Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis: indications for implementation and examples of exercises. A course of exercises performed on the floor. Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis is combined with the observance of certain rules: allocating time for rest and sleep, using special diets, avoiding hypothermia. In addition, when someone is sick they often say that it is not recommended to do any physical activity. Can such contraindications be useful in case of illness? You should understand this in more detail by studying the methods and types of exercises, as well as the benefits of doing them.

Therapeutic measures illnesses go away through bed rest. When complications are diagnosed, the patient is often transferred to a hospital until his health returns to normal. In this case, the patient should use a bedpan for urination and bowel movements, and a potty is provided for small children.

During the time free from procedures, you must be in a lying position. Even during the period of dullness of the disease, when the symptoms weaken, the patient needs bed rest, at least observing it for a short period of time.

Despite this, physical therapy for pyelonephritis can have a positive effect on the body.

In this case it is necessary to follow certain rules:
  • take into account the characteristics of the patient’s body;
  • identify an acceptable degree of load;
  • do exercises every day if you are sick, but there should be no long breaks between them;
  • too much time should not be spent on classes;
  • differentiate the execution of exercises in a certain algorithm.

In addition, one should take into account the presence of other pathologies in the patient, the risk adverse consequences, as well as age and gender restrictions. However, for pyelonephritis there is a special list of exercises, since it is not recommended to use abdominal region when executing them.

As a result, swimming is prohibited. Many exercises for pyelonephritis should be performed slowly, without sudden movements and jerks.

At serious complications You can use some types of exercise therapy: diaphragmatic breathing and massage. Special breathing ensures relaxation of the whole body, and massage helps eliminate stagnant processes. The advantage is that they can be performed lying down.

When the disease is in remission, massage can be continued to be used more intensively. However, the duration of one session is 10 minutes, which can be used for no more than 2 weeks.

In the chronic form of the disease, it is necessary to use physical therapy, because such exercises will help solve many problems. serious problems.

Exercise therapy affects various processes:
  1. Normalizes metabolism.
  2. Improves blood circulation.
  3. Accelerates urine output.
  4. Develops the body's resistance to external damage - infections and microbes.
  5. Restores the immune system.

For achievement best result when treating, it is necessary to rely on the solution of these processes. As a result, patients diagnosed with this disease should not perform too much physical activity. In this case the best option are walking, because they are suitable for different age categories of people.

So, walking can be:
  • up a flight of stairs;
  • in water;
  • at any pace;
  • using sticks or other support;
  • duration - for a short period of time or several hours;

Pick up suitable form Hiking is possible for anyone. In most cases, skiing is used. However, to prevent hypothermia, it is necessary to avoid walking in sub-zero temperatures or strong wind.

There is also a certain list of exercises for illness, designed specifically to restore the body after illness. It should be borne in mind that such methods are an approximate plan for the event. Minor changes may be made due to individual characteristics body.

A set of exercises for pyelonephritis is compiled by a specialist. The patient may overestimate his strength, so an instructor must be present during the first exercise therapy sessions. In addition, you cannot make any changes voluntarily, especially increasing total load– such actions can aggravate the situation.

Before starting the exercises, as well as after their completion, it is necessary to monitor the values ​​of blood pressure and pulsation, writing them down in a notepad.

If the slightest deterioration in health is detected, possible with excessive load in physical terms, you should study the specialist’s notes and also make an appointment to make adjustments to the schedule and duration of classes.

There are several different exercises, due to the diversity of which you can identify the most appropriate option for everyone individual patient. Often, such exercises for illness do not involve the abdominal muscles and lumbar region. Classes are conducted without significant strength load for no more than 30 minutes per day. This period of time is enough to feel positive impact.

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis involves performing exercises in various positions: lying, standing or sitting. Can be applied various actions, but at the same time they should not spend too much time and cause overwork. If you observe such a case, you should immediately inform your doctor about it and insist on reducing your load.

Commonly used exercises for illness:
  1. Lie down on left side, while the knees should be in a bent position. They need to be brought closer to chest. Next, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, the right leg goes back, after which it returns to its starting position. Similar actions should be performed with the other leg.
  2. Lie on your back and bend your lower limbs so that your feet are located at a decent distance from each other (slightly wider than your shoulders). Then, without moving your legs away from the starting position, you need to bend them one by one to the floor. Such actions require that your feet touch the floor.
  3. Sit on the floor and lower your arms down. The legs should be straight at this moment, after which they will need to be spread slightly to the sides. Then bends are performed to each leg in turn. At the same time, you should inhale and exhale while bending.
  4. Stand with your arms down and your legs closed. When inhaling, you need to raise your right leg to the chest, bent at the knee. At the same moment, raise left hand to the side at an angle of 90 degrees. After completing such actions, return to the original position. Do it similar actions using the other leg and arm.

When performing such movements, you can improve the condition of a person with pyelonephritis. The attending physician has the right to make some changes or use other exercises; gymnastics is also used for illness. Basically, several exercise methods are used in conjunction with therapy to achieve the best results.

Elimination of the disease is possible with the use of in various ways treatment. Except drug effects You can also achieve results with exercise therapy.

However, you should follow all the specialist’s instructions and strive to quick recovery.

Kidneys are one of the most important organs. They perform a number of vital important functions: remove salts, liquid, harmful substances, are responsible for regulating blood pressure and water exchange. Pyelonephritis is one of the most common kidney diseases. In order to avoid its occurrence, prevent progression and speed up treatment, doctors usually prescribe a course of massage and exercise therapy for pyelonephritis.

The kidneys never stop working. But their system can also fail if they are overloaded. Therefore, in addition to doing exercises, the patient needs to eat properly, rest, observe personal hygiene rules and avoid hypothermia. Well physical therapy for pyelonephritis, it will help improve health and slow down the development of the inflammatory process.

Pyelonephritis usually does not appear as independent disease. It provokes the development of an inflammatory process that can affect other organs human body. Following pyelonephritis, diseases such as:

  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Urolithiasis disease.
  3. Hyperplasia.
  4. Prostate cancer.
  5. Various diseases gynecological nature.

Sport is an integral part of the treatment of many diseases. Having prescribed a course of exercise therapy for a disease, the doctor should pay attention to the presence of secondary or additional diseases. Correct activities sports in acceptable quantities cause correct formation body, speedy recovery.

Physical activity for pyelonephritis, it not only helps the patient get rid of the disease, but also performs a preventive function, strengthens the body, makes it more adaptable and resistant to other diseases. It is very important for a doctor to correctly indicate the number of hours that should be allocated per week for sports. If the load is very large, then such gymnastics will not bring a therapeutic effect, but, on the contrary, may aggravate the patient’s condition.

That is why the first few physical therapy sessions must be done with a trainer. Of course, there are adapted courses consisting of exercises necessary for pyelonephritis. But only a trainer can point out mistakes and adjust the program so that its implementation does not harm your health. In order for exercise therapy to bring results, it is important to follow simple rules:

  1. Perform the exercises systematically, regularly.
  2. Each element should have a time limit.
  3. It is not worth repeating the exercises an infinite number of times in 1 day.
  4. Loads must be balanced.
  5. It is necessary to rest from time to time.

Physical therapy includes various elements: walking, gymnastics, games. Some exercises can be done by yourself, while others require working with a partner. You can do gymnastics with pyelonephritis only after it goes away. acute form diseases. If the patient's condition is still unstable, then physical activity will have to be postponed.

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What does treatment include?

Most often, a set of exercises includes many walking variations. Almost all elements that are performed in a standing position are based on movement. This allows you to provide required load on the body, and not to overtire the patient. In addition to the fact that walking allows you to develop the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, such exercises help strengthen of cardio-vascular system. Walking is suitable even for those patients for whom the main course of treatment with gymnastics is contraindicated. These patients may use crutches or a walker to walk.

When treating pyelonephritis, it is very useful to practice skiing. Typically, this treatment is used in specialized sanatoriums. In addition, patients with pyelonephritis are recommended to visit saunas and baths. But in this case, beating with a broom is excluded. It is best to combine a visit to the sauna with a course general massage, where the patient can stretch all the muscles of the body. The massage should last no more than 15 minutes, but it should be repeated regularly after 1 day. Massage for pyelonephritis can be very different. The main thing is to influence the body correctly and prevent injury.

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Objectives of therapeutic exercises

When prescribing a course of therapeutic exercises to a patient, the doctor pursues several goals. First of all, it is necessary to return the person to normal image life, bring it back to normal arterial pressure, improve the regulation of metabolic processes, reduce the amount stagnation, improve the outflow of urine and ensure the outflow and flow of blood in the patient’s kidneys.

The set of exercises combines elements for general development and strengthening the body. The course is divided into several parts depending on the position in which the exercises should be performed: lying, sitting or standing. Pyelonephritis involves the implementation of elements that are aimed at relaxing the entire body and normalizing breathing.

Sometimes, in parallel with the exercises, it is necessary to do a massage, which will create a vibration effect in the abdominal area. Patients are contraindicated from swimming and changing the course of exercise on their own. You cannot increase the number of approaches and complicate the elements. All movements should be smooth and slow. Jerking and heavy exertion can aggravate the patient's condition.

In some cases, patients are prohibited from performing therapeutic exercises. Basically these are people who for a long time can't get out rehabilitation period after surgical intervention, patients who experience severe pain when performing elements, and those who are at risk of bleeding.

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A course of exercises performed on the floor

In order to do the first course of exercises (consisting only of those elements that are performed on the floor), you need to take the starting position. Lie on your back, spread your legs as wide as possible and bend your knees slightly. Now inhale and exhale deeply several times. Relax your body and feel it. This should take about 2 minutes.

Now bring your feet together. Move your knees together. As you inhale, gently lower your knees to right side, while exhaling, return them to the starting position. On your next inhalation, lower your knees to the left side, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. You need to do 12 repetitions in each direction. Repeat the position in which you were breathing. Bend your elbows and lean on them. Now, with each inhalation, gently lift your pelvis up. It is not necessary to raise it very high at first. If the exercise causes pain, then try to lift your pelvis off the ground quite a bit. As you exhale, lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 5 times.

Now place something not very heavy on your stomach. It could be a book. As you inhale, raise your stomach, and as you exhale, lower your stomach. Try to rise as high as possible. The element is repeated 8 times. After this, return to the starting position and give yourself a little rest. Breathe and let your body relax again. Lie on your right side. Bend your legs at the hips and knees, bringing your knees slightly towards your chest. Slowly move your left bent leg back. Hold for 2 seconds and return it to the starting position. Complete the task 8 times. After this, lie on your left side and do the exercise right foot.

Get back on your back. For this exercise, you will need a machine that operates on the principle of a soft spacer. It must be placed between the legs. It is necessary to try to bring the limbs together, thereby overcoming resistance. If there is no such simulator, then you can use elastic bandages. Tie them to different legs of the bed, make loops and thread your legs through them. Now try to bring them together. The tension of the loops should not be very large so that the exercise does not cause painful sensations. The element must be performed for 2-3 minutes. After this, lie on your back, stretch your legs and arms, and let yourself breathe.

Kidneys - important organ human body, they perform a filtration function, remove salts, excess water and regulate its exchange, and also regulate blood pressure. The kidneys work constantly, producing urine, which is then excreted urethra from the body. One of the most common kidney diseases is pyelonephritis. This inflammatory disease, which in its treatment requires an integrated approach and prevention. The main preventive measures are good nutrition and rest combined with adequate physical activity, prevention of hypothermia, and hygiene. Physical therapy for pyelonephritis (physical therapy) is very well used.

Features of physical therapy for pyelonephritis

Pyelonephritis may be accompanied by other diseases or complications. For example, such as hyperplasia, urolithiasis, acute renal failure, prostate adenoma in men and gynecological inflammatory diseases in women. Such diagnoses must be taken into account when prescribing exercise therapy for pyelonephritis. In addition, the body’s capabilities in terms of physical activity depends on other indicators. For example, the patient’s age, gender and weight, past illnesses And general health patient.

Physical education is a stimulator of the formation and growth of inert and muscle tissue, improves mood, helps with severe psycho-emotional experiences, increases the adaptive function of the body, its reactivity and adaptability.

Exercise therapy for pyelonephritis has not only preventive action, but can also have healing effect. It is important to observe the following principles:

  • Maintain regularity and systematicity of classes;
  • Limit the duration (it is better more often, not longer);
  • Dosing of power loads on the body;
  • Individual approach to each patient.

Contraindications for exercise therapy for kidney inflammation

Physical activity for pyelonephritis has its contraindications. In particular, exercise therapy is carried out only after the sharp painful sensations, the body temperature and the general condition of the patient are stabilized. Because too heavy load on the abdominal muscles, swimming with pyelonephritis should be suspended until complete recovery.

For patients at risk of bleeding, it should not be used. It should be borne in mind that exercises for pyelonephritis are a remedy pathogenetic therapy, allowing to improve or normalize kidney function, reduce inflammatory processes, relapses (with chronic pyelonephritis).

Main tasks of exercise therapy

Physical therapy for kidney inflammation may include:

  • Outdoor games;
  • Hygienic gymnastics;
  • Various types of walking (preferably on fresh air);
  • Therapeutic gymnastics with a set of targeted exercises.

When prescribed to a patient rehabilitation therapy With with the help of physical therapy primarily pursue the following goals:

  • Reducing congestion in the urinary system;
  • Normalization of urine outflow;
  • Restoring normal blood circulation in the kidneys;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Regulation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • Restoring human performance;
  • Promotion protective functions body.

The set of exercises includes various general strengthening exercises, with moderate load on the body. The lesson program is drawn up in such a way that it includes exercises: standing, sitting and lying, as well as those aimed at relaxing the body. In particular, the so-called “exercises with diaphragmatic breathing", a massage that creates light vibration in the abdominal area. But exercises aimed at the abdominal region cannot be used.

Note! All exercises should be performed without jerking, at a medium or slow pace, depending on the general condition sick.

Except physical exercise, useful to add hygiene procedures, improving metabolic processes in organism. For example, visiting a sauna or steam bath, combined with a massage of the back, abdomen, lower limbs and, in particular, lumbar region, self-massage with brushes. However, shock techniques should be excluded during these procedures. Massage sessions are prescribed in a course of 10-15 procedures, 10 minutes each.

Exercise therapy complex for kidney inflammation

The exercise therapy complex is selected so that the load is adequate and sufficient, without intense exercise. Very good results Walking gives relief, especially in the fresh air. It not only restores motor function body, but also trains the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Walking is recommended for all patients. For those who are still experiencing sharp pains, it is good to walk on stairs, in water (only in warm water), with special support (“walkers”), etc. The pace and length of steps are calculated taking into account the terrain. It is good to alternate walking on flat and rough terrain, in winter time You can use skiing, ice skating. It is best to move in clean air, not along roads, in parks, or forests. Our sanatoriums and holiday homes are well suited for such walks.

Basic exercises

The course of physical therapy is designed so that the load is dosed, but at the same time effective for such a disease as pyelonephritis. The exercise therapy complex includes exercises in a lying, sitting and standing position.

  1. Starting position (IP) – lying on your back. Legs are bent at the knees, feet firmly on the floor, shoulder width apart. With an exhalation, gently lower the right and left knees inward, alternately, reaching the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position. With an exhalation, we lower it to the other (outer) side, and while inhaling, we return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times with each leg.
  2. Starting position – lying on your back. Legs are bent at the knees, feet firmly on the floor shoulder-width apart, arms slightly bent at the elbows and resting on the floor. As you inhale, slowly lift your pelvis off the floor and raise it to a comfortable height; as you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.
  3. Starting position – lying on your back. Legs are bent at the knees, feet firmly on the floor, shoulder width apart. On top part Place a small bag of sand on your stomach. We lift the bag with our stomach as high as possible and lower it down. We repeat the same thing, moving the bag to bottom part belly. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times in each position of the sandbag.
  4. Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your straight legs 10 cm from the floor and lower them. Repeat 15-20 times.
  5. Starting position – lying on your back. Legs are straight at the knees. We lift alternately the right and left leg a few centimeters from the floor and perform circular movements in the air clockwise and counterclockwise equal amount once. Repeat 15-20 times for each leg.
  6. Starting position - lying on your side, legs bent at the knees and hip joint. As you inhale, move your upper leg, bent at the knee, backwards and upwards, increasing the amplitude and decreasing the angle of flexion of the leg. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times. We do the same on the other side.
  7. Starting position – lying on your back. Hands lie along the body, palms down. As we inhale, we raise our legs and make several cross movements with our shins in the air (scissors), swapping our legs. Number of repetitions 3 times.
  8. Starting position – lying on your back. Legs are straight and spread out to the sides as much as possible. Hold your feet in elastic band loops (suitable for elastic bandages), we bring our legs together. The elastic band should provide resistance to the adductor (inner) thigh muscles and can be secured to the headboard or held at the ends with your hands. Repeat 15-20 times.
  9. Starting position – lying on your back. Holding your feet in a loop made of elastic tape (elastic bandages are suitable), spread your legs as far apart as possible. The elastic band should provide resistance to the abductor (outer lateral) thigh muscles. Repeat 15-20 times.
  10. Starting position – lying on your back. Hold a medicine ball weighing 2-3 kg between your feet. Raise your legs above the floor so that the angle between your legs and the floor is 15-20 degrees. Repeat 15-20 times.
  11. I.P. - sitting on a chair. The back rests as much as possible on the back of the chair, the hands rest on the seat of the chair on either side of the pelvis. Leaning on your hands, exhale as you lift it up and inhale as you lower it back down. Repeat 15-20 times.
  12. I.P. - sitting on a chair. Legs are bent at the knees. We alternately pull the right and left legs, bent at the knee, towards the chest. Repeat 15-20 times for each leg.
  13. I.P. – sitting on a chair, so that it is possible to tilt the body back. Legs are bent and pressed tightly to the floor. Slowly tilt your body back as you exhale and come back as you inhale. Repeat 15-20 times.
  14. I.P. - sitting on the floor. The legs are straight apart and hip-width apart. With an exhalation, bend alternately to the right and left legs, reaching for the toe of the left and right hand respectively. Repeat 15-20 times.
  15. I.P. – standing, lean your hands on the back of the chair, legs stand together. Alternately move your legs back and to the sides. The number of repetitions is 15-20 times for each leg.
  16. I.P. – standing, lean your hands on the back of the chair. Knees slightly bent. Rotate your legs at the hip joint alternately with your right and left legs.
  17. I.P. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Perform body turns alternately to the right and left. Repeat 15-20 times.
  18. I.P. – standing, hands clasped at the back of the head, elbows spread to the sides. Perform slow, shallow bends to the sides while exhaling, and inhaling to return back. Then bring and spread your shoulder blades, raising your face up and bending into thoracic region spine. Repeat 15-20 times.
  19. I.P. - standing. Walk in place.

Kidney exercises are very important not only for the treatment of many diseases. Gymnastics is useful for preventing congestion in the lumbar region and disrupting the normal passage of urine.

The kidneys play a huge role in cleansing the body of various toxic metabolic products and eliminating them.

Human kidneys

And tens of liters of blood pass through them during the day. Therefore, the functioning of these organs is affected not only by various systemic diseases, but also diet and lifestyle.

Complex special exercises It will take very little time, but will greatly help in curing kidney pathology.

First of all, it is worth noting that in case of kidney disease, any exercise should be started only after consulting a doctor.

Ideal if medical complex gymnastics will be developed by a specialist. At first, you can practice in the exercise therapy room at the clinic, and then move on to independent exercises.

However, regardless of what movements the therapeutic complex of gymnastics for the kidneys consists of, there is general principles its implementation:

  • It is necessary to do the exercises in a well-ventilated room, but in no case should there be a draft;
  • the optimal room temperature is 16 - 18°C;
  • for classes you should prepare a gymnastic stick, a mat and a small roller;
    exercises must be performed regularly and daily;
  • the optimal time for gymnastics is in the morning before meals and in the evening an hour after meals and an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • each exercise should be performed slowly, avoid jerking;
  • you need to start gymnastics for the kidneys with minimal physical activity, and then gradually increase it;
  • for elderly people it is necessary to monitor pulse and blood pressure;
  • Under no circumstances should you hold your breath, it should be even and deep;
  • the total time for performing a set of exercises for the kidneys should not exceed half an hour;
  • if possible, it is better to combine gymnastics with hardening procedures (rubbing or contrast shower);
  • Hypothermia should not be allowed, so it is better to perform exercises in clothing that does not restrict movement;
  • Gymnastics is contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of kidney disease.

If there are problems with overweight, then you also need to weigh yourself regularly and record the result.

However, there is not always a desire to do any exercises. However, there is no need to completely abandon gymnastics. You can simply reduce the intensity of physical activity and reduce the time of exercise.

If a person has weakened muscles, then some exercises may cause pain both during their execution and after exercise.

Such sensations are quite normal, but you can try to reduce the load.

However, pain in the kidney or heart area is a reason to consult a doctor.

In addition, any exercises should be combined with general physical activity. That is, you can’t do a set of gymnastics twice a day and spend the rest of the time sedentary lifestyle life.

Long walks are very beneficial. If there are no contraindications, then skiing and cycling are very beneficial for the kidneys. The main thing is that this does not lead to lower back injury.

Gymnastics complex for glomerulonephritis

The main goal of exercises in the treatment of glomerulonephritis is to normalize blood flow in the kidneys, strengthen immune system and prevention of congestion. Each exercise must be repeated 4 to 5 times.

Walking in place for 2 to 3 minutes is ideal for warming up. Then you can do lunges, changing legs. Next, you should sit down shallowly, grab your knees with your hands and make several circular movements with your knees in different sides.

Exercise for glomerulonephritis

For glomerulonephritis, bending in different directions is very useful, while the back should be straight.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles plays a huge role in the treatment of kidney diseases.

For this, the “bicycle” exercise is useful, raising the legs while sitting on a chair, alternately raising the legs while lying on the floor (to facilitate this exercise, you can use a small pillow under the buttocks).

Rubbing is also very useful. They can be carefully performed with a gymnastic stick in the following sequence: we hold the stick with both hands closer to the edges and begin to rub first the back, then the stomach, and then the legs while sitting on a chair.

These exercises should be performed under mandatory control results of urine and blood tests. If your kidney condition worsens, exercise should be stopped immediately.

Gymnastics complex for pyelonephritis

Naturally, during the acute course of the disease, exercise is contraindicated. However, as soon as your condition allows, you can do gymnastics.

First of all, you should warm up and calm your breathing. Lying on the floor, you need to turn your legs bent at the knees to the right and left. But the shoulders should remain in place.

This exercise must be done slowly. It is required to perform 10–12 turns in each direction. When changing sides, you can try to lift your pelvis a little, leaning on your elbows.

Exercise for pyelonephritis

Raising the pelvis in a lying position can also be performed as a separate exercise, and you need to do about 8 – 10 approaches. Then you should increase the load on the abdominal muscles by placing some weighting material on your stomach.

This exercise is also very beneficial for the kidneys. You need to lie on your side and press the knees of your bent legs as close as possible to your chest. Then slowly move your leg back (if you are lying on your right side, then your left, and vice versa).

Sitting on a chair with a straight back, alternately lift your bent leg towards your chest. You need to do 4–5 approaches with each leg.

To stretch your back, you need to rest your slightly bent arms on the seat of a chair and lift your pelvis and move your hips forward. This exercise must be performed slowly and carefully.

If pain occurs in the kidney area, the load should be reduced.

Rotating your hips is very helpful. It is better to do this exercise while holding your hands on a wall or any other support.

It is important that shoulder girdle remained motionless. Then turn sideways and perform gentle swings of your legs in different directions.

Gymnastics complex for urolithiasis

Exercises for kidney stones can only be done if there is no risk of developing renal colic.

With this disease, walking with knees raised and walking in a squat is very useful.

Charging with ICD

You can also perform a “birch tree”, and with appropriate physical training your legs should be placed behind your head.

To the gymnastics complex at urolithiasis also includes the familiar “bicycle”, swinging your legs while standing on all fours.

The effectiveness of physical therapy increases with compliance proper diet nutrition.

Yoga elements

The main thing to improve kidney function is this exercise. Lying on your stomach on the floor, you need to tear off your head and chest. To increase the load, you can try raising your legs. You need to remain in this position for as long as possible.

Bends forward in a sitting position with straight legs connected together are very useful. Moreover, you need to stretch not jerkily, but smoothly, strictly monitoring your breathing.

You can also stand up and spread your legs wide. Turn one leg with your toe to the side, and keep the other straight. Next, we carefully bend down, turn our body and raise our straight arm up.

The head should be turned towards the raised hand. The pelvis should remain motionless during this exercise.

To relax, you can lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides and raise your straight legs up. For beginners, you can rest your raised feet on the wall.

Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the excretory system that occurs when infected renal pelvis. The pathology most often has acute course, which then turns into chronic form with alternating exacerbations and remissions. Pyelonephritis is a disease that requires complex treatment. It includes not only medicinal techniques, but also rehabilitation measures. Special meaning has exercise therapy for pyelonephritis, which is recommended for all patients who have had the disease.

The importance of exercise therapy for pyelonephritis

A complex of physical therapy is prescribed to patients after the symptoms subside. Early activation of the patient, recovery motor activity helps normalize blood flow. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in the kidney tissue are improved and cell nutrition is restored. Positive effects from carrying out exercise therapy are:

  • Stimulation of urine outflow and restoration of kidney filtration function;
  • General strengthening of the body;
  • Reduced blood pressure levels;
  • Elimination of weakness after past illness, improving resistance to physical stress.

Physical therapy for pyelonephritis has a relaxing effect on the patient and improves his psychological well-being. In fact, the exercises prepare the patient to return to full life so that he can endure the usual physical activity.

Features of exercise therapy in chronic form

Exercise therapy for chronic pyelonephritis not only promotes general strengthening the patient’s body, but also reduces the risk of repeated exacerbations. With moderate physical activity, the patient tolerates the effects better external environment, making habitual triggers less likely to cause repeated episodes of pyelonephritis.

In addition, regular exercise therapy helps strengthen the immune system. Active defense of the body against infections allows timely destruction of incoming excretory system microorganisms and prevent their proliferation in the renal pelvis.

Video: Physical therapy for pyelonephritis

When are classes contraindicated?

Contraindications for exercise therapy include:

  • Periods of exacerbation with pronounced symptoms of pyelonephritis (presence of pain and discomfort, fever, characteristic changes in urine);
  • Risk of internal bleeding;
  • Exacerbation concomitant diseases(pathologies of the heart, liver, nervous system;
  • Presence of acute infectious processes in organism;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Injuries to the limbs, head, internal organs.

Any acute inflammation, accompanied serious condition patient is a contraindication for physical therapy. Gymnastics is held in recovery period when pronounced manifestations of the disease are no longer present.

Activities Options

The main part of exercises in gymnastics for pyelonephritis should include general strengthening movements that stimulate blood circulation. Cardio exercises are not permitted and weight training equipment is prohibited. In addition to the sets of exercises in the exercise therapy room, the patient is recommended to take long walks. In winter you can go skiing short distances; in summer it is recommended to ride a bike regularly.

The training also includes a special type of exercise - breathing exercises. It aims to increase the lung capacity of patients. Additional effect from such exercises is sedative effect on the body. For the same purpose, you can do yoga or meditate. These measures are especially effective in women.

Sample exercises

A set of exercise therapy exercises for pyelonephritis is selected individually for each patient by his attending physician. The intensity of physical activity depends on the patient’s condition, the characteristics of the course of the disease and the purpose of the therapeutic exercises. Here is an approximate set of exercises that is recommended for patients with pyelonephritis:

  1. A man lies on a gymnastic mat, on his back, bends his legs in knee joints and spreads them a little wider than shoulder width. As you inhale, the patient bends his knees inward, bringing them as close to the floor as possible. As you exhale, the legs return to their original position. The exercise must be repeated 20 times.
  2. The patient lies on his left side, his legs are slightly bent at the hip and knee joints. As you exhale, you need to move your upper leg back, gradually straightening it, and while inhaling, return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated ten times. After this, you need to lie on your right side and do the same with the other leg.
  3. The person lies on his back, stretches his arms along the body, straightens his legs. As you inhale, you need to slightly raise both legs and alternately move them one above the other (scissors exercise). Repeat the movements 15-20 times, if necessary, take a break and perform 2 approaches (each 10 times).
  4. The patient sits on a chair, keeping his back straight. Hands are held on the seat of the chair. As you inhale, you need to raise your torso with support on your arms and legs. You need to stay in this position for a few seconds, and then slowly lower back down. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  5. A man sits down on a chair. As you inhale, you need to pull your leg bent at the knee as close to your body as possible, and as you exhale, release it and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times on each leg.
  6. Walking in place. Take 20-30 steps, controlling your breathing. On the count of 1 and 2, inhale, on the count of 3 and 4, exhale.

After performing gymnastics, it is recommended to do a hygienic back massage. Special attention During the procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to the lumbar region. The massage should be soft, gentle, stroking. It is not recommended to do shock or compression techniques, as this can injure the kidneys. The total duration of the session should not exceed 10 minutes.

Regular massage for pyelonephritis improves blood circulation and stimulates tissue regeneration, which ensures fast recovery patient after pyelonephritis.

Video: Effective exercises for kidneys