Which burdock oil is best for hair growth? How to make homemade burdock oil. Video recipe: Mask for hair growth and nutrition with burdock oil, dimexide and vitamins

Despite the fact that modern cosmetology technologies capable of much, and care products that offer beauty, strengthening and health to hair can be listed endlessly, girls and women still return to natural and proven methods. Such a remedy, familiar to our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, is for hair Burr oil. How to use this wonderful beauty product and what natural masks you can make it out of it without resorting to great expense and effort, we will tell you in our article.


Everyone knows that burdock oil is extracted from the root of burdock (or burdock). The rhizomes of this plant are cleaned and pre-treated, and then filled with vegetable oil for a certain amount of time. This method is called oil extraction. During this process, a mass is released from the burdock roots. useful substances. This is an abundance of vitamins (A, C, E, etc.), mineral salts of calcium, chromium, copper and zinc, polysaccharides, including inulin, tannins, fatty (palmitic) acids, polyacytelenes and phytosterols.

Thanks to a large number active biological substances, the properties of burdock oil for hair are useful for:

  • strengthening hair follicles and reducing hair loss;
  • regeneration skin and hair follicle, healing of microcracks;
  • eliminate dandruff and scalp irritation, normal discharge sebaceous glands;
  • improvements general condition, additional nutrition of the entire hair, nutrition of dry and brittle ends;
  • activating dormant hair follicles, promoting hair growth.

No falling out!

Regardless of the reasons for hair loss on the head, with regular use of burdock oil for hair, this problem can be reduced and even stopped. It is especially useful to use the oil after chemical dyeing or curling hair, after or during vacation, with long-term exposure to the sun with swimming in the salt sea or chlorinated pool. Also, after certain illnesses and taking antibacterial medications, suffering from stress, unfavorable conditions work simply needs the nourishment that burdock oil can give your hair.

Even a problem male pattern baldness You can “push back” it for several years by regularly using hair masks with burdock oil. The important word here is “regularly,” since you can’t expect a miracle from one or two times or occasional uses. 2-3 is considered optimal one-time use per week for three to four months with a break for a month and resumption of treatment.

How to use burdock oil for hair

For better impact The oil needs to be slightly heated, up to 40 degrees will be enough. This can be done by placing a bowl of oil in hot water or heating in a water bath, you can also heat it in the microwave if you don’t have time. But it is better to use the first two methods, since in the microwave there is a risk of overheating the oil.

The dosage of burdock oil is individual and depends on the length of the hair, as well as its thickness. Typically, 2-3 tablespoons are required to apply the oil to the scalp only.

It is recommended to apply burdock root oil to both dry and damp hair. If you choose the second option, then your hair should be really damp, not wet. It is better to blot off excess moisture with a towel. You need to start applying from the roots, then distribute the product throughout the hair growth using a comb. Then the hair is tucked under a plastic cap and insulated with a towel on top. The effect of oil on hair should last from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

Burdock oil is excellent for hair not only pure form, but also as an addition to hair masks prepared at home, in combination with other products.

How to wash off

It is recommended to rinse burdock root oil from your hair with regular shampoo, rinsing your hair twice. But if after this your hair is not fresh enough, you can use an adsorbent mask that will absorb all excess oil.

To do this, before washing, prepare a mixture of 4-5 tablespoons rye flour and warm water. The consistency should be like pancake batter or similar to sour cream. Apply the mixture after washing your hair with shampoo using massaging movements, as if washing your hair. Leave the product on your hair for seven minutes, then rinse again using shampoo.

It is good to use a balm after washing your hair, as well as a prepared decoction of chamomile or nettle for hair. Traditionally, light hair is rinsed with chamomile infusion, and dark hair is rinsed with nettle infusion. If you add 2-3 teaspoons of table vinegar (preferably natural apple or grape vinegar) per liter of decoction, your hair will be easier to comb and will acquire a healthy shine. This decoction will adequately replace any expensive hair balm.

Cook at home

It will be quite simple to prepare burdock oil for hair at home. To do this, you need to dig up a burdock rhizome in the spring or early autumn, preferably growing outside the city, away from the road and industrial zones. The plant should be no older than 1 year, this can be seen by the size of the leaves - they should not be very large. The roots should be washed, peeled and cut for further grinding in a blender or on a grater.

For oil base you can take the vegetable oil that you like best. It can be sunflower, almond, sesame, castor, flaxseed, olive, or any oil. To add sophistication, you can add 2-3 drops of aromatic essential oil rosemary, bergamot, rose, etc. 100 ml of oil is enough to pour 50 grams of burdock raw material. Place the future infusion in a dark place at room temperature for 7-10 days.

Then you need to strain the infusion, pour it into the pan, and boil for 12-15 minutes. Then pour into a glass bottle and use as needed, storing the oil in the refrigerator.


A scalp massage using burdock root oil in winter and spring, when hair needs nourishment, will be very beneficial for hair of any type.

The heated oil must be rubbed over the entire surface of the head until a pleasant feeling of warmth is achieved for about 10-15 minutes. Having finished this useful procedure massage, it is recommended to make a hair wrap: distribute the oil over the entire hair growth using a fine comb and leave for 40-60 minutes, covering your head with a polyethylene cap and then with a towel. Rinse your hair with shampoo two, and if necessary, three times.


We offer you several options for simple hair masks with burdock oil, aimed at strengthening it:

  1. Take 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of burdock oil. Mix everything thoroughly and heat only slightly (so that the yolks do not curdle) in a water bath. Distribute evenly, put on a plastic cap and leave for 35-55 minutes. Wash with shampoo, even twice if necessary. If you use such a useful mask 2 times a week for 2 months, your hair will not only fall out less, but will also delight you with its well-groomed appearance.
  2. By replacing the yolk in the first option with a tablespoon of lemon juice, you can make a mask for oily hair that strengthens the hair roots. Leave for about an hour and rinse using shampoo.
  3. The next mask has a very good strengthening effect. Take onion juice (grind half the onion in a blender and squeeze out the resulting pulp), a tablespoon of aloe juice and 3 tablespoons of burdock root oil. Apply the slightly warmed mixture and leave for an hour. Treatment course do not interrupt - 1.5-2 months, repeating every other month.

Add a small amount of your hair conditioner to the mask to make the oily substance wash out easier. Try using this little secret, you will certainly be pleased with the results.

Burning effect

To strengthen hair follicles It is very effective to use burdock oil with pepper for hair. Here are two examples of such masks:

  1. A tablespoon of pepper alcohol tincture mix from tables. spoon of water so as not to burn your scalp. Add 3 tablespoons of burdock oil. Apply only to hair roots, leave for 30 to 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo. Use this mask only once a week.
  2. Instead of tincture, you can use crushed red pepper powder. To do this, just take a teaspoon (without top) of ground pepper and stir in 3-4 tablespoons of burdock oil. Leave also for half an hour, then rinse using shampoo

According to many reviews, burdock hair oil with red pepper will not only strengthen hair, but also stimulate its growth. More details about this below.

Striving for growth

Burdock oil is also excellent for hair growth. Let's look at a few of these useful masks:

  1. Three tbsp. spoons of burdock root oil, one tbsp. l. cognac, one tbsp. l. honey, one yolk. Heat all components (except cognac, which must be added before application). Try to apply only to the roots of the hair, to affect the hair follicle. Keep for forty to sixty minutes and rinse your hair.
  2. One tbsp. a spoonful of dry mustard powder, two tbsp. spoons of kefir, two tbsp. spoons of burdock root oil, one yolk. Stir mustard with kefir, add the remaining ingredients, heat slightly, apply to the roots, leave for 30-50 minutes.
  3. Two tbsp. spoons of nettle decoction, half a tablespoon of natural lemon juice, two tbsp. tablespoons of burdock root oil. Stir, apply warm oily liquid to roots and hair for 1 hour. Then rinse with shampoo.


The simplest restorative mask is a mask of two tbsp. spoons of burdock oil and two egg yolks. This mixture should be slightly warmed and applied to the hair. The mask does not leak, so you can keep it on for more than an hour. Then you need to rinse your hair well with shampoo several times.

Also to restore hair structure, shine, improve condition and eliminate dry ends suitable remedy from several oils. If your hair is oily at the roots, then it is better to avoid applying such a mask to the scalp. Mix a tablespoon of olive, burdock and coconut oil. To better wash out the oil, add one tbsp. a spoonful of hair balm. Leave on for an hour and then wash off.

Hair and more

Burdock root oil is excellent for eyebrows and even nails. If your eyelashes have become brittle and your eyebrows have thinned a little, the magical strengthening effect of the oil will work for them too. Many experts advise adding a couple of drops of miracle oil directly into your mascara. You can also apply oil masks for eyelashes and eyebrows after removing makeup by placing cotton pads soaked in burdock root oil on your eyes, which restores depleted hairs, vitaminizes them and improves metabolic processes.

Healing procedures with oil for nails provide for their strengthening, a healthy appearance, and have a beneficial effect on the cuticle, softening it. For such procedures, it is necessary to dip the phalanges of the fingers in heated oil or rub the oil into the nails every day using a cotton pad.

Despite all the efforts of manufacturers and large-scale advertising campaigns, store-bought hair care products are not always able to solve the problem of hair loss, improve the health of curls and give them shine.

It’s no wonder that we are increasingly turning to classic “grandmother’s” recipes that help us grow truly long and healthy hair.

One of the most popular, affordable and effective means- Burr oil.

What are the benefits and properties of burdock oil, what are the reviews about it, how to use the product for oily and dry hair, use masks with it for growth and against hair loss, apply and rinse the product correctly?

Benefits and beneficial properties, action

Oil obtained by processing the roots of burdock (burdock) By beneficial properties and the effectiveness of the effect is not at all inferior to exotic overseas products, for example, argan or coconut.

The useful composition of the burdock processing product is impressive:

Is it any wonder that proper use This product allows you to provide a luxurious look to any hair and solve several problems at once.

Additionally oil affects the entire length of the hair, restoring its healthy structure.

The beneficial effect of burdock oil for hair restoration in the photo before and after use:

Does burdock oil really help for hair growth and against hair loss, how long can and should you keep the product on your head? Let’s look at it further.

Indications for use, effect on the condition of strands

Let's figure out how burdock oil affects hair by studying the indications for its use:

Periodic use will give the opportunity to completely restore your hair.

The product helps against hair loss! On average, after 1.5-2 months of regular procedures, the intensity of hair loss decreases and their structure noticeably improves.

Curls look healthier and more radiant, and the problem of dry scalp and severe seborrhea is completely solved.

However You can expect such a result only from truly competent care using high quality natural products.

How to use it correctly

There are several options:

The most universal care regimen, which is suitable for owners of hair of any type, is as follows.

After washing into scalp for 15 minutes rub burdock oil heated in a water bath. To make the procedure easier, the curls can be separated into separate strands using a comb.

After finishing the oil massage of the head, the product can be distributed throughout the entire length of the curls, paying special attention to dry and brittle ends.

A special polyethylene cap is placed on the head. It is advisable to wear a warm hat or wrap a towel around your head.
Oil wrap exposure time – from 1 hour.

Recipes for masks with additional ingredients

A slightly more complex oil wrap recipe involves using a mixture of base and essential oils.

For every 2 tbsp. base, take 2-3 drops of essential substance.

Depending on what effect you want to achieve from skincare procedures, additional ingredients may be used.

To accelerate growth

To prepare a mask to improve hair growth based on burdock oil, 2 tbsp. product heated to 40 °C mix with one of the suggested ingredients:

How long should you keep burdock oil on your hair? All the proposed recipes are very effective, however can cause burns to sensitive skin heads.

For this reason The duration of the mask should not exceed 45 minutes, and there is no need to wear an additional insulating cap when applying the product.

How to use burdock oil for hair: how much to apply it, how to rub it into your head correctly, make a mask using it against hair loss and for thicker hair - the video will tell you:

Recovery compounds

How to treat hair with burdock oil - the method of application for treatment is simple, the same 2 tbsp. mix the heated product with:

Such recipes are less traumatic for the scalp, so The duration of the masks can be extended up to 2 hours using a warming cap.

The video will tell you how to use burdock oil for hair growth and against hair loss:

How to apply to curls and rinse off

Most often, problems with the use of oil wraps and masks are associated with the difficulty of applying and rinsing them off.

To make washing your hair easier, you can use not only regular shampoos, but also rye flour.

For this, 5 tbsp. dilute enough flour warm water until it becomes thick sour cream, stir thoroughly and apply directly to the oil mask.

Having distributed the rye mixture over the entire surface of the curls, wait 10 minutes and wash thoroughly with warm water. To give your hair clean, one wash is usually enough, but if necessary, you can use additional shampoo.

To make combing easier after the procedure, for rinsing we use water with any vinegar, lemon juice or curdled milk.

Which one is better to choose, prices in the pharmacy

When choosing a suitable product, first of all it's worth paying attention to appearance and composition.

Manufacturers can offer both the product in its pure form and with the addition of medicinal herbs or hot pepper. Such products will help increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.

However, the presence of preservatives, flavors and other chemical additives is unlikely to make the contents of the bottle more useful.

Pharmaceutical oil may differ in degree of purification. The natural, unrefined product has a richer odor and a greenish tint.

This product is not suitable for those with light-colored hair: the oil composition can provide an unexpected toning effect.

For this reason sometimes it is better to choose not so healthy refined oil without a distinct color and odor.

Product prices vary significantly depending on the specific manufacturer.

Of the brands on the market, the most positive feedback It has products of the brands “Elavar”, “Good Aptekar”, CARE Derma, “Green Doctor”.

Harm, contraindications and possible side effects

A course of hair treatment at home with burdock oil may not be possible due to certain factors.

The most common complaint is the difficulty of washing out the oil composition.: often after a mask or wrap you have to wash your hair 3-4 times.

It may be difficult to use with individual intolerance to burdock, which is extremely rare.

The composition of the product itself is not always pleasing. Burdock oil cannot be obtained only from the plant itself. During the production process, burdock roots are infused with a ready-made base oil, most often sunflower or mineral oil.

To avoid this, It’s worth purchasing products from reliable brands or making the product yourself.


Natural product

The thing is that burdock oil is a natural product that has unique properties and therefore has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

It is obtained from the roots of burdock, also known as burdock, by oil extraction: the roots are infused or boiled using peach or olive oil. Thus, the method of its preparation differs from many other products used in the cosmetic industry and which are a squeeze from fruits or seeds.

Today, burdock oil is sold in any pharmacy, but you can try to prepare it yourself if you have at least a little free time and desire. To do this you will need 100-150 g of burdock roots and 250-300 ml of any vegetable oil. You can take peach, almond, olive or any other that is at hand. So, grind the roots, fill them with oil and leave to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for a day.

Then, stirring gently, simmer the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes and strain. Store burdock oil for hair homemade recommended in sealed glass containers. Also, you should not use it for more than two months. If you decide to purchase hair product from burdock roots at the pharmacy, pay attention to the degree of its purification. So, if you have light curls, then a composition of a transparent or slightly yellow shade will suit you. Using a greenish-colored product can dye your hair!

Rules of application

Burdock oil contains vitamins such as A, C and E, as well as zinc, iron and many others. useful elements, affecting the condition of your hair in the most favorable way. In particular, its use can significantly accelerate hair growth, strengthen hair roots and prevent hair loss, eliminate dry scalp and get rid of dandruff. Burdock oil is also recommended for use as a restorative agent after unsuccessful dyeing or perm, that is, any procedures after which the hair becomes brittle, weak and damaged.

The easiest way to use burdock oil is to use it in its pure form. In addition, you can use it to prepare various useful masks, but we will talk about this a little later. Before using burdock oil for hair, warm it slightly in a water bath. As a result, it will be absorbed into the scalp much better, and you will get the proper healing effect.

It must be applied to cleanly washed and towel-dried hair, carefully dividing it into partings using a wide-tooth comb. Then massage your scalp for a few minutes to ensure the mask is evenly distributed, put on a plastic shower cap and wrap a towel around your head. It is much better if the towel is warm; for this you can pre-heat it on a radiator or heated towel rail. To achieve at least some positive effect This mask should be applied 2-3 times a week for at least 2-3 months.

After about an hour, the mask is easily washed off with shampoo. Sometimes it is recommended to leave burdock oil on the scalp overnight, but it is unlikely that you will be comfortable sleeping in a plastic cap and towel. And you shouldn’t leave the oil mask on for so long. for a long time: such use can clog pores, which will provoke even more intense hair loss.

Masks with burdock oil

To add shine to hair

To prepare this useful mask you will need 1 egg yolk, 1 spoon of honey and 3 spoons of burdock oil itself. Place the bowl with this mixture on low heat and stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous. The mask is applied in the same way as burdock oil, in its pure form and left on the hair for 1 hour, then rinsed off.

For hair loss

To stop hair loss, the use of onion juice, garlic juice or aloe is often recommended. All these components will work much more effectively if you add burdock oil to them at the rate of 2 tablespoons of oil per 4-5 tablespoons of juice. This mask is applied to damp hair roots for 1 hour.

For several centuries, representatives of the fair sex have successfully used burdock oil to keep their hair beautiful, strong, shiny and thick. Maybe it's time for you to try this simple and effective remedy? How often to use burdock oil, what to add to the mask and what not to add - all this depends individually on the characteristics of your hair. And you will understand this when you start using it.


Benefits of burdock oil for hair

The common burdock, which is popularly called burdock, serves as a raw material for cooking cosmetic product. Or rather, its roots. Typically, oil is obtained by cold pressing plant materials. But the burdock product is prepared differently. Burdock roots are infused in the finished oil. Most often they take sesame and olive, sometimes almond is used.

Chemical composition

The benefits of burdock oil for hair are appreciated not only by cosmetologists, but also by doctors. The drug prevents alopecia and effectively treats seborrhea. The effects are dictated by the rich chemical composition. The table below describes the main active ingredients products and their effect on strands.

Table - Composition and benefits of burdock oil for hair

Substance Benefit
Vitamin A — Strengthens the hair follicles;
- protects against loss
Vitamin PP — Prevents the formation of gray hair;
- eliminates dandruff
Vitamin E — Activates blood circulation;
- stimulates the growth of strands;
- renews cells
Vitamin C — Strengthens local immunity;
– increases the resistance of curls to external aggressive factors
Zinc — Activates the growth of strands;
- strengthens the hair walls;
- provides volume and thickness to curls
Iron -Strengthens hair follicles;
- prevents hair loss;
- prevents cutting;
- eliminates dryness
Manganese — Relieves dandruff
Oleic acid — Provides moisture to dry strands
Ricinoleic acid — Improves the density of curls;
- stimulates hair growth
Linoleic acid — Relieves the scalp from inflammation;
- treats seborrhea
Stearic acid — Restores split, dull and brittle strands;
- gives curls softness
Palmitic acid — Eliminates hair loss;
- strengthens the bulbs;
- treats alopecia

8 problems that burdock will get rid of

In addition to hair, the product has a beneficial effect on the skin. Improves in tissues metabolic processes, blood circulation increases, vitamins are absorbed better. After several masks of burdock oil, hair becomes stronger and thicker. Experts recommend using the cosmetic product for the following eight problems.

  1. Unruly strands. The product will help cope with coarse, curly hair. Burdock will add softness and make combing and styling easier.
  2. Dry strands. A hair mask with burdock oil will provide moisture to your curls.
  3. Frozen bulbs. If hairs do not grow from hair follicles, then burdock is recommended as an effective activator of hair growth.
  4. Damaged strands. The product will glue split ends and eliminate excessive fragility.
  5. The appearance of dandruff. Burdock product eliminates dandruff and effectively fights seborrhea.
  6. Hair loss. Using oil will stop the process of hair loss. With constant use, it is possible to treat alopecia, in which hair falls out in whole strands.
  7. Early gray hair. Burdock restores hair structure and helps slow down the aging process.
  8. Loose strands. Restores curls that have lost their original appearance as a result of constant coloring and aggressive drying. After using the product, strengthening of hair that has been subjected to negative impacts sun, wind or sea water.

How to achieve the effect

Valuable burdock oil is undeservedly relegated to the background. The problem lies in not knowing how to use burdock oil for hair growth. As a result, instead of silky strands, women get greasy hair. To avoid such problems, you need to learn several rules for using healing cosmetics.

4 ways to use

Burdock product can act as an independent component or be an ingredient in a cosmetic product. In any role, the drug will provide a beneficial effect on curls. Recommended following methods application of burdock oil.

  1. In its purest form. The product is slightly heated. Apply carefully to dry or damp hair. You can use a brush. Then comb the curls with a comb, distributing the mixture along the entire length. They put on a hat. After 60 minutes, rinse.
  2. Mask. The most popular method of using burdock oil for hair at home. Ready-made masks Apply according to the same principle as pure oil.
  3. Shampoo. Oil-based shampoo will protect hair from grease and effectively remove impurities. Strands washed burdock remedy, retain shine and cleanliness for a long time. This shampoo can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. One recipe is to mix 250 ml of rosehip decoction and a tablespoon of oil. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, strain, and wash your hair.
  4. Massage. The technique is used to eliminate dandruff. Warm oil is rubbed into the scalp with your fingertips. Repeat every other day for two weeks.

Using burdock oil is easy. But in order to prevent unpleasant moments, it is important to listen to the experience of specialists. There are only six tips.

  1. Warm remedy. According to reviews, it is recommended to heat the oil or mask before applying it in a water bath. The temperature of the mixture should not rise above 39°C.
  2. For blonde hair. Burdock can lead to slight coloring of curls in greenish color. To protect light strands, you need to choose a transparent product.
  3. Greenhouse effect. Will strengthen positive impact masks. After applying the mixture, you need to put on a cap or polyethylene and wrap it with a warm scarf on top.
  4. Duration of the procedure. Optimal time masks - 40 minutes. This is enough for the product to be absorbed into the strands and skin. If you leave the mask on all night, there will be no harm. Some recipes contain hot ingredients. In this case, the duration of the procedure is reduced to 15-20 minutes.
  5. Washing off the oil. When the cap is removed from the head, the hair should not be wetted with water. Initially, shampoo is applied to the head. It is better to choose one that foams a lot. The strands are soaped, working through each curl. This will allow the shampoo components to react with the remaining oil. Then washed. Preferably under a powerful shower pressure. Shampoo that has absorbed burdock will be easily washed out of your hair.
  6. Duration of use. It is recommended to use homemade masks with burdock in courses. Therapy can last two months, provided that the product is used three times a week. Then it is important to give the strands a rest for a month and a half. For prevention, two to three applications per month are sufficient.

6 recipes

Before using burdock oil, do an allergy test. Apply a few drops of cosmetic product to your wrist and wait 24 hours. Usually the reaction appears within 15-20 minutes. If during this time there is no redness, rash and the skin does not itch, then in most cases there is no allergy. The product can be used.

The power of hot pepper

Characteristic. Burdock oil with pepper is very useful for hair. The composition is recommended in case intense hair loss strands. The burning component increases blood flow and accelerates tissue regeneration. Promotes the “awakening” of follicles. The combination eliminates brittleness and seals split ends.

  • burdock - 30 g;
  • red pepper - a sixth of a teaspoon.

What to do

  1. The oil is heated.
  2. A pinch of pepper is poured into the heated burdock.
  3. Apply on the head and put on a cap.
  4. According to the instructions, it is recommended to keep the mixture with red pepper for about 30 minutes. If a burning sensation occurs, wash it off without waiting until the due date.
  5. On average, this procedure can be completed for about 15-20 minutes.

Egg and honey treatment

Characteristic. The mask is recognized an effective fighter for the beauty of the strands. This is what professionals recommend for hair loss. Honey enhances metabolism, nourishes follicles, softens strands and accelerates growth. The egg prevents fragility, eliminates dandruff and protects against alopecia.

  • yolk - two pieces;
  • burdock - 30 g;
  • honey - 15 g.

What to do

  1. Burdock oil, preheated, is combined with the yolk.
  2. Honey is added to the mixture and the mask is carefully kneaded.
  3. The product must be thoroughly rubbed into the roots.
  4. It is best to combine the application of a mask with light massage heads.

Honey-yeast fortification

Characteristic. Suitable for lifeless and brittle strands. This hair mask with burdock oil is recommended for hair growth. After just a few sessions, the curls will gain elasticity, become strong, and split ends will disappear.

  • baker's yeast - a teaspoon;
  • milk - 40 ml;
  • burdock oil - 15 g;
  • honey - 10 g;
  • Castor oil- 15 g.

What to do

  1. Yeast is poured into milk.
  2. Add honey to the warm mixture and stir.
  3. The workpiece is transferred to heat and wait for the yeast to dissolve. 20 minutes is enough.
  4. Castor oil and burdock are added to the swollen mixture. The mask is kneaded.
  5. The consistency of the product is a little runny. This is fine.

Vitamins for silkiness

Characteristic. Another one in demand against hair loss universal remedy- hair mask with vitamins and burdock oil. Retinol and tocopherol provide active growth strands, have a beneficial effect on the bulbs, preventing the loss of curls. By nourishing curls, vitamins restore vitality, strength and silkiness to them.

  • burdock - a tablespoon;
  • vitamin E - 5 ml;
  • vitamin A - 5 ml.

What to do

  1. Vitamins are added to warm oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. The vitamin cocktail must be applied immediately after preparation.

Castor oil for dandruff protection

Characteristic. The appearance of “white flakes” is a signal of excessive dryness of the scalp. To solve the problem, a mixture combining two medicinal oils is recommended.

  • castor oil - 15 g;
  • burdock oil - 15 g.

What to do

  1. In a bowl, combine castor oil with burdock.
  2. The composition is heated until the mixture is completely melted.
  3. Using a comb, carefully distribute onto the roots, allowing the product to spread on its own over the scalp.

Onion “tears” against baldness

Characteristic. Helps with hair loss onion juice. Due to the specific smell, women often refuse this product. But in vain. Onion effectively prevents hair loss and gives hair a shiny and well-groomed appearance. Experts recommend the composition even in cases of advanced alopecia.

  • juice onions- 30 ml;
  • egg - one;
  • burdock - 30 ml;
  • honey - 10 ml.

What to do

  1. Onion juice is mixed with warm oil.
  2. Beat the egg a little. If your curls are prone to oiliness, then it is better to take only protein.
  3. The egg is added to the oil-onion mixture.
  4. Add honey.
  5. It is recommended to warm up the product before application.

Before using burdock oil for hair growth, be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates. An expired product will not bring the desired result. After opening the bottle everything useful components burdock are stored for two months. Its further use will not cause harm, but will not provide any benefit to the strands.

Despite all the efforts of manufacturers and large-scale advertising campaigns, store-bought hair care products are not always able to solve the problem of hair loss, improve the health of curls and give them shine.

It’s no wonder that we are increasingly turning to classic “grandmother’s” recipes that help us grow truly long and healthy hair.

One of the most popular, affordable and effective remedies is burdock oil.

What are the benefits and properties of burdock oil, what are the reviews about it, how to use the product for oily and dry hair, use masks with it for growth and against hair loss, apply and rinse the product correctly?

Benefits and beneficial properties, action

Oil obtained by processing the roots of burdock (burdock) In terms of beneficial properties and effectiveness, it is not at all inferior to exotic overseas products, for example, or coconut.

The useful composition of the burdock processing product is impressive:

  • useful polyunsaturated acids: stearic and palmitic;
  • a unique polysaccharide inulin, which can heal and thoroughly cleanse the scalp and give smoothness to curls;
  • richest vitamin complex, including several B vitamins, as well as retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid;
  • no less diverse set minerals: calcium, chromium, iron, copper.

Is it any wonder that the proper use of this product can provide a luxurious look to any hair and solve several problems at once.

By enhancing capillary blood circulation, the product provokes an acceleration of metabolism in the scalp and activation of the processes of supplying hair follicles with useful substances.

Additionally oil affects the entire length of the hair, restoring its healthy structure.

The beneficial effect of burdock oil for hair restoration in the photo before and after use:

Does burdock oil really help with hair growth and hair loss? How long can and should you keep the product on your head? Let’s look at it further.

Indications for use, effect on the condition of strands

Let's figure out how burdock oil affects hair by studying the indications for its use:

Periodic use will give the opportunity to completely restore your hair.

The product helps against hair loss! On average, after 1.5-2 months of regular procedures, the intensity of hair loss decreases and their structure noticeably improves.

Curls look healthier and more radiant, and the problem of dry scalp and severe seborrhea is completely solved.

However You can expect such a result only from truly competent care using high quality natural products.

How to use it correctly

There are several options:

  • The product can be applied to dry or damp hair;
  • the product can affect the scalp, the entire length of the strands or only the damaged ends;
  • Can be used in pure form, mixed with other oil products or in masks with a combined composition.

The most universal care regimen, which is suitable for owners of hair of any type, is as follows.

After washing into scalp for 15 minutes rub burdock oil heated in a water bath. To make the procedure easier, the curls can be separated into separate strands using a comb.

After finishing the oil massage of the head, the product can be distributed throughout the entire length of the curls, paying special attention to dry and brittle ends.

A special polyethylene cap is placed on the head. It is advisable to wear a warm hat or wrap a towel around your head.
Oil wrap exposure time – from 1 hour.

Recipes for masks with additional ingredients

A slightly more complex oil wrap recipe involves using a mixture of base and essential oils.

The burdock product can be accompanied by: castor oil, flaxseed, olive oil and even ordinary unrefined sunflower oil, as well as esters of rosemary, ylang-ylang, clary sage, and bergamot.

For every 2 tbsp. base, take 2-3 drops of essential substance.

Depending on what effect you want to achieve from skincare procedures, additional ingredients may be used.

To accelerate growth

To prepare a mask to improve hair growth based on burdock oil, 2 tbsp. product heated to 40 °C mix with one of the suggested ingredients:

  • 1 tsp cognac and raw yolk;
  • 2 tbsp. pharmaceutical tincture of red pepper;
  • 2 tbsp. mustard powder.

How long should you keep burdock oil on your hair? All the proposed recipes are very effective, however can cause burns on sensitive scalp.

For this reason The duration of the mask should not exceed 45 minutes, and there is no need to wear an additional insulating cap when applying the product.

How to use burdock oil for hair: how much to apply it, how to rub it into your head correctly, make a mask using it against hair loss and for thicker hair - the video will tell you:

Recovery compounds

How to treat hair with burdock oil - the method of application for treatment is simple, the same 2 tbsp. mix the heated product with:

  • 2 tbsp. honey, 2 tsp. ground cinnamon or cocoa powder, raw egg;
  • taken in the amount of 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice, aloe pulp and honey;
  • 2 tbsp. castor oil, the same amount of honey, egg and 1 tsp. yeast.

Such recipes are less traumatic for the scalp, so The duration of the masks can be extended up to 2 hours using a warming cap.

The video will tell you how to use burdock oil for hair growth and against hair loss:

How to apply to curls and rinse off

Most often, problems with the use of oil wraps and masks are associated with the difficulty of applying and rinsing them off.

The easiest way to apply such products is with a thick comb or wide brush, first distributing the composition over the scalp, and only then applying the mask to the entire surface of the curls.

To make washing your hair easier, you can use not only regular shampoos, but also rye flour.

For this, 5 tbsp. Just dilute the flour with warm water to form a thick sour cream, mix thoroughly and apply directly to the oil mask.

Having distributed the rye mixture over the entire surface of the curls, wait 10 minutes and wash thoroughly with warm water. To give your hair clean, one wash is usually enough, but if necessary, you can use additional shampoo.

To make combing easier after the procedure, for rinsing we use water with any vinegar, lemon juice or yogurt.

Which one is better to choose, prices in the pharmacy

When choosing a suitable product, first of all you should pay attention to its appearance and composition.

Manufacturers can offer both the product in its pure form and with the addition of medicinal herbs or hot pepper. Such products will help increase the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures.

However, the presence of preservatives, flavors and other chemical additives is unlikely to make the contents of the bottle more useful.

Pharmaceutical oil may differ in degree of purification. The natural, unrefined product has a richer odor and a greenish tint.

This product is not suitable for those with light-colored hair: the oil composition can provide an unexpected toning effect.

For this reason sometimes it is better to choose not so healthy refined oil without a distinct color and odor.

Product prices vary significantly depending on the specific manufacturer.

On average, for 1 bottle (100 ml) of an inexpensive product you will have to pay from 30 to 100 rubles.

Of the brands on the market, it has the most positive reviews products of the brands “Elavar”, “Good Aptekar”, CARE Derma, “Green Doctor”.

Harm, contraindications and possible side effects

A course of hair treatment at home with burdock oil may not be possible due to certain factors.

The most common complaint is the difficulty of washing out the oil composition.: often after a mask or wrap you have to wash your hair 3-4 times.

It may be difficult to use with individual intolerance to burdock, which is extremely rare.

The composition of the product itself is not always pleasing. Burdock oil cannot be obtained only from the plant itself. During the production process, burdock roots are infused with a ready-made base oil, most often sunflower or mineral oil.

Accordingly, if the feedstock has low quality or contains chemical additives, finished product will hardly meet your expectations.

To avoid this, It’s worth purchasing products from reliable brands or making the product yourself.

Opinions of those who have tried it

  • “For my long curls, burdock oil is an ideal care product that saves from fragility and hair loss. A couple of masks don’t have any effect, but if you stick to the system and do the procedures every 3-4 days, the difference in the condition of your hair is visible within a month.”
  • “After the birth of my child, I faced the problem of baldness. I tried using burdock oil " Home doctor" I didn’t see any results: the hairs began to fall out even more, and dandruff was added to the existing problems.”
  • “I tried different oils for hydration and nutrition. Olive, argan and coconut suit me. I tried to buy burdock several times and from different manufacturers. In my opinion, it’s a waste of money.”
  • “I tried to use burdock for care only in the form of oil wraps, together with castor oil and flax oil. I have been doing these procedures at home every week for more than 2 months. I am very pleased with the result: the hairs have become thicker, there are fewer split ends, and how quickly hair grows from burdock oil! The length increased by 4 cm during this period.”

Burdock - beautiful medicinal plant, on the basis of which the most various means for hair care. A decoction of burdock root and burdock are equally useful. cosmetic oil. The latter will be discussed in this article. It has a strengthening, moisturizing, toning, restoring effect on the scalp and the strands themselves. Trichologists in 90% of cases recommend treating hair with burdock oil, since this remedy effectively copes with alopecia (baldness), seborrhea (dandruff), split ends, malfunction sebaceous glands of the scalp, dryness and fragility of strands, their loss. Regular use Using burdock oil for hair at home will help revitalize your curls and get rid of many troubles. What exactly is his secret?

The secret of the effect of burdock oil on the appearance and health of hair lies in its chemical composition. All components are active participants in various processes occurring in cells and determining the beauty and health of curls.


  • retinol (vitamin A) makes hair grow faster and recover from damage (split ends and fragility);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) makes the strands elastic, elastic, shiny, since under its action the production of collagen fibers in the cells increases;
  • niacin (vitamin PP) - life and strength of any hair: it prevents hair loss, makes the color rich and natural (even after dyeing), and also helps to avoid early gray hair;
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) reduces harmful effects ultraviolet radiation on the strands, improves blood supply to the hair follicles, which is why their growth increases significantly.


  • zinc helps to grow in short time long and strong braids;
  • iron will put blood circulation in order, positively affecting the walls of blood vessels and their patency;
  • manganese helps soothe the scalp irritated after dandruff, as it has a disinfecting and soothing effect.


  • linoleic acid - the basis of many medicines in the fight against seborrhea;
  • ricinoleic acid - powerful hair growth activator;
  • oleic acid gives burdock oil moisturizing properties;
  • palmitic acid strengthens the roots, preventing hair loss and preventing alopecia;
  • stearic acid effectively, in the shortest possible time, restores damaged curls - split ends, thin, brittle.

Exactly this one chemical composition and makes the seemingly simple and unsightly burdock oil for hair so effective. At home, you can use it to prepare a wide variety of products that will strengthen the roots, treat dandruff, protect curls when dyeing, and even wash them.

Home use of burdock oil

Trichologists recommend using burdock oil to care for dry and damaged hair. However, when adding protein, citrus fruits, and low-fat dairy products to masks, it can also be used to improve the condition of oily strands. Seborrhea, hair loss, alopecia - these are indications for treatment with this unique plant. Moreover, these problems are solved not only by the masks everyone is familiar with: options for using burdock oil in folk medicine- a great many.

  • Masks

Masks with burdock oil for hair are very popular at home due to their ease of preparation and incredible effectiveness. You can hold them on your head enough long time(up to 8 hours without additional components). It is advisable to apply them to dry strands and keep them under insulation (a plastic cap and towel). For successful rinsing, shampoo is applied directly to the oil mask, whipped into foam on a dry head, and only then rinsed off under running warm water. Masks with burdock oil give hair shine, volume and thickness.

  • Massage

Treatment of dandruff (seborrhea) with burdock oil can be carried out at home using regular masks or massage. First, it is slightly heated in a water bath (up to 30–35 °C), then the fingertips are moistened in it, and the scalp and roots are massaged. It is recommended to do this procedure every other day for two weeks, and then take a break for another couple of weeks. If the problem does not go away or returns again, it makes sense to repeat the course of treatment again.

  • Paint protection

Everyone knows how harmful hair dyeing can sometimes be: the color may not be permanent, and the curls after such a procedure become stiff, unruly and seemingly lifeless. All this can be avoided if you add a little burdock oil to your dyeing products. The niacin in its composition will ensure that the resulting shade looks natural and beautiful, and all other components will actively protect the curls from drying out and thinning.

  • Peeling

Scalp peeling products contain aggressive, irritating ingredients such as soda, salt, and coffee. To soften their effect, cosmetologists recommend adding burdock oil to scrubs. Peeling hair masks are applied to dirty, slightly damp strands, kept under insulation for 20–40 minutes, and washed off with shampoo. Frequency - no more than once a week, even with oily hair.

  • Shampoo

If you even once try to make shampoo based on burdock oil at home, you will no longer want to buy expensive means for washing hair. It will satisfy even the most demanding beauties, as it washes away any dirt the first time, allowing your curls to remain shiny and clean longer.

The advantages of any of these products are ease of preparation and effectiveness. You can see this for yourself if you try to implement the recipe that you like.

Recipes for products with burdock oil

Recipes folk remedies There are a lot of burdock oils for hair, a wide choice. The main thing is to follow the dosage and not overdo it. If you decide to be treated with masks, exclude other products based on this oil from use.

  • Shine mask

One tablespoon at a time, thoroughly mix burdock oil and wheat germ oil. Before applying to hair, heat in a water bath.

  • Herbal massage product

Three tablespoons of warm burdock oil are mixed with fresh decoction celandine or tansy.

  • Massage product with essential oils

Add 5 drops of your favorite essential oil to three tablespoons of burdock oil. Rosemary, lavender, juniper, eucalyptus or tea tree are especially good for this purpose.

  • For coloring

Mix one bag of Iranian henna with a teaspoon of brewed coffee, beat until creamy. Add one ampoule of liquid retinol, a tablespoon of warm burdock oil and 3 drops of lavender ether.

  • Peeling

50 ml of fresh kefir is mixed with two tablespoons of burdock oil, heated in a water bath, a tablespoon of starch and a tablespoon of regular salt or ground coffee.

  • Shampoo

Two tablespoons of burdock oil are mixed with two eggs.

See for yourself that home use folk remedies from burdock oil for hair are effective, reliable, high quality, safe and know no boundaries. There is probably no problem that this unique cosmetic product cannot solve.

Not so long ago, new products in the hair care industry caused delight among women and men who were not indifferent to their appearance.

Today we are seeing a different trend: growing interest in natural remedies and grandma's recipes beauty.

One of these secrets is burdock oil, popularly known as a means to accelerate hair growth.

Burdock oil is useful for hair growth and for those who are satisfied with the existing length. Agree, the hair is of impressive length, but in a deplorable state, it evokes sympathy rather than admiration.

It happens dangerous delusion that not a single gift of nature, unlike industrial product, is not capable of causing harm to a person, it is, they say, best to prepare it at home with your own hands, pour it on everyone’s head without hesitation and do not wash it off as much as you like.

Doctors and hairdressers will try to refute this myth and at the same time talk about the little-known properties of burdock oil and its effective and safe use.

Let's find out how to grow hair using burdock oil and how to strengthen the roots with simple home treatments.

Burdock oil for hair growth with medical point vision is smarter use ready-made ones, which are sold in pharmacies. This is a guarantee of product quality and compliance with manufacturing technology.

Pharmacists have taken care of your comfort:

  • the pharmaceutical product is easily removed from the hair without leaving an unpleasant greasy feeling on the head and hands;

Despite the measures taken, burdock oil has contraindications, most often from the category of individual intolerance. How to properly use burdock oil for hair growth so as not to cause harm?

Also, burdock oil is not the most suitable product for those with naturally oily hair, it may make sense to pay attention to other products or combine it with other ingredients.

How to use burdock oil for hair growth if your hair is oily but you want to grow it? When used correctly oily hair This valuable substance also brings benefits.

Mix burdock oil in equal proportions:

  • with grape seed oil;
  • pulp of fresh grapefruit.

Add a few drops:

Rub the mixture into the scalp and rinse with shampoo no later than half an hour. Repeat the procedure after a week. After a few weeks, the condition of the hair will return to normal, its length and fullness will be pleasing to the eye.

A common problem with curls and braids is that the longest, and therefore the oldest, hair becomes obsolete and falls out. This completely natural process should not cause concern. The trouble is that the “undercoat” does not always have time to grow to the required length by this time. Loose hair looks sparse at the bottom, and the braids are thin.

Hairdressers recommend trimming the ends of your hair to even out the difference. Trichologists offer another solution: to help new hair grow faster. This can be done again, thanks to burdock oil and its unique composition.

What vitamins and elements does burdock oil contain? The product is based on natural ingredients:

  • tincture or decoction from the root of the well-known burdock plant;
  • inulin;
  • organic acids;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins A, B and E;
  • biologically active substances;
  • olive, almond or Peach oil, giving the necessary viscosity.

What effect do the substances contained in burdock oil have on the hair, scalp, hair follicles and how to use burdock oil for hair growth to get good results?

Burdock oil successfully normalizes the processes of keratinization of the skin, therefore it is often used as a means of eliminating dandruff and preventing its occurrence.

Burdock oil has a beneficial effect not only on hair, but also promotes eyelash growth and eyebrow thickness, improves the condition of nails, and restores their shine after contact with an abrasive detergent.

Nevertheless, the ability to activate life-giving processes in hair follicles is of the greatest value.

Under the influence of burdock oil, the scalp is kept moisturized, which is why its temperature decreases slightly. This insignificant difference is often enough to trigger a command for the body to grow hair in the “freezing” area.

Burdock oil was not chosen by chance: unlike other moisturizers, it creates exactly the microclimate that the body takes as a guide to action, and at the same time favorable conditions to complete the command successfully.

After a series of procedures with burdock oil, the bulbs are healthy and ready to perform their functions.

Did you know that some procedures can speed up the growth of strands, such as mesotherapy and scalp massage. It is also very important to comb properly.

A simple way to use burdock oil for hair growth at home is through pure applications. This method The use of burdock oil has gained the greatest popularity due to its simplicity.

You can resort to it both before and after the main shampoo:

  • on the roots wet hair evenly apply the oil heated in a water bath;

You may need to rinse more thoroughly than usual.

The procedure is enough once a week for one and a half months.

There are many recipes for hair masks with burdock oil for hair growth for use at home. Each of them pursues specific goals and objectives, and therefore must be used strictly for its intended purpose and in compliance with the instructions.

For example, burdock mask for hair growth, gently rubbed into the scalp; contact with the entire length of the hair is extremely undesirable and can negatively affect its appearance.

Typically, the exposure time of such masks does not exceed an hour, followed by itching and other discomfort they make themselves known.

Burdock oil is perfectly absorbed, absorbed and penetrates into the most inaccessible areas of the hair structure and at the same time delivers other components of a particular mixture to their destination.

In some recipes, burdock oil simultaneously plays the role of a conductor and a catalyst that enhances healing properties other substances such as:

Many lovers of hairdressing experiments and all kinds of styling products sooner or later face the problem of damaged hair. Can burdock oil help them? Unfortunately, only partially: the dead ends of the hair will have to be cut off.

The good news is that burdock oil will help restore your hair to its original length very quickly.

True, hair follicles will need “increased nutrition”:

  • 1/3 cup burdock oil;
  • two egg yolks;
  • a full (heaped) tablespoon of cocoa.

Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair an hour before washing your hair; a warming bandage is required.

The following recipe for a hair growth mask made from burdock oil is suitable for those who do not have allergic reactions for honey

Mix in equal proportions:

Rub into the scalp, put on a bandage, and rinse with shampoo no later than an hour later.

  • 1 tablespoon of burdock oil;
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture.

Carefully distribute over the entire surface of the head, warm up, and after an hour, rinse your hair with warm water without detergents.

Repeat once a week for a month, take a two-week break, start the next course.

Brew nettle tea: 2 tablespoons per 0.5 cup of water, cool, strain.

Add a tablespoon of burdock oil.

Keep it for no more than an hour; there is no need to warm your head.

The mask is made twice a week for a month.

For the next hair growth mask with burdock oil and egg, mix burdock oil and mustard in equal parts. Add egg yolk, a teaspoon of sugar.

Heat the mixture in a steam bath, apply to the roots and spread over the entire length, wrap with film and a terry towel.

After half an hour, wash well with warm water and shampoo.

An excellent solution for dry hair, you can use it 2-3 times a week, there are no restrictions on the duration of the course.

How often can you use masks with burdock oil? How often can you apply this oil to your hair?

As a rule, a mask based on burdock oil, intended for hair growth, is applied once a week to the hair roots for one hour. The duration of the course may vary; upon completion, the hair should be given a rest from the procedures.

From general rule There may be exceptions, which is why every mask requires individual approach. Perhaps only one rule remains unchanged: abuse does not accelerate hair growth.

How to grow hair using burdock oil as quickly as possible and after what time and what effect can you expect?

It is possible to predict the result and speed of hair growth only taking into account the essence of the problem. The reasons for the slowdown in growth are different, and therefore the time frame for their elimination may vary.

One of the reasons for the slow growth is "sleeping" bulbs. Nature has endowed all people with approximately the same number of hair follicles, but due to individual, possibly genetic characteristics, not all of them are active. Masks for hair growth are one of the ways to activate the hair follicles so that they begin their functions.

Second, more serious reason may be related to general weakness of the body. In order to maintain vital functions, he is forced to suspend processes of secondary importance. In this case, their forced launch is ineffective and even fraught; eliminating the problem requires an integrated approach and a medical examination.

Does burdock oil help hair growth? The rate of increase in length largely depends on individual characteristics , however, based on reviews, you can compile approximate statistics:

  • the first results make themselves felt after 2-4 weeks: the hair becomes noticeably thicker, its properties improve, shine appears, less problems with styling;

Judging by the reviews, the process is accelerating every month; over time, a new image with magnificent hair becomes the norm.

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls after a bob or other short haircut, return natural color after dyeing, accelerate growth after chemotherapy.
  • Lunar calendar for haircuts and how often should you cut your hair when growing it?
  • The main reasons why hair strands grow poorly, what hormones are responsible for their growth and what foods affect good growth?
  • How to quickly grow hair in a year or even a month?
  • Products that can help you grow: effective serums for hair growth, in particular the Andrea brand; Estelle and Aleran products; hellebore water and various lotions; Horsepower brand shampoo and oil; as well as other growth shampoos, in particular Golden Silk activator shampoo.
  • For opponents traditional means we can offer folk: mumiyo, various herbs, tips on using mustard and apple cider vinegar, as well as recipes on how to make homemade shampoo.
  • Vitamins are very important for healthy hair: read the review of the best pharmacy complexes, in particular the drugs Aevit and Pentovit. Learn about the benefits of using B vitamins, in particular B6 and B12.
  • Find out about various drugs to enhance growth in ampoules and tablets.
  • Did you know that spray products have a beneficial effect on hair growth? We offer you an overview of effective sprays, as well as instructions for preparing them at home.

Burdock oil for hair growth shows good results: what hair looks like after using burdock oil can be seen in the photos before and after the procedures:

The use of burdock oil stimulates and normalizes the nutrition of the roots and scalp, eliminates such undesirable phenomena as itching and dandruff. Comprehensive care and health improvement has a positive effect on the volume and attractiveness of the hair.

Look interesting video on how to properly use burdock oil for hair growth: