arrows to the Max mark; there is no need to immerse it deeper. After 5 seconds, you need to take out the strip and place it on the edge of the container with urine to dry. Colored lines will begin to appear within a minute, but final assessment is made after 10 minutes. If 2 bright stripes appear, the test is positive. It is not recommended to evaluate the result after 30 minutes or more.

The test is a one-time use; after use, it and the urine container must be thrown away.

Other popular test strips are Eviplan, Ovuplan, Femiplan.

Tablet tests

Devices that combine ease of use and accuracy - tablet or cassette.

Tablet (cassette, inkjet) ovulation test “Femitest”

These are reusable devices that detect ovulation in urine. It is enough to place the device window under the stream, and after a while one or two stripes will appear on the screen. Examples of such tests are Frautest, Evitest, Ovuplan Lux, Femitest cassettes.

Electronic test that determines the level of estrogen in saliva

Considered the most reliable. Hence its high cost. The principle of its operation is to examine a drop of saliva under a microscope. Before ovulation, salt crystals begin to form in it, first forming horizontal and vertical lines, and at the moment of ovulation - a pattern resembling a fern. If ovulation has not occurred, the saliva sample contains only individual grains - “sand”.

The readings of this test are independent of luteinizing hormone levels. Therefore, it is especially suitable for women with hormonal imbalances.

The simplest device in the series is the MaybeMom microscope. It is equipped with good optics and gives reliable results in 98% of cases. The OVU test allows you to examine not only saliva, but also cervical mucus. Eva-Test is a mini-laboratory, fully computerized and independently producing ready-made ovulation data.

Test microscope “Maybe Mom” for determining ovulation by a drop of saliva

Electronic tests that determine ovulation using saliva are considered the most accurate. Compact microscopes are easy to use and convenient. They are reusable, so there is no need to constantly buy test strips. You need to examine saliva in the morning, before drinking water and brushing your teeth.

Some devices, such as Eva-Test, make it possible not only to determine ovulation, but also to protect against pregnancy and to notice the threat of miscarriage in time. This ovulation test shows pregnancy at 1 week of pregnancy. It can help in diagnosing gynecological diseases and even determine the sex of the unborn baby. Although consumer reviews indicate some inconvenience of the device, the need to reconfigure it and the high price, for some women it is best suited.

The Vesta device also belongs to this category. Manufacturers claim that such devices also show “safe” days, hormone levels during menopause, and a possible reason for the absence of menstruation.


What is the probability of pregnancy on fertile days?

Your ability to get pregnant will vary from cycle to cycle, and from woman to woman. It depends on many conditions, such as the age of the woman, her partner, general health and lifestyle. On average, the probability of pregnancy on the day of ovulation is 33%.

What is the difference between using most ovulation tests and the Clearblue Fertility Monitor?

Most ovulation tests measure the release of luteinizing hormone, which occurs approximately 24 to 36 hours before the egg is released. They help clarify the 2 most fertile days of the cycle - before ovulation and during this process. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor digital test determines the level of two hormones - luteinizing hormone and estrogen. It detects up to 5 extra days when a woman can become pregnant by detecting a rise in estrogen.

I recently stopped taking birth control pills. Could this change the outcome?

No, this will not affect the results. But if a woman has only recently stopped taking hormonal medications, she may experience irregular cycles. This leads to difficulties in determining the start date of testing. Therefore, it is better to wait until 2 consecutive cycles have passed without contraceptives, and only then start using ovulation tests.

My cycle is outside the range shown in the instructions. How do I know when to start testing? When to test for late ovulation?

If the cycle is less than 22 days, testing should begin on the 5th day, counting the first day of menstruation. If the cycle is more than 40 days, testing should begin 17 days before the expected start of menstruation and continue testing even after 5 days.

I used the clearblue test for several months in a row and did not get pregnant. Maybe I'm infertile?

It happens that a healthy woman cannot become pregnant for many months. A doctor should be consulted after a year of unsuccessful attempts if the woman is under 35 years old. If she is 35-40 years old, this needs to be done in six months. If a patient over 40 years of age has never taken contraception and has not become pregnant, she urgently needs to go to a gynecologist.

I did all 5 tests according to the instructions, but still did not detect ovulation. What to do?

If the cycle length changes monthly by more than 3 days, you need to start a new test pack. If the cycle is normal, it means that it was non-ovulatory, that is, there was no release of an egg. It will no longer be possible to get pregnant this month, but this is a normal phenomenon for the female body.

Do I need to use all the tests in the set?

No. You can stop testing after ovulation and save the remaining strips for your next cycle.

I did the test incorrectly, what should I do next?

The best solution is to conduct another test on the same day, 4 hours after the failed one. During this time, you need to drink less and not urinate. If the urine was collected in a plastic container, you just need to take another strip and carry out the analysis immediately.

When are your chances of getting pregnant highest and lowest?

The peak possibility of conception occurs on the day of ovulation and the day before it. A high probability of pregnancy appears 4 days before. Outside of these 6-7 days, the possibility of getting pregnant is low.

What is the difference between ovulation days and “fertile” days?

Ovulation is the release of the female reproductive cell from the follicle; this happens 12–16 days before the start of the next period. A woman is most capable of conceiving on the day of ovulation and on the previous day.

“Fertile” days are the time of the cycle when pregnancy can occur. Due to the fact that sperm remain in the female body for several days, they can “wait” for the egg. Therefore, “fertile” days are considered the day of ovulation and 5 days before it.

For a successful pregnancy, it is necessary not only the quality of the biological material, but also the ability to use it, namely, to calculate favorable days for conception. This is done using charts, calendars, symptom monitoring and ultrasound. One of the most reliable methods is determination using testing. To establish accurate results, you need to know how to do an ovulation test correctly.

Ovulation is the process of releasing a mature oocyte from the follicular cavity through the action of luteinizing hormone and estradiol on the follicle walls. Before ovulation, estrogen predominates in the body; during the luteinizing phase, estrogen predominates.

A high level of estrogen indicates a larger follicle, as more and more membrane cells are able to produce the hormone. High estrogen concentrations are a marker for LH surge. The peak concentration of the hormone in a woman’s body is 1-1.5 days before ovulation. It is under the influence of LH that the follicle can rupture. The duration of the ovulatory process is 16-32 hours.

Before doing an ovulation test, you need to determine the days to start daily calculations. First, you should find out the duration of your own cycle. With normal hormone levels, its duration is the same, and ovulation occurs with deviations of 1-3 days. If you have an irregular cycle, you need to record the duration of the shortest cycle for 6 months and count from it.

Normally, after ovulation, the luteinizing phase lasts 2 weeks. It is necessary to start measurements 17 days before the expected ovulation, that is, from the length of the menstrual rhythm it is necessary to remove 14 days of the luteal phase from the end and 3 days to study the rapid diagnostic reaction over time. When conducting the study, you should strictly adhere to the instructions and general rules described in detail in the instructions.

Using ovulation calculation methods helps you plan the sex of your baby. Spermatozoa with Y chromosomes are more mobile, but live several times shorter than those with X chromosomes. During fertilization, 2-3 days before ovulation, sperm with Y chromosomes lose their motility. This answers the question of how to conceive a girl.

When to do research

Before you do an ovulation test, you need to calculate the day of your cycle when it needs to be done. Let's consider urine diagnostics using the example of a 28-day menstrual cycle:

  1. Subtract 17 from 28 days, it turns out that the first test needs to be done on day 11.
  2. If there is a weak strip, the next test should be carried out on day 12 and until the brightness of both strips is the same.
  3. Normally, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14th day, which means that if you test within 1-2 days, you can see a positive result.

In case of an irregular cycle, the test is carried out at the shortest of 6 months. The study will require analysis 2 times a day.

Testing must be done daily until a positive result appears. A negative result in a study for more than 5 days indicates problems with folliculogenesis, dysfunction of the endocrine system, or a sharp decrease in ovarian reserve, a shift in the ovulation period.

Diagnosis by urine

It is necessary to judge which ovulation test to choose based on reliability and ease of use. A gadget that uses strip strips to determine the concentration of luteinizing hormone in urine is economical and effective. When carried out correctly, it determines the day of the beginning of the ovulatory period with 99% accuracy.

For an irregular rhythm, it is recommended to take a test with a large number of express strips; for a normal cycle, 5 devices are enough. Some manufacturers include pregnancy diagnostics, making the calculation complex more convenient and complete. There are 4 types of urine tests on the market:

  • strip strips;
  • jet;
  • electronic;
  • reusable device.

If the analysis is carried out correctly, economical, high-quality strip strips do not differ in information content from expensive electronic devices.

General rules for urine analysis

The informative value of diagnostics lies in strict adherence to the rules for its implementation. In addition to the attached instructions, there are criteria that can affect the quality of the material being studied:

  1. The amount of fluid drunk before diagnosis affects the concentration of LH in the urine. This means that you should drink a normal amount of water before the test, as concentrated or watery material may give a false positive or false negative result.
  2. Strips must be vacuum sealed prior to use. If the integrity of the packaging has been compromised, this may cause false results.
  3. For greater accuracy, it is better to conduct the study in the morning and evening. Before collecting urine, you must refrain from emptying your bladder for 4 hours, this means that the first morning urine is not suitable for analysis.
  4. Before testing, you need to study the instructions, since if the analysis is carried out incorrectly, the gadget may make mistakes.
  5. Before use, you must stop taking hormonal medications, as they reduce the reliability of the results.
  6. With irregular cycles, diagnostic results are not informative as a means of natural contraception.


The instructions usually describe how to use the ovulation test, and may indicate general rules of operation, the principle of operation of the device and evaluation of the results.

To diagnose using a strip strip you must:

  1. Take care of genital hygiene in advance.
  2. Collect urine into a vessel after 4 hours of abstinence from urination.
  3. After this, the strip strip must be dipped into the liquid with the sensitive end for 15-20 seconds and placed on a horizontal surface.
  4. The result can be seen in 5 minutes.
  5. If the test shows a weak second line, it is recommended to repeat the test after 12 hours or 24 hours.

Analysis of results

If before the analysis one strip was already present on the device, this indicates its unsuitability. A false result also occurs when liquid enters beyond the limiting strip.

After counting 17 days from the end of the menstrual cycle, a test is performed, the results of which can be as follows:

  1. On the first day of the study, a weak second line may be observed on the ovulation test. This indicates an insignificant concentration of LH, which means that the next test should be carried out in a day.
  2. If after a day the second strip is visible better than during the first test, this indicates a gradual increase in the level of the hormone. In the future, it is recommended to do testing 2 times a day.
  3. If the stripe is pale or absent after testing for several days, this indicates a shift in ovulation, a disorder of folliculogenesis, or diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. If the strip becomes brighter with each test, but its tone does not reach the concentration of the control strip, the results may indicate that the result is weakly positive.
  5. If the stripes during the test are equally bright or more saturated than the control, the result is positive.
  6. If there is no control strip, most likely either the packaging was damaged or the device was defective in production.

It is important to consider that the listed decoding options are based on the correct conduct of the test, which means that any violations of the instructions can cause a false positive result.

Jet tests for ovulation

The inkjet test is a modernized version of the strip test. It is carried out without collecting urine. To test, you need to place the sensitive end of the device under a stream of urine. The results of the ovulation test can be seen in a few minutes.

The convenience of this method of analysis is that for testing there is no need to look for a vessel and collect urine. The device is in a special plastic package that protects it from excess moisture. It is recommended to carry out the test 2 times a day to calculate the best time for conception.

Digital devices - features of result evaluation

The electronic ovulation test differs in the method of assessing the result. The method of conducting it is the same as with the jet test, however, to determine the presence of the ovulatory process, there is no need to independently check the shades or compare the results with previously performed tests.

To carry out the test, you need to open one of the strips, and then remove the special cap from the device. The device must be inserted into the holder so that the arrow on it coincides with a similar one on the device, after which a signal about the readiness of the test should sound within 1 minute.

After this signal, you need to place the device under a stream of urine for 5-7 seconds; if the urine was collected in advance, you need to place the sensitive end for 15-20 seconds, then you can postpone the test while awaiting the results. The device, 20 seconds after exposure to the liquid, should emit a signal that the test is ready, which indicates that the process was performed correctly.

The answer will appear on the screen in 2-3 minutes. There can be only 2 results:

  • an empty circle, which indicates a negative result and low LH levels;
  • emoticon, which means a high concentration of luteinizing hormone, and approaching ovulation.

Devices for the study of saliva - advantages

When examining saliva, there are no problems, such as recognizing a faint line on an ovulation test, there is no need to compare with previously performed tests. It is known that at the moment of release of the oocyte, salts, due to sudden hormonal changes, form a pattern similar to the outline of a fern leaf.

Reusable saliva tests are divided into mechanical microscopes and electronic ones. If ovulation has occurred, the electronic test shows that the result is positive; you can evaluate the condition of saliva yourself using a microscope. You can do an ovulation test in the morning and evening.

The device was created to determine not only the rupture of the follicle, but is a marker of other processes occurring in the woman’s body:

  • favorable days for conception;
  • the cause of infertility;
  • the reason for delayed menstruation;
  • threat of miscarriage or fetal death;
  • pregnancy up to 1-1.5 weeks;
  • assess the state of hormonal levels during menopause;
  • baby's gender;
  • diseases of the reproductive system.

How to use

The reusable device for determining the concentration of hormones is the most wasteful test among analogues on the market.

For testing you need to apply a large number of saliva or urine on a glass slide and observe the change in its appearance. This must be done with sterile instruments. Under the influence of estrogens, the salts in the material under study, when dried, turn into strokes and lines, the location of which can be varied. It will depend on the concentration of estrogen in the body, which reaches its peak along with LH.

If, when examined on the approximate days of ovulation, the crystals do not change their structure, this may indicate late ovulation, a disorder of folliculogenesis, or pregnancy.

Which saliva test to choose?

Repeated tests are expensive machines, but at irregular rates they help determine the rupture of the egg with greater accuracy. The most common microscopes are Ovulux, Arbor-elite, MAYBE MOM. A popular electronic pocket “laboratory” in the post-Soviet space is Eva-test D.

Bottom line

An ovulation test is the best method of pregnancy planning, as it helps to determine the beginning of the process of rupture of the follicular membrane with 99% accuracy. To independently determine the day of the ovulation process, urine and saliva tests are used. Each of them has its own advantages, however, when choosing a planning system, you need to proceed not only from convenience or price, but also from the quality and sensitivity of the devices.

Regardless of the manufacturer of the test and its type, the most important thing is to follow the instructions and general rules for testing.

Firstly, they are distinguished by some external similarity to pregnancy tests. The research material is urine. There are tests produced by various manufacturers. They contain certain characteristics and accuracy. They are sold in the public domain and come in different price categories. The range includes traditional test strips, strip systems and tablets. Inkjet and digital systems are also used.

Cheap and inexpensive ovulation tests

The main difference between the tests is the accuracy and reliability of the measurements. Today, three manufacturers have proven themselves to be the best: Frautest, Eviplan and Clearblue. They are relatively inexpensive. They are the best option in terms of price-quality ratio. Sold in the public domain.

Frautest may interest the buyer in three products that differ sharply from each other, which have different accuracy and diagnostic focus. The main parameters can be described as high. The first option is represented by test strips, which come in 5 pieces per package. It is advisable to use if a woman can boast of a regular cycle. The second set includes 5 test strips that allow you to determine the period of ovulation, as well as 2 tests to check whether pregnancy has occurred. The third set is ideal for women who do not have a regular cycle. There are 7 strips in the package. The average price category ranges from 350 to 800 rubles.

Eviplan offers a similar test system in a quantity of 5 pieces. The reliability is no lower than in the first option. The cost differs - the average price is 300-310 rubles.

Clearblue can offer consumers unique digital tests. The result will be recognized by a smiley face that will appear on the digital screen. Quite an expensive option: the average cost is around 1000 rubles.

There are also many domestic systems that guarantee the method is 99% error-free. This is quite high reliability. But as practice shows, these systems practically do not attract the attention of women.

Ovulation strip test

They are the ones who react and trap LH in the liquid being tested. It differs from a pregnancy test in that it contains various reagents that react to different substances. They are used to identify completely different hormones. The principle of application is quite primitive: you just need to take a strip and place it in a bowl filled with urine. After a few minutes, you can already find out the result. Naturally, the method is not without its drawbacks. They cannot be called high-precision. However, more than one woman claims that they allow you to plan your pregnancy quite effectively. It's quite easy to do. When a positive result appears, the woman needs sexual intercourse, as she is ready for fertilization. If she does not want to get pregnant, she needs to be as careful as possible, use protection or avoid sexual contact.

Reusable Ovulation Test

Today, tests are also being produced that can be used repeatedly. They usually come in the form of a portable kit consisting of a reader and test strips. The strips should be immersed in urine for a few minutes, after which they must be inserted into a special device, which makes it possible to read the results.

Test microscope for determining ovulation

This is a digital version. Quite highly informative. Can be used many times. Saliva is used as the test material. Contains a magnifying device. It makes it possible to examine the smear. When the egg is released, a pattern will appear in the saliva that visually resembles a fern or frost on a winter window.

Saliva ovulation test

Almost every company can provide the consumer with a test that reacts with saliva. Various microscope tests and digital systems mainly use saliva as the object of study. The method is based on the fact that the composition of a woman’s saliva changes and the composition of saliva is determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle. The possibility of error is almost completely eliminated.

Jet test for ovulation

Today they are widely used and quite highly informative. It’s even easier to carry them out: you don’t have to place them in a container, just place them directly under the stream while using the toilet.

What day after ovulation should I take the test?

It all depends on how long one cycle lasts. The diagnosis should be made for 5-6 days in a row. You should not miss a single day, as you may miss ovulation. The calculations are quite simple. So, with a cycle duration of 28 days, testing should begin on the 11th day. In this case, the first day should be considered the date when menstruation began. If the cycle lasts longer than 28 days, you should start 17 days before the next menstruation. If the cycle is irregular, you will need to make choices and do some calculations. So, you need to know the shortest cycle for the last 6 months. And proceed from this parameter.

Ovulation test for irregular cycles

Certain difficulties arise if a woman does not have a regular cycle. In this case, we start from the initial data characteristic of the minimum cycle over the last 6 months. These parameters are the basis for calculating the start time of testing. It should also be taken into account that if the cycle is irregular and there are frequent dysfunctions, such testing may be irrational; more specialized methods are required.

How to do an ovulation test?

Before using the test, it is necessary to determine the exact time of how long the menstrual cycle lasts. To do this, you need to calculate how much time has passed from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of the next. And take the average data. Before starting testing, it is advisable to read the instructions. Then you can start execution.

To do this, you will need a container in which you can collect the urine. Take a small amount of urine and dip a test strip into it. The area where you should immerse will be marked. It is on this mark that you need to place the food. Then you just need to wait for the result for a few seconds. The first indicators can be assessed after 5 seconds, but to obtain maximum accuracy and reliability, you must wait for 10 minutes.

When testing is carried out, there are several things to consider. First, tests should be performed daily, at approximately the same hours, which will significantly improve accuracy. Do not do the test immediately after sleep, since at this time the urine contains an increased concentration of the hormone. Later this amount stabilizes. Accordingly, the result is more accurate.

It is also not recommended to drink water before the test. It is also important to maintain sterility and tightness. Remove from the original package immediately before use. It must be kept sterile and an optimal level of humidity must be maintained.

When to take an ovulation test: morning or evening?

After the egg matures, the level of hormones remains high for 24 hours in a row. You can increase the likelihood of positive results by testing twice a day. It is advisable to check once in the morning, and a second time in the evening before bed. However, it is not rational to carry out the test as soon as you wake up. After sleep, the concentration of the hormone in the urine increases sharply and gradually returns to normal. The optimal time is from 10-00 to 20-00, which will make it possible to avoid false positive results.