E338 – orthophosphoric acid, acidity regulator. E338 (Orthophosphoric acid), acidity regulator

The prevailing opinion that with the help of Coca-Cola you can lose extra pounds is not without foundation. With prolonged use of such drinks, aversion to food and weight loss are actually observed.

The trouble is that a slim figure is the result of the destructive effects of a food additive, indicated on the labels under the code E 338.

Depending on the production method, it may have official names: orthophosphoric acid (GOST 6552-80) or thermal orthophosphoric acid (GOST 10678-76).

In the European codification system, the antioxidant has an index of E 338.

Other names:

  • Orthophosphoric acid or Thermal orthophosphoric acid, international synonyms;
  • food grade orthophosphoric acid;
  • phosphoric acid;
  • orthophosphoric acid for extraction;
  • Orthophosphorsaure, German synonym;
  • Acide orthophosphorique, French.

Type of substance

Food additive E 338 is a pleasant-tasting inorganic (mineral) substance. Classified as . Used primarily as an acidifier.

Phosphoric acid is obtained in two ways:

  1. Extraction. Cost-effective, least labor-intensive. Natural phosphates are treated with acids (usually sulfuric, sometimes hydrochloric, rarely nitric). The resulting pulp is cleaned of sediment.
  2. Thermal. A multi-stage cycle produces the purest product. In the first stage, elemental phosphorus is burned to form phosphorus anhydride. Then it is absorbed with acid, condensed and cooled.
Food grade orthophosphoric acid is usually called its 85% solution.

Antioxidant E 338 is synthetic.


Index Standard values
Color colorless
Compound phosphoric acid, impurities (sulfates); empirical formula H 3 PO 4
Appearance crystalline substance; viscous viscous liquid in solution
Smell absent
Solubility good in water, all organic solvents
Main substance content from 75 to 87%
Taste sour
Density 1.88 g/cm 3
Other hygroscopic, fire resistant; refers to aggressive liquids


Orthophosphoric acid is packaged in the following containers:

  • glass bottles;
  • polyethylene canisters or bottles;
  • specially treated steel containers;
  • cubes (for large batches).

Filled containers are placed in polyethylene drums or wooden boxes filled with loose material.

Labels “Danger” and “Corrosive Liquid” are required.


The variety of uses of phosphoric acid is impressive.

Up to 80% of total production goes to the production of fertilizers (phosphorus flour, superphosphate and others).

The food industry usually uses thermal phosphoric acid as it is purer. It is produced under the “A” brand.

Manufacturers of cognac drinks prefer the extraction form, forgetting to inform the consumer about this.

An additive as an acidifier, hydrolysis catalyst, sorbent, antioxidant synergist can be found in the following:

  • marmalades, syrups,
  • processed cheese;
  • sausages;
  • confectionery products.

Phosphoric acid is a traditional ingredient in carbonated drinks Pepsi-Cola, Sprite, Coca-Cola and others, including diet and energy drinks.

The sugar industry uses the food additive E 338 to whiten its products.

Antioxidant E 338 in combination with urea (E 927b) is approved in bakery production as a dough improver and a source of phosphorus. The substance is added to the dough to feed the yeast.

Daily consumption of no more than 70 mg per kg of body weight is considered safe.

The Codex Alimentarius allows 28 standards for the use of additive E 338. Its quantity per kilogram of product ranges from 100 mg to 9 g.

Orthophosphoric acid is approved for use in food production in Russia, Ukraine, EU countries, and the USA. No data for Belarus.

Alternative uses:

  • dentistry (production of dental cements, bleaches);
  • livestock farming (feed phosphates, drugs for the treatment and prevention of urolithiasis);
  • household chemicals (anti-scale and water softeners, washing powders);
  • auto chemical goods (brake fluid);
  • treatment of metals against corrosion;
  • wood production (for fire resistance);
  • glass production;
  • paint and varnish industry (enamels, fireproofing impregnations)
  • building materials (giving fire resistance).
  • Non-food industries are supplied with technical grade “B” orthophosphoric acid.

Benefits and harms

Food additive E 338 is a source of phosphorus and is considered safe in prescribed doses.

But doctors are sounding the alarm. The ratio of benefits and harms of a synthetic antioxidant is below reasonable.

The main danger is the substance’s ability to increase stomach acidity. As a result, ulcers and erosions of various types, gastritis, duodenitis and other diseases can form.

The body tries to neutralize high pH levels on its own with calcium. It takes the macronutrient where it is most abundant: in the bones and teeth. As a result, problems of a different nature arise: caries, sometimes osteoporosis.

Most of the food additive E 338 is found in drinks of the Coca-Cola category. Excessive consumption can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach bleeding, and loss of appetite.

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Main manufacturers

The main suppliers of orthophosphoric acid to the Russian market are domestic manufacturers:

  • LLC "Chemspecialization" (Moscow);
  • Group of companies "RUSHIM NN"
  • Voskresensk phosphoric acid plant;
  • LLC "Component-reaktiv" (Moscow).

Among the foreign manufacturers we can note:

  • Kazphosphate (Kazakhstan);
  • BioTec (UK);
  • CHEMICO GROUP (China).

In products, the E338 additive is used in the form of an 85% solution. At the same time, a 30% solution copes well with rust on the metal surface and easily removes tooth enamel. The numbers make us wonder whether Pepsi-Cola and other flavored synthetic drinks are really necessary in our diet?

The benefits of phosphorus are beyond doubt. The macroelement is involved in protein synthesis, improves metabolism, has a positive effect on the condition of bones and teeth, and improves mental activity.

Fish, cottage cheese, nuts, legumes, carrots, and garlic will provide the body with a sufficient amount of phosphorus.

Among all existing acids, special attention should be paid to phosphoric acid. It is widely used in various areas of industry, which is why it attracts attention. Orthophosphoric acid is an inorganic acid. Outwardly, it looks like a powder, the granules of which resemble a rhombic shape. They are odorless and have a specific color, and dissolve quite well in water and even in several solvents, such as ethanol. If the heating temperature reaches 213˚C, the acid is converted into pyrophosphoric acid.

The demand for orthophosphoric acid can be divided into two directions: food and non-food. In the first case, E338 is used as an antioxidant to stabilize color and prevent oxidation of food products. Instead of citric acid, the additive is widely used in the production of baked goods, processed cheese, sausages, sugar and carbonated sweet drinks such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc. Its popularity is due to its low price. In the second case, orthophosphoric acid is actively used in agriculture in the production of fertilizers. Also, the additive can be found in the manufacture of activated carbon, glass, glass-ceramic products, fireproof fabrics and others.

Component E338 (Orthophosphoric acid) - the harm and benefits of a food antioxidant on the body have their own characteristics. So, despite the versatility of using acid, it has a negative effect on the acid-base balance of the human body. In addition, the supplement is not safe. When working with it, there is a possibility of developing atrophic processes in the nasopharynx; if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membrane, it leaves burns. It has been proven that an excess of E338 in the body corrodes tooth enamel and reduces bone density. If you regularly consume foods containing phosphoric acid, a person may experience the following consequences: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite and weight, upset stomach. High acid concentrations cause burns and respiratory problems. Therefore, you should be extremely careful both when working with such a substance and with food products that contain it.

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Phosphoric acid has a low cost (when compared, for example, with citric acid), so it is more often used in the production of food and beverages. Harm of Orthophosphoric acid The main negative effect of E338 on the human body is to increase acidity, thereby disrupting the acid-base balance, therefore, products containing E338 should be consumed with extreme caution by people who have gastritis with high acidity, ideally, exclude them from the diet. According to doctors, phosphoric acid tends to wash calcium out of the body, which has an extremely unfavorable effect on the condition of tooth enamel and bone tissue, causing caries and osteoporosis. Excessive consumption of E338 causes gastrointestinal disorders, nausea and vomiting.

Phosphoric acid: harm or benefit

Citric acid, used for the same purposes, is usually less in demand (perhaps because its price is slightly higher than the product in question). Phosphoric acid and its effects on the body Research has been (and is still being carried out) aimed at identifying the effects of this chemical element on the human body.
The results are:

  • Several scientific studies on the effects of chemicals on the human body suggest that this acid is the culprit in reducing bone density.
  • One of the scientific works, which was carried out from 1996 to 2001 and was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Are nitric and orthophosphoric acids harmful to health?

The article describes the food additive (acidity regulator, antioxidant synergist) orthophosphoric acid (E338, phosphoric acid), its use, effect on the body, harm and benefits, composition, consumer reviews. Other names of the additive: orthophosphoric acid, E338, E-338, E- 338 Functions performed: acidity regulator, antioxidant synergist Legality of use UkraineEURussia Orthophosphoric acid, E338 - effect on the body, harm or benefit? Is phosphoric acid harmful to health? With moderate consumption of foods containing phosphoric acid, it is considered a fairly safe and harmless food additive. There is some information that a direct pattern has been found between the level of sales of sugary soft drinks with the addition of phosphoric acid and an increase in the incidence of dental caries.

E338 – ortho-phosphoric acid

Among all existing acids, special attention should be paid to phosphoric acid. It is widely used in various areas of industry, which is why it attracts attention.

Orthophosphoric acid is an inorganic acid. Outwardly, it looks like a powder, the granules of which resemble a rhombic shape.

They are odorless and have a specific color, and dissolve quite well in water and even in several solvents, such as ethanol. If the heating temperature reaches 213˚C, the acid is converted into pyrophosphoric acid.

The demand for orthophosphoric acid can be divided into two directions: food and non-food. In the first case, E338 is used as an antioxidant to stabilize color and prevent oxidation of food products.

E338 phosphoric acid

Journal of Clinical Nutrition) clearly showed a decrease in bone density in women who consumed cola daily.

  • Another study funded by Pepsi, on the contrary, showed that a lack of phosphorus (and, consequently, any substances derived from it) leads to a decrease in the mentioned disorder.
  • Further studies led to the conclusion that caffeine, and not phosphoric acid, contributes to a decrease in bone density.
  • A scientific paper was also published in 2001, which suggests that this bone condition is more likely to be caused by a lack of milk and dairy products in the diet than by the use of phosphoric acid or even caffeine.
  • Various scientific works claim that phosphoric acid contributes to the occurrence of many chronic kidney diseases and the formation of stones in them.

Phosphoric acid: properties and harm of food additive e338

Thanks to these properties of the acid, the production of fire-retardant paints, non-flammable phosphate foam, non-flammable phospho-wood boards and other building materials has been established on its basis. If phosphoric acid comes into contact with the skin, it causes burns; in acute poisoning, it causes vomiting, headache, dizziness, and difficulty breathing.

Its vapors, when inhaled, irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and cause coughing. Orthophosphoric acid is a food additive assigned code E338, which is included in drinks based on flavorings.


It is also used in the production of meat and sausage products, processed cheeses, sugar production and bakery. Abusing carbonated drinks that contain phosphoric acid is completely unhealthy.

The harm it causes to humans is to increase the acidity of the body and disrupt the acid-base balance.

Phosphoric acid: benefit or harm

Orthophosphoric acid (Phosphoric acid, orthophosphoric acid, E338) Orthophosphoric (phosphoric) acid is an inorganic compound, a weak acid. In the accepted classification of food additives, orthophosphoric acid has code E338, belongs to the group of antioxidants, and is used as an acidity regulator.

Chemical formula H3PO4. At temperatures above 213 °C it turns into pyrophosphoric acid H4P2O7. Very soluble in water. General characteristics of E338 Orthophosphoric acid has the following physical properties - a colorless and odorless crystalline substance, highly soluble in water solvents, often used in the form of a syrupy liquid (85% aqueous solution of orthophosphoric acid). Phosphoric acid is obtained chemically from phosphate or by hydrolysis (calorizator).

Is phosphoric acid harmful to humans?

Instead of citric acid, the additive is widely used in the production of baked goods, processed cheese, sausages, sugar and carbonated sweet drinks such as Coca-Cola, Sprite, etc. Its popularity is due to its low price. In the second case, orthophosphoric acid is actively used in agriculture in the production of fertilizers.

Also, the additive can be found in the manufacture of activated carbon, glass, glass-ceramic products, fireproof fabrics and others. Component E338 (Orthophosphoric acid) - the harm and benefits of a food antioxidant on the body have their own characteristics.

So, despite the versatility of using acid, it has a negative effect on the acid-base balance of the human body. In addition, the supplement is not safe.

This chemical is an inorganic compound. It is also known as phosphoric acid, but this term can be applied to all acids containing phosphorus.

Orthophosphoric acid and its features As a chemical reagent, the substance is mainly used dissolved in water. Such solutions can have different pH levels (ranging from 1.08 to 7.00), depending on the amount of acid added.

An 85% solution of this chemical element produces a caustic liquid, but when water is added, the acid level quickly decreases. Orthophosphoric acid has the chemical formula - H3PO4. At standard room temperature the substance is in crystalline form.

When the temperature rises above 42.35 degrees, the crystals begin to melt, forming a colorless, odorless liquid. Orthophosphoric acid has a polar molecular structure.
Acidification of the body is a very favorable environment for various bacteria and the process of decay. The body begins to neutralize acid with calcium, which is borrowed from bones and teeth. All this leads to the development of dental caries and bone fragility. The risk of bone fractures increases and early osteoporosis develops.


Due to excessive consumption of E338 in food, the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. The daily dose for human consumption has not been determined.

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How is orthophosphoric acid harmful to humans?

They need phosphorus to produce fruits and seeds. Phosphorus fertilizers increase crop yields. Plants become frost-resistant and resistant to adverse conditions.

By influencing the soil, fertilizers contribute to its structuring, suppress the formation of harmful organic substances, and favor the development of beneficial soil bacteria. Animals also need phosphoric acid derivatives.

In combination with various organic substances, it takes part in the metabolic process. In most animals, bones, shells, spines, teeth, spines, and claws are made of calcium phosphate. Phosphorus derivatives are found in the blood, brain, connective and muscle tissues of the human body. Orthophosphoric acid has also found application in industry. Wood, after impregnation with acid and its compounds, becomes non-flammable.

Is phosphoric acid dangerous for humans?

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It “takes” from bones and teeth, so osteoporosis and caries can develop.

Among other negative consequences of consuming products containing this component, doctors note the appearance of diseases of the digestive tract, including gastritis and stomach and intestinal ulcers, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Scientists currently have no information about the possible benefits of the supplement. There is also no confirmed data on a possible connection between the consumption of acid in food and the occurrence of cancer, infertility or gene mutations.

Phosphoric acid is a synthetic antioxidant and stabilizer, acidity regulator and component of many popular foods and drinks. Despite the fact that the product is assigned a medium level of danger, it is an ingredient in Coca-Cola and Pepsi sodas, which both adults and children love to drink. Recently, scientists are increasingly drawing the attention of the world community to the fact that the food additive E338 is one of the common causes of caries, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and leaching of calcium from the body. So far, the only thing they have managed to achieve is establishing the maximum permitted amount of the substance as a food additive. And today, the study of the properties and results of consuming food additives continues, as well as the search for an alternative that is similar in price and easy to obtain. It has not yet been found, and the ingredient code “E338” can still be found in food. The consumer can only carefully study the labels and decide for himself whether it is worth buying products with this acidity regulator.

Any metal is subject to “disease” in the form of a red coating, which is rust. Rust forms due to exposure of metal to water, oxygen and carbon dioxide. A chemical reaction occurs due to which iron hydroxides and oxides are formed. To increase the service life of a metal product, it is necessary to combat corrosion, since, unlike the patina on bronze, rust on metal does not form a protective film. Phosphoric acid comes to the rescue in this fight.


Orthophosphoric or phosphoric acid is of inorganic origin. At room temperature it appears as small diamond-shaped crystals. More often it is sold in the form of a syrupy eighty-five percent solution that is odorless and colorless. Its rhombic crystals are highly soluble in water or ethanol. It is obtained as a result of the hydrolysis of phosphorus pentachloride, from phosphate, by the interaction of phosphorus oxide (V) with water.


Its main property is to influence the acid-base balance in the human body, which leads to increased acidity. Increased acidity promotes the formation of caries and premature osteoporosis. In high concentrations, it causes nosebleeds, damage to the nasal mucosa, destroys teeth and transforms the blood formula. It interacts with metals, basic oxides, bases, ammonia, and salts of weak acids.

Phosphoric acid: use

Orthophosphoric (phosphoric) acid is a water-based composition of inorganic origin, available in the form 85% aqueous solution of syrupy transparent consistency.

Used in the following areas of human activity:

  • In the production of phosphate fertilizers.
  • In the production of cleaning products related to household chemicals.
  • In dentistry.
  • In the production of substances to combat metal rust.
  • In fur farming.
  • In the food industry.
  • In the oil industry.
  • When making matches.
  • In the production of film.
  • In the manufacture of fire-resistant or fire-resistant items and materials.

Use in medicine

Used in dentistry for filling teeth. It is used to etch the surface of the tooth enamel before treating the tooth. The most significant difficulty seems to be the inability to control the depth and level of demineralization of dentin and enamel, as well as the difficulty in completely removing it before starting dental treatment. Residues of orthophosphoric acid can lead to a decrease in bonding strength and the formation of an “acid mine”. The acid solution is also used in small quantities in teeth whitening formulations.

Removing rust with phosphoric acid from a metal surface

The big advantage of an acid solution is that it removes a loose mass of oxides from the metal and forms a thin protective film on the treated surface of the part. When applied to part surface acid solution corrodes and absorbs iron oxide, orthophosphorus composition phosphates the metal surface.

After treating the metal with an acidic composition, a gray film is formed on the surface, oily to the touch. Exists several removal methods oxides:

  • with complete immersion of a metal part in an acid solution;
  • surface treatment with a spray gun, brush or roller;
  • application of the composition with preliminary manual mechanical processing of the metal.

Phosphoric acid for metal

Let's analyze the variations of metal purification using an orthophosphorus solution in more detail.

The part is pre-cleaned from fats of various origins. To do this, wash metal with detergent. After that, 150 ml of acid is dissolved in 1 liter of water. After this, the part to be treated is immersed in the acid composition for 1 hour, periodically stirring the solution for the best effect. After this, the composition is washed off with a special solution of 50 parts of water, 2 parts of ammonia, 48 parts of alcohol. Next, rinse the treated part with running water and dry thoroughly.

  • Application by spray, roller or ordinary brush to the metal being processed.

First, remove the rust from the metal part by hand. After this, an orthophosphorus solution is applied, left for a certain period of time, after which the composition is washed off with a neutralizing solution and dried.

Rust converter

The corrosion converter or modifier is a mixture of orthophosphoric acid with specific additives. Depending on the additives, these solutions are divided into primers, modifiers-stabilizers, rust converters. The EVA-0112 primer belongs to the first group; it consists of a base and eighty-five percent acid. It is a base for paint, used before painting metal products. The Tsinkar converter consists of acid and salts of zinc and manganese. When used, transformed rust produces a durable layer protecting the surface, that is, the metal is alloyed.

Use of phosphoric acid in everyday life

Orthophosphorus solution is used in household chemicals. It removes rust from bathroom surfaces extremely well. It is prohibited to use acid solution for acrylic surfaces. Orthophosphorus composition can be used to treat earthenware and enameled surfaces; it removes rust marks from washbasins, bathtubs and toilets.

To do this, first pre-degrease the surface with any available detergent, then onto the surface of the earthenware or an enameled sanitary product, an acid solution is applied. To prepare it, mix 1 liter of water and 200 grams of phosphoric acid. The resulting solution is applied to the enamel or earthenware surface to be treated and left on the surface for 1 to 12 hours. After this, neutralize the mixture with a soda solution and rinse thoroughly. The advantage of this treatment is that there is no mechanical impact on the enamel of the product, as a result of which the surface is not damaged.

Safety precautions

Phosphoric acid is a dangerous substance and requires caution. They work with it in a special room with ventilation, away from open flames, since the orthophosphorus solution is fire and explosive. Before processing products it is necessary put on a respirator, gloves, special clothing, non-slip shoes, glasses. Acid contact with the skin, eyes, or respiratory tract causes severe burns, dizziness, vomiting, and coughing. If the solution gets into contact, quickly remove clothing, wash the affected area with running water, call a doctor, apply a large bandage, and neutralize the spilled liquid with alkali.

Harm of phosphoric acid

There is harm from drinking acid. It has a negative effect on the acidity of the human body and upsets the balance. It has a bad effect on calcium, displacing it from teeth and bones. In dentistry For a very long time, orthophosphoric acid was used to remove enamel, and only recently a ban was imposed on its use. When consumed, it causes vomiting, lightheadedness, and lack of appetite. In case of contact with skin, it causes chemical burns.

Use in the food industry

Phosphoric acid or E338 is an antioxidant that protects foods from oxidation and discoloration. Used for acidification various foods and drinks. It differs from naturally occurring lemongrass by its low cost and ease of production.

It is widely used in the production of baking powders, in melting cheeses, in the production of all kinds of sausages, sugar, cola, Pepsi, and Sprite. Acid, as a food supplement, is officially approved for use, but it has a very harmful effect on the human body and has a bad effect on the balance of acid in the body. Long-term consumption of products with this additive leads to loss of appetite and weight.

When used skillfully and correctly, orthophosphorus solutions bring enormous benefits to humans despite some of their negative properties.