Signs of the initial stage of tuberculosis. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in a hospital at an early stage. Diet for incipient pulmonary tuberculosis

Treatment of tuberculosis is long and difficult process. The most qualified phthisiatricians cannot predict how many days the disease will be treated.

The problem is the possibility of an extrapulmonary form of the disease, combined course with damage to many organs at the same time: bones, spine, lymph nodes, peritoneum, kidneys, skin, intestines, genitourinary organs.

When choosing anti-tuberculosis therapy, one should distinguish between pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms of the disease. Symptoms of pathology are characterized not only by local damage. Against the backdrop of illness they join secondary signs, conditioned intoxication syndrome. Tissue breakdown products, bacterial toxins affect work internal organs.

With good body resistance, stable immunity clinical symptoms diseases may not appear. Under the influence of protective complexes, pathological lesions are scarred, encapsulated, and resolved. With a favorable course of Mycobacterium tuberculosis long time remains in tissues without biological activity.

Timely chemotherapy after tuberculin tests can also prevent the spread of infection. Without treatment, the person will gradually lose weight and lose appetite. Symptoms of a slight increase in temperature gradually appear. Painful cough, profuse sweating at night are specific manifestations of tuberculosis infection. These signs cannot make a diagnosis. The appearance of hemoptysis is a more specific sign of tuberculosis. The symptom is caused by the destruction of lung tissue with damage to blood vessels. The danger is severe bleeding, leading to the formation of anemic syndrome.

Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis occurs by airborne droplets, contact method through furniture, dishes, and belongings of an infected person.

Infection with Koch's bacillus does not mean disease. If treated promptly, it can be prevented infectious process lungs and other internal organs. The disease is caused by prolonged mental and physical stress. Provoking factors weaken the immune system and create favorable conditions for the proliferation of mycobacteria.

Weakening immune defense provided by the following factors:

  1. Unfavorable sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  2. Poor nutrition;
  3. Lack of sleep;
  4. Chronic mental and physical stress.

All of the above factors are assessed by a phthisiatrician when choosing a treatment regimen for tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs.

Treatment methods for pulmonary tuberculosis

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, described in 1997 at the Moscow Congress, in modern conditions requires some correction. The following drugs are recommended for use by TB specialists:

  1. Streptomycin;
  2. Ethambutol;
  3. Rifampicin;
  4. Isoniazid.

Any disease is characterized by certain symptoms and occurs in several stages, the initial stage of tuberculosis is no exception. Detection of pathology on early stage allows you to avoid infecting other people and effective treatment. The symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis are quite specific, so the main thing is to be attentive to your health.

Tuberculosis is a social disease, since anyone can become the target of the disease, regardless of gender, age, education, or social status. The incidence of this pathology has decreased slightly over the years.

The pathology is caused by mycobacteria that have another name - Koch's bacillus.

Most often, this pathogen affects the lungs, but the focus can also form in other organs:

  • in bones, joints;
  • in the intestines;
  • in the genitourinary system;
  • in the skin;

With lung pathology, the disease is contagious and released into the environment. But after this, mycobacteria can enter the blood and form secondary lesions infection. Mycobacteria can be detected in the testicles and prostate gland, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Koch's wand has special conditions survival rate in environment: it can be stored for decades in cold water, ice, soil. The death of the pathogen occurs quickly upon exposure sun rays and cannot withstand boiling or any high temperatures.

The difficulty is that the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis initial stage may be confused with a common respiratory illness.

The disease can occur in an active or inactive form; a person is considered contagious only with an active form. In this case, mycobacteria are released into the environment.

Morbidity conditions

In order to get sick, several conditions must be met:

  1. Close contact with a sick person for more than 40 minutes.
  2. Low level of immunity.

With a sufficient level of immunity, even in the case of close contact, the disease will not develop. But if the body is weakened, then fewer mycobacteria will be needed for infection and the spread of the process will be faster.

Early diagnosis of tuberculosis is important, since timely treatment will promote recovery.

After bacteria enters the body, symptoms do not appear immediately, but after incubation period. This may take varying amounts of time, usually several months.

The ways of infection with tuberculosis are as follows:

  • airborne;
  • nutritional, that is, through food;
  • contact, very rare way;
  • through the blood, that is, hematogenous;
  • from mother to child through the placenta;

If a person has been treated for a disease, but it has already reached advanced stage, then a capsulated focus is formed in the organ, inside which Koch’s sticks are hidden. With a decrease in immunity, this closed form of tuberculosis turns into an open one: the capsule opens and the bacilli begin to come out.

Answering the question of how long a closed form of pathology can last, we can say that if the level of immunity is maintained, this situation can last for years.

Symptoms of tuberculosis at an early stage

Manifestations of the disease are divided into specific and nonspecific. The first group consists of symptoms that are characteristic specifically of damage to this organ. The second manifestations are those that will occur regardless of the organ.

Symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis can be listed as a list:

  1. Cough for more than 3 weeks.
  2. All this time, sputum is produced.
  3. There may be an increase in body temperature to low levels.
  4. Weight loss, weakness.
  5. Sweating for no apparent reason.

Cough with tuberculosis has a peculiar character: a person coughs all the time, as if his throat hurts. The nature of the cough may indicate something is wrong.

The temperature changes its character as the process spreads: first it appears in the evening or under the influence of stress, then it is constant and provokes other infectious processes.

Lung disease is contagious already during the incubation period, when there are no symptoms.

With the spread of the disease, progressive weakness and changes in behavior appear: irritability, a tendency to mood swings. The appearance of hemoptysis indicates the neglect of the process.

If we talk about the extrapulmonary form of tuberculosis, then the symptoms depend on the organ where the focus of mycobacteria has formed. Fever, weakness, irritability are general symptoms, characteristic of any organ affected by tuberculosis.

Specific signs:

  • This joint pain, muscle and bone in case of bone disease,
  • With tuberculosis of the female reproductive system, menstruation disorders and hormonal imbalances occur.
  • When the skin is damaged, seals and chancre appear on it, within which pathogens are localized. They can ulcerate, open, or remain unchanged for a long time.
  • if tuberculosis has developed digestive tract, then diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pain appears.

How long does the initial stage of tuberculosis last? We can say that it depends on how the infection occurred, how many sticks got inside, what the level of immunity was. This period of lung disease usually lasts several months, so it is important to begin treatment at this stage.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before starting treatment for a disease, you need to make sure that it is a mycobacterial infection.

Even before symptoms appear, the source of pathogens can be randomly identified using an x-ray. At the first stage, tuberculosis can be cured completely, without consequences.

Any biological material contains the pathogen:

  • sputum due to pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • urine with damage to the urological tract;
  • purulent exudate from the joint;
  • feces with intestinal damage;
  • pleural effusion;

The question often arises about how long it takes to cure lung disease. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis after the first manifestations lasts at least 6 months. There is always a danger of the appearance of an extrapulmonary form of the disease, which should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Here are the directions of therapy:

  1. Antibacterial treatment called chemotherapy for tuberculosis.
  2. General strengthening therapy.
  3. Increased immunity level.
  4. Physiotherapeutic methods.

To eliminate mycobacteria, use antibacterial drugs from "heavy artillery". There are a number of drugs that are active against Koch's bacillus: Isoniazid, Ethambutol, Rifampicin, Streptomycin.

If antibiotic resistance is observed, reserve groups of drugs can be used: pyrazinamide, fluoroquinolones. Sputum culture allows you to determine the sensitivity of the bacilli to a particular type of antibiotic. If the sputum is resistant to several antibiotics, then the disease is treated with 4-5 antibiotics at the same time. Therapy is carried out in this way for at least 3 months. It is possible to understand whether the treatment is effective by analyzing cultures of the corresponding biological material.

Immunomodulators for pulmonary tuberculosis enhance the effect of antibiotics and allow you to quickly cure the disease or keep the disease closed.

Treatment with interferon drugs that increase nonspecific factors immunity.

The disease is treated with physiotherapeutic methods only during the period of remission, that is, in an inactive form.

The signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in the early stages in adults and children are significantly different, so you should consult a doctor when they first appear.

General signs of pulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is infection which is called different types microbes The causative agent of pulmonary tuberculosis is the tuberculosis bacillus, which is called Koch's bacillus.

You can become infected with tuberculosis through airborne droplets, as well as by consuming meat and milk from sick animals. At the same time, the first signs of tuberculosis in the early stages are no different from a common cold, so it is difficult to diagnose.

May indicate illness following symptoms:

In addition, the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis at an early stage are expressed in the following signs:

  • - enlarged lymph nodes;
  • - poor appetite;
  • - rapid heartbeat;
  • - pain in the stomach;
  • - an increase in the size of the liver on ultrasound.

If you have these symptoms for more than 3 weeks, you should not delay treatment and you should consult a doctor.

Signs of tuberculosis in the early stages in an adult

At first, tuberculosis differs from colds persistent cough and temperature. Also available constant noises and wheezing in the lungs.

Taking medications or other treatments does not help desired effect. In the tests of a patient with tuberculosis, it is observed increased protein in urine and increased level ESR in the blood.

However, the symptoms of early-stage tuberculosis in adults will look different compared to the signs of tuberculosis in children. They are often detected after chest fluorography.

The onset of the disease may be indicated by:

  • - pale skin;
  • - weight loss;
  • - increase in temperature for no reason;
  • - loss of appetite;
  • — fatigue;
  • - mood swings;
  • - irritability.

All these signs indicate the need to undergo a thorough examination to detect tuberculosis infection. Since all of them indicate reduced immunity, tuberculosis can become a real danger.

When more pronounced signs of the disease appear, for example, a dry cough, a temperature above 38 degrees, night sweats, the disease can be more accurately diagnosed.

A phthisiatrician or pulmonologist will help identify this disease.

Signs of tuberculosis in the early stages in children

Many parents, due to their high employment, do not notice the symptoms of the initial stage of tuberculosis. Sometimes they associate fatigue, weight loss, and weakness with the child’s heavy workload.

But it is better to immediately pay serious attention to the symptoms of tuberculosis at an early stage in children than to reap the fruits of your carelessness later.

In addition to the above, signs of tuberculosis are manifested in the following:

  • - shortness of breath and cough;
  • headache;
  • - temperature increase;
  • - enlarged The lymph nodes;
  • - irritability;
  • - inattention;
  • - high excitability;
  • - sleep problems;
  • - enlarged liver and spleen;
  • - allergies that appear on the front surface of the legs;
  • — positive reaction to the Mantoux test;
  • - darkening in the root of the lungs.

If these signs persist for at least 3 weeks, you must do the following:

  1. X-ray.
  2. Urine and blood tests.

If a large amount of protein is found in the urine, this may be a sign of pulmonary tuberculosis in a child. An increase in ESR is detected in the blood.

At timely treatment, and proper nutrition and restrictions physical activity you can cope with the disease much easier and faster.

Symptoms of early stage tuberculosis in women

Signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in women appear almost immediately after the microbe enters the body. But their severity will vary depending on the job. hormonal system, existing diseases and complications.

Very often, signs of tuberculosis in the early stages in women may not be noticeable at all. This is especially evident when strong immunity. When the body weakens, they appear initial symptoms tuberculosis, which many people mistake for other diseases.

Signs of tuberculosis in the initial stage:

  • - weakness;
  • bad feeling;
  • - pale skin;
  • - increase in temperature to subfebrile values, for example, 37-37.5 degrees. This happens in the evening or during stress. Often the temperature lasts 24 hours;
  • - arise various diseases organs and systems of the body.

Also obvious symptom tuberculosis in the early stage is:

  1. Coughing no phlegm throughout the entire day.
  2. Dyspnea, including at rest.
  3. Painful sensations in the chest area.

In addition, at the onset of tuberculosis disease, failure menstrual cycle And tachycardia, which requires symptomatic treatment.

Additional signs

Additional signs that indicate the development of pulmonary tuberculosis are the following:

  • - violation of integrity skin;
  • - itching in the genital area;
  • - attacks of suffocation.
  • Sleep is disturbed.
  • Additional signs

    You can also highlight additional signs tuberculosis in the early stages in adolescents:

    • poor appetite;
    • - temperature increase;
    • - pale skin;
    • - swelling of the lymph nodes;
    • — digestive disorders, which are expressed in the appearance of constipation or diarrhea;
    • - some time after the onset of the disease, the tuberculin test will be positive;
    • - slight enlargement of the liver and sometimes the spleen;
    • - body weight deficiency;
    • - red infiltrates on the legs;
    • - developmental lag from peers.


    Tuberculosis in adolescents at the initial stage can be determined using x-ray and other research methods. Analyzes show an acceleration of ESR, a decrease in the number of lymphocytes, lymphopenia and esinophilia.

    All methods should be used to detect tuberculosis modern methods diagnostics, which include:

    • — radiographs;
    • — tomograms;
    • - bronchoscopy;
    • tuberculin tests;
    • - bacteriological research.

    The sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the more favorable the outcome of the disease.

Tuberculosis is a specific infectious disease with predominant defeat lung tissue. Despite severe consequences and complications, timely diagnosis of this pathology allows successful treatment and achieve full recovery.

And in what cases should a patient be examined by a doctor: we will look at the symptoms of early-stage tuberculosis in adults in our review and video in this article.

According to statistics, tuberculosis is one of the 10 leading causes of death in the world:

  • Every year about 10 million people become ill with this infection;
  • more than 95% of deaths occur in countries with low level life ( South-East Asia, Central Africa, Latin America);
  • tuberculosis is the main cause of death in patients with HIV;
  • about 500,000 people in the world annually become ill with MDR forms of tuberculosis (multidrug-resistant);
  • thanks to timely diagnosis and treatment, doctors save up to 50 million human lives every year.

Clinical manifestations

Incubation period

From the moment the Koch bacterium enters the body until the first manifestations of tuberculosis infection appear in a person, a certain period passes, called incubation in medicine. On average it is 3-12 months.

At that time pathological changes have already begun in the lungs, but clinical manifestations no tuberculosis. If a person’s immunity is strong, the infection is completely suppressed and the disease does not develop. In persons with reduced protective forces it leads to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

Early signs

How does TBC manifest? It is necessary to pay great attention to your health so as not to miss the first signs of infection.

Among them:

  • attacks of dizziness;
  • lethargy, apathy, some indifference to everything that is happening;
  • insomnia;
  • night sweats;
  • pale skin with bright blush on the cheeks;
  • characteristic sparkle in the eyes;
  • unexplained weight loss;
  • sharp deterioration in appetite;
  • subfebrile body temperature at 37 °C.

A little later, these symptoms at the early stage of tuberculosis are replaced by signs of specific damage to the lung tissue:

  • persistent cough with mucous or mucopurulent sputum;
  • shortness of breath, which manifests itself even with slight physical exertion;
  • the appearance of blood streaks in the sputum;
  • chest pain in the background take a deep breath or during physical activity.


Hyperthermia, or fever, is one of the leading signs of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This symptom is a protective reaction of the body to the penetration of microbial particles into Airways and their colonization.

For of this disease characterized by both long-term subfebrile values ​​(with focal, infiltrative, disseminated inflammation), and very high performance thermometer (for disseminated tuberculosis and caseous pneumonia).

Note! At active forms illness and the development of complications, the temperature can reach 41 ° C.


Cough is one of the specific manifestations of Koch bacilli infection. What is a cough like in early stage tuberculosis?

Table: Characteristics of cough in tuberculosis:

Parameter Description
Periodicity Constant: a person feels a lump of accumulated mucus in his chest, and he tries to cough it up.
Productivity Wet
Sputum Cough with copious discharge sputum: this is due to the formation of mucopurulent inflammatory exudate. Sputum contains a large number of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

On late stages disease, the secreted mucus acquires a rusty color due to impurities of red blood cells and an unpleasant odor.

Character of attacks Prolonged: doctors explain this by the fact that each cough impulse is accompanied by tension in the diaphragm and pleura. This leads to the spread of inflammation and progression of respiratory failure.
Factors provoking an attack
  • horizontal position;
  • physical stress;
  • concomitant ARVI.

Is the disease contagious?

Before you learn how to identify tuberculosis at an early stage, you need to understand whether this form of the disease is contagious or not. The pathology is transmitted by airborne droplets, and no one is immune from its development.

Note! Every year, a patient with open tuberculosis infects an average of 15 people.

However, the initial forms of tuberculosis (focal, infiltrative) are not accompanied by the release of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, the peculiarity of the disease is that the transition closed form in the open happens unnoticed either by the patient himself or by those around him.

Symptoms of the pathology are easily confused with a common ARVI or cold, while the infected person poses an epidemiological danger.

Diagnostic principles

So, how to recognize tuberculosis at the very beginning?

Standard instructions include the following diagnostic examination:

  • bacterioscopic examination of sputum smear;
  • bacteriological culture of sputum;
  • fluorographic and X-ray examination OGK;
  • additional diagnostic tests.

Diagnosis of tuberculosis in adults at an early stage involves a threefold microscopic examination sputum. First of all, it makes it possible to identify patients with an open form of the disease who are dangerous to others and hospitalize them in an anti-tuberculosis hospital.

What is pulmonary tuberculosis, many know from their own sad experience or the experience of your friends. The disease develops with the participation of tuberculous mycobacteria. Pulmonary tuberculosis is characterized by the presence of granules-bumps in the body. The disease can affect not only the lungs, but also joints, bones, kidneys and abdomen. The pathogens were discovered in 1882 and are divided into types that affect humans, livestock and birds. The scientist Koch introduced everything about tuberculosis to humanity. He found and proved in his own scientific works, which is why tuberculosis appears at an early stage.

A person becomes ill when type 1 mycobacteria enter the body. The disease can spread to the lungs or lymph nodes, and to the tissues of other organs. Tuberculosis can be determined from sputum, urine, feces, from pleural exudate, articular pus. In people who work with livestock, tuberculosis appears after consuming contaminated meat or milk. After infection, it may take some time for a person to feel symptoms. The tuberculosis bacterium is distinguished by its vitality and amazing resistance, so it can survive even in a damp basement, waiting in the wings. But it cannot withstand direct sunlight and high temperatures.

How is the disease transmitted? Its carrier can be a person or an infected large cattle. Things personal use the sick person is carried pathogenic bacteria. If a man for a long time was sick, then tenacious bacteria settle on upholstered furniture, on the pillow, spoons and glasses. Everyone living in the same apartment with the sick person will automatically receive a suspicion of pulmonary tuberculosis. The bacterium is easily transmitted through milk, so the raw country product should be consumed with caution, preferably after boiling.

Pulmonary tuberculosis can be easily acquired by close contact with a sick person and at home. The bacterium contained in saliva is transmitted by airborne droplets to the interlocutor through sneezing, coughing or sharing a glass. The pathogen is so cunning and tenacious that when it gets onto the upholstery of a sofa with saliva, it dries out and turns into microscopic dust. The person who sits on the sofa and leans his face against it will inhale dust and get sick. But this is only a possibility, since the body healthy person able to overcome a small amount of harmful microorganisms, there are many factors. It is important to establish the reasons for bacteria entering the body in order to prevent re-infection. Children's belongings are burned after recovery. The manifestation and everything about tuberculosis can be found below.

Clinical manifestations

Physically, tuberculosis looks like a compaction in the form of a granule, it is small in size. Its composition: epithelioid cell inside connective tissue. It allows the generation of a protected granule, separating healthy tissue from the focus of tuberculosis. The bacterium arises in the cells of the body tissues themselves or wedges between them.

The initial stage of tuberculosis can occur as early as childhood, the disease can easily be acquired by direct contact with the pathogen. The pathology passes into pulmonary tuberculosis from a bronchopneumonic focus, which provokes inflammatory process in organ tissues. From here, the bacteria enter the lymph, which carries them throughout the body. Depending on the condition of the body and its characteristics, dangerous tuberculosis pneumonia develops. At this stage of pulmonary tuberculosis, the disease can self-destruct, especially if the bacteria have already entered the body and appropriate immunity has been developed to them.

The bacterium is able to enter the human body and live there for a long time, waiting for a favorable moment in the form of weakening immune system or infectious disease, then she appears in the arena in all her might. Repeated cases tuberculosis can occur in those who have already had it; complete immunity is not developed. The first signs of repeated illness may differ.

There are 2 forms: exudative and productive. The first form is characterized by serous effusions in the alveoli. Productive tissue is characterized by tissue proliferation, this injures the structure of the lung, and fibroblasts are formed. The stages of pulmonary tuberculosis can occur separately or in parallel in the same patient.

Most often, pulmonary tuberculosis does not bother the patient for a long time until it passes within comprehensive examination fluorography. The initial stage is characterized by symptoms similar to poisoning. The person feels weak, lethargic, loses appetite and disturbs sleep. Temperature moves closer to 37°. Experienced doctor can diagnose tuberculosis at an early stage by examining lymph nodes. If you ignore the initial symptoms of tuberculosis, they intensify. A severe cough with sputum or dry cough, chest pain accompanying breathing, may indicate tuberculosis and lung diseases. Blood when coughing is serious complication and points to complex shape diseases.

The lungs are most susceptible to tuberculosis bacteria, but from them they can spread to the joints, organs of the digestive system and others. To identify tuberculosis, they are prescribed general tests blood. In the presence of pathology in the blood, hemoglobin and leukocytes decrease. At the microbiological level, sputum is examined for the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Pleural fluid should also be examined by a specialist, so tuberculosis can be detected at an early stage.

Modern medicine proposes to determine tuberculosis using genetic methods; the initial stage is detected by studying the genetic material of the bacterium. Standardly, the doctor prescribes fluorographic examination, x-rays, and tomography.

Pulmonary tuberculosis at an early stage is sometimes accompanied by tachycardia, dyspeptic disorders, which can exist independently or be symptoms of a disease. A patient coming in with complaints of tachycardia may not suspect a more serious illness.

An experienced doctor who treats patients carefully will definitely suggest undergoing a set of studies to exclude Koch's bacillus. The early stages are quite secretive, and it can be difficult to identify the pathogen.

Schools and universities regularly send students for fluorography as part of general examination. This preventative measure allows you to detect problems on initial stage. Since in places where children and students gather there is a high probability of transmission of tuberculosis by airborne droplets.

Today, doctors know everything about tuberculosis, so it no longer causes mass deaths and is treatable.

Course of the disease

Patients generally experience tuberculosis with ailments, weakness, increased fatigue. Intoxication causes problems with appetite and digestive system disorders. The first signs are replaced by coughing with blood, sweating, rapid decline weight. There is always a cough with tuberculosis, whether sputum is released or not, it doesn’t matter. Depending on the severity of the disease and the degree of damage to the lungs, the cough intensifies. Unlike many other diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis can plague a person through a long and painful process. If you look at the sputum, it will have particles of pus in its composition. This is especially visible when studied using optical technology. Latent tuberculosis may not last for a long time positive reactions during the study of the material, therefore this masking disease causes a lot of trouble for the doctor and the patient and manifests itself after some time.

There is no doubt that blood in the sputum when coughing is the main symptom. If injured large vessels, then there is more blood, if small, then you can see the particles blood cells can be difficult to see with the naked eye. If blood is detected when coughing, then pulmonary tuberculosis has spread to a healthy part of the organ. This can lead to rapid infection of body tissues and cells.

Febrile symptoms to varying degrees of severity accompany pulmonary tuberculosis throughout the entire illness. It is provoked by decaying bacteria and the toxicity of injured cells. To understand how the disease progresses, it is recommended to measure and record body temperature at regular intervals; this will tell the doctor the nuances of the course of the disease. Fever occurs at a temperature of 37 °. A higher level is characteristic of tuberculous pneumonia. Copious secretion of sputum with blood stimulates an increase in temperature, which then drops.

If a person begins to be bothered by coughing and sweating at night, he should be checked for tuberculosis. Sweating indicates serious violation body work. Last stage characterized profuse sweating and shortness of breath. Breathing problem is caused by emphysema and fibrotic changes.

Pulmonary tuberculosis significantly depletes a person’s body, he loses weight before his eyes, and there is no appetite. Not in vain popular name This disease is consumption. The patient loses weight because the metabolism accelerates, digestive system susceptible to the influence of toxins, due to weakness I do not want to eat.

Drug therapy plays a major role, depending on the extent of the disease and individual characteristics The doctor prescribes medications to a person.

Pregnancy and pulmonary tuberculosis are incompatible. Due to febrile symptoms, exhaustion of the woman’s body, blood in the sputum, the harm caused to the fetus is critical. In compensated forms of tuberculosis, pregnancy is possible under medical supervision. When planning pregnancy, prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis is important.

Treatment is possible; tuberculosis is no longer a terrible incurable disease. But it is very important to be patient, follow your diet and make every effort to maintain hygiene. For the patient during treatment is prescribed complete diet, daily calorie content must be at least 2800 Kcal. Depending on your individual body structure, your doctor may prescribe even more nutritious foods. The diet of a tuberculosis patient includes heavy cream, butter, protein products, fast and slowly digestible carbohydrates, various fruits, dried fruits, honey.

Among other drugs, there must be powerful vitamin complexes. Don't underestimate the role healthy image life during the treatment of such a disease. It's important to go for a walk fresh air, have a good rest, sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is useful for patients to spend several weeks at sea, walk in coniferous forests, and breathe healing air. Many sanatoriums and resorts specialize in helping patients with tuberculosis. Patients with severe forms of the disease are not sent to such places. This treatment is suitable only for compensated forms and as prevention.

Sanatoriums, by design, provide more disciplinary treatment than medical treatment. The vacationer follows a diet, it is prepared in advance according to all the requirements of the doctors, and follows a certain daily routine. A person rests in a comfortable room and has access to procedures and consultations with specialists.

An important factor is the change in the psycho-emotional state of the patient in the conditions of sanatorium-resort treatment. Normalization of work nervous system helps strengthen the body. Many sanatoriums offer recreational sports procedures; this is extremely useful for tuberculosis patients. acute stage. The resort of Crimea is called the best.

Another popular place is the North Caucasus, its climate is extremely useful for pulmonary diseases. They can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis.