Herbal collection. Secrets of proper herbal treatment. June preparations from home crops

There are often cases when a person who does not suffer from serious acute or chronic illnesses does not feel very well and suffers from , loss of strength, lethargy, decreased performance. The so-called slagging of the body can lead to the appearance, as well as to a very slow release during a diet.

If medical examinations confirm that a person is healthy, herbs to cleanse the body can help cope with these unpleasant symptoms. Decoctions and infusions are prepared both from individual herbs and from various collections. Various drugs are also produced based on them.

A properly selected collection of herbs will help cleanse the blood, stimulate the liver, blood circulation, and kidneys. There are also natural sorbents , helping to cleanse the body. This pectin , fiber, etc.

In order for any herbal mixture to cleanse the body to have the maximum effect, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Medicinal plants that are used to prepare any collection should be collected in as close areas as possible.
  • Plants should not be collected near highways, or near industries that may emit harmful substances into the atmosphere.
  • The collected raw materials must be stored correctly and take into account that medicinal plants also have an expiration date. If the raw materials are pharmaceutical, then the expiration date is indicated on the packaging.
  • Any dried raw materials should be stored either in fabric bags or paper bags. Medicinal plants are kept away from household chemicals, food products, and in dry places. To ensure easy cleansing of the body and activate digestion, it is enough to eat a lot of fresh greens every day, as well as prepare herbal teas and drink them regularly.
  • To carry out a complete cleansing with herbs, special preparations are used to prepare infusions and decoctions. But before using such preparations, it is necessary to consult a doctor and tell him about all the features of the body. After all, medicinal plants are also contraindicated in some cases.
  • Before starting to use cleansing preparations, nutritionists recommend gradually reducing the load on digestion, as well as on the excretory system. To do this, you need at least several days not to eat salty, fried, smoked, sweets, and also not to drink alcohol.
  • It is useful to carry out fasting day . During the cleansing period, the diet should be light. It is worth introducing more fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, boiled meat and fish into the menu.

What herbs can be used?

Many medicinal plants that can be used to cleanse the body grow in our latitudes and are widespread.


Dandelion is a medicinal herb, the bitterness of which stimulates digestion, has a choleretic, laxative and diuretic effect. Dandelion has a positive effect on the pancreas. This plant is also effective in cleansing the body. It is best consumed raw in spring. During this period, the plant has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.

Dandelion contains vitamins A , IN , D , WITH , bitter glucosides , carotenoids , inulin , iron , potassium salts , various minerals.

Decoctions of young dandelion leaves are also effective. This decoction promotes production insulin . And dandelion tea stimulates the body and helps cope with and.

This plant is used to cleanse the blood. Nettle helps remove toxic substances from the body and activates kidney function. If you drink nettle tea for a certain period of time daily, you can significantly increase the activity of the body's defenses, cleanse the digestive tract, and also reduce the severity of allergic reactions in those who are prone to.

Nettle is useful for those who suffer from and, as well as those who are prone to the formation of kidney and gallstones. This tea can be drunk for six months, but no more than three cups per day.

Senna herb is used very widely for cleansing, but it must be taken very carefully. Senna is used for. The most valuable part of the plant is the leaves, from which a decoction is prepared. Senna contains aloe-emodin , as well as a number of other substances that cleanse the body. Therefore, senna herb is mainly used to normalize intestinal function. After taking it, there is an increase in peristalsis, and the intestines are quickly cleansed. Therefore, senna is often included in herbal collections to cleanse the body, and is also used by those who want to lose weight.

There are also many drugs that contain senna extract .

In addition, this plant provides a choleretic effect. However, its use must be discussed with a doctor, since uncontrolled use of senna decoctions or drugs based on it can lead to negative effects.

With the help of senna, only adults can cleanse the intestines and no more than once a month. Those who have problems with the digestive tract should not practice such methods. It should not be used by people with intestinal obstruction.

The decoction for cleansing is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. water and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. After infusion for half an hour, filter.

You need to drink the decoction every evening for a week, 2 hours after eating. It is recommended to begin this process on the weekend so that you have time to understand how the body reacts to such cleansing. On the first day you should not drink more than a third of a glass of broth. If you feel normal and your stomach does not hurt, you can increase the dose every day so that on the seventh day you drink a full glass. For abdominal pain and repeated trips to the toilet, reduce the dose. If you feel too bad, it is better to choose another cleaning method.

There are many cleansing recipes using this plant. For example, there is a known method of cleansing the body with hay, and raisins, which many use for weight loss.

There are also recipes for cleansing, where prunes and dried apricots are added to senna. To prepare such a remedy, you need to take 100 g of each of these components. Grind dried apricots and prunes in a blender, then mix the mixture with hay and 100 g of honey. Consume this mixture approximately 2 hours before bedtime, 1 tsp. Continue the cleansing course for 2 weeks.

Horsetail decoction is taken after meals three times a day. However, people with kidney disease should first consult a doctor before taking this product.

By taking products based on flax seeds, you can effectively remove toxins, chemicals, radionuclides . To get the desired effect, you need to take flax seeds for at least three weeks. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 12 tsp. seeds 1 liter of boiled water. Boil the broth over low heat for about 10 minutes. When it cools down, take 150 ml 6 times during the day.

Treatment with wormwood is widely practiced in folk medicine. Wormwood is taken to cleanse the body, increase inflammation, reduce the severity of inflammatory processes, get rid of worms, etc.

This herb contains essential oils, tannins, malic acid and. Wormwood is included in various mixtures, ointments, mixtures, and tinctures. It is used to treat diseases of the digestive system and nervous system, pancreas, diseases of the joints and skin.

To cleanse the body you need 1 tsp. crushed wormwood, pour 200 g of boiling water. After infusing for half an hour, drink 50 ml in the morning and evening for a week. After a course of such cleansing, sleep is normalized and metabolism is restored. You can also prepare tinctures of wormwood in alcohol (1 part herb to 4 parts 70% alcohol).

Wormwood should not be used by pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or those who have low stomach acidity or are allergic to wormwood. This course cannot be carried out during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

This plant is usually used for external use, but it is also used internally to cleanse the body. Celandine has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, it also produces an antispasmodic effect and cleanses the body of toxins.

To cleanse the body with the help of this plant, you should prepare the following remedy: 1 tbsp. l. celandine pour 200 ml of hot water and cook for 40 minutes. Strain, drink half a glass before meals (15 minutes before).

There are other recipes with celandine to cleanse the body. However, before starting such cleaning, you should definitely consult a doctor, since celandine is a poisonous herb, and it can cause serious side effects and has many contraindications. When taking this drug, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, and liver problems are possible. Therefore, you should not practice such cleansing yourself.


Elderberry syrup helps cleanse , stimulates the immune system and intestinal function. However, such syrup should not be taken by people who are sick diabetes mellitus .

This plant belongs to the ginger family and has many beneficial properties for the body. Vitamins And antioxidants , contained in it, have an anti-inflammatory effect. Researchers have proven that antioxidant curcumin has the ability to inhibit inflammatory reactions. That is, it is effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes of various origins.

Turmeric is also a choleretic agent and increases the body’s ability to break down fats. Therefore, turmeric is often recommended for use as a means of losing weight and improving digestion. Another benefit is that turmeric can improve liver health when taken regularly.

However, turmeric is contraindicated for people with gallstone disease. It should also not be used by pregnant women as it may stimulate the uterus.

To cleanse the body and promote the process of losing weight, you can use the following recipe: dissolve 1 tbsp in 80 g of water. l. honey, add 150 ml milk and 1 tbsp. l. turmeric. Mix everything thoroughly and drink before bed.

To improve health and help eliminate toxins, you can add half a teaspoon to tea with honey and lemon. turmeric.

Collection of ten herbs

The composition of one of these collections includes: immortelle, motherwort, mint, wormwood, tansy, buckthorn bark, chamomile, dandelion, flax seeds, senna. All herbs need to be chopped, mixed thoroughly, and 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water. After infusing for half an hour, drink half a glass 3 times a day.

Cleansing collection "Tibetan"

It includes: chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle, birch buds, strawberry leaves and roots. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 100 g of each component, grind it, take 2 tbsp. l. and pour half a liter of boiling water. After an hour, strain and drink three times a day, a glass a day, half an hour before meals. You can add honey to the collection.

When taking this collection, a gradual cleansing of the blood and lymph occurs, and this helps cleanse the blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and intestines. The collection is also effective for joint diseases, as it helps remove salts. It heals the body and promotes the process of weight loss, improves the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas. In addition, it is suitable for strengthening the nervous system, preventing the appearance of kidney stones and heart disease.

Tea collection

Constantly adding rosehip, raspberry, and currant leaves to tea has a positive effect on the body's condition. It is best to add three types of leaves at once. It is also advisable to drink rosehip decoction instead of soft drinks or tea, as it also very effectively removes toxins and tones the body.

By adding mint to tea, you can not only relieve tension, but also cleanse blood vessels and activate the elimination of toxins through the kidneys and intestines.

There are a lot of recipes for cleansing the body. But if some of them, for example, herbal teas, are quite gentle and do not act aggressively, others can cause harm to the body. Therefore, you should not rely on reviews about how effective weight loss with senna or cleansing with dry wormwood is. After all, such methods can lead to severe side effects.

Such methods can only be practiced by healthy people who have previously discussed such weight loss plans with a doctor. But in general, with the help of herbal infusions and individual herbs, you can really significantly improve your health, cleanse the body and increase immunity .

    I would like to remind you once again how to properly use herbal remedies for treatment so that they bring maximum benefit. All dosages of herbal mixtures are given based on mild to moderate severity of the disease. In the case of a severe course of the disease (bedridden people who have had difficulty moving around the apartment for a long time), depending on the duration of the disease, the dose of herbs should be increased by 1-2 tbsp. When an improvement process has begun, it is better to pass the entire collection through a coffee grinder and take 1 tsp, which is further divided into 3 parts. Pour 1 part of the ground composition into 100 g of boiling water at a temperature of 90°, leave in a dark place for 3 hours and drink 50 g in the morning, before sunrise, and in the evening, at 19.00, for another 6 months in courses of 2-3 weeks with 7-10 days breaks.

    Since most of us have chronic diseases, it is advisable to associate treatment with the lunar phases. Start treatment on the 2-3rd day after the full moon. Herbal mixtures can consist of 3, 7, 12, 17, 21, 33, and sometimes, and in very severe cases of illness, 40, 70 and 90 herbs. These numbers are cosmic, divine, therefore, when composing them yourself, do not change the amount of ingredients according to your own understanding. It is better if the herbs are collected by girls under 18 years of age with pure thoughts and a healthy lifestyle (not drinking, not smoking, not drug addicts). When collecting herbs, you must be determined to heal the patient. When buying herbs, pay attention to their color: they should not be withered or pale. The smell should be strong, fresh, and not smell like dust or something musty or stale. There are herbal pharmacies where the herbs are packaged correctly - in boxes or paper bags. Herbs in plastic bags are a crime; the herbs in them do not breathe, but suffocate and lose all their medicinal properties. Herbs in bunches or in paper packaging are what you need.
    You cannot start treatment on days of eclipse of the Moon and Sun, even 3-5 days before their eclipse. We need to wait it out. Do not start treatment on the days of the new moon until the crescent moon appears. You cannot prepare mixtures and decoctions from them on the days when the phases of the Moon transition to the full moon, new moon, i.e. take a break for 2-3 days. It is better to prepare alcohol tinctures for both drinking and rubbing on the 14th-15th lunar day. Massage is taken when the Moon is waxing, but not when it is waning.
    It is best to take herbs in the following months: January - sweet clover, larkspur, burdock, borage, agrimony, dill, caraway, sage. February - cherries, lingonberries, strawberries, lemon, poppy seeds, turnips, foxgloves, rhubarb. March - pomegranate, elderberry, speedwell, gentian, St. John's wort, mint, forest peony, plantain, chicory, coltsfoot, Chernobyl, wild sage. April - periwinkle, oak (bark, acorns, leaves), kupena, lily, agrimony, rose, celandine. May - large larkspur, water lily, wheatgrass, coltsfoot burdock, borage, parsley, chamomile, dill, cumin, sorrel. June - peas, beans, St. John's wort, willow, cucumbers, nuts, parsley, kidney grass. July - cornflower, angelica, lavender, mint, plantain, celery, thyme, thistle, bay leaf. August - mint, calamus, cocklebur, laurel, rye, beets, plums, chicory, rose hips, sage, sorrel. September - verbena, linden, primrose, purslane, chamomile, rue, celandine. October - dogwood, belladonna, wheatgrass, rowan, turnip, beet, plum, apple, ash. November - aloe, birch, angelica, larkspur, willow, onion, cucumber, walnut, fern, radish, rue, beets, garlic. December is Adam's root. This does not mean that you cannot accept other collections, but your collections must include at least 3 herbs for the corresponding month.
    Each zodiac sign has its own patron plants, which it is advisable to include in medicinal
    fees. For Aries it is violet, for Taurus - daisy, for Gemini - hawthorn, for Cancer - oak, for Leo - cedar, for Virgo - hazel, for Libra - bindweed, for Scorpio - hops, for Sagittarius - chrysanthemum, for Capricorns - holly, for Aquarius - snowdrop for Pisces - primrose.
    How to avoid mistakes when preparing infusions, decoctions, tinctures? Do not use metal utensils, only enamel, glass, and ceramic. The mortar for grinding herbs should be wooden or ceramic, spoons, spatulas, pestles - only wooden or ceramic (clay) to avoid reactions of plant substances with metal. To obtain the desired concentration of active ingredients in an infusion or decoction, when straining, strongly squeeze the raw material (through gauze), and bring the resulting decoction or infusion to the original volume (200, 500, 800, 1000, etc.) with boiled or distilled water or alcohol , if it is alcohol or vodka, if it is vodka tincture. If it is an oil extract, you should top it up with boiled (preferably in a water bath) oil. Hot tinctures are best made in a thermos. It is better to make infusions in the evening - at 19, 21 hours. Overnight, the medicinal collection will give up all its properties. Do not store the infusion for more than a day. Be sure to drink the infusions warm.
    It is advisable to know the effect of each plant, and when preparing a herbal mixture, take into account your diseases, choosing what you need. The collection should always include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and, if necessary, diuretic or choleretic herbs that expel sand or crush and remove stones, soothing or invigorating, suppressing appetite or stimulating it. If you prepare raw materials yourself, take only those that you know well. Dry in the shade, in attics, in a thinly spread layer. Pack each herb separately in paper bags. Compose herbal mixtures immediately before preparation. All plants have memory, and their actions are transferred to each other. The blood also stores the memory of the disease, and the purpose of medicinal preparations is to interrupt the pathological memory and bring the body to health.
    The infusion is usually heated for 15 minutes (unless another period is specified). The decoctions are boiled for 30 minutes with frequent stirring (over low heat), removed and cooled at room temperature (unless otherwise indicated), then filtered and added liquid to the original volume. Napar is when raw materials are poured with boiling water at a temperature of 90° (so as not to kill the healing properties of herbs), and steamed in the oven over low heat all night. In the morning, strain and drink warm before or after meals. And tinctures are made from alcohol or vodka, thus extracting the medicinal properties of plants - roots, flowers, bark, fruits. Typically, tinctures are prepared in a ratio of 1:5 or 1:10.
    For example, a herbal mixture that is used for neurasthenia, hysteria, heart rhythm disturbances, menopause with high blood pressure. Mix 1 tbsp. marsh cudweed and creeping thyme, 2 tbsp each. flowers of viburnum and rosemary and 3 tbsp. flowers of hawthorn and motherwort. 3 tbsp. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave, strain and take 50 g 6 times a day, regardless of meals.

Herbal infusions - gifts of nature

Throughout the centuries, humanity has studied the medicinal properties of herbs and learned to prepare herbal mixtures to combat human ailments. After all, the right combination of herbs can effectively fight the disease than a single plant. Human illness is sometimes like an impregnable bastion, the capture of which depends on the correct interaction of all military units. So in the fight against our diseases, the well-known proverb is quite applicable: “Alone in the field is no warrior.”

Despite the rapid development of pharmacology, the relevance of medicinal herbs is high among herbalists who prescribe treatment with folk remedies to their patients. To successfully overcome the disease and forget about it forever, herbal medicine specialists recommend herbal remedies that have a complex effect on the body. Only professionals should collect medicinal herbs, otherwise illiteracy in their selection may lead to negative consequences for your health.

Maximum effectiveness is achieved through the healing effects of properly selected plants. For example, joint diseases are treated with several medicinal plants. It is possible to take them separately or in herbal preparations, the effect of which is most effective.

Hepatitis disease can be overcome only by complex and versatile effects on the body. Therefore, treatment with folk remedies will be the most effective. The reason for this is the different properties of herbs: some can cope with viruses, others can cleanse the liver, others can strengthen the immune system, and others can remove toxins. It is clear that such a versatile attack will make the disease recede faster than the influence of a single remedy.

In cases where taking a separate medicinal plant is impossible, mixtures of herbs become a salvation. Everyone knows the effectiveness of hemlock in the fight against cancer cells, but it is very poisonous. It is added to the collection in a certain proportion, where another medicinal herb neutralizes the effects of the poison.

Sophora is an effective remedy for normalizing blood pressure, although it requires careful use for people suffering from allergies. Therefore, herbal preparations with Sophora include an anti-allergenic herb to neutralize the side effects.

Modern therapeutic methods of treatment are almost entirely based on the use of chemicals. Today's doctors have forgotten about medicinal plants as a remedy that has been tested by hundreds of generations. They completely ignore herbal medicine as a science. But the combined use of the achievements of traditional medicine and herbal medicine is a powerful weapon that can defeat sometimes incurable diseases.

Since time immemorial, people have used herbal medicine as the only available remedy. Now we and our children are treated with the strongest chemicals, keeping silent about the harmful effects on the body and assuring them of their usefulness and safety. But there was a time when our ancestors were not familiar with modern pharmaceuticals, which did not prevent them from enjoying good health. Why were our ancestors so much healthier than us?

The reason is quite simple - herbal medicine. They collected folk herbs characteristic of each locality, brewed infusions from them, and consumed these herbal drinks (herbal tea in modern language). At that time, the only treatment was herbal medicine, and the pharmacy was nature with medicinal herbs. And our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers collected medicinal herbs themselves, since they and nature were inseparable. All we can do is buy grass. Moscow is the capital of a great country in which citizens can have anything they want, but their health leaves much to be desired. Therefore, in recent years, the herbal store has become increasingly popular.

Healing herbs and their preparations can cope with almost any disease. Those who want to lose excess weight turn to them, for which they offer specially created herbal tea for weight loss. The main thing is accuracy in following the recommendations of the herbalist and then the effect will be positive and sustainable.

Where to buy healing herbal infusions?

Nowadays it is not difficult to buy medicinal herbs. For this purpose, there are many pharmacies, online stores and medicinal herbal stores for selling herbal products. Their popularity is increasing every day, as people have begun to think more about safe treatment methods, using medicinal herbs to maintain their health.

Do not forget about possible deception when you sometimes end up with a dangerous dried plant in your hands. For herbal teas and medicinal herbs, you should ask for accompanying documents permitting their use. In any store that values ​​its reputation, the entire package of necessary papers will be in place.

By contacting our store, you can buy grass and get acquainted with the necessary documents for the phytoproducts you purchase.

Payment for the purchase can be made in any way, including from Yandex.Money and Qiwi electronic wallets, which means you can buy herbal tea or herbal teas quickly and easily.

There is also delivery of goods “medicinal herbs by mail” - the most popular today.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buy herbal collections and consult on their use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy herbal collections , how much do they cost. A large assortment and excellent prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Ready-made dry mixtures can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail.The price depends on the packaging of the collection.About how they are useful herbal collections What they are treated for, how they are taken, you will find out by visiting the page of our website.

Herbal medicinal preparations are in demand both among supporters of traditional methods of treatment and among fans of traditional medicine. The desire to use chemicals as little as possible sooner or later leads to the purchase of herbal tea. There is no other choice left in cases where side effects or allergic reactions negate the benefits of using advertised expensive drugs.

But it is not always possible to buy high-quality herbal preparations, despite the abundance of offers on the market. The sale of medicinal herbs is often undertaken by people who are incompetent in this area and who do not know how to properly store medicinal herbs and infusions. As a result, their healing power is lost and the overall effectiveness of the treatment is reduced.

Herbal mixture is a unique combination of crushed plant components. Optimally selected proportions allow a comprehensive effect not only on the diseased organ, but also on the entire body as a whole. Herbal infusions are formulated in such a way that each ingredient included in them complements the others. Collections of medicinal herbs give a much greater effect than when using a single-component drug. A properly compiled collection of medicinal herbs eliminates even minimal side effects from taking natural drugs.

Where do our herbs come from?

Herbal infusions, presented in our assortment are harvested only in environmentally friendly areas at the most favorable times for this procedure. In these regions there are no hazardous enterprises that pollute the atmosphere with toxic emissions. Human intervention is minimal, also due to the low population density in these areas:

1. Altai. - This region has preserved many forests and virtually untouched corners of nature. Great importance is attached to the construction of treatment facilities and their maintenance in working condition. It is in Altai that the largest quantity of herbal preparations is harvested.
2. Ussuri taiga.
3. Ecologically clean areas Siberia and Urals.
4. Bashkiria. - About 50-60 species of medicinal plants, wild and growing on cultivated plantations, are harvested in this region.

Where to buy medicinal herbs and infusions

The question of where to buy herbal preparations arises for everyone who wants not to get sick and to see their loved ones healthy. By purchasing medicinal herbal preparations from our company, you can be sure of their quality and environmental friendliness. If the order volume is significant, herbal infusions can be purchased in bulk. In this case, a system of discounts is provided, which allows you to purchase medicinal herbs and herbs at a very attractive price. Competent and friendly consultants will offer exactly the collection of medicinal herbs and plants that is most effective for your diagnosis. At the same time, you will definitely be notified of existing contraindications when taking the selected drug. We do not consider such precautions unnecessary. Any undesirable moments are reduced to zero, since medicinal herbs and infusions should only bring benefits. Simplicity of ordering and prompt delivery are guaranteed.

The use of herbal preparations

which you can buy in our store can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. For some, they will be an excellent addition to the main therapy. And they will give someone a chance for healing when traditional remedies have not brought the desired relief.

The effect of using medicinal preparations

Regular intake of medicinal herbs will provide a very noticeable effect. They can be used as:
a) immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent;
b) antitumor and analgesic drug;
c) a means to increase potency and general tone of the body;
d) antiallergic, antispasmodic, hemostatic.

We will help you select a collection of medicinal herbs to combat cancer, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome and many others.

The collection of medicinal herbs is a mixture of raw materials, which are either whole or in crushed form.
Additional medicines can be added to the collection, and herbal medicine is used to make infusions, decoctions or tinctures.

Are you having any problem? Enter “Symptom” or “Name of the disease” into the form, press Enter and you will find out all the treatment for this problem or disease.

The site provides reference information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required, as well as detailed study of the instructions! .

Collection of medicinal plants

There are a number of rules that are followed to obtain the correct collection:

  • Before you start collecting a specific herb, you need to study the specifics of this plant;
  • Those sections that belong to the above-ground parts of plants need to be collected only in dry weather in the sun, when water has evaporated;
  • When collecting, you need to adhere to the calendar dates for each specific plant;
  • Plants that were collected in damp and cloudy weather, especially immediately after rain, are not suitable for collection; they have a short shelf life and quickly deteriorate;
  • You can collect completely healthy plants without the slightest signs of rot or wilting; flowers and leaves must be fully bloomed;
  • Before the collection process, it is necessary to carefully study the structure of the required plant and distinguish it from others that may have a similar appearance, but have a harmful effect on the body;
  • At a certain time of day, the plant contains the maximum content of all useful substances, and this must be taken into account when compiling the collection;
  • It is important to find out which part of the plant is needed for a particular collection; different parts of the plant have different compositions of useful substances - different vitamins;
  • Different parts of the same plant should not come into contact with each other after they are collected; ideally, they should be collected in different containers, and it is better not to fold them too tightly or crush the contents of the container;
  • Plants in their natural habitat will contain much more valuable substances than those that have been artificially grown in greenhouses or pots;
  • Plants need to be collected as far as possible from large highways, cities and industrial enterprises; they accumulate many harmful substances that they absorb from the air and soil;
  • If the collection is carried out annually, then it must be carried out in different places so as not to completely destroy medicinal plants in a particular area;
  • Herbs from medicinal preparations should be stored in cool, dark rooms with good ventilation.

Each specific part of the plant must be harvested at its own time to achieve the best concentration of nutrients.

Proper harvesting of grass and bark

The bark of plants is taken more often in the spring, when there is a massive movement of sap, and young plants with delicate bark are better suited for this purpose.

During this period, it contains many useful substances, and it is also much easier to separate it from the plant trunk. The area of ​​bark selected for collection should be clean and free of any growths.

The grass is usually collected in the very initial flowering period. It is better to cut it close to the ground with a sharp knife or sickle. If the plant has a rigid stem, then side shoots are taken. If the grass is in dense thickets, it is better to mow them all and then select the necessary plants.

Preparing leaves and flowers

It is better to collect the leaves by hand before flowering. The leaves can be plucked either with or without a cutting.

Some plants, such as coltsfoot, have large leaves that carry a greater concentration of beneficial ingredients immediately after flowering.

Only completely healthy leaves without any signs of rot or withering are suitable for collection. Flowers are always collected when they are in full bloom, and only in dry weather.

Flowers for picking must be fresh, without the slightest wilting. They are usually collected only by hand, and only the flowers without a peduncle are picked.


Roots, berries and buds

All parts of the plant located underground are collected when the plant enters a dormant stage; during this time period, all the valuable substances necessary for the preparation of the medicinal collection are localized in the roots. These parts of the plants need to be shaken off the soil well and washed with water.

The buds are collected in the spring, before they bloom. It is better to dry the buds in a cool place without the sun to prevent their early blooming.

The fruits are harvested only when they are fully ripe. It is better to collect them in the morning or evening; during the hot day they can quickly deteriorate. The fruit should be without the slightest dents or cracks.

Calendar by month for collection

Each plant has its own time for harvesting. The medicinal plant collection calendar focuses on the time when the most common components need to be collected.

  • Birch buds;
  • Pine buds.
  • Oak bark;
  • Willow bark;
  • Ginseng root.
  • Dandelion grass;
  • Plantain herb.
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Plantain herb;
  • Motherwort grass;
  • Sage leaves.
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Dandelion grass;
  • Plantain herb;
  • Motherwort grass;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;
  • Sage leaves.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Leaves and flowers coltsfoot;
  • Dandelion grass;
  • Motherwort grass;
  • Chamomile inflorescences;


  • Valerian roots;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Dandelion roots.
  • Valerian roots;
  • Dandelion roots.

Types of beneficial herbs and their uses

There are many types of fees that differ in their components, in their effects and in the range of diseases for which they are used.