Cat eats dog food: what to do? So similar, but so different. What is the difference between dog food and cat food?

Today it often costs more than. Some owners noticed this and began to use the trick - they buy dog food for a cat. What does this mean and is it possible to feed the cat? dog food?

To understand this issue, it is enough to recall the old catchphrase, that cats are not small dogs. Initially, during the process of evolution, their nutrition differed. For example, cats have a much higher protein requirement than dogs. At the same time, cat food must contain taurine, an amino acid that dogs produce independently. With a deficiency of taurine, a cat develops heart problems and other pathologies, which is why any cat food enriched with this amino acid.

In addition, cats and dogs have different standards. daily consumption Vitamin A. Dogs can process beta-carotene as a source of this vitamin, but cats cannot. Cats also do not produce arachidonic acid on their own; their diet must contain it, whereas for a dog this will not be critical.

Can I give my cat high quality dog ​​food?

The question of whether it is possible to give cats high-quality dog ​​food if, for example, a large bag is purchased for the dog, is often asked on various forums.

The answer can be unequivocal: no, it’s impossible. Even high-quality premium and super-premium dog food does not meet the requirements for cat food. The cat, of course, will eat it, but this is permissible only in the case of the most extreme measure and as a one-time action.

If you feed your furry purr dog food, she will not get everything she needs to be healthy and energetic. Will begin chronic diseases, in the end, by saving on food, you will give back a hundredfold to the veterinarians.

The only correct answer to the question “can a dog eat cat food” is formulated categorically – no. The prohibition is due to the difference in their digestive systems.

Features of the diet of dogs and cats

Zoologists know that dogs are carnivores, and cats are carnivores, despite their common carnivores. Differences are observed both in physiology and in the type of metabolism: a cat (due to the high proportion of glucose in the blood) eats little and often, and a dog eats twice a day (and even once a day).

Cat food must contain an amino acid that helps digest fats. small intestine. Taurine is found in beef and fish (there is a lot of it in cod), but is absent in plants. The dog's body itself synthesizes taurine from a pair of amino acids (cysteine ​​and methionine) found in animal protein.

Feeding behavior of a cat

During evolution, the diet of cats consisted primarily of animal fats and proteins. The cat (by its feeding pattern and behavior) is an unconditional predator with some dietary characteristics:

  • arginine addiction– this amino acid is present exclusively in proteins of animal origin;
  • need for taurine– lack of amino acid leads to deterioration of vision, disruption of the cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems;
  • need for arachidonic acid– it is found only in animal fats.

A cat is able to enjoy the process of eating, since its ancestors killed game for themselves, dined slowly and for a long time. That's why the cat is shown fractional meals– she will decide when to approach the cup. Felines (with the exception of castrated individuals) have “food brakes”: the food in the bowl should be freely available. The dog will get fat in this situation, healthy cat- No.

Important! Cats, unlike dogs, disdain carrion. The cat will ignore food that has been standing for several hours until the owner replaces it with fresh food.

A cat feels its body more subtly than a dog, and often arranges itself fasting days. If fasting continues for more than 2 days, this is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Dog's eating behavior

Dogs are irresistibly drawn to carrion, which cannot be considered an anomaly: in the wild, predators often return to carcasses that have become thoroughly rotten. True, carrion picked up by a dog in the city often becomes the cause of gastrointestinal ailments. Another strange food habit of dogs is eating feces, which is considered acceptable for animals up to a year old, as well as for lactating bitches who eat feces (with residues). undigested food) for their puppies.

Industrial lines of cat and dog food differ both in the selection of basic nutritional ingredients and in their vitamin and mineral composition.

Nutritional Components

Quality pet products include the optimal amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins to suit the different needs of dogs and cats.

Important! The percentage of fat in dog and cat food is approximately the same, but for cats (keeping in mind their exceptional carnivory), manufacturers add more animal proteins.

Products for dogs contain approximately 15–25% animal proteins, while cat products contain at least 40–70%. Also, cat food is somewhat higher in calories (it contains more carbohydrates), which is explained by the feline's intense metabolism.

Vitamins and minerals

Taurine, iodine and phosphorus are certainly added to high-quality cat food, and a little more calcium and magnesium to dog food. Granules for dogs contain an increased percentage of vitamins A, D3 and C, while the ready-made diet for cats is enriched with vitamins PP and E.

Manufacturers ensure that cat food contains vitamin H, and dog food contains vitamin K. All factory-made dog/cat food contains synthesized vitamins A, B, C and E.

Why does a dog eat cat food?

There may be many reasons contributing to this deviation, but one of the main ones is the protein hunger that your dog experiences. Most likely, he does not receive enough animal proteins along with his food, which is why he tries to make up for their lack by looking into the cat's bowl. Dogs' interest in cat food is also due to the attractive smell of the latter. As a rule, the animal’s olfactory receptors are affected by economy-class granules, generously flavored with taste enhancers and flavorings.

Important! Remember that inexpensive cat food creates addiction not only in cats, but also in dogs. Animals require certain food and refuse other food.

We cannot exclude greed, which often (if it is not stopped in time) turns into food aggression. The invader instinct is demonstrated by dogs that were deprived of maternal attention in childhood, or by dominant animals. There are several other factors that explain a dog's desire to eat cat food:

  • unplanned and unhealthy snacks;
  • food is freely available;
  • low quality dog ​​food;
  • poorly prepared food (cold/hot, tasteless, hard or undercooked);
  • change food addictions due to lack of necessary loads.

Puppies and young dogs periodically steal cat food simply because they finish their portions very quickly. Sometimes natural curiosity or the belief that your neighbor’s food tastes better pushes you to explore someone else’s bowl. To be on the safe side, it is still recommended to visit a doctor who will clarify the reasons for the dog’s interest in cat food.

Is cat food bad for dogs?

Negative consequences for the body can arise both from a deficiency and from an excess of some nutritional elements, arranged according to the energy expenditure of cats. Industrial products for cats are higher in calories than dog food, which leads (if used systematically) to gaining extra pounds. In addition, the dog’s body (which produces taurine on its own) does not need to be supplied from the outside.

Excess taurine ingested through cat food can cause heart failure, such as cardiomyopathy.

Important! Danger also lurks in increased acidity cat food, which is good for cats but bad for dogs. Their pancreas loses its rhythm, and pets develop heartburn, gastritis and even ulcers.

Cat food is also contraindicated for puppies whose musculoskeletal system is developing: an unbalanced diet delays and distorts development. Perhaps the main threat lies in increased concentration protein, leading to a whole range of canine ailments, such as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • otitis;
  • dermatitis, including allergic;
  • seborrhea;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases;
  • urolithiasis (especially in small or sterilized animals).

In addition, in many dogs, more often ornamental breeds, found on animal protein, often flowing into extreme serious condition, called allergic shock. But, unfortunately, not every owner is able to connect a pet’s illness (serious or not) with his hobby cat food.

How to stop a dog from eating cat food

Give up the idea of ​​having a conversation with your four-legged dog about the absolute dangers of cat food and the benefits of dog food. Keeping an eye on a disobedient person while eating is also a failed idea, and too troublesome (believe me, the dog will take a moment to help himself from someone else’s cup). A list of measures that will help eradicate an unwanted habit:

  • feed the animals in different parts apartments (one in the hallway, the other in the kitchen);
  • organize meals twice a day, closing the doors so that the pets do not cross paths;
  • remove cat food from free access or place it so high that the dog cannot reach it;
  • monitor the cleanliness of the cat's cup by removing leftover food;
  • let the animals know that lunch is over - take away the empty bowls;
  • If the dog still manages to steal cat food, punish him.

When instilling good manners in your dog, it is not at all necessary to resort to all of the points listed - choose those that suit you best. The main thing is that they turn out to be effective. Developing the right eating behavior, don't forget about simple rules handling the dog.

Important! Do not feed your dog (especially large/giant breeds) for about an hour after active physical activity. They often experience volvulus or acute dilatation of the stomach, requiring medical intervention.

Do not invade your pet's personal space when he is eating - do not pet him or call him to you. Like any predator, at this moment he guards his prey, which is why he grumbles at others, including the owner.

Grunt – normal reaction beast (even a tamed one): just let him calmly finish his portion. To ensure that the food is completely digested and absorbed, give the dog, especially young ones, 1-2 hours afternoon rest. Feed your pet 1 hour before a regular walk and 2 hours before a walk with intense physical training.

All ours four-legged friends, be it cats, dogs, hamsters, rats - belong to the class of mammals. Diet and eating habits are determined by many factors, such as species, habitat, seasonal conditions, and even hierarchical position.

The entire diet was formed over tens of thousands of years, which ultimately allowed the individual to survive and pass on its genetic material to future generations.

But nature sometimes dictates its own rules - changing the conditions around us, which forces us to consume unusual food in order to survive. In this article we will take a detailed look at what a dog can and cannot eat, what the consequences and complications may be.

In the diet

Let's start with the fact that dogs are herd animals, and cats are solitary individuals. The process of evolution has formed certain rules:

  • Cats are exclusively carnivores, consuming meat or fish.
  • Dogs sometimes even eat vegetables(often in dog diet includes potatoes or cucumbers), but this does not mean that they are omnivores. There are a number of products that are strictly prohibited.
  • Cats eat much less often, up to once a day. In the wild, lions and tigers eat only when absolutely necessary, and in order to save energy, they rest in all their free time.
  • Dogs were on the move all the time. For example, wolf packs migrated from place to place, in search of shelter or places rich in prey. Accordingly, more energy was spent.
  • Cats have a longer torso in relation to the body, and therefore more elongated intestines, thanks to which they can digest large amounts of food at one time.
  • Dogs have average intestinal length, since after eating they did not have the opportunity to rest for the rest of the time.
  • In dog packs it can be traced clear hierarchy: the leader and retinue get the bulk of the food, gamma and omega individuals eat last.
  • Cats, share food almost equally. The male forages for food, which the cubs and female share equally.

In the digestive system

Dogs are adapted to digest raw meat, bones, cartilage, offal, and some inorganic elements, while cats consume low-fat meat, separating it from bones and other parts of the victim’s body.

Feed manufacturers take into account what makes it different digestive system – in cats it has an acidic environment, and in dogs it is alkaline. Cat food can cause heartburn and indigestion in some cases.

REFERENCE! Also, cats can absorb salty food and fish. This fact is determined by the habitat. Cats, unlike dogs, did not pose a great danger to humans, so they could live in cities where they began to be fed fish. In the wild, cats, of course, do not fish, and do not even know how to swim.

Age factor

Depending on the age, the animal’s body requires different amounts nutrients.

  • After birth, puppies eat only mother's milk so that the microflora of the stomach and intestines can form without problems. Milk is easily digested and contains all the necessary elements.
  • When the baby teeth formed- We need to provide him with solid food. Puppy food contains: increased amount minerals and bone meal, which will provide proper development jaw apparatus and dental health. At the same time, the amount of protein and fat should not be too large so as not to overload the digestive system.
  • For adults the amount of minerals is reduced to average levels to prevent the development of tartar and stone deposits inside the body. The amount of protein is increased to supply the body with resources for active image life and rapid regeneration.
  • For pregnant and lactating dogs the food contains an increased amount of vitamins to supply the baby necessary elements. Slightly increased amount of fat as energy expenditure increases during pregnancy.
  • For aged dogs the feed is balanced in such a way that all components are supplied in equal proportions.

Economy or premium?

These two types of food are radically different:

  • Economy class food is food for every day. They have cheap price, conditioned low quality components of the composition. Instead of a cereal or corn base, there may be soy, starch, and offal plant origin. The meat part takes up no more than 20%.
  • Premium food – treats, which are used to reward animals for completed tasks during training, or simply make pets happy from time to time. The price of such feeds is quite high, the feed components are high-quality and expensive, the share of meat components is 70-80%.

Composition of dry and wet

As mentioned above, cats consume fish, so fish, salts and salted meat are added to dry cat food. The amount of protein in them is quite high, and practically no fat. Canned food contains a small amount of vegetables, as well as thick broth.

Dry dog ​​food contains poultry, rabbit and beef. Protein and fat are in approximately equal proportions. Canned food is made from animal meat, sometimes crackers or pieces of meat jelly are added.

Is it possible for dogs?

Everything is individual and situational. Cat food contains a lot of protein, which can slow down your dog's digestion process. But if your pet is active, then his body needs just this amount of protein. Another question is whether the dog’s body can digest fish and salty foods?

REFERENCE! We often hear that if a dog eats something, then its body needs it. Let's remember that dogs eat out of garbage cans out of curiosity. Like all animals, they explore the world around them and try something new. This factor is inherent in all living beings; it can solve the problem of lack of food in difficult times.

In other words, if a dog, during a period of hunger, tried food from the trash and came to the conclusion that it helped her survive, this information will be passed on to future generations, continuing the lineage and increasing the chances of interspecific competition.

If your pet I ate cat food once, this may cause slight changes in digestion, but serious problems will not lead.

In cases systematic use, gastrointestinal tract sooner or later it will adapt to digesting these products.

But this doesn't always happen, monitor your pet's feces and condition If you notice that his behavior and well-being have changed for the worse, you need to stop feeding him cat food and take him to a veterinary clinic.

If there is no other

If you are standing in front of a shelf where only cat food remains, then choose based on the following factors:

  1. No cheap components(soybeans, flour, vegetable by-products).
  2. Look at the price. It is better to take a small package of premium quality so as not to risk your pet’s health.
  3. They also produce meat food and various assorted food for cats. Choose food without fish and salts.
  4. pay attention to amount of protein, it should not exceed 15-20 grams per 100 grams of dry product.
  5. If it contains taurine, such food can be given, but in smaller quantities, since taurine is produced by the dog’s body and has a mechanism feedback with histamine. The more taurine, the less histamine. This means that in case of allergies, external signs(scabies, rash, hair loss) will not appear, and the internal ones will proceed in full. This is dangerous because it can start hidden illness V advanced stage, which will be more difficult to cure.

Useful video

Conclusion and conclusions

We all love to experiment, try something new and unusual for ourselves. So that experiments do not turn into a negative experience and do not leave bad memories, make changes slowly, observe your pet’s reaction, its mood, activity, and health indicators.

Perhaps your animal has a special combination of breed and body structure that needs exotic and unusual products nutrition.

In contact with

Many, even experienced owners I'm wondering if it's possible to give cats dog food? IN Lately More and more owners have become fans of industrial feeding, since this method is more convenient and faster. Dry food can be stored longer and will not spoil in a bowl, provided High Quality, it is completely balanced. An important plus is the existence of medicinal lines of food for cats with various ailments and allergies.

Logically, everything is clear, cat food is for cats, dog food is for dogs. Why do questions arise about whether it is possible to feed a cat dog food? Having studied thematic forums, we can identify several main reasons:

  • (in most cases) cheaper than cat's, if we are talking about one brand and line.
  • Dog food is not as popular as cat food, which means it sells less well. Most pet stores hold regular promotions to reduce the price of dog food. Some offers are so tempting that owners buy dog ​​food for cats to save money.
  • Cats often steal dog food, which makes owners think about the pet’s preferences.

Not obvious, but a significant reason - food and treats for dogs are more accessible in terms of search. Judge for yourself, in any pet store you can buy a dog treat for cleaning, but it’s very difficult to find a cat equivalent.

After weighing the pros and cons, the owner decides that there is nothing wrong with non-core feeding. This opinion is confirmed by the delight of the pet, who eats dog food with pleasure, but refuses her own cat food. Moreover, some pets arrange hunger boycott and they are demanding dog food. What is the reason?

Read also: How to wean a cat off the streets: just 4 steps to success

You may have originally selected not really balanced diet for a pet and now, experiencing vitamin deficiency, the animal rushes to any tasty food. Perhaps the dog food has a stronger or more attractive odor. In fact, there are a lot of probable reasons, and in order to identify them, you need to understand where you went wrong in the first place.

General recommendations for feeding cats with industrial food

All industrial feeds have advantages and disadvantages. The first usually outweighs the second due to lack of time from the owners. An alternative to food is regular preparation of food for your pet.

Industrial cat food is divided into classes and types:

  • Economy, premium (everyday), super-premium, holistic.
  • Wet, semi-moist, dry food.

Super-premium and higher class cat foods contain all important nutrients, vitamins and microelements. In this case, the owner can feed the cat dry food, alternating with semi-moist or wet food (of the same brand and line).

Economy and premium classes not fully fortified and may contain preservatives. At the same time, premium food is considered everyday food, that is, it is suitable for regular feeding healthy animals. Economy class is a dangerous line, produced with the expectation of illiterate owners. Vivid advertising and a relatively attractive price play a significant role. Trying to do the best, owners literally sacrifice the health of their pets... although if the owner reads the ingredients of the product, then the risk is quite conscious.

The modern range of feeds allows pick up balanced diet for anyone, even the most picky pet. At least the cat will definitely not refuse food wet food or pates. Some difficulties may arise with the selection of dry food, since it is not so fragrant.

Read also: Why does a cat bury food: identifying the main reasons

Dry food is more popular for a number of reasons:

  • More low cost, compared to semi-moist feeds and pates.
  • Don't spoil in a bowl, which means the owner can safely use an automatic feeder.

The disadvantage of drying is that the cat The enamel on the teeth wears away faster. While the pet is young, this problem is not obvious, but when the four-legged animal ages, the teeth are so damaged that removal is necessary. Veterinarians often warn that Feeding exclusively “drying” can provoke sudden and regular bowel movements. The most main reason, why you can’t feed a cat only dry food - it’s addictive, that is, an addiction that will make the pet starve and demand pellets.

Now there are a few rules to follow when choosing industrial feed for a cat:

  • A well-known, proven brand that has an official representative office (distributor) in your country.
  • Availability of specialized lines for pregnant and lactating cats, animals with allergies, etc.
  • Each pack of food should have a clearly visible common man information about the composition of the product and the place of its production.
  • Each package must be presented in accordance with the regulations (bar code, full manufacturer's details, place of production, supplier in your country, required warnings, brand logo).
  • Each package must contain information about the batch number, production date and expiration date.

If you decide to feed your cat industrial food, it is worth considering common mistakes that owners make:

  • Products must correspond to the age, breed, weight, lifestyle, coat type, and health status of the pet. That is, there is no need to feed an adult cat with kitten food, etc.
  • The energy value of the food should not exceed 85–90 calories per kilogram of the cat’s weight.
  • Never feed cats dog food, especially if there is such a recommendation on the package. Obviously, this is a surrogate. There is no universal food for dogs and cats, since these animals have different needs.
  • Always focus on your pet’s preferences, which food he eats more willingly (except economy class) is the one you should buy.
  • Do not mix food from different brands.
  • Do not add bait to holistic and super-premium food without the recommendation of a veterinarian.

In addition, some owners themselves regularly give their cats dog food because it is cheaper and seems to contain the same ingredients as cat food.

According to veterinarians, if a cat eats dog food little and rarely, there will be no particular harm. But it definitely shouldn't become the basis cat diet, and that's why.

Can cats eat dog food?

No, this food is absolutely not suitable as a regular diet for cats, the most necessary component of their diet is meat. Dogs’ need for animal protein is, in general, lower, because over thousands of years of complete dependence on humans for nutrition, they have adapted to absorb carbohydrates partially from plant components.

Manufacturers take advantage of this, and dog foods often contain too many grains, from which the cat's body does not receive nutrients. Thus, if a cat eats dog food constantly, it experiences a deficiency of protein, and therefore of vital amino acids, primarily taurine and arginine.

Veterinarians warn that taurine deficiency leads to a whole range of health problems, including dangerous disease hearts - hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Arginine deficiency causes hyperammonemia - ammonia poisoning of the body, which can lead to fatal consequences.

In addition, dog foods contain less animal fat, and cats do not receive the essential arachidonic acid, which provides normal work reproductive, gastrointestinal and other systems. Lack of active fat-soluble vitamin A (retinol) leads to growth retardation, blurred vision, and hair loss.

All these substances are synthesized in the dog’s body, so they are only found in cat food in the quantities required for a cat.

How to avoid problems?

So, the question of whether cats can eat dog food, as you understand, is not worth it at all. This is not complete nutrition for them! If your cat is drawn to the dog bowl, then you should think about its own diet. Perhaps it is not complete enough and you need to choose better quality food.

And if eating a dog became a problem for a cat bad habit or is a variant of dominant (leadership) behavior and leads to fights at lunch, veterinarians advise the following:

  • Feed animals in different rooms, but at the same time;
  • Remove dog food from the bowl 15 to 20 minutes after the animal eats. Dogs try to eat everything at once, but a cat will go to the bowl again and again to have a little snack;
  • If your dog is large, place the bowl on a raised surface, slightly below head level. Only the bowl should fit there so that the cat cannot jump in there and get to the food;
  • Store dry dog ​​food in a tightly sealed plastic container.