What does a Batman girl look like? Batman: Arkham Knight - Gotham's femme fatales. Hulk and Betty Ross

Few people know that Gwen Tacy, played by Emma Stone, is not Spider-Man's only friend. Those who closely follow the franchise will remember that in the previous film version of the Spiderman comic, Kirsten Dunst played a different girl named Mary Jane Watson, the same one who gave Spidey the famous upside-down kiss in the rain. Only now the creators treated the original story of Spider-Man extremely discourteously, grossly violating the love chronology of the superhero.

Mary Jane Watson is truly Peter Parker's greatest love, who became his wife. Only the affair with her began not at school, but much later. Spider's high school crush was gymnast Liz Allen, and Gwen Stacy, with whom Andrew Garfield's Amazing Spider-Man is in love, is the hero's classmate. According to the comic, she and her father will be killed by the Green Goblin and Octopus-Man. Oops! It turned out to be a spoiler... Although the producers of the film make significant hints that the script may develop differently.

" The new Spiderman"

The leader of the red men, Hellboy, has a much simpler and more modest love story. His only love is the fiery girl Liz Sherman, who at the age of 11 accidentally burned her family down. Liz flares up every time she loses her temper, and this nuance prevents her from dating ordinary guys. And for Hellboy, who, as you know, is a “hero from hell” himself, it costs nothing to caress his burning girlfriend.


Iron Man and Virginia Pepper Potts

Well, tell me, what girl doesn’t dream of dating Robert Downey Jr.? What about his character from the comic book films about Iron Man? Tony Stark is smart, rich, handsome, witty, caring, and a superhero too! Despite his obvious playboy role, Iron Man has only one girlfriend throughout the entire story - Pepper Potts, who was lucky enough to be played by Gwyneth Paltrow. Before her, Stark’s personal life, who was trying to fight alcohol addiction, was a complete mess.

" Iron Man 2

Secretary Pepper Potts helped Stark not to ruin his father’s business (the experienced Potts understood the company’s work much better than the legal heir) and, according to the law of the genre, fell in love with her new young boss. The creators of the Iron Man films were more supportive of the girl and brought her together with Stark, while in the comics Pepper's love is unrequited and she marries someone else, while continuing to work for Tony Stark.

Superman and Lois Lane

Superman's lover and later wife Lois Lane works as a reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper, that is, she is a colleague of Clark Kent, who leads a double life. Over the course of four films, from 1978 to 1987, Lane was played by actress Margot Kidder, who was replaced by Kate Bosworth in the modern film adaptation, “Superman Returns” in 2006 (the little-known actress at that time managed to bypass even Scarlett Johansson, Claire Danes and Keira Knightley).

1978 Superman

But Kate was not invited to the most recent film, last year's Man of Steel. The role of Superman's girlfriend was played by Amy Adams. This time, Rachel McAdams, Jessica Biel, Dianna Agron, Kristen Stewart, Kristen Bell, Olivia Wilde and Mila Kunis auditioned for the role of Lois Lane, but Amy Adams had the advantage of experience in filming the TV series Smallville, based on the Superman comics. .

Hulk and Betty Ross

Dating the Hulk is a lot of work. You never know when your sweet boyfriend will turn into an uncontrollable aggressive monster, destroying everything in his path. Therefore, the green superhero's track record of love is also short. Only Thunderbolt Ross's daughter Betty, who is no stranger to strange guys, could tolerate the Hulk's antics. Hulk marries Betty, but she later dies, poisoned by the Abomination. After some time, Betty is resurrected in the form of the Red She-Hulk (the place of the classic green She-Hulk had already been taken long before by Hulk’s cousin, to whom he gave a blood transfusion during an illness). Betty Ross was played by Jennifer Connelly in the 2003 film Hulk, and Liv Tyler played five years later in The Incredible Hulk.

Her weapons are a stinging whip and sharp claws. Cynicism and prudence amaze even villains. The gait and purring voice fascinate superheroes. An insidious seductress, a talented thief and a skilled manipulator. Selina Kyle, better known as Catwoman, is the most controversial comic book character. And definitely the sexiest.

History of creation

The first appearance of the seductive catwoman took place in the spring of 1940. The character had a minor role in Batman #01. The sexy beauty was introduced into the story to add spice and attract the attention of women to the printed publication. Bob Kane, the “father” of Batman and Catwoman, said that the inspiration for the image of Selina Kyle was Hollywood divas and Jean Harlow.

Since there were no plans to develop the character, the biography of Catwoman was not thought through. Initially, the nameless girl did not have her own story, but the interest of readers forced Bob Kane and Bill Finger to give the heroine a past. Selina became a flight attendant who survived a plane crash and lost her memory. But the negative reviews caused by the provocative image of the character served as a reason to remove the thief from the plot. Readers found the qualities of Catwoman too ambiguous and too vicious.

Selina Kyle returned to the superhero universe in 1987. Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli, who decided to reboot Batman, returned the character to the plot. After 3 years, the heroine received her own limited series of comics, where the authors told in detail the story of a sharp-tongued housewife.


Selina Brian Kyle was born in a poor area of ​​Gotham. The girl’s parents did not care about raising their daughter: the mother took care of her beloved cats, and the unemployed father regularly drank from the bottle. Selina took care of herself and her sister on her own. From the age of 6, the girl amazed others with her flexibility and endurance. Gutta-percha Selina easily climbed onto the roof along the drainpipe and penetrated the vents.

Soon the girls' mother commits suicide, and 6 years later the alcoholic father dies. The girls are separated into different shelters. Selina is taken to the Sprang Hall Juvenile Detention Center. The teenager lives among juvenile delinquents and quickly realizes that life in a cage is not for her.

Selina breaks into the director's office and, having found out the details of the frauds carried out by the dishonest official, runs away from the center. For the first time, the girl uses blackmail. Selina forces the director to delete all information about herself from the databases, gives the inhabitants of the institution the opportunity to escape, and sets off to live a free life.

To feed herself on the streets of Gotham, the future catwoman learns the techniques of theft. The girl quickly learns to pick locks and silently enter rich houses. This lifestyle is unsafe, so Selina masters karate and boxing techniques. At the same time, the girl develops gymnastic abilities, which are so useful in the business of thieves.

One day, a girl meets a young prostitute, Holly Robertson, on the streets of the East End (the area where she lives). Selina takes patronage over the girl and at the same time learns a new profession. Kyle understands that the work of a prostitute will open doors to rich houses for her. In addition, the image of a dominatrix who deals in BDSM entertainment is close to her character.

Selina completely transforms into Catwoman after meeting the Dark Knight. As Kyle watches the action from cover, he realizes that he, too, needs equipment. Having bought a carnival cat costume with her last money, Selina robs a jewelry store. A security guard who notices the girl gives local authorities a description of the robber, which includes the phrase “catwoman.” This is how Selina gets a new name and a signature costume.

There are also dark spots in the heroine's story. Despite the fact that the girl adheres to strict moral rules and does not harm people, Kyle is involved in murder. By chance, the heroine learns about the actions of a villain named “Black Mask”. A crime boss has taken over Gotham and attacked Selina's sister's family. The husband of the youngest of the family, Kyle, was killed, and Black Mask forced his sister to eat the eyes of the murdered man. Selina could not leave such actions without punishment.

The man-bat occupies a special place in the life of the catwoman. If at first Selina is opposed to Batman, then over time the attitude of the heroes takes on a different character. Constant confrontation gives way to sympathy. The Dark Knight awakens feelings for the sarcastic and independent thief. Bruce Wayne's influence causes Catwoman to turn to the side of good. But the idyll does not last long.

By chance, Selina finds out that she served as a test subject for Zatanna. The woman used superpowers to influence the thief's mind. Now Catwoman is not sure whether she is so attracted to the light side and whether she really needs Batman.

Discord in a relationship does not prevent a girl from helping her former (and sometimes again current) lover in the fight against evil. Selina rescues the members of the Justice League and helps the heroes restore order in their native Gotham.

An unexpected event in a girl's life is the birth of her daughter. The child's father is unknown even to the thief's close friends. Selina names the baby Elena and temporarily quits her job as a superhero. A calm, measured life does not last long. Catwoman's enemies find out about the little girl, so Selina gives her daughter to a shelter. The girl asks Zatanna to erase the memories of Elena from her memory in order to protect the baby.

Gradually, settling into the world of superheroes, the girl makes friends and enemies. Catwoman, and form the team "Gotham Sirens". The heroines set up a common base and help each other in dangerous operations. However, like all cat connections with other people, the alliance quickly disintegrates. The independent beauty is once again walking the rooftops of Gotham on her own.

Film adaptations

Catwoman's first film appearance took place in 1966. At the same time, a television series and a full-length film about an attractive thief were released. In the movie “Catwoman,” the role of the insidious seductress went to Lee Meriwether.

In the series of the same name - Julie Newmar.

In 1992, the film Batman Returns was released. The role of the seductive thief was played by the actress. The director of the film is , so most of the scenes are overly gothic in nature. For her image of a catwoman, the artist was awarded the title “The Most Desirable Woman.”

In 2004, she took on the role of a cheat. The film is dedicated to the transformation of an ordinary artist into a catwoman. The film of the same name received a lot of negative reviews and was awarded several Golden Raspberries. The highlight of the film was the fight between the newly-minted heroine and the antagonist, whose role she played.

The neo-noir "The Dark Knight Rises", in addition to the development of the main character, touches on Bruce Wayne's relationship with Selina Kyle. Batman's love interest was embodied by . The actress admitted that the role of Catwoman is one of the most difficult in her career.

The series "Gotham" tells the story of heroes living in the famous city. Selina's early years unfold before the audience. The girl has not yet reached the pinnacle of skill and has not acquired an alter ego. She played the young heroine.

The Gotham Sirens movie will be released in 2019. The film will tell about the alliance of Catwoman with other controversial comic book heroines - Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

  • The millionaire's wife, Jocelyn Wildenstein, was nicknamed "Catwoman." Wanting to save the marriage, the woman underwent many plastic surgeries. The result of the transformation is terrible. Jocelyn is a victim of plastic surgery, known to the world for her ugliness.
  • In the first comics where the heroine is present, Catwoman is simply called "cat", that is, cat.

  • Initially, Selina did not wear a mask; the girl’s face was hidden by light makeup.
  • In the Marvel universe there is a character similar to Catwoman. The girl goes by the name “Black Cat” and does not neglect latex costumes. In "" the beauty often helps the superhero.


“Darling, I'm home! Oh, I forgot... I'm not married...”
“By understanding yourself, you will find freedom, and freedom is power!”
“My strength is freedom, I am not afraid of anyone, and no one can tame me. My journey is just beginning."
“Once you give in to circumstances, you will no longer be able to do what you want.”
“I don't want to rely on anyone but myself. I will go where I want and take what I want. And I will never look back..."

Catwoman (Catwoman) her real name Selina Kyle- a villainess who appears in the universe. The character was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger and debuted in the comic book entitled Batman#1 (Spring 1940), in which she is known simply as "the cat". Catwoman has traditionally been portrayed as a supervillain and adversary of Batman. Catwoman is known for having a complicated love-hate relationship with Batman.

Catwoman was ranked 11th on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains and 51st on Wizard Magazine's 100 Greatest Villains of All Time. Also ranked 23rd on Comics Buyer's Guide's "" list.


Since her appearance in the comics, there have been many versions of Catwoman's origin. Selina Kyle was born into the family of Brian and Maria Kyle, who lived in the slums of Gotham. Her mother was never close to her daughters Selina and her sister Maggie, preferring to spend her time with her cats rather than with her own children. Her father was a drunkard and a rather cruel man who constantly quarreled with his wife Maria. In her free time, Selina did gymnastics. One day, when she returned home from school, Selina found her mother lying in a bathtub filled with blood. Apparently, Maria committed suicide by cutting her wrists with a blade. Selina's father hated her because she was like her mother, and he eventually drank too much and died of alcohol poisoning. Selina called the police, but as soon as she hung up, she packed her things into a bag and ran out of the house.

Selina lived on the streets, while Maggie was immediately sent to an orphanage after losing her parents. A young girl begins to make a living as a petty thief, stealing food from grocery stores. But in the end she is caught and sent to a shelter, but due to the fact that she causes a lot of trouble, she is sent to a juvenile colony. When Selina was 13 years old, she was returned back to the orphanage, where one night she sneaked into the headmistress’s office and found out that she was embezzling the orphanage’s money. At this time, Selina was caught by the headmistress and she decides to get rid of her by putting her in a bag, which she throws into the river. However, the girl was able to get out, after which she goes to the orphanage, where she steals documentary evidence of the director's guilt; Selina also grabbed money for her new independent life. Afterwards, he sends dirt on the greedy shelter manager to the police.

When Selina grew up, she became a prostitute, but does not give up stealing, stealing various jewelry and diamonds from museums and the homes of rich people. One night she stole a very valuable totem from a museum, when suddenly a hooded ninja appears and takes the totem from her. Selina decided not to give up and went after the ninja, who led her to the warehouse. Which, in fact, turns out to be not a warehouse, but a secret martial arts academy. The ninja, going by the name Kai, tells her Sensei that she is a simple thief and must be severely punished. However, when Sensei saw the athletic skills Selina had, he invited her to become a member of their academy and she agreed. There they began to teach her various martial arts.

After a few weeks, Selina's fighting skills improved, but her relationship with Kayne was very poor and steadily deteriorating. He despised Selina and deliberately hurt her during training. However, Kain didn't like that Sensei singled out Selina more than the other students. A few days later, the news reported that Robinson had been spotted in Park. Out of curiosity, Selina went to the park and saw the Dark Knight in action, who disappeared from her sight after a few minutes. Batman became something of an example for her and Selina decided to make herself a costume. With her last money, she bought herself a cat costume and returned to stealing, using her new costume and abilities. While robbing a local store, she is spotted by security guards, one of whom calls her "Catwoman". Selina liked this nickname and from then on Catwoman appeared.


Catwoman has excellent athletic and acrobatic training, as well as endurance, agility, flexibility and stealth. She was trained in martial arts by Wild Cat himself. Catwoman has a certain connection with cats; when they see her, they immediately understand that she is their friend, and cats have often helped her in various situations. In addition, Selina has a beautiful appearance, which she uses to seduce.

She is a master thief and is the best burglar in Gotham City.

In the media
Cartoon series

Catwoman appears in the 1968 animated series The Batman and Superman Hour, voiced by Jane Webb.

Catwoman appears in the 1977 animated series The New Batman Adventures, voiced by Melendy Britt.

Catwoman appears in the animated series Batman, voiced by Adrienne Barbeau. Catwoman first meets Batman during an attempted robbery and immediately falls in love with him. Batman also fell in love with Catwoman, but their “profession” prevents them from being together. Batman tries to convince Catwoman to give up her life of crime, but she refuses, and one night he handcuffs her and sends her to the police. She is released from custody several months later with the condition that she will never appear as Catwoman again, and if she breaks it, she will receive a prison sentence. She appears in such episodes as "Cat and Claw: Part 1", "Cat and Claw: Part 2", "Asleep and Dream", "Tiger, Tiger", "Cat Fever", "I Almost Got Him", " Batgirl Returns" and "Cat Walk".

Catwoman appears in The New Batman Adventures, voiced by Adrienne Barbeau. She appears in the episode entitled "Will You Scratch My Back?" and "Cult of the Cat". In "Will You Scratch My Back?", she assures Nightwing that she is done with her life of crime and wants to work together on a case.

Catwoman appears in the 2004 Batman animated series, voiced by Gina Gershon. She appears in the episodes "Cat and Mouse", "Cat, Mouse and Freak", "Ragdoll Gets Rich", "Laughing Cats" and "Rumour".

Catwoman appears in the animated series Batman: The Brave and the Bold, voiced by Nika Futterman. This version of the character is most similar to the classic Golden and Silver Age versions. In the episode "The Mask of Matches Malone", she is paired with Huntress and Black Canary as the Birds of Prey. She can be seen in the episodes entitled "Death Race to Oblivion!", "The Birth and Death of Tornado Tyrant" and "The Tricks of the Black Imp".

Catwoman appears in the animated series DC Nation, voiced by Stephanie Shech.

Catwoman appears in the animated series "School for Super Heroines."

Animated films

Catwoman appears in DC Showcase: Catwoman, voiced by Eliza Dushku.

Catwoman appears in Batman: Year One, voiced by Eliza Dushku.

Selina Kyle appears in Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 2, voiced by Tress MacNeille.

Catwoman appears in The LEGO Movie: Batman, voiced by singer Shakira.

Catwoman appears in Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, voiced by Julie Newmar.


Catwoman in the Batman series, which ran from 1966 to 1968, was played by Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt.

Catwoman in the TV series Birds of Prey, played by Maggie Baird. Catwoman was adapted into the series as she is integral to the story. Her costume design is similar to the one used in the 1992 film Batman Returns.

Young Selina Kyle in the series "Gotham", the role of the character was played by Camren Bicondova. Selina Kyle is shown as a 14-year-old thief and orphan who lives on the streets of Gotham City. In the pilot episode, she witnesses the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne. She forms a brief alliance with Detective Jim Gordon after he rescues her from kidnappers working for the Puppeteer. She promises to help him kill the Waynes if he helps her get out of trouble with the law.


Catwoman in Batman 1966, played by Lee Meriwether. This version of Catwoman does not appear under the classic name Selina Kyle, but is a Russian woman named Miss Kitka. She collaborates with all the villains included in the film, including the Joker, the Penguin and the Riddler. Kitka also appears as Bruce Wayne's love interest.

Catwoman in Batman Returns 1992, played by Michelle Pfeiffer. A timid secretary who worked for a man named Max Schreck. When Max throws her out the window because she catches wind of his criminal activities, Selina is resurrected by the stray cats. After this incident, she became self-confident, but mentally unstable, having made herself a latex suit, she wants to take revenge on her former boss.

Catwoman in Catwoman, released in 2004, was played by Halle Berry. This Catwoman bears little resemblance to the comic book version. Her name is Patience Phillips, an artist and designer who works for a cosmetics company. Which is preparing to release a new cream called Bulin, which can reverse the aging process. When Phillips learns that the product has deadly side effects. Lauren Heder, the wife of the company's CEO, orders her death. Heather's henchmen successfully complete the task, but Phillips was resurrected by the barn cats and also gains some abilities. Ultimately, she decides to take revenge on her boss.

Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises 2012, played by Anne Hathaway. She is a con artist and an excellent thief who wants to find a way to erase her criminal record. At the beginning of the film, she steals from Bruce Wayne, and then betrays Batman by turning him over to Bane. But after she learns that Bruce Wayne is Batman, she decides to help him when Bruce returns to Gotham City. He gives her a program to erase her past. After defeating Bane and the city being saved, Alfred sees her with Bruce in Florence, Italy, while Bruce is believed to be dead.

Video games

Catwoman in "Batman Returns".

Catwoman in "Catwoman".

Catwoman in "Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe".

Catwoman in "Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Videogame".

Catwoman in DC Universe Online.

Catwoman in "Injustice: Gods Among Us".

Catwoman in "Infinite Crisis".

Catwoman in "Batman: The Telltale Series".

Catwoman in "Lego Batman: The Video Game".

Catwoman in "Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes".

Catwoman in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham City.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate.

Catwoman in Batman: Arkham Knight.

Since its first appearance in comics back in the 1940s Catwoman became Batman's "unofficial" couple. She originally wore cat masks and flowing dresses. Batman stopped her at every meeting, but allowed her to escape simply because he liked the Cat. By the way, in the early comics she was not Catwoman, but simply Cat.

Catwoman acted with almost impunity, not having any superpowers - only dexterity, resourcefulness and a faithful whip. She gave up her villainous career for a while in the 1950s, but quickly returned to it, and then she was removed from comics altogether, because Cat went against a bunch of Comics Code rules.

The story of Catwoman has been rewritten several times. According to one version, Selina Kyle was a flight attendant who survived a plane crash, hit her head and became a thief. According to another version, she had an evil husband, she ran away from him by stealing jewelry from his safe and she liked it. In the comic book Batman: Year One, Selina makes a living as a BDSM prostitute, and becomes a criminal when she gets tired of being abused by her pimp and her teenage friend. Selina kills a pimp after he kidnaps and tortures her sister, nun Maggie Kyle.

In one of the comics, it is revealed that Catwoman may be the illegitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone, the head of one of the most powerful families of the Gotham Mafia. Selina obtained information that Falcone really had a daughter, whom he sent to a boarding school (and after all, Selina grew up in a boarding school), but there was no direct and accurate evidence of the relationship between Cat and Falcone.

Catwoman also boasts that she trained in martial arts from Ted Grant, a.k.a. (Wildcat). Grant was not her only teacher, but he was one of the main ones. However, he did not influence the choice of her nickname.

Gradually, Selina finally turned from a villain into an anti-heroine. She helped Batman on several occasions, and they even had a short romance. Catwoman has a child, but contrary to popular belief, it is not with Batman, but with her husband, Detective Slam Bradley. Additionally, Cat questioned her love for Batman when it was revealed that it was the effects of magic, a Justice League sorceress brainwashing Selina.

Catwoman killed a supervillain (Roman Sionis) for kidnapping and torturing her sister Maggie (déjà vu?). Roman drilled out Maggie's husband's eyes with a drill and forced Maggie to eat them. The girl then went crazy from shock.

While Selina was pregnant and giving birth, Catwoman was her friend, Holly Robinson. However, Selina returned to the role of Catwoman as soon as she was able to get out of maternity leave - and at the same time saved Holly, who was accused of killing Black Mask.

In the Gotham series, Selina Kyle goes by the nickname "Cat" and helps Bruce Wayne from time to time. She looks a little older than Bruce, which angered many fans. Interestingly, the steampunk goggles that Selina wears on her head, but apparently has never worn as glasses, are a reference to both her classic costume with cat ears and her new costume with glasses.