Is it possible for a child to eat bananas if he has an intestinal infection? Diet for intestinal infections in children. Prohibited products

Rotavirus is a common viral disease. debuts with respiratory symptoms inflammatory process, then join dyspeptic disorders– abdominal pain with diarrhea, vomiting. The disease is seasonal; outbreaks occur during the cold season of the year. Young children and people with reduced immune defenses are susceptible to the disease.

The course of the disease is individual and different. In children, severe dehydration can lead to life-threatening conditions. Adults often suffer from the disease on their legs. It is possible for rotavirus to be carried by healthy people without clinical signs diseases. Antiviral therapy is nonspecific in nature and includes drugs based on immunoglobulins. If at viral infection if E. coli succeeds, treatment with antibiotics will be required. Your doctor will determine how many days you will need to take the medication.

There is no etiotropic treatment for the disease. Complex therapeutic activities consists of pathogenetic steps, eliminating the symptoms of the disease. The body must recover from the illness. It is vitally important to eat properly during the acute period of the disease and during the recovery stage. It will speed up treatment for stomach flu and make it effective.

Eat right when you have a rotavirus infection - useful condition recovery. Together with food, the body receives biologically necessary active substances, helping the body restore strength, normalize immune protection. In the acute period of the disease, the body is weakened - there is not enough strength and energy to fully digestive process. Therefore, during the course of the disease, food must enter the body in an easily digestible form.

Diet for rotavirus infection can become medicine to eliminate symptoms. Astringent properties products will help fight diarrhea. Fruit compote and decoctions of medicinal plants will help restore normal water-salt balance.

Do not refuse to eat food during the acute period infectious process. Before cooking for a patient diet menu, find out the details of nutrition for rotavirus infection.

Medical nutrition

The first days of the disease are accompanied by intense vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms lead to severe dehydration, loss of minerals and trace elements by the body. Each entry of food or water into the stomach can provoke attacks of vomiting.

Drinks for rotavirus infection

On the first day after the onset of the disease, it is allowed to drink clean filtered water and electrolyte solutions - Regidron, Gastrolit. After the patient’s condition improves, begin to give him decoctions of rose hips and raspberries. You can drink jelly from sweet berries, compote from dried fruits. Weak black tea is allowed.

After 4-5 days of illness, you can gradually introduce kefir into the menu. Others are also useful dairy products– yogurt or acidophilus. These products normalize and restore microflora.

Follow the diet during the period of illness, for 2 weeks after the start of recovery. During this time it will happen complete regeneration intestinal epithelium, the usual routine and diet will gradually return.

Prohibited Products

Diet for intestinal infection in children it means complete exclusion from the diet:

  1. Meat dishes fatty varietieschicken legs, wings, pork, lamb, duck, goose.
  2. Fatty fish.
  3. Milk, sour cream.
  4. Fresh vegetables, fruits. Apples are allowed baked on the 7-10th day of illness.
  5. Smoked, pickled products, pickles.
  6. Confectionery – chocolate, cakes, pastries.
  7. Brown bread, fresh white bread, pasta.
  8. Highly carbonated sweet drinks - Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola.
  9. Adult patients need to remember: alcohol is strictly contraindicated for rotavirus infection.
  10. It is not recommended to eat foods containing phosphoric acid as a stabilizer.

Eating foods from the list stimulates intestinal motility - leading to increased diarrhea. They cause increased fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines. Animal fats will not be able to be fully digested in the intestines due to the enzymatic deficiency that occurs during rotavirus infection.

Features of the diet during the recovery period

Following a diet and adhering to the principles of gentle nutrition is important in the acute period of an intestinal infection. After cupping acute process the body needs restoration structural elements, normalization physiological functions. If you carefully adhere to the rules of dietary nutrition and observe a gentle diet, recovery will occur much faster.

After the acute process is over, follow the diet for 2-3 weeks. IN otherwise the condition may worsen with the return of unpleasant symptoms.

If a patient at the recovery stage has good appetite– It is strictly not recommended to overeat. The body has not recovered enzymatic activity. Young immature epithelial cells intestines, which begin to develop in place of the damaged ones, do not have time to produce a sufficient amount of enzymes. It's important to eat in small portions, but often. Food should have a comfortable temperature, not too hot or cold. The rule concerns the intake of liquids. Give your baby something to drink every 30 minutes. Give up to 50-70 ml of liquid at a time. If the patient eats too much food or drinks too much liquid, prepare to vomit.

You should not force your child to eat. It is imperative to drink liquid. If your child categorically refuses to drink or develops signs of obvious dehydration, seek immediate medical help. medical care. The doctor will have to resort to parenteral drip infusions of saline solutions.

Dishes prepared for a patient after rotavirus should be boiled or steamed. Eating fried and smoked foods is unacceptable. Beer and alcoholic beverages are strictly contraindicated for adult patients.

Features of diet in children

Gentle nutrition for rotavirus infection in children requires an individual approach, depending on the age of the child and his condition. A prerequisite for any age is a dairy-free diet in the first days after the onset of the disease. If the child is breastfed, additional difficulties arise. Rotavirus kills intestinal epithelial cells and suppresses the production of lactose, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar. The diet after rotavirus infection in children requires excluding milk in the first days.

The child will have to be switched to lactose-free formulas for the period of illness and recovery. It is recommended to introduce lactose-free soy-based mixtures into the diet. A dairy-free diet is accompanied by drinking compotes and decoctions medicinal herbs. The lactose-free mixture Lactazar is diluted with water.

If the baby refuses food

Often a child who has recovered from a viral infection refuses to eat food. This also occurs in the acute period of the disease. The child feels unwell and refuses to eat.

Do not panic. If a child does not want to eat, do not force him. If you try to feed your child against his will, you will provoke vomiting and the condition will worsen. Be sure to give him something to drink. Offer a decoction of rose hips and raisins. In under acute stage Instead of sugar, add a couple of teaspoons of honey to the drink.

From the third day of illness, porridge without milk is allowed for intestinal infections, vegetable dishes in the form of puree, semi-liquid. Food should be gentle and easy to digest. You can gradually introduce the following dishes into your child’s diet:

  1. Lean meats - chicken, turkey, rabbit.
  2. Low-fat boiled fish.
  3. Liquid porridge on water. Boil buckwheat and oatmeal. In the first days, it is better to feed the child rice and semolina liquid porridge.
  4. Steam vegetables for the child.
  5. On days 3-4, include a banana in your child’s menu. You should not give the patient fresh apples or tangerines.

Rotavirus rarely leaves severe complications. The diet after rotavirus is strictly and strictly followed - it will speed up the recovery process in children and adults.

Some recipes for rotavirus infections

Below are recipes for dishes to prepare for a rotavirus patient at home.

Preparing rice water

The decoction has a strengthening, enveloping effect and will reduce diarrhea. To prepare the drink you will need 4 full tablespoons of rice cereal. Fill them with a liter of water and boil over low heat. Cooking time is from 2 hours. Make sure the rice is boiled.

The mixture is removed from the heat and pureed until smooth. The resulting liquid should be cooled, add half a teaspoon of salt and soda to it on the tip of a knife. Place the finished cooled mixture in the refrigerator for storage. If you need to give the patient something to drink, a couple of spoons of the mixture can be slightly warmed up.

Apple and carrot puree

Giving fresh vegetables and fruits to a patient with rotavirus infection is strictly contraindicated. A healthy and tasty alternative to fresh vegetables is carrot puree with apples. Children eat the dish with pleasure even if they have no appetite. Most parents leave it out positive reviews. Television pediatrician Komarovsky recommends this dish in the subacute period for feeding a child. Remember: you can eat purees in small portions.

Apples and carrots are taken in equal proportions, washed and peeled. Grate the food on a fine grater, add 5 tablespoons of sugar per 1 kg of vegetable mixture. Can be used instead of sugar natural honey. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. After the puree is ready, pour it into small glass jars, stored in the refrigerator so that it does not disappear.

Menu for children

To prevent your child from getting tired of monotonous food, diversify the menu. For breakfast, serve steamed omelettes and low-fat cottage cheese. You can wash down your breakfast with weakly brewed tea. Give a couple of sweet crackers for tea. An alternative to omelet and cottage cheese is porridge with water.

For lunch, prepare vegetable broth soup for your baby. For the main course, serve the meatballs from lean meat, fish cutlets. The second option is simply boiled fish. Side dish – mashed potatoes, boiled buckwheat. For the third - dried fruit compote, rosehip decoction.

For dinner, the child will happily eat porridge or steamed fish cutlets, carrot puree with apples. At night for children who have had rotavirus infection, doctors suggest 50 ml of kefir, rosehip decoction.

Prepare a dessert for a sick child from a banana or baked apple. As the child’s body recovers, you can gradually introduce diet table dried bread, lean boiled meat. If you have an intestinal infection, it is recommended to eat in small portions. It is not recommended to eat too much food at once. Chew each piece thoroughly. It can help an adult mineral water no gases. With this drink you can quickly restore the balance of mineral elements in the human body. This takes weeks.

Dairy baby food is introduced into the diet three weeks after illness during full recovery. Parents reflect on acceptable products in the child’s diet after rotavirus, while the exacerbation is occurring, but they forget about drinking. Drinking plenty of fluids is much more important in the acute period. Helps the body fight against rotavirus infection.

To avoid severe dehydration from rotavirus, the child needs to drink plenty of fluids. It's better to apply water-salt solution. Buy sachets of rehydron at the pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself at home. 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar dissolved in a liter boiled water. Add a spoon to the solution table salt, half a teaspoon of soda. Drinking for a child at any age - home remedy against rotavirus, treating symptoms of dehydration, removing toxins from the body.

Prepare a decoction of raisins - the drink will be rich in magnesium and potassium. It is not recommended to feed your child grapes and raisins.

You need to give your baby 50 ml of water every half hour. Use weak tea, a decoction of rose hips. It is not recommended to give in the acute period chicken bouillon– contains extractive substances that are not digested or absorbed by the body. The epithelium has not recovered after an intestinal infection and is unable to cope with a complex task.

A properly selected gentle diet for children allows the body to quickly defeat stomach flu and rotavirus. A nutritionist or gastroenterologist will tell you what foods are allowed in the acute period, during rehabilitation, and what to prepare during the acute stage of the disease. Find out from a nutritionist why you should not eat specific foods when you are sick. It is important to consider product compatibility.

An intestinal infection is a disease associated with the entry of simple or pathogenic bacteria into the human body through the enteral (fecal-oral) route. Today, ACI (acute intestinal infection) occupies one of the leading places in medicine, in the field of infectious pathologies in children and adults.

According to WHO statistics, at least 1 billion ACIs are registered every year in the world, of which 5 million cases of infection in children result in death.

The course of treatment for a viral intestinal infection does not only consist of taking medications. One of the components is diet - diet therapy. A properly selected diet, both for adults and children, is usually aimed at sparing the affected intestinal mucosa as much as possible.

Symptomatic therapy against infection should exclude "hungry" And "one" diets. Such species weaken protective functions body, slow down the recovery process of the digestive system, while the intestines continue to function and "demand saturation".

Proper nutrition for intestinal infections: general requirements

  • Food should be easily digestible and varied in taste;
  • Follow the rules heat treatment and cooking: boiling, steaming, grinding all products to a mushy or pureed form;
  • Limit the amount of carbohydrates and fats;
  • Inclusion in the diet of lactose-free/fermented milk products, as well as foods containing lactobacilli;
  • Reducing the amount of food consumed in the first days by 15–20%, with acute form- up to 50%;
  • The number of meals should be increased by 1-3 times.

It is important to exclude any flavorings or additives from your diet. synthetic origin, stimulants that enhance fermentation processes in the intestines. You should not eat: raw, sour berries and fruits, juices, raw vegetables, sweets, fresh baked goods.

The diet should be designed in such a way as to minimize the amount of vegetables consumed such as beets, cucumbers, cabbage, and radishes. Citrus fruits, as well as plums and grapes, are not allowed.

When the symptoms of intoxication decrease (cessation of vomiting, appearance of appetite), low-fat cottage cheese and meat in the form of steam cutlets, egg yolk, omelette, croutons only from white bread, light porridges cooked in water.

Diet for acute intestinal infection in adults

During the period of exacerbation of intestinal infection in adults, doctors recommend consuming lactic acid products. For example, kefir, acidophilus mixture, etc. Dairy products contain lactobacilli, vitamins necessary for get well soon patient.

Consumption of such foods contributes to:

  • improving digestion processes,
    improving the absorption of food by the body,
  • providing a stimulating and activating effect on all intestinal functions,
  • improving the absorption of vitamins and useful minerals(including calcium salts, fat).

Kefir also has a bactericidal effect due to the lactic acid it contains.

Important! During the acute stage of the disease, prevent dehydration of the body (loss of physiologically necessary fluid levels). For this reason, the diet acute infection should include drinking plenty of fluids volume of 2.5 liters daily. In the first days you can drink black tea with sugar (at least 1.5 l), decoction from drying or strained congee.

What diet is prescribed by doctors for intestinal infections?

When diagnosing OKI, doctors prescribe special diet, known as " diet No. 4". Its peculiarity lies in the fact that all food consumed should be of a semi-liquid consistency, at room temperature, and most importantly, cooked in a double boiler (multi-cooker).

It is important to follow a six-meal diet. Calorie content daily menu is approximately 1980 kcal; the amount of sugar is 40 g, salt is 10 g per day. Nutrition is considered balanced and therapeutic if the content of fats and carbohydrates is 70 g and 250 g, respectively, and proteins - 100 g per day.

If the patient’s condition improves, the patient can be switched to “diet No. 4B”. Distinctive feature it is an increase in calorie content to the level of 3000 kcal, carbohydrates - up to 400 g; rest useful material consumed with food remain in the same proportions as with "diet number 4".

The correct menu for diet therapy

Below is an indicative “gentle menu” for acute intestinal infections.

  • Breakfast: semi-liquid rice/semolina porridge with water.
  • Second breakfast: white bread crackers, tea with sugar/jelly.
  • Lunch: low-fat broth, meat soufflé, currant jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: crackers, rosehip broth.
  • Dinner: cereals in the form of porridge cooked in water, steamed chicken cutlet.
  • Second dinner: apple compote/tea, crackers.

Recipe for a dietary dish from a gentle menu - “chicken soufflé”

Most recipes for dishes allowed for illness are simple to prepare; for example, cooking porridge does not require a detailed description. But in order to prepare tasty and healthy meat in the form of a soufflé.

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  • Boil the chicken breast.
  • Cut it into pieces, which are then crushed in a blender.
  • Add raw egg yolk to the minced meat.
  • Add 3 tablespoons chicken broth.
  • Add wheat flour (or chopped steamed rice) and salt to the mixture.
  • Stir the mixture until smooth.
  • Place it on a greased baking sheet.
  • Place the form and prepare it for steam.

What can you eat if you have an intestinal infection?

Allowed products in the patient's diet include: white bread crackers, broth-based soups, pureed porridges cooked in water, meat dishes, poultry dishes (cooked in a double boiler), soft-boiled eggs or in the form of an omelet. The patient can drink: fruit jelly, sweetened black tea, still water.

What should you not eat if you have an intestinal infection?

Diet for intestinal infections does not allow
consumption of baked goods, including fresh bread, as well as such cereals as pearl barley, corn, barley, millet.

Also, the patient’s diet should exclude fatty meat and fish, smoked products (sausage, frankfurters); fresh vegetables ( White cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions), garlic, herbs, legumes, mushrooms. In addition, the following are prohibited for intestinal infections: canned food, sauces, seasonings, sweets (chocolate, confectionery), fresh juices, citrus juices, sparkling water, alcohol-containing drinks.

Diet for intestinal infections in children

The diet for children with intestinal infection is based on the same principles as for adults. Nutrition for a child involves limiting the consumption of carbohydrate foods. The daily volume of food consumed is determined directly by the child’s age, the type of previous (usual) feeding, the phase of the underlying disease, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

With ACI, it is advisable to reduce food in the first two days by at least 15-20%, while you need to increase the number of meals by 1-2 times. On the 3rd day of illness, the amount of food can be gradually restored to normal.

IN acute period diseases, the child’s diet should not contain food that contains substances that lead to increased secretion of bile in the intestines. On the third day of illness, you can expand the range of diet, for example, by adding drying or "dry" cookies, biscuits.

Diet for intestinal infection in children under 12 months of age

For infants whose diet is mother's breast milk, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food by 1/3 (during the first three days). You should not stop breastfeeding, as only breast milk contains the highest concentration of nutrients necessary to restore and normalize the child’s digestion. It is recommended to follow the diet of a nursing mother. At the same time, it is important to increase the number of times the baby attaches to the breast by 2-3 times.

Children on artificial nutrition at mild stage intestinal infection, you can continue to feed the infant formula that the child consumed previously - before the disease. You can include special adapted mixtures in your child’s diet: "NAS", "Agusha", "Gallia Lactofidus" and others.

For children over 6 months old, you can give “Agusha 2”, “NAN 6-12” containing bifidobacteria, as well as baby food: for example, “Tema” and “Aistenok” cheese curds, “Bifilakt” and “Lactokefir” kefir.

Intestinal infection greatly depletes the human body. To speed up treatment and alleviate the consequences of the infection, you can use a special diet. It should be followed both during the infection itself and after defeating it, for body restoration after the experience. In this article we will look at options for creating a menu for such a diet and its features.

Intestinal infection: principles of diet

The most important principle of this diet is to constantly drink plenty of fluids. Since an intestinal infection causes a person to experience symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, which severely dehydrate the body, the person constantly needs a large number of water. Things are different with food - food should be easily digestible body, and portions should not be large. Doctors, when prescribing a diet, usually give foods to eat, when digested, the intestines slow down their work. The patient should not consume more than 2000 kilocalories per day.

If intoxication occurs, it is worth treating with rehydration solutions or rehydrating agents. These solutions contain plasma-substituting and detoxifying substances, consumed in 50 ml per mild case diarrhea. The dose increases with the deterioration of the patient's condition and can reach at least 80 ml.

Experts agree that in the first stages you need to limit your diet and keep it to a minimum. For example, drink some sweetened black tea. You need to drink about one liter of water throughout the day. Another volume of fluid entering V human body, should be about 2.5 liters. For adults, doctors prescribe decoctions, the recipe of which is based on rice, rose hips, blueberries and the peel of fresh apples.

At further stages, the diet can be diversified. The food that the patient eats must be semi-liquid food of medium temperature. The temperature must be kept in the average range, so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa; it is advisable to cook or cook food using steam. All ingredients must be thoroughly ground before use. You need to eat often, in small portions, at least six times a day.

Diet for intestinal infection

Food should be steamed or boiled, then finely chopped. Good in this case light meat, for example, veal or poultry. Meat is prepared without skin, without tendons, and also no added fat. The resulting meat can be used to prepare cutlets, meatballs or meatballs. Eating fish is also welcome, as are any fermented milk products. However, it is better not to consume whole milk during an intestinal infection. Keep kefir, sour cream, cheese and low-fat cottage cheese in your diet.

Broths prepared with light meat and fish, with the addition of cereals, vegetables and pasta, will also not harm the patient. Some vegetables and fruits will even be useful. Baked apples will be very well received by the patient's body.

Acute intestinal infection is one of the most frequent illnesses among children. Basically, intestinal infection is considered a childhood disease, because an immature child does not yet understand why he should not put his fingers in his mouth, why he should wash his hands before eating, etc. aspects of routine hygiene. Parents should ensure that their child is not at risk of contracting this serious illness. But if you still haven’t been able to keep track, then you should take care of the speedy treatment of the baby.

Often, intestinal infections enter the child’s body through food contaminated with pathogens. If you drink untreated water from unknown sources, there is also a chance of contracting an infection. It also happens that a child simply does not comply basic rules hygiene.

Pathogenic microbes and bacteria multiply best when high temperatures Therefore, the most dangerous period for children is summer. Moreover, in given time children are the most active during the year and are often in a variety of dirty places, which also contributes to the entry of the enemy into the body.

For children variations of intestinal infections You should strictly adhere to the instructions for the medications. After all, their improper use can also cause considerable harm to a child’s young body. The age and condition of a person plays an important role in drug treatment. But in addition to taking antibacterial medicines and antibiotics, experts recommend using a specialized diet on the child that will help cope with the disease and its consequences. Nutrition for intestinal infections in children is similar to the diet described earlier. But it is worth considering aspects specific to the child’s body.

First, you should rebuild your child’s diet and remove excess carbohydrates from it, which will only cause harm. Special attention It is worth paying attention to milk sugar, that is, lactose, as well as things with a high content of it.

For formula-fed infants under one year of age, it is necessary to find a formula with the lowest lactose content. It is best to completely eliminate the presence of this component in the baby’s diet.

Breastfed babies should continue to eat this way, but food intake will need to be limited to 40%. Feeding frequency needs to be increased. Feeding needs to be done often, but a little at a time. This measure should be observed for several days. Observation by a doctor in this case necessarily, because a baby is still a completely unformed organism, so attention to it should be increased several times.

What can you eat if you have an intestinal infection?

So we've dealt with key points diet, and now we can create a menu.

Products prohibited for intestinal infections:

  • Bread and other flour products
  • Porridges: pearl barley, corn, wheat and egg
  • Milk
  • Fat meat. Poultry and fish (allowed, but in small quantities)
  • Sausages, smoked meats
  • Fresh vegetables: cabbage, garlic, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs

If you stick to this menu, recovery will come much faster, and the consequences will be several times less. Based on the article you read, you can create your own individual menu that will help specifically in your case.

The principle of nutrition after an intestinal infection

The body is extremely tired and severely exhausted, and although the symptoms of intoxication have already disappeared, it is still advisable for a person to follow a certain diet. After an intestinal infection, the body should help you recover special diet. This is necessary to quickly integrate back into everyday life.

In case of poisoning, dangerous metamorphoses occur in the intestines, threatening inflammation of the digestive system. The stomach is also at risk. During infection, all mucous membranes are damaged; in addition, there is a high load on the liver and, first of all, the pancreas. Gastric juice it stops excreting normally, the intestines stop working normally, and the overall tone of the body drops significantly. In order to avoid disastrous consequences you should adhere to the principles of the diet.

The patient's stomach and intestines should be relieved. Meals should be spaced two to three hours apart. If this is a child and he doesn’t want to eat, then you shouldn’t force him.

Food must be prepared by grinding it to a semi-liquid state; do not forget to maintain the temperature of the food. And give us more water.

You need to buy a complex of restorative vitamins, since the body has lost many minerals during illness. To choose this, it would be better to consult your doctor.

Also, proteins should not be consumed with carbohydrates together. Adhere to the principle of divided nutrition. You need to pay attention to fruits and vegetables.

For the initial two weeks after defeating the disease, you should use this diet, gradually switching to everyday food. This is the most important stage, during which it is necessary to increase the body’s level of defense against bacteria and viruses in order to prevent the disease from returning.

Menu after recovery

Products prohibited after an intestinal infection:

  • Sweets
  • Flour products
  • Raw vegetables
  • Raw fruits
  • Porridge made from millet, pearl barley and eggs
  • Smoked meats
  • Canned food
  • Fatty meat, lard, sausages

That's all the advice regarding the patient's nutrition that needs to be followed when an intestinal infection occurs and after it is eliminated. If you follow the menu presented in this article, then you will have it will be possible to avoid many problems associated with the consequences of intoxication of the body. The patient will recover faster and will be able to return to his regular everyday life.

Mothers of young children encounter intestinal infections quite often. The reasons for this phenomenon may be pathogens that amaze digestive system. A child during an exacerbation period needs special careful care: The disease should never be left to chance, otherwise it can lead to disastrous health consequences. Every parent should know that the diet for intestinal infections in children (menu, features therapeutic nutrition) - This the most important condition recovery.

Acute intestinal infection (AI) is intestinal disease with a fecal-oral (enteral) mechanism of infection. It affects all parts of the gastrointestinal tract: intestines, stomach, duodenum.

Types of OKI.

  1. Viral. The causative agent is rotavirus or stomach flu, enterovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus.
  2. Bacterial: dysentery, staphylococcus, salmonellosis, coli, fungi.

The main causes of intestinal infection in children:

Symptoms of OCI

The incubation period usually ranges from half an hour to several hours, and in older children the disease may appear within a day.

An intestinal infection begins unexpectedly: symptoms appear fairly quickly.

The most typical of them.

  1. Diarrhea. Digestive dysfunction may be accompanied by painful sensations during defecation.
  2. Vomiting is usually repeated.
  3. General weakness, malaise.
  4. Infants behave restlessly, cry a lot, and press their legs to their stomach.
  5. Poor appetite.
  6. Increased body temperature.
  7. Stomach ache.
  8. Bloating, flatulence.

Diarrhea and vomiting may cause dehydration. Parents should carefully monitor the child's condition. It's time to sound the alarm if you notice the following signs:

  • the skin has become very dry;
  • the baby cries without tears;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • strong thirst;
  • urination disappears, in the future there may be constipation;
  • viscous saliva;
  • weight loss;
  • sunken eyes.
  • these symptoms occurred in an infant;
  • severe vomiting does not stop for several hours;
  • there are blood impurities in the feces;
  • the baby has a high temperature;
  • the disease is accompanied severe pain in a stomach;
  • convulsions began.

Children's diet for intestinal infection

Previously, it was believed that during an exacerbation of the disease it was necessary to follow a starvation diet and drink only water. Now pediatricians have moved away from this approach. Fasting is extremely harmful for young children: it can lead to weight loss, which is very undesirable at this age. A growing body simply needs to receive nutrients, vitamins and minerals that will help restore strength and give vigor.

A diet for intestinal disorders in children is necessary for a speedy recovery.

You should not force your child to eat if he does not want to. However, if your baby has developed an appetite, try to make his menu safe and varied.

For example, Dr. Komarovsky outlines the following principles of diet after an intestinal infection in children.

  1. All dishes must be boiled or steamed; adding oil is not allowed.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids to replenish your water balance.
  3. Low-fat are allowed protein products: steamed meatballs or cutlets, light broth, etc.
  4. Cooked food should be warm: hot or too hot cold food and drinks will negatively affect the inflamed intestinal walls and increase diarrhea.
  5. All products that you offer your child should be in a mushy state: this way they are more easily absorbed by the body.
  6. A diet for intestinal infections in children must be followed for a month.
  7. Consuming salt is possible in very small quantities.
  8. Include fermented milk products in your diet.

When treated with antibiotics, children may experience dysbacteriosis and disruption of the intestinal microflora.

A diet for acute intestinal infections and dysbiosis in children helps reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and normalize natural digestive processes.

For a baby up to one year old who is breastfed, better nutrition there will be mother's milk, which contains substances that help fight infection: it replenishes water balance and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

If you have already introduced complementary foods, then for 2-3 days you can introduce water-based porridge, vegetable or meat purees, cottage cheese.

At artificial feeding Continue to give your baby the usual formula, you can also switch to fermented milk enriched with beneficial bifidobacteria. Try to feed every 2-3 hours in small portions: half the usual amount.

What products are allowed for OKI?

  1. Liquid porridge with water: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. It is better to choose crushed flakes: whole grains can injure the affected walls of the stomach and aggravate the course of the disease.
  2. Rusks or stale bread (it is better to make it yourself at home).
  3. Meat low-fat varieties: veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey. It is better to cook the soup in a second broth.
  4. Natural cottage cheese without additives.
  5. Mashed potatoes (without milk), broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini.
  6. Baked apples.
  7. Bananas (small quantities).
  8. Soft-boiled eggs or omelet (no more than 2 eggs per day).
  9. Fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt).
  10. Biscuits.
  11. Bread.

For sweets, you are allowed to eat marshmallows, marmalade, cookies and marshmallows.

Teach your kids to chew every bite of food thoroughly. Injured tissues may not be able to cope with large pieces, and the child will vomit.

What foods are prohibited for OKI?

You should exclude from your diet foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines:

  • fresh baked goods;
  • pasta;
  • milk;
  • fatty, fried foods;
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb, duck);
  • spicy and too salty foods;
  • confectionery products with cream (cakes, pastries);
  • White cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • radish;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • legumes;
  • chocolate;
  • purchased juices in packages;
  • soups with rich broth;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • chips, crackers with additives, etc.;
  • sausages;
  • marinades;
  • fresh grapes, apricots, plums;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • semi-finished products;
  • Rye bread;
  • citrus.

Drinks for acute intestinal infection

What drinks can be given to children?

  1. Clean drinking water.
  2. Berry jelly.
  3. Weak tea.
  4. Dried fruits compote.
  5. A decoction of prunes or dried apricots.
  6. Chamomile tea.
  7. Raisin compote.
  8. Cocoa on water.
  9. Homemade lemonade. To do this, crush a piece of lemon with a spoon and pour it over it. hot water, and when the drink has cooled, add a little honey to it if the baby does not have an allergic reaction to it.

Diet for intestinal infection in children: sample menu for the day

  1. Breakfast. Invite your child to eat cottage cheese, porridge with water, or a weak steamed omelette. sweet tea, a few crackers.
  2. Snack: banana or baked apple.
  3. Lunch: soup with low-fat broth, for the main course – boiled meat or fish, steamed cutlets with mashed potatoes or rice, as well as apple compote or rosehip decoction.
  4. Afternoon snack: berry jelly, cookies, biscuits.
  5. Dinner: buckwheat with meatballs, black tea.
  6. Before going to bed, you can give your baby a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Try to ensure that even during illness the baby’s diet is varied and the dishes are tasty. If your baby has no appetite at all, try decorating the food and placing it on bright children's dishes.

Prevention of acute intestinal infection in children

To avoid contracting an infection, try to strictly follow these simple rules:

Unfortunately, intestinal infections in children are quite common. Every parent should know that in addition to drug treatment, you must follow a diet: this will help you recover faster and minimize negative impacts on gastrointestinal tract. Transition to usual diet must be done gradually: do not introduce harmful foods into your diet. Monitor your child's condition: if he suddenly becomes worse, consult a doctor to find out the reasons.

Follow the rules for the prevention of acute intestinal infections, draw up the correct balanced diet, take walks more often fresh air and stick to the established daily routine! Thanks to such simple rules, the child will grow and develop fully.