Licorice root - contraindications and uses. Licorice root syrup: description and methods of use

IN Ancient Greece Licorice was used for coughs and against stomach inflammation. In China, it is still believed that taking licorice root prolongs life. Modern research has shown that it stimulates the immune system, fights viruses, treats ulcers, reduces inflammation, protects the liver, eases menopause, and local application helps with eczema.

Composition and release form


  • Capsules/tablets
  • Flatbread
  • Syrup
  • Pastilles
  • Dried herb/tea

Medicinal properties of licorice root

It is one of the most intensively used and most thoroughly studied medicinal plants, has a long history of use in medicine. The plant, which belongs to the legume family, is grown in Turkey and Greece. This is a tall shrub with bluish flowers. Healing properties of this plant are concentrated in the root containing glycyrrhizin. The root of this plant contains potentially hundreds more useful substances, including plant estrogens and flavonoids. Licorice roots are processed and produced in the form of capsules, tablets, liquids and creams intended for treatment. The grass has sweet taste, and therefore its roots are often combined with other plants to mask their bitterness. There is another form of preparations - from a plant devoid of glycyrrhizin. Deglycyrrhizated licorice root (GLR) is available in capsule and chewable lozenge forms. These two types of drugs have various applications and have different effects on the body.

Mechanism of action of the plant

Effect on the human body

DGS and licorice-extractable carbenoxolone have been proposed as possible means for treatment viral hepatitis. Their effect on peptic ulcers was also tested. Positive results obtained for DGS, but not for carbenoxolone. Some research suggests that both forms may help treat aphthous ulcers, however, these studies were small in size and the results were inconclusive. DHS works differently than licorice root. DGS enhances the body's production of substances that protect the esophagus and stomach from the corrosive effects of stomach acid. Data from several studies show that DHS is more effective than regular medications from stomach ulcers. This drug acts only when mixed with saliva, and therefore chewable DGS lozenges are more preferable for digestive disorders. These lozenges can also speed up the healing of canker sores.

Using licorice root may be helpful for high potassium levels caused by hypoaldosteronism. The feasibility of this use of the drug is indicated by the results of preliminary observations. However, treatment must be carried out under careful medical supervision. Studies have not confirmed the effectiveness of carbenoxolone cream for genital herpes.

Indications for use of Licorice root

  • For eczema (topically)
  • To speed up recovery from hepatitis
  • For healing of aphthous ulcers
  • To suppress herpetic infection, causing "fever" on the lips and shingles


  • Do not exceed the recommended doses of the drug. If you use the drug for more than 1 month, monitor your blood pressure.
  • Taking the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy or if you have heart, kidney or liver diseases, as well as with high blood pressure.
  • Do not take this product if you are taking medications for hypertension, diuretics, hormones, or oral corticosteroids (such as prednisolone or Cortef).
  • If you are sick, especially if you have heart, liver or kidney disease, or if you are taking other medications or supplements, consult your doctor before taking it.

Side effects

  • Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, which causes many adverse reactions. This acid has been removed from DGS and this form is considered safer than all others. According to the instructions, the plant can affect hormonal system body, causing sodium and fluid retention, and lowering potassium levels
  • Licorice may cause an increase blood pressure and have a negative effect on the brain, which can manifest as severe headache, nausea, vomiting and unilateral paresis. Licorice may also cause a sharp decline testosterone levels in men and increased prolactin levels in women. This may lead to the inability to become pregnant or to menstrual irregularities.
  • In high doses, the drug may cause temporary deterioration or loss of vision.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

  • Powder from the root of the plant (4-9% glycyrrhizin) - According to the instructions, take 1-4 g per day orally in 3-4 doses.
  • Liquid licorice syrup (10-20% glycyrrhizin) - 2/5-4/5 teaspoon per day.
  • DGS tablets - 380-1140 mg 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals.
  • Gel or cream with carbenoxolone - apply a 2% cream or gel to treat herpetic blisters for 7-14 days.

How to take Licorice Root

Without medical supervision, the medicine can be taken for no longer than 4-6 weeks. This applies to large daily doses, from 5 to 15 g per day. Many experts claim that long-term use root may be safe if taken in low doses.

Facts and Tips for Taking Licorice Root

  • Preliminary studies in laboratory animals indicate that the root may help prevent certain types of cancer, especially colon and breast cancer. This effect may be due to the presence of glycyrrhizin as it increases the activity immune system. Plant estrogens contained in the roots may also play a role, according to at least regarding breast cancer.
  • One study shows that this drug can clear arteries and thus prevent heart disease. Researchers have found that 100 mg per day is enough to minimize low-density lipoprotein ("bad" cholesterol), which plays a major role in plaque formation. Active in this regard is glabridin, a component of licorice present in supplements, but absent in caramel with the plant.
  • Liquorice-flavored caramels often use anise oil. When eating real licorice caramel, don't get carried away: it can raise blood pressure just like the root.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Licorice Root in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Licorice root, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

When it’s cold outside the window, colds haunt people of different ages and standard of living. Cough is frequent companion diseases. How to cure it by using inexpensive means on plant based? Licorice root syrup will help get rid of cough faster.

Licorice root - properties

Chemical composition licorice roots are unique. The herb licorice (the second name of the plant) contains calcium and potassium salts of 3-basic glycyrrhizic acid. Flavonoids, which are part of the rhizomes, have an effect on the body different influence: stop and relieve inflammation, promote rapid healing of wounds, have antispasmodic, immunostimulating, antitumor, antiviral, corticosteroid therapeutic effect. The properties of licorice root have not yet been fully studied, although medical practice The plant has been used for many centuries.

Licorice root for cough

A proven remedy for colds complicated by cough is licorice root syrup. The solution has a pleasant taste, smell and does not cause disgust when consumed. Licorice root has a good expectorant effect when coughing and helps remove mucus from the bronchi. Having anti-inflammatory properties, it destroys pathogens, suppresses the effect of viruses and other pathogens colds.

How to take licorice syrup

Before you buy this at the pharmacy herbal medicine, you need to find out from your doctor how to take licorice root and whether there are any contraindications in a particular case. The concentrated viscous liquid is diluted with warm boiled water in a certain proportion, according to the age and condition of the body. More detailed instructions must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor.

Licorice syrup - instructions for use

The extract recommended for cough will only help if it is used correctly. The doctor is obliged to tell in detail about the method of taking the medicine, eliminating the possibility of harm when the list of contraindications is ignored. The pharmacy packaging also comes with instructions for using licorice syrup. The dosage is prescribed depending on age and body weight.

Children under 12 years of age are not recommended to take syrup; if a doctor prescribes it, then only exceptional cases, a few drops at a time. The medication should not be taken more than four times per day. Teenage and adult dosage is one tablespoon of extract diluted in warm water. It is recommended to drink licorice root extract after meals with plenty of liquid for a week.


Syrup is prescribed as an additional medicine during treatment respiratory diseases. The main indications for the use of licorice root are: strong painful cough. The syrup is recommended to be consumed during complex therapy chronic or acute bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, when cleansing of the lymphatic system is required.

Doctors recommend that patients use licorice extract as a laxative for constipation and decreased bowel activity to alleviate the condition. Increasing the body's resistance to infections, an antidote for simple intoxications, a regenerating effect - all this is provided by licorice syrup. Treatment of ulcerative chronic forms of stomach and intestinal diseases with licorice root will help relieve inflammation, heal the formed wounds faster, providing an enveloping effect.

Side effects

One cannot ignore such a topic as side effects licorice root so as not to harm the body. This is an even more important part than treatment. Uncontrolled use of licorice root syrup to treat cough can cause swelling, impairment water balance body, itching, skin rash, increased blood pressure with long-term use, nausea.


You need to be careful when taking any medication, especially if it may have negative side effects. Licorice syrup, the contraindications of which should be taken into account, is taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Liquorice extract should not be consumed if a person has:

  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy or period breastfeeding child, lactation;
  • blood pressure hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance to any component of the syrup.

During pregnancy

Doctors have always been wary of prescribing licorice extract if future mom I had the temerity to catch a cold. This is based on the fact that licorice root has the property of relaxing smooth muscles to facilitate the passage of mucus when coughing, but the medicine cannot act selectively. Side effects while waiting for the baby can affect the formation of his body.

Licorice syrup taken during pregnancy relieves muscle tone, but can lead to undesirable significant swelling, additionally causing toxicosis. late stage. Increased hormonal activity associated with the use of herbal syrup often results in involuntary termination of pregnancy. Even if it is possible to save the child, the negative impact affects his subsequent health.

Licorice syrup for children

Licorice extract has a sweet taste, but should be given to children very carefully. The content of ethyl alcohol in the mixture can negatively affect general condition child. Whether it is necessary to take licorice root syrup for children is decided by the doctor. IN adolescence can rely on adult dose. Children from two to ten years old are given 2-4 drops diluted with water, no more than three times a day. Liquorice syrup should not be given to children under one year of age. If the doctor, after examining the child, recommended taking the medicine, then you need to carefully monitor any changes in the patient’s condition.


Phytosyrup, available in bottles of 100 and 200 ml, is not very difficult to find in any pharmacy. The cost of the drug, according to reviews, is affordable to any category of the population. The price ranges from 65 to 180 rubles and directly depends on the capacity of the bottle with syrup. Online pharmacies provide delivery services throughout the city when fulfilling minimum order pharmacological agents, which must be agreed upon in advance.


What is licorice rhizome, what are its healing properties and are there any restrictions on its use? Are there any real benefits from this plant? The answers to these questions are of interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, who monitor their own well-being, and are lovers of alternative medicine who prefer to be treated with medicinal herbs.

What is licorice (licorice)?

Liquorice is healing plant, its root is most often used in medicine. Eastern medicine several thousand years ago took this plant as a panacea for many diseases. Every second person bought caramels, which were prescribed by the doctor for throat diseases or coughs. Very often they indicate that the composition contains licorice, not licorice.

This plant is used not only in pharmacology; the extract from it is used to add flavor to tobacco for smoking or inhalation. Licorice root infusion has a black tint and can stain materials. Because of this, it is used to dye wool.

In cooking, the plant is used to form foam and as a sweetener, for example, for making beer, kvass, etc. alcoholic drinks. It is used as a flavoring agent to make halva, jelly, caramel and chocolate.

Licorice is a perennial from the legume family. The plant reaches a height of one and a half meters. The root is wide, hard, has shoots and one taproot, extending several meters into the ground. The leaves are arranged alternately, they are not simple, stalked, with sticky variegated veins. The inflorescences are in the form of a brush, the whorl has a light purple tint. The fruits look like long beans.

Healing characteristics

The base of the plant contains:

  • saponins;
  • sucrose;
  • glucose;
  • amino acid;
  • starch;
  • proteins and minerals;
  • vitamins.

It has the ability to relieve spasms, inflammation and is an excellent expectorant. Healers in China have long used licorice as an antidote for food intoxication, and to this day it is added to almost any healing mixture.

The most common use of licorice is to consume the rhizome in fresh. IN modern medicine There are known preparations from the plant such as licorice rhizome extract, dry powder, infusion or syrup, various breast training, where the dried and crushed root enters as main element. Cough rhizome for children and adults is an exceptional remedy.

The dry collection is brewed as tea and consumed ½ cup several times during the day. This will help in short time get rid of dry cough from colds and inflammation in the bronchi.

Collections with licorice are widely used in non- traditional medicine and today with pulmonary tuberculosis, like diuretic, with intestinal obstruction, with ailments that are caused by changes in water and mineral balance, for hemorrhoidal cones, stomach and duodenal ulcers, for oncology.

What are the benefits of licorice:

  1. Therapy respiratory system. The plant increases the production of sputum, which helps cough up a significant number of bacteria from the bronchi. As a result, it is effectively used in the treatment of prolonged dry cough due to pneumonia, tonsillitis, and for voice regeneration due to inflammation of the larynx.
  2. Can relieve inflammation, increases the healing effects of other remedies, enhancing them healing effect, because of this, licorice is added to many medicinal herbal infusions. The root of the plant helps with high temperatures Oh.
  3. Relieves muscle spasms, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, improves well-being in case of low blood pressure and thyroid diseases.
  4. Improves the functioning of the pancreas, increasing the body's production of its insulin, this is one of the methods of treating diabetes mellitus. Glycyrrhizic acid, which is obtained from the plant, is used as a sugar substitute for diabetes.
  5. Antidote. Glycyrrhizin contained in the plant blocks the effects of toxins that enter the human body.
  6. Licorice suppresses the development of cancer cells, which is why it is indispensable in the treatment of cancer, as well as prostate adenoma.
  7. Shared with others medicinal herbs used for the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, as a mild laxative.
  8. Effectively used for the treatment of allergies and skin diseases.
  9. In small dosages, licorice products effectively relieve inflammation in the kidneys and genitourinary system.
  10. Used in the treatment of joint diseases.
  11. Relieves depression, perfectly improves the tone of the central nervous system, reduces fatigue.

Prevention characteristics

  1. It is used to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, improve the secretion of stomach juices, get rid of heartburn, and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  2. Consistent consumption of small amounts of licorice rhizome (as a powder or drink) stabilizes blood sugar and sterol levels, preventing chronic illness arteries, diabetes, improves the functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands.
  3. Has a beneficial effect on hormonal balance, increases resistance to oxygen deficiency, normalizes water and salt balance in the body, relieves pain syndrome before menstruation, stabilizes the cycle.
  4. It is effectively used to prevent liver diseases.
  5. Boosts immunity and helps prevent depression. Chinese medicine puts the rhizome of licorice and ginseng on a par, advising people of retirement age to use it to improve their tone and mood, and to increase their lifespan.
  6. It is recommended to chew licorice root slices to prevent caries and inflammation of the oral cavity.
  7. Village midwives recommended a decoction of the plant's rhizome as a contraceptive.

While waiting for a baby, a woman’s body requires additional support and protection, in particular, increased immunity. A decoction made from licorice rhizomes is perfect for this. However, before taking it, you should consult your doctor.

If you do not follow the dosage, the product can harm the woman and baby:

  • Disturb the water and salt balance, thereby causing swelling and weakness of the body.
  • Toxicosis on later pregnancy, which can be very dangerous for a woman.
  • Increase hormone activity.

In each specific situation, you need to correctly determine the dose of the drug and, if any ailment occurs, notify a specialist immediately.

How should children use the plant?

An older child can chew slices of dry rhizome or drink tea based on it. The dose is selected depending on its weight:

  • Less than 30 kilograms is 1/3 of the normal amount for an adult.
  • From 30 to 35 kilograms is half the norm.
  • 35-45 kilograms - 2/3 of the adult standard.

It is better for newborns and children under 3 years of age not to take licorice-based medications without a doctor's prescription. They can only be used in extreme cases when other medicinal herbs do not help cure the disease.

Syrup from the rhizome is prescribed by a pediatrician after a detailed examination of the patient. Biologically active substances, included in licorice products, help regenerate and heal the body quickly enough. The main thing is dosage and a responsible approach to treatment.

Limitations for use

  • High blood pressure.
  • State of pregnancy.
  • Heart failure.
  • Not suitable for newborn children.
  • High activity of the adrenal glands.
  • Serious liver diseases.
  • Incoagulability of blood.
  • Predisposition to blood clots and bleeding.

Do not use simultaneously with drugs that lower blood pressure and diuretics.

With prolonged and undosed consumption, diuresis changes and swelling increases. In certain patients, licorice root provokes irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

When treated with licorice, disturbances in the reproductive system are possible: weak libido, increased gynecomastia, breast enlargement, loss of pubic hair. The plant can retain fluid in the body. It is forbidden to use licorice-based products if you are overweight.

The most common licorice recipes

  1. Cough drink. Take 20 grams of dried weed and 10 grams of collection Icelandic moss, then you need to add a little roadflower and chamomile collection, and in order to prepare a collection for calming, you can also add valerian. Mix everything thoroughly and pour 250 milliliters hot water. Let it brew for a while and take it after meals, instead of the usual tea.
  2. Juice from the rhizome for stomach diseases. Juice from licorice root will help solve the problem of gastritis for a long time and relieve pain in the pancreas. To do this, you need to mix a small spoon of juice with 250 ml of cold water. Drink within 10 minutes. before meals.
  3. Expectoration for expectoration. When treating colds, you need to prepare a medicinal infusion. To do this, pour 15 grams of chopped root into a mug of hot water. Keep the broth in a water bath and filter. Take small doses of 10-15 milliliters, several times during the day.
  4. Liquorice for pulmonary tuberculosis. Mix 6 grams of rhizome with 250 milliliters of water, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then filter and put in a cool, dark place for 20 days. Drink a small spoon daily.
  5. Tincture to enhance immunity. It is allowed to take the tincture throughout the year with certain breaks. To prepare it, you need to pour 50 grams of dry collection with 250 milliliters of hot water. Leave for 3 hours and consume 30 minutes before. before meals. The duration of treatment is a month.
  6. Rhizome of a plant for the treatment of prostate adenoma. To prepare the broth, you need to pour a spoonful of rhizome into ½ liter of running water, put it on low heat and bring the mixture to a boil, let it boil for 10 minutes. Then cool the broth and filter it. Take 3 cups three times a day for 40 minutes. before meals, for 3 weeks. For the next 3 weeks, take a decoction of burdock rhizome, and again drink a decoction of licorice. This is how therapy is carried out one by one.
  7. Liquorice for joint diseases and eczema. Place 10 grams of rhizome in a container and add a mug of hot water. The composition must be covered with a lid and heated in a water bath, kept for 20 minutes, and then left for another 40 minutes. The broth is filtered and more boiled water is added to the initial volume. Take a spoonful in 5 doses throughout the day.
  8. Liquorice root for nephritis. One and a half tablespoons of licorice root, the same amount of marshmallow root and celandine, mix well. A spoonful of this mixture is poured into a mug of hot water, left for half an hour and carefully filtered. Drink 3 cups per day.
  9. Plant vs. peptic ulcer. The rhizome of the plant is the most effective remedy for treating gastric and duodenal ulcers. First, prepare a mixture from a spoonful of licorice rhizomes, linden and chamomile flowers, add a spoonful of dill seed to it. Pour 2 large spoons of the resulting mixture into a mug of hot water. The infusion is left in a dark place for 2 hours and filtered. Drink the mixture in 3 doses during the day, half a glass.

Rhizome syrup
For lovers of the licorice flavor, you can prepare healing agent based on plant root. This solution is multifunctional, therapeutic for wet cough, removing mucus from the body, painful sensations in the larynx.

The healing composition should be drunk diluted with water, for children half a large spoon, adults drink a full spoon. Children who are not yet 2 years old can be given 2 drops of syrup per ½ cup of water.

Store the composition in the refrigerator. Before taking it, you should definitely consult with a specialist to identify a specific non-hazardous dosage.

The product is prohibited for people with hypersensitivity to certain elements, and pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, unless absolutely necessary. If you use the drug incorrectly, it may cause allergic reaction and blood pressure surges.

Rhizome for dry cough
There are several recipes for getting rid of a dry, obsessive cough:

Recipe No. 1

  • Liquorice rhizome - 2 tablespoons;
  • A series of three separate ones - a spoon;
  • St. John's wort - spoon.
All ingredients are mixed well. A spoonful of the mixture is poured with a mug of hot water. Let it sit for 2 hours, then clean the composition. The infusion is drunk in a spoonful in 4 doses per day, an hour before a meal or an hour and a half after a meal.

Recipe No. 2

  • Liquorice rhizome - 2 tablespoons;
  • Centaury - spoon;
  • Dandelion root - spoon.

Everything is mixed well. spoon healing collection pour a mug of hot water and put it on the fire to boil for about 5 minutes, then clean it well. Drink 3 cups a day.

Preparation of healing powder
There are recipes where the broth is prepared from powder. For coughs and stomach ailments, use it in dry form, half a spoonful, with regular running water. A person will benefit from a cold if he mixes the powder with honey.

How to prepare cough powder:

  • Gently take 20 parts of senna and licorice;
  • Add 10 shares of dill and sulfur to pure form(can be purchased at a pharmacy);
  • Also add 40 shares of sugar.
  • Mix everything well.

The composition in dry form is consumed in a small spoon three times a day. A composition of sulfur and licorice is prescribed if a child is tormented by pinworms, as a laxative, an antiseptic for treatment skin for dandruff, scabies and psoriasis.

How to properly prepare raw materials

The rhizome of a four-year-old plant is used for treatment. It must be dug up in late autumn or early spring. The rhizomes are washed well with running water, cleared of the bark and allowed to dry in the sun or in a well-ventilated area.

A properly prepared rhizome usually has yellowish tint, it should break easily, but not crumble. Store the root in boxes or a dry container. Raw materials can be stored for a long time - about 10 years.

Video: beneficial properties of licorice

Liquorice, yellow root, licorice - these are all names of the same plant, the taste of which is familiar to everyone since childhood. The extract of this plant is widely used in the treatment colds accompanied by a cough. The most popular in traditional medicine is licorice root tincture. But the effect of this plant is not limited to the treatment of colds, about all areas of application of this plant and we'll talk in this publication.

Medicinal properties of licorice

The medicinal properties of this plant were known back in Ancient China, and in medical treatises it was stated that the extract of the sweet plant is an effective rejuvenating agent.

Interesting! In ancient times, licorice extract was part of almost all herbal preparations, because doctors of that time were firmly convinced that this plant could enhance the effect of other herbal preparations.

In modern medicine, this plant is also in demand and is widely used in complex treatment many ailments. Medicinal properties licorice due high content it contains substances such as:

Important! It has been proven that glycyrrhizin can actively influence growth and reproduction pathogenic viruses, and completely inactivates the causative agent of herpes and herpes zoster in the extracellular state.

In traditional medicine, licorice root is most often used to treat inflammatory diseases organs of the respiratory system. For younger patients, it is advisable to use lollipops or licorice syrup rather than tincture. It has been clinically proven that licorice extract is effective not only against tracheitis, bronchitis, but also against pneumonia and tuberculosis. The undeniable advantage of this drug is that in addition to the antibacterial and expectorant effect, it has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. IN folk medicine preparations based on licorice root effectively eliminate the symptoms of intoxication in food poisoning, as well as after the bite of poisonous insects and even snakes.

Indications for use

Considering pharmachologic effect licorice, preparations containing it are indicated in the treatment of such pathological conditions, How:

  • inflammatory processes of the bronchi of an acute or chronic nature;
  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • complex treatment of asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pulmonary atelectasis.

In addition to the treatment of dry and wet cough, licorice extract is indicated for the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcers, but only in the remission phase.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite natural origin of this medicinal product, the instructions for use of licorice root tincture contain a list of conditions for which it is prohibited to take this medicine:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis or peptic ulcer);
  • children under 1 year of age;
  • hypertonic disease.

With extreme caution, licorice root tincture is prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus. For women carrying a child or breastfeeding, it is better to use licorice in the form of a syrup that does not contain an alcohol base.

As practice shows, licorice-based drugs are well tolerated by patients of all ages. age categories. Of the side effects, isolated cases of an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes, as well as an increase in blood pressure with long-term use, have been reported.

Features of the procurement of natural raw materials

Licorice root tincture and syrup can be purchased at finished form in the pharmacy chain, but you can also prepare them yourself at home. For self-cooking For medicines, it is necessary to have high-quality prepared plant materials.

For medicinal purposes, the rhizome of this plant is mainly used. Harvesting time: early spring or late fall when the movement of sap in the plant itself is suspended. It is best to choose rhizomes that are at least 1 centimeter thick. The harvested roots are washed under running water, cut into pieces 25-30 cm long. long-term storage It is necessary to properly dry the workpiece in order to use it for many years.

Herbalists say that when correct preparation licorice roots retain their beneficial features for 10 years. It is best to dry the roots in a natural way, covering with a cloth from direct contact sun rays. If absolutely necessary, you can dry them on a baking sheet in the oven. But, traditional healers and herbalists are categorically against this method of drying, since under the influence of high temperatures in the plant material itself, most of the beneficial natural compounds are destroyed.

After complete drying, the prepared roots are stored in glass containers with a tightly sealed lid or in bags made of natural fabrics. It is best to use linen or cotton material for these purposes. With this storage method, you need to ensure that there is no foreign odors, since plant materials can absorb not only odors, but also moisture and harmful chemical compounds.

The most effective recipes

Below are the recipes for medicines homemade, which can be safely used to treat many diseases. The most popular is an alcohol tincture of licorice root, which is used in the form of drops for internal use, as well as to accelerate skin regeneration processes.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare this medicine, you need to take crushed licorice root, as well as an alcohol base. As the alcohol part, you can use alcohol, vodka, or high-quality homemade moonshine. The standard proportion is 1 to 5, that is, for 1 part of dry crushed roots you need to take 5 parts of the alcohol component. To prepare the tincture, it is best to use a glass container, place crushed roots at the bottom and fill them with alcohol. In order for the tincture to absorb the healing components, it must be kept in a cool, dark place for 18-20 days. After this period, the finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Water infusion

For younger and older patients, take alcohol tinctures undesirable, so for such patients you can prepare a special water infusion licorice root. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon chopped licorice root;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

For cooking this tool You need to lightly fry the chopped root in a dry frying pan and grind it in a coffee grinder. Pour into boiling water herbal component. It is best to infuse the medicine in a thermos for 8 hours. After this, filter the product and drink 40 drops 2-3 times a day.

It is worth noting that despite vegetable origin active substance, long-term use of licorice root tincture may be accompanied by side effects in the form of edema, hypertension, decreased calcium levels in the blood. If unwanted symptoms occur, you should stop taking it and consult an experienced herbalist or doctor.

In this article we discuss licorice root. You will learn what beneficial properties it has, how to prepare various medicines, how to use it for cough, and what contraindications there are for it. You will also find out which dosage forms Ah, they produce licorice, and can it be used during pregnancy?

Licorice has long been used in folk and official medicine many countries. IN medicinal purposes use the rhizome of licorice naked (smooth) or Ural. Appearance(photo) Licorice plants. Licorice - herbaceous plants from the Legume family, which are included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation as medicines. The root of the plant is also popularly called licorice, licorice, licorice or yellow root.

Medicines based on licorice root have therapeutic effects:

  • dilute viscous sputum when coughing;
  • relieve spasm of smooth muscles;
  • suppress the development of the inflammatory process;
  • have a laxative effect on the intestines;
  • increase the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • have a moderate irritant effect on the mucous membrane;
  • heal wounds, ulcers and ulcers;
  • inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • have an antiviral effect;
  • reduce body temperature;
  • stimulate the body's immune responses;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques.

The medicinal properties of the root are due to its content large quantity organic acids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and other biologically active natural compounds. Licorice is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by lingering cough with difficult to clear sputum. In addition, in folk medicine, licorice is used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary, endocrine, lymphatic and digestive systems.

Chemicals in the root

The root of the plant has the following chemical composition:

  • glycyrrhizic acid;
  • succinic acid;
  • fumaric acid;
  • wine acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • ferulic acid;
  • essential oil;
  • fatty acid;
  • saponins;
  • steroids;
  • alkaloids;
  • coumarins;
  • tannins;
  • plant polyphenols;
  • aliphatic hydrocarbons;
  • higher alcohols;
  • natural disaccharides;
  • starch;
  • resinous substances;
  • pectin substances;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

The benefits and harms of licorice root

In addition to the benefits, preparations with licorice root, if used incorrectly, can have harmful effects on the body. First of all, this has a negative impact on hormonal backgroundlong-term treatment using licorice can cause weakening of erectile function in men, since glycyrrhizic acid suppresses testosterone production.

In women, this acid increases the level of the hormone prolactin, which can lead to displacement menstrual cycle, weight gain and difficulty conceiving a child.

When taken uncontrolled, drugs containing licorice can cause large amounts of fluid to accumulate in the body, increase blood pressure and reduce the concentration of potassium ions in the blood.

For this reason, licorice is contraindicated in patients with cardiac dysfunction. However, even with healthy heart, When taking licorice root for longer than 1 month, you must strictly monitor your blood pressure levels.

For more information about the dangers of using licorice, watch the following video:

Licorice can also cause the following side effects:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • partial violation motor function muscles;
  • decreased visual acuity.

Licorice root - instructions for use

Appearance (photo) of licorice root. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from fresh and dried licorice root, which are taken for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers and arthritis, and also as a diuretic and laxative.

Licorice should not be used for dry coughs, since its action is primarily aimed at liquefying stagnant mucus.

Licorice root is usually prescribed when the cough has become productive.

The dried root is sold in the form of crushed raw materials in 50 g packaging or in filter bags. average price— 50 rubles for crushed root and 70 rubles for a pack of filter bags.

How to use licorice root for cough

When coughing, prepare a decoction from the roots of the plant.


  1. Licorice root - 10 g.
  2. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Boil water, pour boiling water over the medicinal raw materials, cover with a lid and place on water bath for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 2 hours. Squeeze out the roots, filter through cheesecloth and bring the volume of the product to 200 ml with boiled water.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. Children are given 0.5-1.5 teaspoons of syrup, depending on age.

The decoction is also taken for constipation and rheumatoid arthritis. Dosage for adults - 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day. The time for taking the decoction does not depend on the time of eating.

For gastritis

To treat gastritis, juice from fresh root licorice.


  1. Licorice root (fresh) - 1 pc.
  2. Drinking water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Grind the root using a blender, place it in gauze pad and squeeze out the juice. Boil and cool the water to room temperature. Mix 1 g of juice with water.

How to use: Divide the product into three doses and drink throughout the day between meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Licorice root syrup

Licorice root syrup is used for wet coughs and stagnation of phlegm in the upper respiratory tract in children and adults. The drug is available in 100 ml dark glass bottles. Some pharmaceutical manufacturers sell syrup with a measuring spoon included. The average price is 50 rubles.
Appearance (photo) of licorice root syrup. The drug contains the following substances:

  • licorice root extract - 4%;
  • sugar syrup - 86%;
  • ethyl alcohol 90% - 10%.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the following diseases of the respiratory system:

  • bronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • acute and chronic tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • abscess pneumonia;
  • bronchogenic pneumonia.

The syrup is also used as part of complex therapy for hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum, as well as in violation of the secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal glands.

pharmachologic effect

The action of cough syrup is as follows:

  • saponins have a moderate irritating effect on the mucous membrane, thereby increasing the production of secretions in the upper respiratory tract;
  • glycyrrhizic acid stimulates the activity of ciliated cells of the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane and facilitates the discharge of sputum;
  • plant polyphenols have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve spasm of bronchial smooth muscles.

Instructions for adults

Adults are prescribed 15 ml of syrup 3-4 times a day after meals. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Usually the medicine is taken for 10 days, then the doctor may extend the course of treatment.

Instructions for children

When treating cough in children, follow the following age-specific dosage of syrup:

  • from 1 year to 3 years - 2.5 ml;
  • from 4 to 6 years - 2.5−5 ml;
  • from 7 to 9 years - 5−7.5 ml;
  • from 10 to 12 years - 7.5−10 ml;
  • from 12 years old - 10−15 ml.

Give syrup to children three times a day 30 minutes after meals. The medicine must be taken with big amount liquids - tea, boiled water or juice. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Before using syrup, consult your pediatrician.

Compatibility with other drugs

Treatment with licorice should not be combined with the following medications:

  • antitussives;
  • diuretic;
  • antiarrhythmic;
  • laxatives;
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • adrenocorticosteroids.

Other uses of licorice root

Liquorice root is also used to cleanse the lymphatic system, relieve swelling and excess weight. Below are recipes that will help in the treatment of these ailments.

Recipe for swelling

To eliminate swelling, prepare an aqueous infusion of medicinal herbs with licorice root. This recipe cannot be used if there is stagnation of fluid in the body associated with acute heart or kidney failure.


  1. Licorice root - 10 g.
  2. Stalnik (root) - 10 g.
  3. Juniper (dried fruits) - 10 g.
  4. Lovage (root) - 10 g.
  5. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Mix and grind medicinal herbs in a mortar. Boil water and cool it to room temperature. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and fill it with water. Cover and let sit for 6 hours. Pour the infusion into an enamel ladle and place over medium heat. Boil the infusion covered for about 15 minutes. Cool and filter.

How to use: Take 50 ml 4 times a day. The course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician.

Recipe with enterosgel for cleansing the lymphatic system

For cleansing lymphatic system Licorice root syrup is used in combination with enterosgel. Licorice helps to liquefy lymph, thereby increasing its circulation in lymphatic vessels, and toxins accumulated in tissues enter circulatory system. Enterosgel, in turn, adsorbs and removes these toxic compounds from the body.

The cleansing course lasts 2 weeks. Carry out treatment according to the following scheme:

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of syrup in a glass boiled water and take 30 minutes before meals.
  2. 1.5 hours after eating, take 1.5 tablespoons of enterosgel in its pure form, washing it down with plenty of boiled water.
  3. Take the medications according to this regimen three times a day.

Before the cleansing course, be sure to consult your doctor and take a necessary tests to identify disorders of the lymphatic system. If you feel unwell during the course, stop treatment immediately and consult a doctor.

For another way to cleanse the lymphatic system, watch the following video:

Recipe for weight loss

To get rid of excess weight, an infusion is prepared. It should be taken only in the absence of contraindications, and also in combination with a dairy-vegetable diet and complete refusal from products containing fast carbohydrates- sugar, wheat flour products, fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.


  1. Licorice root - 1 tsp.
  2. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Boil water, pour boiling water over the medicinal raw material and let it brew for 1 hour. Filter the infusion.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon before each meal.

Recipe for the face (for pigmentation)

Liquorice is also used in cosmetology. Using a lotion based on licorice root, you can get rid of age-related age spots on the face and hands, and also lighten freckles.


  1. Licorice root - 1 tsp.
  2. Food alcohol (40%) - 50 ml.
  3. Distilled water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Place the medicinal raw material in a glass container, fill it with alcohol, close the lid tightly and let it brew for 14 days in a cool, dark place. Filter the infusion through cheesecloth and mix it with distilled water. Store the lotion in the refrigerator.

How to use: Wipe areas of skin with unwanted pigmentation daily - morning and evening.

Additional dosage forms of the root

Liquorice root is also available in extract and tablet form. Indications for the use of these dosage forms are the same as for other licorice-based drugs.

Licorice root extract

Licorice extract is a highly concentrated infusion of licorice root. It is used as a medicine and is also used in cooking as a sweetener. Before use, the extract in the required dosage is diluted in boiled water.

Extract licorice root They are mainly sold in packages of 1 kg or more. The average price is 2600 rubles. You can purchase it in online stores specializing in the sale of medicines and food additives of plant origin.

Licorice root tablets

The tablets are made from compressed licorice powder, sometimes with added extracts from other medicinal plants. Take 1 tablet 3-4 times a day before meals. The average price is 120 rubles per package.

Can licorice root be used during pregnancy?

Medicines with licorice are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy, since glycyrrhizin from licorice root can cause the accumulation of excess fluid in the body and cause swelling of the limbs. Licorice can also disrupt a pregnant woman’s hormonal levels and increase blood pressure.

At breastfeeding Preparations with licorice can only be used on the recommendation of the attending physician and with extreme caution. During lactation, all medications are selected individually so that the treatment does not harm the child on breastfeeding.


Medicines based on licorice root have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • hypokalemia;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • disruption of the adrenal glands;
  • liver failure, cirrhosis;
  • acute or chronic form of diarrhea
  • acute renal failure;
  • thrombocytopenia.

Where to buy licorice root

All medicines (except extract) based on licorice root can be purchased at the pharmacy.

What to remember

  1. Licorice root is not used to treat dry barking cough.
  2. Liquorice is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  3. Consult your doctor before using licorice.