Choosing a Maine Coon kitten. What is the difference between a Maine Coon and an ordinary cat? How to choose a Maine Coon kitten so as not to be deceived

Maine Coon and an ordinary cat have many differences, however, the market is filled with a huge number of kittens that are passed off as real purebreds. In fact, at best it will turn out to be a mestizo - a cross between a Maine Coon and an ordinary cat, or it will even turn out that the Maine Coon was not even close to that.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to clearly know the characteristics characteristic of this breed. Before you go for the long-awaited kitten, it is worth studying in advance how the Maine Coon and an ordinary cat differ.

The handsome Maine Coons, with their appearance and large size, are more reminiscent of a real wild animal than a pet, due to which the demand for representatives of the breed has been steadily growing in the last decade.

Appearance of an adult Maine Coon

The easiest way to recognize a Maine Coon and distinguish it from the ordinary yard “Vaska” is in adulthood - it’s hard to make a mistake here.

  1. One of the main features is that a real Maine Coon has a very impressive size and weight: they can reach 1 meter in length and weigh about 8-9 kilograms, and neutered cats can be about 10-12 kilograms. Females are smaller than males.
  2. An important feature that distinguishes them from ordinary cats is the presence of tassels on the ears. They appear from about 3 months - at first they are not very thick and grow slowly. The ears themselves are wide and set high. On the inside of the ear grow characteristic “brushes” - horizontal tufts of hair.
  3. The eyes are large and slightly oblique. The look is serious and stern, but completely inconsistent with the character.
  4. A true Maine Coon should have a rich mane and a fluffy frill that completely covers his neck and chest.
  5. The Maine Coon's coat is particularly thick, dense and soft; long strands on the panties, chest and belly hang down. The undercoat is very soft and silky. The longest hair is on the tail, chest, belly and hind legs. Tufts of long hair grow between the toes.
  6. The Maine Coon has a special “face” expression: the lower part of the muzzle, together with the mustache and chin, has a square shape, the so-called “box”. The chin is powerful and well developed, in line with the nose.
  7. Representatives of this breed are strongly built, have a large skeleton, a muscular build, and long, powerful, wide paws. The tail is long and wide at the base.

Character and habits of the Maine Coon

We can start comparing the Maine Coon and an ordinary cat with the fact that representatives of this breed are distinguished by behavior that is completely unusual for ordinary cats - at first, this greatly surprises new owners.

For example, unlike ordinary mongrel pets, they are incredibly partial to water: scary love to play with running water from the tap, splash and pour it out of bowls, “dig” it with your paws, smear it on the floor, or even lie down to sleep right in a puddle. Many Coons love bathing and enjoy water treatments. A rare ordinary cat can boast of such a character trait.

There is a joke among the owners of this breed that it is “not yet a person, but no longer a cat.” The level of intelligence surprises even experienced professional felinologists. They are great at learning different tricks.

These are very cheerful, friendly, active and agile animals, great entertainers and inventors. Coons are not at all prone to conflicts and aggression, they are flexible and balanced. An ordinary cat and a Maine Coon can easily get along and become best friends only if the stumbling block does not become the fight for the lady of the heart. Therefore, keeping two sexually mature and non-castrated males at the same time is undesirable.

Coon has a sense of self-esteem, being extremely disposed towards a person, he will never insistently demand attention if the owner is busy and cannot devote time to him. Most often, they tend to choose one person as their owner, while treating the rest of the family members quite friendly.

The curiosity and fearlessness of representatives of this breed knows no bounds: wherever they can stick their nose, they will do it. They want to participate in all the events happening in the house.

Coons are very talkative, they make many different sounds: there is a rumbling, and a gentle and melodious purr. His voice is quiet, soft, they never meow loudly.

The complete formation of all character traits and psychological maturation ends only by the age of three.

How to distinguish a Maine Coon kitten from an ordinary cat

It is not always easy to distinguish a purebred Maine Coon from a mongrel animal at a young age; sometimes only experienced breeders can do this.

It is better to purchase a kitten no earlier than 3 months: at this time, the tufts on their ears and fur between their paws are already growing, and a “box” is gradually beginning to take shape on their face.

The characteristics of a purebred kitten are as follows:

  1. Maine Coons are initially born larger than normal kittens. The average weight of a newborn is 100-150 grams, while normal births weigh around 80-100 grams.
  2. Young kittens are initially more mature in their development, more active and stronger than ordinary kittens, they grow faster and faster - their eyes open earlier and they begin to eat regular food earlier.
  3. By the age of 3 months, the average weight of a purebred baby approaches 2 kilograms for females and 2.5 for males - ordinary kittens reach a weight of 1-1.5 kilograms by this age.
  4. From a young age, the coat of purebred pets is thicker and fluffier than that of their ordinary counterparts.
  5. It is worth paying attention to the physique: it should be strong and solid, the bones should be wide, the head should be large and massive.
  6. You can distinguish a purebred animal by its thick tail and powerful paws. Often, at a young age, tufts of fur grow between the toes.

But the main and main guarantee that you are purchasing a purebred animal is that it has a pedigree, which lists all the ancestors, up to the 4th generation. This will confirm that the pet was born from responsible breeders who care about the purity of the breed and the preservation of all its wonderful qualities.

Veterinarian Marina Kharlova

How to choose the right Maine Coon kitten? This question arises before anyone who is thinking about purchasing a kitten. In this article we will try to give some useful tips. Unfortunately, the fashion for Maine Coons has attracted many businessmen from the cat world to the breed, and the Internet and newspapers are full of advertisements for the sale of Maine Coon kittens at low prices. Most likely, such kittens are connected to a real Maine Coon only by the name in the fake pedigree and the seller’s assurances that only they have true Coons. An inexperienced buyer will not be able to recognize deception, and when his kitten grows up, he will understand that he was deceived. But it will be too late, since I’m used to my pet, and I don’t want to swear. Therefore, if you decide to purchase a real Maine Coon, you will have to educate yourself, look through a sea of ​​information on the Internet, visit several large exhibitions and nurseries, and only after that you will be able to purchase a Maine Coon that will delight you with its wonderful temperament and impressive appearance for many years to come. years.

1. If you have scoured the Internet and read a lot of information, you know that there are now two main types of Maine Coon: American and European.

American Maine Coons are large, broad-boned, squat, with a slightly rustic head, small ears and an undefined box.

The European Maine Coon has a longer body, high paws, and a long and well-developed box. Europeans are characterized by large, high, well-shaped ears with thick tufts.

So you have decided on the type that you like best, the next step is:

2. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the breed standards of different felinological systems (TICA, FIFe)

3. Visit a large multi-system exhibition, meet and communicate with breeders, get the coordinates of nurseries.

4. Do not try to buy a Maine Coon at the “Bird Market” - there, under photographs of famous Maine Coons, they will sell you an “unknown animal”

5. The cheap price of a Maine Coon kitten should alert you.

6. If a cattery, in addition to Maine Coons, breeds other currently popular cat breeds, be careful. Make sure that the kitten is not the product of interbreed love.

7. If you are denied a visit to the nursery under one pretext or another, think about it: is everything there clean?

8. If the kitten does not have tufts on its ears, a short tail, or lacks the “box” characteristic of Maine Coons, then everything will remain that way. No matter how much they try to persuade you, don’t believe it: the tassels won’t grow, the tail won’t lengthen, the box won’t appear.

9. If you are offered a “show class” kitten, don’t believe it. Kittens of this level are immediately left in the nursery.

10. When choosing a kitten, first of all pay attention to its type, not its color. Believe me, a “good type animal” looks great in any color.

11. A self-respecting breeder offers only the best kittens for breeding. Although it is not immune from mistakes. As a rule, male kittens are prohibited from mating “on the side.” It is for this reason that male kittens can only be purchased if you already have a nursery.

12. A serious nursery must have its own

13. A serious breeder will definitely invite you to his nursery to choose a kitten and show you the parents and other cats, try to help with the choice, give comprehensive advice, and answer your questions.

14. If the kittens’ eyes are running and there is discharge from the nose in the nursery, then the kittens are sick. Maine Coon kittens should not be kept in cages. The nursery should not be dirty or smell like feces. If you encounter this, think about it!!!

I hope that my advice will be useful to some of you. I sincerely wish you to make the right choice and not be disappointed in it.

Any questions regarding choosing a Maine Coon kitten, purchasing a kitten, as well as keeping a Maine Coon kitten, please contact us or call: +7 -965-336-99-55

The article was prepared based on materials from Olga Romanova.

© 2012. All materials on this site are subject to copyright. Copying or any other use of information and objects is prohibited without the prior consent of the copyright holder and a mandatory link to the author and site.

This page is a free translation of materials from the website of the Animal Planet Discovery TV channel, slightly adapted for Russia.

Deciding to buy a kitten

Any animal in a family should appear not only by mutual consent, but always by joint desire, because desire and consent are two different things.
A kitten is not only a pet, but also the main house prankster, very active, social and inquisitive. In order to easily accept small unpleasant surprises, it is not enough to come to terms with the appearance of a cat in your home - you need to want it. So before you decide to take this serious step, think twice whether everyone in your house really wants this and is ready for it. Our world is social and you, just like any other person, are obliged to take into account the people around you.

So, you and your whole family have decided to get a cat? Then it's time to consider all the consequences of such a decision.

First of all, you must understand that this decision will affect your life for many years.

When planning important changes in life, be it a wedding, moving or having children, you will have to take into account the needs of your pet.

When you go on vacation, you will have to decide where the cat will live and who will take care of it. If you have a lot of work or frequent business trips, it may be better to wait until your life becomes calmer, or maybe get several cats so that they don’t get bored :)

Of course, cats tolerate loneliness much better than dogs, but they also don’t like it, although many consider cats to be completely independent creatures. Feeling your attention and affection, cats literally blossom.

Finally, the decision has been made. You have weighed all the pros and cons, and realized that a kitten is vital for you. Then the question arises, what kind of kitten do you want? Please note that in just a few months the kitten will turn into an adult cat. What should it be like - male or female, fluffy or short-haired, calm or playful, maybe of a certain color? How to choose the right kitten so as not to regret the wrong decision later?

Compliance with standard

The most important rule when buying a purebred kitten is to take your time!

You are overwhelmed with emotions, impatience, a desire to quickly become the owner of a fluffy miracle, to see how a small kitten turns into a luxurious cat - the coon of your dreams. But try to resist the overwhelming desire to buy the first kitten you like.

In order not to be disappointed in your choice if you give in to impulse, pull yourself together and start your choice by studying the breed standard. Try to decompose the image of a Maine Coon created in your head into the elements described in the standard. Look at the photographs of the winners of exhibitions of different systems, but not in the image, but look at the details. It is very useful to read breed forums and specialized publications; they contain many photographs of beautiful and truly purebred coons.
Attend at least one international cat show. Meet the breeders, get the coordinates of the nurseries. The larger the exhibition, the higher quality animals are presented.

When choosing a kitten, keep in mind that there are now two main types of Maine Coon: American and European. American Maine Coons are large, broad-boned, stocky, with a rustic head. European Maine Coons have a longer body, a somewhat elongated and well-developed box. Europeans are characterized by large, well-shaped ears with long tufts (which are clearly visible in kittens from birth).

This point is very important, because without deciding what details of the parents and kittens to pay attention to, you will not choose a kitten that, growing up, will be close to the ideal created by your imagination.

Of course, it is very difficult to discern breed traits in a kitten and predict how it will develop, but without such an approach it is even more difficult to do.

Cat or cat

If this is your first kitten, then there is not much difference. Cats are more friendly and easy to communicate with. Cats are more sophisticated and intelligent, cunning and resourceful. Character has a greater impact on behavior than gender. And although cats are usually somewhat more active than cats, after talking with the owners of both cats and cats, you will find many exceptions to this rule.

If size is what your family especially likes about Maine Coons, then it's probably a cat. Maine Coon cats grow much larger than cats. This is not to say that a cat is easier to handle because it is smaller. Cats can be wayward, and huge powerful cats can be obedient, like angels. You need to build your own relationship with everyone and it’s interesting.

In adult, unsterilized animals, the differences increase. Cats are much more aggressive and may tend to leave their territory for quite a long distance in search of a cat. In addition, they actively mark their territory, often including your slippers, chairs, and everything in general. Sexually anxious cats may exhibit unusual behavior, miss the litter box, and sing loudly to call the cat. But all these unpleasant moments can be easily solved by timely castration (sterilization) of animals.

Kitten or adult

Usually everyone wants to adopt a little kitten - they are cute, playful and affectionate. But you won’t be able to turn off the overflowing energy, like a light bulb. Please note that the kitten will check everything that seems interesting to him, regardless of the height at which this thing is located and its cost. In this case, the cost can be reduced to zero. Adult cats are much smarter and less temperamental. These are established personalities with instilled manners.

Today, many nurseries are forced to look for a new home for their animals removed from the breeding program. If given the opportunity, don't be afraid to take responsibility for an adult cat. Due to the breed's character traits, Maine Coons, for the most part, easily start a new life. If they are treated with affection, love and patience, they will give you all their affection for many years to come.

Kitten character

When you adopt a purebred cat, it will carry the main character traits of its breed. Maine Coons are known for their friendliness, good nature and self-esteem. But, of course, no one canceled individual characteristics.

The environment in the first days of its life plays a big role in shaping the character of a kitten. If everything is fine with the kitten’s owners, the babies are surrounded by love and care, then most likely the kitten’s character will be outgoing; if not, it may be more withdrawn and wild. In this regard, cage keeping of animals is completely unacceptable. The psyche of such kittens breaks down in the most unpredictable way.

If you choose a kitten at home from a breeder, be sure to pay attention to:

On the conditions of keeping animals, their number and relationships with owners.

On the behavior of the mother cat. Nervous and hysterical cats give birth to kittens that adopt these qualities. Therefore, the mother cat should be wary of you, sniff you, but not show aggression or excessive friendliness. The behavior of a mentally balanced cat during the period of feeding kittens and meeting a stranger should be characterized as cautious and observant.

On the kittens' reaction to your appearance. A healthy interest of kittens in everything unfamiliar, including you, is considered normal. Kittens may begin to crawl out of the house, try to sniff you, climb on you; the mother cat should not show aggression, but only carefully observe the actions of the kittens and yours. Apathy, lethargy, lack of any reaction is a bad sign. But here it should be noted that there are exceptions, because each cat is an individual and, just like people, they have their own character traits. The kitten may just be a little timid and not show interest in you for this reason, and not because it is sick.

Before making your final choice, try to take a closer look at the kitten - watch it, play with it. Is he calm or active? Friendly or cautious? If you like a kitten, carefully pick it up, hold it, stroke it, and watch its reaction.

Remember that each kitten already has its own character. Therefore, by choosing the most active, well-fed baby who pushes his fellows, you risk getting a hyperactive imp who will run, jump and play tirelessly, exhausting everyone at home. And by choosing a kitten that is not the most lively, shy and phlegmatic, you will get an affectionate purr who will be ready to lie on your lap for hours. Therefore, decide in advance which cat’s temperament will best suit yours.

When choosing a kitten, pay attention to which one you liked best - this is also important! After all, the cat chooses its owner.

General state

Examine the kitten for obvious signs of illness. If the cat has everything in order with its metabolism and is healthy, then its coat is silky and shiny. It's the same with kittens. If the coat is dull and matted or excessively greasy, this is an alarm bell. The fur should be free of tangles, bald spots, eyes and nose should be free of traces of discharge. Watery eyes, a wet nose, and sneezing may indicate a respiratory infection. The kitten should not have excessive salivation, ulcers in the mouth or reddening of the gums. A very large round belly may indicate the presence of worms. The paw placement should be even. An obvious third eyelid, lethargy, lameness, uneven coat or patchiness are all signs of disease. Look into your ears - if dark pits are visible there, it may be ear mites. Look closely at the fur to see if there are fleas there.

Almost all of these diseases are easily curable, just think about whether you need these problems and whether you have the desire to solve them. Please note that kittens are weaker than adult cats and suffer many diseases much more severely.

One or more?

When there are several cats, they have more fun. Watching them is also more interesting. They are less bored, play and have fun when no one is home. Even if they are not friends, some kind of truce is usually reached, and they watch each other - cats are also very fond of this.

A small kitten usually easily fits into a family with an adult cat; he immediately recognizes its dominance. Adults find it more difficult to get along, but almost always successfully. If cats are of different sexes, then you will inevitably face the question of sterilizing the animals. An unneutered cat will almost certainly leave marks by constantly feeling the cat.

Breeding Maine Coon cats is a mixture of art and science, to which you undoubtedly need to add a little luck, a little more genius, and, of course, inexhaustible optimism in such a difficult matter.

Few novice breeders understand when starting a business that there is much more to breeding Maine Coon cats than just mating any cat with any Maine Coon cat, getting kittens and selling them.

Genetics of Maine Coon cats

Let's start with the fact that the genetics of Maine Coon cats plays an important role in breeding work. Genetics is an extremely difficult science. There are many exceptions to the rules and many more unknown and unexplored things.

As a rule, Maine Coon breeders do not have the time or inclination to seriously study literature and materials about genetics. However, there are a number of unique and excellent books by foreign scientists that would be extremely useful for many breeders to read. Trying to learn to understand long and difficult genetic terms and even relatively simple words takes up a lot of time for the average Macoon breeder.

All Maine Coon breeders should try to understand the simplest part of Mendel's genetic theory: the “dominant” and “recessive” gene or trait. In principle, this is simple to understand and can be applied in breeding work with Mei Coons, because most of the serious shortcomings of the breed are caused by recessive genes. Breeders who are guided by common sense and their personal observations can get very good and worthy Maine Coon individuals, just as good as breeders and geneticists. Undoubtedly, time and experience are needed to achieve high results, although this experience should never come to anyone...

What types of cats and Maine Coon cats are there?

There are Maine Coon cats that have left an unforgettable mark on the history of the Maine Coon breed and, even after many years, and maybe even several generations, Maine Coon breeders try to repeat these outstanding individuals. It is these Maycoon cats that are called legendary, and their owner-breeders are called wizards! Other Maine Coon cats, and their “woeful breeders”... can also leave their mark on the history of the breed, which will then have to be “disentangled” by the owners of the Maine Coon kittens received from them and subsequent breeders, but alas, this very much happens. Most often, such a legacy remains from a Maine Coon cat, which comes from a very popular eminent cattery, has an active owner, attends exhibitions, earns titles for this individual, while not “seeing” the cat and not caring about the future of the Maine Coon breed, very regrettable...

Every self-respecting and thoughtful Maine Coon breeder tries to get rid of undesirable traits and strengthen valuable ones, using certain combinations when mating. Well, the result depends on his knowledge, experience, talent, honesty, and, not least, luck.

Choosing a Maine Coon cat, pedigree

When a person decides to breed his Maine Coon cat for the first time, he should have as much information as possible about her. A significant part of this information can be obtained from her pedigree, even before the time of mating comes, or even before her birth, if she is planned as a future breeder, having experience and knowing the Maine Coon breed, the future breeder, having studied the pedigrees of her parents, perhaps even will give up this kitten.
For someone who is not familiar, or only slightly familiar, with the Maine Coon breed, the pedigree does not say anything, but the more work experience, the more each nickname will say about the specific cat behind it, about its intrabreed type, character, advantages and disadvantages .

Knowing each ancestor by sight and having photographs of the Maine Coon, the breeder can imagine what kind of offspring a given Maine Coon cat will produce with this or that cat. If the breeder does not have a specific cat behind the name, then the pedigree is an absolutely useless piece of paper that means nothing for breeding.

How to choose Maine Coons for breeding based on pedigree (real life practice)

Choosing a Maine Coon kitten for breeding, Case one:

Unfortunately, the owner of a Maine Coon cat often has a weak (or no) idea about the cats recorded in pedigrees, focusing only on names known solely by hearsay or on the titles that appear in front of the nickname. At the same time, having bred cats that have the same ancestor in their Maine Coon pedigrees, about which the breeder has a very vague idea, he believes that he acted very wisely. They did inbreeding. From my own experience, I came across such characters at the beginning of my journey as a breeder, so I can only say one thing...Nocomments!
It is necessary to know the pedigree of your Maine Coon cat, because... future kittens receive exactly half, 50% of their genes, from their mother cat, and the other half, the same 50%, from their father, a Maine Coon cat. And the fact that it happens that Maine Coon kittens are more similar to one of the parents does not mean that this parent passed on more genes to their children than the other. This only means that he has more dominant genes, which had a great influence on the coon offspring.

Choosing a Maine Coon kitten for breeding, Case two:

There is another picture when a Maine Coon breeder “obsesses” only with pedigrees, such breeders are called “theorists” and in fact such a Maine Coon breeder breeds pedigrees, and not cats at all. He intensively studies all cats found in four generations of the Maine Coon pedigree and even further, “getting” the pedigree of grandparents, and when mating, he takes into account distant ancestors. However, this makes almost no sense, because... kittens, as we have already said, receive 50% of their genes from their father and mother, 25% from each grandfather and grandmother, 12.5% ​​from their great-grandfathers, etc. (Francis Galton's law - genetics). Thus, the further back an ancestor is in the pedigree, the less influence it has on the kittens. Even if it is repeated several times in 5-7 generations, the chances that the kitten will inherit exactly its advantages are practically small.
Anyone who makes matings expecting to get offspring similar to an outstanding but distant ancestor, ignoring the phenotypes of the father and mother, can hardly count on the desired result. No miracle happens. Two cats with short legs, for example, will not produce kittens with long legs, even if their famous grandfather and great-grandfather had everything in order with the location and length of their legs.

Conclusion: How does pedigree influence when choosing a Maine Coon cat for breeding?

It is necessary to understand once and for all that the Maine Coon pedigree is just a guide to action in the hands of an experienced specialist. Everyone knows many examples when nothing good was born from cats with a “brilliant” pedigree, and on the contrary, you can meet high-quality phenotypic individuals who have mediocre ancestors in the pedigree, and you can only wonder “where everything comes from.” But this is still an exception, which only confirms the rule of breeding - THE BEST WITH THE BEST GIVES THE BEST.

I consider breeding my cats with cats that have the pedigree I need, and not with an excellent representative with “no” pedigree who “split out,” although I understand that this is not always true. You can get excellent Maycoon kittens from a “scratcher” by mating him with a suitable individual. Just as it is possible (and this most often happens) to get good Maine Coon kittens from just a “typical representative of the breed” with an excellent pedigree.

Evaluate your cat, Maine Coon cat objectively

Even having thoroughly studied your cat’s pedigree, but without knowing its characteristics, it is impossible to obtain high-quality offspring. A Maine Coon breeder must have a good knowledge of cat anatomy and the Maine Coon breed standard. If he doesn’t “see” his cat: how clearly her breed characteristics are, what kind of ear placement she has, how long her body is, etc., then it’s better for such a person to start breeding flowers. Among breeders there is such a term as “pig's eye” - when an expert or breeder cannot determine how good a particular cat is. Seeing a Maine Coon cat, to some extent, can only come with experience. More often it is given to a person “from God” - it either exists or it does not.

Only having studied your cat well and knowing exactly what needs to be corrected and what, on the contrary, should be fixed, can you begin to take action. But the main thing, in my opinion, is to imagine the cat you want to get in the end.

Use your imagination when breeding Maine Coons

This conjured cat or Maine Coon cat is the perfect example of the breed. This is a goal to strive for. It will not be achieved in this litter, which is planned now, and not in the next one, and maybe never (if the breeder is critical of his breeding). But, for sure, the moment will come when a Maycoon kitten is born, which has become such a cat or cat about which you can say, for example, about a cat - “he is almost what I dreamed of.” To get cool Maine Coons you need to know what you want. Only by creating an ideal representative of your favorite breed in your imagination can you strive to get it in reality.

Distinguishing the “wheat from the chaff” when breeding Maine Coons

It is possible that others do not agree with my ideal and do not like the cats that I like. These others can even be judges at shows, and well-known experts, and just spectators outside the ring, but for me it doesn’t matter, because I already understood what kind of Maine Coon is ideal for me, I think most foreign breeders will agree with me. My opinion is that a good Maine Coon breeder should not attach paramount importance to what is played out in the ring; unfortunately, even the experts are not always right.

How do experts evaluate Maine Coon cats at shows?

Using the example of the Maine Coon breed, which I deal with, we can say that many deviations from the standard have become practically the norm, and a Maine Coon cat with the disadvantages described in the standard not only wins the breed, but also receives the high title of the Best in Show ring. At one of the exhibitions I was at, Best was won by a Maine Coon cat with absolutely collapsed short ears and a far from stretched short body, although the standard says: “Maine Coon ears should be large, wide at the base...”, “for this breed of cat , correct ears “stand” well on the head (like hare ears)” or about the length of the body “the Maine Coon breed has a well-stretched, muscular body (the key word is stretched, which means long).” Each breeder has the right to decide for himself which Maine Coon cats and cats to breed - those that are liked by little-knowledgeable experts or those that he likes himself and meet the standard.

Maine Coons are becoming increasingly popular among cat lovers. This means it is important to know how to choose the right Maine Coon kitten, how to raise it and care for the baby.

In the photo: a Maine Coon kitten at the age of 5 weeks. Photo:

How to choose a Maine Coon kitten?

The demand for Maine Coon kittens is quite high, and you can see many advertisements for the sale of babies. But, unfortunately, not all sellers are conscientious and responsible breeders, which means there is a high risk of buying a not very healthy kitten or mixed breed. How to choose a Maine Coon kitten so as not to regret it later?

Before you go to choose a Maine Coon kitten, study as much information as possible about the breed, visit exhibitions, talk with breeders and existing owners. This way you will understand whether this breed is right for you, and you will be more likely to determine whether a purebred kitten is being offered to you.

Rules for choosing a Maine Coon kitten:

  1. Check out the breed standard.
  2. Don’t buy a kitten from the first ad you come across, even if the price is attractive. Contact an experienced breeder with a proven reputation.
  3. If the breeder does not agree for you to visit the nursery and meet the kitten’s parents, this is a reason to think about whether you should trust such a seller.
  4. Pay attention to whether the Maine Coon kitten has signs indicating that it belongs to this breed: a long tail, tassels on the ears, a characteristic shape of the muzzle.
  5. Be sure to conclude a purchase and sale agreement with the breeder.
  6. Answer the breeder's questions honestly - this will give him the opportunity to help you choose the Maine Coon kitten that is right for you. And don’t hesitate to ask questions yourself.
  7. Check to see if the nursery is registered in the felinological system, and if the answer is positive, find out which one.
  8. Pay attention to the kitten’s appearance, activity, grooming, and playfulness. These are important indicators of health.
  9. It is better to choose a Maine Coon kitten that is 3 - 3.5 months old. At this age, the kitten already has the necessary vaccinations, has been fed mother's milk for quite a long time and is adapted to the world around it. At the same time, the baby is already ready to part with his mother, sisters and brothers.

In the photo: Maine Coon kitten. Photo:

How to distinguish a Maine Coon kitten from other cats?

Unfortunately, under the guise of a Maine Coon kitten, they may try to sell you a kitten of another breed or a crossbreed. How to distinguish a Maine Coon kitten from other cats?

At 3 months, a Maine Coon kitten should already have characteristic tufts on its ears. If they are not there, then this is not a Maine Coon.

Another distinctive feature of a Maine Coon kitten from kittens of other breeds is its tail, which is long and powerful.

Maine Coon kittens have hairy and massive paws.

Even in childhood, the Maine Coon's coat is already semi-long and thick, and there are tufts of hair between the toes.

Study the pedigree - it must be issued by the felinological club.

If you are not sure that you can distinguish a Maine Coon kitten from a kitten of another breed or mixed breed, it is better to seek advice from an expert.

What to do before bringing a Maine Coon kitten into your home

Before you bring your baby into the family, you need to prepare everything necessary for the arrival of a Maine Coon kitten in the house.

  1. Create a secluded place to relax and play.
  2. Take a cloth from the breeder with the smell of your home - this way the baby will adapt to your home faster and easier.
  3. Provide a place for your Maine Coon kitten to eat. Prepare 3 bowls: for wet food, dry food and water. It is better if the bowls are not plastic, but ceramic or steel.
  4. Make sure your apartment is safe for your curious and playful Maine Coon kitten. Hide exposed wires and items that your baby could break and injure himself or swallow.
  5. Buy safe and varied toys for your kitten.
  6. Cover the windows with a special cat net.
  7. Get a carrier. For Maine Coons, it is better to take a large plastic carrier.
  8. Prepare a tray of sufficient size.
  9. Buy a scratching post, or better yet, several different ones, to give your Maine Coon kitten a choice.

Caring for a Maine Coon kitten

To keep your Maine Coon kitten healthy and cheerful, it is important to take proper care of it. Pay special attention to caring for your Maine Coon's coat, ears, eyes and teeth.

Caring for a Maine Coon kitten's coat will require some effort on your part. The pet must be brushed regularly (at least twice a week). During the shedding period, Maine Coons are brushed three times a week. First, the tail is combed, then the back and sides, then the chest, and finally the belly is usually left. You should not bathe a Maine Coon unless absolutely necessary.

It is enough to clean your ears once a week. However, if you notice that your Maine Coon kitten is shaking its head, scratching its ears, or is restless, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Feed your Maine Coon kitten a special food that strengthens teeth and removes tartar.

Prepare in advance everything you need to care for your Maine Coon kitten: lotions for cleaning ears and eyes, combs, cotton swabs, nail clippers.

A Maine Coon kitten must be accustomed to grooming procedures from an early age and gradually.

Raising a Maine Coon kitten

To make life with a pet pleasant and cloudless, you need to make efforts to raise a Maine Coon kitten.

Determine the rules for living in the house: where the cat can be, where it cannot be, because there are places that pose a danger to the pet.

If your Maine Coon kitten does something wrong, you can make a sharp noise. It is strictly forbidden to hit a Maine Coon kitten!

In principle, raising a Maine Coon kitten is not too difficult, because these cats are very affectionate and friendly, and train well. When raising a Maine Coon kitten, it is important to be patient and reward correct behavior in a timely manner.

In the photo: Maine Coon kittens. Photo:

Training a Maine Coon kitten to use the toilet and tray

As a rule, a Maine Coon kitten has no problem understanding what the tray is for. If the baby misses, don’t yell at him, just blot the puddle with a napkin and put the smelling napkin in the tray. This way the baby will find the right place by smell.

It is important that the tray for a Maine Coon kitten is spacious enough. The size of the tray for a Maine Coon is determined as follows: the pet must be able to calmly turn around there.

The tray for a Maine Coon kitten should be washed regularly and the filling should be changed in a timely manner.

If you have problems training your Maine Coon kitten to use the litter box, the baby is probably not happy with the location of the toilet, the smell of the litter box, or the litter. You can experiment to find the option that works for your pet.

Vaccinations (shots) for a Maine Coon kitten

Don't forget about vaccination(s) for your Maine Coon kitten! This is very important, as it guarantees the health of the pet.

Many people believe that if a Maine Coon does not walk outside, it does not need to be vaccinated. It's a delusion. You can bring the infection home on your clothes or shoes.

Before vaccinating a Maine Coon kitten, it is necessary to treat it against fleas and give it an anthelmintic. This is done at least 14 days before vaccination.