Reasons for mucus in a woman's stool. Let's discuss the sudden appearance of mucus in the stool of an adult - what are the main causes of this problem? Such diseases include

Mucus in the stool is a common symptom that is considered harmless, but at the same time it can be a sign that some serious pathology has begun to develop in the body.

Very often this manifestation accompanies diarrhea, the acute phase of colitis or the appearance of bacterial infections, however, mucus can also appear as a result of an incorrect diet.

You need to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon based on the reason that caused it.

What does mucus in stool mean?

Factors that can provoke active mucus secretion are quite diverse. Among the most common are:

  • prolonged fasting;
  • sudden change in food products;
  • drinking raw drinking water from random sources;
  • colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by copious sputum production;
  • dietary nutrition, which involves daily consumption of decoctions of oats and flax seeds;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • hypothermia, which causes inflammation of the pelvic organs and anal area.

Paying attention to your health helps eliminate or prevent negative manifestations.

The appearance of impurities in the stool of an adult is in most cases associated with various diseases of the digestive system. Depending on the nature of the pathology, different types of mucous discharge appear.

Other reasons

In some cases, the appearance of stool mixed with mucus in adult patients is caused by reasons that are not as serious as diseases that pose a threat to health.

Such phenomena occur:

  • when consuming large amounts of cottage cheese, bananas, watermelons, oatmeal and rice porridge;
  • due to starvation diets or during the absorption of large quantities of vegetables and fruits;
  • due to a lack of protein in the diet.

The mucous membrane is exposed to the irritating effects of coarse fibers, which, due to improper nutrition, leads to its depletion and, as a result, disruption of digestive processes and an increase in secretions.

There is mucus and blood in the stool: causes in adults

  1. Pathological impurities - streaks with lumps of mucus - Crohn's disease, oncology;
  2. Blood clots in the stool indicate bleeding due to hemorrhoids, rectal cancer (mucus can be found on toilet paper after bowel movements);
  3. Jelly-like mass – proctitis, polyps, stomach ulcer.
  • The presence of an admixture of mucus with blood of a watery consistency - respiratory, intestinal infection;
  • The mucous contents are scarlet in color - cirrhosis of the liver, dilation of the intestinal veins, ulcers or stomach cancer;
  • Copious discharge in the stool – rectal diverticulosis, ischemic colitis.


Usually people detect mucus in their stool not by chance, but in cases where something bothers them. That is, a large amount of mucus is one of the symptoms that signal the development of the disease.

In addition, patients usually feel:

  • severe abdominal pain, cramps;
  • bloating and excessive gas formation;
  • abdominal tightness, constipation or diarrhea;
  • in severe cases, vomiting or other signs of intoxication;
  • pain during defecation;
  • blood or pus in the stool, possibly undigested food debris;
  • change in the shape and consistency of feces, its nonspecific smell;
  • mucus or bloody substance may remain on the patient's toilet paper or underwear;
  • for respiratory diseases, characteristic symptoms of cough, nasal congestion, rhinitis and more;
  • headaches and fatigue.

If you find these symptoms, as well as ichor or white discharge with feces, you should immediately consult a doctor and get tested to determine the cause of this phenomenon.


To draw up a detailed clinical picture, the doctor examines the patient and inquires about his diet and diet. After this, a number of events are planned:

  1. Analysis of stool to identify pathogenic microorganisms in it. To choose adequate treatment with antibiotics, you need to know exactly the type of causative agent of the disease.
  2. Studying mucus in laboratory conditions. A clinical and biochemical study is carried out to identify the level of leukocytes, indicating a progressive inflammatory process. The presence of red blood cells is also assessed.
  3. If damage to the stomach or duodenum is suspected, FGDS is prescribed. An ultrasound is performed to examine the abdominal organs. The list can be supplemented with an X-ray examination using contrast - a barium mixture.
  4. Study of the intestinal lumen through rectoscopy. This technique is indicated for suspected polyposis, neoplasms or hemorrhoids.

The therapy process is based on what exactly caused the formation of this kind of content in the stool. Most often, doctors use medications in the following categories:

Of great importance for stabilizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminating mucous formations in the intestines is a complete cessation of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. Meals should be fractional, when a person eats 5-6 times throughout the day, but in small portions.


If the appearance of white streaks in the stool is due to the presence of a disease that was subsequently cured, then you should take care of your body to prevent this from happening again.

The following can be done as preventive measures:

  • carefully monitor food, avoiding eating expired food;
  • it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet and refuse (or at least limit) the consumption of any foods that are “heavy” for the digestive system, that is, anything fatty, spicy or smoked;
  • Maintain personal hygiene - wash your hands thoroughly, keep the room clean;
  • prevent hypothermia and immediately begin treatment of any infectious diseases;
  • try to prevent the occurrence of such unpleasant conditions as diarrhea or constipation, bloating or irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • Periodically visit a doctor and undergo routine examinations. A timely diagnosed disease is much easier to cure than its advanced form.

The main thing to remember during treatment is that only under the guidance of a specialist can you completely get rid of the problem and minimize possible consequences.

Which doctor should I contact?

Causes of mucus in the stool of an adult - diagnosis and treatment methods

There is no rush to see a doctor with this delicate problem, but in vain. Mucus in the stool of an adult is a serious reason to examine the stomach and intestines and begin treatment. Seeing a doctor will help you avoid serious consequences. What diseases are characterized by the appearance of mucous discharge, how dangerous are the symptoms, what becomes a provoking factor so that secretions begin to come out along with the feces? These are important questions that require detailed answers.

What is mucus in stool

The wisely designed human body constantly secretes mucus to protect tissues and organs. An oily, jelly-like substance of white or transparent color is formed by the secretion produced by the intestinal glands. Part of it consists of epithelial cells, leukocytes on the surface of the mucous membrane. This secret plays an important role:

  • protects against the influence of toxic components of feces;
  • protects the intestinal lining from the mechanical effects of coarse food fibers;
  • prevents chronic constipation due to difficult passage of stool.

The adult body constantly produces and eliminates viscous contents - this is normal. Thanks to mucus, stool can easily move through the intestinal tract and exit through the anus. With inflammatory changes in the intestines, serious problems arise with the release of lubrication. As a result:

  • in the absence of cracks, damage to the mucous membrane, bleeding, and development of hemorrhoids;
  • Serious pathologies are possible with excessive secretion production;
  • A change in the color of the discharge indicates the presence of problems that require treatment.

What does it look like

The norm is that transparent mucus in the stool of an adult comes out in small quantities and consists of dead epithelial cells. With pathological lesions of the intestines, changes in the stomach, a protective reaction to the irritation process occurs. A lubricant begins to be intensively produced, protecting the mucous membrane and helping to remove foreign substances and pathogenic microorganisms.

Depending on the pathology, the viscous contents may differ in color and shape:

  • white or transparent– problems of the distal intestines;
  • yellow– provoke antibiotics, polyps, hemorrhoids;
  • grayish flakes on the surface of the stool– evidence of damage to the rectum, descending colon;
  • green– bacterial infection;
  • pink– processes with the release of pus;
  • small flakes mixed with stool– problems of the small intestine;
  • mixed with blood– ulcers, cracks, hemorrhagic inflammations;
  • black– cancerous tumors.

There are many reasons for the appearance of mucus in the stool of an adult. Some of them are related to lifestyle, for others the provoking factor is diseases. Typical reasons for the formation of mucous discharge:

  • poor quality water;
  • the presence of coarse dietary fiber;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • hypothermia of the pelvic organs;
  • taking medications;
  • swimming in a pond with cold water;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent dieting;
  • stressful situations;
  • eating unwashed vegetables and fruits
  • smoking;
  • unbalanced diet.

Feces with mucus in an adult are a signal of the presence of pathological changes. Discharge causes diseases:

  • irritable bowel syndrome, accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis – imbalance of microflora;
  • tumors in the stomach, intestines;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • allergies to substances entering the stomach;
  • infectious intestinal lesions - typhoid fever, dysentery, colitis, enteritis.

It is not uncommon for a jelly-like secretion to appear in an adult’s stool as a result of:

  • helminthic infestations;
  • infections of viral origin;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • hemorrhoids with cracks and ulcers;
  • ulcers of the stomach, duodenum;
  • polyps;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the colon;
  • spastic colitis;
  • intestinal diverticulosis;
  • proctitis;
  • cystic fibrosis.

White mucus in stool

What causes white, jelly-like discharge to appear in an adult? These symptoms in stool indicate the presence of stomach diseases and intestinal pathologies. The reasons for the appearance of symptoms are:

  • inflammation of the rectum, as well as the sigmoid and descending;
  • protective reaction to irritation by pathogenic organisms;
  • fungal infection of the anus;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of beneficial microorganisms – dysbacteriosis.

Mucus in the stool of an adult, white in color, is formed as a result of:

  • bacterial infection of anal fissures;
  • inflammatory diseases of the large intestine;
  • irritation of the intestinal walls due to allergic reactions, lactose intolerance, atopic dermatitis;
  • damage to the intestinal mucosa;
  • use of antibacterial drugs;
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
  • candidiasis;
  • disturbances of normal microflora;
  • diseases of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder.

Mucus instead of feces in an adult

When a patient comes out of the anus instead of feces with a viscous secretion that resembles snot or mucus, this means that the person is unable to retain the contents of the rectum. In this condition, pain in the lower abdomen and fever are observed. They provoke the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • prolonged constipation;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • volvulus;
  • bacterial infections;
  • rectal ulcer;
  • neoplasms;
  • polyps;
  • foreign object in the intestine.

A very serious situation - the release of bloody viscous contents. This is a sign of dangerous diseases. Mucus with blood in the stool of an adult has specific features in appearance, depending on the diagnosis. Experts note:

  • pathological impurities - veins with lumps of mucus - Crohn's disease, oncology;
  • inclusions of blood clots in the stool indicate bleeding due to hemorrhoids, rectal cancer (mucus can be found on toilet paper after defecation);
  • jelly-like mass – proctitis, polyps, stomach ulcer.

It is urgent to undergo an examination and begin treatment when mucous discharge with blood first appears during bowel movements. Symptoms, depending on the nature of secretion, indicate pathologies:

  • the presence of an admixture of mucus with blood of a watery consistency - respiratory, intestinal infection;
  • scarlet mucous contents – liver cirrhosis, intestinal varicose veins, ulcer or stomach cancer;
  • copious discharge in the stool – rectal diverticulosis, ischemic colitis.

Mucus in the stool of an adult. What could it be, causes and treatment

According to statistics from the World Health Organization, every 3 adults face the problem of mucous discharge during bowel movements. In 80% of cases, this condition does not pose a threat to the life and health of patients, but it can also be a symptom of a pathological process.

Causes of mucus in stool and possible diseases

Mucus is a viscous substance that is found on the walls of the intestines, forming a natural protective layer on the mucous tissues. The release of a small amount of clear liquid secretion is a normal process, as it removes pathogenic organisms and toxic compounds from the intestinal cavity. An increase in the volume of mucus may indicate the onset of the disease.

Often, along with this symptom, the patient is concerned about:

  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • foam together with normal stool;
  • absence of feces;
  • diarrhea.

One of the important criteria for assessing the severity of the condition and determining the focus of the pathology is the coloring of the mucus in one color or another.

White mucus in stool

White discharge can often be associated with:

  • inflammation in the rectum and sigmoid colon;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • bacterial or fungal infection of the anal folds;
  • allergic reactions to food;
  • candidiasis;
  • pathologies of the pancreas;
  • ulcerative colitis, including nonspecific;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • surgical procedures performed to install a colostomy bag;
  • constipation;
  • prostatitis;

consuming large quantities:

More rarely, the causes of white spots in the secretion are:

  • abscess in the intestinal or anal area;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • infection with Campylobacter, Yersinia, Salmonella or Shigella bacteria;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pathology of the testes;
  • vesiculitis.

Mucus instead of feces

The absence of feces and the release of viscous secretions during pushing may indicate:

  • constipation;
  • infection with worms;
  • a foreign object in the intestine;
  • volvulus;
  • polypous growths;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • ulcerative damage to the intestinal walls.

Often this symptom is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and an increase in temperature to 37.0-37.5°C.

Mucus with blood

The appearance of blood streaks in mucous secretions is considered a serious symptom.

Mucus in the stool of an adult, the causes of which are not extremely dangerous, is colored yellow.

The release of such liquid intestinal contents with feces is associated with:

  • bacterial intestinal infections;
  • poor digestibility of foods due to intolerance to certain foods;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • benign formations and polyps;
  • hypothermia;
  • eating too spicy or fatty foods;
  • poor diet;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • colds and infectious diseases;
  • colitis of the mucous and membranous type;
  • hemorrhoids.

Transparent slime

Uncolored secretions from the intestinal space are released during bowel movements due to:

  • constipation caused by spasms of the intestinal muscles and increased gas formation;
  • smoking;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excessive caffeine consumption;
  • long-term therapy with antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • colds accompanied by a large amount of sputum;
  • taking medications based on simethicone;
  • chronic colitis;
  • sluggish hemorrhoids.

Pink slime

A pink mucous in the stool indicates capillary bleeding, which can be caused by:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • injuries to the walls of the rectum;
  • ulcers in the colon.

Less common causes of pink secretion are:

  • enterocolitis;
  • diverticulitis;
  • dilation of intestinal vessels;
  • nonspecific colitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Crohn's disease in the early stages.

Black slime

This type of viscous secretion in stool is the most dangerous. It indicates bleeding in the digestive tract or the development of a malignant process.

It is worth paying attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • pain in the abdominal organs;
  • weight loss;
  • high fatigue.

The color of stool and mucus in them can also be affected by vitamin complexes, mineral food supplements, or products based on aluminum and iron.

Brown slime

This type of discharge in 90% of cases is not associated with serious health problems.

This mucus may appear due to:

  • rhinitis;
  • allergies;
  • colds and respiratory infections;
  • flu;
  • eating large amounts of beets;
  • taking iron-containing medications.

Less rare causes of brown secretion may be:

  • problems with the pancreas;
  • gastritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • polyps in the colon;
  • irritable bowel syndrome.

The likelihood of the growth of a malignant tumor or the presence of cystic fibrosis is minimal, in the absence of other characteristic symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • pain in the abdominal organs;
  • weakness;
  • sudden loss of body weight.

Diagnosis of pathologies

If mucous discharge is detected in the stool, you must contact a therapist, who will give you a referral for a general or detailed blood test, as well as a bacteriological analysis of the stool.

If necessary, consultation with specialized specialists may be required:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • proctologist;
  • surgeon;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • oncologist.

For further diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe:

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • coprogram;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;
  • computed tomography.

Mucus in the stool of an adult, the cause of which has not been determined using these methods, may require additional research.

For example:

  • colonoscopy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • study of blood electrolytes.

General treatments

Regardless of the factor that caused mucous inclusions in the stool, the patient is prescribed general methods of therapy.

Nutrition correction

Therapeutic nutrition is based on the principles of fractionation, that is, meals should occur every 3 hours. The portion per meal should not exceed 150-200 g.

Food products are selected by a specialist strictly individually, taking into account the presence of food allergies:

  • Tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • pasta;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • kefir;
  • yogurt;
  • milk;
  • cereals;
  • meat;
  • fruits;
  • legumes
  • Carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • coffee;
  • potato;
  • corn;
  • pumpkin;
  • beet;
  • jelly;
  • bananas.

When eating therapeutically, you need to drink about 1.5-2 liters. water per day. Dishes can be steamed or baked in the oven. It is recommended to temporarily exclude spicy and fried foods.

Drug therapy

General methods of therapy are aimed at maintaining the functioning of the digestive system:

    to restore the natural microflora, products containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as pro- and prebiotics are used;

Mucus in an adult's stool can be treated with medication to support the functioning of the digestive system. Prebiotics are used to restore the natural microflora.

  • for severe constipation, laxatives are used;
  • for diarrhea, lactulose-based products or other fixing agents are prescribed;
  • in case of pain, it is necessary to take antispasmodic drugs;
  • to maintain immune protection, immunostimulants are prescribed;
  • For preventive purposes, specialists often prescribe sorbents or activated carbon.
  • Folk remedies

    Among the recipes of traditional medicine there are remedies that are approved for use for any pathology of the digestive system. They do not affect the acidity of the stomach, intestinal mucous membranes or the functioning of the gallbladder.

    Traditional recipes:

    • Ginger infusion. Finely chop a ginger root about 1 cm in size and pour a glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, add 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice. It is recommended to take the product 30 minutes before. warm before meals up to 3 times a day. Single dose - 50-70 ml.
    • Herbal infusion. Mix 1 tsp. calendula, chamomile and yarrow and pour a glass of boiling water. Let the mixture brew and strain. The resulting solution must be drunk throughout the day.
    • Kefir with honey. Mix in a saucepan: buckwheat flour - 1 tbsp; kefir - 1 tbsp.; ginger - 0.5 tsp; honey - 1 tsp. Leave the mixture in a cool place for 7-8 hours. Then mix thoroughly again. The product should be taken in the morning, instead of the first meal.

    Mucus in the stool of an adult, the causes of which can be a threat to human health and life, can be treated using traditional methods only after consultation with a specialist.

    Treatment regimens for common pathologies

    Depending on the type of pathology identified, the doctor selects the necessary treatment. It is not recommended to independently adjust dosages or replace drugs from the prescribed regimen.

    Inflammatory diseases

    Among the common inflammatory pathologies, some diseases are distinguished.

    Mucus in stool in children and adults

    Treatment methods with folk remedies

    Mucus in stool cannot be considered a sign of any specific disease. This is one of the symptoms with which the body reacts to an unfavorable situation. The endothelium of the small intestine has a mucus-forming function, protecting its surface from active acids and alkalis. In the lumen of the large intestine, this mucus actively mixes with the bolus of food and undergoes a series of transformations, forming homogeneous feces. If you find mucus in stool, analyze how you ate the last few days, what you took, what concomitant illnesses or symptoms were present.

    • dramatic changes in diet;
    • drinking raw water from an unverified source;
    • taking antibiotics;
    • hunger;
    • colds: runny nose, profuse sputum when coughing;
    • a diet using a large number of mucous decoctions (oats, flax seed, etc.);
    • prolonged constipation, which was resolved by stool of any consistency mixed with mucus;
    • hypothermia of the pelvic area, anus (sitting for a long time in the cold, swimming in a pond with cold water).

    The most common symptoms with the presence of mucus in the stool:

    • false urge to defecate with pain and mucus discharge with normal body temperature (suspicion of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease);
    • formed stool with mucus and fresh scarlet blood (suspicion of hemorrhoids);
    • prolonged constipation with painful passage of a large fecal lump or “sheep stool” with mucus inclusions (this may be colitis);
    • fever, vomiting, frequent foamy stools of a liquid consistency mixed with clear mucus (various forms of escherichiosis caused by pathogenic strains of E. coli);
    • stool containing mucus with thin streaks of blood (most likely dysentery or ulcerative colitis);
    • foul-smelling stool with thick yellowish mucus (old rectal ulcers with infection and abscess rupture, possible disintegration of a cancerous tumor);
    • on the formed stool there is mucus in elastic thick strands-ribbons (if these are not worms, then membranous colitis should be suspected);
    • formed stool with lumps of mucus or short strands (various forms of non-infectious colitis);
    • inconsistent stool consistency from painful constipation to diarrhea, where in both cases mucus is present (possibly dysbacteriosis);
    • constant aching pain, stool retention, loss of appetite, periodic spasmodic pain in the same area with mucus discharge from the anus (may be intestinal obstruction);
    • associated with an emotional state, the urge to defecate with the release of mucus and abdominal pain (one option is irritable bowel syndrome).

    Mucus in stool in children

    Concerning children, reasons for detecting mucus in stool may become the above and:

    • malabsorption syndrome (impaired intraintestinal absorption);
    • cystic fibrosis (severe genetic pathology with many symptoms, including intestinal dysfunction);
    • Meckel's diverticula with the formation of diverticulitis (inflammation of hernia-like protrusions inside the intestinal lumen);
    • celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

    Moreover mucus in the stool of a child under one year old may be the norm: transient dysbiosis in the first days of life, transition to artificial nutrition, inclusion of complementary feeding and supplementary feeding. If the symptoms go away after 2-3 days and do not cause any inconvenience to the baby, then there is no need to sound the alarm. If new symptoms appear and the situation does not improve, consult a doctor immediately!

    Research methods

    • coprogram of feces;
    • micro- and macroscopy of stool;
    • bacterial culture to identify the pathogen;
    • Colonoscopy of a fat cat;
    • sigmoidoscopy of the ampulla of the rectum, sometimes the sigmoid;
    • X-ray research methods;
    • Ultrasound diagnostics of abdominal organs;
    • general blood test, biochemical blood test.

    Drug treatment

    Treatment of pathology will always be based on a correct diagnosis, taking into account research indicators and a complete medical history. For diseases caused by a specific pathogen, a course of antibiotics will be prescribed. For dysbiosis, pro- and prebiotics will be prescribed. If there is inflammation or ulcers on the mucous membrane, the choice will fall on drugs that relieve inflammation and swelling and promote rapid epithelization of the intestinal wall. Many pathologies (intestinal obstruction, significant polyps and other benign and malignant formations or advanced stages of hemorrhoids) require immediate surgical intervention.

    Home remedies

    First of all, make sure that you do not have serious symptoms. Self-medicating in this case is a waste of time. If the reasons are trivial, then try to eliminate them.

    • follow a diet: exclude spicy, fried, sour, very rough foods, too hot drinks or food, too cold dishes, eat small meals;
    • carry out light(!) gymnastics to eliminate constipation;
    • drink boiled water and eat pasteurized dairy products;
    • ensure proper thermal processing of food;
    • Monitor the expiration dates and quality of the food you eat;
    • refuse scented and colored toilet paper, maintain hygiene of the perineum and anus.

    Mucus due to diarrhea

    The production of mucus by the intestines is a normal physiological phenomenon. Mucus not only promotes the gentle movement of feces, but also eliminates the negative effects of alkali and acids. However, normally its amount is insignificant, and it is impossible to visually determine its presence in feces. Excessive mucus production indicates hyperfunction of goblet cells, which greatly outnumber the enterocytes present in the colon. If there is a lot of mucus with diarrhea, then the reasons can be very diverse.

    1. Excessive mucus production associated with diarrhea– a typical manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome. Typically, this phenomenon is accompanied by cramping abdominal pain, bloating, and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. This process, as a rule, has a chronic course, unless it is associated with a recent infectious disease or organ injury. The irritated intestines secrete clear or yellow mucus along with stool of a liquid consistency, sometimes with clots.
    2. Increased number of goblet cells also observed in case of allergies. Excess mucus in the stool is a manifestation of the body’s allergic reaction to food, chemical or drug intoxication.
    3. Autoimmune diseases- A common cause of mucus in stool. The chronic inflammatory process contributes to the constant production of mucus in increased quantities.
    4. Diarrhea with mucus appears after infection of the gastrointestinal tract with pathogenic flora. The pathological phenomenon resolves itself with timely and adequate therapy. A consultation with an infectious disease specialist will tell you why there is a lot of mucus in the stool and how to treat it.
    5. Mucus and pus in stool– the most dangerous condition, indicating an acute inflammatory process that requires immediate treatment. Purulent exudate can be a manifestation of proctitis, granulomatous colitis, cancer of the rectum and sigmoid colon, and villous tumor. Erosive processes in the intestinal mucosa provoke the appearance of cracks, causing severe itching, tingling and bleeding.
    6. Lots of clear mucus in stool released after undergoing antibacterial or hormonal therapy. Disruption of the natural microbial landscape of the intestine contributes to the appearance of irritation of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines, flatulence, and colic.
    7. Increased mucus production due to diarrhea– a common occurrence among people suffering from alcohol addiction. Constant “disinfection” of the intestines with substances containing ethyl alcohol destroys beneficial flora, disrupts digestion, causes fermentation, and accelerates peristalsis.
    8. Smelly swamp-colored mucus in a child's stool- a common phenomenon in pediatric practice. An immature immune system and insufficient production of intestinal enzymes are the main reasons why a child poops mucus instead of feces, has a stomach ache and a fever. Painful sensations are caused by increased formation of gases that distend the intestinal walls. To get rid of pain, it is necessary to adjust the diet, restore the intestinal microflora, and conduct physical therapy. An extensive inflammatory process in the intestines with damage to blood vessels and erosions becomes the reason why the child leaks blood and mucus from the anus.

    Answers to questions about how and how to treat mucus in the stool in adults and children will be answered by specialists:

    • gastroenterologist;
    • infectious disease specialist;
    • proctologist;
    • endocrinologist;
    • surgeon;
    • oncologist.

    A comprehensive examination of the body and intestines (micro- and macroscopic analysis of stool, X-ray examination, contrast enema, anorectal manometry) allows the doctor to make a diagnosis and determine how to treat stool with mucus in an adult or child. The traditional treatment regimen for diarrhea, dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome with increased mucus production involves the use of such medications.

    What causes mucus in stool: causes and treatment of diseases

    It is not accepted in society to talk about dysfunction of excretion. The problem with the health of this area of ​​the body is so delicate that sometimes people prefer to make do with the simplest pharmaceutical products. Patients with intestinal diseases are in no hurry to seek qualified help. It is the psychological discomfort from communicating with a doctor that explains the late detection of quite serious diseases. These also include conditions characterized by the presence of impurities in feces. Regardless of whether an adult has mucus in the stool or a child is sick, you will need to undergo a diagnosis.

    The value and norm of mucus in feces

    The excretory function is a complex mechanism: if at least one organ “fails”, a person’s well-being will worsen, a number of unpleasant signs will appear and, accordingly, the need to visit a specialist.

    Mucus is a jelly-like conglomerate. It is secreted by the glands of the internal organs (in this particular case, these ducts lie in the intestinal tissues) and provides a protective function. Enveloping the walls of the digestive tract, this secretion prevents the penetration of pathogenic flora inside the tissue. Pathogenic microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. To remain in a normal state, the body needs a barrier layer.

    Mucus is always present in the stool: it is due to its presence that the masses move outward through the intestines painlessly and with minimal discomfort. If this secretion is less than the required concentration, scratches and damage (anal fissure) will occur during bowel movements.

    The transparent discharge in question consists of cells of the mucous epithelium of the intestine and white blood cells - leukocytes. In the normal state of the body, this impurity should not be visible. If excess mucus in the stool is detected without the need to concentrate, the person has obvious health problems. A violation of the functional activity of the digestive tract organs cannot be ruled out.

    Causes of mucus in stool

    All causes of mucus in the stool in adults and children are divided into diseases of infectious-inflammatory origin and oncological significance. The third group of root causes is associated with a violation of the nutrition program (quality, quantity).
    The main diseases that are manifested by the release of mucous conglomerate along with feces:

      Hemorrhoids and polyps. The secretion of the glands does not mix with feces, but remains on its surface, which is easily determined by looking at used toilet paper.

    Important! If there are streaks of blood inside the feces, there is a high probability of a more serious pathology than hemorrhoids. In most clinical cases, the sign indicates the formation of an oncological tumor.

    If, simultaneously with the color of the stool, the patient feels intense pain, aversion to food (especially meat products), pale skin and dizziness, you should immediately consult a therapist. The specialist will give a referral for examination by a doctor of the appropriate profile. Further treatment will be carried out by an oncologist.

    In addition to mucus, stool may contain remnants of undigested food - this is an important symptom: you should inform your doctor about your observation at the time of the survey/examination.

    Less common causes of mucus in stool

    The appearance of jelly-like masses inside feces is not always associated with serious health problems. A lot of mucus is caused by:

    • Wrong diet, prolonged fasting. A grueling type of diet, designed to make a refined figure, forces the body to undergo protein deficiency. The mucous epithelium suffers from the lack of a balanced diet and is depleted.
    • Eating bananas, cottage cheese, watermelons, and porridges made from rice or oatmeal the day before.
    • Predominance of coarse dietary fiber in the diet.

    It is simple to restore the intestines damaged as a result of these phenomena. Enough normalize the menu, introduce more fortified foods, soups, and broths. Adjust your diet so that portions are small and the frequency of consumption is frequent.
    In certain clinical cases, mucus appears instead of feces:

    • For constipation. This is a condition in which the patient is unable to have bowel movements in a timely manner. Stagnation of feces causes physical and psychological discomfort. Constipation is defined as the absence of bowel movements for three days in a row.
    • Intestinal obstruction. The pathology is caused by adhesive disease - the proliferation of connective tissue in response to injury.
    • Helminthiasis. Stool with mucus in an adult or child occurs due to helminthic infestations.

    The child poops mucus after the first complementary foods were introduced incorrectly. The condition is also preceded by a bacterial infection. When parents notice specific bowel movements, it is also important to monitor the baby’s body temperature, appetite, and general condition.


    In addition to conducting an examination and clarifying complaints, the specialist clarifies the quality and diet of the patient. Then he needs to give a stool sample to identify pathogenic microflora. Having established which specific pathogen caused the development of the disease, it will be easier for the doctor to navigate. This is also necessary for prescribing the correct treatment (especially antibiotic therapy).

    The mucus present in the stool is also studied in the laboratory.

    A blood test (clinical and biochemical) will reveal an increased number of leukocytes, which indicates the presence of a progressive inflammatory process. When mucus is observed in the stool simultaneously with red streaks and there is a suspicion of internal bleeding, an occult blood test will help identify the focus. To do this, the patient submits a small portion of stool: the laboratory assistant confirms or denies the presence of red blood cells.

    Considering the preliminary diagnosis, the patient is given additional diagnostic options such as FGDS and ultrasound. If necessary, an x-ray examination using a barium mixture. If mucus in the stool is associated with the presence of hemorrhoids, polyps or other rectal neoplasms, rectoscopy will be required.

    Bright pink mucus appearing against the background of dark feces is a sign of an existing stomach ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver or varicose veins of the intestine. If this pathology is confirmed, the patient needs hemostatic therapy.

    1. Aminocaproic acid is administered intravenously through a dropper. Dicinon is prescribed intramuscularly (every 6 hours, 2 ml), calcium chloride 10% 10 ml should be administered intravenously (slowly).
    2. If acute pain is bothering you, the patient needs to be anesthetized: with a peptic ulcer, so-called dagger pain develops, which is psychologically or physically impossible to endure.
    3. If the condition is observed before the doctor arrives, it is advisable not to give analgesics (especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ones - Voltaren, Diclofenac), apply an ice pack or any cold to the most painful area of ​​the abdomen.
    4. Call a doctor immediately. Before his arrival, you should not give food or drink - it is better to wet the patient’s lips.
    5. Evacuations (mucous, foamy, with remnants of undigested food) need to be remembered by frequency of discharge and volume - this will help the doctor understand the clinical picture. The same goes for vomiting and urination.

    The pediatrician is responsible for eliminating mucus in the child’s intestines. If the health problem is caused by improper (premature) complementary feeding or individual intolerance to milk, the doctor will help you create the right menu and prescribe medications to eliminate allergic manifestations.

    When the mucous nature of the stool is caused by the presence of worms inside the intestines, the specialist will prescribe anthelmintics. The simplest of them is Pirantel.

    If indigestion is caused by intestinal obstruction and the presence of adhesions is confirmed, this condition cannot be treated conservatively. An effective therapeutic approach would be surgery. It involves dissection of fused sections of the intestine to ensure complete movement of food along the tract.

    Treatment of hemorrhoids depends on its stage at the time of visiting a doctor. Options for eliminating the problem are the use of rectal suppositories or ointments. Polyps are eliminated through surgery (but only when they are large, constantly bleed, or become damaged).

    If the patient is only concerned about mucus, he will not be referred for surgery.

    To eliminate a bacterial infection, serious and long-term treatment will be required: bed rest, antibiotic therapy, fortified nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids, limiting physical activity.

    At the time of contacting a specialist, it is important to explain not only the main complaints - pain, constipation, slow metabolism: the patient must describe what mucus looks like in the stool. This will help the doctor recreate an accurate clinical picture, draw up an examination plan, and prescribe treatment.

    Like it, and then even more people will become more attentive to their health!

    Any intestinal disease causes psychological discomfort in both children and adults. The presence of unusual impurities in feces cannot be ignored. If some symptoms are harmless, then in some cases a change in the consistency of stool, including excess sputum, indicates a serious malfunction.

    Manifestations of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are many-sided and feces with mucus are a common symptom. Doctors recommend not to perceive such a sign as the norm, especially with accompanying changes in the condition of the body. Only a comprehensive diagnosis will make it possible to understand how serious the consequences can be.

    What is mucus

    We are talking about a jelly-like substance that is produced by ducts running in the intestinal walls. This substance protects the gastrointestinal tract from the negative influence of pathogenic flora in the form of viruses, bacteria, and fungi. As a result of secretion, the internal space is lined with a kind of barrier layer. This preserves the correct function of digestion and ensures the normal progression of the processed lump up to the anus.

    The presence of mucus in feces is normal, provided its concentration is maintained within acceptable limits. Negative mechanisms have been launched in the body that require timely intervention from the outside if the impurity is detected in excess or has an opaque color:

    • Yellow.
    • White.
    • Pink.
    • Brown.
    • Greenish.

    When does mucus appear in stool?

    The main reasons for this disorder are associated with the development of an infectious-inflammatory or oncological process, a sharp change in diet, including both the quality of products and their quantity.

    It is important to exclude the following pathological conditions:

    • Polyposis or hemorrhoids. A feature of both diseases is the secretion of glandular secretions separately from the feces. In the latter case, a characteristic hard ball is additionally felt in the anal area. Touching it leads to pain.
    • Membranous colitis– a lot of mucus is found in the stool, foreign impurities look like long dense threads, similar to helminths.
    • Intestinal infection. The veins turn yellow or green, general weakness, muscle and bone aches, and fever appear. Painful spasms occur in the navel area.
    • Formation of tumors in the colon. Both benign and malignant processes are possible. The condition worsens already in the later stages of the disease. Mucus in the stool of an adult comes out along with bloody inclusions.
    • Diverticulitis or hernia. We are talking about the development of an inflammatory process in the large intestine as a result of protrusion of its area. The violation is accompanied by loose stools, in which bloody streaks are visible. An additional symptom is excessive gas formation.
    • Irritable bowel syndrome, caused by improper gastrointestinal motility, which leads to inadequate digestion of food. One of the root causes of the negative phenomenon is the development of gastritis or enteritis against the background of a bacterial infection.
    • Dysbacteriosis. Mucus, instead of feces or together with feces, is released in excess due to a violation of the microflora, which directly affects the synthesis of sputum.
    • Cystic fibrosis. Pathology of genetic origin occurs with damage to most internal organs capable of producing secretions. Features of the disease are putrefactive processes in the intestines, increased salivation, and frequent urge to go to the toilet.
    • Intestinal obstruction as a result of the proliferation of connective tissue and the development of adhesive disease.
    • Prolonged constipation.

    Other common causes of mucus clots in stool:

    • Intolerance to a certain group of foods.
    • Lactase deficiency.
    • Fasting or protein deficient diet.
    • Excessive amounts of coarse fiber products in the diet.

    Negative symptoms can also be triggered by rice, oatmeal, bananas, and cottage cheese consumed the day before.

    Urgent medical attention is required if the following signs are present:

    • White or yellow mucus and remnants of undigested food are visible in the stool.
    • There is pale skin, dizziness, and aversion to meat products.

    Accurate diagnosis of the disease

    To draw up a detailed clinical picture, the doctor examines the patient and inquires about his diet and diet. After this, a number of events are planned:

    1. Analysis of stool to identify pathogenic microorganisms in it. To choose adequate treatment with antibiotics, you need to know exactly the type of causative agent of the disease.
    2. Studying mucus in laboratory conditions. A clinical and biochemical study is carried out to identify the level of leukocytes, indicating a progressive inflammatory process. The presence of red blood cells is also assessed.
    3. If you suspect gastric damage or duodenum, FGDS is prescribed. An ultrasound is performed to examine the abdominal organs. The list can be supplemented with an X-ray examination using contrast - a barium mixture.
    4. Study of the intestinal lumen through rectoscopy. This technique is indicated for suspected polyposis, neoplasms or hemorrhoids.

    Mucus with blood

    If the stool is colored black or contains viscous masses of a characteristic red hue, there is a serious disorder that requires urgent treatment at a medical facility. The color of mucus is affected by the following conditions:

    • Crohn's disease, malignant tumors - lumps interspersed with blood, scattered veins are determined.
    • Rectal cancer and hemorrhoids occur with the appearance of pathological clots in the stool. Often traces of phlegm are clearly visible on toilet paper.
    • Polyposis, proctitis, gastric ulcer - are accompanied by the release of a jelly-like substance.
    • Intestinal or respiratory infection - mucus and blood have a watery consistency.
    • Cirrhosis of the liver, varicose veins, gastric cancer - the secreted secretion turns scarlet.
    • Ischemic colitis - many specific secretions are visualized.

    Treatment and elimination of mucus

    The doctor selects a suitable treatment regimen based on the diagnosis. The first priority is organizing the diet. Fibrous foods are excluded from food, and a balance is maintained between incoming lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. It is also necessary to avoid fatty, seasoned foods and preserves. Abuse of chocolate and flour products is also not allowed.

    Medicines are selected depending on the diagnosis:

    As for specific medications, the following medications are indicated for adults:

    • Interferon - used if the cause of the disease is a virus.
    • Furazolidone - helps eliminate loose stools due to intestinal infection.
    • Amphotericin B - indicated for candidiasis and other fungal infections, which are characterized by white mucus in the stool.
    • Bifiform - used to eliminate dysbacteriosis.
    • No-spa - used to relieve inflammation and spasms.
    • Contrical is included in the treatment regimen for pancreatic pathology.

    Simultaneously with drug and diet therapy, the drinking regime is reviewed, increasing the amount of fluid entering the body. An effective addition to these activities are traditional medicine recipes. You can choose the following options:

    • Black pepper. Before going to bed, swallow 15–20 peas. Take this medicine with a glass of strong unsweetened tea or clean boiled water.
    • Herbal infusion. Wormwood, chamomile, and St. John's wort cope well with stool disorders.

    Mucus in a child's stool

    Separately, it is necessary to consider changes in stool consistency in infants. A similar problem is common among babies who are introduced to their first complementary foods. Similar symptoms are characteristic of the initial stage of a bacterial infection. Therefore, it is recommended to monitor body temperature every day, pay attention to behavior and appetite.

    If pronounced clots of mucus are detected in the child’s stool, stool culture is prescribed to differentiate between dysbiosis and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. When liquid masses come out and there are signs of dehydration, placement in an infectious diseases hospital is required.

    Intestinal intussusception becomes a dangerous pathology for the baby. We are talking about partial obstruction as a result of indentation of a segment of the wall. The child suffers from severe pain both during and after eating. In addition to mucous stool with red streaks, fountain vomiting is diagnosed. As a rule, within 24 hours, bowel movements turn into a mixture of sputum and blood.

    The disorder can be eliminated only by performing a barium enema. Lack of timely treatment is fraught with dehydration, painful shock, and sepsis.

    Less dangerous causes of mucus in a child’s stool include:

    • Taking antifoaming agents to eliminate colic.
    • Lactase or gluten deficiency. Feces with this disorder are liquid; in addition to sputum, lumps of milk or mixture are found in them. They cope with the disease by choosing the right baby food.
    • Allergic reaction.
    • Rhinitis.


    Like most other diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are easier to prevent than to cure. Preventive measures are not difficult.

    Reading time: 9 minutes.

    Mucus is always present in stool. It is secreted by the endothelium of the small intestine for a protective purpose. Normally, the amount of mucus entering the stool is insignificant. It is impossible to notice her.

    If inclusions are visible to the naked eye, we can talk about serious health problems.

    A child's feces with mucus should alert parents. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, and they all require attention. Read about the provoking factors for the appearance of mucus, possible accompanying symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases that caused the deviation.

    Consultation with a pediatrician is required if there is mucus in the stool

    Possible reasons

    Increased secretion of mucous masses by the endothelium indicates that a large amount of alkali and active acids enter the intestines. Trying to protect itself from their negative impact, the body “takes action.” Abundantly secreted mucus is mixed with digested food, processed and later found in the stool.

    Quite often this phenomenon is observed in children in the first days or weeks of life. Mucous stool in a newborn is explained by the fact that the baby has a sterile gastrointestinal tract. Along with food, various bacteria penetrate into it - both beneficial and pathogenic. A struggle for survival begins between them. When the situation stabilizes, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract adapts to new conditions, mucous inclusions from the stool disappear. If this does not happen, or the problem arose later - when the child is already several months old, common causes of deviation are:

    • violation of the diet by a nursing mother;
    • unsterile breast milk;
    • intestinal dysbiosis caused by pathogens;
    • lactose intolerance;
    • switching to another type of formula when artificial feeding;
    • thrush transmitted by the mother during childbirth;
    • introducing complementary foods too early.

    Poor nutrition is one of the reasons for the appearance of mucus

    In older children, the most common reason for a lump of mucus (or several) to appear is dysbacteriosis. This is especially true if we are talking about a one-year-old baby who puts everything in his mouth and can easily catch an infection. Of course, for this reason, mucus may appear in the stool in a child of 2 years of age, as well as in older children.

    Other common reasons include:

    • an unbalanced diet or a sudden change in it;
    • colds, acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
    • taking antibiotics;
    • hypothermia in the pelvic area (bathing in a pond for a long time or sitting on damp ground);
    • worms;
    • prolonged constipation;
    • allergic reaction.

    Much less common in children are such provoking factors for the appearance of lumps of mucus in the stool, such as autoimmune pathologies, cancer, Crohn's disease, intestinal obstruction, cystic fibrosis, colitis. All of these ailments are very serious. During the examination, they should be excluded first.

    Normal stool in a baby

    What do color and consistency say?

    Mucus in stool can look different. Its shade depends on the reason that caused the deviation. Here's what the discharge colors say:

    1. Green. Indicates the rapid proliferation of pathogens in the intestines. A small amount of such mucus occurs during dysbiosis. Abundant inclusions may indicate enteritis or bacterial colitis. The smell of feces is particularly foul.
    2. Yellow. It speaks of progressive inflammation. The mucus takes on this color due to the large number of leukocytes in it. Sometimes pus impurities are responsible for the yellowish color.
    3. Pink. Very bad color. The mucus contains streaks of blood. This symptom may indicate Crohn's disease, erosion, or ulcers in the intestines.
    4. White. The mucus contains exfoliated epithelial cells. Similar processes occur when the inner lining of the intestines is irritated due to allergies. This color also occurs with worms.
    5. Red. Explained by a large number of blood impurities. Often, mucus of this color becomes the result of mechanical trauma to the rectum due to frequent use of enemas or gas tubes. A bloody tint may indicate Crohn's disease or allergic colitis.
    6. Red-brown, black mucus colors occur when internal bleeding has opened.

    Infant feces - color and disease

    If, instead of stool, only watery mucus is released, an acute intestinal infection is most likely present.

    Associated symptoms

    A single case of detection of mucus when the child is feeling normal and there are no changes in his behavior is not a cause for concern. If the phenomenon repeats again and again, and other abnormalities are observed, medical attention is needed. The most common accompanying symptoms of mucus are:

    • constipation and diarrhea;
    • flatulence;
    • lack of appetite;
    • long crying;
    • abdominal pain;
    • fever, increased body temperature;
    • cough with phlegm (which, when swallowed, enters the stomach and comes out with feces);
    • profuse snot (the mechanism is the same as with sputum);
    • lethargy, weakness, drowsiness;
    • vomit;
    • false urge to go to the toilet “for the most part.”

    When the discharge of mucus is accompanied by constant vomiting, a strong increase in temperature, the stool is foul-smelling, the color ranges from dark burgundy to black, the child poops more than ten times a day, immediate hospitalization is required. We can talk about life-threatening conditions.

    Mucus due to diarrhea

    Mucus accompanied by diarrhea is the main sign of dysbiosis. It is almost transparent if the disorder is caused by antibiotics. With “killed” intestinal microflora, digestion is seriously impaired. A child may ask to use the potty or toilet literally ten minutes after eating. His body receives very few nutrients. Diarrhea with mucus is usually accompanied by abdominal pain and increased gas formation.

    Frequent loose stools in infants are a special cause for concern.

    The small, immature organism becomes dehydrated very quickly, which can be fatal. The situation gets worse when diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting. The baby must be urgently taken to the hospital or an ambulance called.

    A doctor's examination is mandatory for infants.

    Mucus due to constipation

    ☝️ Mucus is often a phenomenon with constipation. A large amount of it is secreted to protect the walls of the colon, which can be easily injured by hardened fecal stones. The mucous masses are usually white. Sometimes they have a pinkish or light red tint, which may indicate the presence of mechanical damage.

    Mucus due to constipation is a symptom of many dysfunctions. It is more common in adults (with hemorrhoids, neoplasms, intestinal obstruction), but sometimes pediatric doctors also record it.

    Constipation in a child is almost always accompanied by mucus

    Mucous discharge in this disease resembles ribbons and has a thick consistency. Accompanied by severe abdominal pain, nausea, and weakness.

    Parents' actions

    Having noticed unusual inclusions in the feces of their child, the first thing parents should do is to carefully look at his behavior: is he sleeping well, is he crying for no reason, is he behaving as usual or has something changed, has he lost his appetite... If everything is normal, and more mucus appeared, but there was no diarrhea, vomiting, or fever, you could exhale. Most likely, there was some kind of temporary glitch ⏱️.

    In the same case, when there are accompanying symptoms and the stool contains characteristic impurities, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Without a diagnosis, there is no point in carrying out any treatment.

    Consultation with a pediatrician, gastroenterologist (possibly a nutritionist, proctologist) and a high-quality examination are necessary.

    Diagnostic methods

    Abundant mucus in the stool is clearly visible to the naked eye. It is also easy to notice bloody, yellow, green, white, black masses. Before going to the doctor, it is advisable to take a closer look at the clot of mucus, determine its consistency, shade, and quantity, so that the specialist gets the most complete picture and chooses the optimal examination methods. You can take your baby's soiled diaper with you.

    Stool analysis - a coprogram for diagnosing the disease

    Treatment with medications

    ☝️ Mucus in the stool is not a disease, but one of the symptoms of some kind of deviation. It is not the effect that needs to be treated, but the cause. Drug therapy for different pathologies will differ. Eg:

    1. If a child has a cold, has caught an acute respiratory viral infection, bronchitis, or pneumonia, antiviral medications, nasal drops, gargles, and rubbing are prescribed.
    2. Dysbacteriosis is treated with intestinal antiseptics and probiotics.
    3. For infectious intestinal diseases, antibiotics and rehydration agents are indicated. Antiviral drugs may be prescribed.
    4. Thrush requires the use of antifungal drugs.
    5. Inflammatory bowel pathologies are treated with sulfalazines and glucocortiroids.
    6. Pancreatitis is fought with the help of enzyme-containing drugs.
    7. In the presence of erosions and ulcers, healing, relieving swelling, and painkillers are indicated.

    Each case is individual. It is impossible to talk about a single tactic for combating mucus. Only a doctor selects therapy.

    Home and folk treatment

    Even the famous doctor Komarovsky, who often criticizes alarmist parents who stuff their children with medications with or without reason, believes that it is impossible to try to eliminate the regular appearance of mucus in the feces on your own. It's useless and too risky. Home treatment is possible, but only after visiting a doctor and making a diagnosis. It consists of following a diet (excluding fatty, sweet, smoked, spicy foods), performing light physical exercises, massages (for constipation), and split meals. If an artificial baby gets sick and the reason is lactose deficiency, it will be enough to replace the regular formula with a special one. If the deviation is allergic in nature, they try to eliminate the irritant. When antibiotics become the cause, stop taking them and restore the microflora with fermented milk products.

    Cumin infusion helps with constipation

    Alternative treatment for children is also exclusively supportive. Depends on the characteristics of the disease.

    • For dysbiosis, decoctions are prepared from chamomile, onions, cinquefoil, and oak bark.
    • Colds and flu are treated with herbal teas, a runny nose is eliminated with hemlock tincture, coughs are “afraid” of black radish with honey, egg mixture, and plants that have an expectorant effect.
    • Worms are removed with garlic, carrot juice and honey.
    • Constipation is eliminated with juices (cabbage, orange, peach), infusion of caraway fruits, dill seeds and chamomile flowers.

    So, mucus in feces is a phenomenon that requires increased attention. Normal stool is brown, yellowish, orange, beige (in infants, as an option - green). Has a medium consistency. Does not contain clots or impurities. This is an important indicator of health!

    Having found out why the mucus appeared, you should immediately begin to fight the cause. In this case, amateur activities are not allowed. Treatment should be prescribed and supervised by a professional doctor.

    Video: what kind of chair should a baby have?

    From the article you will learn the features of the appearance of mucus in the feces of adults, the causes of discharge, types, methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

    Mucus in the stool of an unusual color is a serious reason for examining the gastrointestinal tract; the pathology indicates an inflammatory process or hypersecretion of the glands of the digestive tube in order to protect the epithelium from toxins or damaging elements.

    general information

    Normally, the presence of mucus in the digestive system in moderate quantities is a physiological process. The secretion is necessary to protect the intestinal mucosa from toxins and mechanical injuries from dense fecal matter or dietary fiber, and to facilitate bowel movements.

    Mucus is constantly secreted in the digestive system, since the adult body forms a bolus of food in real time and removes it through the anus to the outside. These are dead epithelial cells. Inflammation or intoxication changes the consistency of the secretion, its quantity, composition, and the result is:

    • violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, cracks;
    • bleeding;
    • hemorrhoids are formed;
    • mucus plugs form;
    • impurities of various types appear.

    Depending on the pathology, the secretion of the intestinal glands may differ in color and shape:

    • white mucus in the stool or its transparent version in large quantities indicates pathological changes in the distal parts of the intestine;
    • yellow – the result of taking antibiotics, the formation of polyps;
    • gray – problems of the descending department;
    • green – bacterial infection;
    • pink – suppuration;
    • black – tumor process;
    • small flakes of undifferentiated color – pathology in the small intestine;
    • admixture of blood - erosive and ulcerative processes of the mucous membrane, cracks, hemorrhages.

    Causes of pathology

    The trigger for hypersecretion of mucus in men and women can be for different reasons: lifestyle, eating habits, diseases. The most common causes of secretion are:

    • drinking water with impurities dangerous to the mucous membrane of the food tube;
    • rough, poorly digestible food;
    • fasting or dieting;
    • hypothermia;
    • constant use of medications;
    • swimming in cold water;
    • alcohol;
    • stress;
    • smoking;
    • unwashed vegetables, fruits;
    • unbalanced diet.

    Stool and mucus cause diseases:

    • irritable bowel syndrome with vomiting, dyspepsia, constipation;
    • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
    • tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • Crohn's syndrome;
    • sensitization of the body;
    • infections;
    • inflammatory processes.

    Discharge in stool may be the result of:

    • helminthiasis;
    • viral pathologies;
    • exacerbations of respiratory diseases;
    • hemorrhoidal disease with complications;
    • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
    • intestinal polyposis;
    • inflammation of the pancreas, large intestine;
    • colitis of spastic origin;
    • diverticulosis;
    • proctitis and paraproctitis;
    • cystic fibrosis.

    Clinical manifestations

    Symptoms of pathological secretion of the glands of the mucous membrane of the digestive system are varied, since they are caused by many reasons. But the main clinical, visually distinguishable manifestation is still the color and consistency of the mucus.

    White mucus in stool

    Viscous white discharge, reminiscent of jelly, in the stool of an adult indicates inflammation of the rectum, dysbiosis, mycosis of the rectum, irritation of the mucous membrane by microorganisms or poorly digested foods. Rough food or infection can provoke cracks, an allergic reaction, and exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

    Mucus instead of feces

    If instead of formed feces during defecation, mucus plugs that imitate snot come out of the anus, this means the inability of the digestive system to correctly form a bolus of food and pass it along the entire length of the intestine. Excessive irritation of the mucous membrane causes hypersecretion in a volume that the anal sphincter is unable to hold. The flow of mucus is accompanied by abdominal pain and hyperthermia.

    The most serious situation is that which indicates a violation of the integrity of the intestinal mucosa as a result of erosive and ulcerative processes, tumors. There may be blood in the stool. The danger lies in the development of uncontrolled bleeding, anemia, and cancer metastasis.

    Yellow slime

    The yellow color of the discharge indicates the presence of pus in the stool, the development of inflammation, the addition of secondary flora against the background of polyps, hemorrhoidal disease, dysbacteriosis, and intestinal infections.

    Transparent slime

    This is the safest option for hypersecretion of the glands of the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The reasons may be smoking, taking medications, coffee, hunger. The most dangerous is the development of spastic or membranous colitis. An examination by a specialist is required.

    Pink slime

    Pink secretion is a dangerous situation that most often occurs due to liver cirrhosis, peptic ulcer, Crohn's syndrome, allergic colitis, intestinal varicose veins of various locations, and diverticulosis.

    Black slime

    The most common cause of black secretion is taking vitamins or medications containing iron. But in the worst case scenario, this is a sign of a malignant neoplasm, therefore an urgent comprehensive examination is necessary in this case. A change in the color of mucus in the stool is associated with severe bleeding.

    Brown slime

    Most often, a brown secretion indicates insufficient pancreatic function or dysbacteriosis. However, sometimes this coloration of mucus can be caused by direct entry of mucus from the nose into the intestines during acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by a runny nose. In addition, a brown tint may indicate a secondary infection. Pus in the stool can also turn brown.


    A change in the color of the secretion of the glands of the mucous membrane of the digestive tube requires consultation with a qualified specialist: a therapist, gastroenterologist, proctologist, infectious disease specialist.

    It is necessary to donate blood for a detailed analysis and conduct a bacteriological examination of stool. Sometimes a consultation with a surgeon or oncologist may be required. In any case, the clinical and laboratory examination of the patient includes:

    • OAC, OAM – screening of the patient’s general condition;
    • biochemical tests: blood for sugar, cholesterol, tumor markers, antibodies to hepatitis viruses, and so on;
    • coprogram;
    • endoscopic instrumental research methods: FGDS, anoscopy and others as recommended by a doctor;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis;

    If this minimum is not prescribed:

    • sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy;
    • blood electrolyte balance.

    Features of treatment

    Therapy for pathologically altered secretion of the mucous membrane of the digestive system is subject to correction by general and special methods. Common ones include the nutritional system, lifestyle changes, the use of systemic medications, and background traditional medicine. The most common pathologies are treated with separate complex regimens.

    Balanced diet

    The diet should be based on fractional meals with meals every three hours. A serving should not exceed 200 g in volume. Food products are selected on an individual basis, taking into account intolerance to individual components and susceptibility to allergies. The drinking ration is calculated per kilogram of weight, at least 1.5 l/day. Steaming, baking, boiling. Fatty and salty foods should be avoided.


    Systemic therapy to relieve hypersecretion of digestive mucus aims to stabilize and maintain the function of the digestive system. For this purpose, pre-, pro-, dysbiotics, lacto- and bifidobacteria are used. This helps restore the natural intestinal microflora. In addition, they use:

    • laxatives if the cause of hypersecretion is constipation;
    • diarrhea is treated with lactulose derivatives;
    • pain is relieved with antispasmodics;
    • immunity is supported by immunostimulants and immunomodulators;
    • intoxication is removed with sorbents or activated carbon, drugs based on it.

    Folk recipes

    There are no special herbs or plants to normalize mucus production in the digestive system. However, herbal remedies that are used to treat any pathological changes in the digestive system are effective. They are loyal to stomach acidity and bile production. Here are some of them:

    • ginger drink: the root of the plant (1 cm) is crushed and brewed with a glass of boiling water, cool, add a spoonful of honey, lemon juice, drink 50 ml three times a day before meals;
    • herbal tea from chamomile, calendula, yarrow in equal parts (teaspoon) per glass of boiling water - drink throughout the day;
    • kefir with honey: a tablespoon of buckwheat flour per glass of kefir, half a teaspoon of ginger, a spoonful of honey - the mixture is infused for 8 hours in the refrigerator, stirred, and drunk instead of breakfast.

    All prescriptions are agreed upon with the doctor in advance.

    Treatment regimens for common pathologies

    Treatment of hypersecretion of digestive mucus depends on the type of pathology on an individual basis. It is not recommended to change the schemes.

    Inflammatory diseases

    Altered mucus is most common in irritable bowel syndrome. They use antispasmodics (Trimedat, No-Shpu, Duspatalin), antidiarrheals (Loperamide, Imodium, Smecta), laxatives (Duphalac, Buscopan), antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Imipramine, Citalopram), probiotics (Enterozermina, Linex), prebiotics (Fervital, Lactulose , Lactofiltrum).

    For the treatment of diverticulum, antibiotics (Flemoxin, Cefoxitin), analgesics (Mesacol), antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil), laxatives (Normaze, Mucofalk), antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Meteospasmil) are used.

    Worm infestations


    Imbalance of intestinal microflora is corrected with antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Oxamp), antifungals (Fluconazole, Flucostat), bacteriophages (Sextaphage, Intesti), sorbents (Polysorb), probiotics (Bifilakt) and prebiotics (Lactofiltrum, Fervital), enzymes (Creon), immunomodulators (Immunal, Echinacea).

    Other pathologies

    Tumors of any origin, polyps, are removed using surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.

    The appearance of mucus in the stool is not always an alarming symptom. The reason may be a person’s lifestyle (smoking, physical activity, overeating). But in any case, if heavy or colored discharge occurs, it is recommended to consult a specialist to find out the cause of this phenomenon.

    Last updated: January 15, 2020

    Mucus in the stool is the discharge of a white substance with a mucous consistency along with the stool. It should be noted that a small amount of clear mucus is not a symptom of any disease, as mucus is produced by the body for the correct implementation of the act of defecation. In all other cases, especially if the mucus in the stool is dark in color, you should consult a doctor, as this clearly indicates the development of a pathological process.

    The clinical picture that will appear along with this symptom depends on the underlying factor. The reasons for the formation of mucus in the stool can only be determined by laboratory and instrumental examination methods. Treatment will be aimed primarily at eliminating the root cause of the disease, rather than the symptom.

    As for the forecast, there is no definite answer. The outcome of the disease will depend on its form, severity, as well as on general indicators of human health.


    Mucus in the stool of an adult or child can be caused by both internal and external etiological factors.

    The first group includes the following pathological processes:

    • – there is mucus in the stool with blood in an adult;
    • formation of polyps in the intestines and colon - during defecation, trauma to the polyp may occur, which leads to the release of mucus with blood clots;
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • – in this case, loose stools with mucus are observed;
    • cystic fibrosis – clear or white mucus is present;
    • intestinal infections;
    • fungal diseases;
    • diverticulitis;
    • vesiculitis;
    • benign or malignant formations;
    • amoebiasis;
    • dysentery;
    • Escherichiosis;

    As for external etiological factors, mucus in stool may have the following causes:

    • poor nutrition;
    • drinking water with impurities;
    • long-term use of medications.

    Children under one year of age and older may also have mucus in their stool. The etiological factors in this case are:

    • improper introduction of complementary foods;
    • infectious intestinal diseases;
    • poor nutrition of the mother herself;
    • lactose intolerance;
    • intolerance to dairy products.

    It is possible to determine why there is mucus in the stool of an adult or child only after diagnostic measures have been carried out. There cannot be a specific clinical picture in this case, since we are talking about a symptom, not a separate disease.


    The nature of the symptoms will depend on what exactly caused the appearance of such a symptom.

    The collective symptomatic complex includes the following clinical signs:

    • abdominal pain – may vary in duration, severity, location;
    • pain during bowel movements;
    • in addition to mucus, there may be blood impurities in the stool - this symptom is characteristic of proctological diseases, in particular hemorrhoids;
    • diarrhea, which can be quite long;
    • , against the background of which there is a decrease in body weight;
    • , feeling of overcrowding;
    • flatulence;
    • or with an unpleasant odor;

    In a child under one year old, the clinical picture of the pathological process can be characterized as follows:

    • moodiness, crying;
    • regurgitation during feeding;
    • brown mucus;
    • poor sleep;
    • the baby can take a forced position, bending his knees to his tummy.

    Such symptoms can be a manifestation of quite a large number of gastroenterological diseases both in adulthood and in childhood. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to carry out symptomatic treatment, but it is advisable to consult a doctor for advice and examination, after which the reason why there is mucus in the stool will be established.


    Mucus in the stool in adults is a nonspecific symptom, and in order to establish the nature of its occurrence, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. First of all, a physical examination of the patient is carried out with the collection of personal and family history and clinical picture.

    The general diagnostic program includes the following:

    • blood sampling for general and biochemical analysis;
    • general analysis of stool and urine;
    • intestinal colonoscopy;
    • coprogram;
    • X-ray of the stomach;
    • sigmoidoscopy of the rectum;
    • sowing stool for the presence of helminth eggs;
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

    If, based on the results of the examination, it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis and determine why there is mucus in the stool, that is, it is impossible to prescribe treatment, then additional diagnostic measures and differential diagnosis are carried out.


    The course of basic therapy will be aimed primarily at eliminating the underlying cause. Mucus in the stool is eliminated symptomatically. If the appearance of such a symptom in adults is not due to a pathological basis, then specific treatment will not be required.

    • diet correction;
    • compliance with the daily drinking regime;
    • correction of the daily routine - moderate physical activity, daily walks in the fresh air.

    If the presence of mucus in the stool is due to a pathological process, then treatment is carried out taking into account an integrated approach. Surgical intervention cannot be ruled out if the etiology is a benign or malignant formation, polyposis, or hemorrhoids.

    Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The doctor may prescribe drugs with the following spectrum of action:

    • antibiotics;
    • antibacterial;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • enzymes;
    • sorbents;
    • probiotics and prebiotics;
    • antidiarrheal;
    • antiemetics.

    Additionally, medications may be prescribed to improve the immune system.

    Whatever the type of gastroenterological disease, diet is mandatory. The doctor prescribes a specific diet on an individual basis, but there are several general recommendations:

    • It is necessary to exclude junk food from the diet;
    • nutrition should be balanced and timely;
    • dishes should only be consumed warm;
    • rough, fatty, fried foods are excluded.

    Folk remedies can be used, but they will not replace the main course of treatment. They can be used as a supplement or for prevention, however, prior consultation with a doctor is required.

    There are no targeted prevention methods. It is necessary to adhere to the general rules of nutrition culture and a healthy lifestyle. Measures should also be taken to prevent those diseases that are included in the etiological list.