Itching of the labia majora. Causes of itching and burning of the labia

Itching of the labia is an extremely delicate problem that is familiar to many women of all ages. Many representatives of the fair sex, faced with itching and burning in the intimate organs, are embarrassed and put off visiting a gynecologist. This should under no circumstances be done. The skin in the bikini area is extremely delicate and sensitive, and can become a symptom of the development of numerous infectious or inflammatory diseases in the female body. That is why you should seek medical help to determine the cause of the discomfort. Why do the labia itch and how to get rid of the unpleasant sensation?

Itching of the labia in women - common causes

The main reasons that the labia majora or minora itch may be allergic in nature.

  • In some cases, irritation in the external genital area in women can result from depilation. For example, ingrown hairs that appear as a result of improper shaving can cause itching and. When using special depilatory creams, individual intolerance to the active components of the cream sometimes develops, which manifests itself in the form of itching of the intimate area.
  • It is possible that the main cause of discomfort in the labia area in women is the use of cosmetics - for example, shower gel, bath foam, soap or intimate deodorant. The first thing that is recommended to do if the genitals are very itchy is to change all the cosmetic preparations used, which contain preservatives and perfume additives.
  • Sometimes discomfort and irritation of the labia majora or minora is caused by the use of condoms or local female contraceptives. In this case, it is necessary to take care of changing the method of contraception.
  • Tight, tight underwear made from synthetic materials can cause your labia to become very itchy. Many gynecologists advise charming ladies to wear such underwear only on special occasions. For everyday use, it is best to purchase products made from cotton or other natural materials, with a loose fit.
  • Many women have itchy labia due to prolonged wearing of pads or other hygiene products. It should be remembered that tampons or pads need to be changed as often as possible - traces of bloody discharge remain on their surface, which leads to itching and irritation in the intimate area. It is especially important to change hygiene products frequently in hot weather. For intimate hygiene, it is not recommended to purchase scented pads - they contain perfume fragrances, which are considered a fairly strong allergen.
  • Prolonged, uncontrolled use of antibiotics or other medications can cause itching and burning in women's sensitive areas. What to do in this case? You should immediately contact your doctor to change your prescribed medication.

Other causes of itching and burning of the labia

Itching of the labia in women often acts as a symptom of an inflammatory or infectious disease. Therefore, such a sign should never be ignored. Most often, discomfort and irritation of the skin of the labia majora or minora can be caused by the following points:

  • In most cases, itching in the labia area in women occurs as a result of sexually transmitted diseases - for example, trichomoniasis, genital herpes or candidiasis. In this case, the disease is manifested by other symptoms - redness of the surface of the external genitalia, pain during urination and sexual intercourse, vaginal discharge that has a strong, unnatural odor. Treatment should be carried out simultaneously by a gynecologist and a venereologist.
  • Leukoplakia is a common gynecological disease that is accompanied by the appearance of white or light gray “plaques” on the skin of the genitals. Itching and burning of the genitals are a common symptom of leukoplakia.
  • One of the common causes of vaginal irritation is bartholinitis, an inflammatory process that affects the Bartholin gland, located in close proximity to the vagina. Characteristic symptoms of bartholinitis are redness and swelling of the external genitalia, pain when walking and during sexual intercourse, and the appearance of purulent ulcers on the surface of the vulva. Treatment of bartholinitis, begun in the early stages of the inflammatory process, is very effective.
  • In some cases, discomfort and itching of the labia minora in women occurs as a result of vulvovaginitis. With this inflammatory process, the mucous membrane of the labia majora and minora is affected; they may become red or swollen. The development of vulvovaginitis is most often triggered by insufficient intimate hygiene, or mechanical damage to the vagina.
  • If a woman complains of itching, burning, discomfort in the area of ​​the external intimate organs, this may indicate common gynecological diseases - vulvitis or vaginitis. can be caused by microtraumas of the reproductive organs received during an abortion or various medical procedures, poor hygiene of the bikini area, chaotic sexual intercourse with frequent changes of partners.
  • Diabetes mellitus and disruptions in the endocrine system can cause irritation of intimate areas.

Treatment of itching and burning of the labia

What to do if you notice that your intimate organs are itching? First, immediately change your underwear to products made from natural fabrics, as well as cosmetic and hygiene products that you used. If you are taking any medication, consult your doctor to replace it with a similar medication. You should also pay special attention to your daily diet - discomfort in the bikini area may be an allergic reaction to certain foods.

If, after all the actions you have taken, the labia continue to itch, you should immediately contact an experienced gynecologist who will conduct an examination, identify the cause of the discomfort and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Itching and burning in the genitals is an extremely delicate problem, which can sometimes be very difficult to talk about. In addition to psychological discomfort and unpleasant sensations, such signs may indicate the presence of some serious disease. This is often characteristic of sexually transmitted diseases, but can also be the cause of other gynecological diseases.

In addition, itching in the genital area can affect intimate life, since discomfort intensifies during and after sex, and sometimes can even turn into painful sensations, which completely discourages attraction to a partner. So what could be the causes of itching and burning of the labia?

Causes of itching of the labia

  • A common cause of genital itching is. One of the most common infections is candidiasis, or thrush. Itching can also often occur from bacterial vaginosis.
  • To correctly determine the type of infection that causes discomfort in the genital area, you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. White discharge, cheesy consistency, odorless, sometimes slightly foamy, most likely indicates the presence of thrush. But with vaginosis, symptoms such as itching in the genital area, pain during sexual intercourse and urination are much less common. Most often, women with vaginosis complain about discharge. While candidiasis accompanied by all the indicated signs. As a rule, creams and regular ointments do not help. They only bring temporary relief, after which the desire to take a shower and get rid of these sensations will again appear. An effective remedy in the fight against thrush and vaginosis are antifungal drugs and antibiotics. At the same time, do not forget that they kill all bacteria indiscriminately and with prolonged use of the drugs you can disrupt your natural environment. Therefore, it is best to resort to preventive measures.
  • The main factors causing thrush are reduced immunity, negative effects from the use of antibiotics, changes in vaginal microflora. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to eat yoghurts rich in live lactic acid bacteria, red pepper, garlic, lingonberries, propolis, tea tree oil and grapefruit. It is also advisable to wear cotton underwear and have sexual relations only with a regular partner.
  • Bacterial vaginosis occurs frequently with uncontrolled use of antibiotics, previous inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, menstrual irregularities, long-term use of oral contraceptives or an intrauterine device. The main advice for preventing bacterial vaginosis is to use contraceptives containing 9-nonoxynol, and always use a condom for one-time sexual intercourse. Do not forget that bacterial vaginosis can cause female infertility.

Also, the labia may itch due to:

  1. allergies to various cosmetics that contain chemical or perfume additives that cause irritation and itching,
  2. synthetic tight underwear,
  3. inaccurate depilation of intimate areas, for example, by shaving, or hair removal with irritating creams,
  4. sexually transmitted infections
  5. non-inflammatory diseases of the external genitalia: such as cancer, allergies, pubic lice, leukoplakia.

To find out why you are suffering from itching of the external genitalia, first of all, you should identify the exact cause. If this is not due to wearing the wrong underwear or personal hygiene products, you should definitely consult a specialist. If upon examination you are found to have ulcers or rashes, then such signs usually indicate a lesion genital herpes.

Read also: Herpes on the labia: causes, treatment

The cause of itching of the labia may be unprotected sexual intercourse, which is accompanied by painful urination and unusual discharge, which indicates a sexually transmitted infection. The external genitalia can also itch due to precancerous diseases, kraurosis and leukoplakia. Most often, such diseases occur in women after thirty.

How to cure itchy labia?

Diseases of the mucous membrane of the genital organs;

During a course of treatment with certain medications;

Disturbance of the normal microflora of the vagina;

In case of disruption of metabolic processes in the body, the activity of the endocrine system and other organs;

During stressful situations;

With insufficient hydration of the genitals.

Regarding the treatment of itching of the labia majora, first of all, you should visit a specialist doctor who will prescribe appropriate tests and studies, as well as treatment.

In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, additional therapy can be used in parallel, but you should first consult with your doctor.

    - douching with herbal infusions;

    Taking herbal infusions internally;

    Tampons with herbal ointments and gels.

Itching of the labia minora - how to get rid of it?

If itching is felt in the area of ​​the labia minora, this may indicate infection with sexually transmitted or infectious diseases. In this case, you must definitely visit a doctor.

It should be remembered that itching of the labia minora will not go away on its own, so it is extremely important to undergo the appropriate tests and studies in a timely manner and begin a course of treatment.

Unpleasant sensations can occur as a result of diseases such as kraurosis, tumors, leukoplakia. It is mandatory to undergo a full examination to exclude reasons that are not true.

Itching of the labia during pregnancy and treatment methods

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many different changes, some of which can cause discomfort. For example, vaginal itching. In some cases, itching leads to insomnia, but if the itching is severe, a nervous breakdown may occur.

The causes of itching include the following:

    - uncomfortable, movement-restricting clothing and underwear made from artificial, synthetic materials. Such fabric does not allow air to pass through to the body at all, does not absorb secretions, and therefore pathogenic microbes and bacteria multiply on the skin;

    Failure to comply with prescribed hygiene rules;

    Allergic reactions caused by household chemicals or hygiene products;

    Inflammatory processes provoked by sexually transmitted diseases or fungal infections;

    Weakening of the immune system, disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina;

    The development of diseases such as: hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, ovarian dysfunction, blood diseases;

    Stressful situations.

What actions will help relieve genital itching during pregnancy?

  1. Follow all rules of intimate hygiene, change panty liners and tampons every 5-6 hours.
  2. Underwear should be chosen from natural fabrics.
  3. Wash your genitals daily. Use special gels and soaps no more than once or twice a week.
  4. It is necessary to follow a diet: include porridge, fresh fruits, cottage cheese, and kefir in the menu.
  5. You should not overheat the body in general and the genital area in particular.
  6. Until the discomfort disappears, it is better to refuse intimate relationships.

First of all, you need to visit a gynecologist, since self-treatment and taking medications can lead to undesirable consequences not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child. Under no circumstances should you start taking medications without consulting your doctor.


If your labia are inflamed and itchy: why and what to do?

What to do if the labia are itchy, because such a problem is delicate, and at the same time it causes a lot of inconvenience. The labia may not only itch, but also hurt. This often happens in women before menstruation, but the reasons may be more serious. In the presence of such a problem, representatives of the fair sex lose peace and do not know how to organize their day, since they constantly have to remember unpleasant sensations.

What could be the reasons

If you notice that your labia are itching, you should figure out what could be causing this discomfort. If we consider the main ones, we can highlight the following factors:

  1. Women's lips may burn if they have used various products for depilation or intimate hygiene; this is a manifestation of individual sensitivity;
  2. The menstrual cycle has begun, and you have chosen the wrong pads; often such situations are caused by scented pads.
  3. The outer labia can become inflamed and swollen due to the presence of infectious diseases, this could be genital herpes, candidiasis, trichomoniasis and a number of other sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. The presence of diabetes mellitus in women can also cause similar discomfort.
  5. Such swelling and hardening may indicate cancer.
  6. Tight underwear, especially during menstruation, can cause discomfort. It is worth excluding the constant use of such underwear.
  7. Itching of the vagina and labia may occur in women due to taking certain antibiotics; this is a side effect. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will help you choose another drug.
  8. We noticed that we were itching a lot and a lump appeared after hygiene procedures; this could be an allergic reaction to ordinary soap.

Is it worth having dangerous relationships?

If you don’t understand why your labia are itching, you should rule out the presence of sexually transmitted infections. The list is long, including gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes. Each disease can manifest itself with unique symptoms, for example, with gonorrhea, you can observe profuse purulent discharge, which has an unpleasant odor. And the labia hurt quite severely, and a burning sensation may also be felt when urinating.

When the labia are swollen and itchy, it is worth ruling out the presence of herpes, which can be contracted through household means. Such a disease cannot be ignored, as it can develop into a chronic form. If unfavorable factors arise for it, such as allergies, hypothermia, infections, then the disease will arise with renewed vigor.

If you have chlamydia or ureaplasmosis, your labia may itch after sex. Such diseases are transmitted both through household objects and sexually. Additional symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the groin and perineum. Scabies and lice pubis are also considered common problems; with such diseases, the labia will become hot and may swell.

Inflammation of the labia can be a symptom of inguinal erythmia, which is usually classified as a contact disease; it is transmitted sexually. Small rashes may occur, and the lip is very itchy. Then swelling appears, and then compaction, itching is observed at the edges of this compaction. This disease implies spread to other parts of the vagina; the mucous membrane is the optimal environment for spread.

Also, the reason may lie in the appearance of thrush, which is quite common among women. It causes moderate pain, a reddened appearance of the labia, and a cheesy discharge. The same symptoms can be identified in ganderellosis, but it differs in that the discharge has a peculiar smell of spoiled fish.

About personal problems

If you pay attention to the features of the vagina, it is worth noting that it is already populated by microorganisms. They are divided into beneficial and opportunistic. When immunity decreases, the opportunistic part becomes active and multiplies rapidly. This makes the acidity of the environment higher, which is why such unpleasant sensations appear, the desire to scratch the labia.

Personal problems can also be related to hormonal levels, including endometriosis and endometritis. With them, the labia may turn red, become inflamed, cause severe itching, and sometimes even spotting occurs, which women often confuse with those that occur during menstruation. Upon examination, a specialist may detect a seal.

Chronic diseases

But the labia can also itch due to chronic diseases, which include:

  1. hepatitis;
  2. diabetes;
  3. anemia;
  4. lymphogranulomatosis.

If you want to understand why it itches due to neoplasms or leukemia, then it is worth considering that such ailments cause changes in the vaginal environment. The mucous membrane loses its former qualities, which is why a problem with the labia arises. Inflammation also appears with pyelonephritis, because salt secretions with such a disease irritate the mucous membrane, and the itchy syndrome does not cease to haunt you.

When not to treat an itch

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, sometimes you just need to find the cause:

  • There is no need to look for something to anoint the inner and outer edges of the labia if depilation is the cause of the itching.
  • This condition often occurs before menstruation; as soon as menstruation begins, the problem will go away on its own. If the itching does not go away during menstruation, you should consult a specialist.
  • Poor choice of gaskets can cause a similar reaction.
  • Wearing synthetic underwear or tight underwear causes the skin to become very hot, which is why it starts to itch.
  • Hygiene products are used that contain fragrances or dyes that are not suitable for you.

What to say about pregnancy

You need to decide what to do if you experience itching during pregnancy. It is necessary to exclude the presence of serious problems, but such a state while expecting a baby is natural. Blood fills the labia more actively, which is why slight itching may occur.

How to get rid of symptoms

If you notice the red color of the labia, you can no longer tolerate the itching, you should consult a specialist, and then follow all the doctor’s prescriptions. There is no single scheme that would eliminate itching in various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to initially determine the cause, and only then will it be difficult to choose the right method for treatment. If you have sexually transmitted problems, you should consult a doctor for proper treatment, and if you have allergies, you need to identify the allergen.

It doesn’t matter which side of the labia itches, if the disease is infectious, it will not go away on its own.

Diabetes mellitus or pyelonephritis requires treatment of the underlying disease, not the symptoms. Ureaplasmosis and chlamydia can be eliminated by contacting a doctor, because he draws up an individual treatment regimen. Pubic lice are an unpleasant problem, but they are easy to get rid of with depilation and special ointments. Therefore, try not to dwell on unpleasant sensations, but rather consult a doctor.

It may be a symptomatic manifestation of serious diseases. First of all, for a woman such a sign is extremely unpleasant and creates a constant feeling of discomfort. In most cases, itching is not the only symptom; for example, with thrush it is accompanied by whitish discharge. This disease may be a consequence of impaired microflora and a weakened immune system.

Of course, itching of the labia in women raises thoughts about the possibility of infection. But there is no need to panic, because, for example, thrush does not belong to the category of such ailments. However, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since this symptomatology characterizes many sexually transmitted diseases.

Itching of the labia must be treated in a timely manner, because diseases such as cervicitis or colpitis subsequently develop into a chronic form, and this will require a more serious approach to treatment and the expenditure of one’s own strength and nerves. In order to avoid such serious consequences, you should consult a specialist at the first discomfort.

Most often, itching in women is a sign of the development of vulvitis. This disease means the presence of an inflammatory process in the vaginal area, which is accompanied by severe discomfort and a pungent odor. Sometimes these symptoms are accompanied by noticeable pain during urination. The cause of this disease is considered to be a violation of the microflora, for example, when using low-quality soap. Therefore, to prevent vulvitis, it is better to purchase special intimate hygiene products.

Symptomatic manifestations of gonorrhea and trichomoniasis include itching of the labia, discharge characterized by a foamy structure and very These ailments are considered infectious diseases, infection of which most often occurs as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse. And trichomoniasis generally occupies a leading position, since it occurs more often than other diseases in women. Moreover, you can notice and feel the presence of pathology a couple of days after sexual contact. But if painful sensations during sex are added to the above symptoms, then we can talk about the presence of another problem. For women undergoing menopause, itching of the labia is a particular warning sign, so it is important to see a doctor for further advice.

Itching of the labia, or rather, the disease that caused it, is often quickly and painlessly treated, so there is no need to worry. The specialist conducts an examination, based on which he makes a preliminary conclusion. If necessary, tests and studies are prescribed to make it possible to accurately establish a diagnosis. Modern medicine offers a wide range of drugs for external and internal use that help get rid of problems in the shortest possible time.

A course of antibiotics is considered the most effective (if we are not talking about thrush), but such drugs are so potent that they have a negative effect on the body’s condition, since the degree of immune defense is significantly reduced. In addition, long-term use of drugs of this type can cause addiction, that is, infectious agents adapt to the active substance and become immune to it. Then the problem of itching remains, and the reaction to antibiotics disappears. Therefore, most doctors, whenever possible, try to first carry out conservative treatment, for example, using natural pads, suppositories and tampons. The substances included in their composition cope well with unpleasant sensations in the groin area.

Itching of the genitals is an extremely unpleasant symptom that can cause a lot of trouble for a girl. There could be many reasons why. Moreover, not all of them mean the presence of any serious diseases. In any case, you should not give in to the temptation and scratch the itchy area, because... Such actions can lead to damage to the top layer of skin. An ulcer may form at this site and become infected. And this will lead to the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Itchy labia - don't use a razor

The main reason may be shaving. For example, if after the procedure you did not wash yourself well enough and there are shaved hairs left on your skin. They are the ones that can cause itching. Another reason is irritation after using a razor. During this procedure, the top layer of skin is removed. Irritation can also be caused by ingrown hairs.

Itchy labia - do not wear synthetic underwear

Not all women choose the right underwear. Some people prefer beautiful, but not very comfortable models. Wearing underwear that is too tight or synthetic can cause itching. But besides this, there is a risk of getting gynecological diseases, because synthetic underwear does not allow air to circulate freely.

Itchy labia - allergy to hygiene products

Perhaps the reason lies in the shower gel. Often flavors, dyes and preservatives cause allergic reactions. Especially when in contact with such a delicate area of ​​skin as the labia. For intimate hygiene, it is better to use special products that do not contain fragrances or other irritating components.

Itchy labia - allergy to pads

Sometimes women experience itching after using certain pads. For example, those in the production of which dye is used. Of course, flowers and ornaments painted on the pad are cute. But this can cause irritation. Also, do not get carried away with various scented pads. The skin in intimate places is extremely delicate, so you need to use only hypoallergenic products without patterns or odors. You should also not forget about timely replacement of gaskets.

Itchy labia majora - vaginal dysbiosis

Various bacteria live in the vagina. Normally, their number is balanced. But if immunity decreases (after illness, stress, change in climate conditions, etc.), beneficial bacteria may not cope with their duties. Usually dysbiosis is not dangerous, and soon the balance is restored. But it is better to consult a doctor.

Itchy labia - STD

Itching can also signal the presence of a disease. This is especially true if, in addition to discomfort, there are the following signs: the discharge has changed color, an unpleasant odor has appeared. If your labia are itchy, do not self-medicate. See your doctor. He will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If you try to solve the problem with folk remedies, you will only harm yourself.

Gynecologists, due to the specifics of their specialization, throughout their lives are faced with quite intimate problems of the fair sex. One of them is a disease in which itching. As usual, it most often happens to be some kind of venereal disease. However, a similar symptom is characteristic of many other gynecological diseases. What are the reasons why a woman’s labia majora itch?

To begin with, it is worth noting that it causes quite a lot of trouble. This is, first of all, discomfort, irritation of the mucous membrane and, finally, simply quite unpleasant pain. Such signs can be caused by the fact that a woman is simply wearing inappropriate underwear. It may be too tight and uncomfortable, made of synthetic materials. In addition, itching in the perineal area is often caused by a simple allergy to products that a woman uses as hygiene products. Most often, they contain various additives that cause serious disturbances in the acid-base balance and, as a result, lead to irritation of the genital organs.

One of the reasons why the labia itches in the fair sex may be the chosen depilation method. After all, there are a huge number of ways to remove hair from the intimate area. This includes the laser method, depilatory creams and gels, plucking and shaving. The body may respond to some of these hair removal technologies with itching in the labia area.

A fairly large proportion of women who turn to a specialist with a complaint that the labia are itchy, as a result of a medical examination, turn out to have diabetes.

There are a lot of diseases of the genital tract that are accompanied by itching in the genital area. For example, any one affects a woman’s organs. As a result of the inflammatory process, irritation appears on the genitals, and the woman, in turn, begins to experience discomfort. For example,

The first thing every girl should do if her labia itch is to try to identify the cause of this phenomenon. It is necessary to remember what she ate over the past day, what symptoms, in addition to this, she still has. Discharge of an unpleasant odor and uncharacteristic color most often symbolizes infection with a sexually transmitted infection. In addition, the common one can also cause burning and itching in the perineum.

what to do if your labia are itchy? First of all, you should definitely change your underwear made from natural fabrics.

If even after changing your underwear the itching does not stop and you cannot find out the cause on your own, you need to consult a doctor. It is worth noting that the specialist at the appointment will first of all ask the patient whose labia are itching if there are any rashes, ulcers, etc. on the genitals. This is extremely important, so try to identify them before seeing a doctor. Most often, similar symptoms are accompanied by herpes. In the presence of this virus, it is the labia majora that itch in infected women. The same thing happens if the patient suffers from candidiasis or, as this disease is popularly called, thrush. It usually manifests itself against the background of reduced and weak immunity.

If your labia are itchy, try to see your doctor as soon as possible. The fact is that almost all diseases are much easier to cure at an early stage of development. In addition, you will not be able to get rid of irritation, unpleasant odor and itching in the perineum until the cause is eliminated.

The main cause of inflammation or irritation on the labia is considered to be the development of diseases of the internal organs, which project their symptoms to the vaginal area. Such reactions very rarely act as an independent illness, because they are a consequence of other pathological changes in the body. Very rarely, redness of the labia indicates neglect of the rules of personal hygiene; a complication often occurs due to unfavorable environmental conditions.

What is irritation

The appearance of red spots on the skin signals the presence of inflammation in the body. The female half of the population suffers much more often from irritation in the intimate area, because their skin is more sensitive and is easily exposed to external influences. The slightest change in the environment can cause negative manifestations on the skin, so many people have to deal with this disease every day. Irritation on the labia is a very delicate problem that can arise not only due to violation of hygiene standards, but also due to the development of pathological processes.

Causes of irritation

Elimination of the complication is possible only after an examination that will indicate the main causes of this reaction. They are usually divided into two types - internal and external. The first group includes organ diseases caused by poor nutrition or a severe psychological condition. As you know, factors such as stress or strong emotional stress can provoke the development of all kinds of skin ailments, for example, irritation on the labia. As for external stimuli, these include:

  • care products;
  • climate;
  • decorative cosmetics;
  • weather.

Inflammation of the labia

It is known that inflammatory processes affecting the external genitalia always cause severe discomfort to its owner. Irritation of the labia in medical circles is called vulvitis and covers a wide audience of patients of various age categories. Only the attending physician can help cope with this disease, who, based on the nature of the infection, will identify the cause of the disease. You should not put off visiting a gynecologist, because irritation in the genital area tends to multiply. Common symptoms of vulvitis in women:

  • pain when urinating;
  • copious vaginal discharge;
  • severe itching;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • temperature increase;
  • feeling of general malaise.


The microflora of the female genital organs can become vulnerable to harmful microorganisms with the development of any internal diseases. Pathological processes negatively affect women's health, so a symptom such as a burning sensation in the vaginal area indicates the occurrence of serious complications. A variety of ailments can provoke the appearance of irritation on the genitals, for example, thrush, diabetes or dysbiosis.

Inflammation originates in the Bartholin glands, after blockage of which irritation gradually spreads along the entire perimeter of the mucous membrane. Vulvitis can be a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases or other sexually transmitted infections. The intensity of the manifestations varies depending on the nature of the irritation on the genitals; in severe cases of the disease, the patient experiences very strong uncomfortable external manifestations.


Any disturbances in the functioning of the body can lead to the appearance of cracks in the labia minora. They arise due to pathological changes in the mucous membrane, in which it loses its integrity. Inflammation of the labia may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as hyperemia, itching or irritation. The disease occurs as a result of the immune system's response to irritants, be it fungi, infection or virus.

In the early stages, irritation in the genital area can be easily treated; it is only necessary to eliminate the original cause of the disease. These include wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials, mechanical damage during depilation, or pads that are unsuitable for your skin type. However, if you do not undergo therapy on time, there is a risk of callus formation in this area.

Severe itching

External genital lesions may indicate serious health problems, where severe itching in the intimate area acts as a warning signal. If the labia are inflamed or plaques appear on them, then trying to treat this pathology on your own is not recommended. Vaginal itching sometimes causes severe discomfort, which recurs every few hours. In these conditions, intense discharge and redness of the skin may also occur at certain times of the monthly cycle.

Itching in patients is caused by two main reasons - inflammatory and non-inflammatory. With an active sexual life, some women develop vaginitis or herpes over time; both ailments develop due to pathogenic bacteria in the body. If the patient does not have signs of an inflammatory process, then hormonal or allergic factors could influence the occurrence of irritation, for example, such modern methods of contraception as lubricant or condoms.

Redness and itching

The physiological characteristics of the female genital organs make them vulnerable to various types of infections transmitted by men. At any moment, an infection can occur, the consequences of which will have to be dealt with for a long time: an unpleasant odor from the perineum, swelling of the labia, copious discharge on clothes, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and so on.

These symptoms are the result of mechanical damage to the genitals, unsuitable underwear or vaginal douching. If itching or redness occurs, you should immediately see a doctor. An examination in a gynecologist's office can give a comprehensive answer about the origin of skin irritation, and the specialist must prescribe an appropriate method of therapy.

Rash in the intimate area in women

In most cases, irritation or rash in the intimate area occurs due to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in the body, which provoke the formation of defects on the skin. They can be of various shapes and sizes; there are several types of rashes that are a violation of the integrity of the epithelial cover. Pimples and blisters typically form on the outer surface of the skin, although they can sometimes appear in the deeper layers.

Some formations are considered ordinary physiological defects that do not pose a threat to human health. These include papules on the male and micropapillomatosis on the female genital organs, which arise due to disturbances in hormonal processes in the body. These defects can be removed using laser surgery or other skin correction methods.

How to treat irritation in the intimate area

Skin problems, especially in the labia area, require a special approach. Advertised and expensive drugs are not always able to help cope with such a delicate situation, and many people are simply embarrassed to see a doctor. If irritation is episodic and suddenly takes you by surprise, first pay attention to personal hygiene items.

It is possible that the cause of irritation in the genital area is a recently purchased razor or shower gel. Decoctions based on medicinal herbs or essential oils will help cope with the problem. In emergency cases, you can use soda by preparing baths or compresses with it. The solution must be saturated; it is recommended to carry out the procedure for no more than half an hour.

Cream for intimate area against irritation

The modern market of cosmetic products provides a wide selection of different creams for irritation. Here you can find special depilatory products or light moisturizing emulsions for sensitive skin. To relieve redness, dexpanthenol-based creams are used, which help enhance skin regeneration. These products help effectively cope with irritation, relieve itching and burning.

Compliance with safety precautions when using the cream guarantees safety for the patient's health. It is best to test the product on the wrist; if there are no side effects, you can begin the procedure. It is necessary to apply the composition to the affected area of ​​the skin, giving it time to be completely absorbed. Other drugs should not be used in parallel, as there is a risk of therapeutic interaction.


For irritation in the intimate area, specialists often prescribe hormonal ointments. The result of their use is noticeable immediately after the first procedure, however, it is important to strictly follow the standards prescribed by the gynecologist during treatment. It is not recommended to make compresses using these products very often - there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

The most effective ointment against irritation is zinc. It is able to quickly eliminate signs of irritation not only in the genital area, but also in any other area of ​​the skin. Ointment with propolis and glycerin, made according to a well-known folk recipe, has similar properties. It is best stored in the refrigerator throughout the entire treatment period.

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of redness or irritation, it is allowed to use pharmaceutical Aspirin in the intimate area. Several tablets are crushed to a powder and poured with warm boiled water. The resulting mixture is used before shaving as a peeling - it exfoliates dead skin cells well and stimulates regeneration processes.

Once the procedure is completed, the skin should be wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. The bikini area is a very sensitive area that needs not only regular exfoliation, but also moisturizing. For these purposes, it is recommended to use tonics based on medicinal plants or oil lotions. They will prevent irritation after shaving and make the skin soft.


Itching of the labia is the most common female problem. She very often forces me to go to a gynecologist for help. Often itching can occur on the genitals or in the perineum. Upon examination, a specialist may detect redness, cracks and abrasions that have arisen due to constant scratching.

Causes of itching of the labia

The most common reasons may be:

  1. Prolonged stress;
  2. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy and the postpartum period, during menopause;
  3. Inflammatory processes that occur in the uterus, appendages and vagina;
  4. External stimuli.

Itching of the labia due to excessive or poor hygiene

The most common reason that itching may occur in the labia is improper care for intimate places. This may be due to simple negligence or due to ignorance. There are women who believe that there is no need at all for washing the intimate area. But experts advise washing intimate parts twice a day, and also after sexual intercourse.

During menstruation, special care is required. Necessary change your tampon or pad more often and be sure to wash yourself every time. Hygiene products that absorb blood during menstruation provide a good environment for the spread of harmful microbes. And they very often cause inflammation and itching of the genital organs.

The best thing choose 100% cotton linen. But many girls prefer to wear synthetic beautiful panties. But they are good only for their appearance, but they do not allow moisture and air to pass through, they can cause redness, itching, and also rub the bikini area.

The same can be said about scented sanitary pads. They can cause allergies due to the content of various aromatic impurities in their composition. In this case, redness and itching are signs of an allergy.

Another cause of itching may be excessive use of various deodorants, sprays and antibacterial soaps, as well as vaginal douching.

If the cause of itching of the labia is improper hygiene, then you can get rid of it very simply. To do this, you should wear only linen or cotton underwear, avoid unnecessary cosmetics, and streamline the care of your bikini area. Just take proper care of your intimate parts and use baths with herbs such as calendula, chamomile and string.

Diseases of the labia

The cause of itching of the female genital organs can be a variety of diseases. These include:

  1. Herpes genital is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a member of the herpevirus family. A woman can become infected with genital herpes during oral, anal, or regular sexual intercourse. When the disease begins to manifest itself, the labia minora and majora, cervix and vagina begin to itch. Treatment is carried out with special medications that destroy the virus and strengthen women's immunity.
  2. Candidiasis () is a disease that causes unbearable burning and itching. A sour-smelling white discharge appears from the vagina. Thrush is caused by yeast-like fungi, which are found in the normal microflora of the vagina. With hormonal imbalance, poor diet, decreased immunity or stress, such fungi begin to spread and lead to illness. Thrush causes itching after sex. The treatment is carried out by a specialist for both partners at once, based on the test results. Antifungal drugs are prescribed.
  3. Trichomoniasis- a venereal disease that is sexually transmitted. Signs are: sharp and unpleasant-smelling white discharge, burning and itching of the labia minora and majora. A specialist can diagnose the disease only after conducting a thorough examination and reviewing all test results. Treatment will be effective only when both partners become healthier. During treatment, any sexual intercourse is contraindicated.
  4. Gardnerellosis - This is a disease during which gardnerella in the vagina and lactobacilli balance are disrupted. The main symptoms are: burning sensation when urinating, itching of the labia, copious white discharge. As soon as signs of this disease appear, you must immediately run to the doctor. It is better not to self-medicate. When the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis, he will prescribe antibacterial suppositories or gels. When this method is completed effectively, lactobacilli are introduced into the vagina and means are prescribed to strengthen the immune system. If the treatment is carried out correctly (you cannot have sex during the treatment period), then you will get rid of this problem.
  5. Athlete's foot - This disease can be contracted in a public place if personal hygiene products are not used. The disease manifests itself as itching of the labia minora and labia majora, as well as the appearance of small spots, in the middle of which an inflammatory focus is visible. The specialist makes a diagnosis after examining the patient and by microscopic examination of scales taken from the affected areas. Treatment is carried out with medications and personal hygiene.
  6. Endometritis- inflammation in the inner lining of the uterus. The cause of the disease is infection in the uterus. Signs: expansion and itching of the labia, purulent discharge, pain in the lower abdomen as during menstruation. Treatment consists of taking antibacterial agents. Sexual activities are prohibited.
  7. Kraurosis of the vulva and vagina- Women of more mature age are susceptible to this disease. Its manifestations are swelling of the lips, changes in the clitoris, dryness and itching.
  8. Urogenital fistula- this disease manifests itself after childbirth, cesarean section, and certain types of urological and gynecological diseases. Causes inflammation in the vagina. It manifests itself as severe itching.
  9. Allergy to sperm. This may be the cause of scratching of the labia minora and majora very rarely. Allergens can be sperm protein, foods or medications that a man uses. They can only be identified through special research.
  10. Tumors benign or malignant can also cause itching of the labia minora and majora.

Impact of chronic diseases

Some diseases of the internal organs can also cause discomfort, redness and swelling of the female genital organs. Such diseases include:

  1. Oncological diseases of the female genital organs;
  2. Lymphogranulomatosis;
  3. Anemia;
  4. Leukemia;
  5. Hepatitis;
  6. Pyelonephritis;
  7. Diabetes.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of why the labia may itch, based on laboratory tests and a visual examination of the patient. It should be remembered that you should not self-medicate. This can make the situation worse.

Hormonal imbalance is the cause of female discomfort

Women's hormonal levels change throughout their lives. This happens during the climatic period, after childbirth, during pregnancy and during menstruation. Teenagers often change their mood. In the process of restructuring during pregnancy vaginal microflora changes. After childbirth, the body has not yet fully recovered. But during menopause, female hormones are not produced in such quantities as before. This leads to itching and dryness in the perineum. During this period, the woman experiences discomfort. Treatment includes the use of restoratives, ointments and hormonal medications.

What to do if your labia are itchy

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of which scratching may be caused using modern diagnostic methods.

Remedies and methods of treatment

After the specialist finds out the cause of discomfort in women's intimate places, he will prescribe a specific treatment. Itching can be cured by applying local medications. In parallel with them, the specialist prescribes vitamins and antibacterial agents. In addition to them, the following substances are used in treatment:

  1. Anesthetics;
  2. Hormonal drugs;
  3. Antihistamines.


Prevention includes the following measures:

Vitamin preparations will help strengthen the immune system of the female body, and visiting a gynecologist twice a year will help to detect the disease in time.