How to treat lazy bowels in children. Include whole grains in your daily diet. The mechanism of the digestive tract

In cold weather, “traditionally,” health problems worsen. This applies not only to typical winter diseases - colds, ARVI, flu. Thus, in the autumn-winter period, problems may arise with the gastrointestinal tract, which until this time did not cause any concern.

According to experts, this is largely due to the fact that a person, obeying an ancient defense mechanism, begins to eat heavier, high-calorie foods precisely in the cold season. Eventually - various kinds Digestive problems: heaviness in the stomach, bloating, constipation. By following 5 simple rules, you can help your digestive organs and avoid unpleasant consequences.

No. 1. Pay attention to your diet

One of the important postulates is not to overload the body with heavy food during the cold season. This is especially true for overeating during the day and clogging the body. harmful products: cookies, chips, sweets.

“Be sure to have breakfast,” advises Gastroenterologist, Ph.D. Elvira Zakirova. — The calorie content of breakfast should be 25-30% of the total daily norm. Full breakfast made from whole grains and protein products will allow you to feel full for a long time, give you a surge of energy and “start up” your metabolism.”

As for snacks, the body needs them, but, as the specialist notes, not “useless rich” ones, but “healthy fruits and proteins.” Dried fruits, nuts, as well as yogurt and fresh fruits.

#2: Include Digestive Healthy Foods in Your Diet

To support intestinal function during the cold season, you should definitely include whole grains in your diet - cereals, muesli, legumes, nuts, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. “Of course, the choice of fruits and vegetables in winter time more modest than in summer, and their nutritional value lower due to long transportation, storage and greenhouse growing conditions, but it is still necessary to include them in your diet in reasonable quantities. This is dictated by the fact that in fresh vegetables and fruits contain dietary fiber (fiber) necessary for complete digestion and cleansing. Fiber helps prevent constipation, intestinal dysbiosis and even weight gain. excess weight", explains the doctor.

#3: Drink enough water

Another popular recommendation is to drink at least two liters of water per day. Water promotes the swelling of fiber fibers, thereby increasing the volume of masses present in the intestines and enhancing peristalsis. It is also useful to drink water in the morning, immediately after waking up. This simple habit will help your intestines begin their daily work.

#4: Increase your physical activity

"In maintaining normal position internal organs and them physiological functions, including the intestines, a certain role belongs to the abdominal muscles, says Elvira Zakirova. - At sedentary life, weak muscles front abdominal wall and pelvis, problems with the functioning of the gallbladder and intestines may arise or worsen.”

Therefore, the increase in daily motor activity has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Doing even simple exercises in the morning will not only help you wake up, but will also tone your intestines and help them begin to perform their functions.

No. 5. Take vitamins and herbal complexes

A good helper in the cold season, given the disadvantage sunlight and movement, weakened immunity and a “one-sided” winter diet will become multivitamin complexes. They should be taken in a course. If there are concomitant difficulties with bowel movements, Elvira Zakirova advises supplementing the diet herbal preparations based dietary fiber.

Gut health may be affected emotional condition human, unhealthy diet, long-term use medications and lack physical activity. In children, bowel problems are most often associated with food. Healthy gut The baby should be freed at least once a day, usually in the morning. A variant of the norm is also considered to be emptying once every two or three days (especially if the child eats only mother's milk), but only if there are no other signs of a lazy bowel, or, more simply, constipation. Today we'll talk about What is lazy bowel syndrome in a child? and how to make this work important organ Right?

Lazy gut the child has symptoms

How to determine normal absence pathological stool? Alarm bells there may be the following symptoms:

  1. The baby pushes for a long time, persistently and to no avail.
  2. The feces are very dense and dry, and come out in small quantities.
  3. The child complains of abdominal pain, a feeling of heaviness and fullness.
  4. Bad breath and dry mouth.
  5. Restless emotional state – irritability, poor sleep.
  6. Stool streaked with blood. This symptom occurs if the walls of the rectum are damaged.
  7. Lethargy that occurs during intoxication of the body. If feces do not leave the intestines on time, they accumulate in it, disrupting normal microflora, absorption and reducing immunity.

REFERENCE! Constipation is caused not only unpleasant symptoms, but also leads to negative consequences. The condition of hair and skin deteriorates, and the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. This condition cannot be prolonged; you should seek help from a pediatrician and follow all his recommendations.

Why does a child have lazy intestines?

It will be easier to cure a malfunction of the intestines if its prerequisites are known. Constipation is common in children occurs for the following reasons:

  • stress;
  • malnutrition of a nursing mother;
  • helminths;
  • limited movement for any reason;
  • violation of the child’s diet and quality of nutrition;
  • insufficient water consumption.

Sometimes children deliberately hold back calla lilies, afraid to go to the toilet. In this case, you should contact a psychologist to identify and eliminate the cause of fear. If the reasons are not related to mental state baby, you will need to spend laboratory research blood, urine and make a coprogram. An ultrasound will also be required. abdominal cavity.

Lazy bowel and treatment in children

Pediatricians often reassure mothers that constipation is associated with the child’s simple menu, and as soon as his food becomes more varied (after a year), the stool will normalize on its own. However, inattention to the problem can only aggravate the lazy bowel syndrome of a growing baby.

As soon as children's diet changes, their enzyme system begins to urgently rebuild. This does not always go unnoticed. If experts see no reason for drug treatment, you should do the following yourself at home.

  1. Normalize microflora. There are many drugs containing beneficial bacteria and approved for use in children from birth.
  2. Eliminate spasm of intestinal smooth muscles.
  3. Strengthen motor skills. The menu of a child with flaccid bowel syndrome should include as much fiber as possible (fruits, vegetables), less proteins and fats.

IMPORTANT! Some mothers keep a food diary for their child. This takes some time, but it is very helpful in identifying dietary errors that are causing constipation.

How to treat? Therapy includes the following steps.

No matter how harmless they may seem, introducing some of these products yourself can be dangerous and cause irritation. digestive system. Proper organization nutrition should include:

  • exclusion from the diet of sour juices, as well as kefir that is more than a day old;
  • drinking enough liquid;
  • Chewing food thoroughly.

Constipation or How to make your bowels work

Constipation is a delicate problem. Nevertheless, you should not be embarrassed and ignore it: the intestines must be emptied regularly, otherwise you seriously risk your well-being and health. If necessary, put aside false shame and go to the doctor, but in many cases the problem can be solved on your own without drugs and tedious examinations.

What is constipation?

This is very important question, since many focus solely on stool frequency. There is a widespread belief that bowel movements should be daily, and that bowel movements less frequent are constipation. However this is incorrect: normal stool can be from 3 times a day to 3 times a week - it all depends on the characteristics of the body and eating behavior. In other words, if you have bowel movements every other day, but nothing else bothers you (no pain, no swelling in your stomach, no discomfort), then everything is fine with your intestines. Constipation is not only an infrequent bowel movement, but also at least some of the main symptoms described below.

Constipation symptoms

Main symptoms:

1. bowel movements less than 3 times a week;

2. feeling of pressure or fullness in the rectum;

3. feeling of incomplete bowel movement after visiting the toilet;

4. change in stool consistency: it is fragmented, spherical, excessively dense and dry; periodically the stool may take on the appearance of a ribbon or cord;

5. defecation is often possible only after significant straining;

7. difficulty passing gases, flatulence;

8. Loud rumbling in the stomach.

Additional symptoms usually occur with prolonged advanced constipation and characterize the deterioration general condition body.

1. Decreased appetite.

2. Cracks anus, haemorrhoids.

3. Decreased performance.

4. Deterioration of the condition of hair, skin and nails.

5. Decreased immunity with frequent colds.

6. The appearance of heart problems: a feeling of irregularities, palpitations, pain in the heart.

8. Irritability.

7. Taking some medicines(O side effects medications you are taking, consult your doctor or read the instructions).

8. Elderly age: muscles become weak, occur age-related changes in the functioning of the digestive system, the intestinal microflora is disrupted.

9. Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis with increased acidity, enterocolitis and some others).

How to deal with constipation at home

1. It is necessary to streamline bowel movements: try to do it at the same time, do not ignore the urge to defecate, but immediately go to the toilet, setting aside enough time to visit it.

2. Try to create calm environment for defecation: it is better if the door is locked and no one bothers you at this time.

3. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day, while eliminating or limiting the consumption of soda, coffee and strong tea.

4. Eat more dietary fiber - vegetables, fruits, buckwheat and oatmeal, products made from wholemeal flour. Bran can be used as an additional source of dietary fiber: the average dose of bran for an adult is 2 tablespoons per day. Before use, bran is soaked or simply washed down with liquid. Caution: you cannot enrich your diet with fiber if you have gastritis, peptic ulcer and some other diseases of the digestive system.

5. Use products that have a mild laxative effect: kefir, natural yogurt, beets, plums, prunes.

6. Limit the consumption of rice, semolina, and slimy pureed soups. If constipation is accompanied by flatulence and bloating, also limit cabbage, spinach, legumes, sorrel, apple and grape juices.

7. Useful for constipation mineral water: Slavyanovskaya, Dzhemruk, Essentuki No. 4.

8. Move more, play sports. If it is not possible to visit a fitness center or Gym, then just walk, do gymnastics at home, including muscle exercises abdominals and bringing the legs bent at the knees to the stomach (performed in a lying position).

9. Abdominal massage is most effective for young children, but it can also be quite good for adults. additional means fight against constipation. The massage consists of stroking the anterior abdominal wall along the peristalsis of the large intestine: circular movements in the direction from bottom to right-up, from top to left-down (the direction is indicated for self-massage). Movements should be gentle, without excessive pressure.

10. Take time to rest,

11. Try changing your posture when defecating. The “squatting” position is the most physiological position for bowel movement, since it lower sections The colon has minimal bends and the contents of the rectum are easier to pass out. However, do not overdo it with prolonged sitting in this position and straining - this way you can earn hemorrhoids.

12. If the problem of hemorrhoids is urgent for you, you need to solve it urgently. Perhaps the elimination of aggravated hemorrhoids will automatically lead to the elimination of constipation.

13. To get rid of isolated constipation, you can use suppositories with glycerin, herbal laxatives, and a cleansing enema. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the medications and do not use these medications systematically without a doctor’s prescription - this is fraught with serious metabolic disorders and addiction, when you will not be able to empty your bowels on your own.

When to see a doctor for constipation

1. All your efforts to eliminate chronic constipation were not successful.

2. There has been no stool for 6-7 days.

3. Against the background of constipation, the body temperature rose, sharp pains or a painful feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

4. Gases do not pass away.

5. Lost appetite.

6. Convulsions or other dangerous symptoms(dizziness, cold sticky sweat and so on.).

The doctor will prescribe an examination and select optimal treatment. To make a diagnosis, blood, urine and stool tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, X-ray examination. IN difficult cases The doctor may prescribe other tests.

Traditional recipes for constipation

Plantain seeds

The seeds are brewed with boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Take the infusion during the day, 1-2 tablespoons - in the morning on an empty stomach and half an hour before each meal.

Buckthorn bark

The bark is poured with boiling water in a proportion of 300 ml per 1 tablespoon. Keep in a water bath for half an hour, filter. The resulting decoction is taken in two doses - in the morning before breakfast and at night.

Liquorice root

Dry crushed root is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Take 1 tablespoon every 1.5-2 hours.

Consequences of constipation

1. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, paraproctitis.

2. Colitis, enterocolitis, proctosigmoiditis.

3. Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

4. Malignant tumors large intestine.

Watch your bowel movements - this is very important! Remember that self-medication should be based solely on changes in lifestyle and diet, and not on independent use medicines and enemas. If you cannot cope with constipation without the help of a doctor, a gastroenterologist or therapist will help you.

The article was prepared by doctor Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kartashova

Almost every person in his life is faced with the wrong job. However, not everyone has the desire to visit a doctor, and therefore many prefer to treat themselves.

We can start non-productive treatment headaches, try to get rid of them, but weakness will make itself felt. The reason for this lies completely different. The body suffers, and therefore the work of other organs is disrupted.

You need to visit the toilet to remove stool at least 3 times a week. When a person is very nervous, the schedule may go wrong, but not for more than 1 day. Often the elderly population suffers from this problem, as the body becomes exhausted and the muscles lose their tone.

About the manifestations of a lazy bowel

A lazy bowel can be caused by weakened muscles.

Lazy gut refers to a disease that leads to weakening of the intestinal muscles.

Since they are of paramount importance in the work gastrointestinal tract, then thanks to them the movement of food occurs.

After its processing, the main task of such muscles is the movement of feces. When the muscles do not have enough strength to move these masses, they stagnate.

As a result of such a malfunction in the intestines, it becomes saturated harmful substances, which leads to poisoning of the entire body. Abnormal bowel syndrome refers to a decrease in contractions of the colon.

There is also a decrease in sensitivity, which does not recognize the presence of feces inside. This problem Mostly seen in older people or those who are unable to get out of bed on their own. However, the disease has not spared the younger population either.

Causes of the disease

Poor diet is the cause of constipation.

What causes poor bowel function and what contributes to this problem? There are a lot of reasons. Constipation resulted in:

  • Wrong lifestyle: reluctance to walk a lot, constantly sitting at the table, reluctance to go out for a walk, preference for transport rather than a walk. However, walking is simply necessary, since during it there is increased work of the body’s muscles, which also include the intestinal muscles.
  • Frequently holding back the desire to go to the toilet, which results in discomfort. Constant restraint leads to the body stopping working normally.
  • Incorrect nutrition: when food constantly contains White bread If you eat a lot of cookies and sweets, the body is not saturated with fiber, which is necessary for intestinal function.
  • Mechanical barriers: various tumors, polyps, nodes that occur with. They create a barrier that keeps feces out. There are cases when constipation occurs due to the development of inflammation in the intestines.
  • Insufficient amount of fluid in the body: very little water is drunk per day, and accordingly water is drawn out of the feces, which then cannot move normally through the intestines. Many people think that if they drink in large quantities tea and coffee, then enough water. This is not true, since they have a diuretic property and because of this, the liquid is quickly eliminated.
  • Constipation in pregnant women: the uterus begins to expand, and the hormone progesterone promotes muscle relaxation, which leads to the reluctance of the intestines to cope with their work.
  • Eating various products: white bread, rice, pastries, cheese products, coffee, cocoa, sausage, and salted fish.
  • When a person takes medications (antidepressants or painkillers) and they contain aluminum, iron, etc.
  • The man experienced a strong emotional shock.

Not specified full list reasons that lead to constipation, but these are the main ones.

Symptoms of the disease

Colonoscopy as a diagnostic method.

How can you recognize that you are suffering from a lazy bowel symptom? There are several manifestations:

  1. heaviness in the abdominal area;
  2. reluctance to eat;
  3. fatigue, weakness, drowsiness;
  4. bad breath, dries;
  5. flatulence;
  6. the structure of hair and nails deteriorates.

These manifestations should attract attention. In order to find out exact disease, it is worth visiting doctors. After this, you will need to take a urine, blood and stool test. They will perform rectosigmoidoscopy and other procedures, after which they will be able to correctly prescribe the necessary treatment.

How can you save yourself from this disease?

How to escape from of this disease? What can you do to make it easier without going to the doctor? It’s still worth going to the hospital, but when you don’t want to spend a lot of time in line, you can go to private clinic. But everything will depend on how much money you have. Any examination costs a lot of money.

Therefore, in order to save your finances and not waste time, you can save yourself with folk remedies. IN in this case Medication won't help much. Because you first need to start eating right and doing certain exercises.

This video will tell you how to treat lazy bowels:


What actions should you take when you have a lazy gut? Completely analyze your diet. In order for the body to return to normal, you should start eating healthy food. The right one will help this.

The body needs a sufficient amount of fluid. However, tea and coffee are not suitable, as they remove fluid from the body. You should drink a glass of water half an hour before eating. You should also drink juices fermented milk drinks. You should not eat baked goods, eat fatty foods and drink cocoa.

It is advisable to add products to your diet that contain a lot of fiber - bran, both wheat and rye. When eating, you should add them to your food little by little. It can be found in vegetables and fruits that you constantly need to eat.


Exercising will get your bowels moving.

How can you activate the work of a lazy intestine? The most important lever is exercise stress. Exercising will help to activate the intestines and also stabilize the work.

It is worth going for walks often, doing exercises and gymnastics in the morning. Exists special program which must be performed, and the exercises are different. The list contains all the exercises that will help cope with the problem, but you can also do them selectively.

  • With your back straight, you need to sit down 5 times, with your arms extended forward.
  • Lie down on a flat surface, raise your body forward, stay in this position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position. Do this 5 times.
  • Inhale - hold your breath. Slowly count to 5, then exhale calmly. This is done 10 times.
  • In a lying position, spread your legs and arms. Then pull your knees to your chest, and taking them with your hands, try to touch your forehead. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds.
  • Get on your knees with your arms bent at the elbows. Lean on them. Then raise one leg as high as possible, and repeat with the second. Carry out the exercise 7 times.

It is also advisable to start doing massage. It is necessary to bend your knees, and then lightly stroke your stomach clockwise with your fingers.

The point is that when incomplete emptying intestines provokes the accumulation of toxins, which in turn cause discomfort and health problems.

When the intestines malfunction, many different symptoms occur.

There are a number of symptoms that indicate the presence of a lazy bowel. These symptoms include:

  1. Constant bloating
  2. Heaviness in the stomach
  3. Lack of appetite
  4. Feeling of dry mouth
  5. General malaise
  6. Irritation
  7. Periodic

Such symptoms can also occur with other diseases. However, if the above symptoms do not leave you for several months, you should definitely consult a doctor. Whatever it is, but with such indicators it is obvious that there are problems with.

Diagnosis of digestive tract problems

Dysbiosis can cause lazy bowel syndrome.

Lazy bowel syndrome doesn't come out of nowhere. It manifests itself as a consequence of some disease. For example:

  • Parkinsonism
  • Abdominal circulation problems
  • Problems with blood circulation in the pelvic area
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diseases of the digestive organs
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Lack of fluid in the body
  • Drinking hot drinks during meals
  • Unbalanced diet
  • Absence active image life

Only a doctor can make your sick intestines work. Without his help, all efforts will be in vain. Moreover, self-medication does not bring any good.

You can’t waste time on guessing, because it is possible that these symptoms do not indicate a disease of the intestines at all. To do this, you need to undergo an examination, on the basis of which your attending physician will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

But keep in mind that you should not use folk remedies on the advice of a neighbor, because... Not all medications can interact with. Treatment should be carried out only as directed by the doctor!

Acceleration of the metabolic process

Drinking fluids will speed up the metabolic process.

If the examination revealed that lazy bowel syndrome was not caused by chronic diseases, A poor nutrition and an irregular daily routine, then the treatment can be carried out independently.

To do this, it will be enough to correctly compose your daily diet, and also adjust your lifestyle.

It will certainly be necessary to introduce into the diet, which improve peristalsis and speed up the metabolic process. Eg:

  1. IN daily menu introduce products containing a large number of fiber (porridge, fresh fruits and vegetables).
  2. Increase your fluid intake. Drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day, excluding the liquid contained in soups, borscht and fruits.
  3. Drink 1 glass on an empty stomach cold water or 1 tbsp. l. .
  4. Maximize your lifestyle. Start doing morning exercises, because it tones muscles throughout the body.

By the way, there is special technique exercises aimed at stimulating a lazy intestine.

How to make your intestines work, you will learn from the video:

Treatment complex for constipation

This set of exercises should be done even before getting out of bed:

  • Star. Get into a star position with your arms and legs out to your sides. Next, pull your knees as close to your chest as possible. Wrap your arms around it. Make an effort to touch them with your forehead. Then take the starting position.
  • Body work. After the Asterisk exercise, you should relax, while lying on your back. Next, without moving your legs, lift your body with an inclination on each leg.
  • Scope. While still lying in bed, you can roll over onto your stomach and get on all fours, and swing your legs one at a time.
  • Squat. Get out of bed and do squats for 15 minutes. But keep in mind that you need to do this exercise slowly!!! This needs to be emphasized.
  • Body turns. You need to stand up straight and straighten your arms to your sides. Perform body turns using the muscles of the back and lower back, as well as the abs.

Data physical exercise will help to start the intestines.

Folk remedies to speed up the metabolic process

Carrot juice is a folk remedy for speeding up metabolism.

It is quite possible to speed it up using folk remedies. It is enough to add 1 tsp to 1 glass of kefir. vegetable oil and drink this daily before bed.

  1. Freshly squeezed carrot juice can be used as a mild laxative.
  2. Also starts the bowels green tea. It should be consumed before meals during the day.
    Dosage: 1 dose/0.5 tsp. green tea (in powder form).
  3. You can eliminate congestion in the intestines with the help of infusions of nettle, chamomile, yarrow and even hay.

also in alternative medicine used Fresh Juice aloe. This method of accelerating metabolism is no less effective than any other method. It is noteworthy that it is more pleasant to consume aloe juice when diluted with honey.

Elimination of constipation according to traditional medicine

Many people first try to recover with the help of folk remedies, but when this doesn’t help, they decide to see a doctor. There are several medical methods eliminating constipation:

Do not forget that you should not abuse medications. As soon as bowel movements have stabilized, medications should be stopped immediately. This is explained by long-term use medications will cause the intestines to relax and may forget that they are supposed to work on their own.