Rating of inexpensive cat food. The best cat food in the category: super premium. But - the composition contains unnatural preservatives E320, E321

The diet of children - even cats - should be given the most careful attention. Now almost every cat food manufacturer offers an option for kittens. However, how healthy is this diet? Quite often you can find food that is suitable for both kittens and nursing cats. How realistic it is to fully feed both adults and children with the same thing is a question that remains to be considered. In any case, the composition of food for kittens should be subject to the most meticulous study.

Is it necessary to separate the nutrition of a mother cat and her babies?

As surprising as it may sound, most kitten foods are actually suitable for nursing cats. Moreover, even during pregnancy, it is better for the expectant mother to switch to such a diet. The point of this diet for an adult animal is that the kittens, being unborn, take all the necessary substances from the mother cat, which means she should be fed with a set of vitamins and minerals needed by her offspring. In the following rating, all foods are recommended by manufacturers for both children and their parents, so this fact is not separately considered as an advantage of a particular brand.

How to choose the best food for a kitten?

Food for the smallest and fluffiest is offered by different brands both in dry form and in soft pouches (portioned bags). To choose your option, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • feed composition;
  • age range;
  • individual kitten health indicators.

It is on these criteria that the rating of the best food for kittens will be based, but first, it would not hurt to compare the prices of dry food from selected manufacturers.

Name of food


1st Choice

From 150 rub. for 350 g

Hills Science Plan

From 190 rub. for 400 g

Royal Canin

From 180 rub. for 400 g

Purina ProPlan

From 200 rub. for 400 g

From 260 rub. for 400 g

Leader in the rating - food for kittens 1 st Choice

Photo: teremok-market.com.ua

Feed class: super premium.

Variety of assortment: There is only one type of dry food for kittens from 2 to 12 months.

Advantages: excellent composition. This brand has very high quality, almost holistic, but the price is kept at a premium level. The maximum of meat ingredients and a minimum of plant ingredients are perfectly balanced, and especially for the health of the nervous system, brain and vision of the furry baby, the salmon fat they need has also been added. Allergies to such food are practically excluded. It is also worth noting that a kitten accustomed to dry food from early childhood will show much less capriciousness in relation to its food in the future.

Flaws: lack of spiders and difficulty in purchasing - food is not always available in regular pet stores, so you have to order it online.

Feed reviews1st Choicefor kittens: “It’s convenient that one food is suitable for both kittens and their mothers. And in online stores you can order a large volume in advance once and not worry every month about where to get more food.”

Hills Science Plan

Photo: www.petcara.ie

Feed class: super premium.

Variety of assortment: There are two types of dry food and a wet mousse for kittens up to 1 year old.

Advantages: The brand has long established itself as a serious manufacturer that cares about animal health. Kitten food is considered to be even higher quality than other Hills Science Plan lines. Picky cat babies can be switched to food gradually, starting with mousse. It is worth noting that Hills also has a veterinary line, so if in the future your pets suddenly need specific nutrition, there will be no long-term adaptation when switching to another food.

Flaws: the manufacturer has been noted to have a “love” for vegetable proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, the Hills plant in Russia has been open for a long time, which does not guarantee the same high quality of the composition in batches from different countries.

Feed reviewsHills Science Planfor kittens: “It’s very easy to accustom a kitten to mousse, as it is quite soft and smells delicious. For your baby to try it, you need to put the mousse on your finger and bring it right under his nose - the kitten will start licking the yummy food himself.”

Royal Canin

Photo: www.zwierzakowo.pl

Feed class: premium.

Variety of assortment: There is one type of dry food for kittens from 4 to 12 months, canned food for babies up to 4 months and a milk replacer.

Advantages: The composition of the food is quite well balanced and rich in vitamins. You can buy Royal Canin at any pet store, and its cost is slightly higher than that of economy-class food. The assortment for the little ones is quite specific, given the presence of a milk replacer for kittens.

Flaws: The company has long opened a plant in Russia, where there are completely different standards regarding the quality of cat food. The quality of Royal Canin's premium composition is significantly inferior even to its own veterinary line of super-premium food. Milk replacer may be difficult to find on sale, so you will have to order from specialized sites.

Feed reviewsRoyal Caninfor kittens: “I like that you can buy this food by weight - it’s cheaper. And if the mother cat cannot feed the kittens, a milk replacer comes to the rescue.”

Purina ProPlan

Photo: www.karusek.com.pl

Feed class: premium.

Variety of assortment: one type of dry food for kittens from 6 weeks to 1 year and two types of pouches - up to 1 year.

Advantages: ProPlan is sold at any pet store at a very affordable price. This food can be purchased in bulk, which will save even more money. The premium-level composition is distinguished by the presence of nutritional supplements and elements that kittens need for healthy development.

Flaws: the composition still contains ingredients of plant origin, and in considerable quantities. Some felinologists even consider PloPlan food to be more of an economy class food than a premium one. There are also cases of allergies to this food - you should carefully monitor the appearance and behavior of the tailed baby.


For adults or? When choosing food, you should focus on the age of the cat. After all, at different ages your pet has different needs for vitamins, minerals and even calories. Manufacturers indicate on the label the age of the animal for which the product is intended. This can be food for adults or elderly (animals over 7-8 years old).

Dry or wet? When choosing dry or wet food, remember that you cannot combine them in the diet of one cat. Everything else is a matter of your and your cat’s preferences and budget, since dry food, whatever one may say, is cheaper than wet food.

What's on the label? And, of course, before purchasing food you should definitely read the label. What should be indicated on it? First of all, meat and its type (for example, chicken). And it is meat, not “meat and offal”. By-products are a useful thing, but who knows what the manufacturer had in mind? What if it’s not the liver, heart and the like, but the tails, hooves and horns of cattle? Next - vegetables and grains. Their optimal content in the feed should be 25-50%. Any food must certainly contain vitamins and minerals, which is also indicated on the label. The list of chemicals includes flavoring additives, dyes, antioxidants, and preservatives. In high-end food there are practically no flavoring additives or dyes, or their percentage is very small. Therefore, expensive food has a reddish natural color and not an excessive aroma of granules, while economical food consists of granules of all colors of the rainbow and even through a sealed plastic bag. It is worth knowing that some antioxidants (E321, E320 and others) can cause cats diseases such as cancer, allergic reactions, organ dysfunction, liver damage. In addition, food often contains ballast substances (a cheap, absolutely unnecessary component that serves solely to fill the volume), natural preservatives, as well as sugar and caramel that are absolutely unnecessary for the animal.

Helpful advice

Of course, only a cat can be the best meowing food expert. When choosing food, focus on your pet’s appetite and condition. Indicators such as the optimal and constant weight of the animal, its excellent physical condition, shiny coat, and not excessive (no more than a quarter of the weight of the food eaten) stool indicate that the food is suitable for the cat.

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  • Tasty and healthy

If you decide to feed your cat dry food, you should choose it very responsibly. After all, the health and good mood of your pet will depend on the composition and balance of all its components.

Why do you need dry food?

Do you think that only inveterate fiends and lazy people can feed a cat strange crackers? This is not true at all. The fact is that high-quality dry food is completely balanced in its composition and contains all the nutrients, vitamins and microelements your cat needs. You, of course, can feed your pet fresh tenderloin or fresh milk, but most owners are not able to provide a varied and nutritious diet in this way. Food solves this problem quickly and without effort on your part.

An important aspect is that it is easier to add certain medicinal components or substances to dry food. This is especially true when choosing nutritional therapy or selecting a diet for your pet. In addition, feeding your animal dry food is actually more convenient: it lasts longer and does not spoil in a bowl.

Composition of dry cat food

All of the above is relevant for quality food. Unfortunately, not all animal food manufacturers make food that is truly healthy and balanced. To understand how high-quality the food is in front of you, carefully study its label. A good food will definitely contain the following ingredients: meat (meat, not processed animal products), grains and vegetables (no more than 50%), vitamins and minerals (the list should be long). Also pay attention to the fact that the preservatives and antioxidants in the food are natural (for example, vitamins E and C, as well as herbal extracts and oils).

Harmful and unwanted food components

But what should not be in cat food are artificial colors and preservatives. Some manufacturers add sugar to feed to improve palatability and texture. This supplement is not at all beneficial for animals. Sugar causes tooth decay and is also harmful to your cat's digestive system.

You should also be wary if you notice animal components of dubious origin in the food. For example, ground beef skin or turkey meal. Even if the packaging says “offal”, know that this is nothing more than trimmings and waste from meat processing industries. There are often cases when unscrupulous producers make food literally from horns, hooves and feathers. Avoid foods that contain cellulose or nut shells - these ingredients create a feeling of fullness without providing nutrients.

The key to health and vitality is proper nutrition. Of course, you can cook for your pet yourself, but it is unlikely that such food will contain the required amount of vitamins. Improper nutrition of a cat affects the condition of its skin, fur and can lead to some diseases.

Instead of regular homemade food, your cat should be given high-quality food. Just before purchasing such food, you need to carefully study its composition, otherwise the food may be harmful to the cat.

What should be in cat food?

It must contain meat. Since cats are predators, this product is indispensable for them. But you need to take into account that the information on the composition of the feed should not contain the words “meat and offal”. This phrase refers to the contents of waste from cattle carcasses.

The food must contain vitamins and minerals. For the normal condition of the animal's body, vitamins A, D, C, E, K, as well as group B and taurine are necessary. The following minerals are also important for cats: magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron. The packaging should contain a complete list of them.

It is necessary that the feed contains the liver, heart, lungs of chicken or cattle. If the feed includes such products, they should be clearly identified and not simply listed under the general word “offal”.

Food must be selected taking into account the age of the animal and its breed. Kitten food contains an increased percentage of vitamins and minerals, as the growing body needs it. Persian cats have a different skull structure from other breeds; they produce special food with an easy-to-eat kibble shape.

When purchasing food, it is not recommended to mix several types, especially if the food is from different manufacturers. This can lead to an allergic reaction in the body. The food may contain a small percentage of vegetables and grains (up to 50%, but not more).

Ingredients that should not be in food.

Corn or soy protein (it is used by manufacturers as a meat substitute). Dyes and flavoring additives. Avoid foods with bright colors, as they only indicate dangerous additives. But the brown color is characteristic of natural food.

Fillers. If they are included in the food, then your pet will not be able to get enough of it for a long time, which can lead to rapid eating and subsequently vomiting.

Chemical components. Corn meal, which is not digested in the stomach of animals. Fish and fish meal. Such components are treated with a dangerous preservative.

Sucrose. A high carbohydrate content in the food will cause the animal to have loose stools, and over time can lead to diabetes.

Video on the topic

Neutered cats require special care and special nutrition. This is the only way to preserve both the health and figure of your pet after surgery. What are the characteristics of good food for neutered cats?


Immediately after the operation, switch the cat to a lightweight food designed specifically for castrated or overweight animals. Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for feed dosage. It is better to feed the animal several times a day in small portions. This is necessary to prevent the cat from gaining excess weight. Three to four months after the operation, your pet’s appetite will normalize, and he will be able to determine how much food he needs.

Choose specialized food for neutered cats marked Light if your cat leads a sedentary lifestyle or has always been prone to obesity. Such products contain less fat and carbohydrates, which helps animals not gain weight.

Carefully study the composition of the food you purchase. It is better to give preference to foods with less carbohydrates and more proteins. Pay attention to the protein content, its share should be at least 30%, and ideally at least 50%.

Consider the content of magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Their share should not exceed 6-7%. Despite the fact that these substances are necessary for the animal’s body, their excess can lead to the formation of struvite stones.

Keep track of how much your pet drinks. Neutered cats need to drink plenty of fluids. If the animal does not consume enough water, switch it to wet food.

Avoid cheap food. Cheap food, in addition to harmful chemical additives, contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins of plant origin, which is extremely harmful for neutered cats.

Don’t be afraid to buy food that is not specialized, but is recommended for neutered cats. Some manufacturers offer universal products that are not contraindicated for castrated animals. When purchasing, be sure to read the information on the packaging.

Let's remember what names of cat food we hear? Of course, the first to come to mind are Whiskas, Kitekat, Friskies, Darling. Their advertising is noisy, noticeable, and has become familiar... but is it worth believing all the manufacturers’ assurances? In this case, no. Cheap economy-class food (we’ll talk about food classes in general a little further) are the enemies of pets’ health. Only in emergency cases, when there really is nothing else at hand, can you give your cat such food. And even in this case, no one is immune from the prospect of poisoning. And the worst thing is that a constant diet of such food asymptomatically harms the cat, destroying its liver and kidneys.

Which brand of cat food is best?

Cat food is usually divided into classes: holistic, super premium, premium And economy. You should consider food options starting from premium, but the best option, of course, would be super-premium or holistic. Companies of this level offer a variety of lines, where there is sure to be an option for even the most sensitive and picky pet. What you should pay attention to when choosing quality food is the country of origin, because it can be argued that the food is German, for example, but in fact this particular batch was produced in Russia.

The best cat foods in the category: holistic

There can be nothing better for your beloved pet than dry food from the Holistic series. These are new generation products that are created by professionals for professionals. The composition of this food is as natural as possible, it contains no preservatives and is as digestible as possible for the animal. In the line of companies producing holistic food, there is an offer for every taste, but not for every budget - such products are very expensive, because they require not only high-quality raw materials, but also special production technology.

Innova Cat and Kitten

Photo: www.catster.com

Average price By RF: from 1200 rub. for 2.7 kg

Why in the ranking: The composition of this food is almost perfectly balanced, rich in all necessary substances, and even the protein in it is of animal origin. Thanks to the maximum nutritional value, a cat only needs a small portion to fill up. There are no ingredients in food of this level that could harm the animal.

Flaws: Innova Cat and Kitten is one of the most expensive foods and in Russia you can only get it on the Internet. It should be remembered that it contains quite a lot of protein, and therefore it should not be given to castrated animals.

Grade: 10 of 10

From reviews of cat foodInnova Cat and Kitten: “A food with a protein content of about 30% is suitable for cats that are extremely healthy and active, but will not be very good for neutered animals.”


Photo: www.tenfingers4paws.com

Average price in Russia: from 1000 rub. for 2.27 kg

Why in the ranking: this food consists of 80% natural high-quality meat ingredients, and is also additionally rich in lactobacilli and probiotics necessary for animals. But, fortunately, there are no grain crops in it at all. In Russia you can buy both on the Internet and in some veterinary pharmacies.

Flaws: Acana’s food line is quite limited, divided by age, and therefore it cannot offer anything for cats with special needs or patients.

Grade: 9 out of 10

From cat food reviewsAcana: “If the animal is healthy and reacts normally to protein, then there will be no problems with nutrition.”

N&D Natural and Delicious

Photo: www.shaggybrown.pl

Average price By RF: from 860 rub. for 1.5 kg

Flaws: A couple of herbal ingredients are questionable. It can be difficult to buy in veterinary pharmacies, but the food is sold online in a full range.

Grade: 8 out of 10

From reviews about cat foodN&D: “Cats do not immediately get used to the taste of the food and at first they are picky - it does not contain the usual taste enhancers and flavorings.”

The best cat foods in the category: super premium

A food of this level is not so far removed from holistic in composition, but still contains natural preservatives and a little more ingredients of plant origin. This food is absolutely safe for cats if it is chosen correctly depending on the needs of the animal. As in the holistic category, there are also veterinary foods that are suitable for cats with illnesses or after operations. The cost of super-premium products is quite high.

Hills Science Diet (Prescription Diet)

Photo: www.petco.com

Average price By RF: from 900 rub. for 1.5 kg

Why in the ranking: The brand has a wide selection of food varieties aimed at very specific requirements: anti-obesity, heart and kidney health, for allergy sufferers, post-operative feeding, and so on. Finding food on sale is not difficult if you go to a veterinary pharmacy, but you can also find it in regular pet stores.

Flaws: Hills production has been in Russia for a long time, which causes concern among felinologists about the quality of the product. When buying this food, you should pay attention to the country of origin - pay attention to European factories.

Grade: 8.8 out of 10

From reviews of cat foodHills Science Diet: “An excellent solution for a diet after surgery, but it is better to consult a veterinarian for the right choice.”


Photo: www.petzilla.co.uk

Average price in Russia: from 1200 rub. for 2 kg

Why in the ranking: the company has both a veterinary and a daily series, and both belong to the super-premium class - and this does not happen so often. The food has a very well-balanced composition with a maximum of meat ingredients, and the daily portion of food will be quite small due to its nutritional value.

Flaws: The food contains vegetable protein. In addition to the fact that the assortment cannot be called very wide, it may not be available in most pet stores.

Grade: 8.5 out of 10

From food reviewsEukanuba: “When choosing the type of food, you should consider how well the cat tolerates plant protein.”

1st Choice

Photo: www.cty-fish.com

Average price in Russia: from 1200 rub. for 2.27 kg

Flaws: The choice of food types is not very large. In addition, the composition contains a couple of undesirable ingredients: cellulose and so-called “poultry meal”. The problem with the last component is that it is impossible to determine what such flour consists of - you can only hope for the integrity of the manufacturer.

Grade: 8 out of 10

From food reviews1st Choice: “The cat needs very small portions to get enough.”

The best cat foods in the category: premium

Affordable, high-quality premium food can now be purchased in most pet stores, both in bags and in bulk. The composition of this food is quite decent, natural preservatives are used, but the amount of corn can be too large. However, premium food is a fairly good daily nutrition for a healthy animal. The lines also include offers for kittens, sterilized cats and aging cats.

Hills Science Plan

Photo: images.vet-medic.com

Average price By RF: from 790 rub. for 2 kg

Why in the ranking: The range of food is very wide and there is an option for even the most picky cat. The composition is very carefully selected and balanced, and you can choose meals with different amounts of protein. There is also food for dental health, which is very important to monitor throughout the cat’s life.

Flaws: There is a risk of buying a batch produced at a Russian plant - the standards here are completely different. Contains vegetable protein and grains.

Grade: 7.9 out of 10

From food reviewsHills Science Plan: “It is important to choose food based on the age of the animal.”

Royal Canin

Photo: static.shop033.com

Average price in Russia: from 650 rub. for 2 kg

Why in the ranking: food is available in almost every pet store, at a price slightly higher than economy class, and the composition is much more balanced and nutritious. The choice of food types is very large, and the specialized veterinary series even belongs to the super-premium class. There is food for dental health - it is not so often found in the lines of well-known companies.

Flaws: There has been a plant in Russia for a long time, and felinologists, as already mentioned, prefer European or American production. Contains ingredients of plant origin.

Grade: 7.5 out of 10

From food reviewsRoyal Canin: “The series for kittens and older cats are especially good.”

Purina ProPlan

Photo: nt.petplanet.co.uk

Average price in Russia: from 650 rub. for 1.5 kg

Why in the ranking: the composition of the food is perfectly balanced and does not require any dietary supplements; in addition, it contains the probiotics and enzymes necessary for cats. The price is very affordable and there is a fairly large assortment on sale everywhere.

Flaws: it contains a lot of herbal ingredients, liver (cats are allergic to it), animal fat of unknown origin.

Grade: 7 out of 10

From food reviewsPurina ProPlan: “Under no circumstances should it be mixed with natural food, otherwise it will end in allergies.”

The best cat food in the category: economy

It is very difficult to say something good about economy class food. It can only be noted that they have a very affordable price. However, their quality is often so deplorable that it is better to save on at least natural food, if not premium food. Giving such food to sick or weakened animals will only cause harm. Moreover, in fact, the financial side of the issue here is questionable, since this food is absolutely not nutritious, and the cat is forced to eat much larger portions than if its food were well balanced. In case there is absolutely no way out, there are still a couple of more or less tolerable economical options.

Purina One

Photo: src.discounto.de

Average price in Russia: from 250 rub. for 750 g

Flaws: Lots of plant-based ingredients and no options for animals with serious medical conditions or very specific needs.

Grade: 5

From food reviewsPurina One: “Over time, the cat simply refuses food, although at first it requires supplements.”

Purina Cat Chow

Photo: f1.ds-russia.ru

Average price in Russia: from 100 rub. for 400 g

Flaws: poorly balanced composition with a small amount of meat ingredients of questionable quality. Cases of allergies to Cat Chow are not uncommon.

Grade: 4

From food reviewsPurina Cat Chow: “Cats are often picky and refuse this food altogether.”

Whiskey Special

Photo: povodok-shop.ru

Average price in Russia: from 90 rub. for 400 g.

Flaws: the composition is the same as usual Whiskas, except with a couple of new ingredients. The choice is quite small and allergies are not uncommon.

Grade: 3

From food reviewsWhiskey Special: “The portion for satiating a cat turns out to be very large compared to premium food, and therefore even the financial benefit here is very doubtful.”

What dry food is best to buy for your cat?

Every pet owner wants the best for their pet, which is why they probably try to buy the best cat food available. However, the modern market is overflowing with offers, advertising “attacks” us from everywhere, and not everyone can understand the tricky names and characteristics in English. This rating is intended to explain the essence of dividing food into classes, as well as to recommend the most popular and high-quality manufacturers of different levels.

Surely, every owner wants to give their pet only the best. And this applies not only to a sleeping place, toys, tray, filler. First of all, this concerns food. Which food is better to choose: natural or dry (industrial)? Which company should you choose? What to look for when choosing dry food? What is better to choose: super premium cat food or holistic class? Many questions arise, so you need to figure it out.

Common Myths

Let's start studying the questions posed with common myths.

  • Dry cat food can cause urolithiasis. There is no clear answer here. If a pet develops urolithiasis, it is a consequence (80%) of the lack of sufficient water in the animal’s bowl. When consuming industrial pellets, a cat requires a large amount of water. The carelessness of the owners leads to disastrous results. It should not be surprising that after a short period of time the pet will need the help of veterinarians.
  • Dry food for adult cats can cause gastrointestinal diseases. Again, there is no clear answer. Stomach and intestinal diseases can occur due to excessive consumption of granules. If the cat has eaten everything, this does not mean that she needs to add more. Especially if it is economy class food.
  • The composition of dry food contains solid chemicals; there are absolutely no natural ingredients or there is a minimal amount of them. If the choice fell on economy class pellets, then naturally it will be so. But premium, super premium and holistic food contains only natural ingredients (in different mass fractions). All products, starting from the premium class, undergo the strictest control. If in doubt, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Feed classification

The division into classes helps the kitten owner to make the right choice in favor of the pet's health.

  • Economy class products - the composition of these products cannot please cat owners. The ingredients do not contain natural meat, fish or poultry; only bone meal and plant ingredients. The quality of such granules leaves much to be desired. This food seems attractive to cats only because of the presence of flavorings and flavoring additives.
  • Premium products - manufacturers use selected meat and fish to make pellets, containing minerals and vitamins in the required quantities. Corn is supplied here as a vegetable component. All ingredients contained in the composition have a veterinary certificate. A distinctive feature is economical consumption and high digestibility.
  • Super premium class products - only the highest quality ingredients become the basis of the granules. These include: salmon fillet, lamb, turkey, rice, egg, etc. The composition contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates in a balanced form. When consuming this food, the cat will receive everything it needs. Super premium products belong to a specialized and balanced diet.
  • Holistic class products are elite food that contains only environmentally friendly ingredients. The distinctive features of such products are excellent digestibility and high taste. In addition to the main components there are fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Before choosing dry cat food, you need to read numerous reviews from cat owners and experts. They may vary, but you need to draw your own conclusions. The best option is to contact a veterinarian regarding nutrition.

List of manufacturers of economy class dry food

Dry food for kittens and cats contains many chemical components and low-quality raw materials. Chemical additives, flavors, and taste enhancers cause persistent addiction in your pet.

In addition, to keep the animal well-fed, it will require twice as many pellets as in higher-class products. To prevent kidney failure, the cat must consume 2-3 times more water than food. To get enough food, the cat eats a lot (!) of food; she is not able to consume as much water, so her kidneys become clogged, and this is the root cause of diseases of the urinary system.

Having studied the classes and composition of dry food for kittens and cats, experts came to the conclusion which products belong to the economy class.

  1. Kitekat;
  2. Whiskeys;
  3. Friskies;
  4. Purina
  5. Felix;
  6. OSCAR;
  7. Katinka;
  8. Perfect Fit;
  9. Darling;
  10. Kitti;
  11. Dr.Clauders;
  12. Sheba, etc.

List of premium industrial pellet manufacturers

Dry food for adult cats, which belongs to the premium class, is not as harmful as economy, but still not as healthy as superpremium and holistic. It will contain meat and fish as a base, but in addition to them it will contain soy, additives and substitutes. The amount of dry food for premium cats will be lower than that of economy class, and accordingly, there will not be such a load on the kidneys.

It has been noticed that most owners buy premium dry cat food because it is expensive (but not as expensive as super premium or holistic food), but does not cause much harm to the pet’s health. Many cats eat this way and live long and healthy (!) lives.

Rating of premium dry cat food:

  1. Royal Canin is one of the most popular manufacturers, supplying the market with a wide range of products;
  2. PurinaProPlan;
  3. Hills is a renowned manufacturer of industrial pellets with a wide range of products;
  4. Natural Choice;
  5. Belcando;
  6. Brit is also a popular food that has won the trust of many cat owners;
  7. Happy Cat;
  8. Advance;
  9. Matisse.

Royal Canin, Brit and Hills stand out from this list. Experts often classify them as super-premium pellets, since these manufacturers have a large assortment of medicinal foods in their product line. But you need to choose the food that was packaged and produced in Europe. They monitor quality better and control all products. In Russia there is no such control yet.

List of super premium industrial feed manufacturers

Choosing dry cat food is not a problem; Which one is better - every cat owner will decide for himself. In super-premium class granules the amount of protein is balanced, there are practically no dyes or flavors. When feeding such granules, the animal’s risk of getting sick is significantly reduced.

The best manufacturers of super premium cat food:

  • 1st Choice;
  • ProNature Holistic;
  • Profine Adult Cat;
  • Cimiao;
  • Nutram.

Rating of holistic class dry food manufacturers

The best dry food for cats is holistic grade granules. In nurseries, their children are fed exactly these pellets, produced by professionals for professionals. This food has, perhaps, only 2 disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • lack of flavorings and additives, which is why a cat, accustomed to eating premium food, will turn up his nose at expensive food (in the evening he will still go to eat, no one wants to sit hungry).

Rating of holistic dry cat food:

  1. Orijen;
  2. Acana;
  3. Golden Eagle Holistic;
  4. GO and NOW Natural holistic;
  5. GRANDORF Natural & Healthy;
  6. Almo Nature Holistic;
  7. Gina Elite, etc.

Such food does not cause allergies in animals. Each component in the composition is designed to preserve the health of the animal and prolong life. When feeding, the pet receives all the necessary substances, which eliminates the need to purchase an additional vitamin and mineral complex. The ingredients are selected in such a way that they do not interfere with the absorption of each other. The cat owner needs to remember that feeding holistic granules should not be combined with other foods and, especially, with natural food. If you add meat or fish to the bowl in addition to holistic food, your pet will develop kidney problems, which will be caused by an excess of protein.

Alternative rating of feed manufacturers

First place is rightfully taken by:

  • 1st choice;
  • Acana is a Canadian manufacturer that has won the trust of millions of cat and dog owners (products undergo the strictest control at all stages of production);
  • Brit Care Cocco;
  • Grandorf - this line includes 6 hypoallergenic foods, two varieties contain probiotics necessary for digestion;
  • Nutrivet;
  • Orijen is a Canadian manufacturer that produces granules with a high content of protein and a vitamin-mineral complex (the composition contains 75% meat (fish), eggs);
  • Pro nature holistic.

Why were they given the palm? The composition contains only natural ingredients and high-quality meat. Food from these manufacturers is suitable for daily feeding of your pet. Their only drawback is their high cost.

Second place was given to such manufacturers as:

  • Animonda (grain-free);
  • Brit Care;
  • Hills Ideal balance;
  • Nutram Sound;
  • Power of Nature.

In third place are:

  • Brit;
  • Golden Eagle is an American manufacturer that for the first time put on the market a product developed by nutritionists, geneticists, and famous veterinarians;
  • Holistic Blend Perfect;
  • Pronature Original.

These super premium and holistic foods are suitable for the treatment of allergic reactions and certain diseases. Such food for every day is not suitable for healthy animals.

Knowing that feed is divided into classes, the owner should pay attention to the composition. If it mentions by-products or bone meal, you can safely refuse such a product.

  • Super premium cat food, as well as holistic class, contains selected beef, rabbit, chicken, and fish. No chemicals, no by-products.
  • The shorter the ingredient list, the better.
  • In first place in the list of components are those whose mass fraction predominates in the feed. Meat, fish, and poultry should be among the first.
  • You shouldn’t buy industrial granules because of their beautiful packaging or enticing slogan. Dry food for adult cats and kittens must be of the highest quality, tested by time and the technical control department.
  • You should not purchase food from different manufacturers. It turns out that cats are very picky, so they have a hard time getting used to a change in food.
  • If the list of ingredients contains grains, then it is better to avoid such granules. It is desirable that the composition contains legumes, since grains can cause allergies. Reviews from veterinarians indicate that animals will not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract with food that contains rice.
  • If the list of ingredients contains flavors and dyes, it is better to avoid such a product. Responsible manufacturers have long abandoned the addition of chemicals.

Principles of cat nutrition: how to feed and how much to give?

Before switching their pet to industrial granules, many owners wonder: can cats eat dry food? The answer from the professionals: you can. But in moderation and following the recommendations.

The amount of dry cat food is indicated on the packaging from the manufacturer. It is strictly forbidden to overfeed your ward with such food. You can use premium dry cat food, but the diet should be monotonous. Unlike humans, cats do not require constant variety in their diet. Ideally, one food will last a lifetime. Tough, but true. The less variety in an animal's diet, the fewer health problems it will have. If the owner is satisfied with the state of health, fur, and teeth of the cat, then the best dry food for cats has been found, and there is no need to replace it with other granules.

If the owner has purchased dry cat food based on veterinarian reviews, he must remember several rules regarding the cat’s diet.

  • There must always be access to water. Ideally, the water in the bowl should be changed 1-2 times a day.
  • If you use holistic or super premium dry cat food, then you need to remove natural food from your pet’s diet.
  • The amount of food given depends on age, physical health, activity and breed characteristics. It is best to consult your veterinarian about the amount of kibble your cat should consume.
  • The cat should eat 2 or 3 times a day. If a pet wakes up its owner early in the morning, then the last meal can be moved to late evening.

From personal experience

When we got a British Fold kitten, we immediately turned to the veterinarian for advice on many issues. Among them was the question of nutrition. In the first minutes of the conversation, the veterinarian indicated that it was not worth buying Friskas, Whiskas and similar cheap food for our baby (of course, if we don’t want to have a bunch of diseases at the end of the day). We were recommended Royal Canin, Hill's, Pro Plan and Brit. A little expensive, but it won’t cost our pet’s health and life. Subsequently, when the kitten got stronger and gained strength, we chose Brit.

Initially, we bought Royal Canin by weight; our growing baby devoured it at the speed of light. Feedback from the seller at the veterinary clinic regarding Royal Canin is only positive. She advised us to put the daily amount in a bowl so that the kitten would not think that he had run out of food, and he would not later pounce on a new portion. That's what we did. At first he tried to eat everything, but then he realized that he had enough food, no one was taking anything from him and he would not starve. So it happened that in the morning I pour him a cup of food, it lasts him until the night. He eats when he wants. There is always fresh water in the bowl.

As for 2 or 3 meals a day, we do not adhere to this principle. Because the cat just walks around and begs for food. And so, if there are granules in the plate, he comes up, eats about 3-5 pieces, washes it down with water and goes about his business. Everyone wins. It may be wrong, but the cat is used to eating this way. And he has no health problems.

Fans of “fluffy animals” know how important it is to lay the foundations of good health and long life during the baby’s growth period. In our dynamic times, the best option is dry food. Crackers from a bag eliminate the need to prepare food several times a day and calculate nutritional balance. The rating of food for kittens will introduce you to the best dry products, without taking into account economy class.


Josera Cat Minette food

German super premium food, which took first place in the rating due to its price-quality ratio. There are no by-products, only natural meat. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is used as a preservative.

The best-selling food for babies is Josera Cat Minette (2 kg costs 288 rubles). Dry granules are suitable not only for kittens up to one year old, but also for lactating and pregnant cats. The food is created taking into account all the energy and nutritional needs of a young animal.

Another product from this segment is Josera NatureCat (2 kg for 310 rubles). It is an easily digestible food for kittens from 6 months of age. It does not contain grain, only salmon and poultry meat. Therefore, the food is ideal for cats with sensitive digestion. But it’s hard to find it on sale; it’s more common on the Internet.

Purina Pro Plan

French super-premium food with increased levels of protein (up to 42%) and fat (21%), designed to provide all the kitten's energy needs.

The large complex of vitamins and minerals in this food are optimal for the development and maintenance of a healthy skeleton and teeth. I would like to note that Purina croquettes are very small and convenient for babies.

One and a half kilograms of it cost 270 rubles.


A corporation that produces feed in America, the Netherlands and Russia. Eukanuba is super premium food. You definitely won’t find by-products or soy in them, as well as chemical additives, even those approved for humans.

Kitten Healthy Start Chicken & Liver - intended for babies from one month of age. The main components in it are chicken and liver (up to 43%), and other sources of proteins are animal protein and dry whole egg. The food is not cheap - 2 kg costs about 900 rubles.

Brit Care Cat

Brit Care Cat Crazy I'am Kitten food

A Czech super-premium product that produces Crazy I’am Kitten food for babies. They, unlike other manufacturers, are not recommended to feed adult cats that are pregnant or have recently given birth.

In the composition you will find only hypoallergenic and easily digestible proteins (in particular chicken fillet and its dehydrate), rice and its bran, extract for a better smell of feces, sea buckthorn and a complex of vitamins.

The manufacturer also uses various saccharides to further protect the animal's intestines. 2 kg of dry food costs 313 rubles.

Arden Grange

Super premium food, made in the UK. They have a very well written composition, which shows what types of protein are included in this or that product.

Arden Grange Kitten Fresh Chicken and Potato is a grain-free food for babies from 5 weeks. Among the main ingredients, Arden Grange has the highest protein content: chicken meal - 30% and fresh chicken - 26%. The source of carbohydrates is potatoes (26%), and pea starch acts as a thickener. The price for 2 kg is 650 rubles.

Taste of the Wild Rocky Mountain Feline

Dry food from America, universal, super-premium and holistic. It is suitable for any cat age, including young animals.

At the same time, food helps cope with the most common problems: hair loss, sensitive skin and stomach. The manufacturer claims that only its food contains unique sources of proteins (such as smoked salmon or roasted venison).

A package weighing a little more than 2 kg costs 465 rubles.

Royal Canin

This is a premium segment food, but medicinal lines are often prescribed by veterinarians during a diet. It is produced both in Russia and abroad, and the European one, as usual, is better. There is a large selection of food for each individual breed.

This is a balanced product, which, in addition to protein content, contains preservatives, dyes, flavors, vegetable proteins and soy. But at the same time, the price for the premium segment is quite affordable, the range is large and is sold in a wide retail network.

One of the best-selling is Royal Canin Kitten for kittens from 4 to 12 months, pregnant and lactating cats (2 kg cost 384 rubles).

There is also a Royal Canin Babycat (2 kg for 409 rubles) for babies up to 4 months old. As well as food for British shorthair babies (from 4 to 12 months) at a price of 435 rubles per 2 kg; for May-Coon kittens; spayed and neutered young animals from 6 to 12 months.

Hills Feline

Premium product from the Netherlands. This is one of the best foods in its segment, with balanced content. There is European production and Russian production, which you should pay attention to.

There are many types of food for kittens. There is Science Plan Kitten - for babies from the moment of weaning until puberty with an increased content of omega-3 (2 kg cost 527 rubles).

And also Plan Kitten Chicken with chicken, Plan Kitten Tuna - with tuna meat (minimum 6%) and Nature Best Kitten with Chicken.


Premium food with chicken, created using Danish technology and produced in Russia.

It is suitable for daily feeding of all breeds of kittens from 2 months, pregnant and lactating animals. Available in packages of 400 grams (75 rubles) and 10 kg (1760 rubles) and it’s a pity that the most convenient packaging of 2 kg is missing.

The granules are very small (5 mm). The main component is dehydrated poultry meat (up to 32%), barley and rice, flaxseed as a source of omega acids, as well as a special extract that reduces the odor of feces.

But - the composition contains unnatural preservatives E320, E321.

Club 4 paws

A premium product intended specifically for small representatives of the cat family, from 2 months (as well as nursing and pregnant women). It is produced in Ukraine and is one of the cheapest products in its segment (3 kg of it costs 187 rubles)

Contains 34% protein (of which 28% is poultry flour), taurine (which cats cannot synthesize on their own), a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and a preservative approved in the European Union.