Amaranth oil use. Composition: features and beneficial properties. Applications of amaranth oil extracts

Amaranth oil is a product that gives strength and longevity. A plant called “amaranth” has been known to mankind for eight thousand years. It has gained wide popularity as a grain crop. Amaranth seeds were used by humans to make bread; stems and leaves were used as food for animals. In western and southeastern countries you can find a large number of products that are still made from amaranth today. These are mainly pasta, baked goods, and baby food. Many varieties are grown, each used depending on its nutritional value.

In Russia, the greatest demand is for oil made from amaranth grains. It has great nutritional value and contains unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, oleic, linoleic), which are necessary for the functioning of the human body. The oil is very nutritious and is used in many fields of activity, which indicates the most valuable qualities of the product. What is amaranth oil rich in, its benefits and harms when consumed as food, and where is the best place to purchase this product - we will consider all these questions further in our article.

All about the benefits of amaranth oil

Medicine and amaranth oil - we treat diabetes and cancer

One can talk endlessly about the healing properties of this type of oil. Surely you have heard only positive reviews about amaranth oil, with reference to its use in folk medicine. Let's look at what actually beneficial substances are contained in amaranth, and for what diseases you can eat oil made from this plant.

  • Squalene

The first thing I want to highlight when talking about amaranth oil is the amount of squalene it contains. Of the total mass, its content is almost 10%. Squalene plays a huge role in protecting our skin from aging. Thanks to it, the skin maintains its elasticity, maintains the optimal amount of moisture, and ensures softness and velvety skin. It also protects it from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, thanks to its antibacterial properties. The concentration of squalene in the skin begins to gradually decrease after the age of 25, so from the onset of this age it is worth thinking about additional sources of obtaining this youth-preserving substance.

  • Vitamin E

This vitamin is contained in amaranth oil in such a concentration that it cannot be found in any other vegetable oil. It is a natural antioxidant that protects the body from harmful factors. environment. It is vitamin E that reduces the risk of cancer. Its regular use keeps the entire body in good shape, and this is also reflected in the skin - it becomes taut and elastic, wrinkles tend to smooth out. Vitamin E also plays an important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the visual apparatus, improves vision and helps the eyes work fully.

  • Calcium

We all know how necessary calcium is in our lives. It plays an important role at any age - in childhood it is needed for the proper formation of bones, during pregnancy it ensures the normal development of the fetus and supports the body of the expectant mother, in adulthood it helps to bear all the loads on the spine, in old age it is necessary to maintain the condition of the skeletal system. The amount of calcium in amaranth oil is such that it is even greater than in whole milk. Therefore, to replenish calcium, include this wonderful product in your diet.

  • Phospholipids

The presence of a large amount of phospholipids in amaranth oil helps maintain normal fat metabolism, improves metabolism, metabolism in the body is normalized, and if any failure occurs in the organs, then these substances rush to restore normal functioning. Phospholipids also help regulate the sugar (glucose) content in human blood. This means that for type 2 diabetes mellitus, this product is required to be included in the patient’s diet.

  • Sterols

People involved in sports will be pleased to know that amaranth oil contains a large amount of sterols. These substances are added to energy drinks, sports supplements, and bars. Sterols are used as anabolic agents that help the body quickly adapt to physical activity. When using amaranth oil, your feedback will be only positive, because this natural remedy is publicly available, natural and healthy.

For what diseases should amaranth oil be included in the daily diet?:

- with a lack of iron - anemia;

- stomach diseases, gastroenteritis, ulcers - oil suppresses inflammatory processes and restores cells;

- heart disease, hypertension, myocarditis, varicose veins - oil prevents the formation of blood clots, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;

- skin damage of various origins - burns, cuts, as well as dermatological diseases - psoriasis, eczema, acne - the oil has a bactericidal effect, you need to rub it into the damaged areas of the skin or apply compresses for a guaranteed result;

- dental diseases, such as stomatitis, gum inflammation, periodontal disease - the oil effectively fights inflammatory processes and relieves pain, rinsing the mouth twice a day is recommended;

- obesity and diabetes - oil actively improves the burning of calories and fat, maintains blood glucose levels;

- female and male diseases of the gynecological and genitourinary system - cervical erosion, cystitis, endometritis, fibroids (in women), male infertility, inflammatory diseases and prostate diseases (in men) are treated more successfully when amaranth oil is included in the diet;

— diseases of the visual system (conjunctivitis, cataracts) are less acute and without complications when amaranth oil is ingested daily as a dressing for vegetables and cereals;

- diseases nervous system, sleep disorders, depression, psycho-emotional fatigue. Amaranth oil has an antidepressant effect by activating the action of serotonin in the body - the hormone of joy, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as a whole and fills the body with energy.

Also, amaranth oil can be consumed in its pure form in case of loss of strength, recovery from protracted illnesses and taking antibiotics. If you decide to try amaranth oil, using it will not cause you any difficulties. Daily norm - 0.5 tsp. three times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Since amaranth oil is a completely natural and environmentally friendly ingredient, it enjoys well-deserved popularity in the production of cosmetics. It is added mainly to face and body care products, because the oil contains unique substances that moisturize the skin, retain moisture, protect against dryness and chapping, which is very important in the off-season and cold season. It is of considerable importance that amaranth oil in cosmetology receives only good reviews. Many luxury brands use amaranth oil in their creams and lotions.

You can try to prepare healing mixtures with amaranth oil yourself at home, which are not inferior in effectiveness to expensive purchased products. Let's look at the most popular ideas for using oil for skin care at home.

Mask for dry skin

We will need 2 tsp. amaranth oil, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 egg yolk. Mix all ingredients and apply to facial skin. Leave for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water without soap. After such a mask, the skin will become moisturized, velvety, and pleasant to the touch.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese

If you have sensitive skin that lacks moisture, then this mask is for you. 2 tbsp. mix regular fat content of any percentage with 1 tsp. amaranth oils Apply to face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse with water. Repeat two or three times during the week, and by the weekend you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror.

Citrus mask for whitening the face and tightening pores

Before using this mask, make sure that you are not allergic to citrus fruits. 1 tbsp. mix amaranth oil with 2 tbsp. orange juice, 0.5 tsp. lemon juice. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and apply to face, neck and décolleté. Fifteen minutes of use will be enough; you may feel a slight tingling from the acid contained in the fruits taken for the mask. Wash off the mask with warm water. Excellent for removing age spots and freckles. Can be used daily.

Amaranth oil is also used for tanning, an excellent replacement for store-bought oil. Just before going to the beach, apply the oil to exposed skin and let it absorb for 10 minutes. Blot excess oil with a paper napkin. Your skin will not only be protected from ultraviolet rays, but will also receive a dose of vitamins and be perfectly hydrated.

Using amaranth oil helps if your lips are chapped and chapped. Apply a few drops of oil to your lips. Amaranth will have a healing effect, restore the delicate skin of the lips and prevent peeling.

Important note: when using, be sure to consult a specialist. This information is for informational purposes only. There are contraindications for use.

Amaranth oil in cooking

This wonderful product must be present in the diet of a person who cares about his health. How and in what dishes to add amaranth oil? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

  • Amaranth oil is an excellent salad dressing. Vegetable salad seasoned with this oil becomes ten times healthier and, importantly, tastier.
  • Do you like cereal porridge? Make it a rule to season them not with butter, but with vegetable oil, mainly amaranth. The taste will not suffer from this, and the benefits will double.
  • If you decide to cook a fried dish or something deep-fried, let amaranth oil be your cooking companion. It does not destroy vitamins as much during frying as other vegetable oils, so it is more preferable.
  • In those vepeka recipes where you need to add butter to the dough, add amaranth oil - and your pancakes, muffins, buns will turn out tasty, and most importantly, healthy.

Amaranth oil - is there any harm?

Let’s say right away that there is no direct harm from using amaranth oil in any form, internally or externally. There are categories of people for whom amaranth oil divides the benefits and harm equally, on a purely individual basis. So, who should use amaranth oil with caution:

- people with increased content in vessels;

- people suffering from chronic pancreatic diseases;

— chronic pancreatitis is also one of the contraindications to consuming vegetable oil for food (fried foods);

- those suffering from ulcers duodenum;

- if your body is prone to frequent stomach upsets, diarrhea, diarrhea, since amaranth oil has a mild laxative effect.

As you can see, there are few contraindications to the use of amaranth oil, and they are associated with diseases and individual intolerance to the oil. Therefore, if everything is fine with you, or you want to improve your body and alleviate the symptoms of the diseases described in the second paragraph of our article, then you can and should use amaranth oil for health, external and internal beauty.

Eat right and be healthy!

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of amaranth oil.

Amaranth seeds Wash first, dry, and lightly fry in a dry frying pan. 1 tbsp. heat to sixty degrees. C (and not higher), pour into a thermos, pour into a coffee grinder ground seeds 1 tbsp. and stir, leave for a day. Strain through several layers of gauze. Store in the refrigerator. Drink: from one to three teaspoons per day, preferably 20 to 25 minutes before. before eating. You can add to salads, mucous membranes, skin lubricate.

Amaranth oil. Beneficial features. Video

TREATMENT WITH AMARANTH OIL. Amaranth oil goes well with other medications.

You can take it orally or as compresses apply, rubbing, For massage use.

Edible natural amaranth oil without additives, for external and internal use.

Amaranth oil goes well with others oils and medicines. It can be taken orally or as compresses apply, rubbing, for massage use.

Amaranth is a living oil. Video

INDICATIONS FOR USE OF AMARANTH OIL: oncological diseases and gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and liver diseases, infectious and fungal, neurodermatitis, burns, wounds, , eczema, insects, mucous lesions, removal of radionuclides, bedsores, heavy metal salts.

Amaranth oil provides health-improving It has a powerful effect on the body, saturates it with oxygen.

Applicable amoranth oil at treatment and prevention of cancer, complex forms, diseases of the cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Composition of amaranth oil: amaranth oil, squalene (up to 6%), phytosterols, phospholipids, vitamin “E”, provitamin “A”, polyunsaturated fatty acids: linolenic, linoleic.

Amaranth oil for stretch marks, struggle experience. Video

Amaranth oil - action:

- has a comprehensive effect on all body systems;
- saturates the body with the necessary amount of oxygen;
- improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- increases the elasticity of blood vessels, has an anti-sclerotic effect;
- normalizes protein, fat and cholesterol metabolism;
- increases the body's resistance to various neoplasms;
- reduces the side effects of medications.

Amaranth oil is an effective remedy for improving health and preventing cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, cancer, immune diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

The most biologically valuable components amaranth oil:

- linolenic and linoleic acids (up to fifty percent);
- liquid polyunsaturated squalene hydrocarbon and also vitamin “E” in a rather rare tocotrienol form.

Supplies squalene tissues and organs with oxygen in required quantities.

This allows Amaranth oil used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for metabolic disorders, excess weight, and also with neurasthenia syndromes, neurotic reactions and headaches, nervous overstrain caused by menopausal syndromes.

Amaranth oil - useful health tips. Video


Complex of active components Amaranth oil does effective natural remedy for the prevention and treatment of diseases, such as:
- oncological diseases;
- heart - ;
- and metabolic disorders;
- strengthening and restoration of the immune and hormonal systems;
- mastopathy, mastitis;
- ;
- dermatological diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, etc.);
- skin diseases due to tanning in a solarium and sunbathing;
- sun and radiation burns;
- rejuvenation and restoration of the skin of the body and face;
- figure correction in problem areas, fight against cellulite;
- leveling and eliminating fresh scars, including post-operative ones;
- cuts and other mechanical damage to the skin, hematomas.


EXTERNAL USE OF AMARANTH OIL. For protection from solar radiation in summer, when traveling on vacation, when visiting a solarium, as well as for strengthening and increasing tan It is recommended to use a couple of teaspoons per day and use after sun treatments moisturizing creams and balms With amaranth oil by adding.
For diseases amaranth oil Apply to the affected areas a couple of times a day (morning and evening). And ten minutes later. leftovers oils removed with a cosmetic wipe.

INTERNAL USE OF AMARANTH OIL. IN for medicinal purposes amaranth oil Take 1 teaspoon (five ml) orally in the morning and evening, during meals. Shake before use. The daily norm is ten ml.

Enough to use for prevention only five ml. oils in a day.

Amaranth oil, treatment

Amaranth oil - how to use? Video

At women's diseases (, fibromyoma, appendage inflammation) amaranth oil taking it helps speed up recovery. It has a good effect on vision and therefore can serve as an auxiliary means of therapeutic and prophylactic treatment cataracts.

WHERE TO BUY AMARANTH OIL? Amaranth oil sold in pharmacies and stores.

Edible natural amaranth oil without additives, used for external and internal use.

Amaranth oil an effective remedy is health improvement and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, cancer, and gastrointestinal diseases.

PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. AMARANTH OIL. Contraindications for use amaranth oil, Apart from individual intolerance, no symptoms were noted.

May be observed dizziness in rare cases in the first days of use.

HOW TO STORE AMARANTH OIL? Keep amaranth oil in a dry, light-protected place at T from + 4 to + 15 deg. C, must be kept in the refrigerator.
Shelf life: one year.

Amaranth oil - what should it be used for? Video

Additional information about amaranth oil:

Included amaranth oil squalene has unique wound-healing properties, entering the human body, squalene recovery processes activates, which promotes healing of ulcers and any other damage to the internal organs of tissues.

Vitamin “E” is necessary for a person, and especially in in old age, for normalization of heart function, improvement of cholesterol balance and antioxidant in the prevention of cancer diseases.

IN amaranth oil Vitamin “E” contains a rare variety of tocotrienol, which is forty to fifty times more effective than conventional tocopherol forms. Vitamin "E" amaranth oil in large quantities It even reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis. Vegetable oils is a mixture of fatty acids, the most valuable of which are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Several of them (linoleic acid, linolenic acid and arachidonic acid) are essential, that is, they are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food.

Amaranth oil, treatment. Video

Goodbye stretch marks! Amaranth oil. Video

Amaranth oil is a storehouse of vitamins, beneficial minerals and trace elements, and therefore it is so effective in the prevention and treatment of many ailments and diseases that reduce a person’s quality of life.

There are two main methods used in the production of this product:

  • screw extraction;
  • extraction, that is, extraction.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and production features. You can buy oil obtained by this method on our website at .

Features of screw extraction

Screw pressing involves the use of a special screw press. The pressed oil is immediately placed in glass vials - often each individual manufacturer develops a special container design to differentiate itself from other oil suppliers.

When using auger pressing, both cold and hot pressing can be used. The first is carried out at normal room temperature. The second, hot, involves increasing the temperature to 60 degrees, which increases overall performance.

However, cold pressing is more valuable because it allows more positive substances to be retained. Naturally, cold-pressed products cost much more.

Features of the choice of raw materials

Now let's look at how to get amaranth oil yourself by preparing it at home. Of course, making it is not so easy, but if you set this goal, carefully read our article - it describes in detail one of the production options.

High quality raw materials

It is extremely important to use raw materials, that is, amaranth grains, of high quality. Not all suppliers and manufacturers offer their customers exactly this kind of grain - many do not even indicate the necessary information about it on the labels.

How should high-quality raw materials be? The grain should:

  • stored in accordance with requirements;
  • do not have an unpleasant odor (it is characteristic of seeds with diaper rash and fungus);
  • properly packaged;
  • have no litter.

It is also important that the packaging contains all the necessary information:

  • manufacturer's name;
  • contact details, including telephone number;
  • production period and shelf life.

Advice. It is quite simple to identify high-quality seeds - they are clean, have a pleasant and barely noticeable nutty aroma.

Don't buy meal!

Some sellers convince us that even the meal of this plant can be used for home production of amaranth oil. However, this is not so, since the meal is obtained after squeezing the grains, that is, there is practically nothing in it that could be squeezed again or used for the production of amaranth oil.

note . Unscrupulous sellers can also sell meal under the guise of flour, without labeling the packaging. After all, meal vaguely resembles flour and it will be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to distinguish between these two products. Therefore, it is so important that the flour packaging must have a label and contain all the information about the product and the manufacturer.

An important product for long-livers

Note that in the Middle Ages, amaranth was a widespread plant in our latitudes, and therefore people lived for quite a long time. Although in those days there were no methods for obtaining oil. People used amaranth by preparing bread, various flatbreads and other dishes from it.

However, Peter the Great banned the plant, and people everywhere switched to wheat and rye. This affected life expectancy, and there were practically no centenarians left at all.

Since today the pace of life is too high, modern people have no time to prepare amaranth products, then amaranth oil, made with your own hands from high-quality flour obtained from the seeds of the plant, will be an excellent alternative to flatbreads.

Making amaranth oil at home

At home, you can obtain amaranth oil using the extraction method, using for these purposes:

So, vegetable oil literally draws amaranth oil from flour.

Of course, the effectiveness of the resulting oil will be lower than that of oil obtained by pressing, which is why we recommend buying a ready-made, high-quality product - for this there is a website .

However, if for some reason you cannot afford to purchase ready-made oil or you need too much of it to carry out a full course of treatment, you can safely use the method described below.

Note. When making oil at home, it is not at all necessary to separate the grounds, but to take the resulting product along with it. As a result, when entering the body, the flour will release the remaining beneficial substances in it that were not released during extraction into oil.

How to make amaranth oil with your own hands: step-by-step instructions:

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this process. We have prepared step-by-step instructions for preparing oil for you:

Advice! To make the seeds much easier to grind, it is recommended to lightly heat them first and fry them in a regular frying pan. By the way, this will give them an additional pleasant nutty aroma.

After two to three weeks, the oil is actually ready, all that remains is to filter it, separating it from the flour (ground) - for this:

  • take regular gauze;
  • fold it in four layers;
  • pour the oil through it into a separate container;
  • Squeeze the gauze and contents thoroughly.

Of course, most often not all the oil is separated from the flour. Therefore, we recommend that you do not throw away the grounds - you can use the oil.
Use for external use, and take the flour internally.

If you manage to squeeze out the grounds efficiently and well, then you can use dry pulp for compresses. The main thing is to ensure proper storage of it - for this you need:

  • place it in a dark glass container;
  • put in the refrigerator.

Cake as a compress will be quite effective in the treatment of diseases such as:

It’s easy to make a compress - put the cake in gauze, apply this kind of bag to the sore spot, cover it with cellophane on top, wrap it in a towel or scarf to heat it.

If it is important for you to get the highest quality amaranth oil, then you should purchase a cold-pressed product - it is presented on our website in the catalog. Just go to , select the container of the required volume and place your order!

Amaranth is a plant whose “roots” go back thousands of years. It was eaten by the ancient tribes of the Mayans, Incas, Aztecs and other peoples. Flour, cereals, starch, squalene and lysine are obtained from it, but the oil is of greatest value. The product obtained by cold pressing retains the maximum amount of valuable substances, vitamins and microelements.

Useful properties of oil

Amaranth extract is rich in a whole set of essential amino acids for the body, and it also includes biogenic amines, phospholipids, phytosterols, squalene, carotenoids, rutin, bile acids, chlorophylls and quercetin.

The benefit of amaranth oil lies in the effect that all of the above components have on the body. What makes it truly unique is squalene - an incredibly strong antioxidant that plays a huge role in protecting our skin and the entire body from aging. Its concentration in this product reaches 8%: this substance is not found in such a volume anywhere else.

Other amino acids act on the body as hepatoprotectors, preventing fatty liver degeneration. Mineral salts and carotenoids regulate blood glucose levels. Amaranth oil has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antimicrobial and antitumor properties.

Applications of amaranth oil

The use of amaranth oil is incredibly wide. In cooking, it is used to season salads, make sauces based on it, and use it for frying. Manufacturers of cosmetic products actively include it in all kinds of creams, milks and lotions, remembering its ability to maintain optimal skin moisture, enrich it with oxygen and protect it from free radicals.

The squalene in its composition is enhanced by the action, which determines the rejuvenating effect of the oil on the skin. Amaranth oil is effective for a face prone to acne and acne, and this product can significantly speed up the healing of wounds, cuts and other injuries, and this property is actively used in medicine.

We can say that there is not a single area in medicine where amaranth extract is not used. Its influence on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is great. The product actively fights the formation of blood clots, reduces the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and makes the walls of blood vessels strong.

By regularly consuming amaranth oil internally, you can reduce the risk of eye diseases, speed up recovery from viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections, improve brain function, memory and minimize the effects of stress.

The oil protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and carcinogens, which means it is an excellent prevention of cancer. It is included in the treatment of various diseases of the joints and spine, and due to its ability to increase immune defense, provide a general health-improving and restorative effect, it is recommended to drink it for patients with tuberculosis, AIDS and other diseases that significantly reduce immunity.

Harmful effects of amaranth oil

The harm of amaranth oil lies only in possible individual intolerance and allergies.

Squalene in the amaranth extract can have a laxative effect, but, as practice shows, this effect quickly passes. However, for persons with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, it is better to consult a doctor before consuming the oil.

3 days ago From us you can buy various types of nuts filled with Siberian honey. Pine nut, almond, hazelnut, walnut, pumpkin seeds, ginger root. Everything is thoroughly washed. There is never too much nut, so it takes up 99% of the volume in the jar. Jars from 100ml to 350ml. Our addresses in Krasnoyarsk: - Novosibirskaya, 5 (since 2012). - Paris Commune, 9 (since 2014). - Lenina, 153 (new address). - Online

6 days ago Sweet clover honey with beebread 7% 1kg -830₽ Natural honey from Siberia from It is considered high-grade honey. Sweet clover honey is loved all over the world. Has a subtle floral aroma. High taste qualities. Sweet clover honey helps with all pulmonary and acute respiratory diseases. Received from case frames. With the addition of bee bread. Perga is a natural biostimulant. Under the influence of bee bread, blood supply to the lower body and peripheral organs improves, so it is used to increase potency, treat male infertility, and prostate adenoma. Benefits based on the color of honey. Sweet clover honey is light yellow in color. Refers to light varieties of honey. Recommended for cardiovascular diseases, diseases gastrointestinal tract, diseases respiratory system. Suitable for eye drops. Benefits based on the medicinal properties of the plant

2 weeks ago Spring is coming. There is very little left, which means soon the bees will leave their winter palace and begin searching for food. Coltsfoot is one of the first spring honey plants in Siberia, providing bees with pollen and nectar. Grows in large numbers along coastal cliffs. It blooms very early - in early or mid-April and blooms for 15-20 days. Tussilago (mother) farfara (stepmother) L.. #skorovesna #motherstepmother #coltsfoot #honey plant #Siberia

3 weeks ago “It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.” This is exactly what they said about honey beer in fairy tales. This drink is very insidious. It is easy to drink, relaxed, but the strength in it is quite high. One liter is enough to understand what kind of drink it is. You can buy light mead in our store. Now there are three types of mead. All with the addition of hop cones. It differs: 1) classic (honey + hops). 2) Bird cherry. 3) With garden berries (cloudier than others, due to the berry pulp). All have the same strength. At least 6-7%. Although 1 liter gives the effect of 0.5 liters of vodka. But as they say, it “hits” the muscular skeleton. The head remains sane. The cost of 1 liter of pleasure is only 250 rubles. For

Amaranth is known in many parts of our planet as the “find of the twentieth century.” He will receive his second birth around the seventies of the last century. Its roots can be traced back very far - into the depths of thousands of years. Various sources say that his birth dates back to 4-6 millennium BC.

South America can rightfully be considered the homeland of this amazing plant. Its history is very rich and dramatic.

Even in those distant ancient times, people already used amaranth for their own benefit. Amaranth leaves were used for food, but its seeds were generally considered the “golden grain of the gods.” The ancient tribes of the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs, from infants to adult warriors, consumed it as a staple food along with corn and beans. Even then, people knew and successfully used it in the treatment of many ailments.

It’s not news to many that the Indians have always been considered almost magicians, using nature’s storehouse one hundred percent. They believed that amaranth, in addition to strengthening the spirit and body, also, when used daily, has a truly wonderful and amazing property - it is capable of creating people with almost unlimited possibilities.

Once upon a time, the last Aztec emperor accepted amaranth seeds as tribute. At that time, they were valued on a par with gold, people used them as a payment document, just like we have money now.

Moreover, amaranth in those days was considered a sacred plant; the Indians used it in their rituals. It was this fact that was the reason that the plant was forgotten and lost for many centuries, unlike beans and corn, which successfully migrated from the New World to the Old. The conquistadors forbade the cultivation and cultivation of amaranth and its use as food. They didn’t even let me save its seeds. However, the conquistadors did not take into account that amaranth reproduces well by self-sowing. It received its name from the Greek “amaranthos”, which means immortal.

Academician N.I. In the thirties of the last century, Vavilov, while studying the flora of South America, came across and became very interested in amaranth, actively promoted it in Russia, but after his arrest in 1940 and death 3 years later, this amazing plant was forgotten again.

Cultivation of Amaranth

Amaranth owes its sharply increased popularity to American scientists. They found that it belongs to plants with a special type of photosynthesis, which explained its enormous productivity. First in the USA and Canada, and then also in India, Australia and China, they began to study and introduce it into the food industry. Abroad, amaranth is highly appreciated by baby nutrition specialists and nutritionists. That's how he received his second birth. Now it is increasingly called “the culture of the present and the future.” And, I must say, rightly so - high yield, nutritional value and dietary properties.

Amaranth has not bypassed Russia with its popularity; at the moment it is widely cultivated in the Belgorod and Voronezh regions, in the south of Siberia and the Volga region. Many famous doctors of St. Petersburg conducted research and studied the pharmaceutical properties of amaranth. They have proven the clinical effectiveness of this plant. The study of amaranth in Russian scientific centers and the introduction of its derivatives into industry is in full swing. Well, its scope of application is very diverse - from the confectionery and baking industries to the pharmaceutical and perfumery and cosmetics industries. But not only people use it for food. It makes very nutritious animal feed.

What about industry? Amaranth can increasingly be found in flower beds and gardens of Russians. It should be taken into account that it itself is very diverse: it can be low (the so-called border varieties), and it can also be a real giant, reaching two meters in height. Amaranth has excellent decorative qualities: pyramid-shaped bushes, emerald green leaves and huge lush paniculate inflorescences of a wide variety of colors - from white to dark burgundy (almost black). Well, it grows from July almost until frost.

Amaranth processing

Well, what are the advantages of amaranth in production? When it is processed, there is virtually no waste left! Flour, cereals, oil, starch, lysine, and squalene are produced from it. Amaranth leaves can be used in salad, they are very tender and healthy, taste like spinach, and perfectly complement other vegetables in the salad. Amaranth seeds make a very good substitute for poppy seeds in home baking. They just need to be lightly fried. Its seeds make a very tasty and nutritious porridge. But amaranth flour is an excellent ingredient for baking, desserts and sauces.

The most valuable product is amaranth oil. It is produced from amaranth seeds; on average, there are about fifty to sixty thousand seeds per plant, albeit quite small ones, but amaranth oil can be different! The method and the process of its production itself are important. Amaranth oil “Oil King” is produced by a single cold pressing method, due to which all useful substances, vitamins, and microelements are preserved and concentrated.

Composition of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is an inexhaustible source of substances beneficial to the human body. What are these substances? And here they are:

  • Fats: omega-3 (about 2%), omega-6 (50%), omega-9 (24%), as well as saturated fatty acids (palmitic (about 19%), stearic (4%));
  • Vitamins: B1, B2, V3 (vit. PP), B4, B5, D, E (choline), P;
  • MacroAnd microelements: calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus;
  • Amino acids: arginine, alanine, valine, glutamic acid, histamine, histidine, isoleucine, lecithin, leucine, lysine, methionine, proline, serine, tryptophan, threonine, tyrosine, phenylalanine;
  • Biogenic amines: serotonin;
  • Phospholipids (near 9%);
  • Carotenoids;
  • Squalene (before 8%);
  • Phytosterols;
  • Quercetin;
  • Rutin (Vitamin R);
  • Chlorophylls;
  • Gall acids;

It is undeniable that amaranth oil is one of the outstanding products with a complex of useful substances. But only two of them make it truly unique. This is squalene and vitamin E in a particularly active tocotrienol form.

Squalene was first isolated from the liver of deep-sea sharks back in the thirties of the twentieth century and until recently it was believed that this was the only source for obtaining this incredibly powerful antioxidant. Only the squalene content in shark liver is only 1.5%, while in amaranth oil its share reaches 8%.

Thanks to this successful combination, amaranth oil becomes simply an invaluable gift for human health.

Benefits of amaranth oil

The use of amaranth oil in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

Amaranth seed oil is a real gift from nature, possessing a complex of useful substances and unique properties, which have long been used for prevention and as a component in the complex treatment of various diseases. The spectrum of its action is very wide:

  • antivirus,
  • antioxidant,
  • anti-sclerotic,
  • bactericidal,
  • hepatoprotective,
  • immunostimulating,
  • cardioprotective,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antitumor,
  • wound healing,
  • ulcer-healing.

Not a bad list, isn't it?! Now let's look at each of them in a little more detail, but without delving into the subtleties.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems

Amaranth oil has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole. Thanks to its balanced composition, this oil prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system, actively fights thrombosis, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels. In general, amaranth oil helps strengthen blood vessels and restore the elasticity of their walls, which means blood circulation improves. In addition, magnesium and vitamin E contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, and therefore a decrease in blood pressure. The complex of microelements of amaranth oil normalizes the rhythm, strength and speed of heart contractions. Vitamins, chlorophyll, iron, copper present in amaranth oil are directly involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. From the above it follows that amaranth oil is indicated for use as part of complex treatment and prevention of the following diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, tachycardia, cerebrovascular accidents, stroke, heart attack, varicose veins, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels , anemia, etc.. Of course, people with chronic diseases should coordinate the use of amaranth oil for medicinal purposes with their doctor.

Digestive system

Amaranth oil contains the amino acids methionine and arginine, phospholipids and squalene, which have a pronounced hepatoprotective effect. This oil actively protects the human liver from the harmful effects of toxins of various origins and also fatty liver degeneration. Amaranth oil prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. This oil promotes the rapid healing of ulcerative and erosive damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. In addition, this amazing oil suppresses pathogenic microflora and removes toxins, radionuclides, waste products and heavy metal salts from the body, in a word, cleanses the body of everything unnecessary and harmful. Amaranth oil can be successfully used in the treatment of gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, food poisoning, including alcoholic, hepatitis, fatty liver hepatosis, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, cholistocholangitis, biliary dyskinisia, internal and external hemorrhoids, as well as for the prevention of the above diseases.

Type 2 diabetes and obesity

Amaranth oil contains large quantities of squalene, phospholipids and phytosterols, which help improve fat metabolism in the human body. Amaranth oil is recommended for use in the diet of people who are obese or overweight. In order to lose weight, a low-calorie diet with the complete exclusion of any animal fats and other vegetable oils is recommended.

The amino acids methionine and isoleucine, vitamin E, carotenoids, as well as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, which are part of this oil, play an important role in regulating sugar levels in human blood. It is recommended that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus take amaranth oil.

Genitourinary system

Amaranth oil is successfully used in gynecological practice. First of all, these are cervical erosions and erosive-ulcerative colpitis, endocervicitis, adnexitis, vaginitis and endometritis. In folk medicine, amaranth is little used as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding. Amaranth oil is included in the diet of women during menopause to improve their general condition and relieve the negative manifestations of hormonal imbalance. It is recommended to take amaranth oil for women during the premenstrual period. Amaranth seed oil has a beneficial effect on the functional state of pregnant women, including reducing the manifestation of toxicosis. Amaranth oil will be of great benefit to women who are breastfeeding. It will not only improve the quality of mother's milk, but also the mother's immunity, and will also help to recover after childbirth. In addition, amaranth oil is an excellent prophylactic against tumor diseases of the female reproductive system: fibroids, fibroids, fibromyomas, ovarian cysts. Recent studies have shown the effectiveness of using this oil in the complex treatment of these diseases. Amaranth seed oil is used in the complex treatment of mastitis and mastopathy. The biologically active substances contained in amaranth oil inhibit the growth of existing tumor formations and prevent the appearance of new ones. Remember, it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Due to its rich composition of substances necessary for humans, amaranth oil has found application in the complex treatment of female and male infertility.

Amaranth oil is also extremely beneficial for men. It brings tangible benefits in the complex treatment of various inflammatory diseases of the male genital area, prostate diseases and erectile dysfunction in men.

Amaranth seed oil can improve kidney function and normalize kidney function

Skin diseases and damage to skin and tissues

Amaranth oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E in active tocotrienol form, magnesium, phytosterols, carotenoids and, of course, squalene, substances that have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral effects on the skin, it is not surprising that this amazing oil is used in treatment many skin diseases, such as psoriasis, herpes, mycoses, dry eczema, acne, neurodermatitis, atonic dermatitis, trophic ulcers, lichen... In the complex treatment of skin diseases, amaranth seed oil should be used, combining external use, in the form of applications and rubbing into the affected areas places where oil is ingested. Only this use of oil can give tangible results.
Various skin injuries are also successfully treated with amaranth oil: cuts, bruises, abrasions, bedsores, insect bites, wounds, 2nd and 3rd degree burns... The use of amaranth oil for sunburn of the skin gives good results.

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose and oral cavity

Amaranth oil has proven to be excellent in the treatment of throat: tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis. Of course, in the complex treatment of these diseases, the external use of this oil is combined with its internal use.

Amaranth seed oil is also indicated in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, and periodontal disease.
Amaranth oil is successfully used in the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, and rhinitis. When the oil is instilled into the nose, it is absorbed very quickly, and after 15-20 minutes, abundant secretion of secretory mucus from the nose begins. The process lasts 2-3 hours depending on the stage of the disease. Instillation must be continued for 10-14 days to completely destroy the infection. With a long period of 4-6 months, regular instillation of this oil into the nose twice a day reduces the risk of relapses in chronic sinusitis and sinusitis.

Amaranth oil also successfully copes with ear pain. By the way, in addition to instillation or oil-soaked tampons, be sure to take the oil internally to help the body cope with infection and boost immunity.

Eye disease

Amaranth oil contains substances necessary for the organs of vision, primarily vitamins B and E, carotenoids, magnesium and zinc. Regular use of amaranth oil is recommended for cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, night blindness, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, xerophthalmia. Amaranth seed oil, due to the presence of squalene and unsaturated fatty acids, improves blood circulation and enriches the blood with active oxygen, which has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body, including the organs of vision.

Colds and viral diseases

The use of amaranth oil increases the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment. In addition, it reduces the negative effects of drugs on the human body. Amaranth oil has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral effects. It is recommended to take amaranth seed oil in the complex treatment of various viral and fungal infections. infectious diseases. The use of amaranth oil can help with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis, and is even used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis. Good results are obtained by using this oil in the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes.

Nervous system

Amaranth oil contains substances important for the coordinated functioning of the nervous system: phospholipids (lecithin), the essential amino acid tryptophan, magnesium, and the “happiness hormone” serotonin. Therefore, amaranth oil, when consumed regularly, optimizes the transmission of nerve impulses, strengthens nerve fibers, improves brain function in general, helps improve memory and mental abilities, and actively resists stress. It is recommended to use amaranth oil for psycho-emotional disorders, nervous exhaustion, high mental stress, overstrain, insomnia and headaches caused by stress, senile dementia, neuroses and depression, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. This oil can serve as an excellent preventative against Alzheimer's disease, characterized by a progressive decline in intelligence.

Oncological diseases

Amaranth oil contains a huge amount of antioxidants. These are squalene, vitamin E in a rare, especially active form, carotenoids, which perfectly protect the human body from the negative effects of carcinogens and free radicals. Modern science believes that it is carcinogens and free radicals that cause the development of cancerous tumors. Squalene, contained in amaranth oil in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on cells, which explains the high effectiveness of amaranth oil in the prevention of cancer. Of course, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. Amaranth oil is an excellent assistant in this, and it is also a completely natural product given to man by nature. The preventive use of amaranth seed oil is especially indicated for people at high risk of cancer. It is also recommended to include amaranth oil in the diet of cancer patients during the course of radiation and chemotherapy. This oil promotes rapid restoration of physical strength and strengthens the immune system. In addition, this oil is an excellent radioprotector. The use of this oil is indicated before and after radiation therapy sessions. It has been observed that an intensive course of treatment with amaranth oil slows down the development of the tumor.

Diseases of the joints, spine and muscular system

Amaranth seed oil contains a whole complex essential amino acids, vitamin D, phytosterols, as well as phosphorus, copper, calcium. These substances are involved in the formation and maintenance of the optimal condition of bone and cartilage tissue. Amaranth oil can be used in complex treatment various diseases joints and spine: osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis...


Amaranth seed oil is an inexhaustible storehouse of substances beneficial to humans. Biochemical analysis confirmed that this oil is one of the most saturated with substances beneficial to humans among all vegetable oils. It successfully improves immunity, has a general health-improving and restorative effect.

Recently, amaranth oil has been used in the treatment of victims of the Chernobyl accident, as well as patients with the “plague of our time”, AIDS.

Amaranth oil has an extremely beneficial effect on the entire body. It normalizes metabolic processes in the human body, has a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect. Unfortunately, Russian doctors extremely rarely use natural remedies in their practice; amaranth oil is no exception. Abroad, this oil has long been successfully used by doctors in complex treatment and, especially, prevention of many diseases, but everyone can take care of what is most precious to them - their health. Use amaranth oil and save your health for many years! Use it in complex treatment to enhance the effectiveness of medications and minimize their negative effects on the body. It should be noted that amaranth seed oil can be combined with any drug treatment and has virtually no contraindications.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Amaranth oil is successfully used in the industrial production of luxury cosmetics. Why is this oil interesting for cosmetologists?

First of all, this is, of course, squalene, the record holder for the content of which is amaranth seed oil. Squalene is the main component of human skin, maintaining optimal skin moisture, enriching its cells with oxygen and protecting against free radicals. Thus, squalene slows down skin aging and actively promotes skin cell rejuvenation. In this process, it is helped by vitamin E, which is especially active in this oil. Like other vegetable oils, amaranth oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B and D, and carotenoids that are beneficial for human skin.

First of all, amaranth oil should be used when caring for mature and aging skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Regular use of amaranth oil in this case helps to rejuvenate the skin. By the way, this amazing oil actively fights the manifestations of age-related skin pigmentation.
Amaranth oil perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin, therefore it is recommended for dry, flaky, sensitive and rough skin. Regular use of this oil makes the skin elastic, soft and velvety.

This oil normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, so it is successfully used in daily care for oily and problematic skin. Excellent against acne and pimples. In a word, it returns the skin to a healthy appearance.

If damaged skin(scratches, cuts, abrasions, burns, hematomas) immediately lubricate the damaged areas with amaranth oil, of course, after washing the wound first.. The effect is instant and simply fantastic! Pain is relieved almost immediately, and healing occurs 5-6 times faster.

It should be noted that squalene, being a component of the skin, promotes rapid absorption of oil and practically does not leave an oily sheen. And that is not all. This unique oil provides additional antibacterial protection to our skin.

For cosmetic purposes, it is necessary to use cold-pressed amaranth oil, which will ensure the greatest effectiveness of skin care. You can use amaranth oil either independently or by adding a few drops of oil to ready-made cosmetics. When preparing ready-made cosmetic masks, add 1 tsp. amaranth oil to enhance its effectiveness, apply the oil to previously cleansed skin of the face, neck, and décolleté with light massaging movements, and after 15 minutes simply blot the skin with a cosmetic napkin. You can use amaranth oil in mixture with other oils that suit your skin. Amaranth oil mixed with cosmetic clay has an excellent effect on the skin.

Masks to improve complexion

Dilute 1 tsp. cosmetic clay in warm water until mushy, pour in 1 tbsp. amaranth oil, mix thoroughly, apply the mixture to previously cleansed facial skin. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. It is recommended to carry out this procedure 2 times a week.

Prepare the mixture in a 1:1 ratio and you will have an excellent anti-wrinkle mask. The method of use is similar.

Of course, amaranth oil is useful not only for the skin of the face and neck. Our hands also need care. Try using amaranth oil in hand skin care or simply add it to ready-made hand cream. This remedy is also applicable for rough skin on the heels.

Amaranth oil is an excellent massage oil. With regular use, it will help increase the elasticity of the muscles of the chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, and actively fight cellulite deposits. Massage procedures with amaranth oil are recommended to be carried out at least 2 times a week.

Probably everyone has heard more than once about the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, but still few people are ready to give up tanning. Amaranth oil will successfully protect the skin from sunburn and harmful radiation, and will also give your tan intense color and durability. According to scientific research, squalene is converted into vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, which explains this effect of amaranth oil. To do this, you need to take amaranth oil 2 times a day, 1 tsp. inside, and after sun treatments, lubricate the body with a moisturizing cream or balm with the addition of this oil.

A positive effect of amaranth oil on nails has been noticed. Warm baths made from a mixture of amaranth oil (2 tbsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp) will help strengthen your nails. Dip your fingers into the bath. The procedure can last 15-20 minutes. It is advisable to do it before bedtime. After taking the bath, put soft gloves on your hands overnight so that the oil is better absorbed. Baths with pure amaranth oil can also eliminate brittle nails. After the procedure, treat your nails with alcohol with added iodine.

Amaranth oil has a beneficial effect on hair. To strengthen your hair, you can use amaranth seed oil in its pure form or in a mixture with other oils, simply applying it to the scalp 15-20 minutes before washing. Then wash off with regular shampoo. You can add amaranth oil to shampoo or conditioner immediately before use. The products must be applied to the hair with light massaging movements and left for 5 minutes, then the hair should be rinsed thoroughly.

An effective mask for strengthening hair

You will need 1 avocado, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. amaranth seed oils. Peel and pit the avocado and grind in a blender. Add butter and honey, beat the mixture until creamy. Apply the resulting mixture to damp hair, leave for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly with mild shampoo.

Hair shine product

You will need 6 liters of live beer, 1 tbsp. amaranth oil, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 yolk. Mix the yolk, lemon juice and butter until smooth, pour into slightly warmed beer and stir. Rinse your hair with the resulting mixture. After the procedure, the hair can be washed with water to remove odor.

Balm for dry and brittle hair

You will need 30 ml of amaranth oil, 2 g of lavender essence and 60 ml of rum. All ingredients should be mixed and rubbed into the scalp and left overnight. In the morning, rinse your hair, preferably without using shampoo.

Mask for dry dandruff

You will need 4 tbsp. liquid honey (can be melted in a water bath, but not heated above 40 degrees) and 2 tbsp. amaranth oil, heated to 40 degrees. Mix the ingredients and immediately apply to the scalp, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a warm towel. Leave for half an hour and wash your hair with mild shampoo.

It probably won’t be news that problems with skin, hair, and nails are often caused by problems inside the body. Therefore, to enhance the effect of cosmetics, we recommend taking amaranth oil internally.

Use of amaranth oil in cooking

Have you ever tried to use amaranth oil in cooking? No? Then you have lost a lot, because you still don’t know what kind of “fruit” this is. It has an unusually pleasant aroma and delicate nutty taste. However, like other oils produced by the Oil King company using the single cold pressing method, it is better not to heat treat it, otherwise the oil will lose all its beneficial properties that we have preserved for you. And a lot of money spent on its acquisition will be thrown away.

Therefore, it is better to use it in cooking for dressing salads, cold sauces, and adding it to various dishes immediately before serving.

Amaranth oil is an amazing biologically active food additive, thanks to which your dish will be endowed with many beneficial properties. For best digestibility, it is better to use amaranth oil in combination with vegetable salads, pure vegetables, grains and bean porridges.

Applications of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil for a runny nose (acute rhinitis)

For a runny nose: it is recommended to instill two drops into each nostril and continue the course for 10-15 days.
For sinusitis and sinusitis: the course of treatment is more serious and longer - at least 4-6 months. Such a long period is due to the risk of relapse.

It is advisable to accompany any of the courses with the use of amaranth oil internally, for example in salads.

Amaranth oil for inflammation of the lymph nodes

It is necessary to rub amaranth oil into the skin over the inflamed lymph node or simply apply bandages and compresses to the skin moistened with oil. It is recommended to accompany the treatment process by taking the oil orally. This is caused by the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area

In most cases, complete disappearance of inflammation is observed after 10-15 days of using amaranth oil. We wet the tampon generously and insert it into the vagina a couple of times a day. It is recommended to accompany the procedures by taking the oil orally two to three times a day, two teaspoons half an hour before meals.

Amaranth oil for ear pain

It is recommended to moisten a swab with amaranth oil, drop slightly warmed oil into the sore ear and close the ear canal with the prepared swab. This procedure must be continued for five to seven days even after the pain disappears.

Amaranth oil for preventive purposes

The optimal course for preventive purposes is twice a year, for example in spring and autumn, one teaspoon 20-30 minutes before meals without washing down. This course usually requires 150-200 ml of oil.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of skin diseases and injuries

You can apply oil dressings to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening, or simply apply oil with the same frequency to the lesion itself and a little around it. Then simply wipe off the unabsorbed oil with a napkin.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of psoriasis

But let’s dwell on this disease a little longer and describe how to use amaranth oil weekly. The course of treatment includes both external and internal use of oil. So!

First week of treatment: twice a day, one dessert spoon half an hour before meals (without drinking). Lubricate the affected areas with oil four to five times a day (if possible), two times is the required minimum. It is very important to lubricate not only the lesion itself, but also the skin around it.

Next three months: We increase the dose of oil taken orally to two or three times a day, half an hour before meals, one tablespoon. We do not change the method and frequency of external use.

Next three months: We no longer need amaranth oil during meals, but internal use still remains, only its method changes. Place it in each nostril 2 times a day. At the same time, we do not change the method of external use again.

Amaranth oil for lowering cholesterol levels

To reduce cholesterol levels, it is enough to take amaranth oil in the morning and evening, two teaspoons with meals.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of oral diseases

The usual rinsing of the mouth with amaranth oil is suitable here, with only one difference - after rinsing, the oil (you can even just hold it in the mouth) is swallowed and not spit out.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine

In this case, both internal use of amaranth oil and external use are suitable - two tablespoons inside while eating (or season vegetable salads with it) and rubbing into painful joints, respectively.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

In order to reduce the risk of relapse and in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to take amaranth oil one teaspoon twice a day half an hour before meals, until you use 200 ml. oils

It is advisable to repeat the course every quarter.

Amaranth oil for weight loss

The optimal rate of consumption of amaranth oil for weight loss is considered to be one tablespoon three times a day, two hours before meals, for three weeks. The diet during the course of consumption includes the complete exclusion of meat products and other fats.

Amaranth oil in the treatment of cancer patients

2 tablespoons of amaranth oil 2-3 times a day before meals - this method of use is recommended in the treatment of cancer patients. A full course of treatment may require from one to seven liters of pure amaranth oil. Let us repeat, it is used in the composition complex therapy, and even then only after consultation with the attending physician, for example, before radiotherapy procedures, the skin over the tumor is lubricated with amaranth oil. Thanks to this, the radiation dose can be increased without the risk of radiation burns to the skin.

Amaranth oil for chronic diseases

People whose diseases have already become chronic should take into account that changes in their body have already occurred at the cellular level. And this requires long and patient treatment. You shouldn’t expect miracles and healing in a few treatments. In this case, amaranth oil should be taken for a long time and continuously.

Contraindications to the use of amaranth oil

Amaranth oil has virtually no contraindications. For the sake of exception, it is worth noting only individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Often, at the beginning of using amaranth oil, unpleasant sensations arise, which are mistaken for a side effect and interpreted as a contraindication; in fact, this is not the case. Dizziness, loose stools, nausea and even possible increased heartburn, which may appear at the very beginning of use, are due to squalene, which actively contributes to the rapid saturation of the body with oxygen. But these manifestations are short-term and, as they say, “out of habit.” They quickly pass and do not appear again.

Before using amaranth oil, it would be best to consult a doctor, especially for people prone to chronic diseases.