How to treat the labia of newborns. Hygiene of a newborn girl: features of care for the genitals. White discharge between the labia majora and minora in a girl: what to do

At first glance, it seems that caring for a newborn baby cannot cause any difficulties. However, incorrect actions of parents can lead to health problems for the baby. You should be especially careful when it comes to hygiene. If you wash a girl incorrectly, you can dry out the delicate skin, disrupt the microflora, and cause an infection.

Physiological features of a girl

The structure of the genital organs of an adult woman and a newborn baby is significantly different. There is a difference in the structure of the reproductive system in children of different sexes. Therefore, boys and girls are washed differently.

A newborn girl's labia majora are always swollen. They almost completely cover the labia minora. A fold is formed in which discharge from the uterus, fecal residues, diaper pellets, etc. can accumulate. Refusal of hygiene procedures will lead to the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

The structure of the reproductive system in boys and girls is significantly different

In a newly born girl, the length of the urethra does not exceed 1 cm. This anatomical feature can cause cystitis or other diseases of the urinary system. To avoid pathological microflora entering the urethra, the girl should be washed correctly.

The correct selection of hygiene products is also of great importance. The delicate skin of a newborn baby is vulnerable to cosmetics used by an adult. Even tap water can cause irritation. Diaper rash in a newborn also appears with prolonged contact with feces. Therefore, the baby should be washed every time after a bowel movement.

How to care for the genitals of a newborn girl: washing rules

Both adults and children need hygienic care every day. However, in the case of newborns and infants who do not yet know how to go to the toilet on their own, special rules apply. The girl must be washed every time after a bowel movement, as well as in the evening during her next bath.

You shouldn't overdo it. Modern diapers absorb moisture very well. Therefore, washing after each urination does not make sense. In addition, frequent exposure to the baby’s delicate skin can be harmful. Even high-quality water often causes disruption of the vaginal microflora. Not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria live on the mucous membrane, which are necessary for the normal development of the baby.

The mother will be taught how to properly care for her baby in the maternity ward

Use soap or special cleaning wipes with extreme caution. Deep penetration is unacceptable. It is necessary to treat the skin only from the outside (in the area of ​​the labia majora). Under no circumstances should you try to get into the vagina or treat the labia minora with soap! Thus, the mother washes away the unique protection and disrupts the healthy microflora.

When washing the girl, you need to hold her face to the running water

Soap should only be used under running water. It is not advisable to bathe a newborn baby in a bubble bath. The soap solution may get into the vagina.

Neonatal vaginitis is a common disease that occurs due to improper hygienic care of girls. When soap gets into the vagina, it is not washed out completely. As a result, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.

When washing a newborn girl both in the maternity hospital and after discharge, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. For hygiene of the labia, exclusively running water is used. Bathing in the bath is carried out for hygiene of the whole body in the evening before bed. To bathe the baby, you should use boiled water until the umbilical cord is completely healed.
  2. To avoid disturbing the microflora of the mucous membrane, soap should be used not more than once a day, but preferably three times a week.
  3. Before washing the girl, an adult must wash his hands thoroughly with soap.
  4. The baby should be held facing the stream of water, and movements should be made in the direction from the vagina to the anus. This prevents bacteria that may be contained in feces from entering the vagina.
  5. A soft, ironed towel should be used for drying. First you should blot (do not rub!) the area of ​​the vaginal slit, then the labia and anus. The internal genital organs should not be wiped to avoid disturbing the microflora or irritating the delicate mucous membranes.
  6. The water temperature for washing or bathing should be in the range of 34–37 degrees Celsius.

Air baths are an excellent prevention of skin diseases in newborns. At least once a day after washing, you should leave the baby without clothes for 5-10 minutes. The air temperature in the room should not be lower than 20 degrees.

Video: proper washing of a newborn baby

Problems of the genital organs that may occur in an infant

Immediately after birth, the baby’s body adapts to new conditions. In this regard, problems often arise that can frighten a young mother. Experienced nurses and neonatologists will always come to the rescue. However, a woman should familiarize herself with basic information even before giving birth.

Plaque on the labia

Many mothers notice a white or gray coating in their newborn babies, both girls and boys, in the genital area. These are the remains of smegma (original lubricant). If the secretion does not have a thick consistency, it is absorbed into the skin within a few hours after the birth of the baby. But if the grease is thick, it must be removed. Otherwise, the remnants of smegma can lead to the rapid proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

You can remove vernix with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. If the secretion is thick enough and is removed in pellets, you can wash it off in several steps. After 2-3 days, the vernix lubrication completely disappears.

Hormonal crisis

Within a few days after the baby is born, the mother may notice mucous discharge from the vagina mixed with blood. This is a manifestation of the hormonal crisis of newborns, which is more pronounced in girls. During pregnancy, the baby’s body receives from the mother all the substances necessary for normal development, including hormones. After birth, the child must adapt to autonomous development. Bloody discharge is a consequence of changes in the body.

When mucus is detected, the mother’s actions should be the same as when removing vernix lubrication. Discharge should be carefully removed with a cotton pad moistened with boiled water.

Diaper dermatitis

Rashes on a child’s skin can appear from the first days of life, as an allergic reaction to the components contained in the diaper. If you have to deal with unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to properly treat the affected skin of the baby. For this, antiseptic solutions of Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin can be used. Hydrogen peroxide is affordable and safe. These products are good because they do not cause burning on the treated skin of the newborn.

Diaper dermatitis is one of the most common problems arising from improper child care.

An antiseptic solution can be prepared by diluting a Furacilin tablet (0.02 g) in boiled water at room temperature.

Video: washing a newborn under running water

Intimate hygiene products

To carry out proper hygiene procedures, the mother will have to purchase all the necessary products in advance. Some of them will be useful already in the maternity hospital.

Disposable diapers

This remedy is necessary not only to make the mother’s life easier, but also to maintain the health of the newborn girl. Modern diapers are made from special materials that instantly absorb moisture. This allows you to avoid an allergic reaction on the delicate skin of a newborn girl.

Frequent diaper changing is the basic rule of baby care. You should avoid using this product around the clock. Ideally, the diaper should be worn at night and for walks.

Wet wipes

This product was created to keep the baby clean when there is no water nearby. However, napkins should not be a substitute for proper washing or bathing. You should only purchase them in pharmacies, having first studied the composition. You need to be prepared for the fact that your baby may have an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product.

Baby soap

Despite the fact that bathing a baby with soap is often not recommended, this product should be present in a young mother’s cabinet. It is also worth purchasing it at a pharmacy. It is better to give preference to classic solid baby soap without fragrances.

Sterile cotton wool

This product will be needed to remove smegma, treat the skin with antiseptic solutions (if necessary), remove mucus, etc. For the hygiene of a newborn girl, sterile cotton wool in the form of pressed balls is perfect.

Antiseptic solution

You don't have to use the product every day. An antiseptic is necessary if the baby develops a rash or irritation on the skin. Solutions of Chlorhexidine or Mirasmistin are suitable for caring for a baby. You can use 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with a dispenser.

Baby oil

With this product, you will need to treat the folds in the area of ​​the baby’s labia majora to avoid dryness and irritation of the delicate skin. It is also recommended to purchase baby oil at a pharmacy. Some mothers use regular sunflower oil. This is absolutely not allowed! Only sterile product should be used.

Baby oil is also useful for treating folds throughout the baby’s body, as well as for massage.

Water thermometer

The baby should be bathed in water whose temperature is comfortable for the child (34–37 degrees). To accurately measure, you need a special device.

You can approximately find out the temperature of the water in the bath without a thermometer. To do this, just put your elbow in the bath. If there are no sensations, the temperature in the container is equal to body temperature. This water is ideal for bathing a baby.

Creams and ointments for skin regeneration

If your baby has diaper dermatitis, special products from the pharmacy will help quickly restore the delicate skin. Excellent results are shown by creams Bepanten, Rescuer, Desitin, etc.

While still in the womb, the boy's genitals develop so that the head is covered by the foreskin. A child is born with a genital organ covered by a narrowed foreskin. This is called congenital physiological phimosis, it will disappear on its own by three to five years.

The foreskin and the glans are glued together by special cells. As they grow and develop, these cells gradually die off, accumulating inside. It is called childhood smegma.

Gradually, grains of smegma can come out with urine. A newborn child does not need to remove it on his own; it is not at all dangerous. Rinse with warm running water - that's enough.

Up to six months There is no need to retract the baby’s foreskin, this can cause harm and lead to microtrauma. While the baby is still in diapers, don't worry.

You just need to carefully monitor the condition of the genitals. But at the slightest redness or swelling you need to consult a doctor.

After the head will open, this happens for each child at a different age - closer to five years, the amount of smegma increases.

If you do not carry out regular and more thorough hygiene procedures, this can lead to inflammatory processes. Therefore, you need to carefully wash the areas under the foreskin.

About washing and rinsing

Many mothers think that everything couldn’t be simpler - take off the dirty diaper, wash the boy with warm soapy water and that’s it, but this is absolutely not true. If you want your son to be well-groomed and healthy, then you need to learn how to wash it properly after each diaper change.

First of all, it’s worth remembering to keep your own hands clean. When washing The direction does not matter, as some pediatricians believe, but there is another opinion - the child does not need to be held in your hand with the butt up under running water, because harmful microorganisms and germs from the anus can get onto the penis.

It is also worth remembering that when washing children under six months, categorically do not overuse soap. Excessive love for soap and all kinds of scented products causes all kinds of irritation and redness.

Using boiled water when washing your baby is overkill. It would be much more correct to use running warm water.

After swimming do not dry the child too vigorously. It is enough to simply blot the genitals with a soft towel. Excess moisture can be sprinkled with a small amount of baby powder.

As the child grows up, he will learn to go to the potty on his own and will no longer need to wash it so often, especially in winter. Once is enough - before bed.

Hot summer this procedure should be more frequent - 3-4 times a day.

Can be used cotton swabs or disks, previously soaked in warm soapy water or baby hygiene hypoallergenic wet wipes for wiping the genitals after defecation or urination.

Don't forget to use baby moisturizing oils and creams, only in moderation.

When will your son be about three years, you need to start teaching him to wash himself, thereby instilling a love of cleanliness and comfort.

What to do with the foreskin?

Parents of young sons most often ask themselves: Is it possible to move the foreskin when washing?? The main mistake many mothers make is trying to rinse the foreskin under strong pressure of water or move it away for a more thorough rinse.

Urologists are against such a strong love for purity. After all, this way you can injure the foreskin of the penis, small wounds can form, which subsequently leave scars and adhesions.

More thorough washing is permissible only a couple of times a week to prevent inflammation. To do this, you need to push back the foreskin very carefully, without pressing, and remove the white crumbs with a sterile swab, which is pre-moistened with Vaseline oil.

Make sure that no cotton fibers remain on the head. Some pediatricians recommend using chamomile decoction instead of petroleum jelly. But there are also doctors who are opposed to such radical procedures.

Circumcision- a very controversial topic among many doctors. This procedure is most likely carried out for religious or ethnic reasons, but does not in any way affect the boy's health. This is not a way to protect your baby from various diseases.

After all, nature intended that the reproductive organ be protected by the foreskin, therefore, if there are no medical indications, there is no point in interfering with the creation of mother nature.

Underwear and diapers

From childhood, a child must learn to understand his gender identity. If your house is warm, You should allow your child to sometimes go without clothes.

This kind of ventilation procedure will help the baby explore his body. His curiosity about what is below the belt is quite normal - this is what many experts think.

There is no need to pull him back; it’s easier to distract him with some activity.

For many years, mothers from all over the world have been arguing about the use of diapers. Of course, with the advent of diapers, it became much easier for parents. Instead of endlessly washing and ironing dirty diapers and clothes, mother can devote all her time to activities and games with the child.

Nowadays, the development of the diaper production industry is progressing by leaps and bounds. And special diapers for boys are no longer surprising. They are made taking into account the anatomical features of small future men.

The hygroscopic coating will allow the baby to feel dry and comfortable. Despite many years of controversy, modern diapers do not overheat boys’ testicles and do not have a negative effect on the boy’s health, much less on reproductive functions.

Discussions about the appearance of diaper dermatitis. Proper intimate hygiene and frequent diaper changes - once every three to four hours - will never lead to rashes and irritations.

But scented diapers It should be used very carefully - it is unknown how your child’s delicate skin and genitals will react to the fragrant impregnation. After a year The diaper should be replaced with panties to begin potty training your little one.

Very caring mothers who do not agree with the opinions of experts and research on this topic are extremely wary of diapers and use them in very rare cases - during long walks, on trips.

In addition to proper hygiene, mothers should not forget about underwear. Natural fabrics and free size are the main requirements for underwear.

Wash baby clothes Definitely needed in hypoallergenic powders, intended only for children's clothes, and most importantly, separately from other (adult) clothing.

When going for a walk in the winter cold, don’t try to wrap your boy up - overheating is very dangerous, because it promotes the proliferation of various pathogens.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Of course, we are afraid to even think about the possible illnesses of our children. But, as they say, forewarned means forearmed, and we will have to remember the symptoms for which we are obliged to rush to specialists.

Immediately after birth in the maternity hospital, your boy should be examined by an andrologist, next time you need to see this doctor at 6 years old(if no problems arise first).

Regular intimate hygiene allows you to notice rashes, redness, and swelling on the foreskin in a child in time. In this case, consultation with a urologist, andrologist, or at least a pediatrician is necessary.

With an irresponsible attitude towards intimate hygiene, your son may develop:

  • pathological phimosis, which differs from congenital. It appears after inflammatory processes that lead to adhesions and scars. Causes pain and discomfort in the boy;
  • balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease that can be caused by irregular hygiene;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fungal infections.

So, if you notice your baby: painful and difficult urination, pain, pain, swelling in the genital area
redness or spreading of the rash, then this is a reason to visit a specialist who will suggest the correct treatment.

Can occur at any age acute testicular diseases.

Often, emergency surgical intervention may be required, so you should immediately consult a doctor if you notice at least one of the following symptoms in your child:

  • redness, swelling of the genitals or scrotum;
  • injury to the genital area;
  • complaints of pain;
  • if the child has had mumps (mumps).

If parents are responsible for the boy’s intimate hygiene, big problems should not arise.

Growing up, the child will get used to cleanliness and neatness, to comfortable, washed clothes, which will teach him to treat his body carefully throughout his life and take care of his health.

Boys' hygiene. School of Doctor Komarovsky.

Somehow it just so happened that when it comes to the hygiene of boys, mothers have many questions. But with the girls, everything seems to be clear and understandable. However, everything is not so simple. We are talking about procedures that are aimed not only at maintaining cleanliness, but also at preserving reproductive health, first and foremost.

Features of intimate care for a newborn girl

After a mother and child return home from the maternity hospital, the issue of hygiene for a newborn girl falls entirely on her shoulders. Caring for a girl is indeed a responsible matter, it must be safe and well organized.

In the early postnatal period, girls' genitals and buttocks are in almost constant contact with urine and feces, making it difficult to keep these parts of the body dry and clean. Delicate skin reacts with redness, irritation, and rashes. And if the baby’s skin is hypersensitive, then this aggravates the problem.

Also, mommy should know that newborn girls do not yet have the protective barrier that an adult woman has, and due to the characteristically specific structure of the female genital organs, it is very easy to get infections and various diseases. In the future, this may negatively affect menstrual cycles, the course of pregnancies, and also reduce the possibility of pregnancy, etc.

Intimate hygiene is very important for a girl, as her future reproductive health depends on it

First days

Immediately after the birth of a girl, white, grayish-white or beige discharge is visible on her labia. Doctors call it “smegma” - vernix lubrication, the result of the work of the sebaceous glands of the external genitalia. This is completely normal.

If there is only a small amount of smegma, then there is no need to remove it; it will disappear on its own. It is recommended to wash off the plaque only if there is too much secretion. In the fats contained in it, microorganisms will begin to multiply after a few days, which can lead to inflammation.

Smegma is a rather dense substance, so it must be removed delicately and carefully. Take a cotton swab, dip it in warm (not hot!) boiled water and begin to remove the secretion. This will have to be done in several stages, since the plaque will come off gradually. In a couple of days there will be no trace of him left.

Also, in the first days, girls may experience spotting. And in this case there is no need to be afraid. In this way, mother's hormones are removed from the newborn's body. This phenomenon is called neonatal hormonal crisis. Everything will pass in a few days.

Important: Newborn babies should not have any other discharge other than those described above. If you notice purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor and redness of the labia, consult a doctor immediately!


Many questions related to the hygiene of girls concern the use of diapers. On mommy forums there are often opinions about the harmfulness of diapers. Is it so?

As you know, liquid feces getting into the vagina is the main problem of girl hygiene. This often provokes infectious processes and inflammation. With the advent of diapers, the scale of the problem decreased. This is evidenced by the statistics of doctors and many years of experience in using diapers.

Modern diapers perfectly absorb moisture, have antibacterial properties, including moisturizing the skin, etc.

If you constantly use diapers, then you should wash your baby in the following mode:

  • after the toilet “in a big way”;
  • while bathing before bed.

The only important condition regarding diapers is their regular change, at least once every two to three hours.

Don’t be afraid to use diapers: they are absolutely not harmful to babies; on the contrary, they reduce the risk of liquid feces getting into the vagina, which means they reduce the likelihood of getting inflammation

How often should a girl be washed?

Many mothers “boast” that they wash their babies after every urination or even after every diaper change. However, such zeal on their part will not only not bring any benefit, but can even harm their health. Beneficial bacteria live on the mucous membranes. They are very small, and so far provide weak, but still protection for the newborn. (By the way, some of these bacteria will stay with women forever). If you constantly wash them off, you will deprive the girl of this important protection, increasing the risk of infections and inflammatory diseases.

However, the only thing worse than frequent washing is washing with soap.

Using Soap

Everyone knows that when we wash our face with soap, we try in every possible way to avoid getting it in the eyes or on the mucous membrane of the eyelids. We clearly understand that getting soap on the skin is normal, but not on mucous membranes. When you wash a girl with soap, the rule remains exactly the same: soap should not get on the mucous membranes. Everything that is deeper than the labia majora is the mucous membranes. Therefore, soap is used only for superficial treatment of the labia majora, and not deeper. If this rule is not followed, problems will arise.

It’s a paradox, but when a mother pays special attention to washing her daughter, when the girl is regularly washed with soap, then many more problems arise, and they arise much more often than when she is not paid such close attention.

It is recommended to wash girls until they are six months or a year old without any detergents at all. However, you can use soap, you just need to use it directly on the outer surface of the labia

Fusion of the labia

Another topic that is discussed so often on mom forums. There is a strong opinion floating around the Internet that this problem appears due to insufficient hygiene, due to the use of wet wipes, frequent or, conversely, infrequent washing, as well as the use of “wrong” care products, etc. So is this true or myths?

In the scientific world, the fusion or sticking together of the labia minora is called “synechia” (synechia is an anat. “commissure”).

What causes this problem?

In newborn girls, the condition of the mucous membranes of the genital organs depends on the amount of sex hormones (estrogens) in the blood, which they still have very little of. A low amount of estrogen in the blood is one of the main causes of sticking of the labia minora.

It is also believed that this problem can be caused by microtraumas of the delicate and thin vulva resulting from its mechanical damage during too vigorous washing. Microtraumas begin to heal, and the labia minora begin to grow together. Delicate washing will reduce the risk of such microtraumas.

Synechia or fusion of the labia minora is not a disease, but a physiological feature of girls six months and older, which occurs against the background of a lack of sex hormones estrogen

At what age does it start?

Remember: Synechia never occurs in girls under 6 months. Because they have their mother’s estrogens, which they received during pregnancy and childbirth. Then the problem arises, and, as a rule, its peak occurs between the ages of 1 and 3 years.

Interesting: according to medical textbooks, this phenomenon is observed in only 1.5-3% of girls. But in fact, in some clinics in our country the number of girls with synechiae reaches 30 and even 50%. That is, if you look very closely, synechiae can be found in almost any girl under 2 years of age.

It should be noted that synechiae is not a disease. This is a physiological feature of children of this age. No wet wipes or “harmful” care products affect its appearance.

When should you treat?

Very rarely, synechiae are of such severity that the labia minora completely grow together, which leads to difficulty in the outflow of urine. When this happens, urine accumulates in the vagina, leading to inflammation. This is what needs to be treated.

Main: if nothing bothers the child, there are no problems with urination, there is no itching, redness or discharge, nothing needs to be done. This is not a problem and no one is to blame. Don't be afraid that something will overgrow there. As soon as the baby begins to produce estrogens, with a probability of 80-90% everything will completely disappear. And in 20% you may need treatment for 2 weeks with a special ointment.

Important: even when synechiae are discovered, no one separates them with any instruments or fingers (especially without pain relief)! They are first treated with ointments containing estrogen, and only if the ointments are ineffective is mechanical separation resorted to.

Washing a girl: algorithm of actions

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl is very important. You must remember this. Your daughter is also a future mother, and her reproductive health depends on your adequate actions and the right approach to the issue.

Washing girls is an important procedure. The intimate health of babies depends on this elementary action. Washing is done strictly from front to back - from the labia to the butt, so that feces do not get into the vagina

How to wash a girl:

  1. Wash your hands before washing.
  2. Turn on a stream of running water, not very strong. Check that it is neither cold nor hot.
  3. The child's head should lie on the elbow, the body should lie on the forearm, fix one leg with your hand.
  4. You should wash in the direction from the labia to the butt - from front to back, and in no case vice versa. You also need to rinse the inguinal folds and between the labia (shallow).
  5. We wash without soap, but after defecation, you can use an intimate hygiene product intended for children under one year of age (with a neutral pH) to wash.
  6. Next, you need to treat the genitals with sterile oil - olive or peach. Peach juice can be bought ready-made at the pharmacy, and olive oil can be sterilized in a water bath.
  7. Leave 10-15 minutes for your baby to take an air bath. Don't wear a diaper, let your skin rest.


  • Use a minimum of cosmetic products in your care, as all this can lead to itching, redness, and allergic reactions.
  • Wet wipes are a great modern invention, but they should also be used sparingly.

So, the hygiene of girls is an important and responsible issue. Specific knowledge from specialists will not hurt here, but you should not be guided by myths and advice from ignorant people. “Trial and error” methods will not work either - your baby still has to go through the process of “maturing” as a woman and becoming a mother. It is not difficult to remember and follow the hygiene rules described above. Let your little ones grow up happy and healthy!

Immediately after birth, the doctor examines the genitals of the newborn baby. In boys, the size and shape of the penis, as well as the condition of the foreskin, are important. In girls, the emphasis is on the size of the labia minora and majora, the condition of the vagina and urinary canal.

Hygiene of the intimate area of ​​newborns must be carried out correctly. Future reproductive ability and the absence of infections in the genitourinary system depend on this. Regardless of gender, the baby needs to be washed on time, diapers changed and air baths given daily for some time.

Examination of the intimate area: female gender

During examination, girls are found to have labia majora covering the labia minora. In girls born prematurely, the labia minora are visible and the clitoris is large.

Often girls have swollen and red labia for some time after birth. The hymen can have different shapes.

It can be in the form of one continuous or ring-shaped film. The urinary tract in girls is located under the clitoris.

From birth, pathological changes in the development of the genital organs in girls can be detected.

  1. Underdevelopment (aplasia) or hypertrophy of the clitoris (increase in size).
  2. The junction of the labia minora.
  3. Closing the vaginal opening.

If discharge (blood, mucus) appears in the first days of life, the condition is associated with a hormonal crisis that the body is experiencing at this moment. It is enough that organ hygiene is observed.

Examination of the intimate area: male gender

Examination of the genital organs in boys must be done correctly. The focus is on the penis, foreskin, testicles and scrotum, frenulum.

The penis in boys at birth measures between 2–2.5 cm.

The foreskin is often the same size as the glans, so it covers it. It happens that the foreskin is slightly larger than the head. In some cases, it may be smaller, so the head remains uncovered.

Often the head of the penis does not move completely outward, which is called physiological phimosis. Improper hygiene can lead to this condition. Therefore, the frenulum cannot be examined properly. It is recommended to specifically open the tip of the penis only if prescribed by a doctor. Such indications include difficulty urinating or inflammation of the foreskin.

The bridle should not be neglected, especially if it is short. The frenulum is a fold of skin that connects the foreskin to the glans and limits its movement. This way the penis remains partially covered.

A short frenulum is often a pathological phenomenon. A short frenulum brings pain and discomfort to the baby. If he cries and touches his penis all the time, you need to consult a specialist for advice. Parents may find that the penis is red, irritation has appeared, blood may even leak, and the foreskin is inactive.

A short frenulum is most often a congenital pathology and is observed together with phimosis. Sometimes the cause may be an inflammatory disease of the genital organs. In this case, the member changes its structure. A short frenulum can occur due to injuries to the foreskin.

A short frenulum can be treated surgically. Local anesthesia is used. After the intervention, careful hygiene is required. If the short frenulum is not corrected in time, then problems in the intimate area will appear in the future.

To examine the penis and the opening of the urinary canal, you need to move the foreskin of the head down slightly. The channel opening is located in the center of the head and has different widths.

If the scrotum is large, this may indicate an inguinoscrotal hernia or testicular torsion. A disease such as hydrocele should also be excluded.

When a boy is born, the testicles should descend into the scrotum. In children born prematurely, they may be located in the inguinal canal. If during the examination the doctor does not find testicles in the scrotum, additional research methods are performed. During this study, the specialist can lower the testicles independently. If they are not found in the inguinal canal, a diagnosis of “non-descended testicles” is made. In the future, the child should be observed by an endocrinologist and urologist.

There are cases that when the testicles descend, they pull along a part of the peritoneum, which fills with fluid. This is testicular hydrocele, which can affect both sides or one. Dropsy causes an increase in the size of the scrotum.

If a boy's pussy is swollen, irritated, or the tip turns red, he needs to see a doctor immediately. Dropsy most often develops in newborn boys, less often in adulthood.

Congenital hydrocele of the testicles can occur due to inflammatory processes, trauma to the groin area, or testicular tumor. There are cases that dropsy develops after mumps or ARVI. In addition to the fact that dropsy is characterized by redness, swelling, body temperature rises, chills, and vomiting are observed.

Diapers cannot provoke a disease such as testicular hydrocele. This cannot happen due to other external factors. The trigger mechanism is always internal changes.

Slight swelling of the scrotum may indicate hormonal changes in the body to new conditions and is considered normal.

Caring for the intimate area in children

Boys' genitals, including the anus, need to be washed properly. Washing is carried out from the scrotum towards the anus. Diapers need to be changed regularly; it is recommended to go without it most of the time.

The penis should be washed carefully without retracting the foreskin. The tip is easily damaged, which can lead to wounds and cracks.

When healing occurs, scars will remain, which leads to a narrowing of the foreskin. You need to wash your penis with running water.

As the baby grows up, it begins to study its penis. He touches it, pulls it away. In this way, boys become familiar with their bodies. Nothing wrong with that.

If the penis bothers and brings pain to the child, then it can be treated with a weak solution of furatsilin. The gap between the foreskin and the glans is washed. After the procedure, you can drop a little baby oil on the tip of the penis. You need to change your diaper after every bowel movement. It should not constrain the penis.

Girls also need to be able to wash themselves properly. You need to wash it by manipulating from the front towards the anus. The anus is washed separately. Such hygiene will prevent infection from entering the vagina.

After washing is finished, the genitals need to be dried with a towel.

If the labia and anus are red, you can use powder. Sometimes irritation and redness are associated with an allergy to the material from which the diaper is made. In this case, you need to change the brand.

Changing diapers on time is another main rule that includes hygiene. If this condition is not met, then liquid feces often enter the vagina, causing irritation and various diseases. You need to change your diaper every 2-3 hours. The anus should be washed after each bowel movement.

You shouldn't wash your girls often, after every urination. This helps wash away beneficial microflora. You only need to wash after the baby has pooped. You can only use soap once a week. Use it to wash only the outer labia. If girls' labia are red, a rash and irritation appear, you need to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

At an early age, hygiene is very important and must be done correctly. You must be able to bathe and wash your child correctly, depending on gender, and change diapers on time. Often an allergy may occur to the latter, in which case you need to change the company.

And sniffles. You dreamed so much about a girl - so you play with dolls together, walk in the park, tell each other secrets. But this is still far away - the baby has just been born. And now the most important thing is proper care of a newborn girl. We must not forget for a minute that the girl is also a future mother, just like you. You need to take care of it especially carefully, and, most importantly, correctly.

While you are in the maternity hospital, the pediatrician will show you how to properly wash your baby, how to feed breast milk, how to treat your navel and how to wash your newborn girl. But, unfortunately, not all doctors explain how to properly care for a girl's genitals.

After the maternity hospital, a newborn, and especially a newborn girl, must be especially kept clean in the first months. Due to the fact that babies sleep most of the time and suckle breast milk, their stool is quite caustic and is absorbed instantly. If you don’t wash it right away, irritation, rashes and redness will appear on your baby’s delicate skin. In addition, it is quite easy to introduce an infection into the genitals of a newborn girl. This may happen due to the fact that the baby is not yet adapted to life outside her mother’s tummy and her immune system does not work very well. When a girl turns into a woman, it is incorrect or insufficient intimate hygiene that can cause problems in the sexual sphere.

Features of the structure of the genital organs of a newborn girl

In a newborn girl, a whitish coating can be observed on the labia. These are the remains of the original lubricant, or smegma. Some girls have a lot of it, others not so much. If there is only a small amount of it, then do not wash it off - it will disappear on its own, but if there is a lot of smegma, then it is better to carefully remove it with cotton pads soaked in warm water. Smegma is not so easy to remove; it can only be done in several stages. If excess smegma is not removed, harmful microorganisms will begin to multiply there, and they, in turn, can lead to the development of inflammation.

In addition to smegma, bloody discharge may appear from the vagina of a newborn girl. Don't worry, it's not dangerous. In this way, the mother’s hormones are removed from the daughter’s body.

Apart from these discharges, there should be no others. If something foreign appears (yellow discharge or an unpleasant odor), consult a doctor immediately.

Do diapers affect the cleanliness of a newborn girl’s genitals?

Parents are divided into two camps - some say that diapers are very harmful for newborns, others say that they are a very useful thing. Doctors are inclined towards those parents who are “For” diapers. This is due to the fact that diapers have undergone many changes for the better. Now they are considered hygienic and have very high absorbency. In addition, they are antibacterial and even moisturize the skin of a newborn.

For girls, diapers are uncomfortable and dangerous because feces can get into the vagina and cause an infection. But it is within the power of a mother who properly cares for the baby’s genitals to prevent this nuisance. In addition to urine, they can also absorb part of the newborn’s liquid feces. This greatly reduces its penetration into the baby’s genitals.

Diapers are used correctly if they are changed after two to three hours.

How many times should a newborn baby girl be washed?

Some especially caring mothers try so hard to provide the baby with sterile cleanliness that they wash her every two hours (after urination). They try to pour more soap or product on it, rub it harder with a sponge for intimate hygiene. This is completely wrong! The more we wash a newborn girl, the more beneficial bacteria (protecting her skin and mucous membranes) we wash away. A newborn girl up to about six months, or even better up to a year, does not need to be washed with soap or any product. Regular warm boiled water is best. But if you use soap, try not to get it on the mucous membrane of the baby’s genitals (the labia majora can be washed with soap, but the labia minora cannot).

How to wash a newborn girl

Hygiene of a girl’s external genitalia begins with washing her own hands. Then place the baby in your arm so that the head is on the forearm, and hold the legs with your hand. Wash with running water (temperature is the same as the human body). Hand movements should be from front to back (from the labia to the buttocks) of the newborn girl. Rinse not only between the buttocks, but also all folds, including the space between the labia, but not too deeply. There is no need to use soap or other intimate hygiene products until the child reaches one year of age. The only thing is that after defecation you can take a special neutral baby product. After this, lubricate the newborn girl's skin with sterile baby oil. Let the baby take an air bath for a few minutes and “rest” from the diaper.

Caring for intimate areas depends on... Water procedures are required in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed.

Try not to use wet wipes or other cosmetics, as they can cause allergies or irritate your baby's skin. There is also no need to use a sponge or washcloth, because they are too rough for the baby’s delicate skin. And don’t listen to the advice of “experienced” aunties, grandmothers and neighbors who “raised several generations of newborns, washed them with laundry soap and nothing”...

What may the parents of the baby be worried about?

In the first months after the maternity hospital, a newborn girl may develop some features in the development, including the genital organs.

  • This is a light coating on the baby’s genitals ( smegma). It either disappears on its own or is washed off in several steps with cotton swabs dipped in warm water.
  • A girl's labia may become swollen. This happens because the mother’s female hormones have entered the baby’s body. The swelling subsides after some time.
  • The girl's mammary glands turn red and swell, and whitish dots appear on the nipples. This also happens due to the mother’s female hormones and goes away quickly.
  • The labia minora can grow together - otherwise this property is called synechia. Why is this happening? Not because of poor intimate hygiene or frequent use of “harmful” products. Synechia can appear in babies from six months. This happens due to a lack of the female hormone estrogen. Usually the doctor prescribes a special hormonal ointment. But synechia can also form due to the fact that, due to too active care of intimate places, small cracks form, which then heal, “merging” the girl’s labia minora.

Synechia very often occurs in girls from one to three years old. This is a physiological feature of development. You cannot get rid of it on your own, much less “tear” or spread apart the labia. Only a doctor can help get rid of this problem by prescribing a special ointment.

How to bathe a newborn girl

Evening bathing is best combined with evening care for the girl’s intimate parts. How to do this correctly?

It is better not to bathe the baby until the belly button heals. But some parents still take risks. The main thing is to pre-disinfect the newborn’s bath.

When and how often should you bathe your newborn?

Bathing time depends on the baby's character. Babies really enjoy taking a bath. But this procedure makes some people sleepy, while others, on the contrary, invigorate. Therefore, try to take this character trait into account and bathe either in the morning or in the evening before bed.

How long can you stay in the bathroom?

The first voyage can last very short - five to ten minutes. In the future, the time may increase to half an hour. This also depends on the child. There are children who do not like this procedure at all, while others simply cannot be taken out of the bathroom - they can “swim” there for hours. But under no circumstances should you leave your child alone in the bathroom unattended.

How to properly wash a newborn baby girl?

Now on sale there are very comfortable baby baths with supporting devices. If there is such a device, mother’s hands are free, and mother can put the baby on this device and pour warm water on her with her palms or a ladle. Take a good look at all the folds and spill them with water. Don't forget the space between the toes and arms, the folds on the legs and the space between the buttocks.

Daily bathing occurs without any detergents. Once a week, you can wash the hair on your head with baby shampoo, just like the rest of your child. Sequence, chamomile, mint, lavender will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby’s skin.

After the water procedure, lubricate the baby's skin with baby oil or cream.

Hygiene of a newborn girl, advice from Dr. Komarovsky (video):

You need to care for the genitals of a newborn girl daily and correctly. Simple hygiene in infancy will help prevent the occurrence of sexually transmitted infections and pathologies in adolescence and young adulthood.

  1. Air baths. Especially when wearing a diaper, it is necessary to do such “airing” for five to ten minutes. The air temperature in the room should not be low. Air baths will prevent diaper rash and irritation.
  2. Water for washing. Not hot and not cold. Comfortable, like a child’s body temperature (36 degrees). In the future it can be reduced a little.
  3. Water quality. Running tap water can be used to wash your baby from two weeks of age. Until this point, it is better to take boiled water.
  4. The baby's personal towel should not be hard. There is no need to rub the child too much, but just blot it, especially the genitals. The skin of a newborn is very delicate and can be easily damaged. First, blot the perineum, and then the buttocks.