Scientists against myths: is it possible to catch syphilis in a bathhouse and become infected with HIV from a syringe in a box. Is there a chance of contracting HIV if a patient’s saliva, sweat, tears or urine accidentally gets on the skin? Is it possible to get HIV and AIDS through a public toilet?

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There are not many ways to become infected with hepatitis. Whether hepatitis C is transmitted sexually has been known to doctors for a long time. Yes, it is transmitted through unsafe sex and contact with the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis A and hepatitis D can enter through the stomach or intestines, with water or food. The degree of influence of the virus on the patient’s condition depends on its type and stage of development. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Ignoring non-dangerous hepatitis can cause oncological diseases and cirrhosis of the liver. Hepatitis infection can be asymptomatic, so a regular health check is the path to a healthy life.

Hepatitis is called acute infectious disease, disrupting liver function, with a high inflammatory effect, often having viral nature. The onset of the disease is similar to the symptoms of influenza: headache, high body temperature, lack of energy and strength, body aches. In this case, a yellow tint to the skin may appear (the main symptom), when the liver cannot process bilirubin and it passes into the blood, changing the color of the skin. Unfortunately, the statistics are not encouraging; every year the number of infected people increases, especially in the categories of viruses B and C. The official figure is 2 billion carriers of the disease in the world, and these are only identified people, and how many of those who did not see a doctor and live not knowing what is sick is unknown. At the same time, the age of patients decreases annually. The real reason emergence of the virus and contact means it is possible to establish only in 60% of cases.

The appearance of the hepatitis virus in the patient’s body can occur through the gastrointestinal tract (A and E only) or through contact with blood from an infected person. There is a risk of transmission of viruses from a pregnant woman to her fetus during childbirth or during lactation if there are cracks or open wounds on the breast. The likelihood of infection in this way is low. Transmission of the virus through sharing dishes, clothes, kissing, or talking is impossible.

There are 2 main clinical forms hepatitis A:

  1. Acute form - sharp deterioration patient's health, failure of liver function. Appears due to the action of viruses or poisoning potent poisons. This form can disappear in the patient without special treatment.
  2. Chronic form - is actually an asymptomatic disease, does not manifest itself for a long time. The cause is alcohol poisoning ( ethyl alcohol). Ignoring this disease can provoke cirrhosis of the liver and, as a result, the development of cancer.

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The most easily penetrating virus, the hepatitis A virus, reaches the patient through oral cavity from unwashed foods, contaminated water, and failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. It leads to jaundice, which causes irreparable damage to the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract. The penetration of virus B is possible by taking medications, through inhalation and injections.

Viral hepatitis, which is sexually transmitted, is hepatitis C. It can enter through the blood and damaged mucous membranes. A man who does not use contraception can easily become infected or transmit the virus. The incubation period for the manifestation of this disease lasts on average 2 weeks. Accompanied severe itching genital organs, the appearance of ulcers, wounds, the presence of blood in the urine.

Different types of hepatitis are transmitted through household contact, through blood or through sexual contact.

Similarly, through blood and sexual intercourse, you can become infected with the D virus, especially if a woman has damage to the vaginal mucosa. This species is dangerous due to its possible transition to chronic form with the destruction of the liver. Virus E is transmitted, like A, through food or water, also through interaction with the blood of an infected person, but it is not typical for our countries. People who are addicted to drugs, or women involved in prostitution, or who have hemophilia are susceptible to infection with the F virus. If they have previously had this virus, then it is possible that they will become infected with jaundice again in the future. A mutated form of hepatitis C, the G virus, is transmitted by blood or acquired during sex without the use of protective contraceptives. Provokes cirrhosis of the liver and the development of cancer.

Possibility of sexual transmission of hepatitis

The jaundice virus can be acquired through sexual contact between men and women. The risk of infection during sex does not exceed 4%. Protected sexual contact reduces this likelihood to virtually zero. Wounds, cuts, ruptures of the genital mucosa, damage to the skin and contact process blood with them causes infection from man to woman, and vice versa. Therefore, to the question whether hepatitis is sexually transmitted, the answer can be yes, if the partners do not use a condom and have damage to the genitals. Hepatitis C and sexual activity are only possible with the use of a condom, although there is no 100% guarantee of protection.

What promotes infection and increases the risk of infection in women and men?

Highlighting the main points that contribute to infection and increase the risk, we will name:

  • alcohol and drug abuse;
  • drug addict;
  • promiscuity, unprotected sex;
  • use of non-sterile items in salons;
  • getting tattoos and piercings in uncertified, unverified places;
  • low immunity;
  • ignoring symptoms;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • eating unwashed, unprocessed foods and contaminated water.
  • The main route of infection with the jaundice virus is through the blood. Accordingly, any contact of the blood of an infected person with the blood of a healthy person entails transmission of the virus. Infection during sex is rare and is not the main method of spreading the disease. A wide area of ​​risk is people with drug addiction. Injecting drugs with the same syringe as a patient is a direct path to getting sick. When choosing a sexual partner, it is useful for both men and women to understand how to avoid sexual transmission of hepatitis C.

    can you get hepatitis

    Popular articles on the topic: can you get hepatitis?

    Among the educated part of the population, there is an opinion that viral hepatitis A is a disease that poses a much lower health hazard than hepatitis B and C. However, this view of this disease is only partly correct.

    Discovered only in 1989, the hepatitis C virus has become one of the most dangerous infectious diseases in just a few decades.

    Tactics for managing patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Clinical guidelines European Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (EASL) 2015

    STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) - today there are more than 20 infectious diseases. Answers to the most common questions about them: how they manifest themselves, how they can become infected, how they can be cured - read our article in detail and in an accessible way about STDs.

    Many families with children of different ages, including prosperous families with good incomes, faced such a phenomenon as lice in children (pediculosis).

    Questions and answers on: can you get hepatitis?

    No, you cannot become infected with hepatitis this way.

    Actually, there are different hepatitis - with fecal-oral route transmission (viral hepatitis A, E) and with parenteral transmission (hepatitis B, C, D, TT). For some of the latest hepatitis, sexual transmission has also been proven.

    Most often, infection with a virus causing development Hepatitis C occurs when enough infected blood is injected into tissues with an infected injection needle. Is it possible to become infected with hepatitis C while performing a tattoo or piercing with instruments contaminated with infected blood? - yes, it’s possible.

    You can also become infected with hepatitis by sharing manicure accessories, razors, and toothbrushes with a patient or carrier.

    Cases of infection with hepatitis C through blood products, through the administration of medications and vaccines, and during dental procedures have also been described.

    When having sexual contact with a person with hepatitis C or a carrier of the virus, it is recommended to use a condom.

    A family member who is sick or infected with the hepatitis C virus should follow all precautions that will prevent the transmission of the virus to other family members, namely: do not use common household items that can become transmitters of the hepatitis C virus; cover them with a band-aid for cuts, abrasions and other injuries. or a bandage.

    If these rules are followed, the possibility of contracting hepatitis C will be minimal. Take care of your health!

    Is HIV transmission possible at home?

    The question of whether HIV is transmitted in everyday life worries many. After all, if the answer is positive, then almost everyone will be at risk of infection. Fortunately, the immunodeficiency virus is not similar to the flu. And there is no such thing as household HIV. However, infection this way is possible. How can and how can you not become infected with the immunodeficiency virus at home?

    Is HIV and AIDS transmitted through household contacts and how does this happen?

    It is immediately worth noting that cases where a person became infected with HIV at home are known to medicine and science. How did this kind of infection occur? Household infection with HIV occurred through shaving equipment. There is nothing surprising in this, because sharp machines, no matter whether they are dangerous or disposable, often cause skin injury. Accordingly, HIV infection at home can occur if an infected and healthy person use the same razor after a short period of time. In principle, such a situation is possible, for example, if people live in the same house or apartment.

    Let's say an infected man cuts himself while shaving in the morning. Next, his razor was used by his brother or friend, who had spent the evening visiting and stayed overnight, and in the morning decided to clean himself up. Of course, many people know that HIV is transmitted through personal hygiene products, but would it even occur to anyone to suspect such a diagnosis? loved one or a relative. And the desire to look good in the morning sometimes overcomes any knowledge that a razor is a tool personal hygiene. Have you ever been infected with HIV through a razor? Such cases are known. Although it is impossible to confirm or refute whether they actually happened, because they were evidenced only by the testimony of the infected, or rather, their suspicions.

    When is HIV transmission at home possible in rare cases?

    The question of how you can become infected with HIV at home worries many people. After all, this disease is a real plague of this century. Many medical experts believe with greater certainty that AIDS by everyday means It is not transmitted through a handshake or hug. Although purely theoretically this is possible. Let's say healthy person fresh cut on hand. The blood has already stopped flowing from it, but it has not yet had time to heal properly. If he shakes hands with an infected person whose skin is also damaged, and the diseased blood gets into the healthy blood, then infection can occur. The likelihood of such an infection is not very high. After all, in addition to how HIV infection is transmitted in everyday life, you should also know how the infection itself occurs.

    In order for an infection to enter a healthy body and trigger irreversible processes in it, it is important to comply with certain conditions. In fact, there are quite a few of them, but the main thing is the entry of immunodeficiency virus cells directly into the bloodstream. What in in rare cases can occur when HIV is acquired through domestic contact.

    Has such an infection been recorded? Cases of HIV infection in everyday life through a handshake or hug are unknown to medicine or science. But this does not give anyone the right to say with complete confidence that they did not exist.

    Why are household routes of HIV infection practically excluded?

    Whether HIV is transmitted in everyday life or not is a matter of heated debate that has unfolded between scientists and medical specialists from different countries a few decades ago. Today, professionals in the field of studying the immunodeficiency virus and its transmission routes have finally reached a consensus. They managed to find out that HIV transmission through everyday contact is practically impossible. Research by scientists from Germany contributed greatly to these conclusions. They studied the behavior of immunodeficiency virus cells outside the host. This made it possible to find out that the virus is susceptible to oxygen molecules. In other words, the infection is unable to survive outside the host in almost any environment.

    That is why the human immunodeficiency virus cannot be transmitted through household contact. The exception is when the blood of a sick and healthy person is mixed. But for this it is necessary that there are cuts, open wounds, and so on on the uninfected body. How you can become infected with HIV and AIDS in living conditions(in everyday life), it was said above.

    Is it possible to become infected with HIV and AIDS in a bathhouse or swimming pool? Is there a high probability of such infection?

    Public baths and swimming pools - places increased danger in terms of infection various diseases. Some people are seriously afraid to visit such establishments and it is not in vain that they do so. Some infections and viruses that are transmitted through household contact can be picked up in such places. With swimming pools, it would seem that everything is simpler. In order to visit them, you need a certificate from a doctor. However, everyone is well aware of how negligently medical workers perform their duties. Certificates of health and absence of contagious diseases are issued for a certain amount of money. Therefore, in swimming pools you can catch anything (from fungus to lichen).

    If you are afraid of HIV, can you go to the bathhouse? This question worries many. In principle, infection in such an institution is practically excluded. Firstly, due to the fact that this virus is not transmitted through household contact. Secondly, because in conditions of steam and high humidity the cells of this disease die faster. By the way, not only alcohol, but also boiling water can destroy the immunodeficiency virus. This conclusion was made by scientists from Germany. But, unfortunately, it was not possible to use it to treat this terrible disease.

    Is it possible to become infected with HIV and AIDS in a swimming pool or sauna? No, the likelihood of this happening is practically excluded. The exception is absurd cases in which the blood of a patient gets into an open wound of a healthy person, for example, in the case of a fight or the use of a single razor.

    Is it possible to become infected with HIV and AIDS through a public toilet, what are the risks?

    Many people wonder whether HIV is transmitted through the toilet. The fact is that there are many myths about public places for urination. And one of them is that in one of these breeding grounds for bacteria and microbes you can become infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. This is actually not true. It is impossible to get this disease in a public toilet. The exception is if a person with an open wound on the buttocks sits on the toilet after blood or semen from an infected person remains there. Which is not possible in principle, because normal person will not do this.

    However, you can catch other infections and viruses from the toilet rim. Including some diseases that are sexually transmitted. Therefore, in order to sit on the toilet in a public place, you should use special disposable seats. You can buy them in stores that sell household chemicals and consumer goods or in a pharmacy.

    Even though HIV cannot be transmitted through the toilet, you should always wash your hands after using a public toilet. Only in this case is there a risk of infection with other equally unpleasant and dangerous diseases can be excluded.

    Is it possible to get HIV from massage: risks for massage therapist and patient

    It is not prohibited to do massage if you have HIV infection. It is worth noting that the exception is cases when the disease has progressed to the stage of human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. In this case, you should consult with medical professionals before undertaking this procedure. Indeed, sometimes concomitant diseases and opportunistic infections lead to significant damage to the skin and internal organs and systems. In this case, questions about whether it is possible to do massage with HIV or not should not arise. Any specialist will confirm that such a procedure is prohibited.

    Is it possible to give massage to HIV-infected people and is there a risk for the massage therapist? A specialist providing this type of service should not worry about the fact that he can become infected with a person suffering from the immunodeficiency virus during a massage. After all, he will not have to come into contact with blood or secretory fluids secreted from the genitals. The only liquid that the massage therapist will come into contact with is sweat. It, like everything that the human body secretes, contains cells of the immunodeficiency virus. However, they are contained in small quantity. Even if the massage therapist has fresh wounds on his hands that have not yet healed, infection cannot occur through sweat.

    Is it possible to get infected with HIV and AIDS through a toothbrush, what are the risks?

    You can become infected with HIV through a toothbrush. However, the risk of such infection is low. Although you should always remember about it. Remember in the same way that this remedy hygiene is individual. Therefore, you should not give your brush to anyone, as well as use someone else’s. When talking about whether you can become infected with HIV from a toothbrush, you should remember that in order to become infected with the immunodeficiency virus, certain conditions must be met. It's about about the entry of virus cells directly into the bloodstream of a healthy person. How is this possible in in this case? Only if an infected person brushes his teeth with someone else's brush and leaves his own blood on it. Where can this biological material come from in the oral cavity of an infected person?

    When talking about whether HIV is transmitted through a toothbrush, it should be remembered that infected people often have oral diseases such as gigitis, candidiasis, staphylococcus, and so on. They lead to the appearance of ulcers and bleeding wounds on the mucous membrane. If the blood of an infected person remains on the brush, which may not be visible in the bristles, especially if these hygiene items are red, then it can enter the oral cavity of a healthy person. If he has fresh wound from an extracted or fallen tooth, stomatitis or candidiasis, then infection is possible.

    Can you get infected with HIV through dishes or cutlery?

    HIV cannot be transmitted through dishes. This should be known, first of all, to those who are afraid of catering. You should still be wary of untested establishments with cheap food and poorly washed dishes. There, thanks to this, as well as due to the use of low-quality products, you can catch intestinal infection. There is no talk about the immunodeficiency virus. Even if the saliva of an infected person remains on poorly washed dishes, it will clearly not be enough to infect a healthy person.

    Not a single medical specialist will say that you can become infected with HIV through utensils, since no such cases have been recorded. And even purely theoretically, such an infection is not possible. This also applies to cutlery. Even if the blood of a person infected with the immunodeficiency virus remains on a fork or knife, it will be impossible not to notice it, which means infection will not occur.

    Can you get hepatitis C through saliva?

    Hepatitis C is a disease that is widespread throughout the world and is recognized as very serious and dangerous. More than 170 million people on the planet are carriers of the chronic form of this disease. And therefore, our contemporaries are increasingly making assumptions about where this disease is most likely to be “caught”, whether it is possible to become infected with hepatitis C through saliva, whether the disease is transmitted from mother to newborn child, etc. We will try to highlight each of these aspects.

    How is the disease transmitted, and where can you get it?

    The hepatitis C virus is contained in the blood, as well as in all other biological fluids of the patient. And therefore, infection can only occur if the blood of a sick person gets on damaged mucous membranes or on the skin of a healthy person. If there are no damage (even microscopic) to the skin or mucous membranes, then infection will not occur. Regarding biological fluids such as semen, saliva, female discharge etc., then they also contain the hepatitis C virus, but in a concentration insufficient to infect a healthy person. And therefore it is believed that an individual who communicates with a carrier of the virus at the everyday level is outside the risk zone.

    If you believe the statistics, the highest percentage of hepatitis C infection is observed in places of detention, as well as in places of group injection drug use. In addition, you can get this disease after visiting a cheap and unreliable tattoo parlor where you got a tattoo or, for example, a piercing. There is also a certain danger of becoming infected in medical institutions (however, this is currently only relevant for developing countries), and employees of these institutions are primarily at risk.

    In addition, infection can occur through sexual intercourse, the bite of a blood-sucking insect, inhalation of certain drugs (primarily cocaine, which destroys the blood vessels of the nose), as a result of participation in a fight, or in a serious car accident. However, the likelihood of such an infection is very small, and therefore many doctors do not even consider it seriously.

    Is it possible to “catch” the virus at home?

    Now let's briefly talk about whether you can become infected with hepatitis C through saliva or through surrounding objects. This is enough actual question, since it is not uncommon for healthy people to communicate with a sick person at the everyday level (and sometimes they do not even know about his illness).

    According to experts, hepatitis C (as opposed to forms A and B) by airborne droplets not getting through. That is, you do not risk becoming infected simply by talking with an infected person, sharing things and objects, touching him or even kissing him. However, it is important to remember that any damage to the oral cavity, abrasions, scratches, as well as untreated caries, significantly increase the risk of infection. In addition, from this point of view, those sharp, piercing or cutting objects that you use in everyday life - knives, razors, toothbrushes - can be dangerous.

    The risk of infection through sexual intercourse is completely negligible - according to professional doctors, the probability of infection in this case does not exceed 1%. And if we talk about the likelihood of a newborn child becoming infected from an infected mother, then the risk level here reaches 5% (and infection can only occur during the fetal passage birth canal).

    ...Thus, a person suffering from hepatitis C should not give up social life. And you may well continue to communicate with patients - if you approach the organization of spending time together seriously and responsibly, the risk will be minimized.

    How is hepatitis C transmitted?

    Hepatitis C is one of the most serious illnesses in the world. It is scary because to date scientists have not developed drugs that could completely cure a person from this disease. Hepatitis is also dangerous because the initial stages of the disease occur without symptoms, which is why the disease is diagnosed late and treatment is not prescribed in a timely manner. How many people in the world suffer from hepatitis C?

    Every year hundreds of thousands of people die from the virus and about 150 million people have a chronic form of it.

    How to protect yourself and your family from this terrible disease? To do this, you need to know the mechanisms of infection and disease prevention.

    Main methods of infection

    How can you become infected with hepatitis C and where does this virus come from? Is hepatitis C transmitted through saliva and during sex? What are the symptoms of hepatitis and how long does it take for them to appear? How much infected blood does it take to become infected? We will try to consider everything in detail possible options infection with the hepatitis C virus in order to know the answers to such questions.

    Unfortunately, no one is immune from this virus, so you need to be aware of how hepatitis is contracted. Let's look at the main routes of transmission of the hepatitis C virus.

    Knowing the mechanisms of transmission of the causative agent of the disease, it is easy to protect yourself.

    In most cases, hepatitis C infection occurs through injections with unsterile instruments, and we are talking about group drug use. Which is not surprising, since 20% of those infected are drug addicts.

    Infection occurs when the same intravenous syringe is used by several people, including a person with hepatitis C.

    If everyone injects themselves with one common syringe and needle, then infection is inevitable. In this case, infection occurs as a result of the active exchange of a certain amount of blood.

    Blood transfusion and surgical procedures

    Before 1992, there were no tests to detect the hepatitis C virus in humans. Therefore, the percentage of people infected after the blood transfusion procedure was very high.

    After 1992, screening donors for hepatitis C became mandatory and the risk of infection from this procedure decreased significantly.

    Unfortunately, there remains a small percentage of chance of infection from blood transfusion. There is a so-called “serological window” period. During such a period, it is impossible to determine through examinations whether the donor is infected, since too little time has passed since he was infected and there is still no immune response of the body to the virus.

    This category also includes hepatitis infection during surgical procedures. There are cases of infection when the rules for sterilizing instruments are not followed. If a medical instrument is not properly treated, it may contain blood particles containing the virus.

    When using such a tool, there is a high risk of infecting a healthy person. Such cases are possible in surgery, dentistry, and gynecology. To avoid these situations, use the services of specialized institutions and trusted clinics, and do not visit dubious medical institutions.

    Invasive cosmetology and other procedures

    IN last decades It has become fashionable to decorate your body in different ways. Tattooing, scarring, piercing are all manipulations that damage the integrity of the skin. We are again talking about insufficiently processed instruments. Moreover, not only the needles must be sterile, but also all kinds of containers, the table surface and everything that the instrument can touch.

    Ideally, all items should be disposable, but reusable instruments are also allowed provided they are properly sterilized.

    Another condition for the work of a tattoo artist is the use of disposable gloves throughout the entire work with the client. Very often, hepatitis C is contracted in prisons when tattooing, since there is no way to properly sterilize tattoo needles.

    When visiting nail salons Hepatitis infection is also possible. Microtraumas and scratches often occur during a manicure or pedicure. Such wounds are enough to transmit the virus from an infected person to a healthy person. To avoid similar cases, instruments should be sterilized according to all regulatory rules.

    You can also become infected through acupuncture. If needles are used on a healthy person after an infected patient, then high probability infection will occur. It is not recommended to use methods alternative medicine, especially in medical institutions of a dubious type.

    Take care of your health and don’t take risks, go to a clinic where competent and qualified specialists work.

    Vertical route of transmission (mother to child)

    The risk of transmission of hepatitis C virus from an infected mother to her child is 5%. During pregnancy, the virus does not penetrate the placenta, but during childbirth, when the baby passes through the birth canal, the newborn can be infected.

    Unfortunately, scientists have not invented a way to prevent infection during childbirth. If the mother is infected with the virus, she is advised to refrain from breastfeeding. Through breast milk The virus cannot be transmitted, but if a drop of blood gets into the milk, the baby will inevitably become infected. For example, when a child bites the nipple during feeding.

    Also, at the beginning of lactation, there may be cracks in the nipples through which blood can leak. Despite the fact that breast milk, and especially colostrum, is very beneficial for the baby, in this case it is better to resort to artificial feeding. Currently, there is a huge selection of children's adapted fortified formulas with beneficial properties.

    During unprotected sex, there is a high risk of contracting hepatitis B virus and human immunodeficiency virus. It is almost impossible to become infected with hepatitis C this way, but there is still a small chance of infection. If your sexual partner has a disease genitourinary system, the risk of infection increases.

    Also, with aggressive sex, the risk of infection is quite high due to the increased possibility of injury to the genital organs and damage to the mucous membranes.

    It is recommended to use a condom as contraception. Unprotected sex is highly discouraged, especially if the woman critical days. If there is one sexual partner, for example, in a family of husband and wife, and provided that one of them suffers from hepatitis C, the risk of infection is minimal and equal to approximately 5%. With promiscuous relationships and unprotected sex the risk of infection doubles.

    Oral sex also carries certain risks. At this sight intimacy there is also a possibility of injury and disruption of the integrity of the mucous membranes.

    Occupational infection

    Medical personnel are at risk of infection at work through contact with contaminated blood. There are times when contact with an infected patient can cause injury. For example, a doctor or nurse was pricked or cut with an instrument used to manipulate a patient.

    Therefore, medical staff need to be vigilant and careful when working with patients infected with the hepatitis virus.

    If a healthcare worker injects himself while performing his professional duties, then immediate measures should be taken to reduce the risk of infection and tests should be taken.

    How is hepatitis C not transmitted?

    Is it possible to get hepatitis through saliva or airborne droplets? This is one of the most common questions doctors are asked. The virus is contained in very small concentrations in saliva, even if the person has been sick for quite a long time. Therefore, hepatitis C is not transmitted by airborne droplets - neither by sneezing, nor by kissing, nor by talking.

    An experiment was conducted in hot countries to find out whether hepatitis C is transmitted through insect bites.

    Research results have confirmed that insects are not carriers of the virus and their bite cannot cause infection.

    The hepatitis C virus is not transmitted at home. And also through a handshake, shared utensils and kisses. But in order not to become infected with hepatitis from an infected family member at home, you need to follow certain rules: manicure accessories, razor, Toothbrush, the husband, wife and child should have separate washcloths.

    If you don't neglect these simple rules, then the risk of infection through household contacts can be significantly reduced.

    Is it possible to recover from hepatitis C infection?

    If a person gets sick with hepatitis C, he will no longer be able to recover; the disease goes from acute to chronic, and as was written earlier, there is no cure for this virus.

    In a large number of cases, approximately 2/3 of all diseases, hepatitis becomes chronic.

    But there is also the concept of carrier of the virus. This happens in approximately 15-40%; in such people, their own immune system suppresses the replication of the virus. In this case, hepatitis C multiplies in the body very slowly and in small quantities. Carriage of the virus does not cause significant harm to the liver, no changes in liver tests are observed and there are no signs of hepatitis.

    But do not forget that the virus can progress in the body and not cause any symptoms.

    Very often, hepatitis C is detected during a random visit or during a regular medical examination.

    Once infection begins, 80% of people have no or nonspecific symptoms, making hepatitis difficult to diagnose. These symptoms include weakness, fast fatiguability, irritability. In 20% of cases are detected acute symptoms– jaundice, fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, changes in the color of urine and feces, joint pain.

    Since most people have hepatitis C without symptoms, the disease often becomes chronic.

    Once the liver begins to suffer, symptoms appear that give reason to suspect hepatitis. In this case, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible and begin treatment.

    Before making a diagnosis, the doctor refers the patient to various tests blood and liver function tests. Having collected the necessary data and determined the level of viral load, he prescribes the correct and safe treatment.

    There are standards for the treatment of hepatitis C - this is a combination antiviral therapy special drugs.

    Most Popular medicines for therapy are Peginterferon and Ribavirin. The doctor will determine how long this treatment will last.

    In what cases is hepatitis C treatment complicated? According to statistics, the male gender is more difficult to treat; in women, the process of improving general clinical picture happens faster. In older people, treatment is also more difficult.

    In the case of an advanced stage of the disease, for example, with cirrhosis of the liver, therapy will take longer and is not as effective as treatment in the initial stages of the disease.

    Hepatitis B virus infection

    Who is more likely to get hepatitis B?

    Hepatitis B occurs most often in adults (the peak incidence occurs in age groups 20–49 years old).

    Reducing morbidity in children and adolescents in developed countries achieved through regular vaccination.

    In developing countries in Africa and Asia, most people with hepatitis B become infected during childhood. At the same time, up to 10% of the total population can be infected with the hepatitis B virus.

    In these regions, liver cancer as a consequence of hepatitis B is one of the main causes of cancer mortality. Up to 25% of those affected in childhood die.

    Where can you become infected with the hepatitis B virus?

    In places where people who use injection drugs gather, in piercing and tattoo salons, hairdressers (manicure, pedicure).

    Sadly, infection with the hepatitis B virus still occurs in medical institutions.

    If we talk about geography, the prevalence of hepatitis B and infection carriers is highest in countries South-East Asia, Pacific basin, South America (Amazon), Central and Southern Africa, countries of the Near and Middle East.

    Among countries close to us, there are more HBsAg carriers (8% of the population or more) in the republics of Central Asia, Transcaucasia, and Moldova, according to WHO data.

    The fewest carriers and patients are in North America, countries of Northern and Western Europe.

    How is infection transmitted?

    The virus is transmitted through the blood or other biological fluids of a sick person, which enters directly into the blood of the infected person.

    This occurs when sharing piercing and cutting objects (manicure set, shaving machines), one syringe for injecting drugs, piercing, tattooing using poorly processed instruments, during medical procedures, sexual intercourse and from an infected mother to a child during the passage of through the birth canal.

    Transfusion of blood containing the hepatitis B virus (for example, taken from a donor who is sick) will also cause infection.

    Is it possible to transmit hepatitis B sexually?

    Yes, it's possible. If one of the sexual partners is a carrier of the infection, then the probability of transmitting the hepatitis B virus to the other partner is about 30%.

    You are more likely to become infected if a person has many sexual partners, or one partner who has many sexual partners.

    By appearance As a rule, it is impossible to tell a person whether he has hepatitis B and whether he can become infected from it.

    It is believed that hepatitis B is the only sexually transmitted infection today for which one can be vaccinated.

    Is it possible for a child to become infected from their parents?

    If a mother has the hepatitis B virus, she may give birth to an infected child. Infection occurs during childbirth or disruption of the placenta during pregnancy (for example, during amniocentesis).

    Statistics indicate a high risk of developing chronic hepatitis B and its adverse outcomes in children born from an infected mother.

    Therefore, all such children are vaccinated against hepatitis B almost immediately after birth.

    The virus is found in mother's milk, but there is no risk of infection for the child, breastfeeding is allowed.

    Is it possible to become infected with hepatitis B through ordinary household contacts?

    The hepatitis B virus is found in the saliva, tears, urine, and stool of infected individuals. When they hit damaged skin and the mucous membranes of another person there is a risk of infection, but it is very small. Such transmission of the virus is possible in everyday life, most often among children.

    It is believed that the virus does not penetrate through intact outer coverings (skin, mucous membranes). This means that hepatitis B is not transmitted through household contact, as well as through food, conversation, etc. d.

    Therefore, a person with hepatitis B is not dangerous to others.

    He should not be in social isolation.

    Who is at risk for hepatitis B?

    According to the CDC, people at risk for hepatitis B include:

    • People who have multiple sexual partners or have previously established diagnosis sexually transmitted infection
    • Men who engage in homosexual acts
    • Sexual partners of infected persons
    • People who inject drugs
    • Family members (household members) of a patient with chronic hepatitis B
    • Children born from infected mothers
    • Health workers
    • Patients on hemodialysis (artificial kidney machine) or receiving frequent blood transfusions
    • How do I know if I (a specific person) is at risk of contracting hepatitis B?

      It is necessary to take a blood test for the presence of virus antigen HBsAg and antibodies to it ( anti - HBs). If both tests are negative, the risk of infection is high and vaccination is indicated.

      The presence of HBsAg indicates infection, then further examination is necessary. HBsAg carriers themselves present potential threat to infect others. In this case, it’s too late to get vaccinated; you need to go to the doctor.

      If anti-HBs are detected in high titer in the absence of HBsAg, then vaccination is not necessary. You are already protected.

      What tests show whether there was contact with the virus, regardless of the disease?

      In those who have recovered, anti-HBs and general anti-HBc are detected; in those infected, HBsAg is always detected.

      Is it possible to become infected with hepatitis B and not get sick?

      Only vaccinated individuals who have previously had hepatitis B have a 100% guarantee of protection. In all other cases, when infected with the hepatitis B virus, the development of hepatitis is inevitable.

      A special immunoglobulin against hepatitis B is administered to newborns born from infected mothers and provides protection against the development of hepatitis B in 85-95%, subject to subsequent vaccination.

      Immunoglobulin can be administered to adults at risk of existing infection (for example, in health care workers), but vaccination is still necessary and gives a more reliable result.

      Infection with the hepatitis B virus leads in most cases to the development of acute hepatitis B. Less commonly, in people with reduced immunity or children infected during childbirth, acute hepatitis is not observed, and the disease takes on the character of a primary chronic sluggish disease.

      Is it possible to get re-infected and develop hepatitis B?

      If a person has recovered, which is confirmed by the absence of HBsAg and the presence of antibodies to it (anti-HBs) in the blood serum, then reinfection almost impossible.

      What to do if there is a patient with hepatitis B in the family?

      The risk of infection among family members is low if personal hygiene rules are observed.

      The risk of infection is higher in a healthy spouse, so vaccination is necessary.

      Family members of a patient with chronic hepatitis B should be examined and vaccinated against hepatitis B with the appropriate vaccine.

    About twenty-five years ago, US doctors published a report of cases of some unknown disease among young people. This is how the era began terrible epidemic called "AIDS".

    “In the event that they tell you that the test for HIV infection gave positive result, then you don’t need to immediately panic or retake it in another laboratory.”

    There has not yet been a single case of the disease in our country, because the disease affects only specific groups of the population, the so-called risk groups. Currently, we are well aware of what this disease is and what methods of transmission there are. Nevertheless, myths still left a certain imprint on the consciousness of people and, unfortunately, they are sometimes believed in more than in the truth.

    Now we will look at six main myths about HIV infection.

    1. HIV and AIDS are something different or the same diseases.

    So, many still do not know what the difference is between these two concepts. AIDS is human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Immunodeficiency is the body’s inability to cope with various bacteria and viruses, as a result of which the body becomes completely defenseless. AIDS is a special immunodeficiency and it is associated with the activity of a special virus.

    HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. Like absolutely all viruses, this type of virus also requires a cell to reproduce, since without a cell it simply cannot exist. The human immunodeficiency virus requires special cells called CD4 to reproduce. These are cells of the human immune system. For some time our the immune system copes with the virus and the person does not need any additional treatment methods, however, over time it becomes weaker and without necessary treatment after a couple of years the disease leads to AIDS. When it has already reached the AIDS stage, it is useless to treat a person. A virus called HIV is transmitted directly. It is incorrect to say “get infected with AIDS” or get tested for AIDS, since a person does not become infected with AIDS directly, he becomes infected with HIV infection and also gets tested directly for HIV.

    2. Tests for HIV infection are often incorrect.

    How often do you hear that this analysis may not show the presence of the virus in the body for a long time. This is completely misleading. This infection may not manifest itself for a long time, but its presence in the blood can be detected during the first weeks after infection. For more than 90 percent of people, this test becomes positive in about a few months, but for all the rest, this process takes about up to 6 months. It all depends on the immune system of the body of each of us, as well as on some other factors.

    As for the positive test result for this infection, then it may indeed be wrong. Therefore, it must always be checked more accurate analysis. If you are told that the analysis showed positive result, then there is no need to panic immediately, and best of all it double check. If the second analysis confirms the result, the doctor directly makes the appropriate diagnosis.

    3. HIV infection spreads through needles (in cinemas, in transport, at discos)

    We have all repeatedly heard about how people infect each other with an injection at a disco or in a cinema, and also throw a corresponding note. Naturally, panic begins and everyone is simply dumbfounded by the information received. However, during all this time there have been no recorded cases of attempts to infect people with the virus in a similar way. All this is nothing more than fiction and imagination.

    Now let's tell you some facts.

    An unintentional needle stick, say a doctor accidentally injects himself after a patient infected with HIV, is associated with very little risk. In addition, according to the survey, many people who were diagnosed with HIV were worried that they might infect someone else. Their first thought was whether they could transmit this virus to anyone.. We are not talking about the fact that they deliberately wanted to transmit HIV through various injections in cinemas or discos. Such people, as a rule, are absolutely no different from anyone else. Only various prejudices can make us believe all this.

    4. You can become infected with HIV through the pores in condoms.

    We've probably all heard the theory that condoms have many small holes through which the virus can penetrate. A condom can't let a virus pass through, since it does not allow any liquid to pass through.

    Absolutely any condom can break, but this does not mean that it allows the virus to pass through. Its effectiveness has been tested and proven more than once. In addition, a study was conducted in which one partner was infected with HIV. Of the 170 couples, only a few partners were infected with HIV. Thus, it has been proven that the condom provides excellent protection.

    5. If a pregnant woman is infected with HIV, the virus will definitely be transmitted to the unborn child.

    There is a widespread belief among the population that the virus is transmitted from a pregnant mother to her child. If a woman is breastfeeding and all necessary measures were not taken during pregnancy, then the risk of infection is quite high.

    In the most developed countries, the risk of transmitting HIV to children is a very small percentage. With the goal of accepting everyone necessary measures To protect the baby, expectant mothers are tested for HIV infection.

    6. Positive analysis HIV is a death sentence

    There are some chronic diseases, with which a person can live all his life. For example, diseases such as hypertension or diabetes. A person can live with them all his life, the main thing is to take them on time necessary medications and be constantly under the supervision of doctors. HIV is nothing more than a chronic infection. It is impossible to get rid of it, but it is quite possible to live with it. The most important thing is to constantly support your body.

    How often can you hear that a disease can be treated by some wonderful healers who saved people from the virus. They healed a person by heating his body to very high high temperature, the skill of contracting with special biofields, or prayer and the Holy Spirit. These are ordinary scammers who want to defraud people of as much money as possible. There has not yet been a single case of a mysterious cure for HIV. However, it cannot be said that HIV infection cannot be cured.

    There is currently a cure for the infection. Combination therapy, suppressing the replication of the virus. Its main goal is to stop further development HIV and also prevent it from developing into AIDS. Since at this stage treatment will simply be pointless. Such therapy must be taken constantly, and not at the stage when the disease has already turned into AIDS. That is why appropriate therapy must be started on time.

    In general, we can say that HIV infection is treatable, and you can protect yourself. The most important thing is to believe the facts and not the myths and everything will be fine.

    According to various sources, every minute 40-80 thousand people have sex in the world, and every day more than a million people become infected with some kind of sexually transmitted infection. Every year, 357 million people become infected with chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis or trichomoniasis; 500 million people are infected with the virus that causes genital herpes, 290 million women are infected with the human papillomavirus. Like any other area, sex and its dangers are surrounded by many controversial facts and legends. And while some people calmly use an already used condom, others do not stop treating non-existent diseases. Meet 11 myths about STIs, which we have analyzed in detail.

    Text: Ekaterina Khripko

    You can get sexually transmitted infections
    through dishes or a kiss

    Infectious disease doctor and project manager of the AIDS.CENTER Foundation Nikolai Lunchenkov suggests remembering a simple wording: sexually transmitted infections are transmitted primarily through sexual contact. It is impossible to get an STI through glasses, towels or a toilet seat. Regarding kissing and airborne transmission, concerns arose due to confusion in different types viruses. For example, Chlamydia trachomatis(chlamydia trachomatis) is a genital infection that can cause inflammatory processes, infertility or pregnancy complications. And here Chlamydophila pneumoniae(chlamydia pneumonia) is the causative agent of pneumonia and a completely different class of chlamydia, which is transmitted by airborne droplets.

    There are strains of HPV and herpes viruses that cause warts or sores on the skin or mouth - but they are different from those that affect the genitals. It is impossible to become infected by talking or, say, shaking hands with HIV, the genital strain of HPV, genital herpes or the causative agent of gonorrhea.

    Infections are always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms

    While we live in a relatively prosperous environment, feel good and do not see obvious manifestations of STIs in ourselves and our partner, an illusion can be created full health. But like many other infections, STIs are often asymptomatic. Oncogenic HPV types can lead to cervical cancer, but are not accompanied by the appearance of papillomas; chlamydia or gonorrhea can only be detected at the stage of identifying the causes of infertility; HIV may not manifest itself in any way for years. According to WHO estimates, about 7.5 million people on the planet do not know that they are HIV-positive - what can we say about carriers of other infections.

    To prevent infections during oral sex, you can (and should) use condoms or special latex wipes. We must understand that the route of transmission of the same HPV or the causative agent of syphilis is contact, and the diseases they cause are dangerous not only for reproductive organs. Syphilitic lesions can appear on any part of the body (which is why, before the advent of gloves, finger syphilis was occupational disease doctors of some specialties); HPV causes not only cervical cancer, but also cancer of the oral cavity or pharynx.

    Miramistin after sex is enough for protection

    The effectiveness of antiseptics is legendary - they are supposedly more effective than condoms, and even on PubMed you can find a publication Russian authors calling miramistin a potential means of preventing HIV infection. Nevertheless, although such drugs can provide some kind of protection, they do not guarantee it - and they can also cause harm.

    It is important not to get carried away - there is no need to pour antiseptics into the vagina or urethra and use products based on alcohol or peroxide, which can cause a burn to the mucous membrane. The work on protection from STIs after sex by the UN Information Network says that such methods can be used in emergency situations, but they should not be a regular way to prevent infections - that is, nothing better than a condom has yet been invented. On the websites of organizations such as the CDC or FDA, there is no mention of Miramistin at all - so the global medical community does not seriously consider this remedy.

    Gardnerellosis is dangerous

    As Tatyana Rumyantseva says, the diagnosis of “gardnerellosis” is not in either international or Russian guidelines (which does not prevent doctors from clinics and antenatal clinics). As venereologist Sergei Agapov writes, from the moment bacterial vaginosis was identified as an independent disease, its main causative agent was considered to be vaginal gardnerella ( Gardnerella vaginalis ). However, it was later found that this microorganism is present in small quantities in the vagina of many healthy women.

    At bacterial vaginosis There is a shift in the balance of the vaginal microflora: there are fewer “good” bacteria and an increase in the number of “bad” ones, among which the leading position is occupied by Gardnerella. This can happen due to extreme heat, stress or a change in partner. In this situation, treatment is really needed. If the analysis simply reveals the presence of gardnerella in the vagina, but the number of lactobacilli exceeds them, then no treatment is required; It is bacterial vaginosis that needs to be treated, not “gardnerellosis,” sums up Rumyantseva.

    In some cases, we can indeed talk about sexual transmission of infection, and from woman to man. As Agapov says, the male urethra, unlike a healthy vagina, has alkaline environment, which favors the proliferation of bacteria - and if the partner has bacterial vaginosis, its pathogens can cause unpleasant symptoms in a man. Men with chronic prostatitis, who have suffered certain infections (chlamydia or gonorrhea), as well as those who abuse local antiseptics like miramistin or chlorhexidine.

    Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis must be treated

    Sometimes you can hear that ureaplasma leads to infertility, miscarriages, premature birth, intrauterine infections. In fact, this is not so, ureaplasma is a normal component of microflora that does not in any way affect the course and outcome of pregnancy. As for mycoplasma, many of its species live in the human body, but in the genitals two of them are important, which are very different from each other - these are Mycoplasma genitalium And Mycoplasma hominis . The last type is a component normal flora women, although occasionally it may be involved in bacterial vaginosis. Nevertheless, the scheme of action is the same as in the previous paragraph: you need to treat vaginosis, and not try to get rid of mycloplasma.

    Another type is much less common, Mycoplasma genitalium(mycoplasma genitalium) - and this is indeed a sexually transmitted infection that needs to be treated both in yourself and in your partner (even if the test results say “not detected” - unfortunately, not all research methods are correct). This mycoplasma can lead to the development of serious complications, for example affecting the course of pregnancy. This pathogen cannot be detected by any analytical method - it is best to use the PCR method.

    An HIV-positive partner is always contagious

    If an HIV-positive person takes antiretroviral therapy, then usually no more than 200 copies of viral particles are found in a milliliter of blood, which means that the risk of transmitting the virus to a sexual partner during unprotected sex is reduced to zero. With such a low viral load, the fetus is also protected during pregnancy. This is reported by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States and private studies, such as this or this.

    There is no prevention against HIV

    Another one good news from the world of HIV prevention. There is a so-called pre-exposure prophylaxis recommended for certain groups of people, says Nikolai Lunchenkov. These include men who have sex with men, people who use drugs, sex workers and sex workers. Antiretroviral therapy ( combination drug based on tenofovir and emtricitabine) must be taken regularly throughout the period during which there is a risk of contracting HIV. Due to the concentration of the drug in the blood, infection does not occur. It is believed that the effectiveness of such prevention is higher in men; in women, under the influence of estrogens, the concentration of tenofovir may decrease.

    There is also post-exposure prophylaxis. To do this, you need to start taking antiretroviral therapy, which is usually prescribed to people with HIV infection, as soon as possible after unprotected contact with a partner whose HIV-negative status you are not sure of. Therapy should be started within the first 72 hours, but here as with emergency contraception- the earlier the better. In the first 5-10 hours, the probability of suppressing the virus, if there really was an infection, is maximum; The medicine must be taken for a month.

    Despite the fact that HIV is rapidly spreading throughout the planet and the availability of information about the peculiarities of how the virus enters the human body, not all representatives of humanity are informed about the ways of contracting HIV and that the likelihood of contracting AIDS is actually not as illusory as it might seem at first sight.

    Let's consider the main routes of infection that are recognized as such and that lead to HIV disease

    How is HIV transmitted? What cases of infection are possible? What exactly causes the disease? Experts have proven that the concentration of viral cells, causing virus immunodeficiency in the human body and sufficient for the transmission of HIV infection from an AIDS patient to a healthy person, is found in the blood, seminal fluid, vaginal secretion and breast milk. It is these types of biological materials that determine each method of infection, since these fluids act as transmitted infected substances.

    Sexual route of HIV infection

    Is it possible to become infected with HIV through sexual contact? This is the most common route of infection. The greatest risk is sex without a condom. The cause of infection in this case is the mucous membrane of the genitals of sexual partners. During friction, microcracks appear on its surface. When viral cells reach the genitals of a healthy person, they enter the body through these microtraumas and begin their destructive process.

    A test tube containing an HIV-positive test is anonymous, but behind each such diagnosis is a living person

    The risk of developing AIDS during anal sex is higher than in the case of traditional intimacy. This fact is explained by the absence of glands in the anus capable of producing secretions - the appearance of microcracks is inevitable.

    Attention! The likelihood of infection with the virus increases significantly if partners have ulcers and inflammations on the genital mucosa.

    Parenteral route of infection

    IN Lately the likelihood of infection in this way has significantly decreased. The risk of transmission of infection is highest among people who take drugs, since addicts often inject the drug into several people with one syringe.

    Sharing a syringe during drug use or medical tests leads to HIV infection

    By doing manicures at home, beauty lovers also put themselves at risk of contracting HIV. In this case, viral particles enter the body through untreated manicure accessories. The same can be said about tattoo parlors, where needles are used to puncture body designs.

    Concluding the topic of beauty, it is worth raising the issue of the likelihood of transmitting the virus through water. Is it possible to become infected with HIV in a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool? Viral particles are not able to live in aquatic environment: when exposed to such conditions, they die. Consequently, the risk of infection in this case is reduced to zero.

    The prescribed method of transmission of infection also includes blood transfusion that has not undergone preliminary testing. Currently, the risk of infection in this way is minimal.

    Vertical transmission path

    Two stripes confirm not only pregnancy, but also HIV disease

    We are talking about the probable transmission of the virus from an infected mother to a child. The risk of such an outcome does exist. A woman can transmit the virus to her fetus during its intrauterine development, at the time of birth or through breast milk.

    Competent management of pregnancy and childbirth will help reduce the risk of an unfavorable outcome. Cesarean section is indicated for infected pregnant women. Thus, if the baby is not infected during pregnancy, he will be protected from HIV with almost 100% probability during surgery.

    Up to three years of age children's body The mother's antibodies "live". If after three years these antibodies disappear, it means that the child has not been infected.

    Other methods of infection

    This group of methods of transmitting the virus, first of all, includes the use of personal hygiene items (toothbrush, razor, etc.). It is extremely difficult to become infected using this method, however, it is theoretically possible. For example, if an infected person cuts himself using a razor, and then a healthy family member uses it and also breaks the skin, the risk of HIV transmission increases significantly.

    Alternative household option: An infected woman showers during her menstrual period. The discharge remains on the surface in the bathroom and then gets onto the affected area of ​​the skin of a healthy person, who follows the sick person into the bathroom.

    Despite the fact that the virus is transmitted through blood, semen, breast milk and vaginal secretions, the risk of infection is not reduced to zero through contact with saliva, tear fluid, sweat, and urine of an infected person. Only under such conditions do people become infected extremely rarely, since even if biological fluids get on the wound of a healthy person, a small concentration of particles in the substance cannot lead to the development of HIV.

    Ways to protect yourself

    So, HIV is transmitted in the following ways:

    • sexual;
    • parenteral;
    • vertical.

    Based on information about how HIV can be transmitted, it is possible to logically formulate precautions that will protect a healthy person. We describe them in the table below:

    Precautionary measure Explanation
    Maintaining personal hygiene using your own hygiene items (toothbrush, towel, razor, manicure set, etc.)
    Excluding any direct contact with blood for any forced contact with blood, regardless of who owns the biomaterial, interaction should be carried out with gloves
    Selective attitude towards sexual partners Casual sexual relationships should be avoided. In case of spontaneous sex, do not neglect the use of a condom
    Getting rid of drug addiction if a sick person understands that he cannot immediately get rid of drugs, injections must be reduced gradually, using disposable syringes
    Strengthening the immune system hardening the body to increase its resistance to infections
    Organization of proper nutrition ensuring regular, healthy nutrition
    Getting tested during pregnancy planning there is a possibility of diagnosing HIV in a woman even before her pregnancy

    Attention! Those infected with HIV should not “give up” their own lives. Maintaining healthy image life and compliance with medical recommendations will help a person live with dangerous infection full happy life.

    Can a person become infected with HIV: who is at risk?

    Those at risk for HIV infection are:

    • drug addicts;
    • people who are disorderly sex life and those who do not use a condom;
    • women with reduced social responsibility;
    • persons serving sentences in a colony;
    • medical workers of health care organizations focused on HIV-infected people;
    • medical personnel who regularly come into contact with large volumes of various biological materials;
    • people in need of blood transfusions or organ transplants;
    • children of HIV-infected mothers.

    By following basic infection prevention measures, the risk of contracting HIV is minimized. This issue should become especially acute for doctors such as surgeons, dentists, and laboratory assistants.

    What are the symptoms?

    What happens in the human body if you still fail to protect yourself from the virus and infection occurs?

    When infection occurs, after viral particles enter the bloodstream, the incubation period begins, which lasts several weeks and does not manifest itself in any way. The first symptoms are as follows:

    • the temperature rises (up to 37-38 degrees);
    • lymph nodes enlarge;
    • there is an unpleasant sensation, pain when swallowing;
    • a rash is visualized on the skin;
    • The patient is worried about diarrhea.

    The general condition of the patient is more indicative of a banal diagnosis: cold, acute respiratory viral infection, flu. The mentioned symptoms disappear after a few days - a “quiet period” begins, which subsequently passes into the stage of secondary manifestations.

    How is the treatment carried out?

    Treatment of HIV does not involve completely getting rid of the virus, but only slowing down the development of the disease. Through antiviral drugs viral cells are suppressed and multiplied immune cells. This means that taking pills must become permanent for patients. At the manifestation stage secondary signs The immune system of the infected person requires special support, so it is necessary to replace the medications used with an alternative group of drugs.

    Treatment “does not give up” on a sick person: the patient’s life can be truly fulfilling if the patient follows all medical recommendations.

    HIV is a very misunderstood disease, even today. When a question begins to touch on the topic of HIV, people's opinions on this topic vary greatly. Can people with HIV get tattoos? Is there a risk for a tattoo artist to become infected with HIV while working? How do tattoos heal in people with HIV? We have studied all these questions and are ready to tell you everything you need to know about tattoos and HIV.

    Communication with the master is the key to success

    If you are infected with HIV and want to get a tattoo, it is important to talk openly with your chosen artist about your disease. Although there is also an opinion that you don’t have to report your status, because... For all salons, any client by default could potentially have some kind of infection in his blood, whether he knows about it or not. Some salons or private practitioners may not work with people who have blood-borne diseases or autoimmune diseases. But this is not legal. If you encounter such a problem, do not get lost, because... you have the right to file a complaint against them. But it’s better to find another artist, because most of them have no prejudices about who gets a tattoo, but have the qualifications and education to work with any type of client.

    There must be a certain level of trust between the client and the master, so it is better to disclose whether you have any disease, especially if it is transmitted through blood. Of course, the tattoo artist will not have direct contact with blood, however, it is better for him to know about your diagnosis. Specialists in the salon may be certified to work with clients who have blood diseases (and this is not only HIV, but also, for example, hepatitis) and will be able to give advice on how to care for a tattoo; but they can only help if you tell them about your diagnosis.

    Are there any risks for tattoo artists?

    Dear tattoo artists, don't let the stereotypes fool you. The likelihood of contracting HIV from a client is virtually zero, especially if proper hygiene and safety practices are followed. Licensed salons sterilize all of their equipment and use new or disposable ink cartridges with each client. The master must also work in disposable gloves, then he will have zero contact with the client’s blood.

    There is also a special certification that tattoo artists can undergo, teaching them how to work with clients who have contaminated blood; You can get it from places like the Red Cross. These programs teach how to minimize the risk of human exposure pathogenic viruses and prevent any damage or contamination of equipment or ink. This course allows practitioners to learn more about the virus itself: for example, that HIV dies as soon as it comes into contact with air.

    How do tattoos heal?

    If your CD4 count is low, such as below 100, then you are more likely to get an infection while your tattoo is healing. Most people with HIV have this number checked regularly, which gives an idea of ​​how their immune system is supported and is in good working order. If your CD4 cell counts are normal, then you can safely get a tattoo, because... There will be no real difference in the healing process of tattoos between those who have HIV and those who do not.

    No matter what you've heard about HIV transmission through tattooing, it's actually not that easy to transmit HIV this way. If the artist or tattoo parlor sterilizes all equipment and does not reuse needles on clients, then there is no risk of contracting HIV through a tattoo. All you need is to find specialists who know how to work with HIV-infected clients and make sure that they actually follow all safety precautions. Because you can also get some disease, such as hepatitis C.