What happens if miramistin gets into your eyes? "Miramistin" - how it works and what it is intended for. Medical point of view

Inflammatory eye diseases are very common today, since their cause can be not only unfavorable weather, but also overvoltage, negative impact numerous screens that are equipped with smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers and other modern devices. Those medications, which were used previously, in our time do not provide an opportunity to effectively combat such diseases.

That is why the vast majority of ophthalmologists recommend their patients to use Miramistin and various drugs based on it. What are the benefits of this medicine? Let's try to understand this issue in detail.

The main arguments in favor of using Miramistin

According to experts, rinse your eyes with Miramistin to eliminate any inflammatory processes not only possible, but also necessary.

The reason is that this drug has several important advantages over other drugs:

  • it accelerates the recovery process of affected mucous membranes;
  • By treating your eyes with Miramistin, you directly affect the causative agent of the disease. Thereby unique property there is no need to carry out a lot of tests and research to find out which viruses or bacteria caused the inflammatory process. The medicine will be effective in any case;
  • the drug enhances the body's protective properties in its affected areas. That is, in case of inflammation of the eye such as conjunctivitis or keratitis, it will protect the organs of vision;
  • Unlike antibiotics and other drugs, treatment of the visual organs with Miramistin eliminates allergic reactions. The medicine does not irritate the mucous membranes and does not have any side effects, so you can use it in the eyes of a newborn child, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

By washing your eyes with Miramistin, you also save yourself from the need to use several drugs at once to achieve desired effect, because this remedy performs a number of functions at once.

For what eye diseases can Miramistin be used?

As we have already found out above, the drug has antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiallergic effects. That is why it can be successfully used to treat the following common diseases:

  • conjunctivitis caused by bacteria, chlamydial infections, which are practically invulnerable to many antibiotics, fungi and viruses;
  • blepharitis, keratitis, keratouveitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • traumatic damage to the organs of vision or eyelids. IN in this case It’s time to treat the eyes with Miramistin in order to remove all flora from the mucous membranes, stimulate the immune system to accelerate tissue regeneration.

Additionally, using this drug, you can get rid of a disease such as clouding of the cornea of ​​the eye, and quickly restore normal vision.

How to use Miramistin: a guide to action

Miramistin is available in the form of drops. The dosage of the drug depends on individual characteristics body, as well as from disease. We recommend following these recommendations:

  • for conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes, you can drip the medicine 2-3 drops three times a day. For children, the dosage is only 1-2 drops at a time. In this case, it is important to instill in both eyes;
  • at thermal burns, and traumatic injuries you will need to instill 3-5 drops three times a day for adults and 1-2 drops for children;
  • if you are undergoing surgery to eliminate cataracts, glaucoma or cataracts, you can treat with Miramistin for prevention possible complications surgical intervention. 3 days before the appointed date, you need to drip 3 drops of the drug into both eyes up to six times a day. This makes it possible to reduce the amount pathogenic microorganisms and significantly alleviate your condition even before surgery.

In all of the above situations, the medicine quickly relieves inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration, and eliminates symptoms of the disease such as sensation in the eye foreign body And severe itching. It also reduces lacrimation, and in case of preparation for surgery, it minimizes the risk of complications and makes it easier to get used to any implants.

Miramistin will be excellent for conjunctivitis auxiliary treatment. This drug has a wide range of applications and has an antiseptic effect, destroying pathogenic microflora.

Many people are interested in whether it is advisable to use the solution to treat children and whether it is safe in this case. It should be understood in more detail.

Features of application

This solution is often used for inflammatory and infectious processes of various etiologies. It is used in gynecology, for the treatment of ENT organs, burns and various damages skin, as well as in postoperative period as a prevention of complications.

Miramistin for conjunctivitis in children is effective against both bacterial and viral origin diseases. Chlorhexidine has a similar effect, but the concentration of the substance in it is higher, so its use is not advisable in childhood.

A positive property of the solution is its ability not to exert systemic action on the body.

This procedure must be repeated at least 3 times a day to achieve lasting results. Children at any age can wash their eyes with Miramistin without fear of harm. negative reactions. However Small child must be treated under the strict supervision of a parent.

Many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to instill the product into the eyes if they have an ailment such as conjunctivitis. Definitely, yes, and this will give good results with regular repetition. It is enough to take a few drops into a pipette and drop them into your eyes. After this, it is advisable to blink so that the drug is evenly distributed.

Treatment of children under 3 years of age should begin with a preliminary consultation with a pediatrician.

If you treat the problem with antibiotics in combination with medicine, this will give double positive effect, since this remedy enhances the effect of such drugs.

Side effects

Side effects occur extremely rarely, however, a mild allergic reaction may occur, as well as a burning sensation at the site of application of the antiseptic. This undesirable manifestation does not require cessation of therapy and will go away after half a minute.

However, before starting treatment, it is advisable to find out the etiology of the disease, namely the form: fungal, viral or bacterial. If the cause of purulent discharge from the eyes is an allergy, then this solution is best used in combination with antihistamines. When a fungus is the causative agent of the disease, washing should be done at least 4 times a day.

In case of persistent bacterial infection, it is advisable to alternate the remedy with others. antiseptic drops. The viruses that cause conjunctivitis are suppressed by regular instillation and oral use of immunostimulants.

If after a few days no improvement is noticed, then you should contact your pediatrician, who will supplement the therapy. For the effect of the procedures to be lasting, treatment must be carried out for at least 7-10 days.


Miramistin is an antiseptic drug for local and external use.

Endowed with a wide range antibacterial action, including nosocomial microbial strains resistant to antibiotics. The drug has a pronounced bactericidal (destructive for bacteria) effect on gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.) and gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria.

Development of this effective remedy was carried out back in the 70s of the last century by Professor Krivoshein and a group of researchers from Russia and Ukraine. Due to various political events in USSR scientific work often stopped due to lack of funding. Therefore, the drug was registered as a medicinal product only in 1991.

Clinical and pharmacological group

MIRAMISTIN is an antiseptic drug with complex action.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Miramistin cost in pharmacies? average price in 2018 it is at the level of 200 rubles for a solution and 370 rubles for a spray.

Release form and composition

The medicine is available in the form of a solution that is applied topically. This clear liquid without color, which foams when shaken. Miramistin solution is contained in polyethylene bottles of 50 ml, 100 ml, 150 ml or 200 ml, which are placed in cardboard boxes. The kit also includes a spray nozzle or spray pump. The release form for use in a hospital setting is 500 ml bottles.

  1. Actively active ingredient: benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate, 100 mg
  2. Excipients: purified water, up to 1 liter

Miramistin suppositories and tablets are not available.

Pharmacological effect

When used topically, Miramistin is not absorbed into the mucous membranes and skin. It is active against hospital strains, even those resistant to antibiotics. The active substance interacts with the lipid layer of microorganism membranes. This causes their destruction and increases permeability.

Under the influence of Miramistin, the death of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, gram-positive and gram-negative organisms occurs. At the same time, there is an increase in activity immune cells. This leads to stimulation nonspecific immunity, accelerating the healing process. Stimulation of protective properties occurs due to activation various functions phagocytes.

Indications for use

What does it help with? Miramistin is used for a number of diseases in different areas medicine:

  1. Otorhinolaryngology: (acute and chronic form), as well as.
  2. Traumatology and surgery: treatment of purulent wound surfaces, prevention of suppuration, curative therapy with a purulent-inflammatory process of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Gynecology and obstetrics: carrying out preventive and therapeutic procedures aimed at eliminating suppuration in the injured perineal area, stopping the inflammatory process, treating infections after childbirth.
  4. Combustiology: therapeutic therapy for severe burns (2nd and 3rd degree), preparatory treatment of the burn surface before dermaplasty.
  5. Dentistry: preventive measures, healing procedures at inflammatory diseases oral cavity infectious nature( , periodontitis, ), hygienic care for dentures.
  6. Dermatology, as well as venereology: carrying out therapeutic and preventive procedures aimed at eliminating fungal infections of the skin, as well as mucous membranes.
  7. Urology: treatment for, or urethroprostatitis (acute or chronic form), if the disease is caused by specific and nonspecific pathogenic microorganisms.


Miramistin should not be used in the form of a solution for hypersensitivity. Not used to treat children under 3 years of age.

The ointment is also not used in case of hypersensitivity to the components. The ointment is not used in children under one year of age and in pediatric practice in general.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Miramistin during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding can be used if there are appropriate indications.

If Miramistin is gargled during pregnancy, or Miramistin is instilled into the nose during pregnancy, the likelihood of absorption active substance into the bloodstream is unlikely. Therefore, Miramistin can be used for the throat, as well as for disinfecting affected surfaces during pregnancy. You should ask your doctor in detail how to use the medicine.

During pregnancy, during treatment with this drug, it is necessary to periodically observe a specialist.

Dosage and method of administration

The instructions for use indicate that the specifics of using Miramistin will depend on the field of medicine and the specific disease.

STD warning

To prevent sexually transmitted diseases, Miramistin will be effective if it is used no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse.

To do this, using the included urological applicator, the contents of the bottle are introduced into the urethra for 2-3 minutes: 2-3 ml (for men), 1-2 ml and an additional 5-10 ml into the vagina (for women). The skin of the inner thighs, peripubic area and external genitalia is also treated.


IN dental practice antiseptic Miramistin in the form of a solution is used in accordance with the following recommendations and instructions:

  1. For gingivitis and periodontal disease, treatment with the composition is advisable only after the enamel has been cleaned of soft deposits and tartar.
  2. After removing a tooth or opening an abscess, “baths” with an antiseptic are recommended: you need to take a tablespoon of solution into your mouth and hold for at least 1 minute.
  3. During treatment herpetic stomatitis the product is used for rinsing in combination with immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, the procedure is carried out 3 times a day for 1 minute.
  4. In order to disinfect dentures, you need to first clean them and then apply an antiseptic.
  5. For fungal diseases of the oral cavity, Miramistin is used both for rinsing the mouth and throat, and for topical use to treat the mucous membrane with a cotton swab.


For ENT diseases, the drug is used for rinsing and local treatment, as well as for rinsing the nose. It is necessary to use an antiseptic 3-4 times a day, 10-15 ml of the product per 1 procedure. Dosages and dosage regimens may vary depending on the nature of the disease and the age of the patient.

Miramistin for throat

Inhalations with Miramistin in a nebulizer are indicated for children with infectious diseases upper respiratory tract. For adults similar treatment rarely prescribed due to low effectiveness. To carry out inhalation with Miramistin in a nebulizer, children need to take 10 drops of antiseptic and dissolve them in 30-40 drops of saline solution.

Breathe the resulting mixture through the mask for 5-7 minutes. Frequency: twice a day. Inhalations with Miramistin in a nebulizer are carried out for children for 5 days. During the procedure, you should breathe strictly through your nose.

Miramistin spray: instructions for use

Below we will tell you how to optimally use Miramistin for irrigating the mouth and throat, or for traditional mouth rinsing, in both children and adults. Miramistin spray instructions for use contain the following instructions...

First you need to activate the spray nozzle -

  1. Remove the cap from the bottle,
  2. Remove the sprayer from the packaging,
  3. Attach it to the bottle
  4. Activate the spray nozzle by double pressing.

One press of the spray nozzle releases approximately 4 ml of solution. The frequency of use is 3-4 times a day (regardless of age). The scheme is something like this: eat, brush your teeth, rinse or irrigate. If we're talking about not about treating the throat, but about rinsing the mouth, then the duration of the latter is optimal at 30-60 seconds.

Course of application: for gum inflammation - strictly 10 days, for the treatment of herpetic stomatitis - until clinical recovery (but not more than 10 days), for tonsillitis and others inflammatory diseases ENT organs – from 4 to 10 days.

Ointment dosage

The ointment is applied to a surface pre-treated with an antiseptic and applied on top. dressing or a bandage. Tampons soaked in ointment fill fistulas and cavities purulent wounds.

In phase 1 of the wound process - once a day, in phase 2 once for 1-3 days. The course of treatment is determined by the speed of purulent wound cleansing and tissue regeneration.

In dermatological practice, the ointment is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer, several times a day. You can soak a sterile bandage and apply it to the injury (1-2 times a day). Use for up to 6 weeks in a row.

Side effects

A local reaction is rarely observed - a burning sensation, which goes away on its own within a short time (5-20 seconds). This does not require discontinuation of the drug.

With increased sensitivity to miramistin, local skin irritation may occur: itching, hyperemia, burning sensation, dry skin.


No data available.

special instructions

No mutagenic effects of the drugs were detected during the study.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with the eyes. Miramistin for eyes is used only after prescription by a specialist. At the same time, you should definitely ask your doctor about whether it is possible to wash your eyes with this solution and how to do it correctly. For the purpose of therapy eye diseases Okomistin based on miramistin is used.

Since this remedy has wide range influence, it is prescribed for mixed fungal and bacterial infections. As a rule, this occurs at the first stage of therapy, before a diagnosis is made.

The drug "Miramistin" is effective and safe antiseptic. It is on free sale. Previously, the medicine was produced for use in gynecology. It is now used in many other industries. Who would have thought that Miramistin is sometimes used for the eyes?! You will learn more about this today.

Is it possible to rinse the eye with Miramistin?

To answer this question, you should first refer to the instructions. The annotation states that Miramistin contains an active ingredient called benzyldimethyl. It is used to cleanse the skin and mucous membranes of pathogenic microorganisms. After reading the contraindications, you will learn: the product should not be used only if you have an individual intolerance active substance. If you think about it, you can draw a logical conclusion that using Miramistin for the eyes is not prohibited.

The effectiveness of the drug for eye diseases

Is it possible to rinse the eye with Miramistin? The manufacturer does not prohibit such use of the drug. But what are they for? similar actions? What is the effectiveness of an antiseptic when used in ophthalmology?

Miramistin solution has a wide spectrum of action. It is effective against various bacteria, fungi and viruses. Often, before the appointment medicine, ophthalmologists prescribe a culture for the patient. This analysis allows you to identify the pathogen, and the doctor, in turn, prescribes effective medicine. Since the declared antiseptic is effective against almost all microbes, it can be used even without preliminary analysis. Eat Great chance that he will help you. Practice shows that patients use Miramistin to wash the eyes for conjunctivitis caused by gram-negative and also use the composition for fungal diseases, viral infections organs of vision.

Medical point of view

So is it really possible to use Miramistin for the eyes? What do experienced doctors think about this? Doctors say that benzyldimethyl is indeed an excellent antiseptic. Many patients, not knowing the cause of eye disease, purchase antibiotic drops. But they are not always effective. The benzyldimethyl component helps in most cases. However, it is not always convenient to use Miramistin by measuring drops. Especially if you have a bottle with a spray nozzle.

The manufacturer of the claimed product has long been producing a medication based on the same active ingredient, but specifically for the eyes. His tradename"Okomistin". It cleanses the mucous membrane of gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria, anaerobes and aerobes. It has been proven that it is effective against fungi, chlamydia, viruses (including herpes), and adenoviruses. The medication reduces the resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. But of this medicine has its limitations. It is not prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as to children under 18 years of age.

Mode of application

Is it possible to rinse the eye with Miramistin during inflammation? Yes! Moisten a sterile swab with the preparation and clean the organ of vision from purulent discharge. After this, drop 2-3 drops into each eye. Repeat the procedure three times a day. For children, doctors prescribe Miramistin for the eyes, 1-2 drops three times a day.

If you decide to use Okomistin, then it is administered 1-2 drops up to 6 times a day. The manufacturer does not limit the period of use. It is permissible to use an antiseptic until recovery occurs.

"Miramistin" and "Okomistin" can be used for preventive purposes. The drugs are prescribed for surgical and diagnostic interventions. Start using solutions three days before the procedure. Inject 1-2 drops into each eye three times a day. After the manipulation, unless prohibited by your doctor, use the antiseptic for another 10 days. This will help avoid bacterial infection.

Is it possible to wash the eye with Miramistin if an injury occurs? Such manipulation is not only possible, but also necessary. When the mucous membrane is damaged, it occurs high probability complications, because pathogenic flora immediately hits the affected area. Clean the injured area with a sterile cotton swab, soaked in a solution of Miramistin or Okomistin. If necessary, instill the medicine into the conjunctival sac. During therapy, stop wearing contact lenses, as they increase the risk of infection of mucous surfaces.

Why should Miramistin not be used in ophthalmology?

For what reasons is preference given to Okomistin eye drops? Miramistin should not be used independently in ophthalmology, because this drug is, in principle, not intended for use for such purposes. It is necessary to replace one product with another because the Miramistin solution is inconvenient to dose. You may overdo the amount of medication. It is also worth refusing to spontaneously use the claimed medicine because its absolute analogue has more contraindications that need to be taken into account.


As it turned out, Miramistin can be used to wash the eyes for inflammatory and infectious diseases, injuries, for preventive purposes Can. But doctors advise purchasing special remedy, which is intended for use in ophthalmology. Okomistin eye drops, like Miramistin itself, have a lot of advantages:

  1. no need to take a culture before use;
  2. medications will definitely help you (even if the disease is caused by viruses and is accompanied by a bacterial infection);
  3. the drugs are safe, they almost never provoke adverse reactions.

Despite all positive traits, do not get carried away with self-medication. If possible, consult a doctor to resolve the problem.

Miramistin is a solution of eye drops, an antiseptic for topical use. In ophthalmology it is used as antibacterial agent. Prescribed in therapy and for the prevention of purulent and inflammatory processes in the anterior segment of the eyes.

Composition and release form

Miramistin - solution of eye drops 0.01%, colorless, transparent, contains in each milliliter:

  • Active ingredient: benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate - 0.1 mg
  • Additional components: purified water.

Packaging: polyethylene bottles white 50, 100, 200 ml in cardboard packs.

Pharmacological properties

Miramistin solution is a drug from the antiseptic group, with bactericidal effect. Shows activity against gram-positive bacteria and viruses, including herpes viruses and human immunodeficiency viruses. It also has an antifungal effect.

Miramistin prevents infection of burns and wounds. Stimulates regeneration processes. Activates local protective reactions, due to the improvement of the absorption and digestive functions of phagocytes, potentiates the activity of the monocyte-macrophage system. It has hyperosmolar activity, which allows it to stop wound and perifocal inflammation, absorbs purulent exudates, and promotes the formation of a dry scab. The use of the drug does not damage granulations, does not suppress marginal epithelization, and does not affect viable skin cells.

At local application does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Indications for use

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Traumatic keratitis.
  • Ophthalmochlamydia.
  • Keratouveitis and corneal ulcers.
  • Purulent-inflammatory processes in the anterior segment of the eye.
  • Preoperative preparation, conditions after eye surgery.

Directions for use and doses

The standard dosage of Miramistin solution is 2 drops conjunctivally 4-5 times daily. The course of treatment can last from 3 to 10 days, which is determined by the doctor and depends on the severity of the pathology.

In order to prevent surgical infections, Miramistin solution is prescribed two days before surgery, 1-2 drops three times a day and another 10-15 days in the postoperative period (at the same dosage).


  • Individual hypersensitivity.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Children under 3 years old.

Side effects

  • The occurrence of local allergic reactions.
  • Feeling light burning immediately after applying the drops, which goes away on its own after 10-20 seconds and does not require discontinuation of the drug.


There have been no reports of drug overdose.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of Miramistin solution with antibiotic drugs enhances the antimicrobial and antifungal properties of the latter.

special instructions

During treatment with Miramistin solution, it is better to refrain from wearing any types of contact lenses. If for some reason this is not possible, the lenses must be removed before using the drug and put on 15 minutes after instillation.

After instillation of Miramistin solution, you should not drive or engage in potentially dangerous activities for 30 minutes.

Store Miramistin solution at temperature, do not give to children.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Price of the drug Miramistin

Cost of the drug "Miramistin" eye drops"in Moscow pharmacies starts from 195 rubles.

Analogues of Miramistin