How to increase the ejection fraction of the heart using folk remedies. Normal cardiac ejection fraction on ultrasound: how to determine the reasons for a decrease in the indicator. You may be taking blood thinners

The normal cardiac ejection fraction is different for each person. This value shows how much blood leaves the ventricles of the heart into the lumen of the blood vessels (aorta and pulmonary artery). The cardiac ejection fraction is calculated separately for the right and left ventricles. Greater information is provided by the left ventricular ejection fraction, since it is responsible for saturating all tissues and organs with nutrients and oxygen.

Calculation methods

To calculate left ventricular ejection fraction, it is important to know the volume of blood that exits into the aorta and the amount of blood that is in the left ventricle during its diastole (end-diastolic volume). The indicator value is expressed as a percentage.

Using the data obtained, the doctor analyzes the state of the myocardium and its contractility. Based on this indicator, the specialist decides on the prescription of cardiac medications and determines the prognosis for patients with heart failure. The closer to normal the LVEF value is, the greater the patient’s chances of full life, favorable prognosis. This means that his heart contracts fully, providing the body with blood in full.

There are 2 ways to calculate the indicator: using the Teicholz or Simpson formula. These techniques are automated. The value is calculated taking into account the final systolic and diastolic volumes of the left ventricle and its dimensions. Simpson's method is more often used because it is more accurate. With this method of calculation, almost all significant areas of the myocardium are included in the study slice.

Indicators normally differ from different people. This is due to the use of different equipment and methods for calculating the fraction. On average, the normal ejection fraction is 50-60% (according to Simpson's formula bottom line the norm is 45%, and according to the Teicholz formula - 55%). It is this part of the blood that can adequately provide blood supply to the organs and systems of the body.

If the emission value is 35-45%, the doctor makes a diagnosis " launched form insufficiency." More low values indicators are life-threatening.

In newborns, EF is 60-80%, gradually reaching normal standards.

Some individuals may experience an increase in fraction values ​​(80% or higher). Often we're talking about O healthy people without any cardiac pathology or athletes with a trained heart. In such people, the heart contracts with great force, therefore expelling more blood into the aorta.

VWF can sometimes manifest itself in a pathological aspect. This condition can be observed with hypertrophic changes in the myocardium (with hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy). This manifestation of cardiac work indicates compensated cardiac activity. As EF deficiency progresses, it may decrease, which indicates a poor prognosis of the disease. Such a study is very important for patients with CHF, because it helps to monitor the condition of their heart and blood vessels.

Why is the value dropping?

A decrease in systolic work of the heart is a consequence of chronic heart failure. This disease develops due to:

  1. 1. Coronary heart disease. At the same time, blood flow to the heart muscle through the arteries of the heart sharply decreases.
  2. 2. Myocardial infarction (especially large-focal, transmural, repeated). After a heart attack, some are normal muscle cells the hearts are replaced by scars that are unable to contract. Cardiosclerosis develops in a similar way after a heart attack. These areas remain intact.
  3. 3. Disorders of cardiac rhythm and conduction, which persist for a long time and often recur. Due to such irregular, irregular contractions, the heart muscle wears out quite quickly.
  4. 4. Cardiomyopathies. This specific disorders heart structures. They occur due to enlargement or stretching of the heart muscle. The causes of pathology are often hormonal imbalance, long-term hypertension, heart defects, chronic infection in organism.

In 8 out of 10 cases, cardiac output drops sharply after myocardial infarction, which is accompanied by a decrease in left ventricular contractility.

Symptoms of the disease

A decrease in the contractility of the heart is caused by heart failure. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • development of shortness of breath at rest, during physical exertion, while lying down (especially during night sleep);
  • a gradual decrease in the intensity of exercise to cause shortness of breath (in severe cases the simplest manipulations - cooking, walking around the room can provoke attacks);
  • general weakness, malaise, fast fatiguability, dizziness, possible episodes of loss of consciousness;
  • swelling of the body, face, legs and feet, development of anasarca (fluid accumulation in internal organs and cavities);
  • pain in the right half of the abdomen, an increase in its volume.

Without the right adequate and timely treatment disruption of the systolic functioning of the heart progresses, increases and can disrupt the normal existence of a person. A decrease in heart performance is a consequence of the disease. Therefore, before therapy, it is important to determine the cause of the pathology.

For example, for ischemic heart disease, Nitroglycerin is prescribed, the defects are removed promptly, hypertension is controlled by taking antihypertensive drugs. The patient must clearly understand that a violation of the pumping function of the heart indicates a deterioration in his condition, the development of heart failure, which has dangerous consequences and complications.

Today, due to bad ecology many people have unstable health. This applies to all organs and systems in the human body. That's why modern medicine expanded its methods for studying pathological processes. Many patients wonder what cardiac ejection fraction (EF) is. The answer is simple, this condition is the most accurate indicator that can determine the level of performance of the human cardiac system. More precisely, the strength of the muscle at the moment of impact of the organ.

The cardiac ejection fraction can be defined as the percentage of the amount of blood that passes through the vessels during the systolic state of the ventricles.

For example, at 100 ml, 65 ml of blood enters the vascular system, respectively, the cardiac output of the heart fraction is 65%. Any deviations in one direction or another are an indicator of the presence of a disease that requires immediate treatment.

In most cases, measurements are taken from the left ventricle because blood flows from it into the systemic circulation. When there is a decrease in the amount of distilled contents, this is usually a consequence.

Diagnostics such as left ventricular ejection fraction are prescribed to patients who have:

  • Intense.
  • Systematic failures in the functioning of the organ.
  • Shortness of breath and...
  • Frequent fainting and dizziness.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • Decreased performance.

In most cases, during the examination, an ultrasound () of the heart and a cardiogram are prescribed. These studies provide output levels in the left and right side of the heart. Such diagnostics are quite informative and accessible to all patients.


In fact, the causes of low cardiac ejection fraction are malfunctions of the organ. Heart failure is considered a condition that results from long term impairment in the operation of the system. This pathology can lead to inflammatory diseases, malfunctions immune system, genetic and metabolic predisposition, pregnancy and much more.

Often the cause of heart failure is the presence of organ ischemia, a previous heart attack, a combination of hypertension and coronary heart disease, and valvular malformations.

Most often, symptoms of a reduced ejection fraction of the heart manifest themselves in a malfunction of the organ. To clarify the diagnosis, you need to undergo a detailed examination and undergo a lot of tests.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes a series pharmacological drugs, which can cause increased heart performance. This applies to any patient age category from infants to elderly patients.


The most popular treatments for low cardiac ejection fraction are the use of medications. In cases where the main cause of this pathological process is heart failure, treatment is selected for the patient taking into account the age and characteristics of the body.

Dietary restrictions are almost always recommended, as well as a reduction in fluid intake. You need to drink no more than 2 liters per day, and then only pure, still water. It is worth noting that for the entire period of treatment it is necessary to almost completely avoid eating salt. A row is assigned, ACE inhibitors, digoxin and beta blockers.

All of the above agents significantly reduce the volume of circulating blood masses, which accordingly reduces the level of functioning of the organ. A number of other drugs can reduce the body's need for oxygen, while at the same time making its functionality more effective and at the same time less expensive. In some advanced cases it is used surgery aimed at restoring blood flow in all coronary vessels. A similar method is used when.

In cases of severe defects and pathological processes, only surgery in combination with drug therapy is used as treatment. If necessary, artificial valves are installed that can prevent many other heart failures, including fibrillation. Instrumental methods used in as a last resort, When drug therapy unable to eliminate certain problems in the functioning of the cardiac system.


To determine the natural rate of cardiac ejection fraction, a special Simpson or Teicholz table is used. It is worth noting that only after full examination the doctor can determine accurate diagnosis and accordingly prescribe the most adequate treatment.

The presence of any pathological processes in the cardiac system is due to a regular lack of oxygen () and nutrients. In such cases, the heart muscles need support.

As a rule, all data is calculated using special equipment that can detect the presence of deviations. Most modern specialists, when using ultrasound diagnostics, prefer the Simpson method, which gives the maximum accurate results. The Teicholz formula is used less frequently. The choice in favor of one or another diagnostic method is made by the attending physician based on the test results and the patient’s health condition. Cardiac ejection fraction should be normal at any age, otherwise failures can be counted as pathology.

The exact result of both methods is considered to be in the range of 50-60%. A slight difference between them is allowed, but not more than 10%. Ideally, the normal heart fraction in adults is exactly this percentage level. Both methods are considered highly informative. As a rule, according to the Simpson table, the outlier is 45%, and according to Teicholz - 55%. When the values ​​decrease to 35-40%, this is evidence of an advanced degree of heart failure, which can be fatal.

Normally, the heart should push out at least 50% of the blood it pumps. When this level decreases, heart failure occurs; in most cases it is progressive, which affects the development of pathological processes in many internal organs and systems.

The normal ejection fraction in children varies from 55 to 70%. If its level is below 40-55%, then this already indicates a malfunction of the heart. To prevent such deviations it is necessary to carry out preventive examination at the cardiologist.

Patients who have been referred to medical diagnostics heart and blood vessels, meet such a concept as ejection fraction. It is measured by ultrasound, contrast x-ray and echocardiography.

In this article, the reader will become acquainted with the definition of “cardiac output”, norms and interpretation, and will also learn about methods of treatment and prevention.


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Ejection fraction is an indicator that determines the efficiency of the muscles of the heart organ at the moment of impact. It is measured as the percentage of blood volume entering the vessels during ventricular systole. For example, if there is 100 ml, 65 ml enters the vascular system, so the cardiac output will be 65%.

Most measurements are taken of the left ventricle, since from it blood enters the circulation through big circle. If there is a lack of blood in this ventricle, this causes heart failure, which leads to the development of diseases of the organ.

Ejection fraction is not prescribed to all patients, but only to those who complain of:


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  • pain in the chest;
  • systematic interruptions in the work of the organ;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • frequent dizziness and fainting;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • fatigue and weakness;
  • decreased productivity.

Typically, the first test is an electrocardiogram and ultrasound. These tests help determine the extent to which cardiac output occurs in both the left and right ventricles. Diagnostics are low cost, highly informative, and there is no specific training. The accessibility of the procedure is due to the fact that any ultrasound equipment can provide data on the fraction.

Normal fraction emission

The human heart even without external stimuli continues to work, pushing out over 50% of the blood at each systolic state. If this indicator begins to decrease to a level of less than 50%, then deficiency is diagnosed. As a result of a decrease in volume, the myocardium develops, ischemia, defects, etc.

The ejection fraction varies in the range of 55-70 percent - this is the norm. A decrease to 35-40 percent entails dangerous interruptions. To prevent a fatal fall, it is necessary to visit a cardiologist at least once a year. For persons over 40 years of age, this is a mandatory procedure. Symptomatic picture, described above, is a good reason to contact a qualified cardiologist.

Cardiac output when diagnosing a patient’s body with cardiac pathologies vascular system an important priority is to determine individual minimum threshold. Based on the information, the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct therapy.

Ultrasound - norms and interpretation

At the end ultrasound examination, the diagnostician draws up a protocol where he enters all the received data on the condition of the left ventricle. Subsequently, the information is decrypted. When pathologies are identified, the doctor explains the results obtained and a diagnosis is established.

Even without having medical education, a person can independently decipher the main indicators and see clinical picture the examined organ. Decoding occurs by comparing the information received with a standard table.

  • ejection fraction, interval: 55 -60%;
  • size of the atrium of the right chamber: 2.7-4.5 cm;
  • stroke volume: 60-100 ml;
  • aortic diameter: 2.1-4.1 cm;
  • diastolic wall thickness: 0.75-1.1 cm;
  • systole size: 3.1-4.3 cm;
  • size of the atrium of the left chamber: 1.9 to 4 cm.

The above indicators must be considered in their entirety. Deviation from the norm of one is not a suspicion of pathological process, however, may require additional diagnostics.

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How to treat low fraction level?

Having information about the norm cardiac output, the reader can analyze the performance of the organ. When left ventricular output is below normal, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist as soon as possible. It is worth noting that the doctor is primarily interested not in the presence of pathology, but in the cause of the development of the disease. Therefore, after ultrasound, additional studies are often carried out.

Low ventricular output is most often characterized by feeling unwell, swelling and shortness of breath. How to increase the volume of the fraction? We live in an era progressive medicine, therefore, in the arsenal of doctors to increase the release of blood into the vessels, therapy takes first place. Basically, the patient is undergoing outpatient treatment, during which specialists monitor the activity of the heart and vascular system. Besides drug treatment, sometimes surgery is performed.

  • Fluid intake is strictly regulated and amounts to 1.5-2 liters of water per day;
  • refusal of salt, seasonings and dishes containing it;
  • dietary ration;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • reception medicines: stimulants urinary tract, inhibitors, adrenaline blockers, digoxin, etc.

It is possible to restore blood supply surgical method. As a rule, operations are prescribed for patients who have been diagnosed with severe heart disease or valve apparatus. Often, the valves are resected and prostheses are installed. This approach allows you to normalize the heart rhythm and eliminate arrhythmia and fibrillation. It should be noted that operations are carried out if there is a high danger to human life. In all other cases, therapy is carried out.

Preventive methods

With absence genetic predisposition For diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is possible to keep the fraction normal without difficulty.

  • daily exercise;
  • eating foods rich in iron;
  • do not abuse alcohol-containing drinks and tobacco;
  • maintain a healthy regimen;
  • Do aerobics 2-3 times a week;
  • choose foods with low salt levels.

The main key is aerobics. There is an opinion that for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, physical activity is harmful. It is a myth.

Only heavy lifting can cause harm, i.e. Gym prohibited for patients. Aerobic exercise, on the contrary, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and does not overload the heart. Such exercises improve muscle function by removing oxygen from the blood. It is necessary to exercise gradually increasing the load.

According to 20th century statistics, heart vascular diseases Elderly people were most often affected. Today this has also affected the younger generation. The main risk group includes residents of megacities who suffer from low levels of clean air and exhaust gases. Therefore, it is very important for every person to undergo annual medical examination not only from the cardiologist, but also from other doctors. Remember that only you are responsible for your health!

And a little about secrets...

  • Do you often have discomfort in the area of ​​the heart (stabbing or squeezing pain, burning sensation)?
  • You may suddenly feel weak and tired...
  • Blood pressure keeps going up...
  • About shortness of breath after the slightest physical stress and there is nothing to say...
  • And you have been taking a bunch of medications for a long time, going on a diet and watching your weight...

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An important diagnostic method

Echocardiographic examination of cardio-vascular system is very important and also quite accessible method diagnostics In some cases, the method is the “gold standard”, allowing one or another diagnosis to be verified. In addition, the method makes it possible to identify hidden heart failure that does not manifest itself during intense physical activity. Echocardiography data ( normal indicators) may vary slightly depending on the source. We present the standards proposed American Association echocardiography and the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging from 2015.

2 Ejection fraction

Ejection fraction (EF) is important diagnostic value, so allows you to evaluate the systolic function of the LV and right ventricles. Ejection fraction is the percentage of blood volume that is expelled into the vessels from the right and left ventricles during systole. If, for example, from 100 ml of blood 65 ml of blood entered the vessels, as a percentage this will be 65%.

Left ventricle. The normal left ventricular ejection fraction for men is ≥ 52%, for women – ≥ 54%. In addition to the LV ejection fraction, the LV shortening fraction is also determined, which reflects the state of its pumping system ( contractile function). The norm for the shortening fraction (SF) of the left ventricle is ≥ 25%.

Low left ventricular ejection fraction may occur with rheumatic heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, myocardial infarction, and other conditions that lead to heart failure (weakness of the heart muscle). A decrease in left ventricular EF is a sign of LV heart failure. Left ventricular FU decreases in heart diseases that lead to heart failure - myocardial infarction, heart defects, myocarditis, etc.

Right ventricle. The normal ejection fraction for the right ventricle (RV) is ≥ 45%.

3 Dimensions of heart chambers

The dimensions of the heart chambers are a parameter that is determined in order to exclude or confirm overload of the atria or ventricles.

Left atrium. The normal left atrium (LA) diameter in mm for men is ≤ 40, for women ≤ 38. An increase in the diameter of the left atrium may indicate heart failure in the patient. In addition to the LA diameter, its volume is also measured. The normal LA volume for men in mm3 is ≤ 58, for women ≤ 52. LA size increases with cardiomyopathies, defects mitral valve, arrhythmias (heart rhythm disturbances), congenital defects hearts.

Right atrium. For the right atrium (RA), as well as for the left atrium, the dimensions (diameter and volume) are determined by echocardiography. Normally, the diameter of the PP is ≤ 44 mm. Right atrium volume is divided by body surface area (BSA). For men, the normal ratio of PP/PPT volume is ≤ 39 ml/m2, for women - ≤33 ml/m2. The size of the right atrium may increase with failure of the right heart. Pulmonary hypertension, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases can cause the development of right atrial insufficiency.

Left ventricle. The ventricles have their own parameters regarding their sizes. Since it is of interest to the practicing physician functional state ventricles in systole and diastole, there are corresponding indicators. Main size indicators for the left ventricle:

Right ventricle. Basal diameter - ≤ 41 mm;
End-diastolic volume (EDV) RV/APT (men) ≤ 87 ml/m2, women ≤ 74 ml/m2;
End systolic volume (ESV) of the RV/PPT (men) - ≤ 44 ml/m2, women - 36 ml/m2;
The thickness of the pancreas wall is ≤ 5 mm.

Interventricular septum. The thickness of the IVS in men in mm is ≤ 10, in women – ≤ 9;

4 Valves

To assess the condition of the valves in echocardiography, parameters such as valve area and mean pressure gradient are used.

  1. Aortic valve. Area - 2.5-4.5 cm2; average pressure gradient
  2. Mitral valve (MV). Area - 4-6 cm2, average pressure gradient

5 Vessels

Pulmonary artery. The diameter of the pulmonary artery (PA) is ≤ 21 mm, the acceleration time of the PA is ≥110 ms. A decrease in the lumen of the vessel indicates stenosis or pathological narrowing. Systolic pressure≤ 30 mm Hg, average pressure - ≤ 20-25 mm Hg; An increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery that exceeds acceptable limits indicates the presence of pulmonary hypertension.

Inferior vena cava. The diameter of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is ≤ 21 mm; An increase in the diameter of the inferior vena cava can be observed with a significant increase in the volume of the right atrium (RA) and a weakening of its contractile function. This condition can occur with narrowing of the right atrioventricular orifice and with tricuspid valve (TC) insufficiency.

You can find more in other sources detailed information about the other valves, large vessels, as well as calculations of indicators. Here are some of them that were missing above:

  1. Ejection fraction according to Simpson is the norm ≥ 45%, according to Teicholz - ≥ 55%. Simpson's method is used more often because it is more accurate. According to this method, the entire LV cavity is divided conditionally into a certain number of thin disks. The EchoCG operator makes measurements at the end of systole and diastole. The Teicholtz method for determining ejection fraction is simpler, but in the presence of asynergic zones in the LV, the obtained data on ejection fraction are inaccurate.
  2. The concept of normokinesis, hyperkinesis and hypokinesis. Such indicators are assessed by amplitude interventricular septum And back wall LV. Normally, fluctuations of the interventricular septum (IVS) are within the range of 0.5-0.8 cm, for the posterior wall of the LV - 0.9 - 1.4 cm. If the amplitude of movements is less than the indicated figures, they speak of hypokinesis. In the absence of movement - akinesis. There is also the concept of dyskinesia - wall movement with a negative sign. With hyperkinesis, the indicators exceed normal values. There may also be asynchronous movement of the LV walls, which often occurs when intraventricular conduction is impaired, atrial fibrillation(MA), artificial pacemaker.

Cardiac output is one of the the most important characteristics, allowing you to monitor the state of the cardiovascular system. This concept refers to the volume of blood pumped by the heart into the vessels over a certain interval, measured by the time interval or contractile movements of the heart muscle.

The volume of blood pushed out by the heart into the vascular system is defined as minute volume (MOC) and systolic, also known as stroke volume (SV).

To determine the IOC, the amount of blood passing through one of the atria in 1 minute is calculated. The characteristic is measured in liters or milliliters. Considering individuality human body, as well as the difference in physical data, experts introduced the concept of cardiac index (CI). This value is calculated by the ratio of the IOC to the total body surface area, which is measured in square meters. The SI unit is l/min. m².

When transporting oxygen closed system blood circulation plays the role of a kind of limiter. The greatest indicator of minute volume of blood circulation obtained during maximum muscle tension, when compared with the indicator recorded under normal conditions, allows one to determine the functional reserve of the cardiovascular system and specifically the heart by hemodynamics.

If a person is healthy, the hemodynamic reserve varies from 300 to 400%. The figures inform that without any danger to the body’s condition, a three- to four-fold increase in IOC, which is observed at rest, is possible. In people who regularly engage in sports and are physically well developed, this figure can exceed 700%.

When the body is in horizontal position and at the same time any physical activity is excluded, the IOC is in the range from 4 to 5.5 (6) l/min. Normal SI under the same conditions does not leave the range of 2–4 l/min. m².

Relationship between the IOC and organs at rest

Amount of blood filling circulatory system normal person, equal to 5–6 l. One minute is enough to complete a full circuit. For severe physical work, increased sports loads IOC indicator ordinary person increases to 30 l/min, and for professional athletes even more - up to 40.

Except physical condition, IOC indicators largely depend on:

  • systolic blood volume;
  • heart rate;
  • functionality and status venous system, through which blood returns to the heart.

Systolic blood volume

Systolic blood volume refers to the amount of blood pushed out by the ventricles into great vessels in the span of one heartbeat. Based on this indicator, a conclusion is made about the strength and efficiency of the heart muscle. In addition to systolic, this characteristic is often called stroke volume or VT.

Systolic volume of blood circulation is calculated by the amount of blood pushed by the heart into the vessels during one contraction

At rest and in the absence physical activity per one contraction of the heart, 0.3–0.5 volumes of blood filling its chamber are pushed out to diastole. The remaining blood is a reserve, which can be used in case of sharp increase physical, emotional or other activity.

The blood remaining in the chamber becomes the main determinant that determines the functional reserve of the heart. The larger the reserve volume, the more blood can be supplied to the circulatory system as needed.

When the circulatory system begins to adapt to certain conditions, the systolic volume undergoes a change. Extracardiac nervous mechanisms take an active part in the process of self-regulation. In this case, the main effect is on the myocardium, or more precisely, on the force of its contraction. A decrease in the power of myocardial contractions leads to a decrease in systolic volume.

For the average person, whose body is in a horizontal position and does not experience physical stress, it is normal if the OC varies between 70–100 ml.

Factors influencing IOC

Cardiac output is a variable value, and there are quite a few factors that change it. One of them is pulse, expressed as heart rate. At rest and in a horizontal position of the body, his average equal to 60–80 beats per minute. Changes in pulse occur under the influence of chronotropic influences, and inotropic influences affect strength.

Leads to an increase in minute blood volume. These changes play an important role in the process of accelerating the adaptation of the IOC to the relevant situation. When the body is exposed to extreme stress, there is an increase in heart rate by 3 or more times compared to normal. Heartbeat changes under the chronotropic influence exerted by sympathetic and vagus nerves to the sinoatrial node of the heart. In parallel with chronotropic changes in cardiac activity, inotropic effects may be exerted on the myocardium.

Systemic hemodynamics is also determined by the work of the heart. To calculate this indicator, it is necessary to multiply the data on the average pressure and the mass of blood that is pumped into the aorta over a certain time interval. The result informs how the left ventricle is functioning. To establish the work of the right ventricle, it is enough to reduce the resulting value by 4 times.

If cardiac output is not normal and there is no external influences, then this fact indicates abnormal functioning of the heart, therefore, the presence of pathology.

Decreased cardiac output

Most common reasons low cardiac output becomes a fundamental disorder. These include:

  • damaged myocardium;
  • blocked coronary vessels;
  • abnormally functioning heart valves;
  • disrupted metabolic processes occurring in the heart muscle.

When cardiac output decreases and tissues are no longer supplied with nutrients, cardiogenic shock may occur.

The main reason leading to a decrease in cardiac output lies in insufficient intake venous blood to the heart. This factor has a negative impact on the IOC. The process is determined by:

  • a decrease in the amount of blood involved in circulation;
  • decrease in tissue mass;
  • blockage of large veins and expansion of ordinary ones.

A decrease in the amount of circulating blood helps to reduce the IOC to a critical threshold. A shortage of blood begins to be felt in the vascular system, which affects the amount of blood returned to the heart.

When fainting occurs due to disorders in the nervous system, small arteries become dilated and veins become enlarged. The result is a decrease in blood pressure and, as a consequence, insufficient blood volume entering the heart.

If the vessels supplying blood to the heart undergo changes, they may partially block. This immediately affects peripheral vessels that are not involved in the supply of blood to the heart. The resulting reduced amount of blood sent to the heart causes low cardiac output syndrome. Its main symptoms are expressed:

  • drop in blood pressure;
  • low heart rate;
  • tachycardia.

This process is accompanied external factors: cold sweat, small volume of urination and changes in skin color (pallor, blueness).

The final diagnosis is made by an experienced cardiologist after carefully studying the test results.

Increased cardiac output

The level of cardiac output depends not only on physical activity, but also on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Job nervous system can reduce and increase the IOC index.

Sports activities are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure. Acceleration of metabolism reduces skeletal muscles and dilates the arterioles. This factor allows to the extent necessary supply oxygen to muscles. Exertion leads to a narrowing of large veins, an increase in heart rate and an increase in the strength of contractions of the heart muscle. High blood pressure causes a powerful blood flow to the skeletal muscles.

Increased cardiac output is most often observed in the following cases:

  • arteriovenous fistula;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • anemia;
  • vitamin B deficiency.

In an arteriovenous fistula, the artery is directly connected to the vein. This phenomenon is called a fistula and appears to be of two types. Congenital arteriovenous fistula is accompanied by benign formations on skin and can be located on any organ. In this variant, it is expressed by embryonic fistulas that have not reached the stages of veins or arteries.

An acquired arteriovenous fistula is formed under the influence of external influence. It is created if there is a need for hemodialysis. Often a fistula becomes the result of catheterization, as well as a consequence surgical intervention. Such a fistula sometimes accompanies penetrating wounds.

A large fistula provokes increased cardiac output. When she takes chronic form, heart failure is possible, in which the IOC reaches critically high levels.

Thyrotoxicosis is characterized by a rapid pulse and increased arterial pressure. In parallel with this, not only are there quantitative changes blood, but also high quality. Increases thyraxin levels abnormal level erythropatine and, as a consequence, reduced erythrocyte mass. The result is increased cardiac output.

With anemia, blood viscosity decreases and the heart is able to pump it into large quantities. This leads to increased blood flow and increased heart rate. Tissues receive more oxygen, and accordingly, cardiac output and IOC increase.

Lack of vitamin B 1 is the cause of many pathologies

Vitamin B 1 is involved in blood formation and has a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation. Its action significantly affects the functioning of the heart muscles. A lack of this vitamin contributes to the development of beriberi disease, one of the symptoms of which is impaired blood flow. With active metabolism, tissues stop absorbing what they need. nutrients. The body compensates for this process by dilating peripheral vessels. Under such conditions, cardiac output and venous return can exceed the norm by two or more times.

Cardiac output fraction and diagnosis

The concept of ejection fraction was introduced into medicine to determine the performance of the heart muscles at the time of contraction. It allows you to determine how much blood was pushed from the heart into the vessels. The unit of measurement is set to percentage.

The left ventricle is selected as the object of observation. Its direct connection with the systemic circulation makes it possible to accurately determine heart failure and identify pathology.

Ejection fraction is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with constant complaints about heart function;
  • chest pain;
  • shortness of breath;
  • frequent dizziness and fainting;
  • low performance, rapid fatigue;
  • swelling of the legs.

The initial analysis is carried out using ECG and ultrasound equipment.

Fraction norm

During each systolic state, the heart of a person who is not experiencing increased physical and psycho-emotional stress throws up to 50% of the blood into the vessels. If this indicator begins to noticeably decrease, insufficiency is observed, which indicates the development of ischemia, myocardial pathologies, etc.

A – normal fraction, B – 45% fraction

The ejection fraction norm is 55–70%. Its drop to 45% and below becomes critical. For warning negative consequences Such a decrease, especially after 40 years, requires an annual visit to a cardiologist.

If the patient already has pathologies of the cardiovascular system, then in this case there is a need to determine an individual minimum threshold.

After conducting the study and comparing the data obtained with the norm, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate therapy.

Ultrasound does not reveal full picture pathology and, since the doctor is more interested in identifying the cause of this disease, most often you have to resort to additional research.

Treatment of low fraction level

Low cardiac output is usually accompanied by general malaise. To normalize health, the patient is prescribed ambulatory treatment. During this period it is produced constant control the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and the therapy itself involves taking medications.

In particularly critical cases, it is possible to carry out surgery. This procedure is preceded by the identification of a severe defect in the patient or serious violations valve apparatus.

Surgery becomes inevitable when low level cardiac output becomes life-threatening for the patient. In general, conventional therapy is sufficient.

Self-treatment and prevention of low ejection fraction

To normalize the ejection fraction, you must:

  • Introduce control over the liquids taken, reduce their volume to 1.5–2 liters per day.
  • Avoid salty and spicy foods.
  • Switch to dietary foods.
  • Reduce physical activity.

As preventive measures, allowing to avoid deviations from the norm of cardiac ejection fraction, are:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • maintaining a daily routine;
  • eating iron-containing foods;
  • exercises and light gymnastics.

If there is the slightest malfunction of the heart or even suspicion of these manifestations, you must immediately see a cardiologist. Timely detection of pathology greatly simplifies and speeds up its elimination.