Daily diet. Feeding with natural products

The Poodle is a dog breed that has gained popularity all over the world, and this is a very understandable phenomenon. These curly-haired cuties have high intelligence, hypoallergenic fur, they are unpretentious and intelligent. In addition, there are several varieties of poodles - from the tiniest toy to the very large royal ones, so owners can choose a four-legged friend of the appropriate size. But there is one nuance that future owners should know about in advance - these curly-haired dogs are prone to food allergies, so feeding a poodle puppy and an adult dog deserves special attention. With proper nutrition, your curly-haired four-legged friend will be a healthy, active and cheerful dog throughout his life.

When babies are born, they feed on the mother’s milk and from it they receive everything they need, including immunity. But when the offspring grows up, a person needs to decide what to feed the growing puppies. Later, the same dilemma faces new pet owners. What type of feeding is most optimal for poodle dogs, and what aspects should you rely on when choosing it?

  1. Feeding with natural products. If you create the right menu, you can easily feed similar food to a puppy, and then to an adult dog. Since the risks of developing allergies are high, the diet should not be varied, and new foods should be introduced carefully. But a prerequisite is balance; food must contain all useful substances and elements in the right proportion. Experienced owners practice feeding their poodle meat porridge, which is prepared for future use and frozen. This helps save time on cooking.
  2. Dry industrial rations. Most dog owners and breeders are inclined to favor this option, since feeding dry granules has a number of advantages: it does not require time for preparation or selection of ingredients, is perfectly stored and is easy to dose. In addition, high-quality food contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and the formulas are developed taking into account the needs of dogs of different breeds and sizes. It is important to choose a suitable menu, and the issue of feeding even a problematic pet will be resolved.
  3. Semi-moist ready-made menus– these are canned products that are produced in the form of pates, pieces in sauce or filling. Usually, four-legged friends adore this kind of food, as it has a rich aroma and taste. Only high-quality diets that consist of natural ingredients and do not contain flavoring additives are healthy. Such food is not cheap, so feeding it to an adult dog turns out to be very expensive. Most often, semi-moist food is used as a treat and feeding for a pet. It is also fed to pets with health problems, children and older dogs.
  4. Mixed diet. A diet consisting of ready-made pellets can be supplemented with semi-moist diets, but it is recommended to feed them separately. But you should not feed your poodle both dry food and natural products, even if you alternate between different foods. Having chosen one type of nutrition, you should stick to it.

Features of feeding puppies of this breed

At each life stage, a puppy has its own nutritional needs, and given the intensive growth of the animal, changes occur literally monthly. What to feed a small pet if the owner prefers feeding natural food?

From birth to 2 months

Up to 4 weeks, it is enough for the offspring to receive mother’s milk in order to fully grow and develop. If breastfeeding is impossible or for one reason or another there is not enough milk for all the babies, then dog owners should buy artificial bitch milk at a veterinary pharmacy and feed it to the babies.

From 4 weeks you can purchase special food for puppies, which will allow you to raise healthy dogs. From this same age, babies begin to become interested in the world around them, including the contents of their mother’s bowl. Usually during this period, breeders begin to introduce the first complementary foods - industrial semi-moist food or chopped boiled minced meat, it depends on whether the puppies will continue to eat food or regular food.

2-3 months

8 week old puppies are still interested in their mother's milk, but this is more a matter of habit rather than satiation. In the period from 2 to 3 months, babies go to their owners, and these changes cause stress in the babies.

To speed up the process of adaptation of a pet to a new home and reduce discomfort, owners should ask the breeder about what the puppy ate and do not change its diet for 1.5-2 weeks.

If it is necessary to transfer a puppy from one type of feeding to another, then it must be done gradually, replacing part of the product with another, at first a little at a time, constantly increasing the amount of new food. Usually a complete transfer occurs in 1-1.5 weeks.

A puppy’s diet from 8 to 12 weeks may look like this (the portion is designed for a medium-sized puppy):

  • 1st morning feeding (from 6 to 8 am)– 100 g of semi-liquid porridge (prepared from 2-3 tablespoons of cereal). Oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, and rice are best, but it is not recommended to give semolina to puppies;
  • 2nd feeding in the morning (at 9-11 a.m.)– 2-4 tbsp of raw ground beef, alternated with fish oil (every other day) – 1/2 tsp;
  • daytime feeding (from 15.00 to 17.00)– 2-3 tsp of grated vegetables – carrots, pumpkins, zucchini, 50-100 ml of milk, several pieces of fruit or berries – apples, pears, raspberries, etc.;
  • 1st evening feeding– a pulp of boiled chopped vegetables mixed with raw minced meat;
  • last feeding– crackers soaked in milk (2-4 pieces) or 2-3 tablespoons of calcined cottage cheese.

Once a week it is useful to give your baby the yolk of a boiled egg; it can be added to dishes or diluted with milk. You can introduce your pet to such a treat as cartilaginous bones, but they are given no more often than once every 5-7 days. Up to three months the baby is fed 5 times a day.

From 3 months to six months

The poodle's diet becomes more varied, new products are introduced into the puppy's menu: beets, garlic, cabbage, chicken, turkey, fresh herbs, offal - poultry stomachs. It is worth noting that chicken meat is quite allergenic, which means you should be as careful as possible when introducing it.

An approximate pet menu may consist of the following dishes:

  • porridge– rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, it can be seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • meat and vegetables– the dog is given raw minced meat mixed with boiled vegetables and herbs;
  • cottage cheese– It is advisable to prepare it yourself and add calcium chloride during the process.

From 3 months, the dog is given an egg yolk and a cartilage bone once a week, and 1/2 teaspoon of fish oil daily. From 4 months onwards, it is recommended to include a raw egg in your pet’s diet once every 7 days. They also give fish oil and bones. From 5 months, eggs and bones are given twice a week.

This type of feeding continues for up to six months, and from 6 months the dog’s menu gradually begins to approach the diet of an adult animal. From three months the puppy is transferred to feeding 4 times a day, and at 6 months it is reduced to 3 times.

From 7 to 12 months

During this period, milk is removed from the dog’s diet, replacing it with fermented milk products. 2-3 times a week you can give your pet kefir, yogurt, yogurt or fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. But such food should not be fatty or contain artificial additives, and it should not be given at the same feeding as meat or vegetables.

Meat remains the basis of the diet, but it is given not in the form of minced meat, but in pieces, mixed with vegetables. Periodically, the meat part is replaced with boiled offal - liver, heart, lungs, spleen, udder, brains. But such food should not be in your pet’s bowl more than 2 times a week. Raw tripe is beneficial for dogs' digestion - it is cut into pieces and given to the dog no more than 1-2 times a week.

Porridge is an important source of fiber, also necessary in your pet’s diet; they are given less cooked than before and seasoned with vegetable oil. As additional treats, the dog is given crackers, pieces of low-fat cheese, and dry crackers. You should add 1/2 teaspoon of fish oil per day to your food. And if your pet does not receive calcined cottage cheese or refuses to eat it, then calcium gluconate is a useful supplement.

From 10 months, miniature poodles are switched to 2 meals a day, and larger counterparts - from 12-14 months of age.

From 12 to 18 months

There are no special changes in the dog’s diet during this period, except that the portion size increases. To protect and strengthen joints, it is recommended to give your pet well-boiled broth from pork legs or ears 1-2 times a month. From one and a half years old, you can give your four-legged friend fasting days - once a week.

As a treat for an older dog, it is allowed to give walnuts - half a day if the poodle is a toy, mini or dwarf, and a whole representative of larger species. Dried fruits are great for the same purposes.

When introducing new food, you should not rush - the puppy is given no more than 1 teaspoon of the product and observed for 2-3 days. If there are no signs of allergy - itching, spots, redness, etc., then it can be added to the menu.

Natural feeding of an adult poodle

The diet of an adult dog consists of raw and thermally processed foods. Most often, owners prepare meat porridge for dogs, to which they add healthy supplements before serving. The diet proportions should be as follows:

  1. Meat(accounts for 40-45% of all food) - the menu includes chopped beef, veal, and poultry. It is served both raw and boiled; in the first case, it is recommended to pre-freeze the product and scald it with boiling water before serving.
  2. By-products(they replace meat 2-3 times a week, but they should make up more than 40% of the total daily diet) - everything except tripe should be boiled.
  3. Fish(given no more than once every 3-7 days) – you should choose low-fat types of ocean fish, given cleaned of bones, always boiled.
  4. Dairy– as already noted, milk is removed from the pet’s menu, but the remaining products are fresh, natural, low in fat, and are beneficial for the dog’s digestive tract.
  5. Cereals(do not exceed 30% of the total food volume) - pearl barley is added to the dog’s diet and, just like puppies, semolina is not given.
  6. Fruits and vegetables(up to 35% of the total diet) - carrots, zucchini, radish, pumpkin, tomatoes, squash, cauliflower are given both raw and boiled. Cabbage - only heat-treated, and potatoes - raw. Pieces of unsweetened varieties of apples and pears are excellent treats for a curly dog.

When feeding an adult dog naturally, additional sources of vitamins and minerals are also needed.

List of prohibited products

Poodle owners need to know what food is not suitable for feeding their dog. There are quite a few similar products, and the likelihood of allergies further expands the list:

  • bones– if the poodle is medium or royal, the ban applies only to tubular bones, but you can treat your pet with a sugar or spongy bone. It is better not to give such products to toys and dwarf babies at all;
  • honey– although rich in various microelements, it is a highly allergenic product that provokes an acute reaction in the body;
  • confectionery– any food containing a large amount of sugar is harmful to dogs, since this ingredient promotes obesity, disrupts metabolic processes, and its frequent consumption leads to decreased vision and otitis media;
  • sweeteners– most of them are real poisons for animals;
  • sausages, smoked meats– due to the composition, rich in various harmful components, such food is harmful to dogs;
  • seasonings and spices– often cause allergic reactions;
  • grapes and raisins– cause fermentation in the intestines and intoxication;
  • apricot, plum– provoke diarrhea;
  • salt– due to the propensity of poodles to urolithiasis, the consumption of this seasoning should be limited.

In addition, food from the owner's table or waste from the meal should not end up in the pet's bowl.

Selection of a suitable industrial ration

Manufacturers produce dry food in five classes:

  • economy;
  • medium;
  • premium;
  • super premium;
  • holistic.

Economy brands are not suitable for feeding dogs, including poodles. They are made mostly from grains and meat processing waste, and therefore do not meet the needs of the body of predators, which, in fact, are dogs.

Medium is a “dry” of slightly better quality, but is only suitable for young, healthy dogs. Typically, such foods are not very well balanced and do not contain all the necessary elements, so the owner will have to take care of vitamins for his pet.

Premium and super-premium diets are the most suitable foods for poodles. In the lines you can find special formulas for pets suffering from allergies, as well as special food specifically for poodles.

Holistics are the highest quality food made from ingredients suitable for human nutrition. Such menus are quite expensive, and veterinarians often prescribe them for pets who are sick, weakened, or have congenital health problems.

When choosing a particular brand of food, you can consult with the breeder. Typically, experienced dog breeders know the breed characteristics of their pets and have already gone through all the stages of trial and error to find the most suitable diet.

Canned food is an excellent solution for animals that have problems with the oral cavity, are sick and weak. You can also use them to diversify your pet's diet. But it is not recommended to feed your dog with them all the time.

It is important to focus on the age of the pet, since the formula for puppies is not suitable for adult dogs, and vice versa. Older dogs also require a special menu containing less fat and protein. In addition, there are special diets for lactating bitches, which provide the animal’s body with everything it needs, and therefore the offspring.

The poodle usually becomes not just a pet, but a companion, friend and even a family member. He finds a common language with all members of the household and literally falls in love with him from the first days. Naturally, owners want their pet to be around for as long as possible, and good care and quality nutrition contribute to this.

The poodle is one of the most popular decorative breeds all over the world. To keep your dog healthy and happy, it is important to provide him with proper nutrition. A poodle's diet should be balanced and include essential proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

When compiling a poodle's diet, you should keep in mind that the need for food in dogs of different heights is not proportional to their weight (size). For example, small poodles require more food per kilogram of weight.

In addition, the individual need for the quantity and composition of food largely depends on the age, gender, time of year, and even on the lifestyle of the owner.

How and what to feed a poodle?

There are two main feeding schemes suitable for this breed: natural food and ready-made food. Mixed feeding of poodles is a combination of dry and natural products, but opinions differ on the advisability of such nutrition. With a mixed diet, dry food should be the main one, and pieces of vegetables, cottage cheese, fruits, etc. are added to it in a separate feeding.

Basic rules for feeding a poodle

  • Poodles have high withers and a prominent sternum, making it uncomfortable for dogs to eat from a bowl on the floor. If your dog does not eat while lying down, then it is advisable to place the bowl on a special stand or bracket at approximately chest level.
  • Your poodle should be fed at the same time and in the same place.
  • If there are several poodles in the house, then each dog should have its own bowl. Otherwise, a fight may occur between the animals.
  • Establish a feeding ritual for your dogs. For example, a certain order of distribution of bowls and food. Remove the bowl immediately after feeding, even if not everything has been eaten.
  • Do not feed your dog in the kitchen if food is being prepared at this time. Also, do not combine feeding your poodle with meals from family members.
  • You cannot combine dairy and meat foods in one feeding.
  • Train your dog to be disciplined: the dog should not beg.
  • The dog must always have clean, fresh water.

Ready food for poodle

The group of ready-made food for dogs includes dry, wet food and various specialized supplements.

It is very important to choose the right manufacturer. Food for dogs must be super-premium or premium class. Buy food only in special stores and preferably in closed packages. Well proven food Еukanuba, Royal Canin, Hill's, Pro Plan, etc.

If you decide to pamper your dog with canned food, choose a product from the same brand as dry food. Offer wet food as a separate feeding.

Good quality dry food? This is an excellent solution for poodle owners, since there is no need to calculate the amount of food and its nutritional value, or supplement the diet with vitamins and minerals. All you need is to choose your brand of food, based on the physiological characteristics, taste preferences of the dog, its lifestyle, etc. Sometimes the appropriate food is selected experimentally.

Feeding your poodle with natural products

Feeding with natural products is a responsible decision for owners, since in this case a well-thought-out and well-composed diet is required. The approximate daily nutrient requirement for a medium-sized poodle (per 1 kg of body weight) is as follows: proteins – 4-5 g, fats – 1-2 g, carbohydrates – 12-15 g, minerals – 8-10 g. , vitamins of group A – 1-5 mg, group B – 2-3.5 mg, C – 10 mg, PP – 10 mg.

Natural feeding products:

Meat and meat products: beef, trimmings, tripe, liver, heart, udder. Meats other than beef are not recommended. When feeding offal, the daily intake must be increased by 40-50%, since their nutritional value is lower. The meat is fed to dogs in small pieces. It is better to give minced meat to sick, old poodles and puppies.

Eggs. Partially covers the need for animal protein. Boiled eggs are offered to the dog 1-2 times a week.

Fish. Sea fish, previously frozen, can be fed raw. River water is best given boiled. Fish replaces meat feeding 1-2 times a week. It must first be cleaned of scales, fins, entrails and bones.

Dairy products. Low-fat and unsweetened yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese are perfect for a poodle.

Cereals. It is preferable to give your dog buckwheat, millet, and rice cereals in the form of semi-liquid porridges. Sometimes you can offer your poodle bread (stale or in the form of crackers).

Vegetables, fruits and berries. It is a good source of vital vitamins. Suitable carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, apples, grapes, strawberries, dried fruits, etc. Before feeding, they must be grated or cut into small pieces. This dog salad is seasoned with sour cream or fish oil.

Greenery: spinach, young nettles, dandelion leaves, any garden greens that the poodle will like.

A poodle should not be given:

  • fatty meat and meat products;
  • too thick porridge;
  • fresh bread, pasta;
  • any smoked meats, pickles, pickled products;
  • spices;
  • bones (hard poultry, beef, fish bones);
  • legumes (peas, beans, soybeans);
  • potato;
  • sweets (chocolate, cookies, caramel, etc.);
  • rotten, sour and even slightly spoiled products.
  • eggshells as a mineral supplement.

Approximate daily diet for an adult poodle

Large Poodle:
  • Option 1: Meat and offal? 500 gr., eggs (1-2 pieces per week), cottage cheese - 250 gr., vegetables, fruits - 300 gr., crackers? 1-3 pcs. after meals, vitamin and mineral supplements - in the indicated dosage.
  • Option 2: Meat and offal? 400-500 g., vegetables, fruits - 200-300 g., cereals - 300-400 g., salt - 10 g., vitamin and mineral supplements - in the indicated dosage.
Small Poodle:
  • Option 1: Meat and offal? 350 gr., eggs (1-2 pieces per week), cottage cheese - 150 gr., vegetables, fruits - 200 gr., crackers? 1-3 pcs. after meals, vitamin and mineral supplements - in the indicated dosage.
  • Option 2: Meat and offal? 150-200 g., vegetables, fruits - 150-200 g., cereals - 100 g., salt - 5 g., vitamin and mineral supplements - in the indicated dosage.
Toy and miniature poodle:
  • Option 1: Meat and offal? 200 gr., eggs (1-2 pieces per week), cottage cheese - 100 gr., vegetables, fruits - 150 gr., crackers? 1-3 pcs. after meals, vitamin and mineral supplements - in the indicated dosage.
  • Option 2: Meat and offal? 100-150 g., vegetables, fruits - 200 g., cereals - 200 g., salt - 5 g., vitamin and mineral supplements - in the indicated dosage.

Features of feeding pregnant and puppy dogs

For pregnant and whelping bitches, the average daily food weight is increased: in the 2nd week of pregnancy - by about 1.5 times, in the 3-6th week - by 2 times, by the end of pregnancy - by about 1.2 times. For a lactating dog – in the 1st-2nd week of feeding – 2.5 times, in the 3rd-5th week – 3.5 times.

The female puppy should receive adequate nutrition with plenty of fluids. It is better if during this period the bowl of food is always near the dog.

Feeding poodle puppies

In the first days of life, poodle babies feed only on mother's milk. From about the 10th day, puppies can be fed using a special mixture such as “Detolac”, or whole cow’s or goat’s milk with chicken egg yolk (1 yolk per 1 liter of milk). First, liquid complementary foods are offered from a bottle with a nipple, and after a week and a half the puppy is taught to lap.

From 2-2.5 weeks, poodle puppies can be introduced to the diet with minced meat (20-25 grams), then cereals and vegetables. As a rule, by age 1-1.5 months babies already accustomed to eating independently. Don't forget about special vitamins for puppies.

Kids up to 3 months feed 5-6 times a day, at 3-6 months - 4 times, at 6-12 - 3 times. After 12-14 months of age, the dog is fed 2 times a day. Each owner determines the poodle's diet independently. It is best to follow the advice of a breeder or veterinarian. If you purchased a puppy from a breeder, you should feed it the same food that the baby ate at home.

Of course, it is easier and better to purchase ready-made food for puppies, but it is a different matter if you prefer natural feeding. An approximate diet for a poodle (small) could be as follows:

1-3 months
7-9 hours – semi-liquid porridge (2 tbsp);
11-12 o'clock? cottage cheese – 1-2 tbsp;
14-15 hours – raw ground beef – 2.5-3 tbsp.
17-18 hours – grated carrots, fruits – 2-3 tsp, milk – 4 tsp;
19-20 hours – minced meat with grated raw vegetables – 2-3 tsp.
22-23 hours – 2 white crackers, soaked in water or milk.
once a week – raw yolk;
once a week – cartilaginous bone
vitamins, minerals.

3-6 months

7-9 hours – porridge with milk – 2-3 tbsp. l.;

13-14 hours – 2.5-4 tbsp. raw minced meat with 3-4 tablespoons of chopped vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets);
18-19 hours – cottage cheese - 2-3 tbsp. or 2-3 crackers soaked in water or milk;
21-22 hours – 3-5 tbsp. spoons of minced meat with 1-2 tbsp. l. raw vegetables;

At 3 months– egg yolk and cartilaginous bone – once a week.
At 4 months– raw egg + soft bones – once a week.
At 5 months– raw egg + soft bones – 2 times a week.
At 6 months– raw egg – 3 times, raw cartilage bones – 2 times a week.
+ vitamins, minerals

7-12 months

7-9 hours – porridge with cottage cheese or 4 crackers soaked in water or milk;
13-14 hours – 4-5 tbsp. beef + 2 tbsp. vegetables;
20-21 hours – 5-7 tbsp. beef mixed with 3 tbsp. l. vegetables
+ vitamins, minerals.

12-18 months
7-9 hours – 4 tbsp. beef pieces + 2 tbsp. vegetables +1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
19-20 hours – 6-9 tbsp. beef mixed with 3 tbsp. vegetables;
2-3 times a week – raw egg;
once a week – raw cartilaginous bones;
+ vitamin and mineral supplements.

A real poodle should be elegant, aristocratic, but at the same time have a strong and developed bone structure. A puppy can grow up like this if he is fed properly. So, let's learn about the basics of this process, features, and recommendations of experienced veterinarians.

Nutritional requirements for poodles

Fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates are the main components of a balanced poodle diet. The main building material, the substance that ensures the growth of tissues, muscles, and organs of a puppy, are proteins. Our body very easily extracts proteins from plant products, which means it can easily do without animals. This is what vegetarianism is based on. But with dogs everything is different. They digest meat and offal proteins by 90-95%, and vegetable proteins by only 40-50%, and even then after processing. Therefore, meat is a mandatory product in the diet of a young poodle. The dog should receive it in the form of beef, offal, turkey, and rabbit.

Until six months, be sure to cut the meat into small pieces, boil or scald with boiling water, in order to thus avoid possible infection of the dog with helminths. As for fish as a source of protein, it should be on the puppy’s menu twice a week.

A young poodle should definitely be fed dairy products. But you need to take into account that milk proteins, that is, caseins, must enter the poodle’s stomach in the form of fermented milk products. Kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese are those milk derivatives in which milk sugar (lactose) has already been processed by bacteria. This is a big plus for a dog, in whose body lactose does not break down, often causing fermentation and gas formation. Egg whites help make meals more filling. But you should not give your young poodle raw eggs. Twice a week they should be present in the diet in boiled form. As for plant proteins such as rice and soy, many poodles are allergic to these products.

Also, for representatives of the breed, gluten contained in cereal grains is often an allergen.

As for cereals as a source of carbohydrates and vital for a dog to increase energy, buckwheat, oatmeal, and millet are preferable. It is recommended to give them to a young poodle with vegetables flavored with vegetable oil.

Some carbohydrates, by the way, are not absorbed in the body of puppies; they are processed in the liver and stored there in the form of glycogen, the so-called emergency reserve. If too many carbohydrates enter the body of a young poodle, the liver becomes overloaded. It performs blood purification worse. Therefore, the puppy needs to rinse the grains well before cooking and boil them until they become crumbly.

All poodles love and digest muesli with raisins, bananas, and kiwi well. They should be offered to dogs several times a week.

A poodle's diet should not contain a lot of fat, otherwise the aristocratic appearance of the breed will be lost. This means that flour products from the master’s table, sweets, sausages, and fatty fish should not be on your pet’s menu.

About diet and dry food

In our turbulent age of time shortage, most owners immediately accustom their pupils to dry food. This is convenient, because you don’t need to think about the balance of proteins and vitamins. Experienced veterinarians always recommend alternating dry food with canned meat from the same manufacturer. Choose premium food for your dog. Contrary to popular belief, you should not change your puppy's food. This is what veterinarians advise. If you have successfully selected them, and the dog is gaining weight well, then feed your pupil the same food constantly. When he gets older, simply replace the puppy food with a product for adult dogs from the same manufacturer.

It is important that there is always fresh water in the young poodle's drinking bowl.

Veterinarians recommend that your puppy follow this feeding regimen for up to a year: up to three months - five times a day, up to five months - four times, up to eight months - three times. From the age of eight months, the feeding regimen should be adult, that is, morning and evening meals.

Poodles are not prone to gluttony; they are active, active, aristocratic dogs, so they can sometimes be picky about food. You should not exchange cooked porridge for cottage cheese, for example, if the poodle refuses to eat. Just remove the plate, wait until the next feeding time and warm up the same food for your dog.

Miniature Poodles are delightful, intelligent characters that thrive if they receive constant attention and love from their owner. They are hardy little dogs that will survive well into their teens, but will likely require veterinary attention later in life to ensure they live to a ripe old age. Caring for a toy poodle means paying attention to your dog and having the financial ability to provide for his needs, such as regular grooming, health care in old age, and preventative treatments such as deworming.


Feeding a Miniature Poodle

    Choose food that is appropriate for your dog's age. Depending on his age, a dog needs different amounts of protein, calories and other nutrients. There are different types of dog food designed for puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs.

    Choose a completely dry diet. Feeding options will be a completely dry diet (often known as pads) or a soft diet based on canned food with the addition of biscuits. Dry food is healthier for your dog's teeth because chewing the biscuits helps keep them clean. Canned food may be better suited for toy breeds, but sticky canned or bagged food sticks to teeth and encourages bacteria.

    • If possible, start keeping your toy poodle on a completely dry diet to help maintain dental health.
    • Look for food designed for toy breeds to make chewing the pads less of a problem.
  1. Distribute the frequency of feedings depending on the age of your dog. If she is still a puppy, she has a smaller stomach and must eat more often than an adult dog.

    Give your dog more water. Always have a bowl of water available to your dog. Change the water every day and wash the cups every few days.

    Grooming and brushing a miniature poodle

    1. Keep your dog's fur from getting tangled. Poodles have a curly, coarse coat that is constantly growing. Poodles' coats do not shed in the same way as other breeds. Their fur falls out but becomes tangled with the rest of their fur. This means that poodles are more likely to develop knots and tangles in their coat.

      • Puppies have a soft coat that begins to resemble adult fur at about 6-9 months of age. The complete transition to an adult coat can take up to 18 months for your pet.
    2. Groom your dog's coat every day. Take a few minutes every day to brush it. This will serve the dual purpose of making detangling easier and giving it some much-needed attention.

      Use a comb or brush with stiff bristles. To comb out mats, use a comb or brush, available at a pet store. You should also use both the comb and the brush on different parts of your body.

      Spray your dog's fur with water. Before you start brushing, spray some water on your poodle's coat. This will help avoid the build-up of static electricity. Water can also help prevent dry hair from becoming tangled.

      Comb section by section. Separate a piece of wool and hold it between your fingers. Brush the coat from root to tip.

      • Brush all of your dog's fur and be sure to do it behind the ears and under the belly.
    3. Trim your dog's coat every 3-8 weeks. A poodle's coat is constantly growing and requires constant trimming to keep it looking neat. Depending on how long you want to keep your dog's coat, aim to trim it every 3-8 weeks.

      • This is usually done at a dog salon, but if you have good dog scissors, a little practice and a lot of time, you can learn how to cut your dog's hair on your own.

    poodle ear care

    1. Consider pulling out hair from your dog's ears. Toy poodles tend to have very hairy canals. Body hair extends into the ear canal and can block it—a bit like wearing furry headphones all the time. Consult your veterinarian to establish an appropriate schedule for ear plucking.

      Watch out for ear problems. Monitor your dog's ears carefully, especially if you don't remove hair. Be alert for ear infections (characterized by foul odor, thick black wax, or fluid leaking from the ear) and be careful of foreign objects in the ear (if you constantly scratch your ear or tilt your head to one side).

      Visit your veterinarian if you notice a problem. If you notice signs that your dog has ear problems, ask your veterinarian to test for diseases. They can advise you whether to remove ear hair and how often.

    Caring for Your Miniature Poodle's Teeth

      Use a baby toothbrush on your dog's teeth. Toy poodles are susceptible to tartar formation. This can lead to bad breath and contribute to gum deterioration and tooth loss. Use a soft children's toothbrush to brush your teeth.

      Use dog toothpaste. Special toothpaste for dogs can be purchased at pet stores. Never use toothpaste intended for humans. If your dog ingests toothpaste with ingredients such as fluoride, he may get an upset stomach.

      Gently brush the outside surfaces of your teeth. Use a small amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush. Position your dog's head so that you can brush his teeth.

    1. Let your dog chew dental gum every day. If your dog won't let you brush his teeth, give him dental chew daily. This helps clean the chewing teeth (molars) at the back of the mouth.

      • It's worth taking the time and effort to keep your pet's teeth clean to reduce the number of professional dental cleanings he may need.

Poodles are active, attentive, and easy to learn thanks to their sharp mind and good memory. The excellent sense of these dogs allows them to be used as assistants in hunting, as well as search and rescue operations.

Preparing a diet for a poodle

To correctly create a menu, consider several factors.

Firstly, dogs' digestion is different from ours. For example, the appearance and taste of food are not important to them. But the smell - yes. In it, dogs are able to distinguish thousands of facets.

The body of these animals digests what they eat much faster than the human body. And this is despite the fact that food enters the stomach practically without primary processing. This is because there is no special enzyme in dog saliva - amylase and the dog does not chew food.

Also, the gallbladder and pancreas do not secrete enzymes capable of breaking down starch and lactose.

Secondly, the menu should include a sufficient amount of proteins (4-5 g per 1 kg of weight), carbohydrates (12-15 g), fats (1-2 g), vitamins (A, B1, B2, C ), macro- and microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, etc.), clean water.

Proteins are the building blocks for the construction of any organism. Dogs absorb it almost completely from animal food. But only half is made from plants. Also, a large amount of such food is not completely digested. These residues negatively affect the condition of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Gas formation, colic, inflammation, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation may begin. The acidity of gastric juice also decreases, this creates favorable conditions for the life of worms.

But all of the above does not mean that you need to feed your dwarf poodle, like all other representatives of the breed, only meat. The dog's diet should consist of at least 50% animal food. For puppies, pregnant, lactating and sports dogs - 2/3 of the total volume.

Allowed proteins include:

  1. Meat - raw beef. It can be fresh or defrosted, finely chopped or in the form of minced meat.
  2. Meat by-products - liver, stomach, lungs, kidneys, spleen. They don't have much protein, but they do have a lot of connective tissue, which dogs also need in small quantities. By-products are given in cooked form as an additive to meat.
  3. Sea or ocean fish - cod, halibut, haddock, hake, etc. It does not need to be boiled, but the main thing is that it is frozen. Remove all bones first. Replace meat with it 1-2 times a week.
  4. Fermented milk products - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without sugar and fillers, yogurt.
  5. Eggs. Raw protein can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to boil the eggs. 1-2 pieces every 7 days.
Not a single dog’s menu is complete without plant food. It contains essential vitamins and carbohydrates. However, their excessive consumption overloads the liver, and as a result, the blood is less cleansed. This can lead to allergies.

Cereals are the main carbohydrate source. Buckwheat and brown rice are best. If it is not possible to feed your poodle brown, then replace it with long grain. If problems arise with this, then you can use a regular, round one. But after cooking, it must be thoroughly rinsed to remove starch, since it is not absorbed by the dog’s body. You need to cook the cereal until cooked, but so that it remains crumbly.

The poodle's diet must include fresh vegetables (zucchini, tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, carrots, bell peppers, etc.), fruits and berries (apples, gooseberries, etc.), herbs (spinach, dill, parsley, lettuce, celery etc.). It is better if all this is crushed or ground, without heat treatment.

Animal and vegetable fats should also be included in the pet's menu - butter, flaxseed, unrefined sunflower, pumpkin, olive oils.

Fresh, filtered water should always be available at all times. If you cannot filter water at home, it is better to use bottled water. On average, a dog needs 2 liters per day.

With a natural type of feeding, dogs require additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Only a veterinarian is involved in their selection and administration.

You can use dried fruits and cheese as rewards.

There are a number of foods that are prohibited for consumption by dogs, including poodles:

  • pasta, baked goods - cause digestive problems;
  • smoked, fried, spicy, fatty foods - leads to gastritis;
  • tubular bones - can damage the gastrointestinal tract;
  • potatoes, legumes - lead to gas formation;
  • salt, spices, seasonings;
  • confectionery, chocolate, sweets - do not provide any benefit, cause dental problems, liver dysfunction, suppuration of the eyes and lacrimation;
  • Whole milk is not digestible by adult dogs. Causes gas formation, allergic reactions are possible;
  • very thick porridges are difficult to digest;
  • sausage products - contain preservatives and additives.

Feeding scheme

After being born, the puppies eat only their mother's milk for the first few days. On the 10th day they begin to be fed. For the first feeding, cow or goat milk is used. Additionally, egg yolk is added to it (1 piece per 1 liter of milk).

At the age of 14 days they begin to give meat, for now in the form of minced meat. Then vegetables, cereals. The amount of food is increased gradually.

At 2 months, babies are finally weaned from their mother's breast. They should already be able to feed themselves.

At about 3 months, the puppy moves to a new owner. It is necessary to check with the breeder how and what the dog was fed and adhere to all the recommendations received for the first time.

Toy poodle puppies, as well as large and small poodles, should be fed 6 times a day at the age of 3 months, 4 times a day at 3-6 months, 3 times at 6-12 months. After a year, the poodle is considered an adult dog and switches to two meals a day.

If your pet eats natural food, then its menu should look something like this:

1-3 months

  • 1st feeding - not thick porridge (2 tablespoons);
  • 2nd feeding - calcined cottage cheese (1-2 tablespoons);
  • 3rd feeding - minced meat (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 4th feeding - vegetables/fruits (2-3 teaspoons), milk (4 teaspoons);
  • 5th feeding - minced meat + grated vegetables (2-3 teaspoons);
  • 6th feeding - crackers, pre-soaked in milk (2 pcs.).

3-6 months

  • 1st feeding - milk porridge (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 2nd feeding - minced meat (3-4 tablespoons) + vegetables (3-4 teaspoons);
  • 3rd feeding - cottage cheese (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 4th feeding - minced meat (3-5 tablespoons) + vegetables (1-2 tablespoons).

7-12 months

  • 1st feeding - porridge with cottage cheese / crackers, previously soaked in milk (4 pcs.);
  • 2nd feeding - beef pieces (4-5 tablespoons) + vegetables (2 tablespoons);
  • 3rd feeding - beef pieces (5-7 tbsp. spoons) + vegetables (3 tbsp. spoons).

12-18 months

  • 1st feeding - beef pieces (4 tbsp. spoons) + vegetables (2 tbsp. spoons) + porridge (1 tbsp. spoon);
  • 2nd feeding - beef pieces (6-9 tablespoons) + vegetables (3 tablespoons).
Additionally, the puppy is given vitamin supplements daily. Once a week, raw egg yolk. From 4 months, the yolk is replaced with a whole egg. From 5 months, an egg is given twice a week.

The approximate diet of an adult large poodle looks something like this:

  • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) - no more than 500 grams per day;
  • cereal - no more than 300 grams per day;
  • fermented milk products - no more than 250 grams per day;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 300 grams per day;
  • the total weight of the daily diet is 850-1000 grams.

Approximate diet for an adult small poodle:

  • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) - no more than 350 grams per day;
  • cereal - no more than 100 grams per day;
  • fermented milk products - no more than 150 grams per day;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 200 grams per day;
  • the total weight of the daily diet is 600-850 grams.

Approximate diet for an adult miniature or toy poodle:

  • animal proteins (meat/offal/fish) - no more than 250 grams per day;
  • cereal - no more than 50 grams per day;
  • fermented milk products - no more than 100 grams per day;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs - no more than 150 grams per day;
  • The total weight of the daily diet of a miniature poodle is 450-600 grams, and that of a toy poodle is 350-450 grams.

Adult dogs are also given vitamin complexes daily and an egg twice a week.

Poodles aged 8-9 years are considered senior, those aged 12 years are considered old. Metabolism slows down, but the risk of various diseases increases. With excess body weight, additional stress is placed on the bones, joints, and cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to control the weight of older and elderly dogs. When losing teeth, food must be appropriate. The entire amount of food should be divided into 3-4 meals.

General requirements for proper feeding of all types of poodles:

  1. Food must be freshly prepared. Do not serve your pet cold or hot food, only warm food.
  2. After the meal, the bowl is removed, even if the poodle has not eaten everything.
  3. Food from the master's table is prohibited.
  4. Keep the bowl clean. If there are several dogs, then there should be the same number of bowls.
  5. Poodles have a special chest structure. It is difficult for them to eat from dishes placed on the floor. Use brackets or stands to allow your pet to eat while standing.
  6. Develop a strict feeding regimen. Do it in the same place.
  7. One feeding should not contain meat and fermented milk at the same time.
  8. The dog should be well-fed, but not overfed.

Feeding with industrial feed

Owners do not always have time to prepare food for their pet as well. The way out of this situation will be ready-made industrial feed. The market is vast. Depending on the size, weight, age, and presence of diseases, you can choose dry food for your poodle.

There are several lines of such products: economy, medium, premium, superpremium and holistic. The latter are products of the highest quality, intended for pets on a strict diet and with identified pathologies.

Poodle puppies need to be fed a super premium diet. Their composition is balanced and already contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals for the growth and proper formation of a young body. You can choose hypoallergenic products.

First, dry food is introduced into the diet in a soaked form. During the period of teeth change, it can be replaced with wet canned food.

Healthy poodles aged 2-6 years can be fed the medium line food. Provided that she receives additional vitamin and mineral complexes. Everything will depend on the individual sensitivity of the dog.

For elderly and old pets, the holistic or super-premium series are suitable according to their age. If teeth fall out, dry food is replaced with semi-moist food.

The transition to an industrial type of nutrition from natural products should be carried out smoothly, within 10-14 days.

The most famous manufacturers of ready-made food are Royal Canin, Purina Pro Plan, Acana, etc.

Royal Canin

This company has a series specifically for poodles. The line is divided into food for puppies up to 10 months and for dogs over 10 months.

Contains poultry meat, plant components, vitamins, macro- and microelements. The manufacturer claims that the food promotes the harmonious development of the puppy’s young body and the preservation of the clear mind of an adult poodle. There is also an emphasis on caring for the beauty of the coat.

Purina Pro Plan

This manufacturer does not have a series specifically for the poodle breed. But there are lines for puppies and adult dogs. They are also divided according to growth parameters - for dwarf and large breeds.

The puppy food contains Optistart formula, which contains colostrum. The manufacturer claims that this complex helps in the formation of strong immunity, minimizes the risk of intestinal infections, and also promotes brain and vision development.


Canadian made food. You can choose products for small breed dogs. Contains chicken, flounder, fruits and vegetables, eggs. As well as Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Does not contain grains or potatoes.

It will be better if a specialist selects food specifically for your four-legged friend.

Combined nutrition

If your poodle is naturally fed, then mixing dry granules into his food is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that it takes different amounts of time to digest industrial feed and natural food. Regular products require only 2 hours, and prepared foods require 3-5 hours.

Thus, digested natural food will enter the intestines along with undigested granules, which will simply begin to rot in the colon.

However, it is possible to combine two types of nutrition. The main rule is not to mix both types of food in one feeding. Natural food is given no earlier than 5 hours after industrial food.