The best wet food for kittens. Premium food - inexpensive, but not too harmful. Important nuances and rules for feeding cats

With the advent of a small kitten in the house, the owners immediately have a lot of questions related to his departure. First of all, you need to monitor nutrition pet so that it develops properly and pleases with its little pranks. When choosing food for kittens, it is better to study reviews about it in advance. The growing body of an animal requires special approach, therefore, the offered food may not suit him, which will cause indigestion.

Importance of feed quality

Often kittens get into new house at the age of 2-3 months. Usually responsible breeders have already done the necessary vaccinations by this time and accustomed the animal to regular food. When choosing food for kittens, owners should study the reviews of veterinarians very carefully, especially if the pet is considered purebred. But also an ordinary kitten it is also important to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food for harmonious development.

The pet market offers a variety of products from different manufacturers. Sometimes it can be difficult for an ordinary cat lover to understand them. But the food must contain essential trace elements and vitamins so that the pet does not suffer from digestive, muscular and skeletal system. Kitten food (reviews confirm this) has big influence and the quality of the wool.

A must for good food

Flaw nutrients and vitamins leads to stunting in a young individual and can provoke the appearance of various diseases.

Veterinarians in reviews of kitten food indicate that they should include the following components:

  • Trace elements for growth and development: taurine, iron, iodine, zinc, L-carnitine. Without them, the growth of the animal and the full development of all systems of its body is impossible.
  • Vitamin A, which is responsible for the kitten's vision and bone growth.
  • Vitamin C is indispensable for the development of the digestive system, excellent immunity and contributes to the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for blood circulation.
  • Vitamin E is responsible for the future reproductive function of the kitten.
  • B vitamins improve metabolism, help strengthen blood vessels and muscle tissue.

Therefore, in order to choose a good cat food, reviews from veterinarians should be taken into account. Experts, on the other hand, have different opinions about the varieties of the animal's diet, which we will consider below.

What's better?

Even experts sometimes argue which food is better to choose for a small pet - dry or wet. IN this case it is better to focus on the breed of the animal, its age, personal preferences of the owner and his financial capabilities.

But it should be remembered that you should not feed the animal with feed from economy class manufacturers. There is no natural meat in their composition, and the amount of vitamins and nutrients is negligible. In addition, for the duration of storage and improve the taste properties, flavorings and preservatives are added to them.

Dry food

Veterinarians in reviews of good cat food claim that the product of quality brands is usually completely balanced.

It should be remembered that this type of food is suitable for a pet from two months of age. The pieces themselves are quite hard, so it will be difficult for the kitten to handle it if it is still too small. But, according to experts, eating solid food is a good prevention of such misfortune as tartar.

Kitten food reviews show that it is better to choose premium brands. Only they have all the useful substances necessary for the development of the pet.

The best brands of dry food

  • Royal Canin. The composition for the most part consists of meat, in addition, indigestible substances are excluded from it. The food is balanced and easily digested by the stomach.
  • ProPlan. Premium kitten food (reviews from professional breeders confirm this) does not contain preservatives and has a natural composition.
  • Eagle Pack Holistic Select. The most suitable food for kittens, according to veterinarians. It contains probiotics. Enzymes are easily absorbed. Contains a fully balanced vitamin and mineral complex. Meets the requirements for the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Canidae. The feed is devoid of preservatives and has a natural composition.

Professional cat breeders do not advise buying food in supermarkets, because only economy brands go there. To buy, it is better to go to a specialized pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Advantages of dry food and its disadvantages

Cat breeders respond positively in reviews of dry cat food. To many of them, it seemed convenient in terms of use. They highlight its following advantages:

  • Balance. Each piece contains a lot of nutrients necessary for the development of a kitten.
  • Eliminates feed error. This means that the owner cannot accidentally include inappropriate food in the diet, which will cause frustration. digestive tract.
  • Dry food does not need any processing and is completely ready to eat.

The main disadvantage of such feeds is the high cost. quality product. Veterinarians advise feeding a kitten only with premium brands, so for some, their price can be a repulsive factor.

But cheap feeds contain too many preservatives in their composition, increasing their shelf life. Instead of meat, as a rule, veins, bones and skins are included in the composition.

Wet bait

The main difference between these types of food lies in their constitution. The composition of wet products is almost the same as that of dry. As with the previous species, there are economy and premium feeds.

The main advantage of wet food is that it can be offered to the kitten a little earlier. Soft pieces easily give in to the weak jaws of a small animal, so a one-month-old pet can handle them.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the marking "for kittens". Pieces for them are made even smaller and enriched with an additional set of nutrients that promote growth and development.

Manufacturers produce a variety wet food for kittens. Reviews show that mousses and delicate creamy meat purees pets like it very much and prepare the animal well when moving from mother's milk for adult food.

Among manufacturers, there are many companies that produce quality products. However, there are also fakes, so it is imperative to pay attention to the quality of the packaging.

The following brands are the most popular wet food:

  • Flatazor. It includes dietary meat and phytoactive components.
  • Doctor Alders. It has a wide range of different flavors. The composition contains only natural ingredients excluding the development of allergic reactions.
  • Felidae. Inexpensive and good food for kittens. Reviews of breeders confirm that the composition is natural, it contains all the necessary trace elements and recommended vitamins.
  • hills. The composition contains only natural meat. Enriched with magnesium, phosphorus and calcium necessary for a growing organism.

Premium kitten food reviews from breeders are only positive. Their composition satisfies all the requirements of specialists and does not cause problems with the kitten's digestive system.

Pros and cons of wet food

The benefits of wet food are usually exactly the same as dry food. But its main difference is that it can partially satisfy the pet in liquid. In addition, after drinking, you do not need as much water as after dry.

The disadvantages of the wet version also come with its price, especially if you buy a premium quality brand. At the same time, it should be noted that with constant feeding with wet pieces, it is necessary to take care of anti-tartar agents.

What is the best food for kittens? Reviews on the network can be found conflicting. The choice primarily depends on the composition of the product and the personal preferences of the pet.

Selection rules

Despite the similar benefits of dry and wet food, many pet owners struggle with the choice. Professional breeders advise choosing the following brands of dry food:

  1. Royal Canin.
  2. ProPlan.
  3. Eagle Pack Holistic Select.

These manufacturers offer a wide range of feed, but their cost is not suitable for everyone. It is worth noting that feeding cheap analogues can adversely affect the health of the kitten. The thing is that the economy version always contains too much salt and preservatives.

Many people prefer canned kitten food. Which is better? Feedback from veterinarians suggests that it is better to prefer a species that completely excludes flavors. Of course, premium stamps cannot last long. Therefore, they are placed on a plate immediately before use.

Kitten Feeding Highlights

Veterinarians in kitten food reviews indicate that it is better to prefer premium products. Quality brands are fully balanced and meet the needs of a young animal.

But often the owners want to pamper their pet with homemade food. In this case, some rules should be observed:

  1. Do not salt the finished product.
  2. Raw meat can be given only after freezing. In this way, possible microorganisms are destroyed.
  3. If the animal is neutered, then it should not be offered fish.
  4. Fatty foods and butter are contraindicated for a kitten.
  5. The fish must be boiled before serving to prevent the appearance of worms.
  6. You shouldn't give pork to kittens.


When a fluffy ball appears in the house, it becomes necessary to purchase food for kittens. Which is better? Reviews from veterinarians indicate that it is best to lean towards premium brands. Only they are as close as possible to natural products and at the same time balanced and enriched with everything you need.

If there are difficulties in choosing or the proposed diet does not suit the kitten, you should consult a veterinarian. When buying, be sure to study the composition, manufacturer's data and feeding recommendations. Packaging is important because, unfortunately, there are counterfeits of expensive feeds now.

Whatever food you choose for a kitten, do not forget that fresh water is always available in an accessible place. If the wet option is chosen, then you should purchase an anti-plaque agent at the pet store. When a kitten eats dry food, a little more water is required than with the first option.

Fans of "fluffies" know how important it is to lay the foundations during the growth of the baby good health And for long years life. In our dynamic time, the most the best option is dry food. Croutons from the package eliminate the need to cook food several times a day and calculate the balance of nutrition. The kitten food rating will introduce you to the best dry products, excluding economy class.


Josera Cat Minette

German super premium food, which was in first place in the ranking due to the price-quality ratio. There are no by-products, only natural meat. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is used as a preservative.

The best-selling baby food is Josera Cat Minette (2 kg cost 288 rubles). Dry granules are suitable not only for kittens up to a year old, but also for lactating and pregnant cats. The food is created taking into account all the needs of a young animal for energy and nutrients.

Another product from this segment is Josera NatureCat (2 kg for 310 rubles). It is an easily digestible food for kittens from 6 months old. It does not contain grain, only salmon and poultry meat. Therefore, the food is ideal for cats with sensitive digestion. But it is hard to find it on sale, it is more common on the Internet.

Purina Pro Plan

French super-premium food with increased levels of protein (up to 42%) and fats (21%), designed to provide all the energy needs of a kitten.

A large complex of vitamins and minerals in this food are optimal for the development and maintenance of a healthy skeleton and teeth. I would like to note that Purina croquettes are very small and comfortable for kids.

One and a half kilograms of it cost 270 rubles.


A corporation that manufactures feed in America, the Netherlands and Russia. Eukanuba is super premium food. You will definitely not find offal and soy in them, as well as chemical additives, even allowed for people.

Kitten Healthy Start Chicken & Liver - designed for babies from a month old. The main components in it are chicken and liver (up to 43%), and other sources of proteins are animal protein and a dry whole egg. The food is not cheap - 2 kg cost about 900 rubles.

Brit Care Cat

Brit Care Cat Crazy I'am Kitten

A Czech super-premium product that produces Crazy I'am Kitten food for babies. They, unlike other manufacturers, are not recommended to feed adult cats that are pregnant or have recently given birth.

In the composition you will find only hypoallergenic and easily digestible proteins (in particular, chicken fillet and its dehydrate), rice and its bran, an extract for better smell feces, sea buckthorn and a complex of vitamins.

The manufacturer also uses various saccharides to further protect the animal's intestines. 2 kg of dry food cost 313 rubles.

Arden Grange

Super premium food made in the UK. They have a very well-written composition, which shows what types of protein are included in a particular product.

Arden Grange Kitten Fresh Chicken and Potato is a grain free food for babies from 5 weeks old. Among the main ingredients in Arden Grange, the largest amount of proteins: flour from chicken meat- 30% and fresh chicken - 26%. The source of carbohydrates is potatoes (26%), and pea starch acts as a thickener. The price for 2 kg is 650 rubles.

Taste of the Wild Rocky Mountain Feline

Dry food from America, universal, super-premium and holistic. It is suitable for all feline ages, including young animals.

At the same time, food helps to cope with the most common problems: hair loss, sensitive skin and stomach. The manufacturer claims that only its food contains unique sources of proteins (such as smoked salmon or roast venison).

A package weighing just over 2 kg costs 465 rubles.

Royal Canin

This is a premium food, but therapeutic lines are often prescribed by veterinarians during a diet. It is produced both in Russia and abroad, and the European one, as usual, is better. Eat big choice feed for each individual breed.

This is a balanced product, in which, in addition to the protein content, there are preservatives, dyes, flavors, vegetable proteins and soy. But at the same time, the price for the premium segment is quite affordable, the assortment is large and is sold in a wide retail network.

One of the best-selling is Royal Canin Kitten for kittens from 4 to 12 months old, pregnant and lactating cats (2 kg cost 384 rubles).

There is also the Royal Canin Babycat (2 kg for 409 rubles) for babies up to 4 months old. As well as food for British Shorthair babies (from 4 to 12 months) at a price of 435 rubles per 2 kg.; for mei-coon kittens; sterilized and castrated young animals from 6 to 12 months.

Hills Feline

Premium product from the Netherlands. This is one of the best foods in its segment, with a balanced content. There are European production and Russian, which should be paid attention to.

There are many types of kitten food. There is Science Plan Kitten - for babies from the moment of weaning to puberty with an increased content of omega-3 (2 kg cost 527 rubles).

As well as Plan Kitten Chicken with Chicken, Plan Kitten Tuna - with tuna meat (minimum 6%) and Nature Best Kitten with Chicken.


Premium food with chicken, created according to Danish technology and produced in Russia.

It is suitable for daily feeding all breeds of kittens from 2 months, pregnant and lactating animals. It is produced in a package of 400 gr (75 rubles) and 10 kg (1760 rubles) and it is a pity that the most convenient packaging of 2 kg is missing.

The granules are very small (5 mm). The main component is dehydrated poultry meat (up to 32%), barley and rice, flax-seed as a source of omega acids, as well as a special extract that reduces the smell of feces.

But - it contains unnatural preservatives E320, E321.

Club 4 paws

Premium product specifically designed for small felines from 2 months old (as well as lactating and pregnant). It is produced in Ukraine and is one of the cheapest products in its segment (its 3 kg cost 187 rubles).

Contains 34% protein (of which 28% is poultry meal), taurine (which cats cannot synthesize on their own), a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as a preservative permitted in the European Union.

The best food for a cat is by no means the desire to stand out, no, it is the desire to take care of your pet in a way that he feels it. Poor quality food can seriously affect the health of the animal. Cases of death of cats at the age of three to four years from formed kidney stones, cancers, liver failure etc. enough. It is worth adding that this is the prime of their powers. Most importantly, experts believe that it is defective, low-quality nutrition that is the reason for such statistics.

It is unfortunate that many cat owners, in principle, do not want to understand the composition of feed, wanting to pick up only what is acceptable to them at a price. In this article, we will provide lists of feeds from which you can choose through trial and error living in your home. Don't be put off by the question. The fact remains that some animals react negatively to even the highest quality feed. Therefore, you should closely monitor your pet for a month after the introduction of food from a new manufacturer. If everything suits you, that is, the cat is gaining weight, the coat is shiny, she is playful and does not shed, then this food suits her. If you think that there are any changes that are not for the better, if the animal feels unwell (for example, allergic rashes appear, hair falls out), then you need to remove the food from the diet urgently or gradually, within a week, if not everything is so regrettable .

It is created by professionals for professionals. If your animal gets sick, rest assured that your veterinarian will advise switching to these foods for a speedy recovery. The only downsides are the high price and the lack of flavorings, which does not cause such a strong appetite as other feeds. These include: Wellness, Innova, Canidae, Orijen, Chicken Soup, Acana and many more.

Super-premium foods are those that include real meat, where there are no chemicals and dyes, but there is an ideal ratio of vitamins and minerals, protein balance: Hills, 1st Choice, Eukanuba, Eagle Pack, Bosch, Iams, Biomill, PRO PLAN . We can safely say that you will pick up the best cat food among these brands. It is worth noting that the high price of these products will eventually turn out to be good savings. The fact is that a perfectly balanced, nutritious food saturates the animal twice as fast as economy-class products, which are much inferior in price to super-premium. As a result, one and a half kilograms of food per month is enough for an adult cat.

The next thing I would like to discuss is premium nutrition. The feed is cheaper than the previous ones, but is not capable of causing serious harm to the health of the animal. Moreover, they are much more common in a wide network of hypermarkets, that is, they are easier to purchase. These include Royal Canin, Pro Pac, Belcando, Diamond Pet Foods, etc.

What but not expensive, you can buy? Such products also exist, but the cheapness in this case is a conditional thing, since these feeds are not balanced, and you will have to spend money on an additional complex of vitamins. The cat will eat this food in larger quantities than the previous ones. So you don't have to worry about saving. These varieties include Sheba, Purina, Friskies, etc.

We have described which feeds are better, and then I would like to give a list of what should not be included in the animal's diet under any circumstances. This product does not contain meat, it is replaced by meat waste, millet. The animal is not satiated and is forced to eat beyond measure. Contains narcotic additives addictive. These include: Kitekat, Perfect fit, Daling, Whiskas, etc.

Industrial rations have their own application features. To choose the right wet food for cats, you need to know many important nuances: what types are there, release forms, shelf life, optimal composition. It's a good idea to pre-read the latest ratings and user reviews. And also get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of canned food.

Like all ready-to-eat foods, wet cat food comes in three price ranges:

  • economy Not recommended for permanent use. Many artificial additives, opaque content, cheap raw materials, low calorie;
  • premium. Acceptable calorie content and quality, artificial additives are possible, the content is not always clear, the lack of a medical line and feed for certain categories of cats. According to reviews, even if available individual approach for cats, many leading brands fall into this category due to the peculiarities of the production process and the raw materials used;
  • super premium, in which holistics are a separate line. Excellent content, no harmful artificial additives and a complete benefit for cats. In the case of holistics, raw materials are taken from products suitable for humans.

This division implies not so much the cost of feed as its quality characteristics and diversity. It happens that an expensive jar with an attractive label costs fabulous money, but in reality it has nothing good for a cat, and reviews from experienced owners not the most pleasant.

Actually wet food is divided into two broad categories:

  • goodies. Not suitable for basic diet. The recipe contains an insufficient balance of vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Sometimes even essential nutrients are not balanced for cats. You can buy for a change, to give medicines or just to pamper your favorite gourmet;
  • complete nutrition, including for certain categories of cats, including therapeutic diets. It is based on a serious recipe that includes everything necessary for the life of cats: a balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. mineral composition, amino acids and other components.

Wet food is produced in classic tin cans (with or without a key), all kinds of lamisters, plastic trays or pouches (with or without a zipper). There are different sizes and textures. Patés, pieces in stews, jellies, broths or sauces.

Advantages and disadvantages

It would seem that wet food, which contains everything you need, is more natural for a cat than a dry diet. If you do not take into account the natural girl, of course. In fact, this is a delusion. Industrial, ready-made diets have their advantages and disadvantages. You need to know about them before buying basic food for a cat.

Benefits of using wet food include:

  1. A high percentage of moisture. On average 75-80%. For cats who are reluctant to drink clean water This is the best way to prevent health problems.
  2. Diversity. The lines of leading brands produce complete feeds, treats with a variety of flavors and additions. You can go on a therapeutic diet without stress. Wet cat food for spayed cats is good as the main menu after surgery.
  3. Natural texture. IN good product visually, you can determine the fibers of the type of meat that is declared on the package. In addition, this is the best option for feeding kittens. When switching from mother's milk to regular food, breeders recommend feeding with wet food. So the kitten better adapts to self-feeding.
  4. Dosing convenience. If it is difficult to adjust the daily portion with a natural woman, then on canned food information is usually given how much to give to cats, depending on weight.
  5. The integrity of the packaging guarantees a long shelf life, unlike natural products.

However, not everything is as good as we would like. There are also disadvantages:

  1. Wet food is much more expensive than dry food.
  2. There is no prevention of tartar. Texture does not contribute to proper formation jaw muscles. In turn, this leads to deviations from the breed exterior and diseases of the oral cavity.
  3. Opened packaging can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. It is good to transfer to an airtight glass container, but this will not extend the shelf life, just prevent oxidation and chapping of the food.

What to look for when choosing wet food

Given the serious cost of complete wet food, be sure to pay attention to the following features when choosing:

  1. Compound. Transparent and understandable. If meat, what kind and how much. Meat offal must be deciphered. General statements should alert. If it says "meat and offal", no one will forbid the manufacturer to use 0.01% of the meat declared on the label. The rest is made up with skin or cartilage, because these are also by-products. Be sure to bring the balance of nutrients and vitamin and mineral composition.
  2. Reviews and country of origin. Royal Canin of French and Russian origin are two different feed. You can learn about these features only in the reviews. No one is immune from custom reviews, but on the forums you can weed out the necessary information from the frankly paid.
  3. Price. Trite, but good food is expensive. Sometimes very.
  4. Individual characteristics of a cat. It is unlikely that a breeder will buy wet food for neutered cats for an active titled male sire. With a greater degree of probability it will be, of course, straight. However, for a change, he will be given high-calorie and high-protein menus for active animals. Wet kitten food is not suitable for adult cats, except for pregnant and lactating cats.

Wet Food Overview

However, there is no guarantee that no one will remove them. On the other hand, a one-time hit in the rating of good feed is an incentive to keep the brand.

Premium class

There are recognized leaders in the premium class:

  • Hill's. A huge assortment in the medical line - about 16 feeds. Besides, good opportunity individual feeding of different categories of cats on a daily basis: neutered, kittens, elderly or active cats. Hills is a super premium brand, but the composition daily diet according to reviews, it is slightly inferior to this high rank;
  • Pro plan. A complete menu for kittens, adults and older cats. Availability therapeutic diets for cats different ages and physical condition;
  • Royal Canin. Everyday food from milk replacers for kittens to nutrition for cats in extreme old age. About 19 proposals, taking into account age features, physiology and lifestyle. There is a medical line and even food for introduction through a tube for weakened cats.

Super premium

The list of the best foods in the super premium segment includes:

  • British care. The line provides food for different age groups, taking into account their individual features. There is a huge selection of meat different types with additions of carrots, cheese or gourmet peas;
  • Bozita.Despite the versatility of the feed and the lack of a medical line, the brand, due to its reputation and balance, belongs to the super premium. Its dignity is also in a huge variety of tastes, because it is made from animal meat, fish and game;
  • Gina.Italian feeds have universal purpose, but the use of the best raw materials makes them full participants in the rating in the super premium segment.


Among the best wet food for cats, there are, of course, holistics:

  • Applaws. Wet gluten-free food of the highest quality and an excellent range. Various tastes and textures. Neither a small kitten nor a neutered cat will be left without attention: canned food is universal;
  • Almo Completely balanced feeding with a huge choice of tastes. Recipe and raw materials adapted to cat needs. There is a menu for the prevention of urolithiasis;
  • Moonlight Dinner. Absolutely natural nutrition for cats without harmful additives. Plus a German reputation.

Success in choosing a diet not least depends on the cat. A thoroughbred refined beauty, over the exterior of which breeders have worked for several decades, will almost certainly not withstand feeding experiments. A pure-blooded nobleman, who has experienced many hardships in his lifetime, will flourish already from good treatment, a roof over his head and will understand the stern without reviews.

People who keep cats at home think about the question of their proper nutrition. It has long been known that ordinary food is not suitable for these animals, so a large number of specialized feed. They are good for health pet, the condition of his coat, normalize digestion and so on. However, choosing food for an animal is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In this regard, before proceeding to a direct review of the varieties of feed, we decided to give some recommendations related to the choice of these products.

If you have just got a cat, then you should remember that these animals are hostages of their habits, so they prefer to eat food strictly in one place and at the same time. It is desirable that the room where they eat is quiet and with a small number of people.

Do not give these animals food designed for dogs, as these animals have different needs for minerals and vitamins. If more than one cat lives in the house, then their bowls should be placed at a distance from each other so that there is no competition between them. If possible, place the bowl as far away from the tray as possible.

Both dry and wet foods are good nutrition for a family pet, they contain all the necessary nutrients that allow you to ensure the health of the cat on long years. The only key difference between these types of food is the percentage of liquid content - in wet food it is up to 80%, while in dry food it is only about 10%. Many owners prefer to combine food: dry food one day and wet food the next.

However, the preferences of the animal should also be taken into account - many cats prefer dry food, and eat wet food without much enthusiasm. If necessary, you can combine these foods: leave some wet food in the bowl and add some dry food so that the animal can eat as needed. Dry food is more convenient than wet food, as it can last longer. If the animal does not eat it immediately, it will be able to approach the bowl during the day.

An important advantage of dry food is the provision additional hygiene the oral cavity of the animal - such feeds additionally clean oral cavity pet, clean plaque from the teeth. If the cat has some problems with digestion or kidneys, then it is best to give preference to wet food, as it helps to increase general level moisture in the body and the formation of large amounts of urine. This allows you to adjust the work of the bladder and stabilize the work of the kidneys - this moment is very useful for animals that are prone to developing cystitis.

When compiling our ranking of the best cat food in 2018, we took into account all these points, paid attention to the price-quality ratio of the food, and took into account user reviews. As a result, the review includes only the most popular brands that have long been time-tested and have a beneficial effect on animal health.

The Best Cat Foods of 2018


Despite the low cost, this brand belongs to the premium class, and this line includes food for a variety of categories - kittens, adults, animals with specific diseases. All commercially available food can be divided into three large groups - dry, wet and medicinal food. However, the latter is allowed to be given to the animal only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. The convenience of this feed lies in the fact that it contains everything necessary for normal development and vital functions of the animal vitamins and microelements, so the pet owner does not have to worry about purchasing additional bait or supplements.

The line of cat food is produced exclusively in dry form, it contains a decent amount of protein - about 40% of the total mass, about 20% fat, which contributes to the additional nutritional value of the feed. Of the trace elements, it contains a large amount of magnesium and calcium, which strengthen bones and teeth, and also put them in order. genitourinary system animal. In addition, there is a line designed for sterilized cats: it is produced both in dry form and in bags or in cans. It strengthens beautifully skin covering normalizes the condition of the coat, bladder and all mucous membranes of the animal.


  • Ideally balanced composition designed for different types of pets - kittens, adults, sick and sterilized animals;
  • High quality;
  • Provides good health benefits for cats.


  • Some species can only be found in pet stores.

9. Brit Premium

This brand has been on the market for over 20 years, but it appeared on the shelves in our country not too long ago, so most pet owners are wary of it. This food is nutrition High Quality taking into account all age norms and other features of the animal. This food is perfectly absorbed by the intestines, and the occurrence of severe by-products which can cause serious harm to the cat's body. All feeds of this brand are produced on the basis of the latest veterinary achievements, thanks to which the pet receives all the necessary substances and elements. In addition to the required proteins, fats and lipids, the feed contains unique substances that can significantly improve the course of key biological processes in the cat's body.

Literally a few days after the start of using this food, the pet's diet becomes balanced, digestion returns to normal. Wool acquires a natural luster, and the body begins to better resist various kinds of diseases. On sale you can find both dry and wet food, sold in bags or in the form of canned food. The composition contains exclusively natural components, genetically modified products are completely absent.


  • The highest quality of workmanship - the food is produced on the basis of natural meat;
  • The coat of the animal after a few days after the start of the feed becomes shiny, soft and silky;
  • The animal becomes more and more energetic.


  • Wheat and corn are added to some species, the nutritional value of which leaves much to be desired.

8. Royal Canin

This line of food provides not only food for adults and healthy individuals, but also for most categories with a certain vulnerability in terms of health - elderly pets, kittens, animals with certain diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems, animals that some time ago suffered surgical intervention and so on. Also on sale there are feeds that can satisfy even the most fastidious animals. All these products belong to the premium class. The composition contains everything necessary for the proper nutrition of the animal - proteins of both the animal and plant origin, various cereals rich in fiber. In addition, yeast is added to the composition, which improves the process of digestion of the animal.

All types of food are on sale - dry, wet and canned. Special attention deserves a line for kittens under the age of two months - this food includes a large amount of protein necessary for the proper growth and development of the animal. It also contains a decent amount of minerals, in particular potassium and calcium, which are responsible for proper development and bone formation, for the heart and other internal organs pet.


  • Large selection of a variety of feeds;
  • Quite acceptable cost;
  • Excellent quality, especially this moment concerns the medical nutrition series.


  • From the variety of feeds, it will be difficult to choose the most suitable one.

7 Hills

To date, this manufacturer is characterized by a large number positive feedback among buyers. They celebrate high standards quality and extended product line. On the shelves of pet stores you can find dry, wet and canned food of Dutch or American production. Most feeds are universal - suitable for healthy animals, for pets with diseases of the digestive tract or circulatory system, and can also be used as a prophylactic in order to prevent the occurrence of various kinds of diseases. These feeds differ according to the type of meat that is used for their manufacture - chicken, beef and rabbit meat. Corn flour and rice are added to them: these products are designed to saturate the cat's body with fiber and carbohydrates.

It will not be possible to find such products on the shelves of ordinary stores; they are sold exclusively in specialized outlets. The manufacturer himself divides all feeds into two large groups - for healthy and therapeutic nutrition. Last variety ideal for older animals, it can quickly improve the functioning of the digestive system, tidy up the coat and prevent a number of serious diseases.


  • One of the lowest prices among luxury feeds;
  • Expanded product line - you can quickly choose food for the animal, depending on its taste preferences and physiological characteristics;
  • A large number of different nutrients that will be useful in the young, mature and old age of the pet.


6 Arden Grange

This product is produced exclusively in dry form, this food is made in the UK. The feed is characterized by excellent taste characteristics. It easily allows you to provide a cat complete diet regardless of the age, breed and health status of the animal. Such food includes the maximum complex organic compounds And mineral trace elements. A cat that takes this food immediately becomes more active and mobile. The entire product line is free of grains and cereals, which is why it is considered the closest to natural nutrition animal. The composition contains only natural high-quality components of a hypoallergenic plan. The food does not contain flavors, preservatives that could cause indigestion, intestinal blockage and other health problems for the cat.

Thanks to this food, the cat's body fully satisfies its need for all useful compounds. Protein products are represented by chicken or fish meat. At the same time, the developers claim that it is meat that is used, and not an offal. In addition, the function of protein is additionally taken over by a dry whole egg. The percentage of plant products does not exceed 26%, the rest is meat. This amount is enough for the animal to receive required amount fiber and cellulose, and there are no cereals here, potatoes are used instead.


  • Meat acts as a source of protein;
  • The absolute absence of grain crops;
  • All the necessary substances for the normal life of the animal are present;
  • There are no artificial preservatives;
  • All types of feed are hypoallergenic nutrition;
  • Also, there are no substances in the composition that can cause addiction to food.


  • A small amount of glucose in the composition may cause some laxative effect.

This Canadian-made food is recognized by veterinarians as one of the highest quality, and cat owners who decide to use it as the main element of the animal's diet adhere to exactly the same opinion. The range of products is quite wide, so the food can be easily selected for a pet of any breed, age and taking into account its taste preferences. In its price category (regardless of the fact that the food belongs to the luxury class, it is characterized by a low price), the food is one of the most popular.

All this product goes through a lot of tests and trials. If the batch does not meet the declared quality standards, then it is not allowed to be sold. /This allows you to be completely sure that the composition of the products indicated on the packaging really matches the composition of the contents. All feeds produced under this brand are balanced diet for cats and cats of all ages. They contain about 28-30% protein, which fully satisfies daily requirement animal in this product. All proteins used in the production of such food are of animal origin and dietary - poultry, fish and rabbit meat. In addition, it contains fish fat, flax seed, chicken eggs and rice grits. One of the distinguishing elements is yucca extract, which helps to eliminate bad smell from the pet's mouth, and also removes the smell of the animal's secretions.


  • Expanded range of products;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Strict quality control;
  • The food is great for cats with allergies;
  • Reduces the presence of unpleasant odors.


  • A slightly high salt content, which makes the animal very thirsty.

4. Bosch Sanabelle

This nutrition has been developed by a wide staff of specialists, which includes professional veterinarians, breeders and livestock specialists. This line includes more than 20 items that fully comply with all international standards cat food. In the composition you can find extracts of vegetables and fruits, various medicinal herbs, minerals and vitamins. In addition to saturation, the animal receives everything necessary to maintain health and activity. Exist special feed designed for pregnant cats: when used, all kittens of the litter will be born full-term, fully developed, so that their growth will be normal, the probability of death of at least one kitten is reduced to zero.

Feeds are made on the basis of dietary fish or poultry meat, which contains a large amount of omega-3 acids that maintain healthy hair and skin. In addition, this diet is characterized by the presence of a large percentage of proteins with high content useful amino acids, there is also a dry extract chicken egg, apple, pear, beet flour and other products that are responsible for saturating the cat's body with fiber.


  • The percentage of meat content varies depending on the feed within 20-40%;
  • All useful substances of natural origin;
  • Food is sold in most pet stores;
  • You can choose individual food for the animal;
  • High degree of quality control;
  • Availability.


  • Some of the ingredients are not exactly named;
  • Some foods contain allergenic substances.

3.NOW Natural

Another Canadian brand that produces a number of natural feed for cats. The main distinguishing characteristic given food is the absolute absence of cereals. This food is designed both to satisfy hunger and to protect the state of his health, maintain his emotional state. All components are connected to each other so that the cat gets the maximum benefit from them. The developers have tried to make the pet's food as close as possible to the diet that the animal receives in the wild. It is this diet that is ideal for cats, as it acts as an excellent prophylactic for most diseases. Even with a large amount of food, the animal's obesity is not allowed, the cat will always be healthy and energetic.

The ratio of nutrients, in particular proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is optimal, largely due to this, this food should be classified as a luxury food. The protein contained in this feed belongs to chicken, duck or turkey meat. In addition, there are additives from salmon fish meal, which are not allergens for the cat's body. The bulk of the fats contained in the diet is represented by fish oil.


  • A useful and carefully balanced complex of all the substances necessary for the cat's body;
  • High quality of the components used;
  • Strict compliance of the description with the actual content;
  • The animal does not become obese.


  • Quite expensive products;
  • Designed for healthy individuals, there is no health-improving diet.

2. Acana

Another Canadian brand took second place in our ranking of the best cat food of 2018. It is an environmentally safe food for animals, characterized by the highest hypoallergenic characteristics. Feed production is carried out in an ecologically clean northern region of Canada. The composition contains poultry meat, which is grown in free-range conditions - such a product is considered one of the most valuable. In addition to him, this includes the sea and River fish, eggs and red meat, usually represented by fresh beef. All vegetables included in the composition are carefully checked and purchased exclusively from reliable suppliers. The company never uses frozen products in the process of making feed, only fresh products are always brought in. The quality of all components is ideal, and the composition is balanced, so this food is especially popular among cat owners.

The food is perfect for both kittens and adult animals. Thanks to such a diet, the animal will receive everything necessary for normal life, so the owners do not have to think further about purchasing various vitamins and minerals. Everything that a cat needs is included in the diet in the required amount.


  • Exclusively natural composition of products;
  • No excessive carbohydrate content;
  • Good balance of all useful substances;
  • Excellent taste characteristics;
  • Salt balance is normal - the cat drinks after eating moderate amount water.


  • There are no medicinal foods in the line.

1. Orijen

Despite its relatively high cost, this food rightfully occupies a leading position in our review of the best cat food in 2018. It contains all necessary elements, which will not only be beneficial for the animal, but also provide excellent taste characteristics of this food. On sale you can find dry food, as well as a diet in bags, cans and vacuum-packed. This product for a long time keeps everything fresh useful qualities that have a positive effect on the health of the animal. The feed contains natural meat, which has previously passed strict veterinary control: in particular, it does not contain hormones and antibiotics, various preservatives, it fully meets the nutritional requirements for animal nutrition.

The main ingredients here are fresh dehydrated chicken and turkey meat with the addition of beef and chicken liver, eggs, meat of several species of fish. As a result, about 42% of the total mass is animal protein. There are also plant components - red and green lentils, peas, other crops rich in natural carbohydrates.


  • The highest class of production;
  • A decent percentage of the content of meat and fish;
  • Sufficient fiber.


  • Expensive.

In conclusion, an interesting video