How facial contouring is done - before and after photos. Is it worth doing injection facial contouring?

Every year there are more and more opportunities to look young at any age. Cosmetic procedures are becoming more accessible. The most popular today is facial contouring. What it is? This is an injection technique that allows you to rejuvenate without a scalpel. Such manipulations have their advantages and disadvantages.

Features of the procedure

Today, facial contouring is popular. Reviews show that thanks to this procedure, it is possible to quickly restore skin elasticity and remove age-related creases and folds. Using this technique, you can also radically change your appearance. Lip contouring is a procedure that is chosen today by many young girls who have not yet encountered wrinkles (facial or age-related).

Facial contouring, what is it? The essence of the technique is the introduction of medications that literally push out wrinkles, creating volume where there is none. Thanks to the correct selection of the drug, you can significantly smooth out formed creases or simply make the skin more elastic and tighten it. The necessary lifting effect is created.

What medications are used

The most common facial contouring procedure is hyaluronic acid. In this case, substances with varying degrees of viscosity can be used. It all depends on what problem the patient is trying to solve. If you just need to remove dryness or prevent the first age-related changes, it is enough to use hyaluronic acid with a minimum degree of viscosity. In each specific case, the decision is made by the doctor.

There are many products on sale that are based on hyaluronic acid. It is important to purchase medications from trusted places. An important aspect is the presence of a quality certificate for the drug. In medical institutions where cosmetic procedures are offered, Restylane, Juvederm, and Teosyal products are widely used. It is believed that Israeli-made medications provide the best effect.

Why is facial contouring with hyaluronic acid so popular? The advantage is that this substance is not of animal origin. Therefore, the likelihood of side effects is minimized if the drug is administered in accordance with the rules. In addition, hyaluronic acid fillers are able to completely dissolve over time. The medication is eliminated from the body naturally.

Lip contouring

Moderately plump bright scarlet lips are the dream of every representative of the fairer sex. However, nature has not endowed everyone with such traits. Since ancient times, girls have come up with the most sophisticated methods to improve their appearance. One of the most useful inventions is lipstick. However, the struggle for an ideal appearance did not end there. Facial contouring with fillers is a procedure that is available today in almost every cosmetology clinic.

The same hyaluronic acid is used to increase lip volume. This substance is closest in composition to the natural environment of the body. However, this is a minus. The substance that is injected into the lip area dissolves quite quickly. As a result, the effect of the procedure lasts only 8-14 months. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.

Who is not suitable for the procedure?

Is facial contouring really worth it? Reviews show that in most cases, representatives of the fairer sex seek help not because there are real problems with their appearance, but only because it is fashionable. Many patients are silent about the presence of certain health problems. As a result, serious side effects develop.

What is facial contouring? This is, first of all, a medical procedure that may have serious contraindications. Manipulations cannot be carried out if there are systemic blood diseases, chronic pathologies of the endocrine system, or illnesses in the field of oncology. In any case, before performing contour plastic surgery, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination. If a doctor agrees to give injections without an appropriate conclusion, one can doubt the level of his qualifications.

There are also relative contraindications for the procedure. These are infectious diseases in the acute stage or inflammatory processes in the area of ​​facial contouring with fillers. In particular, you should not prick your lips if you have herpes. Procedures are also not performed for girls during pregnancy or lactation.

What complications can there be?

With lip contouring, side effects develop most often. This is due to the fact that the procedure has become accessible. Today you can get your lips pricked in almost any beauty salon. At the same time, no one checks either the quality of the drug used or the qualifications of the specialist. Improper administration of the gel can lead to vascular ischemia. In this case, the lips begin to become inflamed. In the most difficult cases, tissue necrosis occurs. In this case, the patient requires immediate medical attention. It is unlikely that such facial contouring will please you. Photos of patients who underwent unsuccessful intervention can be seen on numerous thematic forums.

Complications often develop even if the medication was chosen correctly and the doctor acted in accordance with the instructions. Side effects such as hyperemia, swelling in the lips, and allergic reactions often develop. Most often, unpleasant symptoms go away within a few days. No special therapy is required.

Cheek contour contouring

This procedure is less popular, but is also considered popular among girls. What will be the benefit of such facial contouring using fillers? Reviews show that the technique makes it possible to change features, as well as replenish lost volume in tissues. After the procedure, the face looks more youthful. Girls at a young age may decide to undergo contouring if they have poorly defined cheekbones or irregular facial contours. Sometimes, using injection techniques, it is possible to eliminate defects that appear as a result of injuries. This method can also remove sunken eyelids.

Cheekbone contouring is carried out by injecting special fillers (fillers) under the skin. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid or collagen can be used. The effect of the procedure can last no more than 18 months, so it will have to be repeated in the future.

Changing the shape of the eyelids

This procedure is extremely popular when considering facial contouring. The photos before and after the manipulations are impressive. Thanks to several injections, it is possible to significantly transform for the better. Eyelid contouring makes it possible not only to remove crow's feet, but also to change the shape of the eyes. After carrying out such manipulations, you will be able to attract the attention of others. After all, the effect is noticeable immediately and lasts for 12-18 months.

Eyelids are a delicate place. Therefore, you can only entrust the procedure to a qualified specialist. This could be a cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon in a specialized clinic. Reviews show that drugs with a minimum viscosity are used for administration to the eyelid area. The dense substance can cause the delicate skin to stretch.

Forehead contouring

Facial contouring - what is it? First of all, this is an opportunity to get rid of age-related or facial wrinkles. The first wrinkles, as statistics show, appear on the forehead. However, creases are not necessarily associated with age-related changes. Lines on the forehead (vertical or horizontal) can be noticeable in emotional individuals after 16 years of age. Contour plastic surgery will help correct the situation. However, the procedure can only be performed on adult patients.

Depending on the depth of the creases, the specialist selects a drug with a certain level of viscosity. Fillers with a dense structure will help you forget about wrinkles for 10-12 months. Then the drug will begin to dissolve, and the creases will appear again. The forehead contour correction procedure itself, according to reviews, takes no more than 20 minutes and is practically painless.

Correction of nasolabial folds

The creases that appear on the cheeks after 30 years are the greatest sign of age. Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid will help solve the problem. The photos of the results are impressive. Wrinkles disappear almost completely. A viscous substance is injected into the cheek area, which literally pushes out creases, making the skin smooth and even.

Contour plastic surgery of nasolabial folds is an expensive procedure. The problem is that a large area of ​​the face is affected. This means that more of the drug must be used. And high-quality fillers cannot be cheap.


Trouble may arise if a patient seeks help from a beauty salon that does not have the appropriate certificates for performing manipulations using injections. Harmless complications include slight redness or an allergic reaction immediately after the procedure. If you treat the damaged surface with an antihistamine or anti-inflammatory ointment, the condition of the skin will improve.

Edema and hematomas

Lumps and extensive redness in the area where fillers were injected may indicate that a low-quality product was used. Problems can also arise if the specialist is poorly qualified. Hematoma is a signal of vascular damage. Often, surgery may be required to correct the situation.

In the most difficult cases, granulomas or fibrous capsules may form in the area of ​​manipulation. A serious inflammatory process can lead to suppuration.

Everyone knows that you can radically “rejuvenate” and make significant changes to your appearance only with the help of surgical cosmetology. However, modern technologies do not stand still, and today it is no longer necessary to go under the knife to erase wrinkles from the skin and return youthful roundness to the oval of the face. Lovely ladies are offered facial contouring, which allows for non-surgical rejuvenation and correction of some imperfections. This method is recommended for correcting age-related changes in young women, starting from 30-35 years old until retirement age, when non-surgical procedures, alas, are no longer effective.

The method of contouring is based on the injection of fillers into the skin - gels of temporary or permanent action, having different densities, depending on the area of ​​application of the drug. Filler, from the English filler (“filler”), begins its action immediately at the moment of injection: the gel, filling the injection area, instantly smoothes out wrinkles and “creases” on the skin, outlines the contour of the face, gives additional volume to the lips, and eliminates asymmetry. Facial contouring is the only method of aesthetic medicine that gives a visible effect immediately after the procedure.

In aesthetic medicine, there are several types of fillers, the most common of which are biodegradable, or self-absorbable, gels. The latest generation of drugs are safe and have virtually no side effects, which cannot be said about fillers used previously. Let's take a closer look at the types of cosmetic fillers.

Fillers that are not able to dissolve and be eliminated from the body on their own are currently considered obsolete and are practically not used for contouring. It is with such gels that all sorts of “horror stories” are associated with a lot of side effects in affected patients. The fact is that bionondegradable gels are artificial polymers that are foreign to the human body, so they are often attacked by immune cells and rejected. The most famous synthetic filler is silicone.

There are also safer non-absorbable fillers that continue to be popular due to the fact that they provide a long-lasting effect and do not require regular “finishing”. However, the frequency of complications when using such drugs is high: as a rule, a capsule of connective tissue forms around the injected gel, causing all kinds of compaction and deformation in the injection area.

This group includes surgical materials that combine natural and synthetic components, for example, polycaprolactone-based filler. The advantage of this drug is the absence of side effects and at the same time a long period of resorption. This filler remains in the human body for up to four years, without causing any immune reactions or complications.

Autologous fillers

The difference between this type of filler and all others is its completely natural origin. More precisely, the material for introduction into the correction zone is taken directly from the patient himself.

Most often, this material is your own fat, or lipofiller, which is “transplanted” from one place to another. The likelihood of complications in this case tends to zero, and the effect is durable and stable.

Biocompatible fillers

Self-resorbable gels are preparations that are fully compatible with the cells of the human body and do not cause an immune response. Most often these are fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which is a component of the intercellular fluid of connective tissues. Collagen and lactic acid can also be used in the production of biodegradable gels.

The effect of injections of such fillers is based on the action of polyhyaluronic acid. This is a substance synthesized in the laboratory, completely identical to “natural” hyaluronic acid. “Hyaluronic acid” refers to glucosaminoglycosaccharides, which are present in any living organism and are involved in the processes of hydrodynamics and restoration of cells and tissues. During the life of cells, the biocompatible gel gradually disintegrates into safe components and is eliminated from the human body naturally, that is, it is completely absorbed.

Hyaluronic acid has the property of attracting water molecules, increasing the natural hydration of the epidermis and stimulating the production of its own elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to this double action, the skin not only visually takes on a rested, fresh look, but also actively regenerates, launching rejuvenation processes. Even after the filler is completely absorbed, the skin continues to be saturated with moisture for some time and retains its acquired tone, inhibiting the growth and deepening of wrinkles.

Such gels also have disadvantages: they break down fairly quickly and have a short-lived effect. Most often, the achieved volume “subsides” after 4–6 months, less often it can last up to a year. The occurrence of hematomas, compactions and inflammation at the injection site cannot be ruled out, which may be the result of an individual reaction or improper implementation of the procedure.

To perform contouring, one or another drug is selected for the patient individually, depending on the correction area, depth of wrinkles, and skin condition. Today, most cosmetologists work with a number of hyaluronic fillers:

  1. Restylane - used to eliminate crow's feet, smooth out shallow wrinkles on the cheekbones and forehead and can maintain the effect for up to two years.
  2. Juvederm - the drug contains lidocaine to anesthetize the procedure, is used to fill deep wrinkles, increase the volume of the lips and change their shape, to improve the contour of the face, pinching the chin and cheekbones, and has a lifting effect for over six months.
  3. Surgiderm - corrects “nasolabial folds”, wrinkles on the forehead, enlarges cheekbones, lips, emphasizes the contour of the mouth and face as a whole for up to a year.
  4. Teosial is a line of drugs with 7 different formulas that can solve any problem - from the correction of fine wrinkles to complete facial modeling.

In some cases, the doctor may decide to combine different drugs.

Contour plastic surgery for modern women is the best option in the fight for youthful skin and ideal facial proportions. This procedure has a whole host of advantages, namely:

  • minimal tissue trauma, rapid recovery;
  • safety of the procedure, hypoallergenicity and harmlessness of modern high-quality drugs;
  • self-resorption of fillers without side effects;
  • quick result, natural look after the procedure;
  • healing of the skin in addition to the visual effect.

The following problems may be the reason for injections with hyaluronic filler:

  • wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles around the lips;
  • thin or asymmetrical lips;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • undefined cheekbones;
  • “floating” oval of the face;
  • dry skin.

A properly “shaved” face can transform a woman and make her visually several years younger. Filler injections help moisturize the skin, strengthen the facial contour and correct it slightly, adding volume to the cheekbones. The most popular procedure is lip augmentation, changing their shape, emphasizing the contour. It must be remembered that when “rejuvenating” the face in this way, it is worth thinking about the neck and décolleté area, which in comparison will lose and show age.

The result of contouring looks quite natural (here it is important not to overdo it with the amount of injected drug) and lasts for about six months. The duration of the effect depends on numerous factors: the chosen drug, its volume, area of ​​application, injection technique, and individual characteristics of the patient.

Contour plastic has a cumulative effect, which intensifies with each new procedure and lasts longer and longer. “Hyaluron” can be injected without waiting for the previous dose to dissolve; it is only important not to mix different drugs, so as not to get unpredictable effects. If the resulting result seems excessive, after some time the volume will subside, or you can try injecting hyaluronidase, which helps destroy the filler.

Despite the obvious advantages of the contouring procedure, in some cases it cannot be done. Precautionary measures are not related to the effect of the filler on the body (unless, of course, there is a personal intolerance to the drug), but to the method of its administration, namely, subcutaneous injection, the pain that may be accompanied by it and possible complications after the injection.

Relative contraindications to contour plastic surgery are dermatological diseases, acute viral and bacterial infections (or relapse of chronic ones), herpes on the lips, problems with the blood clotting system, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, you should not inject filler if there are traces of another, especially “long-lasting” drug.

Contour plastic procedure - before and after photos

In contouring, there are two decisive factors that can affect the final result, both positively and dramatically negatively. The first is the “hands” to which you entrust such a responsible task. Masters who know how to perform an injection correctly, painlessly, and most importantly so that the result looks as natural as possible are, as a rule, worth their weight in gold. A dermatocosmetologist or aesthetic surgeon can work as a contour plastic specialist.

At the first consultation, the doctor is obliged to perform a visual examination and interview the patient to identify contraindications, determine the type of drug, its quantity per procedure.

The second is the quantity and quality of the drug. It is worth remembering that different volumes and densities of filler should be used for different zones, which can only be optimally calculated by a competent cosmetologist. The authenticity and quality of the drug must be confirmed by the appropriate certificate from the manufacturer.

If necessary, the doctor can give pain relief. To do this, use Emla cream or lidocaine spray. As a rule, injections of the nasolabial folds and lips are quite sensitive, so for patients with a low pain threshold it is better to ask for local anesthesia.

The skin is punctured using a special syringe with a microneedle, through which a gel is carefully injected, filling the required area and creating the required volume in it. The deeper the wrinkles or folds of the skin, the greater the density and viscosity of the filler. Small wrinkles are eliminated with a fine gel through superficial injection. Correction of large folds and the introduction of significant volumes of gel requires deep injection and is accompanied by pain, so it is often done with the use of anesthesia.

The “teasing” can last 5 – 30 minutes. Small bruises, redness, and burning may remain at the injection site, which should go away in a few hours, or at most in a day. The first time after the procedure, you may feel a slight tightening at the point of skin puncture.

After contouring, the following recommendations must be followed:

How much does it cost to become younger - the price of the procedure

Among the many advantages of contour plastic surgery, one can safely include its financial aspect. The cost of the procedure is, as a rule, much lower than all kinds of hardware techniques. And even more so, it is several times less than plastic surgery with quite comparable results.

The price of the procedure consists of the type of drug used, the volume of intervention (measured in milliliters or syringes), the area of ​​application, the “name” of the doctor and the level of the clinic. The minimum cost of modeling is about 10 thousand rubles. (small wrinkles), average – 13 – 15 thousand rubles. (lips, shallow “nasolabial lips”), and up to 30 thousand rubles. – “serious” folds, chin, cheekbones.

By the way, a partially used syringe with the drug can be stored in the refrigerator for use next time. So, if the doctor recommends that you inject “one and a half”, don’t be afraid, the rest of the filler will not be lost – you can take it home.

Contour plastic surgery is primarily a medical preparation used to fill and smooth out wrinkles. They fill the skin and increase volume. As a rule, these are drugs of synthetic origin, so such drugs do not cause allergic reactions.

They can be either biodegradable, i.e. completely resolve within a few months. Or they can be non-biodegradable, i.e. stays in the skin for many years.

The procedures do not require much time, and the recovery period after them is minimal. The results are visible immediately after the procedure. The safety of drugs is one of the important criteria today.

The preparations are based on hyaluronic acid, a natural component of the human body, and do not contain any substances of animal origin. The natural result of the procedure using such drugs does not distort the patient’s appearance.

Wrinkle correction is a special service performed by our professional specialists at the Moscow cosmetology clinic “Absolut Med”. Folds on the face and numerous wrinkles are the enemies of not only women, but also men. Modern correction techniques allow you to regain the youth of your face and décolleté.

Sharon Stone has joined an initiative aimed at increasing confidence in aesthetic procedures.

March 28, 2015 In Monaco, Sharon Stone joined Galderma's global initiative to increase consumer confidence in aesthetic treatments. For the first time, a global celebrity is involved in promoting aesthetic procedures.

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid allows you to:

  • Get rid of wrinkles
  • Restore youth to lips
  • Restore facial contour
  • Restore elasticity and skin turgor
  • Improve the condition of the skin on the back of the hands and décolleté

“We want to shed light on how delicate and natural the results of aesthetic procedures can be. We know people have a hard time trusting photos, so we'll show you results you can trust - in real time. We hope to debunk outdated stereotypes and help people make informed decisions.”

In 2013, over 23 million people in the world received experience using aesthetic procedures. Even more people are showing interest in them.

Recent research from Galderma has shown that 9 out of 10 patients (87.1% of respondents) choose aesthetic procedures to feel more confident as they enter middle age. At the same time, people want natural-looking results. What patients fear most is unnatural results.

Restylane is the undisputed leader among fillers used to eliminate wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and correct the shape of the lips and facial contours. An important advantage of Restylane is its long-term effect - the effect of the procedure lasts for at least 6 months.

Restylane is a biogel of hyaluronic acid. When introduced into the skin tissue, the gel particles accumulate water molecules, creating volume and thereby smoothing the skin. Restylane gives the best effect when treating the forehead, bridge of the lips and outer edges of the eyes, as well as nasolabial folds.

Facial contouring

Contour plastic surgery is an injection cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to model the proportions and features of the face. It is carried out exclusively for aesthetic reasons, at the request of the patient herself. Contour plastic surgery is performed from the age of 18; there is no need to wait for age-related changes, the appearance of wrinkles, etc. The effect is achieved through the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations. This helps to increase volume, increase turgor and the level of hydration of the treated area.

Lip contouring

This procedure is often called lip augmentation. However, contour plastic surgery allows not only to increase volume, but also to correct the shape of the lips, eliminate existing asymmetry, and achieve rejuvenation of the perioral area. During the procedure, the doctor uses an ultra-thin needle to inject hyaluronic acid along the contour of the lips, evenly distributing it with massaging movements. A local anesthetic cream under the film is first applied to the surface of the treated area. This reduces discomfort during drug administration. Modern drugs also contain an anesthetic substance, which reduces pain. To ensure an ideal result, it is important for the patient to discuss the desired lip shape and size with the doctor in advance. Much depends on the doctor’s aesthetic sense. It is important that the proportions are harmonious, natural and satisfy the girl’s own sense of beauty. Since a large number of injections are made into the lips to form a contour and shape, the client can clearly see the changes and correct them along the way.

Video about contouring and hyaluronic acid

The effectiveness of contouring

The aesthetic effectiveness of preparations based on hyaluronic acid is explained by the unique properties of the gel:

  • increases skin volume due to its ability to retain water,
  • improves skin morphology, increasing its elasticity,
  • When carrying out a maintenance course of procedures, it provides long-lasting results.


Botulinum toxin also has a number of contraindications. Absolute contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, age less than 18 years, myasthenia gravis, movement disorders of various origins, individual intolerance to the drug, inflammatory changes in the planned injection site. Relative contraindications are acute somatic diseases in the acute stage, taking certain medications, and operations performed at the planned injection site for less than three months.

Important information

The effectiveness of subcutaneous injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin lasts no more than a year, then the procedure should be repeated. However, it is not worth doing it more often; there is a high probability that the body will develop tolerance to the drug, which can lead to a lack of the desired effect.

The choice of drug depends on the individual characteristics of the client, age, depth of wrinkles and area of ​​application.

How long do the results from contouring procedures last?

When correcting wrinkles and folds, planned procedures may be needed after 6-12 months, and for lip contouring - after 6 months. The duration of the effect depends on many factors, such as: the structure of the patient’s skin, his lifestyle, age, and injection technique. Clinical experience shows that with maintenance and repeated procedures, a longer lasting effect can be achieved. Thus, when correcting nasolabial folds, a repeat injection performed after 4.5 months provides results or even improvement in the condition of this area for 18 months.

Are there many side effects or unwanted reactions?

Since the drug is administered by injection, the usual reactions in this case are quite possible, such as: redness, swelling, pain, itching, bruising and pain at the injection site. The intensity of these manifestations can vary from mild to moderate. They usually go away on their own within a few days, or a maximum of one or two weeks. There are very few documented cases of inflammatory reactions.

Is it possible to perform contouring during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

This use of drugs has not been studied.

Is it recommended to use anesthesia for contouring?

Most patients do not find the injections painful. However, you can use the drugs Restylan Lidocaine and Restylane Perlane Lidocaine, Juvederm uitra with 0.3% lidocaine added, to reduce pain and create greater comfort for the patient. If necessary, you can apply superficial anesthesia using special drugs.

Can the procedure be performed on patients who have undergone laser therapy or chemical peeling?

Photos before and after

How is the rehabilitation going?

  • After the procedure, you need to be in an upright position for about 4 hours and actively work the muscles into which the drug was injected.
  • A slight swelling may form in the correction areas, which will go away on its own within a few days.
  • During the rehabilitation period (several days), you should refrain from using cosmetics, visiting saunas, solariums and gyms. The use of alcoholic beverages and antibiotics is not recommended.

Promotions and prices

At the Absolut Med Clinic, patients are treated by cosmetologists with higher medical education. The doctor will conduct an examination, talk with the patient and suggest the optimal method for correcting existing aesthetic deficiencies. You can make an appointment with a doctor and learn more about facial contouring by phone or through our website. Also, our clinic in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow hosts constant promotions and offers so that such necessary procedures can become more affordable for you.

In pursuit of beauty and youth, women resort to various cosmetic procedures. One of them is contour plastic surgery. “Beauty injections” correct the oval of the face, tighten aging skin, smooth out wrinkles, and produce a rejuvenating effect.

What is facial contouring?

Injection contouring is an effective way to sculpt the face. This is a complex of special cosmetic procedures that affects facial muscles and the skin in general. It is designed to correct facial defects. The technique of contouring involves filling different layers of the skin with special preparations - fillers, but there are a number of other correction methods without punctures or injections.

Often the procedure is performed using gel implants, which are divided into several types:

  • biocompatible – natural skin components: hyaluronic acid or its derivatives;
  • permanent - synthetic origin: silicone, polyacrylamide, polymethyl methacrylate;
  • semi-permanent - a combination of synthetic and natural components: calcium hydroxyapatite, poly-L-lactic acid, polycaprolactone.

Contour plastic with fillers

Fillers (from the English “fill” - fill) are biocompatible gel-like fillers, classified according to the degree of viscosity:

  • Big. They fill a thick layer of skin - the dermis. Corrects the oval of the face; it is used to change the shape of the nose, lips, and cheekbones. The duration of the effect is 8-12 months.
  • Average. Smoothes wrinkles of moderate depth. Suitable for normal and combination skin. The effect lasts about 6 months.
  • Small. Eliminates fine folds on dry and thin skin. The effect lasts up to 3 months.

Contour plastic surgery with fillers is carried out by combining several drugs, for example, Restylane and Perlane. They affect different layers of the skin, so to enhance the effect, a combination of two or more types of fillers is used. During the procedure, anesthetic creams are used to relieve the client from the discomfort of punctures.


  • stimulate the production of natural components: collagen, elastane, hyaluronic acid.
  • do not provoke an allergic reaction.


Contouring with hyaluronic acid

A safe alternative to surgery is contouring with hyaluronic acid. This component is found in the human body, but there are injections based on acid of animal origin and its synthetic analogues. The density of the substance depends on the problem area. The puncture is carried out using a specially shaped needle - a cannula. It ensures painless administration of the drug. The procedure time varies between 40-60 minutes.


  • natural ingredients that do not cause an allergic reaction;
  • long-term effect (6-12 months);
  • skin recovery time no more than 5 hours;
  • painlessness of the procedure.


Face contouring with threads

Facial contouring with threads is an ultra-modern technology in the field of aesthetic cosmetology. The specialist acts on the skin using threads that have a biorevitalization effect, which are introduced through a cannula puncture. There are 3 types of lifting threads:

  • with fixation;
  • 3D thread;
  • masonite.

All threads have a unique structure and composition. They can be absorbable or non-absorbable. The effect of thread lifting appears after a few months and lasts for 12 months. The threads stimulate the production of natural collagen fibers, trigger tissue regeneration, so the skin subsequently copes with problem areas on its own.


  • punctures are invisible (hidden by hair);
  • short procedure time;
  • without the use of anesthetics;
  • short rehabilitation period.


  • pain in the place where the thread is fixed;
  • formation of hematomas;
  • Possible facial asymmetry.

    Preparations for contouring

    Thanks to positive reviews from specialists and photographs of patients after the procedure, the following fillers for contouring are in demand:

    Some brands of fillers produce preparations of different densities to correct different areas of the skin of the face, neck, and create additional volume on the cheekbones, cheeks, and chin. There are fillers for a certain age category. Drugs from the same line may have different concentrations. Contour plastic procedures are carried out using needles of different diameters.

    Price for facial contouring

    The cost of the procedure includes the price of the drug and specialist services. Information on how much facial contouring costs in Moscow clinics is presented in the table:

    Drug name

    Volume, ml (unit of measurement)

    Capital Medical Clinic

    Medical center "VitaMed"

    Clinic "Diavax"



    Teosyal First Lines

    Teosyal Ultra Deep

    Teosyal Touch Up

    Teosyal Ultimate

    Surgiderm 24xp


    Botulinum toxin (Botox)


    Thread lifting


    (1 thread
    8 cones)


    (2 threads
    16 cones)

    Contraindications for contour plastic surgery

    A few days before plastic surgery, it is prohibited to carry out cosmetic procedures, such as chemical peeling or mechanical/laser resurfacing. A doctor must conduct an examination and issue a prescription. List of contraindications for contour plastic surgery:

    • pregnancy, period of breastfeeding;
    • inflammation of the skin;
    • predisposition to scar formation;
    • sensitivity to the drug;
    • the presence of malignant tumors;
    • hemophilia;
    • diabetes;
    • epilepsy;
    • autoimmune diseases.

    Video: facial contouring with hyaluronic acid

Facial contouring— injection method of facial correction. It is based on the introduction of fillers with hyaluronic acid into the skin. Restores sculpted lines, replenishes missing volume, models facial contours and eliminates age-related changes.

Facial contouring with hyaluronic acid at the Seline clinic

Cosmetologists and plastic surgeons at Seline Clinic use various injection techniques to rejuvenate and tone the skin and achieve noticeable lifting.

At Seline Clinic, facial contouring is performed using the following drugs:

  • Radiesse (USA)
  • Belotero (Switzerland)
  • Juvederm (France)
  • Teosyal (Switzerland)
  • Restylane (Sweden)
  • Hyaluron

The basis of these drugs is hyaluronic acid, which helps the skin retain water molecules, and, therefore, add elasticity and a healthy appearance to it.

The presence of several lines of gels at Seline Clinic allows you to choose the most suitable solution for each task.
Gels of all listed brands provide long-lasting results. A one-time procedure allows you to smooth out deep wrinkles and folds, restore natural, attractive facial lines, and sculpt the contour and volume of your lips. The method does not require surgery and does not require a long rehabilitation period.

Professional contouring will improve your appearance, increase self-esteem, and lead to harmony with yourself.

The essence of the procedure comes down to the introduction by injection of so-called fillers - fillers or gels, which contain hyaluronic acid. This natural component is naturally absorbed by the skin and gives a guaranteed result: it normalizes the water balance, evens out and tones the skin.

A cosmetologist can get facial contouring done in Moscow in a specialized clinic immediately on the day of your visit; the main thing is to decide in advance what needs to be changed.

Indications and contraindications

Contour plastic surgery, like any cosmetic procedure, has its own indications and contraindications. Indications include:

moderate age-related changes

  • wrinkles in the corners of the lips, nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles on the forehead;
  • unclear oval face;
  • small wrinkles around the eyes;
  • swelling, decreased tone.

aesthetic imperfections of facial skin and appearance details

  • thin lips, lack of clear lip outlines, asymmetry, lack of lip fullness;
  • imperfect chin shape and cheekbone line;
  • incorrect shape of the nose, earlobes;
  • traces of acne.

Whether contour plastic surgery can be performed is decided by a specialist on an individual basis, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body. Among the general contraindications are:

  • chronic diseases in an acute form (the degree of risk is determined by the doctor);
  • silicone previously introduced into any area of ​​the face and not completely removed from there;
  • recent deep facial cleansing procedure (the degree of risk is determined by the doctor
  • blood clotting disorders (the degree of risk is determined by the doctor);
  • the presence of skin diseases (the degree of risk is determined by the doctor);
  • the presence of diseases of internal organs (the degree of risk is determined by the doctor);
  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • childhood.

Results of facial contouring with fillers

Photos before and after using hyaluronic acid

  • Restoration of the natural oval of the face.
  • Improved skin condition.
  • Smoothing wrinkles.
  • Reducing the severity of nasolacrimal grooves.
  • Nose shape correction.
  • Correction of lip shape and volume.
  • Restoring the shape of the earlobes.
  • Return of a healthy complexion.
  • Disappearance of age spots and acne marks.

Technique for facial contouring

The procedure is one-time. The obtained result lasts for 6-12 months, depending on the patient’s lifestyle and the speed of metabolic reactions in the body. The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​treatment, on average it takes 30-40 minutes.

Fillers with hyaluronic acid are injected subcutaneously with the finest needles at intervals of 1-1.5 cm. The entire face or individually selected areas are exposed. To eliminate deep creases and wrinkles, the drug is injected directly into the fold, filling and pushing it out. In the area of ​​the lips or oval of the face, the drug is administered along the contour.

Contour plastic surgery is a low-traumatic technique that does not cause excessive pain. Some patients experience discomfort when large volumes of biphasic fillers are injected under the skin. In this case, local anesthesia is performed.

Price for facial contouring with hyaluronic acid

Service Price
Belotero (1 syringe* ml)
Belotero Soft (1 syringe) 19,000 ₽
Belotero Basic (1 syringe) 18,400 RUR
Belotero Intense (1 syringe) 21,000 ₽
Belotero Balans (1 syringe) 20,000 ₽
Ultra Deep (1 syringe) 19,000 ₽
Global Action (1 syringe) 18,000 ₽
Redensity II (1 syringe) 19,500 ₽
TEOSEAL RHA 1 14,500 ₽
TEOSEAL RHA 2 17,000 ₽
TEOSEAL RHA 3 19,000 ₽
TEOSEAL RHA 4 23,000 ₽
Restylane (1 syringe* ml) 20,000 ₽
Restylane Vital Light (1 syringe) 16,000 ₽
Restylane Vital (1 syringe) 17,000 ₽
Restylane Vital (1 syringe* 0.5) 15,000 ₽
Restylane SubQ(2 ml) 29,000 ₽
Perlaine (1 syringe/0.5 ml) 15,000 ₽
Perlaine (1 syringe/1 ml) 22,000 ₽
Juvederm ULTRA 2 (1 syringe) 15,500 ₽
Juvederm ULTRA 3 (1 syringe) 18,500 RUR
Juvederm ULTRA 4 (1 syringe) 21,000 ₽
Juvederm ULTRA SMILE (1 syringe) 14,500 ₽
Juvederm VOLBELLA with lidocaine (1 syringe) 22,000 ₽
Juvederm VOLIFT with lidocaine (1 syringe) 22,000 ₽
Juvederm VOLUMA with lidocaine (1 syringe) 22,000 ₽
Juvederm VOLUMA with lidocaine (2 syringes) 40,000 ₽
Radies 0.8 ml 20,000 ₽
Radies 1.5 ml 27,000 ₽
Radies 3.0 ml 45,000 ₽

Prices for facial contouring usually depend on the area being treated, the drug used and its amount.

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