Why dream about butter. Medieval dream book of Daniel. Oil quality: fresh, spoiled

If in a dream you treat yourself to fresh, golden butter, then this promises excellent health. Expect the implementation of your plans. Perhaps you will become rich, acquire property, or learn something new.
If the oil is rancid, you will improve your financial situation with considerable effort.

Butter means productivity, solid earnings, benefit, profit.

dream interpretation butter

Liquid or thick butter is a sign that duplicity, deceit and flattery await you.

butter according to the dream book

An abundance of butter means progress in business, even those that seemed overwhelming. If you make a sandwich in a dream, it is quite possible to receive an expensive gift. If you are churning cream for butter, then difficult times await you, but your work will not be in vain.

butter in a dream what is it for

Butter in a dish or in food is a good dream. It foretells a wedding for lovers in the near future. If you are involved in a long-term lawsuit, you will soon win it. If you are expecting a friend, then one of these days he will arrive alive and in good health. The danger that threatens will not affect you.

Seeing him in a dream means good events. Workers eating butter means promotion. If a trader eats butter, it means more profit. Buying oil at the market means prosperity. Churning butter is a sign of success in your business. If …

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Butter - you will be the owner of a fortune, but you will get wealth at too high a price.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming about butter means that you will soon have a son or daughter. But if in a dream you buy oil, the dream predicts deep grief. If you dreamed of vegetable oil, a heavy loss awaits you, which you will not be able to avoid. ...

Had a dream "Oil"

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Butter - to make your wishes come true. Buying butter means satisfaction. Getting dirty with butter means success in love. Consuming vegetable oil is a symbol of the stability of your position and the upcoming calm and measured life. Churning butter means increasing wealth. Spread...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a dream, churning butter yourself - you will bring glory and fame to your family, the whole family will be proud of you and your achievements, you will receive a bonus or gratitude for your outstanding abilities. There is oil in a dream - to illness or minor grief, to...

Dreaming of Oil - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Churning butter or eating butter is a sign of well-being, health, laziness and wealth. Even rancid oil means prosperity. Selling oil means making a small profit. Cooking anything with butter means receiving important guests. Lubricating the body with oil is a sign of frivolous entertainment. Spill...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Butter - good health, successful business. Eating a sandwich with butter means wealth, acquisition of real estate, useful knowledge. Selling oil means the profit will be less than expected. Vegetable oil - flattery and hypocrisy of others.

Dream - Oil - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The future is better than the past. Butter - good luck, success in love. Vegetable oil is a warning about deception. Spill oil - you are being pursued by enemies. To be doused with oil means you are ready to do good deeds. Drinking oil is true friends in difficult times...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Oil: Seeing appetizing butter or vegetable oil, if there is not too much of it, suggests that treating people kindly will help you significantly improve your well-being. At the same time, if there is too much oil, such a dream can warn that...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see butter or olive oil - to illness, spilling vegetable oil or spreading butter on something - to a conflict, stressful situation. Eating butter means illness. Eating any vegetable oil means avoiding butter in your diet...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Eating butter means good news. If someone is sprinkled with oil, this foretells him the protection of the grace of the holy spirit. Being anointed with oil is a sign of wealth, joy, good, both now and in the future. Receiving oil is a joy.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Oil?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing oil means a disagreement with a friend. Eating butter means prosperity, prosperity. Eating heavily oiled porridge is a benefit. Beating butter means increasing wealth. Buying it is harmful, a warning. Smearing your body with it is a disease. Glory to the head.

Butter has long been considered a symbol of prosperity, because vegetable oil - sunflower, corn, flaxseed, etc. - was much more common. A century ago, only wealthy people could afford to eat creamy foods.

If in life this product was a sign of a rich life, then why do you dream about butter? Aesop's dream book considers oil in night dreams to be a very ambiguous symbol. So, according to the interpreter, the different meanings that this object you see may reflect are embodied in proverbs and sayings, different in their meaning and emotional mood.

If everything is moving “like clockwork” for you, that’s just wonderful, but if you had to “cajole” someone, then this is most likely a phenomenon such as corruption, which causes negative emotions and censure in society.

To interpret the oil that you saw in a dream, you first need to decide what exactly you saw. The meanings of dreams in which fatty products of animal, plant or chemical origin appeared will be different. Therefore, let's try to analyze what it means if:

  • You dreamed of animal oil.
  • I dreamed of a vegetable fat product.
  • The oil in your dreams was technical (machine), cosmetic or medical.

Creamy prosperity

According to the Ancient French Dream Book, butter seen in a dream from the outside means that soon the dreamer should expect a new addition to the family - he will have an heir or heiress. Aesop's Dream Book gives a different interpretation: a lot of this product in your night dreams is a symbol that your business will go smoothly, and the obstacles that have been stopping you will disappear, as if by magic. Well, a worthy conclusion to your affairs will be material wealth.

The Russian dream book also considers animal oil in a dream to be a sign of a future prosperous life. If you get your hands dirty in it, some pleasant event awaits you. And to see that you yourself are using a butter churn, trying to get the final product out of it, means that you will be able to earn decent money, but for this you will have to work hard.

If you dreamed that you were spreading butter on a slice or piece of fresh bread, you could make a profit without putting in significant effort. Interpreters pay a lot of attention to what it means to eat a product made from animal fat in a dream.

If it was a beautiful golden color and tasted good, says the Big Dream Book, then eating it is a very lucky sign. Seeing such an action in your night dreams means that your plans will come true, and your health will be good and will not cause you any concern.

Other dream books believe that if you happen to eat butter in a dream, you will soon gain important knowledge. This could be some kind of secret or advanced training courses. But the information received will be of benefit to you in any case, and with its help you can significantly improve your financial condition.

If you had to eat a rancid product in a dream, then this means, according to the Family Dream Book, that you will have money. However, for this you will have to work very hard - and most likely, this work will be physical, not mental.

Eating cold butter, from which it was difficult to make a sandwich, means that you will have to make an effort to establish a relationship with a certain person. And if someone else had a sandwich with a creamy product in your dream, most likely you will have a pleasant acquaintance.

Plant luck

The Alphabet Dream Book explains in detail why you dream of oil of vegetable origin. It turns out that a lot depends on what exactly it was like in the dream. Seeing sunflowers means financial well-being and good health.

Olive warns that you need to be more attentive to your own health. Corn is also a warning sign: in business, you can only rely on yourself if you want to get a good result and monetary reward. But in a dream, flaxseed gives a sign that even without significant effort on your part, money will come to you - it could be a win, an inheritance or a bonus.

To dream that you have spilled a fatty product of vegetable origin on the floor is interpreted in Pastor Loff’s Dream Book: this means that all your endeavors will be successful. However, in order for this to happen, you will need to make great efforts and not let things take their course. The Islamic dream book believes that seeing any vegetable oil in dreams means a comfortable life, the means for which will be honestly earned.

If you spill it on the floor, says the Gypsy interpreter, you need to be very careful not to “slip” in your professional activities. See vegetable oil spilled on yourself - your cash flow will increase. Moreover, this will not be a one-time “infusion”, but, for example, an increase in salary or an offer of a higher-paying job.

Why do you dream about sunflower oil that you had to drink in a dream? Seeing that you had to drink such a product or eat black bread with it means that your relatives will need your help. And in order to provide it, you will have to visit them.

If in your dreams there is a scene that you went to sell vegetable oil, or maybe buy it, then such a dream promises improvement in business. It will come thanks to your ingenuity and initiative.

For car and body

Why do you dream about oil if it has nothing to do with food? Seeing this product of cosmetic properties, applying it to the body in one’s dreams, smearing oneself with it - for a woman, such a vision foreshadows romantic adventures. Also, such dreams can mean any upcoming fun entertainment.

An aromatic fatty product, with which someone in night visions lubricates your body, according to the Medieval Dream Book, means that a comfortable and joyful life awaits you. If you receive aroma oil in - a lucky chance awaits you.

When in your night dreams you have the task of lubricating some mechanism with machine oil and you successfully cope with it, this means that professional growth awaits you. If you do a good job with the task assigned to you, then career advancement may follow. You also don’t have to worry about relationships with colleagues and management - they will be, if not warm, then at least even and respectful.

If you dreamed of an olive tree, warns the Big Dictionary of Dreams, do not rush to get upset that things are not going as you would like. Anxieties are premature, everything will get better very soon, and there is no reason to worry.

If you had a dream in which it turned out to be machine oil for household use, the Interpreter from A to Z reports, a major purchase is ahead. Perhaps this thing will be quite expensive, but the household will not be able to do without it.

Dreaming of lubricant for firearms - for example, a gun - symbolizes concern about the future of children. But don’t worry: everything will work out for the best, although, of course, children can make parents worry.

A very good symbol is a canister of automobile oil or the process of filling a car with it. This is a harbinger of a fun trip.

Oil in a dream is often a positive sign. It promises well-being and hints that you need to literally “grease up.” the full interpretation depends on additional details of the plot. Dream books offer the most accurate interpretation.

Why do you dream about oil according to Miller’s dream book?

Eat butter - if it is not spoiled, all your dreams will come true, you will have good health, you will get rich.

If you have eaten oil that is not fresh, you will also become rich if you are not lazy and work tirelessly. Implementing it will result in small income. Ladies lubricate themselves with oil - you will not be able to reason intelligently due to your easy behavior.

Oil - Vanga's dream book

Oil always dreams of a prosperous life.

Why do you dream about oil according to Freud's dream book?

Spread on a bun - meet the person of your dreams. If it doesn’t spread well on the confectionery product, it won’t be a quick meeting with your soulmate. If you accidentally dropped it on the floor, you will hurt the pride of the person you love.

If you purchase this product, you have done something wrong and are looking for a compromise with your partner, but you just need to show cordiality and sensitivity.

What does it mean to dream about oil according to the English dream book

Oil always dreams of happiness in everything. For lovers - for marriage. If in reality there is a trial involving the dreamer, the outcome of the case will end in your favor.

Your friend is on a long business trip and will return from there in good health. Oil - all misfortunes will bypass you.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Assyrian dream book?

They gave you a pack of butter - a necessary, friendly, warm date awaits you.

Oil in a dream - interpretation according to the French dream book

If you take oil from retail outlets, it portends a big disaster. If you spilled sunflower seeds, your well-being will change for the better. If you purchased it, the business you started will be completed with a profit, but everything must be done honestly and delicately.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Esoteric dream book?

Oil - good luck awaits you.

Oil - Autumn dream book

It is seen as a change for the better.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Summer dream book?

The symbol indicates that it is important to follow a diet.

What does it mean if you dreamed about oil according to the Women’s dream book

Consume - your health will improve, your dreams will come true. There is bitter oil - wealth will come, but with a lot of energy. Sold - to little wealth. A lady applies it to her body - she will be characterized by indecent behavior.

Oil in a dream according to Velesov’s dream book

Oil - reverence.

  • Churning butter means big profits.
  • Creamy - your wish will come true.
  • Eating it means you will be revered and will bring prosperity.
  • The dreamer smears it on a baked product - moving up the career ladder.
  • If you drink it, you will get sick.
  • Pour it into some container and you will get well.
  • Spilled - to loss.
  • Doused yourself with oil - get a good profit.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Russian dream book?

The image says that everything is fine in your life. Grease a bun with it - to prosperity.

Knocking it down is a difficult job that will bring prosperity to the family budget. If you see oil on your hands, you will receive an unexpected gift.

Oil - interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

Seeing oil in a dream means prosperity in life. A large amount of product - all started and long-standing affairs will end happily.

Spreading on the cooking means any profit (bonus, salary increase, gift in the form of banknotes).

Why do you dream about oil according to E. Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Any oil means happiness.

Oil - Ukrainian dream book

If you drank any liquid oil, you will have no luck in a love relationship.

Ate it - wealth.

Spread on bread - they are talking about you.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Spring dream book?

Oil in any form is a sign of wealth.

Oil in a dream according to Gypsy’s dream book

Eat it - your loved ones will envy you.

Whisk - happiness in family life.

If it's spilled, it's a loss.

Doused on clothes - increase in condition.

Collecting spilled oil means big profits.

Why do you dream about oil according to the dream book of Simon Canaanite?

Oil - you are flattered or deceived by your work colleagues.

I dreamed about oil according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Cow butter is good luck in everything.

It is not fresh - success will be achieved through hard work.

Implementing it is a small, but profitable profit.

Why else do you dream about oil?

  • Why do you dream about butter?

Creamy - a baby will be born in your family. It also means well-being in everything.

  • Why do you dream about sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil, seen in a dream in different situations, portends good luck in everything.

  • Why do you dream about vegetable oil?

Fresh, tasty vegetable oil symbolizes that your plans are destined to come true.

If it is bitter, you will have to work hard to make your dream come true. This image also warns that you may be deceived.

As you know, in dreams there are many secret messages and encrypted information. Through simple signs and visions you can sometimes learn a lot of important and valuable information, even your own future.

Since ancient times, people have trusted dream books, memorized and interpreted their dreams, listened to the advice and warnings of higher powers in order to live harmoniously and happily. If you remember what you dreamed about, be sure to check what it means!

What can you dream about about butter - butter, sunflower or something else, what does this symbol mean, which in reality is familiar and simple? The dream book has many answers, all of them are available. According to the dream book, oil can symbolize a number of different things, and it all depends on the details, on what it was like, what you did with it, what you saw.

Before you find out the meaning of the dream, remember it in detail, choose your option from the following:

  • Seeing butter in a dream.
  • Eat it.
  • Eat porridge with him.
  • Beat the butter.
  • Buy.
  • Smear yourself with it.
  • Oil your head.
  • See vegetable oil.
  • Spill it in your dreams.
  • Receive oil in a dream.
  • See him on .

Find one or more options that suit your case and find out the meaning of your dream. Remember that dreams are just hints, they should not be perceived with fanatical faith, but you should listen, analyze and draw the right, reasonable conclusions.

Creamy or vegetable?

In general, it is worth saying that oil rarely causes negative associations, and is often associated with good, favorable things.

Once upon a time, this product was a symbol of exceptional wealth and a good life, and not every family could afford to enjoy it every day. Today, the realities of life have changed, this product has become an integral part of the daily table, but the symbolism has remained the same.

  • Butter seen in a dream denotes good luck and happy love. This good sign foreshadows a happy period of relationships, rich in pleasant surprises and events.
  • Sunflower oil is a symbol of peace and tranquility. A wonderful sign that says that problems and anxieties will disappear from your life, a period of peace, confidence in the future, calm happiness and harmony will begin.
  • Olive is a sign of good health and good immunity. If you are sick, the illness will soon recede, healing is near.

Dream Interpretations

1. butter in a dream is a good sign. You dreamed of this as a sign of prosperity, so wait - soon you will become richer than you are now. Don't think that money will just fall on your head, but know that the Universe will find a way for you to live more prosperously.

This could be a new position, a promotion, an increase in salary or a big win, a lucrative deal or something else. Don't miss the chance, it all depends on you!

2. Why in a dream do you see or eat porridge that is very oily and greasy? This is also a very favorable sign, promising you great benefits. Be very careful in your business so as not to miss your chance! Be bold, take chances, and you can make a very good profit!

3. As the dream book says, the butter that you whipped in a dream with your own hands is a symbol of hard and very profitable work. In this case, you yourself will have to work hard, spend a lot of effort and time to achieve results, but know that this is grateful and worthy work that is worth spending time on.

Put in the effort, hard work is your friend now, so you'll rest later. Hard work will pay you very good dividends!

4. If you dream about the oil you bought, vegetable or butter, what is it for? This is a warning. Be careful in matters, especially in “slippery” ones, where you do not fully see the prospects and consequences.

Do not make any decisions “blindly”; take only those matters in which you clearly and clearly see the development of events, the options for this development, and the consequences of decisions. In general, avoid dangerous and vague businesses.

5. Why did you have a dream in which you anointed your body or hands with oil? This is a warning about illness, and for young women - also that they should avoid sensual and thoughtless intrigues and dangerous entertainment. One way or another, seeing this is a signal to be more careful and responsible in your waking life, to take care of yourself.

6. And if you happened to have a dream in which you oiled your head, this is a sign of glory. Be sure that in reality you will reach great heights, your work will pay off, you will be recognized. This is a signal to not deviate from your goal, to work and work, and not to doubt the correctness of your business.

7. Why spill sunflower oil in dreams? Oddly enough, this means making a profit. Money will come unexpectedly, and your well-being will improve significantly!

8. If you dream of the oil that you received - you were treated to it or simply given it to you, this is a symbol that you will make a profit, but only if you show scrupulousness, honesty and accuracy in your work. Only in this way can you achieve what you are trying so hard for.

9. As the dream book says, butter on the table - on a plate, on or in another form, is always a symbol of upcoming fun and joy. Probably, a rich and noisy feast awaits you, a feast with loved ones, some kind of big holiday. You will enjoy good company, delicious food and a pleasant, long-awaited vacation.

Many dream books claim that dreams of oil are always purely fortunate, no matter where it was or what you did with it. Believe in the best! Listen to the wise advice that the interpreter gives, be careful if he warns you, cultivate the best qualities in yourself. And then, regardless of your dreams, you will be happy and will always get what you want!
Author: Vasilina Serova