Abs and cesarean: pumping the stomach correctly. Beautiful shapes after cesarean section: tightening a saggy belly

Several weeks have passed since the birth. The hardest part is already behind us - fear of surgery, anesthesia, discomfort in the suture area. Now you fully enjoy motherhood, sometimes looking at yourself in the mirror with interest. Something has changed?

Perhaps you quickly managed to lose excess weight, because now you are constantly on the move and stressed. But perhaps the extra pounds are persistently attached to your figure, and the matter is aggravated by irregular and unhealthy diet.

Be that as it may, many young mothers have a completely logical question: when can you pump up your abs after a caesarean section? The fact is that even if you lost weight after childbirth, you were unlikely to be able to remove your rounded tummy. And if you have gained weight, then the situation is even worse: the unpleasant fold on the stomach is framed by sagging sides and hips.

How long after a cesarean section can you pump up your abs? Chances are you ask this question every time you look at yourself in the mirror. And there's nothing wrong with that. Almost ninety percent of women after such surgery need to correct their appearance.

When can you pump up your abs after a caesarean section? And how to do it correctly? This will be discussed in this article.

Why doesn't my tummy go away?

Before we figure out when you can start pumping up your abs after a caesarean section, let’s find out the reasons for the occurrence of such a problem.

The first and most important thing is that the anterior abdominal muscles of your abdomen are stretched due to luring the fetus out for a long time. Therefore, in order for them to take on their original appearance, they need a little help.

Secondly, the skin of the abdomen is also stretched; it no longer holds the abs in the desired shape.

And of course, don’t forget about the extra pounds that you most likely gained during pregnancy. They rarely go anywhere on their own, and consider the young mother’s tummy to be their favorite place.

But when can you start taking care of yourself? When can you pump up your abs after a caesarean section? Before answering these questions, let's find out what is absolutely not recommended to do.

Common mistakes of new mothers

Yes, you may not like your reflection in the mirror, but remember that now you are not alone, so you need to be twice as careful and attentive to your health.

Therefore, do not rush to do gymnastics or vigorous physical exercise as soon as the seam stops hurting. Remember that the outer seam (on the skin) is not everything. There is an internal suture (on the uterus) and it is very important that it does not come apart or become damaged in any way.

Therefore, before taking any steps to combat a sagging tummy, it is best to consult a gynecologist or do an ultrasound examination.

Be sure to go to your doctor and ask if you can pump up your abs after a cesarean section. After a visual examination and the necessary examinations, the doctor will most likely allow you to pump up your abs and even advise you when is the best time to start doing this.

Another mistake a young mother may make is the strict diet she puts herself on. However, it is advisable not to do this, since your baby needs tasty and appetizing milk, rich in all kinds of vitamins and microelements. Where can you get them if a nursing mother is on a strict diet?!

In addition, even if for some reason your child is bottle-fed, this is not a reason for a severe hunger strike. Now the baby does not need a slim and beautiful mother, but a cheerful, happy, calm one. Agree that in this case, strict diets will not add joy and strength to you, but will only make you exhausted or even embittered.

It's a question of time

So, you decided to hold off on strength training and start eating properly and nutritiously. What will a gynecologist tell you about when you can pump up your abs after a cesarean section?

Most likely, he will limit your physical activity to three to four months after giving birth, and will allow you to go jogging as much as a year after the operation. As for the abs, it is best to work on them six months after the birth of the baby.

When can you pump up your abs after 2 caesareans? Most likely, the specialist’s answer will be the same. However, it is important to take into account individual aspects. Sometimes the second birth is more difficult or, on the contrary, easier than the first. Moreover, a new suture (on the uterus or the skin of the abdomen - it makes no difference) does not always heal faster than the previous one.

Therefore, no matter what kind of caesarean section you have (first, second or third), trust a professional and try to undergo the necessary examinations.

General rules

So, we found out that you can pump up your abs after 6 months of cesarean section. What do you need to remember when starting such physical exercises?

First of all, it is recommended to start with minimal loads. That is, the first exercises should include only one or two approaches and the same number of repetitions. Don't forget about time. Initially, limit yourself to five or ten minutes a day.

Don't chase standards and don't listen to your girlfriends. Just listen to how you feel. If you are comfortable doing only five exercises, then be content with this, gradually increasing the load.

And, of course, do not forget about systematicity. Doing exercises every other day or every day is up to you. The main thing is that they take place regularly.

Moreover, it is necessary to remember that during training you do not need to focus on just one press or use only one loading method. Try to train all muscle groups and do it correctly, that is, maintaining the right posture and the necessary breathing pattern.

Now let’s move on to one of the main questions: how to properly pump up the abs after a cesarean section?

A set of exercises lying on your back

So, let's start with the easiest one. Lie on your back, place your hands either on your stomach or along your torso, and clasp your legs at the knees. Raise your head until you feel a slight tension in your abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, and then take the starting position. The recommended number of repetitions is five to ten times.

Then raise your legs slightly up, then lower them, but do not touch the floor. Then raise your legs again. This is the next exercise, which must also be repeated five to ten times.

To continue the workout, you can do “scissors” with your feet. To do this, raise your legs 45 0 from the floor and spread them apart several times.

Another effective exercise for the abs can be the “bicycle”: lying on the floor, imitate riding a bicycle with your legs, trying to reach your chest with your knees.

Raising the torso from the starting position straight or with twists (raising the torso at different angles) will also be very useful. This last exercise will help strengthen your obliques.

Turn onto your side. Swing your legs forward, first on one side, then on the other.

A set of standing exercises

From the starting position, bend ten times in different directions, then raise your straight legs forward ten times as high as possible. After this, raise your legs, bending them at the knees, trying to touch your chest.

Sitting position

Cross your legs, squat and lean against the wall. Freeze in this position for about thirty seconds, then relax and repeat the exercise again.

Sit on a chair. Raise both legs so that they are parallel to the floor surface, spread them in different directions, and close them again. Start with several approaches, gradually increasing the load.

Rescue bar

This exercise is very effective, but it must be done correctly. To do this, the head, buttocks and heels must be in one straight line. To make it easier for you to imagine how to perform this exercise, below is a photo of its correct execution.

In this position, it is necessary, figuratively speaking, to freeze for fifteen to twenty seconds (this is the minimum). Then relax and repeat the exercise.

Over time, increase the duration of the plank to a minute.

“Belly vacuum”

This special exercise is not associated with strength training, but it will help you achieve results quite easily and in the shortest possible time.

Starting position - lying or standing. Take a deep breath and inflate your belly as much as possible. Then exhale and forcefully draw your stomach in. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Relax and do a few approaches.

What else can

In addition to physical activity, other recommendations can, of course, help you in the fight against a sagging belly.

First of all, wear a bandage after surgery. It will help keep your abdominal muscles toned and prevent them from stretching.

Specialized cosmetic products designed to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin also play an important role. First of all, these are creams and ointments, as well as scrubs and shower gels.

An interesting piece of advice that experts can give to a woman after a cesarean section is to sleep on her stomach, which will also help strengthen the tone of the abdominal muscles.

Among other things, do not forget about daily walks in the fresh air. Walk long and hard, walk quickly and bend over more often. And you will see that fresh air and regular walking can work wonders even with the most unpleasant folds in the abdominal area.

Don't forget about nutrition

Of course, we dismiss the strict diet right away. However, do not forget about a healthy and nutritious diet, avoiding fats, sweet and starchy foods, fried and smoked. Eat more boiled or baked vegetables, cereals, boiled meat and, of course, do not forget about the required amount of water. It is best to drink about two liters a day, which will help remove not only toxins and salts from the body, but also unnecessary fats.

It’s better to eat more often, but in small portions. Do not overeat immediately after sleep and at night. And don’t forget: everything should be in moderation. Therefore, treat yourself to fresh fruits, sweet teas or small chocolates (of course, if this is allowed by the pediatrician monitoring your dear baby).


As you can see, a beautiful tummy is what many women strive for. It's so hard to get back in shape after giving birth, especially after a caesarean section! However, if you adhere to the recommendations from this article, follow the advice of your doctor and listen to your own body, then within a few months you will be able to win the battle with extra pounds and return your abdominal muscles to their former elasticity and plasticity.

This question occurs primarily among women who gave birth by cesarean section. Is it possible to pump up the press? How to get your stomach back to its former shape?
Most people wonder how long it will take to start exercising and start training their abdominal muscles.
First, let's define what a caesarean section is - a surgical operation where a baby is removed from a pregnant woman's uterus through an incision in the abdomen. According to statistics, out of 8 women who give birth on their own, one has a caesarean section.

In any case, immediately after childbirth, and especially such special ones, the female body needs to recover for the first time, it is necessary to wait until the scar is completely healed, therefore it is forbidden to immediately start training. As a result, any physical exercise should begin no earlier than 3 months after birth. Recovery after surgery takes six months, so the body should not put a high load on the abdominal muscles. It is important to note that any physical activity is permissible only with the permission of a doctor.
After you have received approval from the doctor, you need to contact a personal trainer who will create an individual program that is suitable only for you and takes into account all the characteristics of your body.

  • You need to train very carefully, at first do no more than 15 times in one approach.
  • It is necessary to lie on your stomach as often as possible to allow muscles to recover.
  • Must wear a bandage
  • Loads must be increased gradually
  • No pain should be allowed
  • If the scar diverges, consult your doctor
  • Until the moment when the scar heals and the body recovers, the load should be minimal. Later you can gradually increase the load.
  • It is recommended to exercise 3 – 4 times a week to keep the body in good shape.
  • Classes must be regular; without this, the recovery process can be very long.

Exercises at home

  • Sitting in lotus position on the floor, pull your stomach in, holding for a few seconds. Repeat several times.
  • Lie on your back, bend your legs, arms along your body, feet parallel to the floor. Next, lift your pelvis and hold it for 30 seconds, while tensing your muscles.
  • Starting position: lying on your back, bend your legs, pull your feet as close to your buttocks as possible. Smoothly extend one leg forward, then the other, while tensing your muscles.
  • Do the “Scissors” exercise

Girls who have experienced a caesarean section, do not be upset. The belly will definitely go away, albeit a little slower than after an independent birth. The main thing is to give your body moderate stress and combine it with proper nutrition.

Caesarean section is a simple operation, but the mother's body experiences severe stress. The recovery period for women who give birth this way is prolonged. In such a situation, it is not possible to immediately begin full-fledged sports training to get into shape. But there are special recommendations and exercises that you can perform to return to your previous shape without harming your health.

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    Why does the belly appear after childbirth?

    During the entire period of pregnancy, the muscles and skin of the abdomen are subject to intense pressure from the increasing size of the uterus. As a result, stretch marks appear and the abdominal muscles relax. The consequence of this is protrusion in the first weeks after childbirth, even in slender women.

    The causes of a saggy belly in young mothers are:

    • Excess weight gained during pregnancy. Most of it is concentrated in the abdomen and waist.
    • Constantly keeping the abdominal muscles in a relaxed state during pregnancy.
    • Stretched skin of the abdomen.
    • Large size of the uterus immediately after childbirth. It takes 6 to 8 weeks for the organ to return to its original volume.

    When is it allowed to start training?

    The time to start working on your body after surgery during childbirth depends on several factors. It is necessary to take into account not only the general well-being of the woman, but also the method of performing the intervention, the course of the pregnancy itself and the recovery period.

    Before starting training, you need to visit a gynecologist and find out whether it is possible to pump up the press after a cesarean section in a particular case and what exercises will not harm your health.

    Any sport is prohibited for 8 weeks after giving birth. In most cases, doctors allow you to start physical activity only after 3 or 4 months. In this case, it is necessary that the pregnancy itself, the operation, and the postoperative period pass without complications.

    Factors influencing the start of full training:

    Factor Health effects Training start time
    Vertical location of the surgical sutureSuch a seam is too noticeable, no matter how carefully it is done. In this case, postoperative hernias are more likely to form than in a horizontal position, especially in overweight women. Early physical activity can make the situation worseAfter 5–6 months
    Number of operationsDuring a repeat cesarean section, in the vast majority of cases, the incision is made along the old suture, excising it. This increases skin tension in the scar areaFor repeated and subsequent operations, you need to add 1 month for each
    Multiple pregnancyMultiple pregnancy increases the load on the abdominal muscles, internal organs and skinAdd as many months as there were fruits
    Complications of any natureAny complications during pregnancy, surgery or during the recovery period increase the likelihood of developing diseases due to untimely physical activityThe start time of training is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the severity of the complication.

    Physical activity restrictions

    To speed up the recovery process of the abdominal muscles in the first month after surgery, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. This item must be selected for yourself so that it does not cause disturbance. It helps relieve the muscles of the lumbar spine and strengthens the abs.

    2 months after a cesarean section, with the permission of the attending physician, you can begin to perform simple morning exercises. Additionally, it is recommended to do breathing exercises. After another month, you can begin to load the oblique abdominal muscles.

    A nursing mother needs to remember that exercise is allowed no more than a quarter of an hour a day. Too intense physical activity contributes to increased release of lactic acid, which can change the taste of breast milk and cause the baby to refuse the breast.

    What can you do after a caesarean section?

    One of the most popular ways to bring your figure back to its previous state is fitness. But young mothers who have undergone a caesarean section are allowed to engage in this sport no earlier than six months after the birth of the baby. And in case of all sorts of complications, this period is pushed back even further.

    One of the most accessible types of exercise that promotes weight loss is gymnastics. With the doctor's permission, in the first days after surgery, you can perform special exercises that will help speed recovery and prevent the appearance of adhesions. It is recommended to switch to regular gymnastics after 2–3 months. Loading of the abdominal muscles is allowed only after six months.

    It is up to the attending physician to decide whether a woman who has had a cesarean section can go to the gym. But for most young mothers, such loads are resolved no earlier than after 6 months. At the same time, you can actively train only after the child turns 1 year old.

    The physical training of a young mother plays a big role. If this is a professional athlete, then the doctor will allow her to start exercising much earlier than a woman who has not been involved in sports.

    How to pump up your abs at home

    A young mother after giving birth has very little time for sports, so it would be more rational to get her figure in order at home when the child is resting. In the first months, it is recommended to perform simple exercises that will be aimed at working your legs and arms. This could be arm rotations or lunges. At first, you should perform a small number of repetitions, then as the body recovers, the load should be increased.

    It is necessary to begin working out the abdominal muscles only with the approval of a doctor and no earlier than 6 months after abdominal surgery. At the same time, it is recommended to start squats. This exercise mainly targets the buttocks and thighs, but the abs are also heavily involved.

    Light exercise can be started 3 months after surgery. To do this, you must obtain the approval of your doctor and perform only the exercises recommended by him. In this case, you need to carefully monitor your well-being and the condition of the seam. At the slightest unpleasant symptoms, training should be stopped. Otherwise, physical activity may cause suture dehiscence or diastasis.

    Women who have had a cesarean section should not use a hoop or hula hoop until 7 months have passed after the operation. During rotation of the projectile, the abdominal muscles are subjected to significant stress. It also has a negative effect on the seam. Under no circumstances should you twist a hoop with weights, massage protrusions or tubercles. Such a projectile is completely banned for up to 1 year.

    Set of exercises

    After the surgical suture has completely healed and received permission from the attending physician, the woman can begin abdominal training at home. Initial exercises should take no more than 10 minutes and consist of simple exercises that provide minimal stress on the abdominal muscles. You need to train no more than 3 times a week, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and complexity.

    If a woman feels unwell during an exercise, she must immediately stop the exercise and postpone physical activity for another 1 month.


    Such exercises strengthen your back, straighten your posture and allow you to burn fat deposits in the waist area. After a caesarean section, the “Plank” must be performed especially carefully. Unlike natural childbirth, after which this exercise is allowed after 2 months, after abdominal surgery you can start it only after six months.

    If, even after this time, a woman experiences discomfort while performing the “Plank”, it must be abandoned until the condition improves.

    Regular plank

    This is a very useful exercise that uses the muscles of the whole body. You need to start standing in the “plank” position for 10–15 seconds and gradually increase the duration:

    1. 1. To take the starting position, you need to lie on your stomach.
    2. 2. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders and lift your torso.
    3. 3. Lean on your toes and lift your legs and buttocks.
    4. 4. Give the body a position parallel to the floor.
    5. 5. Hold for 10 seconds.

    Reverse plank

    This exercise also involves all muscle groups. It is performed as follows:

    1. 1. Lie on your back to take the starting position.
    2. 2. With your arms perpendicular to the floor surface, raise your body straight.
    3. 3. Press your heels into the floor.
    4. 4. Freeze in this position for 30 seconds.
    5. 5. Sit on the floor.

    Extended arm plank

    Doing this exercise works the oblique muscles that form the waist, buttocks, hips, and arms:

    1. 1. The starting position is the same as in exercise 1, but your legs need to be slightly apart.
    2. 2. Extend one arm forward, shifting your body weight to the second.
    3. 3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
    4. 4. Repeat 5 times for each hand.

    Exercise with fitball

    Another way to eliminate excess weight for women who have given birth is fitball. You can start exercising on this large gymnastic ball after 3 months, choosing the easiest exercises. You should work on your abs no earlier than six months after giving birth.

    In this case, coordination also develops. At the same time, the back is not overloaded. Execution order:

    1. 1. Place the fitball under your lower back so that your back takes on a rounded shape. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them behind your head.
    2. 2. Inhale, squeeze your buttocks and raise your shoulders. Hold for 30 seconds.
    3. 3. Exhale and relax your body.
    4. 4. Do 10 times.


    This exercise perfectly strengthens the abs and legs and is especially recommended for women who have not previously been actively involved in sports. At first it is better to perform it with bent legs. As your abs strengthen, they can be straightened.

    To further increase the load, it is recommended to raise your shoulders and head:

    1. 1. Lying on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees to an angle of 45 degrees.
    2. 2. Twist imaginary bicycle pedals in the air.
    3. 3. Continue for 30 seconds.


    The “Vacuum” exercise involves drawing in the abdomen while holding your breath. Such actions do not have a negative impact on the surgical suture, so they can begin to be performed 1–2 months after birth. “Vacuum” will help tidy up your abs and get rid of excess fat.

    This breathing exercise is suitable for all women, even those who have not exercised before.

    Execution order:

    1. 1. Lie on your back and place your feet on the floor.
    2. 2. Exhale air smoothly from the lungs, drawing in the stomach as much as possible.
    3. 3. Hold for 15–20 seconds.
    4. 4. Inhale and relax your body.
    5. 5. Repeat 5 times.

    Strengthening the abdominal muscles must be approached comprehensively; abdominal training alone is not enough. To reduce extra pounds, you need to use aerobic exercise, and to build muscle mass, perform strength exercises. If the training goes well and there is no deterioration in well-being, within a month after starting it, you need to double the number of repetitions.


    Not all new mothers who have had a caesarean section can exercise without fear for their health. If the operation was accompanied by complications or there was purulent inflammation during the healing process of the suture, it is necessary to first eliminate all the consequences and only then begin training.

    There are also absolute contraindications to working out the abs:

    • seam divergence;
    • endometritis;
    • injuries during childbirth;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • heat.

    If you can’t play sports for some reason, you can take care of your body by leading a healthy lifestyle. Long walks in the fresh air with a stroller, proper nutrition and a good mood will help keep your figure in good shape.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity?But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

In the process of bearing and giving birth to a baby, the female body undergoes a number of changes, and they are reflected in appearance too. After giving birth, many young mothers notice that the skin in the abdominal area has become flabby, extra centimeters have appeared, and the muscles have lost their tone. Of course, you want to start exercising as early as possible, but it is not recommended to do this immediately after giving birth. The situation becomes more complicated if the woman gave birth by caesarean section. In order not to harm yourself, you need to know when you can exercise your abs after a cesarean section, and how to do it correctly so as not to harm yourself.

For nine months, the fetus in the mother's womb actively grows, and the uterus grows after it. Together they put serious pressure on the skin of the abdomen and the muscles of the abdominal wall. Due to this, the abdominal muscles relax and postpartum stretch marks appear. Therefore, in the first days after childbirth, the stomach can protrude even in thin women. Of course, a woman who has always taken care of herself may be bothered by negative changes, and she will want to start exercising as soon as possible. However, first of all, you need to find out when you can pump up your abs after a caesarean section and wait the necessary time. But the answer to the question about these terms will depend on many factors, including the reasons that led to the appearance of problems in the abdominal area. Among them the following stand out:

  • The kilograms gained during pregnancy tend to concentrate around the waist.
  • Overstretching of the abdominal wall muscles, which significantly relax during pregnancy. Moreover, the young mother notices problems almost immediately after giving birth. There is a physiological explanation for this. If the muscles do not tense, intra-abdominal pressure and the effect on the uterus are reduced. This allows us to maintain the pregnancy.
  • The skin of the abdomen stretches, which negatively affects its appearance.
  • Immediately after you give birth, the uterus will still be very stretched. During the first few days, you can still feel it in the navel area. It will then gradually shrink back to its original size over the course of several weeks.

When can you start exercising?

How long after a cesarean section can you pump up your abs? This is a question that interests many young mothers. The answer to this will depend on many factors, and they will concern not only the mother’s well-being, but also the characteristics of the operation itself and the course of pregnancy. In general, when you can start pumping up your abs after a cesarean section, your obstetrician-gynecologist should decide so that amateur activity does not harm your health. In any case, after giving birth, any physical activity is prohibited for 6-8 weeks. As for a cesarean section, you need to wait about 3-4 months, and this applies to those situations in which the operation was the first and went without complications, and the pregnancy itself and the postpartum period are not accompanied by any complications. Before you start pumping up your abs after a cesarean section, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Seam features. It is important here what kind of access was used for surgical delivery: longitudinal (from the navel to the pubis) or transverse (lower abdomen, parallel to the pubic hair growth line). The first option will be noticeable regardless of the quality of its execution, while, in comparison with the transverse approach, it significantly increases the risk of postoperative hernias, especially in the presence of excess weight. Physical activity can aggravate the situation, therefore, if such a seam is present, a couple more months are added to the main period during which the press cannot be pumped.
  • Number of operations caesarean section. It is necessary to take into account when the expectant mother undergoes surgery. Thus, the second caesarean section is almost always done according to the old procedure, which further increases the tension of the abdominal skin. If the operation is the second, then a month is added to the main period after which you can pump up the abs after a cesarean section, if the third is an additional month, and so on.
  • Singleton or multiple births. The more fetuses are inside the uterine cavity at the same time, the greater the load on all organs and systems. If you gave birth to twins, add two months to the period of the ban on exercise, triplets - add three, and so on.
  • Features of the operation. During a caesarean section there is often bleeding, after which the woman is given a blood transfusion. Also, during the operation, if necessary, myomatous nodes, parts of the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, or other organs, for example, parts of the intestine, are removed. With this kind of intervention, it will be possible to pump up the abs after a cesarean section even later for several weeks, and how long exactly should be decided by the doctor.
  • Complications. If gestosis appears during pregnancy, you should refrain from training for at least six months. The presence of complications during wound healing on the skin, such as suppuration, suture dehiscence, and so on, also plays a role. Problems in the postpartum period are also taken into account. For example, if you need to perform curettage of the uterine cavity, physical activity must be further delayed.

Abdominal exercises after cesarean section: limitations

Thus, those who want to pump up their abs after a caesarean section will have to wait several months. Immediately after surgery, it is recommended to wear a bandage to restore the abdominal muscles. It is especially useful in the first month. These belts help relieve stress from the lumbar spine. However, so that they do not cause discomfort, they must be chosen correctly. Sleeping on your stomach can also help strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Later 6-8 weeks After giving birth, you can start doing simple morning exercises. At first, working out your abs can be limited to doing planks. The benefits of breathing exercises are great.

After a few more weeks, you can add exercises for the oblique muscles. The safest activities for women who have recently given birth are yoga and swimming.

Many people are wondering whether it is possible to pump up their abs after a caesarean section, if you have not previously been into abdominal muscle exercises. Yes, of course you can. But you will have to spend more time than mothers who previously sported beautiful “cubes”.

How to pump up your abs after a caesarean section: basic exercises

When deciding whether it is possible to pump up your abs after a caesarean section, you need to take into account your own well-being. If simple gymnastics is normal for you, does not provoke pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort, and the required period has already passed, you can begin to perform standard abdominal exercises. Of course, do not forget to first consult with the doctor who is observing you, who will give a detailed answer to the question of whether it is possible to pump up your abs after a cesarean section. At first, it is recommended to perform no more than 1-2 approaches of 10-15 times, gradually increasing the load. For such a task as pumping up the abs after a caesarean section, you can use the following exercises:

  • Plank. You need to take a lying position, lean on your elbows or palms and toes. The line that connects the top of the head, buttocks and heels should be straight. Start standing in a plank position for 15-20 seconds. Gradually this time needs to be increased, bringing it to several minutes.
  • Lifting the body at different angles. You need to lie on your back, put your arms along your body. Bend your legs at an angle of 45 degrees. First you need to bend them to 30 degrees, then to 45 and 90 relative to the horizontal surface. You can straighten one leg and hold it suspended at a distance of about 10 cm from the floor, and bending your torso, raise it at a right angle. Repeat the steps, changing legs.
  • To work your side abdominal muscles, lift your body at different angles while doing turns in different directions.

These are the simplest exercises on how to pump up your abs after a caesarean section. Over time, you can add others to them - “bicycle”, various twists, and so on. It is very important to be able to listen to your body and not overload it, since all exercises should improve your health and not harm it at all. The first few months after giving birth, you should allow yourself to recover, give the baby the opportunity to adapt to a new existence, and only then think about how to pump up your abs after a caesarean section. Nutrition and mental state also play a significant role.

When it comes to abs and weight loss, anything is possible. The main thing is to know for sure whether it is possible for you to pump up your abs after a cesarean section, exercise regularly, monitor your well-being and have motivation. The rest is a matter of time.

Video on how to remove belly fat after casarean

Any method of childbirth is a great stress for the female body. Moreover, if for any indication a caesarean section was performed.

Anesthesia and incisions made on the skin, peritoneum, muscles and uterus are a serious test for a woman’s body, exhausted by pregnancy. Only after all damaged tissues have healed can we talk about any physical activity on the abs.

However, after one or two weeks, as soon as the pain subsides, the woman begins to look at her reflection in the mirror and the first thing that catches her eye and what she wants to get rid of is an unaesthetic belly.

Previously smooth and even skin now looks flabby and inelastic. Overstretched abdominal muscles hang over the seam like an unflattering “apron.” A reasonable question arises: when can we begin to restore our previous prenatal forms?

In addition to the hormonal changes that occur after childbirth in any woman, in the case of a cesarean section there is added a ban on any form of physical activity that uses the abdominal muscles. Despite this, even after a caesarean section it is possible to tighten the abdomen; it will take only a little more time than if it is done after a natural birth.

When can you pump up your abs?

First of all, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist with this question. Only he, after a thorough examination, will be able to give specific recommendations. After all, the postpartum period proceeds differently for every woman. It all depends on many factors (features of the course of pregnancy, the age of the woman in labor and the progress of labor).

Usually, doctors strongly advise against doing any abdominal exercises during six to eight weeks after operation. And even after this period, you can start exercising in a gentle manner and only if the seam does not bother you.

After about You can start working on your abdominal muscles for six months. The desire to get in shape as soon as possible is understandable, but we must not forget that the pregnancy lasted 9 months, which means that it will take approximately the same amount of time for the abdominal muscles to return to their pre-pregnancy state.

During classes, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • for training, select exercises with low amplitude;
  • exercise at least 3 times a week. This regularity is due to the fact that the abdominal muscles belong to an endurance muscle group, which means that frequent repetitions will be required to achieve results;
  • perform no more than fifteen repetitions in one approach;
  • An individual approach to the training process after a caesarean section is one of the best ways to make the exercises most effective and reduce the risk of possible complications to a minimum level.
  • Preparing the abdominal muscles for physical activity

    Wearing a bandage. If a planned caesarean section is expected, it is better to purchase a post-operative bandage in advance and take it with you to the hospital. It will help cope with painful sensations in the suture area in the first days after surgery and will prevent the suture from coming apart. Wearing a bandage in the first 60 days after surgery helps to accelerate the contraction of the uterus and restore the abdominal muscles.

    Fresh air. Hiking with your baby is the best way to prepare the body for further physical activity.

    Cosmetology procedures. Creams, scrubs, wraps and peelings are aimed primarily at increasing skin tone and restoring its elasticity. Carrying out such procedures brings a woman a lot of positive emotions, which will come in handy during the postpartum period.

    Morning exercises. You can prepare your body for regular exercise with simple exercises for other muscle groups (cervical region, arms, legs, feet). This can be classic turns of the neck to the sides, extension/bending of the arms at the elbows, alternate lifting of the legs and flexion at the knee joint. Would be useful Kegel exercises on the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor.

    Proper nutrition. This point indirectly affects not only the abdominal muscles, but also the body as a whole. Breastfeeding mothers in most cases stick to the diet and do the right thing. The fewer extra pounds you can gain while breastfeeding, the easier it will be to regain your pre-pregnancy shape.

    Lightweight abdominal exercises

    If after two months the woman feels well, and the obstetrician-gynecologist speaks of a successful recovery period, you can begin classes. At the first stage, it is necessary to select a type of exercise where the abdominal muscles are involved indirectly. Preference can be given to swimming, Pilates, and steady cycling. You can do the following exercises at home:

  • With your back against the wall, sit on the floor and cross your legs. For comfort, you can place a hard pillow under your back. Inhale, and as you exhale, pull in your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Stay in this state for 30 seconds. This exercise can be performed during the day at any convenient time.
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and resting on the floor. Maintain the original position of your legs, while lifting your pelvis from the floor as high as possible. Fix your body in this position for 10-12 seconds.
  • Take the same starting position. Move your feet closer to your buttocks. Raise one or the other leg alternately and smoothly stretch it forward, while lifting your pelvis.
  • The classic scissor leg exercise can be made easier. While lying on your back, lift your body and lean on your elbows. When performing the exercise, change the speed of your legs.
  • Ab exercises

    After six months, you can start training specifically the abdominal muscles, i.e. influence them directly. However, you shouldn’t focus only on abdominal exercises. If the core is engaged, then the abdominal muscles are also working. At home, you can involve your child in training. In addition to the fact that it will be interesting for the baby to exercise with his mother, it will become an additional burden and make the exercises more effective.

  • Lift and bend your knees while lying on your back (a right angle should form between your body and hips). Alternately lower one leg, then the other. When performing the exercise, the leg remains half-bent and does not touch the floor at the lowest point.
  • A classic abdominal exercise, known to everyone from school. Lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Tightening and retracting your abdominal muscles, lift and lower your torso. When twisting (the elbow of the right hand touches the knee of the left and vice versa), the oblique abdominal muscles are activated.
  • Starting position - on your back, legs and body do not touch the floor. Rely only on your buttocks and hands. Legs straightened, at the top point pull your legs to your chest and return to the starting position.

  • No matter how soon a woman takes up abdominal exercises, if any unpleasant sensations occur in the area of ​​the seam, the exercises should be stopped and consult a doctor.

    When restoring your abdominal muscles after surgery, it is important not to rush things. Gradual and regular loads along with a well-structured training plan will not take long to arrive. After just 2 weeks you can see the first results.