Malocclusion in a child: how to identify and when to sound the alarm? Malocclusion in a child

The period of orthodontic correction is long, requiring patience and perseverance in achieving the goal. The later the braces are installed, the longer the correction period will be. Processes in bone tissue occur much more slowly. It will take years of wearing braces to correct bone defects.

So, the long-awaited moment has come when you can remove your boring braces. The dentition was straightened, the teeth fell into place. If you finish treatment at this stage, then after some time the owner of a beautiful Hollywood smile begins to notice that her front teeth are sticking out forward. What happened, why are they sticking out? Is the orthodontist to blame for this?

Concept and signs of malocclusion

Have you developed an incorrect bite after wearing braces? Have your front teeth started to protrude from above? When the teeth are closed, do the upper incisors protrude sharply above the lower ones? This is a distal bite – one of the variants of a pathological bite. Bite pathology is an anomaly in which there is a displacement of the dentition relative to each other. The teeth do not close completely, leaving a gap.

Reasons why front teeth may protrude forward

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This pathology can develop after wearing braces for a number of reasons:

  1. Braces were removed early in a difficult case. Externally, the teeth were straightened and the bite improved. It was decided to remove the braces due to the achievement positive result. After some time, the front teeth began to return to their original places.
  2. The braces were installed incorrectly and the force of the arch tension was not taken into account. The tension was insufficient; complete correction did not occur, although the braces were worn for a long time.
  3. The patient did not comply with all the doctor’s instructions and independently decided to stop treatment because the series had leveled off.
  4. Breakage of the braces structure, as a result of which the tension was insufficient, and complete correction was not successful.
  5. Not taken into account anatomical features patient.
  6. Correction of the developed anomaly was not carried out in time due to rare observations. The more often the doctor controls the process, the better the result.
  7. The retention period after wearing braces is not maintained.

Malocclusion after wearing braces without correction can lead to big problems with health. It is important to notice changes in the bite at an early stage.

Negative consequences and complications

  • Deformation of the facial part of the skull – upper jaw acts, violating appearance(we recommend reading: ). The upper lip also protrudes sharply, causing disharmony. This can lead to an inferiority complex as the smile becomes unattractive.
  • Impaired chewing of food. This may affect digestion.
  • Uneven distribution of the chewing load leads to tooth wear and the development of caries.
  • Development of periodontosis. This inflammatory disease gum disease, which if prolonged can lead to tooth loss.
  • Problems with the temporomandibular joint. This painful sensations in the joint area, up to the development of arthritis and neuralgia.
  • Impaired articulation, diction, difficulty breathing.
  • Difficulties with prosthetics.


There is a retention period after wearing braces. In some patients, in advanced cases, it can last for the rest of their lives. The longer the braces were worn, the longer the retention period.

The tension force of the arch prevents the teeth from moving. Once the braces are removed, the ligaments begin to pull the teeth back, returning them to their original position. This also does not happen very quickly, but, nevertheless, all the efforts spent on correction may be in vain. The teeth begin to curve again, and the bite is disrupted. For this reason, the orthodontist warns the patient about long-term treatment. After removing braces in mandatory Retainers are used - these are devices that allow you to consolidate the result. There are removable and fixed retainers.

The choice of device depends on many factors. In mild cases, removable retainers in the form of a mouthguard are used. These are transparent or colored overlays made of special plastic in the shape of the teeth. They are made individually according to an impression. They are worn according to a specific pattern developed by the doctor. There are a lot of varieties. If necessary, even metal wire can be mounted into the mouth guard to add rigidity to the structure.

IN serious cases, or when the full result is not achieved, fixed retainers are placed. Most often this is a metal arc attached to problem areas that need to be recorded. This procedure is performed only by a doctor. Before fixing the arch, sanitation is carried out oral cavity. Retainers are attached with inside teeth and do not cause such discomfort as braces. The choice of retainer depends on the form of pathology and the result after wearing braces. If a malocclusion occurs, then this is already serious problem, requiring correction using special devices.

For solutions this issue You should definitely contact an orthodontist. The earlier treatment is started, the faster and more lasting the result will be. If one or more teeth are protruding, the problem can be solved by using veneers or crowns.

If your teeth stick out forward, then you definitely need to get braces, which will help correct your bite and put your teeth in place. Sometimes, due to the large grouping, one or more teeth have to be removed. This is necessary to create space where the teeth can move.

On final stages treatment with braces, when the desired effect could not be achieved, you can try to correct the situation using the Herbst apparatus and various modifications. This is a special device that consists of two parts. The upper jaw moves back, and the lower jaw moves forward.


  • If a problem is detected, immediately contact a competent orthodontist.
  • Strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, do not miss scheduled appointments for timely correction.
  • Follow the order of wearing orthodontic appliances (we recommend reading:). If problems arise, immediately contact your doctor.
  • Adjust sleep and rest patterns, avoid stressful situations.
  • Follow the principles of a balanced diet.

Correct and timely treatment malocclusion is the key to a beautiful smile and health. Do not delay contacting a specialist.

A Hollywood smile is every person's dream, which does not always become a reality. In most cases, various malocclusions prevent the fulfillment of such a desire. Naturally, this problem must be dealt with, as it can negatively affect the entire body. The fact is that the patient cannot eat normally, which means that he does not fully meet his needs for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

General characteristics of the disease

So, distal bite is a difficult disease to correct, which can occur very often, both in adults and children. The pathology is characterized by the fact that one of the jaws, mainly the lower one, is underdeveloped, which is why it is smaller in size and cannot fully perform its functions. In this case, the upper row of teeth can significantly protrude forward.

Treatment for such a disease is very long. For example, only one active phase corrections may take about 4 years. It will take twice as long to record the result. However, without treatment you can significantly deteriorate general health. Moreover, treatment should begin from childhood. And the orthodontist does this.

Development mechanism

It should be noted that such malocclusions begin to form in infancy. And precisely in childhood they need to be corrected. In this case the process will go easier and faster. The mechanism of pathology formation is quite simple.

Every baby is already born with a distal predisposition. His lower jaw is pushed back somewhat so that there is a small gap between the gums. This is necessary so that the baby can breastfeed without problems. In progress natural feeding and timely introduction of solid complementary foods, the lower jaw gradually falls into place under the influence of a certain load.

However, if the baby was on artificial nutrition, and food long time was ground, then a distal bite can form very quickly. The fact is that the jaw simply does not develop as it should. Of course, you should not give your baby food that is too hard, as it skeletal system I haven't gotten stronger yet. Naturally, there may be other reasons for the development of this pathology.

Why does this disease occur?

Now you need to understand what factors influence the formation of prognathia lower jaw. So, among the reasons are the following:

1. Trauma during childbirth.

2. Incorrect development dental system.

3. Insufficient amount of minerals and nutrients that go towards “building” bones.

4. Heredity.

5. Artificial feeding, prolonged use of nipples and bottles, introduction of solid foods too late.

6. Bad habits, such as thumb sucking.

7. Problems with the nasopharynx.

8. Poor posture.

9. Premature or too late loss of baby teeth.

10. Jaw pathologies not associated with trauma or other factors.

11. Serious illnesses bones and metabolic disorders.

Naturally, distal occlusion should be treated as soon as possible.

Symptoms of pathology

Now let's look at how exactly distal bite manifests itself. Among the most common signs are the following:

Incorrect placement of the crowns, which interferes with normal chewing of food.

The upper jaw is too protruded, and the teeth may stick out unnaturally.

Painful sensations.

Difficulty chewing and closing teeth.

Changes in facial contours: asymmetry, puffiness.

Difficulty moving the jaws. The mobility of the bone articulation is significantly limited due to their incorrect position.

These symptoms may be accompanied by others that develop as a result of this pathology.

Facial signs of the disease

The presented pathology manifests itself very well, so most often there are no problems with diagnosis. Prognathia of the upper jaw (or lower jaw) is accompanied by the following facial signs:

1. The affected bone protrudes too far outside the mouth.

2. The face acquires convex features.

3. Non-closure of teeth and lips.

4. The chin fold is too pronounced.

5. Shortening the lower third of the face.

6. Underlip and the chin are tucked back.

As you can see, the disease is noticeable not only physically, but also psychologically. Malocclusion must be correctly diagnosed and its type determined. There are certain techniques for this.

Classification of the disease

Naturally, an incorrect bite can have different types. However, this disease can be divided into only two types:

1. Vertical bite. It is characterized by the fact that the lower dentition overlaps significantly.

2. Horizontal bite. Upper teeth project strongly forward.

It should be said that both types of pathology can simultaneously occur in humans.

Diagnostic features

Malocclusion is determined quite simply. First, the doctor conducts an external examination to understand exactly what type of pathology he encountered. He carefully analyzes the patient’s facial profile, as well as the severity of the bite.

In order to determine the pathology as accurately as possible, it will be necessary to conduct teleradiography, which will help the doctor understand the degree of development of the disease. Other studies will be useful and informative: tomography, electromyography. These procedures will help determine the presence and extent of complications in the bones and soft tissues.

In any case, the examination must be thorough and thorough.

What harm does the disease cause?

The consequences of malocclusion can be different. However, they all negatively affect the entire body. Among the most common are the following:

Damage to the mucous membrane and soft tissues of the oral cavity.

There is too much load on the crowns, which quickly become loose, break, and the enamel wears off. In addition, distal bite (photo presented in the article) contributes to the development of caries.

Periodontal disease. In this case, the gums become very inflamed, teeth can quickly become loose and fall out.

Difficulty swallowing, chewing.

Problems with prosthetics. The doctor simply cannot install crowns or bridges.

- Impaired speech and facial expressions. The patient begins to lisp, and in some cases cannot say a word at all.

Diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.

Problems with gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcer, inflammatory processes.

Musculoskeletal disorders.

Such consequences of malocclusion take a very long time to correct. Sometimes it is even more difficult to deal with them than with the underlying disease.

Stages of deep bite treatment

Naturally, after identifying this pathology, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate it. The sooner you do this, the greater your chances of success. A distal bite, the treatment of which requires a lot of time and patience, can be complicated by a deep bite, the fight against which is carried out in stages. In this case, the sequence of actions is strictly defined. It involves several stages:

1. Expansion of both dental arches until the moment when it is convenient for the doctor to work with the anomaly.

2. Correct placement of central crowns.

3. Elimination of deep bite.

4. Combating distal anomaly.

Features of pathology treatment

Now you need to figure out how to deal with this disease. Correction of distal bite can be done at any time and at any age. However, it is best to start fighting from childhood. In this case, the process will go much easier and faster, and you will be able to prevent more serious complications.

Treatment may last several years, but the prognosis is favorable. Naturally, everything depends on the degree of complexity of the disease. Since childhood, the patient is provided with special removable structures that help the jaw develop and grow in the right direction.

As for adults, braces are most often used here in combination with a face bow, rubber or silicone gaskets, and springs. It should be noted that functional designs provide a reduction in treatment time. Braces can be made of metal, ceramic, sapphire and other materials that will not cause allergic reactions. The choice of such a design depends on individual characteristics organism, as well as the type of pathology.

In addition to the use of special devices, the patient is prescribed myogymnastics, which promotes recovery. normal operation muscles. This is necessary for renewal chewing function. You can do it in the presence of a doctor. If you know how to perform such gymnastics, then you can do it yourself.

The patient is also recommended some physical exercise. For example, try moving your lower jaw forward and holding it in this position for about 10 seconds. Repeat this movement several times a day. The number of approaches is 10 times.

Surgical treatment

In the most difficult cases Braces may not help. Then surgery is necessary. Naturally, there must be certain indications for surgery. For example, if the patient has facial asymmetry, frontal or lateral bite.

In some cases, the orthodontist may have to remove several crowns to be able to straighten the remaining teeth. It should be noted that any operation to correct the bite must be carried out under general anesthesia. Naturally, it is necessary to make sure that there is really a need for such an event and that the intervention will not harm the body. In addition, recovery after such an operation is quite long and painful. The procedure requires special equipment and a good doctor.

Prevention of pathology

Distal bite (treatment in adults, as well as in children, should be carried out by an experienced orthopedist) is a rather complex pathology. However, there is a way to avoid it. To do this, just follow simple rules:

1. Timely visit to the dentist twice a year. It is especially important to be examined for the first time at the age of seven. If pathology is detected in time, then it can be dealt with faster, and therapy will be much more effective. If necessary, you should consult an orthodontist.

2. Maintain proper posture.

3. It is necessary to accustom a child to nasal breathing from childhood. IN otherwise the bite may not form correctly.

4. Try to prevent the appearance of rickets, which negatively affects the skeletal system.

5. If your baby cannot give up a pacifier or bottle, and also has bad habits (thumb sucking), be sure to wean him off this. Otherwise, a gap will appear between the teeth, and the lower jaw will not be able to develop correctly.

6. Try to treat all diseases of the nasopharynx in a timely manner and prevent their occurrence.

7. In order for the body to receive all the necessary nutrients, yours daily diet must be complete and balanced. Consume as much as possible fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products rich in calcium and other beneficial elements.

8. During infancy, promptly transfer the baby to solid food, which will provide normal height jaws. If there is no such load, they will not be able to fall into place, and as a result, an incorrect bite will form.

That's all the features of preventing the presented disease. They will help you maintain the beauty and health of your smile. Good luck!

Malocclusion occurs in every second person in the world. Statistics show huge numbers, but everything is actually not so sad. Anomalies in the development of bite can be of varying complexity. The main thing is to quickly identify the pathology and begin treatment. Many parents often do not even notice that their child has an incorrect bite. What to do if there are fears of its appearance? What causes it, and what symptoms can tell about it?

How to distinguish a correct bite from an incorrect one?

You can determine a malocclusion yourself, but the main thing is to know how your teeth should fit together correctly. If the upper row of teeth slightly covers the lower one, there is no space between the incisors, the teeth are in close contact with each other, then the bite is correct.

But how to determine a malocclusion in a child? Do all other abnormalities really need to be treated urgently? But it's not like that. Correct bite can be divided into several types, which allow very minor anomalies: slight advancement of the lower one or the main thing is that the functioning of the jaw should be harmonious, without damage to the body.

An abnormal bite does not allow you to properly perform some functions. In this case, the child may have difficulties with speech, chewing and swallowing, breathing and digestion.

There are several types of defects, but you should not make a diagnosis yourself. The fact that a child has an incorrect bite (photos will be presented in the article) can only be confirmed by a specialist.

If there are any doubts or concerns, then in this case you should consult a doctor for advice.

Types of malocclusion

Today, doctors divide malocclusions into several types:

  1. Distal. Very often it is also called prognathic. This type is characterized by excessive development of the maxillary bone, due to which it is slightly pushed forward. This type can form due to lost teeth or dentures.
  2. Mesial. Another name is reverse. This anomaly is characterized by insufficient development of the lower jaw. This pathology leads to the fact that the incisors on the lower jaw overlap those located on the upper jaw, and some discomfort appears during speech and eating.
  3. Open. If most of the teeth do not close together, then this is precisely open view anomalies. It is considered one of the most difficult and takes a lot of time to treat.
  4. Deep overbite in a child. Very often, doctors call this type traumatic, and all because it leads to rapid abrasion of the enamel on the teeth. It will not be difficult to determine it yourself, because the upper row of teeth completely covers the lower one during rest.
  5. Cross. This type appears in people with not fully formed upper or one side of the mouth. This type of anomaly requires several treatment methods at once: braces and other orthodontic devices.
  6. Reducing. This type develops in people after early tooth loss or destruction.

Not all of the above species can be clearly distinguished. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis and determine the causes of malocclusion in children and adults.

What reasons can cause malocclusion?

There are several main reasons that can cause malocclusion.

  1. Artificial feeding. Breastfeeding is as natural as possible; all babies are born with a slightly shortened lower jaw. When the baby feeds breast milk, then in order to get it, he needs to spend a lot of effort, while the jaw develops better and the correct bite is formed. But not all mothers have the opportunity to feed their child breast milk, so there is nothing left to do but artificial feeding. But this type of feeding must be correct: the child must drink 200 ml of the mixture in 15 minutes, and at the same time he must also obtain it with special diligence. Only in this case will the jaw develop correctly.
  2. Long breastfeeding. Parents should remember that during the first year and a half of life, breastfeeding should not cause any particular concern, but then you need to ensure that the bite is formed correctly. Forceful sucking over a long period of time can cause malocclusion.
  3. Incomplete development of the jaws. Insufficient development of the jaws can cause an improper diet. From one and a half years old, the diet should include solid foods so that the baby learns to chew correctly, otherwise the child may develop an incorrect bite.
  4. Heredity. Fight predisposition to abnormal development Occlusion is very difficult due to heredity. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the baby:
    - how he sleeps, whether his mouth is open during sleep;
    - whether his head is thrown back during sleep;
    - does he put his palms under his cheeks?
    - the pillow should be flat.
  5. Dummy. Too much frequent use nipples or prolonged use can lead to abnormal bite development. It is best if the baby sucks it only for about 20 minutes after eating or to fall asleep faster.
  6. Frequent runny nose and nasal congestion. If you have nasal congestion, you must do everything possible to remove it. If we leave everything to chance, then a child who cannot breathe through the nose switches to mouth breathing, at this time the facial muscles work incorrectly, the bones of the skull are deformed and, as a result, the child develops an incorrect bite in a year or a little later.

If you do not take any measures and do not monitor the development of the baby’s jaw, then the consequences of an abnormal bite can be much more serious.

What can a bite pathology lead to?

An incorrect bite in a child (the photo below indicates this) can lead not only to an aesthetic change, but also to the following consequences:

  • Facial features may change dramatically.
  • Problems with chewing food will begin.
  • Constant headaches will appear.
  • The teeth will be uneven.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Early tooth loss.
  • Damage to teeth.

To prevent such serious consequences, need to start urgent treatment. How to correct malocclusion in children? When should parents sound the alarm and what is the best time to start therapy?

When should parents worry about their child’s malocclusion?

Parents should monitor the development of the baby’s jaw from birth, observe how the first teeth erupt and whether they grow correctly. Malocclusions will be visually noticeable if you look closely: the teeth do not grow as they should, some will be crooked, or the jaw may simply protrude slightly forward. In this case, parents should not delay visiting a specialist.

It can also be a signal incorrect pronunciation sounds of a baby or baby for a long time sucks his thumb. An annual consultation with a dentist will not hurt and will allow you to monitor the development of your bite.

But when is it better to start treatment if an anomaly is detected? At what age will therapy give good results?

When is the best time to treat a child’s malocclusion?

It is impossible to answer exactly the question of when to start therapy for abnormal bite. The opinions of doctors differ greatly: some believe that treatment will give a good result only if it is started as late as possible, and there are specialists who believe that treatment should begin as early as possible. But many doctors agree that if a child has an incorrect bite, 5 years is best time to start therapy.

It is at this age that it is possible to correctly direct the growth of not only teeth, but also the jaw. It is possible to change the width of the palate, the shape of the jaw bones and much more. At an older age, you can correct the shape of your teeth, but you will no longer be able to position your jaw correctly; the bones become coarser.

Symptoms of abnormal bite

Malocclusion can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • The teeth protrude slightly forward or backward.
  • When closing the teeth, you may notice an incorrect position of the jaw.
  • The teeth are severely crooked.
  • There are gaps between the teeth.
  • The rows of teeth are uneven.

Only an orthodontist can make a definitive diagnosis if visual inspection If it is not enough for him, then he can prescribe or make a dental impression to determine exactly what type of anomaly it is. But is it possible to correct a child’s malocclusion? forward - can it be treated?

Ways to correct a bite

Today, orthodontists use five main methods to correct malocclusions in children. Each of them gives excellent results therapy:

  1. Myotherapy is a special set of exercises. It gives good results only during temporary occlusion. The whole complex is aimed at restoring the normal tone of all muscles of the oral cavity. In turn, this leads to optimal jaw growth, and subsequently to correct teething teeth.
  2. Use of orthodontic appliances. It is possible to correct malocclusion in a child, 2 years old or older, using special devices. They help to forcefully move teeth until they are in correct position. If the child is under 6 years old, then plates, trainers or mouthguards are used. But if the child is over 10 years old, then all these devices will not help.
  3. Complex treatment. This method of therapy combines devices and surgical manipulations. It is allowed to be used from the age of 6 years.
  4. Surgical intervention.
  5. Orthopedic correction of bite.

Varieties of designs for correcting malocclusion in children

You can correct a child’s malocclusion using special devices. Each of them gives its own results in therapy, and which one is suitable for a particular baby is selected by the doctor.

  1. Plates. These are removable structures that are often used to correct bites. The doctor places the plate in the child's mouth using special springs, loops and wire arcs. With the help of such a device, you can expand the jaw, move teeth, prevent them from twisting and save the baby from bad habits. If a child has a malocclusion, it will take 1 year, and sometimes more, to cope with the pathology.
  2. Orthodontic trainers. The difference between these devices and braces is that they can be used to correct bites even in young children. The effect of treatment with these devices is faster and more comfortable for the child. Trainers are made of silicone, and you need to wear them for about an hour day and night, while sleeping.
  3. Mouthguards. With their help you can short time correct malocclusion in children. The treatment is very convenient, since the device can be removed at any time, the child does not feel any discomfort and at the same time it is almost invisible on the teeth.
  4. Braces. This non-removable design, it is not removed throughout the entire treatment. It consists of arches that are attached using clasps, which are already glued to the teeth. Each of the locks is responsible for the position of a specific tooth. Thanks to the tension of the arches, the dentition is aligned. These devices are most often used to treat all types of malocclusions. There are several types of plastic, sapphire and lingual. The doctor decides which is better to choose in a particular case.

Therapy and care methods

Parents of a child with malocclusion need to know that treatment can have its own consequences. unpleasant moments. At the beginning of therapy, the baby may experience pain, irritation, and rubbing of the gums and cheeks. But after a couple of weeks, all symptoms should go away. You should not follow the child’s lead when he whines that he is uncomfortable; the effect of treatment will be better if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

After a corrective device is placed in your child's mouth, it must be carefully cared for. For this we recommend a special toothpaste and dental floss.

Devices that are removed must be thoroughly cleaned. It is also necessary to visit the doctor regularly to make adjustments and correct the design.

But in order to prevent bite distortion, you can take preventive measures.


As soon as your baby starts teething, you should visit the doctor regularly. At this age, preventive measures can be taken to protect the child from malocclusion:

  • Use of myotherapy.
  • It is possible to prevent malocclusions in early age by grinding the cutting edges and bumps.
  • Oral massage can also help, but a specialist should show you how to do it correctly.

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later, therefore, in order to prevent malocclusion in a child, you need to visit the orthodontist at least once a year, and if you notice changes between visits, then earlier.

Malocclusion - disturbances in the dentition and physiological closure of teeth is observed in almost 40% of the population globe. In some patients this is almost unnoticeable, however, if this condition interferes with speaking and eating fully, brings some inconvenience, and also changes appearance, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the problem.

In addition to external anomalies, malocclusion also has physiological consequences. in the form of early tooth decay and disorders of the digestive tract.

The anomaly can be corrected at any age, but greatest effect observed in the treatment of children and adolescents under 14 years of age. What are the causes of impaired formation of the jaw region? What should an ideal bite look like? What are the features of correcting malocclusion in children and adults?

Types of malocclusion, methods of correction

Bite is the location of the lower and upper teeth at the moment of closing the jaws, which are in calm state. In dentistry, there is another term - occlusion, which refers to the closure of periodontal teeth during chewing of food.

Dental classification molars, canines and incisors is based on factors such as the location of the teeth in the jaw row and the age of the person. According to time periods, jaw closure is divided into the following categories:

Dairy (temporary). Lasts up to 6 years, until the appearance of the first molar.

Mixed (replaceable) - from 6 to 12 years (until complete replacement of baby teeth with real teeth). This period is characterized by accelerated process exchange and maximum jaw growth. Treatment of malocclusion at this age is quick and effective.

Permanent. Age category - after 14 years. Treatment of abnormal bite at this age is possible, but effectiveness is determined by the number of years. How older man, the slower they pass metabolic processes and the crowns move harder in the jaw.

How should the teeth be positioned in the jaw?

Correct closure of teeth is called physiological. Experts identify several types of normal occlusion, which are characterized by one common feature: They do not create abnormal physiological consequences.

Normal jaw closure has the following external signs:

  • The lower teeth are located directly under the similar crowns of the upper row;
  • the oval of the face is symmetrical with regular features;
  • the midline between the front incisors exactly coincides with midline faces.

There are several types of physiological closure:

Progenic. It is characterized by a slightly protruded jaw, however, the cutting edges of the teeth close together.

Biprognathic. Both rows of teeth are slightly tilted forward towards the lips, but at the same time the cutting surfaces meet evenly.

Orthognathic. The upper row of teeth slightly (up to 1/3 of the crown) overlaps the lower one.

Straight. The cutting edges of the teeth are exactly adjacent to each other.

Incorrect or abnormal bite manifests itself in incomplete closure of the extreme surfaces of opposing molars, canines and incisors, which leads to additional stress when chewing food. In this case, you should consult a specialist and undergo appropriate treatment.

There are several types of abnormal arrangement of dentition in the jaw. These anomalies arose due to incomplete development jaw bone tissue in childhood. For improper jaw closure The following signs are characteristic:

  • The edges of opposite teeth do not match;
  • the lower jaw protrudes forward;
  • upper lip protruded;
  • incomplete closure of teeth, as well as their curvature.

Mesial bite. Characterized by a strongly moved forward lower jaw. External signs: receding upper lip, protruding massive chin.

Distal bite. It is the most common disorder, the main manifestation of which is an underdeveloped lower jaw and/or an overdeveloped upper jaw. When closing the jaws, the front teeth of the upper row protrude too clearly.

Deep. The main symptom is that when the jaws are completely closed, the lower incisors overlap by more than 1/3 with the upper ones. This arrangement of teeth leads to rapid wear.

Open bite. The main symptom is that when the jaws close, a gap forms between the lower and upper teeth. Basically, it appears from the front, sometimes from the side. At the same time, the lower half of the face lengthens disproportionately. Such a defect is very difficult to correct.

Crossbite. The main symptom is a displacement of the lower jaw to the left or right, with one of the jaws looking wider than the other. There is pronounced facial asymmetry. People with crossbites are most susceptible to diseases such as periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Often the cause of the defect is an anomaly intrauterine development fetus: viral diseases, metabolic disorders, intrauterine infection, anemia and other pathologies of pregnancy leading to further development diseases.

Plays an important role in the formation of bite genetic factor when the shape of the bite and the size of the teeth are inherited from the parents.

But even excluding intrauterine and genetic prerequisites, the likelihood of developing a dental defect is very high. This is due to many reasons, among which are the following:

  • Sucking a pacifier or finger;
  • birth injury;
  • breathing problems;
  • artificial feeding;
  • lack of calcium and fluoride in the body;
  • abnormal bite after prosthetics;
  • injuries and pathologies of the dental system;
  • teething problems;
  • metabolic disease;
  • caries and poor nutrition.

In addition, malocclusion can be formed under the influence of the following factors:

Feeding a baby. In a newborn baby, the upper jaw is slightly pushed forward in relation to the lower jaw (about 1.5 cm). This position reduces the risk of injury and makes walking easier. birth canal mother. By the time of teething, the position of the jaws changes: the lower one moves forward slightly.

Breastfeeding stimulates the process of developing a physiological bite very well. The baby needs to make a lot of effort to extract a portion of milk from the mother’s breast, which forces the lower jaw to move more actively. As a result, the load on the bone tissue increases and the muscles of the oral cavity develop.

In addition, the sucking reflex is fully satisfied, due to which children who are breastfeeding, less often need to suck a pacifier or thumb.

Premature loss of baby teeth and jaw injuries. They will immediately try to fill the gap created after the loss of teeth. standing teeth both from the opposite jaw and from the sides.

Pathologies of ENT organs (frequent runny nose, chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, etc.). Since children suffering from such diseases are forced to breathe through their mouths, the chewing muscles located in the cheek area put additional stress on the dentition, causing them to narrow. In addition, there is a shift of the lower jaw back and it remains in this position.

Body position during feeding and sleeping. The habit of sleeping in the same position (for example, with your hand under your cheek) can cause displacement or narrowing of the lower jaw.

Sometimes the formation of an abnormal bite is observed when a child throws his head back while feeding or sleeping.

Signs to watch out for

Parents The following factors should be of concern:

  • The child breathes through his mouth;
  • the baby cannot close his lips or plays with his mouth open;
  • snores or snores in your sleep;
  • the baby's front teeth cover only part of the teeth of the lower row;
  • the lower jaw is covered by the upper jaw by more than 50%;
  • the child has large gaps between the teeth;
  • the lower jaw is pushed forward;
  • diction is impaired, sounds are pronounced incorrectly. Sometimes it is because of an abnormal bite that a child is unable to pronounce hissing and whistling consonants.

Bite correction

Everyone wants to have beautiful smile, however, for a number of reasons, not everyone can boast of it. And here the physiological bite plays an important role, so its anomalies must be corrected.

Ways to correct a bite

The following are used in dentistry: ways to correct a bite:

  • Bite correction using braces;
  • correction of bite with a mouth guard;
  • surgical correction of bite;
  • laser correction.

Correcting overbite with braces

Today, braces are one of the most popular and effective ways correction of malocclusion. Essentially, a brace is bracket device, which are connected to each other by a power arc. The braces are fixed on the teeth using special glue, and the arch helps to form correct location teeth. This method has its advantages: with the help of braces, you can correct almost any abnormality regarding the bite. In addition, the patient does not need to do anything himself - all installation procedures are carried out by a specialist in a hospital.

The duration of treatment with this method ranges from 6-8 months to 2.5-3 years, depending on the complexity of the situation, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity. Throughout the entire treatment period, you will have to periodically visit the orthodontist's office to change ligatures and corrections.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The appearance of braces is not always aesthetic (especially metal ones);
  • Such devices make it difficult to carry out hygiene procedures for oral care.

Correcting a bite with a mouthguard

If for some reason you do not want to wear braces, you can try to correct your bite in other ways, for example, with a mouthguard.

What is a mouth guard? This is a special design that is made of transparent polymer. She doesn't provide harmful effects on tooth enamel, is visually completely invisible and practically does not cause a feeling of discomfort in the oral cavity. And most importantly, the mouth guard has a removable design that can be removed while eating and brushing your teeth.

Before installing the mouthguard, a dental photograph is taken, which will serve as the basis for the manufacture of the structure. For the entire period of treatment, which continues on average 11-12 months, you will need to change several trays, and the effectiveness of this method largely depends on the time of changing the structure.

Correction of bite surgically

In difficult cases, when the use traditional methods does not give the desired result, a method of correcting the bite through surgery is used. In particular, we are talking about asymmetry or incorrect proportions of the jaw bones, deformations of the dental system and complex malocclusion.

Jaw correction is carried out by cutting the bone tissue in the area of ​​​​the teeth being moved, which further helps to improve the performance of the swallowing and chewing muscles, and sometimes even facilitate breathing processes.

Surgery to correct bite lasts several hours and takes place under general anesthesia. After 2-3 weeks, the patient can already return to his usual lifestyle, and after a month, perform facial gymnastics to quickly develop the jaw. After surgical intervention a specialist may prescribe the installation of braces (usually for a period of 6 to 12 months).

Surgical correction of bite is contraindicated in patients suffering from endocrine and cardiovascular systems, tuberculosis, HIV, oncology, as well as children and adolescents under 16 years of age.

Bite correction using laser

This method is used both before the start of bite correction procedures and in combination with them, as well as laser treatment widely used after surgery. The laser has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues. How independent method laser is not used for bite correction; it only acts as aid with other treatment methods.

Correction of bite in children

There are several main ways to correct abnormal bite in children:

  • Use of orthodontic appliances. In this case, removable and non-removable orthodontic devices are used to force the teeth into the desired position. To correct the anomaly in a child under 6 years old, trainers, mouth guards or plates are used. Such methods are no longer suitable for older children.
  • Myotherapy (a set of exercises) aimed at restoring the physiological tone of facial, chewing and oral muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of the jaws.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Comprehensive treatment of malocclusion, combining surgical and hardware method. Used to correct malocclusion in children aged 6 to 12 years.
  • Orthopedic treatment.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the health of your child, in particular, the condition of his maxillofacial apparatus, and in case of any anomalies, you should immediately contact the clinic to prevent the development serious pathologies and jaw anomalies.